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A Model of Safe Levels For Electrical Stimulation Shannon 1992

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APRIL 1992

W. E. Larimore, “Predictive inference, sufficiency, entropy, and an of the model are consistent with known principles of current flow and
asymptotic likelihood principle,” Biometrika, vol. 70, no. I , pp. 175- known mechanisms of damage around stimulating electrodes. It is pro-
181, 1983. posed that limits on levels of electrical stimulation take into account
Y . Lee and M. Schetzen, “Measurement of the kernels of a nonlinear the location of the electrode relative to the stimulated tissue and these
system by cross-correlation,” Internat. J . Contr., vol. 2, pp. 237- limits can be computed algorithmically from the model.
254, 1965.
R. Llinas, “The intrinsic electrophysiological properties of mam-
malian neurons: insights into central nervous system function,” Sci- INTRODUCTION
ence, vol. 242, pp. 1654-1664, 1988.
V. Marmarelis, “Practical identification of the general time-variant Safety limits for electrical stimulation based on actual data from
nonlinear dynamic system,’’ in Proc. Internat. Con8 Cybern. Soc. ~
animal experiments have led to a bewildering array of apparently
pp. 727-733, 1979. conflicting results for these limits due to the wide variety of stim-
W. Rugh, Nonlinear System Theory: The Volterra/ Wiener Approach. ulating waveforms, electrode sizes, and charge densities. Mc-
Baltimore, MD: The Johns Hopkins Univ. Press, 1981.
M. Schwartz and C. Shapiro, “Recovery functions of human soma- Creery et al. [ 2 ] , [3] have presented one of the most complete sets
tosensory and visual evoked potentials,” Annals. New York Acad. of data on safe and unsafe electrical stimulation levels for surface
Sci., vol. 112, pp. 510-525, 1964. electrodes on the cortex. They assessed damage to underlying tis-
R. Sclabassi, C. Hinman, J. Kroin, and H. Risch, “The modulatory sue from stimulation with 400 ps pulses over a range of current
effect of prior input upon afferent signals in the somatosensory sys-
tem,” in Proc. Joint Automat. Contr. Conf., vol. 12, pp. 787-795, densities and electrode shapes and sizes. Their data are schemati-
1977. cally represented in Fig. 1. This figure summarizes results from
R. Sclabassi and G. Noreen, *“The characterization of dual-input dozens of experiments showing the charge and charge densities at
evoked potentials as nonlinear systems using random impulse trains,” which damage occurs. Observe that both parameters must be spec-
in Proc. Pittsburgh Modeling and Simulution Conf., vol. 12, pp. ified to assure that the stimulation is occurring in a region where
1123-1130, 1981.
R. Sclabassi, J. Kroin, C. Hinman, and H. Risch. “The effect of damage does not occur. We will demonstrate in this paper that a
cortical ablation on modulatory activity in the cat somatosensory sys- simple relation can be used to determine these parameters for safe
tem,” Electroencephalogr. clinical Neurophysiol., vol. 64, pp. 3 1- stimulation. We will discuss the possible biophysical reasons for
40, 1986. this relation, and illustrate its implications for future electrode de-
1201 R. J. Sclabassi, D. N. Krieger, and T. W. Berger, “ A systems the-
oretic approach to the study of CNS function,” Annal. Biomed. Eng., signs and charge limits.
vol. 16, pp. 17-34, 1988. Previously proposed charge density limits have ranged from 15
[21] R. Sclabassi, D. Krieger, J. Solomon, J. Samosky, S. Levitan, and to 65 pC/cm’/phase irrespective of electrode area [ I ] . For small
T. Berger, “Theoretical decomposition of neuronal networks,” in electrode areas, this range of charge densities would produce stim-
Advanced Methods of Physiological System Modeling, V. Marma- uli well below the damage limit shown in McCreery et al.’s data.
relis, Ed. New York: Plenum, 1989.
(231 J. Solomon, D. Krieger, T. W. Berger, and R. J. Sclabassi, “Re- However, for large electrode areas, these charge densities would
sponse prediction for the hippocampus of the rabbit,” in Proc. So- probably produce damage. Thus, a limit purely based on charge
ciety Neurosci., 1989. density would be quite conservative for small electrodes but might
[24] M. Verbaten, Investigations on Habituation in Humans. Utrecht, actually cause stimulation-induced damage with large electrodes.
Germany, Elinkwijk B. V., 1981.
The boundary which McCreery found between safe and unsafe
[25] V. Volterra, Theory of Functionals and of Integral and Integro-Dif-
ferential Equations. New York: Dover, 1959. charge injections at different charge and charge density levels can
[26] N. Wiener, Nonlinear Problems in Random Theory. New York: be approximated by the equation
Wiley, 1958.
[27] J. Woestenburg, M. Verbaten, and J. Slangen, “Stimulus informa-
tion and habituation of the visual event related potential and the skin
conductance reaction under task-relevance conditions,” Biol. Psy- where D is charge density in pCoulombs/cm’/phase and Q is
chol., vol. 16, pp. 225-240, 1983. charge in pCoulombs/phase. This equation describes a family of
[28] J. Woestenburg, M. Verbaten, H. Van Hees, and J . Slangen, “Single lines for changing values of k , three of which are shown in Fig. I .
trial ERP estimation in the frequency domain using orthogonal poly- When k = 2, the straight line falls in an area where damage was
nomial trend analysis (OPTA): Estimation of individual habitua-
tion,” Biol. Psychol., vol. 17, pp. 173-191, 1983. observed. If this line were used to define the limit of safe stimu-
lation, some stimuli would be expected to cause damage. The curve
for k = 1.5 defines a set of parameters where no damage was ob-
served and is used for all computations that follow.
Since D = ( I 7 ) / A = Q / A where I is current, T is the duration
of each phase of a biphasic pulse, and A is the surface area of the
electrode, (1) can be expressed as
A Model of Safe Levels for Electrical Stimulation log ( I T / A ) = k - log (IT)
Robert V . Shannon which rearranges to

