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Section Page

1.0 GENERAL.....................................................................................................................1
1.1 INTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................1
1.1.1 Purpose ...........................................................................................................1
1.1.2 Scope ..............................................................................................................1
1.1.3 Procedures and Application ............................................................................2
1.1.4 Abbreviations, Acronyms ................................................................................3
1.1.5 Project Management .......................................................................................3
1.1.6 Sustainable Building Policy .............................................................................4
1.1.7 Background .....................................................................................................4
1.2 GENERAL DESIGN PHILOSOPHY..............................................................................5
1.2.1 Public Involvement ..........................................................................................5
1.2.2 Land Use .........................................................................................................5
1.2.3 Aesthetics/Arts Program .................................................................................6
1.2.4 Accessibility .....................................................................................................6
1.2.5 Safety and Security .........................................................................................6
1.2.6 Operation and Maintenance ............................................................................7
1.3 LOCAL CLIMATIC CONDITIONS .................................................................................8
1.4 VALUE ENGINEERING/RISK MANAGEMENT ............................................................9
1.5 SAFETY MANAGEMENT AUDIT PROGRAM ..............................................................9
1.6 COMMISSIONING AND TESTING .............................................................................10
1.6.1 General..........................................................................................................10
1.6.2 Activation .......................................................................................................10
1.6.3 Overhead Catenary System Certification ......................................................10
1.7 STANDARD RECORD DOCUMENTS .......................................................................11
1.7.1 Plan of Record Drawings General Requirements .........................................11
1.7.2 Operation and Maintenance Manuals General Requirements......................12
1.7.3 Other Documentation Requirements.............................................................20

2.0 VEHICLES ....................................................................................................................1

2.1 INTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................1
2.2 RAIL STANDARDS AND OTHER DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS ................................1
2.2.1 Flammability, Smoke, and Toxicity Considerations ........................................1
2.2.2 Environmental Considerations ........................................................................1
2.2.3 Shock and Vibration Considerations ...............................................................1
2.2.4 Electromagnetic Interference Considerations .................................................1
2.2.5 Track Design Considerations ..........................................................................2
2.3 LIGHT RAIL VEHICLES ................................................................................................2
2.3.1 General............................................................................................................2
2.3.2 U2 Light Rail Vehicle .......................................................................................3
2.3.3 SD160 Light Rail Vehicle ................................................................................6
2.3.4 Design Vehicle ................................................................................................9

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2.4 AUXILIARY EQUIPMENT .............................................................................................9

2.4.1 Equipment Description ....................................................................................9
2.4.2 Work Train Characteristics ..............................................................................9
2.5 STATIC AND DYNAMIC ENVELOPE CONSIDERATIONS .......................................10

3.0 CLEARANCES AND RIGHT-OF-WAY ........................................................................1

3.1 INTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................1
3.2 DEFINITIONS AND TERMINOLOGY ...........................................................................1
3.2.1 Clearance Related...........................................................................................1
3.2.2 Walkway Related.............................................................................................2
3.2.3 Right-of-Way Related ......................................................................................2
3.3 Clearances ....................................................................................................................3
3.3.1 Edmonton’s LRV .............................................................................................3
3.3.2 Edmonton’s Design Vehicle ............................................................................4
3.3.3 Minimum Vehicle Running Clearance Envelope (VRCE) ...............................5
3.3.4 Application of Clearance Criteria.....................................................................6
3.3.5 Minimum Vertical (Overhead) Clearance ........................................................8
3.3.6 Special Clearance Situations ..........................................................................9
3.5 DETERMINATION OF ROW LIMITS ............................................................................9
3.5.1 General............................................................................................................9
3.5.2 LRT Elements and Components ...................................................................11
3.5.3 Typical Cross Section Configurations ...........................................................12
3.6 RIGHT-OF-WAY ACQUISITION .................................................................................14
3.6.1 Classification of Right-of-Way for Acquisition Purposes ...............................14
3.6.2 ROW Acquisition Plans .................................................................................14
3.6.3 Responsibility for ROW Acquisition...............................................................15

4.0 TRACK ALIGNMENT ...................................................................................................1

4.1 GENERAL .....................................................................................................................1
4.1.1 Introduction......................................................................................................1
4.1.2 Applicable Codes, Regulations, Standards and Practices ..............................1
4.1.3 Design Basis ...................................................................................................1
4.1.4 Optimization ....................................................................................................1
4.1.5 Design Speed ..................................................................................................2
4.1.6 Definitions and Nomenclatures .......................................................................3
4.2 HORIZONTAL ALIGNMENT .........................................................................................6
4.2.1 General............................................................................................................6
4.2.2 Tangent Sections ............................................................................................8
4.2.3 Curved Lines ...................................................................................................9
4.3 VERTICAL ALIGNMENT ............................................................................................14

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4.3.1 General..........................................................................................................14
4.3.2 Gradient.........................................................................................................15
4.3.3 Vertical Curves (VC) .....................................................................................15
4.3.4 Vertical Tangents ..........................................................................................16
4.3.5 Asymmetrical Vertical Curves .......................................................................16
4.4 COMBINED HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL CURVES .............................................16
4.5 VERTICAL CURVE RESTRICTIONS .........................................................................16

5.0 TRACKWORK ..............................................................................................................1

5.1 INTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................1
5.2 GENERAL STANDARDS AND SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS .......................................1
5.2.1 General System Requirements .......................................................................1
5.2.2 Track System Classification ............................................................................1
5.2.3 Applicable Design Standards and Governing Criteria.....................................2
5.2.4 5.2.4 Electrical Isolation ..................................................................................4
5.2.5 Noise and Vibration Attenuation......................................................................4
5.3 TRACK STRUCTURE (INCLUDING YARD TRACK) ...................................................5
5.3.1 General............................................................................................................5
5.3.2 Rail Deflection .................................................................................................5
5.3.3 At-Grade (Surface) Track ................................................................................6
5.3.4 Track in Portals and Tunnels ..........................................................................7
5.3.5 Track on Aerial Structures...............................................................................8
5.3.6 Embedded Track .............................................................................................8
5.3.7 Track Transitional Requirements ....................................................................9
5.4 SPECIAL TRACKWORK ............................................................................................10
5.4.1 General Requirements ..................................................................................10
5.4.2 Turnouts ........................................................................................................10
5.4.3 Crossovers ....................................................................................................12
5.4.4 Diamonds ......................................................................................................13
5.4.5 Sliding Rail Joints ..........................................................................................13
5.4.6 Lateral Restraining Devices ..........................................................................14
5.4.7 Guard Rails ...................................................................................................14
5.4.8 Restraining Rails ...........................................................................................14
5.5 GRADE CROSSINGS .................................................................................................15
5.5.1 Road Crossings .............................................................................................15
5.5.2 Pedestrian Crossings ....................................................................................15
5.5.3 Requirements ................................................................................................15
5.5.4 Service Life and Maintenance .......................................................................16
5.5.5 Corrosion Protection .....................................................................................16
5.6 TRACK COMPONENTS .............................................................................................16
5.6.1 Running Rails ................................................................................................16
5.6.2 Fastening Devices .........................................................................................18
5.6.3 Ties ................................................................................................................20
5.6.4 Ballast............................................................................................................23

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5.6.5 Sub-ballast ....................................................................................................23

5.6.6 Subgrade .......................................................................................................23
5.6.7 Ballast Curb ...................................................................................................24
5.7 OTHER TRACKWORK MATERIALS (OTM) ..............................................................24
5.7.1 Switch Machines ...........................................................................................24
5.7.2 Switch Blowers ..............................................................................................24
5.7.3 Switch Point Detectors ..................................................................................25
5.7.4 Hold-down Bars .............................................................................................25
5.7.5 Roller Plates ..................................................................................................25
5.7.6 Switch Point Protector ...................................................................................25
5.7.7 Friction End Stops .........................................................................................25
5.7.8 Wheel Stops ..................................................................................................26
5.7.9 Rail Lubricators .............................................................................................26
5.7.10 Lateral Track Bracing for Stations .................................................................26
5.7.11 Rail Anchors ..................................................................................................26
5.8 METHODS OF JOINING RAIL ...................................................................................27
5.8.1 Welding Processes........................................................................................27
5.8.2 Non-insulated Joints ......................................................................................28
5.8.3 Insulated Joints .............................................................................................28
5.9 TRACK CONSTRUCTION TOLERANCES ................................................................28
5.9.1 General..........................................................................................................28
5.10 RAIL GRINDING .........................................................................................................29
5.11 DESIGN COORDINATION .........................................................................................30
5.12 QUALITY ASSURANCE AND QUALITY CONTROL .................................................30
5.13 PROJECT DOCUMENTATION ..................................................................................30

6.0 TRACTION POWER .....................................................................................................1

6.1 GENERAL .....................................................................................................................1
6.1.1 Introduction......................................................................................................1
6.1.2 System Description .........................................................................................1
6.1.3 Abbreviations and Definitions..........................................................................1
6.1.4 Applicable Codes, Standards, Regulations and Guidelines ...........................2
6.1.5 Traction Power System Elements ...................................................................3
6.1.6 Traction Power System Loads and Parameters .............................................4
6.1.7 Safety and Security .........................................................................................5
6.1.8 Environmental Considerations ........................................................................6
6.2 TRACTION POWER SUBSTATIONS...........................................................................6
6.2.1 General Design Principles...............................................................................6
6.2.2 Substation Facility ...........................................................................................6
6.2.3 Substation Equipment ...................................................................................10
6.2.4 Substation Controls .......................................................................................14
6.2.5 Protection Systems and Devices ..................................................................15
6.2.6 Protection Relay Descriptions .......................................................................16
6.3 TRACTION POWER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM .........................................................18

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6.3.1 Positive Feeder Cables .................................................................................18

6.3.2 Negative Return Cables ................................................................................18
6.3.3 Tunnel Parallel Feeder Cables......................................................................19
6.3.4 High Voltage AC Power Cables ....................................................................19
6.3.5 Electrical Switches ........................................................................................19
6.4 DUCT BANKS AND CONDUITS ................................................................................19
6.5 OVERHEAD TRACTION POWER SYSTEM ..............................................................20
6.5.1 Overview .......................................................................................................20
6.5.2 Design Philosophy.........................................................................................20
6.5.3 Design Requirements and Criteria ................................................................21
6.5.4 Details of Overhead Catenary System ..........................................................25
6.5.5 Overhead Catenary System Configurations .................................................27
6.5.6 Catenary Support Components.....................................................................28
6.5.7 In-Span Assemblies ......................................................................................31

7.0 SIGNALS ......................................................................................................................1

7.1 GENERAL .....................................................................................................................1
7.1.1 Introduction......................................................................................................1
7.1.2 Abbreviations, Definitions, Nomenclatures .....................................................1
7.1.3 System Description .........................................................................................2
7.1.4 Applicable Codes, Standards, Regulations and Guidelines ...........................3
7.2 PHILOSOPHY ...............................................................................................................4
7.2.1 Goals and Objectives ......................................................................................4
7.2.2 Operating Assumptions and Principles ...........................................................5
7.2.3 Checked-Redundancy Principle ......................................................................5
7.3 LRT SIGNAL SYSTEM OPERATION ...........................................................................6
7.3.1 Headway and Train Size .................................................................................6
7.3.2 Direction of Running ........................................................................................6
7.3.3 Vehicles ...........................................................................................................6
7.4 LRT SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS .................................................................................7
7.4.1 System Design ................................................................................................7
7.4.2 System Safety Principles ................................................................................8
7.4.3 Speed Restrictions ..........................................................................................8
7.4.4 Automatic Fixed Block Signalling ....................................................................9
7.4.5 Determination of Block Location ...................................................................11
7.4.6 CBTC System................................................................................................11
7.4.7 Prevention of Side Collisions and Derailments .............................................11
7.4.8 Grade Crossings ...........................................................................................11
7.4.9 LRT Operation Functional Requirements .....................................................13
7.4.10 Wayside LRT Signal Equipment ...................................................................13
7.4.11 Communication Requirements for LRT Control ............................................13
7.4.12 Signal Aspects...............................................................................................13
7.4.13 ATS Interface ................................................................................................13
7.5 EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS.................................................................................14
7.5.1 General..........................................................................................................14
7.5.2 Numbering Schemes .....................................................................................14

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7.5.3 Wayside Signals ............................................................................................15

7.5.4 Track Circuits ................................................................................................16
7.5.5 Powered Track Switches ...............................................................................17
7.5.6 Manual Track Switches with Switch Point Indication Interlocks ....................17
7.5.7 Route Key Switch ..........................................................................................18
7.5.8 Interlocking ....................................................................................................18
7.5.9 Central Traffic Control System ......................................................................18
7.5.10 Grade Crossing Equipment ...........................................................................19
7.5.11 Bungalows, and Junction Boxes ...................................................................20
7.5.12 Signal Room ..................................................................................................20
7.5.13 Signal Room Power Supply ..........................................................................21
7.5.14 Wire and Cable..............................................................................................22
7.5.15 Spare Parts ...................................................................................................23
7.5.16 Duct Banks ....................................................................................................23
7.5.17 Knife Switches ...............................................................................................23
7.6 INTERFACE REQUIREMENTS..................................................................................24
7.7 RESPONSIBILITIES ...................................................................................................25
7.7.1 Signal System Contractor .............................................................................25
7.7.2 Deliverables...................................................................................................26
7.8 TESTING AND COMMISSIONING .............................................................................26
7.9 TRAINING REQUIREMENTS .....................................................................................27
7.10 RECORD DOCUMENTS ............................................................................................28

8.0 COMMUNICATIONS & CONTROL ..............................................................................1

8.1 ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS...........................................................................1
8.2 CERTIFICATIONS ........................................................................................................4
8.2.1 Railway Certifications ......................................................................................4
8.2.2 Other Certifications .........................................................................................4
8.2.3 Regulatory Compliance ...................................................................................4
8.2.4 Hazard Level Classification .............................................................................4
8.2.5 Electrical Safety Compliance ..........................................................................4
8.2.6 EMC Compliance ............................................................................................4
8.2.7 EMC Immunity .................................................................................................5
8.2.8 Environmental Compliance .............................................................................5
8.2.9 Safety Standards Compliance.........................................................................5
8.2.10 Telecom Interface Compliance .......................................................................5
8.2.11 Electromagnetic Compatibility .........................................................................5
8.3 INTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................5
8.3.1 Fares System ..................................................................................................5
8.3.2 Building Management System (BMS) .............................................................5
8.3.3 Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA).......................................6
8.3.4 Telephone Systems ........................................................................................6
8.3.5 Public Address (PA) and Variable Message Sign Systems (VMS).................6
8.3.6 Radio System ..................................................................................................6
8.3.7 Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) ...................................................................7
8.3.8 Signals Network ..............................................................................................7
8.3.9 Other Subsystems ...........................................................................................7

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8.5 DESIGN REFERENCE DOCUMENTS .........................................................................7
8.5.1 General............................................................................................................8
8.5.2 BMS .................................................................................................................8
8.5.3 Public Address System ...................................................................................8
8.5.4 Radio System ..................................................................................................8
8.5.5 CCTV...............................................................................................................8
8.5.6 Security System ..............................................................................................8
8.5.7 Other LRT Control Systems ............................................................................8
8.5.8 General Design Objectives and Requirements ...............................................8
8.6 COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT ENVIRONMENT...................................................12
8.6.1 Introduction and Overview ............................................................................12
8.6.2 Control Centers .............................................................................................12
8.6.3 Data Centers .................................................................................................15
8.6.4 Communication Rooms .................................................................................17
8.6.5 Wiring Closets ...............................................................................................19
8.6.6 HVAC General...............................................................................................19
8.6.7 Powering and UPS ........................................................................................19
8.6.8 Overall Workmanship ....................................................................................20
8.7 COMMON INFRASTRUCTURE ENVIRONMENT .....................................................20
8.7.1 Introduction and Overview ............................................................................20
8.7.2 Communications Common Infrastructure .....................................................21
8.7.3 Communication Room Common Infrastructure.............................................21
8.7.4 Network Architecture .....................................................................................21
8.7.5 Fibre Optic Cable System .............................................................................21
8.7.6 Copper Cable Network ..................................................................................22
8.7.7 Remote Device Powering Methods ...............................................................22
8.7.8 Surge Arrestors .............................................................................................23
8.7.9 Entrance Conduits and Terminal Blocks .......................................................23
8.7.10 Low Voltage Conduits & Distribution .............................................................24
8.7.11 Station Telephone Distribution ......................................................................24
8.7.12 Equipment Racks & Cable Tray Assembly ...................................................24
8.7.13 Cable Tray Structure .....................................................................................24
8.7.14 Ancillary Equipment ......................................................................................25
8.7.15 Communication Room Size...........................................................................25
8.7.16 Environmental ...............................................................................................25
8.7.17 Grounding......................................................................................................25
8.7.18 Wayside Facilities..........................................................................................26
8.7.19 Station Facilities ............................................................................................26
8.8 COMMUNICATION CABLING GENERAL REQUIREMENTS....................................29
8.8.1 General Considerations ................................................................................30
8.8.2 Quality ...........................................................................................................30
8.8.3 Design Factors ..............................................................................................31
8.8.4 Outside Plant Cabling ...................................................................................31
8.8.5 Station/Facilities ............................................................................................38
8.9 SYSTEM NOMENCLATURE AND CONVENTIONS ..................................................39
8.9.1 Cable Labeling and Identification ..................................................................39
8.9.2 Cabling and Wiring Color Code Conventions ...............................................40
8.10 COMMON SOFTWARE ENVIRONMENT ..................................................................40

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8.10.1 General..........................................................................................................40
8.10.2 Identity Management .....................................................................................41
8.10.3 DNS, DHCP and IP Address Management ...................................................41
8.10.4 Security .........................................................................................................41
8.10.5 Remote Access .............................................................................................42
8.10.6 Monitoring and Alarming ...............................................................................42
8.10.7 Configuration Management ...........................................................................42
8.10.8 Software ........................................................................................................42
8.10.9 Software Updates and Lifecycle....................................................................44
8.10.10 Logging, Big Data and Analytics ...................................................................44
8.11 FARES SYSTEM ........................................................................................................45
8.12 BUILDING MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (BMS) .............................................................45
8.12.1 BMS Definitions .............................................................................................46
8.12.2 Nomenclature General Structure ..................................................................46
8.12.3 General Description ......................................................................................47
8.12.4 BMS Operation and Maintenance Manuals ..................................................49
8.12.5 BMS Equipment Requirements .....................................................................49
8.12.6 Requirements for the BMS Monitoring and Control of Systems ...................50
8.12.7 Control Logic Software, Graphics and Alarming Requirements ...................54
8.12.8 Training .........................................................................................................55
8.12.9 Documentation ..............................................................................................55
8.13 CCTV ..........................................................................................................................55
8.13.1 Applicable Codes, Standards, Regulations and Practices ............................55
8.13.2 Product Acceptability .....................................................................................56
8.13.3 Naming conventions ......................................................................................56
8.13.4 Architecture ...................................................................................................56
8.13.5 Archiving - Video Archiver Servers ...............................................................79
8.13.6 Multicast Scheme ..........................................................................................80
8.13.7 Alarm Connections ........................................................................................80
8.13.8 Monitoring and Alarming ...............................................................................80
8.13.9 Remote Management and Access ................................................................82
8.13.10 Cameras & Programming ..............................................................................83
8.13.11 Required site coverage / CCTV Camera Views ..........................................105
8.13.12 Cabling methods .........................................................................................108
8.13.13 Camera Poles..............................................................................................109
8.14 PA/VMS .....................................................................................................................109
8.14.1 General........................................................................................................109
8.14.2 Existing PA/VMS System ............................................................................109
8.14.3 Applicable Codes, Regulations and Standards...........................................111
8.14.4 Functional Requirements ............................................................................111
8.14.5 Location Considerations ..............................................................................112
8.14.6 System and Component Design Requirements ..........................................112
8.14.7 Interfacing Requirements ............................................................................114
8.14.8 Amplifiers.....................................................................................................115
8.14.9 Signs ...........................................................................................................115
8.14.10 Installation and Design of Signs ..................................................................116
8.14.11 Naming Conventions ...................................................................................117
8.14.12 Microphones ................................................................................................117
8.14.13 Integration to the Central Phone System ....................................................117
8.15 TELEPHONE SYSTEMS ..........................................................................................117

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8.15.1 General........................................................................................................117
8.15.2 Functional and Phone Equipment Requirements .......................................117
8.15.3 Naming conventions ....................................................................................118
8.15.4 Extension convention ..................................................................................118
8.15.5 Monitoring of devices ..................................................................................118
8.15.6 Automated Device Testing ..........................................................................118
8.15.7 Integration to PA/VMS .................................................................................118
8.15.8 Redundancy ................................................................................................118
8.15.9 Phones ........................................................................................................119
8.15.10 Phone System Cabling Methods .................................................................120
8.15.11 Phone System Powering Methods ..............................................................121
8.15.12 Phone programming ....................................................................................121
8.15.13 Central management of all help phone devices ..........................................121
8.15.14 Enclosures, Panels and Backboards ..........................................................121
8.15.15 Call recording ..............................................................................................121
8.15.16 Camera Behavior with Help phones............................................................122
8.15.17 Caller ID conventions ..................................................................................122
8.15.18 Distribution Design Requirements...............................................................122
8.16 RADIO SYSTEMS.....................................................................................................122
8.16.1 General........................................................................................................122
8.16.2 Portable radios ............................................................................................123
8.16.3 Mobile Radios..............................................................................................124
8.16.4 Installation standards ..................................................................................124
8.16.5 Tunnel Radio system ..................................................................................124
8.16.6 Industry Specs for all devices .....................................................................124
8.16.7 Network connection to AFRRCS .................................................................125
8.16.8 Redundancy ................................................................................................125
8.16.9 Console Programming ................................................................................126
8.16.10 Call recording ..............................................................................................126
8.16.11 Monitoring of devices ..................................................................................126
8.16.12 Talk groups..................................................................................................126
8.16.13 DAS .............................................................................................................127
8.16.14 BDAs ...........................................................................................................127
8.16.15 Radiax and installation ................................................................................128
8.16.16 Coax and installation ...................................................................................128
8.16.17 Coverage expectations ...............................................................................129
8.16.18 Ground Level Stations (including terrestrial coverage) ...............................129
8.16.19 BER measurements ....................................................................................129
8.16.20 Radio System Replacement........................................................................129
8.17 SIGNALS NETWORK ...............................................................................................130
8.17.1 Conventions ................................................................................................130
8.17.2 Architecture .................................................................................................130
8.17.3 Device requirements ...................................................................................130
8.17.4 Redundancy ................................................................................................130
8.17.5 Monitoring of Devices ..................................................................................130
8.17.6 Signals Fibre Backbone ..............................................................................130
8.18 TRACTION POWER NETWORKS ...........................................................................131
8.18.1 EPCOR RACIs ............................................................................................131
8.18.2 Architecture .................................................................................................131
8.18.3 Naming conventions ....................................................................................131
8.18.4 Transfer Trip ................................................................................................131

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8.18.5 SCADA control ............................................................................................131

8.18.6 Redundancy ................................................................................................131
8.18.7 Device requirements ...................................................................................131
8.18.8 Traction Power Fibre Backbone ..................................................................131
8.18.9 Monitoring of Devices ..................................................................................132
8.18.10 Optical Isolation ...........................................................................................132
8.19 OTHER SUBSYSTEMS ............................................................................................132
8.19.1 Card Access System ...................................................................................132
8.19.2 Public Wi-Fi .................................................................................................132
8.19.3 Third Party Advertising ................................................................................133
8.19.4 Third Party Connectivity ..............................................................................133
8.20 TESTING AND COMMISSIONING ...........................................................................134
8.20.1 Installation, Testing, Manuals, and Training ...............................................134
8.20.2 Testing and Inspection of Equipment and Systems ....................................135
8.20.3 System Demonstration ................................................................................135
8.20.4 Final Inspection for Completion of Contracts ..............................................136
8.21 RECORD DOCUMENTS ..........................................................................................136
8.21.1 Project Record Drawings ............................................................................136
8.21.2 Operation and Maintenance Manuals .........................................................137
8.22 GENERAL EQUIPMENT AND SPARING ................................................................138

9.0 STRUCTURES..............................................................................................................1
9.1 GENERAL .....................................................................................................................1
9.1.1 Introduction......................................................................................................1
9.1.2 Applicable Codes, Standards, Practices and Reference Guidelines ..............1
9.1.3 Structure Categories .......................................................................................2
9.1.4 Load Factor Method for Design.......................................................................2
9.1.5 Application of Loadings ...................................................................................2
9.2 BRIDGES ......................................................................................................................3
9.2.1 Dead Loads .....................................................................................................3
9.2.2 Live Loads .......................................................................................................4
9.2.3 Vertical Loads..................................................................................................4
9.2.4 Horizontal Loads .............................................................................................4
9.2.5 Derailment Loads ............................................................................................5
9.2.6 Longitudinal Forces Due to Acceleration/Deceleration and Rail Restraint .....5
9.2.7 Centrifugal Forces ...........................................................................................5
9.2.8 Vehicle Collision Loads ...................................................................................6
9.2.9 Vibration and Deflection Control .....................................................................6
9.2.10 Fatigue ............................................................................................................6
9.2.11 Thermal, Wind, Snow, Shrinkage, Creep Loading Considerations .................6
9.2.12 Related Structural Considerations ..................................................................6
9.2.13 Inspection and Maintenance Manual ..............................................................7
9.3 BUILDINGS ...................................................................................................................8
9.3.1 Loads and Forces............................................................................................8
9.3.2 Related Structural Considerations for Type II and Type III LRT Stations .......8

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9.4 RETAINING STRUCTURES .........................................................................................8

9.4.1 Loads and Forces and Related Considerations ..............................................8
9.5 EARTH EMBANKMENTS .............................................................................................9
9.6 NOISE ATTENUATION WALL......................................................................................9
9.7 UNDERGROUND STRUCTURES................................................................................9
9.7.1 General............................................................................................................9
9.7.2 Type I Stations ..............................................................................................10
9.7.3 Tunnels..........................................................................................................10
9.7.4 Shafts and Cross-Connections .....................................................................12
9.7.5 Cut and Cover ...............................................................................................13
9.7.6 Portals ...........................................................................................................14
9.7.7 Temporary Live Loads ..................................................................................15
9.8 POTENTIAL IMPACTS ON STRUCTURES AND FACILITIES ..................................15
9.8.1 Support General Requirements ....................................................................15
9.8.2 Support Methods ...........................................................................................16
EXISTING UNDERGROUND STRUCTURES ............................................................17
9.11 PRIVATE DEVELOPMENT UNDER EXISTING LRT TRACKS .................................18

10.0 STATIONS AND ANCILLARY FACILITIES.................................................................1

10.1 GENERAL .....................................................................................................................1
10.1.1 Introduction......................................................................................................1
10.1.2 Applicable Codes, Standards, Policies and Reference Guidelines ................1
10.1.3 Definitions........................................................................................................2
10.2 DESIGN PRINCIPLES ..................................................................................................4
10.2.1 General............................................................................................................4
10.2.2 Interchange Function ......................................................................................4
10.2.3 Accessibility .....................................................................................................5
10.2.4 Fare Payment ..................................................................................................5
10.2.5 Passenger Safety and Security .......................................................................5
10.2.6 Architectural ....................................................................................................6
10.2.7 Lighting ............................................................................................................6
10.2.8 Artwork ............................................................................................................6
10.2.9 Landscaping ....................................................................................................6
10.3 STATION SITE, CIRCULATION AND ACCESS ..........................................................7
10.3.1 Location ...........................................................................................................7
10.3.2 Access and Egress .........................................................................................7
10.3.3 Emergency Egress/Exiting ..............................................................................8
10.3.4 Vertical Circulation ........................................................................................11
10.4 STRUCTURES AND SHELTERS ...............................................................................15
10.4.1 Platform .........................................................................................................15

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10.4.2 Roofs .............................................................................................................19

10.4.3 Sheltered Enclosures ....................................................................................20
10.4.4 Service Area/Room Requirements................................................................21
10.4.5 Transit Centre Facility ...................................................................................25
10.5 FARE COLLECTION EQUIPMENT ............................................................................25
10.5.1 General..........................................................................................................25
10.5.2 Fare Equipment Types ..................................................................................25
10.5.3 Fare Equipment Placement...........................................................................27
10.5.4 Central Data Collection and Information System ..........................................27
10.5.5 Interfacing Requirements ..............................................................................28
10.5.6 Power Supply ................................................................................................28
10.5.7 Conduit, Cabling Requirements ....................................................................28
10.5.8 Anchorage Requirements .............................................................................28
10.5.9 Design References ........................................................................................29
10.6 STATION AMENITIES ................................................................................................29
10.6.1 Artwork ..........................................................................................................29
10.6.2 Concession Booth or Kiosks .........................................................................30
10.6.3 Vending and Electronic Equipment ...............................................................30
10.6.4 Pay Telephones ............................................................................................31
10.6.5 Furniture Items ..............................................................................................31
10.6.6 Bicycle Racks ................................................................................................32
10.7 SIGNAGE AND BRANDING .......................................................................................32
10.7.1 Types of Signage – Summary .......................................................................32
10.7.2 Branding ........................................................................................................33
10.8 STATION ELECTRICAL .............................................................................................34
10.9 STATION MECHANICAL ............................................................................................34
10.10 COMMUNICATIONS...................................................................................................34
10.11 MATERIALS AND FINISHES .....................................................................................34
10.11.1 Design Objectives .........................................................................................35
10.11.2 Basic Materials ..............................................................................................36
10.11.3 Colour ............................................................................................................38
10.11.4 Finishes .........................................................................................................38
10.11.5 Specialties .....................................................................................................41
10.11.6 Doors and Windows ......................................................................................42
10.11.7 Hardware .......................................................................................................45
10.11.8 Gates (Type I and II Stations) .......................................................................46
10.11.9 Office Furnishings .........................................................................................46
10.12 THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTION .............................................................47
10.12.1 Type I Roof Structures ..................................................................................47
10.12.2 Type I and Type II Station Walls ...................................................................47
10.12.3 Above Grade Structures (Type I Entranceways, Type II and III Roofs) ........47
10.12.4 Drainage ........................................................................................................48
10.13 ADVERTISING ............................................................................................................48
10.13.1 General..........................................................................................................48
10.13.2 Location Criteria ............................................................................................49
10.13.3 Advertising Panel Frames .............................................................................49
10.13.4 Lighting ..........................................................................................................49

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10.13.5 Digital Display................................................................................................49

10.13.6 Maintenance and Performance Criteria ........................................................49
10.13.7 Future Requirements ....................................................................................49
10.14 STREETS DESIGN .....................................................................................................49

11.0 ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS .............................................................................................1

11.1 GENERAL .....................................................................................................................1
11.1.1 Introduction......................................................................................................1
11.1.2 Abbreviations...................................................................................................1
11.1.3 Applicable Codes, Regulations, Standards, Practices, Reference Guidelines
11.2 SYSTEM LOADS ..........................................................................................................2
11.2.1 Demand Factors ..............................................................................................2
11.2.2 Traction Power ................................................................................................3
11.3 SYSTEM POWER CHARACTERISTICS......................................................................3
11.3.1 Utility Power Transmission ..............................................................................3
11.3.2 Systems Voltages............................................................................................3
11.3.3 Capacity ..........................................................................................................3
11.4 SERVICES AND DISTRIBUTION .................................................................................4
11.4.1 Supply to Signal and Communication Rooms .................................................4
11.4.2 Panel Board Locations ....................................................................................4
11.4.3 ROW Maintenance Power...............................................................................4
11.5 MATERIALS ..................................................................................................................4
11.5.1 Objectives........................................................................................................4
11.5.2 Identification ....................................................................................................5
11.6 EQUIPMENT .................................................................................................................6
11.6.1 Motors .............................................................................................................6
11.6.2 Transformers ...................................................................................................6
11.6.3 Disconnect Switches and Fuses .....................................................................7
11.7 EMERGENCY POWER SYSTEMS ..............................................................................7
11.7.1 Manual Transfer Switch ..................................................................................8
11.7.2 Automatic Transfer Switch ..............................................................................8
11.7.3 Standby Rated Fixed Mounted Generators ....................................................8
11.7.4 Portable Generators ......................................................................................10
11.8 ELECTRICAL HEAT TRACE SYSTEMS ....................................................................11
11.8.1 General Requirements ..................................................................................11
11.8.2 Cables ...........................................................................................................11
11.8.3 Control Panels and Accessories ...................................................................11
11.8.4 Power Services .............................................................................................12
11.8.5 Snow and Ice Melt Systems ..........................................................................12
11.9 FIRE ALARM AND DETECTION ................................................................................12
11.10 LIGHTING ...................................................................................................................13
11.10.1 General Design Objectives ...........................................................................13

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11.10.2 Performance Standards ................................................................................13

11.10.3 Standard Lighting Elements/Fixtures ............................................................13
11.10.4 Illumination Levels .........................................................................................14
11.10.5 Lighting Control Systems ..............................................................................16
11.10.6 Lighting Energy Conservation Measures ......................................................16
11.10.7 Emergency Lighting ......................................................................................16
11.11 METERING .................................................................................................................17
11.11.1 Utility Metering...............................................................................................17
11.11.2 Distribution Equipment Metering ...................................................................17
11.12 GROUNDING AND BONDING ...................................................................................17
11.12.1 Bonding .........................................................................................................17
11.12.2 Ground Fault Protection ................................................................................19
11.13 DUCTBANKS AND CONDUITS .................................................................................19
11.13.1 General..........................................................................................................19
11.13.2 Ductbank Construction General Requirements ............................................22
11.13.3 Conduits and Raceways Additional Requirements .......................................23
11.14 UTILITY SERVICES COORDINATION REQUIREMENTS ........................................24
11.14.1 General..........................................................................................................24
11.14.2 Exceptions .....................................................................................................24
11.15 TESTING AND COMMISSIONING .............................................................................25
11.16 STANDARD RECORD DOCUMENTS .......................................................................25

12.0 MECHANICAL SYSTEMS ............................................................................................1

12.1 GENERAL .....................................................................................................................1
12.1.1 Introduction......................................................................................................1
12.1.2 Applicable Codes, Regulations and Standards and Reference Guidelines ....1
12.1.3 Definitions........................................................................................................1
12.2 GENERAL DESIGN GUIDELINES ...............................................................................1
12.3 MECHANICAL SYSTEM COMPONENTS ....................................................................2
12.3.1 Piping Systems................................................................................................2
12.3.2 Other Insulation Requirements .......................................................................7
12.3.3 Equipment .......................................................................................................7
12.3.4 Vacuum System ..............................................................................................9
12.3.5 Plumbing Fixtures and Trim ..........................................................................10
12.4 FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS .................................................................................10
12.4.1 General..........................................................................................................10
12.4.2 Standpipe Fire Hose Systems.......................................................................11
12.4.3 Sprinkler System ...........................................................................................12
12.4.4 Fire Extinguishers..........................................................................................12
12.5 HEATING ....................................................................................................................13
12.6 VENTILATION & SMOKE CONTROL ........................................................................13
12.6.1 General..........................................................................................................13
12.6.2 Ventilation and Heating Criteria ....................................................................14

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12.6.3 Ventilation Equipment ...................................................................................15

12.6.4 Alarms and Controls ......................................................................................16
12.6.5 Metering (Water and Gas) .............................................................................16
12.7 DRAINAGE .................................................................................................................16
12.7.1 General..........................................................................................................16
12.7.2 Design Criteria...............................................................................................16
12.7.3 Drains ............................................................................................................18
12.7.4 Pumping Stations ..........................................................................................18
12.8 COMMISSIONING AND TESTING .............................................................................18
12.9 PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE .............................................................................18

13.0 CORROSION AND STRAY CURRENT CONTROL ....................................................1

13.1 GENERAL .....................................................................................................................1
13.1.1 Introduction......................................................................................................1
13.1.2 Definitions........................................................................................................1
13.1.3 Scope ..............................................................................................................2
13.1.4 Objectives........................................................................................................2
13.1.5 Applicable Codes, Standards and Reference Documentation........................2
13.1.6 Corrosion Protection Specialist Services ........................................................3
13.2 SOIL AND WATER CORROSION CONTROL .............................................................3
13.2.1 Materials of Construction ................................................................................3
13.2.2 Safety and Continuity of Operations ...............................................................3
13.2.3 Accessibility of Installations.............................................................................3
13.2.4 Special Considerations ...................................................................................3
13.2.5 Materials and Methods ....................................................................................3
13.2.6 LRT Fixed Facilities .........................................................................................5
13.3 STRAY CURRENT CORROSION CONTROL .............................................................6
13.3.1 Traction Power System ...................................................................................7
13.3.2 LRT Fixed Facilities .........................................................................................8
13.3.3 Facilities Owned by Others ...........................................................................13
13.4.1 General Requirements ..................................................................................14
13.4.2 Metallic-Sacrificial Coatings ..........................................................................14
13.4.3 Organic Coatings...........................................................................................14
13.4.4 Conversion Coatings .....................................................................................14
13.4.5 Ceramic-Metallic Coatings (Cermets) ...........................................................14
13.4.6 Sealants ........................................................................................................15
13.4.7 Barrier Coating System .................................................................................15

14.0 IMPACT MITIGATION, AESTHETICS, ROW CONTROL ...........................................1

14.1 GENERAL .....................................................................................................................1

Final Issue July 2017 xv


14.1.1 Scope ..............................................................................................................1

14.1.2 Bylaws, Standards, Practices, Guidelines, References ..................................1
14.2 LRT IMPACTS AND ABATEMENT MEASURES .........................................................1
14.2.1 LRT Impacts ....................................................................................................1
14.2.2 Community Standards Bylaw ..........................................................................2
14.2.3 Abatement Techniques ...................................................................................2
14.3 AESTHETIC CONSIDERATIONS ................................................................................3
14.3.1 General............................................................................................................3
14.3.2 Landscape Design Principles ..........................................................................3
14.3.3 Landscape Design Reference Documents .....................................................6
14.3.4 Architectural Requirements .............................................................................6
14.4 ROW ACCESS CONTROL AND PROTECTION .........................................................6
14.4.1 Fencing............................................................................................................6
14.4.2 Signage ...........................................................................................................7

15.0 ACCESSIBILITY ...........................................................................................................1

15.1 GENERAL .....................................................................................................................1
15.1.1 Introduction......................................................................................................1
15.1.2 Abbreviations, Acronyms ................................................................................1
15.1.3 Definitions........................................................................................................1
15.1.4 Applicable Codes, Standards, Practices .........................................................2
15.1.5 Design References ..........................................................................................2
15.1.6 Accessibility Features/ABC References .........................................................2
15.2 ACCESSIBILITY POLICIES ..........................................................................................2
15.2.1 Policy C463 – Accessibility to City of Edmonton Owned and Occupied
Buildings ..........................................................................................................3
15.2.2 ETS Accessible Transit Instruction .................................................................4
15.2.3 Stakeholder Groups ........................................................................................5
15.3 LRT STATION DESIGN ................................................................................................5
15.3.1 Accessibility Principles ....................................................................................5
15.3.2 Interior Accessible Routes ..............................................................................5
15.3.3 Platform, Public Areas and Amenities ...........................................................10
15.4 STATION EXTERIOR AREAS ....................................................................................13
15.4.1 Exterior Accessible Routes ...........................................................................13
15.4.2 Passenger Loading Zones ............................................................................14
15.4.3 Parking Lots ..................................................................................................15
15.5 TRANSIT CENTRES...................................................................................................15
15.6 SAFETY AND SECURITY ..........................................................................................15

16.0 SAFETY AND SECURITY ............................................................................................1

16.1 GENERAL .....................................................................................................................1
16.1.1 Introduction......................................................................................................1

Final Issue July 2017 xvi


16.1.2 Abbreviations, Acronyms, Definitions..............................................................1

16.1.3 Applicable Codes, Standards, Regulations, Design References ....................1
16.2.1 Safer City Principles and Guidelines ...............................................................2
16.2.2 General Guidelines for all Transit Facilities ....................................................2
16.2.3 LRT Facility Interior and Exterior Access Routes and Areas ..........................3
16.4 LRT SYSTEM SAFETY AND SECURITY FEATURES ................................................4
16.4.1 Surveillance .....................................................................................................4
16.4.2 Stations/Facilities ............................................................................................6
16.4.3 Station Exterior Areas .....................................................................................8
16.4.4 LRT Right-of-Way............................................................................................8
16.4.5 Light Rail Vehicles ...........................................................................................9
16.4.6 Ownership, Maintenance and Management .................................................10

17.0 UTILITIES .....................................................................................................................1

17.1 GENERAL .....................................................................................................................1
17.1.1 Introduction......................................................................................................1
17.1.2 Applicable Codes, Standards, Practices and Reference Guidelines ..............1
17.1.3 Ownership .......................................................................................................2
17.2 GENERAL DESIGN GUIDELINES ...............................................................................3
17.2.1 All Utilities ........................................................................................................3
17.2.2 Utilities Impacted by LRT Construction ...........................................................3
17.3 RESPONSIBILITIES AND COORDINATION REQUIREMENTS .................................4
17.3.1 Process Overview ...........................................................................................4
17.3.2 LRT Utility Design Consultant .........................................................................4
17.4 NOTICE REQUIREMENTS ..........................................................................................6
17.5 LRT UTILITIES..............................................................................................................6
17.5.1 General............................................................................................................6
17.5.2 Utility Service Connection ...............................................................................6
17.5.3 Utility Placement At-Grade Trackway .............................................................6
17.5.4 Utility Placement in Underground Tunnels or Structures ................................6

18.0 STREETS DESIGN .......................................................................................................1

18.1 GENERAL .....................................................................................................................1
18.1.1 Introduction......................................................................................................1
18.1.2 Abbreviations...................................................................................................1
18.1.3 Applicable Standards, Regulations, Practices, Guidelines .............................1
18.1.4 Plan Approval Procedure ................................................................................2
18.2 STREET GEOMETRIC DESIGN ..................................................................................3
18.2.1 Medians ...........................................................................................................3
18.2.2 Private Crossings/Curb Cuts ...........................................................................3

Final Issue July 2017 xvii


18.2.3 On-Street Parking............................................................................................3

18.2.4 Bus Loading Zones .........................................................................................3
18.2.5 Sidewalks/Walkways/Shared Use Paths /Boulevards ....................................3
18.2.6 Curb Ramps ....................................................................................................4
18.2.7 Landscaping ....................................................................................................4
18.2.8 Street Lighting .................................................................................................4
18.2.9 Temporary/Detour Roads ................................................................................4
18.2.10 Clearance Requirements (edge of road to LRT) .............................................4
18.3 STREET CONSTRUCTION ..........................................................................................4
18.3.1 General............................................................................................................4
18.3.2 Grade Crossings of the LRT Trackway ...........................................................4
18.4 TRAFFIC CONTROL MEASURES ...............................................................................4
18.4.1 General............................................................................................................4
18.4.2 Crosswalks ......................................................................................................4
18.4.3 Vehicular Access and Parking ........................................................................5
18.5 LRT GRADE CROSSING SAFETY ..............................................................................5
18.5.1 General............................................................................................................5
18.5.2 Mitigation Measures ........................................................................................5
18.5.3 Evaluation Procedure ......................................................................................6
18.5.4 Road Crossings of Arterial Roadways ............................................................7
18.5.5 Protective Measures for At-Grade Pedestrian Crossings of Arterial Roads ...7
18.6 STREETS DRAINAGE ..................................................................................................8
18.7 STATION ACCESS .......................................................................................................8
18.7.1 Access Modes .................................................................................................8
18.7.2 Vehicular Access .............................................................................................8
18.7.3 Surface Park and Ride Lots ............................................................................9
18.8 EMERGENCY AND MAINTENANCE VEHICLE ACCESS.........................................11
18.9 TRANSIT CENTRES...................................................................................................11
18.10 FENCING ....................................................................................................................12

19.0 PARKADES ..................................................................................................................1

19.1 GENERAL .....................................................................................................................1
19.1.1 Introduction......................................................................................................1
19.1.2 Abbreviations and Definitions..........................................................................1
19.1.3 Applicable Codes, Standards, Practices, and Reference Guidelines .............1
19.2 FUNCTIONAL DESIGN OF PARKADES......................................................................2
19.2.1 Usage Projections ...........................................................................................2
19.2.2 Required Level-of-Service ...............................................................................2
19.2.3 Accessibility for Persons with Disabilities .......................................................2
19.2.4 Emergency Access..........................................................................................2
19.2.5 Street Access ..................................................................................................3
19.2.6 Access Control Devices ..................................................................................3
19.2.7 Above vs. Below Ground Structure .................................................................3
19.2.8 Vehicular Circulation .......................................................................................4

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19.2.9 Parking Geometry and Layout ........................................................................4

19.2.10 Pedestrian Circulation .....................................................................................5
19.3 BUILDING REQUIREMENTS .......................................................................................6
19.3.1 Classification ...................................................................................................6
19.3.2 Required Service Areas ..................................................................................6
19.3.3 Architectural Finishes and Landscaping .........................................................6
19.3.4 Mechanical Requirements...............................................................................7
19.3.5 Electrical Requirements ..................................................................................7
19.3.6 Communication Requirements ........................................................................7
19.3.7 Structural Requirements .................................................................................7
19.3.8 Drainage ..........................................................................................................8
19.3.9 Maintenance and Operation Considerations...................................................8
19.4 SECURITY ....................................................................................................................9
19.4.1 Safety Audit .....................................................................................................9
19.4.2 Passive Security ..............................................................................................9
19.4.3 Active Security...............................................................................................10
19.5 SIGNAGE, GRAPHICS, AND PAVEMENT MARKINGS ............................................12
19.5.1 General..........................................................................................................12
19.5.2 Signage .........................................................................................................12
19.5.3 Graphics and Painting ...................................................................................12
19.5.4 Pavement Markings ......................................................................................12

Final Issue July 2017 xix

Chapter 1 – Revision Tracking Form


Chapter 1
2017 EDITION – Revisions Tracking Form
Section Reference Revision General Description Issue Date
1.1.1 3rd paragr. Changed reference to previous 2011 version, July 2017
updated during construction of NLRT.

1.1.2 Bullet list Updated chapter titles

1.1.7 Section Updated system description

Appendix Appendix II Updated reference to 2011 LRT Design

Updated website pathways.


1.0  GENERAL 1 

1.1.1  Purpose 1 
1.1.2  Scope 1 
1.1.3  Procedures and Application 2 
1.1.4  Abbreviations, Acronyms 3 
1.1.5  Project Management 3 
1.1.6  Sustainable Building Policy 4 
1.1.7  Background 4 
1.2.1  Public Involvement 5 
1.2.2  Land Use 5 
1.2.3  Aesthetics/Arts Program 6 
1.2.4  Accessibility 6 
1.2.5  Safety and Security 6 
1.2.6  Operation and Maintenance 7 




1.6.1  General 10 
1.6.2  Activation 10 
1.6.3  Overhead Catenary System Certification 10 
1.7.1  Plan of Record Drawings General Requirements 11 
1.7.2  Operation and Maintenance Manuals General Requirements 12 
1.7.3  Other Documentation Requirements 20 

List of Figures
Figure 1.1 – Cover & Spine Layout for O & M Manual

List of Appendices
Appendix l – Standard Record Documents Additional Requirements
Appendix ll – Website Links to Prime Reference Documents

Final Issue July 2017 I



1.1.1 Purpose
The LRT Design Guideline manual is prepared to provide information and direction to the City
of Edmonton staff, consultants, and contractors who are involved in the design of Edmonton’s
LRT system. It outlines standards governing the designs of various elements on Edmonton’s
LRT System. In addition, project-specific drawings standards, CADD standards, Design
Briefing Reports and a Quality Assurance / Quality Control Manual must be prepared, and
adhered to during the engineering and construction phases of LRT projects.
In addition to the forgoing, other specific guideline and standards documents have been
prepared to guide the design activities and the preparation of contract documents and are
referenced throughout this manual. Requests for these documents should be directed to the
Project Office.
The last update to the Design Guidelines was completed in 2011, referred to as the 2011
edition. This update reflects design issues and variances that were addressed during the
construction phase of the NLRT extension to NAIT.
Designs should be conceived within an atmosphere of fiscal responsibility. Designs should be
guided in maintaining low operating costs, minimizing capital costs (i.e.: design, construction,
mitigation, aesthetics…), and minimizing public and community disruption. These
requirements must be balanced with the need to ensure public safety and access,
environmental impacts, system reliability, and maintenance requirements.
1.1.2 Scope
This chapter provides general background on past LRT development in Edmonton, outlining
the collaborative approach to be taken on LRT plan development. It also presents the general
design philosophy and principles that guide the planning, design, and construction of the LRT
System. In addition, it provides an overview of the commissioning process associated with
making a newly constructed segment operational, and details of project closeout document
requirements (plan of record drawings and operating and maintenance manuals).
In addition to this chapter there are eighteen (18) specific design component chapters as
 Vehicles
 Clearances and Right-of-Way
 Track Alignment
 Trackwork
 Traction Power
 Signals
 Communications & Control
 Structures
 Stations and Ancillary Facilities
 Electrical Systems
 Mechanical Systems
 Corrosion and Stray Current Control
 Impact Mitigation, Aesthetics and ROW Control
 Accessibility
 Safety and Security
 Utilities
 Streets Design

Final Issue July 2017 1.1


 Parkades

Where appropriate, each chapter is supported by figures, diagrams, and tables at the end of
each chapter. In some instances, applicable reference documentation will form an appendix
to the chapter. Each chapter is to be as comprehensive and complete as possible.
Notwithstanding the forgoing, due to the complexity of the topics, specific referencing to other
chapters or other related reference documents still occurs throughout a chapter.
It is the intent of the City to also develop design guidelines for LRT Shop and Yard facilities for
inclusion in this document at a later date.

1.1.3 Procedures and Application

The material contained in the following chapters provides a uniform basis to direct the
Consultant’s design. The intent, however, is not to restrict Consultant from exploring new
ideas, concepts and the application of new technologies. Also, through the design process,
some refinement is to be expected. The guidelines do not substitute for sound engineering
judgment and practice.
The Consultant is responsible for identifying any proposed departures from the guidelines
stated within this manual. A Design Guideline Variance Request must be provided by the
Consultant to explain, and justify, any deviation from these guidelines and secure all the
necessary approvals. Any proposed changes must first be reviewed by the Project Manager
and have the written approval of the City of Edmonton prior to use in design. Mandatory vs. Non-Mandatory

These Guidelines include both mandatory requirements and guidance or non-mandatory
recommendations. Application of the guidelines is to be based on the use of the following
 “must” – denotes a mandatory requirement.
 “should” – denotes a recommended, but non-mandatory requirement, whose application
depend upon analysis and particular circumstances.
 “may” – denotes an optional requirement. Codes and Standards

It is the intent of the City of Edmonton Transportation Services Department, Edmonton Transit
System, and the Infrastructure Services Department that all work be performed in compliance
with all current local, provincial, and/or federal codes and standards. Where expressed
differences between the various codes and standards occur, compliance with the highest
standard must be adhered to, unless otherwise directed by the local *authority having
*Note: Authority having Jurisdiction (AHJ). A safety codes officer in the building discipline exercising
authority pursuant to designation of powers and powers and terms of employment in accordance with
Section 28 of the Safety Codes Act. The individual certified as a safety codes officer is given designated
powers by the Safety Codes Council.
All applicable codes and standards are listed in each chapter. Facility Development Review
It is a legal requirement that all facility designs be approved by the City of Edmonton, Planning
and Development Department.
The formal approval procedure by the Planning and Development involves two stages:
 Development Permit application and approval, which is usually coordinated through the
City’s representative.

Final Issue July 2017 1.2


 Approval of the detailed design and the issuance of a building permit. The contract
documents generally stipulate that the Contractor is for applying for and obtaining the
building permit.
It is recommended that an informal process also be followed. This should take the form of on-
going consultation with the Planning and Development – Safety Code Section, Plan
Examiners during the detailed design phase to deal with issues as they arise during the
design development. The objective of the informal process is to ensure that the issuance of
the building permit is more or less a formality and should minimize the requirement for
changes during and after the facility contract award. An appropriate number of drawings and
specifications will be provided by the PMO.

1.1.4 Abbreviations, Acronyms

The following abbreviations and acronyms appear throughout these Guidelines. Other
abbreviations or acronyms that are used will be stated in their respective chapters.
ABC Alberta Building Code
ASHRAE American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning
*APTA American Public Transportation Association
IS Infrastructure Services
CADD Computer Aided Design & Drafting
City City of Edmonton (the Owner)
DBM Bridge Dudley B. Menzies Bridge
ETS Edmonton Transit System (a branch of the City Transportation
Services Department and operator of the LRT system)
LEED Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design
LRT Light Rail Transit
LRT D&C LRT Design and Construction (a branch of the Transportation
Services Department - the City’s designated representative during the
design and construction of LRT extension projects)
LRV Light Rail Vehicle (sometimes referred to as “car”)
NBC National Building Code of Canada
O&M Operating and Maintenance
POR Plan of Record
PO Project Office
PM Project Management
QA/QC Quality Assurance / Quality Control
ROW Right-of-Way
SD Siemens Duewag
SC Specialist Consultant
SUP Shared Use Paths
TOR Top of Rail
VMS Variable Message System
Note: *APTA was created in 1974 with the merging of the American Transit Association (ATA) and the
Institute for Rapid Transit (IRT). In January 2000, the name of the organization was changed to
American Public Transportation, still retaining the same acronym APTA.

