WM22-DIN Datasheet ENG
WM22-DIN Datasheet ENG
WM22-DIN Datasheet ENG
Type selection
Range Code Power supply Slot A (retransmission) Slot B (retransmission)
Auxiliary Power Supply: For all versions X: None Only with A-B-C-D power supply
AV0: 208VL-L/20(90)AAC [1] A: 24VAC O: AO2900 module XX: None
AV1: 400VL-L/20(90)AAC [1] -15+10%, 50-60Hz Dual open collector A1: AO2920 module
AV3: 660VL-L/20(90)AAC [2] B: 48VAC output 0-20mADC
AV4: 208VL-L/5(10)AAC [1] -15+10%, 50-60Hz Three operating modes: analogue output
AV5: 400VL-L/5(10)AAC [1] C: 115VAC • two pulse outputs V1: AO2921 module
AV6: 100VL-L/5(10)AAC [3] -15+10%, 50-60Hz (kWh and kvarh); 0-10VDC
AV7: 660VL-L/5(10)AAC [2] D: 230VAC • one alarm output analogue output
Self Power Supply: -15+10%, 50-60Hz and one pulse S0: AR2950 module
AV8: 208VL-L/20(90)AAC [1] Only for AV0 and AV1 versions output (kWh or kvarh) RS422/485
AV9: 400VL-L/20(90)AAC [1] X: Self Power Supply • one output which is serial port
400VL-L remotely controlled
System by a serial port
-20+15%, 50-60Hz
and one pulse
3: Three-phase, balan- output (kWh or kvarh)
-20+15%, 50-60Hz
ced and unbalanced
load with or without
[1] Un: -20+15% [2] Un: -30+15% [3] Un: -20+20%
Specifications are subject to change without notice 1
Input specifications
Number of inputs Additional errors Acc. to EN61036, EN61268
Current 3 Wave form <1% (3rd harmonic: 10%)
Voltage 4 Voltage asymmetry < 0.5% (referred to Un)
Accuracy (display, RS485) Ib: 5A, Imax: 10A Magnetic induction 0 (up to 0.5 mT)
Ib: 20A, Imax:90A HF Electromagnetic fields < 1%
Un: see previous page Operation of accessories 0
“Range code” Temperature drift ≤ 200ppm/°C
Current from 0.003Ib to 0.2Ib: Sampling rate 1000 samplings/s @ 50Hz
±(0.5%RDG +3DGT)
from 0.2Ib to Imax: Display
±(0.5%RDG +1DGT) Type Back-lighted LCD
Voltage in the range Un: Instantan. variables read-out 4x31/2 DGT
±(0,5% RDG + 1DGT) Energies Total:1x71/2 DGT
Frequency ±0.1% RDG (50 to 60 Hz) Partial: 1x71/2 DGT
Active power Max. and Min. indication Max. 1999 (19999999), Min. 0
(@ 25°C ± 5°C, R.H. ≤ 90%) ±1% RDG ±1DGT (PF 1, Measurements Current, voltage, power,
0.1Ib to Imax, in the Un range; energy, power factor, frequen-
PF 0.5L, PF 0.8C, 0.2Ib to cy, harmonic distortion (see
Imax, in the Un range) display specs). TRMS
Reactive power measurements of distorted
(@ 25°C ± 5°C, R.H. ≤ 90%) ±2% RDG ±1DGT (sinϕ 1, wave forms.
