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SESSION 2020/2021







28 DECEMBER 2020

1.0 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................... 1-2

2.1 The case study description ...................................................................................................... 3
2.2 Explanation of the common unethical behavior................................................................... 3-4
2.3 Explanation related socio-culture issue................................................................................... 5
2.4 Description of the moral issues and evidence ...................................................................... 6-7

2.5 Explanation of viewpoints and value system considered to decide for a plan of action ......... 7
2.6 Explanation of the decision and the associated impacts ......................................................... 8
3.0 CONCLUSION ................................................................................................................................. 9
4.0 REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................... 10
5.0 APPENDICES ........................................................................................................................... 11-13

The Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994 (OSHA 1994) was made considering the
way that the Factories and Machinery Act (FMA) 1967 just secured word related safety and
health in the construction industries, mining and manufacturing industry, though alternate
businesses were not considered. The extent of OSHA 1994 covers all people that works in
public and private sectors with the exception of military forces. The Occupational Health and
Safety directions force the punishment to the employers, which they present of unsafe
working conditions for their employees noncompliance with the standards. To ensure the
occupational health and safety of the persons at working in danger places, the objectives of
OSHA 1994 are to protect workers at the workplace, to encourage an occupational safe
environment for the employee at their workplace adjusted to their physical and psychological
needs, and to offer the means whereby the associated occupational safety and health
legislations can be gradually changed by a system of regulations and endorsed industry codes
of practice.

Nowadays, work related accident became well-known as major concerned to the

industries involved. This kind of problem also closely faced by the manufacturing industry’s
workers that involve in the different operation of handing machine and different production
equipment like the use of molding machine, fabrication equipment, cranes, prime movers,
and forklifts and truck that is very much associated with the issue of safety and health
awareness. In an effort to promote the development of safety and healthy workplace, as it is
one of the important functions between the organization and workers to conduct their daily
operation in a safe and correct manner. Workers have the high level of health and safety
awareness that are able to conduct their work efficiently and professionally, where it possibly
might to prevent accidents that occurred at the work related. In the work environment mishap
happening during the everyday operations brings about hopeless scenario. So, when accident
happens, it should always reported to the health and safety officer to ensure that instant action
could be taken by the organization. Encourage assessment could be led to recognize the
factors that reason of accident and so in the future to prevent the accident.

A worker additionally earnest to report any near miss accident or injury either supervisor
or health and safety officer. This paper helps to identify potential hazards happen in different
sector, special focus on manufacturing sector and also address the different occupational
accident and diseases lungs, skin and muscular disorder and in the future so that avoid
accident and disease for the betterment. This review anticipated that would raise the level of
awareness towards wellbeing of health and safety needs at workplace. Furthermore,
employers or supervisors for most part can recognize what are the causes that play important
role accident among their workers and can take the protection measures in controlling them.


2.1 The case study description

A woman was inches away from certain death but instead escaped with just an injured
left hand when a concrete slab from the construction of the Sungai Besi-Ulu Klang
Elevated Expressway (SUKE) fell and hit her car today.

Cheras district police chief Mohd Mokhsein Mohamed Zon said that the woman was
driving along the Middle Ring Road 2 (MRR2) from Sungai Besi towards Ampang and
was nearing a “The 25-year-old woman, who was driving a Proton Saga BLM, was
rescued by members of the public before being sent to hospital for treatment,” he said.

The incident caused traffic congestion lasting two hours, while traffic was diverted.
Prolintas, the project developer, later confirmed the accident and said a stop-work order
had been immediately issued. It said the company would provide full cooperation for
investigations into the accident.

2.2 Explanation of the common unethical behaviour

Unfortunately, many businesses carry out unethical practices. Contractors and the
construction industry are often viewed as being unethical. Regrettably, there are many
contractors who are unethical, but equally, there are many clients who also engage in
unethical practices and don’t pay contractors the monies they are due. But not all
contractors are unethical, and nor are all clients unethical. (PAUL. 2017)

The behaviors could be viewed as being unethical.

1. Not ensuring your project is safe. This includes making sure neither your workers or
other people will be injured.
2. Giving the client a poor-quality project, or one that is defective. Frequently
contractors knowingly hide mistakes and poor-quality work. In some cases, these
defects have resulted in buildings collapsing, even killing people
3. supplying products that do not conform with the project specifications. Some
contractors try and save money by purchasing substandard materials.
4. Not paying employees their agreed wages and salaries at the agreed time.

5. Employing illegal migrants. Some companies employ workers without the correct
6. Client give the project to contractor when the contractor’s price is cheapest.

Ethical Behaviour

Engineers, as members of an important and learned profession, are expected to exhibit

the highest possible standards of honesty and integrity. In general, the quality of all
walks of life is directly and vitally impacted by engineering. With this in mind, the
engineers are therefore required to provide their services with highest possible honesty,
impartiality, fairness, and equity of which must be dedicated for the protection of the
public health, safety, and welfare. This is to say that engineers are subject to the
adherence of the highest principles of ethical conduct in line with the standard of
professional behaviour (NSPE, 2020).

