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EM24-DIN.AV9.3X.IS.P EM24-DIN.AV5.3D.IS.P EM24-DIN.AV5.3D.02.P EM24-DIN.AV9.3X.02.P

This Datasheet is presented by Dieses Datenblatt wird vom Cette fiche technique est
the manufacturer Hersteller bereitgestellt présentée par le fabricant
Energy Management
Energy Analyzer
Type EM24 DIN
• Class 1 (kWh) according to EN62053-21
• Class B (kWh) according to EN50470-3
• Class 2 (kvarh) according to EN62053-23
• Accuracy ±0.5 RDG (current/voltage)
• Energy analyzer
• Instantaneous variables readout: 4 DGT
• Energies/gas/water readout: 7+1 DGT
• System variables: VLL, VLN, Admd max, VA, VAdmd, VAdmd max,
W, Wdmd, Wdmd max, var, PF, Hz, Phase-sequence.
• Single phase variables: VLL, VLN, A, VA, W, var, PF
• Energy measurements: total and partial kWh and kvarh or based on
4 different tariffs; single phase measurements
• Gas, cold water, hot water, kWh remote heating measurements
• Hour counter (6+2 DGT)
• TRMS measurements of distorted sine waves (voltages/cur-
• Self power supply (AV0-AV2-AV9 inputs)
• Auxiliary power supply (AV5-AV6 inputs)
• Application adaptable display and programming procedure • 3 digital inputs for tariff selection, DMD synch or gas/
(Easyprog function) water (hot-cold) and remote heating metering (on request)
• Easy connections management • 2 digital outputs for pulses or for alarms or as a mix of them
• Certified according to MID Directive (option PF only): (on request)
see “how to order” below • Dimensions: 4-DIN modules
• Other version available (not certified, option X and P): • Protection degree (front): IP50
see “how to order” on the next page • RS485 serial output (on request) (MODBUS-RTU), iFIX SCADA
• Dupline communication capability (DP option)

Product Description
Three-phase energy analyzer for DIN-rail mounting with IP50 Moreover the meter can be pro- alarm outputs. In alternative the
with built-in configuration joy- (front) protection degree. Direct vided with digital outputs that RS485 communication port and
stick and LCD data displaying; connection up to 65A and by can be either for pulse propor- 3 digital inputs or Dupline port
particularly indicated for active means of external current and tional to the active and reactive and 3 digital inputs are avail-
and reactive energy metering potential transformers. energy being measured or for able as an option.
and for cost allocation. Housing

How to order EM24 DIN AV5 3 X O2 PF

Certified according to MID Directive,
MID Annex "B" + Annex "D" or Annex “B” +
Annex “F” for legal metrology relevant to
Range code
active electrical energy meters (see Annex MI-003 of System
Power supply
MID). Can be used for fiscal (legal) metrology.

Type Selection for MID version

Range codes System Inputs/Outputs Power supply

AV5: 400VLL AC - 5(10)A 3: 3-phase, 4-wire XX: none X: Self power supply
(CT connection) O2: dual open collector (See “Power supply
balanced load
AV2: VLN : 113V to 230VLN type (dual pulse or one specifications”)
VLL : 230V to 400VLL pulse + one alarm or D: 115/230VAC (50Hz)
I: 10(65)A dual alarm)
AV9: 400VLL AC - 10(65)A IS: 3 digital inputs for tariff
(direct connection) selection or Gas/Water/
remote heating meter-
Options ing plus RS485 port
DP: Dupline port plus 3 dig- NOTE: please check the
ital inputs for Gas/ availability of the needed
PF: Certified according to MID Directive, Annex "B" + Annex water/ remote heating code on the verification path
"D" or Annex “B” + Annex “F” for legal metrology relevant metering tables below before order .
to active electrical energy meters (see Annex MI-003 of
MID). Can be used for fiscal (legal) metrology.

ly ut ly ut
pp utp pp utp
e m r su /O n e m r su /O n
ng ste we ut tio ng ste we ut tio
Ra Sy Po Inp Op Ra Sy Po Inp Op

AV5 3 D XX AV9 3 X XX PF
O2 O2
AV2 3 X DP

Specifications are subject to change without notice EM24 DIN DS 051110 1


How to order EM24 DIN AV5 3 X O2 X

Range code
Not certified according to MID directive. Cannot be System
used for fiscal (legal) metering. Power supply

