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Use of Bricks Crush Material in Concrete

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and Building

Construction and Building Materials 22 (2008) 886–893


The use of coarse and fine crushed bricks as aggregate in concrete

Farid Debieb a, Said Kenai b,*

Civil Engineering Department, University of Médéa, Médéa, Algeria
Geomaterials Laboratory, Civil Engineering Department, University of Blida, Blida, Algeria

Received 1 November 2005; received in revised form 7 December 2006; accepted 20 December 2006
Available online 7 February 2007


Recycling and reuse of building rubble present interesting possibilities for economy on waste disposal sites and conservation of nat-
ural resources. This paper examines the possibility of using crushed brick as coarse and fine aggregate for a new concrete. Either natural
sand, coarse aggregates or both were partially replaced (25, 50, 75 and 100%) with crushed brick aggregates. Compressive and flexural
strengths up to 90 days of age were compared with those of concrete made with natural aggregates. Porosity, water absorption, water
permeability and shrinkage were also measured. The test results indicate that it is possible to manufacture concrete containing crushed
bricks (coarse and fine) with characteristics similar to those of natural aggregates concrete provided that the percentage of recycled aggre-
gates is limited to 25% and 50% for the coarse and fine aggregates, respectively.
 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Recycling; Crushed brick aggregate; Mechanical properties; Water absorption; Shrinkage

1. Introduction Crushed bricks as aggregates are of particular interest,

because their use can considerably reduce the problem of
During the last decades, it has been recognized with waste storage and simultaneously helps the preservation
growing concern that wastes from construction and demo- of natural aggregate resources. There are however some
lition sectors are of large volume and that this volume is obstacles for the use of crushed bricks aggregates in con-
increasing year by year. In Algeria particularly, a huge crete: codes limitations on water absorption and impurities
quantity of waste is produced every year on construction and lack of knowledge about the behaviour of concretes
sites while other large quantities are coming from building made of crushed bricks. This generates the mistrust of
failures due to earthquake or other causes [1,2]. On the users. The first use of crushed brick with Portland cement
other hand, the needs for housing are estimated as more was recorded in Germany (1860) for the manufacturing
than two millions units and some construction materials of concrete products, but the first significant use of crushed
like natural sand are becoming rare [3]. The waste storage brick as aggregates in new concrete has been recorded for
disposals are becoming a serious environmental problem, reconstruction after the Second World War [4].
especially for main cities where disposal sites are lacking. Recent successful studies on the use of crushed bricks as
Wastes from construction materials, materials factories, aggregates in concrete have been reported in some Euro-
demolition sites, earthquakes and natural disasters are pean and American countries [5]. However, they are mainly
until now rarely used in Algeria: there is hence a need for devoted to experiences with crushed bricks as coarse aggre-
recycling more and more waste materials. gates, only a few of them describe concrete made with the
fine fraction or coarse and fine aggregates [4,6].
The objective of this paper, is to present the results of
Corresponding author. Tel.: +213 25433939; fax: +213 21404921. experimental investigations on physical and mechanical
E-mail address: (S. Kenai). properties of concrete made with coarse and fine crushed

0950-0618/$ - see front matter  2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
F. Debieb, S. Kenai / Construction and Building Materials 22 (2008) 886–893 887

bricks aggregates. Natural aggregates (coarse, fine or both) tion of crushed brick aggregates is due to the higher poros-
are substituted by weight by crushed bricks at rates varying ity of the original bricks.
from 0, 25, 50, 75 or 100%. Compressive and flexural Keeping the same granular skeleton and the same quan-
strengths are evaluated and compared up to 90 days of tity of cement, two concrete families (natural and recycled
age. Specific properties of the aggregates are also com- concretes), and 16 different concrete mix proportions have
pared. Porosity, water absorption, water permeability and been tested. Either natural sand, coarse aggregates or both
shrinkage are also measured. were partially replaced (25, 50, 75 and 100%) with crushed
brick aggregates. The mixes were prepared according to
2. Materials and testing procedures Dreux mix design method [7], with 1119 kg of coarse aggre-
gates (5/15), 730 kg of fine aggregates (0/5) and 350 kg/m3
The raw materials used for this study are natural coarse of cement. In order to limit the number of mixes and to be
(NG) and fine (NS) calcareous aggregates, coarse (RG) and able to compare them on a common basis, a constant
fine (RS) crushed bricks aggregates and a Portland cement slump of 60–80 mm for the different percentages of substi-
type CEM I-32.5 from Meftah local factory, with a Blaine tution (0, 25, 50, 75 and 100%) has been imposed and the
fineness of 3160 cm2/g. The grain size distribution of natu- water content was varied in consequence. Table 2 summa-
ral and recycled aggregates used is presented in Fig. 1 and rises all the mixed compositions.
their physical and mechanical properties are summarized in The compressive strength was measured at the ages of
Table 1. The grain size distribution of natural and crushed 3, 7, 28 and 90 days, respectively on cubic 100 · 100 ·
aggregates is comparable. However, fine recycled aggre- 100 mm specimens using a testing machine with a maxi-
gates are coarser. Recycled brick aggregates present rela- mum load capacity of 3000 kN (according to NF P
tively lower bulk density and higher water absorption 18-406 [8]). The flexural strength was measured on
compared to natural aggregates. The higher water absorp- 70 · 70 · 280 mm specimens at the ages of 7, 28 and 90
days by a four-point bending test, using a testing machine
with a maximum load capacity of 30 kN (according to NF
100 P 18-407 [9]). At the age of 28 days, the modulus of elastic-
NG ity of concrete was measured using a mechanical extensom-
eter and electrical gauges on 160 · 320 mm cylindrical
concrete specimen according to ISO 6784 [10]. Shrinkage
Cumulative passing (%)

