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Hafiz Adil Sikandar , Shahbaz Mubashar , Shahan Yamin Siddiqui3, Arslan Abbas4,
Tajammal Hussain Awan
Department of Computer Science, Minhaj University Lahore, Lahore, Pakistan.
Department of Computer Science, Govt College University, Lahore, Pakistan.
Department of English, GC University, Faisalabad, Pakistan.
Ph.D Scholar, Superior University Lahore, Pakistan

Hafiz Adil Sikandar, Shahbaz Mubashar, Shahan Yamin Siddiqui, Arslan Abbas,
Tajammal Hussain Awan. Comparative Analysis and Handyman Services Application
Development-- Palarch’s Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/Egyptology 19(3), 559-576.
ISSN 1567-214x

Keywords: Handyman, Odd-Job Man, Blue-Collar Workers, Repair & Maintenance,

Online Electrician,Android Handyman Services, Serviceman, Household Jobs, Jack of
All Trades.

Android Handyman Application provides users with a fast and reliable means to contact the
best odd- jobbers around them. In Pakistan, for a domestic job, the selection of blue-collar
workers has always been a challenging task. The main focus of this survey is to create our
mobile-based android application,where people can contact handymen. A handyman is a term
used to describe technicians, including Carpenter, AC Mechanics, Plumbers, Car Mechanic,
Electricians, and Painters. The application was developed using Android Studio, code is written
using Java and Android SDK, and to store data of oddjobbers, SQLite was used. The research
was conducted based on similar work in the form of literature review and related websites. The
inspiration behind this was the difficulties one had to face infinding a skilled person to solve
his/her household issues. In Pakistan, there is no such Android-based application available to
provide ease to smartphone users.

As the scope of the android application is concerned, statistics indicate that the trend of surfing
the internet on smart devices has seen a steep increase during the past few years. This trend is
likely to continue due to a drop in the cost and availability of smart devices. Pakistan, being a
developing countryhas huge potential in the field of the mobile software industry, and the rise


in Smartphone usage is mostlikely to be a perpetual entity. These sorts of uses can increase
business open doors for jacks of all tradesdivision which is far deserted from the general public,
where mechanical headways are advancing stepby step and individuals will in general rely
more upon innovation to meet their necessity than any timein recent memory.

As Android Handyman Application gives clients a quick and solid intend to
contact best odd-middlemen around them. In Pakistan, for residential
occupation, the determination of hands-on laborers has continuously been a
difficult errand. The principle focal point of this study is to make our own
versatile based android application where individuals can contact jacks of all
trades. Jack of all trades is a term used to portray professionals, including a
Carpenter, AC Mechanics, Plumbers, Car Mechanic,Electricians, and Painters.
The application was created utilizing Android Studio, code is composed
utilizing Java and Android SDK, and to store information of odd jobbers SQLite
was utilized.Exploration was directed on the premise of comparative work as
writing audit and related sites.

The abstract level of the application contains followings assignments from a

user perspective and will be handled accordingly:

Figure 1: Flow of Application

According to the admin perspective, the tasks are to be handled in the following


Figure 2: Admin panel of Application

Development of Handy Mobile Application

This exploration paperwork to choose the best specialist for various groups.
This assessment paper has been done by taking gatherings to a bunch of people
and particular experts. The tools utilized as a part of this venture were Eclipse
Application Development Tool (ADT), Ionic Software Development Kit
(ISDK), HTML was utilized for IONIC SDK and SQLITE was utilized as a
database to store information of different workers. They save the transport
expenses of users to find the worker, they overcome the mental pressure of users
for their work, and they save the time of the user.[1]

App advancement in android is difficult. Becausethe improvement stage has

diverse conditions at various levels. The development stage includes the
arrangement of API's that give entrance to cell phones and system
functionalities that utilize the application to work on a particular cell phone. The
creator must think about the client's necessity and improvement stage. Plan
Application for PC and versatile both are distinctive things. As Mobile
applications are the greatest and quickly developing business sector, According
to One Research has been made, this market will develop $17.5bn in the
following two yearsand download would rise from 7bn every year before 50bn
by 2012.


Why to choose Android

Figure 3: Data Flow

Due to its application, widgets, android market, and multitasking. There is no

organized strategy definedfor execution assessment in this space which can give
data to the product engineer.

