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Construction and Building Materials: Turhan Bilir, Osman Gencel, Ilker Bekir Topcu

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Construction and Building Materials 93 (2015) 782–789

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Properties of mortars with fly ash as fine aggregate

Turhan Bilir a, Osman Gencel b,⇑, Ilker Bekir Topcu c
Bülent Ecevit University, Department of Civil Engineering, 67100 Zonguldak, Turkey
Bartin University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, 74100 Bartin, Turkey
Eskisßehir Osmangazi University, Department of Civil Engineering, 26480 Eskisßehir, Turkey

h i g h l i g h t s

 We studied the influence of fly ash as fine aggregate in mortar properties.

 Fly ash decreases mechanical properties.
 Usage of fly ash as fine aggregate presents a new approach to consume high amount of fly ash.
 Usage of fly ash as fine aggregate in mortar increases strain capacity of mortar.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Coal power plants produce million tons waste fly ash worldwide that cause environmental problem and
Received 21 February 2015 threaten people health. Moreover, its depoting costs are high and need extensively large depot areas.
Received in revised form 24 March 2015 Recycling is a strategy to consume waste content left from several industries. Although fly ash has been
Accepted 1 May 2015
used in cement and concrete technology. In concrete technology it has been used as supplementary
Available online 21 May 2015
cementitious material or replacement material with a portion of cement until now. But, it has not been
considered as fine aggregate. In this study, the effect of fly ash as fine aggregate in mortars is investigated.
Flow ability, unit weight, ultrasound pulse velocity, compressive and flexural strengths, modulus of elas-
Fly ash
ticity, stress–strain behavior and free drying and restrained shrinkage tests were conducted on mortars
Fine aggregate produced. It was observed that the usage of fly ash as fine aggregate presents a new approach to consume
Recycling high amount of fly ash without causing significant changes on properties of mortars when it was used at
the ratio of 60–70%.
Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction country and reduce negative effect of waste materials on

Environmental concern has increased worldwide. Countries One of the sectors is construction technologies to evaluate
have gotten conscience to environment and taken cautions to pro- wastes. Concrete, which is the most used construction material,
tect it since high contents of wastes have been produced. General has a high potentials recycling wastes in point of returning them
tendency to decrease waste amounts from different industries is to new and useful products or improving existing products.
depoting them in large areas which results in huge and may waste Many waste materials such as silica fume, demolished aggregates,
deposits. To deal with this problem, many developed and develop- waste tires, bottom ash, crush tile and brick, granulated furnace
ing countries have taken some regulations such as specifications, blast slag, ferrochromium slag, cupper slag, marble wastes, waste
new rules, taxes, quota or limit to use natural resources and raw glass, polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bottle wastes, rice husk
materials, etc. These regulations have prompted companies to give ash etc. has been evaluated in concrete.
importance research and development (R&D). By this way, Gencel et al. [1] produced interlocking paving blocks in which
university-industry cooperation has improved and become strong natural aggregates are partly replaced with waste marble. They
to develop new materials and technologies. New products and observed that paving blocks produced with waste marble has
technologies returns both economic income for company and enough strength for usage and increased freeze–thaw durability
and wear resistance. So waste marble can be used as alternative
for virgin aggregate in paving block production.
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +90 378 223 5360; fax: +90 378 223 5258.
E-mail address: (O. Gencel).
0950-0618/Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
T. Bilir et al. / Construction and Building Materials 93 (2015) 782–789 783