0.05Ib to Imax, in the Un range; Coupling type Direct
sinϕ 0.5L, sinϕ 0.5C, Crest factor
0.1Ib to Imax, in the Un range)
Apparent power Ib 5A ≤3 (15A max. peak)
(@ 25°C ± 5°C, R.H. ≤ 90%) ±1% RDG ±1DGT (PF 1, Ib 20A ≤6 (127A max. peak)
0.1Ib to Imax, in the Un range) Current overload
Energies 5(10) A, for 10ms 300 A max, @ 50Hz
(@ 25°C ± 5°C, R.H. ≤ 90%) Class 1 acc. to EN61036 5(10) A, for 500ms 200 A max, @ 50Hz
Class 2 acc. to EN61268 5(10) A, permanent 10A, @ 50Hz
Ib: 5A, Imax: 10A 20(90) A, for 10ms 2700A max, @ 50Hz
0.1Ib: 500mA, 20(90) A, permanent 90A, @ 50Hz
Start up corrent: 20mA
Un: see table “range code” Voltage overload
Ib: 20A, Imax: 90A Permanent 1.2 Un
0.1Ib: 2A, For 1s 2 Un
Start up current: 80mA Input impedance
Un: see table “range code” 400VL-L (AV1-AV5-AV9) > 720KΩ
Harmonic distortion ±3% f.s. (f.s.: 100%) 208VL-L (AV0-AV4-AV8) > 720KΩ
(@ 25°C ± 5°C, R.H. ≤ 90%) up to the 7th harmonic; 660VL-L (AV3-AV7) > 1.97MΩ
Un: see table “range code” 100VL-L (AV6) > 400KΩ
Ib 5A Imin: 500mA; 5(10) A (AV4-AV5-AV6-AV7) < 0.3VA
Imax: 15Ap; 20(90) A (AV0-AV1-AV3-AV8-AV9) < 4VA
Ib 20A Imin: 2A;
Frequency 50 to 60 Hz
Imax: 127Ap;
Software functions
Password Numeric code of max. Electrical range Programmable within the
3 digits whole measuring range.
2 protection levels of the Filter
programming data Filter operating range 0 to 99.9% of the input
1st level Password “0”, no protection electrical scale.
2nd level Password from 1 to 1000, Filter coefficient 1 to 16
all data are protected Filter action Alarm, analogue and serial
System selection Three-phase with neutral output (fundamental
Three-phase without neutral variables: V, A, W and their
derived ones).
Transformer ratio
CT 1 to 5000 Display Up to 4 variables per page
VT 1.0 to 199.9 and 200 to 1999 System variables Page 1: W-var-PF (cosϕ)
Note: Page 2: W dmd - VA dmd - Hz
The CT ratio* VT ratio must Single phase variables Page 3: THD-V
never exceed the value Page 4: THD-A
5000. The current System variables Page 5: kWh total
measuring inputs can Page 6: kvarh total
manage CT’s with a Page 7: kWh partial
secondary of 1A and 5A Page 8: kvarh partial
(the accuracy always refer Single phase variables Page 9: VL-N
to 5A) Page 10: A
20(90) A Page 11a: A MAX
Scaling factor 5(10) A Page 11b: W dmd MAX VA dmd MAX
Operating mode Compression/expansion of Page 12: W
the measuring range to be Page 13: VA
connected to the analogue Page 14: var
output. Page 15: PF (cosϕ)
Supply specifications
Self supplied version 400VL-L 115VAC
-20% +15%, 50-60Hz -15 +10%, 50-60Hz
208VL-L 48VAC
-20% +15% , 50-60Hz -15 +10%, 50-60Hz
Auxiliary power supply 230VAC 24VAC
-15 +10%, 50-60Hz -15 +10%, 50-60Hz
Energy consumption ≤ 7VA
General Specifications
Operating 0 to +55°C Pulse voltage (1.2/50µs) 8kV (EN61000-4-5)
temperature (R.H. < 90% non-condensing Standards
40°C) Safety IEC664-1
Storage -20 to +60°C Metrology Energy measurements:
temperature (R.H. < 90% non-condensing EN61036, EN61268.