We will use Android Studio as a development tool, as it is the ever tool to design
the android applicationsand SQLite as the database. We can improve execution
which isn't dealt with in this paper by taking a setnumber of requests in a day,
and remaining requests will be taken following 24 hours. We will graph the
handyman feedback and kick off the person who has low feedback consistently.
They use just 4 artisans for their work which might not be enough for this
project; we will appoint a minimum of 20 workers.

In this architecture,the user cannot see the worker’s feedback, and they are not
specifying how to call theworkers either calling him on their phone number to
place order or both. A new worker cannot contact theweb directly for work, we
will make a signup form for workers who want to work, and they shall submit
their skills which will reduce unemployment. Also, there is no bonus
functionality for a regular user.

Examination on the Development of new shop application utilizing Android

This paper was about the Mobile Shopping application which is delivered
primarily by using Eclipse IDEwith Android Development Tool (ADT) module.
This framework must be introduced with the Java Development Kit. Android
Emulator is utilized to configure, troubleshoot, and test the application in a
genuine Android run-time condition for application improvement. [3] The
design of the system is:

Figure 4: Flowchart of Shop Application


Local Android Application for Home Services

This paper was about Local Android Application for Home Services that is
incorporated based on a portable application for android clients that unites the
customer and specialist co-ops and interfaces them utilizing the GPS. As
indicated by their examination Clients ask for the home administrations and in
lightof the area by bringing the scope and longitude of the customer, the closest
specialist organization is appointed to serve the customer needs. Also, make this
application convenient. Tools that were used in this project are Android SDK,
Eclipse, Java, MySQL for the database.[3]

"Facility Kart" is a momentum running application which is doing likewise

work that it is in this examination. This application gives administrations like
home cleaning, Laundry Services, Driver on Demand Services, Carpet Cleaning
Services, Sofa Cleaning Services, Pest Control Services, Electrical Services,
Plumbing Services, AC Services, Carpentry Services, Car Spa, PC and PC
Repair, Refrigerator/Microwave/Washing Machine Services, and Home

It includes administrator Module, Services Module, User Module, Feedback

Module. This applicationdoesn't utilize the GPS (Global Positioning System)
which is accessible on all android gadgets forrecognizing the area of the
client, who could be on versatility now and again and may require home
administrations at various areas if an enrolled client changes his area and
necessities benefit, he needs to Enlist and determine his new area. The
disadvantages in the current framework have been overwhelmedby executing
GPS (Global Positioning System) administration.
The algorithm used in this solution:

Figure 5: Algorithm to fetch latitude and longitude


The calculation to think about scope and longitude of User and Service Provider

1. Fetch the scope and longitude of the client Step

2. Store it on the server database Step

3. Compare the scope and longitude of the client and the specialist
organization by utilizing thegood ways from () technique

4. Allot a specialist organization dependent on the correlation made

We overcome these flaws by using these strategies, here user does not know the
exact time how much timewill be required to work to come, and we can integrate
the map with the current location of a worker. Userscannot see the profile of
workers and their previous records. We will prefer to use Android studio as a
development tool and SQLite as database storage. The major drawback of this
application is that it does not send the confirmation email to the user that their
request has been successfully registered and they will get back as soon as
possible. We will send a confirmation email to the user. No thank you screen or
message will be displayed in this project. We will make the Thank you message
after order. No special bonus for the regular customer shall be provided; we will
make the bonus for the user who utilizes our services 20 times in a week.

E-commerce Smartphone Application

This paper gives another perspective on such usages that can be availed. It
portrays and examines gadget prerequisites, gives a writing survey of essential
parts of cell phones that can utilize such applications andthe necessities of sites
intended for M business. The outline and security parts of cell phones are
likewiseexplored. As another option to existing m-business applications, this
paper also explores the qualities andcapabilities of the Phone Gap cross versatile
stage application. [4]

This review researches the open entryways made through mobile phone access
to the Internet. Speedier remote frameworks organization principles grant
remote contraptions to use more internet business applications, and thus, allow
progressively broad access to compact exchange (m-business) [5]. M-trade has
been characterized as "an extraordinary branch of web-based business, in which
cell phones furthermore, their framework affiliation medium is used to buy,
offer, and advance items, administrations,and information.

This paper will likewise examine the necessities of internet business

applications and why ordinary sites are not reasonable for cell phones.
Particularly this paper will investigate the qualities required for sites with the
goal that they work appropriately on cell phones. At last, the paper playsa role
to give answers for portable application improvement and make proposals for
future headings.

