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DS Lab 6 - Linked List Implementation

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Lab Manual for Data Structures

Lab 6
Linked List Implementation

Department of Computer Science Page 68

MAJU, Islamabad
_________________ Lab6: Linked List Implementation

Table of Contents
1. Introduction 70
1.1 Linear Linked Lists 70
1.2Relevant Lecture Readings 70

2. Activity Time boxing 71

3. Objectives of the experiment 71

4. Concept Map 71
4.1 Linear Linked Lists in C++ 71

5. Homework before Lab 72

5.1 Problem Solution Modeling 72
5.2Problem description: 72
5.3Practices from home 72
5.3.1 Task-1 72
5.3.2 Task-2 73

6. Procedure& Tools 73
6.1 Tools 73
6.2 Walk through Tasks [Expected time = 20mins] 73

7. Practice Tasks 77
7.1 Practice Task 1 [Expected time = 20mins] 78
7.2 Practice Task 2 [Expected time = 20mins] 78
7.3Practice Task 3 [Expected time = 30mins] 78
7.5 Out comes 78
7.6Testing 78

8.Evaluation Task (Unseen) [Expected time = 60mins for two tasks] 80

9. Evaluation criteria 80

10. Further Readings 81

10.1 Web sites related to C++ tutorials about linked lists 81
10.2 Web sites containing supporting material 81

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_________________ Lab6: Linked List Implementation

Lab6: Linked List Implementation.

1. Introduction

This lab will introduce concept of dynamic memory based data structures such as linked
lists. In case of some real world applications we don’t know about the storage requirements of
program before program execution, in that scenario dynamic data storage systems are useful. We
will learn about linear linked list structure and how linked lists are helpful to store data during
program execution.

1.1 Linear Linked Lists

A linked list is a collection of elements, called nodes. Every node (except the last node)
stores the address of the next node. Therefore, every node in a linked list has two components:
one to store the data and other to store the address, called the link, of the next node in the list.
The address of the first node in the list is stored in a separate location, called the head or first.

Figure 1 is a representation of a node.

Figure 1: Structure of a node.

Linked list: A list of elements, called nodes, in which the order of the nodes is determinedby the
address, called the link, stored in each node.

The list in Figure 2 is an example of a linear linked list.

Figure 2: Linear Linked List of nodes.

We may perform different operations on linked lists such as inserting a node, deleting a node,
traversing a linked list etc.

1.2Relevant Lecture Readings

a) Revise Lecture No. 21 and 22 available at \\dataserver\jinnah$\ in instructor’s

b) From books: C++ Data Structures by Nell Dale (Page334 - 358) and Data
structures using C++ by D. S. Malik (Page 266 – 280, 326 – 338, 310 - 320).

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2. Activity Time boxing

Table 1: Activity Time Boxing

Task No. Activity Name Activity time Total Time
5.1 Design Evaluation 20mins 20mins
6.2 Walk through tasks 20mins 20mins
7 Practice tasks 20mins for task 1 and 2, 30 mins 70mins
for task 3
9 Evaluation Task 60mins for all assigned tasks 60mins

3. Objectives of the experiment

 To understand and implement linear linked lists with their operations in C++.

4. Concept Map
This concept map will help students to understand the main concepts of topic covered in

4.1 Linear Linked Lists in C++

Node of a linked list is a self-referential structure which can be represented by following code.

int info;
nodeType *link;

The basic operations of a linked list are as follows: Search the list to find out whether aparticular
item is in the list, insert an item in the list, and delete an item from the list.These operations
require the list to be traversed. That is, given a pointer to the first nodeof the list, we must step
through the nodes of the list. Following code segment helps in traversal.

current = head;
while (current != NULL)
//Process current
current = current->link;

This section discusses how to insert an item into, and delete an item from, a linked list.Consider
the following definition of a node. (For simplicity, we assume that the infotype is int.)

int info;
nodeType *link;

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_________________ Lab6: Linked List Implementation


We will use the following variable declaration:

nodeType *head, *p, *q, *newNode;

Suppose that p points to the node with info 65, and a new node with info 50 is to becreated and
inserted after p. Consider the following statements:

newNode = new nodeType; //create newNode

newNode->info = 50; //store 50 in the new node
newNode->link = p->link;
p->link = newNode;

To delete a node from linked list we can use following code segment.

q = p->link;
p->link = q->link;
delete q;

5. Homework before Lab

This homework will help students to study the concepts of topic before start of lab.

5.1 Problem Solution Modeling

After studying the introduction and concept map sections you should be ready to provide
the solution of following problems. Design the solutions of the problems in C++ and
bring your code to lab so that lab instructor should assess and grade it.

5.2Problem description:

Write a program of linear linked list of objects of “person” class. Attributes of “person”
class (privately defined) are per_id (int), per_name (string) and per_age (int). “person”
class contains member functions (publicly defined): constructor, input and output
functions. You are required to define a class for linear linked list. This class should
contain the member functions to insert, delete nodes from linear linked list. This class
should also contain the member functions to display values of all nodes of linear linked

5.3Practices from home

5.3.1 Task-1
Compare linear linked list with circular linked list and provide three differences between
the two structures.

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_________________ Lab6: Linked List Implementation

5.3.2 Task-2
List three real world examples in which linked list structures can be used.

6. Procedure& Tools
This section provides information about tools and programming procedures used for the

6.1 Tools

Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 with Visual C++ compiler configured.

