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Waste Management: Abdelghani Naceri, Makhloufi Chikouche Hamina

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Waste Management 29 (2009) 2378–2384

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Use of waste brick as a partial replacement of cement in mortar

Abdelghani Naceri *, Makhloufi Chikouche Hamina
Geomaterials Laboratory, Civil Engineering Department, M’sila University, P.O. Box 166, Ichbilia, M’sila 28000, Algeria

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The aim of this study is to investigate the use of waste brick as a partial replacement for cement in the
Accepted 12 March 2009 production of cement mortar. Clinker was replaced by waste brick in different proportions (0%, 5%, 10%,
Available online 21 April 2009 15% and 20%) by weight for cement. The physico-chemical properties of cement at anhydrous state and
the hydrated state, thus the mechanical strengths (flexural and compressive strengths after 7, 28 and
90 days) for the mortar were studied. The microstructure of the mortar was investigated using scanning
electron microscopy (SEM), the mineralogical composition (mineral phases) of the artificial pozzolan was
investigated by the X-ray diffraction (XRD) and the particle size distributions was obtained from laser
granulometry (LG) of cements powders used in this study. The results obtained show that the addition
of artificial pozzolan improves the grinding time and setting times of the cement, thus the mechanical
characteristics of mortar. A substitution of cement by 10% of waste brick increased mechanical strengths
of mortar. The results of the investigation confirmed the potential use of this waste material to produce
pozzolanic cement.
Ó 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction (Wang et al., 2001). An increasing interest in the pozzolanic admix-

ture of clays with calcium hydrate has been shown recently by
A partial replacement of cement by waste materials as, fly ash, researchers dealing with the production of new hydraulic materi-
silica fume or blast furnace slag in cementing materials mixes als for the masonry industry. The two fundamental characteristics
would help to overcome these problems and lead to improvement of pozzolans are usually defined as: (a) ability to react with lime,
in the workability, strength and durability of cementing materials (b) ability to form insoluble products with binding properties
(Baronio and Binda, 1997). The waste brick is among the waste (Wild Gallius et al., 1997). Since an exact classification of pozzolans
materials. This would also lead additional benefits in terms of is difficult due to the many materials that show an identical behav-
reduction on cost, energy savings, promoting ecological balance iour when mixed with lime and water, it is commonly accepted to
and conservation of natural resources (Kaminskas et al., 2006). divide the pozzolans into natural and artificial categories. While
The continuing search for partial cement replacement materials natural pozzolans do not require any treatment when utilized, arti-
has led the authors to investigate the utilization of waste fired ficial ones result from chemical and/or structural modifications of
brick as a pozzolan for mortar and concrete. The environmental as- materials originally having no or weak pozzolanic characteristics.
pects of cement are a growing concern, as cement manufacturing is Artificial pozzolans usually assume pozzolanic character when
responsible for about 7% of total worldwide emissions from indus- suitable thermal treatment, which transforms their primary nat-
trial sources. One of the effective ways to reduce the environmen- ure, is given. The pozzolans are mostly composed of silica and alu-
tal impact is to use mineral additions, as a partial cement mina. The loss of combined water due to thermal treatments
replacement (Uzal and Turanli, 2003). This strategy will have the causes a demolition of the crystalline network of the clay constit-
potential to reduce costs, conserve energy, and waste minimiza- uents and the silica and alumina remain in a disordered but, in
tion. Mineral admixtures such as granulated blast furnace slag, every case, unstable amorphous state. It is clear that the calcina-
fly ash, silica fume and natural and artificial pozzolans are silica- tion of the bricks can have an effect on the hydraulicity and pozzo-
based pozzolanic materials so they can partially replace clinker. lanic action of lime mortars. The bricks must be fired at low
The use of mineral admixtures improve the compressive temperatures (less than 900 °C) in order to increase the specific
strength and permeability of the mortars and concretes with time, contact surface with the binder. Each clay has an optimum calcina-
because the total porosity decrease with increasing hydration time tion temperature range that causes breakdown of crystalline struc-
ture of the clay and formation of amorphous silica and alumina.
Therefore, it is useful to know the types of clay minerals of the
raw clay (Kavas and Olgun, 2008). The treatment causes, through
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (A. Naceri). the loss of combined water, the collapse of the crystallographic