Type Selection for standard version

Range codes System Inputs/Outputs Power supply

AV5: 400VLL AC - 1/5 (10)A 1: 1-phase, 2-wire; XX: none X: Self power supply
(CT connection) 3-phase, 3-wire, O2: dual open collector (See “Power supply
VLN : 160 V to 480VLN 3-phase, 4-wire type (dual pulse or one specifications”)
VLL : 277 V to 830VLL balanced load (*) pulse + one alarm or L: 18 to 60VAC/DC (48 to
AV6: 208VLL AC - 1/5(10)A 3: balanced and dual alarm) 62Hz) (*)
(VT/PT and CT unbalanced load: R2: dual relay type (func- D: 115/230 VAC (48 to
connections) 3-phase, 4-wire; tions as per “O2”) (*) 62Hz)
VLN : 40V to 144VLN 3-phase, 3-wire; XS: RS485 port (*)
VLL : 70V to 250VLL 2-phase, 3-wire; IS: 3 digital inputs for tariff
AV0: 208VLL AC -10(65)A 1-phase, 2-wire selection or Gas/
(direct connection) (*) water/ remote heating Options
VLN : 96V to 144VLN metering plus RS485
VLL : 166V to 250VLL port
AV2: 400VLLAC 10(65)A (*) on request. X: none
DP: Dupline port plus 3 dig-
(direct connection) (*) ital inputs for Gas / P: Bearing EC. “Type
VLN : 113V to 265VLN NOTE: please check the water / remote heating examination” (annex B
VLL : 196V to 460VLL availability of the needed metering of MID) relevant to
AV9: 400VLL AC - 10(65)A code on the verification path active electrical energy
(direct connection tables below before order. meters (see Annex MI-
VLN : 184V to 276VLN 003).
VLL : 318V to 480VLL

t ply ut pp
u sup utp su
e m O r n m O r n
ng ste ut/ we tio ng
ste ut/
we tio
Ra Sy Inp Po Op Ra Sy Inp Po Op

AV5 3 XX D P AV9 3 XX X P
1 XX L 1 XX
R2 R2
AV6 1 XX D X AV2 3 XX X P
3 XS L O2
1 XX

2 Specifications are subject to change without notice EM24 DIN DS 051110


Input specifications

Rated inputs System type: 3-phase Type LCD, h 7mm

Current type Galvanic insulation by means Instantaneous variables read-out 4 DGT
of built-in CT’s (AV5 and AV6 Energies Imported Total/Partial/
models). By direct connec- Tariff: 7+1DGT or 8DGT;
tion (AV0, AV2 and AV9) Exported Total/Partial/
Current range (by CT) AV5 and AV6: 1/5(10)A Tariff: 6+1DGT or 7DGT
Current range (direct) AV0: 10(65)A; AV2: 10(65)A; (with “-“ sign)
AV9: 10(65)A Overload status EEEE indication when the
Voltage AV5: 400 VLL value being measured is
Voltage AV0: 120VLN/208 VLL exceeding the “Continuous
AV2: 230/400 VLL inputs overload” (maximum
AV9: 400 VLL measurement capacity)
Voltage by VT/PT AV6: 120VLN/208 VLL Max. and Min. indication Max. instantaneous vari-
Accuracy (Display + RS485) Ib: see below, Un: see below ables: 9999; energies:
(@25°C ±5°C, R.H. ≤60%, 48 to 62Hz) 9 999 999.9 or 99 999999.
AV5 model In: 5A, Imax: 10A; Un: 160 Min. instantaneous vari-
to 480VLN (277 to 830VLL) ables: 0.000; energies 0.0
AV6 model In: 5A, Imax: 10A; Un: 40 to LEDs Red LED (Energy con-
144VLN (70 to 250VLL) sumption)
AV0 model Ib: 10A, Imax: 65A; Un: 96 AV5, AV6 models 0.001 kWh/kvarh by pulse if
to 144VLN (166 to 250VLL) CT ratio by VT ratio is ≤7;
AV2 model Ib: 10A, Imax: 65A, Un: 113 0.01 kWh/kvarh by pulse if CT
to 265VLN (196 to 460VLL) ratio x VT ratio is > 7.1 ≤ 70.0;
AV9 model Ib: 10A, Imax: 65A; Un: 184 0.1 kWh/kvarh pulse if CT ratio
to 276VLN (318 to 480VLL) x VT ratio is > 70.1 ≤ 700.0;
Current 1 kWh/kvarh by pulse if CT
AV5, AV6 models From 0.002In to 0.2In: ratio x VT ratio is > 700.1;
±(0.5% RDG +3DGT) AV0, AV2, AV9 models 0.001kWh/kvarh by pulse
From 0.2In to Imax: Max frequency 16Hz, according to
±(0.5% RDG +1DGT). EN50470-3
AV0, AV2, AV9 models From 0.004Ib to 0.2Ib: Measurements See “List of the variables
±(0.5% RDG +3DGT) that can be connected to:”
From 0.2Ib to Imax: Method TRMS measurements of
±(0.5% RDG +1DGT). distorted wave forms.
Phase-neutral voltage In the range Un: ±(0,5% Coupling type Direct for AV0, AV2 and AV9
RDG +1DGT) models. By means of exter-
Phase-phase voltage In the range Un: ±(1% RDG nal CT’s for AV5 and AV6
+1DGT) Crest factor Ib 10A ≤4 (91A max. peak)
Frequency ±0.1Hz (45 to 65Hz) In 5A ≤3 (15A max. peak)
Active and Apparent power ±(1%RDG +2DGT)
Power Factor ±[0.001+1%(1.000 - “PF Current Overloads
RDG”)] Continuous 1/5(10) A: 10A, @ 50Hz
Reactive power ±(2%RDG +2DGT) 10(65) A: 65A, @ 50Hz
Active energy Class 1 according to For 500ms 1/5(10) A: 200A, @ 50Hz
EN62053-21 and MID For 10ms 10(65) A: 1920A max, @ 50Hz
Annex MI-003 Class B Voltage Overloads
according to EN50470-3 Continuous 1.2 Un
Reactive energy Class 2 according to For 500ms 2 Un
EN62053-23 Input impedance
AV5, AV6 models In: 5A, Imax: 10A; 208VL-L (AV6) >1600KΩ
0.1 In: 0.5A, 208VL-L (AV0) Refer to “Power
Start up current: 10mA Consumption”
AV0, AV2, AV9 models Ib: 10A, Imax: 65A; 230/400VL-L (AV2) Refer to “Power
0.1 Ib: 1.0A Consumption”
Start up current: 40mA 400VL-L (AV5) >1600KΩ
Energy additional errors 400VL-L (AV9) Refer to “Power
Influence quantities According to EN62053-21, Consumption”
EN50470-3, EN62053-23 1/5(10)A (AV5-AV6) < 0.3VA
Temperature drift ≤200ppm/°C 10(65)A (AV0-AV2-AV9) < 4VA
Sampling rate 1600 samples/s @ 50Hz Frequency 45 to 65 Hz
1900 samples/s @ 60Hz Joystick For variable selection and
Display refresh time 750 ms programming of the
instrument working
Display 3 lines (1 x 8 DGT; 2 x 4 DGT) parameters

