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People Management Skills, Employee Attrition, and

Manager Rewards: An Empirical Analysis

Mitchell Ho↵man Steven Tadelis

U. Toronto Rotman & NBER UC Berkeley Haas, NBER,
CEPR, & CESifo

May 2020


How much do a manager’s interpersonal skills with subordinates, which we call people
management skills, a↵ect employee outcomes? Are managers rewarded for having such
skills? Using personnel data from a large, high-tech firm, we show that survey-measured
people management skills have a strong negative relation to employee turnover. A causal
interpretation is reinforced by several research designs, including those exploiting new
workers joining the firm and workers switching managers. However, people management
skills do not consistently improve most observed non-attrition outcomes. Better people
managers themselves receive higher subjective performance ratings, higher promotion
rates, and larger salary increases.

JEL Classifications: M50, J24, J33, L23, D23

Keywords: People management skills, supervisors, upward feedback, social skills,
attrition, productivity

We thank Camilo Acosta-Mejia, Daphné Baldassari, Jordi Blanes i Vidal, Nick Bloom, Wouter Dessein,
Guido Friebel, Maria Guadalupe, Matthias Heinz, Pat Kline, Eddie Lazear, Jincheng Leng, Bentley MacLeod,
Andrea Prat, Oren Reshef, Kathryn Shaw, Orie Shelef, Chris Stanton, Chad Syverson, Nick Zubanov, and
many conference/seminar participants for helpful comments. We are grateful to the anonymous firm for
providing access to proprietary data and to several managers from the firm for their insightful comments. One
of the authors has performed paid work for the firm on topics unrelated to HR and the workforce. The paper
was reviewed to ensure that confidential or proprietary information is not revealed. Ho↵man acknowledges
financial support from the Connaught New Researcher Award and the Social Science and Humanities Research
Council of Canada.
1 Introduction
It is broadly accepted that even within narrow industries, there are large and persistent pro-
ductivity di↵erences across firms and countries (Syverson, 2011). While a growing literature
shows that management practices a↵ect firm performance and help explain these productivity
di↵erences (Ichniowski et al., 1997; Ichniowski and Shaw, 1999; Bloom and Van Reenen, 2007;
Bloom et al., 2013, 2019), less attention has been devoted to managers themselves.
Of particular interest to understanding how managers a↵ect outcomes are people man-
agement skills, which we take to be a manager’s interpersonal (i.e., social) skills in relations
with their subordinates. Non-cognitive skills like social skills play a key role in economic life
(Heckman and Kautz, 2012) and social skills are increasingly rewarded in the labor market
(Deming, 2017). How much do good people management skills matter for employee outcomes?
Are good people management skills rewarded inside the firm?
We answer these questions using employee surveys conducted at a large, high-tech firm
combined with rich personnel data that cover thousands of managers and tens of thousands
of employees. We show that people management skills (1) reduce employee attrition, par-
ticularly attrition the firm wishes to avoid, and that the relation appears causal; (2) do not
consistently improve most non-attrition outcomes; and (3) are rewarded by the firm. We ex-
plore how the impact of people management skills varies across levels of hierarchy, countries,
and occupations, providing granular quantification of managerial di↵erences within the same
multinational firm.
Progress has been made in examining how much managers matter using a “value-added”
(VA) approach. Bertrand and Schoar (2003) examine how much CEOs matter by regressing
firm outcomes on CEO fixed e↵ects, pioneering an approach used by a subsequent finance
literature. Lazear et al. (2015) use data from one firm to show that frontline supervisors
matter a great deal for productivity. Bender et al. (2018) analyze interactions between em-
ployees/managers and management practices in Germany.
Despite its strengths, the VA approach faces two main limitations when applied to our
research questions. First, VA estimates measure the overall impact of a given manager on
individual outcomes, not the separate impact of people management skills. A manager’s
traits may include the ability to bring in high-value clients, or better problem-solving skills.
Second, VA studies require good objective data on worker productivity. However, in many
firms, direct data on individual worker productivity is scarce, and sometimes impossible to
measure, particularly in high-skill, collaborative environments.
We take a di↵erent yet complementary approach to VA by measuring people manage-
ment skills using employees’ responses to questions about their manager (e.g., whether their

manager is trustworthy or provides adequate coaching).1 We explore the extent to which
people management skills relate to employee outcomes, with the greatest focus on employee
attrition. Conventional wisdom, especially in high-tech firms, is that employee attrition is a
key way by which worker knowledge and skills are lost. As such, high-tech firms are deeply
interested in what can be done to reduce turnover, particularly that of high performers.
Our data are well-suited to address possible concerns about measuring people manage-
ment skills using surveys. First, the response rate at our firm is about 95%. Second, while
employees may fear their manager will know how they evaluated them, this concern is mit-
igated due to the confidential nature of the survey. Workers are truthfully told that their
individual responses will never be observed by the firm. Instead, managers receive aggregated
results, and only for managers with a minimum number of employees responding. Third,
survey responses may contain measurement error due to inattentiveness, sampling error, or
di↵erent employees treating questions di↵erently. We address this using an instrumental vari-
able (IV) strategy where a manager’s score in one wave is instrumented using his or her score
in the other wave. Section 2 further describes the data. Section 3 covers our empirical strategy.
Our first main finding, presented in Section 4, is that people management skills have
a strong negative relation to employee attrition. Increasing a manager’s people management
skills from the 10th to the 90th percentile predicts a 60% reduction in turnover. These results
are quite strong in terms of retaining the firm’s high performers, both defined in terms of
classifying employees based on subjective performance scores and using the firm’s definition of
“regretted” voluntary turnover. Beyond classical measurement error, the IV strategy addresses
survey measurement error that is contemporaneously correlated with attrition.
Still, the question remains whether these results are causal. Even for our IV estimates,
there are concerns about non-contemporaneous measurement error in people management
skills that is correlated with employee attrition, as well as concerns that the firm optimally
sorts managers and employees together. We address these using multiple identification strate-
gies, some similar to those in the teacher VA literature (e.g., Chetty et al., 2014). Our first
strategy analyzes outcomes of employees who join mid-way through our sample, using a man-
ager’s quality measured before an employee joins the firm as an IV. This addresses concern
about non-permanent, unobservable shocks a↵ecting turnover and manager ratings, and re-
duces concern that the results are driven by the firm sorting managers and employees based
on long-time information about the employee. Our second strategy additionally analyzes
instances of workers switching managers, allowing us to test for non-random assignment of
Many organizations survey employees about their managers, including Google (Garvin et al., 2013), RBC
(Shaw and Schifrin, 2015), Pepsi (Bracken et al., 2016), and the U.S. federal government (Arrington and
Dwyer, 2018). CultureAmp, a firm survey vendor, informed us in 2018 that about 15-20% of its 1,000+ clients
use upward feedback surveys (i.e., surveys of employees about their managers) focused on giving managers

managers and workers, and to analyze how the impact of people management skills varies
based on time together between a manager and employee. Our third strategy exploits man-
agers moving across locations or job functions within the firm, allowing us to address more
permanent unobservables as well as to rule out assignment bias. All strategies point to people
management skills having a strong, causal e↵ect on attrition. Section 5 discusses heterogeneity
in MOR e↵ects.
Section 6 shows that people management skills do not have a consistent positive relation
to most observed non-attrition employee outcomes. We find no evidence of a positive relation
between people management skills and employee salary growth, probability of promotion, or
patenting. There is some evidence of a positive relation for employee subjective performance,
but results are not robust across analyses. These findings suggest that better people manage-
ment skills do not reduce attrition by making workers more “productive” (though we freely
admit that it is hard to measure knowledge worker productivity), but may instead cause work-
ers to better enjoy their jobs. We caveat that most non-attrition outcomes are not observed
in our data and that e↵ects could be observed over a longer horizon.
Section 7 establishes our secondary result that managers with better people management
skills get rewarded by the firm. Better people managers attain substantially higher subjective
performance scores, are more likely to be promoted, and receive larger salary increases. Such
results are consistent with the firm valuing the role of good people management skills in
reducing employee turnover.
Our paper contributes to several literatures. First, it relates to work on individual
managers, from which Lazear et al. (2015), who study the impact of front-line supervisors
in a low-skill setting, is most related.2 Aside from focusing on a large high-tech firm, our
paper di↵ers from theirs in several other ways. Most notably, their VA approach shows that
managers matter, but this may be through “hard” skills, like problem-solving, and soft skills,
which is our focus. Also, unlike Lazear et al. (2015), we are able to test whether managers
are rewarded for skills. Our paper also di↵ers by analyzing quasi-experiments from managers
switching locations or functions, and by characterizing heterogeneity in estimates by hierarchy,
geography, and occupation. Beyond the broader VA literature, our paper relates to other work
that tries to open the black-box of what managers do. For example, Bandiera et al. (2020)
use CEO diary data and find that CEOs who focus on high-level agendas outperform those
who focus on functional management. We instead explore managerial di↵erences by using
employee surveys as a measure of manager skills. Like prior work showing that management
practices can be usefully measured using surveys (Ichniowski et al., 1997; Bloom and Van
Also, Bandiera et al. (2007) show that manager bonuses boost productivity. Bandiera et al. (2015) study
matching of top managers and firms. Friebel et al. (2018) show that store managers change behavior in
response to letters.

Reenen, 2007), we show the same is true of particular managerial skills.
Second, it relates to studies of compensation in firms (e.g., Baker et al., 1994a), providing
novel evidence that people management skills are rewarded within the firm. We find that
people management skills are a much stronger predictor of rewards by the firm than attrition
VA; hence, a researcher using attrition VA who lacked data on people management skills
would reach di↵erent conclusions than ours regarding manager rewards.
Third, we contribute to the growing literature on social skills in the workplace. People
management skills are one variety of “social” or “people” skills. Social skills are generally
considered to be a person’s ability to communicate e↵ectively with others (Borghans et al.,
2014), and we define people management skills as a manager’s ability to e↵ectively interact
with their subordinates. Deming (2017) emphasizes that social skills are important for team-
work (horizontal production). We provide novel evidence that social skills are also important
in management (vertical production). Relatedly, Schoar (2016) shows that an intervention
in garment factories aimed at improving supervisors’ communication skills and treatment of
workers improved productivity. Weinberger (2014) and Deming (2017) show that a worker’s
social and cognitive skills are complementary. As we observe a stronger relation between peo-
ple management skills and attrition for workers in more cognitively demanding jobs (namely,
ones higher up in the firm’s hierarchy), our results suggest complementarity between a man-
ager’s people management skills and a worker’s cognitive skills. This is noteworthy as it occurs
even within the firm’s relatively high-skilled workforce.
Fourth, it expands the literature on knowledge-based employees (e.g., Baker et al., 1994a;
Bartel et al., 2017; Kuhnen and Oyer, 2016; Brown et al., 2016). Much of empirical personnel
economics focuses on lower-skilled jobs (e.g., truckers, retail, and farm-workers), partially
because it is relatively simple to measure individual productivity. In contrast, for knowledge-
based jobs, production is often complex, multi-faceted, and involves teamwork. Our analysis
sheds light on the managerial production function in these settings.
Finally, it relates to work on subjective performance evaluation and workplace feed-
back. Like subjective performance evaluations, employee surveys help account for difficult-
to-measure aspects of performance (Baker et al., 1994b). Our paper highlights a version of
performance evaluation, namely upward feedback surveys, that has received much less atten-
tion than subjective performance ratings, particularly by economists.3
Surveys explored in psychology and management seem focused on di↵erent issues like consistency of ratings
(e.g., Atkins and Wood, 2002) or rating system design (e.g., Bracken et al., 2016) rather than the causal impact
of people management skills on outcomes. Also, to our knowledge, this work does not use our IV approach or
quasi-experimental designs.

