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Approval Process For Real Estate Projects in Mumbai PDF

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Approval Process for Real Estate Projects in Mumbai

Compiled By Infrawindow News Bureau

No. Procedure Time to Cost

1 Ownership Certificate/Extract 15 days Rs. 50 per CTS No. / Property
Registration Card
Grant of Permission by Revenue Department
2 Building Layout Approval 30 days Application fee of Rs 28 per square
meter of plot/built up area
whichever is larger for residential
projects or Rs 56 per square meter
for commercial projects
Grant of Permission by Development Authority/Municipality. The building company submits an application form
with plans and all required documents, as prescribed by Section 373 of the BMC Act, at the Andheri Building
Proposal Office of the BMC. If all documents are in order and the file is complete, the building company can
proceed to payment of the scrutiny fees. Once the fees have been paid, the application file is forwarded to
the concerned officer in the Building Proposal Department. Then the file is forwarded to the Survey Office,
which make its remarks on the application file and check the remarks from the Development Plan office
(obtained during the design stage of the project). If the Survey Office is satisfied with its review, it will send
the application file back to the Building Proposal Department within one week.
3 Receive site inspection from the Building 3-4 days  
Proposal Office of the BMC (Municipal)
A sub-engineer from the Building Proposal Office will conduct a site inspection within 3 to 4 days of receiving
the file from the survey office. The date and time of the site inspection are arranged by the company’s
architect. The building company must be on-site when the inspection takes place. The sub-engineer
scrutinizes the potential of the plot including the provision of civic infrastructure.
4 Obtain "intimation of disapproval" (building 30-45 days Scrutiny fee of Rs 33 per sqmt for
permit) from the Building Proposal Office residential and Rs 66 per sqmt for
commercial and Development
charges of Rs 350 per sqmt for
residential and Rs 700 for
After the site inspection, the application file returns to the Building Proposal Office to receive an intimation
of disapproval (authorization). The concerned sub engineer scrutinizes the proposal and forwards the report
to the assistant engineer and executive engineers. The proposal is approved at the executive engineer's level
if no concessions are involved. The intimation of disapproval is issued with a list of "no-objection
certificates" (NOCs) which the applicant must obtain separately from various departments and government
authorities. Final clearance to build (Commencement Certificate) will only be given once the company obtains
all NOCs and meet all IOD conditions. There are about 40 IOD conditions to be met by the builder to be
eligible for applying for commencement certificate (CC).
5 Submit structural plans approved by a    
structural engineer to the BMC

The Intimation of Disapproval (IOD) is only an approval of the civil plans. Review of the structural plans is done
in parallel with the NOC process. No approval to this plan is required from the Municipal Corporation but
copies are required to be submitted.
6 Non-Agriculture Permission 3 months Depends on the location of the
project and ranges between Rs 2-8
per sqft.
7 Obtain "no-objection certificate" NOC 30-60 days Rs. 4,000 per tree
from the Tree Authority (Municipal)

Tree Authority Committee of Municipal Corporation. Due to stringent environmental regulations, the building
company must receive clearance from the Tree Authority set up under the Maharashtra (urban areas)
Preservation of Trees Act (1975). The Tree Authority Commission only meets once a month. The Tree Authority
must ascertain what trees (if any) will be cut down as a result of construction. If trees are to be cut down,

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the building company will have to plant trees to replace them.

8 Obtain NOC from the Storm Water and 15-30 days Scrutiny Fees Rs 2/smt (BMC limit)
Drain Department (Municipal)

9 Obtain NOC from the Sewerage 15-30 days No cost

Department (Municipal)
10 Obtain NOC from the Electric Department 15-30 days
The electric consultant hired by the developer works out the load requirement, transformer capacity etc.
Load is sanctioned by the power distribution company. The building company will inform BEST of the project's
power requirements along with a copy of application submitted for building plan approval.
11 Obtain a "no-objection certificate" NOC 30 days No cost
from the Traffic and Coordination
Department (Municipal)

12 Obtain a "no-objection certificate" NOC 30 days Official cost is Rs. 50 per square
from the Chief Fire Officer (Municipal) meter. Cost varies between Rs.
50,000 to Rs 1,00,000.
In Mumbai, buildings above 24 meters in height require Chief Fire Officer (CFO) clearance.
13 Environment Clearance: 3 months to 1 year Charges depend on the size of
The environment consultant hired by the company prepares the Environment Impact Assessment Report which
is submitted to the State level expert Appraisal Committee which refers it to the State Environment Impact
Assessment Authority (SEIAA). Costal Regulatory Zone (CRZ) clearance is also obtained wherever required.
14 Ancient Monument Approval 6 months No cost
Approving Authority: Archaeological Survey of India

15 Consent to Establishment & Operate 2 months No cost

Approving Authority: Pollution Control Board. Ministry of Environment has authorized Pollution Control Board
(PCB) to monitor the environment related compliance by the developer which includes setting up of Sewage
Treatment Plant (STP) etc.
16 NOC from Airport Authority of India 3-4 months

Approving Authority: Civil Aviation Department

17 Obtain commencement certificate from 15-30 days
the Building Proposal Office and pay
development charges (Municipal)

Certificate (CC) is given in two stages: 1. CC upto plinth level, and 2. CC beyond plinth level
18 NOC if near coastal Area months - 1 year

Approving Authority: Coastal Zone Management Authority. Construction is not allowed upto 500 meters from
the coast line
19 Permission for Excavation / Royalty 15 - 30 days
Approving Authority: Collector & Executive Engineer in the Ward Office (under the Mines & Minerals Act 1957)

20 Road Access Highway / Expressway: 60 days

Approving Authority: NHAI/PWD

Approving Authority: NHAI/PWD

21 Lift Escalator Installation Approval (PWD / 30-45 days

Approving Authority: Public Works Deptt

22 Electric substation NOC For all substation 15 days
Transformers in building (Electric Service

Approving Authority: Electricity Distribution Authority

23 Obtain occupancy certificate from the 60 days
BMC (Municipal)

The occupancy certificate allows the building company to occupy the building but is not considered a final
document because the building company still requires the certificate of completion. The company's architect
must submit a formal letter stating that construction has been completed according to the standards set forth
in the IOD and CC.
24 Obtain Building completion certificate 30 days
from the BMC (Municipal)
The completion certificate is considered to be the ultimate document that the building company requires to
fully occupy the building and connect it to utilities.
25 Apply for permanent power connection 30 days Registration fee of Rs 50
and pay fees at Brihanmumbai Electric
Supply and Transport (Municipal)
The building company submits the application form along with a registration. On submission, a receipt of the
same is given along with a requisition number. Within one week (statutory time limit), an inspection takes
place to verify if the structure is permanent and to account for the number of connections required, etc.

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Within a week, a requirement letter from BEST authorities is mailed to the applicant. This letter lists the
documents and payment to obtain a power connection.

26 Obtain permanent water connection 45 days Rs. 1,200 (connection fee)

(with inspection) (Municipal)

27 Obtain permanent sewerage connection 30 days Rs. 50,000


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Tags: Property Registration Card , BMC Act , building proposal office bmc , civic infrastructure ,
civil plans , noc application , SEIAA , Building completion certificate

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