Specifications are subject to change without notice EM24 DIN DS 051110 3


Output specifications

Digital outputs Note The meters equipped with

Pulse type the relay outputs (“AV0”
Number of outputs Up to 2, independent. and “AV9” models with
Programmable from 0.001 “R2” option) work even if
to 10.00kWh/kvarh by VL3 is missing (VL1, VL2
pulse. and neutral have to be
Type Outputs connectable to the available)(see table “work-
energy meters (kWh/kvarh) ing mode notes”)
Pulse duration ≥100ms < 120msec (ON), RS485
≥120ms (OFF), according Type Multidrop, bidirectional
to EN62053-31 (static and dynamic
Alarm type variables)
Number of outputs Up to 2, independent Connections 2-wire
Alarm modes Up alarm, down alarm (see Max. distance 1000m
the table “List of the Addresses 247, selectable by means
variables that can be of the front joystick
connected to”) Protocol MODBUS/JBUS (RTU)
Set-point adjustment From 0 to 100% of the Data (bidirectional)
display scale Dynamic (reading only) System and phase
Hysteresis From 0 to full scale variables: see table “List of
On-time delay 0 to 255s variables...”
Output status Selectable; normally Static (reading and writing) All the configuration
de-energized or normally parameters.
energized Data format 1 start bit, 8 data bit, no
Min. response time ≤ 700ms, filter excluded, parity,1 stop bit
set-point on-time delay: “0 s” Baud-rate 4800, 9600 bit/s
Note The 2 digital outputs can Driver input impedance 1/5 unit load
also work as a dual pulse Maximum 160 transceivers
output, dual alarm output, on the same bus.
one pulse output and one Insulation By means of optocouplers,
alarm output. 4000 VRMS output to
Static output measuring input,
Purpose For pulse output or alarm 4000 VRMS output to
output power supply input.
Signal VON 1.2 VDC/ max. 100 mA Note: The meters equipped with
VOFF 30 VDC max. the communication port
Insulation By means of optocuplers, (“AV0” and “AV9” models
4000 VRMS output to with “XS” and “IS” options)
measuring inputs, work even if VL3 is missing
4000 VRMS output to (VL1, VL2 and neutral have
power supply input. to be available)(see table
Relay output “working mode notes”)
Purpose For alarm output or pulse
Type Relay, SPST type
AC 1-5A @ 250VAC
DC 12-5A @ 24VDC
AC 15-1.5A @ 250VAC
DC 13-1.5A @ 24VDC
Insulation 4000 VRMS output to
measuring input
4000 VRMS output to
power supply input.