The following diagram indicates how the application engineering utilizes the
Spree web server and a localversatile application utilizing Phone Gap which
permits a similar application to keep running in various portable working


frameworks. This compares with the webserver which utilizes web

administrations to acquire information.

The architecture Diagram of the mentioned application is given below:

Figure 6: Application Architecture

Research and android Application Development in Android Platform

In recent years as the rise of advanced cell phones has revolutionized the
technological industry. The telephone is no longer only a specialized
instrument, but also a basic model for the general population's correspondence
and everyday life. Various applications incorporate unfathomable redirection
for people'slives. The destiny of the framework will be the compact terminal.

Now the Android platform in the electronics market is becoming more and more
popular, especially in theSmartphone market. Because it is open-source, some
of the development tools are free, so it has plenty of applications. This fact
greatly inspired people to use the android system. As smartphones and the
androidsystem are getting well known, the activities like tuning in to music,
watching recordings, tweeting, and some others can be moved from the PC to a
telephone now.[6] Android Architecture includes the Androidsystem which is a
Linux based system and shown in Figure.

Figure 7: Architecture of Shop Application


It contains layers. ADT and Eclipse are adopted as development tools.

The Gender division of labor

This article is about women's work moving into the paid market on the general
sexual orientation isolationof work and consequently on the changing idea of
sex imbalance. The section of a more noteworthy number of ladies into the work
power happened as family unit administrations, items, and innovation
diminished ladies' housework commitments and expanded the interest for female
workers in the market.[7]

Virtual Handyman

VIRTUAL HANDYMAN exhibits how arranged detecting, remote systems,

and the Web forums benefit together to help in making another class of
administrations, i.e., smaller-scale benefits on tap, through in the nick of time
individual communications. In particular, it has outdated sensors like remote
cameras to empower the remote specialist co-op to specifically observe the
setting in which the client is completing atask. Thus, the client doesn't have to
invest much energy in portraying the circumstance. Organizations are found
dynamically by using the Web organizations establishment (for example UDDI)
and are passed onthis over the Internet. In doing such, the framework offers the
buyer more accommodation, lower cost, strengthening, and better general
involvement. Meanwhile, it gives associations, for instance, retailers another
decision to brace relationship with their customers, and improve their essential
worries through additional salary streams. [8]

Virtual handyman concentrates on home change assignments, the approach can

be summed up to other administration regions like cooking, form, individual
security, travel, shopping, etc., where individual collaborations between a
beginner and a specialist are required.

Take individual design, for instance. With a keen look at your room, whenever
you require counsel on what to wear, your closet can, continuously, find and
interface you to a live design consultant, who may help you select the best outfit
for your particular event. Since the design guide can perceive what you're
wearing through the implicit camera, and what you have in the closet through the
inserted RFID, you don't have to squander whenever clarifying or portraying
them. The administration is quick, individual, and canbe called upon at whatever
time you feel suitable.


Table 1: indicating names and main features


Sr.# Name Desktop IOS Android

Development of Handy
1. Mobile Application
 
Development of new
2. shop application

 
Domestic Android Application
3. for home services

4. E-Commerce Application

 
Research and
5. application development using
android platform
6. Gender Division of labor   

7. Virtual Handyman  



The details of related websites are given below


It is a web-based application that allowsthe user to resolve the household queries

online. This website gives a special discount if the request is based upon some
other member recommendation. Currently, thiswebsite is providing household
services like Electrician, Carpenter, Plumber, Ac Repairman, Mason, and

Prices of are way much too high. Payment is given to the handyman
after the job is done insteadof paying online. It is a web-based application; they
don’t have any android application. Most of the time the website is under
maintenance and users are unable to place their order. This website currently
operatingin Karachi only.The website does not show the number of employed
workers available in a specific period.Do not have any android application, for
the ease of people having smartphones.[8]


Mazdoor Online

This website provides a solution to the users who have queries regarding
household issues. This website allows users to contact them directly through
mobile number instead of making an account. It is simple and easy to use. Users
of this website are provided with services like Carpenter, Electrician, Plumber,
Painter, Construction, and Interior/Office.