IT = ( A 1 o k ) 0 5 . (2)
Abstract-A model is presented that represents a large body of data
on safety and damage levels of electrical stimulation. The predictions Equation (2) describes the data of McCreery et al. through a simple
relationship between the three major variables in electrical stimu-
Manuscript received March 12, 1991; revised September 27, 1991. This lation: current, pulse duration, and electrode surface area.
work was supported in part by NIH Grant DC00409 and by FDA orphan For disk-shaped electrodes of diameter d where A = ( r d ’ ) / 4 .
product Grant FD-R-000686. (2) can be written as
The author is with the House Ear Institute, Los Angeles, CA 90057.
IEEE Log Number 9106412. I = ( d / ( 2 ~ ) )1( ~0 ~ ) ~ ~ (3)

0018-9294/92$03.00 0 1992 IEEE


L loa(D)=k-loa(Q) size and space limitations of the target location for the electrodes,
Q the electrode perimeter and area should be as large as possible.
E The maximum charge density is not constant as a function of
electrode perimeter or area, but decreases hyperbolically as perim-
U eter and area increase. This result is due to the fact that stimulus
charge and charge density are cofactors in determining neural dam-
x age 131.
(5, It is important to note that the limit of safe stimulation is linearly
0 related to electrode diameter, not electrode area. This result is
0 probably due to the charge “building up” at the edges, to create
Charge p e r phase (pC/ph) higher charge densities around the perimeter of the electrode [4]-
161. McCreery et al.’s data were collected with cortical surface
Fig. I . Region of charge and charge density where neural damage was electrodes where stimulable tissue was in direct contact with the
observed by McCreery et al. [2] is represented by the hatched area. The
solid lines represent the proposed model with parameter k = 1 .O, 1.5, and electrode surface. Mathematical models and measurements [4]-[6]
2.0. have demonstrated that excess charge density at the electrode edges
can be reduced or eliminated by recessing the electrode into the
carrier, creating an active electrode surface at the bottom of a well,
and by flaring the opening of the recess. Edge effects might also
be eliminated by complex geometries which increase the effective
perimeter within the same surface area [6]. More basic research,
animal experiments, and modelling are necessary to determine if a
better electrode surface shape is possible. Fabrication feasibility is
another consideration in designing new electrode shapes to maxi-
mize the effective perimeter while holding the area constant.
The mechanism of tissue damage from electrical stimulation
probably depends on the charge density at the stimulable tissue.
McCreery and colleagues [2] suggest that the mechanism of dam-
age from electrical stimulation is probably due to overstimulation
and “mass action” effects, rather than to electrochemical byprod-
ucts or nonreversible reactions around the electrode surface. Thus,
relatively large charge densities near the electrode may not be
harmful to nonstimulable tissues, as long as they do not produce
X / 1 nonreversible reaction products.
I I I I We suggest that damage limits be considered in terms of three
I I 1 1
categories: near-field as described above, when neurons are adja-
600 - cent to the electrode, mid-field, and the far-field. In the mid-field
500 - case the stimulable tissue is far enough away from the electrode
400 - contact surface so that the current field is uniform and damage might
300 - be related to electrode surface area. This case might be comparable
200 - to recessed electrodes in that the charge distribution, which is con-
100 - centrated around the electrode edges near the electrode, would be
more diffuse as the distance from the electrode increases [4]-[6].
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 Within the stimulable tissue the charge density might be uniformly
Electrode Perimeter ( m m ) Electrode Area (mm2) distributed and its magnitude reduced according to the inverse
Fig. 2 . Proposed maximum allowable amplitude, charge, and charge den- square of the distance from the electrode. In most applications of
sity fork = 1.5. stimulating electrodes a reasonable estimate is usually available of
the distance between the electrode surface and the stimulable tis-
sue. Thus, a fixed charge density limit might be appropriate if the
Let us explore the implications of (3) for the proposed limit of k electrode is some distance from the stimulable tissue, while the
= 1.5. Fig. 2 presents plots of the maximum pulse amplitude, present model might be appropriate if the electrode is immediately
charge/phase, and charge density as a function of electrode disk adjacent to stimulable tissue.
pcrimetcr and electrode disk area. Somewhat surprisingly, there is In the far-field case, the electrode is a large distance from the
a linear relation between electrode perimeter and maximum charge. stimulable tissue and can be considered as a point source. In this
This linearity leads to a point of diminishing returns in choosing case the surface area of the electrode and thus charge density at the
clcctrode size. While the largest electrode diameter may be desir- electrode surface is not important. Assuming that nonreversible re-
able to allow the maximum charge delivery, we are limited by the action products are not generated and that nonstimulable tissues or
available space for the electrode, and the electrode area increases fluids near the electrode are not damaged by the charge densities
as the square of the diameter. The calculations presented in Fig. 2 near the electrode, only the charge density at the target tissue would
also show that longer pulse durations can be used-at maximum am- be of importance. In this case, the important stimulus parameter
plitude as the electrode perimeter is increased. Thus, within the for damage is not charge density at the electrode, but rather the