4 Specifications are subject to change without notice EM24 DIN DS 051110


Dupline specifications
Counters variables)
Used Dupline function Multiplexer for counter val- M1 to N8 (4th group of 16
ues variables)
Number of counters 6 per instrument O1 to P8 (5th group of 16
128 per network variables)
Counter range 0... 99 999 999 Available variables All, except for the “max”
Used channels B to F variables
Multiplexer B2 to B8 Synchro/Tariff input
Reset B1 Used Dupline functions Monostable (push-button)
Value C1 to F8 Realtime
Counter reset Enable/disable function for Used channels A5
all the counters Working mode Selectable:
Available counters kWh tot, -kWh tot, • none
kvarh tot, -kvarh tot, • Wdmd synchronization
kWh t1, kWh t2, • total and partial energy
kWh L1, kWh L2, kWh L3, meter (kWh, kvarh) man-
counter dig. in. 1, aged by time periods (t1-t2).
counter dig. in. 2,
counter dig. in. 3, Alarms
hour counter. Used Dupline function Monostable (push-button)
Used channells Selectable (A1 to P8). No
Analogue variables control that the selected
Used Dupline function Multiplexer for analogue channels are not used for
values counters or analog vari-
Number of variables 8 per instrument ables.
80 per network Number of alarms 2 per instrument
Dupline data format 3 1/2 DGT BCD Alarm modes Up alarm, down alarm (see
Full scale value Selectable from 1.999 to the table “List of the
1999M variables that can be
Used channels depending on the number connected to”)
of variables Set-point adjustment From 0 to 100% of the dis-
Multiplexer A1 to A4 play scale
Value G1 to H8 (1st group of 16 Hysteresis From 0 to full scale
variables) On-time delay 0 to 255s
I1 to J8 (2nd group of 16 Output status Normally energised
variables) Available variables All, except for the “max”
K1 to L8 (3th group of 16 variables

Digital input specifications

Number of inputs 3 managed by time periods
Input frequency 20Hz max, duty cycle 50% (t1-t2), W dmd synchroni-
Prescaler adjustment From 0.1 to 999.9 m3 or sation (the synchronisation
kWh per pulse is made independently
Contact measuring voltage 5VDC +/- 5% from the tariff selection)
Contact measuring current 10mA max and GAS (m3) or WATER
Input impedance 680Ω (hot-cold m3) or remote
Contact resistance ≤100Ω, closed contact heating (kWh) meters;
≥500kΩ, open contact • total energy (kWh, kvarh)
Working modes and GAS, WATER (hot-cold
(DP version excluded) Selectable: m3) and remote heating
• total and partial energy meters (3 choices only).
meters (kWh and kvarh) Working modes
without digital inputs; (DP version only) Selectable:
• total and partial energy • GAS (m3) or WATER (hot-
meters (kWh and kvarh) cold m3) or remote heating
managed by time periods (kWh) meters
(t1-t2-t3-t4), W dmd syn- Note The energy metering is
chronisation (the synchro- only made by means of the
nisation is made every time analogue inputs.
the tariff changes) and Insulation By means of optocouplers,
GAS (m3) or WATER (hot- 4000 VRMS digital inputs
cold m3) or remote heating to measuring inputs,
(kWh) meters; 4000 VRMS digital inputs
• total and partial energy to power supply input.
meters (kWh and kvarh)

Specifications are subject to change without notice EM24 DIN DS 051110 5


Software functions
Password Numeric code of max. 4 Filter
digits; 2 protection levels Operating range 0 to 100% of the input dis-
of the programming data: play scale
1st level Password “0”, no Filtering coefficient 1 to 32
protection Filter action Measurements, serial output
2nd level Password from 1 to 9999, (fundamental variables: V, A, W
all data are protected and their derived ones).
System selection Displaying Up to 3 variables per page
System 3-P.n unbalanced load 3-phase (4-wire) (see « Display pages »)
System 3-P unbalanced load 3-phase (3-wire) 8 different set of variables
System 3-P.1 (only AV5 and AV6) available (see « Display
balanced load 3-phase (3-wire) one pages ») according to the
current and 3-phase to phase application being selected
voltage measurements Reset By means of the front
3-phase (4-wire) one joystick:
current and 1-phase (L1) to - dmd and dmd max;
neutral voltage measurement - total energies (kWh and
System 2-P 2-phase (3-wire) kvarh) and gas/water;
System 1-P 1-phase (2-wire) - partial energies and
Transformer ratio tariffs: kWh, kvarh
VT (PT) 1.0 to 999.9 / 1000 to 6000 Easy connection function
(only AV5 and AV6) AV0, AV2 and AV9 models Automatic phase sequence
CT 1.0 to 999.9 / 1000 to 9999 detection with current and
/ 10.00k to 60.00k (only voltage synchronisation.
AV5 and AV6). The maxi- AV5-AV6-AV0-AV2-AV9 models For all the display
mum power being mea- selections, both energy
sured cannot exceed 210 and power measurements
MW (calculated as maxi- are independent from the
mum input voltage and current direction. The
current, see the “Accuracy” displayed energy is always
paragraph before). The “imported” with the only
maximum VT by CT ratio is exception of “F” and “H”
48600. For MID complaint types (see “display pages”
applications the maximum table). For those latter
power being measured is selections the energies can
25MW. be either “imported” or
“exported” depending on
the current direction.

