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RERA Registration Project Requirements

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Workshop on RERA-
Registration of Project
CA Vyomesh Pathak
25 May 2019
Framework of RERA

Framework of RERA
Section Provisions of the Act

1 –2 Scope and Definitions

3 –8 Registration of the Project

9 - 10 Registration of Agents and its Functions

11 – 18 Functions and duties of Promoters

19 Rights and Duties of Allottees

20 - 39 RERA Authority – Constitution, Administration, Functions, Powers, etc.

40 Recovery of Interest or Penalty or Compensation from Developer b the

Authority as Land Revenues
43 – 58 RERA Tribunal - Constitution, Administration, Functions, Powers, etc.

59 – 72 Penalties and Offences

73 – 78 RERA Authority – Accounts, Finance, Audit and Reports

79 – 92 Miscellaneous Provisions:
Bar of Jurisdiction, Power to make Rules & Regulations, Act to have overriding
effect over other Acts,
Repeal of MOFA 2012

Framework of MAHA RERA
Sr Rules and Regulations

1 Maharashtra (Real Estate & Development) (Registration of real estate projects,

registration of agents, rates of interest and disclosure on website) Rules 2017
2 Maharashtra (Real Estate & Development) (Recovery of Interest, Penalty, Compensation,
Fine payable, Forms of Complaint and Appeal, etc.) Rules 2017
3 Maharashtra Real Estate Appellate Tribunal (Members, Officers and Employees)
(Appointment and Service Conditions) Rules, 2017
4 Maharashtra Real Estate Regulatory Authority (Form of Annual Statement of Accounts
and Annual Report) Rules, 2017
5 Maharashtra Real Estate Regulatory Authority , Chairperson, Members Officers and
Other Employees (Appointment and Service Conditions) Rules, 2017
6 Maharashtra Real Estate Regulatory Authority (General) Regulations, 2017
Rights and Duties of Allottees:
Formats of Certificates of Architects, Engineers, Chartered Accountants, Annual Audit
report by Statutory Auditors, Power of Attorney for Representation and Application for
Inspection/Obtaining Copies of Documents/Records
7 Maharashtra Real Estate Regulatory Authority (Recruitment and Conditions of Service
of Employees) Regulations, 2017
8 Notifications and Orders by RERA Authority

Pivotal pillars of the Act
Real Estate Act




Improve the perception of the sector among various stakeholders

Uniform regulatory environment

COMMERCIAL and Land under development MORE Projects which do not have
PLOTTED DEVELOPMENT UNITS exceed 8 before commencement of ACT

RENOVATION or REPAIR or REDEVELOPMENT projects not involving Marketing, Advertising, Selling & New

Fiscal discipline wil play a critical role in project Real Estate Act

development and requires utmost importance



What it entails

70% of the Withdrawals to Withdrawal to

Withdrawals to
funds collected be in proportion be certified by
from allottees to the % Engineer,
needs to be completion Architect, and
Financial Discipline

and land cost Promoter to

deposited in the method CA compensate
project account buyer for any
false or
statement with
Project Provision for full refund of
Interest on
Provision for Accounts to be stronger property cost
delay will be
RERA to freeze Audited / FY. financial with interest
same for
project bank Copy to be penalties for
customer and
account upon submitted to RERA non-
non-compliance RERA compliances

Structured communication is required to furnish Real Estate Act


all project related information to the customers


What it entails

Consent of 2/3rd No false Quarterly

Number, type Consent from allottees about statements or updating of RERA
and carpet area affected allottees any other commitments in website with
of apartments for any major addition or advertisement details such as

addition or alteration unsold inventory

alteration and pending

No launch or
No arbitrary advertisement
allottees about Consent of 2/3rd
cancellation of before
Project any minor allottees for
units by registration with
completion time addition or transferring
promoter RERA
frame alteration majority rights to
3rd party

A PMO would be required to track and monitor Real Estate Act


developments as per the defined project plan


What it entails

Offence by an officer
Every officer of a company,
committed with the consent
Quarterly update of project who was in charge or
or connivance of any
progress along with pending responsible will be liable for
director, manager, secretary
approvals on RERA website the conduct of the company
or other officer of the
and deemed to be guilty
company, will also be guilty

CRM would help to enhance customer Real Estate Act

centricity focus


What it entails

Sharing information project

Increased assertion on the An increase in the quality of
plan, layout, government
timely completion of projects construction due to a defect
approvals, land title status,
Customer centricity

and delivery to the consumer. liability period of five years.