2 Data and Institutional Setting
Our data, obtained from a U.S.-headquartered high-tech firm, cover a period of two years and
three months, some time during 2011-2015, and are organized as a worker-month panel. To
preserve firm confidentiality, certain details regarding the firm and exact time period cannot
be provided. We refer to the three years of the data as Y1 , Y2 , and Y3 .
The firm is divided into several broad business units and workers are classified by job
function. A core job function is engineering, comprising 36% of worker-months in our sample.
Engineers build and debug code, often working in teams. Many workers are in non-engineering
functions (e.g., marketing, finance, sales). As in many high-tech firms, the firm also has a
large number of lower-skilled workers in customer service/operations, but we exclude them
from our analysis, given our broad motivation of better understanding high-skilled workplaces.
About 21% of observations (worker-months) are for individuals in manager roles, so
the majority of observations are for non-managers, often referred to in industry as individual
contributors. While our data begin in January Y1 , 71% of workers in our sample are hired
before that date. Further details describing the data are in Appendix B.

2.1 Employee Surveys

Every year, employees are given a detailed survey used by the firm’s Human Resource (HR)
department and executives to gain an accurate sense of employee opinions. To ensure the
anonymity of responses, survey information about one’s manager is only collected on managers
who manage a minimum number of individuals.4
Surveys of this type are typically administered before year-end, and ours were performed
around September in Y1 and Y2 . The survey had the same manager questions and format in
Y1 and Y2 , and the response rate was about 95%. To match outcomes with their associated
survey, we follow what the firm’s HR analysts did for internal reporting. Observations from
January Y1 -September Y1 are assigned the survey information from the Y1 survey, whereas
other observations are assigned the survey information from the Y2 survey.
Manager questions. Every year employees are asked six key questions about their
manager. For each question, employees are asked whether they Strongly Disagree, Disagree,
In the Y1 survey, the threshold was 3 employees, whereas in Y2 , the threshold was 5 employees. We do not
know the number of people who responded for each manager. To check that measurement error from surveys
on small teams does not drive the results, we verify that our main results are robust to restricting to workers
where the manager has an at or above the median (i.e., at least 8 or 9) number of direct reports. The survey
is “third-party confidential” meaning that the survey vendor, a third-party independent firm, has access to
responses so it can tie them to employee attributes to generate statistical information.

Neither Agree nor Disagree, Agree, or Strongly Agree. Specifically, we observe answers to the
following survey items about one’s immediate manager:5

1. communicates a clear understanding of the expectations from me for my job.

2. provides continuous coaching and guidance on how I can improve my performance.
3. actively supports my professional/career development.
4. consults with people for decision making when appropriate.
5. generates a positive attitude in the team, even when conditions are difficult.
6. is someone whom I can trust.

The questions measure broad aspects of a manager’s e↵ectiveness in interacting well with
subordinates, which is presumably enhanced by clear expectations, appropriate trust, and
positivity. Thus, we use the responses to construct our measure of people management skills.
In the data provided to us, a manager’s rating on an item is the share of employees who
marked Agree or Strongly Agree. For example, if a manager has 8 direct reports, and 6 of
them marked Agree or Strongly Agree for one of the items, the manager’s score on that item
would be 75 out of 100.6 A manager’s overall rating (MOR) is the average of scores on the 6
items, e.g., if a manager had a score of 100 on the first 3 items and a score of 50 on the second
3 items, MOR is 75. The MOR is easy to compute and is used by the firm in its internal
reporting and communications. We use MOR as our main measure of people management
skills. If employees experience multiple managers over the survey period, they only rate their
most recent manager.
Persistence of MOR. Panel (a) of Figure 1 shows that manager scores are somewhat
persistent over time using a binned scatter plot with no controls. The coefficient of 0.37
means that a manager who scores 10 points higher in the Y1 survey in MOR is scored 3.7
points higher on average in the Y2 survey. Table 2 shows a similar pattern of some persistence
while applying control variables and using normalized survey scores. Each column regresses
MOR or one of the six manager questions from the Y2 survey on the same variable in the Y1
survey. In column 1, a manager who performs 1 standard deviation ( ) higher in Y1 scores
0.37 higher in Y2 .
Though sizable, the predictiveness of the scores over time is perhaps not as high as one
might expect. We believe that the main reason is measurement error in the surveys. Even
though the firm strongly encouraged workers to take the surveys quite seriously (reflected in
the high response rate), measurement error often occurs when respondents are asked to answer
The manager questions are part of a longer survey covering other topics (e.g., firm decision-making, worker
engagement). To preserve firm confidentiality, the wording may be slightly modified from the original.
It is common practice to break the 5-answer scale into 2 or 3 parts (Garvin et al., 2013). Using the share
of workers marking 4 or 5 (as we do) is consistent with how other firms measure managers on similar surveys.

many questions, particularly subjective ones (Bound et al., 2001). Measurement error could
arise from inattention, survey fatigue, short-term mood, or from MOR being created by taking
the share of individuals marking Agree or Strongly Agree to a question (thereby introducing
noise from an average over a discrete categorization).7 Observed persistence increases when
restricting attention to workers on larger teams, consistent with classical measurement error
shrinking persistence. Section 3 details how our empirical strategy addresses measurement

2.2 Employee Outcomes

In knowledge-based firms such as the one we study, employee performance has multiple di-
mensions and is not measured by a single metric. Our data’s core employee outcomes are:
Turnover. Many firms consider turnover to be a significant problem, especially high-
tech firms, because employee knowledge is a key asset and turnover is a loss of knowledge.
In fact, as is common in many high-tech firms, our firm has analysts who try to predict and
reduce turnover. We separately observe dates of voluntary attrition (“quits”) and involuntary
attrition (“fires”). We also observe whether the firm classified quits as “regretted” (highly-
valued employee) or not, allowing us to go much further than is typical in analyzing turnover.
To our knowledge, we are the first paper in economics to analyze data on whether a worker’s
attrition was regretted by the firm, which is valuable because it sheds light on the issue of
“good” vs. “bad” attrition.
Subjective performance. The firm’s subjective performance score ratings of each
employee are on a discrete 1-5 scale, which is common (e.g., Frederiksen et al., 2020), and are
set biannually by an employee’s immediate and higher-up managers. While there are some
broad guidelines for the distribution of these scores across various units within the firm, there
is not a fixed “curve” across managers regarding subjective performance.
Salary increases. One way of proxying an employee’s productivity improvements is the
extent to which her salary increases. Because salaries are listed in local currency, we restrict
analysis of salary to employees paid in U.S. dollars following Baker et al. (1994a). Salaries are
set by the compensation department, though managers play a role in a↵ecting worker raises.
Promotions. Promotions are pre-defined in the data provided by the firm, and corre-
spond roughly to an increase in a person’s salary grade. Promotions are a common proxy of
productivity for higher skilled workers (Brown et al., 2016; Lyle and Smith, 2014).
Other factors may limit persistence of MOR. First, managers may provide better supervision for certain
teams or projects. Second, managers may change behavior or invest in manager e↵ectiveness. Panels (b) and
(c) of Figure 1 shows histograms for MOR in both periods.

Patents. Patents are commonly used to measure innovation (Ja↵e et al., 1993). We
analyze workers’ patent applications because it takes years for the patent office to approve
applications.8 Since patents vary widely in value, we also analyze citation-weighted patents
(Ja↵e et al., 1993). Patents are most common among engineers, but non-engineers also patent.
While these outcomes all capture valuable aspects of worker performance, we do not
claim to fully measure “productivity” in our setting. Certain aspects of productivity, such as
the value of an engineer’s computer code or the contributions of a businessperson to a new
marketing strategy, seem impossible to quantify. This increases the usefulness of using surveys
to study managers relative to using VA.
Di↵erent employee outcomes are available at di↵erent frequencies, but are coded in our
data at the monthly level. Attrition events, promotions, and patent applications are based
on exact dates. Subjective performance reviews occur twice per year, but scores are coded
month-by-month. Annual salary is tracked at the monthly level, though salary increases are
more likely to occur in spring and fall.

2.3 Assignment of Managers and Employees

The initial assignment of employees to managers reflects the projects and functions that
require employees at any given time. Geographic needs also dictate circumstances in which
employees experience a change of manager. The firm has an online portal where managers
post internal workforce needs, and new employee-manager matches can form based on these
postings. Managers play a key role in hiring and are also involved with dismissals. Thus,
it is clear that employees are not being randomly assigned to managers. We further discuss
manager assignment in Sections 3 and 4. Manager changes are observed month-by-month.
As described in Sections 3 and 4.4, we adopt several identification strategies to deal
with the possibilities that MOR and outcomes are both correlated with unobservable project
characteristics, e.g., some projects being exciting, leading to high scores in MOR and good
outcome measures. A remaining concern may be that managers are selected into projects
based on MOR. Conversations with several executives confirm that this is not done in practice;
projects are assigned based on business needs and to some extent on domain expertise, but
not based on MOR.
In our sample, managers manage an average of 9.35 employees at once. Weighted by
worker tenure, employees experience an average of 1.52 managers in our sample.
Workers disclose inventions to the legal department, who decides whether to file a patent application.
Workers get a bonus when an application is filed, plus another bonus after a patent grant, so there is a
significant incentive to disclose useful inventions.

2.4 Sample Creation and Summary Statistics
To create our sample, we restrict attention to worker-months where an employee has a manager
with a non-missing MOR for both survey waves. This sample restriction is required for our IV
analysis, where we instrument manager MOR in the current period using MOR in the other
period. Our sample runs from January Y1 -March Y3 .
Table 1 provides summary statistics. While sample size cannot be shown to preserve
firm confidentiality, our final sample contains well over 1,000 managers, 10,000 workers, and
100,000 worker-months. Mean MOR is 81 out of 100. 81% of employees are co-located with
their manager and the rest are managed remotely. Mean attrition is 1.37% per month (⇠15%
per year). Most separations are quits, but there are still many fires.