This website does not have online ordering functionality; the user needs to make
a call on a specific Mobile number shown on the website. If the user wants to
take information, by making the call they are spending their money before the
order. This website is currently operating in Karachi only. It does not provide
the rating system by which we cannot evaluate the performance of handyman.
Also, it does not have an android application, for the ease of people using
smartphones. [9]


It provides a shopping cart facility to place multiple orders. Moreover, the

categories are subdivided into multiple subcategories. The prices are
automatically discounted as order quantity increases. Provide verified/certified
handymen for services. Online orders are cross verified using OTP on a mobile
phone. The website is currently developing and is not completed yet. It looks
like it is developed by one or two persons hence not reliable. In case of any
query, there is no such proper organization to register complaints. Design is
based on a Single Page Application (SPA). Prices are way too high now they
are just requesting the email, while no further reactions are conveyed or even
told by email. They do not haveany android application, for the ease of people
using smartphones. [10]


This website is a classified ads website. Different ads related to Motors,

Property, Education, Services, and Jobs are available on their website. Users
can access and get benefits from this website all over in Pakistan.
Too many categories require too much information hence there is ambiguity for
users. Along with that, there is no feedback is available. The domain name is
also not related to the services they are providing to the customers. There is too
much backlinking on their website. They do not have any android application,
for the ease of people using smartphones. [11]

The Handyman

They claim to have professional and trained technicians. They can do both
commercial and household services. A tool-free helpline number is available in
case of any query. It is the private limited company providing such services.
This website is currently working in Islamabad only. Do not have any android
application, for the ease ofpeople using smartphones. [12]


Mr. Handyman

Mr. Handyman provides Professional Handyman Services with trust. Their

motto is “We arrive on time in uniform and a marked van with the tools to
complete the job right”. They provide residential services as well as commercial
services to their clients. Some of their services include Assembly, Repair,
Carpentry, Drywall Installation, Tile Exterior, Painting, and Maintenance.Also,
for commercial jobs feedback is available of workers

Android app does not exist for this website and the employee registration is also
not available. There aretoo many things on the front page hence layman has
more difficulty requesting any services. [13]


This website provides the functions to their users like Assembly, Repair,
Carpentry, Drywall, Installation,

Tile, Exterior, Painting, Maintenance, and Commercial.

Feedback is not available for workers. Also, the android application does not
exist. This website is takingtoo much information from the user in his first visit
to the site. There is no special bonus is available.[14]

Kivi Movers

They specialize in finding solutions to problems in an affordable, efficient

manner. They are trusted by many reputable organizations. To get the free
estimate the customers have to call them at 020 8877 9682.They claim that the
customer can still get a friendly and reliable service depending upon the budget
of the customer.Kivi Movers provides its users with services like Property
maintenance, Removal assistance, Furniture assembly, and dismantling along
with painting and decorating.

As critical analysis is concerned, we have a big issue using this website that it
does not have Android application for the ease of user having smartphones.
And the Feedback is not available for new users.

Services of this website are available in London only. You cannot take
information about your required work until you cannot call them. [15]

Hitches Glitches

They provide their clients with Reliable, Trusted, and Professional Handyman
Services. They have plenty of services thatcover a wide range of repairs and
home maintenance and trends to provide a one-call solution to their clients.
Hitches glitches provide the services which include repair/ replacement services
including that of a door, window, and any appliance installation. They also hire
handyman online and provide painting services also to their clients. Hitches
glitches users can entertain with their front end because it’s simple and easy to
use. Android does not exist, it has limited functionality and it does not contain


any feedback system, and the major flaw of this web is that many ads on it which are very irritatingfor most of the user. And it does not give a special
bonus to anyone. [16]

Home Maintenance Company

Home Maintenance Company is one of the successful start-ups in India with a complete home maintenance solution for everything which a person
needs in a house under one roof. They claim to havethe most reliable and trusted handyman atan affordable price. HMC is responsible for providing
their customer with household services which include all kinds of repair like washing machines, refrigerators, and AC repair services. They also
provide people with Electricians, plumbers, and carpenters to solve their household problems.This service is only for Indian and Pakistani cannot
entertain from this service.Feedback is not available of workers Reference option does not exist. Moreover, special offer on occasiondoes not exist.
And they do not have any android application. [17] Table 2: Comparison of the table with different websites

Details Websites Features

Sr. # Name Price Shopping Review Online Advance CSR Integrated Easy Rate Android
Estimate Cart of Payment Booking chat shop for Interface handyman App
job tools

1. Sukoon

2. Online

3. Frienso

4. Bolee

5. The

6. Mr.



7. Thumbtack
8. Kiwi Movers
9. Gitches
10. Company

Above table demonstrate and compare related work happened in different ways with some limitations so by aboveStats, we implemented android
application as one whole solution by considering with the addition above Mentioned limitations