sub contractors

Consent from affected

Formation of RWA within Consent of 2/3rd allottees for
allottees for any major
specified time or 3 months any other addition or alteration
addition or alteration
after majority of units have
been sold

No false statements or
Informing allottees for any
commitments in
minor addition or alteration
Unbiased interest on delays advertisement

Registration of all projects & agents and a Real Estate Act

strong dispute management required


What it entails

Registration of
agents/brokers with Dispute resolution registration of new
RERA within 6 months at
and existing projects
Authenticated copy of RERA and RERA
with RERA before
all approvals, Timely updating of appellate tribunals launch
commencement RERA website
certificate, sanctioned

plan, layout plan,

specification, plan of Developers to share Separate registration
development work, Maximum 1 year details of projects of different phases of
proposed facilities, extension in case of launched in last 5 a single projects
Proforma allotment delay due to no fault years with status and
letter, agreement for of developer reason for delay with
sale and conveyance RERA Construction and
deed to be given when land title insurance
applying for project
registration with RERA Annual audit of Conveyance deed for
project accounts by a Quarterly update of
common area in favor project progress on
CA of RWA RERA website

Registration of a Project

Registration of new projects
Registration details to be provided

 Details of encumbrances on land

 Number and areas of garage for sale and open parking areas
 Name and address of real estate agents, contractors, architects, structural
engineer, and other person concerned with the development of the proposed
 Proforma agreement for sale, and the conveyance deed.
 Sanction letter from bank for construction finance and home loan tie-ups.
 Plan of development works to be executed in the proposed project and the
proposed facilities.
 Amenities: detailed note explaining the salient features of the proposed project
including access to the project, design for electric supply including street lighting,
water supply arrangements etc.

Registration of new projects
Registration details to be provided

Promoter details  Pan Card of promoter

 Balance Sheet and last 3 year IT returns of the promoter and in
case of new entity, last 3 years IT returns of parent entity.
 Details of project launched by promoters in last five years,
including current status, details of cases and payment pending.
 Developer or group profile (name, registered address, type of
enterprise etc.)
 Background and track record of promoters – educational
qualification, work experience, projects completed/ongoing etc.
 Litigations – details of past and ongoing litigations (projects only).

Registration of new projects
Registration details to be provided

Land details  Legal title deed reflecting the title of the promoter to the land
 Legally valid documents with authentication of land title if such
land is owned by another person
 Details of encumbrances on land
 In case of JV, copy of collaboration agreement, development
agreement, JV agreement etc.
 Land title search report from an advocate with 10 years experience

Registration of new projects
Registration details to be provided

Project details  Agency to take up external development work

 Authenticated copy of the approvals and commencement certificate
from the competent authority.
 Sanctioned plan, layout plan and specifications of the project.
 In case of phased development, sanctioned plan, layout plan and
specification of the whole project.
 Plan of development works to be executed in the proposed project and
the proposed facilities (such as fire-fighting, drinking water, emergency
evacuation etc.
 Number, type and the carpet area of apartments for sale along with
area of the exclusive balcony or verandah areas and exclusive open
 Number and areas of garage for sale and open parking areas
 Name and address of real estate agents, contractors, architects,
structural engineer, and other person concerned with the development
of the proposed project.

Registration of new projects
Registration details to be provided

Project details  Proforma agreement for sale, and the conveyance deed.
 Sanction letter from bank for construction finance and home loan
 GIS Location Details.

Registration of new projects
Registration details to be provided

Declaration  Declaration in Form B stating following:

 Promoter has clear legal title to the land
 Land is free from encumbrances and if not, details of such
 Project completion time period
 Project account maintenance
 Promoter will not discriminate against any allottee

Development plan  Plan of development works to be executed in the proposed project

and the proposed facilities
 Amenities: detailed note explaining the salient features of the
proposed project including access to the project, design for electric
supply including street lighting, water supply arrangements etc.
 Gantt Charts and Project Schedule

Architect’s Certificate- Form 1
• The Architect’s certificate has to be issued in Form 1 as prescribed per MahaRERA

• The Certificate contains the details of-

 Project Professionals involved in the construction namely-

 Architect,

 Structural Consultant,

 MEP Consultant, and

 Site Supervisor

 Percentage of Work Completed for different buildings and/or wing forming part of the

 Percentage of Work Completed for entire registered phase with respect to internal and
external development work such as common amenities, water supply, internal roads

Engineer’s Certificate- Form 2 and Form 2A
• The Engineer’s Certificate has to be issued in Form 2 and 2A as prescribed per MahaRERA

• The Certificate contains the details of-

 Project Professionals involved in the construction namely-

 Architect,

 Structural Consultant,

 MEP Consultant, and

 Site Supervisor

 Total Estimated Cost of project completion,

 Estimated Costs incurred till date

 Balance Costs to be incurred to obtain completion certificate.