3 Empirical Strategy
We wish to estimate how much manager j’s underlying people management skill, mj , a↵ects
an outcome, yit , of employee i:
yit = mj(i,t) + "it (1)
where j(i, t) means that j manages employee i at time t, though we will henceforth abbreviate
j(i, t) simply by j. Measurement error implies that instead of true people management skills,
we only observe the noisy survey measure, m e j . In our data, we have the two waves of the
survey, giving us two manager scores me j,1 and m e j,⌧ = mj + uj,⌧ , ⌧ 2 {1, 2}. t is at
e j,2 , with m
the monthly level, whereas there are two values of ⌧ , which we call the period.
Perhaps the simplest approach to analyzing the impact of people management skills is
to estimate OLS regressions of the form:
e j,⌧ (t) + ✓i,t
yi,t = bm (2)
where ✓i,t is an error term; and where ⌧ (t) = 1 if t  month 9 of Y1 and ⌧ (t) = 2 otherwise.
However, OLS models may be biased by measurement error. An alternative approach (e.g.,
Ashenfelter and Krueger, 1994) is to instrument one survey measure with the other one:
e j,⌧ + ✓i,t
yi,t = bm (3)
e j,⌧ = cm
m e j, ⌧ + ⌘j,t
where me j, ⌧ is the measured people management score of manager j in the period other than
the current one, and ✓i,t and ⌘j,t are error terms.
Instead of assuming that the measurement error is classical, we will consider the possibil-
ity that the measurement error could be correlated with unobserved determinants of employee
outcomes, e.g., that being on a good project could a↵ect how an employee rates their man-

ager, as well as whether that employee attrites. Hence, we make fewer assumptions than most
empirical studies with measurement error. We still assume, though, that measurement error
is uncorrelated with a manager’s true people management skill:

Assumption 1 cov (mj , uj,⌧ ) = 0 for ⌧ 2 {1, 2}.

While we do not expect Assumption 1 to be literally true (given that MOR is capped at 0 and
100), we believe that it is approximately true in our setting, particularly because managers
are not selecting their own survey score.9 For simplicity, we also assume that var(uj,⌧ ) = u2
for all j and ⌧ , i.e., the variance of the measurement error is the same across managers and
We now compare OLS and IV estimators for this setting. For ease of exposition, we
suppress i and j subscripts. For OLS, we use plim(bbOLS ) = cov(y var(m
t ,m
plus Assumption 1 to
get an equation for the inconsistency from OLS (derived in Appendix A.2):
cov("t , u⌧ ) cov("t , m)
plim(bbOLS )= u
2 + 2
+ 2 + 2
+ 2 2
m u m u m+ u
| {z } | {z } | {z }
Attenuation Bias Contemp. Corr. ME Assignment Bias

In (4), the first term, Attenuation Bias, is standard under OLS with classical measurement
error. In the second term, Contemporaneously Correlated Measurement Error, the numerator,
cov ("t , u⌧ ), is the covariance between unobservables that a↵ect worker outcomes and survey
measurement error. We believe that such covariance is likely to be positive, but that is not
necessarily the case. For example, one issue for analyzing attrition as an outcome is that there
are individuals who quit before they get to take the survey. A manager may appear to have
a better score on the survey than if departed workers were allowed to take part in the survey.
In the third term, Assignment Bias, the numerator, cov("t , m), is the covariance of people
management skills with worker outcome unobservables. This could be positive or negative.
Next, consider the IV estimator from (3). Note that di↵erent workers may evaluate the
same manager during di↵erent periods. Using plim(bbIV ) = cov(cov(yt ,m
e ⌧)
e ⌧ ,m
e ⌧)
, we get:
cov (u⌧ , u ⌧ ) cov ("t , u ⌧ ) cov ("t , m)
plim(bbIV ) = 2
+ 2 + 2 (5)
m + cov (u⌧ , u ⌧ ) m + cov (u⌧ , u ⌧ ) m + cov (u⌧ , u ⌧ )
| {z } | {z } | {z }
Attenuation Bias Asynchronously Corr. ME Assignment Bias

In (5), the numerator of the first term has cov (u⌧ , u ⌧ ) in place of u2 in (4). Thus, if the
measurement errors are uncorrelated across the two surveys, there is no attenuation bias.
This assumption seems reasonable for certain types of measurement error, such as sampling
People answering questions about themselves are often subject to desirability bias (Bound et al., 2001),
but that is not the case here. A1 could still be violated if good or bad managers systematically engage in
influence activities to boost their scores, or if there is peer pressure to systematically boost scores of good or
bad managers. However, conversations with the firm indicate that influence activities are frowned upon and
any such biases are likely to be minimal. Our analysis of measurement error draws heavily on Pischke (2007).

error due to small numbers of subjects or people being happy because the current project is
going well. Other types of measurement error might be more persistent, e.g., there could be
a persistently good long-term project or people on a manager’s team have a general tendency
to rate managers highly on surveys. As we discuss later, such correlations can be avoided
by looking at managers who move across locations or job functions in the firm. In such
circumstances, we would expect substantially less attenuation bias than in OLS.
The second term of (5) has cov ("t , u ⌧ ) instead of cov ("t , u⌧ ) in the numerator. That
is, it involves the covariance between unobserved determinants of performance in the current
period and measurement error in the other period. For measurement error due to inattention
or non-response, this correlation may be quite small or zero. For issues like being on a good
project, this correlation may depend on how persistent the shock is over time.
The third term of (5) still has cov ("t , m) in the numerator, but it is divided now by
2 2 2 2
m +cov (u⌧ , u ⌧ ) instead of m + u . Thus, IV amplifies assignment bias if cov (u⌧ , u ⌧ ) < u .
We will also present reduced form results, i.e., OLS regressions of yt on m e ⌧:
cov("t , u ⌧ ) cov("t , m)
plim(bbRF ) = u
2 + 2
+ 2 + 2
+ 2 + 2
| m{z u } | m {z u } | m {z u }
Attenuation Bias Asynchronously Corr. ME Assignment Bias

Relative to the IV, a disadvantage of the reduced form is that there is still the same attenuation
bias as for OLS. A potential advantage is that assignment bias is scaled by m + u2 in the
denominator instead of m + cov (u⌧ , u ⌧ ).
Except if noted otherwise, standard errors are clustered by manager in the empirical
analysis, reflecting the main level of variation for our key regressor.
Comparison with studies on teachers. While teachers generally do not choose their
students, managers at our high-tech firm play a critical role in selecting people for their team.
Indeed, practitioners frequently argue that one of the most important parts of being a good
people manager is selecting the right people (Harvard Management Update, 2008). Thus,
randomly assigning employees to managers would not be informative of the overall impact
of good people management skills since it would rule out better people managers selecting
better people. Rather, di↵erences in employee quality across managers might be viewed as a
mechanism by which managers improve outcomes as opposed to a source of bias. Still, even
if we do not wish to rule out better managers selecting better people, we need to address
the possibility of the firm optimally sorting managers and employees together (“assignment
Control variables. Adding control variables helps address the possibility that MOR
and employee outcomes may di↵er systematically. We control for the firm’s di↵erent business
units, as well as for job function (or occupation). We also control for year of hire, current

year dummies, and a 5th order polynomial in employee tenure. We control for location,
employee salary grade, and an employee’s manager’s span of control. In tests of coefficient
stability (Oster, 2019), Section 4.5 shows that our results are very similar when using even
finer controls, including various interaction terms and year-month dummies.

4 Manager Quality and Employee Attrition

Section 4.1 shows baseline results on MOR and attrition, followed by our three research
designs: new joiners (Section 4.2); new joiners or employees switching managers (Section
4.3); and exploiting managers switching locations or job functions (Section 4.4). Exploiting
di↵erent variation and addressing di↵erent threats to identification, all three designs provide
complementary evidence that people management skill substantially reduces attrition. Section
4.5 addresses further threats to identification, assesses the quantitative importance of our
results, and estimates manager VA.

4.1 Baseline Results

Panel A of Table 3 shows our baseline results. Column 1 shows a strong first stage (F > 100).
In column 2, the OLS coefficient of -0.156 means that increasing MOR by 1 is associated
with a monthly reduction in attrition of 0.156 percentage points (hereafter “pp”), which is
an 11% reduction relative to the mean of 1.37pp per month. In column 3, the IV coefficient
is substantially larger at -0.475, implying that increasing MOR by 1 corresponds to a 35%
reduction in turnover. A cluster-robust Hausman test rejects that the IV and OLS estimates
are the same (p < 0.01). That the IV estimate is three times larger in magnitude than the
OLS estimate is consistent with OLS being significantly biased downward due to attenuation
bias from measurement error.
Our IV estimate implies that moving from a manager in the 10th percentile of MOR to
one in the 90th percentile is associated with a turnover drop of roughly 60%.10 As a reference
point, Bloom et al. (2014) show that randomly assigning call-center employees to work from
home reduces turnover by 50%.
However, not all attrition is the same. It could be that good managers prevent quits,
but are willing to fire individuals who are not contributing. Thus, Panels B and C perform
the same analyses separately for quits and fires.11 We observe highly significant negative IV
p10 of a standard normal is 1.28 below the mean, corresponding to a monthly attrition rate of 1.374-
1.28*(-.475)=1.98pp. p90 corresponds to 0.77pp monthly, a reduction of slightly more than 60%.
Turnover is labeled as voluntary, involuntary, or missing/not assigned. We don’t use missing turnover
events in Panels B and C (they are included in Panel A). Involuntary exits or “fires” include both true fires
and layo↵s. The “fires” results become even stronger if months with layo↵s are excluded.

results for both quits and fires. The coefficient is larger in absolute magnitude for quits, but
is larger in percentage terms for fires, reflecting that fires are rarer than quits. Also, there is a
larger percentage relation between MOR and regretted quits (Panel D) than there is between
MOR and non-regretted quits (Panel E), suggesting that MOR might help reduce unwanted,
or “bad” quits (from the firm’s perspective) more than it reduces “good” quits. Later, we will
shed further light on “good” vs. “bad” attrition by using subjective performance scores.
That high-MOR managers reduce both quits and fires is consistent with people man-
agement skill positively impacting worker motivation. More motivated workers should be less
interested in outside opportunities and less prone to behave in ways that result in fires.12
That the coefficient is larger for regretted than non-regretted quits is consistent with comple-
mentarity between a worker’s skills and their manager’s people management skills, a point we
return to in Section 5, particularly in the context of attrition result heterogeneity according
to worker position in the hierarchy.
Figure 2 shows binned scatter plots for the reduced form regressions, showing a clear
negative relationship for all five attrition variables, plus whether a worker changes manager.