amount of charge per phase in each pulse, reduced by the inverse [6] X. Xue and D. J . Anderson, “Finite element analysis of electrical cur-
square of the distance between the electrode and the target neurons. rent fields induced by stimulating electrodes,“ Abstracrs ARO M i d
winter Res. Meer.. D. J . Lim, Ed., p. 134, 1991.

McCreery et al. [3] measured damage after stimulation for only
7 h by a 50 Hz 400 ps/phase biphasic pulse train. At the present Microcomputer-Based Portable Long-Term
time we do not adequately know how to extrapolate from this data Spasticity Recording System
to predict damage thresholds for longer stimulation durations, or
for higher stimulation rates, or even for different pulse durations. Dejan Tepavac, James R . Swenson, Jerome Stenehjeni,
For these reasons, we must be very conservative in setting our cri- Ivan Sarjanovii., and Dejan PopoviC
tenon for safe limits of stimulation in patients. For the stimulus
conditions of McCreery et al., k = 1.5 is a conscrvative limit and
has been used in all calculations in this report. A more comprehen- Abstract-A device for long-term monitoring of muscle activity
(EMG) with surface electrodes and method of its application are de-
sive model of safe levels for electrical stimulation would also ac- scribed in this paper. This device is called a microcomputer two-chan-
count for the effects of pulse rate, pulse duration, stimulus duty ne1 EMG monitor. The device can be used for up to 24 h monitoring
cycle, and duration of exposure. In the simplest case these factors of EMG activity, followed by data transfer to a host computer for sig-
might simply change the value of k at which damage is observed, nal analysis. This device records amplified, rectified, and integrated
EMG activity. Shorter recording time allows shorter sampling periods
although it is possible that these factors might change the nature of
suitable for different other EMG analysis. Recording of spontaneous
the function. EMG in complete spinal cord injured subjects was the original reason
The present model is based on damage observed in cortical neu- for the design of the long-term monitor. These recordings were used
rons. It is possible that other neurons would show a different pat- for estimation of spasticity in complete spinal cord patients.
tern of damage, due to differing metabolism, packing density, and
fiber diameter. However, the implications of the model discussed INTRODUCTION
above are in accord with known mechanisms of neural activation
It is known that spasticity may be a difficult and complex prob-
and damage from electrical stimulation, and with principles of cur-
lem in the motor rehabilitation of subjects with an upper motor
rent flow around electrode surfaces.
central nervous system lesion. There are several definitions of
spasticity. Summarizing published material we can state that fol-
CONCLUSION lowing phenomena are included in behavior called spasticity: 1 )
increased resistance of skeletal muscles to passive movements: 2)
The present model could be used as an initial framework for de-
clonus; 3) increased stretch reflex; and 4) mass reflexes as a path-
signing future animal safety studies. Based on the electrode ge-
ological form of motor hyperactivity [24].
ometry and surface area used, and considering the estimated dis-
There is no widely used objective method for measurement of
tance between the stimulable tissue and the electrode, the safe
spasticity. The need for therapeutic intervention in the management
charge limit predicted by the model could provide a testable hy-
of spasticity relies upon subjective data derived from the history
pothesis of the safe limit for electrical stimulation. Designers of
and physical examinations. In the assessment of the degree of spas-
electrodes for prosthetic stimulation either could optimize the elec-
ticity there is frequently a poor correlation between the patient’s
trode size and geometry based on the placement site and expected
complaints and the physical finding. Several systems were sug-
distance from electrode to target tissue, o r could design electrode
gested as possible tools for quantification of spasticity. We will
arrays for the worst case of stimulable tissue in contact with the
mention representatives of these systems: I ) goniogram analysis of
electrode surface.
the freely swinging leg, [ 2 ] , [3]; 2) spring-loaded stimulation of
clonus at the ankle and the recording of resultant motor activity
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0018-9294/92$03.00 0 1992 IEEE

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