• The Engineer has to certify the quality of materials used in the construction of the project as
per the format prescribed by the MahaRERA authority.

CA’s Certificate- Form 3
• The CA’s certificate has to be issued in Form 3 as prescribed per MahaRERA regulations.

• The Certificate contains the details (Both Estimated as well as Actual) of-

 Land Cost, Development Cost,

 Total Estimated Cost and actual Cost incurred

 Percentage completion of the work (as per Architects Certificate)

 Percentage of Cost incurred to estimated costs

 Withdrawable amount from the designated bank account after considering the amount
already withdrawn till date.

• The CA has to attach his workings as per prescribed format as per MahaRERA (i.e.
Annexure A to Form 3).

Registration Process
Enter Past Experience Enter Details of the
Enter Basic Details (i.e. projects
Create a Login project to be
Information about launched and
Account completed in the last registered under the
the promoter
5 years) project details

Enter details of the Once a project is

Enter the project Common Areas and created, enter the
Upload all the
cost details as per Facilities provided as details of the
relevant documents per the Architect’s
the CA certificate buildings in the
Certificate. project.

Add the details

Add the Task details
about the
Add the Litigation as per the Make the Payment of
details, if any. Architect’s the fees
working with the

Document Checklist to be uploaded on the MahaRERA Portal
 PAN Card  Certificates of Architect (Form 1)

 Copy of Legal Title Report  Commencement Certificate

 Details of encumbrances  Building Plan Approval

 Copy of Layout Approval  Certificates of Engineer (Form 2)

 Proforma Allotment Letter and agreement  Certificates of CA (Form 3)

for sale
 Certificates of CA (Form 5)
 Declaration in Form B
 Certificates of Architects (Form 4)

 Status of Conveyance

 Form 2A

 Status of formation of legal entity

(society/Co op etc.)
Promoter Registration - Login
Step 1
The Promoter should login to the MAHARERA website and click on Login

For first time login, click on “New Registration”

Promoter Registration - Login
Step 2
Enter details for new Registration. Select User type as “Promoter”. Once all the
requisite details such as password, email ID, etc are entered, then click on the “Create
User” button.

Promoter Registration - Login
Step 3
In case it is a returning user and has forgotten his/her password, click on the “Forgot
Password” tab on the Login page. The following screen will appear. Enter the details
and then “Reset Password”

Promoter Registration – Account Details
Step 4
Once the Promoter logs in, he/she first has to click on “Account”

Promoter Registration – Account Details
Step 5
After clicking on “My Profile” within “Account”, the Promoter needs to enter individual
information, address for official communication, etc, when the information type selected
is “Individual”

Promoter Registration – Account Details
Step 6
The next step involves uploading a profile picture if the Information type is
selected as “Individual”. Click on “Upload Profile Picture” under “Account”.

Promoter Registration – Account Details
Step 5
After clicking on “My Profile” within “Account”, if Information type is “Other than
individual” then the following details need to be filled

Promoter Registration – Account Details
Step 5
After clicking on “My Profile” within “Account”, if Information type is “Other
than individual” then the following details need to be filled

Promoter Registration – Account Details
Step 5
After clicking on “My Profile” within “Account”, if Information type is “Other than
individual” then the following details need to be filled

Promoter Registration – Account Details
Step 7
In Step 7, the Promoter has to enter his/her past experience details such as
number of buildings/plots, etc

Promoter Registration – Project Details
Step 8
In Step 8, the promoter will enter Project Details such as details of project by
clicking on “Add Project”

Promoter Registration – Project Details
Step 8
In Step 8, the Promoter will enter Project Details such as Land details, FSI
details etc

Promoter Registration – Project Details
Step 8
In Step 8, the Promoter will enter Project Details such as Address details,
details of separate bank account, etc

Promoter Registration – Project Details
Step 9
In Step 9, the Promoter will enter Add details of Buildings by clicking on “Add

Promoter Registration – Project Details
Step 9
In Step 9, the Promoter will enter Add details of Buildings by clicking on “Add