0956-053X/$ - see front matter Ó 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A. Naceri, M. Chikouche Hamina / Waste Management 29 (2009) 2378–2384 2379

pozzolanicity of bricks and clays and the formation of silica and wastes play vital role both in solving industrial waste problem and
alumina in an amorphous state or in a state characterized by in getting benefit from it. This experimental work presents a study
disorder in the lattice structure (Vanchai et al., 2007). Pozzolanic on the blended cements produced in laboratory by intergrinding
materials react with calcium hydroxide Ca(OH)2 incorporated or crushed brick, clinker and gypsum. Characteristics examined in-
released in the hydration of Porland cement, forming hydrated clude mechanical response (flexural and compressive strengths)
phases that resemble Portland cement silicates hydration products of the mortar, X-ray diffraction (XRD) of waste brick, laser granul-
(Sabir et al., 2001). ometry (LG) of cements powders and scanning electron micros-
The result of this reaction is the formation of cementitious com- copy (SEM) of the mortar.
pounds. This pozzolanic reaction modifies some properties of the
cement and the resulting mortar or concrete. This is due to the
reaction between the amorphous silica of the pozzolanic and the 2. Experimental procedure
lime (calcium hydroxide) produced by the cement hydration reac-
tions (He et al., 1994). It has been shown that the calcination tem- 2.1. Materials
perature of clays has significant effect on the pozzolanic activity
depending on the type of the clay mineral. In this experimental work, we varied the percentage of the
Clay is a widespread natural material on all the continents and waste brick (artificial pozzolan) in cement by the substitution
in particular in the countries of North Africa (Algeria). Large quan- method (partial replacement of the clinker by the waste brick).
tities of waste brick are produced annually in Algeria. The waste The waste brick is generated by the manufacture of bricks. The
brick is generated by the manufacture of bricks. Therefore, utiliza- sand used in mortar mixes was a standard sand of 2 mm maximum
tion of crushed brick in the production of new materials will help aggregate size. The chemical compositions (oxide compositions) of
to protect environment. Recently the use of waste brick as replace- gypsum (G) and waste brick (WB) are reported in Table 1. Silicates
ment materials has been investigated. It consists of a variety of and aluminates are predominant in terms of chemical composition
phyllosilicate minerals rich in silicon and aluminium oxides and of waste brick (WB) that also indicates the presence of calcium,
hydroxides, which include variable amounts of structural water. iron and basic elements (sodium and potassium) in small quanti-
Clay is distinguished by its small size, layered shape, affinity for ties. Table 2 presents the chemical analysis of the clinker and the
water and tendency toward high plasticity (He et al., 1995). The Bogue composition.
Algerian clay industry (bricks, tiles, ceramics, etc.) has particular
problems (mineral wastes) with its very high level of mineral 2.2. Mix proportion
waste who remains without being to exploit until now. Waste
bricks is an artificial pozzolana and it can hydrated in the presence The investigation was performed using the mixes composition
of Ca(OH)2. for the preparation of the five types of cements containing clinker,
The formation of cementitious material by the reaction of free gypsum and waste brick of cement manufactured (CEM I, CEM II-1,
lime (CaO) with the pozzolan admixture (AlO3, SiO2, Fe2O3) in CEM II-2, CEM II-3 and CEM II-4). Table 3 presents the mixes com-
the presence of water is known as hydration (Caijun, 2001). The position of cements used in this experimental work. The chemical
hydrated calcium silicate gel or calcium aluminate gel (cementi- composition of the five cements used in this research have been
tious material) can bind inert material together. Since the lime determined by the testing method ‘‘X-ray Fluorescence Spectrom-
content of calcined clay is relatively low, addition of lime is neces- etry (XRF)”.
sary for hydration reaction with the pozzolan of the waste brick. The results of the chemical composition of the five cements pre-
The increase of rate of above reaction with temperature may be pared are presented in Table 4. The incorporation of the pozzolanic
due to increase of dissolution of Ca(OH)2 in solution giving more addition (waste brick) in cement at different percentages (0%, 5%,
Ca++ and OH ions. Hydration of tricalcium aluminate in the 10%, 15% and 20%) increases the oxides (SiO2, Al2O3 and Fe2O3)
calcined clay provides one of the primary cementitious products but decreases the oxide (CaO). The experiments of grinding for
in many clays (O’Farrell et al., 2006). The hydration chemistry of the five types of cements were performed in vibratory mills.
calcined clay is very complex. The presence of waste brick in the The sand/binder ratio was 3, and water/binder ratio was 0.5.
matrix enhances the early compressive strength of the mortar Clinker was replaced by pozzolanic admixture (fired brick) at var-
and the resistance of the mortar decreases with the increasing ious percentages (0%, 5%, 10%, 15% and 20%) by mass (weight). The
waste brick content. The early and long-term strength of the water used in this study was a potable drinking water. After pro-
mortar can be improved by the inclusion of slag and fly ash in duction of mortars, the moulded specimens were covered with
the matrix (Lawrence et al., 2003).
Industrial waste management is one of the major environmen-
tal problems in Algeria. Therefore, recycling and reuse of industrial
Table 3
Mixes composition of cements prepared.