Gencel et al. [2] used waste ferrochromium slag as replacement material with a portion of cement up to 30–40%. But, fly ash has
aggregate with natural limestone based aggregate in concrete. not been considered as an aggregate in mortar and concrete until
They reported that ferrochromium aggregates increase mechanical now. Aggregates occupy high volume about 75–80 wt.% of con-
properties and wear resistance of concrete. crete. Thus, aggregates significantly influence the performance of
Uygunoglu et al. [3] used demolished concrete wastes to pro- concrete [2]. In this respect, the usage of FA as aggregate in con-
duce interlocking paving block. And they observed that paving crete and mortar presents a new approach to consume high
blocks produced with these recylced aggregates had strength amount of FA.
desired, 3.6 MPa. López Gayarre et al. [4] have produced concrete In this study, the evaluation of fly ash as fine aggregate in mor-
kerbs and floor blocks with recycled aggregates replacing two tar is investigated. Thus, flow ability, unit weight, ultrasound pulse
types of natural aggregates. They have concluded that the proper- velocity, compressive and flexural strengths, modulus of elasticity,
ties and manufacturing properties are little bit lower than those of free and restrained drying shrinkage tests are conducted on mor-
the produced with only the natural aggregates. Another study of tars produced.
Lopez-Gavarre et al. [5] indicates the similar compressive strength
of recycled aggregate concrete similar to the ones of ordinary con- 2. Materials and method
crete and they have found that the effect of curing conditions affect
the compressive strength of recycled aggregate concretes likewise CEM II/B-M 32.5 cement was used as hydraulic binder complying with TS EN
197-1 [16]. Cement was obtained from Set cement factory in Eskisehir, Turkey.
ordinary concrete.
Chemical composition of cement is presented in Table 1. The specific gravity, speci-
Topcu and Bilir [6] used waste crushed tile as fine aggregate in fic surface area, flexural and compressive strengths were determined corresponding
mortar. They observed that there is no problem the usage of to TS EN 196-1 [17]. Specific gravity and specific surface of cement used were
crushed tile up to the ratio of 60% replacement in point of mechan- 2.85 g/cm3 and 3574 cm2/g. Compressive strengths of cement at 2, 7 and 28 days
were 12.8, 26.9 and 39.5 MPa, respectively.
ical strength since at this ratio compressive strength is above
Modified polycarboxylate based high-rate water-reducing superplasticizer (SP)
20 MPa. Also, the usage of crushed tile reduces drying shrinkage was used to avoid the possibility of increase in water demand of mortars and to pro-
and crack with due to it. vide a satisfactory workability. Its density at 20 °C is 1.08–1.1 g/cm3. Its pH and
Li and Zhao [7] evaluated granulated blast furnace slag in con- solid content are 5.7% and 40%. Standard sand (SS) (Rilem-Cembreu) with high silica
crete. And they observed that concrete with granulated blast fur- content was used as reference sand to produce mortar. The sizes of SS grains remain
below 2 mm.
nace slag has early and long term compressive strengths and
The FA fine aggregate was provided from Catalagzı Thermal Power Plant in
resistance to chemical attach and corrosion. Zonguldak, Turkey. FA fine aggregate was used to replace standard sand (SS).
Park et al. [8] used waste glass as aggregate in concrete since Physical and chemical properties of FA are given in Table 2. The FA was used accord-
recycling it as aggregate can be useful in point of conservation ing to ASTM C 618 [18]. The FA is classified as class C and class F according to ASTM
environment and economical advantage. They obtained compres- C 618. The sum of SiO2 + Al2O3 + Fe2O3 must be more than 50% for class C and 70%
for class F. FA was classified as F type according to the code because total of major
sive strength over 30 MPa when waste glass was used at 70% oxides in FA is 89.59%. The SS is coarser than the FA. About 82% of FA grains are
replacement ratio. below the size of 200 lm. 49% of FA grains are below 2 mm. Approximately 1% of
Eldin and Senouci [9] conducted experimental studies to inves- FA grains are finer than 0.08 mm and these finer particles may lead to increment
tigate usability of waste tires as aggregate in cement based con- in water demand. However, round shape of FA grains and usage of superplasticizer
have decreased it. In this study, FA has replaced with the standard sand by weight.
crete. They observed that although the usage of waste tires with
Mixture proportioning was based on the absolute volume method. Six mortars
different sizes and contents as aggregate in concrete decrease com- with 40  40  160 mm size from each mixture were prepared with Portland
pressive strength, concrete with waste tire aggregates did not cement as binder, standard sand, superplasticizer and fly ash as aggregate. The FA
show brittle failure, and had energy absorption capacity under was replaced with the SS at different concentrations (10–100 wt.% at 10% intervals).
loads. The mix proportions of series are given in Table 3. After keeping demolded mortar
specimens at 20 °C and 90% relative humidity for 24 h. specimens were immersed
Singh and Siddique [10] conducted a study on incorporation of into water with 23 ± 2 °C for 7 and 28 days. On fresh mortars, flow table test was
bottom ash as replacement fine aggregate up to 100% for natural done to determine the effect of the FA on workability according to ASTM C 1437
sand in concrete. Compressive strength of concrete containing [19]. Compressive and flexural strength tests were done according to ASTM C 349
100% bottom ash instead of natural sand has no strength loss when [20] and ASTM C 348 [21]. The modulus of elasticity was determined according
to ASTM C 469 [22]. Stress and strain values were calculated using force, shortening
compared with that of conventional concrete. But, bottom ash used
and dimensions of specimen. The r–e curves were plotted using the calculated val-
as fine aggregate increases water demand to obtain workability ues. Modulus of elasticity was calculated by the curves and the initial tangent
desired. The usage of water reducer admixture compensates it. method. Ultrasonic pulse velocity was determined according to ASTM C 597 [23].
Anwar et al. [11] produced concrete with rice husk ash at differ- Unit weight of hardened mortar was determined according to Archimedes principle.
ent ratios up to 40% of cement content and investigated character- Free drying shrinkage was determined by measuring the lengths changes according
to ASTM C 157 [24] on specimen with 25  25  285 mm.
istics of concrete produced. They observed that rice husk ash is a The restrained drying shrinkage crack formation is provided by attempting ring
very active pozzolanic material and its usage in concrete increases test. Three ring type mortar specimens were produced for measuring the restrained
mechanical strength even at early ages, durability such as chloride drying shrinkage crack widths. After 24 h, the outer steel ring molds of specimens
ions impermeability and decreasing permeability. were removed. Specimens were subjected to drying at 23 ± 2 °C and 50 ± 4% relative
humidity. Crack developments were observed and measured every day during
As understood a literature survey above, concrete technology
60 days. Crack widths were measured using an optical crack microscope every
has a capacity of consume wastes incorporating them useful prod- day. Ring specimens were exposed to drying conditions from only the outer circular
ucts, and also has environmental advantages pretty significant in surface of mortar. Top surface was sealed with silicone. So, internal stresses
point of sustainability of natural resources since no natural
resources have limitless reserves.
Another waste material is fly ash. Fly ash, a by-product of coal Table 1
Chemical composition of cement (wt.%).
power plants, causes environmental pollution and its storage cost
is pretty high. Turkey produces about 18 million tons waste fly SiO2 31.53
ash per year [12]. It is about 80 million tons per year in India Al2O3 7.06
Fe2O3 3.29
[13]. Overall fly ash content worldwide is about 600 million tons CaO 48.89
[14]. MgO 1.46
There are many papers published about the usage of fly ash in SO3 2.01
cement and concrete technology [15]. Fly ash is considered effec- Free Cl 0.27
Loss on ignition 4.55
tively as a supplementary cementitious material or replacement
784 T. Bilir et al. / Construction and Building Materials 93 (2015) 782–789