Promoter Registration – Project Details
Step 10
In Step 10, the Promoter will enter Add details of Common Areas and Facilities by
clicking on “Common Areas and Facilities”

Promoter Registration – Project Details
Step 10
In Step 10, the Promoter will enter Add details of Common Areas and Facilities
by clicking on “Common Areas and Facilities”. After you add details, click on

Promoter Registration – Project Details
Step 11
In Step 11, the Promoter will enter Add Project details of cost by clicking on
“Cost Details”. He/she then has to enter details based on the “ProjectID”

Promoter Registration – Project Details
Step 11
In Step 11, the Promoter will enter Add Project details of cost by clicking
on “Cost Details”. He/she then has to enter details based on the “ProjectID”

Promoter Registration – Project Details
Step 11
In Step 11, the Promoter will enter Add Project details of cost by clicking on
“Cost Details”. He/she then has to enter details based on the “ProjectID”

Promoter Registration – Project Details
Step 12
In Step 12, the Promoter can then click on “Document Upload” under “Project
Details” and uploads the required documents.

Promoter Registration – Project Details
Step 12
In Step 12, the promoter can then click on “Document Upload” under “Project
Details” and upload the required documents. The list of required documents is

Promoter Registration – Project Details
Step 12
In Step 12, the promoter can then click on “Document Upload” under “Project
Details” and upload the required documents. The list of required documents is

Promoter Registration – Project Details
Step 13
In Step 13, professional details about the project such as details of Real estate
agent, architect etc to be added in “Project Professional”

Promoter Registration – Project Details
Step 13
In Step 13, professional details about “Architect” are mandatory

Promoter Registration – Project Details
Step 14
In Step 14, the promoter adds litigations related to the project, if any by
clicking on “Add Litigations Related to the Project” under Project Details. After
all the details are entered, click on “Add”

Promoter Registration – Project Details
Step 15
In Step 15, the promoter can then click on the “Payment tab” under “Project
Details” and make payment through NEFT/RTGS. First the Promoter needs to
select the Project Name

Promoter Registration - Payment
Step 15
All the details entered by the Promoter can be seen in a Preview mode

Promoter Registration - Payment
Step 15
In Step 15, once the Promoter clicks on Payment, he/she can enter the mode of
Payment such as Net Banking, Credit/Debit Card etc. He/she selects the mode
and makes Registration payment

Fees for Registration of projects
• After mentioning all the details as discussed earlier, the promoter can register
their project after paying the fees.
• Project Registration fee
 Project registration fee is Rs. 10 per square meter of land or minimum of Rs.
50,000 only and maximum up to Rs. 10,00,000 only.
 Can pay the registration fee NEFT or RTGS System or any other digital
transaction mode.
• Fee for application for the time extension of Real Estate Project
 A developer can apply for the time extension for the completion of his real
estate project by paying fees for extension.
 Fees for time extension is the same as fees for project registration.

Registration of new and existing projects
Additional details for existing projects

 Current status of project and the extent of

 Carpet area of all the units in the project even if Need to undertake a
earlier sold on any other basis such as super detailed diagnostic of
area, carpet area, built-up area etc. existing projects
 In case of plotted development, area of the plot
being sold to the allottees.

Projects which have not received ‘Completion Certificate’ on the date of commencement of
the Act, need to get registered with RERA

RERA wil have power to scrutinize the application
Additional power of RERA
 RERA may review the following documents submitted by
a promoter:
Requires clarity as
 Nature of rights and interests of the promoter to the managerial capacity is a
land subjective assessment
 Extent and location of area of land proposed to be
 Layout of the project
 Financial, technical and managerial capacity of the
promoter to develop
 Plan regarding the development works to be
executed in the project Requires further clarity
 Conformity of development of the project with
neighboring areas

A second level scrutiny as the same is being done by local

development authorities

Issues and nuances for
Project Registration

Issues and nuances for Project Registration
• Definition of Project to be registered – Single tower, Multiple towers etc.
• Determination of Land Area allocable to the respective tower to be
registered in case of a layout project .
• Estimation of Project Cost – Various factors to be considered –
Escalations, Contingencies, Future regulatory fees (eg. BMC fees) etc.
• Allocation of cost already incurred to respective towers in case of layout
• Allocation of cost on case of SRA project involving Rehab building and
sale building.
• Land owners and JDA partners to be considered as “Promoters”.
• Society to be considered as a Co-promoter in case of a redevelopment
• Ensure appropriate disclosures in agreement for sale as well as details
to be uploaded at the time of registration to overcome penalty exposure.