Table 1 Cements Clinker (%) Waste brick (%) Gypsum (%)

Chemical composition (%, by weight) of gypsum and waste brick. CEM I 95 0 5
CEM II-1 90 5 5
Oxides (%) SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 CaO MgO K2O Na2O SO3
CEM II-2 85 10 5
Gypsum 07.70 03.20 01.44 26.82 01.40 – – 27.83 CEM II-3 80 15 5
Waste brick 66.52 14.20 5.45 6.06 2.35 2.09 0.67 0.75 CEM II-4 75 20 5

Table 2
Chemical analysis of the clinker and the Bogue composition.

SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 CaO MgO CaOfree SO3 C3S C2S C3A C4AF
22.10 04.57 03.95 66.34 01.60 00.02 00.54 65.70 14.15 5.42 12.03
2380 A. Naceri, M. Chikouche Hamina / Waste Management 29 (2009) 2378–2384

Table 4
Chemical composition of the five cements studied.

Cements SiO2 (%) Al2O3 (%) Fe2O3 (%) CaO (%) MgO (%) K2O (%) Na2O (%) SO3 (%)
CEM I 21.34 5.00 3.38 60.94 1.91 0.54 0.09 2.04
CEM II-1 26.31 5.95 3.90 56.03 1.95 0.62 0.11 2.01
CEM II-2 27.89 6.25 3.98 54.49 1.98 0.65 0.14 1.98
CEM II-3 29.20 6.49 4.19 52.91 2.03 0.68 0.15 1.91
CEM II-4 31.18 6.91 4.51 50.96 2.07 0.70 0.15 1.80