1.1.5 Project Management

For any new LRT project extension there are numerous project management and project
delivery strategies that could be employed, depending upon the size, timelines, desired
contractual relationships, and staffing requirements. It is the City’s objective to provide an
effective project organizational structure that uses Project Management best practices based
on the Project Management Body of Knowledge and City of Edmonton policies and guidelines.

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The LRT Project Office is accountable to the City through the LRT D & C acting on behalf of
ETS, as the operator of the LRT system.
1.1.6 Sustainable Building Policy
In June of 2007 City Council adopted Sustainable Building Policy #C532 – Leadership in
Energy and Environmental Design (LEED Silver) which states as follows:

“The City of Edmonton is committed to environmental, economic and social

Stewardship of City owned buildings and facilities and continues to demonstrate
environmental leadership in the community. Effective January 1, 2008, all City-
owned buildings and major renovations will be designed and constructed to
meet LEED *Silver Standard as a minimum, and be formally LEED certified”.

Note: LEED provides a complete framework for assessing building performance and meeting
sustainability goals. Based on well-founded scientific standards, LEED emphasizes state of the art
strategies for sustainable site development, water savings, energy efficiency, materials selection and
indoor environmental quality. The LEED Green Building Rating System is a voluntary, consensus-
based national standard for developing high-performance, sustainable buildings.
In LEED, for new construction and major renovations for commercial buildings, there are 69 possible
points and buildings can qualify for four levels of certification. Silver is the second level of certification
(33-38 points). It should be noted however that LRT Stations are not considered to be buildings under
the LEED Policy. However, the overall LRT project should strive to meet sustainability goals using best

1.1.7 Background
At the time of publication of the 2017 Edition of the Design Guidelines Edmonton’s LRT
system included two lines:
Capital Line
The Capital Line with 21 km of double track providing access between Clareview (139 Avenue
and 43 Street) and Century Park at 111 Street just north of 23 Avenue.
On the north side the surface portion of the alignment is 7.8 km in length and predominately
runs in the CN ROW from Clareview toward the City’s downtown core. From 95 Street
underground alignment, (including the DBM Bridge), is 4.7 km long and travels under the
downtown area, across the river on the DBM Bridge to the underground University Station.
The section south of the University Station is comprised of 390 m of tunnel, 120 m of portal
and 200 m of surface alignment (including station approaches) coming back to grade at Health
Sciences Station just north of 83 Avenue on the west side of 114 Street.
South of Health Sciences the line (8.1 km in length) is predominately at-grade to Century
Park. Grade separations with roadways are provided at Belgravia Road (underpass), with the
southbound lanes of 111 Street south of 61 Avenue (underpass) and an overpass of
Whitemud Drive on 111 Street.
There are fifteen stations along the 21 km route provide access for LRT patrons to the LRT
Metro Line
The Metro Line is a 3.3 km double track extension which diverges from the Capital Line at
Churchill Station and continues to NAIT where it terminates just north of Princess Elizabeth
North of Churchill Station the Metro Line is underground in twin tunnels for 600 m before
coming to grade through the portal east of MacEwan Station. From MacEwan to NAIT
Stations, the line runs at grade.

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There are three stations on the Metro Line.

The system operates with a fleet of 94 LRV’s and has an average weekday rider-ship of
74,000 patrons.


1.2.1 Public Involvement
The implementation of LRT impacts a broad range of stakeholders. For this reason, public
involvement has been recognized as a major and critical component of LRT expansion. The
public involvement effort is led by the City in conjunction with the Project Team. In accordance
with City Policy C513 a Public Involvement Plan must be created and implemented for the
planning and design phases of all LRT extension projects. During construction, the focus
shifts to public communications, and a specific public involvement plan is not required.
The overall goal of public involvement is to ensure an exchange of information between
affected residential, institutional and corporate communities, and the project team. Public
involvement will serve to facilitate appropriate, ongoing dialogue between many diverse
internal and external stakeholders during the planning and design process.
This process will enable the project team to effectively integrate the public involvement
process in the project framework and to respond to the three major challenges:
 Involving the appropriate people, in the appropriate way, at the appropriate time.
 Sustaining broad-based and balanced community commitment to a long-term project.
 Ensuring that the stakeholder involvement process is responsive to emerging situations
and issues, and enables new voices to be heard.

1.2.2 Land Use

Incorporation of LRT into residential areas requires initiative by the Consultant Team to
mitigate stakeholder concerns, while maintaining the integrity of pre-established urban
themes, traffic (vehicular and pedestrian) movement, and land use bylaws. Some stakeholder
concerns typically include, but not limited to; noise, vibration, safety, appearance of LRT
elements (tracks, retaining walls, gates, catenary…), access, social/business impacts,
construction, and temporary and future traffic circulation.
Revisions may be required to Neighborhood Area Structure Plans to incorporate proposed
LRT extensions. This will be initiated by the City.
Through the planning and design process, Consultants must:
 Ensure the overall safety of passengers, operators, pedestrians, vehicular traffic, and
general public is maintained.
 Utilize low maintenance landscaping to reduce long-term costs, while providing an
enduring landscape.
 Identify and reflect the character of the community it moves through.
 Minimize the need to replace or relocate existing buildings and structures.
 Maintain, facilitate, and/or enhance pedestrian and vehicular movement within the
 Utilize landscaping and structures design in mitigation of noise, appearance, safety, and
community integration, to provide a system that is both attractive and visually pleasing to
the general public.
 Development must be fiscally responsible in an effort to minimize impacts while
maximizing the value received in a fiscally responsible manner.
 Land use and landscape development must incorporate each unique community’s issues
as determined through the stakeholder involvement process.

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In response to the development of the overall principles outlines in Section 1.2.1 seven major
landscaping design principles were formulated and will be incorporated into the landscaping
development of the LRT corridor and its components. These are; (1) safety, (2) maintenance,
(3) neighborhood integration and impact mitigation, (4) buffering, (5) aesthetics, (6) fiscal
responsibility, and (7) stakeholder involvement..
1.2.3 Aesthetics/Arts Program
City Policy C458C, outlines the guidelines by which public art is to be included in the project
budget and the means by which it is to be incorporated. It states in part:”
“The City of Edmonton will dedicate 1% of the qualifying construction budget to cover the
costs of implementing City Policy C458C.”
In part, the purpose of the policy is to “Improve the livability and attractiveness of Edmonton:
increase public awareness and appreciation of the arts; stimulate the growth of the arts and
arts-related business, use public are to help meet urban design objectives of municipal
developments; and to encourage public art in private developments through example.”

1.2.4 Accessibility
Barrier-free design will be undertaken for all sites and as determined by the stakeholder
involvement process. The design must utilize the following documents or resources to ensure
a barrier-free design:
Barrier-Free Design Guide - Barrier-Free Design Advisory Committee of the Safety
Codes Council and Alberta Municipal Affairs.
Universal Design for Barrier - Free Park Development, City Community Services,
Policy C463 – Accessibility, City Corporate Guide.
City of Edmonton Advisory Board on Services for Persons with Disabilities.
Refer to Chapter 15 – Accessibility for further details. Specific accessibility issues are also
noted with the various chapters as deemed appropriate.

1.2.5 Safety and Security Design and Operations
Safety and security in LRT facilities and along the corridor and adjacent communities is a
major concern. High visibility of all areas is required for both a feeling of public safety and to
ensure adequate operational site lines are maintained.
All Consultants must incorporate the criteria stated in the following documents to ensure a
safer corridor is developed for vehicular, pedestrian, bicyclists, and LRT users:
Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED)
City of Edmonton Design and Construction Standards
Design Guide for a Safer City, City Planning and Development Department.
LRT Safety and Security Guidelines (Refer to Chapter 16, Safety and Security)
Formal Road Satety Audits should be considered during the design phase to address the
safety of all system users, including riders, pedestrians, and motorists along the LRT right-of-
way. Security During Construction Phase

Theft and vandalism of construction materials/equipment stored on-site or even after

installation and prior to LRT operations is a growing problem and is a major concern to the
City of Edmonton.

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Consultants should incorporate in their designs practical and cost effective theft prevention
measures. They should ensure that the security provisions of construction specifications are
stringent. Regular and frequent inspections of Contractors laydown/work areas must be
carried out to ensure that stored materials and equipment are properly secured.

1.2.6 Operation and Maintenance

LRT facilities represent a major investment and are difficult to change or modify once built.
The objective in the facility design is to provide a long functional life (75 to 100 years plus) with
a minimum of maintenance requirements. Consideration must be given to minimizing service
disruption and inconvenience to the transit patron during maintenance procedures,
renovations or new construction tie-ins. The Consultant must consider the following principles
during the design development phase of his work: Maintenance
 The use of conservative design procedures.
 The use of materials and products especially designed or suited for heavy usage is
 As a general rule, simple, standard, off-the shelf high quality components are preferred to
complex or elaborate building components that are prone to higher incidence of failure
and require more maintenance.
 The design of the facility will be such as to make any maintenance procedures as
convenient as possible to carry out.
 Use materials and equipment that are waterproof and able to withstand water penetration.
 Provide utility services at the station exterior to accommodate the maintenance of
landscaped areas.
 Minimize or eliminate bird roosting areas in outdoor stations. Personnel and Equipment Access

 As access to portions of underground structures is difficult or impossible, it is a major
consideration in the design. Safe and convenient access must be provided to all facility
areas except the roofs of at grade facilities.
 Easy access must be provided where required to easily perform maintenance procedures
including the servicing of lighting installations.
 Lifting hooks and access platforms must be provided to assist in the removal of heavy
items of equipment, e.g. pumps, motors, filters, etc.
 The facility design must take into account that emergency crews and firefighting crews
have good access to all areas. Due consideration is to be made to escape modes and
emergency access routes.
 Easy access to all portions of the LRT ROW should be provided, where practicable.
 Tie-off points on roofs and high structures to provide fall-protection measures for O & M
crews. Vandalism
 Facility design must incorporate measures to resist the attempts of wanton destruction
and violent vandalism.
 The Consultant must maximize the use of vandal resistant materials and equipment,
particularly in vulnerable public areas.
 Eliminate blind spots and hidden areas as much as possible.
 All structural ledges in public areas must be sufficiently sloped to discourage loitering and

Final Issue July 2017 1.7

GENERAL Flexibility
 The design of LRT structures should be able to accommodate possible future extensions,
facility upgrades, equipment, and new uses (i.e. kiosks) that may be added to the system.
 Underground station design should be able to accommodate connections to future
adjacent development.
 LRT tunnels should make provision for future turnouts.
 Service rooms should be sized to handle all necessary equipment plus an allowance for
the possibility of future equipment being added.
 Sufficient capacity should be provided to handle additional electrical loads.
 The design will allow for alternate access in the event of closure of escalators, elevators,
entrances etc. for station maintenance or upgrades.
 Accommodate snow removal and storage adjacent to LRT facilities and ROW.
The degree of flexibility to be incorporated will be at the discretion of the ETS. Combustibility
 Due to restrictive locations of underground stations, extreme care and consideration
should be taken in the selection of materials and finishes.
 Combustible elements within the facility are to be minimized. Collaboration
 Comprehensive and continual consultation is required with ETS during the design
construction and commissioning phases of the project.
 Comprehensive consultation is required with the Advisory Board for Persons with
Disabilities during the design and commissioning phases of the project.
 City Departments or agencies involved in the maintenance of LRT facilities must be
involved in design development reviews and the commissioning phase of the project. In
addition they are to be provided with POR plans and O & M documentation.


The City of Edmonton, the capital city of Alberta, is located about 3 hrs driving time east of the
Rocky Mountains in central Alberta. It is situated 671 m above sea level at 53º 34’ north
latitude and 113º 35’ west longitude (at the City Center Airport).
Edmonton has four distinct seasons and can experience a wide variation in temperature. Its
warmest temperatures are normally experienced in July with daily means of 17.5º C with a
record high temperature being achieved of 34.5º C on August 5, 1998. Average yearly rainfall
is 365.7mm. The daily mean minimum temperature in January is -16ºC degrees with a record
low temperature of -48.3ºC occurring Dec 28, 1938. Average yearly snowfall is 123.5mm.
The temperatures used for design purposes for Edmonton are to be in accordance with
current ASHRAE and ABC standards.
The summer average relative humidity is 60% and the winter average humidity is 75%.
Frequently throughout the year 100% relative humidity may be achieved. Minimums of 15% to
20% may also be experienced.
Winds average 12 km/h over the course of the year, however the highest wind velocity
recorded on a 10 minute mean basis is 101 km/hr. Wind gusts up to 130 km/h may be
experienced. In 1987 the eastern edge of Edmonton experienced a Category F4 tornado with
major loss of life and property damage.
Generally air pollution levels are low. Alberta Environment should be consulted to determine if
vehicle, equipment or weather sensitive infrastructure components have the potential of being
damaged by abnormally high levels.
Note: Climatic conditions should be verified by accessing

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ETS encourages design consultants to develop proven design alternatives to improve
construction, operation and maintenance of the LRT system facilities. Alternative designs
should be developed and evaluated taking into consideration the following criteria:
 Performance – proven materials
 Cost and schedule savings during construction
 Operating efficiency
 System safety
 Ease of maintenance
 Low maintenance
From time to time the PMO may require, with the assistance of the Consultant that a risk
analysis assessment be carried out on certain problematic aspects of the LRT extension


The purpose of the APTA developed and sponsored Safety Management Audit program is
 To provide public transit properties such as ETS with transit industry-wide formats for
developing a LRT System Safety Program Plan; and,
 To provide formal evaluations on how well those System Safety Programs have been met.
The goal of the program is to guide the transit property and the Consultant through a series of
safety management processes that will strengthen and validate the quality of the transit
agency’s safety practices and create an even safer environment for users all those whom are
in direct and indirect contact with the LRT system.
Such an audit was conducted by APTA on ETS in 2007. In addition to other audit findings
APTA recommended that ETS consider the following enhancements:
 To increase their awareness of existing Rail Transit Standards, ETS’s (Vehicle
Maintenance, Operations, Facilities, Right-of-Way and Communications Maintenance)
should review applicable standards and recommended practices and document how they
conform or exceed those minimum standards.
 LRT should consider establishing an independent accountability of the Quality Assurance
function within the organization to support the development and oversight of
organizational-wide quality control practices. This function becomes more critical as the
organization continues its service expansion.
 Some locations along the system right-of-way have been identified as not having sufficient
clearance for personnel when trains are moving at those locations. No clearance zones
protection training has been conducted to make personnel aware of the hazard in those
areas. It is recommended that LRT take added safety awareness measures and clearly
mark the affected areas in the field as no clearance zones.
 ETS should establish at least, a notation or Cover Page for its existing As-built drawings
to designate the appropriate reference documents that have changed the original
 LRT is encouraged to complete its track standards development that will ultimately
provide clear guidelines on how LRT track is maintained. This document will also be
beneficial to its track training program.
 It is recommended that ETS establish a frequency of review for the existing Standard
Operating Procedures (SOP).
 It is recommended that ETS continue their progress toward the conversion of as-built
drawings to an electronic medium.

Final Issue July 2017 1.9



1.6.1 General
A Commissioning Plan and Program will be developed for all extensions to the LRT system,
including any major renovations to existing stations and related facilities.
Commissioning begins at the start of the project and correlates with the construction schedule.
The commissioning program is designed to be flexible and responsive to each project and the
user's needs. The commissioning agent also acts as an educator, as not all contractors,
consultants, and building owners are fully familiar with the specific commissioning process and
demands placed upon them to completely commission a building or a system.
The program philosophy incorporates the systematic static and dynamic testing of each
system and its interrelated and interacting components. The testing activities are carried out
within the framework of a clearly defined commissioning program. Participants are informed
of their respective role and responsibilities. Each activity is performed until each system is
proven capable of operating at an optimum condition. Specified contractor tests are to be
witnessed by the Consultant. In addition, independent operational tests are to be conducted.
The commissioning routines involve an overlap of activities between the Consultant’s and
Contractors performing services under various contracts. This overlapping of activities
creates a situation which requires a single source, one party, responsibility. A commissioning
team, which will include representatives from the Consultant, LRT D&C, and ETS, will be
established to monitor the activities carried out within the program structure and to deal with
potentially problematic issues as they arise.
The commissioning program also includes City of Edmonton maintenance personnel (both
ETS and Infrastructure Services Building Maintenance) when called upon. Involvement of the
maintenance personnel and future building occupants in the commissioning, as part of the
process and through training seminars, results in fewer problems, faster turnover, assured
knowledge transfer, and a higher level of confidence in operating the systems.
The Commissioning Program does not limit or relieve the Consultant or Contractor of any
specified contractual responsibilities or duties.

1.6.2 Activation
Start-up and activation work must be performed by an independent agency (referred to as the
Activation Agent) approved by ETS.
The building mechanical system must be checked in both static and dynamic modes to ensure
compliance with the design intent and the mechanical contract documents.
The Activation Agent:
 Reports directly to the Mechanical Consultant.
 Must complete his work prior to substantial completion being issued by the Contractor.

1.6.3 Overhead Catenary System Certification

Prior to the energization of the overhead catenary system, *Megger testing must be
undertaken to identify leakage conditions and ensure the electrical integrity of the system.
*Note: The traction power consultant must specify the test procedure.
A single LRV must be utilized to test the overhead contact wire system at test speeds
designated by the Consultant. Initial test runs are to be conducted at slow speeds and
successive test runs are to be performed with incremental increases in speed, at the
discretion of the Consultant. The system must be fully tested at the maximum LRV operating

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The LRV must be equipped with camera equipment for monitoring the pantograph dynamic
position relative to the stagger of the contact wire.
The operation of the system must be monitored after commissioning until the Consultant is
satisfied that no deficiencies exist and no remedial actions are required.


As the Owner, the City requires detailed information on the constructed LRT facility for a
variety of purposes. This information, referred to as Standard Record Documents, is generally
comprised of the following:
 Plan of Record Drawings
 Operation and Maintenance Manuals
 Shop Drawings
 Guarantees / Warranties
 Project Closeout Records and Reports
The format, content and level of detail provided must be consistent with that provided for
existing LRT facilities.

1.7.1 Plan of Record Drawings General Requirements

The responsible Contractor must accurately and neatly record any deviations from the
contract documents (red lining) caused by site conditions and/or other authorized changes.
The Contractor will provide a record of these changes to the Consultant on a regular basis.
The Consultant is then responsible for ensuring that all changes that are made to contract
components during construction are recorded on a set of drawings referred to as the “Plan of
Record” drawings.
The POR drawings are a major deliverable item from the design/construction phase of the
work, and are required to be produced before the work performed under the terms of the
contract is accepted. They are provided to the Project Office and is presented in general
terms in the following table:

Drawing Medium Format Distribution

Mylar A1 -One set only in permanent ink Project Office
Electronic (CD) A1 pdf’s; autocad; *mircostation; 1 – Project Office
reference files 1 – LRT D&C
*As per direction from Project Offfice *Varies – ETS

Paper A1 bond 2 sets – LRT D& C

*Varies – ETS (varies according
to number of facilities in project)

11 X 17 2 sets – LRT D & C

1 set – Project Office
*Varies – ETS (For SLRT 22
sets were required)

Table 1.1

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1. CADD Manual updates to provide POR format and distribution prior to preliminary engineering on
any extension project. *Variable distribution requirements to be verified by Project Office.
2. 11 x 17 *prints bound in a binder designated Plan of Record Drawings. The spine and front of the
binder will contain the same information as described in Section for the O & M Manuals.
3. There are instances whereby the POR (i.e. schematics) may be incorporated into the O & M
4. At the direction of LRT D&C additional sets of drawings and CD’s for certain contracts may be
required for institutional stakeholder groups.
5. POR drawings in electronic and paper format are to be submitted to ETS no later than 60 days after
completion of construction.

1.7.2 Operation and Maintenance Manuals General Requirements Purpose
Under the direction of the responsible Consultant, separate O & M Manuals are to be
prepared by the Contractor. These manuals provide City LRT maintenance staff with written
instructions and related documentation regarding the operation of, and the maintenance
procedures associated with, each system and related piece of equipment that has been
supplied and installed as per the requirements of the contract.
The O & M manuals are an integral part of the design and construction phase of the
production of the contract documents. They are to be considered as a priority item in the
commissioning and final acceptance of the work. Copies/Sets/Distribution
The Contractor, through the Consultant, will provide a minimum of *six (6) bound paper copies
and CD (in PDF and Microsoft Word format) of the O & M manuals for each discipline as
described below.
*Note: Some disciplines may require the production of more than six copies to be determined by the
Project Office.
Distribution will generally be as follows:
Master copy plus one (1) Spare - ETS at D.L. MacDonald Maintenance Yard
One (1) set - Infrastructure Services, Building Maintenance at Westwood Yard
One (1) set - Buildings and Landscape Services Branch of Infrastructure Services at
Century Place
One (1) set - LRT D&C at Century Place
One (1) set - Consultant Submission Timeline Requirements
 Draft – Submitted by Contractor at 90% construction completion stage for format review
(one draft copy).
 Final Edition O & M Manuals - Submitted to ETS no later than substantial completion of
the contract as they are required for staff maintenance training (all copies). Formatting Requirements
Each set of manuals will be identified by discipline as follows:
Volume 1 – Architectural / Structural
Volume 2 – Trackwork
Volume 3 – Signals
Volume 4 – Traction Power
Volume 5 – Mechanical
Volume 6 – Electrical

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Volume 7 – Controls
Note: If more than one binder is required for one discipline it will have an alpha designation such as A,
B, C etc. Refer to Appendix I, Standard Record Documents Additional Requirements.
A Consultant with a contract package with limited mechanical, electrical, and HVAC
components may produce a combined O & M Manual. The Consultant must first have written
approval from the Project Office to produce a combined document.
Six (6) 215 x 280 mm capacity extension type expanding spine catalogue binders, for each
volume must be provided. They are to be bound in heavyweight dark blue fabricord (Ontario
Buckham, OBV-460) debossed hot stamped in white lettering on front and spine. Each copy
will be permanently numbered 1 to 6. Binders should be of sufficient capacity to hold system
data while in the closed position (not expanded - maximum width 75 mm).
The number of volumes can be increased and renumbered as necessary. Manual Cover and Spine Layout
The information to be provided on the binder cover and spine is listed below.
- Operation and Maintenance Manual
- Project Name
- Work Package Descriptor and Contract Number
- Volume Number / Discipline
- Month & Year (Substantial Completion Certificate is issued)
- Name of Owner (The City of Edmonton) Cover only
- Name of Project Manager Cover only
- Name of Consultant Cover only
- Name of General (Prime) Contractor Cover only
- Set X of 6 Spine only

Figure 1.1 is an illustration of the required layout.

The Contractor, prior to ordering the binders, through the Consultant to the Project Office
must submit a drawing of the proposed graphics layout for each O & M Manual by discipline
for approval. This is to ensure the proposed layout of the manual cover meets the format of
existing LRT O & M manuals. Manual Content and Layout

The O & M manual should be generally organized as follows but may vary depending on the
scope of the work, the phase of the work and the location of the work. The following
information provides guidance but does not represent a strict adherence to the format
presented. The Consultant is to use good judgment, and in consultation with the Project
Office, draft an approved and suitable outline of acceptable content for the manual:
Tabbed laminated Mylar plastic dividers must be used to separate each section. Each will be
color coded according to section description as follows:
 Large Tabs
White – Table of Contents and Introduction
Grey – Consultant(s), Contractor(s), Supplier Lists
Red – Safety in Maintenance
Light Green – Contractor Warranty/Guarantee Certificates complete with a list of warranty
start and completion dates. Light Orange –System Group Description (See each System
Group below for descriptors)
 Small Tabs

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Smaller tabs with various colors as noted below are used to divide each System Group
into various sections.
Title Page (white)
Contains the same information as embossed on the front cover of the binder. Page is inserted
into a clear plastic cover.
Table of Contents (white tab)
Indicates the information contained in the manual by System Group and Section. Each
volume will have its own table of contents.
Introduction (to the manual) (white tab)
Provides a written description of the layout of the manual, its intended use, its purpose and
instructions on how to use the manual.
Scheduled Maintenance Summary Chart
Warranty/Scheduled Maintenance/Breakdown Maintenance Log Sheets:
Sample Maintenance Sheet
Blank Maintenance Sheet
List of Drawings
List of Specifications
Equipment Schedules
Consultant, Contractor, Supplier Lists (grey tab)
The full identification requirements for the consultants, contractors, suppliers are:
- Legal company name
- Full address and postal code
- Telephone number including area code
- Facsimile number
- Email address of designated contact
Safety in Maintenance (Red)
This section of the manual is intended to provide a basic overview of safety and first aid
procedures, as well as to stress certain basics when developing an in-house safety program.
It is in no way intended to be contrary to occupational health and safety regulations, or internal
safety procedures.
Contractor Guarantee/Warranty Certificates (Green)
Both a "sample" and a "blank" warranty/breakdown maintenance/scheduled maintenance log
sheet are to be included in this section with instructions on how to complete the forms.
System Group Section
The following is the standard layout for each System Group Section:
General Requirements for Division Numbers 2 through 17:
The System Group items that are listed under each Division are generally representative of
those that are found in most contracts. The Consultant, in conjunction with the Contractor, will
make the final determination of the work items to be included along with the tab section
numbering system. Using Division 16 Electrical as an example, the System Group would be
1.0 Power and Distribution, 2.0 Lighting, 3.0 Life Protection, etc.

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Further to the example of Electrical would be the Sections under the System Group ‘Power
and Distribution’ of 1.1 Incoming Electrical Power Services, 1.2 Secondary Power Distribution,
Within each of the Sections would be the four chapter tabs:
 Dark Orange– Description of the Section (system), its basic operation and summary of its
intended function
 Blue – Components (Manufacturers product data, schedules, directories, schematics,
maintenance items or bulletins)
 Yellow – Shop Drawings
 Green – Test Results
List of Divisions
Division 2 – Sitework
Site Grading
Paving and Surfacing
Survey – as built
*Note: Will generally require a separate O&M manual.
Division 3 – Concrete
Expansion Joints
Concrete floor finishes
Restoration and cleaning
Special finishes
Division 4 – Masonry
Concrete Masonry
Expansion Joints
Restoration and cleaning
Division 5 – Metals
Metal Fabrications
Expansion Control Joints
Sole plates
Ornamental Metal
Division 6 – Wood and Plastic
Laminated plastic
Architectural Woodwork
Division 7 – Thermal and Moisture Protection
Waterproofing – membrane & fluid
Membrane roofing
Roof accessories – skylights & hatches
Bituminous damp proofing
Built-up single membrane roofing

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Metal flashing and trim

vented soffit panels
Division 8 – Doors and Windows
Metal (Steel) doors and frames
Wood and plastic doors
Door opening assemblies
Special doors
Aluminum entrance doors
Metal windows
Hardware – include keying system
Curtain wall
Coiling grills
Rolling shutters - metal
Division 9 – Finishes
Gypsum Board – vinyl clad
Ceramic Tile
Quarry Tile
Resilient flooring
Special treatment
Wall covering
Division 10 – Specialties
Compartments and cubicles
Louvres and vents
Grills and screens
Access flooring
Fire extinguishers
Storage and shelving
Metal toilet partitions and washroom accessories
Roof Scuttle
Division 11 – Equipment
Maintenance equipment
Mercantile equipment
Industrial and process equipment
Division 12 – Furnishings
Manufactured cabinets and casework
Division 13 – Special Construction
Sound, vibration control
Industrial and process control system

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Transportation instrumentation rail control instrumentation

Fire suppression and supervisory system
Division 14 – Conveying Systems
Hoists and cranes
Division 15 – Mechanical
Basic material and methods
Noise, vibration
Special piping
Plumbing systems
Plumbing fixtures and trim
Fire protection
Power or heat generation
Liquid heat transfer
Air distribution
Controls and instrumentation
Refer to Appendix 1 Standard Record Documents Additional Requirements, 1.0 Mechanical
Division 16 – Electrical
Power and Distribution
- Incoming Electrical Power Services
- Secondary Power Distribution System
- Transformers
- Panelboards and Power Distribution Centre’s (PDC)
- Emergency Power System
- Motor Controls
- Receptacle Systems
- Grounding and Bonding System
- Heat Tracing System
- Vaults and Pullboxes
- Miscellaneous Equipment
Lighting Systems
- Interior Lighting
- Exterior Lighting
- Lighting Controls
- Emergency Lighting
Life Safety Systems
- Fire Alarm System
Low Tension Systems
- Signals System (LRT, Traffic and Crossing)
- Fiber Optic Network
- Telephone Network
- Public Address
- Variable Messaging
- Ticket and Fare Validation

Final Issue July 2017 1.17


- Miscellaneous Systems
Refer to Appendix I Standard Record Documents Additional Requirements, 2. Division 16
*Division 17 – BMS Controls
*Note: Will generally require a separate O&M Manual.
The following topics are to be covered in the BMS division of the Manual and will be tabbed in
accordance with the following major sections:
- Design Intent
- Description of System
- System Start-Up
- Operation of the System
- Maintenance Requirements
Design Intent
This section outlines the design intent and provides a system overview that describes the
relationships between the hardware, operating system, control software and other control
Description of System
This section will provide a detailed description of all system components, hardware, parts, and
software. It should be presented in accordance with the following tabbed subsections:

 The Communication network (computer) and LAN provided.

Provide a general Description of the network and communication system addressing the
- Is the network a stand-a-lone or is it connected through the Internet?
- How is the network accessed? Is it via a modem or some other medium?
- Are there application or file servers?
The following documentation should also be provided:
- Network topology / layout drawing
- Network physical layout drawing
- Network configuration including: protocols used, IP addresses, gateways, routing
tables etc.
 Hardware
Provide a general description and specifications. Also include the following:
- Complete listing of all equipment (Communication and LAN) identifying the
manufacturer, model number, Users manual(s).
- Electrical schematics and layout drawings.
- Field instrumentation and sensor characteristics.
- Valve and damper schedule.
 Software
Describe programming and testing including a detailed and accurate description of each
software module including the following:
- Calling requirements,
- Data exchange requirements,
- Data file requirements and other information necessary to enable proper
integration, loading, testing and program execution.

Final Issue July 2017 1.18


The following items are to be specifically included:

- Logic diagrams and equivalent documentation in hard copy enabling the logical
step-by-step analysis for the program listings.
- Database structure and interface with running programs.
- Procedures for data base creation.
- Procedures for user software writing and implementation.
- Description of implementation of the applications software, including interface
with calling and called programs.
- Description of the algorithms for the application software.
- Program cross-references.
- Subroutine lists.
- Report generator data format, output format and content.
- Alarm messages and format.
System Start-Up
Provide listing of initial conditions for all system set-points, alarm limits, control loop
parameters and calibration information for sensors used.
Operation of the System
In addition to the programming and testing description in the software sub-section above, a
complete description of the individual building control application system and software is to be
Maintenance Requirements
This section will contain the following:
 A description of the maintenance procedures for all equipment and systems (as defined in
the controls specification)
 A schedule for recommended planned and preventative maintenance work items and
 A list of resources to call upon for maintenance and servicing of equipment which includes
name, address, and phone numbers for supplier and service contact for each piece of
 All of the approved shop drawings.
 A complete set of record drawings. Systems and Equipment General Information Requirements
The following information must be provided for each system and each major piece of
 Index of information in that section in order of appearance;
 Description of system, components and technical data. Include interfaces, sequences,
operational characteristic changes for seasonal operation.
 Maintenance and operating instructions;
 Recommended spare parts list;
 Schematics, single line, and wiring diagrams;
 Service representatives – name, address, and telephone number, and facsimile number;
 Suppliers for replacement parts – name, address, and telephone numbers, and facsimile
 Test results: witness testing, commissioning, test results;
 Certification, guarantee, warranty. Each manual will have a summary list of all applicable
warranties and expiry dates;
 Troubleshooting data;
 Preventative maintenance program complete with suggested check list sheets;
 Test data of degreasing and flushing of piping;

Final Issue July 2017 1.19


 Hydrostatic or air tests performance;

 Equipment alignment certificates;
 Balancing data for air and water systems;
 Valve tag list; and
 Inspection approval certificates for all types of systems: elevators, escalators, plumbing,
and piping, hot air and ventilating, electrical supervisory controls.

1.7.3 Other Documentation Requirements Shop Drawings
Shop drawings are to be clear and legible and be stamped by the engineer indicating that they
have been reviewed. All shop drawings are to be included in the O & M manuals in the
relevant sections. Warrantees/Guarantees
A comprehensive overview of the warrantees and guarantees are to be prepared by the
Consultant and provided along with the original and specified copies. All documentation is to
be placed in the appropriate section of the O & Manuals. Fire Protection Manual

The fire protection manual describes the fire protection systems utilized in the underground
portions of the Edmonton LRT System. Any future underground additions such as grade
separations, tunnels, underground stations and portals will require that the manual be
updated. The City will assign the responsibility for this task. Close-out Records and Reports

Additional project closeout documentation that is required includes the following:
 Dated construction photos
 Substantial Completion Certificate
 Final Acceptance Certificate
 Construction Completion Certificate
 Project Completion Report for each major work package.
The details of the forgoing are outlined in the Project Control Manual and applicable contracts.
The Consultant will determine the number of copies that are required and the timing of

Final Issue July 2017 1.20


Plan of Record drawings must identify location of fire dampers, major control lines, access
doors, tagged valves and actual room names or numbers.
In general, the Mechanical O&M manual has three volumes as follows:
Volume 2A – Mechanical Operations
This volume is organized as follows:
 Introduction
Is in accordance with Section 1.7.2 the general requirements.
 Table of Contents
Is in accordance with Section 1.7.2 the general requirements.
 Consultants, Contractors and Suppliers
Is in accordance with Section 1.7.2 the general requirements.
 Mechanical Systems
List of Mechanical Drawings
Description of Systems
Provide a complete and accurate description of the installed systems as follows:
- A detailed system description and a description of components comprising that
- An explanation of how the mechanical components interface with electrical
components to complete the system.
- Location of thermostats, controllers, or operating switches used.
- Summer or winter operating variances.
- Controller operating set points and control application programs.
Operating Division
An accurate and detailed description of the operation of major components must be
provided as follows:
- Information on how to energize components.
- The exact locations of switches and controls.
- The way in which components interface with other components.
- The operation of controls including the operational sequence.
- The operational changes for summer or winter operation, and how to accomplish the
- The complete operating sequence, and safeguards to check if equipment goes off

Volume 2B – Mechanical Maintenance

This volume is organized as follows:
 Introduction
In accordance with general requirements.
 Table of Contents
In accordance with general requirements.

Final Issue July 2017 A 1.1


 Contractors and Suppliers

Is in accordance with Section 1.7.2 of general requirements.
 Equipment
In accordance with Section 1.7.2 of general requirements. In addition include the
- An outline of the procedures for purchasing parts and equipment.
- The recommended spare parts list.
 Certification
A copy of the following is to be included in this section:
- Test data on hydrostatic or air tests performed on piping systems.
- Equipment alignment certificates.
- Balancing data for air systems.
- Valve tag identification and pipe color code.
- Inspection approval certificates for the plumbing system, heating and ventilation
systems, and fire protection systems.
- Equipment guarantees and warranty.
 Shop Drawings and Maintenance Bulletins
Materials received in compliance with the contractual requirements for “Shop Drawings” is
placed in this section.
 Preventative Maintenance
It is the Consultant’s responsibility to coordinate the requirements for the extension of the
ETS “computerized maintenance program” to include all new equipment. The following
detailed information must be documented:
- Maintenance and lubrication schedules for major components. Schedules to outline
daily, weekly, monthly, semi-annual and yearly checks and tasks.
- Provide a detailed description of the tasks required for servicing typical equipment
such as bearings, drives, motors and filters. This information will be compiled for
typical equipment separate from the shop drawings.
Volume 2C – Start-Up and Activation
This volume will be organized in accordance with the general requirements.
In addition, the manual will include the following:
 System schematics for each system in the facility.
 Check sheets for systems and systems components.
 Final test reports for each system.
 Detailed step by step procedures for each system start-up.

In general, Division 16 is organized as follows:
 Title Page
Is in accordance with Section 1.7.2 General Requirements.
 Table of Contents
Is in accordance with Section 1.7.2 General Requirements.
 Introduction

Final Issue July 2017 A 1.2


Is in accordance with Section 1.7.2 General Requirements.

This section to also include the following:
Scheduled Maintenance Summary Chart
Warranty/Scheduled Maintenance/Breakdown Maintenance Log Sheets:
Sample Maintenance Sheet
Blank Maintenance Sheet
List of Electrical Drawings
List of Electrical Specifications
Equipment Color Coding Schedule
The plan of record drawings to reflect the as-built electrical equipment and wiring for the
ROW. The record drawings are to show chainages of all ROW electrical devices
including vaults, pullboxes, PDC, signals equipment, traffic signals equipment, track
power devices, grounding and bonding connections, telephones and ROW lighting.
The plan of record drawings to reflect the as-built electrical equipment and wiring for the
TPSS, platforms and Transit Centre’s. The record drawings must show locations and
wiring of all power, lighting, control, communication and fire protection systems.
 Consultants, Contractors and Suppliers
Is in accordance with Section 1.7.2 General Requirements.
Also include products supplied by Electrical Suppliers.
 Safety in Maintenance
This section to include the following:
General Safety Suggestions
General Accident Prevention Suggestions
Electrical Safety Suggestions
Record Keeping and Safety
 Contractor Guarantee/Warranty Certificates (Green)
Is in accordance with Section 1.7.2 General Requirements.
Both a "sample" and a "blank" warranty/breakdown maintenance/scheduled maintenance
log sheet are to be included in this section with instructions on how to complete the forms.
 Systems
Division 16 is to be divided into System Groups. Each System Group is divided into
Sections (in accordance general requirements) and each Section is divided into chapters.
Each chapter to contain the following:
Description of the System
Provide an accurate and detailed description of the operation of major components
including, but not limited to the following:
- A brief explanation and description of the components comprising that system.
Explain the relationships of the system to LRT operations.
- Information on how to energize the components
- The operation of controls including the operational sequences
- An explanation of how electrical components interface with other electrical
mechanical components.

Final Issue July 2017 A 1.3


- The location of distribution equipment, disconnect switches, magnetic motor starters,

manual motor starters, lighting controls, fire alarm system components and other
related equipment.
- References to related and appropriate drawings and specifications.
- Manufacturer’s product data, schedules, directories, schematics and bulletins.
- Manufacturers suggested preventative maintenance tasks for all electrical equipment
supplied. These PM tasks are listed separately for each period (day, month, bi-
yearly, yearly) and are then cross-referenced to a check list outlining task, period and
corrective action taken.
Shop Drawings
- Materials/documentation received in compliance with the contractual requirements for
shop drawings.
- Shop drawings to have the review stamp of both the Contractor and the Consultant.
Test Results
A copy of each of the following is to be included in this section:
- Test data and start-up reports for all systems for both factory and field testing
- Local inspection from the Authority Having Jurisdiction reports
- Manufacturer warranties and guarantees
- Contractor warranty and Construction Completion Certificate
All submissions to be complete, organized, clear, legible, dated and signed.
 Recommended Chapter Topics
1.0 Power and Distribution
1.1 Incoming Electrical Power Services
 Utility Feeders
 Utility Equipment including transformer(s)
 Utility Easements
 Short Circuit, Arc Flash Analysis and Co-ordination Study
1.2 Secondary Power Distribution System
 Main distribution Switchgear
 Utility metering
 Customer Metering
1.3 Transformers
 Dry Type Transformers
 Tap Adjustment Data
 Connection Details
1.4 Panelboards and Power Distribution Centre’s (PDC)
 347/600 V Distribution Centres
 Metering
 120/208 V Distribution Centres
 Molded Case Feeder Breakers
 347/600 V and 120/208 V Panelboards
 Ground Fault Breakers
 Transient Voltage Surge Suppressers

Final Issue July 2017 A 1.4


1.5 Emergency Power System

 Emergency Generator
 Transfer Switches
 Controls
 Sequence of Operation
1.6 UPS
 UPS Bypass
 UPS Unit
 Batteries
 UPS protection
1.7 Motor Controls
 Manual Motor Protection Switches
 Disconnect Switches
 Motor Control Centres
 Magnetic Starters
 Overcurrent Protection
 Single Phase Protection
 Adjustable Overloads
 Fire Alarm System Interface
1.8 Receptacle Systems
 Standard Receptacles
 Emergency Receptacles
 Ground Fault Interrupter Receptacles
 Car Heater Receptacles
1.9 Grounding and Bonding System
 Utility Grounding
 System Grounding
 Station Bonding
 ROW Bonding
 Catenary Pole Bonding/Grounding
1.10 Heat Tracing System
 Enclosure for Temperature Controller
 Temperature Controller
 Rain Water Leader Heat Tracing
 Sanitary Sewer and Drainage Heat Tracing
1.11 Vaults and Pullboxes
 Communication Vault
 ROW Power Pullboxes
 ROW Catenary Pullboxes
 ROW Signals Pullboxes
1.12 Miscellaneous Equipment
 Cable Tray
2.0 Lighting Systems
2.1 Interior Lighting

Final Issue July 2017 A 1.5


 Incandescent and LED lighting

 Fluorescent
 High Intensity Discharge (HID) Luminaires
2.2 Exterior Lighting
 LED Lighting
 Fluorescent
 High Intensity Discharge Luminaires
2.3 Lighting Controls
 Line Voltage Switch
 Low Voltage Switch
 Occupancy Sensor Control
 Photocells
 BMS Control of Lighting
2.4 Emergency Lighting
 LED Exit Lights
 Battery Packs
3.0 Life Safety Systems
3.1 Overview of Fire Alarm System
 Main Control Panel
 Initiating Devices
 Signalling Devices
 Control Device
 Annunciators
 Ancillary Devices
 Battery Backup
 Devices
 Sequence of Operation
 Interface with Other Systems
 Block Diagrams
 Riser Diagram
 Schematic Diagrams
4.0 Low Tension Systems
4.1 Signals System (LRT, Traffic and Crossing)
 LRT Signals and Wayside Devices
 LRT Traffic Signals
 Pedestrian and Traffic Crossing Controller and Crossing Arms
4.2 Fiber Optic Network
 LRT Operations Fiber System
 IT Operations Fiber System
 Patch Panels and Racks
 Fiber Connectors, Connections and Splices
 Fiber Optical Drivers, Omnilynx and Interfaces
4.3 Telephone Network
 Backbone Cabling

Final Issue July 2017 A 1.6


 ROW Telephones
 Emergency Phones
 Elevator Phones
 Washroom Access Phones
 Information Phones
 Public Pay Phones
4.4 CCTV
 Platform Cameras
 Transit Centre Cameras
 ROW Cameras
 CCTV and BMS
 Matrix Switches
 Video Transmission (Ethernet/IP)
 Digital Video Recorders (DVR’s)
4.5 Public Address
 Station and Platform Components
 Sequence of Operation
4.6 Variable Messaging System (VMS)
 VMS System
 VMS Signs and Locations
4.7 Ticket and Fare Validation
 Operation and Wiring Requirements
4.8 Miscellaneous Systems
 Reserved for Future

3.1 Traction Power Substations
In addition to the requirements outlined in Section 1.7.1 one set of Plan of Record drawings
must be left at the substation.
The O&M manuals will provide the following in addition to the standard requirements.
Note: The following was taken from Sections 2.4 and 2.5 of the Traction Power Substations Electrical
Standards and Design Guidelines Manual. They were modified to provide additional requirements only.

 Electrical Systems
Provides a detailed description of the equipment installed and a list of all supplies
including a list of the drawings used, along with a brief description of each drawing.
Detailed procedures are outlined for all systems and related equipment covering the
- Equipment manufacturer’s scheduled maintenance sheets and check lists.
Scheduled maintenance sheets shall include detailed daily, monthly and yearly
scheduled maintenance requirements.
- Maintenance safety suggestions and procedures.
- Final shop drawings including schematics and wiring diagrams.

Final Issue July 2017 A 1.7


- List of all major trades, subtrades and suppliers including names of equipment
supplied and by whom, addresses, phone numbers, facsimile numbers and contact
- All data necessary to compile a complete comprehensive Preventative Maintenance
program. Data gathered shall be neatly hand-written on forms.
- Spare/replacement parts lists for all of the above. Copies of the electrical contractor’s
data collection sheets available during tendering period when requested.
- Test results as outlined in other sections of this standard.
 Certification and Testing
Contains certification information and copies of all tests performed on the equipment
installed indicating acceptance of the installation including the Final Inspection Certificate
from the authority having jurisdiction (EPCOR Inspection Services).
 Shop Drawings and Maintenance Manuals
This section contains detailed information on all equipment and materials used within the
Substation Room under separate sub sections as outlined in the Table of Contents.
3.2 Traction Power Overhead Catenary System
Note: The following was taken from OCS Engineering Standards Manual and modified to provide
additional requirements only.

 O&M Manuals for New Installations

The Consultant must prepare operations and maintenance procedures for new designs
and installations that require special maintenance tasks or procedures that are not
already contained in the LRT overhead system O&M Manual. Such information is to be
added as an addendum to the existing operations and maintenance manual. The
Consultant may be required to revise and update the operations and maintenance manual
at the direction of ETS or their designated representative.
If new standard designs or construction methods are developed, the associated
operations and maintenance procedures for the new standards are to be developed and
added to the ETS LRT operations and maintenance standards manual.
 Certification and Testing
(Refer to Section 1.6.3)

All Plan of Record drawings related to the field installation of signal equipment must include
the dimensioned position of all buried and embedded conduit runs.
All LRT signal system O&M manuals must include the following additional requirements*:
Note: Source is the Engineering Standards Manual for signals (Omnia).

 An index of information that is included in the manual.

 Description of system, components and technical data including interfaces, sequences,
and operational characteristics.
 Maintenance and operating instructions
 Recommended spare parts list.
 Schematics, single-line and wiring diagrams.
 Contact information for service representatives including name, address, telephone
number, fax number and email addresses.
 Contact information for replacement parts suppliers, including name, address, telephone
number, fax number, and email address.

Final Issue July 2017 A 1.8


 All documented testing results.

 Certification, guarantee and warranty information.
 Troubleshooting procedures.
 Preventative maintenance procedures complete with suggested check list sheets.
 Any applicable inspection approval certificates.
Manuals and other descriptive material are maintained that will enable LRT personnel to
maintain all LRT signal system equipment. This documentation must include descriptions,
specifications, theory of operation, and other electrical, electronic, and mechanical hardware
Instructions must be included for preventative maintenance procedures that include
examinations, tests, adjustments, and periodic cleaning. All manuals must provide guidelines
for isolating the causes of hardware malfunctions and for correction or replacement of the
faulty equipment.
Diagnostic program users manual must be included with complete instructions on the loading
and operation of all hardware diagnostic programs. The text must include guides for locating
faults, symptoms, possible causes of trouble, and suggested remedial action.
 Software Documentation
Whenever software is required for the LRT signal system, documentation maintained, or
provided by a third party, must include an inventory of all software programs used. The
inventory shall include the name of each program and indication of whether the software
is to be standard, modified, or custom. This requirement is to extend to all supporting
software elements including operating systems, compilers, software development utilities,
software diagnostic programs, network managers, and windows managers.
If the software application requires a database be maintained, sufficient database user
documentation shall be included, or provided by a third party, they will enable the City of
Edmonton to enable the updating or regeneration of the database when inputs are
changed and added, and as programs are modified and new programs are added. If a
database management system or a database access routine is involved, the appropriate
user documentation shall be supplied including:
- Software code management
- Programming language compilers and assemblers
- Network communications management
- Processor configuration
- System performance monitoring and tuning
- System restart and diagnostic procedures
- System generation and management
- Database generation and management
- Display generation and management
- Report generation and management
- Diagnostic programs and procedures
- Software utilities
Any System Administrator documentation maintained for the Edmonton LRT signal
system must describe procedures to be followed as a result of computer system restarts
and failures. This documentation must have sufficient information to guide the System
Administrator through starting and configuring any affected system, initiating diagnostics,
and interpreting diagnostic and error output.
 Software Source Code
For any custom software produced for the Edmonton LRT signal system, ETS requires an
electronic copy of all source code or requires a copy of the source code be held in

Final Issue July 2017 A 1.9


escrow. All relevant contact information for the company holding the code in escrow must
be provided to ETS.

Final Issue July 2017 A 1.10


LRT Design Guidelines 2011 EDITION
Projects & Plans
Future LRT
LRT Design Guidelines

City of Edmonton Design and Construction Standards (City Design Standards)
City Government
Urban Planning & Design
Servicing Agreements
City Design & Construction Standards

City of Edmonton Road and Walkway Lighting Design Standards
Driving, Cycling & Walking
On Your Streets
Street Lighting
Developer Consultant & Contractor Information
City of Edmonton Road and Walkway Lighting Design Standards

Final Issue July 2017 AII.1

Chapter 2 – Revision Tracking Form


Chapter 2
2017 EDITION – Revisions Tracking Form
Section Reference Revision General Description Issue Date
2.1 1st paragr. Text deleted reflecting current state July 2017

2.1 2nd paragr. Text change ; When/Where

2.2.2 1st paragr. Text removal bringing paragraph up to date

2.2.2 2nd paragr. Text removed. Shortened intro.

2.2.3 1st paragr. Major text deletion.

2.2.4 2nd paragr. Text “tends to” removed

2.2.4 3rd paragr. Addition of “High frequency”

2.2.4 4th paragr. Test addition “further”

2.2.4 6th paragr. Addition of doc link, last sentence removed.

2.2.5 1st paragr. Grammatical update to text. Deletion of last

sentence 1st paragr. Update to text ; Km’s and tense change 1st paragr. Referencing when the vehicles arrived, and AC


2.3.1 3rd paragr. Major change of text; Vehicles description

2.3.1 4th paragr. Major change of text; Vehicles description

2.3.1 5th paragr. Major change to text. This paragraph was

originally no.3 (2.3.1) 1st paragr. Addition of facility storage info 3rd paragr. Voltage value change 4th paragr. Major change “Auxiliary Power Supply” paragr. 5th paragr. Major change “Auxiliary Power Supply” paragr. 6th paragr. Text change referencing Mandatory brakes 7th paragr. Major text change referencing Mandatory brakes 3rd paragr. Text change “Vehicle loading is” 4th paragr. Major text change referencing Jerk limits and
wording 5th paragr. Text change referencing dynamic braking system 8th paragr. Text change referencing maximum and
Mandatory brakes

Chapter 2 – Revision Tracking Form


Chapter 2
2017 EDITION – Revisions Tracking Form
Section Reference Revision General Description Issue Date 9th paragr. Deleted 10th paragr. Removal of last 3 lines of the paragraph 1st paragr. Removal of “Many of the details..” 1st paragr. Text update Title Section number repeated, update all subsequent

numbers 1st paragr. Text deleted, Last sentence 1st paragr. Update referencing IFE plug-style doors 1st paragr. Text update 1st paragr. Text addition and last sentence removed. 1st paragr. Line voltage “660V” 3rd paragr. Text update 4th paragr. Major text deleted 5th paragr. Major text addition describing Controls, removal

last 6 lines 1st paragr. Text update 3rd paragr. Text update 4th paragr. Text update 5th paragr. Text update 6th paragr. Text update 7th paragr. Text update 8th paragr. Text update 10th paragr Text update 1st paragr. Text update


2.0  VEHICLES 1 
2.2.1  Flammability, Smoke, and Toxicity Considerations 1 
2.2.2  Environmental Considerations 1 
2.2.3  Shock and Vibration Considerations 1 
2.2.4  Electromagnetic Interference Considerations 1 
2.2.5  Track Design Considerations 2 
2.3.1  General 2 
2.3.2  U2 Light Rail Vehicle 3 
2.3.3  SD160 Light Rail Vehicle 6 
2.3.4  Design Vehicle 9 
2.4.1  Equipment Description 9 
2.4.2  Work Train Characteristics 9 

List of Figures
Figure 2.1 - U2 LRV General Characteristics
Figure 2.2 - SD160 LRV General Characteristics
Figure 2.3 - Design LRV General Characteristics
Figure 2.4 - Work Train General Characteristics

Final Issue July 2017 I



For the most part, information contained in this chapter is specific to the U2 and SD160 light
rail vehicles and other auxiliary equipment currently being operated by Edmonton Transit.
When new vehicles and equipment are acquired in the future, this equipment will meet all
requirements related to the operational and physical limitations of the existing stations, right-
of-way infrastructure, and maintenance areas.
This chapter is divided into several sections:
● Section 2.2 lists rail environment design considerations in terms of both industry
standards and ETS generated documents.
● Section 2.3 provides a description of the U2 and SD160 vehicles and highlights their
major characteristics.
● Section 2.4 lists rail borne auxiliary equipment used at ETS and the heaviest loadings of
this equipment.

Chapter 3, Clearances and Right-of-Way, provides the criteria for the development of
Edmonton’s Design Vehicle and the clearances that are required for the fixed infrastructure to
allow unimpeded passage along the trackway.
Due to the ongoing acquisition of new vehicles and equipment, and modifications to the
existing vehicles and equipment, Design Consultants must verify with ETS that this guideline
reflects the current status of the fleet.

2.2.1 Flammability, Smoke, and Toxicity Considerations

ETS's flammability, smoke and toxicity specification is described in ETS-LRV-GTI-0002.
The U2 vehicles (1978-1983) were designed to German standards including VDE (Verband
Deutscher Electrotechniker), BOSTRAB and VOV (Verband Offentlicher Verkehrsbetrieb) for
fire safety.
The SD160 vehicles are designed to meet the flammability, smoke and toxicity requirements
specified in ETS-LRV-GTI-0002.

2.2.2 Environmental Considerations

When not in use the LRVs are normally stored inside Building A at the D.L. MacDonald Yards.
Building A is a six (6) track indoor storage facility that can house sixty (60) light rail vehicles.
The temperature range of the local operational environment requires that all equipment to be
incorporated into rail vehicles be fully operational over a temperature range of +40°C to -40°C
and over a relative humidity range of 15% to 100%.