Table 2
Properties of fly ash used as fine aggregate.

Chemical composition wt% Physical properties Value

SiO2 58.69 Specific gravity (g/cm ) 1.80
Al2O3 25.10 Loose unit weight (kg/dm3) 0.87
Fe2O3 5.80 Dense unit weight (kg/dm3) 1.11
CaO 1.49 200 lm sieve remaining (wt.%) 12.7
K2O 4.04 90 lm sieve remaining (wt.%) 34.8
Na2O 0.59 45 lm sieve remaining (wt.%) 49.7
MgO 2.22
SO3 0.12
Free Cl 1.28

occurred were not uniform due the non-uniform stress distribution by inner steel
ring additional to uniform stress distribution. Ring specimen is shown in Fig. 1. If
Fig. 1. Ring specimen for restrained drying test.
a cross section has been taken and looked from the side of the ring it is seen that
the ring mortar specimens have the height of 140 mm, the outer diameter of
320 mm and the inner diameter of 250 mm. In this manner, the thickness of the
ring mortar specimen is as 35 mm. Besides, the ring mold also includes an inner Table 4
steel ring at the inner diameter of 200 mm and the outer diameter of 250 mm Flow diameters of mortars with FA fine aggregate and standard sand.
(Inner surface of the mortar ring contact with the outer surface of this steel ring).
FA content (%) Flow diameter (mm) Relative changes (%)
Therefore, it has the thickness of 25 mm and restrains the drying shrinkage of ring
mortar specimen leading to the internal stresses and cracking. 0 194 100
10 191 98.5
20 189 97.4
3. Results and discussion 30 187 96.4
40 184 94.8
50 183 94.3
3.1. Flow table test
60 180 92.8
70 178 91.8
Flow diameters of fresh mortars are presented in Table 4. All 80 175 90.2
mortars were flexible and easy to handle, and were easily com- 90 172 88.7
pacted by hand compaction and easily finished. High water absorp- 100 168 86.6