General specifications

Operating temperature -25°C to +55°C (-13°F to Dielectric strength 4000 VRMS for 1 minute
131°F) (R.H. from 0 to 90% Noise rejection CMRR 100 dB, 48 to 62 Hz
non-condensing @ 40°C)
EMC According to EN62052-11
according to EN62053-21,
Electrostatic discharges 15kV air discharge
EN50470-1 and EN62053-
Immunity to irradiated Test with current: 10V/m
from 80 to 2000MHz
Storage temperature -30°C to +70°C (-22°F to Electromagnetic fields Test without any current:
158°F) (R.H. < 90% non- 30V/m from 80 to 2000MHz
condensing @ 40°C) Burst On current and voltage
according to EN62053-21, measuring inputs circuit:
EN50470-1 and EN62053- 4kV
23 Immunity to conducted
Installation category Cat. III (IEC60664, disturbances 10V/m from 150KHz to
EN60664) 80MHz
Insulation (for 1 minute) 4000 VRMS between Surge On current and voltage
measuring inputs and measuring inputs circuit:
power supply 4kV; on “L” auxiliary power
4000 VRMS between power supply input: 1kV
supply and RS485/digital Radio frequency suppression According to CISPR 22

6 Specifications are subject to change without notice EM24 DIN DS 051110


General specifications (cont.)

Standard compliance Screws tightening torque:

Safety IEC60664, IEC61010-1 0.5 Nm
EN60664, EN61010-1 Cable cross-section area
EN62052-11. AV5-AV6 models Max. 1.5 mm2
Metrology EN62053-23, EN50470-3. Screws tightening torque:
MID ”annex MI-003” 0.5 Nm
Pulse output DIN43864, IEC62053-31 Housing DIN
Approvals CE, cULus listed (AV5, AV6, Dimensions (WxHxD) 71 x 90 x 64.5 mm
options only) MID (PF Material Nylon PA66,
option only) self-extinguishing: UL 94 V-0
Connections Screw-type Mounting DIN-rail
Cable cross-section area Protection degree
AV0-AV2-AV9 models Max. 16 mm2; Front IP50
Min. 2.5 mm2 (measuring Screw terminals IP20
inputs); Min./Max. screws
Weight Approx. 400 g (packing
tightening torque: 1.7 Nm /
3 Nm
Other inputs: 1.5 mm2

Power supply specifications

Self supplied version AV9-AV0 models phase connection has to

“XX” and “O2” options be performed the L1 and
only: -20% +15%, 48- L2 voltage inputs have to
62Hz. “R2”, “XS” and “IS” be short circuited. The
options only: -15% +10%, instrument provided with
48-62Hz. “O2” option, working in a
AV2 model: 3-phase system with neu-
“XX”, “O2”, “IS” and “DP” tral may work also if one or
options: -15% +15%, 48- two phases are missing.
62Hz. In case of 3-phase Auxiliary power supply AV5-AV6 modules:
system, 4-wire connection: L: 18 to 60VAC/DC;
113 to 265V. In case of 3- D: 115VAC/230VAC
phase system, 3-wire con- (48 to 62Hz)
nection: 196 to 460V.
Power consumption
Note The instruments provided AV9-AV2-AV0 models ≤ 20VA/1W
with “IS” and “R2” options AV9-AV2-AV0 models
work only if all the voltage (IS and DP option only) ≤ 12VA/2W
inputs are connected (3- AV5-AV6 models ≤ 2VA/2W
phase and neutral) if a 1-

Working mode notes (only “Self power supply” version)

Output Model Note

The meter works even if up to two voltages “phase
Open collector output “AV0” and “AV9” models with “O2” option to neutral” are missing or if one voltage “phase to
phase” is missing.
The neutral wire has always to be available. The
Relay output “AV0” and “AV9” models with “R2” option
meter works even if “Phase 3” is missing but,
“AV0” and “AV9” models with “XS” and “IS” mandatorily, both “phase 1” and “Phase 2” have to
RS485 port
options be available.
Dupline port “AV2” model with “DP” option
The meter works even if up to two voltages “phase
Relay output “AV2” model with “R2” option to neutral” are missing or if one voltage “phase to
phase” is missing.
RS485 port “AV2” model with “XS”, “IS” options

Specifications are subject to change without notice EM24 DIN DS 051110 7


Accuracy (According to EN50470-3 and EN62053-23)

kWh, accuracy (RDG) depending on the current kvarh, accuracy (RDG) depending on the current
Percentage error limits for class index B Error