4.2 New Workers Joining the Firm

Restricting our IV analysis to new workers who join the firm in the second period, Table 4 also
finds a strong negative relation between a worker’s manager’s MOR and turnover (our sample
size here is 8% of that in Table 3). This “joiners” analysis allows us to address a couple of
concerns. First, in the joiners analysis, the survey responses of the workers under analysis do
not influence the instrument because they are new to the firm.
Second, our analysis reduces concerns about assignment bias. When an employee joins
a very large firm, they are unlikely to have substantial information about di↵erences in people
management skills across managers that would enable them to choose their managers. Further,
as argued in Lazear et al. (2015) who use joiners to estimate manager VA, the firm is unlikely
to have substantial information about the new worker separate from the hiring manager. This
reduces the concern that "t is correlated with m separate from the possible role of better
managers in selecting better employees for their team.
Results. Despite having much less statistical power than in the full sample, the rela-
tionship between MOR and attrition in Table 4 is qualitatively similar. Looking at all attrition
in Panel A, the IV coefficient of 0.550 is slightly larger in magnitude than that in Panel A of
Table 3, though it just misses statistical significance at 10%. The coefficient implies that a 1
increase in MOR corresponds to a 0.55pp (38%) reduction in monthly turnover. We also see
It could also reflect high-MOR managers attracting less attrition-prone workers, though Section 4.3 shows
little evidence of observably better workers sorting to high-MOR managers when workers change managers.

broadly similar results for other attrition variables, with particularly strong results for quits
(especially regretted quits), for which the IV estimate is statistically significant.

4.3 Workers Joining the Firm or Changing Managers

Despite its clear benefits, the joiners analysis has limitations. First, new workers may be
impacted di↵erentially by MOR. Second, the sample size is small relative to our full sam-
ple. Third, it is difficult to perform certain statistical tests regarding assignment bias. In
this subsection, instead of just analyzing workers joining the firm in the second period, we
additionally add instances of workers switching managers during the second period. These
switches occur for many reasons, such as new projects, manager turnover, promotions, and
several re-organizations (“re-orgs”) that occurred for exogenous reasons. This addresses the
three limitations of the joiners analysis, and we continue to find a strong negative relation
between manager MOR and employee turnover outcomes.
Our analysis here is useful for several reasons. First, the sample is broader than only
new joiners—it is about 1/4 the size of that in Table 3. Second, we can do a test for non-
random sorting of existing employees to managers, following Rothstein (2010, 2017)—we find
little evidence of systematic sorting of better existing employees to better people managers.
Third, we can plot “event study” graphs analyzing how impacts of MOR on turnover vary
with how long a person has been with a manager; such a graph would be harder to interpret in
the pure joiners design, where time since manager is collinear with tenure. Fourth, analyzing
what happens to employees after changes in manager is generally useful for reducing concern
about assignment bias. While matching of managers and employees is not random, matching
occurring for reasons such as manager turnover or re-orgs reflects less active involvement by
the firm, particularly when there are many individuals being moved at the same time. Fifth,
as in the joiners analysis, the workers in this design do not influence the instrument.13
Results. Table 5 reproduces Table 3 combining joiners (as in Table 4) and switchers.
In Panel A, the IV coefficient for overall attrition is -0.332 (a 22% drop in attrition per 1
in MOR). This is a bit smaller in magnitude than our baseline attrition estimate and misses
conventional statistical significance (p = 0.16). In contrast, the coefficient for quitting (panel
B) is slightly larger in magnitude than the one in Table 3. The negative quit coefficient is
driven by regretted quits, where the MOR coefficient is negative and statistically significant.
Interestingly, the MOR coefficient for non-regretted quits is positive (though not statistically
significant). Overall, the results suggest that MOR sharply reduces undesirable attrition,
When workers switch manager during period two, the share of the time when this is accompanied by
a promotion, change in job function, or change in business unit is less than 10% for each one. Thus, most
changes in manager are not from worker promotions, or from worker changes in job function or business unit.

whereas MOR may even increase “good” attrition, though the results on non-regretted quits
have large standard errors.
Time path of MOR impacts. Figure 3 takes the IV regressions in Table 5, but
interacts MOR with the quarter since receiving a new manager. Event time starts at 0
after each manager change, thus accommodating workers who experience multiple manager
changes in the second period.14 As seen in panel (a), the relation between MOR and turnover is
negative, but is small in magnitude during the first six months after a manager change. Rather,
the turnover benefit builds gradually, with much of the reduction in turnover occurring 7-12
months after a manager change. Other attrition variables show similar patters, particularly
for regretted quits. Appendix Figure C4 shows similar patterns using half-years instead of
Figure 3 seems consistent with a causal impact of MOR on attrition. If the e↵ect
were driven by assignment bias (e.g., the firm decides to match unobservably better workers
with better managers), one might imagine that turnover impacts would be seen immediately.
Instead, it may take some time for a worker to get to know and be a↵ected by their manager.
Testing for assignment bias. A concern with the switchers analysis is that the firm
may be matching unobservably high-quality managers and workers together. To test for this,
we can examine whether the MOR of an employee’s future manager predicts employee non-
attrition outcomes in the current period, following Rothstein (2010, 2017). As detailed further
in Appendix A.6, we implement an IV procedure where we instrument the future manager’s
MOR during period 2 using MOR during period 1. We cannot use attrition for the test
because workers who will experience a new manager in the future do not attrite before then.
Table 6 examines the relation between a future manager’s MOR and key non-attrition
outcomes (subjective performance, salary, salary increases, and promotion propensity) in pe-
riod 1, as well as two other important worker characteristics (restricted stock units granted
to an employee and whether the firm has designated a worker as a “key individual” whom
they strongly want to retain). These variables are discussed further in Section 7 when we
discuss rewards for managers. In the IV analyses in Panel B, we see little evidence that bet-
ter people managers receive teams with observably better characteristics. This suggests that
assignment bias from sorting strong people managers with unobservably better employees is
likely limited.15
After joining the firm or changing manager in period 2, 17% of workers experience one additional change
in manager, 3.5% an additional two changes, and 0.5% an additional three changes. Results in Table 5 and
Figure 3 are robust to restricting to workers’ first post-join/switch manager spell. Results in Table 4 are also
robust (and slightly stronger) when restricted to joiners’ first manager spell.
Observed matching of employees and managers reflects not only potential assignment bias by the firm, but
also selection of employees by managers. Thus, the null results of the Rothstein test are also consistent with
high-MOR managers not selecting better existing employees for their teams (or, e.g., for negative assignment

4.4 Manager Moves across Locations or Job Functions
Our third research design exploits managers moving across locations or job function. In line
with Chetty et al. (2014), we collapse our data to the job function-location-period level (e.g.,
engineers at Location X in period 1), and examine the relation between average MOR and
average attrition. This serves two key purposes. First, it provides further evidence that
assignment bias does not drive our findings because by aggregating, we focus on di↵erences
in MOR at an aggregate level, as opposed to MOR di↵erences within location-job function.
Second, it helps address concerns about asynchronously correlated measurement error
from persistent unobservables. In our earlier joiners analysis, a persistent unobservable of a
good project could lead to employees rating their manager favorably in period 1, as well as
making new employees less likely to attrite in period 2. However, by aggregating up to the
location-job function-period level, we no longer exploit variation from some engineers at a
location working on a good project and some working on a bad project.
Implementation. Let Ql,f,⌧,⌧ 0 be the (employee-month-weighted) mean normalized
MOR for the managers of the employees at location l in job function f during period ⌧ , and
for which we use the measurement of the managers’ MOR taken during period ⌧ 0 . Let yl,f,⌧
be the mean attrition rate of employees at location l in job function f during period ⌧ . We
yl,f,⌧ = bQl,f,⌧,⌧ 0 + l + f + ⌧ + ✓l,f,⌧ (6)
where l , f , ⌧ are location, job function, and period fixed e↵ects, respectively; and ✓l,f,⌧
is the error term. Following Chetty et al. (2014), we weight observations by the number of
employee-months per location-job function-period cell. While ⌧ will vary based on the cell,
all cells will use the same ⌧ 0 . That is, we measure all managers using the same survey wave
to help ensure that di↵erences across cells reflect di↵erences in manager quality as opposed to
di↵erent measurements. We restrict attention to location-job functions that are in the data
for both periods (results are slightly stronger if we don’t). Standard errors are clustered by
location-job function.
Similar to Chetty et al. (2014), our key identifying assumption is that changes in average
location-function people management skills are uncorrelated with average location-function
unobserved determinants of attrition, conditional on controls.16 To control for possible changes
bias by the firm and positive selection of employees by managers given the firm’s policies). An additional
caveat is that our setting di↵ers from other applications of the Rothstein test because we observe a limited
relation of MOR to non-attrition outcomes later in Section 6. Overall, one might view the Rothstein test
as less critical for the validity of our results (relative to other settings) given that managers selecting better
workers for their team (separate from assignment bias) is a potential mechanism of people management skills.
For even greater control, one might wish to control for location-function fixed e↵ects instead of location
fixed e↵ects and function fixed e↵ects. However, we do not have enough power to do so. Instead, we control

in worker quality over the two periods (due to worker sorting or workers moving with their
managers), we include controls for average location-function worker characteristics. While
the key identifying assumption is difficult to test, there were no evident e↵orts by the firm
(outside of autonomous decisions by workers and managers) to optimally sort workers and
managers over time across location-job functions based on unobservables.
In our sample here, 7% of managers experience a change in location, 9% a change in job
function, and 14% a change in location or job function. In the month of a location change, the
promotion rate is 2%, whereas in the month of a job function change, the promotion rate is
16%. Thus, a higher share of job function changes seem to occur from promotions compared to
location changes. We suspect that location changes involve a combination of business reasons
(e.g., moving to a close location because of business needs) and personal reasons.
Results. We obtain the same broad conclusion that people management skills reduce
attrition, even though we are exploiting a di↵erent source of variation in MOR than in our
baseline analyses. Columns 1-2 of Table 7 show OLS results, one measuring all managers in
the sample using their wave 1 score, and the other measuring all managers using their wave
2 score. To account for attenuation bias due to measurement error, columns 3-4 show IV
results, where we instrument the mean manager MOR for a location-job function-period cell
using the mean MOR of the managers for that cell but measured during the other period.
As in our main results in Table 3, IV estimates are larger in magnitude than OLS.
For the overall attrition results in Panel A, the IV estimates imply that a 1 increase in a
manager’s MOR decreases employee attrition by 0.53-0.66pp per month, which is a bit larger
in magnitude than our benchmark estimate in Panel A of Table 3, though our IV confidence
intervals here overlap with those in Panel A of Table 3. Outside of Panel A, we have less
power (and often lose statistical significance), but observe broadly similar results as before.