tion capacity of FA fine aggregate due to its specific surface reduces

flow ability and so workability of mortars. Superplasticizer used
compensates workability loss of mortar. Usage of SP presents consistency and workability for many applications. Babu and
easier compaction and fresh mortar consolidates into mold. It is Babu [29] reported flow ability of mortars containing silica fume
attempted to compare mortars incorporating FA to reference spec- in the range of 47–58 mm which correspond to a slump of about
imens by providing sufficient compatibility of mortars. 50–70 mm.
Additionally, the round shape of FA grains helped this objective
to be achieved. Mortars with FA can be compared to mortars with- 3.2. Unit weight
out FA in point of crack widths by disabling other effects of FA.
Flow diameters of mortars range between 168 and 194 mm. Unit weight changes of mortars are presented in Fig. 2. The
Usage of FA at the rate of 100% instead of sand decreases flow abil- increment in FA replacement results in reduction of unit weight
ity of mortar up to 13.4% which is correspond to 26 mm considered when compared to that of reference. The reason of reduction is
as negligible. The values in this study are highly sufficient. Many specific gravity of FA, 1.80, which is lower than that of the SS
studies [14,25–27] reported that FA increases workability of replaced. 28-day unit weights of mortars vary between 1.47 and
cement based composites when FA is used as supplementary 2.32 kg/dm3, while those of 7-day change between 1.38 and
cementitious material or replacement material with a portion of 2.28 kg/dm3. Relative values to unit weight of control series are
cement. However, when FA is used as fine aggregate instead of nat- presented in Table 5. Unit weight of the control (0% FA replacement
ural river sand or crushed sand, FA decreases workability. Formosa
et al. [28] reported that mortars prepared with magnesium
by-products as aggregates with 100 micron had flow ability
between 180 and 200 mm. These flow values are acceptable for

Table 3
Mixture proportions.

FA content SS (kg/ Cement (kg/ Water (kg/ FA (kg/ SP (kg/

(%) m3) m3) m3) m3) m3)
0 1600 500 250 0 3
10 1440 500 250 160 3
20 1280 500 250 320 3
30 1120 500 250 480 3
40 960 500 250 640 3
50 800 500 250 800 3
60 640 500 250 960 3
70 480 500 250 1120 3
80 320 500 250 1280 3
90 160 500 250 1440 3
100 0 500 250 1600 3
Fig. 2. Unit weights with respect to FA content.
T. Bilir et al. / Construction and Building Materials 93 (2015) 782–789 785

Table 5
Relative variations of unit weight of mortars.

FS (%) Relative changes at 7 days Relative changes at 28 days

0 100 100
10 93.9 97.0
20 91.2 94.4
30 87.7 89.2
40 85.5 87.9
50 79.8 81.9
60 74.1 76.3
70 68.9 72.8
80 65.4 69.4
90 62.3 65.9
100 58.8 63.4

ratio) decreased to the relative value as 63.4% when FA was

replaced with sand at the ratio of 100%. Therefore, it can be said Fig. 4. Ultrasonic pulse velocities with respect to FA content.
that there is a loss in unit weight up to 39.6%. This reduction is con-
sidered significantly for structural applications and reducing dead
load of structure resulting in a decreased cross sections of struc- Table 6
Relative variations of ultrasound pulse velocity of mortars.
tural elements and a reduction in risk of earthquake damage
[26,30–32]. The ACI [33] classifies lightweight concretes according FS (%) Relative changes at 7 days Relative changes at 28 days
to their unit weights and compressive strengths. Concretes with 0 100 100
unit weight of 16–19, 14–16 and 8–14 kg/dm3 are considered as 10 99.3 98.8
structural, half-structural and isolation concretes, respectively. 20 97.1 97.2
30 96.9 96.0
Structural and half structural concretes are achieved in this study
40 92.4 95.1
for different applications. Also relation between unit weight and 50 91.9 92.1
compressive strength of mortars are presented in Fig. 3. There is 60 90.5 90.4
a linear correlation between them. There is a high correlation, 70 84.0 87.9
R2 = 0.9514 at 7 days and R2 = 0.9102 at 28 days, between unit 80 82.6 83.9
90 80.0 81.1
weight and compressive strength of mortars. As clearly understood 100 78.0 78.7
from here, a high content usage of fly ash will result in reducing
unit weight and compressive strength.
cement based composites have been reported as exponential
3.3. Ultrasound pulse velocity
CS ¼ xeyv ð1Þ
Ultrasound pulse velocity results are presented in Fig. 4. The rel-
ative variations of them are given in Table 6. Ultrasound pulse where CS is compressive strength, v is ultrasound pulse velocity and
velocity decreases by exhibiting an approximately linear behavior x and y are empirical constants. The relation between them in this
with the increase in FA in the mixture. Pulse velocity varies study is presented in Fig. 5. As seen clearly from Fig. 5, the coeffi-
between 3.27 and 4.19 km/s for specimens at age of 7 days and cient of correlation for relation between ultrasound pulse velocity
between 3.37 and 4.28 km/s for 28 days. Effect of mortar age on and compressive strength of mortars at 7 and 28 days are 0.9732
ultrasound pulse velocity is significant since strengths of mortars and 0.9571, respectively.
change significantly depending on FA amount in mixture. Ultrasound is affected by the medium in that pulse travels. In
Ultrasound pulse velocity increases with the increment in the this respect, the unit weight of medium is important. Fig. 6 shows
age of specimen. Ultrasonic pulse velocity is used as an indicator the relation between unit weight and ultrasound pulse velocity of
of strength with a high confidence. Studies [34,35] on correlation mortars. As seen from Fig. 6, the increment in unit weight of
between ultrasonic pulse velocity and compressive strength of