plastic sheets at 20 ± 2 °C for 24 ± 1 h. The samples were demoul- portion of crystalline phases seems lower in waste brick. The fine-
ded and cured under water until the time of testing. For each nesses of the five hydraulic cements with pozzolanic admixtures
mix, prisms of size 40  40  160 mm3 were tested to determine studied was determined by Air Permeability Apparatus.
flexural and compressive strengths, respectively, at 7, 28 and The finenesses of all grinded cements are almost identical
90 days. The results reported are the average of three flexural spec- (similar). The particle size distribution of five cements is shown
imens and six compression tests. In this experimental work, we in Fig. 2. The particle size was measured by means of laser diffrac-
varied, the percentage of the pozzolanic admixture (waste clay tion method. The main parameters that characterize the particle
brick) in cement prepared (chemical effect) by the method of sub- size distribution, grinding time, specific weight and the Blaine fine-
stitution (partial replacement of the clinker by the pozzolanic addi- ness (specific surface area) are shown in Table 5. Fig. 2 shows the
tion). We used five types of cements manufactured with mineral particle size distributions obtained from laser granulometry (LG)
admixture (waste brick), this in the aim of analyzing the influence of cements powders used in this study. It shows the percentage
of a partial replacement of the clinker by the pozzolanic admixture passing of particles of cements tested between 0.05 and 878 lm.
(0%, 5%, 10%, 15% and 20%) prepared on the physico-chemical No particles <0.05 lm were detected in any of the samples. The
properties of hydraulic binder prepared at anhydrous state and granulometric profile of cement powders is superimposed on the
the hydrated state, thus the mechanical strengths (flexural and curves, showing that the range of the cement particle diameters
compressive strengths) for the mortar. is within the range for the granulometry of the brick waste. As
The mineralogical composition (mineral phases) of the fired can be seen, all the specimens display similar distribution profiles,
bricks has investigated by the X-ray diffraction (XRD). Mineralogy suggesting that for the milling times a similar fineness is achieved,
was determined by X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis using a diffrac- with an asymmetric distribution of particles (Arikan et al., 2009).
tometer. The crystalline mineral phases identified for the waste Figs. 3 and 4 show the scanning electron microscopy (SEM) of
brick (Fig. 1) is mainly composed of quartz (SiO2), albite (NaAl- mortar containing cement without pozzolanic addition (0% FB)
Si3O8) and orthoclase (KAlSi3O8). It has a small but evident band and mortar containing cement with pozzolanic addition (10% FB)
ranging from 20° and 30°, indicating the presence of amorphous at 90 days of hardening. The scanning electron microscopy (SEM)
materials (Chakchouk et al., 2009). According to the X-ray diffrac- was used to obtain some morphological (size and shape) and min-
tion data, clay contains weak crystalline minerals and amorphous eralogical phases to improve the interpretation of processes.
phase in waste brick. Judged by the XRD peak intensities, the pro- According to the results of SEM one sees that the principal constit-

Fig. 1. X-ray diffraction of waste brick.

A. Naceri, M. Chikouche Hamina / Waste Management 29 (2009) 2378–2384 2381

Fig. 2. Particle size distribution of cements.

Table 5
Physical properties and particle size distribution of cements.

Cements Specific gravity (Kg/dm3) Blaine fineness (cm2/g) Passing 10 lm (%) Passing 50 lm (%) Passing 90 lm (%)
CEM I 3.17 3310 2.92 19.51 63.58
CEM II-1 3.14 3328 3.04 22.48 70.27
CEM II-2 3.07 3346 3.16 26.52 76.91
CEM II-3 3.03 3332 3.08 24.05 72.96
CEM II-4 3.01 3368 3.36 28.36 78.67

Fig. 3. Scanning electron microscopy of mortar containing cement without Fig. 4. Scanning electron microscopy of mortar containing cement with pozzolanic
pozzolanic addition (0% FB) at 90 days of hardening (magnification 1000 micron). addition (10% FB) at 90 days of hardening (magnification 400 micron).

uents of the crystal are calcium (Ca) and silicon (Si) with a low pro- at 90 days of hardening (Allahverdi and Ghorbani, 2006). Typical
portion of aluminium (Al). The magnesium (Mg) represents the hydration products can be indentified such as ettringitte (needle-
minor constituent of the crystal. like crystals), calcium silicate hydrate (gel-like flocks) and finally
These figures show significant micrographs with a high densifi- calcium hydroxide (plant-like crystals).
cation of the structure for the mortar containing cement with poz-
zolanic addition (10% FB). The SEM images with different 3. Results and discussion
magnification 1000 and 400 micron (Figs. 3 and 4) show the amor-
phous phases with few microcrystalline phases growing in the 3.1. Effect of the waste brick (artificial pozzolan) on the grinding time
pores (evolution of mineral phases in cavities and discontinuity
zones). Fig. 4 shows a large Portlandite crystals (highly crystalline The grinding time varies proportionally with the variation of the
phases) precipitated around a small void in the microstructure of quantity of the artificial pozzolan (waste brick) incorporated in
the mortar containing cement with pozzolanic addition (10% FB) cement studied (Fig. 5). It shows decreasing grinding time of 5%
2382 A. Naceri, M. Chikouche Hamina / Waste Management 29 (2009) 2378–2384

24 Table 6
Water-to-cement ratio for normal consistency and setting times.
20 % waste brick replacement cement

18 0 5 10 15 20
Time of grinding (min)