Issues and nuances for Project Registration
• Allocation of Land Cost in case of layout and large developments
• Allocation of costs for common amenities and Infrastructure
• Allocation of off-site costs to various projects
• Which method of accounting to be followed – cash or mercantile?
• Meaning of Incurred – to be applied prudently
• Payment of fungible premium in case of layout and large developments
• Allocation of costs in case of Parking Projects registered separately or shown as
common areas
• Allocation of cost of Public Parking in case of layout projects
• Marketing cost of acquisition of land/projects – whether covered as land cost?
• Circulars and Clarifications issued by RERA Authorities should be applied
blindly? Will it survive if beyond the Act and Rules?
• Amount withdrawn to be utilized Only for the Project – Can it be utilized for
purchase of land for other projects
• Meaning of On-site and Off-site costs – not reflected in certificate
Joint Development

Joint Development Arrangements- Mechanism
Upfront consideration

Developer Land Owner

Enters into development
% share in revenue
% share in revenue
Revenue Sharing Models
Upfront Payment of
Consideration Or/
Lease /sale of asset to earn And
Development of Project
Built- Up Area
Or/ And

Gross / Net Revenue

Clarification on Joint Development Arrangements
• Promoter now includes any person(s) or organization(s) who, under any
agreement or arrangement with the promoter of a Real Estate Project is
allotted or entitled to a share of total revenue generated from sale of
apartments or share of promoters shall be as per the agreement or
arrangement with the Promoters, however for withdrawal from
Designated Bank Account, they shall be at par with the Promoter of the
Real Estate Project.”

• Following implications would result on account of the above –

 The Investors and/or Land-owners, as the case may be, having an
arrangement with the Developer will also fall into the ambit of the
 Details of the Promoter to be provided at the time of registration with
MahaRERA and a copy of the agreement and arrangements should be
uploaded on the website as well.
 Existing JDA arrangements (mainly with revenue share or profit share
arrangement) will need to be revisited.

Joint Development Arrangements- Issues
• In case of Revenue Share arrangement
 Whether a single RERA Account required OR two separate account required?
 Whether separate CA Certificates to be obtained by the Promoter?
 How to apply and compute POCM?
 What would be the costs for the Promoter?
• In case of Area Share arrangement
 Whether separate CA Certificates to be obtained by the Promoter?
 How to apply and compute POCM?
 What would be the costs for the Promoter?
• Whether this Clarification will apply to Investors?
• Whether this clarification applies to Construction Companies jointly developing
projects and sharing revenues/areas?

Offences and Penalties

Offences and Penalty
Provision Promoter Agent Allottee

Non-registration of Up to 10% of the Penalty of INR10,000

project/agent with estimated project per day during default
RERA and continue cost tenure up to 5% of
to do so property cost
False information Up to 5% of the
while making an estimated project
application to RERA cost
Contravention of Up to 5% of the Up to 5% of the
any provisions of estimated project property cost
the Act (other than cost
stated above)
Non-compliance Daily penalty up to Daily penalty up to Daily penalty up to
with the order of 5% of the estimated 5% of property cost 5% of property cost
RERA project cost
Non-compliance Up to 10% of project Up to 10% of property Up to 10% of
with the order of cost cost property cost
the Appellate

Certification by a Chartered
Accountant under RERA

CA’s Certificate- Form 3
• The CA’s certificate has to be issued in Form 3 as prescribed per MahaRERA regulations.

• The Certificate contains the details (Both Estimated as well as Actual) of-

 Land Cost, Development Cost,

 Total Estimated Cost and actual Cost incurred

 Percentage completion of the work (as per Architects Certificate)

 Percentage of Cost incurred to estimated costs

 Withdrawable amount from the designated bank account after considering the amount
already withdrawn till date.

• For ongoing projects

 Estimated Balance Cost

 Balance amount of receivables from the sold apartments

 Estimated amount of sales proceeds in respect of unsold Apartments based on ASR

Rate (Ready Reckoner Rate)

 Amount to be deposited in the bank account.