4.5 Additional Analyses

Categorizing workers by subjective performance scores. Beyond the earlier results
on di↵erent types of attrition events, another way to analyze turnover is to look separately
at “high” and “low” productivity workers based on subjective performance scores (Appendix
Table C4). We residualize worker subjective performance on the Table 3 controls and regress
the residuals on worker fixed e↵ects. Fixed e↵ects above the median are classified as high-
productivity workers. Column 1 analyzes overall attrition. As in many studies (e.g., Ho↵man
and Burks, 2017), high-productivity workers have lower attrition. While the IV coefficient
is larger in absolute magnitude for low-productivity workers, it is slightly larger in percent-
for a rich set of worker characteristics collapsed to location-job function means.

age terms for high-productivity workers. MOR has stronger percentage associations with
quits and regretted quits for high-productivity workers than low-productivity ones: A 10th
to 90th percentile move in MOR reduces quits and regretted quits by roughly 50% among
low-productivity workers, and by roughly 70% for high-productivity workers.
Switching managers as an outcome. Beyond leading people to exit the firm, poor
people management skills could also produce other types of “exits.” Instead of quitting the
firm, a worker may demand to be moved to a new manager. Appendix Table C5 repeats our
analysis using whether a worker changes manager as the outcome (instead of attrition). The
Panel A IV estimate implies that moving from a manager in the 10th percentile of MOR to
one in the 90th percentile predicts a 45% reduction in the chance of switching managers.
Adding richer controls. A concern is that there is a persistent unobservable whose
e↵ect may not be alleviated by the above research designs (e.g., a manager is rated highly
because they oversee a good project and continue overseeing the project when they move
locations or functions). To proxy for such unobservables, we add further controls. Appendix
Tables C8-C11 show that our attrition estimates are quite similar when adding additional
controls. For the 4 sets of tests (sections 4.1-4.4), we add two-way interactions between
business unit, job function, and salary grade, plus current month-year dummies (instead of
baseline year dummies). To assess coefficient sensitivity, we use the Oster (2019) test. Given
our IV set-up, we analyze the reduced form. As detailed in Appendix A.8, selection on
unobservables would need to be many times larger than selection on observables to reverse
the sign of the results.
Is people skills the cause? Another concern may be that something else about
managers with good people management skills could be driving the results. Absent random
assignment of particular skills to managers, we check that MOR coefficients remain sizable as
other manager characteristics are controlled for (Glover et al., 2017). While our data contain
relatively few non-MOR manager characteristics, our main results are robust to controlling
for them. For brevity, details are in Appendix A.9. Thus, the apparent e↵ects of MOR do
not seem due to any of the small number of observed managerial characteristics.
Quantitative importance. How much does the firm save each year in hiring costs
due to lower attrition from a manager at the 90th percentile of MOR relative to one at the
10th percentile? Using the IV estimate from Panel A of Table 3 and assuming a hiring cost
of 4 months of worker salary (Blatter et al., 2012), the savings is 5% of worker salaries for
each worker on his or her team, totalling almost half a worker’s salary per year when added
up over the members of a typical 9-person team. Focusing on hiring costs likely provides
a lower bound on total costs saved, both given the importance of turnover in high-tech for

transmitting ideas and given that MOR particularly reduces turnover that is “bad” from the
firm’s perspective. Appendix A.10 provides further detail on these calculations.
VA approach. We also perform a “value-added” analysis of managers on attrition:
yit = ↵ + j + Xit + ✏it (7)
where yit is whether worker i attrites in month t; j is a manager e↵ect; and Xit are controls.
The estimated standard deviation of VA may be biased upward if VA is estimated using finite
observations per manager (Lazear et al., 2015; Benson et al., 2019). We address this two ways.
First, we weight standard deviations by observations per manager. Second, following Silver
(2016), we split the data in two and estimate (7) for separate samples. We do this splitting
employee-months randomly in two or splitting by period. If sampling error is uncorrelated
with underlying VA and across samples, the covariance of estimated VA across the two samples
is equal to the variance of underlying VA.17 Appendix Table C14 shows substantial variation
in VA. In the split sample approach, the std. dev. of attrition VA is 0.67 (splitting randomly
or by period). The consequence of improving attrition VA by 1 (0.67pp per month) is 40%
larger than the IV impact of improving people skills, as measured by MOR, by 1 in Table 3.

5 Heterogeneity
We briefly examine variation in MOR by di↵erent dimensions of heterogeneity, namely, hier-
archy position, geography, and worker occupation. We then analyze heterogeneity in terms of
the relation of MOR to attrition, which is our main focus here. For brevity, the results are
discussed here, with relevant tables and more information in Appendices A.11 and A.12.
The firm often segments employees into three groupings of hierarchy (low, medium, and
high) according to their salary grade. The share of employee-months in low, medium, and
high hierarchy jobs is 57%, 35%, and 8%, respectively.18 A worker’s hierarchy position can
change when a worker gets promoted.
Explaining variation in MOR. Managers in engineering have 0.22 lower MOR than
managers in non-engineering job functions (consistent with stereotypes that social skills are
more scarce in engineers), and U.S. managers obtain higher scores than non-U.S. managers in
creating a positive atmosphere and involving people in decisions. However, country, location,
A manager’s underlying VA is . Let ˆ1 = + u1 and ˆ2 = + u2 be estimated VA in two split samples,
where u1 and u2 are errors. Under the stated assumptions, cov( ˆ1 , ˆ2 ) = var( ) (see also Silver (2016)).
High hierarchy jobs include those such as Senior Director and Principal Design Engineer (our sample
does not include the small share of people at the top of the firm hierarchy). Medium hierarchy jobs include
those such as Senior Product Manager and Lead Designer. Within the engineering job function, the share
of employee-months in low, medium, and high hierarchy jobs is 45%, 50%, and 5%, respectively. Outside of
engineering, the shares are 64%, 26%, and 10%, respectively.

occupation, and firm rank each explain only a modest portion of the variation in MOR scores,
even after correcting for measurement error in MOR. Appendix A.11 includes more details.
Heterogeneity in MOR e↵ects. Appendix Tables C15-C17 show that the negative
IV relation between MOR and the attrition variables is robust across hierarchy, geography,
and occupation. Interestingly, however, the attrition results are significantly larger at higher
levels of the firm hierarchy, and are suggestively larger in U.S. locations of the firm. For
brevity, here in the main text, we focus primarily on heterogeneity by hierarchy.
Figure 4 compares the MOR-attrition relation for workers at lower positions in the
hierarchy with that for workers at medium or high positions in the firm hierarchy. We perform
an IV regression of di↵erent worker attrition outcomes on manager MOR in the current period
and manager MOR in the current period interacted with whether the worker is currently at a
medium or high position in the firm hierarchy. The instruments are manager MOR in the other
period and manager MOR in the other period interacted with whether the worker is currently
at a medium or high position in the firm hierarchy. For overall attrition, we observe that the
MOR-attrition coefficient is substantially larger for workers at medium or high positions in the
hierarchy compared to workers at low positions (p = 0.04 on the di↵erence). This di↵erence
is particularly strong for quits (p = 0.02) instead of fires (p = 0.36).
Given that jobs higher in the hierarchy tend to involve higher cognitive skill than those
lower in the hierarchy, our results point to complementarity between an employee’s skills
and their manager’s people management skills. This mirrors the observed complementarity
between employee cognitive skills and employee social skills (Weinberger, 2014; Deming, 2017).
These results seem sensible. Workers performing relatively less cognitively demanding
tasks require managers to ensure that they are doing what they are supposed to, and people
management skills help ensure that workers feel satisfied in doing the task at hand. However,
in highly cognitively demanding jobs, there is frequently not a single answer to problems.
It may not even be clear what problems an employee should be working on. A manager’s
people management skills may play an important role in helping employees feel challenged and
supported in more ambiguous environments. Those in more cognitively demanding jobs may
also be more accustomed to having positive and supportive relationships with their managers.
Other explanations are also possible, but seem less likely. One possibility is that the
results reflect that employees who are higher in the hierarchy tend to have higher tenure than
workers lower in the hierarchy. However, the findings are very similar (and slightly stronger)
when controlling for the interaction of MOR and a dummy for the worker having above median
tenure, as seen in panel (a) of Appendix Figure C5. Another possibility is that the results
reflect that employees who are higher in the hierarchy tend to be managers themselves, and
people management skills could have larger impacts on workers who are also managers. The

chance of an employee being a manager is 4%, 35%, and 85%, when the employee is at a low,
medium, or high position in the firm’s hierarchy, respectively.19 However, Figure 4 is similar
when excluding employees who are managers themselves, as seen in panel (b) of Appendix
Figure C5. A further explanation is that the composition of engineers/non-engineers di↵ers
by position in the hierarchy (e.g., the share of non-engineers is 71% for workers low in the
hierarchy compared to 54% for workers medium or high in the hierarchy), but Figure 4 is
similar when controlling for the interaction of MOR and a dummy for the worker being an
engineer, as seen in panel (c) of Appendix Figure C5.20
On geography, Appendix Table C16 provides some evidence that attrition results are
stronger for U.S. workers compared to abroad. In our firm, workers abroad have similar ag-
gregate positions in the firm hierarchy relative to U.S. workers. Still, our general sense is that
tasks done by U.S. workers often tend to involve greater skill than those done overseas, con-
sistent with complementarity between employee skills and manager people management skills.
In addition, research on global management (Hofstede, 2001; Bloom et al., 2012) emphasizes
that there are key di↵erences across countries and cultures in attitudes toward authority and
managers. For example, it could be that the survey uncovers people management skills that
are social and interpersonal, as opposed to distant and authoritarian, and that U.S. workers
react more positively to the former style than workers in other countries.21

6 Manager Quality and Non-attrition Outcomes

This section shows that manager MOR does not have a consistent positive relation to most
non-attrition outcomes of subordinate employees. Baseline IV results show a moderate positive
relation between MOR and subjective performance, but this relation is not consistently robust
to our research designs.
Baseline results. Column 1 of Table 8 shows that MOR appears to have only a modest
As we believe is common at other high-tech firms, there are some individuals who are high up in the firm’s
hierarchy, but who do not manage other people; for example, some engineers specialize in addressing difficult
engineering problems, but do not have direct reports.
Another explanation is that being higher up in the hierarchy reflects geography, as we also tend to see some
evidence that MOR coefficients are larger for U.S.-based workers (compared to workers abroad). However,
Figure 4 is robust to restricting attention to U.S.-based workers (panel (d) of Figure C5). Last, results are
similar when controlling for the interaction of MOR and whether a worker is co-located with their manager.
There are also alternative explanations. First, the result could additionally reflect complementarity with
some other feature of the U.S. Second, U.S. workers have a higher rate of being co-located with their manager
than foreign workers (83% to 76%), but results are similar if one controls for MOR x (whether a worker is
co-located with their manager). Third, MOR is based on surveys in English—though a simple explanation is
not immediate (as we use IV to address measurement error), MOR might seem to matter less when questions
are not in workers’ native language. However, results from Panels D and E of Table C16 (where we see
statistical significance) are robust to restricting to English-speaking countries. These explanations should not
be over-interpreted, as we regard our geographic heterogeneity findings as more suggestive.