2.2.3 Shock and Vibration Considerations

All equipment to be mounted on U2 or SD160 LRVs must be compliant with IEC 61373.

2.2.4 Electromagnetic Interference Considerations

Electromagnetic interference (EMI) can be produced by a variety of sources within the ETS
ROW and LRV system.

Final Issue July 2017 2.1


The overhead catenary wires supply LRV consists with short duration DC current well into the
kiloampere range. This current generates magnetic fields around the catenary wiring and
track negative current return paths.
High Frequency EMI occurs when the current flow is momentarily broken as the LRV’s
pantograph crosses an insulated section on the overhead catenary wire. This break in the
current flow causes radio frequency (RF) noise to be radiated by the catenary. Similar high
frequency EMI arcing may also occur when there is severe icing on the overhead wire in the
The U2 LRVs generate electric fields with high frequency switching transients as the
camshafts and other equipment make and break electrical contacts within the LRV. The
SD160 LRVs contain IGBT based power electronic inverters that switch large currents at high
frequencies. This switching action is a further source of electromagnetic interference. The
SD160 LRVs also contain a variety of other low power electronic devices that can act as
sources of EMI.
All of these sources have the potential of affecting sensitive electronic equipment located in
facilities immediately adjacent to the LRT ROW.
No specific electromagnetic emission data was available from Siemens for the U2 LRVs.
However, a 2007 study by Turner Engineering Corporation (ETS-LRV-VEN-0009) was
undertaken to assess the impact of the Edmonton U2 LRV on sensitive electronic equipment
including MRIs within the University of Alberta area. The study concluded that the U2 vehicles
will not generate sufficiently high levels of EMI interference to adversely affect the operation of
the equipment located in the University area.

2.2.5 Track Design Considerations The mechanical characteristics of the U2 and SD160 LRVs limit the curves and
gradients of the track structure as indicated below.

Track Feature Limiting Value

Minimum Curve Radius – Yard 25 m (Empty Vehicle)
Minimum Curve Radius – Mainline 35 m (Loaded Vehicle)
Minimum Vertical Curve Radius 500 m
*Minimum Reverse Curve 25 m with 10 m tangent section between curves
Maximum Operating Grade 6%
Absolute Maximum Grade 6.7% (Limit of disc brakes for an AW4 loaded U2 LRV)

Note: Refer to Chapter 4 Track Alignment, Section


2.3.1 General
ETS operates two separate fleets of light rail vehicles.
1. The U2 fleet consists of thirty-seven (37) vehicles purchased in four sets of cars (RTE1 -
RTE4) between 1978 and 1983. The U2 vehicles are propelled by DC traction drive
technology. On average each of these vehicles has traveled more than 2.3 million
kilometers on the Edmonton Transit track system. This fleet of vehicles was refurbished
in 2008. The refurbishment did not change the operational characteristics of the vehicles
themselves, but was done to update the interior and exterior of the vehicles, replace
obsolete components, and extend the service life of this fleet for another fifteen (15)

Final Issue July 2017 2.2


2. Fifty-seven (57) SD160 light rail vehicles were purchased in two sets (EDM IV and EDM
V) and delivered in 2009 and 2012 respectively. These vehicles are an AC propulsion
technology and generate tractive effort using variable voltage variable frequency drives
supplying power to three-phase induction motors.
The U2 and SD160 cars are six-axle double-ended high- floor articulated cars resting on two
powered bogies and one non-powered bogie. Both vehicles are designed for high platform
loading and offloading of passengers while operating in consists of up to five cars in length.
The vehicle car bodies are of a lightweight welded steel design. LAHT steel side sheets have
been welded to a frame type super structure. This car body shell has been coated with body
filler and sanded to create a smooth ripple free surface prior to painting. The cab ends are
manufactured of reinforced fiberglass, which have been attached to the steel shell of the car
Due to the significant difference in technology between them, the two vehicle types are
incompatible in terms of running in mixed U2/SD160 train consist for the purpose of revenue
activities. In an emergency it is possible for vehicles from one fleet to mechanically couple with
and “dead-tow” vehicles from the other fleet.
2.3.2 U2 Light Rail Vehicle Vehicle Type
The U2 vehicle used by ETS was jointly designed and manufactured by Siemens and Duewag
in Germany. Duewag was responsible for the structural and mechanical portions of the vehicle
design while Siemens designed the light rail vehicles electrical equipment and systems.
Under the original contract the Edmonton U2 vehicles were designated as RTE and delivered
in three series; RTE1 (14 cars), RTE2 (3 cars) and RTE3/4 (8/12 cars). Vehicle Dimensions
Refer to Figure 2.1 for the U2 vehicle governing dimensions and general characteristics. Vehicle Capacity and Weight at a given Passenger Loading
Passenger weight loading was calculated using 68 kg per passenger. This resulted in the
following loadings for the U2 Fleet:
Passenger Loading
Loading Mass of loaded U2 Passengers
Passenger Distribution
AW0 34,900 kg Empty none
AW1 39,184 kg 63 passengers fully seated load + driver
fully seated load + driver + 4
AW2 45,780 kg 160 passengers
fully seated load + driver + 6
AW3 49,112 kg 209 passengers
258 passengers fully seated load + driver + 8
AW4 52,444 kg
(crush load) standees/m2

Figure 2.1 also shows the distribution of the AW4 load to each bogie. Door Control
The U2 LRV has four double bifolding doors per side for a total of eight doors per car. The
bifold panels in each doorway are electrically driven and controlled by electro-magnetic locks.

Final Issue July 2017 2.3


With the bifold doors open, the doorway width is 1340 mm and the doorway height is 1920
mm. This opening is divided by a vertical center stanchion containing the door push button
switch and an optical obstruction sensor.
The doors are unlocked and the side selected by the Motorman through panel switches in the
active cab. Once unlocked and selected, the doors can be opened individually by passengers
using the stanchion mounted pushbutton switches located in each doorway. A driver’s access
door feature allows the Motorman to only select and release the doors immediately adjacent to
the active driver’s cab. Accessibility Features
Each U2 LRV is equipped with two automated access ramps in the “A” carbody. When the
handicapped access pushbutton is pressed, the ramp lowers and aligns itself with the edge of
the station platform using two optical sensors. The ramp will return to the up position prior to
the door closing on the next door close cycle. An extension on the outside edge of the ramp
helps to reduce the horizontal gap between the station platform and vehicle.
A curved yellow stanchion replaces the stainless steel straight stanchion at each ramp access
door. This curved stanchion facilitates the moving of mobility devices in and out of the LRV.
The passenger seats situated between the ramp access doors and the articulation joint have
been arranged longitudinally to provide additional space for mobility devices to maneuver.
The ramp operation adds approximately eleven (11) seconds to the door open, door close
cycle. Emergency Features

The U2 LRVs are equipped with two-way radios for the motormen, and passenger intercoms,
emergency lighting, and fire extinguishers for emergency use. The doors can be manually
opened in an emergency that involves loss of LRV power. Environmental Considerations

The U2 LRVs are designed to operate in the environmental conditions prevalent in the
Edmonton area. The storage limitations of the D.L. MacDonald facility will necessitate
vehicles being stored outside if interior space is not available. Noise Levels
The following *reports detail the noise levels generated by a typical U2 light rail vehicle.
*Note: Reports are available upon request to ETS – LRT Division

Document Title Reference Number

U2 Static Interior Noise Test Procedure ETS-LRV-STP-0029
U2 Static Exterior Noise Test Procedure ETS-LRV-STP-0030
U2 Dynamic Interior Noise Test Procedure ETS-LRV-STP-0031
U2 Dynamic Exterior Noise Test Procedure ETS-LRV-STP-0032 Electrical
Power Collection
Vehicle power is collected from the overhead catenary system by a pantograph mounted close
to the articulation section on the roof of the “A” car of the LRV. A surge arrestor is mounted
close to the pantograph to protect against over voltages and lightning strikes.

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The overhead catenary supply is protected against short circuits and overloads occurring on
the light rail vehicle by a vehicle-mounted 2-pole automatic circuit breaker.
Operating Voltages and Current Draw
The U2 LRV will operate at a nominal line voltage of 660 VDC (+20% to –30%). The
maximum current draw for each LRV motor is adjusted to 420 amps while accelerating. There
are two motors per LRV for a total current draw of 840 amps during acceleration.
Auxiliary Power Supply
All thirty-seven (37) car U2 vehicles have power electronic based auxiliary converters supplied
by Transtechnik. These converters will operate from the 660 VDC supply and provide the
following outputs; 3-phase 220 VAC/100 Hz (1 kVA), 3-phase 220 VAC/50 Hz or 176 VAC/40
Hz (switchable) (4 kVA), 3-phase 19.6 VAC/100 Hz (.5 kVA), and a 27.9 VDC (2.7 kW) low
voltage power supply and battery charging circuit for the 24 VDC battery.
Automatic Controls
The LRV is equipped with an automatic train control device to prevent collisions and unsafe
operating speeds. If the vehicle passes a red wayside signal, the automatic train control will
apply a Mandatory Brake (an irrecoverable forced brake stop).
Each vehicle is equipped with a dead-man switch which must be actively engaged by the
Operator when a train is in a driveable mode to prevent the train applying a Mandatory Brake. Vehicle Performance Characteristics

Each of the two powered bogies on the LRV has one DC compensated series wound traction
motor. The one-hour rating of each traction motor is 150 KW, 280 A, 600 V, 1200 RPM with
90% excitation.
i) Speed Characteristics
Maximum design speed = 80 km/h
Maximum operating speed = 70 km/h
ii) Acceleration
The average acceleration rate between standstill and reaching the motor’s natural
characteristic curve is 1.32 m/s2 up to the AW2 weight. Vehicle loading is compensated for up
to AW2.
iii) Jerk Limits
With the exception of emergency brake applications, which are not jerk limited, the maximum
rate at which acceleration can change is 1.34 m/ s3.
The U2 LRV has three braking systems.
● Dynamic Braking System
The dynamic braking system is the vehicle’s primary braking system. Dynamic braking
converts the vehicle’s kinetic energy to thermal energy through vehicle mounted resistors
to slow the LRV.
● Disc Brake System

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Each bogie has an electrically released/spring applied disc brake system that is used to
bring the car to a final stop. These disc brakes are applied after dynamic braking has
reduced the LRV speed to 5 to 7 km/h.
● Track Brake System
Each bogie is equipped with two track brakes that are used in emergency conditions.
These track brakes are electromagnetic brakes that contact the rail when energized.
There are three braking rates used on the LRV. They are:
Maximum Service Brake rate 1.3 m/s2
Mandatory Brake rate 1.7 m/s2
Emergency Brake rate 2.7 m/s2
During a mandatory braking event where dynamic braking fails to achieve an acceptable
deceleration rate of 1.7 m/s2 the track brakes will activate to increase braking effort. Suspension
The primary suspension is comprised of 8 rubber chevrons, whereas the secondary
suspension is 4 double coil springs with lateral and vertical shock absorbers.
The maximum suspension vertical deflection at AW4 loading is 38 mm. There is no horizontal

2.3.3 SD160 Light Rail Vehicle Vehicle Type and Manufacturer
The SD160 LRV manufactured by Siemens-STS in Sacramento California is based upon a
modified Denver CO SD160. Fifty-seven (57) SD160 vehicles were delivered to Edmonton
Transit in two purchases (2009 and 2012). Consultants are responsible for contacting ETS to
ensure the accuracy of all data in regards to the SD160. Vehicle Dimensions
Refer to Figure 2.2 for the SD160 governing vehicle dimensions and general characteristics. Vehicle Capacity and Weight at a given Passenger Loading

Passenger weight loading has been calculated using 71 kg per passenger. This resulted in
the following loadings for the SD160 Fleet:
Passenger Loading
Mass of loaded
Loading Passengers
SD160 Passenger Distribution
AW0 41,500 Empty none
AW1 45,760 kg 60 passengers fully seated load + driver
fully seated load + driver + 4
AW2 51,866 kg 146 passengers
fully seated load + driver + 6
AW3 54,919 kg 189 passengers
232 passengers fully seated load + driver + 8
AW4 57,972 kg
(crush load) standees/m2

Figure 2.2 also shows the distribution of the AW4 load to each bogie.

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VEHICLES Visual Passenger Information System

The SD160 LRVs incorporate a number of LED signs to provide information to passengers.
Each LRV has a front, a rear, and two side-mounted destination signs providing direction-of-
travel information to passengers outside the vehicle. Additionally there are four internal LED
signs that provide further textual information to passengers already on the vehicle. Closed Circuit Television System

The SD160 has a suite of ten cameras monitoring and recording activity both in the vehicle’s
passenger compartment (four cameras), and the external areas to the front, and rear, and
sides (six cameras) of the vehicle. Camera video is stored onboard the vehicle and is
available for three-days unless the video was tagged by the recording system as an event.
Tagged video is protected from being overwritten. Door Control

The SD160 LRV has four (4) IFE plug-style double doors per side for a total of eight (8) doors
per car. Door width is 1200 mm, door height is 1880 mm. The doors are bank selected by
vehicle side by the Motorman. Once selected, the doors can be opened by the passengers
using buttons mounted on the doors themselves. With the doors opened it can be seen that
the four crew doors have stanchions to facilitate entry from track level, while the remainder of
the SD160 doorways have nothing to inhibit passenger movement in and out of the vehicle. Accessibility Features

The two doorways in the “A” carbody located near the articulation area of the SD160, are
equipped with automated access ramps and associated control devices to facilitate the entry
and exit of passengers using mobility aids. Each access ramp covers the full width of the
The seats nearest the articulation joint have also been arranged longitudinally to provide
additional space for mobility devices to maneuver. Emergency Features
The SD160 LRVs are equipped with two-way radios, cameras, passenger intercoms,
emergency lighting, and fire extinguishers for emergency use. In addition, in an emergency,
the doors can be opened manually. Environmental Considerations
The SD160 LRVs have been designed to operate in the environmental conditions prevalent in
the Edmonton area. The storage limitations of the D.L. MacDonald facility will necessitate
vehicles being stored outside if interior space is not available. Noise Levels
While the noise levels generated by the SD160 LRVs will be determined at the time of
commissioning, the vehicle is being designed such that the interior noise levels of the vehicle
will not exceed 72 dBA under normal operating conditions. The noise generated by the LRV
operating at speeds of up to 80 km/h will not exceed 78 dBA. Electrical
Operating Voltages and Current Draw
The SD160 will operate on the ETS track system at a nominal line voltage of 660 V DC (+20%
to –30%).

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Power Collection
Power to the vehicle is collected by a pantograph mounted on the roof of the A carbody close
to the articulation section.
Auxiliary Power Supply
An auxiliary power supply supplies power for the vehicle’s miscellaneous electrical equipment.
Low-voltage power will be supplied as part of the AC auxiliary power source. The design of
the low-voltage power supply will be integrated with that of the AC auxiliary power source to
minimize weight and to maximize performance.
Automatic Controls
The SD160 LRV is equipped with an automatic train control device to prevent collisions and
unsafe operating speeds. If the vehicle passes a red wayside signal, the automatic train
control will apply a Mandatory Brake (an irrecoverable forced brake stop). This braking mode
is unrecoverable until the vehicle comes to a complete stop.
Each vehicle is equipped with a dead-man switch. The deadman switch must be actively
engaged by the Operator when a train is in a driveable mode to prevent the train applying a
Mandatory Brake. Vehicle Performance Characteristics

The propulsion system is a dual redundant system to ensure maximum reliability. It
incorporates under-frame mounted, variable voltage, variable frequency drives to control two
(2), three-phase induction motors on each of the two powered bogies.

i) Speed Characteristics
Maximum design speed = 80 km/h
Maximum operating speed = 70 km/h
ii) Acceleration
The average acceleration rate is 1.32 m/s2. Acceleration is load compensated up to AW3.
iii) Jerk Limits
The maximum rate at which acceleration can change is 1.3 m/s3.

The SD160 LRV has three braking systems.
● Dynamic Braking System
Controlled dynamic braking is continuously available from maximum vehicle speed down
to a speed of 5 km/h or less. Dynamic braking is regenerative or rheostatic depending on
the receptivity of the overhead catenary system.
● Friction Brake System
The friction braking system is an electronically controlled, electric-hydraulic system,
functioning as the ultimate braking system on the light rail vehicle and acting as a backup
to dynamic braking during normal service braking and as the primary braking system
during emergency stops and while parked.

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For vehicle loading above AW2 the friction braking system supplements dynamic braking
to ensure requested braking rates are achieved.
● Track Brake System
The track brake system is used in emergency conditions. Each bogie has two
electromagnetic track brakes that contact the rail when energized.
There are three braking rates used on the LRV. They are:
Maximum Service Brake rate 1.34 m/s2
Mandatory Brake rate 1.7 m/s2
Emergency brake rate 2.65 m/s2
Braking rates are load compensated up to AW3. At weights above AW3, the braking rate is
reduced proportional to the weight of the vehicle. Suspension
The vehicle’s primary suspension is chevron elastomeric springs. In addition, each truck
bolster is supported by a secondary suspension system consisting of coil springs.

2.3.4 Design Vehicle

Refer to Figure 2.3 for the governing dimensions and general characteristics of the Design
The LRV loading that must be used as the basis for design is shown in this figure. The LRV
design loading takes into account a variety of loading conditions and configurations.
Refer to Chapter 3 Clearances and Right-of-Way for details of the factors taken into
consideration in the development of the Design Vehicle and its related dynamic envelope.
2.4.1 Equipment Description
ETS operates a number of rail-borne and road-to-rail auxiliary equipment that supports the
ongoing maintenance of the LRT system as follows:
● Work Locomotive
● Side Dump cars
● Spot Ballast car
● Low Railer
● Ballast Regulator
● Tamper/Liner
● Snow Blowers
● VMB (catenary inspection vehicle)
Notwithstanding the operational aspects of this equipment on the LRT track system, it is the
LRV performance characteristics that govern the design of the LRT system.
ETS has developed operating strategies for all auxiliary equipment that does not meet LRV
performance characteristics.

2.4.2 Work Train Characteristics Loadings
The Work Train consists of the locomotive, three side-dump cars and one spot-ballast car. It
provides the basis for design of the supporting structural elements. Figure 2.4, Work Train
General Characteristics provides the weight/design loading, dimensions, and configuration for
this equipment.

Final Issue July 2017 2.9

VEHICLES Design and Operating Speed

The maximum design speed of the Work Train on mainline is 40 km/h. The maximum
operating speed is limited by the operating characteristics of a specific piece of equipment
within the work train consist.
The definition and derivations of the terms static, dynamic and design envelope and related
clearance requirements for all on-track equipment are presented in Chapter 3 Clearances and

Final Issue July 2017 2.10

Chapter 3 – Revision Tracking Form


Chapter 3
2017 EDITION – Revisions Tracking Form
Section Reference Revision General Description Issue Date






3.2.1  Clearance Related 1 
3.2.2  Walkway Related 2 
3.2.3  Right-of-Way Related 2 
3.3  Clearances 3 
3.3.1  Edmonton’s LRV 3 
3.3.2  Edmonton’s Design Vehicle 4 
3.3.3  Minimum Vehicle Running Clearance Envelope (VRCE) 5 
3.3.4  Application of Clearance Criteria 6 
3.3.5  Minimum Vertical (Overhead) Clearance 8 
3.3.6  Special Clearance Situations 9 


3.5.1  General 9 
3.5.2  LRT Elements and Components 11 
3.5.3  Typical Cross Section Configurations 12 
3.6.1  Classification of Right-of-Way for Acquisition Purposes 14 
3.6.2  ROW Acquisition Plans 14 
3.6.3  Responsibility for ROW Acquisition 15

Final Issue July 2017 I


List of Figures
Figure 3 – U2 Static Envelope
Figure 3.1B – SD160 Static Envelope
Figure 3.2 – Design Vehicle Dynamic Envelope
Figure 3.3 – Curvature Effects Design Vehicle
Figure 3.4 – Curvature Effects Table of Calculated Values
Figure 3.5 – Superelevation Effects on Curves U2 Vehicle
Figure 3.6 – Superelevation Effects Table of Calculated Values
Figure 3.7 – Clearance Envelope Level Tangent Track (Open)
Figure 3.8A – Clearance Envelope Level Tangent Track (Shared Use)
Figure 3.8B – Clearance Envelope Level Tangent Embedded Track (Shared Use)
Figure 3.9 – Clearance Requirements at Station Platform
Figure 3.10 – Clearance Envelope Level Tangent Track (TBM Tunnel)
Figure 3.11 – Clearance Envelope Level Tangent Track (SEM Tunnel)
Figure 3.12 – Clearance Envelope Level Tangent Track (Underground Single
Figure 3.13 – Clearance Envelope Level Tangent Track (Elevated Structure)
Figure 3.14 – Clearance Envelope Level Tangent Track (Retained Cut)
Figure 3.15 – Clearance Envelope Level Tangent Track (Retained Fill)
Figure 3.16 – Vertical Clearance to Overhead Catenary
Figure 3.17 – Vertical Clearance to Utilities Crossing Overhead Catenary
Figure 3.18A – Typical Section Combined Major Trackway Elements Shared Use
Figure 3.18B – Typical Section Embedded Mainline Trackway Elements Shared
Figure 3.19 – Typical Section Combined Major Trackway Elements TBM Tunnel
Figure 3.20 – Typical Section Combined Major Trackway Elements Underground
Single Box
Figure 3.21 – Typical Section Combined Major Trackway Elements Elevated
Figure 3.22 – Typical Section Combined Major Trackway Elements
Portal/Retained Cut
Figure 3.23 – Typical Section Combined Major Trackway Elements Type lll
Station with Roof)

APPENDIX l – ROW Widths Worksheet (Worksheet for Minimum and Preferred ROW
Widths for a Sample of Typical LRT Mainline Level Tangent Trackway Cross
Section Configurations).

Final Issue July 2017 II



This chapter provides guidelines and criteria for Clearances and Right-of-Way. Definitions
and terminology for both topics are presented at the outset. These definitions and terms will
be used consistently throughout these LRT Design Guidelines.
Section 3.3, along with the accompanying figures, sets out the minimum acceptable
dimensions required to assure that proper clearances are provided between ontrack vehicles
and adjacent trackway elements, structures or obstructions.
The clearance figures are supplemented with a number of general cross-sectional figures that
illustrate the majority of the major LRT related elements and components that have to be
accommodated within the LRT right-of-way.
The chapter concludes with a description of the factors that should be considered by the
Consultant when defining the LRT right-of-way limits.


3.2.1 Clearance Related
The below listed clearance related definitions are generally utilized by most North American
Light Rail Transit properties and are provided for the Consultant’s reference only.
LRV Static Envelope is the actual cross sectional dimensions of the vehicle used by the Light
Rail Transit operating agency.
The static envelope generally forms the basis in determining the clearance requirements for
the station platform edge.
LRV Dynamic Envelope is the maximum space occupied by a LRV under dynamic conditions
taking into account car movements on level tangent track.
It represents the extreme LRV body displacement in any combination of rotational, lateral and
vertical movements.
LRV Dynamic Outline (Plan View) is defined by the truck spacing and the vehicle overhang.
It is the basis for determining the curvature effects on clearance to the catwalk in tunnels.
Design Vehicle Static Envelope is a composite envelope that takes the LRV and rail-borne
auxiliary equipment cross sectional dimensions into consideration. It defines the static
envelope that accommodates all on-track vehicles used by the transit agency.
Design Vehicle Dynamic Envelope is the maximum space occupied by the design vehicle
under dynamic conditions taking into account vehicle movements on a level tangent track.
Design Vehicle Dynamic Envelope includes all the worst-case scenarios having a direct
influence on the movement of the design vehicle under dynamic condition.
Design Vehicle Dynamic Outline (Plan View) is defined by the truck spacing and vehicle
overhang. It is required for determining the curvature effects on clearances for all mainline
infrastructure except for the catwalk in tunnels.
Curvature Effects is limited to the vehicle body overhangs induced by a specific curve radius
and is considered independently of other effects on the dynamic envelope.
Superelevation Effects is limited to the vehicle lean induced by a specific difference in
elevations between two rails of a track and is considered independently of other effects on the
dynamic envelope.

Final Issue July 2017 3.1


Trackwork Installation and Maintenance Tolerances define the allowable deviations of the
installed track from the design track centreline and the allowable tolerances for maintenance.
Structural Clearances are the minimum horizontal and vertical clearance requirements for
different trackway elements. The structural clearance requirements for different trackway
elements may vary significantly.
The trackway element consultant is responsible for determining the structural clearances in
accordance with the LRT Design Guidelines.
Design Vehicle Running Clearance Envelope is defined as the space occupied by the
Design Vehicle Dynamic Envelope plus additional dynamic clearance requirements, as
applicable, for curvature, superelevation, structural clearances and the effects of wayside
factors including allowable manufacturing and maintenance tolerances.
The definitions / terminology in the following sections, 3.2.2 and 3.2.3, are commonly used on
the Edmonton LRT System.

3.2.2 Walkway Related

Walkway is a narrow pathway at track level within the LRT ROW or underground structure
that provides for the safe movement of LRT passengers or service personnel. It is defined by
horizontal and vertical limits.
Refuge Zone is an area of restricted length and width within the LRT ROW, stations (all
types) or underground structures that provides a safe area for service personnel or LRT
passengers when the LRT train passes by. It is defined by horizontal and vertical limits.
Catwalk is a structural element attached to the side or cast on top of a concrete duct bank of
a tunnel or underground structure. The height of the catwalk is closely matched to the height
of the LRV floor. It provides a safe area for service personnel during the normal system
operation and a safe evacuation pathway for LRV passengers during an emergency situation.
The catwalk structure is defined by horizontal and vertical limits.

3.2.3 Right-of-Way Related

Corridor describes, in general terms, the path of the LRT right-of-way takes through an urban
Trackway, also referred to as the track structure, represents all the fixed physical components
that directly supports and guides the LRV. They include all the trackwork components and
supporting structure upon which the track rests.
Wayside is the area along the tracks that houses LRT related system components and
equipment such as: signals, catenary masts etc.
Right-of-Way (ROW) is the area within which the LRT trackway and all its related system
elements and facilities are placed. It is defined by a legal boundary or limits referred to as the
LRT “ROW Limit”.
Mainline describes the trackway within the ROW that is dedicated to LRT revenue (passenger
carrying) operations.
Open is a term used to describe the cross-sectional form of the trackway structure where
there is little or no restriction placed on the ROW width. Vertical restrictions are infrequent.
Normally ditch drainage is provided. This condition can apply to mainline or yard track.
At-grade is the condition where the elevation of the trackway is essentially at the same
elevation as the adjacent ground topography.

Final Issue July 2017 3.2


Exclusive Use is an operating environment whereby the LRT alignment has exclusive and
unimpeded use of the ROW. It is not shared with any other mode. The trackway is grade
separated or separated / protected by a fence or barrier.
The only portions of Edmonton’s LRT system that falls within this category are the
underground tunnels from downtown to the University and the grade-separated bridge
crossing in river valley.
Semi-exclusive Use is an operating environment whereby the LRT alignment is located in a
separate ROW where motorists, pedestrians and bicyclists cross at designated controlled
crossings only.
The SLRT extension south of Health Sciences Station to Century Park Station is an example
of this type of operating environment.
Shared Use is the operating environment where the LRT alignment is shared with other
modes such as:
 Roadway – the roadway is located beside and parallel to the LRT alignment or the LRT
alignment is located within the road median.
 Railway – the railway is generally located beside and parallel to the LRT alignment.
 Walkway/Bikeway (also referred to as a shared use path) – located beside and parallel to
the LRT alignment.
Frequent at-grade roadway and pedestrian crossings are evident that may require active or
passive control measures.
An example of this operating environment is the northeast LRT corridor from Clareview Station
to 95 Street.
Mixed Use is the operating environment whereby the LRT alignment is integrated with
vehicular, pedestrian and bicycle traffic. There are no barriers or buffers providing a
separation with the LRT alignment.
Edmonton currently does not have an example of this operating environment.

The ability to ensure the safe passage of LRV’s within the LRT ROW is of utmost concern to
ETS. The provision of adequate clearances will be rigorously monitored during both the
design and construction phase of the LRT project.
All designs must meet or exceed the minimum clearance criteria contained herein.
Clearances greater than those shown should be provided whenever this can be achieved
without adversely influencing the cost of the facility under consideration.
Horizontal clearance dimensions are always measured in a horizontal plane irrespective of
any superelevation in the track. They are to apply along a line projected perpendicular to the
reference track centreline.
Vertical clearances are all measured in a vertical plane to the reference track centreline
Section 3.2 provides a number of industry-wide clearance related definitions and terms for the
Consultant’s reference. The following section provides additional terminology and the
methodology for determining the vehicle minimum running clearance requirements to be
applied on the Edmonton LRT System.

3.3.1 Edmonton’s LRV

The U2 and SD160 LRV’s are described in Chapter 2, Vehicles. The static envelopes for the
vehicles are shown in Figures 3.1A and 3.1B.

Final Issue July 2017 3.3


Note: The criteria presented in these Guidelines is primarily based on the U2 LRV. The design
consultants for the trackway, stations and other structural elements must check the minimum clearances
based on the SD160 LRV and identify any conflicts that will require resolution early in the design

3.3.2 Edmonton’s Design Vehicle

The design vehicle is comprised of the maximum possible dimensions taken from the U2 and
SD160 LRV’s and all auxiliary equipment as described in Chapter 2 used on the Edmonton
LRT System. These physical dimensions include:
 Vehicle width
 Vehicle length
 Vehicle height
 Vehicle wheel base
 Vehicle front and rear ends overhang the wheel base
All LRT auxiliary equipment conforms to the Design Vehicle Dynamic Envelope (refer to
Section However, in some cases the allowable dynamic movement of the vehicle
within the clearance envelope is limited due to the larger static dimensions of the auxiliary
equipment. This lack of dynamic room within the dynamic envelope is mitigated by the low
operating speed of this equipment.
Consideration must also be given to the clearance requirements of the auxiliary equipment at
station platforms and around other structures and installations that intrude into the Design
Vehicle Dynamic Envelope. In some cases portions of auxiliary equipment will project over
the station platform. The trackway consultant is advised to review the auxiliary equipment
static dimensions when locating gates, barriers, catwalks, walkways and other infrastructure
elements inside the design vehicle dynamic envelope especially adjacent to station platforms.
The determination of minimum vehicle running clearance must consider the influence of track
alignment geometry, track superelevation, trackway element installation tolerances and the
specific structural clearance requirements for different trackway elements. For exceptional
cases refer to Section and Design Vehicle Static Envelope (DVSE)
The Design Vehicle Static Envelope is a composite static envelope that takes the both LRV’s
and all the auxiliary on-track vehicles into consideration when stationary. The DVSE forms the
basis for the design vehicle dynamic envelope as described below. Design Vehicle Dynamic Envelope (DVDE)

The DVDE represents the extreme car body movement that can occur under the influence of
design vehicle characteristics on level, tangent track.
Design Vehicle Dynamic Envelope = Design Vehicle Static Envelope + Dynamic Movement
The DVDE (refer to Figure 3.2) is the basis for determining the minimum dynamic clearance
requirements on a level tangent track for all trackway elements within the system except for
the following areas:
 The U2 LRV static envelope (refer to Figure 3.1A) is used for determining the minimum
clearance between LRV floor height and the station platform edge (refer to Section
 At the tunnel catwalk (refer to Section
The DVDE must be used to determine the superelevation effect.

Final Issue July 2017 3.4


3.3.3 Minimum Vehicle Running Clearance Envelope (VRCE)

As described above the DVDE is developed strictly on the basis of design vehicle dynamic
movement on level, tangent track. The minimum vehicle running clearance requirements to
permanent fixtures or structures along the entire length of trackway must also take the
following factors into consideration:
 Curvature Effects (CE)
 Superelevation Effects (SE)
 Trackwork Installation and Maintenance Tolerances (TT)
 Structural Clearances (SC) Curvature Effects (CE)
The amount of mid-vehicle in-swing and end-of-vehicle out-swing depend primarily on the
vehicle truck spacing, the vehicle end overhang from the truck and the horizontal curve radius.
Additional clearance must be allowed to accommodate the effect due to curvature.
The amount of In-swing and out-swing can be can be calculated using the formulae shown on
Figure 3.3. The table on that figure shows the calculated values for a curve radius R = 180 m
for both LRV’s, the Design Vehicle and the rail borne LRT maintenance vehicles.
Figure 3.4 is a table of calculated values for curves ranging from 25 m to 1500 m. Pages 1 to
3 lists the in-swing / out-swing values for the Design Vehicle. Pages 4 to 7 lists the values for
the U2 LRV and is provided as information only. Similar tables could be developed for the
SD160 and the LRT track maintenance vehicles however they are not included in this edition
of the Guidelines. In any event, the Design Vehicle data governs.
Out-swing is based on a worst-case scenario by ignoring the rounded or tapered ends of the
design vehicle.
The additional curvature clearance through the turnout must also be considered and
calculated based on the turnout curve radius. Superelevation Effects (SE)
Superelevation introduces a rotation of the vehicle centerline with respect to the vertical axis
through the track centerline. Thus an additional clearance requirement due to superelevation
must be considered.
For any given location along the spiral transition zone, the linear superelevation run off from
the circular curve to tangent must be considered in determining additional clearance
requirement due the effect of tilting. Figure 3.5 illustrates this condition and provides a
formula for calculating the displacement. Figure 3.6 is a table of calculated values for a range
of superelevation dimensions. Trackwork Installation and Maintenance Tolerances (TT)

The following are the tolerance limits for these conditions:
 Trackwork installation tolerance of +/- 6 mm vertically and laterally
 Gauge maintenance tolerance of +/- 3 mm laterally Structural Clearances (SC)
Structure clearances and construction tolerances to different structures may vary and are
discussed specifically in the following sections.
The following criteria are to be used as general guidelines for the minimum vehicle running
clearance to adjacent obstructions or vehicle:

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 Minimum running clearance of 50 mm to non-structural members such as wayside signal

equipment, signs, etc
 Minimum running clearance of 50 mm to an emergency walkway or catwalk
 Minimum running clearance of 150 mm along aerial deck parapet, wall, and all structural
members and permanent fixtures
 Minimum running clearance of 150 mm to adjacent vehicles
The minimum vehicle running clearance envelope represents the space in which no physical
parts of the system other the design vehicle itself, must be placed, constructed or protruded.
The VRCE can be calculated by the following formula:
Where, VRCE = Vehicle Running Clearance Envelope
DVDE = Design Vehicle Dynamic Envelope
SE = Superelevation Effect
CE = Curvature Effect
TT = Trackwork Installation and Maintenance Tolerances
SC = Structural Clearances to Trackway Elements
This clearance envelope is referenced from the centreline of track at the plane of the running
The structural consultant must also consider the structural installation tolerance of +/- 50 mm
in addition to allowances for chorded construction for tunnel walls, large precast aerial
structure sections and catwalk.

3.3.4 Application of Clearance Criteria

The application of the clearance criteria for the majority of the standard cross-sectional
configurations is provided in this section. At-grade Mainline Open ROW
The primary elements that must be considered for the vehicle running clearance envelope are
the wayside signal equipment and catenary masts along the ROW. Refer to Figure 3.7 for
open track clearance requirements on a level tangent track and the minimum mast clearance
criteria as described below:
The normal minimum distance from centreline of track to face of mast on tangent track is 2070
mm, based on 4500 mm track spacing.
Where balance weights are located between tracks, the masts must be offset to ensure that
the weights are centered between tracks. In this case the minimum distance to the weights,
including an allowance for the weight swing, must be 2040 mm. At-grade Mainline Shared Use ROW
Figures 3.8A, 3.8B, 3.18A and 3.18B illustrate typical cross-sections for the shared use
operating configurations. The Consultant must ensure that none of the following elements are
located within the Dynamic Vehicle running clearance envelope:
 Roadway curb line
 Landscape features
 Street Design:
- Pedestrian and road crossings
- Pedestrian refuge space
- Gates
- Signs
- Railings
- Fences

Final Issue July 2017 3.6


- Signal Support Poles

- Poles
 Other:
- Multi-purpose trail
- Sound barriers
- Railway
- Transit Centre Circulation Roadways, etc.
- Property line
In cases where LRT tracks are located in a ROW shared with an operating railway authority
(i.e. portion of Edmonton’s Northeast LRT Corridor) all clearance requirements of the railway
authority must be accommodated in the design of the LRT facilities to be constructed or
modified. The trackway consultant is responsible for obtaining and complying with the
Authority’s clearance requirements. Station Platform Clearances
Station platforms, including access to the LRV, are designed to be wheelchair accessible.
The platform clearance distances were established from the static dimensions of the two
LRV’s presently in service (refer to Figure 3.1A and Figure 3.1B). To ensure that the gap
distance between the platform edge and the LRT static envelope and the platform height
above the top of rail are acceptable, The following criteria must be met:
Horizontal Clearances (refer to Figure 3.9)
 The clearance distance from centreline of track to edge of the platform is 1405 + 6 mm.
 The minimum clearance from centreline of track to a platform end wall or any obstruction
on and above the platform level is 1700 mm.
 The minimum clearance from edge of platform to structures located on the platform such
as stairways, escalators, equipment, etc., is 1700 mm. The desirable width of clear space
is 2500 mm. (Refer to Chapter 10, Stations and Ancillary Facilities, Section
 The platform should be cantilevered from supports to provide a continuous 900 mm clear
set-back beneath the outside edge of the platform. This set-back provides a refuge area
for persons who may fall from the platform and be trapped by the train. This set-back may
be encroached upon by intermittent supports or facilities in special circumstances but first
must be approved by ETS.
Vertical Clearances (refer to Figure 3.9)
 The elevation at the edge of platform finish surface above top of rail must not exceed
890+5 /-15 mm. This revised elevation is required to allow the SD160 doors (which open
outwards) to open under a crush load condition.
 In circumstances where the catwalk is connected to the station platform, the platform
should be transitioned to match the top of catwalk in a maximum 1:16 slope.
 The vertical clearances are governed by the requirements of the LRT overhead catenary
system (refer to Section 3.3.5). Tunnels
The underground portion of the Edmonton LRT System has been constructed using two
different tunneling methodologies, Tunnel Boring Machines (TBM) and the Sequential
Excavation Method (SEM) (refer to Chapter 9, Structures). The shape of each tunnel differs.
Clearance requirements for each are shown in Figures 3.10 and 3.11.

Final Issue July 2017 3.7


Additional Clearances
The minimum running clearance requirements for bored tunnels must provide additional
clearance due to curvature and superelevation. On curved track with superelevation, the
bored tunnel centreline does not coincide with the track centreline. A vertical and horizontal
shift of the tunnel alignment will occur relative to the track centerline. The shift in tunnel
alignment can be determined in the formulae given in Figure 3.5.
Catwalk and Utility Fixtures on Tunnel Wall
The minimum running clearance requirements in the bored tunnel must also consider the
presence of a catwalk, utility fixtures and the operating requirements of the overhead catenary
In a bored tunnel, the minimum running clearance to the concrete topping of the catwalk is
determined by both the Design Vehicle dynamic envelope (refer to Figure 3.2) and the
curvature effects of both the Design Vehicle dynamic envelope and the LRV dynamic outline
(refer to the table in Figure 3.4).
The concrete duct bank (under the catwalk) is considered to be a permanent structure. The
minimum running clearance must be determined in accordance with the DVDE (refer to
Figures 3.10 and 3.11). Box Structure

The minimum running clearance requirements are based on the DVDE and the same basic
guidelines as outlined in Section 3.3.2. A typical single box structure is illustrated in Figure
3.12. Overpass / Bridge Structure
The minimum running clearance requirements are based on the DVDE and the same
guidelines as outlined in Section 3.3.2. For typical running clearance on elevated structures,
refer to Figure 3.13. Retaining Structures

Retaining structures may be required in the open cut and fill sections where the width of the
ROW is restricted and/or is dictated by the topographic conditions. The guidelines for
determining the minimum vehicle running clearance as outlined in Section 3.3.2 will apply.
Figures 3.14 and 3.15 indicate the typical cross-sections for retained cut and fill sections
respectively. Where required the design of the retaining walls can be a determining factor in
setting the final LRT ROW limit.

3.3.5 Minimum Vertical (Overhead) Clearance

As stated previously, the minimum vertical clearance distance is governed by the overhead
catenary clearance requirements (refer to Chapter 6, Traction Power, Sections and For open ROW conditions the desirable minimum contact wire height above TOR is
4800 mm. In confined conditions (i.e. tunnels etc.) the absolute minimum distance is 4200
mm from TOR to the underside of the contact wire support structure (refer to Figure 3.16).
The space above the LRV and beneath the tunnel or underground structure ceiling is intended
for overhead catenary related installations. If non-catenary related equipment (pipes, ducts
etc.) is required to be installed in this area they must first be approved by ETS. To minimize
the crossing distance, they should be installed at right angles to the track and on the ceiling
(refer to Figure 3.17).

Final Issue July 2017 3.8


3.3.6 Special Clearance Situations Under-car Clearances
Signal and trackwork equipment mounted on ties or track slab along the trackway, can intrude
into the undercar clearance envelope of the design vehicle. The maximum allowable intrusion
is 50 mm above the TOR. Temporary Clearance Situations for Construction

Temporary clearance requirements for construction will be assessed on an individual basis.
The Contractor is responsible for the submission of the appropriate drawings for approval by
ETS. Equipment and Pedestrian Safety
Where the LRT is constructed below or adjacent to structures that are accessible by
pedestrians, a minimum clearance of 3 m must be provided between the catenary wires and
any accessible areas. Its purpose is twofold: to protect the catenary wires and LRT trains
from damage caused by pedestrians; and to provide protection to people from injury due to
accidental contact with the energized catenary wire. This protection can be achieved through
the installation of screens or fences beside or above the catenary wire.
Protective devices proposed for installation should be coordinated with the Catenary Designer
to ensure that the required minimum clearance is attained and the protective device is
acceptable. The Designer should refer to Chapter 6 Traction Power, Section and
Figures 6.5 and 6.6 for additional related information.


In addition to the figures showing clearance requirements a number of other typical cross-
sectional figures are also included in this chapter for the Consultant’s ease of reference. The
figures identify the majority of the overhead, surface and underground systems components
and elements (including clearance requirements) that are generally located within or adjacent
to the LRT ROW.
They are:
Figure 3.18A – Typical Section Combined Major Trackway Elements Shared Use
Figure 3.18B – Typical Section Embedded Mainline Trackway Elements Shared
Figure 3.19 – Typical Section Combined Major Trackway Elements TBM Tunnel
Figure 3.20 – Typical Section Combined Major Trackway Elements Underground
Single Box
Figure 3.21 – Typical Section Combined Major Trackway Elements Elevated
Figure 3.22 – Typical Section Combined Major Trackway Elements
Portal/Retained Cut
Figure 3.23 – Typical Section Combined Major Trackway Elements Type III
3.5.1 General
This section provides the guidelines to be used by Transportation Planners and Design
Consultants for defining the limits of the mainline LRT ROW planned in existing and new
outlying development areas of the City. All LRT ROW widths must incorporate the
components / elements outlined in the following Section 3.5.2.

Final Issue July 2017 3.9


The following table provides a summary of the minimum and preferred ROW widths for a
typical LRT surface running configurations. It is recommended that LRT ROW limits be
established to accommodate preferred ROW widths wherever possible. The preferred widths
provide the Designer with some flexibility in accommodating *unforeseen circumstances that
may arise during the alignment design and construction phases. Designing to the minimum
(while accommodating the clearance criteria and elements described in Section 3.5.2) does
not provide any flexibility for accommodating *unforeseen ROW issues.
Note: Unforeseen circumstances can include, but is not limited to the following: topography variations;
ground conditions dictate that the design of the base of the ballast curb be wider than typical; pedestrian
gates/fencing placement is non-typical; decision made at design phase to locate one of ductbanks
outside of trackway; service vehicle access to trackway or to ductbanks outside and inside trackway may
not follow the typical design approach.
There will be LRT alignment design configurations whereby LRT elements and components
must be located to the side of the LRT trackway. In these instances the centerline of trackway
is offset from the centerline of the ROW on a number of the typical ROW cross-sections listed
in the Summary Table and Appendix 1. The Trackway/ROW Planner/Designer must confirm
the component location/requirements and related ROW width with ETS before finalizing the
preliminary LRT ROW and the related establishment of the limits of the adjacent subdivision
Details of the derivation of minimum and preferred ROW width requirements are provided in
Appendix I.
Note: Figures have not been developed for all of the cross-section configurations listed in the tables. If
included in the Guidelines they are referenced.
Summary Table
Minimum and Preferred ROW Widths for a Sample of Typical LRT Mainline Level
Tangent Trackway Cross Section Configurations

Typical Trackway Cross Section Minimum Preferred

ROW (mm) ROW (mm)


1A Basic Trackway with Ditches (refer to Figure 3.7) 18,215 19,715
1B Basic Trackway with Subdrains (refer to Figure 3.7) 11,500 12,500
1C Basic Curbed Trackway (refer to Figure 3.8) 12,700 19,700
1D Trackway at Crossover with Subdrains
i) With switch blowers on one side 13,025
ii) With service vehicle layby on switch blower side 15,500
iii) Provide 1000 mm offset to ROW limit for 1Dii) 16,000
1E Trackway Configuration 1C with MUT on one side 17,100 18,100
1F Type 3 Station with 9 m Platform and Curbed Trackway 20,310 21,610
Longitudinal distance required to transition ROW to basic
trackway width is (50+100+20+50 = 220 m)
1G Trackway Configuration 1B at Pocket Track 22,810 23,810
2A Basic Trackway with Subdrains 12,000 15,800
2B Basic Trackway with Subdrains at Track Crossover 13,025 15,800
2C Basic Curbed Trackway 12,050 16,050
2D Basic Curbed Trackway at Track Crossover 12,275 15,050

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2E Basic Curbed Trackway with Noise Wall and Shared Use 18,495 18,995
Path -one side
2F Type 3 Station with 9 m Platform, Curbed Trackway and 26,755 27,255
Noise Wall and MUT on one side
2G Basic Curbed Trackway at Pocket Track 22,260 23,160
3Ai) Curbed Trkwy. No Left Turns at Intersections 12,700
Aii) Curbed Trkwy. All Ped Crossings Allowed (refer to Fig. - 24,025
Aiii) Curbed Trkwy. Ped Crossings one Side Only Allowed - 22,625
(refer to Fig. 18.3)
Aiv) Curbed Trkwy. No Ped Crossings Allowed (refer to Fig. - 21,220
3B LRT Station with 9 m Platform Ped Crossing one Side Only 30,020
Allowed (refer to Fig. 18.5)
3C LRT Station with 9 m Platform No Ped Crossings Allowed - 28,530
(refer to Fig. 18.6)
3D Curbed Trackway at Pocket Track (subject to Ped Crossing - TBD
condition 3B or 3C)
Provide a min. of 6000 mm offset from centre of R/R track to TBD TBD
centerline of closest LRT track.
Note: Horizontal curves, cut or fill condition will increase ROW requirement. Typically ROW width will be
established when Trackway vertical and horizontal alignment preliminary design is finalized.
The limits of the permanent ROW will be vertical or horizontal planes and must be defined
using simple curves and tangents only. *Spiral curves are not to be used. Chords may be
used under special conditions with the prior approval of ETS.
Note: Refer to Alberta Land Surveyors Manual of Standard Practise regarding Railway Surveys
Normally for surface running conditions the upper or lower limit of ROW is not defined. If an
upper and lower limit is required (e.g. LRT running in tunnel under private property) it should
be described by the elevations of horizontal planes.

3.5.2 LRT Elements and Components

Basic - Level Tangent Track
 Trackway and trackbed support structures
 Clearance requirements (refer to Section 3.3)
 Drainage facilities such as ditches, retention ponds, underground drainage pipes
 Ductbanks and Vaults
 Catenary masts and related support structures
 Track crossovers
 Wayside equipment such as switch machines and switch blowers
 Signal Equipment such as signal cabinets, crossing arm and control cabinets
 Pedestrian swing gates
 Centre and side loading station platform configurations
 LRT related utilities
 Pocket Tracks for LRV storage
 Building structures required for station access, standalone traction power substations

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 LRT related landscaping

 MUT and related landscaping (if adjacent to LRT trackway)
 LRT operational and maintenance requirements such as track maintenance access,
service vehicle parking
Additional Requirements – Due to track geometry
 Curvature and superelevation effect on trains (refer to Section 3.3.3)
 Fill and cut embankment side-slopes
 Fill and cut embankment retaining structures
Other Influencing Factors
 Noise Barrier Walls / Screen Fencing
 Pedestrian grade separation structure (above and below grade)
 Transit Centres constructed adjacent to an LRT Station
 Special construction techniques

3.5.3 Typical Cross Section Configurations

Only several of the configurations provided in this section are referenced in the Summary and
Appendix I Tables. At-grade Mainline Level Tangent Track (Open)
For the exclusive use ROW condition (with subdrains) the preferred horizontal distance from
the centreline of the nearest track to the limit of the ROW is 6250 mm. Due to the open
configuration of the cross-section the walkway / refuge zone on the outside of the tracks is not
Additional width is required in areas where track switches and switch blowers are required and
ductbanks are located outside the trackway.
If a ditch drainage system is to be used substantial additional width is required due to the ditch
Refer to the Summary Table, Appendix I and Figure 3.7 for minimum and preferred LRT ROW
width requirements. At-grade Level Tangent Track (Shared Use)
Where the LRT is to be constructed in a roadway with a wide median, it may be possible to
incorporate the trackway or other related facilities such as stations etc. into the roadway ROW
width without the acquisition of additional land.
Refer to Summary Table, Appendix I, Figure 3.8, Combined Figure 3.18A and Figure 3.18B
and Chapter 18, Streets Design figures for minimum and preferred width requirements for
typical cross-sections. Elevated Guideway Structure
The horizontal limit is defined by the width of the elevated guide way plus an absolute
minimum allowance of 500 mm (1000 mm is preferred) outside of the structure. There may be
instances where an upper limit may also have to be defined.
Refer to Figure 3.13 and Figure 3.21 which show the minimum width for a basic guideway
cross-section based on the clearance requirements only. The ROW limit is subject to the
provision of the applicable components /elements listed in Section 3.5.1. The limit must also
include the width required for the guideway parapet.

Final Issue July 2017 3.12

CLEARANCES AND RIGHT-OF-WAY Mainline Level Tangent Track Partially or Fully Depressed

The lateral limit of the ROW is defined by the width of the track bed, the degree of side-slope
and rounding allowances. The minimum allowable side-slope is 3:1. If the side-slope is to be
grassed (requires on-going maintenance) a flatter slope of 3.5:1 must be provided.
For retained cuts an absolute minimum of 350 mm must be provided from the outside edge of
the retaining wall footing to the LRT ROW limit. An additional allowance may be required for
pile or anchoring devices.
The ROW limit is subject to the provision of the applicable components / elements listed in
Section 3.5.2. The limit must also include the width of the retaining wall footing. Refer to
Figures 3.14 and Figure 3.22 for typical cross-section configurations.
Where property acquisition costs or existing development is a major constraint stand-a-lone
retaining wall construction and/or in combination with side-slopes may have to be
implemented. Mainline Level Tangent Track Fill Embankment
As per the cross-section described in the previous section, the ROW is determined by the
width of the track bed, the degree of side-slope, rounding allowances and drainage ditch width
(if required). The minimum allowable side-slope is 3:1. If the side-slope is to be grassed
(requires on-going maintenance) a flatter 3½:1 slope must be provided.
For retained fills an absolute minimum of 350 mm must be provided from the outside edge of
the retaining wall footings to the ROW property line. Additional allowances may be required
for pile or anchoring devices.
Refer to Clearance Figure 3.15 for a typical cross-section configuration. The ROW limit is
subject to the provision of the elements listed in Section 3.5.2 including the width required for
the retaining wall footing.
As per the guideline in the previous section, where property acquisition costs or existing
development is a major constraint stand-a-lone retaining wall construction or in combination
with side-slopes may have to be implemented. Surface Stations

The basic ROW width required for at-grade stations includes: the trackway, the platform width,
service areas and roof support walls or ballast curb/parapet walls, and catenary masts located
outside of the tracks (centre loading configuration). Additional items that may impact the width
are station access, fare collection and connecting corridors, passageways, landscaping
For a station with a 9 m platform the absolute minimum distance from the centre of the
platform to the ROW limit is 10155 mm. Refer to Figure 3.23 for the typical minimum and
preferred ROW width for a Type III station. Underground
The width of the station with a centre loading platform configuration will generally define the
minimum lateral limit for the ROW. Related considerations are the structural support system,
construction methodology, tunnels, access configurations etc.
In Edmonton, the majority of the underground tunnels and stations are situated under existing
streets with the property limits generally defined by the width of the street ROW.
If the underground section is not under a street but under privately owned property an
easement would be negotiated with the lateral, upper and lower limits defined.

Final Issue July 2017 3.13



The ROW is the total of all property interests and uses required to construct, operate, protect
and maintain the LRT system. Some ROW requirements are temporary and subject to
revision while others are permanent. Permanent requirements are dictated by the physical
space occupied the LRT components as described previously and the long term operating
This section describes the classification of rights-of-way and the various factors that must be
considered in establishing the ROW limit.