+1,5% +2,5%
+1% +2%

0% 0%

-1% -2%
-1,5% -2,5%

PF=1 0.05A (Imin) 0.25A (Itr) 5A (In) 10A (Imax) sinϕ=1 0.1A 0.25A 5A (In) 10A (Imax)
0.5A (Imin) 1A (Itr) 10A (Iref) 65A (Imax) 0.5A 1A 10A (Ib) 65A (Imax)
PF=L0.5 0.25A (Itr) 5A (In) 10A (Imax) sinϕ=0.5 0.25A 0.5A 5A (In) 10A (Imax)
or C0.8 1A (Itr) 10A (Iref) 65A (Imax) 1A 2A 10A (Ib) 65A (Imax)
Accuracy limits (Active energy) Accuracy limits (Reactive energy)
Start-up current: 10mA (AV5-6), 40mA (AV0-2-9) Start-up current: 10mA (AV5-6), 40mA (AV0-2-9)

MID “Annex MI-003” compliance (option PF only)

Accuracy 0.9 Un ≤ U ≤ 1.1 Un; EMC compliance E2

0.98 fn ≤ f ≤ 1.02 fn; Mechanical compliance M2
fn: 50;
cosϕ: 0.5 inductive to 0.8 Protection degree in order to achieve the
capacitive. protection against dust and
AV2-AV9 models Class B. I st: 0.04A; I min: water required by the
0.5A; I tr: 1A; I ref: 10A; norms harmonized to MID,
I max: 65A. the meter must be used
AV5 models Class B. I st: 0.01A; I min: only installed in IP51 (or
0.05A; I tr: 0.25A; I ref: 5A; better) cabinets.
I max: 10A.
Operating temperature -25°C to +55°C (-13°F to
131°F) (R.H. from 0 to 90%
non-condensing @ 40°C)

Used calculation formulas

Phase variables System variables Three-phase power factor
Instantaneous effective voltage Equivalent three-phase voltage

Instantaneous active power Voltage asymmetry

(V L L m a x - V L L m in ) Energy metering
V LL å
(V LN max - V LN min )
Instantaneous power factor ASY LN =
V LN å
Three-phase reactive power

Instantaneous effective current

i= considered phase (L1, L2 or L3)
Instantaneous apparent power P= active power; Q= reactive power;
Three-phase active power t1, t2 =starting and ending time points
of consumption recording; n= time
unit;∆t= time interval between two
Instantaneous reactive power successive power consumptions;
Three-phase apparent power n1, n2 = starting and ending discrete
time points of consumption recording

8 Specifications are subject to change without notice EM24 DIN DS 051110


List of the variables that can be connected to:

• RS485 communication port

• Alarm outputs (“max” variable”, “energies” and “hour counter” excluded)
• Pulse outputs (only “energies”)
• Dupline bus

No Variable 1-phase 2-phase 3-ph. 4-wire 3-ph. 4-wire 3 ph. 3-wire 3 ph. 3-wire Notes
system system balanced sys. unbal. sys. bal. sys. unbal. sys.
1 V L-N sys o x x x x # sys=system
2 V L1 x x x x x #
3 V L2 o x x x x #
4 V L3 o o x x x #
5 V L-L sys o x x x x x sys=system
6 V L1-2 # x x x x x
7 V L2-3 # o x x x x
8 V L3-1 # o x x x x
9 A dmd max o x x x x x Highest “dmd”
current among
the phases (1)(2)
10 A L1 x x x x x x
11 A L2 o x x x x x
12 A L3 o o x x x x
13 VA sys x x x x x x sys=system
14 VA sys dmd x x x x x x sys=system (1)
15 VA L1 x x x x x #
16 VA L2 o x x x x #
17 VA L3 o o x x x #
18 var sys x x x x x # sys=system
19 var L1 x x x x x #
20 var L2 o x x x x #
21 var L3 o o x x x #
22 W sys x x x x x x sys=system
23 W sys dmd x x x x x x sys=system (1)
24 W L1 x x x x x #
25 W L2 o x x x x #
26 W L3 o o x x x #
27 PF sys x x x x x x
28 PF L1 x x x x x #
29 PF L2 o x x x x #
30 PF L3 o o x x x #
31 Hz x x x x x x
32 Phase seq. o x x x x x
33 Hours x x x x x x
34 kWh (+) x x x x x x Total or by user
35 kvarh (+) x x x x x # Total or by user
36 kWh (+) x x x x x x Partial or by tariff
37 kvarh (+) x x x x x # Partial or by tariff
38 kWh (-) x x x x x x Total
39 kvarh (-) x x x x x # Total
40 m3 Gas x x x x x x Total
41 m3 Cold H2O x x x x x x Total
42 m3 Hot H2O x x x x x x Total
43 kWh H2O x x x x x x Total

(x) = available
(o) = not available (zero indication on the display)
(#) = not available (the relevant page is not displayed)
(1) = max. value with data storage
(2) = not available with the “DP” option