Fig. 5. Relation between ultrasound pulse velocity and compressive strength of

Fig. 3. Relation between unit weight and compressive strength of mortars. mortars.
786 T. Bilir et al. / Construction and Building Materials 93 (2015) 782–789

Table 7
Relative variations of flexural strength of mortars.

FS (%) Relative changes at 7 days Relative changes at 28 days

0 100 100
10 81.3 86.1
20 71.3 74.2
30 82.7 88.5
40 79.1 79.6
50 65.3 67.6
60 48.7 54.8
70 45.1 50.5
80 36.0 44.0
90 28.5 33.3
100 24.4 28.1

Fig. 6. Relation between ultrasound pulse velocity and unit weight of mortars.

mortar results in increasing ultrasound pulse velocity since propa-

gation velocity of ultrasonic pulses is quicker in a dense medium.

3.4. Flexural strength

Flexural strengths of mortars at 7 and 28 days are presented in

Fig. 7. Relative variations of flexural strengths of mortars are given
in Table 7. Flexural strength development presents a decreasing
trend with the increment in FA content in the mixture. Relative
reduction is observed up to 75.6% in the content of 100% FA.
Although compressive strength of cement based composites like
mortar and concrete is considered in structural design, the flexural Fig. 8. Relation between flexural and compressive strength of mortars.
strengths of them are important in applications such as the design
of highway, airfield slabs and dam [36]. There is a close relation
between flexural strength and compressive strength which is 3.5. Compressive strength
shown in Fig. 8. As seen from Fig. 8, compressive strength
increases, flexural strength increases but at a decreasing rate. The Compressive strength is the most important property of con-
correlation between them was R2 = 0.8694 for 7 days and crete and mortar since compressive strength presents a general
R2 = 0.9184 for 28 days. Also, age is a factor in relation between idea about quality and properties of concrete, and is invariably a
two strengths. The results obtained in this study are in agreement vital element of structural design. Compressive strength results
with the general tendency. Besides, there is a sign of FA’s poz- are presented in Fig. 9. Compressive strength varies between 9.86
zolanic activity as an effect on the flexural strength in Fig. 8. The and 40.2 MPa for 7 days, and 12.1 and 44.96 MPa for 28 days.
pozzolanic effect of FA may have caused to higher flexural Besides, a similar behavior to flexural strength behavior is seen
strengths of replacements of 30% and 40% than for 20%. Besides, for compressive strength results (higher compressive strength
this result may also be considered as an indicator of improved results for 30% and 40% replacement ratios). Likewise, the reason
interfacial transition zone for these replacement ratios. For higher can be said as the pozzolanic activity and increasing amount of
ratios, the amount of Portland cement and thus, the hydration rate FA. When FA replaced with sand at the ratio of 100%, compressive
decreases. In this manner, the flexural strengths continue to strength decreases 75.5% and 73.1% at 7 and 28 days, respectively
decrease for higher replacement ratios. as seen from Table 8. The reason for this reduction may be the

Fig. 7. Flexural strengths with respect to FA content. Fig. 9. Compressive strengths with respect to FA content.
T. Bilir et al. / Construction and Building Materials 93 (2015) 782–789 787

Table 8
Relative variations of compressive strength of mortars.