positive relation to employee performance as measured by normalized subjective performance
scores. A 1 increase in MOR is associated with a 0.05 increase in employee subjective
performance under OLS, and a 0.09 increase under IV. As for the earlier attrition results,
OLS is likely biased downward due to attenuation bias.
In column 2, the outcome is the increase in log salary between now and 12 months into
the future. Both OLS and IV show no significant relation between manager MOR and worker
salary increases. The mean salary increase per year is confidential, but is between 4% and
8%. With 95% confidence, our IV coefficients rule out that a 1 increase in MOR predicts an
additional annual raise of more than 0.47%.22
Column 3 of Table 8 examines employee promotions. Panel A shows an insignificant
positive relation in the OLS that turns negative in the IV in Panel B. The top of the IV
95% confidence interval is 0.24. With a mean monthly promotion rate in our sample of
approximately 1.5pp, we can rule out that a 1 increase in MOR would increase the promotion
probability by more than about 15%. Recall that we find 1 decreases attrition by 28%, so
the top of the confidence interval for promotion is about half as large.
Column 4 shows no relation between MOR and patent applications. The mean patent
rate in-sample is roughly 0.002 patents per worker-month, or about 3 times the size of the
IV standard error. To address the fact that many patents are not valuable, column 5 an-
alyzes citation-weighted patents, defined as a worker’s patent applications in a month, plus
log(1+citations to those patents), and we still observe no relation. For citation-weighted
patents, the mean rate is also about 3 times the IV standard error. To focus on new inven-
tions (as opposed to revisions of past applications), we conservatively restrict attention in
Table 8 to patent applications where the priority date equals the application date. If we do
not make this restriction, our precision increases, with a coefficient very close to 0 and an IV
standard error 4 times smaller than the mean patent rate.
Research designs. Appendix Table C18 performs our di↵erent research designs for
non-attrition outcomes. While the di↵erent designs provide consistent evidence that MOR
reduces attrition, they do not support that MOR a↵ects non-attrition outcomes.
Di↵erential attrition. That MOR reduces turnover could potentially bias estimation
for non-attrition outcomes. To address this, we repeated our analysis in Table 8 while re-
stricting to worker-months where a worker’s manager experiences zero subordinate attrition
events in the analysis sample (Panel A) or no more than 1 or 2 of such events (Panels B and
C). Our conclusions are substantively unchanged in such analyses.
A null result also occurs if the outcome is log salary or log restricted stock holdings. These results suggest
that MOR’s impact on attrition is unlikely to be driven by workers of high-MOR managers receiving greater
pay. We also examined whether subordinates of high-MOR managers have pay respond more to subjective
performance (contemporaneous or average) than subordinates of low-MOR managers, and saw no di↵erence.

Why do we see large impacts of people management on attrition, but not on
other outcomes? There are several possibilities. First, good people management may mat-
ter most for attrition, which may reflect whether an employee feels respected and motivated.
People management skills may matter less for subjective performance, salary growth, promo-
tions, or patents, for which technical talent and knowledge may be more important. Second,
it may be easier for a manager to reduce attrition (e.g., by making someone feel respected
and motivated), but harder to a↵ect subjective performance. Third, it could be that certain
outcomes take more time and interaction to be a↵ected, and that our data’s time-frame is too
short to observe such e↵ects. It is hard to distinguish these possibilities in our data.
While we do not see positive results for most non-attrition outcomes, we also do not
see negative ones. If MOR reduced attrition via giving employees lower workload or other
amenities that were against the firm’s interests, this would likely show up in negative non-
attrition results, but the results do not support such an interpretation.

7 How does the Firm Reward Good Managers?

We now examine whether MOR is “rewarded” by the firm in terms of how it evaluates,
compensates, and promotes its managers. In large high-skill firms such as the one we study,
the concept of reward is complex and multi-faceted. Individuals can be rewarded through
promotions, salary increases, or stock grants. The firm could also respond by changing span
of control, e.g., so that better people managers get to manage more people (Garicano, 2000).
We estimate regressions similar to those in Section 3 except the dependent variable is manager
rewards instead of employee outcomes. For OLS, this would be:
e j,⌧ (t) + ✓j,t
Rj,t = bm (8)
where Rj,t is a reward (e.g., subjective performance score, or stock grants) achieved by manager
j in month t. We include the same controls as for our analysis of worker outcomes. Relevant
robustness checks and calculation details are provided in Appendix A.14.
Manager subjective performance. Subjective performance is a critical measure of
reward at our firm, as the subjective score is a key determinant of financial rewards. As seen in
column 1 of Table 9, a 1 increase in MOR predicts a 0.09 increase in subjective performance
in OLS, but a 0.40 increase in subjective performance in IV. The IV estimate is substantial,
both statistically and economically. OLS is likely attenuated due to measurement error.
Promotions. Column 2 of Table 9 shows that a 1 increase in MOR predicts a 0.67pp
increase in promotion probability each month. Given the average monthly promotion rate of
roughly 1.5pp, a manager at the 90th percentile of MOR is over 3 times more likely to be

promoted than one at the 10th percentile. This suggests that the firm promotes good people
managers to higher levels of the firm where they may have greater impact, consistent with the
complementarity results shown in Section 5.
Compensation. A 1 increase in MOR is associated with a 1.4% larger increase in
salary over a 12-month period. The average annual increase in salary for managers is con-
fidential, but is between 4-8%, so the estimate is economically meaningful. Using 1-month
increase in log salary, there is also a significantly positive IV relationship. Another means of
compensation, particularly in high-tech firms, is restricted stock grants, which are given to
reward and retain valued employees. Table 9 shows that there is no relation between MOR
and the level of an employee’s stock grant holdings, or between MOR and disbursement of
new stock grants. Thus, higher people management skills predict high salary growth, but not
stock grants.
We also analyzed the level of salary (instead of increases in salary) and saw no significant
relation with MOR. We do not combine salary and stock grants because stock grants take
time to vest and are hard to value. The firm also pays non-stock cash bonuses, but much of
these are based on firm performance, and are not included in our data.
Span of control. Column 6 shows that an increase in MOR by 1 predicts an increase in
a manager’s 12-month change in span of control by 0.3 individuals, but this is not statistically
significant. The standard error of 0.3 also seems relatively large.
Key individual designation. Individuals at the firm who are believed to be especially
important can be designated by the firm as “key individuals.” The designation is not perma-
nent. A 1 increase in MOR predicts a 2.1pp increase in the probability of being designated
a key individual, though the relation is not statistically significant. Roughly 20% of managers
are key individuals.
Manager VA as a regressor. Appendix Table C23 shows that attrition VA is not a
consistent predictor of rewards. We use split sample IV to address sampling error in VA. We
also observe that our MOR reward results from Table 9 are qualitatively robust to controlling
for attrition VA, i.e., a manager with higher MOR is more likely to receive rewards, even
controlling for the manager’s ability to retain workers. This suggests, as one might expect,
that the firm values MOR beyond its impact on attrition.
Discussion. Table 9 shows that better people managers receive significant rewards
from the firm in some important dimensions. Even though the firm has a strong engineering
culture and values technical skills, it still rewards people management skills. One important
caveat regarding the reward results is that we only observe a relatively short panel. Given that
subjective performance and promotions are often the gateway to future rewards, we speculate

that MOR might be rewarded to an even greater extent in the longer-run than seen here.
To get a sense of the long-run importance of the estimates, note that increasing MOR
from the 10th to 90th percentile increases the annual chance of promotion by 21pp. Thus,
after a 10-year period, a manager in the 90th percentile of MOR will have experienced two
more promotions on average than a manager in the 10th percentile, which represents a large
di↵erence in the firm’s hierarchy.
Another question is, for high MOR managers, how much cost does the firm incur in higher
manager salaries relative to the benefits of lower worker turnover? Using (1) that managers at
p90 of MOR receive an additional 3.6% salary raise each year relative to managers at p10 of
MOR, (2) that average manager duration at the firm is roughly 6 years, and (3) that managers
earn roughly 50% more than their workers, we estimate that the firm pays out roughly 0.27
in higher salaries for each 1 in benefit from lower turnover. Hence, the extra pay that high
MOR managers receive are well worth the return to the firm from lower attrition of employees.

8 Conclusion
Managers are at the heart of organizations, but measuring what managers do is challenging.
An approach taken in studying CEOs and managers in lower-skill firms has been to calculate
a manager’s VA using performance metrics. However, such an approach is hard to take to
knowledge-based firms and other firm contexts where objectively measuring productivity is
challenging. We pursue an alternative approach using employee surveys. Employee surveys
also help us address a di↵erent research question. VA papers answer: how much do managers
matter overall? We answer: how much do people management skills, or interpersonal skills for
dealing with one’s subordinates, matter? Upward feedback surveys are used by many firms,
but we have little hard evidence on the importance of people management skills.
We find a strong, positive relationship between people management skills and employee
retention, a critical outcome in high-skill firms. Results are particularly strong for attrition
that is “bad” from the firm’s perspective. A causal interpretation is strengthened using
several complementary research designs. The results imply that replacing a manager at the
10th percentile of people management skills with one at the 90th percentile reduces the total
subordinate labor costs by 5% solely from lower hiring costs due to less attrition. Moreover,
managers with better people management skills receive higher subjective performance scores,
are more likely to be promoted, and receive larger salary increases, consistent with the firm
attaching significant value to these skills. Interestingly, we find little relationship between
people management skills and most observed non-attrition employee outcomes, though this
could occur because many aspects of worker behavior are not observed or because the time-

frame of our dataset is too short.
While our conclusions are specific to one firm, our main findings on the importance
of people management skills are robust across di↵erent hierarchy levels, geographies, and
occupations within the large, multinational firm we study. This strengthens the case for
external validity, and suggests that our conclusions may hold in other contexts.
Our results help open the black box of managerial production. One open question is,
what are the precise managerial behaviors by which people management skills matter? While
unavailable to us, email or calendar data might further elucidate manager behavior. Also,
what interventions (if any) can improve people management skills in high-skill workplaces?
Future work can help further open the black box by answering these questions.

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Figure 1: Manager Overall Rating (MOR): Correlation across Surveys and Histograms

85 80
MOR in P2
75 70

Coefficient = 0.371

40 60 80 100
MOR in P1

(a) Correlation of MOR across Two Surveys









0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
MOR in P1 MOR in P2

(b) MOR in Period 1 (c) MOR in Period 2

Notes: Panel (a) presents a binned scatter plot of MOR in period 2 on MOR in period 1 with no control
variables. We use “binscatter” in Stata. An observation is a manager. In the lower-right of the figure, we list
the regression coefficient (with a robust standard error in parentheses) for a manager-level regression of
MOR in period 2 on MOR in period 1. Panels (b) and (c) present histograms of MOR. In each period, 12%
of managers receive the highest score of 100. As discussed in Section 4.5, our main results are robust to
using MOR in quintiles or percentiles, or to excluding cases where MOR equals 100. We restrict attention in
this figure to managers who also appear in our cleaned data (i.e., after dropping duplicates, customer service
workers, and months in April-May Y3 , but before requiring workers to have MOR non-missing in both
periods) as workers.