Engineering ethics is about the application of the system of moral principles to the
practice of engineering. The field examines and from which the engineers will embed
within themselves their obligations towards to the society as a whole which include that
of their clients, and to the profession; and that it is closely connected to subjects relating
to the philosophy of engineering, philosophy of science, and the ethics of technology
(NSPE, 2020).

2.3 Explanation related to socio-culture issues
These days, safety culture has turned into the key factor determining the association's
wellbeing execution safety performance. Safety culture plays an important role to
deciding the organization’s success or failure. The role of safety culture also play among
the others targeted organization towards outstanding safety performance. In Malaysia,
there are different categories of manufacturing industry. There are the different kinds of
industry such as textile, petrochemical automotive, plastic, wood based, electronics and
many others. As most of accident were occur by the unsafe performances at their
workplace, so it’s very important that good attitude s should be possessed by individuals
in order to exhibit safety behaviors. For this situation, safety culture gives direction to the
workers to understanding the importance of working environment with safe workplace.
Safety culture organization promote belongingness, trust and participation among the
worker through their cohesiveness and membership. They remind each other on the
significance of safety and encourage communication through teamwork. In additional
safety culture offer them for the guidance of safety practices in the organization and also
provides the share values and beliefs that assist workers to realize organizational safety.
Furthermore to propagate safety information for launching communication networks and
safety activities, it emphasizes on broad participation by employees. It keeps up a
fundamental concentrate on the interior authoritative safety standard. In an association
with wellbeing safety trends, working environment safety has never been traded off with
efficiency. Pioneers lead the laborers by showing safety is an incentive to them and to the
association. They convince that the working environment is safe for the staff to perform
their responsibilities. In this way, workers will have more sureness to do their duties and
they can also enhance the productivity. As far as molding individual wellbeing practices,
safety culture supports the display of wellbeing consistence and safety interest conduct.
It advances wellbeing in the feeling of strengthening and self-belongingness.

2.4 Description of the moral issues and the evidence
It is important for employer to ensure the workplace or site is safe and to prevent of
the unwanted accident. With this action, employer give the high priority to employee. In
a company to manage the project, they must have administrators and staff who care
deeply about safety. Each people have their own play role in safety issue which shows
their moral value. Supervisor or safety officer in a company need to provide the training
and knowledge the procedure of safety action at the workplace to workers. All people
who want enter the site need to get a permission at post guard. This for the higher

Other than that, when someone just enter the site, they must apply PPE (personal
protection equipment) properly to prevent them from hazard. All workers responsible to
remind each other to use the PPE every time in the workplace if someone not follow the
advice from supervisor or safety officer to avoid an accident. In conclusion, all the
accidents happened in the workplace is because lack of information and communication
between workers and supervisor. All worker is responsible to play a role to create a
safety environment for all workers. The workers should be more concerned about safety
and not mix personal issue at workplace. (PAUL. 2017)

In line with Kermisch, Roeser made a similar plea for a more virtuous approach to
responsibility of which calls on the engineers to include emotional reflection into their
work so that they are able to eventually develop morally responsible technologies.
Roeser argues against the neutrality view on technology i.e. the view that technology is
value-neutral which is mainly engineering a predominantly mathematically, quantitative
discipline (Neelke Doorn, 2012).

The situation is such that Roeser is arguing for the inclusion of moral considerations in
the decision making in connection to risks, of which according to Roeser, emotions
provide the indispensable source of insight into these moral considerations; which is
based on the empirical psychological research, which indicated that risk perceptions by
lay people are primarily determined by emotions. According to Roeser, such moral
considerations are biases which will threaten objectivity and rationality in thinking about
what are acceptable risks; instead, such moral considerations will contribute to a correct
understanding in connection to the moral acceptability of a hazard. Roeser argued that
emotions such as sympathy and empathy will provide the necessary insight in fair

distributions of both risks and benefits, and on the other hand, fear and worry may
indicate that the technology is a threat to human well-being. And so, according to
Roeser, in order for these engineers sufficiently address these issues, they may want to
appeal to their emotions and also, including them in their work (Neelke Doorn, 2012).

2.5 Explanation of viewpoints and value system considered to decide for a plan of
From viewpoints of the case study at accident concrete fall down on proton saga in
KL, employers must complete a compilation of written process safety information before
conducting any process hazard analysis required by the standard. The compilation of
written process safety information, completed under the same schedule required for
process hazard analyses, will help the employer and the employees involved in operating
the process to identify and understand the hazards posed by those processes involving
highly hazardous chemicals. Process safety information must include information on the
hazards of the highly hazardous chemicals used or produced by the process, information
on the technology of the process, and information on the equipment in the process.

The employer shall document that equipment complies with recognized and generally
accepted good engineering practices. For existing equipment designed and constructed in
accordance with codes, standards, or practices that are no longer in general use, the
employer shall determine and document that the equipment is designed, maintained,
inspected, tested, and operated in a safe manner.

The compilation of the above described process safety information provides the basis
for identifying and understanding the hazards of a process and is necessary in developing
the process hazard analysis and may be necessary for complying with other provisions of
PSM such as management of change and incident investigations.