3.6.1 Classification of Right-of-Way for Acquisition Purposes Full Ownership (fee simple)
Full ownership of the property extends radially from the center of the earth outward through
specified lateral limits on the surface of the earth and upward.
The objective of the City is to purchase at reasonable market value the property that is
required to construct the LRT project. The City will then have full control over the property
once the title is transferred to them from the previous owner. Easement
An easement is a non-possessing interest held by one party in the land owned by another
party whereby the first party is allowed the partial use of the land for a specified purpose.
There are various types of easements as follows:
 Permanent surface easement with defined lateral limits. If required, upper and lower limits
may also be described.
 Permanent underground easement. It encompasses the total LRT facility located below
the surface of the ground. In addition to lateral limits, upper and lower limits are also
 Permanent aerial easement. This type of easement completely encompasses the aerial
portion of the LRT facility. Lower, lateral, and if required upper limits are described.
 Construction Easement. It is established to allow a Contractor the use of a specified
portion of private property for construction purposes. It is temporary in nature with a pre-
determined duration for occupancy.
 Utility Easement. This is an easement that is required for the installation of LRT related
utilities. They are to be treated as right-of-way. They must be in accordance with the
utility agency regulations.

3.6.2 ROW Acquisition Plans

ROW plans are used as the basis for the acquisition of privately owned property that is
needed to implement the LRT project. The ROW limits must be established early in the
preliminary design phase in order that it can be acquired within the timeframe indicated in
Section 3.6.3.
The CADD Guidelines establishes the functional layout, content and format of the ROW
acquisition plans.
Registration of the final surveyed ROW and permanent easement plans is required after all of
the property has been acquired.

Final Issue July 2017 3.14


3.6.3 Responsibility for ROW Acquisition

The Corporate Properties Branch of the Sustainable Development Department is responsible
for the acquisition of property for City capital construction projects including LRT extensions.
In general, the Branch should be formally requested to commence negotiations to acquire
property in accordance with the following minimum timelines:
 Residential – one year prior to the start of construction.
 Businesses – two years prior to the start of construction.

Final Issue July 2017 3.15


Appendix l
Worksheet for Minimum and Preferred ROW Widths for a
Sample of Typical LRT Mainline Level Tangent Trackway Cross
Section Configurations.

Final Issue July 2017

Curvature Effects (CE)

Inswing Outswing Inswing Outswing

Vehicle/Equipment A B C *W/2 R ¨ I ¨o Clearance Clearance
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (m) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
Design Vehicle 7942 4082 3860 1730 25 300 868 2030 2598
7942 4082 3860 1730 30 249 737 1979 2467
7942 4082 3860 1730 35 214 640 1944 2370
7942 4082 3860 1730 40 187 566 1917 2296
7942 4082 3860 1730 45 166 507 1896 2237
7942 4082 3860 1730 50 149 459 1879 2189
7942 4082 3860 1730 55 136 419 1866 2149
7942 4082 3860 1730 60 124 386 1854 2116
7942 4082 3860 1730 65 115 357 1845 2087
7942 4082 3860 1730 70 107 332 1837 2062
7942 4082 3860 1730 75 99 311 1829 2041
7942 4082 3860 1730 80 93 292 1823 2022
7942 4082 3860 1730 85 88 276 1818 2006
7942 4082 3860 1730 90 83 261 1813 1991
7942 4082 3860 1730 95 78 247 1808 1977
7942 4082 3860 1730 100 75 235 1805 1965
7942 4082 3860 1730 110 68 214 1798 1944
7942 4082 3860 1730 120 62 197 1792 1927
7942 4082 3860 1730 130 57 182 1787 1912
7942 4082 3860 1730 140 53 169 1783 1899
7942 4082 3860 1730 150 50 158 1780 1888
7942 4082 3860 1730 160 47 148 1777 1878
7942 4082 3860 1730 170 44 140 1774 1870
7942 4082 3860 1730 180 41 132 1771 1862
7942 4082 3860 1730 190 39 125 1769 1855
7942 4082 3860 1730 200 37 119 1767 1849
7942 4082 3860 1730 210 35 113 1765 1843
7942 4082 3860 1730 220 34 108 1764 1838
7942 4082 3860 1730 230 32 104 1762 1834
7942 4082 3860 1730 240 31 99 1761 1829
7942 4082 3860 1730 250 30 95 1760 1825
7942 4082 3860 1730 260 29 92 1759 1822
7942 4082 3860 1730 270 28 88 1758 1818
7942 4082 3860 1730 280 27 85 1757 1815
7942 4082 3860 1730 290 26 82 1756 1812
7942 4082 3860 1730 300 25 80 1755 1810

* W - refers to the dynamic width of design vehicle (refer to Figure 3.3)

Table of Calculated Values

Figure 3.4 - Page 1 of 7

Inswing Outswing Inswing Outswing
Vehicle/Equipment A B C *W/2 R ¨ I ¨o Clearance Clearance
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (m) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
Design Vehicle 7942 4082 3860 1730 310 24 77 1754 1807
7942 4082 3860 1730 310 24 77 1754 1807
7942 4082 3860 1730 320 23 75 1753 1805
7942 4082 3860 1730 330 23 72 1753 1802
7942 4082 3860 1730 340 22 70 1752 1800
7942 4082 3860 1730 350 21 68 1751 1798
7942 4082 3860 1730 360 21 66 1751 1796
7942 4082 3860 1730 370 20 65 1750 1795
7942 4082 3860 1730 380 20 63 1750 1793
7942 4082 3860 1730 390 19 61 1749 1791
7942 4082 3860 1730 400 19 60 1749 1790
7942 4082 3860 1730 410 18 58 1748 1788
7942 4082 3860 1730 420 18 57 1748 1787
7942 4082 3860 1730 430 17 56 1747 1786
7942 4082 3860 1730 440 17 54 1747 1784
7942 4082 3860 1730 450 17 53 1747 1783
7942 4082 3860 1730 460 16 52 1746 1782
7942 4082 3860 1730 470 16 51 1746 1781
7942 4082 3860 1730 480 16 50 1746 1780
7942 4082 3860 1730 490 15 49 1745 1779
7942 4082 3860 1730 500 15 48 1745 1778
7942 4082 3860 1730 510 15 47 1745 1777
7942 4082 3860 1730 520 14 46 1744 1776
7942 4082 3860 1730 530 14 45 1744 1775
7942 4082 3860 1730 540 14 44 1744 1774
7942 4082 3860 1730 550 14 44 1744 1774
7942 4082 3860 1730 560 13 43 1743 1773
7942 4082 3860 1730 570 13 42 1743 1772
7942 4082 3860 1730 580 13 41 1743 1771
7942 4082 3860 1730 590 13 41 1743 1771
7942 4082 3860 1730 600 12 40 1742 1770
7942 4082 3860 1730 610 12 39 1742 1769
7942 4082 3860 1730 620 12 39 1742 1769
7942 4082 3860 1730 630 12 38 1742 1768
7942 4082 3860 1730 640 12 38 1742 1768
7942 4082 3860 1730 650 11 37 1741 1767
7942 4082 3860 1730 660 11 36 1741 1766
7942 4082 3860 1730 670 11 36 1741 1766
7942 4082 3860 1730 680 11 35 1741 1765
7942 4082 3860 1730 690 11 35 1741 1765
7942 4082 3860 1730 700 11 34 1741 1764

* W - refers to the dynamic width of design vehicle (refer to Figure 3.3)

Table of Calculated Values

Figure 3.4 - Page 2 of 7

Inswing Outswing Inswing Outswing
Vehicle/Equipment A B C *W/2 R ¨ I ¨o Clearance Clearance
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (m) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
Design Vehicle 7942 4082 3860 1730 710 10 34 1740 1764
7942 4082 3860 1730 720 10 33 1740 1763
7942 4082 3860 1730 730 10 33 1740 1763
7942 4082 3860 1730 740 10 32 1740 1762
7942 4082 3860 1730 750 10 32 1740 1762
7942 4082 3860 1730 760 10 32 1740 1762
7942 4082 3860 1730 770 10 31 1740 1761
7942 4082 3860 1730 780 10 31 1740 1761
7942 4082 3860 1730 790 9 30 1739 1760
7942 4082 3860 1730 800 9 30 1739 1760
7942 4082 3860 1730 810 9 30 1739 1760
7942 4082 3860 1730 820 9 29 1739 1759
7942 4082 3860 1730 830 9 29 1739 1759
7942 4082 3860 1730 840 9 29 1739 1759
7942 4082 3860 1730 850 9 28 1739 1758
7942 4082 3860 1730 860 9 28 1739 1758
7942 4082 3860 1730 870 9 28 1739 1758
7942 4082 3860 1730 880 8 27 1738 1757
7942 4082 3860 1730 890 8 27 1738 1757
7942 4082 3860 1730 900 8 27 1738 1757
7942 4082 3860 1730 910 8 26 1738 1756
7942 4082 3860 1730 920 8 26 1738 1756
7942 4082 3860 1730 930 8 26 1738 1756
7942 4082 3860 1730 940 8 26 1738 1756
7942 4082 3860 1730 950 8 25 1738 1755
7942 4082 3860 1730 960 8 25 1738 1755
7942 4082 3860 1730 970 8 25 1738 1755
7942 4082 3860 1730 980 8 25 1738 1755
7942 4082 3860 1730 990 8 24 1738 1754
7942 4082 3860 1730 1000 7 24 1737 1754
7942 4082 3860 1730 1050 7 23 1737 1753
7942 4082 3860 1730 1100 7 22 1737 1752
7942 4082 3860 1730 1150 6 21 1736 1751
7942 4082 3860 1730 1200 6 20 1736 1750
7942 4082 3860 1730 1250 6 19 1736 1749
7942 4082 3860 1730 1300 6 18 1736 1748
7942 4082 3860 1730 1350 6 18 1736 1748
7942 4082 3860 1730 1400 5 17 1735 1747
7942 4082 3860 1730 1450 5 17 1735 1747
7942 4082 3860 1730 1500 5 16 1735 1746

* W - refers to the dynamic width of design vehicle (refer to Figure 3.3)

Table of Calculated Values

Figure 3.4 - Page 3 of 7

Inswing Outswing Inswing Outswing
Vehicle/Equipment A B C *W/2 R ¨ I ¨o Clearance Clearance
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (m) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
U2 7667 3807 3860 1459 25 300 801 1759 2260
At Floor Level 7667 3807 3860 1459 30 249 679 1708 2138
7667 3807 3860 1459 35 214 589 1673 2048
7667 3807 3860 1459 40 187 519 1646 1978
7667 3807 3860 1459 45 166 465 1625 1924
7667 3807 3860 1459 50 149 420 1608 1879
7667 3807 3860 1459 55 136 384 1595 1843
7667 3807 3860 1459 60 124 353 1583 1812
7667 3807 3860 1459 65 115 327 1574 1786
7667 3807 3860 1459 70 107 304 1566 1763
7667 3807 3860 1459 75 99 285 1558 1744
7667 3807 3860 1459 80 93 267 1552 1726
7667 3807 3860 1459 85 88 252 1547 1711
7667 3807 3860 1459 90 83 238 1542 1697
7667 3807 3860 1459 95 78 226 1537 1685
7667 3807 3860 1459 100 75 215 1534 1674
7667 3807 3860 1459 110 68 196 1527 1655
7667 3807 3860 1459 120 62 180 1521 1639
7667 3807 3860 1459 130 57 166 1516 1625
7667 3807 3860 1459 140 53 154 1512 1613
7667 3807 3860 1459 150 50 144 1509 1603
7667 3807 3860 1459 160 47 135 1506 1594
7667 3807 3860 1459 170 44 128 1503 1587
7667 3807 3860 1459 180 41 121 1500 1580
7667 3807 3860 1459 190 39 114 1498 1573
7667 3807 3860 1459 200 37 109 1496 1568
7667 3807 3860 1459 210 35 103 1494 1562
7667 3807 3860 1459 220 34 99 1493 1558
7667 3807 3860 1459 230 32 95 1491 1554
7667 3807 3860 1459 240 31 91 1490 1550
7667 3807 3860 1459 250 30 87 1489 1546
7667 3807 3860 1459 260 29 84 1488 1543
7667 3807 3860 1459 270 28 81 1487 1540
7667 3807 3860 1459 280 27 78 1486 1537
7667 3807 3860 1459 290 26 75 1485 1534
7667 3807 3860 1459 300 25 73 1484 1532

* W - refers to the dynamic width of U2 vehicle (refer to Figure 3.3)

Table of Calculated Values

Figure 3.4 - Page 4 of 7

Inswing Outswing Inswing Outswing
Vehicle/Equipment A B C *W/2 R ¨ I ¨o Clearance Clearance
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (m) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
U2 7667 3807 3860 1459 310 24 70 1483 1529
At Floor Level 7667 3807 3860 1459 310 24 70 1483 1529
7667 3807 3860 1459 320 23 68 1482 1527
7667 3807 3860 1459 330 23 66 1482 1525
7667 3807 3860 1459 340 22 64 1481 1523
7667 3807 3860 1459 350 21 62 1480 1521
7667 3807 3860 1459 360 21 61 1480 1520
7667 3807 3860 1459 370 20 59 1479 1518
7667 3807 3860 1459 380 20 57 1479 1516
7667 3807 3860 1459 390 19 56 1478 1515
7667 3807 3860 1459 400 19 55 1478 1514
7667 3807 3860 1459 410 18 53 1477 1512
7667 3807 3860 1459 420 18 52 1477 1511
7667 3807 3860 1459 430 17 51 1476 1510
7667 3807 3860 1459 440 17 50 1476 1509
7667 3807 3860 1459 450 17 49 1476 1508
7667 3807 3860 1459 460 16 47 1475 1506
7667 3807 3860 1459 470 16 46 1475 1505
7667 3807 3860 1459 480 16 46 1475 1505
7667 3807 3860 1459 490 15 45 1474 1504
7667 3807 3860 1459 500 15 44 1474 1503
7667 3807 3860 1459 510 15 43 1474 1502
7667 3807 3860 1459 520 14 42 1473 1501
7667 3807 3860 1459 530 14 41 1473 1500
7667 3807 3860 1459 540 14 40 1473 1499
7667 3807 3860 1459 550 14 40 1473 1499
7667 3807 3860 1459 560 13 39 1472 1498
7667 3807 3860 1459 570 13 38 1472 1497
7667 3807 3860 1459 580 13 38 1472 1497
7667 3807 3860 1459 590 13 37 1472 1496
7667 3807 3860 1459 600 12 36 1471 1495
7667 3807 3860 1459 610 12 36 1471 1495
7667 3807 3860 1459 620 12 35 1471 1494
7667 3807 3860 1459 630 12 35 1471 1494
7667 3807 3860 1459 640 12 34 1471 1493
7667 3807 3860 1459 650 11 34 1470 1493
7667 3807 3860 1459 660 11 33 1470 1492
7667 3807 3860 1459 670 11 33 1470 1492
7667 3807 3860 1459 680 11 32 1470 1491
7667 3807 3860 1459 690 11 32 1470 1491
7667 3807 3860 1459 700 11 31 1470 1490

* W - refers to the dynamic width of U2 vehicle (refer to Figure 3.3)

Table of Calculated Values

Figure 3.4 - Page 5 of 7

Inswing Outswing Inswing Outswing
Vehicle/Equipment A B C *W/2 R ¨ I ¨o Clearance Clearance
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (m) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
U2 7667 3807 3860 1459 710 10 31 1469 1490
At Floor Level 7667 3807 3860 1459 720 10 30 1469 1489
7667 3807 3860 1459 730 10 30 1469 1489
7667 3807 3860 1459 740 10 30 1469 1489
7667 3807 3860 1459 750 10 29 1469 1488
7667 3807 3860 1459 760 10 29 1469 1488
7667 3807 3860 1459 770 10 28 1469 1487
7667 3807 3860 1459 780 10 28 1469 1487
7667 3807 3860 1459 790 9 28 1468 1487
7667 3807 3860 1459 800 9 27 1468 1486
7667 3807 3860 1459 810 9 27 1468 1486
7667 3807 3860 1459 820 9 27 1468 1486
7667 3807 3860 1459 830 9 26 1468 1485
7667 3807 3860 1459 840 9 26 1468 1485
7667 3807 3860 1459 850 9 26 1468 1485
7667 3807 3860 1459 860 9 25 1468 1484
7667 3807 3860 1459 870 9 25 1468 1484
7667 3807 3860 1459 880 8 25 1467 1484
7667 3807 3860 1459 890 8 25 1467 1484
7667 3807 3860 1459 900 8 24 1467 1483
7667 3807 3860 1459 910 8 24 1467 1483
7667 3807 3860 1459 920 8 24 1467 1483
7667 3807 3860 1459 930 8 24 1467 1483
7667 3807 3860 1459 940 8 23 1467 1482
7667 3807 3860 1459 950 8 23 1467 1482
7667 3807 3860 1459 960 8 23 1467 1482
7667 3807 3860 1459 970 8 23 1467 1482
7667 3807 3860 1459 980 8 22 1467 1481
7667 3807 3860 1459 990 8 22 1467 1481
7667 3807 3860 1459 1000 7 22 1466 1481
7667 3807 3860 1459 1050 7 21 1466 1480
7667 3807 3860 1459 1100 7 20 1466 1479
7667 3807 3860 1459 1150 6 19 1465 1478
7667 3807 3860 1459 1200 6 18 1465 1477
7667 3807 3860 1459 1250 6 18 1465 1477
7667 3807 3860 1459 1300 6 17 1465 1476
7667 3807 3860 1459 1350 6 16 1465 1475
7667 3807 3860 1459 1400 5 16 1464 1475
7667 3807 3860 1459 1450 5 15 1464 1474
7667 3807 3860 1459 1500 5 15 1464 1474

* W - refers to the dynamic width of U2 vehicle (refer to Figure 3.3)

Table of Calculated Values

Figure 3.4 - Page 6 of 7

Inswing Outswing Inswing Outswing
Vehicle/Equipment A B C *W/2 R ¨ I ¨o Clearance Clearance
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (m) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
U2 7667 3807 3860 1459 1600 5 14 1464 1473
At Floor Level 7667 3807 3860 1459 1700 4 13 1463 1472
7667 3807 3860 1459 1800 4 12 1463 1471
7667 3807 3860 1459 1900 4 12 1463 1471
7667 3807 3860 1459 2000 4 11 1463 1470
7667 3807 3860 1459 2100 4 10 1463 1469
7667 3807 3860 1459 2200 3 10 1462 1469
7667 3807 3860 1459 2300 3 10 1462 1469
7667 3807 3860 1459 2400 3 9 1462 1468
7667 3807 3860 1459 2500 3 9 1462 1468
7667 3807 3860 1459 2600 3 8 1462 1467
7667 3807 3860 1459 2700 3 8 1462 1467
7667 3807 3860 1459 2800 3 8 1462 1467
7667 3807 3860 1459 2900 3 8 1462 1467
7667 3807 3860 1459 3000 2 7 1461 1466
7667 3807 3860 1459 3500 2 6 1461 1465
7667 3807 3860 1459 4000 2 5 1461 1464
7667 3807 3860 1459 4500 2 5 1461 1464
7667 3807 3860 1459 5000 1 4 1460 1463
7667 3807 3860 1459 6000 1 4 1460 1463
7667 3807 3860 1459 7000 1 3 1460 1462
7667 3807 3860 1459 8000 1 3 1460 1462
7667 3807 3860 1459 9000 1 2 1460 1461
7667 3807 3860 1459 10000 1 2 1460 1461
7667 3807 3860 1459 15000 0 1 1459 1460
7667 3807 3860 1459 20000 0 1 1459 1460
7667 3807 3860 1459 30000 0 1 1459 1460
7667 3807 3860 1459 40000 0 1 1459 1460
7667 3807 3860 1459 50000 0 0 1459 1459

* W - refers to the dynamic width of U2 vehicle (refer to Figure 3.3)

Table of Calculated Values

Figure 3.4 - Page 7 of 7

Superelevation Effects

Design Vehicle U2 SD160

*Top Corner *Top Corner *Floor Level *Top Corner *Floor Level
Superelevation Vehicle Vehicle Vehicle Vehicle Vehicle
Tilting Tilting Tilting Tilting Tilting
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
5 11 10 3 10 3
10 23 19 6 21 6
15 34 29 9 31 9
20 45 39 12 41 12
25 56 49 16 52 16
30 68 58 19 62 19
35 79 68 22 72 22
40 90 78 25 83 25
45 102 87 28 93 28
50 113 97 31 103 31
55 124 107 34 114 34
60 136 116 37 124 37
65 147 126 40 135 40
70 158 136 43 145 44
75 169 146 47 155 47
80 181 155 50 166 50
85 192 165 53 176 53
90 203 175 56 186 56
100 226 194 62 207 62

Table of Calculated Values

Figure 3.6

Design Vehicle's top corner = 3401 mm from top of rail
U2's top corner = 2912 mm from top of rail
U2's floor level = 943 mm from top of rail at AW4 loading
Siemens SD160 floor level = 937 mm from top of rail at AW4 loading
Siemens SD160's top corner ( at camera position) = 3115 mm from top of rail

Appendix l Minimum and Preferred ROW Widths for Sample of Typical LRT Mainline Level Tangent Trackway Cross Section Configurations
1-TRACKWAY OPEN AREA Minimum Preferred 2 -TRACKWAY BESIDE ARTERIAL/COLLECTOR RD (cont'd) Minimum Preferred
ROW mm ROW mm Details of Dimensions ROW mm ROW mm Details of Dimensions

1A - Basic Trackway with Ditches - (refer to Figs. 3.7 & 5.4) 2C - Basic Curbed Trackway
i) Min. distance from centreline of trackway to ROW limit: 6607(2250+1800+1557+1000)+1500+500+500=9107 2250-dist. from centre of trackway to centre of track:1800-dist fr.centre of track to top edge ballast Min. distance from Trkwy center to farside ROW Limit: 2250+2300+650+500=5700 2250 - distance from Trkwy centre to centreline of track
Min. ROW: 9107x2=18215 rd'd (based on 3:1 sideslope) 18,215 1557+1000-dist. Fr. top edge of ballast to bottom of ditch:6607 dist. Fr. Centre of trkwy to center of ditch Min. distance from track center to BOC: 2250+2300+300+1500=6350 2300 - distance from centreline of track to trackside top edge of ballast curb
(Option available to locate all ductbanks between tracks or Comm ductbank at top of ditch slope) 1500 - 3:1 min sideslope farside of ditch Min ROW: 5700+6350 = 12050 (All ductbanks located between tracks) 12,050 650- width of base of ballast curb
500 - rounding at top of ditch 500- min offset from ballast curb base to farside ROW limit
500 - minimum offset from rounding to min. LRT ROW limit Pref. dist. fr. Trkwy centre to farside ROW limit - provide 1000 offset from outside of ballast curb =6200 1500 - dist. from outside top edge of ballast curb to LRT ROW Limit (Fig.3.8)
Pref. dist. From Trkwy centre to BOC - 2250+2300+300+5000=9850
ii) Preferred distance from Track Center to ROW Limit:6607+1750+500+1000=9857 6607 - dist. From centre of trkwy to centre of ditch Preferred ROW: 6200+9850=16050 16,050 1000-preferred offset from ballast curb base to farside ROW limit
Preferred ROW: 9857x2=19715 (based on 3.5/1 sideslope) 19,715 1750 -31/2:1 preferred sideslope farside of ditch (Comm ductbank located between roadside ballast curb and BOC) 5000- preferred distance from top of ballast curb to BOC (refer to Fig3.8)
(Option available to locate all ductbanks between tracks or Comm ductbank at top of ditch slope) 500 - rounding at top of ditch 2D - Basic Curbed Trackway at Track Crossover
1000-preferred offset from rounding to preferred ROW limit Min. distance from Trkwy center to farside ROW Limit: 2250+2300+650+500=5700 2250 - distance from centreline of trackway to centreline of track
1B - Basic Trackway with subdrains (refer to Fig.3.7) Min.dist. from Trky center to BOC of road 2250+2300+300+1225+500=6575 2300-distance from centreline of track to track side of ballast curb
i) Abs. Min. distance from centreline of trackway to ROW limit: 2250+1800+1200+500=5750 2250 - distance from centreline of trkwy to centreline of track Min ROW: 5700+6575=12275 12,275 300-width of top of tapered ballast curb
Abs. Min. ROW: 5750x2=11500 11,500 1800 - distance from centreline of track to top outside edge of track ballast (Comm Ductbank between road and tracks. All other ductbanks located between tracks) 650-width of base of tapered ballast curb
(All ductbanks located between tracks, width marginally adequate to house wayside equip. 1200 - distance from top edge of ballast to the outside edge of subdrain 500- min offset from base of ballast curb to farside ROW limit
500 - minimum offset from outside edge of subdrain to min. LRT ROW Limit Preferred dist. from Trkwy center to farside ROW limit 2250+2300+650+1000=6200
ii)Preferred distance from Tkwy centre to ROW Limit:2250+1800+1200+1000=6250 Preferred dist. from Track Center to BOC of road 2250+2300+300+4000=8850 1225-width of blower pad
Preferred ROW: 6250x2=12500 (All ductbanks between tracks) 12,500 1000 - preferred offset from outside of ductbank to LRT ROW limit Preferred ROW: 6200+8850=15050 15,050 1000-preferred offset from base of ballast curb to farside ROW limit
iii) Preferred dist.from Trkwy centre to ROW Limit on ductbank side:2250+1800+1200+1950+500+1000=8700 1950 - distance from outside edge of subdrain to centre of typical 1000 comm. ductbank (Provides exclusive service vehicle layby, comm ductbank between trackway and road 4000- distance from to edge of ballast curb to edge of road travelled lane (layby width)
Preferred ROW: 6250+8700=14950 14,950 500-distance from centre of ductbank for farside edge of ductbank and switch blower pad in service vehicle layby)
(Locate Comm. Ductbank on one side of Trackway and provide 1000 offset to ROW Limit) 1000 - preferred offset from farside edge of ductbank to preferred LRT ROW limit

1C - Basic Curbed Trackway (refer to Fig 3.8) 2E - Basic Curbed Trackway with Noise Wall and MUT on one side
i) Min. distance from trackway center to ROW Limt 2250+2600+1500=6350 2250 - distance from centreline of trackway to centreline of track (Based on Typical 114 Street North of 76 Ave.) 2250 - distance from centreline of trackway to centreline of track
Min. ROW: 6350x2=12700 12,700 2600 - distance from centreline trackway to outside top edge of 300 ballast curb Min. distance from Track center to farside ROW Limit:2250+2300+295+500+3000+500=8845 2300 - distance from centreline of track to trackside face of noise wall cap
(All ductbanks located between tracks) 1500 - distance from outside top edge of ballast curb to LRT ROW Limit Min. distance from track center to BOC:2250+7400=9650 295 - width of noise wall cap
Min ROW: 8845+9650=18495 18,495 500 - distance from MUT side face of noise wall cap to trackside edge of MUT
ii) Preferred distance from trky centre to ROW limit 2250+2600+5000=9850 5000 - distance from outside top edge of ballast curb to LRT ROW Limit (Comm Ductbank between track and road. All other ductbanks located between tracks) 3000 - min. width of MUT
Preferred ROW: 9850x2=19700 19,700 review 5000 - from Fig 3.8 500-min. offset from edge of MUT to ROW limit
(Locate Comm. ductbank on one side of Trkwy) 7400 - distance from road side track centreline to back of road curb (BOC)

1D - Basic Trackway with subdrains at Track Crossover Preferred ROW: 18495 - 500 +1000=18995 18,995 1000-preferred offset from MUT to ROW limit
i) With switch blowers on one side distance from trkwy centre to 2250 - distance from centreline of trackway to centreline of track
min. ROW limit is: 2250+1800+1200+300+1225+500=7275 1800 - distance from centreline of track to top outside edge of track ballast 2F - Type 3 Station with 9 m platform, Curbed Trkwy, Noise Wall and MUT on one side
Distance from track centre opposite switch blower to min. ROW limit: 2250+1800+1200+500=5750 1200 - distance from top edge of ballast to the outside edge of subdrain Min.dist. from track center to farside ROW limit: 4500+1405+2300+950+295+500+3000+500=13450 4500-platform width of 9000 divided by 2
Min. ROW: 7275+5750 = 13025 13,025 300-offset from subdrain to nearside edge of switch blower pad Min./pref. dist. from track centre to BOC 4500+1405+7400=13305 1405-distance from platform edge to track centre
1225 - width of switch blower pad Min ROW: 13450+13305=26755 26,755 2300 - distance from centreline of track to trackside face of cat pole base
ii) With sevice vehicle layby on switch blower side distance from track centre to 500 - minimum offset from outside edge of blower pad to LRT ROW Limit (Noise Wall and MUT on one side of station. All ductbanks routed under station platform) 7400 - distance from track centreline to back of road curb (BOC)
min. ROW limit is: 2250+1800+1200+4000+500=9750 950-width of cat pole base
Distance from track centre on opposite side of switch blower to ROW Limit:2250+1800+1200+500=5750 295- width of noise wall cap
Min.ROW: 9750+5750=15500 15,500 4000 - width of service vehicl layby measured from outside of subdrain 500 - distance from MUT side face of noise wall cap to trackside edge of MUT
(Comm. Ductbank can be accommodated outside trackway on service veh.layby side) 3000 - width of MUT
500-min. offset from edge of MUT to ROW limit
iii) Provide preferred 1000 offset from subdrain to ROW Limit for Configuration 1D ii) opposite side only
Preferred ROW: 15500+500=16000 16,000 Add 500 offset to provide preferred offset of 1000 on side opposite service vehicle layby Preferred ROW: 26755 - 500+1000 =27255 27,255 1000-preferred offset from MUT to ROW limit

Longtitudnal dist. req'd to transition ROW to basic trackway width (50+100+20+50=220m) 50- transition distance from basic trackway to station and trackway width
1E - Trackway Configuration 1C (Basic Curbed) with *SUP on one side 100- platform length 4 car trains
Min. dist. From Trkwy center to ROW limit on SUP side: 2250+2600+3050+3000+500=11400 2250 - distance from centreline of trackway to centreline of track 20-additional platform length to accommodate one more car
Distance from track centre on side opposite to SUP to ROW limit:2250+2300+650+500=5700 2600 - distance from centreline trackway to outside top edge of ballast curb
Min ROW: 11400+5700=17100 17,100 3050 -distance from outside edge of ballast curb to trackway edge of SUP 2G - Basic Curbed Trackway at Pocket Track
(Comm. ductbank can be located between ballast curb and SUP) 3000 - width of SUP Min.dist. from track center to farside ROW limit: 4500+1405+2300+650+500=9355 4500-platform width of 9000 divided by 2
650 - width of base of ballast curb Min/pref. dist. from track centre to BOC 4500+1405+7400=13305 1405-distance from platform edge to track centre
*Note: "SUP" - Shared Use Path (Formely "MUT" - Multi-Use Trail) 500 - minimum offset from outside edge of SUP to LRT ROW Limit Min ROW: 9355+13305=22660 22,660 2300 - distance from centreline of track to trackside face of cat pole base
(All ductbanks and switch blowers located in trackway, distance to BOC adequate to accommodate 650-width of base of ballast curb
Preferred ROW: 11400+2250+2300+650+500+1000 (500+500)=18100 18,100 1000-preferred offset from outside edge of SUP to LRT ROW Limit service vehicle layby) 500- min. offset from edge ballast curb to farside ROW limit
7400 - distance from roadside track centreline to back of road curb (BOC)
1000-preferred offset from edge of signal base to ROW limit
1F - Type 3 Station with 9 m platform and Curbed Trackway (refer to Fig.3.23) Preferred ROW: 9355 - 500+1000+13305=23160 23,160
Abs. min. distance from platform centre to ROW limit:4500+1405+2300+650+950+350=10155 4500 - platform width 9000 divided by 2
Abs. min ROW: 10155x2=20310 20,310 1405 - distance from platform edge to centreline of track 3 - TRACKWAY IN MEDIAN OF ARTERIAL ROAD Minimum Preferred
(Ductbanks routed under station platform, Cat masts on outside of ballast curb along length of platform) 2300 - distance from centreline trkwy to inside edge of ballast curb ROW mm ROW mm Details of Dimensions
650-width of base of ballast curb All ductbanks located in median of roadway and between or alongside of tracks
950-diameter of catenary mast foundation Min ROW - is distance between trackside of New Jersy Barriers (NBJ) on both sides of median.
350 - abs. min. offset from outside edge of cat. mast base to LRT ROW Limit Median ROW widths may increase - dependent on pedestrian volumes at Ped X-ings
2300 - distance from outside top edge of ballast curb to LRT ROW Limit
Preferred distance from platform center to ROW limit 4500+1405+2300+650+950+1000=10805 3A(i) - Basic Curbed Trackway No left turns at intersections
Preferred ROW: 10805x2=21610 21,610 1000-preferred offset from outside edge of cat mast base to LRT ROW Limit Refer to Configuration 1C for ROW width
Min. LRT ROW: 12700 12,700
Longtitudnal dist. req'd to transition ROW to basic trackway width (50+100+20+50=220m) 50- transition distance from basic trackway to station and trackway width
100- platform length 4 car trains 3A(ii) - Curbed Trackway All ped crossings allowed (refer to Fig. 18.2)
20-additional platform length to accommodate one more car Distance from trackway centreline to farside edge of left turn bay: 7250+1460+3300=12010 7250-distance from center of trackway to back of NJB on left turn bay side
1G - Trackway Configuration 1B (with subdrains) at Pocket Track Distance from trackway centreline on opposite side to trackside edge of through lane:10550+1460=12015 1460-offset from back of NJB to left turn bay lane marking/trackside edge of through lane
Min. distance from trackway centerline to farside ROW limit 4500+1405+1800+1200+500=9405 4500 - platform width 9000 divided by 2 Preferred LRT ROW: 12010+12015=24025 24,025 3300-width of left turn bay
Min. distance to ROW limit on Serv. Veh lay side 4500=1405+1800+1200+4000+500=13405 1405 - distance from platform edge to centreline of track 10555-distance from center of trackway to back of NJB on through lane side
Min. ROW: 9405+13405=22810 22,810 1800 - distance from centreline of track to top outside edge of track ballast
(Track centers based on station platform width of 9000) 1200 - distance from top edge of ballast to the outside edge of subdrain 3A(iii) - Curbed Trackway Ped crossings one side only allowed (refer to Fig. 18.3)
(Switch blowers located between tracks. All ductbanks located in trackway) 4000 - width of service vehicl layby Distance from trackway centreline to farside edge of left turn bay: 5850+1460+3300=10610 5850-distance from center of trackway to back of NJB on left turn bay side
500 - minimum offset from outside edge subdrain/service vehicle layby to LRT ROW Limit Distance from trackway centreline on opposite side to trackside edge of through lane:10550+1460=12015 1460-offset from back of NJB to left turn bay lane marking/trackside edge of through lane
LRT ROW: 10610+12015=22625 22,625 3300-width of left turn bay
Preferred ROW: 22810+1000 (500+500)=23810 23,810 1000-preferred offset from outside edge of subdrain/service veh. Layby to LRT ROW Limit 10555-distance from center of trackway to back of NJB on through lane side

2 -TRACKWAY BESIDE ARTERIAL/COLLECTOR RD Minimum Preferred 3A(iv) - Curbed Trackway No Ped crossings allowed (refer to Fig.18.4)
ROW mm ROW mm Details of Dimensions Distance from trackway centreline to farside edge of left turn bay: 5850+1460+3300=10610 5850-distance from center of trackway to back of NJB on left turn bay side
Distance from trackway centreline on opposite side to trackside edge of through lane:9150+1460=10610 1460-offset from back of NJB to left turn bay lane marking/trackside edge of through lane
Open Trackway with Ditches - Configuration generally not applicable in urban area LRT ROW: 10610+10610=21220 21,220 3300-width of left turn bay
9150-distance from center of trackway to back of NJB on through lane side
2A - Basic Open Trackway with sudrains
Min.distance from Trkwy center to farside ROW limit 2250+1800+1200+500=5750 2250 - distance from centreline of trackway to centreline of track 3B - LRT Station w/ 9m Platform Ped crossing one side only (refer to Fig.18.5)
Min.distance from Trkwy center to BOC of road 2250+1800+1200+1000=6250 1800 - distance from centreline of track to top edge of track ballast Distance from trackway centreline to farside edge of left turn bay:9500+1460+3300=14260 9500-distance from center of trackway to back of NJB on left turn bay side
Min. ROW: 5750+6250=12000 12,000 1200 - distance from top edge of ballast to the outside edge of subdrain Distance from trackway centreline on opposite side to trackside edge of through lane:14210+1460=15760 1460-offset from back of NJB to left turn bay lane marking/trackside edge of through lane
(All ductbanks located between tracks) 500- min. off set from outside edge of subdrain to far side ROW limit LRT ROW: 14260+15760=30020 30,020 3300-width of left turn bay
1000 - distance from outside edge of subdrain to BOC (back of curb) 14210 -distance from center of trackway to back of NJB on through lane side

Preferred distance from Trkwy center to farside ROW limit 2250+1800+1200+1000=6250 3C - LRT Station w/ 9m Platform No Ped crossings (refer to Fig.18.6)
Preferred distance from Trkwy center to BOC of road 2250+1800+1200+4300=9550 4300-distance from outside edge of subdrain to BOC Distance from trackway centreline to farside edge of left turn bay:9500+1460+3300=14260 9500-distance from center of trackway to back of NJB on left turn bay side
Preferred ROW: 6250+9550=15800 15,800 1000-preferred offset from outside edge of subdrain to farside ROW limit Distance from trackway centreline on opposite side to trackside edge of through lane:12810+1460=14270 1460-offset from back of NJB to left turn bay lane marking/trackside edge of through lane
(Comm ductbank on road side of trackway between subdrain and BOC) LRT ROW: 14260+14270=28530 28,530 3300-width of left turn bay
12810 -distance from center of trackway to back of NJB on through lane side
2B - Basic Trackway with Subdrains at Track Crossover
Min.dist. from Trkwy center to farside ROW limit 2250+1800+1200+500=5750 2250 - distance from centreline of trackway to centreline of track 3D - Curbed Trackway at Pocket Track
Min.dist. from Trkwy center to BOC of road 2250+1800+1200+300+1225+500=7275 1800 - distance from centreline of track to top edge of track ballast Dependent if Cross-section 3B or 3C above are implemented. TBD
Min. ROW: 5750+7275=13025 13,025 1200 - distance from top edge of ballast to the outside edge of subdrain
(All ducbanks in trackway, service vehicles occupy curb lane) 300 - distance from outside edge of subdrain to edge of blower pad 4 - TRACKWAY BESIDE OPERATING RAILROAD
1225 - width of blower pad; 500-min.offset from outside edge of blower pad to BOC Provide 6000 mm distance between the centreline of the railroad track and the centre of the closests TBD
LRT track. Width of LRT ROW will be dependent on application of configurations previously described.
Preferred distance from Trkwy center to farside ROW limit 2250+1800+1200+1000=6250 4000 - distance from track side of blower pad to edge of road travelled lane
Preferred distance from Trkwy center to BOC of road 2250+1800+1200+300+4000=9550 1000 - preferred offset from outside edge of subdrain to farside ROW limit
Preferred ROW: 6250+9550=15800 15,800
(Provides exclusive service vehicle layby; comm ductbank between trkwy and road; switch blower pad
in service vehicle layby)
Chapter 4 – Revision Tracking Form


Chapter 4
2017 EDITION – Revisions Tracking Form
Section Reference Revision General Description Issue Date
All Various Various units have been changed to match ISO July 2017
standards (e.g. kph or km/hr have been changed
to km/h)

4.1.4 2nd last bullet Minor text change. (b), 1st paragr Updated reference. Balanced Minor text change.

Speed, 4th





4.1  GENERAL 1 
4.1.1  Introduction 1 
4.1.2  Applicable Codes, Regulations, Standards and Practices 1 
4.1.3  Design Basis 1 
4.1.4  Optimization 1 
4.1.5  Design Speed 2 
4.1.6  Definitions and Nomenclatures 3 
4.2.1  General 6 
4.2.2  Tangent Sections 8 
4.2.3  Curved Lines 9 
4.3.1  General 14 
4.3.2  Gradient 15 
4.3.3  Vertical Curves (VC) 15 
4.3.4  Vertical Tangents 16 
4.3.5  Asymmetrical Vertical Curves 16 
ONLY) 17 

List of Figures
Figure 4.1 - LRV Acceleration Data (Graph and Table)
Figure 4.2 - Summary of Horizontal Alignment Standards (Table)
Figure 4.3 - Vu Versus Eu for Given Ea and Curve Radius (Table)
Figure 4.4 - Superelevation Versus Radius and Unbalanced Speed (Table)
Figure 4.5 - LRV Articulating Joint Limits
Figure 4.6 - Summary of Vertical Alignment Standards (Table)
List of Diagrams
Diagram 1 - Horizontal Curve and Spiral Nomenclature
Diagram 2 - Sag Vertical Curve Nomenclature
Diagram 3 - Crest Vertical Curve Nomenclature
Diagram 4 - Superelevation Runoff for Transition Spiral
Diagram 5 - Superelevation Runoff for Compound Spiral

Final Issue July 2017 I



4.1.1 Introduction
This chapter defines the general requirements for the geometric design of the track alignment
for the Edmonton LRT System. The desired minimum and maximum criteria are based on
industry practices and passenger comfort. The absolute minimum and maximum criteria are
based on safety considerations and have potential impacts in terms of maintenance costs,
noise, wheel and track life. Extensive use of absolute minimum and maximum design criteria
can result in service problems and unacceptable maintenance costs.
The absolute minimum criteria herein are set as limits and must be met unless approval is
otherwise obtained from the ETS. They are not intended to be used as the standard
throughout the system.
Guidelines are presented for horizontal and vertical alignment, survey control and vehicle
clearances. They have been derived through experience and accepted engineering practices
to suit the requirements of the Edmonton LRT System.

4.1.2 Applicable Codes, Regulations, Standards and Practices

The following references have been used in developing these geometric design guidelines:
 American Railway Engineering and Maintenance Association “AREMA” (formally known
as AREA) Practices
 Railroad Engineering (William W. Hay)
 Transit Cooperative Research Program (TCRP) Report 57, Track Design Handbook for
Light Rail Transit - Transportation Research Board (TRB)
 LRT Signals System Engineering Standards Manual (Omnia Incorporated) – Referred to
as Signals Engineering Standards Manual

4.1.3 Design Basis

The primary objective is to design a track alignment that is cost effective, ensures a high level
of system performance and efficiency, and will carry LRT passengers safely and comfortably.
The design standards utilized must take into account the LRV, and overall operations and
maintenance considerations.
Specifically, the factors that will influence the design of any alignment will include:
 Cost effectiveness which considers material cost based on physical lengths, maintenance
cost, operating cost and right-of-way cost of each alignment alternative
 LRV performance characteristics
 LRV and Design Vehicle Characteristics (refer to Chapter 2, Vehicles and Chapter 3,
Clearances and Right-of-Way)
 LRV and auxiliary equipment clearances
 Right-of-way restrictions including physical horizontal and vertical constraints
 Geometric design standards and practices
 Public and stakeholder input and concerns
4.1.4 Optimization
It is important that the during the preliminary design process, track alignment is optimized to
provide an efficient operating system without compromising passenger safety and ride quality.

Final Issue July 2017 4.1


The fundamental objective of track geometric design is to identify the appropriate range of
geometric parameters that satisfies the physical horizontal and vertical constraints within the
given right-of-way. Track alignment design should not be carried out for any given segment of
track without considering how the adjacent segments will be influenced. Often the design
adjustments will have an impact on the operational characteristics, passenger comfort,
construction cost and maintenance cost, etc. of the adjacent segments.
The overall objective of track alignment optimization is to:
 Ensure that the lateral acceleration experienced by the passenger is within acceptable
limits (refer to Section
 LRV will not experience negative unbalanced lateral acceleration through the identified
range of operating speeds.
The general factors influencing the alignment design have been listed in the preceding section
4.1.3. In addition to those, the following factors should also be considered in carrying out
track alignment design:
 Station spacing
 Stopping distance
 Speed Profiles for the track alignment
 Track superelevation requirements (the appropriate combination of actual and unbalanced
superelevation) and LRV attainable speed
 Track separation and trackwork configuration
During the preliminary engineering design phase, the conceptual track alignment should be
optimized in accordance with the following procedure:
 Mathematize alignments based on the Survey Control Network
 Analyze the horizontal and vertical alignment with respect to operation and system
 Develop track charts showing horizontal curve information corresponding with the vertical
alignment profiles
 Calculate the maximum allowable unbalanced speed in accordance with the curve radii
 Develop the comprehensive speed profile based on the track charts and vehicle
performance. For Vehicle Acceleration data, refer to Figure 4.1. For Stopping Distance
(Dynamic and Worst Case) data, refer to the Signals Engineering Standards Manual,
Section 3.6.
 Optimize the attainable operating speeds to avoid abrupt changes in operating speeds
between curves over short distances. Gradual changes in operating speeds are
preferred. Track alignment should be optimized between stations to meet the overall
system operation requirements and operating speeds. Maximum operating speed upon
entering station is 40 km/h.
 Adjust actual track superelevation to the optimized operating speeds and to eliminate the
possibility of a negative superelevation condition on the designed curves.
Note: Negative unbalanced lateral acceleration is undesirable, and results in excessive wheel and rail
wear and reduction in passenger comfort.

4.1.5 Design Speed Speed

Design speed is determined by geometry, station spacing, safety, and signal system
constraints. All tracks should be designed for the maximum design speed dictated by the
geometric and operational constraints of the section under consideration.
The maximum design speed for the LRV on mainline should not exceed 80 km/h.

Final Issue July 2017 4.2


The maximum design speed for the Work train on mainline should not exceed 40 km/h.
The maximum design speed on yard track should not exceed 15 km/h except for vehicle
testing track where the maximum design speed will be dictated by geometric and safety
constraints (refer to Chapter 5 Trackwork, Section
Where the LRT line crosses a trolley bus line, the design speed may be restricted by the
maximum allowable rate of change of height for the pantograph (refer to Chapter 6, Traction
Power Section Acceleration/Deceleration

The time and distance required to bring the LRV to maximum operating speed following a stop
or speed reduction, will directly affect the overall running time and system capacity. The time
and distance required for the LRV to accelerate influence the determination of appropriate
track superelevation and operating speed in maintaining system operational efficiency. The
time and distance required for the LRV to decelerate are critical in order to maintain the safe
stopping distance.
The selection of the combined actual and unbalanced superelevation for a given track
alignment must take into consideration the attainable speed of the LRV based on the vehicle
acceleration and deceleration characteristics (refer to Figure 4.1(i)).

4.1.6 Definitions and Nomenclatures

This section presents the industry accepted formulae and definitions, including related
diagrams, to be used by the Consultant to calculate the horizontal and vertical alignment.

Diagram 1 – Horizontal Curve and Spiral Nomenclature

Final Issue July 2017 4.3


CC = Centre of circular curve PT = Point of change from circular
curve to tangent
CS = Point of change from circular
curve to spiral Rc = Radius of circular curve
c = Degree of circular curve in arc Rs = Instantaneous radius of spiral
definition Curve
Es = Total external distance of a SC = Point of change from spiral to
spiralized Curve circular curve
k = Tangent distance from TS or ST = Point of change from spiral to
ST to PC or PT of the shifted tangent
circular curve
S.T. = Short tangent of spiral
LC = Total length of circular curve in
Ts = Total tangent distance from TS
or ST to PI
Ls = Total length of spiral
TS = Point of change from tangent to
L.T. = Long tangent of spiral spiral
p = Offset from main tangent to PC Xs = Tangent distance from TS to
or PT of the shifted circular SC or ST to CS
Ys = Tangent offset at SC or CS
PC = Point of change from tangent to
∆ = Total deflection angle of spirals
circular curve
and circular curve
PI = Point of intersection of main
∆c = Deflection angle of circular
PIs = Point of intersection of main
θs = Deflection angle of spiral in
tangent and tangent through
SC or CS point

Circular Curve Formulas: Spiral Formulas:

  2  4  6 
X s  L s 1   ........ 
5729.578 s s s
Dc   
R  10 216 9360 
 
 3 5 7 
 s s s s
Ts  R  p   tan k Ys  L s     .... 
2  3 42 1320 75600 
 
 1
 1  2  4 s
6 
E s  R  p    k  Ls    ........ 
s s
 1  p
 cos 

 

 
 
 2 60 2160 131040 

 3 5 
c    2 s  s s
p  Ls   ............. 
Ls   100     100  
Dc  D c 
 12 336 15840 
 

Final Issue July 2017 4.4


1  Ls 
Ls  2  R   s s   
2  R 

 Ys   Ys 
L.T.  X s    S.T.   
 tan s   sin s 

Diagram 2 – Sag Vertical Curve Nomenclature

Diagram 3 – Crest Vertical Curve Nomenclature

Final Issue July 2017 4.5


A = Algebraic difference in grades PVC = Beginning of vertical curve
e = External distance from curve to PVI = Point of vertical intersection
PVT = End of vertical curve
G1 = Incoming vertical grade in
X = Horizontal distance from PVC
Y = Vertical distance from PVC
G2 = Outgoing vertical grade in
percentage N = Point along the vertical curve
LVC = Length of vertical curve
K = Rate of change in grade

Parabolic Vertical Curve Formulas:

A  G 2 - G1 
G 2 - G1  A
e  LVC   LVC
800 800
LVC  A  K


4.2.1 General
Mainline horizontal track alignment consists of tangents, circular curves and spiral transition
curves. Circular curves can be further classified as simple, compound or reverse curves and
are described in the following sections.
In general, wherever possible, it is considered good practice to introduce spiral transition
curves to ease the wheels in and out of the circular curve portion of the alignment. This
design approach should also apply to large circular curves on mainline not requiring
In the yard or non-revenue tracks where operating speed is low, transition spiral curves are
generally not required.
Superelevation should be introduced on curves to counteract the centrifugal forces and to
maximize the design operating speed set within the vehicle and design limitations, still
maintaining a safe comfortable ride for passenger. Survey Control Network

The track alignment is used as the reference line (by all other consultants) by which the
design of all other major system components are carried out. The linear nature of track
alignment components and stringent trackwork construction tolerances warrant a need to
maintain the geometric integrity of the existing system and planned extensions. Prior to the
commencement of preliminary design work, a Survey Control Network must be established by
a certified Alberta Land Surveyor to ensure all system components are tied together properly.

Final Issue July 2017 4.6


The horizontal alignment must be mathematized in accordance with the established Survey
Control Network. Control Criteria

The horizontal control for all alignments must be based on the Alberta Survey Control grid,
which uses a sea level datum and a 3° Mercator Projection. All intersections and curve data
points are to be coordinated to this grid. Dimensions and chainages shown on the drawings
must be correct at existing ground level (top of rail). Distances obtained by inversing
coordinates must be corrected by a factor to yield the correct dimensions at existing ground
level datum. This correction factor has two components. One component corrects for the
difference in elevation between sea level and ground level and is essentially constant
throughout the Edmonton area. The second component corrects for the effects of the earth’s
curvatures and varies as the distance from the reference meridian on which the 3° Mercator
Projection is based. This second component varies significantly over the Edmonton area.
The Consultant must ensure that correct combined factor for converting the grid coordinates to
ground coordinates or vice versa is used on each portion of the alignment under
It is the responsibility of the track alignment consultant to verify the record drawings of the
existing system components and to ensure they are tied to the Survey Control Network
established for the portion of alignment under consideration.
Note: The Project Manager for the South LRT Extension Project prepared a Reference Document titled
Survey Control Network, July 2004. It describes in detail the survey control network for Sections 1A and
1B. It is available upon request from the ETS. Reference Lines

The reference line for the alignment design will be the track centreline. A separate chainage
will be run along the centreline of each track. All dimensions, clearances, etc., pertaining to
the track must be referred to the centreline. The reference track centreline must be tied to the
established Survey Control Network. Track Centres

The minimum track separation on tangent is 4.5 m at track centres. Track separation less
than 4.5 m may cause the vehicle dynamic clearance envelope to encroach on wayside
equipment such as catenary and signal support masts located between the tracks.
The minimum track separation is dependent on the physical dimensions and truck
configuration of LRV and on-track auxiliary maintenance equipment used in the system. For
tracks located on curves, it is the responsibility of the track alignment consultant to verify and
ensure there is no encroachment to the minimum vehicle running clearance envelop by any of
the trackway and structural elements. As such, this will entail a dynamic vehicle clearance
analysis on the basis of bi-directional train movement.
Refer to Chapter 3, Clearance and Right-of-Way, Section 3.3.3, Minimum Vehicle Running
Clearance Envelope.
Refer to Chapter 5, Trackwork, Section Minimum Track Separation and Fouling Point. Field Checks

Field checks should be incorporated as part of the Testing and Commissioning Program.
Field checks may be necessary to verify that wayside equipment installed on tunnel walls and
within curved sections of the alignment does not intrude into the vehicle dynamic clearance

Final Issue July 2017 4.7


If required, distances, clearances, and intersection points of crucial importance should be field
checked, prior to constructing the track, by laying out the relevant portion of the alignment on
site or by using a mock-up dynamic vehicle template mounted on the testing vehicle.
4.2.2 Tangent Sections Tangent Length Between Reverse Curves

Mainline absolute minimum tangent length between reverse curves depends on the vehicle
and effect on passenger ride quality. The criterion for the Edmonton LRT System is based on
the truck configuration. It ensures that the front axle on the leading truck does not enter a
curve of one direction while the rear axle of the trailing truck is within a curve in the reverse
direction. The absolute minimum tangent length between reverse curves on mainline is 10 m
(refer to Chapter 2, Vehicles; Figure 2.1).
The absolute minimum tangent length between reverse curves will only be considered:
 At special trackwork installations
 Areas where speed reductions are placed
 In spiral transition curves provided that for at least one of the spirals, the spiral offset
distance from tangent for the first 1/3 of spiral transition is less than 5 mm.
The desired minimum tangent length between reverse curves should be the length of the LRV
(25 m) or a travel distance over 2 seconds, whichever is greater. Tangent Length between Curves in the same Direction

For curves orientated in the same direction, it is preferable to incorporate a compound curve
or compound spiral rather than to have a short tangent between curves. If a tangent is
required, the minimum tangent length requirement for the reverse curves will apply. Tangent at Stations

Horizontal alignment should be tangent through the entire length of station platform and
extending a minimum of 15 m beyond each end of the platform (refer to Chapter 3,
Clearances and Right-of-Way, Section
As a general guideline, the absolute minimum un-superelevated tangent length beyond each
end of station platform is usually based on the greater of:
 The longest maintenance vehicle with rigid body frame – one-car length. This is currently
the VMB (13.0 m).
 The Edmonton LRV – front end of the SD160 LRV to the centre of the rear axle of the
truck at the articulating joint (12.7 m).
The absolute minimum horizontal tangent length beyond the station platform will not be
relaxed unless the end of the platform is tapered to meet vehicle dynamic clearance
requirements. If a design variance is proposed, the track alignment consultant must provide a
vehicle dynamic clearance analyses to substantiate the variance request for review by ETS. Tangent at Special Trackwork

All special trackwork should be located on tangent track. The absolute minimum tangent
length ahead the point of switch and beyond the last long ties, should be 5 m. This is to
ensure the truck is straightened out to minimize the angle of attack by wheel flange prior to
entering the special trackwork area. If vehicle movement would entail a reverse curve
movement the criterion for tangent length between reverse curves will apply.