16 Water-to-cement ratio (W/C)% 27.4 28.2 28.4 28.8 29.2

Increasing (+)% 0 +2.92 +3.65 +5.11 +6.57
Initial setting time (min) 162 156 135 129 124
12 Decreasing ()% 0 3.71 16.67 20.37 23.46
10 Final setting time (min) 274 254 250 248 243
Decreasing ()% 0 7.30 8.76 9.49 11.32
quired to have a normal consistency of the cement paste and de-
crease of the setting times. One also notices that the progressive
addition of the pozzolanic addition influences appreciably the
0 5 10 15 20
water demand, this results in an increase in the quantity of water
Content of waste brick substituted (%)
as a function of the percentage of mineral addition used. In the
Fig. 5. Variation of the grinding time as a function of the content of waste brick. same way, it is noticed that setting times (initial and final set
times) decrease proportionally with the increase the quantity of
waste brick. The decreasing of setting times may be simply linked
to 10% with increasing pozzolan content in the cement. This ten- to the increased gypsum/clinker ratio (the amount of gypsum was
dency might be due to the low abrasive property and specific grav- fixed). The increase of the quantity or percentage of the replace-
ity of the waste brick (the artificial pozzolan is less hard than the ment material (waste brick) of cement studied (with or without
clinker). The incorporation of pozzolanic admixture (waste brick) mineral addition) decreases setting times (shortening of the setting
in cement decreases the time of grinding (reduction of the con- times).
sumption of energy). The finenesses of all grinded cements are al-
most identical (similar). 3.4. Effect of the quantity of artificial pozzolan (waste brick) added
(chemical effect) on the shrinkage
Hardness of clinker 14:2
Ratio of hardness ¼ ¼ ¼ 6:8
Hardness of waste brick 2:1
The variation of the shrinkage as a function of artificial pozzolan
(waste brick) is shown in Fig. 6. According to the results obtained,
3.2. Influence of the waste brick on the specific weight of cement one can affirm that all the studied cements cause a shrinkage on
powder the specimens of normal mortar that one tested. The principal re-
marks drawn concerning the shrinkage observed for the cements
Table 5 presents the effect of pozzolanic addition (waste brick) studied are:
on the specific weight of cement. The results demonstrate the ten-
dency of the specific gravity to decrease below the reference by  Increase of the shrinkage according to the time of hardening
0.9%, 3.1%, 4.4% and 5% for cement powders of 5%, 10%, 15% and (3, 7 and 28 days).
20% waste brick, respectively. From the results obtained (Table  Increase of the shrinkage according to the variation of the waste
5), the following conclusions may be drawn: (a) a significant differ- brick.
ence of the specific weight with the variation of the percentage of
waste brick added in the cement studied and (b) a reduction of the The increase of the shrinkage according to the content of
specific weight with the increasing of the quantity of waste brick artificial pozzolan substituted is essentially due to the significant
substituted in the cement. According to the results obtained, one evaporation of the quantity of mixing water for the mortar studied.
notices that the increase in the quantity or percentage of the arti-
ficial pozzolan incorporated in the cement has a significant effect
on the specific weight of cement. That can be due to the low spe-
cific gravity of the replacement level of waste brick clay (quantity 800
of replacement material added).
3.3. Effect of the quantity of waste brick substituted on the cement
paste studied 600 3 days
Shrinkage (µm/m)

7 days
The experimental results obtained (Table 6) presents the effect 500 28 days
of the content of artificial pozzolan (waste brick) on the normal
consistency of cement paste and setting times. Table 6 presents 400
the ratios of the normal consistency and setting times of these
mixes. The water demand of cements pastes prepared with differ- 300
ent percentage of waste brick (replacement level: 0%, 5%, 10%, 15%
and 20%) is measured using the Vicat needle test (standard Vicat
test). The influence of the quantity of pozzolanic admixture added
on the cement paste is expressed by the changes in normal consis-
tency (water demand ratio). 0 5 10 15 20
According to the results obtained, one notices that the increase
Content of calcined clay substituted (%)
of the quantity or percentage of the waste brick incorporated in the
cement has a double effect: increase of the quantity of water re- Fig. 6. Variation of the shrinkage as a function of the content of waste brick.
A. Naceri, M. Chikouche Hamina / Waste Management 29 (2009) 2378–2384 2383