2.6 Explanation of the decisions and the associated impacts
Step to effective decision making

1. Identify the Decision: First, a leader must identify the decision. In other words,
you need to identify when a decision needs to be made. Clearly define the nature
of the decision.
2. Gather Information: Then, gather relevant information that will help you make a
good decision.
3. Identify Alternatives: After you gather internal and external information, identify
the alternatives as you are likely to have different paths or choices to make. List
those alternatives.
4. Weigh the Evidence: Next, you need to weigh the evidence. This is an
internal process. It can also be an emotional process. This is what takes the most
time in the decision making process.
5. Choose an Alternative: After you have weighed the evidence, you need to choose
among the alternatives. This is based on the first four items listed above.
6. Take Action: Then, you can take action. Only do this when you are ready to take a
positive action based on the alternative you chose.
7. Review Decision: Finally, review your decision. Remember, this will take some
time to accomplish.
Decision making makes a huge impact on an organization. It can either propel it forward
and into success. Or it can destroy the company’s value. The worst thing that a leader can
do is to not make a decision. There is always a better decision than not making a
decision. It reduces the uncertainty because you have already collected evidence,
weighed the alternatives, and went through various scenarios of how each decision will
potentially turn out.

Remember, poor decision making, skipping necessary steps or simply a lack of decision
making is a sign of lack of leadership. Not only is there a perception problem, but most
likely your business enterprise will suffer due to the lack of decision making. As
the business leader, trust your professional advisors and allow them to help you in the
difficult decision making process.

In conclusion, research on occupational accident in Malaysia is generally lacking and
needs to be strengthened. Future research should focus on high-risk industries
(manufacturing, construction, agriculture and transportation). Future occupational
management systems and the role of a safer design of the environment including equipment
and machinery. The effectiveness of OSHA should be evaluated and measures to further
implement it should be developed. Comparative research into the effectiveness of
occupational safety practices in our country with other developed nations will be helpful.
Despite more than 18 years have passed since OSHA was first implemented in Malaysia,
there has been no revision done on OSHA. Since Malaysia is a fast growing country since the
last three decades, there are certain provisions that may no longer be compatible with current
situation. For example, in the manufacturing industries, new machineries with new
technologies have been introduced which consequentially requires some of OSHA’s
provision to be revised.

For government, industry administration and workers an improvement in occupational

safety and health is needed. Mishaps at the job environment ought to be kept with the
participation from both managers and representatives on top of customary authorization from
the legislature. Occupational accidents are avertable and occupational accidents can be
omitted through proper safety measures. Compared to disabilities in terms of non-permanent
are less likely as compared to permanent disabilities and deaths. The administration, staffs
and DOSH must consolidate strengths and attempt to forestall future occupational accidents
by tending to the underlying reason of accidents. To develop a good safety trend at
workplace, the rules from government, employer and workers need to combine together.

Malaysia aimed to reduce the occupational accidents, however; the results show by
DOSH increase that Occupational Noise Induced Hearing Loss 83.7%, occupational
musculoskeletal diseases, 4.4% and occupational lung diseases 2.3%. But the as per the
record from DOSH that in last 5-Years, the increment in the fatal accidents by Average 26%,
Permanent Disability by Average 71% and Non-Permanent Disability by 64 % are
investigated only in Manufacturing Industries. The government must show their high interest
on such a vulnerable employees to accomplish the above aim. This step will be helpful for
planning to reduce the accidents in workplaces and it will also detect the prevention for the
future accidents.


1. PAUL. (2017). Construction project management services and construction books.

Retrieved from

2. NSPE. (2020). Code of Ethics for Engineers. Retrieved from

3. Neelke Doorn, I. v. (Mar, 2012). Editors’ Overview: Moral Responsibility in Technology

and Engineering. Retrieved from

4. The Strategic CFO (2020). How Decision Making Impacts An Organization. Retrieved

5. Faris Fuad - September 22, 2020. Siasatan kejadian konkrit SUKE jatuh perlu sebulan –
JKKP. Retrieved from

6. Government of Malaysia. Occupational Safety and Health Act (Act 514) 1994

7. Knowledge Management to Promote Occupational Safety and Health at the Malaysian

Manufacturing Workplace: Reposed in Occupational Safety and Health Committees?

Ummu Kolsome Farouk, Stanley Richardson and Arul Jeganathan Solucis

Santhapparaj Multimedia University, Malaysia

10 | P a g e

Minister of Works, Datuk Seri Fadillah Yusof saw a concrete panel on the side wall of the
bridge that fell from the highway construction structure at Sungai Besi- Ulu Kelang
Expressway (SUKE) construction project that hit a vehicle. – FB of Minister

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A wall concrete fell on the victim's car. - NSTP

The situation of the SUKE highway which is under construction after the incident of the
parapet wall of the highway construction structure fell and crashed into a car. - NSTP / Fathil

A woman survived after the Proton Saga FLX she was driving was hit by concrete on the
Central Ring Road 2 (MRR2), near the South Integrated Terminal (TBS), last Saturday.

12 | P a g e
Gantt Chart:

13 | P a g e

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