70 was measured using 70 · 70 · 280 mm prisms specimens
60 according to NF P 18-432 [11]. All the moulds were cov-
50 NS ered by plastic sheets and stored for 24 h in the laboratory
prior to demoulding afterwards, they were cured into water
at 20 C with the exception of specimens for shrinkage that
30 RS were stored in laboratory conditions (T = 25 C and a
20 RH = 50–60%). The rate of capillary absorption of water
was evaluated on mature concrete when 90 days old and
using 70 · 70 · 280 mm prisms specimens: the lower side
0 of the sample was placed into water (h = 20 mm) and peri-
0,01 0,1 1 10 100
odically removed and weighed (according to NF P 10-502)
Sieve size (mm)
[12]. The water permeability of the concrete was measured
Fig. 1. Grading of natural and recycled aggregates. on 160 · 320 mm cylinders specimens using the water pen-

Table 1
Physical and mechanical properties of natural and crushed brick aggregates
Properties NG NS RG RS Norm
Specific weight (kg/m3) 2822 2987 2232 2496 NF P 18-555 (1990)
Bulk density (kg/m3) 1695 1847 1924 1010 NF P 18-554 (1990)
Water absorption (%) 1.5 1.0 11.5 14.0 NF P 18-554 (1990)
Sand equivalent – 69.29 – 84.02 NF P 18-598 (1991)
Porosity (%) – – 38.82 59.54 NF P 18-555 (1990)
Fineness modulus – 2.71 – 3.91 NF P 18-598 (1991)
Impurities (%) 3.31 – 0.79 – NF P 18-591 (1990)
Los-Angeles (%) 36.3 – 31.6 – NF P 18-573 (1990)
Micro-Deval (%) NF P 18-572 (1990)
Dry 19.0 – 13.0 –
Wet 39.6 – 34.2 –
NG, natural gravel; NS, natural sand; RG, coarse crushed bricks aggregates and RS, fine crushed bricks aggregates.
888 F. Debieb, S. Kenai / Construction and Building Materials 22 (2008) 886–893

Table 2
Composition of concrete mixes
Mix notation Type of concrete W/C NG (%) RG (%) NS (%) RS (%) Observation
C0 C0/0 0.61 100 0 100 0 –
C1 C25/0 0.60 75 25 100 0 –
C2 C50/0 0.59 50 50 100 0 –
C3 C75/0 0.58 25 75 100 0 –
C4 C100/0 0.57 0 100 100 0 –
C5 C0/25 0.69 100 0 75 25 –
C6 C0/50 0.77 100 0 50 50 –
C7 C0/75 0.85 100 0 25 75 –
C8 C0/100 0.93 100 0 0 100 –
C9 C50/50 0.75 50 50 50 50 –
C10 C100/100 0.89 0 100 0 100 –
C11 C100/100+ 0.86 0 100 0 100 + 1% plasticiser
C12 C75/25 0.66 25 75 75 25 –
C13 C100/50 0.72 0 100 50 50 –
C14 C25/75 0.85 75 25 25 75 –
C15 C50/100 1.08 0 100 50 50 –
CG/S indicates the percentage of substitution in coarse (G) and fine (S) recycled aggregates, NG, natural gravel; NS, natural sand; RG, coarse crushed
bricks aggregates and RS, fine crushed bricks aggregates.