In this case the kinetics of the hydration reaction becomes very fast pozzolan (waste brick) added in cement clearly improves the
inside the paste of the cement hydrated. mechanical strength of the mortar at long term (90 days).
The rate of variation depended upon the level of waste brick
3.5. Effect of the quantity of pozzolanic admixture added (chemical replacement and age. The mortars containing 5% and 10% waste
effect) on the mechanical behaviour (flexural and compressive brick have higher compressive strength and the mortars with
strengths) and the density of mortar 15% and 20% waste brick content have lower compressive strength
at 90 days.
The development of mechanical response (compressive and
flexural strengths) of the mortar tested is shown in Figs. 7 and 8.
In this experimental work, we varied the percentage of the waste 4. Conclusions
brick (artificial pozzolan) in cement (chemical effect) by the meth-
od of substitution (partial replacement of the clinker by the waste The possibility of using waste brick as a replacement of cement
brick). The increase of the pozzolanic admixture (waste brick) gives has been investigated in this study and the following conclusions
a decrease of the mechanical strength at 7 and 28 days (at short can be drawn from the study:
and medium-term). At 90 days (3 months) the mortars containing
up to 10% of the waste brick will reach resistance comparable to  The mechanical behaviour (compressive and flexural strengths)
those of a witness without waste brick due to the variation of at 7 and 28 days of hardened mortar decreased with increasing
the content of SiO2 and Al2O3 and ratio CaO/SiO2. The variation of artificial pozzolan content. At 90 days (3 months) the mortars
the ratio CaO/SiO2 between 2.13 and 1.95 of the mortar containing containing up to 10% of the waste brick will reach resistance
5% and 10% of waste brick and 1.81 to 1.63 of mortar containing comparable to those of a witness without waste brick due to
15% and 20% of waste brick in comparison to that of the control the variation of the content of SiO2 and Al2O3 and ratio CaO/SiO2.
(2.85) translated exactly the fixation of Portlandite (calcium  The grinding time of the cement containing waste brick was
hydroxide) by the artificial pozzolan (waste brick). lower than the control cement because of low abrasive property
Thus, the weakness of strengths to short term can be compen- and specific gravity of the waste brick (the artificial pozzolan is
sated by the pozzolanic activity of the waste brick. The artificial less hard than the clinker). The incorporation of pozzolanic
admixture (waste brick) in cement decreases the time of grind-
ing (reduction of the consumption of energy).
55 Substitution at 7 days
Substitution at 28 days
 The specific weight of the cement powder decreased with the
Substitution at 90 days increase of artificial pozzolan content. The low density ‘‘light-
50 weight” of the replacement level of waste brick clay (quantity
of replacement material added) is the main reason for such
Compressive strength (MPa)

45 behaviour.
 The setting times of cement paste decreased with the increase of
40 waste brick content due to the high water absorption of the
added waste brick. That is explained by the fact why the chem-
35 ical reaction is accelerated in the short term.
 The analysis of microstructure of the mortar by using scanning
30 electron microscopy (SEM) allowed to identify the formation
of Portlandite crystals precipitated around a small void in the
25 microstructure of the mortar containing cement with pozzolanic
addition (10% FB) at 90 days of hardening.
20  The particle size distributions obtained from laser granulometry
-5 0 5 10 15 20 (LG) of cements powders show that the percentage passing of
Content of waste brick substituted (%) particles of cements tested vary between 0.05 and 878 lm. No
particles <0.05 lm were detected in any of the samples.
Fig. 7. Effect of waste brick content on the compressive strengths.
According to test results, it is suggested that waste brick can be
9 used up to 10% as a replacement of cement in production of cement
Substitution at 7 days
Substitution at 28 days
Substitution at 90 days

Flexural strength (MPa)

The authors gratefully acknowledge technical support from the

Geomaterials Laboratory of M’sila University, CRD and CETIM Lab-
oratory of Boumerdes, manufacture of bricks of Sidi Aissa and the
ACC (Algerian Cement Company) of Cement factory of Sour-El-

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