40°C) Pulse output DIN43864
Installation category Cat. III (IEC 664) Approvals CE
Insulation 2000 VRMS between all inputs / Connections 5(10) A Screw-type,
outputs to earth Cable cross-section area 4 mm2
Dielectric strength 4000 VRMS for 1 minute Connections 20(90) A Screw-type,
Noise rejection Min./Max. cable cross-section area 6 mm2 / 35 mm2
CMRR 100 dB, 48 to 62 Hz Min./Max. screws tightening torque 2 Nm / 6 Nm
EMC Housing
Dimensions 162.5 x 90 x 63 mm
Burst 4kV/level 4 (EN61000-4-4) Material ABS, NORYL, PC
Immunity to irradiated self-extinguishing: UL 94 V-0
electromagnetic fields 10V/m 26-1000MHz Mounting DIN-rail and wall
Electrostatic discharges 15kV (EN61000-4-2) Degree of protection Front: IP40
Radio frequency emissions according to CISPR 14 Connections: IP20
and CISPR 22 Weight 800 g approx.
(packing included)
4 Specifications are subject to change without notice
Function description
Input and output scaling capability
Working examples of the analogue output (Y) versus the input variable (x) - (input/output scaling possibilities).
Figure A Figure B
The sign of measured quantity The sign of measured quantity
and output quantity remains and output quantity remains
the same. The output quantity the same. With the measured
is proportional to the mea- quantity being zero, the output
sured quantity. quantity already has the value
Y1 = 0.2 Y2.
Live zero output.
0 50 A 100 A
0 50 A 100 A
4 12 mA 20 mA
0 10 mA 20 mA
Figure C
The sign of measured quantity
and output quantity remains
the same. On the range
X0...X1, the output quantity is
zero. The range X1...X2 is deli-
neated on the entire output
range Y0=Y1...Y2 and thus
presented in strongly expan-
ded form.
80 V 100 V 120 V
0 5 mA 10 mA
Mode of Operation
Waveform of the signals that can be measured
Display pages
Variables that can be displayed
No 1st variable 2nd variable 3rd variable 4th variable Notes
1 W sys PF sys VAr sys sys = system
2 W dmd Hz VA dmd dmd = demand
(integration time from 1 to 30 minutes)
3 VL1 THD VL2 THD VL3 THD THD = tot. harmonic distortion
4 AL1 THD AL2 THD AL3 THD THD = tot. harmonic distortion
5 kWh total energy
6 kVArh total energy
7 kWh partial energy
8 kVArh partial energy
9 VL1 VL2 VL-3 VL-L sys sys = system
10 AL1 AL2 AL3 Err Err = in case of negative power
11a W dmd MAX VA dmd MAX Only version 1-5A, dmd = demand
11b AL1 MAX AL2 MAX AL3 MAX Only version 90A
12 WL1 WL2 WL3 W sys sys = system
13 VAL1 VAL2 VAL3 VA sys The system value remains always 0
14 VArL1 VArL2 VArL3 VAr sys if the neutral is not connected
15 PFL1 PFL2 PFL3 PF sys
Available models
Type Inputs Power supply Ordering code
WM22-DIN AV9.3.X. 400VL-L, 20(90)A Self power supply AF2100
WM22-DIN AV8.3.X. 208VL-L, 20(90)A Self power-supply AF2101
WM22-DIN AV1.3.D. 400VL-L, 20(90)A 230VAC, 50-60Hz AF2102
WM22-DIN AV0.3.D. 208VL-L, 20(90)A 230VAC, 50-60Hz AF2103
WM22-DIN AV3.3.D. 660VL-L, 20(90)A 230VAC, 50-60Hz AF2104
WM22-DIN AV1.3.C. 400VL-L, 20(90)A 115VAC, 50-60Hz AF2105
WM22-DIN AV0.3.C. 208VL-L, 20(90)A 115AC, 50-60Hz AF2106
WM22-DIN AV3.3.C. 660VL-L, 20(90)A 115VAC, 50-60Hz AF2107