Figure 2: Reduced Form Binned Scatter Plots: Regressing Attrition Variables on Current
Manager MOR in Other Period

1 .9
Mean monthly rate (x100)

Mean monthly rate (x100)



Coefficient = -0.154 Coefficient = -0.090
(0.032) (0.023)

-2 -1 0 1 2 -2 -1 0 1 2
MOR in Other Period MOR in Other Period

(a) Attrition (b) Quits


Mean monthly rate (x100)

Mean monthly rate (x100)




Coefficient = -0.061 Coefficient = -0.075


(0.015) (0.020)

-2 -1 0 1 2 -2 -1 0 1 2
MOR in Other Period MOR in Other Period

(c) Fires (d) Regretted Quits



Mean monthly rate (x100)

Mean monthly rate (x100)




Coefficient = -0.015 Coefficient = -0.443

(0.010) (0.174)

-2 -1 0 1 2 -2 -1 0 1 2
MOR in Other Period MOR in Other Period

(e) Non-regretted Quits (f) Worker changes manager

Notes: This figure presents binned scatter plots corresponding to the reduced form regressions in Table 3.
We use “binscatter” in Stata with 20 bins. Controls are the same as in Table 3.

Figure 3: Impacts of MOR on Attrition Outcomes by Quarter Since Getting a New


IV coefficient estimate

IV coefficient estimate



0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3
Quarter relative to manager change Quarter relative to manager change

(a) Attrition (b) Quits


.5 0
IV coefficient estimate

IV coefficient estimate



0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3
Quarter relative to manager change Quarter relative to manager change

(c) Fires (d) Regretted Quits



IV coefficient estimate

IV coefficient estimate




0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3
Quarter relative to manager change Quarter relative to manager change

(e) Non-regretted Quits (f) Worker changes manager

Notes: The dotted lines show 95% confidence intervals on coefficients, with standard errors clustered by manager. This figure
comes from IV regressions similar to those in Table 5, with one main di↵erence. The main di↵erence is that instead of using
MOR, we use MOR interacted with quarters since getting a new manager. In addition, we include dummies for the quarter
since getting a new manager. “Quarter 0” includes the month during which a worker gets a new manager, followed by the two
months after (i.e., months 2 and 3). “Quarter 3” includes months 10, 11, and 12. Beyond quarters 0-3 shown here, our
regressions also include an interaction of MOR with a single dummy for being in quarters 4 or 5 (this is a small bin, including
about 5% of observations in the analysis, whereas the other bins each include about 10% or more). Separate from the MOR
interaction terms, the dummies for the quarter since getting a new manager include separate dummies for quarters 4 and 5.
Both current period MOR (the regressor) and other period MOR 31 (the instrument) are interacted with quarters since getting a
new manager. Getting a new manager can occur by joining the firm or by switching managers.
Figure 4: Heterogeneity in the MOR-Attrition Results by a Worker’s Position in the Firm Hierarchy

-.6 0
-.4 -.2
MOR coefficient

Attrition Quit Fire Regretted Non-regretted Manager
(x100) (x100) (x100) quit quit change
p= .04 p= .02 p= .36 (x100) (x100) (x10)
p= .13 p= .01 p= .02

Low in Hierarchy 95% CI

Medium or High in Hierarchy 95% CI

Notes: This figure shows how the relationship between normalized manager MOR and worker attrition varies by a worker’s position in the firm
hierarchy. We show results from an IV regression of di↵erent worker attrition outcomes on manager MOR in the current period and manager MOR in
the current period interacted with whether the worker is currently at a medium or high position in the firm hierarchy. The instruments are manager
MOR in the other period and manager MOR in the other period interacted with whether the worker is currently at a medium or high position in the
firm hierarchy. The full specification appears in Panel E of Appendix Table C15. In the figure here, the coefficients on “Low in Hierarchy” correspond
to those on MOR, whereas the coefficient on “Medium or High in Hierarchy” correspond to the sum of the coefficients on MOR and MOR x (Medium
or High in Hierarchy). The standard error for “Medium or High in Hierarchy” is computed in Stata using “lincom” (i.e., using the Delta Method).
The 6 p-values shown are tests of whether the coefficient on MOR x (Medium or High in Hierarchy) equals 0, i.e., whether there is a di↵erential e↵ect
of MOR by hierarchy. The whiskers show 95% confidence intervals, with standard errors clustered by manager.
Table 1: Summary Statistics

Panel A: Overall numbers

Share of records, employee in U.S. 0.70
Share of records from managers 0.21
Share of records for engineers 0.36
Worker is co-located with their manager 0.81
Worker has same function as their manager 0.86
Average manager span (employees/mgr) 9.35
Managers per employee in the sample 1.39
Managers per employee (weighted by tenure) 1.52
Worker was hired during the sample period 0.29
Low level in the firm hierarchy 0.57
Medium level in the firm hierarchy 0.35
High level in the firm hierarchy 0.08

Panel B: Summary statistics for outcomes and regressors

Variable: mean sd min max
Attrition probability (monthly) x100 1.37 11.64 0 100
Quit probability (monthly) x100 0.79 8.86 0 100
Fire probability (monthly) x100 0.29 5.39 0 100
Regretted quit prob (monthly) x100 0.62 7.86 0 100
Non-regretted quit prob (monthly) x100 0.17 4.11 0 100
Subjective performance rating 3.32 0.81 1 5
Log salary Confidential
Promotion probability (monthly) Confidential
Patents (monthly) Confidential
Manager overall rating (MOR) 81 15 15 100
Manager gives clear expectations 84 16 0 100
Manager provides coaching 75 21 0 100
Manager supports career dev 77 19 0 100
Manager involves people in decisions 84 17 0 100
Manager instills positive attitude 83 18 0 100
Manager is someone I trust 83 17 0 100
Notes: This table presents important summary statistics regarding our analysis sample. The data are at the
employee-month level. While exact sample size cannot be shown to preserve firm confidentiality, our sample
contains well over 1,000 managers, 10,000 workers, and 100,000 worker-months. Observation counts vary
slightly by variable, reflecting that our dataset is created by linking multiple firm data files. We also cannot
disclose the exact time frame of the sample, but the sample is for a 27-month period between January Y1
and March Y3 in 2011-2015. Thus, Y1 corresponds to 2011, 2012, or 2013, but we cannot disclose which year
it is. In Panel A, “Share of records, employee in U.S.” refers to the share of employee-months in the dataset
where the employee is working at a U.S. location. Weighted by tenure means weighted by the number of
months that an employee is in our analysis sample. “Co-located with manager” refers to the share of
employee-months where the employee and manager are working at the same location. For several
non-attrition outcomes, we cannot give exact summary statistics. However, as part of Sections 6 and 7, we
provide approximate mean values in-text as appropriate to help interpret the regression coefficients. The
overall attrition probability is greater than the sum of the quit and fire probabilities because there are a
number of exits which are not classified in the data as33voluntary or involuntary.
Table 2: Managerial Characteristics are Persistent: Predicting Manager Ratings on Di↵erent Dimensions in the Y2 Survey
using Ratings from the Y1 Survey

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

Dep. Variables: Overall Clear Coaching Career dev Involves Positive Someone
MOR expectations people in attitude I trust
Characteristic in Y1 0.37*** 0.25*** 0.29*** 0.31*** 0.29*** 0.43*** 0.35***
(0.04) (0.04) (0.03) (0.03) (0.04) (0.04) (0.04)
R-squared 0.23 0.18 0.21 0.22 0.18 0.25 0.20
Notes: Robust standard errors in parentheses. An observation is a manager. Each column regresses a normalized managerial score variable in Y2 on
the same variable in Y1 . For example, column 1 regresses a manager’s overall rating (MOR) in Y2 on a manager’s MOR in Y1 as well as control
variables. The sample is restricted to managers for whom we have manager scores for both waves of the employee surveys. We include control
variables corresponding to a manager’s first observation in the data as a manager. All regressions include business unit dummies, job function
dummies (8 categories), salary grade dummies, dummies for year of hire (observations before 2001 are lumped in one category), and location
dummies. Locations with less than 2,000 employee-months in the raw data before exclusions are lumped into a separate location category, and we also

include a separate dummy variable for a location being in the U.S. The questions from the survey are listed in the main text in Section 2.1. *
significant at 10%; ** significant at 5%; *** significant at 1%
Table 3: MOR and Employee Attrition: Baseline Results

Specification: 1st Stg OLS IV Reduced Form

Panel A: Attrition
MOR in other period 0.325*** -0.154***
(0.029) (0.032)
MOR in current period -0.156*** -0.475***
(0.031) (0.103)
Mean dep. var. 1.374 1.374 1.374
F-stat on excl instrument 124.6
Panel B: Quits
MOR in other period 0.325*** -0.090***
(0.029) (0.023)
MOR in current period -0.103*** -0.278***
(0.023) (0.074)
Mean dep. var. 0.791 0.791 0.791
F-stat on excl instrument 124.6
Panel C: Fires
MOR in other period 0.325*** -0.061***
(0.029) (0.015)
MOR in current period -0.033** -0.188***
(0.014) (0.048)
Mean dep. var. 0.291 0.291 0.291
F-stat on excl instrument 124.6
Panel D: Regretted Quits
MOR in other period 0.325*** -0.075***
(0.029) (0.020)
MOR in current period -0.084*** -0.230***
(0.021) (0.065)
Mean dep. var. 0.621 0.621 0.621
F-stat on excl instrument 124.6
Panel E: Non-regretted Quits
MOR in other period 0.325*** -0.015
(0.029) (0.010)
MOR in current period -0.019** -0.048
(0.010) (0.030)
Mean dep. var. 0.169 0.169 0.169
F-stat on excl instrument 124.6

Notes: Standard errors clustered by manager in parentheses. An observation is an employee-month. In Panel

A, the dependent variable is a dummy for whether an employee attrites in a given month. In the other
panels, the dependent variable is a dummy for whether an employee experiences a particular type of attrition
event in a given month. In all regressions, the dependent variable is multiplied by 100 for readability. All
regressions include the same controls as in Table 2, plus current year dummies, the span of control for an
employee’s manager (plus a dummy for span being missing), and a 5th order polynomial in employee tenure.
Also, unlike Table 2, the controls are over time instead of for one month. While exact sample size cannot be
shown to preserve firm confidentiality, our sample contains well over 1,000 managers, 10,000 workers, and
100,000 worker-months. * significant at 10%; ** significant at 5%; *** significant at 1%

Table 4: MOR and Employee Attrition: Exploiting New Joiners

Specification: 1st Stg OLS IV Reduced Form

Panel A: Attrition
MOR in other period 0.296*** -0.163
(0.043) (0.114)
MOR in current period -0.252** -0.550
(0.100) (0.370)
Mean dep. var. 1.446 1.446 1.446
F-stat on excl instrument 47.19
Panel B: Quits
MOR in other period 0.296*** -0.190**
(0.043) (0.093)
MOR in current period -0.212** -0.643**
(0.086) (0.308)
Mean dep. var. 0.864 0.864 0.864
F-stat on excl instrument 47.19
Panel C: Fires
MOR in other period 0.296*** -0.052
(0.043) (0.054)
MOR in current period -0.028 -0.175
(0.045) (0.180)
Mean dep. var. 0.362 0.362 0.362
F-stat on excl instrument 47.19
Panel D: Regretted Quits
MOR in other period 0.296*** -0.181**
(0.043) (0.088)
MOR in current period -0.190** -0.613**
(0.083) (0.292)
Mean dep. var. 0.798 0.798 0.798
F-stat on excl instrument 47.19
Panel E: Non-regretted Quits
MOR in other period 0.296*** -0.016
(0.043) (0.017)
MOR in current period -0.024* -0.053
(0.015) (0.057)
Mean dep. var. 0.0603 0.0603 0.0603
F-stat on excl instrument 47.19
Notes: This table is similar to Table 3, but restricts to new employees joining the firm after the
administration of the second survey (i.e., during period 2). The sample size is 8% of that in Table 3. *
significant at 10%; ** significant at 5%; *** significant at 1%