• The CA has to attach his workings as per prescribed format as per MahaRERA (i.e.
Annexure A to Form 3).
Form 3
Chartered Accountants Certificate (on the Letter head)
Cost of Real Estate Project MahaRERA Registration Number
Sr. No. Particulars Amount
A Land Cost Estimated Actual
Amount Amount
a Acquisition Cost of Land or Development Rights, XXXX
lease Premium, lease rent, interest cost incurred or
payable on Land Cost an d legal cost
b Amount of Premium payable to obtain
development rights, FSI, additional FSI, fungible
area, and any other incentive under DCR from Local
Authority or State Government or any Statutory
c Acquisition cost of TDR (if any)
d Amounts payable to State Government or competent
authority or any other statutory authority of the
State or Central Government, towards stamp duty,
transfer charges, registration fees etc; and
e Land Premium payable as per annual statement of
rates (ASR) for redevelopment of land owned by
public authorities
Clarification on the term Acquisition Cost
• To determine the Fair Market Value of the Acquisition Cost of Land or
Development Rights in the Real Estate Project, the Acquisition cost shall be the
'Indexed cost of Acquisition'.
• The indexed cost of acquisition shall mean an amount which bears to the cost
of acquisition the same proportion as Cost inflation Index for the year in which
the Land or Development Rights or Lease Rights in the Real Estate Project is
registered or the year in which the first commencement certificate is issued in
respect of such land , whichever is earlier, bears to the Cost inflation index for
the first year in which such Land or Development Rights or Lease Rights in the
Real Estate Project was owned or held by the developer.
• Where the Land or Development Rights or Lease Rights became property of the
developer or became available to the developer before 1st day of April 2001, the
Cost of Acquisition would mean the ASR value of such land or such Land or
Development Rights or Lease Rights in the in the Real Estate Project is owned or
held by the Developer shall be taken as 1st April, 2001.”

- MahaRERA Circular No. 7/2017 dated 4 July 2017

Clarification on the term “Incurred”
The expression incurred would mean amount of
product or service received creating a debt in favor of
a seller or supplier and shall also include the amount
of product or service received against payment.

- MahaRERA Circular No. 7/2017 dated 4 July 2017

Clarification on the term Cost of Land
• With respect to an Ongoing Project, at the time of registration of the Real Estate
Project, the Estimated Land Cost and Development Cost/ Cost of Construction to
be certified as per Form 3 of the General Regulations of MahaRERA, shall be for
the cost of the real estate project, since its inception and not the balance
estimated land cost/ Cost of construction to complete the project.
• That is the total incurred cost of the real estate project shall be the aggregate of
the incurred land cost and development cost/ cost of construction of the project,
since its inception till the date of the issuance of the certificate and the
estimated Land Cost and Development Cost/ Cost of Construction shall be for
the entire project from the inception till completion.
• Also in respect of an Ongoing Project, in the first certificate to be issued by a
Chartered Accountant at the time of registration and for the first withdrawal
post registration, at clause 7 of the Form 3, the “Amount withdrawn till date of
this certificate as per Books of Accounts and bank Statement” shall be the lower
 100% of the amount received towards consideration of the sale of the
apartment of the Real Estate Project till date of Registration or
 “amount of project cost incurred as reflected at clause number 3 of the
certificate of chartered accountant issued (Form no. 3) at the time of
- MahaRERA Circular No. 7/2017 dated 4 July 2017
Clarification on Borrowing Cost
The Acquisition Cost shall also include the amount of interest
incurred on the borrowing done specifically for the purchase of
Land, or Acquiring development Rights or Lease Rights.

- MahaRERA Circular No. 7/2017 dated 4 July 2017

Sr. No. Particulars Amount
A Land Cost Estimated Actual
Amount Amount
f[i] Estimated construction cost of rehab building
including site development and infrastructure for
the same as certified by Engineer

Actual Cost of construction of rehab building

incurred as per the books of accounts as verified
by the CA

f[ii] Cost towards clearance of land of all or any

encumbrances including cost of removal of
legal/illegal occupants, cost for providing
temporary transit accommodation or rent in lieu
of Transit Accommodation, overhead cost

f[iii] Cost of ASR linked premium, fees, charges and

security deposits or maintenance deposit, or any
amount whatsoever payable to any authorities
towards and in project of rehabilitation