Final Issue July 2017 4.8


In direct fixation track structure where there is good control of track installation tolerances and
minimal differential movement between track components, the absolute minimum tangent
ahead the point of switch and beyond the heel joint of the frog, may be reduced to 3 m, except
where vehicle movement would entail a reverse curve movement.
4.2.3 Curved Lines Circular Curve

All curves are to be defined by arc definition and specified by radius in metres. Larger radii
are to be used whenever possible to improve ride comfort qualities. The circular curve design
criteria for the Edmonton LRT System are as follows:
Mainline Track
The desirable minimum circular curve radius is 180 m. Circular curve with radius less than the
desirable minimum will result in higher maintenance costs, reduced rail life and increased the
probability of rail squeal.
The following must be analyzed when any deviation from this standard is being considered:
 The impact on operating speed, safety and maintenance
 Mitigation of noise and vibration
 Influence on vehicle dynamic clearances to trackway elements
Yard Track
The absolute minimum circular curve radius is 35 m. Spiral Transition Curves

Spiral transition curves should be used on all mainline track curves with a radius less than
1500 m. The minimum length of spiral curve to be provided should be the greatest of the
computed value from equations (1), (2) and (3) as follows:
a. Based on the criterion for the rate of change in superelevation of 30 mm/s (refer to

E a  Rate  t , and t 
Where v is velocity in m/s

Rate  L s 30 Ls
Therefore Ea   
v 0.278 v

E a  108 

Ea  V
Ls  (1)
Where, Ls = Length of spiral curve in m
Ea = superelevation in mm
V = maximum speed in km/h
b. Based on the maximum acceptable lateral acceleration for unbalanced superelevation Eu
on a circular curve of 0.067 g and a comfortable rate of change of lateral acceleration of

Final Issue July 2017 4.9


0.03 g/s (refer to, the minimum time period to attain the full acceleration of 0.067
g will be 0.067/0.03 or approximately 2 seconds.
Therefore, L s  V   2  0.556 V
If operating with an unbalanced superelevation less than the maximum unbalanced
superelevation permitted, then length of spiral necessary to ensure passenger comfort
can be reduced proportionally as follows:

L s  0.556V 
E u max

Where, Eu max = 100 mm

Eu Eu  V
Therefore, L s  0.556V   (2)
100 180
Where, Ls = Length of spiral curve in m
Eu = unbalanced superelevation in mm
V = maximum speed in km/h
Based on the truck spacing

L s  15 m (3)

Note: The minimum spiral length is equal to the LRV truck spacing (7.7 m). The desirable minimum
spiral is twice the LRV truck spacing. This is consistent with the general industry practice. Compound Circular Curves

The criterion for compound circular curves is similar to that for tangent-to-curve transition
(refer to Section Although less severe, they must still address passenger comfort
and vehicle design in torsion. Where circumstances dictate the use of compound curves, the
circular curves must be linked by spiral curves conforming to Section provided the
compounding ratio between the large radius and smaller radius does not exceed 1.15. Where
compounding ratio is greater than 1.15, a compound spiral should be used.
The compound spiral should be used to connect the two circular curves to avoid abrupt
change in curvature, wherever possible. Compound Spiral

The minimum compound spiral inserted between a pair of superelevated circular curves
should be the greater of the following:
E1 - E 2  V
Ls  (4)

Eu1 - Eu2  V
Ls  (5)

L s  15 m

Where, Ls = spiral length in m

V = speed in km/h

Final Issue July 2017 4.10


E1 = the larger actual superelevation in the two curves in mm

E2 = the smaller actual superelevation in the two curves in mm
Eu1 = the larger unbalanced superelevation in the two curves in mm
Eu2 = the smaller unbalanced superelevation in the two curves in mm
The desirable compound spiral length is twice as long as the calculated minimum spiral
length. This is consistent with the general industry practice. The compound spiral length
should be reduced from the desirable length only in a difficult design condition dictated by
alignment geometry or clearance requirement, and then, only by the smallest amount
Figure 4.2 provides a summary of the horizontal alignment standards. Superelevation

Superelevation will be attained linearly throughout the full length of the spiral transition curve
or throughout the full length of the runoff for circular curves, by raising the rail farthest from the
curve centre, while maintaining the top of the inside rail at the profile grade.
Note: Applying the superelevation as noted implies appropriate measures will be taken in tunnel
sections with superelevated curves as the centreline of the tunnel will not coincide with the centreline of
the track. The centreline of the tunnel must be displaced towards the centre of curvature (refer to
Chapter 3, Clearances and Right-of-Way; Figure 3.5) to accommodate vehicle clearances.
Superelevation Runoffs
The superelevation runoff for spirals will be accomplished within the length of spiral plus a
distance of Tv beyond each end of the spiral transition points (i.e. TS and SC or CS and ST),
as shown in Diagrams 4 and 5.

TS Spiral SC
Tangent Circular Curve
Ls = Lr
Tv Top of
High Rail


Low Rail Grade Line


Diagram 4 – Superelevation Runoff for Transition Spiral

Final Issue July 2017 4.11


CS Compound Spiral SC
Circular Curve Circular Curve
Ls = Lr
Tv Tv High Rail

High Rail
E2 Tv
Low Rail Grade Line

Diagram 5 – Superelevation Runoff for Compound Spiral

Rail is too stiff to conform to a sudden transition in the rate of change of elevation at the spiral
transition points. To avoid creating a kink and inducing stresses in the running rail, a parabolic
vertical curve should be used to adjust the runoff elevation at the spiral transition points.
Depending on the length of spiral and the actual superelevation, the required tangent length
(Tv) of the parabolic vertical curve should be between 2 m and 4 m.
Superelevation runoffs for circular curves can be used instead of spiral transition curves in the
following exceptional instances:
 The intersection angle is too small to necessitate a spiral
 In special areas where conditions limit the length of spiral
In the above instances, the runoff length should be the same length as the spiral. The spiral
length is determined by satisfying the requirements of Section and substituting the
runoff length for the length of spiral. The runoff is to be located equally on either side of the
curve or preferably within the tangent.
Rate of Change in Superelevation
The maximum rate of change of elevation is 30 mm per second for the maximum speed of
train operation on the curve.
Actual Superelevation Ea
The maximum actual superelevation (Ea) permitted is 100 mm.
Equilibrium Superelevation Ee
When the operating speed is calculated based on an equilibrium condition, the wheels are
bearing equally on the rail with no lateral thrust. The equilibrium superelevation (Ee) creates a
resultant force Fr, at right angle to the plane of top of rail, counteracting the centrifugal force
Fc. The equilibrium condition can be determined in the following equations:
Centrifugal Force Fc acting radially outward:
Fc 
Where, w = Weight of vehicle
V = Speed of vehicle in km/h
R = Radius of curve in m
g = Acceleration due to gravity, 9.81 m / s²
In an equilibrium condition:

Final Issue July 2017 4.12


Fc w

Ee B

Where, B = 1505 mm, centre of rail head to rail head support

Fc  B w  Vb  B
Ee  
w gR w

Ee 
By converting speed from km/h to m/s
1505  Vb
Ee 
9.81  12.96  R
E e  11.83  (6)
Where, Ee = Equilibrium superelevation (i.e. actual superelevation
of outer rail in a balanced condition in mm)
Vb = speed for balanced superelevation in km/h
R = radius of the circular curve in m
Balanced Speed Vb
The balanced speed is determined by substituting Ea equal to 100 mm as follows:
 Ea  R 
Vb    (7)
 11.83 
However, trains are likely to run at different speeds on the same track, a certain amount of
flexibility is allowed to obtain a range of optimal operating speed.
The maximum acceptable lateral acceleration for unbalanced superelevation on a circular
curve is 0.067 g (based on maximum allowable unbalanced of 100 mm).
The desirable range of rate of change of lateral acceleration of 0.03 g/s or less is considered
acceptable to provide a comfortable ride (refer to TCRP Report 57, Track Design Handbook).
As a design guideline, an unbalanced superelevation Eu of up to 100 mm is permitted in
determining an optimal range of safe operating speed for the alignment under consideration.
Unbalanced Speed Vu
The maximum allowable unbalanced speed shall be determined by substituting Eu equal to
100 mm in the following equation:
1/ 2
 E a  E u   R 
Vu    (8)
 11.83 
Where, Ea = Actual superelevation of outer rail in mm
Eu = Unbalanced superelevation in mm
Vu = Unbalanced speed in km/h

Final Issue July 2017 4.13


R = radius of the circular curve in m.

The optimal range of unbalanced operating speed is determined by the combined
superelevation (i.e. actual superelevation, Ea plus unbalanced superelevation, Eu). The
combined superelevation for a given unbalanced operating speed, Vu can be optimized by
going through the calculation iterations as shown Figure 4.3. The adjusted actual
superelevation, Ea should be in increments of 5 mm.
Alternatively, the optimal range of actual superelevation that satisfies the lateral acceleration
criteria can be checked and determined by the following equation:
E a  11.83   Z  1505  (9)
Z  11.83   Ea
Where, Ea = Actual superelevation of outer rail in mm
Vu = Unbalanced Operating speed in km/h
R = Radius of the circular curve in m
Z = Allowable lateral acceleration in term of g (from 0 to 0.067 for ETS)
The minimum actual superelevation (Ea) required for a given curve radius and speed can be
determined using Figure 4.4. Superelevation Constraints in Turnouts

In tie and ballast structure, superelevation should not be introduced at a distance closer than 3
m ahead of the switch point or before the last long tie.
In direct fixation track structure, superelevation should not be introduced at a distance closer
than 3 m ahead of the switchpoint or 3 m beyond the heel joint of the frog.

4.3.1 General
Vertical track alignment is comprised of tangential gradients joined together by parabolic
vertical curves.
For mainline track next to parallel major roadways the gradient will be dependent on the
roadway profile in order to minimize the elevation differential between the road and the track.
Intersections of the vertical alignment of track and the road should be designed to match as
closely as possible to provide for the smooth crossing of LRV’s and vehicular traffic for safety
and comfort.
In yard and non-revenue tracks where operating speed is low, desirable gradients will be at or
near 0%. Control

The vertical control for all track structures and related components are based on bench marks
established by the Government of Canada or the Province of Alberta. All elevations are to be
referenced to Geodetic Datum and indicated in meters to three decimal places.

Final Issue July 2017 4.14


Gradients are to be referred to the horizontal track centreline and to the top of the low rail for
all elevation controls.
4.3.2 Gradient Mainline Track

The desirable maximum grade on mainline is 4.5%.

The absolute maximum grade on mainline is 6.0%. This is dictated by the LRV’s braking
Grades in excess of 6.0% but not exceeding 6.7% may be permitted over short distances at
the discretion of the ETS by taking into account the operating characteristics of LRV. Stations

The maximum allowable grade through stations is 1.0%.

The minimum grade through stations is 0.3%.
A change in grade within the station area including 15 m beyond each end of the platform is
not permitted. A change in grade within these defined limits will impact on the design and the
construction of the station platform, and may create operational problems for the LRV in terms
of opening of doors under crush load conditions. Storage track and Yard track

The desirable grade for storage track and yard track is 0.0%.
The maximum grade for storage track and yard track should not be more than 0.5%. Shop track

The grade for shop track must be 0.0%.

4.3.3 Vertical Curves (VC)
All changes in grade must be connected with parabolic curves. The minimum length of curve
should be the greater of the computed value from equation (10), (11), (12) and (13) as follows:
a. Based on the minimum length permitted:
LVC  60 m (10)
Note: A minimum LVC of 60 m limits centripetal acceleration to less than 0.3 m/s2. This is accepted
industry standard based on passenger comfort.
b. Based on the rate of change in grade:
LVC  A  K (11)
Where, A = Algebraic difference in grades in percent
Note: Due to the restriction in the articulating joint of the LRV, the maximum “A” value should not be
greater than 7% (refer to Figure 4.5).
K = Rate of change in grade as follows:
(i) on horizontal tangents or curves with balanced superelevation

Final Issue July 2017 4.15


K  25
(ii) on curves with unbalanced superelevation
K  50
(iii) Where speed is restricted to less than 50 km/h
K  15
c. Based on the vertical acceleration (refer to TCRP Report 57, Track Design Handbook)
For crest curves:
LVC  0.0047AV (12)
For sag curves:
LVC  0.0025AV (13)
Where, A = Algebraic difference in grades in percent
V = speed in km/h
4.3.4 Vertical Tangents
Based on car length the minimum length of tangent grade between vertical curves should be
25 m.
4.3.5 Asymmetrical Vertical Curves
An asymmetrical vertical curve is a compound vertical curve with no intervening tangent length
between the two vertical curves.
In areas where there are existing vertical or geometric constraints, asymmetrical vertical curve
may be permitted. Asymmetrical vertical curves should not be used in areas where the
vertical curve overlaps with tight horizontal curve, unless the rate of change in vertical curve K
is greater than 50. Where speed is restricted to less than 50 km/h, the rate of change in
vertical curve K may be reduced to 15.
Vertical alignment is dependent on the horizontal alignment. In laying out the vertical
alignment, it is considered good practice to avoid overlapping a vertical curve with a horizontal
curve. This condition will produce a twisting (roller coaster) effect. If the overlapping condition
cannot be avoided, the rate of change in vertical curve should be made as generous as
possible. As a minimum, the rate of change in vertical curve, K under the overlapping
condition should not be less than 50. However, where speed is restricted to less than 50
km/h, the rate of change in vertical curve may be reduced to 25.
Vertical curves are not permitted within the limits of special trackwork.
A vertical curve should not be introduced at a distance closer than 3 m ahead of the switch
point or before the last long tie.
In direct fixation track structure, a vertical curve should not be introduced at a distance closer
than 3 m ahead of the switch point or 3 m before the heel joint of the frog.
Figure 4.6 provides a summary of the vertical alignment standards.

Final Issue July 2017 4.16



The Duewag U2 vehicle acceleration data contained in Figure 4.1 (ii) was provided by
Siemens. No indication was given whether the data was generated based on AW0 load
(empty), AW1 load (63 seated passengers), AW2 load (design load with 160 passengers) or
AW4 load (crush load with 258 passengers).
The following information was contained in the LRT Design Guidelines (1983/04/05 draft
edition) Chapter 4, Clause 4.3, Performance Characteristics:
“Acceleration rates shall be based on actual car weight (*31600 kg) plus a passenger
load of *10650 kg” (i.e. equivalent to AW2 load of *42250 kg).
The acceleration and deceleration rate of 1.34 m/s² (AW0 to AW2) and 1.16 m/s²
respectively with full acceleration rate to maintained from 0 to 40 km/h before going on
motor curve shall be provided with the vehicle.”
*Note: These weights are at variance with the most recent measured weight data as presented in
Chapter 2 Vehicles, Section
The data provided by Siemens is primarily based on the AW2 design load. ETS should be
consulted if further clarification on the forgoing is required.
For deceleration data, the Consultant must refer to the Signals Engineering Standards
Manual, Section 3.6.

Final Issue July 2017 4.17

90 -5.0%
-6.0% -3.0% -4.0%

60 -1.0%
40 2.0%

Speed (km/hr)

10 6.0%

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700

Distance (m)

FigureFig. 3.1
4.1 (i) - U2
(i) Acceleration Curve
GRADE ACCEL TO 0-25 kph 0-35 kph 0-45 kph 0-55 kph 0-65 kph 0-75 kph 0-80 kph 0-85 kph SETTLED
(m/sec 2) (sec) (m) (sec) (m) (sec) (m) (sec) (m) (sec) (m) (sec) (m) (sec) (m) (sec) (m) (kph) (sec) (m)

6.0% 0.55 12.6 44 19.5 103 41 33.0 250

5.0% 0.65 10.7 37 16.5 85 44 35.0 305

4.0% 0.74 9.4 33 15.0 80 30.0 250 48 45.0 450

3.0% 0.83 8.4 29 12.5 65 21.0 155 54 50.0 550

2.0% 0.92 7.5 26 11.0 60 17.5 135 29.0 300 63 68.0 960

1.0% 1.00 7.0 24 10.5 50 15.5 115 27.0 270 60.5 820 74 90.0 1400

0.0% 1.10 6.5 22 9.5 45 13.5 98 22.0 213 35.0 430 52.0 750 73.0 1220 110.0 2070 85 110.0 2070

-1.0% 1.19 5.8 20 8.5 43** 12.5 85 18.5 185** 27.5 305 40.0 550 47.0 700 83.0 1530 > 85

-2.0% 1.28 5.4 19 7.5 40 11.0 75 17.5 170 24.5 290 33.0 470 39.0 580 45.0 720 *

-3.0% 1.37 5.1 18 7.0 35 10.5 75 15.0 140 20.5 230 27.5 375 32.0 470 37.0 585 *

-4.0% 1.46 4.7 17 6.5 33 9.5 67 13.0 115 18.0 200 23.5 305 27.0 380 30.0 450 *

-5.0% 1.55 4.5 16 6.2 30 9.0 60 12.0 100 16.0 170 21.0 255 23.5 310 26.0 370 *

-6.0% 1.65 4.2 15 6.0 29 8.5 57 11.5 97 15.0 165 19.0 245 21.0 280 23.0 340 *



Figure 4.1 (ii) - U2 Vehicle Acceleration Data

Track Zone Criteria Circular Spiral Length Tangent Length Superelevation
Ea Eu Runoff
(m) (m) (m) (mm) (mm) (mm/sec)

Mainline Maximum 100 100 30

Desirable 180 2 x Minimum


Minimum The greatest of: The greater of:

Ls = (Ea x V) / 108 25
or or
Ls = (Eu x V) / 180 Travel distance
or over 2 seconds
Ls = 15

Absolute 10

Yard Track Absolute 35


Station Track Minimum Platform Length

(15 m each end)

Special Minimum Turnout Limits

Trackwork +10
(5 m each end)

Figure 4.2

Summary of Horizontal Alignment Standards

R (m) 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35
Ea (mm) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100

Eu Vu (Unbalanced Speed) in Km/hour; Vu = Vb (Balanced Speed) when Eu = 0

(mm) (kph)

0 0 4 6 7 8 9 10 10 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 16 16 17 17
5 4 6 7 8 9 10 10 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 16 16 17 17 18
10 6 7 8 9 10 10 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 16 16 17 17 18 18
15 7 8 9 10 10 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 16 16 17 17 18 18 19
20 8 9 10 10 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 16 16 17 17 18 18 19 19
25 9 10 10 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 16 16 17 17 18 18 19 19 19
30 10 10 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 16 16 17 17 18 18 19 19 19 20
35 10 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 16 16 17 17 18 18 19 19 19 20 20
40 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 16 16 17 17 18 18 19 19 19 20 20 20
45 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 16 16 17 17 18 18 19 19 19 20 20 20 21
50 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 16 16 17 17 18 18 19 19 19 20 20 20 21 21
55 13 13 14 14 15 15 16 16 17 17 18 18 19 19 19 20 20 20 21 21 22
60 13 14 14 15 15 16 16 17 17 18 18 19 19 19 20 20 20 21 21 22 22
65 14 14 15 15 16 16 17 17 18 18 19 19 19 20 20 20 21 21 22 22 22
70 14 15 15 16 16 17 17 18 18 19 19 19 20 20 20 21 21 22 22 22 23
75 15 15 16 16 17 17 18 18 19 19 19 20 20 20 21 21 22 22 22 23 23
80 15 16 16 17 17 18 18 19 19 19 20 20 20 21 21 22 22 22 23 23 23
85 16 16 17 17 18 18 19 19 19 20 20 20 21 21 22 22 22 23 23 23 24
90 16 17 17 18 18 19 19 19 20 20 20 21 21 22 22 22 23 23 23 24 24
95 17 17 18 18 19 19 19 20 20 20 21 21 22 22 22 23 23 23 24 24 24
100 17 18 18 19 19 19 20 20 20 21 21 22 22 22 23 23 23 24 24 24 24

Figure 4.3 (1 of 27)

Vu Versus Eu plus Ea for R35

R (m) 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50
Ea (mm) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100

Eu Vu (Unbalanced Speed) in Km/hour; Vu = Vb (Balanced Speed) when Eu = 0

(mm) (kph)

0 0 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 15 16 17 17 18 19 19 20 20 21
5 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 15 16 17 17 18 19 19 20 20 21 21
10 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 15 16 17 17 18 19 19 20 20 21 21 22
15 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 15 16 17 17 18 19 19 20 20 21 21 22 22
20 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 15 16 17 17 18 19 19 20 20 21 21 22 22 23
25 10 11 12 13 14 15 15 16 17 17 18 19 19 20 20 21 21 22 22 23 23
30 11 12 13 14 15 15 16 17 17 18 19 19 20 20 21 21 22 22 23 23 24
35 12 13 14 15 15 16 17 17 18 19 19 20 20 21 21 22 22 23 23 24 24
40 13 14 15 15 16 17 17 18 19 19 20 20 21 21 22 22 23 23 24 24 24
45 14 15 15 16 17 17 18 19 19 20 20 21 21 22 22 23 23 24 24 24 25
50 15 15 16 17 17 18 19 19 20 20 21 21 22 22 23 23 24 24 24 25 25
55 15 16 17 17 18 19 19 20 20 21 21 22 22 23 23 24 24 24 25 25 26
60 16 17 17 18 19 19 20 20 21 21 22 22 23 23 24 24 24 25 25 26 26
65 17 17 18 19 19 20 20 21 21 22 22 23 23 24 24 24 25 25 26 26 27
70 17 18 19 19 20 20 21 21 22 22 23 23 24 24 24 25 25 26 26 27 27
75 18 19 19 20 20 21 21 22 22 23 23 24 24 24 25 25 26 26 27 27 27
80 19 19 20 20 21 21 22 22 23 23 24 24 24 25 25 26 26 27 27 27 28
85 19 20 20 21 21 22 22 23 23 24 24 24 25 25 26 26 27 27 27 28 28
90 20 20 21 21 22 22 23 23 24 24 24 25 25 26 26 27 27 27 28 28 28
95 20 21 21 22 22 23 23 24 24 24 25 25 26 26 27 27 27 28 28 28 29
100 21 21 22 22 23 23 24 24 24 25 25 26 26 27 27 27 28 28 28 29 29

Figure 4.3 (2 of 27)

Vu Versus Eu plus Ea for R50

R (m) 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75
Ea (mm) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100

Eu Vu (Unbalanced Speed) in Km/hour; Vu = Vb (Balanced Speed) when Eu = 0

(mm) (kph)

0 0 6 8 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 20 21 22 23 23 24 25 25
5 6 8 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 20 21 22 23 23 24 25 25 26
10 8 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 20 21 22 23 23 24 25 25 26 27
15 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 20 21 22 23 23 24 25 25 26 27 27
20 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 20 21 22 23 23 24 25 25 26 27 27 28
25 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 20 21 22 23 23 24 25 25 26 27 27 28 28
30 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 20 21 22 23 23 24 25 25 26 27 27 28 28 29
35 15 16 17 18 19 20 20 21 22 23 23 24 25 25 26 27 27 28 28 29 29
40 16 17 18 19 20 20 21 22 23 23 24 25 25 26 27 27 28 28 29 29 30
45 17 18 19 20 20 21 22 23 23 24 25 25 26 27 27 28 28 29 29 30 30
50 18 19 20 20 21 22 23 23 24 25 25 26 27 27 28 28 29 29 30 30 31
55 19 20 20 21 22 23 23 24 25 25 26 27 27 28 28 29 29 30 30 31 32
60 20 20 21 22 23 23 24 25 25 26 27 27 28 28 29 29 30 30 31 32 32
65 20 21 22 23 23 24 25 25 26 27 27 28 28 29 29 30 30 31 32 32 33
70 21 22 23 23 24 25 25 26 27 27 28 28 29 29 30 30 31 32 32 33 33
75 22 23 23 24 25 25 26 27 27 28 28 29 29 30 30 31 32 32 33 33 33
80 23 23 24 25 25 26 27 27 28 28 29 29 30 30 31 32 32 33 33 33 34
85 23 24 25 25 26 27 27 28 28 29 29 30 30 31 32 32 33 33 33 34 34
90 24 25 25 26 27 27 28 28 29 29 30 30 31 32 32 33 33 33 34 34 35
95 25 25 26 27 27 28 28 29 29 30 30 31 32 32 33 33 33 34 34 35 35
100 25 26 27 27 28 28 29 29 30 30 31 32 32 33 33 33 34 34 35 35 36

Figure 4.3 (3 of 27)

Vu Versus Eu plus Ea for R75

R (m) 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
Ea (mm) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100

Eu Vu (Unbalanced Speed) in Km/hour; Vu = Vb (Balanced Speed) when Eu = 0

(mm) (kph)

0 0 7 9 11 13 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 24 25 26 27 28 28 29
5 7 9 11 13 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 24 25 26 27 28 28 29 30
10 9 11 13 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 24 25 26 27 28 28 29 30 31
15 11 13 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 24 25 26 27 28 28 29 30 31 31
20 13 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 24 25 26 27 28 28 29 30 31 31 32
25 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 24 25 26 27 28 28 29 30 31 31 32 33
30 16 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 24 25 26 27 28 28 29 30 31 31 32 33 33
35 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 24 25 26 27 28 28 29 30 31 31 32 33 33 34
40 19 20 21 22 23 24 24 25 26 27 28 28 29 30 31 31 32 33 33 34 35
45 20 21 22 23 24 24 25 26 27 28 28 29 30 31 31 32 33 33 34 35 35
50 21 22 23 24 24 25 26 27 28 28 29 30 31 31 32 33 33 34 35 35 36
55 22 23 24 24 25 26 27 28 28 29 30 31 31 32 33 33 34 35 35 36 36
60 23 24 24 25 26 27 28 28 29 30 31 31 32 33 33 34 35 35 36 36 37
65 24 24 25 26 27 28 28 29 30 31 31 32 33 33 34 35 35 36 36 37 38
70 24 25 26 27 28 28 29 30 31 31 32 33 33 34 35 35 36 36 37 38 38
75 25 26 27 28 28 29 30 31 31 32 33 33 34 35 35 36 36 37 38 38 39
80 26 27 28 28 29 30 31 31 32 33 33 34 35 35 36 36 37 38 38 39 39
85 27 28 28 29 30 31 31 32 33 33 34 35 35 36 36 37 38 38 39 39 40
90 28 28 29 30 31 31 32 33 33 34 35 35 36 36 37 38 38 39 39 40 40
95 28 29 30 31 31 32 33 33 34 35 35 36 36 37 38 38 39 39 40 40 41
100 29 30 31 31 32 33 33 34 35 35 36 36 37 38 38 39 39 40 40 41 41

Figure 4.3 (4 of 27)

Vu Versus Eu plus Ea for R100

R (m) 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125
Ea (mm) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100

Eu Vu (Unbalanced Speed) in Km/hour; Vu = Vb (Balanced Speed) when Eu = 0

(mm) (kph)

0 0 7 10 13 15 16 18 19 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33
5 7 10 13 15 16 18 19 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 33
10 10 13 15 16 18 19 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 33 34
15 13 15 16 18 19 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 33 34 35
20 15 16 18 19 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 33 34 35 36
25 16 18 19 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 33 34 35 36 37
30 18 19 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 33 34 35 36 37 37
35 19 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 33 34 35 36 37 37 38
40 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 33 34 35 36 37 37 38 39
45 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 33 34 35 36 37 37 38 39 39
50 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 33 34 35 36 37 37 38 39 39 40
55 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 33 34 35 36 37 37 38 39 39 40 41
60 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 33 34 35 36 37 37 38 39 39 40 41 41
65 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 33 34 35 36 37 37 38 39 39 40 41 41 42
70 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 33 34 35 36 37 37 38 39 39 40 41 41 42 43
75 28 29 30 31 32 33 33 34 35 36 37 37 38 39 39 40 41 41 42 43 43
80 29 30 31 32 33 33 34 35 36 37 37 38 39 39 40 41 41 42 43 43 44
85 30 31 32 33 33 34 35 36 37 37 38 39 39 40 41 41 42 43 43 44 44
90 31 32 33 33 34 35 36 37 37 38 39 39 40 41 41 42 43 43 44 44 45
95 32 33 33 34 35 36 37 37 38 39 39 40 41 41 42 43 43 44 44 45 46
100 33 33 34 35 36 37 37 38 39 39 40 41 41 42 43 43 44 44 45 46 46

Figure 4.3 (5 of 27)

Vu Versus Eu plus Ea for R125

R (m) 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150
Ea (mm) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100

Eu Vu (Unbalanced Speed) in Km/hour; Vu = Vb (Balanced Speed) when Eu = 0

(mm) (kph)

0 0 8 11 14 16 18 20 21 23 24 25 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
5 8 11 14 16 18 20 21 23 24 25 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37
10 11 14 16 18 20 21 23 24 25 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38
15 14 16 18 20 21 23 24 25 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 38
20 16 18 20 21 23 24 25 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 38 39
25 18 20 21 23 24 25 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 38 39 40
30 20 21 23 24 25 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 38 39 40 41
35 21 23 24 25 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 38 39 40 41 42
40 23 24 25 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 38 39 40 41 42 42
45 24 25 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 38 39 40 41 42 42 43
50 25 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 38 39 40 41 42 42 43 44
55 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 38 39 40 41 42 42 43 44 45
60 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 38 39 40 41 42 42 43 44 45 45
65 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 38 39 40 41 42 42 43 44 45 45 46
70 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 38 39 40 41 42 42 43 44 45 45 46 47
75 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 38 39 40 41 42 42 43 44 45 45 46 47 47
80 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 38 39 40 41 42 42 43 44 45 45 46 47 47 48
85 33 34 35 36 37 38 38 39 40 41 42 42 43 44 45 45 46 47 47 48 49
90 34 35 36 37 38 38 39 40 41 42 42 43 44 45 45 46 47 47 48 49 49
95 35 36 37 38 38 39 40 41 42 42 43 44 45 45 46 47 47 48 49 49 50
100 36 37 38 38 39 40 41 42 42 43 44 45 45 46 47 47 48 49 49 50 51

Figure 4.3 (6 of 27)

Vu Versus Eu plus Ea for R150

R (m) 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180
Ea (mm) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100

Eu Vu (Unbalanced Speed) in Km/hour; Vu = Vb (Balanced Speed) when Eu = 0

(mm) (kph)

0 0 9 12 15 18 20 21 23 25 26 28 29 30 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39
5 9 12 15 18 20 21 23 25 26 28 29 30 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
10 12 15 18 20 21 23 25 26 28 29 30 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41
15 15 18 20 21 23 25 26 28 29 30 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42
20 18 20 21 23 25 26 28 29 30 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43
25 20 21 23 25 26 28 29 30 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44
30 21 23 25 26 28 29 30 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45
35 23 25 26 28 29 30 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46
40 25 26 28 29 30 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 46
45 26 28 29 30 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 46 47
50 28 29 30 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 46 47 48
55 29 30 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 46 47 48 49
60 30 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 46 47 48 49 50
65 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 46 47 48 49 50 50
70 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 46 47 48 49 50 50 51
75 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 46 47 48 49 50 50 51 52
80 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 46 47 48 49 50 50 51 52 53
85 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 46 47 48 49 50 50 51 52 53 53
90 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 46 47 48 49 50 50 51 52 53 53 54
95 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 46 47 48 49 50 50 51 52 53 53 54 55
100 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 46 47 48 49 50 50 51 52 53 53 54 55 55

Figure 4.3 (7 of 27)

Vu Versus Eu plus Ea for R180

R (m) 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200
Ea (mm) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100

Eu Vu (Unbalanced Speed) in Km/hour; Vu = Vb (Balanced Speed) when Eu = 0

(mm) (kph)

0 0 9 13 16 19 21 23 24 26 28 29 31 32 33 35 36 37 38 39 40 41
5 9 13 16 19 21 23 24 26 28 29 31 32 33 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42
10 13 16 19 21 23 24 26 28 29 31 32 33 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43
15 16 19 21 23 24 26 28 29 31 32 33 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44
20 19 21 23 24 26 28 29 31 32 33 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45
25 21 23 24 26 28 29 31 32 33 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46
30 23 24 26 28 29 31 32 33 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47
35 24 26 28 29 31 32 33 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48
40 26 28 29 31 32 33 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
45 28 29 31 32 33 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
50 29 31 32 33 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51
55 31 32 33 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 51
60 32 33 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 51 52
65 33 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 51 52 53
70 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 51 52 53 54
75 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 51 52 53 54 55
80 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 51 52 53 54 55 55
85 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 51 52 53 54 55 55 56
90 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 51 52 53 54 55 55 56 57
95 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 51 52 53 54 55 55 56 57 58
100 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 51 52 53 54 55 55 56 57 58 58

Figure 4.3 (8 of 27)

Vu Versus Eu plus Ea for R200

R (m) 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250
Ea (mm) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100

Eu Vu (Unbalanced Speed) in Km/hour; Vu = Vb (Balanced Speed) when Eu = 0

(mm) (kph)

0 0 10 15 18 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 34 36 37 39 40 41 43 44 45 46
5 10 15 18 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 34 36 37 39 40 41 43 44 45 46 47
10 15 18 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 34 36 37 39 40 41 43 44 45 46 47 48
15 18 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 34 36 37 39 40 41 43 44 45 46 47 48 50
20 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 34 36 37 39 40 41 43 44 45 46 47 48 50 51
25 23 25 27 29 31 33 34 36 37 39 40 41 43 44 45 46 47 48 50 51 52
30 25 27 29 31 33 34 36 37 39 40 41 43 44 45 46 47 48 50 51 52 53
35 27 29 31 33 34 36 37 39 40 41 43 44 45 46 47 48 50 51 52 53 54
40 29 31 33 34 36 37 39 40 41 43 44 45 46 47 48 50 51 52 53 54 55
45 31 33 34 36 37 39 40 41 43 44 45 46 47 48 50 51 52 53 54 55 56
50 33 34 36 37 39 40 41 43 44 45 46 47 48 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57
55 34 36 37 39 40 41 43 44 45 46 47 48 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 57
60 36 37 39 40 41 43 44 45 46 47 48 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 57 58
65 37 39 40 41 43 44 45 46 47 48 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 57 58 59
70 39 40 41 43 44 45 46 47 48 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 57 58 59 60
75 40 41 43 44 45 46 47 48 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 57 58 59 60 61
80 41 43 44 45 46 47 48 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 57 58 59 60 61 62
85 43 44 45 46 47 48 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 57 58 59 60 61 62 63
90 44 45 46 47 48 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64
95 45 46 47 48 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 64
100 46 47 48 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 64 65

Figure 4.3 (9 of 27)

Vu Versus Eu plus Ea for R250

R (m) 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300
Ea (mm) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100

Eu Vu (Unbalanced Speed) in Km/hour; Vu = Vb (Balanced Speed) when Eu = 0

(mm) (kph)

0 0 11 16 20 23 25 28 30 32 34 36 38 39 41 42 44 45 47 48 49 51
5 11 16 20 23 25 28 30 32 34 36 38 39 41 42 44 45 47 48 49 51 52
10 16 20 23 25 28 30 32 34 36 38 39 41 42 44 45 47 48 49 51 52 53
15 20 23 25 28 30 32 34 36 38 39 41 42 44 45 47 48 49 51 52 53 54
20 23 25 28 30 32 34 36 38 39 41 42 44 45 47 48 49 51 52 53 54 55
25 25 28 30 32 34 36 38 39 41 42 44 45 47 48 49 51 52 53 54 55 57
30 28 30 32 34 36 38 39 41 42 44 45 47 48 49 51 52 53 54 55 57 58
35 30 32 34 36 38 39 41 42 44 45 47 48 49 51 52 53 54 55 57 58 59
40 32 34 36 38 39 41 42 44 45 47 48 49 51 52 53 54 55 57 58 59 60
45 34 36 38 39 41 42 44 45 47 48 49 51 52 53 54 55 57 58 59 60 61
50 36 38 39 41 42 44 45 47 48 49 51 52 53 54 55 57 58 59 60 61 62
55 38 39 41 42 44 45 47 48 49 51 52 53 54 55 57 58 59 60 61 62 63
60 39 41 42 44 45 47 48 49 51 52 53 54 55 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64
65 41 42 44 45 47 48 49 51 52 53 54 55 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65
70 42 44 45 47 48 49 51 52 53 54 55 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66
75 44 45 47 48 49 51 52 53 54 55 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67
80 45 47 48 49 51 52 53 54 55 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68
85 47 48 49 51 52 53 54 55 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69
90 48 49 51 52 53 54 55 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70
95 49 51 52 53 54 55 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71
100 51 52 53 54 55 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72

Figure 4.3 (10 of 27)

Vu Versus Eu plus Ea for R300

R (m) 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350
Ea (mm) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100

Eu Vu (Unbalanced Speed) in Km/hour; Vu = Vb (Balanced Speed) when Eu = 0

(mm) (kph)

0 0 12 17 21 24 27 30 32 35 37 39 41 42 44 46 47 49 50 52 53 55
5 12 17 21 24 27 30 32 35 37 39 41 42 44 46 47 49 50 52 53 55 56
10 17 21 24 27 30 32 35 37 39 41 42 44 46 47 49 50 52 53 55 56 57
15 21 24 27 30 32 35 37 39 41 42 44 46 47 49 50 52 53 55 56 57 59
20 24 27 30 32 35 37 39 41 42 44 46 47 49 50 52 53 55 56 57 59 60
25 27 30 32 35 37 39 41 42 44 46 47 49 50 52 53 55 56 57 59 60 61
30 30 32 35 37 39 41 42 44 46 47 49 50 52 53 55 56 57 59 60 61 62
35 32 35 37 39 41 42 44 46 47 49 50 52 53 55 56 57 59 60 61 62 63
40 35 37 39 41 42 44 46 47 49 50 52 53 55 56 57 59 60 61 62 63 65
45 37 39 41 42 44 46 47 49 50 52 53 55 56 57 59 60 61 62 63 65 66
50 39 41 42 44 46 47 49 50 52 53 55 56 57 59 60 61 62 63 65 66 67
55 41 42 44 46 47 49 50 52 53 55 56 57 59 60 61 62 63 65 66 67 68
60 42 44 46 47 49 50 52 53 55 56 57 59 60 61 62 63 65 66 67 68 69
65 44 46 47 49 50 52 53 55 56 57 59 60 61 62 63 65 66 67 68 69 70
70 46 47 49 50 52 53 55 56 57 59 60 61 62 63 65 66 67 68 69 70 71
75 47 49 50 52 53 55 56 57 59 60 61 62 63 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72
80 49 50 52 53 55 56 57 59 60 61 62 63 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73
85 50 52 53 55 56 57 59 60 61 62 63 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74
90 52 53 55 56 57 59 60 61 62 63 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75
95 53 55 56 57 59 60 61 62 63 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76
100 55 56 57 59 60 61 62 63 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77

Figure 4.3 (11 of 27)

Vu Versus Eu plus Ea for R350

R (m) 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400
Ea (mm) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100

Eu Vu (Unbalanced Speed) in Km/hour; Vu = Vb (Balanced Speed) when Eu = 0

(mm) (kph)

0 0 13 19 23 26 29 32 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 51 52 54 55 57 58
5 13 19 23 26 29 32 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 51 52 54 55 57 58 60
10 19 23 26 29 32 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 51 52 54 55 57 58 60 61
15 23 26 29 32 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 51 52 54 55 57 58 60 61 63
20 26 29 32 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 51 52 54 55 57 58 60 61 63 64
25 29 32 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 51 52 54 55 57 58 60 61 63 64 65
30 32 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 51 52 54 55 57 58 60 61 63 64 65 67
35 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 51 52 54 55 57 58 60 61 63 64 65 67 68
40 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 51 52 54 55 57 58 60 61 63 64 65 67 68 69
45 39 41 43 45 47 49 51 52 54 55 57 58 60 61 63 64 65 67 68 69 70
50 41 43 45 47 49 51 52 54 55 57 58 60 61 63 64 65 67 68 69 70 72
55 43 45 47 49 51 52 54 55 57 58 60 61 63 64 65 67 68 69 70 72 73
60 45 47 49 51 52 54 55 57 58 60 61 63 64 65 67 68 69 70 72 73 74
65 47 49 51 52 54 55 57 58 60 61 63 64 65 67 68 69 70 72 73 74 75
70 49 51 52 54 55 57 58 60 61 63 64 65 67 68 69 70 72 73 74 75 76
75 51 52 54 55 57 58 60 61 63 64 65 67 68 69 70 72 73 74 75 76 77
80 52 54 55 57 58 60 61 63 64 65 67 68 69 70 72 73 74 75 76 77 78
85 54 55 57 58 60 61 63 64 65 67 68 69 70 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79
90 55 57 58 60 61 63 64 65 67 68 69 70 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80
95 57 58 60 61 63 64 65 67 68 69 70 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80
100 58 60 61 63 64 65 67 68 69 70 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80

Figure 4.3 (12 of 27)

Vu Versus Eu plus Ea for R400

R (m) 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 450
Ea (mm) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100

Eu Vu (Unbalanced Speed) in Km/hour; Vu = Vb (Balanced Speed) when Eu = 0

(mm) (kph)

0 0 14 20 24 28 31 34 37 39 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 55 57 59 60 62
5 14 20 24 28 31 34 37 39 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 55 57 59 60 62 63
10 20 24 28 31 34 37 39 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 55 57 59 60 62 63 65
15 24 28 31 34 37 39 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 55 57 59 60 62 63 65 66
20 28 31 34 37 39 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 55 57 59 60 62 63 65 66 68
25 31 34 37 39 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 55 57 59 60 62 63 65 66 68 69
30 34 37 39 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 55 57 59 60 62 63 65 66 68 69 71
35 37 39 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 55 57 59 60 62 63 65 66 68 69 71 72
40 39 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 55 57 59 60 62 63 65 66 68 69 71 72 73
45 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 55 57 59 60 62 63 65 66 68 69 71 72 73 75
50 44 46 48 50 52 54 55 57 59 60 62 63 65 66 68 69 71 72 73 75 76
55 46 48 50 52 54 55 57 59 60 62 63 65 66 68 69 71 72 73 75 76 77
60 48 50 52 54 55 57 59 60 62 63 65 66 68 69 71 72 73 75 76 77 78
65 50 52 54 55 57 59 60 62 63 65 66 68 69 71 72 73 75 76 77 78 80
70 52 54 55 57 59 60 62 63 65 66 68 69 71 72 73 75 76 77 78 80
75 54 55 57 59 60 62 63 65 66 68 69 71 72 73 75 76 77 78 80
80 55 57 59 60 62 63 65 66 68 69 71 72 73 75 76 77 78 80
85 57 59 60 62 63 65 66 68 69 71 72 73 75 76 77 78 80
90 59 60 62 63 65 66 68 69 71 72 73 75 76 77 78 80
95 60 62 63 65 66 68 69 71 72 73 75 76 77 78 80
100 62 63 65 66 68 69 71 72 73 75 76 77 78 80

Figure 4.3 (13 of 27)

Vu Versus Eu plus Ea for R450

R (m) 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500
Ea (mm) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100

Eu Vu (Unbalanced Speed) in Km/hour; Vu = Vb (Balanced Speed) when Eu = 0

(mm) (kph)

0 0 15 21 25 29 33 36 39 41 44 46 48 51 53 55 57 58 60 62 64 65
5 15 21 25 29 33 36 39 41 44 46 48 51 53 55 57 58 60 62 64 65 67
10 21 25 29 33 36 39 41 44 46 48 51 53 55 57 58 60 62 64 65 67 68
15 25 29 33 36 39 41 44 46 48 51 53 55 57 58 60 62 64 65 67 68 70
20 29 33 36 39 41 44 46 48 51 53 55 57 58 60 62 64 65 67 68 70 72
25 33 36 39 41 44 46 48 51 53 55 57 58 60 62 64 65 67 68 70 72 73
30 36 39 41 44 46 48 51 53 55 57 58 60 62 64 65 67 68 70 72 73 74
35 39 41 44 46 48 51 53 55 57 58 60 62 64 65 67 68 70 72 73 74 76
40 41 44 46 48 51 53 55 57 58 60 62 64 65 67 68 70 72 73 74 76 77
45 44 46 48 51 53 55 57 58 60 62 64 65 67 68 70 72 73 74 76 77 79
50 46 48 51 53 55 57 58 60 62 64 65 67 68 70 72 73 74 76 77 79 80
55 48 51 53 55 57 58 60 62 64 65 67 68 70 72 73 74 76 77 79 80
60 51 53 55 57 58 60 62 64 65 67 68 70 72 73 74 76 77 79 80
65 53 55 57 58 60 62 64 65 67 68 70 72 73 74 76 77 79 80
70 55 57 58 60 62 64 65 67 68 70 72 73 74 76 77 79 80
75 57 58 60 62 64 65 67 68 70 72 73 74 76 77 79 80
80 58 60 62 64 65 67 68 70 72 73 74 76 77 79 80
85 60 62 64 65 67 68 70 72 73 74 76 77 79 80
90 62 64 65 67 68 70 72 73 74 76 77 79 80
95 64 65 67 68 70 72 73 74 76 77 79 80
100 65 67 68 70 72 73 74 76 77 79 80

Figure 4.3 (14 of 27)

Vu Versus Eu plus Ea for R500

R (m) 550 550 550 550 550 550 550 550 550 550 550 550 550 550 550 550 550 550 550 550 550
Ea (mm) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100

Eu Vu (Unbalanced Speed) in Km/hour; Vu = Vb (Balanced Speed) when Eu = 0

(mm) (kph)

0 0 15 22 27 31 34 38 41 43 46 48 51 53 55 57 59 61 63 65 67 68
5 15 22 27 31 34 38 41 43 46 48 51 53 55 57 59 61 63 65 67 68 70
10 22 27 31 34 38 41 43 46 48 51 53 55 57 59 61 63 65 67 68 70 72
15 27 31 34 38 41 43 46 48 51 53 55 57 59 61 63 65 67 68 70 72 73
20 31 34 38 41 43 46 48 51 53 55 57 59 61 63 65 67 68 70 72 73 75
25 34 38 41 43 46 48 51 53 55 57 59 61 63 65 67 68 70 72 73 75 77
30 38 41 43 46 48 51 53 55 57 59 61 63 65 67 68 70 72 73 75 77 78
35 41 43 46 48 51 53 55 57 59 61 63 65 67 68 70 72 73 75 77 78 80
40 43 46 48 51 53 55 57 59 61 63 65 67 68 70 72 73 75 77 78 80
45 46 48 51 53 55 57 59 61 63 65 67 68 70 72 73 75 77 78 80
50 48 51 53 55 57 59 61 63 65 67 68 70 72 73 75 77 78 80
55 51 53 55 57 59 61 63 65 67 68 70 72 73 75 77 78 80
60 53 55 57 59 61 63 65 67 68 70 72 73 75 77 78 80
65 55 57 59 61 63 65 67 68 70 72 73 75 77 78 80
70 57 59 61 63 65 67 68 70 72 73 75 77 78 80
75 59 61 63 65 67 68 70 72 73 75 77 78 80
80 61 63 65 67 68 70 72 73 75 77 78 80
85 63 65 67 68 70 72 73 75 77 78 80
90 65 67 68 70 72 73 75 77 78 80
95 67 68 70 72 73 75 77 78 80
100 68 70 72 73 75 77 78 80

Figure 4.3 (15 of 27)

Vu Versus Eu plus Ea for R550

R (m) 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600
Ea (mm) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100

Eu Vu (Unbalanced Speed) in Km/hour; Vu = Vb (Balanced Speed) when Eu = 0

(mm) (kph)

0 0 16 23 28 32 36 39 42 45 48 51 53 55 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72
5 16 23 28 32 36 39 42 45 48 51 53 55 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 73
10 23 28 32 36 39 42 45 48 51 53 55 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 73 75
15 28 32 36 39 42 45 48 51 53 55 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 73 75 77
20 32 36 39 42 45 48 51 53 55 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 73 75 77 78
25 36 39 42 45 48 51 53 55 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 73 75 77 78 80
30 39 42 45 48 51 53 55 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 73 75 77 78 80
35 42 45 48 51 53 55 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 73 75 77 78 80
40 45 48 51 53 55 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 73 75 77 78 80
45 48 51 53 55 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 73 75 77 78 80
50 51 53 55 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 73 75 77 78 80
55 53 55 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 73 75 77 78 80
60 55 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 73 75 77 78 80
65 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 73 75 77 78 80
70 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 73 75 77 78 80
75 62 64 66 68 70 72 73 75 77 78 80
80 64 66 68 70 72 73 75 77 78 80
85 66 68 70 72 73 75 77 78 80
90 68 70 72 73 75 77 78 80
95 70 72 73 75 77 78 80
100 72 73 75 77 78 80

Figure 4.3 (16 of 27)

Vu Versus Eu plus Ea for R600

R (m) 650 650 650 650 650 650 650 650 650 650 650 650 650 650 650 650 650 650 650 650 650
Ea (mm) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100

Eu Vu (Unbalanced Speed) in Km/hour; Vu = Vb (Balanced Speed) when Eu = 0

(mm) (kph)

0 0 17 24 29 33 37 41 44 47 50 53 55 58 60 62 64 67 69 71 73 74
5 17 24 29 33 37 41 44 47 50 53 55 58 60 62 64 67 69 71 73 74 76
10 24 29 33 37 41 44 47 50 53 55 58 60 62 64 67 69 71 73 74 76 78
15 29 33 37 41 44 47 50 53 55 58 60 62 64 67 69 71 73 74 76 78 80
20 33 37 41 44 47 50 53 55 58 60 62 64 67 69 71 73 74 76 78 80
25 37 41 44 47 50 53 55 58 60 62 64 67 69 71 73 74 76 78 80
30 41 44 47 50 53 55 58 60 62 64 67 69 71 73 74 76 78 80
35 44 47 50 53 55 58 60 62 64 67 69 71 73 74 76 78 80
40 47 50 53 55 58 60 62 64 67 69 71 73 74 76 78 80
45 50 53 55 58 60 62 64 67 69 71 73 74 76 78 80
50 53 55 58 60 62 64 67 69 71 73 74 76 78 80
55 55 58 60 62 64 67 69 71 73 74 76 78 80
60 58 60 62 64 67 69 71 73 74 76 78 80
65 60 62 64 67 69 71 73 74 76 78 80
70 62 64 67 69 71 73 74 76 78 80
75 64 67 69 71 73 74 76 78 80
80 67 69 71 73 74 76 78 80
85 69 71 73 74 76 78 80
90 71 73 74 76 78 80
95 73 74 76 78 80
100 74 76 78 80

Figure 4.3 (17 of 27)

Vu Versus Eu plus Ea for R650

R (m) 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700
Ea (mm) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100

Eu Vu (Unbalanced Speed) in Km/hour; Vu = Vb (Balanced Speed) when Eu = 0

(mm) (kph)

0 0 17 24 30 35 39 42 46 49 52 55 57 60 62 65 67 69 71 73 75 77
5 17 24 30 35 39 42 46 49 52 55 57 60 62 65 67 69 71 73 75 77 79
10 24 30 35 39 42 46 49 52 55 57 60 62 65 67 69 71 73 75 77 79
15 30 35 39 42 46 49 52 55 57 60 62 65 67 69 71 73 75 77 79
20 35 39 42 46 49 52 55 57 60 62 65 67 69 71 73 75 77 79
25 39 42 46 49 52 55 57 60 62 65 67 69 71 73 75 77 79
30 42 46 49 52 55 57 60 62 65 67 69 71 73 75 77 79
35 46 49 52 55 57 60 62 65 67 69 71 73 75 77 79
40 49 52 55 57 60 62 65 67 69 71 73 75 77 79
45 52 55 57 60 62 65 67 69 71 73 75 77 79
50 55 57 60 62 65 67 69 71 73 75 77 79
55 57 60 62 65 67 69 71 73 75 77 79
60 60 62 65 67 69 71 73 75 77 79
65 62 65 67 69 71 73 75 77 79
70 65 67 69 71 73 75 77 79
75 67 69 71 73 75 77 79
80 69 71 73 75 77 79
85 71 73 75 77 79
90 73 75 77 79
95 75 77 79
100 77 79