Table 5: MOR and Employee Attrition: Exploiting New Joiners and People Switching

Specification: 1st Stg OLS IV Reduced Form

Panel A: Attrition
MOR in other period 0.280*** -0.093
(0.037) (0.069)
MOR in current period -0.157*** -0.332
(0.061) (0.236)
Mean dep. var. 1.512 1.512 1.512
F-stat on excl instrument 57.94
Panel B: Quits
MOR in other period 0.280*** -0.086
(0.037) (0.053)
MOR in current period -0.147*** -0.308*
(0.047) (0.185)
Mean dep. var. 0.880 0.880 0.880
F-stat on excl instrument 57.94
Panel C: Fires
MOR in other period 0.280*** -0.043
(0.037) (0.028)
MOR in current period -0.015 -0.153
(0.024) (0.097)
Mean dep. var. 0.327 0.327 0.327
F-stat on excl instrument 57.94
Panel D: Regretted Quits
MOR in other period 0.280*** -0.116**
(0.037) (0.047)
MOR in current period -0.127*** -0.412**
(0.045) (0.166)
Mean dep. var. 0.722 0.722 0.722
F-stat on excl instrument 57.94
Panel E: Non-regretted Quits
MOR in other period 0.280*** 0.029
(0.037) (0.019)
MOR in current period -0.020 0.105
(0.015) (0.073)
Mean dep. var. 0.158 0.158 0.158
F-stat on excl instrument 57.94
Notes: This table is similar to Table 3, but restricts to new employees joining the firm after the
administration of the second survey (i.e., during period 2) or to observations following a change in manager
during the second period. To avoid cases where a worker switches back to the manager they had when the
period 1 survey was administered, we also restrict to worker-months where a worker’s manager di↵ers from
the manager they had during September Y1 . The sample size is about 1/4 the size of that in Table 3. *
significant at 10%; ** significant at 5%; *** significant at 1%
Table 6: Testing for Assignment Bias: Predicting Employe Outcomes Before Manager Switch as a Function of MOR of Future

Dep. Var. Subjective Log Log Promoted Log Key

performance salary salary x100 stock individual
(normalized) x100 growth grant (x100)
x100 holdings
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Panel A: OLS
MOR of future manager 0.028 -0.776** 0.294* 0.170 2.326 0.785
measured in 2nd period (0.026) (0.394) (0.155) (0.149) (1.589) (0.640)
Panel B: IV
MOR of future manager 0.041 -0.574 0.795 0.176 8.495 -0.450

measured in 2nd period (0.106) (1.209) (0.567) (0.471) (9.357) (1.694)
F-stat on excl instrument 25.19 30.08 29.22 28.10 9.29 28.10
Panel C: Red. Form
MOR of future manager 0.011 -0.178 0.243 0.049 1.571 -0.126
measured in 1st period (0.029) (0.378) (0.175) (0.134) (1.667) (0.476)
Notes: Standard errors clustered by future manager in parentheses. An observation is an employee-month occurring during period 1 (January
Y1 -September Y1 ). The controls are the same as in Table 3. The table presents regressions of employee outcomes at the start of the sample as a
function of the MOR of the employee’s new manager. The sample is restricted to switchers from the Table 5 sample (i.e., people switching managers
in the second period and no new joiners) and restricts attention to the new manager after a worker’s first change in manager during the second
period. We include worker-months in period 1 where the worker’s current manager is not the new manager whose MOR we analyze. Panel A presents
regressions of employee outcomes on the new manager’s MOR as measured during period 2. Panel B presents IV regressions of employee outcomes on
the new manager’s MOR as measured during period 2, while instrumenting using the new manager’s MOR as measured during period 1. The
F-statistic on the excluded instrument varies across columns due to variation in the number of observations per column. Panel C presents the reduced
form regression of employee outcomes on the new manager’s MOR as measured during period 2. * significant at 10%; ** significant at 5%; ***
significant at 1%
Table 7: MOR and Employee Attrition: Exploiting Managers Moving Across Locations and
Job Functions

Specification: OLS OLS IV IV

Panel A: Attrition
MOR of current manager in 1st period -0.227** -0.661**
(0.108) (0.266)
MOR of current manager in 2nd period -0.234** -0.525**
(0.097) (0.222)
Mean dep. var. 1.458 1.458 1.458 1.458
F-stat on excl instrument 24.24 27.93
Panel B: Quits
MOR of current manager in 1st period -0.086 -0.181
(0.063) (0.151)
MOR of current manager in 2nd period -0.064 -0.199
(0.060) (0.131)
Mean dep. var. 0.722 0.722 0.722 0.722
F-stat on excl instrument 24.24 27.93
Panel C: Fires
MOR of current manager in 1st period -0.110* -0.246*
(0.059) (0.128)
MOR of current manager in 2nd period -0.087* -0.254**
(0.045) (0.118)
Mean dep. var. 0.238 0.238 0.238 0.238
F-stat on excl instrument 24.24 27.93
Panel D: Regretted Quits
MOR of current manager in 1st period -0.047 -0.224
(0.059) (0.142)
MOR of current manager in 2nd period -0.079 -0.108
(0.054) (0.120)
Mean dep. var. 0.606 0.606 0.606 0.606
F-stat on excl instrument 24.24 27.93
Panel E: Non-regretted Quits
MOR of current manager in 1st period -0.041 0.032
(0.031) (0.080)
MOR of current manager in 2nd period 0.011 -0.095
(0.031) (0.067)
Mean dep. var. 0.116 0.116 0.116 0.116
F-stat on excl instrument 24.24 27.93

Notes: Standard errors clustered by location-job function in parentheses. This table presents regressions as
in equation (6). An observation is a location-job function-period. We use the raw locations with no
groupings, and we exclude locations that have less than 10 worker-month observations in the data provided
before sample restrictions. The dependent variable is average attrition in that cell. The regressor is the
average MOR of managers for that cell, while measuring that manager’s MOR in a particular period. All
regressions include collapsed forms of the controls in Table 3, but instead of controlling for current year, we
control for period. The dataset here is created by collapsing variables (e.g., attrition, manager MOR) in our
main worker-month dataset to the location-job function-period level. * significant at 10%; ** significant at
5%; *** significant at 1%
Table 8: MOR and Employee Non-Attrition Outcomes

Dep. Var. Subjective Log Salary Promotion Patents Citation-

performance Growth (x100) (x100) (x100) weighted
(normalized) patents (x100)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Panel A: OLS
MOR in current period 0.053*** 0.123 0.072 0.029 0.048
(0.007) (0.079) (0.048) (0.025) (0.042)
Panel B: IV
MOR in current period 0.090*** 0.064 -0.020 0.011 0.038
(0.022) (0.205) (0.135) (0.065) (0.110)
F-stat on excl instrument 129.0 112.6 124.6 124.6 124.6

Panel C: Red. Form
MOR in other period 0.029*** 0.022 -0.006 0.004 0.012
(0.007) (0.071) (0.044) (0.021) (0.036)
Notes: Standard errors clustered by manager in parentheses. The controls are the same as in Table 3. Due to confidentiality, we cannot show the
means of most of the variables here, but we discuss approximate information about their levels as appropriate in Section 6 when we discuss the
results. In column 1, “subjective performance” is an employee’s subjective performance on a 1-5 scale. We then normalize scores across the full
sample. In column 2, “log salary growth” represents the change in a worker’s log salary from the present month to one year ahead, with coefficients
multiplied by 100 for readability. That is, for an employee in May Y1 , the outcome variable is log(salary) in May Y2 minus log(salary) in May Y1 . In
column 3, the outcome is whether an employee receives a promotion, with coefficients multiplied by 100 for readability. In column 4, the dependent
variable is patent applications per month, with coefficients multiplied by 100 for readability. In column 5, “citation-weighted patents” is defined as a
worker’s patent applications in a month, plus log(1+citations to those patents), with coefficients multiplied by 100 for readability. For the analysis of
patents and citation-weighted patents, to ensure we restrict to new inventions (as opposed to revisions of past patent applications), we restrict
attention to patent applications where the priority date equals the application date. The score is from 0-100, and is normalized across the full sample.
In Panel B, the F-statistic on the excluded instrument varies across columns due to variation in number of observations per column. * significant at
10%; ** significant at 5%; *** significant at 1%
Table 9: Manager Rewards

Dep var: Subjective Promoted Log Log Log Change in Key

performance (x100) salary stock change in span of individual
(normalized) growth grant stock control (x100)
(x100) holdings grants
(x100) (x100)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
Panel A: OLS
MOR in current period 0.0868*** 0.101 0.135 -2.685* 0.277 0.0637 -0.895
(0.0231) (0.0899) (0.162) (1.543) (3.190) (0.0937) (0.863)
Panel B: IV
MOR in current period 0.397*** 0.673** 1.405** -0.670 5.874 0.260 2.078
(0.083) (0.311) (0.627) (5.252) (9.943) (0.303) (2.696)

F-stat on excl instrument 67.44 67.46 46.16 55.97 54.56 49.83 67.46
Panel C: Red. Form
MOR in other period 0.131*** 0.221** 0.462** -0.216 1.882 0.0843 0.682
(0.0234) (0.0950) (0.193) (1.700) (3.173) (0.0986) (0.870)

Notes: Standard errors clustered by manager in parentheses. An observation is a manager-month. The controls are the same as in Table 3. Due to
confidentiality, we cannot show the means of most of the variables here, but we discuss approximate information about their levels as appropriate in
Section 7 when we discuss the results. “Subjective performance” is a manager’s subjective performance on a 1-5 scale, and then normalized.
“Promoted” is whether a manager receives a promotion in a given month, with coefficients multiplied by 100 for readability. “Log salary growth”
represents the change in a manager’s log salary from the present month to one year ahead. “Stock grant holdings” measure the value of a person’s
unvested stock grants. “Log change in stock grants” uses the data field from the firm on the value of new stock grants issued by the firm in the last
year, and takes the log. “Change in span of control” represents the change in a manager’s span of control from the present month to one year ahead.
The “key individual” designation by the firm to individuals who are deemed to especially important. In Panel B, the F-statistic on the excluded
instrument varies across columns due to variation in number of observations per column. Compensation variables are in nominal terms. * significant
at 10%; ** significant at 5%; *** significant at 1%

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