FS (%) Relative changes at 7 days Relative changes at 28 days

0 100 100
10 98.3 88.0
20 83.8 97.5
30 81.6 104.0
40 62.5 77.7
50 47.6 66.9
60 45.6 62.6
70 37.2 53.4
80 31.8 44.0
90 27.0 33.8
100 24.5 26.9

decreased unit weight according to ultrasound pulse velocity

obtained. This relation is seen from Fig. 5. As mentioned also above, Fig. 11. Stress–strain curves of mortars.

compressive strength is directly related with unit weight. As seen

from Fig. 3, compressive strength decreases with the decrease in
elastic modulus of cement based composites is influenced mainly
unit weight. Still, the results obtained shows that FA can be used
by the elastic properties of matrix and fine aggregate. The usage
at the ratio of 70% replacement with sand according to Turkish
of FA as fine aggregate in mortar increases strain capacity of mortar
earthquake resistant code, specification for buildings to be built
as seen from Fig. 11.
in seismic zones. According to this code, concrete used for building
has minimum 20 MPa compressive strength. The usage of 70% FA
as aggregates instead of sand presents 24 MPa compressive
strength. A higher usage ratio of FA as fine aggregate instead of
sand is possible for production of cement based brick or isolation
3.7. Free drying shrinkage
Strains due to free drying shrinkage are presented in Fig. 12. The
3.6. Modulus of elasticity stress–strain curves were calculated from the applied forces and
deformations which are measured during compression tests. The
Elasticity moduli are presented in Fig. 10. Stress–strain plots are length changes of the mortar specimens for all series were mea-
presented in Fig. 11. Elasticity modulus of reference mortars is sured every day after measuring the initial length of demolded
60 GPa while elasticity modules of mortars containing FA as fine mortar specimen. In this way, strains were calculated for each
aggregates in varying concentrations range between 17 and day. Strains for all mixtures increase by depending on time. The
37 GPa. Increment in FA ratio reduces the modulus of elasticity. strain values of mortars including FA at different contents are
A decrease at about 41.7% for the content of 10% is obtained. higher than that of reference. This can be attributed to the fineness
After then, decreases at about 38.3–71.7% are observed. The mod- of FA used as fine aggregate in mixtures. Increment in FA content in
ulus of elasticity is 26 GPa for 100% replacement ratio. The mini- mixture increases water demand of mortars. Free drying shrinkage
mum one is at about 17 GPa for the content of 70%. The obtained is related to the water loss of mortar body. The more FA in the mor-
results of mortars correspond with their compressive strengths. tar, the more water loss. On the other hand, the free drying shrink-
The increment in compressive strength presents a high elasticity age of specimens containing the FA content of 50% up to 90%
modulus. Elasticity modulus, one of the most important properties content. When looked at the relative strain changes of reference
of concrete and mortar, affects structural performance and service specimens which are not contain FA and specimens containing
life. Elastic modulus is closely related to property of paste, aggre- 100% FA at first reading day, Specimen with 100% FA presents
gate stiffness. Generally coarse aggregate and content are consid- 55% higher strain. This value is 40% at the last reading day. As
ered as responsible for elasticity modulus. But, this study shows understood here, at advancing ages, strain decreases. This can be
that fine aggregate is effective to adjust elasticity modulus. The attributed to the water loss decreasing.

Fig. 10. Experimental statically modulus of elasticity. Fig. 12. Free drying shrinkage of mortar specimens.
788 T. Bilir et al. / Construction and Building Materials 93 (2015) 782–789

3.8. Drying shrinkage cracks relation between compressive strength and flexural strength of
cement based materials. Flexural strength behavior of mortars
Variations of crack width are presented in Fig. 13. Crack with FA presents the same trend observed on compressive strength
occurred at top of outer surface of specimen into its bottom. of mortars with FA. Although FA decreases elasticity modulus, FA
Crack width increases with time advancing. As seen from Fig. 13, increases strain capacity of mortar. Free drying shrinkage increases
FA delays the crack formation. Crack width development changes with increment in FA. But, crack width shows a decreasing trend.
depending on FA content. Crack with development of reference And crack formation is delayed.
specimen stops at 27 days. For specimens containing FA, it is Future work is planned using fly ash as fine aggregate in con-
between 31 and 41 days depending on FA content in the mixture. ventional concrete and self-compacting concrete in order to
Crack widths can be related with free drying shrinkage and water increase the consumption of fly ash waste.
loss. Decreases in crack widths are observed for series containing
FA as fine aggregate up to 70%. Relative increment is in question
for the series containing higher contents than 70%. Series contain-
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