Figure 4.3 (18 of 27)

Vu Versus Eu plus Ea for R700

R (m) 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750
Ea (mm) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100

Eu Vu (Unbalanced Speed) in Km/hour; Vu = Vb (Balanced Speed) when Eu = 0

(mm) (kph)

0 0 18 25 31 36 40 44 47 51 54 57 59 62 64 67 69 72 74 76 78 80
5 18 25 31 36 40 44 47 51 54 57 59 62 64 67 69 72 74 76 78 80
10 25 31 36 40 44 47 51 54 57 59 62 64 67 69 72 74 76 78 80
15 31 36 40 44 47 51 54 57 59 62 64 67 69 72 74 76 78 80
20 36 40 44 47 51 54 57 59 62 64 67 69 72 74 76 78 80
25 40 44 47 51 54 57 59 62 64 67 69 72 74 76 78 80
30 44 47 51 54 57 59 62 64 67 69 72 74 76 78 80
35 47 51 54 57 59 62 64 67 69 72 74 76 78 80
40 51 54 57 59 62 64 67 69 72 74 76 78 80
45 54 57 59 62 64 67 69 72 74 76 78 80
50 57 59 62 64 67 69 72 74 76 78 80
55 59 62 64 67 69 72 74 76 78 80
60 62 64 67 69 72 74 76 78 80
65 64 67 69 72 74 76 78 80
70 67 69 72 74 76 78 80
75 69 72 74 76 78 80
80 72 74 76 78 80
85 74 76 78 80
90 76 78 80
95 78 80
100 80

Figure 4.3 (19 of 27)

Vu Versus Eu plus Ea for R750

R (m) 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800
Ea (mm) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100

Eu Vu (Unbalanced Speed) in Km/hour; Vu = Vb (Balanced Speed) when Eu = 0

(mm) (kph)

0 0 19 26 32 37 41 45 49 52 55 58 61 64 67 69 72 74 76 78 80
5 19 26 32 37 41 45 49 52 55 58 61 64 67 69 72 74 76 78 80
10 26 32 37 41 45 49 52 55 58 61 64 67 69 72 74 76 78 80
15 32 37 41 45 49 52 55 58 61 64 67 69 72 74 76 78 80
20 37 41 45 49 52 55 58 61 64 67 69 72 74 76 78 80
25 41 45 49 52 55 58 61 64 67 69 72 74 76 78 80
30 45 49 52 55 58 61 64 67 69 72 74 76 78 80
35 49 52 55 58 61 64 67 69 72 74 76 78 80
40 52 55 58 61 64 67 69 72 74 76 78 80
45 55 58 61 64 67 69 72 74 76 78 80
50 58 61 64 67 69 72 74 76 78 80
55 61 64 67 69 72 74 76 78 80
60 64 67 69 72 74 76 78 80
65 67 69 72 74 76 78 80
70 69 72 74 76 78 80
75 72 74 76 78 80
80 74 76 78 80
85 76 78 80
90 78 80
95 80

Figure 4.3 (20 of 27)

Vu Versus Eu plus Ea for R800

R (m) 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900
Ea (mm) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100

Eu Vu (Unbalanced Speed) in Km/hour; Vu = Vb (Balanced Speed) when Eu = 0

(mm) (kph)

0 0 20 28 34 39 44 48 52 55 59 62 65 68 71 73 76 78 81
5 20 28 34 39 44 48 52 55 59 62 65 68 71 73 76 78 81
10 28 34 39 44 48 52 55 59 62 65 68 71 73 76 78 81
15 34 39 44 48 52 55 59 62 65 68 71 73 76 78 81
20 39 44 48 52 55 59 62 65 68 71 73 76 78 81
25 44 48 52 55 59 62 65 68 71 73 76 78 81
30 48 52 55 59 62 65 68 71 73 76 78 81
35 52 55 59 62 65 68 71 73 76 78 81
40 55 59 62 65 68 71 73 76 78 81
45 59 62 65 68 71 73 76 78 81
50 62 65 68 71 73 76 78 81
55 65 68 71 73 76 78 81
60 68 71 73 76 78 81
65 71 73 76 78 81
70 73 76 78 81
75 76 78 81
80 78 81
85 81

Figure 4.3 (21 of 27)

Vu Versus Eu plus Ea for R900

R (m) 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000
Ea (mm) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100

Eu Vu (Unbalanced Speed) in Km/hour; Vu = Vb (Balanced Speed) when Eu = 0

(mm) (kph)

0 0 21 29 36 41 46 51 55 58 62 65 68 72 74 77 80
5 21 29 36 41 46 51 55 58 62 65 68 72 74 77 80
10 29 36 41 46 51 55 58 62 65 68 72 74 77 80
15 36 41 46 51 55 58 62 65 68 72 74 77 80
20 41 46 51 55 58 62 65 68 72 74 77 80
25 46 51 55 58 62 65 68 72 74 77 80
30 51 55 58 62 65 68 72 74 77 80
35 55 58 62 65 68 72 74 77 80
40 58 62 65 68 72 74 77 80
45 62 65 68 72 74 77 80
50 65 68 72 74 77 80
55 68 72 74 77 80
60 72 74 77 80
65 74 77 80
70 77 80
75 80

Figure 4.3 (22 of 27)

Vu Versus Eu plus Ea for R1000

R (m) 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100
Ea (mm) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100

Eu Vu (Unbalanced Speed) in Km/hour; Vu = Vb (Balanced Speed) when Eu = 0

(mm) (kph)

0 0 22 31 38 43 48 53 57 61 65 68 72 75 78 81
5 22 31 38 43 48 53 57 61 65 68 72 75 78 81
10 31 38 43 48 53 57 61 65 68 72 75 78 81
15 38 43 48 53 57 61 65 68 72 75 78 81
20 43 48 53 57 61 65 68 72 75 78 81
25 48 53 57 61 65 68 72 75 78 81
30 53 57 61 65 68 72 75 78 81
35 57 61 65 68 72 75 78 81
40 61 65 68 72 75 78 81
45 65 68 72 75 78 81
50 68 72 75 78 81
55 72 75 78 81
60 75 78 81
65 78 81
70 81

Figure 4.3 (23 of 27)

Vu Versus Eu plus Ea for R1100

R (m) 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200
Ea (mm) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100

Eu Vu (Unbalanced Speed) in Km/hour; Vu = Vb (Balanced Speed) when Eu = 0

(mm) (kph)

0 0 23 32 39 45 51 55 60 64 68 72 75 78 82
5 23 32 39 45 51 55 60 64 68 72 75 78 82
10 32 39 45 51 55 60 64 68 72 75 78 82
15 39 45 51 55 60 64 68 72 75 78 82
20 45 51 55 60 64 68 72 75 78 82
25 51 55 60 64 68 72 75 78 82
30 55 60 64 68 72 75 78 82
35 60 64 68 72 75 78 82
40 64 68 72 75 78 82
45 68 72 75 78 82
50 72 75 78 82
55 75 78 82
60 78 82
65 82

Figure 4.3 (24 of 27)

Vu Versus Eu plus Ea for R1200

R (m) 1300 1300 1300 1300 1300 1300 1300 1300 1300 1300 1300 1300 1300 1300 1300 1300 1300 1300 1300 1300 1300
Ea (mm) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100

Eu Vu (Unbalanced Speed) in Km/hour; Vu = Vb (Balanced Speed) when Eu = 0

(mm) (kph)

0 0 24 33 41 47 53 58 62 67 71 74 78 82
5 24 33 41 47 53 58 62 67 71 74 78 82
10 33 41 47 53 58 62 67 71 74 78 82
15 41 47 53 58 62 67 71 74 78 82
20 47 53 58 62 67 71 74 78 82
25 53 58 62 67 71 74 78 82
30 58 62 67 71 74 78 82
35 62 67 71 74 78 82
40 67 71 74 78 82
45 71 74 78 82
50 74 78 82
55 78 82
60 82

Figure 4.3 (25 of 27)

Vu Versus Eu plus Ea for R1300

R (m) 1400 1400 1400 1400 1400 1400 1400 1400 1400 1400 1400 1400 1400 1400 1400 1400 1400 1400 1400 1400 1400
Ea (mm) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100

Eu Vu (Unbalanced Speed) in Km/hour; Vu = Vb (Balanced Speed) when Eu = 0

(mm) (kph)

0 0 24 35 42 49 55 60 65 69 73 77 81
5 24 35 42 49 55 60 65 69 73 77 81
10 35 42 49 55 60 65 69 73 77 81
15 42 49 55 60 65 69 73 77 81
20 49 55 60 65 69 73 77 81
25 55 60 65 69 73 77 81
30 60 65 69 73 77 81
35 65 69 73 77 81
40 69 73 77 81
45 73 77 81
50 77 81
55 81

Figure 4.3 (26 of 27)

Vu Versus Eu plus Ea for R1400

R (m) 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500
Ea (mm) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100

Eu Vu (Unbalanced Speed) in Km/hour; Vu = Vb (Balanced Speed) when Eu = 0

(mm) (kph)

0 0 25 36 44 51 57 62 67 72 76 80
5 25 36 44 51 57 62 67 72 76 80
10 36 44 51 57 62 67 72 76 80
15 44 51 57 62 67 72 76 80
20 51 57 62 67 72 76 80
25 57 62 67 72 76 80
30 62 67 72 76 80
35 67 72 76 80
40 72 76 80
45 76 80
50 80

Figure 4.3 (27 of 27)

Vu Versus Eu plus Ea for R1500

Ea (in mm) = 11.83 Vu2 / R - 100 for Z = 0.067g ; Eu max = 100 mm
(Refer to Section
Speed (Vu)
(Km/hr) 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80
35 35
40 18 85
45 5 64
50 48
55 34 94
60 23 77
65 14 64
70 6 52
75 42 93
80 33 81
85 25 70
90 18 61
95 12 53 99
100 6 45 89
110 32 72
120 21 58 100
130 11 46 84
140 4 35 71
150 26 60 97
160 18 50 85
170 11 41 74
180 5 33 64 99
190 0 26 56 88
200 20 48 79
220 9 34 63 94
240 0 23 49 77
260 14 38 64 92
280 6 28 52 79
300 19 42 67 93
325 10 31 54 78
350 2 22 43 66 90
375 14 33 55 77
400 6 25 45 66 89
450 11 29 48 68
500 0 16 33 51
550 5 21 38
600 11 26
650 2 16
700 8
750 1
Note: Ea less than zero or greater than 100 mm are not l isted on the table

Figure 4.4

Superelevation Vs Radius and Unbalanced Speed

Track Zone Criteria Grade Length of Tangent
(%) Vertical Curve (m) Length (m)

Mainline Desirable Maximum 4.5

Absolute Maximum 6.0

or 6.7
over short distances
(1) Based on Rate of Change
in Grade:
(i) V = or > 50 km/hr The greater of:
Balanced Speed Minimum 60 or *A x 25 25

Unbalanced Speed Minimum 60 or *A x 50

(ii) V < 50 km/hr The greater of :

Balanced Speed Minimum 60 or *A x 15
Unbalanced Speed Minimum 60 or *A x 25

(2) Based on Vertical

(i) Crest Curve Minimum 0.0047AV2

(ii) Crest Curve Minimum 0.0025AV2

Storage Track Desirable 0.0

Maximum 0.5

Yard Track Desirable 0.0

Maximum 0.5

Shop Track Desirable 0.0

Station Track Desirable Maximum 1.0

Desirable Minimum 0.3 Platform Length

(15 m each end)
Special *Desirable Minimum ** Turnout Limits
Trackwork +10
(5 m each end)
*Minimum ** Turnout Limits
(3 m each end)
* A is the algebraic difference in percentage grade
** Refer to Chapter 5 Trackwork, Table 5.2 for details

Figure 4.6

Summary of Vertical Alignment Standards

Chapter 5 – Revision Tracking Form


Chapter 5
2017 EDITION – Revisions Tracking Form
Section Reference Revision General Description Issue Date
All Various Various units have been changed to match ISO July 2017
standards (e.g. kph or km/hr have been changed
to km/h)

5.2.1 Last bullet Added requirement for consultant to develop

spare parts list.

5.2.4 Last paragr. Minor text change. 2nd paragr. Specified HDPE baseplate pad. 4th paragr. Added Metro Line.

5.4.7 4th paragr. Updated current condition of Metro Line guard rail.

5.4.7 Last paragr Clarified consultant responsibility for future guard

rail designs. 2nd paragr. Preference for road crossings changed from

hardwood to composite ties. New section Added composite tie information.

5.6.4 2nd paragr Use of Dolostone in ballast prohibited.

5.7.2 Last paragr. Minor text change.

5.7.7 1st paragr. Added reference to TCRP.

5.7.9 1st paragr. Clarified rail lubricators used on running rails and
guard rails.

Figures Figure revision Fig 5.3C, Fig 5.3D, Fig 12A, Fig 5.12C

New figures Fig 5.12F, Fig 5.23D



5.2.1  General System Requirements 1 
5.2.2  Track System Classification 1 
5.2.3  Applicable Design Standards and Governing Criteria 2 
5.2.4  5.2.4 Electrical Isolation 4 
5.2.5  Noise and Vibration Attenuation 4 
5.3.1  General 5 
5.3.2  Rail Deflection 5 
5.3.3  At-Grade (Surface) Track 6 
5.3.4  Track in Portals and Tunnels 7 
5.3.5  Track on Aerial Structures 8 
5.3.6  Embedded Track 8 
5.3.7  Track Transitional Requirements 9 
5.4.1  General Requirements 10 
5.4.2  Turnouts 10 
5.4.3  Crossovers 12 
5.4.4  Diamonds 13 
5.4.5  Sliding Rail Joints 13 
5.4.6  Lateral Restraining Devices 14 
5.4.7  Guard Rails 14 
5.4.8  Restraining Rails 14 
5.5.1  Road Crossings 15 
5.5.2  Pedestrian Crossings 15 
5.5.3  Requirements 15 
5.5.4  Service Life and Maintenance 16 
5.5.5  Corrosion Protection 16 
5.6.1  Running Rails 16 
5.6.2  Fastening Devices 18 
5.6.3  Ties 20 
5.6.4  Ballast 23 
5.6.5  Sub-ballast 23 
5.6.6  Subgrade 23 
5.6.7  Ballast Curb 24 
5.7.1  Switch Machines 24 
5.7.2  Switch Blowers 24 
5.7.3  Switch Point Detectors 25 
5.7.4  Hold-down Bars 25 

Final Issue July 2017 I


5.7.5  Roller Plates 25 

5.7.6  Switch Point Protector 25 
5.7.7  Friction End Stops 25 
5.7.8  Wheel Stops 26 
5.7.9  Rail Lubricators 26 
5.7.10  Lateral Track Bracing for Stations 26 
5.7.11  Rail Anchors 26 
5.8.1  Welding Processes 27 
5.8.2  Non-insulated Joints 28 
5.8.3  Insulated Joints 28 
5.9.1  General 28 

Final Issue July 2017 II


List of Figures
Figure 5.1 – Light Rail Vehicle Wheel Profile
Figure 5.2 – Work Train Standard A.A.R. Wheel Profile
Figure 5.3A – Typical 1:40 Canted Direct Fixation Fastener and Anchoring
Figure 5.3B – Cast-in-place Plinth
Figure 5.3C – Typical 650 mm x 1200 Precast Plinth
Figure 5.3D – Typical 820 mm x 1200 mm Precast Plinth
Figure 5.4 – Ballasted Track At-grade – Mainline and Yard (Open)
Figure 5.5 – Ballasted Track At-grade – Mainline (Confined)
Figure 5.6 – Ballasted Track At-grade – Median Running
Figure 5.7 – Ballasted Track At-grade on Concrete Slab – Mainline (Confined)
Figure 5.8 – Ballasted Track on Concrete Slab – Station Structure
Figure 5.9 – Direct Fixation on Concrete Slab – Double Box/Portal Structure
Figure 5.10 – Direct Fixation on Concrete Slab – TBM Tunnel Structure
Figure 5.11 – Direct Fixation/Ballasted Track – Aerial Structure
Figure 5.12A – Typical Embedded Mainline Track with Guard Rail
Figure 5.12B – Typical Embedded Mainline Track without Guard Rail
Figure 5.12C – Typical Embedded Track Road/Pedestrian Crossing with Guard Rail
Figure 5.12D – Typical Embedded Mainline Track with Track Drains
Figure 5.12E – Typical Embedded Shop Track
Figure 5.12F – Typical Embedded Track with Guard Rail and Anchor Bolts
Figure 5.13 – Typical Rail Beam – Pit Track
Figure 5.14 – Typical Transition Tie Layout
Figure 5.15 – Typical Transition Slab Details
Figure 5.16 – Turnout and Crossover Data for Curved Split Switches – AREMA
Figure 5.17 – No. 5 Turnout UIC Standard
Figure 5.18 – No. 8 Turnout UIC Standard
Figure 5.19A – Type-1 Guard Rail Mounting Bracket for Embedded Track
Figure 5.19B – Type-2 Guard Rail Mounting Bracket for Direct Fixation
Figure 5.19C – Type-3 Guard Rail Mounting Bracket for Wood Tie
Figure 5.20A – Typical Restraining Rail Layout Plan
Figure 5.20B – Typical Restraining Guard Rail Fasteners
Figure 5.21 – Typical At-Grade Road Crossing
Figure 5.22A – Typical At-Grade Pedestrian Crossing
Figure 5.22B – Detectable Warning Surface – 2500 mm Pedestrian Crossing
Figure 5.22C – Detectable Warning Surface – 3100 mm Pedestrian Crossing
Figure 5.22D – Detectable Warning Surface – 5000 mm Pedestrian Crossing
Figure 5.23A – 100 lb ARA-A Tee Rail
Figure 5.23B – 115 lb RE Rail
Figure 5.23C – 67R1 (Ph37a) Girder Rail
Figure 5.23D – Modified UIC-33 Guard Rail
Figure 5.24 – Typical Shim Details for Direct Fixation Fastener
Figure 5.25 – Typical Wood Tie Details
Figure 5.26 – Typical Concrete Tie Details
Figure 5.27 – Typical Lateral Track Bracing Details
Figure 5.28 – Ballast Curb Typical Details
Figure 5.29 – Typical Bollard and Chain Fence
Figure 5.30 – CPG & CPF wheel Alignment
Figure 5.31 – Typical Hold-Down Bar
Figure 5.32 – Typical Switch Point Protector
Figure 5.33 – Typical Rail Anchor on Cast-in-place Plinth

Final Issue July 2017 III



This chapter presents the general requirements, guidelines and criteria for the design of track
and trackwork components for the Edmonton LRT System. These guidelines have been
developed to assist the consultant to facilitate the design process. All aspects of track and
related track components are discussed including rail, special trackwork, support structures,
fastening devices, and related hardware.
These guidelines have evolved from AREMA (American Railway Engineering and
Maintenance Association) practices. However, with the introduction of the European UIC
(International Union of Railways) design standards, new design technology, and through
experience, the guidelines have been modified to better suit the requirements of Edmonton’s
LRT System.
It is a requirement that technology used in trackwork design development be proven for a
minimum of two (2) years of revenue service in a LRT system similar to Edmonton’s.
Compatibility with Edmonton’s existing technology is also essential.
Trackwork components should generally comply with Edmonton’s current trackwork
standards. These guidelines will form the basis for the trackwork design and evaluation of
alternative systems. Any variance from these guidelines will require approval in writing from


5.2.1 General System Requirements
The trackwork consultant should apply a design philosophy that will provide continued
acceptable performance, ease of operation and maintenance, and stresses the following
 Minimal changes to the design of the existing Edmonton LRT System
 Ensuring design compatibility with existing trackwork components
 Interchangeability
 Modular design
 Use of standard off-the-shelf components
 Maintainability
 Availability and reliability
 Ability to interface with work to be done by other disciplines
 During the design, the consultant should determine a spare parts list for each component,
and discuss with ETS for agreement.
5.2.2 Track System Classification
Edmonton’s LRT System has four (4) classifications for its track system: Mainline track,
Secondary track, and Yard and Shop track. Definitions

Mainline track or Primary Track consists of track constructed for the purpose of carrying
revenue passengers and should be constructed of continuous welded rail (CWR).

Final Issue July 2017 5.1


Secondary track consists of track constructed for the purpose of temporary storage, staging
and branching off the mainline (e.g. pocket track and lead track off the mainline to the
Maintenance Yard). Secondary track must be constructed to mainline track standards.
Yard track consists of tracks constructed beyond the lead track off the mainline.
Yard track does not carry revenue passengers. In general, its purpose is for routing and
switching trains around the Maintenance Yard or for storing trains outside the Maintenance
Facilities. Yard track should be constructed of jointed rail on tie and ballast track structure.
Embedded track consists of the track structure which is completely covered by pavement
materials except for the top of rail and flangeway. The embedment materials, including the
design of flangeway and rail used, are tailored to specific site circumstances, such as road
crossing, pedestrian crossing and in-street track within a shared ROW.
Shop track consists of pit tracks and embedded tracks constructed within the building limits of
the Maintenance Facilities. Shop track should be constructed of Continuous Welded Rail
(CWR) with direct fastening system embedded in in-fill concrete or mounted directly on steel

5.2.3 Applicable Design Standards and Governing Criteria General

As a minimum, all track and trackwork should be designed in accordance with current
governing codes, regulations, standards and practices as follows:
 American Railway Engineering and Maintenance Association - AREMA
 American Society for Testing and Materials - ASTM
 Canadian Standards Association - CSA
 International Union of Railways - UIC
Consideration must be given to the design vehicle size, load and performance, and horizontal
and vertical vehicle dynamic clearances as noted in Chapters 2 and 3 of these Guidelines. Design Speed and Design Wheel Load

All tracks should be designed for the maximum design operating speed dictated by the
geometric and operational constraints of the section under consideration.
The maximum design speed for LRVs on mainline is 80 km/h.
The maximum design speed for Work Trains on mainline is 40 km/h.
The design speed for the LRV on yard track is 15 km/h, whereas the yard operating speed for
both the LRV and the Work Train is 10 km/h. Yard test tracks may require a higher design
operating speed.
The maximum design wheel load of the Design LRV is *5800 kg rounded (refer to Figure 2.3).
* 23,063 ÷ 4 = 5766 kg
The maximum design wheel load of the Work Train is *8000 kg rounded (refer to Figure 2.4).
* 32,200 ÷ 4 = 8050 kg Minimum Track Separation and Fouling Point

Where possible, the trackwork consultant should maintain a minimum distance of 4.5 m
between track centers. Fouling point restrictions based on the vehicle dynamic clearances of
bi-directional train movement to all trackway elements must be taken into consideration.

Final Issue July 2017 5.2


Edmonton’s LRT System currently utilizes 100 lb ARA-A rail and 115 lb RE rail installed in
accordance with the following criteria:
 Track gauge for mainline tangent track is 1435 mm +3/-1 mm, measured 16 mm below the
top of railhead.
 Track gauge for curved track is 1435 mm +3/-1 mm. If necessary, gauge adjustment may
be considered in sharp curves on mainline to minimize wheel binding.
 Special trackwork should be designed to the standard gauge of 1435 mm +3/-1 mm.
 No gauge widening is required in the yard and shop track.
Refer to Table 5.3 for track gauge construction tolerances.
Refer to Section regarding the use of 115 lb RE rail. Trackwork Lateral and Vertical Adjustability

Direct fixation fasteners and concrete ties should be designed so that adjustments can be
made to newly installed trackwork as follows:
i. Direct Fixation Fastener
Lateral track adjustments of +/- 15 mm in increments of 3 mm should be provided. A
positive serrated fastening design for lateral adjustment is preferred.
Vertical adjustment of direct fixation fasteners should be achieved by shimming. Steel
shim thickness ranging from 1 mm to 20 mm should be used. Combinations of a
maximum of three shims are permitted to make up a maximum shimming height of 25
ii. Concrete Cross Ties
Provision should be made to allow minor gauge adjustment to compensate for concrete tie
shoulder casting tolerances and future rail wear. Insulators of varying widths should be
used to provide flexibility for gauge adjustment. Rail Cant

Rail cant should be 1:40, unless otherwise specified.

Rail cant on mainline and yard track should be achieved by the use of canted fasteners.
Rail cant on concrete ties should be incorporated in the rail seat area as part of the tie casting
Rails in turnouts and shop track should be installed vertically with zero rail cant.
Rail expansion joints and lateral deflecting devices, where used, should have the same rail
cant as the connecting rails. Refer to Section 5.4.5, for Sliding Rail Joints requirements. Rail Cant Transition

Zero to 1:40 rail cant transitioning between turnouts and the connecting tracks should take
place a minimum of 3 m ahead of the point of switch. This distance should be increased if
necessary to avoid placing the cant transitioning at insulated joint locations. Insulated joints
are too rigid to conform to changes in cant.
Tapered shims, elastomeric grout pads or concrete crossties with built-in variable canted rail
seats should be used to accomplish the rail cant transition over a distance of 3 m, allowing the
rail to twist in its natural form.

Final Issue July 2017 5.3


Rail cant transitioning is not required at the transition point between the yard and the shop
track due to the slow train speeds in this area. Flangeways

Flangeway dimension requirements are a function of the wheel profile (refer to Figure 5.1) and
curve radius used. The wheel flange width and the back-to-back wheel flange distance
determine the appropriate wheel flange clearance. The determination of an appropriate
flangeway width should also take rail-mounted maintenance equipment requirements and
pedestrian crossing safety standards into consideration.
The flangeway depth must be sufficient to accommodate dirt and debris without causing wheel
The flangeway width through the frog and corresponding guard rail must be designed to
prevent excessive lateral wheel movement at the point of wheel transfer. Excessive lateral
wheel movement will result in premature wear of the wing rail and frog point.
The following are the flangeway requirements:
 Frog flangeway – 47 mm (width) x 52 mm (depth)
 Guard rail flangeway in special trackwork – 45 mm (width) x 52 mm (depth)
 Guard rail flangeway in curves – adjustable width to compensate for rail wear and
operating speed x 52 mm (depth)
 Road grade crossing flangeway – 65 mm (width) x 52 mm (depth)
 Pedestrian crossing flangeway – 65 mm (width) x 52 mm (depth)
The above requirements are industry standards for the standard AAR wheel profile used on
the LRT Work Train (refer to Figure 5.2).

5.2.4 Electrical Isolation

The Edmonton LRT System uses a 700 V direct current power supply. Both rails of the track
are used as conductors for the traction power current return. Rail current leakage may cause
corrosion of the track structure and facilities. Concerns regarding stray current must be
addressed in the trackwork design.
Note: 700 V DC represents a no load traction power voltage.
All trackwork systems in direct contact with the vehicle must have provision for electrical
isolation from the ground. With the exception of wood ties (refer to Section 5.6.3), the rail
base that comes in contact with fasteners on concrete slab and concrete ties must be isolated
electrically. Insulating requirements are presented in Chapter 13, Corrosion and Stray Current
Corrosion protection should also be considered at crossings, track structures and
underground utilities along the LRT right-of-way.
The grounding system should be designed and constructed based on a grounding study.

5.2.5 Noise and Vibration Attenuation

Noise along the LRT right-of-way primarily originates from the LRV wheel and rail at the point
of contact. Surface roughness of both the wheel and rail at the contact point generates noise
and vibration in the LRV, trackwork components, and track support structures.
Trackwork design can have a substantial effect on noise and vibration. The trackwork design
and selection of trackwork components should consider the following methods for controlling
and/or reducing noise and vibration adjacent to residential areas:
 Use of resilient or elastomeric bonded direct fixation fasteners

Final Issue July 2017 5.4


 Use of resilient rail seat pads for concrete ties

 Use of Continuous Welded Rail (CWR) on mainline
 Use of rubber rail boot or elastomeric grout for embedded track system at areas sensitive
to noise and vibration impacts
 Strategically incorporating track lubricator on curved track with radius of less than 200 m
 Strategically locating turnouts to minimize the impact of noise and vibration generated
from wheel transfer impact
 Use of trackwork components which incorporate noise and vibration dampening measures
(e.g. ballast matting)
 Rail grinding prior to revenue service
 Use of wayside sound barriers, where appropriate
Refer to Chapter 14, Impact Mitigation, Aesthetics, ROW Control for guidelines regarding
noise attenuation measures adjacent to residential and other sensitive communities.


5.3.1 General
Mainline track on grade in accessible areas should be of concrete tie with Pandrol clip (or
approved fastener) and ballast construction. Yard track on grade in accessible areas should
be of timber tie, screw spike and ballast construction.
Track laid in areas where access is restricted (e.g. in tunnels, on aerial structures, or inside
buildings) should be the direct fixation. Cementitious grout pads as direct fixation foundation
must not be used. The pre-cast or cast-in-place concrete plinth upon which the direct fixation
fasteners are anchored should be poured or grouted in separately after the main slab has
been cast. Figure 5.3A illustrates a typical installation of direct fixation fastener on concrete
Tracks installed in major roadways, in close proximity to businesses, should consider the use
of embedded structure (refer to Section
Depending on the location optimized for the installation of special trackwork, mainline special
trackwork can be installed on tie and ballasted track structure or on track slab utilizing
elastomeric grout pads (refer to Section 5.4.1).
To ensure the proposed trackwork system is compatible with the existing Edmonton LRT
System, other alternate track structures will not be permitted unless the advantages in terms
of performance, overall cost and maintenance requirements can be proven. Any proposed
alternate track structure must have a proven revenue service record of at least 2 years on a
LRT system similar to Edmonton.

5.3.2 Rail Deflection

Rail deflection is a critical factor in the determination of the appropriate track structure and rail
support spacing requirements.
The trackwork consultant must analyze the rail deflection to verify the fastener or tie spacing
required for the selected track structure and rail section.
The amount of rail deflection is dependent on the following factors:
 Wheel load and wheel diameter
 Track modulus
o Rail Section (moment of inertia)
o Depth of ballast and sub-ballast
o Subgrade strength
 Train speed

Final Issue July 2017 5.5


The maximum allowable rail deflection should not exceed 2 mm on mainline track structure. A
deflection exceeding 2 mm may cause premature failure of track components. Fastener Spacing

Direct fixation fasteners on concrete structures or plinths should be spaced at 750 mm. On
curved track the fasteners should be installed radially from the centre of the curve.
The maximum allowable direction fixation fastener spacing for 100 lb ARA-A rail section is 800
mm. Spacing greater than 800 mm may cause excessive deflection.
Similarly, the maximum allowable direction fixation fastener spacing for 115 lb RE rail section
is 800 mm. Spacing greater than 800 mm may cause excessive deflection.
Note: Refer to Section and later sections in this chapter for guidelines pertaining to the use of
100 lb ARA-A and 115 lb RE rail. Tie Spacing

Tie spacing is dependent on the maximum allowable rail deflection and maximum bearing
pressure at the interface layers that makes up the recommended track structure.
Concrete tie spacing should be 675 mm, unless otherwise specified.
Wood tie spacing should be 560 mm, unless otherwise specified.
Should there be a change in tie spacing, the trackwork consultant must verify the rail
deflection and bearing pressure exerted at the track structure interfaces. As a minimum,
bearing pressures at the track structure interfaces should conform to the following AREMA
 Concrete tie - bearing pressure at the ballast/tie interface should not exceed 585 kPa (or
85 psi)
 Wood tie – bearing pressure at the ballast/tie interface should not exceed 448 kPa (or 65
 The bearing pressure at the subgrade/sub-ballast interface should not exceed 138 kPa (or
20 psi)
Note: The above guidelines are based on AREMA’s recommended maximum bearing pressure values.
However, a detailed analysis of allowable bearing capacity may be necessary to determine the granular
depth (ballast and sub-ballast) required for the allowable load to be transferred to the subgrade.

5.3.3 At-Grade (Surface) Track

A ballasted track structure should be used for surface mainline. Concrete ties are preferred
over wood ties in ballasted track. Concrete ties hold gauge and line better providing smoother
ride quality and longer service life with less maintenance requirements. Wood Tie and Ballast Track

Wood tie and ballast track structure is generally used in the yard and should be installed as
shown in Figure 5.4.
The rail fastening system should consist of a base-plate complete with HDPE baseplate pad,
spring clips, screw spikes and spring lock washers.
100 lb ARA-A CWR (refer to Figure 5.23A) is installed on wood tie and ballast for mainline
surface track between Clareview and Health Sciences Stations. 100 lb ARA-A jointed rail is
installed at the D.L.MacDonald Transit Yards.
115 lb RE CWR (refer to Figure 5.23B) is installed on concrete tie and ballasted tracks for the
South LRT Extension from Health Sciences to Century Park Stations, and on concrete plinths

Final Issue July 2017 5.6


as well as embedded for the Metro Line LRT Extension from just north of Churchill to NAIT
To be consistent with Edmonton LRT trackwork system, all future LRT mainline extensions
should be constructed of 115 lb. RE rail section.
Wood ties should be spaced at 560 mm centre to centre. Closer tie spacing may be
warranted on curves with radius less than 300 m if deem necessary through track structure
analysis. Concrete Ties and Ballast on Subgrade

Concrete tie and ballast track structure on compacted subgrade, as shown in Figures 5.5 and
5.6, is the preferred option for track constructed at grade.
The rail fastening system for precast concrete ties should consist of cast-in-place cast iron
shoulders, spring clips, rail pads and insulators for the fastening of 115 lb RE rail section.
Refer to Section 5.6.1, Running Rail and Section, Concrete Cross Ties for details.
Concrete ties should be spaced at 675 mm centre to centre. Closer tie spacing may be
warranted on curves with radius less than 300 m if deemed necessary through track structure
analysis. Concrete Ties and Ballast on Concrete Slab

Concrete tie and ballast track structure on concrete slab, as shown in Figures 5.7 and 5.8,
should be used in areas where there are depth restrictions preventing construction of a full
granular trackbed.
Minimum ballast depth under the tie is 225 mm.
At isolated locations where there are depth restrictions, the absolute minimum ballast depth
under the tie is 175 mm. Ballast depth of less than 175 mm will not allow the ballast to be
machine tamped effectively.

5.3.4 Track in Portals and Tunnels Direct Fixation on Concrete Slab

Direct fixation track on concrete slab as shown in Figure 5.9 should be used in portal transition
Direct fixation track on concrete slab as shown in Figure 5.10 should be used in tunnels.
Typically it is specified that the tunnel contractor or the installer of the base slab make
provision for concrete plinths by providing recesses in the concrete tunnel invert. The
concrete plinth should be connected to the invert concrete with a series of stirrups or by rebars
connecting to threaded inserts. The concrete plinth system can be designed as cast-in-place
or pre-cast system. The trackwork consultant should evaluate the two options based on the
economies of scale, constructability, quality and maintainability of the end product.
The top of concrete plinth should be level with the 1:40 inward rail cant being incorporated in
the direct fixation fastener.
Inserts for the direct fixation fastener connections should be cast in the concrete plinth. Epoxy
coated inserts are preferred over cast-in-place anchor bolts for maintainability.
Direct fixation fasteners are connected to the concrete plinth with anchor bolts to match the
cast-in-place inserts. Running rails should be fastened to the direct fixation fasteners with the
use of spring clips. Refer to Section for direct fixation fastener spacing and Section
5.6.1 Running Rail, for details.

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Ballasted track structure on concrete slab can be installed in tunnel sections. This option must
be reviewed and approved by ETS. If necessary, vertical barriers should be provided to retain
the ballast in place.

5.3.5 Track on Aerial Structures Direct Fixation on Concrete Slab

Direct fixation track on concrete slab as described in Section is the preferred track
structure for aerial structures. This track structure for aerial structures is shown in Figure 5.11.
Restraining rails must be installed in the gauge side of both rails for the purpose of restricting
the travel distance of a derailed vehicle. Other

Ballasted track on concrete slab may be considered for installation on aerial structures,
provided maintenance and safety concerns are satisfactorily addressed.
5.3.6 Embedded Track Embedded Mainline Track

Embedded mainline track in an urban setting environment integrated with road traffic on a
shared ROW should be constructed of resilient rubber rail boot or elastomeric grout for
mitigating potential stray current leakage and attenuating noise and vibration impacts. Pre-
cast concrete in-street ties or composite ties can be used to secure the track gauge and
elevation, and form an integral part of embedded track structure. The 115 lb. RE “Tee” rail is
the preferred rail section to be used throughout any embedded mainline track section rather
than the use of girder rail. Girder rail is more expensive and not readily available in North
America, and snow removal in a narrow grooved flangeway has proven to be a major
undertaking for other systems with severe winter condition. Typical embedded mainline track
structures with and without guard rail system are shown in Figures 5.12A and 5.12B.
The installation of embedded mainline track using elastomeric grout as an alternative option
will require the forming of channels in the concrete slab to accommodate the running rails.
The trackwork consultant should evaluate the appropriate embedded track options for review
by ETS.
Embedded mainline track at-grade should have provisions of trackway cross drains at the
limits of each road crossing and/or at intermediate track intervals of no greater than 50 m.
Drainage should be designed for every recess (i.e. switches, switch machines, lubricators
etc.). The trackwork consultant should work in conjunction with the trackway drainage
consultant to determine the drainage requirements for the embedded mainline track. Refer to
Figure 5.12D for typical cross drain details. Embedded Shop Track

Embedded tracks are constructed in maintenance facilities for the purpose of allowing
maintenance equipment access across the shop floor. A typical embedded shop track
structure is shown in Figure 5.12E.
Rail fasteners for embedded shop track should be non-resilient and spaced at 1.5 m on
centre. Rails should be laid as CWR. The fastening system must be designed to secure rails
at the proper gauge, line and elevation once rails are embedded in concrete.

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Gauge rods are normally used to maintain track gauge and form an integral part of the
anchoring system. Vertical adjustments should be made by shimming. Gauge rods used in
signalized territory must be electrically isolated.
Embedded shop tracks should be in-filled with grout or concrete. The field side in-fill grout or
concrete elevation should be set 10 mm below the top of running rail to avoid false flanging.
The minimum flangeway width for embedded tracks in maintenance facilities is 65 mm to
accommodate AAR wheels as used on the track maintenance equipment. Pit Tracks

Pit tracks are required for maintenance purposes. They provide access for maintenance
personnel to inspect and maintain equipment installed in the undercarriage of the LRV.
The current pit track system used by ETS is comprised of rails directly fastened to the top of
steel “I” beams. Removable plates are installed on the field sides of pit tracks to allow access
to the undercarriage of LRVs from the side. The typical pit track structure is shown in Figure

5.3.7 Track Transitional Requirements

The interface points between embedded and ballasted tracks (e.g. at maintenance facilities) or
between direct fixation and ballasted tracks are locations where typically there is a sudden
change in track modulus. These locations are generally exposed to differential settlement.
The more flexible ballasted track normally will settle causing structural damage to occur at the
stiffer section. The resulting degradation in the track quality leads to deterioration of the track
components and may compromise ride quality. Special design measures are required at
these locations to counteract the variation in track modulus*.
*Note: Track modulus (u) is defined as the vehicle load per unit length of rail required to deflect the rail
one unit. It is the measure of track support stiffness by combining rail section, rail support system,
ballast, sub-ballast and subgrade stiffness in one term. The following values of track modulus are typical
(published) ranges for good quality track:
Track Structure Typical Track Modulus (u)
Conventional Wood Tie & Ballast 21 N/mm² (3,000 lb/in²) or greater
Concrete Tie & Ballast 48 – 55 N/mm² (7,000 – 8,000 lb/in²)
Direct Fixation 69 N/mm² (10,000 lb/in²) or greater
In general, the method of track transitioning must be considered wherever there is an abrupt
change in track modulus.
The minimum length of track transition structure depends on the track structure design and the
physical constraints at the interface points. The track transition should be over a minimum of
3 ties. Transition Ties

Transition ties are typically used at approaches to bridge structures and at wood to concrete
tie interfaces. Transition ties are of varying lengths. To provide a gradual change in load
distribution under the ties, the longer ties are placed near the stiffer end of the track structure
as shown in Figure 5.14. Transition Slab

A transition slab (vs. transition ties) is the preferred option for transferring track stiffness from
direct fixation to tie and ballast. This option is shown in Figure 5.15.
Designed concrete slabs may also be installed at other track support structure interfaces
where space restrictions do not allow transition ties to be used.

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Special Trackwork is defined as trackwork structures, trackwork components or fittings that
are normally fabricated in whole, or in part, from regular rolled rail section. In general, the
following components are included in special trackwork:
 Turnouts and crossovers
 Diamonds
 Guard rails
 Expansion or sliding rail joints
 Lateral restraining devices required at structural interface elements

5.4.1 General Requirements

All special trackwork should be located on tangent track and constant profile grade. Special
trackwork located on curves require unique customized design and are difficult to fabricate
and maintain. Fabrication and on-site installation variables associated with special trackwork
in curves may also compromise operating safety of the system.
On ballasted track, special trackwork should be placed on concrete ties.
On concrete slab track, special trackwork should be incorporated on a direct fixation system
using elastomeric grout pads.
In maintenance facilities, switches on the shop floor should be of the in-street type of special
trackwork and should be installed as an embedded track system to allow access by
maintenance equipment and personnel. A minimum tangent length of 17 m should be
inserted between back to back switch points where the turnout arrangement entails a possible
reverse movement through turnouts. This is to ensure excessive stress is not exerted on the
LRV couplers.
A minimum tangent length of 5 m should be inserted between back to back switch points
where the turnout movement is in the same direction. This will provide the opportunity for the
LRV bogies to straighten out prior to entering into the next turnout minimizing the angle of
attack of the wheel flange on the curved switch point.
When designing turnouts the following restrictions should be taken into account:
 Diverging track should not be used for normal mainline routing except for switching at the
end of the line.
 Vehicle dynamic clearances and turnout fouling points must be considered when
determining turnout locations.
 Turnouts should not be located within 15 m from the end of the station platform. This is to
ensure that the inswing and outswing effect of the dynamic vehicle do not interfere with
the station platform.
 Turnouts must not be located on vertical curves. Turnout components are too rigid to
conform to vertical curves. In addition, the tight tolerances associated with non-standard
trackwork components could compromise operating safety and lead to derailments.
 Turnouts must not be located in superelevated track areas. Superelevation will introduce
a twist in the turnout and could create a situation of overbalance or underbalance track
conditions (refer to Chapter 4, Track Alignment, Section
5.4.2 Turnouts General Requirements

The following table presents the maximum allowable speeds through turnouts under AREMA
and UIC guidelines.

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Turnout No. Location AREMA* UIC**

No. 5 Yards and service areas (Figure 15 km/h maximum 23 km/h maximum
5.18 and 5.20)
(based on Eu = 65 mm) (based on Eu = 100 mm)
On Mainline track where space
restrictions are imposed by track
geometry. Slow order must be
imposed at 15 km/h maximum.

No. 6 Mainline track where space 20 km/h maximum 28 km/h maximum

restrictions are imposed by track

No. 8 Mainline track where high 25 km/h maximum 36 km/h maximum

speeds are not required through
the turnout (Figure 5.19 and

No. 12 Mainline track where 38 km/h maximum 50 km/h maximum

intermediate speeds through the
turnout are required
(Figure 5.20)

Table 5.1 Maximum Allowable Speeds Through Turnouts

* For standard North American turnouts based on a maximum allowable unbalanced superelevation
of 65 mm. A reduction in Eu (from the standard 100 mm) is utilized for standard North American
turnouts to offset the lateral impact at switch entry.
** For tangential geometry turnouts based on a maximum allowable unbalanced superelevation of 100
Turnouts on tie and ballast must be adequately drained. Drainage blankets should be
installed under the trackwork. Buried perforated drainage pipe should be installed running
parallel to the track. Turnout Geometry

Turnout geometry is influenced by the design of switch points and heel spread. Because the
turnout curves for standard AREMA turnouts do not incorporate true tangential geometry,
switch entry angles for these turnouts typically range from 1 to 3 degrees (refer to Figure
To minimize the impact created by the wheel flange on the switch points, UIC and other
European Standards have placed an emphasis on reducing switch entry angles to almost
zero. Special rolled rail sections are used for switches to allow sufficient undercutting in order
for the switch points to be fitted tangentially to the stock rails at the turnout entry points.
Tangential turnout geometry enables longer lead distances and larger turnout radii to be
achieved. This reduces the wheel impact on the curved switch point and the overall
maintenance requirements for switches. For future LRT Extensions, UIC is the preferred
design standard for tangential turnouts as illustrated in Figures 5.17 and 5.18.
The minimum turnout curve radius for any turnout installed as part of mainline operation must
not be less than be 50 m.
For cost reasons, standard North American turnouts are the preferred turnout design for yard

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TRACKWORK Turnout Location

In general, it is a good practice to locate turnouts on tangent track with 0% grade and without
vertical curvature. Vertical grade introduces a superelevated track condition for diverging train
movement running uphill and an undesirable under-balanced track condition for the diverging
train movement running downhill and should be avoided. For a No. 8 turnout curve on a 3%
grade, there is an elevation difference of 5.6 mm between the frog point and the running rail.
With the diverging train movement running downhill in an under-balanced condition, the wheel
set tends to shift toward the frog point and/or ride against the guard rail. Locating the turnout
on slope greater than 3% with diverging train movement running downhill is not acceptable
unless the travel speeds are reduced to ensure safe operating conditions across the frog.
If it is necessary to locate a turnout on a vertical grade, the trackwork consultant should
determine the acceptable cross-level difference induced by the vertical grade on the turnout
curve. The assessment should be based on the type of track structure, the special trackwork
configuration and turnout size. Turnouts on direct fixation systems are installed with tighter
tolerances and will be subject to less differential track movement. The difference in elevation
across the frog and running rail through the turnout will have less impact on turnouts installed
on direct fixation systems.
The criteria as shown in the following Table 5.2 are based on the acceptable elevation
differences across the frog and running rail through the turnout, the type of track structure and
the special trackwork configuration. These criteria must be observed when locating turnouts
on grades.


MAINLINE Speed restrictions

are required if
Turnout grades exceed
With diverging track Desirable Maximum 2.0% Desirable Maximum 1.5% these limits.
running uphill Absolute Maximum 3.0% Absolute Maximum 2.5%
With diverging track Absolute Maximum 2.0% Absolute Maximum 1.5%
running downhill
Crossover Desirable Maximum 1.0% Desirable Maximum 0.5%
Absolute Maximum 1.5% Absolute Maximum 1.0%
Double Crossover Absolute Maximum 0.5% Absolute Maximum 0.3%
Turnout Not applicable Desirable Maximum 2.0%
Crossover Not applicable Desirable Maximum 0.5%

Table 5.2 Criteria for Locating Turnout on Grade

Note: Any deviation from the recommended values as shown in the above table must be approved by

5.4.3 Crossovers
Crossovers are used to diverge or switch train movements from one track to another.
Single crossovers are made up of two turnouts, typically of the same size to avoid introducing
a curve between the two turnouts.

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Double crossovers (sometimes referred to as a scissors crossover) are required when there
are space restrictions. They are comprised of four turnouts (typically of the same size), and a
Unless there are space restrictions or restrictions in track geometry, the use of two single
crossovers are preferred rather than a double crossover. Diamonds require high
maintenance. Also, the use of double crossover limits operational flexibility during
maintenance. General Requirements

General requirements for crossovers are similar to those listed for turnouts (Section 5.4.2).
However, greater restrictions are imposed on crossovers by the more rigid geometry and track
separation layouts.
The dimensional data for crossovers located on vertical grades greater than 1% should be
adjusted for construction layout purposes to account for the error introduced when laying out
the crossover (on a grade) in accordance with the coordinate system (on a level plan). This is
to ensure that the crossover geometry and trackwork components will not be compromised by
a forced fit during the course of installation (refer to Table 5.2).

5.4.4 Diamonds
Diamonds allow tracks to cross each other. A diamond consists of four wheel transferring
points (or frog points). Diamonds are expensive to construct and require a high level of
maintenance. They should be avoided, if possible. If absolutely necessary, the general
requirements are:
 The preferred option is to locate the double crossover diamond on tangent parallel track to
avoid a customized design. The trackwork consultant should also consider the proximity
of track separation in order to avoid an unsafe operating condition of having the LRV
wheels crossing the unrestrained frog gaps of the diamond and turnout at the same time.
 Double crossover diamonds may be located on horizontal curves. They will however be
higher in cost, require more frequent maintenance and will affect ride quality.
 A diamond located on a curve should be curved (i.e. curved diamond) to closely match the
radius of the intersected design track. The intent is to avoid the introduction of short
broken back curves and minimize the impact on ride quality (refer to Chapter 4, Track
Alignment Section Tangent Length between Curves in the same direction).
 Curved diamonds should be designed to be fully guarded to maintain a safe operating
condition during wheel transfer over a series of unrestrained frog gaps of a diamond.
 The existing ETS design standard is to use rigid frogs in turnouts and diamonds. The
wheel transfer gaps for rigid frogs should be as small as possible to minimize wheel
 The maximum crossing angle of diamonds on mainline should be equivalent to twice the
No. 8 turnout angle.
 The maximum crossing angle of diamonds in yard track should be equivalent to twice the
No. 5 turnout angle.

5.4.5 Sliding Rail Joints

Sliding rail joints must be provided where excessive structural joint movement is anticipated.
This requirement is to ensure that sufficient movement of the running rails can be
accommodated to prevent the rail from buckling or pulling apart when structural expansion
and contraction occurs. Sliding rail joints are normally a requirement at bridge abutments on
long single span bridges.
In general, sliding rail joints are installed as a set at each specified location. The orientation of
the fixed stock rails and the sliding points are both structure and site specific. Sliding rail joints

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are typically placed at the transition from the bridge abutment to the moveable bridge deck.
Sliding rail joint requirements should be determined jointly by the trackwork and structural
Sliding rail joints are typically fabricated from the same the rail section as the running rail. For
constructability purposes, the sliding rail joint baseplates should incorporate the same rail cant
as the connecting track.

5.4.6 Lateral Restraining Devices

Lateral restraining devices must be installed at structural interfaces (typically in conjunction
with sliding rail joints) where track movement is not parallel to the fixed structure.
Rails should be secured against lateral movement at movable structural joints where the
direction of rail expansion and joint movement are not parallel (e.g. at bridge abutments where
the track is in a curve).
The requirement for lateral restraining devices at the structural interface must be determined
jointly by the trackwork designer and structural designer.

5.4.7 Guard Rails

Guard rails should be installed for all horizontal curves of radius less than 200 m. Guard rails
are installed on the gauge side of the low rail to hold the wheel flange away from the gauge
corner of the high rail and prevent excessive wear or derailment.
The guard rail should be tapered to guide the wheel flange in and out of the flangeway at the
beginning and the end of the guard rail. The flangeway gap between the running and guard
rails should be adjustable (refer to Section
Guard rails can be fabricated from the running rail section or other rail sections. Guard rails
should not be bolted directly to the running rail. They should be designed to be directly
fastened to the concrete track slab or crossties.
It is preferable that guard rails be designed in such a manner that either the guard rail or
running rail can be removed independently without removing the other for maintenance
purposes. Refer to Figures 5.19A, 5.19B and 5.19C for the guard rail design option originally
used on the Metro Line. Note that the brackets shown in these figures have been abandoned
in embedded track sections, but remain in place. Figure 5.12F shows the modified Metro Line
guard rail installation detail.
Structural testing and further investigations should be conducted on innovative guard rail
designs which are not used elsewhere in the industry.
5.4.8 Restraining Rails
Restraining rails are used to prevent a derailed train from striking other fixed structures or from
entering into a danger zone.
Restraining rails must be installed on the gauge side of both running rails on aerial guideways
and bridge structures. Restraining rails may be required at the approaches to abutments and
portals in some circumstances. Circumstances may include, but are not limited to proximity of
special trackwork, sliding rail joints, horizontal curvature, or the existence of unstable ground
Restraining rails can be fabricated using part-worn rail. On direct fixation track restraining rails
can be directly fastened to the concrete slab or bridge deck. The centre of the restraining rail
should be located 300 mm from centre of the running rail. A typical restraining rail layout is
shown in Figure 5.20A. The fastening details are shown in Figure 5.20B.

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5.5.1 Road Crossings At-grade Road Crossings on Tangent Track

At-grade road crossings should be constructed on a well compacted granular fill to provide
adequate support to withstand both high vehicular traffic volumes and heavy vehicular wheel
Pre-cast concrete planks with rubber rail seals on hardwood composite ties is the preferred
option. This option is best suited for mitigating the potential for stray currents at road
crossings. Refer to Corrosion Protection Study, 2005 by Corrpro Canada Inc.
In extremely high traffic volume locations, other grade crossing designs with proven
performance records may be considered.
A typical at-grade road crossing design is shown in Figure 5.21. At-grade Road Crossings on Curved Track

At-grade road crossings on curved track with radius less than 150 m should be constructed
with embedded mainline track structure.
Refer to Sections for embedded mainline track requirement; 5.4.7 for guard rail
requirement and; 5.7.8 for track lubricator requirement on curved track.

5.5.2 Pedestrian Crossings

Future LRT extensions will be located in close proximity to residential areas and will operate
on a shared ROW with multi-use trails. Future LRT extensions will therefore require
channelized pedestrian crossings for pedestrians to cross the tracks at designated locations to
avoid potential pedestrian-LRT conflicts.
The trackbed preparation for pedestrian grade crossings is similar to the at-grade road
crossing design. However, as pedestrian crossings are designed solely for non-motorized
traffic, they are not normally subjected to traffic impact and vibration. Use of a precast
crossing panel design is preferred. Cast-in-place crossing panels are an acceptable
alternative but where cast-in-place crossing panels are selected, use of wood ties is not
Figure 5.22A shows a plan view of a typical at-grade pedestrian crossing along with details
showing the concrete tie section and the wood tie section.