Specifications are subject to change without notice EM24 DIN DS 051110 9


Display pages
Sel. 1st variable 2nd variable 3rd variable Applications
pos. No Note
(1st line) (2nd line) (3rd line) A B C D E F G H
1 Phase seq. VLN sys Hz 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
2 Phase seq. VLL sys Hz x x x
3 Total kWh (+) W sys dmd W sys dmd max x x x x x x x
4 kWh (+) A dmd max (text) “PArt” “PArt” = Partial kWh (+) x x x
5 Total kvarh (+) VA sys dmd VA sys dmd max 7 7 7 7 7
6 kvarh (+) VA sys (text) “PArt” “PArt” = Partial kvarh (+) 7 7 7
7 Totalizer 1 (2) W sys (text) (3) (1) x x x x
8 Totalizer 2 (2) W sys (text) (3) (1) x x x x
9 Totalizer 3 (2) W sys (text) (3) (1) x x x x
10 kWh (+) t1 tariff (4) W sys dmd (1) digital input enabled x x x x
11 kWh (+) t2 tariff (4) W sys dmd (1) digital input enabled x x x x
12 kWh (+) t3 tariff (4) W sys dmd (1) digital input enabled 5 5 5 5
13 kWh (+) t4 tariff (4) W sys dmd (1) digital input enebled 5 5 5 5
14 kvarh (+) t1 tariff (4) W sys dmd (1) digital input enabled 7 7 7 7
15 kvarh (+) t2 tariff (4) W sys dmd (1) digital input enabled 7 7 7 7
16 kvarh (+) t3 tariff (4) W sys dmd (1) digital input enabled 5,7 5,7 5,7 5,7
17 kvarh (+) t4 tariff (4) W sys dmd (1) digital input enabled 5,7 5,7 5,7 5,7
18 kWh (+) X WX User X (1) specific function enabled x
19 kWh (+) Y WY User Y (1) specific function enabled x
20 kWh (+) Z WZ User Z (1) specific function enabled x
21 Total kvarh (-) VA sys dmd VA sys dmd max 7 7
22 Total kWh (-) W sys dmd W sys dmd max x x x
23 Hours W sys PF sys x x x x
24 Hours var sys PF sys 7 7 7 7
25 var L1 var L2 var L3 7 7
26 VA L1 VA L2 VA L3 7 7
27 PF L1 PF L2 PF L3 7 7
28 W L1 W L2 W L3 7 7 7
29 A L1 A L2 A L3 x x x
30 V L1-2 V L2-3 V L3-1 6 6
31 V L1 V L2 V L3 7 7 7 7 7
0 Selector position which can be linked to any of the variable combinations listed above (No. from 1 to 31)
1 Selector position which can be linked to any of the variable combinations listed above (No. from 1 to 31)
2 Selector position which can be linked to any of the variable combinations listed above (No. from 1 to 31)
Selector position which can be linked to any of the variable combinations listed above (No. from 1 to 31)
In this position the front LED blinks proportionally to the reactive energy (kvarh) being measured

(1) The page is available according to the enabled measurement.

(2) m3 Gas, m3 Water, kWh remote heating.
(3) Hot and Cold (water), GAS.
(4) The active tariff is displayed with an “A” before the “t1-t2-t3-t4” symbols.
(5) These pages are not available in case of Dupline system.
(6) Pages not available in case of 1-phase sysem (1P selection).
(7) Pages not available in case of 3-phase unbalanced system (3P selection).

Note: in case of alarm the whole display blinks. The blinking stops when either the selector or the joystick are used. The
display starts to blink again after 60 seconds of the last command being used. There is a time-out of 60s that brings the
scrolled page to the default one (selectable according to the table given above).

10 Specifications are subject to change without notice EM24 DIN DS 051110


Additional available information on the display

Type 1st line 2nd line 3rd line
Meter information Firmware revision YEAr (text) Year of production
Meter information PuLSE (text) LEd (text) Numb. of kWh per pulse
Meter information System (1-2-3-phase) Connection (2-3-4-wire) dmd (time)
Meter information VT/PT ratio
Meter information (AV5-6) Ct rAtio (text) 1.0 ... 60.0k
Meter information (AV5-6) UT rAtio (text) 1.0 ...6.0k
In case of communication port SEriAL (text) Address number RS485 status (RX-TX)
In case of Dupline port Dupline (text) or EM24 (text) OK ... err

List of selectable applications

Description Notes
A Basic domestic Mainly energy metering
B Shopping centres Mainly energy metering
Mainly energy metering (total and based on tariff), gas and
C Advanced domestic
water metering
D Multi domestic (also camping and marinas) Mainly energy metering (3 by single phase)
E Solar Energy meter with some basic power analyzer functions
F Industrial Mainly energy metering
G Advanced industrial Energy metering and power analysis
H Advanced industrial for power generation Complete energy metering and power analysis