6.2 Walk through Tasks [Expected time = 20mins]

Following screens in figure 5 to 13represent source code implementation of a linear

linked list class in Microsoft Visual Studio 2008. You are required to type, debug and execute
this program in Microsoft Visual Studio 2008.

This linked list program provides different functions like addition of node at start of list,
deletion of node from list, displaying elements of list, addition of node at end of list, add a node
after some specific node in the list.

Figure 5: Implementation of linear linked list class in Visual Studio 2008.

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_________________ Lab6: Linked List Implementation

Figure 6: Implementation of linear linked list class in Visual Studio 2008.

Figure 7: Implementation of linear linked list class in Visual Studio 2008.

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_________________ Lab6: Linked List Implementation

Figure 8: Implementation of linear linked list class in Visual Studio 2008.

Figure 9: Implementation of linear linked list class in Visual Studio 2008.

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_________________ Lab6: Linked List Implementation

Figure 10: Implementation of linear linked list class in Visual Studio 2008.

Figure 11: Implementation of linear linked list class in Visual Studio 2008.

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_________________ Lab6: Linked List Implementation

Figure 12: Implementation of linear linked list class in Visual Studio 2008.

Figure 13: Implementation of linear linked list class in Visual Studio 2008.

7. Practice Tasks
This section will provide information about the practice tasks which are required to be performed
in lab session. Design solutions of problems discussed in each task and placesolution code in a
folder specified by your lab instructor.

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_________________ Lab6: Linked List Implementation

7.1 Practice Task 1 [Expected time = 20mins]

Implement the following functions for linkedlist:
1) Insert front
2) Insert End
3) Insert after number
4) Delete front
5) Delete End
6) Delete any number from list
7) Display all element
8) Limit user so that he/she can only add 10 numbers in the list. After that give error that list
is full.

7.2 Practice Task 2 [Expected time = 20mins]

Use Practice task 1 and add two functions Sort() and Count() in the class. Sort() function should
sort the list in descending order.Count() function should count the number of nodes present at
any time in the list.

7.3Practice Task 3 [Expected time = 30mins]

Manage data of students (Reg. no, Name, semester, CGPA) using linkedlist. Add students in the
list. Now delete all students of 8th semester from the list.

7.5 Out comes

After completing this lab, student will be able to understand and develop programs related to
linear linked lists, circular linked lists and doubly linked listsin C++ using Microsoft Visual
Studio 2008 environment.

Test Cases for Practice Task-1
Sample Input Sample Output
Enter the values of elements of linked
Enter the value after which you want New value inserted after 11
to insert: 11
Enter the value to delete from linked Key value 5 is deleted from linked list.
list: 5
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_________________ Lab6: Linked List Implementation

Test Cases for Practice Task-2

Sample Input Sample Output
Enter the values of elements of linked
After sorting:
Total nodes present in the list are: 4

Test Cases for Practice Task-3

Sample input/output:
Press 1 to add student
Press 2 to delete students of semester 8
Press 3 to display list
Enter choice:1
Enter Reg. no: BCS142456
Enter Name: Ali
Enter semester: 3
Enter CGPA: 3.5
Press Y/y to continue: y

Press 1 to add student

Press 2 to delete students of semester 8
Press 3 to display list
Enter choice:1
Enter Reg. no: BSE145656
Enter Name: Ahmed
Enter semester: 8
Enter CGPA: 3
Press Y/y to continue: y

Press 1 to add student

Press 2 to delete students of semester 8
Press 3 to display list
Enter choice:1
Enter Reg. no: BCS152685
Enter Name: Aliya
Enter semester: 7
Enter CGPA: 2.5
Press Y/y to continue: y

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_________________ Lab6: Linked List Implementation

Press 1 to add student

Press 2 to delete students of semester 8
Press 3 to display list
Enter choice:1
Enter Reg. no: BCS163528
Enter Name: Basit
Enter semester: 8
Enter CGPA: 2.7
Press Y/y to continue: y

Press 1 to add student

Press 2 to delete students of semester 8
Press 3 to display list
Enter choice:1
Enter Reg. no: BCS143125
Enter Name: Zain
Enter semester: 8
Enter CGPA: 3.5
Press Y/y to continue: y

Press 1 to add student

Press 2 to delete students of semester 8
Press 3 to display list
Enter choice:2

After deletion of student list is:

Reg. no: BCS142456
Name: Ali
semester: 3
CGPA: 3.5

Reg. no: BCS152685

Name: Aliya
semester: 7
CGPA: 2.5

8.Evaluation Task (Unseen) [Expected time = 60mins for two tasks]

The lab instructor will give you unseen task depending upon the progress of the class.

9. Evaluation criteria
The evaluation criteria for this lab will be based on the completion of the following tasks. Each
task is assigned the marks percentage which will be evaluated by the instructor in the lab whether
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_________________ Lab6: Linked List Implementation

the student has finished the complete/partial task(s).

Table 2: Evaluation of the Lab

Sr. No. Task No Description Marks
1 4 Problem Modeling 20
2 6 Procedures and Tools 10
3 7,8 Practice tasks and Testing 35
4 8.1 Evaluation Tasks (Unseen) 20
5 Comments 5
6 Good Programming Practices 10

10. Further Readings

10.1 Web sites related to C++ tutorials about linked lists

10.2 Web sites containing supporting material


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