5.5.3 Requirements
The specific requirements for both types of grade crossings are:
 Match the general approach grade and preferably be slightly higher than the approach to
promote a positive drainage away from the grade crossing area. The approaches should
be ramped up to match the grade crossing.
 Intersect the road at as close to a right angle as possible to minimize road vehicular
vibration caused by staggered wheel impact, and to maximize sight lines for the LRV
operator, pedestrians and road traffic.
 Be level and parallel to the plane of the rails, extending a minimum of 1 m from the field
side of the track(s).
 Be located clear of turnouts and right-of-way equipment.
 Grade crossings must be adequately drained. Normally, buried perforated drainage pipe
running underneath the road crossing parallel to the LRT track connecting to either the
drainage system or stand-alone reservoirs is required. In addition, geotextile should be

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provided under grade crossings to direct water towards the sub-drains and prevent
migration of fine materials upward to the ballast layer.
In addition, the following factors should be considered in the design:
 Rail joints should be kept clear of the crossing.
 Multiple crossings should have the same grade across all rails.
 Rubber or other approved flangeways must fit snug and not allow dirt and debris to pass
through to the fastening system.
 Where necessary to locate the grade crossing in a curve, track superelevation should be
avoided, if possible, in order to provide a smooth crossing for both vehicular and
pedestrian traffic.
 The flangeway must accommodate the wheels of the LRV and other rail-mounted
equipment (refer to Section
 Incorporate a rubber rail boot for embedded at-grade road crossings to mitigate potential
stray currents.
5.5.4 Service Life and Maintenance
The design service life should be a minimum of 25 years. There is a high maintenance cost
associated with grade crossing rehabilitation and rehabilitation work normally requires a total
closure of the roadway.
Ease of maintenance is an important consideration when designing grade crossings in order
to minimize the disruption to road traffic during maintenance.
The grade crossing panel design should be modular and interchangeable for ease of
maintenance and to minimize closure times of the roadway and LRT track.
Embedded at-grade road crossings on sharp curves should be designed with sacrificial guard
rails to reduce the wear on the outside rail. Guard rails should be installed independent of the
running rail for the ease of change out without disturbing the running rail. Running rail should
be accessible on both the gauge and field sides of the rail.

5.5.5 Corrosion Protection

A boot or shield covering the fastening components should be incorporated in the flangeway
design on both the gauge and field side of the rail to protect the fasteners from salt and dirt.
Grade crossings are often subject to higher than normal corrosion rates reducing the service
life of the crossings.
Grounding at the vicinity of the grade crossing should be considered to mitigate corrosion
caused by current leakage.


5.6.1 Running Rails
Standard control-cooled carbon steel rails with minimum 300 Brinell Hardness, manufactured
in accordance with current AREMA Manual for Railway Engineering, Chapter 4 “Specification
for Steel Rails”, should be the standard used for running rails. Rails for Mainline Track

Running rail for mainline track, including embedded mainline track, should be rolled 115 lb RE
(57.2 kg/m) rail (refer to Figure 5.23B).
Running rails on mainline should be CWR to:
 Minimize long term maintenance

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 Provide better ride quality

 Reduce rail and wheel wear
 Reduce noise and vibration
If a flash butt welding process is used to form rail strings, the maximum practical rail string
length is 480 m.
CWR must be properly distressed and laid in accordance with the optimum neutral rail
temperature of 18°C to 22°C to reduce the possibility of sun kinks or cold weather rail breaks.
CWR should be laid as close to the optimum neutral rail temperature in order to minimize the
distressing requirement.
In tunnel sections, the optimum neutral rail temperature may differ and should be verified by
reviewing historical temperature records or by monitoring the rail temperature inside the
Any change to the optimum neutral rail temperature for installation requires review and
approval by ETS.
All running rail should be non-drilled in nominal standard 23.8 m (78 foot) lengths in order to
minimize the number of welds required. Exceptions may be considered if physical constraints
restrict the length of rail that can be transported to the site.
Rail to be used in curves having a track centreline radius of less than 150 m should be pre-
curved to match the track centreline radius using an industry accepted hydraulic press method
or the standard roller bending method.
It is generally not necessary to use premium (hardened) rail in tight curves to prevent
premature rail wear. Standard carbon steel rails have a Brinell Hardness ranging from 300 to
320. This provides sufficient wear resistance under most conditions. Running rails with
Brinell Hardness greater than 340 may cause premature wheel wear. Rail for Special Trackwork

Rail used for the manufacture of special trackwork on mainline should be rolled 115 lb RE
(57.2 kg/m) rail or approved Grade 900A carbon steel manufactured in accordance with the
UIC 860-0 Specification.
For welding purposes, UIC rail, if used in the manufacture of special trackwork, should have a
rail cross section and metallurgy closely matched to the 115 lb RE section used on the
Edmonton LRT System. To minimize the number of transition welds for connecting the
special trackwork to mainline, the use of 115 lb RE rail section is the preferred option for the
fabrication of all special trackwork components.
Girder rail used in the manufactured of in-street special trackwork for shop track should have a
flangeway width to accommodate both the LRV wheel and work train standard A.A.R. wheel.
In areas where there are high impact loads, rail should be hardened to a range of 320 to 340
Brinell Hardness, to a minimum penetration depth 15 mm below the rail surface.
Asymmetrical rail sections are acceptable for the fabrication of switch points.
Any proposed alternate rail section and its metallurgy require review and approval by ETS. Secondary Track/Yard Track/Shop Track

Rail for secondary track should be 115 lb RE (57.2 kg/m) CWR rail.
Rail for yard track should be 100 lb ARA-A (49.8 kg/m) or 115 lb RE (57.2 kg/m) CWR or
bolted rail.

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Rail for shop track should be 100 lb ARA-A (49.8 kg/m) or 115 lb RE (57.2 kg/m) CWR or
67R1 (Ph37a) girder rail (refer to Figure 5.23C) which has been used in ROW Building at D.L.
MacDonald Maintenance Facility.

5.6.2 Fastening Devices

Rail fastening devices vary with the type of track structure provided. Direct Fixation Fasteners

Elastomeric bonded plate type fasteners should be used for direct fixation track.
The plate type fastener should meet the following requirements:
 Incorporation of a built-in 1:40 inward cant
 Overall plate thickness of not more than 40 mm, nor less than 35 mm
 Overall plate width of 180 mm +/- 10 mm
 Overall plate length of 355 mm +/- 10 mm
 Ability to provide lateral rail adjustments of +/- 15 mm in increments of 3 mm
 Ability to provide vertical rail adjustment to a maximum of 25 mm achieved through
insertion of steel shims under the plate
 Vertical spring stiffness of the fastener shall be within the range 17.5 kN/mm to 24.5
 Ability to isolate electrical current from the running rail
Direct fixation fasteners should be chosen on the basis of the following criteria:
 Ability to withstand the rail/structure interface forces
 Ability to achieve and maintain the desired rail tolerances
 Ability to prevent rail buckling under high temperatures
 Ability to permit the rail to move longitudinally due to structural flexure or thermal
 Ability to withstand wear and fatigue
 Ability to reduce noise and vibration to an acceptable level
 Ability to withstand local environmental conditions without the need to replace
 Low maintenance requirements Standard Baseplates

Standard steel baseplates are used for:

 Rail fixation on wood tie
 Special trackwork where special baseplates are not required
 Cant transition areas
Standard baseplates should be manufactured from rolled steel plate and should have
shoulders to provide rail seating for 115 lb RE rail. They should have a minimum of four holes
with diameter of 25 mm to accommodate anchor bolts or screw spikes.
Non-standard baseplates may be designed by special trackwork suppliers to fit the rail base of
other rail sections. Anchoring Assemblies

The anchoring assemblies connect the direct fixation fastener to the reinforced concrete
structure. The objective is to design a system that is cost effective and minimizes long term

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A minimum of two anchoring assemblies is required per fastener. Each anchoring assembly
consists of a female insert, an anchor bolt complete with a flat washer and a spring washer.
The anchor bolt must be designed to remain in tension at all times to ensure the bolt will not
be loosened or be placed in bending under service conditions.
The design of the anchoring assembly should consider the following:
 Adequate concrete embedment depth for the female insert is required to resist pull-out
caused through the anchor bolt tensile forces or rail force moments.
 The anti-rotation capability of the female insert must be sufficient to restrain the design
bolt torque.
 The tensile strength of the anchor bolt must be adequate to apply the proper clamping
force required to provide resistance against the rail overturning moment.
i. Inserts
Female inserts as shown in Figure 5.3A are cast directly into the concrete base slab as
the hold-down connection for the mating anchor bolts. The insert should be designed and
installed to match the bearing surface of the plinth.
Inserts should be epoxy coated.
Typical insert parameters are as follows:
 Overall block out depth for insert embedment should not be more than 140 mm, nor
less than 130 mm.
 Overall insert length of 105 mm +/- 5 mm
 Minimum depth of threads of 75 mm +/- 1-5 mm
 The Inserts should be designed to accommodate A325, M22 anchor bolts (see
 The ultimate tensile strength of the insert should be equal to or exceed the ultimate
tensile strength of the mating anchor bolt
ii. Anchor Bolts
The primary function of the anchor bolts is to provide lateral restraint against loading.
Anchor bolts are also subject to a small amount of upward rail force.
Anchor bolts should meet the following criteria:
 ASTM designation A325, Specification for High Strength Bolts for Structural Joints
and should have a class 2 thread fit
 Nominal diameter of 22 mm
 A minimum thread engagement of 50 mm with the insert
The overall anchor bolt length is dependent on the thickness of the fastener and washer
assemblies, and the maximum permissible fastener shimming height. The trackwork
consultant should verify the optimal overall anchor bolt length required for the fastening
assemblies. It may be necessary to use two different lengths of anchor bolts to account
for the allowable shimming height:
 Standard length to accommodate shimming heights of up to 12 mm
 Longer length to accommodate shimming heights from 12 mm to 25 mm
iii. Washer Assembly
The washer assembly consists of a flat washer and a spring washer. The flat washer is
design to sit flat against the fastener to provide a full bearing surface for the spring washer
and anchor bolt.

Final Issue July 2017 5.19


The spring washer should be designed to keep the anchor bolt in tension at all times. The
washer spring rate should be between 1.05 kN/mm and 1.23 kN/mm. Spring Clips
Spring clips are an integral part of the rail fixation system for both direct fixation and ballasted
track structures.
The spring clip should have the following characteristics:
 Ability to hold gauge
 Ability to resist rail rollover
 Ability to resist longitudinal rail moment
 Elastic resiliency
 Appropriate toe load
 Electrical isolation
 Reasonable service life under all operating conditions and environmental exposure
 Relatively maintenance-free
 Compatible with the existing components
Bolted type clips require high maintenance (subject to loosening and fatigue failure due to
vibration) and therefore should not be considered as a suitable option except for special
trackwork installations where they may be necessary. Screw Spikes

Screw spikes complete with lock washers should be used to fasten the baseplates on wood
ties. Screw spikes should be 22 mm x 175 mm.
To avoid splitting, wood ties must be predrilled to accept screw spikes. Steel Shims

Steel shims are used as required on direct fixation track to raise the rail to its design vertical
alignment. Shims are typically produced in 1 mm, 3 mm, 6 mm, 10 mm and 20 mm thickness.
Steel shims of 1 mm (20 gauge) and 3 mm (11 gauge) thickness should be manufactured from
galvanized steel, coating designation G60 (458 g/m2), in accordance with the requirement of
ASTM A527-80.
Steel shims of 6 mm, 10 mm and 20 mm thickness should be manufactured from hot-rolled
plate steel in accordance with the requirement of CSA G40.21M, Grade 260.
The thickness requirements are inclusive of galvanizing. Steel shims should be hot dip
galvanized in accordance with the latest edition of CSA G164-M, “Hot Dip Galvanizing of
Irregularly Shaped Articles”. Galvanizing should be applied to a minimum 610 g/m² coating on
both sides after manufacture.
The shape, size and configuration of the steel shims should conform to the outline of the direct
fixation rail fasteners (refer to Figure 5.24 shows the shim size that fits the latest L.B. Foster
D.F. Fastener used in the system).

5.6.3 Ties
The classification of ties used in the Edmonton LRT System is as follows: Wood Crossties

Wood crossties used on mainline and in yard track should be pressured treated softwood,
preferably fir, conforming to AREMA recommendations (refer to Figure 5.25). In areas where

Final Issue July 2017 5.20


maintenance access is restricted and it is difficult to replace ties, hardwood ties should be
considered, preferably oak.
All wood crossties should be pressured treated in accordance with AREMA Manual for
Railway Engineering, Chapter 30, for Ties and Wood Preservation.
The standard nominal dimensions for wood crossties are:
Depth – 180 mm (7”)
Width – 230 mm (9”)
Length – 2600 mm (8’-6”)
Anti-splitting devices should be installed at the tie ends on all hardwood ties. Anti-splitting
devices should conform to AREMA requirements.
Current track design generally includes protection against stray electrical currents. The use of
wood ties in itself is insufficient to protect against stray currents. Consideration should be
given to isolating the rail from the surrounding track structure in areas adjacent to
underground utilities, ducts and other structures. Insulators should be placed at the base of
the tie plate and insulating thimbles should be positioned in the screw spike holes to isolate
the screw spikes from the base plate. Conventional rail anchors projecting into the ballast will
also create a stray current leakage path. This issue should be considered during the
trackwork design phase. Wood Switch Ties

Wood switch ties should be pressured treated hardwood, preferably oak. Switch ties normally
come as a set to suit the size and the general layout of the turnout. The track designer in
conjunction with the special trackwork supplier should determine the appropriate layout for the
switch ties.
The standard nominal dimensions for wood switch ties are:
Depth – 180 mm (7”)
Width – 230 mm (9”)
Length – varies according to the layout
All wood switch ties should be pressured treated in accordance with AREMA Manual for
Railway Engineering, Chapter 30, for Ties and Wood Preservation. Wood Transition Ties

Wood transition ties should be used at transition points between wood and concrete ties (refer
to – Transition Ties).
Wood transition ties should be pressured treated hardwood, preferably oak, spaced at 500
mm on centre.
The standard nominal dimensions for wood transition ties are:
Depth – 180 mm (7”)
Width – 230 mm (9”)
Length: varies according to the layout (refer to Figure 5.14).
Wood transition ties should be pressured treated in accordance with AREMA Manual for
Railway Engineering, Chapter 30, for Ties and Wood Preservation. Concrete Crossties

Concrete crossties should be mono-block prestressed reinforced concrete ties conforming to

the current AREMA Manual for Rail Engineering, Chapter 10 “Concrete Ties”.

Final Issue July 2017 5.21


The precast concrete crossties should be designed to conform to practices specified in CSA
A23 and should provide:
 Cast iron rail seat shoulders to fit the base of the 115 lb RE rail section
 An inward rail cant of 1:40
 A rail gauge tolerance of +/- 1 mm
 A rubberized rail seat pad providing a nominal thickness of 6 mm
 Electrical isolation
Unless otherwise specified, adjustments designed to permit gauge widening can be
The shoulders provide lateral restraint to maintain track gauge and are designed to accept
spring clips. Shoulders should conform to the testing requirements for concrete ties as
outlined in the current AREMA Manual Railway Engineering, Chapter 10 “Concrete Ties”.
Shoulders, spring clips, insulators and rail seat pads are an integral part of the concrete tie
design and should be provided as part of the tie package by the concrete tie supplier.
To improve the lateral stability of conventional smooth bottom ties in sharp curves, tie spacing
in curves with a radius less than 300 m may be reduced by 75 mm, if necessary. A track
structure analysis may be warranted prior to making tie spacing adjustments (refer to Section for typical tie spacing).
Concrete crossties designed with variable canted rail seat can be used for rail cant transition
from zero cant at special trackwork to the standard 1:40 rail cant in the track system.
A typical concrete crosstie is shown in Figure 5.26. Concrete Switch Ties

Concrete switch ties are customized items designed specifically for a given turnout at a given
turnout location to match the special switch plates.
Concrete switch ties require precision casting of anchor bolt inserts. The precise layout must
be pre-determined by the special trackwork supplier and coordinated with the concrete tie
supplier for tie casting.
Concrete switch ties are the preferred option for mainline turnouts, subject to a maintenance
cost-benefit versus economies of scale analysis. Composite Crossties

Composite crossties used on road crossings should be composed primarily of post-consumer

recycled high density polyethylene (HDPE) conforming to AREMA recommendations. The
standard nominal dimensions for composite crossties are:
Depth – 180 mm (7”)
Width – 230 mm (9”)
Length – 2600 mm (8’-6”)
Current track design generally includes protection against stray electrical currents.
Consideration should be given to isolating the rail from the surrounding track structure in areas
adjacent to underground utilities, ducts and other structures. Insulators should be placed at
the base of the tie plate and insulating thimbles should be positioned in the screw spike holes
to isolate the screw spikes from the base plate. Conventional rail anchors projecting into the
ballast will also create a stray current leakage path. This issue should be considered during
the trackwork design phase.

Final Issue July 2017 5.22


5.6.4 Ballast
At the minimum, ballast used for the tie installation should comply with the requirements of
current AREMA Manual for Railway Engineering, Chapter 1 “Roadway and Ballast” as
specified for concrete tie installations.
Ballast should be a clean 100% crushed rock with a hard, durable, dense, angular particle
stone providing sharp corners with a minimum of flat and elongated pieces. These properties
will provide stability, durability and proper drainage. Granites and quartzites are the preferred
aggregate types. Dolostone is not permitted.
The ballast specification should to provide a 100% crushed ballast conforming to the AREMA
No. 3 gradation.
Ballast depth should be placed to a minimum of 225 mm below the bottom of the tie.
Before preparing a ballast specification for mainline the consultant should review the
requirements with ETS.
Ballast of finer gradation should be used in transition slab area where the space between the
bottom of tie and the slab restricts the tamping of ballast effectively.

5.6.5 Sub-ballast
Sub-ballast should have suitable mechanical, permeability, chemical and environmental
characteristics and comply with the current AREMA Manual for Railway Engineering, Chapter
1 “Roadway and Ballast” as specified for Sub-ballast. Acceptable sub-ballast materials
include crushed stone or crushed gravel and sands, or a mixture of these materials.
A minimum depth of 275 mm of sub-ballast should be placed on top of the subgrade,
extending a minimum of 600 mm beyond the edge of the ballast.
The top surface of the sub-ballast should be graded to a minimum 3% cross slope to promote
positive drainage toward the side ditches or sub-drains.
Sub-ballast should be compacted to 100% maximum dry density.
The sub-ballast layer should meet the following requirements:
 Be sufficiently impervious so that most of water penetrating through the ballast is diverted
to the side ditches to prevent the saturation of subgrade.
 Be sufficiently pervious to so that water seepage or capillary water entering the sub-
ballast is drained away to prevent water from accumulating below the sub-ballast.
 Possess sufficient strength to support the dynamic load distributed by the ballast section
and be able to effectively transfer the load to the subgrade.
The main objectives of the sub-ballast are to provide a stable platform for placing ballast and
to prevent surface water retention rutting.
5.6.6 Subgrade
The subgrade’s stability and its ability to sustain and distribute loads are dependent on the soil
characteristics, its geometric configuration and the system drainage design.
The basic geometric features of the subgrade are: width of top of subgrade or bottom of cut;
height of fill or depth of cut; side slope of fill or cut; and cross slope.
The width of the subgrade is determined by the width of the ballast layer.
Adequate drainage is essential to maintain the subgrade’s stability and its ability to sustain the
design pressure exerted by the wheel load. Drainage should be provided either through track

Final Issue July 2017 5.23


ditches, intercepting ditches or a perforated sub-drain system. Typically a “non-woven

geotextile fabric is used to wrap around the subdrain system.
Wet or unfavourable subgrade conditions may require the placement of a “woven” type of
geotextile fabric on top of the finished subgrade, at the direction of the Consultant.
The sub-grade should be compacted to 100% of the maximum density as per the Standard
Proctor Compaction Test. The optimum moisture content of the subgrade materials being
placed should be within 3% of the optimum condition.
The compacted subgrade must sustain a minimum bearing pressure of 138 kPa (or 20 psi).
5.6.7 Ballast Curb
For trackway cross-sections where the right-of-way is confined (refer to Figure 5.5) the ballast
and sub-ballast must to be retained by a curb. Figure 5.28 shows typical details for two
standard ballast curb cross-sections. Figure 5.29 provides a typical detail for chain and
bollard fencing mounted on top of the curb. Other fencing options, such as omega fence, may
also be utilized.


In addition to the major track components described previously the following devices are
typically installed.

5.7.1 Switch Machines

Switch machines are used on both mainline and yard track for the purpose of train switching.
They can be both electrically and manually operated as follows:
i. Electric switch machines on mainline must be automatic and are controlled by the signal
system. Emergency back-up power must be provided. Electric switch machines should
have built-in manual over-ride control for maintenance and emergency purposes.
ii. Manual hand-operated switch machines are mainly used in yard areas. They can also be
installed at staging track and emergency switches where train switching is not part of the
normal operation.
Switch machines are typically installed on the field side of turnouts. Switch machines to be
located on the gauge side of turnout (i.e. in between rails) will only be permitted if there is
space restriction in physically locating the switch machines on the field side.
The following factors should be taken into consideration in the placement of switch machines:
 Size of turnout and crossover
 Clearance requirements
 Housing and space requirements
 Switch rod dimensions and block out requirements
 Switch rod clearance requirements from trackwork components and track structure
 Switch machines mounting (i.e. adaptor plate requirements which are track structure
specific to fit the as-built conditions).
Access for maintenance personnel and their vehicles is required.

5.7.2 Switch Blowers

Switch blowers should be installed at switches located on mainline track where exposed to
snow conditions.
The following factors must be considered in the design and placement of switch blowers:
 Clearance requirements

Final Issue July 2017 5.24


 Housing and space requirements

 Blow duct dimensions
 Length of switch
 Operating control requirements
 Proximity to noise sensitive residential communities
Switch blowers must be designed to be controlled manually in the field, automatically through
use of a snow detector and remotely through the Building Management System. An external
light is mounted on the enclosure. When the light is on it will indicate that the blower is
operating. Switch blowers are not required to be connected to the emergency back-up power

5.7.3 Switch Point Detectors

Switch point detectors will be installed in all switches on mainline track. Detectors are required
to ensure that switches are correctly aligned and are being detected at all times by the signal
When designing for switch point detector connections, make allowance for the following:
 A method to connect the switch point detector at the switch point
 Provision of the proper mounting hole sizes and spacing on the switch points
 Block out requirements, if required

5.7.4 Hold-down Bars

Hold-down bars are installed in turnouts to prevent upward movement of the switch points. All
mainline switches require hold-down bars. Hold-down bars are not required on yard switches.
Hold-down bars should be incorporated as an integral part of special trackwork fabrication by
the special trackwork supplier. Figure 5.31 provides the typical details of the hold-down bar

5.7.5 Roller Plates

Roller plates should be incorporated in all power switches. Roller plates minimize the
throwing effort of the switch machines and reduce the maintenance requirements of both the
switch and switch machine.
Roller plates should be incorporated as an integral part of special trackwork fabrication by the
special trackwork supplier.

5.7.6 Switch Point Protector

Switch point protector should be incorporated in all turnouts where the turnout curve is the
designated as a mainline operation and the train movement is predominantly a facing point
movement. Switch point protector minimizes the wheel impact on the curved switch point by
transferring the wheel impact point further down toward a thicker section of the switch point.
This will enhance the operation safety and reduce the premature wear of the tip of the switch
Switch point protectors should be incorporated as an integral part of special trackwork
fabrication by the special trackwork supplier. Figure 5.32 provides the typical details of a
switch point protector.

5.7.7 Friction End Stops

Friction end stops must be installed at the end of track on all mainline tracks unless sufficient
stopping distance beyond the end of the line is otherwise provided. They must be able to
withstand the impact load of a run-away train and be designed to engage the coupler end of
the vehicle without contacting the body of the vehicle. Typically, friction end stops are

Final Issue July 2017 5.25


designed by the supplier based on the rail vehicle weight and estimated speed. Reference
TCRP Report 155 Chapter 5.11 for design direction of friction end stops.
The following factors should be considered:
 Rail mounting requirements for the friction elements on the design rail section
 Required sliding distance beyond the point of impact

5.7.8 Wheel Stops

Wheel stops should be installed at the end of track in yard and shop tracks where speed is not
a factor.
Wheel stops can be of a rail-mounted type or directly welded onto the railhead and must be
able to withstand a 5 km/h impact load from a run-away train.
The following factors should be considered:
 Wheel stop clamping requirements on the design rail section
 Welding requirements, if required
 Vehicle wheel radius and point of impact on the wheel stop
Other stock-item devices such as wheel chocks, sliding wheel skates, derails etc. may be
specified for installation to satisfy short term operational safety concerns during construction.
Hinged derails may be specified for installation on storage tracks to protect against run away
cars moving onto other tracks.

5.7.9 Rail Lubricators

Rail lubricators should be provided to mitigate noise, vibration, and rail wear in sharp curves.
Typically, ETS uses rail lubricators on running rails and guard rails in curves with radius less
than 200 m. The consultant should review the requirements with ETS.
The following should be considered:
 Use of bio-degradable lubricants
 Ease of access by track maintenance personnel
 Installation and maintenance requirements
 Ability in providing remote sensing and diagnostic on system malfunctions
 Protection against vandalism
 Ability to adjust lubricant injection manually to suit the track conditions on site
 Ability to operate at -40°C
 Ability to precisely direct lubricant to the gauge face of the rail, top of rail head and the
contact face of guard rails.
5.7.10 Lateral Track Bracing for Stations
Track at the station platform must be secured by means of lateral track bracing to prevent
movement toward the platform. The distance from track centreline to platform must be
maintained at 1405 +/- 6 mm to meet the vehicle dynamic clearance requirements and to
ensure passenger safety and wheel chair accessibility from a stationary LRV to the station
Lateral track bracing for stations can be fabricated from pressure treated timber. The typical
spacing and bracing requirements are as shown in Figures 5.8 and 5.27.

5.7.11 Rail Anchors

Rail anchors should be provided in special trackwork areas where the track geometric integrity
is susceptible to change due to the change in rail axial load created by the thermal and vehicle
dynamic braking. Figure 5.33 provides the typical details of a rail anchoring system.

Final Issue July 2017 5.26



Methods used to join rail on the Edmonton system include aluminothermic welding, flash butt
welding, insulated joint bars and non-insulated bolted joint bars.
Standard 6-hole joint bars matching the rail web of 100 lb ARA-A rail section should be used
only for joining rails in yard tracks, unless noted otherwise.
In lieu of welded joint connection within the limits of special trackwork, non-insulated “zero
gap” joints can be used to eliminate the possibility of weld failure, which can have a
detrimental effect to the usefulness of the special trackwork components. Joint bars that
make up the “zero gap” joint on turnout curve must be pre-bent by the special trackwork
supplier to match the turnout curve radius. All “zero gap” joint kits should have the similar
section as the 6-hole insulated joint bars complete with A490 structural steel bolts and lock
nuts (refer to Section 5.8.3). 2 – 50 kcmil bonding cables around the rail ends should also be
provided across the “zero gap” joint to ensure the continuity of return current is maintained.

5.8.1 Welding Processes Aluminothermic Welding

Standard preheat welds are preferred subject to pre-qualification testing. Electric Flash Butt Welding

Electric flash butt welding can be used as an alternate for welding rail strings. This may be
the preferred option if production speed savings are able to offset the higher implementation
costs. Testing and Inspection of Welds:

All rail welding requires stringent testing and inspection. The testing and inspection
requirements are as follows:
i. Qualification Testing
Prior to production welding, qualification test welds must be performed to qualify the weld
kits, welding set-up, welding process and procedures, and welding crews for the work.
The following tests must be complete on at least one sample test weld:
 Visual and Magnetic Particle Inspections in accordance with ASTM B709
 Ultrasonic Testing by a qualified independent testing agency
 Slow Bend Test on one passed test weld in accordance with AREMA, Volume 1,
Chapter 4, Figure 2-50.
ii. Production Weld Testing
All production welds must be inspected visually, ultrasonically and by magnetic particle
testing before the tracks are put into service.
All production welds must be tested by an independent testing agency.
iii. Weld Repair
Defective welds detected in the finished track must be replaced. The preferred method of
replacing welds is to cut out the defective weld and insert a new section of rail, not less
than 4.5 m long, joining the new section with aluminothermic welds. The new welds must
be inspected and tested.
iv. Weld Finishing and Tolerances

Final Issue July 2017 5.27


The weld finishing requirements and allowable tolerances are as follows:

 The gauge side, field side and running surface of the railhead must be ground until the
full length of a one metre long straight edge, centred over the weld, contacts these
surfaces continuously.
 The top and side of the railhead must be finished to within +0.25/-0 mm of the parent
 Where the weld contacts a rail fastener or rail pad, the bottom, top and sides of the
rail base must be finished to within +0.25/-0 mm of the rail section.

5.8.2 Non-insulated Joints

Standard non-insulated joint bars should only be used in yard tracks or within the limits of
special trackwork, unless noted otherwise. They must match the rail section and should have
a minimum of six (6) bolts.
Joint bars where used in embedded shop track can be partly worn; however, they should be
inspected for bolt cracks and defects by the contractor.
Joint bars should not be used on mainline except within the limits of special trackwork or when
needed as a temporary safety measure to connect broken rails or provided added protection
at rail or weld defect location.

5.8.3 Insulated Joints

Insulated joints are used to define the signal blocks on mainline. ETS and the signal
consultant will determine joint locations.
The following criteria apply:
 Insulated joint must match the rail web of rail section used.
 Insulated joints should be 914 mm in length, with 6 holes, conforming to current AREMA
Manual for Railway Engineering, Chapter 4, “Specifications for Quenched Carbon – Steel
Joint Bar”. Bolts used for the fastening the joint bars should meet the chemical
composition and mechanical property requirements of ASTM A490. Insulated joints
should be glued to provide sufficient strength to withstand rail deflection and rail
 Insulated joints should be installed as kits.
 Pairs of insulated joints should have a stagger of 1 m, unless otherwise directed by ETS
or the Signals Designer.
 Insulated joints must meet the minimum resistively requirement of 1 megohm.
 Consideration must be given to method and location for connecting impedance bonds.


5.9.1 General
Allowable construction tolerances are presented for the purpose of ensuring the trackwork
design objectives are met as closely as possible.
All track and trackwork related components for the Edmonton LRT System should be
designed and installed to within the allowable construction deviations as listed in the following
table. Track gauge, cross-level, superelevation and alignment deviations are acceptable if the
rate of change is within the specified tolerances.

Final Issue July 2017 5.28




Track Gauge Crosslevel Total Middle Total Middle

Classification Deviation Deviation Deviation Ordinate in Deviation Ordinate in
20 m chord 20 m chord

Mainline + 3 mm + 3 mm + 6 mm + 3 mm + 6 mm + 3 mm
- 1 mm - 3 mm - 6 mm - 3 mm - 6 mm - 3 mm

Secondary + 3 mm + 3 mm + 6 mm + 3 mm + 6 mm + 3 mm
- 1 mm - 3 mm - 6 mm - 3 mm - 6 mm - 3 mm

Yard + 3 mm + 3 mm + 12 mm + 3 mm + 12 mm + 3 mm
- 3 mm - 3 mm - 12 mm - 3 mm - 12 mm - 3 mm

Shop + 3 mm + 3 mm + 6 mm + 3 mm + 6 mm + 3 mm
- 3 mm - 3 mm - 6 mm - 3 mm - 6 mm - 3 mm

Special + 3 mm + 3 mm + 6 mm + 3 mm + 6 mm + 3 mm
- 1 mm - 3 mm - 6 mm - 3 mm - 6 mm - 3 mm

Table 5.3 Allowable Track Construction Tolerances

i. Total Deviation is the deviation measured between the theoretical or best-fit alignment and the
actual alignment at a given location. The best-fit alignment takes account for changes made to the
theoretical alignment during construction based on the survey of actual field conditions.
ii. Total Deviation in platform areas should be zero toward platforms and not exceeding +5 mm away
from platforms in the horizontal direction.
The rate of variation or change allowed for Mainline track should not exceed the following
Horizontal: 3 mm per 9 m measured in increments of 3 m.
Vertical: 3 mm per 9 m measured in increments of 3 m.
Gauge: 3 mm per 9 m measured in increments of 3 m.
Cross level: 2 mm per 9 m measured in increments of 3 m.
The rate of variation or change for secondary, yard and shop tracks is not as critical since
secondary, yard and shop tracks do not carry revenue passengers and operate at a lower


Prior to revenue service all newly installed mainline rails should be profiled using a production
type rail grinder. Rail profiling is required to:
 Remove mill scale, rust, surface imperfections and railhead irregularities
 Mitigate the onset of rail corrugation
 Match the rail to the ETS design rail profile
 Optimize ride quality
 Remove minor rail defects
 Reduce airborne noise and vibration
 Extend rail and wheel life

Final Issue July 2017 5.29


To ensure truck stability of the LRV’s the ground rail profile must be provided in accordance
with the ground rail profiles shown in Figure 5.30.
Note: The ground rail profile is independent of the rail type. The design and location of the wheel/rail
contact band is the same regardless if the rail is 115 lb RE or 100 lb ARA-A.


It is the responsibility of the trackwork consultant to interface with other design consultants
and with ETS to ensure the overall system requirements are achieved.
Typical coordination requirements include:
 Structural loads for the vehicle and equipment (static, dynamic, thermal)
 Civil and structural interface for track support structure (e.g. concrete base slab, subgrade
preparation and drainage provisions)
 Grounding provisions, if required
 Traction Power, Mechanical and Electrical interfaces (e.g. buried cables and conduits,
vaults and catenary masts)
 Signal interface (location of insulated bonded joints, switch point detectors, bonding
cables, switch machine mountings, etc)
 Communication systems interface (buried telephone wires, copper broadband, fibre optics


All trackwork materials designed or procured for the Edmonton LRT System must comply with
the established codes, standards and criteria.
The trackwork consultant, in conjunction with ETS, must establish a comprehensive quality
assurance (QA) quality control (QC) program which consists of material specification and
tolerance verification during Factory Acceptance Tests and field inspections during the
trackwork installation process.
At the direction of ETS the following minimum QA/QC activities should be conducted:
 Hold-point Inspections
 Material Pre-shipment Inspections
 Construction Verification and Acceptance
 Records Audits


Refer to Chapter 1, General Section 1.7 for the guidelines pertaining to the production of Plan
of Record drawings and O&M Manuals.

Final Issue July 2017 5.30

Chapter 6 – Revision Tracking Form


Chapter 6
2017 EDITION – Revisions Tracking Form
Section Reference Revision General Description Issue Date 1st paragraph Updated to improve clarity/readability. July 2017 1st paragraph Updated to reflect current condition. Abbreviations Added NLRT and RGS. Floating Definition has been clarified.

Ground AEUC Updated.

NFPA 130 Included reference to specific NFPA Standard

6.1.5 Section Subdivided section into elements, added

requirement for consultant to assess spare parts

6.1.6 Table Added hotel power. 3rd bullet Added requirement to design for contingency

load. Types of Included portable substation to list.


Last paragraph Introduced Utility Complex as alternative term to

TPSS Last paragraph Clarified either transformer (if dual) to be capable

of carrying substation load. Telus phone Clarified phone lines required for main and
lines standby metering communications Batteries Added minimum 8 hour requirement. Conduit Added feeder conduit requirements. 2nd paragraph Added positive feeder line and bypass switches to
list of bonding exceptions.

6.2.3 1st and 2nd Updated to reflect current infrastructure.

paragraphs 1st paragraph Added utility metering disconnect switch. 1st paragraph Revised to reflect system upgrades. 1st paragraph Revised to reflect system upgrades.

th th
10 and 11 Clarifies primary and secondary phase
bullets requirements.

Chapter 6 – Revision Tracking Form


Chapter 6
2017 EDITION – Revisions Tracking Form
Section Reference Revision General Description Issue Date Battery Revised battery power capacity from 3 to 8 hours.

6.2.5 1st paragraph Added requirement for protection and arc flash
studies; added requirement to determine PPE.

DC Switchgear Added DC main breaker direct acting DC

instantaneous overcurrent trip device. Circuit Clarified requirements.

Reclosing Rate-of-Rise Clarified requirements.

Current DC Switchgear Clarified requirements.

Frame Fault
Protection Transfer Trip Added requirement for adjacent substations to

protection communicate when one is out of service. 2nd bullet Increased insulation requirement. 2nd bullet Increased insulation requirement. 2nd bullet Increased insulation requirement. 2nd bullet Increased insulation requirement.

6.3.3 3 bullet Increased insulation requirement.

6.4 4th bullet Clarified one spare conduit for positive feeder. 2nd bullet Added requirement for stray current study. 1st paragraph Updated references. 1st paragraph Updated reference. 2nd paragraph Updated reference. Mechanical Substituted OPTS


Underground Updated reference.

Clearances 1st paragraph Updated reference.

Chapter 6 – Revision Tracking Form


Chapter 6
2017 EDITION – Revisions Tracking Form
Section Reference Revision General Description Issue Date Variable Corrected ‘Fixed Tension System’
Systems Balance Minor revisions to improve readability.

Assemblies Midpoint Added acronym ‘MPA’

Anchor Last paragraph Added end of track clearance requirement. 2nd paragraph Added wire tensions to list of variables. Design Updated reference.


Protective Minor clarification.

Devices 1st paragraph Minor clarification. Last paragraph Added preference for NLRT arrangement. 1st paragraph Minor clarifications. 1st paragraph Minor clarification.

Figures Updated 6.1A, 6.1B, 6.1C, 6.2A, 6.2B, 6.2C, 6.2D, 6.3B,
6.3C, 6.3D, 6.5





6.1  GENERAL 1 
6.1.1  Introduction 1 
6.1.2  System Description 1 
6.1.3  Abbreviations and Definitions 1 
6.1.4  Applicable Codes, Standards, Regulations and Guidelines 2 
6.1.5  Traction Power System Elements 3 
6.1.6  Traction Power System Loads and Parameters 4 
6.1.7  Safety and Security 5 
6.1.8  Environmental Considerations 6 
6.2.1  General Design Principles 6 
6.2.2  Substation Facility 6 
6.2.3  Substation Equipment 10 
6.2.4  Substation Controls 14 
6.2.5  Protection Systems and Devices 15 
6.2.6  Protection Relay Descriptions 16 
6.3.1  Positive Feeder Cables 18 
6.3.2  Negative Return Cables 18 
6.3.3  Tunnel Parallel Feeder Cables 19 
6.3.4  High Voltage AC Power Cables 19 
6.3.5  Electrical Switches 19 
6.5.1  Overview 20 
6.5.2  Design Philosophy 20 
6.5.3  Design Requirements and Criteria 21 
6.5.4  Details of Overhead Catenary System 25 
6.5.5  Overhead Catenary System Configurations 27 
6.5.6  Catenary Support Components 28 
6.5.7  In-Span Assemblies 31 

List of Figures
Figure 6.1A - Typical TPSS and Equipment Layout Original Line
Figure 6.1B - Typical Utility Complex with TPSS and Equipment Layout SLRT
Figure 6.1C - Typical Utility Complex with TPSS and Equipment Layout NLRT
Figure 6.1D - Portable TPSS and Equipment Layout NLRT Extension
Figure 6.2A - Typical Power Distribution Single Line Diagram Original and Critical
Figure 6.2B - Typical Power Distribution Single Line Diagram SLRT Extension
Figure 6.2C - Typical Power Distribution Single Line Diagram NLRT Extension
Figure 6.2D - Portable Substation Single Line Diagram NLRT Extension

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Figure 6.3A - Typical TPSS Grounding Layout

Figure 6.3B - Typical TPSS Grounding Layout SLRT Extension
Figure 6.3C - Typical TPSS Grounding Layout NLRT Extension
Figure 6.3D - NAIT TPSS Grounding Layout NLRT Extension
Figure 6.4 - Typical Time Current Curve
Figure 6.5 - Typical OCS Simple Catenary Layout
Figure 6.6 - Traction Power Equipment Clearance Requirements
Figure 6.7 - OCS Typical Mast Placement
Figure 6.8 - Typical Catenary Wire Protection Bridge/Portal Structures

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6.1.1 Introduction
This chapter outlines the design guidelines for the Edmonton LRT Traction Power System.
Topics include:
 Traction Power Substations (TPSS)
 Traction Power Distribution Systems (TPDS)
 Overhead Catenary System (OCS)
 Grounding and Bonding
The design consultant must use these guidelines to establish the LRT traction power system
elements, layout, rating and configuration.
Facility electrical systems (including lighting) and duct bank design guidelines are presented in
Chapter 11, Electrical Systems.

6.1.2 System Description Existing Catenary System

The current catenary system utilizes a catenary contact/messenger system powered by 700V
DC substations (no load) that are spaced, approximately every 1.5 km along the LRT corridor.
Several of the substations are incorporated into the existing passenger LRT stations. As
stated in Chapter 2, Vehicles, the LRV fleet consists of Siemens/Duewag U2 LRVs with DC
propulsion systems and Siemens SD-160’s with AC propulsion systems (refer to Chapter 2
Vehicles). In some areas, additional power cables or messenger wires have been installed in
parallel to the catenary to support five car operations. Future LRT Extensions

New extensions and future projects must include consideration in the design of the Traction
Power System for the possibility of:
 The utilization of double or parallel messenger wires or power cables for the Overhead
Catenary System.
 Power system capacity to allow for new SD-160 LRVs and existing U2 LRVs to operate as
five car trains for headway design and operation consistent with the design of the signal
 Half acceleration operations with a substation out of service.
 Operational and architectural requirements in primarily a suburban residential setting.
This includes factors such as noise, speed, overall appearance of the system, code
clearances, etc.

6.1.3 Abbreviations and Definitions Abbreviations

AT – Auto-tension
BMS – Building Management System
BWA – Balance Weight Assembly
EMT – Electromagnetic Tubing
EMF – Electromagnetic Field

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EMI – Electromagnetic Interference

FT – Fixed Tension
MPA – Mid-Point Anchor
NLRT – North LRT Extension Project
OCS – Overhead Catenary System
OTPS – Overhead Traction Power System
Pan – Pantograph
PLC – Programmable Logic Controller
RGS – Rail Ground Switch
SCADA – Supervisory Control Data and Data Acquisition
SCP – Supervisory Control Panel
SLRT – South LRT Extension Project
TOR – Top of Rail
TP – Traction Power
TPS – Traction Power System
TPDS – Traction Power Distribution System
TPSS – Traction Power Substation
TWA – Trolley Wire Anchor Definitions

Floating Ground is a designated term that describes the grounding in a system that does not
have connection to earth-ground. Since the track rails are isolated from earth with no
intentional ground to earth, it is also referred to as floating ground in the system.
Feeder Switch is an electrical switch (which is normally left closed) that connects the power
distribution cables to the overhead catenary wires.
Protective Ground is a temporary ground designed for the grounding of electrical conductors
during temporary circuit isolations.
Stray Current is a small amount of current that flows through paths other than the intended
main traction power system circuit.
Tie Switch is an electrical switch (which is normally left open) that connects two adjacent
traction power circuits.
EPCOR Utilities Inc. “EPCOR” is the utility service provider to Edmonton’s LRT system.

6.1.4 Applicable Codes, Standards, Regulations and Guidelines

Unless stated otherwise, all design activities, equipment and material selection must conform
to or exceed the requirements of the latest editions of all applicable federal, provincial and
municipal codes and regulations. Acts, Codes, Standards, Regulations

ABC Alberta Building Code

AEUC Alberta Electrical Utility Code
AECR Alberta Electrical Code Regulations
AREMA American Railway Engineering and Maintenance of Way Association
ASCA Alberta Safety Code Act
AASHTO American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials
ANSI American National Standards Institute
ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials
ASHRAE American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning
CEC Canadian Electrical Code

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CSA Canadian Standards Association

CGSB Canadian Government Specifications Board
EFC Electro Federation of Canada
ISA International Society for Measurement and Control
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
NBC National Building Code of Canada
NEMA National Electrical Manufactures Association
NFPA 130 National Fire Protection Association – Standard for Passenger Rail
NTRA National Transportation Railway Act
OHSA Occupational Health and Safety Act
OHBDC Ontario Highway Bridge Design Code
SAE Society of Automotive Engineers Reference Standards and Guidelines

In addition to the *high level guidelines that are presented in this chapter, ETS has prepared
several detailed and specific LRT design criteria, standards and guideline documents that are
to be used by the Traction Power System design consultants to obtain additional detailed
design criteria.
*Note: The LRT Design Guidelines for Traction Power are a high level summary of the documents listed
 Electrical Standards/Engineering Design Manual for Substation Electrical
This document includes only the requirements for the facilities serving the Traction Power
and the substation building itself. This Manual will be referred to throughout these
Guidelines as the SS Electrical Equipment Manual.
 LRT Overhead Traction Power Engineering Standards and Design Guidelines
This document only includes the requirements for LRT overhead traction power facilities.
This document will be referred to throughout these Guidelines as the Overhead TP
 The LRT Overhead Traction Power Standards Drawings.
This document contains all of the drawings related to the LRT Overhead Traction Power
Standards and will be referred to in these Guidelines as the Overhead TP Standards

6.1.5 Traction Power System Elements Traction Power Substations (TPSS)

The TPSS converts the AC power from the Utility to DC power for the LRT system and
includes the following primary elements:
 Dual AC power feeds from the Utility service provider with auto transfer system.
 AC switchgear
 Traction power transformer and rectifier units
 DC switchgear
 125 V DC protection and control power system
 Positive and negative disconnect switches
 DC positive and negative power cables
 Negative ground switch
 PLC substation controller

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 SCADA system
During the design, the consultant should determine a spare parts list for each component, and
discuss with ETS for agreement. Traction Power Distribution System (TPDS)

The TPDS connects the substation’s positive circuit to the OCS and the negative circuit to the
rails and includes the following primary elements:
 DC positive and negative feeder cables
 Positive feeder switches
 Positive tie switches
During the design, the consultant should determine a spare parts list for each component, and
discuss with ETS for agreement. Overhead Catenary System (OCS)

The OCS provides the positive circuit contact for the LRVs and include the following primary
 OCS masts (poles)
 OCS hardware
 Contact and messenger wires
During the design, the consultant should determine a spare parts list for each component, and
discuss with ETS for agreement.

6.1.6 Traction Power System Loads and Parameters

New substation or right of way additions to the LRT system should be preceded by a traction
power system load flow analysis. A load flow study can simulate the electrical performance of
the TPS using the physical and operational aspect of the proposed additions under multiple
scenarios. The results of the study will help to ensure that the power system is adequately
designed to satisfy desired performance criteria using the most economical expenditure of
initial capital investment.
The following general loading requirements must be taken into consideration in the design of
the TPS. These loadings are subject to change.

U2 SD 160 (Reduced AC Mode)

Motoring current per LRV 560 A DC 900 A DC
Acceleration current per LRV 900 A DC 900 A DC
Peak hotel power 50 kW 50 kW
Minimum operating voltage 480 V DC 480 V DC
Absolute minimum voltage 420 V DC 420 V DC
Absolute maximum voltage 720 V DC 900 V DC

TPS nominal voltage level 600 V DC

TPS no-load voltage level 700 V DC
In addition, the TPS must be designed to accommodate the following full acceleration and half
acceleration criteria:

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TRACTION POWER Full Acceleration Design Criteria

Full acceleration scenarios simulate the worst case conditions that could occur during normal
operations where two, five-car trains simultaneous accelerate away from the same platform in
opposite directions. With all substations in service, the traction power system is to be
modeled to ensure that the voltage level supplied to the trains remains above the system low
voltage limit of 480 V DC. The traction power system is to be designed for the following
operational conditions:
 Five (5) minute headway between trains and 2.5 minute headway for overlapping lines.
 Five-car SD-160 trains.
 75 kW auxiliary power (based on duty cycle analysis of LRV).
 LRV in reduced power mode (Torque taper point at 20 km/h).
 82 kN maximum tractive effort.
 1.43 m/s² maximum acceleration (full power).
 AW4 loading (13.35 t). Half Acceleration Design Criteria (Reduced Operation)

The Half Acceleration scenarios simulate the traction power system with a mainline substation
removed from service. With the substation out of service and bypassed, the two adjacent
substations feed the affected overhead catenary section. In the affected section the trains
operate at Half Acceleration. Outside the affected area, the trains operate normally at full
To simulate the maximum traction power loading under these conditions, trains traveling in
both directions are to be simultaneously stopped and started at the midpoint of the affected
section. This test is performed to ensure that the traction power system voltage measured at
the pantograph for each train is maintained above the minimum allowed voltage of 480 V DC.
The Half Acceleration analysis is to be repeated for each new substation.
For Half Acceleration simulations the following vehicle parameters are lowered:
 41 kN maximum tractive effort (half tractive effort).
 0.715 m/s² maximum acceleration (half acceleration).
All other vehicle parameters are the same as the Full Acceleration criteria.

6.1.7 Safety and Security

The guidelines and required safety and security measures for LRT passengers, the general
public and service and maintenance staff are outlined in Chapter 16 Safety and Security, of
these design guidelines.
From Chapter 1 General Section “The City is committed to the development of a Light
Rail Transit and Busway System which in its design, construction and operation meets with
generally accepted principles of safety and is consistent with sound and accepted engineering
standards and practices. The articulation of these principles, standards and practices must
take into account the safety concerns and physical, demographic and land use environments
of the communities along any given section of the LRT line”.
In general, the design of the substation facility must consider factors that relate to health,
safety and security for the general public and the workers that service the system to ensure
 Public safety is maintained at all times
 Occupational Health & Safety Act provisions are met
 All guidelines relating to national and local electrical codes, i.e. CEC and AEUC are met.

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The TPSS must include the following features:

 Building intrusion alarms and monitoring of these alarms.
 Card access reader (C-Cure System) to restrict access to authorized staff only.
 SCADA controls and alarms on the equipment are connected to the EPCOR Control
Room via the fibre network.
 Outdoor lighting above each substation door.
 A Fire Alarm panel monitoring smoke and/or heat detections
 Exit and Emergency lighting as required by building codes
 An Emergency Push Button that activates a trip signal to all traction power equipment
(located near each TPSS man door)
 Remote annunciation of building systems and equipment is via BMS and SCADA and is
provided to the ETS Control Centre located at the Churchill LRT Station.
 Two portable fire extinguishers should be located inside the building at each man door.
 A battery- powered emergency lighting system which will provide a minimum of four
 A minimum of three (3) telephone lines from the telephone service provider.
 A minimum of four (4) telephone lines from the ETS Control Centre.

6.1.8 Environmental Considerations

The design of the TPS must also comply with all current legislation and regulatory
requirements from Alberta Environment and/or the authority having local jurisdiction.
 Noise
 LRT system aesthetics
 The safe interaction of motor vehicles and pedestrians in a shared right-of-way area
 Electrical effects on electronic equipment and humans
 Occupational Health & Safety Regulations
 Water pollution
 Protection of plants and wildlife
 Electrical safety of workers and the public


6.2.1 General Design Principles
The following general principles must be applied to the design of new traction power
 Maintain a consistent design approach.
 Coordinate equipment life expectancies with the overall LRT system life expectancy.
 Consider “lessons learned” from the design of previous substations.
 Standardize all major equipment as much as possible.
 Coordinate new facilities design with existing systems.
 Ensure the operational requirements and load requirements are not compromised in terms
of capacity, reliability, and maintainability of the system.

6.2.2 Substation Facility Spacing and Location

A System Load Flow Study must be conducted to determine the optimum location and rating
of the substations to ensure that:
 The system DC voltages are maintained above the 480 V DC minimum LRV operating
voltage level.

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 The rail to ground voltage does not exceed the maximum permissible limits.
 The distribution system conductors are adequately designed to carry normal and
contingency system load without overheating.
 Adequate short circuit protection can be provided.
Refer to Section 2.23 of the Overhead TP Manual for additional considerations. Substation Types

The existing Edmonton LRT system utilizes three types of substations:

 Remote, Stand-alone or Portable Substation
This type of substation is located in a separate building structure within the LRT ROW in
between or near passenger stations. In some instances signal equipment and the passenger
station electrical equipment is also located at this building and may be fed from the TPSS.
 Integrated Substation
This type of substation is located within the passenger station structure. The substation may
also contain the passenger station electrical equipment.
Where the building housing the TPSS is shared with signals, communications, electrical
distribution and/or other rooms, the overall building should be referred to as a Utility Complex. Building Design

The TPSS will be designed to house the following systems and related essential equipment:
 Dual utility feeds (main and standby) with an auto transfer system
 Utility metering equipment
 AC switchgear
 Rectifier transformer
 Rectifier and interphase transformer
 1000 V DC switchgear
 Negative disconnect switch
 Negative ground switch
 125 V DC battery bank and chargers
 125 V DC control power system
 Local PLC HMI annunciation panel
 SCADA system
 Fibre patch panel
 Substation grounding system to include adequate ground grid
 Fire alarm and intrusion detection systems
 Heating and ventilation systems
 Station service equipment
 Card access reader and panel
 First aid kit
 Eye wash station
Some substations may also include a signal room housing signal relay and electrical
equipment including emergency generator. Refer to Chapter 7 Signals, Section 7.5.12 for
further details.
For typical TPSS building footprints and equipment layout refer to Figures 6.1A through 6.1C
and related drawings in the SS Electrical Equipment Manual.