Cost of Rehabilitation Scheme
• Cost under the Rehabilitation Scheme or Construction Cost of Rehabilitation buildings
shall include cost incurred for construction of construction Area, which is to be
handed over to-
 Slum dwellers under the Slum Rehabilitation Scheme
 Tenants under the redevelopment of tenanted Premises
 Apartment owners of the building which is under redevelopment and who are to
be provided with an alternative accommodation
 Government or Concessionaire in Public Private Partnership Projects
 Appropriate Authority under various schemes under the development
• All amounts payable to slum dwellers, tenants, apartment owners or Appropriate
authority or Government or concessionaire which are non refundable and incurred as
cost and expense of such rehabilitation scheme shall be allowed as part of Land Cost
under the clause 1(i)(f)(iii) or 1 (i)(f)(iv) of the Form 3 under General Regulation 3 of
MahaRERA. For Example, maintenance deposits, corpus amount, concession
premium or fees, shifting charges to name a few.
• The amount of interest incurred on borrowing done specifically for the construction
of rehabilitation component in rehabilitation scheme shall be included in the interest
payable to the financial institutions etc.( under the head of Land Cost (under Clause
1(i)(a) of Form 3 of General Regulation s 3 of MahaRERA)
- MahaRERA Circular No. 7/2017 dated 4 July 2017

B Development Cost/ Cost of Construction Estimated Actual
Amount Amount
a[i] Estimated Cost of Construction as certified by
Actual Cost of construction incurred as per the
books of accounts as verified by the CA

a[ii] On-site expenditure for development of entire

project excluding cost of construction as per a(i)
above, i.e. salaries, consultants fees, site overheads,
cost of services (including water, electricity,
sewerage), cost of machineries and equipment
including its hire and maintenance costs,
consumables etc. All costs directly incurred to
complete the construction of the buildings /wings
of the project registered

Clarification on the term Development Costs
• All the cost items should be mutually exclusive. There should not be
any double counting of costs.
• The Development Cost / Cost of Construction of the project should not
include marketing and brokerage expenses towards sale of apartments.
Such expenses, though part of the project cost should not be borne
from the amount that is required to be deposited in the designated
separate account.
• - MahaRERA Circular No. 5/2017 dated 28 June 2017

B Development Cost/ Cost of Construction Estimated Actual
Amount Amount
B Payment of Taxes, cess, fees, charges, premiums,
interest etc to any statutory Authority
C Principal sum and interest payable to financial
institutions, scheduled banks, non-banking financial
institution (NBFC) or money lenders on
construction funding or money borrowed for

Total Cost of Real Estate Project(A+B) 0 0

Total Estimated Cost of the Real Estate Project

[1(i) + 1(ii)] of Estimated Column
Total Cost Incurred of the Real Estate Project [1(i) + 1(ii)] of Incurred Column

% completion of Construction Work %

(as per Project Architect’s Certificate) XX%

Clarification of Percentage Completion
• Clause 4 of Form 3 of the general Regulations of MahaRERA, refers to
percentage completion of construction work as per Project Architect’s
• This clause shall be required to be filled only in final certificate when
100% of the construction work has been completed. In all the prior
certificates, this field is not mandatory to be filled and certified by
Chartered Accountant, as this information is been detailed in Form 1
provided by Architect.
- MahaRERA Circular No. 7/2017 dated 4 July 2017

Clarification on Taxes
• The indirect taxes collected by the promoter from the Allottees in the
Nature of GST/Service Tax / Vat can also be deposited in a bank
account other than the Separate Bank account and shall be dealt with
as per the Statute governing such indirect taxes.
• - MahaRERA Circular No. 7/2017 dated 4 July 2017

Clarification on Increase in Construction Cost
• The increase in construction cost due to execution of extra/additional
items as certified by the engineer in Annexure A of Form 2 of the
General Regulation of the MahaRERA, shall be allowed to included in
the on-site Expenditure for development of entire site etc. under clause
1(ii)(a)(iii) of Form 3 of the General Regulation 3 of MahaRERA .
• Annexure A is a part of the Engineer’s Certificate that specifies any
expenditure that has been incurred and was not estimated to be
- MahaRERA Circular No. 7/2017 dated 4 July 2017

Clarification on Balance Receivables
• The third proviso to Section 4(2)(1)(d) of RERA read with Regulation 4(a) of the
Regulations requires the promoter to get his accounts audited within six
months after the end of every financial year by the statutory auditor of the
Promoter’s enterprise, and produce report on the statement of accounts on
project fund utilization and withdrawal by Promoter in Form-5 in accordance
with General Regulation of MahaRERA.
• Since the report is to be prepared under third proviso to section 4(2)(1)(d) of
RERA, the said certificate is only in respect of the amount to be deposited and
withdrawn from the Separate bank Account.
• Thus Chartered Accountant is required to certify that Promoter has utilized
70% of the amount collected for the project only and not for the entire amount
collected by the project.
• However, it may be 100% of the balance receivables from the Allottees in case
of an Ongoing Project, where the proviso to Rule 5(1)(ii) applies. The Chartered
Accountant shall further certify that the withdrawal from the Separate Bank
Account of the said project has been in accordance with the proportion to the
percentage of completion of the project.
- MahaRERA Circular No. 7/2017 dated 4 July 2017