WM22-DIN AV1.3.B. 400VL-L, 20(90)A 48VAC, 50-60Hz AF2108
WM22-DIN AV0.3.B. 208VL-L, 20(90)A 48VAC, 50-60Hz AF2109
WM22-DIN AV3.3.B. 660VL-L, 20(90)A 48VAC, 50-60Hz AF2110
WM22-DIN AV1.3.A. 400VL-L, 20(90)A 24VAC, 50-60Hz AF2111
WM22-DIN AV0.3.A. 208VL-L, 20(90)A 24VAC, 50-60Hz AF2112
WM22-DIN AV3.3.A. 660VL-L, 20(90)A 24VAC, 50-60Hz AF2113
WM22-DIN AV5.3.D. 400VL-L, 5(10)A 230VAC, 50-60Hz AF2114
WM22-DIN AV4.3.D. 208VL-L, 5(10)A 230VAC, 50-60Hz AF2115
WM22-DIN AV7.3.D. 660VL-L, 5(10)A 230VAC, 50-60Hz AF2116
WM22-DIN AV5.3.C. 400VL-L, 5(10)A 115VAC, 50-60Hz AF2117
WM22-DIN AV4.3.C. 208VL-L, 5(10)A 115VAC, 50-60Hz AF2118
WM22-DIN AV7.3.C. 660VL-L, 5(10)A 115VAC, 50-60Hz AF2119
WM22-DIN AV5.3.B. 400VL-L, 5(10)A 48VAC, 50-60Hz AF2120
WM22-DIN AV4.3.B. 208VL-L, 5(10)A 48VAC, 50-60Hz AF2121
WM22-DIN AV7.3.B. 660VL-L, 5(10)A 48VAC, 50-60Hz AF2122
WM22-DIN AV5.3.A. 400VL-L, 5(10)A 24VAC, 50-60Hz AF2123
WM22-DIN AV4.3.A. 208VL-L, 5(10)A 24VAC, 50-60Hz AF2124
WM22-DIN AV7.3.A. 660VL-L, 5(10)A 24VAC, 50-60Hz AF2125
WM22-DIN AV6.3.D. 100VL-L, 5(10)A 230VAC, 50-60Hz AF2126
WM22-DIN AV6.3.C. 100VL-L, 5(10)A 115VAC, 50-60Hz AF2127
WM22-DIN AV6.3.B. 100VL-L, 5(10)A 48VAC, 50-60Hz AF2128
WM22-DIN AV6.3.A. 100VL-L, 5(10)A 24VAC, 50-60Hz AF2129
Available modules
Type Channels Code Type Channels Code
Open collector output 2 AO2900 0-10VDC Analogue Output 1 AO2921
0-20mADC analogue output 1 AO2920 RS485 Serial Output 1 AR2950
List of the of the variables that can be connected to the analogue and alarm output
N° Variable Notes N° Variable Notes
1 V sys sys = system 6 THD-V Max. THD value among the three phases
2 W sys sys = system 7 THD-A Max. THD value among the three phases
3 var sys sys = system 8 VA dmd Power demand in the selected
4 VA sys sys = system 9 W dmd integration time
5 PF sys sys = system 10 ASY Phase asymmetry
Wiring diagrams
Auxiliary power supply Fig. 1 Auxiliary power supply Fig. 2 Self-power supply Fig. 3
AC power supply AC power supply
Direct connection (3-wire system) Direct connection (3-wire system) Direct connection (3-wire system)
Direct connection (3-phase system
Direct connection (3-phase system + N) with or without neutral) CT connection (3-wire system)
Auxiliary power supply Fig. 7 Auxiliary power supply Fig. 8 Auxiliary power supply Fig. 9
AC power supply AC power supply AC power supply
CT and VT ARON connection (3-phase system) CT ARON connection (3-phase system) VT and CT connection (3-phase system)
Analogue output Fig. 11 RS485 Serial output Fig. 12 RS485 Serial output Fig. 13
4 Keys for:
- value programming;
3 - function selection;
2 - displaying the measuring pages.
1 2. Display
LCD with alphanumeric indications to:
- display configuration parameters;
- display all the measured variables.
3. Removable label
Label to write the instrument ID number.
1. Key-pad
To program configuration parameters and to display variables. 4. Hidden dip-switch
Enable/ disable the access to the
programming procedure.
S-key to enter programming and confirm selections;
Terminal boards