etration test described in NBN B 15-222 [13]. A constant could not be fully soaked and absorbed part of the mixing
water pressure is applied from the higher side of the sample water; higher water content was then required for mixes
for 24 h and water penetration is measured on the two half- containing these fine brick aggregates as natural sand
cylinder obtained after splitting of the specimen. Each test replacement.
was carried out on three samples. The results reported in The colour of the concrete recycled brick specimen con-
this paper are the mean values obtained. verges from the grey towards a pink to reddish colour
according to the percentage of recycled aggregates. Densi-
3. Results and discussion ties of crushed bricks concretes were found to be lower (up
to 17%) than those of the natural aggregates concrete (ref-
3.1. Fresh concrete erence concrete) and the percentage of entrained air
increases as the percentage of substitution of recycled
In order to limit the number of compositions and to be aggregates increases. Concrete with 100% of coarse and
able to compare them on a common basis, it has been fine aggregates presented some segregation and hence de-
decided to carry out the research project at a constant moulding was delayed until 56 h after casting.
workability (slump between 60 mm and 70 mm), the water
content has been adapted (Fig. 2). Coarse aggregates did 3.2. Hardened concrete
not absorb any mixing water because the mix design
method used is based on coarse aggregates in a saturated 3.2.1. Compressive strength
surface dry condition (SSD), they were hence soaked into The compressive strengths of the various mixes are pre-
water for 24 h before use. However, fine brick aggregates sented in Figs. 3–5 for ages of 3, 7, 28 and 90 days, respec-
tively. It clearly appears that the compressive strength is
lower for crushed brick concrete: the higher the rate of sub-
Coarse Fine Coarse and fine
350 stitution, the lower the compressive strength. At 28 days
old, the decrease in compressive strength was in the order
of 10–35% for the recycled coarse aggregates concrete
water content (l/m concrete)

(Fig. 3), which is in agreement with the results of Devenny
290 et al. [5,14,15] who found decreases up to 20%. It should be
270 noted that few other researchers [16] found higher com-

250 pressive strengths for crushed brick concrete than for com-
230 parable ordinary concrete.
The decrease for the recycled fine aggregates concrete
(Fig. 4) was about 30% and reached up to 40% when both
coarse and fine aggregates were used (Fig. 5). This strength
170 decrease could be due to the high water absorption of recy-
150 cled fine aggregates. Hence, substitution of both coarse and
0 25 50 75 100 fine aggregates with recycled brick aggregates should be
Recycled aggregates (%)
done with caution as it can adversely affect the compressive
Fig. 2. Quantity of water needed for a constant slump of 70 mm.. strength.
F. Debieb, S. Kenai / Construction and Building Materials 22 (2008) 886–893 889

40 The use of a plasticizer admixture has a positive effect by

3 days
decreasing the water content and consequently increasing
35 7 days
compressive strength (about 13%).
28 days
In order to estimate the development of compressive
Compressive strength (MPa)

30 90 days
strength of the recycled crushed brick concretes with time,
25 the following formula Eq. (1), proposed by the French rein-
forced concrete code BAEL 91 [17] for ordinary concrete,
has been selected as it seems to be well correlated with
the results we obtained.
10 Rcj ðMPaÞ ¼ Rc28 ð1Þ
4:76 þ 083j
5 where Rcj and Rc28 are the compressive strength after j and
28 days, respectively.
0 25 50 75 100
Before testing for compressive strength, all the speci-
Coarse crushed brick aggregates (%) mens were tested by means of Schmidt hammer and ultra-
sonic pulse velocity. Fig. 6 shows that there is a good
Fig. 3. Concrete compressive strength evolution with coarse crushed brick correlation between the compressive strength predicted by
aggregates substitution rate.
these non-destructive methods and the destructive test.
The correlations established for natural aggregates con-
3 days
crete could be consequently used for recycled aggregates
35 7 days concrete. A polynomial relationship (Eq. (2)) can be used
28 days to predict the decrease of compressive strength for recycled
Conpressive strength (MPa)

90 days aggregates concrete (Fig. 7)

25 y ¼ 99:67  1:49x þ 0:02x2  1:18E  4x3 ð2Þ
20 where y is the compressive strength at 28 days in MPa and
x is the rate of natural aggregates substitution.

10 3.2.2. Flexural strength

Although the angular shape of the crushed material and
5 its surface roughness are generally beneficial for a good bond
between the crushed brick aggregates and the cement paste,
0 25 50 75 100 which could hence increase the flexural strength perfor-
Fine crushed brick aggregates (%) mances [5], a decrease in flexural strength was observed in
a similar pattern to that observed for compressive strength.
Fig. 4. Concrete compressive strength evolution with fine crushed brick
aggregates substitution rate.