Handyman Services website is developed using ASP.NET and Microsoft SQL Server. The system is basedon the layered architecture where a total
of four layers (Models, Data Access Layer i.e. DAL, Services, Handyman Project) communicate with each other. The medium of database which
is responsible for insertion, deletion, updating, and viewing data is done using stored procedures, functions, and triggers. While considering the
overall functionality of the project, the followings are the users that may affect theresulting output of the system from their perspective.
Table 3: User perspective

Users Level of Computer Level of Business Frequency of usage

Knowledge Knowledge
The understanding flow of business
Admins Extensive knowledge of Order Processing for every
Website management. Management system. New order.
They could use the help in the form of
Customer Have used window based Depends upon the when
Applications before. instructions provided by Admin Want to do the job done.


The understanding flow of business

Database Database handling skills for Frequently
Administrator Microsoft SQL Server. Management system.

Figure 1: Admin adding handyman type

Similarly, the admin can add categories and then add services concerning those categories based onthe same criteria mentioned above The system
enables the admin to add the handyman type to identify eitherhe is electrician, plumber, painter, carpenter, cleaner, etc. The system makes the
admin select a checkboxor not while adding a new handyman. This selection will allow us to track either the handyman is currentlyserving or not.
Handyman Admin panel allows the admin to just enable and disable the handyman type without deleting from the database. Handyman Admin
panel allows the admin to just enable and disable the handyman type without deleting from the database. Admin hasthe capability for editing the
type nameif there are any typing errors. Admin should easily edit the status of the handyman type already availablein the database either it is
enabled or disabled. Handyman Services do not allow the admin to delete the handyman type he added or those which already exist in the database.
When admin clicks the cancel button the system redirect admin to the search page where all the records for handyman type will be displayed in
tabular form. To reduce the application size and response time both edit and add operations are done on the same page. Handyman services admin
panel displays the records of handyman type withthe pagination so that the record display, maintenance will be neat and easy.


Figure 2: Handyman adding to system

Figure 3: Area where services will be provided


Keeping in view all the problems and omission faced in research and
development work we decided to overcome these issues by developing an
android application that will facilitate in handyman services. This application
provides the interface to customer hiring, Electrician, Plumber, Carpenter,
Cleaner, Painter. Itcontains two boards, Customer or Client board that is on the
android stage, while another board that is an executive board that is on Web
Technology. Parts of Android panel contains, searching the area, selection of
specific service, calculation of the amount, authentication system through REST
API’s that is in PHP Language, Recovery of password if forgotten, sign in
through Social media (Face book), splash Screen, Intro Slider, Multi-Language
System, etc.

We use Android Studio 2.2.3 for the development of android handyman

Application, MySQL Server for data communication, SQL Lite database for
storing Suggestion of area names.



Figure 11: Use Case Models

This use case diagram tells the how android handyman application are working,
we have four actors in it, Customer, Service Provider, Admin, Android
handyman, and the role of them are mentioned above. We are providing services
in specific areas for now. Also, giving the interface to the client to look through
their territory where they need assistance when they type, the proposal will be
stacked from MySQL utilizing REST APIs.

The User Interface of android Application is given below.

Figure 12: Customer panel of application

So, it’s a location-based search for Services. For Instance, In Johor Town
Lahore Pakistan, we areproviding two services, Electrician and Plumber, so you
can see that in the images. After putting a request,the client will get a message


from Administrator your request has been handling, it implies the client getsa
warning, your question has been submitted and inside 15 min a service provider
contacts you and fulfill your service. As we discussed above, we have
overcome the issue of Multilanguage’s whichisa bigproblem in the currently
running applications. A layman doesn’t know about English and they are facing
a big problem to place order and usage of the application. So here are attached
images of our application As images describe how an android handyman
application overcome the issue of languages. Here we need to go to the
navigation drawer and click on settings-> select one language at a time, then
refresh it by sliding the finger top to bottom and all app converted into the
desired language

This can be extended as the future work in many dimensions, including since
this system can make a business so we can expand this system by incorporating
eCommerce i.e. integrated shops. Also, a prioritized listing of handymen can be
shown upon user search which may have a nominal fee. CRM (customer
relationship management) can be integrated within the application for better
client interaction and issue management. Moreover, as the user base grows paid
advertisements can be placedupon several sections for monetization purposes.
In terms of user collaboration and discussionplatforms, blogs and forums can
be integrated. Finally, since the data itself is valuable, we can use collected data
to elicit statistics to target our marketing campaigns to achieve better result

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