Additional Information for Ongoing Projects
1. Estimated Balance Cost to Complete the Real Estate Project (Difference of Total
Estimated Project cost less Cost incurred ) (calculated as per the Form IV)
2. Balance amount of receivables from sold apartments as per Annexure A to this
certificate (as certified by Chartered Accountant as verified from the records and
books of Accounts)
3. (i) Balance Unsold area (to be certified by Management and to be verified by CA
from the records and books of accounts)
(ii) Estimated amount of sales proceeds in respect of unsold apartments (calculated
as per ASR multiplied to unsold area as on the date of certificate, to be calculated
and certified by CA) as per Annexure A to this certificate
4. Estimated receivables of ongoing project- Sum of 2 + 3(ii)
5.Amount to be deposited in Designated Account – 70% or 100%
• IF 4 is greater than 1, then 70 % of the balance receivables of ongoing project will
be deposited in designated Account
• IF 4 is lesser than 1, then 100% of the of the balance receivables of ongoing project
will be deposited in designated Account %

Annexure A to Form 3
Statement for calculation of Receivables from the Sales
of the Ongoing Real Estate Project
Sold Inventory
Sr. No. Flat No. as per Received Balance
Area (in
Agreement Amount Receivable
/Letter of

Annexure A to Form 3
Unsold Inventory Valuation
Ready Recknor Rate as on the date of Certificate of the Residential /commercial
premises INR XXX per sm.

Unit Consideration as
Sr. No. Flat No. Carpet Area
per Read Reckoner
(in sq.mts.)
Rate (ASR)

Clarification on Principal and Interest
• While Uploading Details of the Project cost on the website at the time
of registration, in the 'project cost' Tab, list of Values , wherein
"Principal sum and interest payable" is sought, the Principal Sum of
the Loan stall not be entered and only interest shall be uploaded.
• However, in the certificate to be issued by Chartered Accountant, as
per Form 3 of the General Regulation of MahaRERA, the principal sum
of Loan shall be reflected in the brackets and shall not be added in the
Sub-total of Development Cost.
- MahaRERA Circular No. 7/2017 dated 4 July 2017

Best Practices and Way

RERA Alignment Required Across the Company & With All
Information being made public under RERA can expose promoters to greater risks not just
under RERA but under all regulations – Need for stronger focus on compliance, additional
controls on RERA updates, focused handling of customer voice on social media and
customer support etc
You will be held accountable for perceived project features communicated visually, verbally
IT or in writing, How would you control verbal communications and second level marketing by
brokers/ sub brokers ? – include required clauses in broker, employee contracts, customer
agreements, stronger sales validation process, clear dos & don'ts on content creation etc
Re aligning of your sales strategies, revamp of sales channels – Need for one time review of sales
channels to ensure brokers/ agents have capability of being RERA compliant, develop internal
sales capabilities if heavy reliance is placed on brokers/ agents, sales launch of only approved
projects - No pre launch activities to gauge market sentiments etc

You commit what you want to do and build enough disclaimers for protection – The act
requires you to disclose proposed construction plans, what disclaimers should be built in to
protect you in case of future change of plans. Design
Controls to ensure committed quality is delivered & mandate is also obtained for upsell.

Enhance team capabilities to handle mature processes – Finalization of project designs to ensure Legal
minimum alternations, Project planning to provide accurate time and cost estimates, strong cash
flow planning to support an elongated process of withdrawals Project
Paradigm Shift in Business and Operating Model
What is Required To Be Done

Re-define business Review Plan Develop RERA

strategies keeping impacted technological disclaimers for all
the RERA changes processes to requirements & communications
in mind introduce new changes types and
controls documents
Revise existing Onetime review Define new roles Realign
documents/ of website & & Delegation of
communication social media responsibilities Authority for
templates exception
New Introduce stronger Implement
Relook at documentation, quality/ revised processes
existing TATs/ storage and compliance & train impacted
SLAs retrieval monitoring departments

together ….
CA Vyomesh Pathak
The information contained herein is of a general nature and is not intended to address the
circumstances of any particular individual or entity. No one should act on such information
without appropriate professional advice after a thorough examination of the particular

This document is meant for e-communications only


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