3 days 7 days 28 days 90 days Schmidt hammer Ultrasonic

40 37

Compressive strength (MPa)

Co m p r e s s i v e s t r e n g t h ( M P a )

25 27


10 17

0 12 17 22 27 32
C0 C9 C10 C11 C12 C13 C14 C15 Estimated compressive strength (MPa)
Concrete Mix
Fig. 6. Correlation between Schmidt hammer, ultrasonic pulse velocity
Fig. 5. Compressive strength of concrete with both coarse and fine and compression destructive test for concrete with crushed brick
crushed brick aggregates. aggregates.
890 F. Debieb, S. Kenai / Construction and Building Materials 22 (2008) 886–893

100 3.2.3. Modulus of elasticity

The modulus of elasticity varies in the same way as the
compressive strength and decreases with the percentage of
substitution of crushed brick aggregates. A reduction up to
30%, 40% and 50% of the modulus of elasticity was
Compressive strenth (%)

observed for coarse, fine and both fine and coarse crushed
Regression line R = 0,83
bricks concrete, respectively, as compared to natural aggre-
80 gates concrete. Akhtaruzzaman et al. [16] reported a com-
parable reduction of 30% of the modulus of elasticity for
coarse crushed brick aggregates concrete.
3.2.4. Water absorption by capillarity
Regression curve R = 0,99 The water absorption test, allows to follow the evolution
of the average diameter of the largest capillaries on the sur-
60 face [18]. Some indications are deduced such as the dimen-
0 25 50 75 100
sion of the large capillaries and the volume of the fine
Coarse recycled aggregates (%)
capillaries. It is then possible to compare the recycled con-
cretes with the natural concrete with respect to durability
Fig. 7. Variation of compressive strength of concrete with coarse recycled [18,19].
Figs. 8–10 illustrates the water absorption by capillary
At 28 days of age, the decrease was about 15% reaching of different recycled concrete mixes. As might be expected,
up to 40% when coarse and fine recycled aggregates con- water absorption of crushed brick aggregate concrete was
crete were used. Table 3 summarises the results for all the significantly greater than that of the natural aggregate con-
mixes. This results seem to be in contradiction with that crete; this has also been reported by other researchers
found by Akhtaruzzaman who observed an increase in flex- [15,20]. Minimum water absorption for the recycled aggre-
ural strength of concrete made of crushed brick aggregates gates concrete was observed at respectively, 75% and 25%
[16]. The ratio between compressive/flexural strength varies replacement when using coarse and fine crushed brick.
from 8.1 to 11.8 and the formula proposed by Dreux [7] The use of a plasticizer admixture has a positive effect by
could very well predict the experimental results. decreasing the water absorption (Fig. 10).
Rcj Rcj
¼ 9 þ 1:3 ð3Þ 3.2.5. Water permeability
Rtj 100
During this investigation, the increase in water penetra-
where Rcj and Rtj are, respectively the compressive and flex- tion indicates higher water permeability (Fig. 11). Water per-
ural strength after j days. meability was found to be sometimes doubled with crushed
As for the compressive strength, the use of a plasticizer brick aggregates concrete compared to natural aggregates
admixture increases significantly the flexural strength of concrete. Caution should be taken in designing mixes using
about 75%. crushed brick as aggregates to avoid cracking and to reduce
durability problems for structural applications.
Table 3
Bending strength for recycled concretes (MPa)
Concrete mixes Rt (MPa)
C0/0 C25/0 C50/0
7 days 28 days 90 days C75/0 C100/0
C0/0 2.21 2.99 3.18 12.0
C25/0 1.47 2.40 2.81
Water absorption by mass (%)

C50/0 1.77 2.03 2.27 10.0

C75/0 1.68 2.18 2.38
C100/0 1.49 2.00 2.21 8.0
C0/25 2.14 2.43 2.59
C0/50 2.03 2.24 2.77 6.0
C0/75 2.37 2.24 2.64
C0/100 1.92 1.92 2.13 4.0

C50/50 1.36 2.30 2.52

C100/100 1.34 1.62 1.83
C100/100+ 1.55 2.87 2.91
C75/25 1.74 2.11 2.45
0 15 30 45 60 75 90
C100/50 1.31 2.04 2.38
C25/75 1.84 2.91 2.98 Time (min)
C100/50 1.61 1.81 2.17
Fig. 8. Water absorption by capillarity of coarse crushed brick concretes.
F. Debieb, S. Kenai / Construction and Building Materials 22 (2008) 886–893 891