Insulation between inputs and outputs

Measuring Inputs Relay Open collector Comm. port and
Dupline Self power supply Auxiliary power supply
outputs outputs digital inputs

Measuring Inputs - 4kV 4kV 4kV 4kV 0kV 4kV

Relay outputs 4kV - - - - 4kV 4kV

Open collector 4kV - - - - 4kV 4kV
Comm. port and
digital inputs 4kV - - - - 4kV 4kV

Dupline 4kV - - - - 4kV 4kV

Self power supply 0kV 4kV 4kV 4kV 4kV - -

Aux. power supply 4kV 4kV 4kV 4kV 4kV - -

NOTE: all the models with auxiliary power supply have, mandatorily, to be connected to external current transformers
because the isolation among the current inputs is just functional (100VAC).

Tamper proof accessory kit

The “tamper proof” kit is available with
the “P” option (two screw protection

The instrument can be sealed in three

- Upper cover;
- Lower cover;
- Front selector (to lock the instrument

Specifications are subject to change without notice EM24 DIN DS 051110 11


Wiring diagrams

(65A) System type selection: 3P.n (65A) System type selection: 3P

3-ph, 4-wire, unbal./bal. load Fig.1 3-ph, 3-wire, unbal./bal. load Fig. 2

65A inputs
self power supply

The neutral connection is mandatory with

“IS” or “R2” options.

(65A) System type selection: 2P (65A) System type selection: 1P

2-ph, 3-wire, unbal./bal. load Fig. 3 1-ph, 2-wire, “O2” option Fig. 4 1-ph, 2-wire, “IS” and “R2” option Fig. 5

Note: the jumper between screw terminals

“1” and “4” is not needed in case of
“AV2” input range.

(10A) System type selection: 3P.n

3-ph, 4-wire, unbalanced load Fig. 6 3-ph, 4-wire, unbalanced load Fig. 7

10A inputs
auxiliary power supply

3-CT connection 3-CT and 3-VT/PT connections

12 Specifications are subject to change without notice EM24 DIN DS 051110


Wiring diagrams

(10A) System type selection: 3P.n

3-ph, 3-wire, unbalanced load Fig. 8 3-ph, 3-wire, unbalanced load Fig. 9 3-ph, 3-wire, unbalanced load Fig. 10

3-CT connection 3-CT and 2-VT/PT connections 2-CT connections (ARON)

(10A) System type selection: 3P.1

3-ph, 3-wire, unbalanced load Fig. 11 3-ph, 3-wire, balanced load Fig. 12 3-ph, 3-wire, balanced load Fig. 13
1-CT connection

NOTE: a 2-wire connection for voltage mea-

surement is available accross 1 and 7 .
2-CT and 2-VT/PT connections ARON 1-CT and 2-VT/PT connections

(10A) System type selection: 2P (10A) System type selection: 1P

2-ph, 3-wire Fig. 14 2-ph, 3-wire Fig. 15 1-ph, 2-wire Fig. 16

2-CT connection 2-CT and 2-VT/PT connections 1-CT connection

Specifications are subject to change without notice EM24 DIN DS 051110 13


Wiring diagrams

(10A) System type selection: 1P

1-ph, 2-wire Fig. 17

10A inputs 65A inputs

auxiliary power supply self power supply

1-CT and 1-VT connections

Power supply wiring diagrams (auxiliary power supply)

230VAC (“D” option) 115VAC (“D” option) 24 to 48VAC/DC (“L” option)

F= 250V [T] 50mA F= 250V [T] 100mA F= 250V [T] 200mA

Open collector and relay outputs wiring diagrams

Open Collector Open Collector Relay


GND reference VDC reference

The load resistances (RC) must be designed so that the close contact current is lower than
100mA; the VDC voltage must be lower than or equal to 30VDC.

14 Specifications are subject to change without notice EM24 DIN DS 051110


Digital inputs, RS485 and Dupline ports wiring diagrams

Digital Inputs and RS485 RS485 port

Digital Inputs and Dupline Dupline port

Front panel description

1. Joystick
To program the configuration parameters and scroll the
variables on the display.
2. LED
Red LED blinking proportional to the energy being
3. Display
2 LCD-type with alphanumeric indications to:
3 - display configuration parameters;
4 - display all the measured variables.
4. Selector
To select the desired display pages and to lock the
5. Connections
5 Screw terminal blocks for instrument wiring.


Specifications are subject to change without notice EM24 DIN DS 051110 15

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DE - Informationen zu Preisen und Verfügbarkeit in Ihrem Land erhalten Sie über die unten aufgeführten Links:

FR - Pour connaître les tarifs et la disponibilité dans votre pays, cliquez sur l'un des liens suivants:

EM24-DIN.AV9.3X.IS.P EM24-DIN.AV5.3D.IS.P EM24-DIN.AV5.3D.02.P EM24-DIN.AV9.3X.02.P

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