C0/0 C0/25 C0/50 that of the natural concrete. The water permeability
C0/75 C0/100 decreases by about 11% when using of a plasticizer admix-
12.0 ture (Fig. 11).
Water absorption by mass (%)

3.2.6. Shrinkage
8.0 Figs. 12–14 show the substitution effect of natural aggre-
gates by crushed brick aggregates on drying shrinkage. It
6.0 can be clearly observed that coarse crushed bricks concrete
(CG/0) presents up to 28 days a delayed shrinkage com-
pared to natural aggregates concrete; this is followed by
an abrupt increase of up to 80% at 90 days of age.
For the fine crushed bricks concrete (C0/S), shrinkage at
0.0 early age is almost six times higher than for the natural
0 15 30 45 60 75 90 aggregates concrete and continues with the same rate of
Time (min) increase up to 90 days (Fig. 11). This is likely to be due
Fig. 9. Water absorption by capillarity of fine crushed brick concretes. to the fact that there will be some water movement in the
fine brick aggregates arising from changes in moisture con-
tent as drying proceeds.
C0/0 C50/50 C100/100 C100/100+
On the other hand, when both coarse and fine crushed
C75/25 C100/50 C25/75 C50/100
brick are used together as aggregates, the shrinkage of
the recycled concrete (CG/S) is stabilized at early age (up
Water absorption by mass (%)


C0/0 C 25/0 C 50/0
8.0 C 75/0 C 100/0

4.0 800
Shrinkage (µm/m)

0 15 30 45 60 75 90 400
Time (min)

Fig. 10. Water absorption by capillarity of both coarse and fine crushed 200
brick concretes.
2 7 28 60 90
Time (days)
C 100/100 + adm 140
Fig. 12. Shrinkage for coarse crushed brick concretes.

C 100/100 155
C0/0 C 0/25 C 0/50
C 0/75 C 0/100
Concrete mix

C 50/50 140 1000

C 0/100 130 800

Shrinkage (µm/m)

C 100/0 140 600

C0/0 60 400

Water penetration (mm) 200

Fig. 11. Water permeability for different mixes.

In the RILEM State of the Art Report No. 6 [4], differ- 2 7 28 60 90
Time (days)
ent researches established that permeability of the recycled
concretes was either similar or higher two to five times than Fig. 13. Shrinkage for fine crushed brick concretes.
892 F. Debieb, S. Kenai / Construction and Building Materials 22 (2008) 886–893

C0/0 C 75/25 C 100/50  Generally, the process of water absorption of a recycled

C 25/75 C 50/100 C50/50 concrete is similar to that of natural concrete and obeys
C100/100 C100/100+ to the same laws. The absorption test results clearly con-
firm that the higher the decrease of recycled concrete
1000 strength, the higher its porosity is significant, especially
more its large capillaries are of significant diameter.
Shrinkage (µm/m)

800  Shrinkage and water permeability increased with

crushed brick aggregates ratio. Up to 28 days, the coarse
crushed bricks concrete (CG/0) presents a delayed
400 shrinkage value compared to natural aggregates con-
crete, followed by an abrupt increase of up to 80% at
90 days of age. For fine crushed bricks concrete (C0/S),
0 shrinkage at early age is almost six times more impor-
2 7 28 60 90 tant than for natural aggregates concrete and continues
Time (days) with the same rate of increase up to 90 days. However,
Fig. 14. Shrinkage for coarse and fine crushed brick concretes.
the abrupt increase in shrinkage after 28 days need to
be further investigated to elucidate the reasons of the
trend observed.
to 7 days) and becomes comparable with that of the natural  For an optimal utilization of this type of concrete, The
concrete. At later age, shrinkage of recycled aggregates level of substitution should be limited to 25% and 50%
concrete is again higher than that of the natural concrete for coarse and fine crushed brick aggregates respectively,
(Fig. 14). Similar results have been reported by other inves- in order to obtain minimum quality concrete.
tigators [16]. The incorporation of fine crushed brick aggre-  Due to the lower performance of concrete with crushed
gates significantly increases the shrinkage (Fig. 13) and the bricks aggregates, structural concrete applications
use of plasticizer admixture is very beneficial (Fig. 14). should be limited to low performance concrete such as
pavement blocks and manufactured elements.
4. Conclusions
To confirm these results, tests of durability will be per-
The following conclusions may be reached from the formed in order to observe the microstructure and the per-
present investigations concerning the behaviour of coarse formances of this concrete under severe climatic conditions
and fine crushed bricks as aggregate in concrete mixes: such as hot and dry environments and/or under aggressive
sulfate or chloride attack after a long time.
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