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In some cases the substations may be located in a critical LRT operating area. These areas
may include a main line section in which train frequency is increased (less than every 5
minutes) or near connection points where two LRT segments merge to a single line. In these
instances it is preferred to have dual transformer and rectifier units in the substation for added
redundancy and power capability. If dual transformers are provided, either unit should be
capable of carrying the entire load of the substation. Building Structure

The structural design guidelines for a stand-alone building are provided in Chapter 9,
Structures. For guidelines related to other building components and elements refer to:
 Chapter 10, Stations and Ancillary Facilities
 Chapter 11, Electrical Systems
 Chapter 12, Mechanical Systems
The substation doors must be equipped with:
 Non-removable hinge pins.
 Panic bars on all man-doors for emergency exit.
 Dead bolt locks (locks are to be fitted for special substation master key as per existing
LRT TP substations).
 Intrusion detection.
 All man doors equipped with a card access reader (CAS).
Concrete walls and floor must be adequately sealed to prevent build up dust which can
negatively impact operation of the equipment. Building Services

Section 10 of the SS Electrical Equipment Manual outlines the building services requirements
 Building electrical and lighting
 Emergency lighting
 Fire alarm
 Card access reader
 Telus phone lines for:
o Primary Utility metering communications with EPCOR (13.8 kV AC Service).
 Main feed.
 Standby feed.
o Secondary Utility metering communications with EPCOR (600 V AC Service).
o 1 Spare line.
 ETS communication phone lines for:
o Regular telephone at desk for maintenance personal.
o Dedicated line for building management system.
o ETS Operations radio.
o 1 Spare line.
Note: Section 10 of SS Electrical Equipment Manual states that a minimum of six telephone service
lines must be installed in each TPSS. The Designer must confirm these requirements with the telephone
service provider early in the design phase of the substation.

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TRACTION POWER Heating and Ventilation

Adequate heating and ventilation must be provided to at each substation to maintain the
indoor temperature between 13°C and 25°C. The heating and ventilation systems must be
powered through the TPSS station service supply.
Detailed design considerations and requirements for heating and ventilation are outlined in
Section 11.0 of the SS Electrical Equipment Manual. Incoming 13.8 kV Utility Service

Each TPSS should be fed from two primary feeders originating from different utility
substations, or, as a minimum, from different supply buses in the same substation. The two
feeders will be designated as “main” and “standby” and will be terminated at the AC
switchgear in the TPSS.
The TPSS AC switchgear provides switching and control for the main – standby scheme and
must be equipped with main and standby breakers and an auto transfer system. In the
instance that the main supply is lost, the system will automatically transfer over to the standby
In addition to the two feeds from the utility service provider, a separate emergency power feed
must be made available to the substation to provide the building lighting, building security, and
heating in the case of a total power outage. This emergency feeder may be a connection to
an emergency generator located in the substation, or in a nearby passenger station, or to a
portable emergency generator.
Refer to Figures 6.2A thru 6.2D. Figure 6.2A is a typical power distribution single line diagram
applicable for the substations constructed between University and Clareview LRT stations.
Figure 6.2B is a typical power distribution single line diagram applicable for the South LRT
Extension. Figure 6.2D is a typical power distribution single line diagram applicable for the
North LRT Extension as generally described in above paragraphs. Substation Control Power

Each substation must be equipped with an auxiliary power supply system to provide nominal
125 V DC power to the AC and DC switchgear protection and control systems. The auxiliary
supply will include a battery bank and battery charger. The battery bank ensures power is
provided to the control circuits if there is a utility power failure. The battery bank shall provide
full control power for a minimum of 8 hours. Conduits

The following are the general design requirements for TPSS conduits:
 EMT conduit must be used for all indoor applications.
 Galvanized rigid steel conduit must be used for all outdoor above-grade service and ducts
attached to the face of the tunnel walls.
 PVC conduit must be used for underground, concrete encased, or direct buried
 Rigid PVC schedule 40 conduit may be used for added mechanical protection where
 Rigid steel must not be used to sleeve single conductor cables.
 Where possible, conduit penetrations through structures should be grouped. The
minimum size of conduit installations must be 25 mm.
 All conduit installations must provide a minimum of 25% spare capacity for future
wire/cable runs.

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 Dedicated feeder ducts must be provided for each individual positive feeder between the
TPSS and the OCS line.
 Dedicated feeder ducts must be provided for the negative feeders between the TPSS and
the rail.
 For each positive and negative feeder, the 25% spare capacity must be provided in
unused spare conduits of the same size as the used conduits. This provides redundancy
for a cable failure that renders a conduit unusable. Grounding

Effective grounding of the electrical system is required for personnel safety, equipment
protection, prevention of static charges, fault protection, neutral grounding, operation and
coordination of protective relays, and instrumentation and communication equipment
interference protection.
All equipment and enclosures within the TPSS (with the exception of the DC switchgear,
rectifier enclosures and positive feeder line and bypass switches) must be bonded to ground
to eliminate touch potential. All grounding conductors must be sized and installed in
accordance with the CEC. The maximum TPSS ground resistance must be one ohm.
Refer to Figures 6.3A through 6.3C for illustrations of typical grounding systems.
Detailed design considerations and requirements for grounding and bonding are outlined in
Section 8.0 of the SS Electrical Equipment Manual.

6.2.3 Substation Equipment

The TPSS equipment layout used for the original ETS substations from Clareview to
University stations is shown in Figure 6.1A. The design includes dual AC utility feeds
connected to a main-standby breaker scheme with an auto transfer system. The substation is
normally fed through either of the two main AC breakers. Connected to the AC bus are two
rectifier breakers that supply two traction power transformer-rectifier units. Each rectifier feeds
the DC switchgear positive bus through a dedicated DC main breaker. The switchgear then
distributes positive power to the OCS through four high speed feeder breakers. The rectifier
negative circuit is connected to a negative cabinet. The cabinet is connected to the rail
completing the return path for the traction power system.
The new TPSS’s on the SLRT and NLRT lines are similar to the original substations with the
exception of the redundant traction power transformer. The new substations utilize a single
transformer-rectifier unit.
Traction power equipment may be provided in the configuration described below:
 Dual AC utility supplies will be implemented. Single 2.0 MVA transformer-rectifier units will
typically be installed. This change reduces the redundancy while maintaining the load
capabilities in anticipation of future operations.
 The TPS will be designed to operate at half acceleration with one substation out of
Figure 6.1C shows a typical 2.0 MVA substation equipment layout. AC Switchgear

The 15 kV AC switchgear includes the equipment required for the monitoring and controlling of
the main and standby incoming AC feeder breakers and AC rectifier breakers for the primary
power supply for the traction power system. The switchgear contains utility metering
equipment, utility metering disconnect switch, AC breakers, auxiliary power and protective
equipment. The switchgear must be of metal-clad design as per IEEE C37 20.2.

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Where dual AC feeders are available the AC switchgear will utilize a main-standby scheme
with an auto transfer system.
Standard ratings for the AC switchgear are:
 Rated nominal voltage: 13.8 kV
 Rated maximum voltage: 15 kV
 Minimum main bus continuous current: 1200 amps
 Rated frequency: 60 Hz.
 Basic Impulse Level: 110 kV
 Fault Interrupting Capacity: 31,000 A (750 MVA) (to be confirmed by a System Short
Circuit Study)
The AC switchgear must conform to the latest edition of the EPCOR Customer Connection
Guide. The following are some of the key items that must be designed into the switchgear.
 Utility metering cells are required for each incoming service.
 Metering transformers are to be installed on the load side of the circuit breakers and must
be capable of being isolated electrically from both supply and load. On services with the
possibility of an alternate source, or an onsite generator, gang operated isolating switches
with contact operation verifiable by direct visible means must be installed after the cabinet
for the current transformers and before transformers or other equipment.
 Provision must be made for installation of the potential transformers in a drawer type
cabinet with high and low potential opening devices. These drawers must fully extend the
depth of the cabinet. The cabinet must be built of adequate strength to support 3 potential
transformers and must exist at floor level. A hinged door with provision for sealing to be
installed to provide access to the potential transformers. Pin type contacts are not
Detailed design considerations and requirements are outlined in Section 3.0 of the SS
Electrical Equipment Manual. DC Switchgear

The DC switchgear functions as the control and protective equipment for the distribution of DC
power to the LRVs. The originally installed DC switchgear included two main DC breakers fed
from two rectifiers, and four high speed, single pole circuit breakers for the positive feeders to
the OCS. The switchgear and rectifiers are to be isolated from ground either by a glastic
sheet, or non-conducting epoxy floor. A special ground-fault protection scheme has to be
setup for the switchgear as it will be isolated from ground. Protective relaying for each DC
feeder breaker, and the incoming rectifier breakers must be contained in the DC switchgear.
The switchgear is metal clad and will be built in accordance with IEEE 37.20.
The current NLRT extension project includes DC switchgear that incorporates the negative
disconnect switch, rectifier and inter-phase transformer into the lineup with the four DC circuit
Standard ratings for the latest DC switchgear are:
 Nominal voltage: 750 V DC
 Maximum voltage: 1000 V DC
 60 Hz withstand voltage: 3700 V AC (RMS)
 DC withstand voltage: 5200 V DC
 Continuous current rating: 6000 A
 Main breaker current rating: 6000 A
 Feeder breaker current rating: 4000 A
 Peak closing and latching current: 200 kA
 Rated short circuit current: 150 kA

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Detailed design considerations and requirements are outlined in Section 4.0 of the SS
Electrical Equipment Manual. Traction Power Rectifier

As with transformers, the original substations have been upgraded with dual 1500 kW and
2000 kW heavy traction service rectifiers operating in parallel. Newer substations have been
designed using single 2000 kW rectifiers.
The rectifiers must be naturally ventilated traction power rectifiers with silicon disc-type diodes.
There are two three-phase bridges connected in a Circuit 31 configuration.
Standard ratings for the latest rectifiers are:
 Output: 2000 kW, 600 V DC, 3333 Amps, Continuous
 Overload rating of 150%: 5000 Amps for 2 hours
 Overload rating of 300%: 10000 Amps for 1 minute
 Cooling maximum temperature: 45°C
 Equipment operating temperature: 35°C
The rectifiers must include the following features:
 N-1 rating
 Natural convection-cooling
 Full wave diode bridges providing 12-pulse rectification.
 Designed to meet NEMA RI-9 specification for Heavy Traction service
 After 100% full load temperatures are reached the rectifier must withstand, without
damage, the following additional overloads: 150% load for two hours and 300% load for
one minute at the end of the two hours.
 Be complete assemblies consisting of all rectifier elements, heat sinks, internal buses,
fuses, diode failure and over temperature protection, rectifier over temperature protection,
and all necessary components matched to the traction power transformer.
Detailed design considerations and requirements are outlined in Section 5.0 of the SS
Electrical Equipment Manual. Rectifier Transformers

The original LRT substations have been upgraded to 1.5 and 2.0 MVA rectifier transformers
operating in parallel and are designed to provide 100% redundancy during normal operations.
The rectifier transformer pair must be able to accommodate the maximum anticipated load for
five car operations.
Newer substations are utilizing a single 2.0 MVA transformer.
In addition, the rectifier transformer must meet the following requirements:
 Designed to meet NEMA RI-9 specification for Heavy Traction service
 After 100% full load temperatures are reached the transformer must withstand, without
damage, the following additional overloads: 150% load for two hours, 300% load for one
minute at the end of the two hours.
 Have a dual winding secondary in a ∆ – Y configuration (IEEE C57.18.10 Circuit 31 with a
30% phase displacement to feed the 6 phase – 12 pulse rectifier. This setup helps reduce
the system harmonic current distortion.
 Be dry-type and self-cooled.
 Include temperature monitoring devices with adjustable alarm and trip contacts.
 Designed to accommodate all the scenarios, for all the possible train consists, as listed in
section 6.1.6.

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 Designed such that the transformer and rectifier are a matched assembly.
Standard ratings for the latest rectifier transformer are:
 Nominally rated at 2000 KVA (this rating must be verified prior to commencement of final
 Type: ANN
 Primary Phases: 3
 Secondary Phases: 6
 Frequency: 60 Hz
 Class: 220 insulation (150°C rise above 40°C Ambient)
 Primary Basic Impulse Level (BIL): 110 kV
 Secondary Basic Impulse Level (BIL): 45 kV
 Primary voltage: 13.8 kV delta
 Secondary voltage: 519 V delta, 519/300 Wye or
 Taps (offload): +2x2.5%, -5x2.5% primary
Note: The latest LRT extension included three additional transformer taps in addition to the
standard five primary taps to allow the system to be operated at a higher voltage in the future if
required. These three additional taps have been added at -7.5%, -10%, and -12.5%.
 Primary to secondary wye impedance: 6%
 Primary to secondary delta impedance: 6%
 Winding material: Copper
 Voltage regulation not greater than 6% from 1% load to full load
Further design considerations and requirements are outlined in Section 6.0 of the SS
Electrical Equipment Manual. Auxiliary Power Supply System

A direct-current auxiliary power system is used for the basic substation controls, relaying,
SCADA equipment, communication equipment, and alarm functions. The system consists of a
storage battery bank, matched battery charger, and DC distribution panel.
The battery and battery circuits should be properly designed, safeguarded and maintained,
and the emergency requirements should be carefully estimated to ensure adequate battery
performance during emergencies or loss of utility for eight hours. The batteries shall be of low
hydrogen emission design for indoor installation.
The battery charger must be independent of the condition of the battery bank. It must support
the full DC power output as long as AC is available. If a standby generator or alternate feed
system is available, the battery charger must be fed from that source to improve reliability and
availability of the auxiliary supply.
The basic requirements for the battery bank are:
 Nominal system voltage of 125 V DC.
 Minimum stored energy capacity should be adequate to supply the load demand for eight
hours after a utility outage.
 The charger must include ground detection, alarm mode, and temperature compensation.
 Float and equalization capability
 Low and high voltage alarms
 Charger failure alarm
The sizing of the DC auxiliary power supply must be based on a duty-cycle evaluation of the
entire auxiliary system load.

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Further design considerations and requirements primarily related to Charger/Rectifier, DC

Distribution Panel and Inverters are outlined in Section 7.0 of the SS Electrical Equipment
Manual. Wiring Methods

Wire installations must be designed as per the CEC.

Cable in tray is the preferred method for routing cables. However, conduit may be used when
it is difficult to support the cable, or when additional mechanical protection is required.
All cables and conductors used must meet CSA C22.2 requirements, as well as any other
applicable fire and environmental ratings.
Further design considerations including wiring type and sizing criteria requirements are
outlined in Section 9.0 of the SS Electrical Equipment Manual. Bus Bar and Bus Connectors

Bus bars and bus connectors must be made of tin plated copper, and be sized as follows:
 For 700 V DC switchgear – 6000 A continuous
 For 13.8 kV AC switchgear – 1200 A continuous

6.2.4 Substation Controls

All substations must be equipped with a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC), local and
remote control, annunciation systems, and smoke detection and intrusion alarm sub-systems.
The PLC system must be designed to integrate and control all switchgear functions, system
monitoring and data logging. The PLC must communicate directly to the SCADA RTU that in
turn communicates to the EPCOR Control Centre. Local Annunciation

Local annunciation must be provided by the PLC display unit for the following functions:
 AC breakers status
 DC breakers status
 Rectifier diode alarm
 Rectifier diode trip
 Relay trip warning
 Status of control power
 Rectifier diode temperature alarm and trip
 Frame fault trip
 Rail overvoltage alarm and trip
 AC over/under voltage
 DC over voltage
 Rectifier over voltage
 DC door open trip
 Reverse current trip
 Tx winding temperature alarm and trip
 Rectifier over temperature alarm and trip
 Negative disconnect switch status
 Feeder and tie switch status
 Ground switch status

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A dedicated fibre optic circuit from the LRT Communications backbone must be provided for
communications with the EPCOR Control Centre to each TPSS for the following signals:
 Remote operation and status indication of all 15 kV breakers.
 15 kV circuit breaker relays status/trip information.
 Remote operation and status indication of all DC circuit breakers.
 Rectifier negative disconnect switch position.
 Transformer over-temperature.
 Rectifier over-temperature.
 Rectifier fuse failure.
 Negative overvoltage.
 Utility power failure.
 Rail ground switch status.
 Feeder and tie switch status.
In addition the following building status information must be communicated from the BMS:
 Substation intrusion alarm
 Building inside temperature
 Fire alarm
 Manhole high water level
Fire alarms must be interlocked with the HVAC system as per the Alberta Building and Fire
Codes. The Intrusion Alarm system must initiate indoor and outdoor building lights. Status
and alarm signals may also be sent directly to monitoring locations at ETS facilities such as
the LRT Control Centre at Churchill Station and the EPCOR Control Centre. Smoke Detection Subsystem

All substations must be equipped with adequate smoke detectors and fire alarm systems.
Ventilation and heating ducts will also include smoke detectors installed with automatic shut-
off capabilities. Intrusion Alarm

Standalone substations must be equipped with a full intrusion detection alarm system, with
remote monitoring capabilities.
Integrated substations must have remote monitoring capabilities installed on all entrance
Both types of TPSS must have all man doors equipped with a card reader (C-Cure system)

6.2.5 Protection Systems and Devices

The design of the TPSS must incorporate electrical system protective devices to mitigate
damage to equipment and avoid hazards to personnel in the event of overloads, faults, and
other abnormal conditions. A protection, coordination and arc flash study of various system
protection devices must be conducted to ensure proper selection and settings for these
devices and to determine the PPE requirements for safe operation of the equipment. Refer to
Figure 6.4 for typical time current curves for the primary AC protection.
AC Switchgear
The following relaying protections must be included for each AC incoming feeder breaker;
 Phase inverse time and instantaneous overcurrent protection *(50/51P);

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 Ground inverse time and instantaneous overcurrent protection (50/51N);

 AC undervoltage/overvoltage protection (27/59P)
 Loss of 125 V DC control voltage (27A)
 Transformer/Rectifier thermal overload relay (49)
 AC main lock-out relay (86)
 AC transformer and rectifier lockout relay (86A)
 Automatic transfer (83)
 AC overvoltage (59)
 AC breaker fail (50BF)
Note: Numbers in brackets are the IEEE Electric Power System device function numbers.
DC switchgear
The following relaying protections must be included for each DC feeder breaker;
 Direct acting DC instantaneous overcurrent trip device (76)
 Loss of 125 V DC control voltage (27A)
 DC instantaneous overcurrent (50D)
 DC feeder time overcurrent relay (151)
 DC rate-of-rise overcurrent relay (150)
 Delta I overcurrent relay (150/151)
 DC breaker fail (150/BF)
 Load measure and reclose relays (182, 183)
 Transfer trip relay (85)
 DC overvoltage (59D)
In addition, the DC switchgear must include the following;
 DC main breaker reverse current relay (32)
 DC main breaker direct acting DC instantaneous overcurrent trip device (76)
 DC main breaker fail (150BF)
 Primary frame fault relay (64A)
 Secondary frame fault relay (64B)
 Rail overvoltage relay (59T)
 Transformer door open trip (33T)
 Rectifier door open trip (33)
 DC lockout relay (86)
 DC rectifier transformer lockout relay (86D)
 PLC failure (74)
 Rectifier temperature trip (26R)
 Transformer temperature trip (49A/T)

6.2.6 Protection Relay Descriptions Rail Over-Voltage Protection (Negative Ground Switch)

The track to ground potential must be monitored to ensure that public and right of way
personnel are protected against unsafe rail to ground voltages. In the SLRT substations a
negative ground switch and the substation PLC measure negative (rail) to ground voltage.
The two devices offer the following staged protection:
 The ground switch will close if the negative to ground voltage exceeds 45 V for longer
than five seconds. Above 60 V the switch will operate in 160 ms. If the voltage exceeds
100 V and is sustained longer than 360 ms the PLC will mass trip the substation and
transfer trip to the adjacent substations.

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On future LRT extensions the substation PLC must be designed with a time delay to ensure
coordination with the negative ground switch. Circuit Reclosing

In the event of a positive feeder breaker trip due to a momentary fault on the overhead
catenary system, three attempts will be made to re-close the circuit. Through a resistance
bridge the DC bus voltage is applied between the positive catenary line and negative rails.
The relay compares the voltage across the bridge to a pre-set value and determines if it is
safe to energize the OCS. In the case that the re-close attempts fail, the re-closing relay must
lock out. Reverse Current Protection (DC Rectifier Breaker)

A reverse current relay must be installed on the DC rectifier breakers to monitor possible
back-feed current from adjacent substations. Defective rectifier diodes are the primary cause
of reverse direction to normal current flow. Rate-of-Rise of Current

The load currents on the LRT system are typically quite high and short lived (as the train
passes by), but are predictable. One method to discriminate between load current and fault
current is to measure the current rate of change. Typically, a very high rate of change
indicates fault condition. The current rate-of-rise feature is used to detect distance faults with
peak current values below the overcurrent settings. The device must be adjustable with
respect to current and time, to allow certain loads to be picked up without interrupting the
circuit. DC Switchgear Frame Fault Protection

The frame fault protection grounds the DC switchgear through a single point monitored by an
protection relay. The DC switchgear and rectifier must be isolated completely from ground
using insulative materials. In the event the switchgear or the rectifier main bus faults to the
frame, this protective relay will detect the fault sending a trip signal to the substation PLC.
The PLC will initiate a mass trip, clearing all of the 15 kV AC and 1000 V DC breakers in the
substation and send a transfer trip to the adjacent substations. Rectifier Fuse/Surge Protection

Each rectifier unit will have current limiting fuses in series with a surge suppressor to protect
the diodes. A device to detect fuse failure, and subsequently alarm both locally and through
the SCADA system, will also be installed. Rectifier Base Load Resistor

A base load resistor must be incorporated into the rectifier design to ensure the rectifier output
voltage does not become excessive during periods of no load. Transformer Thermal Protection

The rectifier transformers must utilize a two-stage thermal alarm and trip protection scheme.
The protection device will alarm both locally and through the SCADA system.

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TRACTION POWER Transfer Trip Protection

A protection trip of any DC feeder breaker must initiate a transfer trip to the breaker feeding
the same OCS section in the adjacent substation. The new standard for existing adjacent
substations is to have feeder 1 of one substation supplying power to the same OCS section
that feeder 3 of the adjacent substation is supplying. Similarly, feeder 2 of one substation
supplies power to the same OCS section as feeder 4 of the adjacent substation. When a
substation is removed from service, the transfer trip protection shall communicate between the
two adjacent substations supporting the OCS section with the substation out of service. Emergency Trip Stations

Emergency trip stations must be provided in all substations. Activating the emergency trip
station will trip the main incoming AC breakers and the DC feeder breakers. Operating the trip
station will also send a transfer trip to the adjacent substations de-energizing the catenary on
both sides of the substation. The emergency trip stations are to be located near each man
door in an area that is easily accessible within the substations, and must be clearly identified
as an emergency trip station. The trip station must be designed with a guarded pushbutton to
prevent accidental operation of the button.


The TPDS consists of all feeder (positive and negative) conductors, switches, duct banks and
associated hardware that feeds the DC power from the TPSS to the overhead catenary

6.3.1 Positive Feeder Cables

The DC feeder cables must meet the following minimum criteria: Open Line Application

 Conductor size to be a minimum size of 500 kcmil stranded copper with ampacity as per
system design.
 Insulation to be 2 kV AC/2.5 kV DC XLPE. Tunnel Application

 Conductor size to be a minimum size of 500 kcmil stranded copper with ampacity as per
system design.
 Insulation to be 2 kV AC/2.5 kV DC Low Smoke Zero Halogen (LSZH).
For additional guidelines refer to Section 3.1 of the Overhead TP Manual.

6.3.2 Negative Return Cables

The DC negative return cables must meet the following minimum criteria: Open Line Application

 Conductor size to be a minimum size of 500 kcmil stranded copper with ampacity as per
system design.
 Insulation to be 2 kV AC/2.5 kV DC XLPE.

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TRACTION POWER Tunnel Application

 Conductor size to be a minimum size of 500 kcmil stranded copper with ampacity as per
system design.
 Insulation to be 2 kV AC/2.5 kV DC Low Smoke Zero Halogen (LSZH).

6.3.3 Tunnel Parallel Feeder Cables

In the existing system, additional feeder cables are sometimes installed in tunnel sections to
provide additional electrical support to the catenary system. Cables used in these situations
must meet the following minimum criteria:
 All tunnel feeder cables will be of Low Smoke Zero Halogen (LSZH) construction.
 Conductor to be a minimum size of 500 kcmil stranded copper with ampacity as per
system design.
 Insulation to be a minimum 2 kV AC/2.5 kV DC.

6.3.4 High Voltage AC Power Cables

The high voltage AC power cables must be 15 kV rated shielded cable, preferably armoured
 The minimum allowable cable size is 1/0 AWG.
 Appropriate heat shrink or cold shrink stress cones must be used at cable ends.

6.3.5 Electrical Switches

The existing system has the Feeder and Tie switches mounted close to the catenary, usually
on catenary masts. For the NLRT extension, these switches have been relocated to fibreglass
cabinets located at the substation. They are interlocked with the associated feeder breaker to
ensure that they cannot be operated under load conditions. If the fibreglass cabinets have
metallic support structures inside, the supports must be grounded through a common frame
fault relay (Device 64).
Both feeder and tie switches must have the following features:
 DC voltage and current rated.
 All copper current path.
 Non-load break, non-fused.
 Minimum short circuit and continuous current rating as specified by the TPS designer.


The general design requirements for conduits and duct banks used in the TPS are based on:
 Underground supply feeders to be installed in min. 102 mm dia. concrete encased PVC
 Tunnel supply feeders to be installed in min. 102 mm dia. FRE conduit.
 Tunnel parallel feeder to be installed in min. 51 mm dia. FRE conduit.
 At least one spare conduit should be installed for all positive feeder and two spare
conduits should be installed for each negative circuit feeder with a minimum of three nylon
pull strings in each spare duct.
For more specific information regarding TPS duct bank and conduit requirements, refer to
Chapter 11 Electrical Systems, Section 11.13 and Sections 2.17, 2.18, 3.1 and 3.2 of the
Overhead TP Manual.

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6.5.1 Overview
The OTPS distributes DC power from substations to the LRVs operating on the mainline
tracks, yard tracks and within shop or maintenance facilities. The OTPS primarily consists of
the catenary system, the physical support subsystem and a feeder subsystem. Overhead Catenary System

The OCS consists of the conductors, including the contact wire and supporting messenger
wire, jumpers, fixed and auto-tensioned terminations, in-span fittings and associated hardware
located over the track. It is from these devices that the LRV collects power by the contact
between the pantograph and the contact wire (refer to Figure 6.5).
Edmonton’s LRT system is electrified by a minimum of one 4/0 contact wire supported from
and bonded to a single 4/0 messenger wire. In tunnel areas, the messenger wire runs
separate from but parallel to the contact wire. In newer construction areas, the messenger
wire size has been increased to 500 kcmil. Where the OCS has electrical support issues
additional cable or wire may be installed overhead or underground. The current return circuit
is via the rails.
In open route areas, the contact wire is suspended from a messenger wire centered over the
track by wire clips and insulated brackets. In both underground tunnel and open route
construction, the contact wire is staggered on either side of the pantograph centreline. The
supporting brackets for tunnel construction usually alternate on either side of the centreline
(refer to Chapter 3 Clearances and ROW, Figure 3.10). Support Subsystem

The support subsystem consists of all the infrastructure required to keep the OCS in position
above the track. This includes foundations, masts, guys, insulators, cantilever head spans,
and any other assemblies and components required to support the catenary system. The
support subsystem must adhere to the designed configuration and allowable loading,
deflection and clearance requirements.
For more detailed information on the support subsystem refer to Sections 5, 6 and 7 of the
Overhead TP Manual.

6.5.2 Design Philosophy

Consideration must be given in the design of the overhead catenary system to blending the
appearance and style of the following elements into the adjacent communities as much as
 Mast size, shape and colour
 Location of the mast
Design must include components that:
 Are standard and off-the-shelf, to reduce material and installation costs
 Have a proven maintenance performance
 Maintain functionality, even during extreme weather conditions and temperature changes
In addition, the design must include consideration for existing overhead obstructions such as
bridges, overpasses, buildings and aerial utilities that may impact the final layout.

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6.5.3 Design Requirements and Criteria

All applicable requirements from various Codes, Standards and Guidelines outlined in Section
6.1.4 of these guidelines must be considered in the design. Summaries of the design
requirements are presented in the following sections. Included is a list of specific engineering
studies that may be required. Specific Engineering Studies

Specific studies that may have to be conducted as part of the engineering design process are:
 Behaviour of conductors, including conductivity, ampacity, tensile strength, and thermal
 Stray current analysis and mitigation.
 Behaviour of supporting structures under static and dynamic loading.
 Electrical interference with electronics devices.
 Electrical interference with Health & Safety standards.
 Impact of LRV and TPSS noise in populated areas.
 Impact of LRT on traffic patterns in shared-right-of-way.
The need for any of these studies will be determined jointly with ETS. OCS Design Operating Speed

Speed criteria to be used in the design of the OCS is shown below: For specific OCS speed
information, see Sections 5.1 and 5.2 of the Overhead TP Manual.
LRV Mainline
Maximum design speed: 90 km/h
Maximum train speed 80 km/h
Normal maximum operating speed: 70 km/h
LRV Maintenance and Storage Yard
Maximum design speed: 30 km/h
Normal yard operating speed: 10 km/h (Test track is 40 km/h)
Note: OCS speed criteria differs from speeds stated in Chapters 2, 4 and 5 for LRV and Work Train
speed criteria. The speed criteria given in those chapters relate to track design.
Critical Speed
Critical Speed is defined as the LRV speed at which resonance is generated on the catenary
wires resulting in uncontrolled vertical movements of the pantograph.
The catenary system must be designed so that the critical speed is in excess of 100 km/h.
Reduced critical speed is allowed in areas such as crossovers that have a restricted operating
speed. In these areas, the critical speed must be at least 1.5 times greater than the posted
vehicle maximum speed. Temperature

Catenary equipment should be designed for an average ambient temperature of 0°C.

The ranges of limiting temperatures for the various LRT operating sections are:
Open Route: -40°C to +40°C
Long Tunnel: -20°C to +20°C
Short Tunnel: -35°C to +30°C

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*Note: The above temperature ranges for tunnel sections are approximate and may not be
representative of the actual temperatures that are dependent on tunnel length, depth, proximity to
passenger stations and portals and whether or not both tunnels are open ended. Pantograph

The pantograph is the current collector mounted on top of the LRV. This spring loaded device
produces a constant upward force on the contact wire throughout its operating range. The
response to changes in elevation deteriorates in the lower operating ranges. New
pantographs, differing from those mounted on the U2 LRVs, will be used on the new SD-160
The general operational characteristics for the U2 LRV pantographs are:
Nominal static upward force: 70 N
Standard operating range: 4070 mm to 6880 mm above TOR
Height of pantograph in the down position: 3680 mm above TOR
Total length of carbon strip: 960 mm (operating width)
Total length of pantograph: 1700 mm
Total width of carbon strip: 34 mm
Total depth of carbon strip: 19 mm
The general operational characteristics for the SD-160 LRV pantographs are:
Nominal static upward force: 93 N
Standard operating range: 3960 mm to 6880 mm above TOR
Height of pantograph in the down position: 3785 mm above TOR
Total length of carbon strip: 1081 mm (operating width)
Total length of pantograph: 1700 mm
Total width of carbon strip: 60 mm
Total depth of carbon strip: 19 mm
The design of the overhead contact wire layout must consider the dynamic movement of the
LRV in accordance with the Design Vehicle Dynamic Envelope (refer to Figures 3.2A and
3.2B). The required clearances of the LRV at the catenary supporting structures and in
space-restricted areas, such as tunnels, must be met.
Refer to Section 4 and 5.4 of the Overhead TP Manual for additional information. Conductor Characteristics

Edmonton’s LRT system uses 4/0 copper cadmium (alloy 80) wire for contact wire. It provides
good conductivity and high tensile strength. The messenger wire is a minimum 4/0 stranded
hard drawn copper. New construction uses a minimum 500 kcmil messenger wire. In some
sections a separate parallel messenger wire is used to provide increased electrical support for
the system.
Refer to Section 3 of the Overhead TP Manual for additional conductor guidelines and criteria. Design Safety Factors

The design must ensure that the system will not be overloaded or suffer from structure failure.
The minimum requirements outlined in CSA C22.3 No. 8, and CSA C22.3 No. 1 pursuant to
the Alberta Electrical Utility Code must be met or exceeded.
For additional details refer to the table ”Minimum Design Factors of Safety for New LRT
Construction” contained in Section 5.8 of the Overhead TP Manual.

Final Issue July 2017 6.22

TRACTION POWER Contact Wire Height

The pantograph operating range dictates the allowable range of contact wire heights. The
absolute minimum contact wire height above TOR must be 4200 mm and meet the
requirements outlined in CSA-C22.3 No. 1 & No. 8, pursuant to the Alberta Electrical Utility
Code. Contact wires must be installed within the standard maximum and minimum nominal
heights lists. If special circumstances require the contact wire to be outside of this range,
speed restrictions may be necessary.
Absolute Minimum Contact Wire Height: 4200 mm above TOR
Standard Normal Operating Contact Wire Height: 5500 mm above TOR
Minimum Contact Wire Height at Road Crossings: 5700 mm above TOR
Maximum Nominal Contact Wire Height: 6500 mm above TOR
Refer to Section 4.0 and 5.11 of the Overhead TP Manual for additional details. Contact Wire Gradient

The contact wire gradient is defined as the rate of change in elevation of the contact wire with
respect to the TOR. Where possible, the contact wire grade should match the grade of the
track for a contact wire gradient of zero.
The following table presents the recommended maximum gradient as per CSA C22.3 No. 8.
The gradient must not exceed 2.0% (1:50), under any circumstances.
Speed Max. Gradient
Yard (10 km/h) 2.0% (1:50)
50 km/h 1.3% (1:77)
75 km/h 0.8% (1:125)
90 km/h 0.67% (1:150) Clearances

Electrical Clearances
Electrical clearances must meet all applicable code requirements and should satisfy the
operational limits of the LRVs and related maintenance equipment. Refer to the applicable
figures in Chapter 3 Clearances and Right-of-Way (for the various clearance requirements
discussed below) along with Figure 6.6. Also refer to Section 4 of the Overhead TP Manual.
Mechanical Clearances
 Catenary locations are fixed and are entirely dependent on track alignment.
 A considerable number of mounting brackets are required. This is a consideration for
locating civil, architectural, and mechanical equipment particularly in tunnels.
 Space above the LRVs and below the tunnel or structure ceiling is reserved for catenary
installations. Equipment being considered for installation in this space must be
coordinated with and approved by the OTPS designer.
 Pipes, ducts or cables approved for installation on the ceiling must cross at right angles to
tracks on the ceiling.
Equipment Restrictions
 Non-traction power equipment must not be installed above the catenary.
 Non-traction power equipment close to the 700 V DC overhead wires must have adequate
clearance from energized parts in order to provide adequate safety to personnel and avoid
the need for de-energization.

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 If non-traction power equipment has been installed above the OCS, maintenance or repair
of this equipment will require de-energizing of the overhead wire system to gain access
and may require removal of the catenary.
Underground Utility Clearances
 Minimum clearances between LRT mast and anchor foundations and underground utilities
must comply with CSA C22.3 No. 7 and the Alberta Electrical Utility Code.
 Recommended clearances are shown in Section 4.3 of the Overhead TP Manual. Where
there is a difference between the manual and the code, the higher clearance must govern.
If minimum clearances cannot be met, the Designer must coordinate clearances with the utility
agency early in the design stage.
Mast Clearances on Tangent Track
 The minimum clearance from centreline of track to face of mast must be *2070 mm.
 The minimum clearance to balance weights on mast in swing position must be *1995 mm.
*Note: The track separation (center to center) has been reduced from 4570 mm (N.E. Line) to 4500 mm
for the SLRT extension. In addition the clearance distance from centerline of track to the face of
catenary mast has been reduced from 2170 mm to 2070 mm. This reduction will allow for variations in
mast diameter and installation tolerances. The absolute minimum clearance distance from centerline of
track to the BWA has also been reduced from 2040 mm to 1995 mm. A wider separation is preferred,
space permitting. (Space was initially set to ensure that a person was clear of the mast and the LRV if
caught in the middle).
Mast Clearances on Curved and Super-elevated Track
Additional clearance to that stated for Tangent Track is required on curves to account for out
swing of vehicle ends, for in swing of vehicle between tracks and for vehicle cant from track
super elevation (refer to Chapter 3, Clearances and Right-of-Way, Section 3.3.2). Spacing Span Lengths

The OCS designer must determine the applicable span length on tangent and curved tracks
as per CSA C22.3 No. 8 clause 5.3.2.
Additional factors and criteria that must also be considered in the design are outlined in
Section 5.17 of the Overhead TP Manual. Stagger & Displacement

In general, the contact wire is supported over the track and is staggered a maximum of 250
mm on either side of the pan centreline. Stagger is required to evenly distribute wear across
the pantograph’s carbon current collector. When identifying the stagger limits, the dynamic
effect (horizontal movements) of the pantograph when it is extended higher than 5500 mm
from TOR, must also be considered.
Refer to Sections 5.14 and 5.15 of the Overhead TP Manual for additional factors and design
criteria. Overlap Transition Spans, Crossovers and Turnouts

An overlap transition span is an area where one catenary tension section ends and another
begins and the LRV pantograph makes a transition between them. Both tension lengths are
anchored out of running in-board or out-board of the tracks. The overlap arrangement must
be designed to provide a smooth transfer of pantograph from one contact wire to the next over
a standard overlap length of 2 m. This overlap region is referred to as the transition span.
More information is available in Section 5.21 of the Overhead TP Manual.

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For catenary serving track crossovers and turnouts the wires must be mechanically
independent of main line tension section. The design must ensure that the following
requirements are met:
 At cross-overs (track switches), a separate tension length is required for the cross-over
 The cross-over tension length must run parallel with the main line in an overlap region and
then be anchored out of running either inboard or outboard of the tracks.
 Catenary transition span masts beside track crossover switches must be precisely located
to ensure that contact wires have correct alignment across the crossover.
 Section isolators located in crossover movement must provide adequate clearance from
crossing pantograph.
 Catenary support masts must be adequately set back from the divergent track, ensuring
sufficient clearance envelope for the movement of the train (refer to Section,
See Section 5.37 of the Overhead TP Manual for additional information on track crossovers
and turnouts.

6.5.4 Details of Overhead Catenary System Tensioning Systems in Use

Simple Catenary Auto Tension System (SCAT)

The SCAT system consists of a single messenger wire supporting the contact wire, which is
hung underneath. The same amount of tension throughout its tension length is maintained by
the use of BWA’s or spring tensioners. The wire is fixed at mid-length by a mid-point
assembly (MPA) so that shifting to either end of the line cannot occur.
The current ETS standards for tensioning systems are:
 For open-line construction – the tension on the simple catenary system with balance
weights is constant at 1100 kg and 1300 kg, for messenger and contact wires
 For tunnel construction – the tension on the contact wires with balance weights is constant
at 1050 kg or ranges from 600-1000 kg where a spring tensioner is used.
In addition to the forgoing, the design tensile strength of both the messenger and contact
wires must not exceed 50% of the rated ultimate tensile strength.
SCAT open line catenary systems provide more predictable dynamic characteristics and are
typically more reliable than the variable tension open line systems constructed with fixed dead
ended wires as described below.
Variable Tensioning Systems (Fixed Tension System)
This system differs from the SCAT system as it allows the wire to change its tension as a
result of temperature variation. It is an acceptable method of construction in long tunnel
applications with narrow ambient temperature range and short contact wire spans. It is not
recommended for open line construction and its use should be limited to areas where auto-
tensioning is not possible and environmental conditions minimize wire tension changes.
Another fixed tension system implemented on the South LRT extension to Century Park and in
NE system upgrades involves adding a second messenger wire to the normal SCAT design to
provide improved power and voltage support. This second messenger wire is attached on the
catenary poles and is fixed tensioned.

Final Issue July 2017 6.25


The Designer must consider the following factors when establishing the wire tensioning
system to be used and the related wire tension.
 The allowable maximum operating speed of the system is limited by the critical speed,
which is directly proportionate to the wire tension.
 The ability of wind to blow the contact wire off the pantograph (wind blow-off effect) which
is directly related to tension in the contact and catenary messenger wires. Wire Tensioning Equipment

The wire tensioning system must be designed to an ultimate design loading of five car SD-160
trains and five car U2 trains operating at five minute headways. The wire tensioning system
can consist of either balance weight assemblies or spring tension equipment, as specified by
the Designer. Wire tensioning assemblies are to be mounted out of running one span away
from the overlap transition span, either in-board or out-board of the tracks, supported with
standard anchorage assemblies. The designed tension length must be limited by the
available spring or balance weight operating ranges and the rotational range of the other
catenary support arms.
Refer to Section 5.23 of the Overhead TP Manual for more specific details on wire tensioning
Balance Weight Assemblies (BWA)
The BWA is a mechanism that maintains constant tension on the catenary wires while
accommodating wire expansion/contraction due to temperature fluctuations. The current
standard balance weight tensioning equipment is a tension wheel assembly that utilizes
different diameter drums to produce a 3:1 mechanical advantage. The balance weight
required is one third of total line tension supported and vertical movement of the balance
weight stack is 3 times greater than thermal expansion of attached catenary wires.
Spring Tensioners
Spring tensioners are suitable only for very short tension lengths, such as crossovers, where
there is a speed restriction. To facilitate installation they are typically installed with
turnbuckles on the mast side of the line insulator.
The current ETS standard is Siemens size 120 and 180 tensioning springs. These
assemblies provide variable wire tensions lower than the standard constant contact wire
tension of 1300 kg achieved by the balance weight systems. Spring tension is typically in the
range of 600 kg to 1000 kg depending on the ambient temperature. Midpoint Anchors (MPA)

The mid-point of each tension section must be sufficiently anchored to restrict cantilever arm
rotation. The midpoint anchor functions as the end anchorage point for each balance weight
tension length and is essential for the proper operation of the automatic tensioning equipment.
Refer to Section 5.22 of the Overhead TP Manual for additional guidelines and details
pertaining to midpoint anchors. Terminations or Dead Ends

Catenary wires can be terminated or dead ended on freestanding or anchored poles, retaining
walls, buildings or bridge structures. There are two types of terminations:

Final Issue July 2017 6.26


 Fixed termination – where the wires are attached directly onto supporting structures via a
two level insulator assembly.
Note: Special attention must be given to wires that terminate on structures that are occupied by the
public or are vehicular or pedestrian traffic bearing. All safety issues must be examined relative to
structural, electrical and mechanical clearance requirements.
 Constant tension termination – where the wires are connected to a set of weights that
hang from a pulley system. Also known as an auto tension termination.
Insulation for all wire terminations or dead ends must comply with the following requirements:
Double insulation points must be provided for all catenary wire terminations. Consideration
should be given to avoiding functional interference with servicing equipment used for
maintenance purposes. Dead end and associated structures at end of line are to be located
with consideration of future expansion. These structures should not conflict with the future
track’s Design Vehicle Running Clearance Envelope, where possible.
Refer to Section 2.10 and 5.24 of the Overhead TP Manual for additional guidelines.

6.5.5 Overhead Catenary System Configurations Tension Length and Tension Section

Tension Section
 The tension section is defined as length of wire between two BWA’s that keep the
catenary wires at constant tension. A midpoint anchor is installed at the middle of the
tension section to partition the tension section into two tension lengths.
Tension Length
The tensioning length is the length of catenary wire between the MPA (or fixed termination)
and the tensioning device (BWA or spring). The tension length is restricted by the following:
 The allowable thermal expansion of the contact and messenger wire.
 The height of the support mast and maximum vertical displacement for the BWA.
 Steady arm rotation.
 Tension limits on the wires.
The Designer must specify the maximum length of a tension length for all new catenary
installations with due consideration for the effects of conductor heating under the ultimate
design loading of five car SD-160 trains or five car U2 trains operating on a five minute
headway. Spans

In general, the maximum span allowed should be 55 m. The span, of either tangent or curved
lines, can be determined using the following limiting factors:
 Contact and messenger wire tensions
 Contact wire displacement limits and allowable wind blow-off
 Minimum separation of 150 mm between messenger and contact wire at midspan
 Radial loads on structures in curve
 Cost considerations based on structure and foundation sizing, quantity and labour effort
for supporting structures on tangent line
For tunnel construction, the maximum allowable spacing between the elastic supports is 11 m.
For more details on spans, see Section 5.17 in the Overhead TP Manual.

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System depth is defined as the separation between the messenger and contact wires at the
point of support. The nominal depth of the existing system is 900 mm with 4/0 messenger and
1600 mm with 500 kcmil messenger.
For the design of future LRT extensions, this nominal depth may vary depending on wire size,
wire tensions and minimum separation between contact and messenger wires at mid-span.

6.5.6 Catenary Support Components

As the LRT is extended into a more urban setting adjacent to established residential
communities, the Consultant must recognize the need to blend and integrate the catenary
support components into the surrounding environment. The objective is to make supports as
unobtrusive as possible (refer to Section 6.5.2 Design Philosophy and Chapter 14, Impact
Mitigation, Aesthetics, ROW Control).
An overview of the general design guidelines for the variety of components that are required to
support the catenary is presented in this section. Sections 5 and 6 of the Overhead TP
Manual provide additional detailed guidelines and criteria on this topic. Masts

Octagonal, square or I shaped masts are used to support the overhead catenary wire on the
existing LRT system. It should be noted that a number of different styles of masts are
installed on the existing open LRT line. A description of each is provided in Section 6.11 of
the Overhead TP Manual.
On future LRT extensions where aesthetic considerations are a major issue, the Designer
must evaluate other alternative shapes.
Corrosion due to road salt and condensation is highly problematic. Mast designs must include
provision for drainage of moisture from any hollow sections. All mast and related elements
must be galvanized inside and out to prevent corrosion. Normally masts are not painted.
However if the mast is to be painted, due to aesthetic requirements, then the selected paint
long term durability and method of application has to be carefully reviewed. The painting shall
comply with the City of Edmonton painting standards.
Masts can be located between or on the outside of the tracks (refer to Figure 6.7).
Standard Classes of Masts
Mast design requirements vary by application on tangent or curved sections for different loads
such as;
 Class I – Single cantilevers
 Class II – Double cantilevers
 Class III – Weight tensioning and dead end structures
 Class IV – Double arm transition span structures
Masts must be designed in different strength classes as required to optimize the economics of
the system. The number of different mast designs must be limited by practical considerations
for simplicity and flexibility in application.
Refer to Section 6.4 of the Overhead TP Manual for additional guidelines.
Design Loads
LRT masts must be designed to withstand the following load conditions:
 Effect of gravity acting on all components.

Final Issue July 2017 6.28


 Wind acting on wires, cantilever arms, and the mast shaft.

 Ice accumulation on wires.
 Longitudinal, radial and stagger components of wire tension.
 Dynamic effects.
 Extreme variations in temperature.
 Erection and maintenance considerations.
Design loads must be applied in combination to produce maximum stress levels. In addition,
the masts are required to support these loads without yielding, fracturing, or shearing. The
effects of Euler buckling must also be considered in the design. Masts must be designed with
sufficient reserve capacity to allow the future installation of additional loads that may be
introduced as the LRT system is extended or service is expanded.
Refer to Sections 5.7 and 5.8 of the Overhead TP Manual for additional design and related
Factors of Safety criteria.
Mast Deflection Limits
Masts must be designed with an adequate level of stiffness to ensure reliable operation of the
LRVs under dynamic conditions. The calculation of the deflection due to dynamic conditions
must be based upon un-factored loads.
Refer to Section 6.3 of the Overhead TP Manual for additional design guidelines.
Standard Mast Details
A detailed description and related criteria for the standard mast is presented in Section 6.6 of
the Overhead TP Manual.
*Mast Foundations/Anchor Bolts
Standard mast foundations must be designed as drilled, cast-in-place, steel reinforced
concrete piles with anchor bolts to attach to the mast. Anchor bolts, nuts, and washers must
be galvanized. A soils investigation must be carried out prior to the foundation design. Mast
bases must have provisions to level the mast and provide a drainage port for any water
buildup inside the mast.
Standard LRT mast and anchor foundations must be designed with four anchor bolts for
attaching the structure to the concrete base. Anchor bolts must be constructed from high
strength round steel bars. The mast designer must specify the material grade and diameter.
Anchor bolts must be designed such that the mast shaft will yield in bending without over
loading or tensile failure of the anchor bolts.
The anchor bolts must be designed to support the mast anchors directly bearing on the
concrete surface. Prior to placement, all anchor bolt assemblies must be dimensionally tested
with an accurate base plate template in order to confirm that the bolt pattern matches the mast
base plate hole pattern.
*Note: The mast foundation designer must coordinate with the OCS mast designer early in the design
phase to ensure that the foundation, mast to foundation fastening devices and masts are properly
Further and more detailed design guidelines and criteria are presented in Section 7.0 of the
Overhead TP Manual.
Mast Anchors
Mast anchors are used to provide the additional resistance to bending for masts that support
longitudinal loads from wire ends and wire tensioning equipment. Further design guidelines
and criteria are presented in Sections 6.9 and 7.10 of the Overhead TP Manual.

Final Issue July 2017 6.29

TRACTION POWER Cantilever Arm Assemblies

Typically, cantilever arms are clamped to the masts and are used to carry the overhead
catenary wires. There are several types of standard cantilever arms. The type to be used is
dependent on the LRT operating condition.
Further design guidelines and criteria are presented in Section 5.30 of the Overhead TP
Manual. Span Wires

In shop, service yards, tunnels, tight curves and other locations where space is limited, the
overhead contact (energized) wires can be suspended from steel span wire. Depending on
the application, head span or crossover spans may be used. Backbone span wires are used
in the North LRT extension to support pull-offs through small radius curves.
Further design guidelines and criteria are presented in Section 5.29 of the Overhead TP
Manual. Attachments to Grade Separation Structures

Grade separations are generally of two types. The first is the arrangement where the LRT is
at grade and a vehicular or pedestrian bridge passes over it. In this instance the crossing
structure is generally referred to as an overpass or flyover.
The second condition is where the LRT is routed below the surrounding ground level or grade
to underpass a structure carrying vehicular and pedestrian traffic. The structural design
requirements are outlined in Chapter 9, Structures.
Design Considerations
 Care should be taken in the design to isolate any electrified components from any
structures or supports.
 All attachment wires must have at least two levels of insulation.
 Any conductors attached to the roof of a structure must be mounted opposite to any
 A non-conducting material such as plastic sheeting must be considered for installation
between the underside of the bridge deck and the LRT energized wires.
 The potential for the contact wire swinging from its normal position should be mitigated.
 All electrical clearances must be as per CSA C22.3 No. 8 and CSA C22.3 No. 1 pursuant
to the Alberta Electrical Utility Code.
 All exposed metal must be securely grounded.
 Provision for protective screening where pedestrians are in close proximity to the OCS.
Protective Screening Device
Where the LRT is constructed below bridge structures or buildings, screening and/or fencing
must be provided where wires enter and leave the structure. This screening is to protect the
catenary wire and LRT trains from damage and to protect the public from accidental contact
with an energized wire. A minimum 3 m limit of approach for pedestrians is required (refer to
Figure 6.6).
 All materials used to fabricate the screening device (mesh, etc.) must be constructed of
galvanized steel and properly grounded (refer to Figure 6.8).
 The screen should be painted to match the color of the building or bridge structure in
order to blend in with the surrounding environment as much as possible.

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6.5.7 In-Span Assemblies

In-span assemblies are additional devices that are required to make the OCS functional. They
include the following major components: Dropper Wires

Dropper wires, or hangers, are used to suspend the contact wire from the catenary messenger
wire in a flat profile. The Designer must ensure the contact wire is supported evenly
throughout the span. The dropper wires are to be isolated so that they do not create a
conductive path between the contact and messenger wires.
Further design guidelines and criteria are presented in Section 5.19 of the Overhead TP
Manual. Equalizing Jumpers

Equalizing jumpers, also known as in-span jumpers or catenary bonds connect the contact
wire to the messenger wire at a standard spacing along the alignment. Their primary purpose
is to ensure that ampacity, voltage drop and wire heating are all within design limits.
The design must ensure the following requirements are met:
 A sufficient number of jumpers are provided to satisfy the electrical requirements of the
system, ie. ampacity, voltage drop, wire heating, etc.
 The jumpers are placed at a maximum spacing of 55 m and are at least 2 m from any
suspended equipment on the contact wire.
 The jumpers conductivity must be the same or higher than the contact wire.
 Jumpers must not be installed at locations near section isolators or splices. This type of
installation can create hard spots in the system that may cause damage to the pantograph
or any nearby equipment. Contact wire wear is also a factor at these hard spots.
Further design guidelines and criteria are presented in Sections 2.12 and 3.6 of the Overhead
TP Manual. Electrical Switches

Tie switches, also known as continuity jumpers, are normally open switches that connect two
adjacent catenary circuits when in the closed position. Tie switches are normally located near
section isolators.
Feeder switches provide a disconnect point between the substation and the OCS. Each
feeder switch connects to a specific positive electrical circuit. These switches are normally
located as close to the substation as possible to reduce cable lengths.
Both feeder and tie switches must have the following features:
 DC voltage and current rated.
 All copper current path.
 Non-load break, non-fused.
 Minimum short circuit and continuous current rating as specified by the TPS designer.
The existing system has these switches mounted close to the catenary, usually on catenary
masts. For the NLRT extension, these switches have been relocated to cabinets located at
the substation. They are interlocked with the associated feeder breaker to ensure that they
cannot be operated under load conditions.
The NLRT arrangement is preferred for future TPSS locations with pole mounted switches
only being used in special circumstances, such as crossovers.

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Further details regarding switches can be found in Section 2.14 of Overhead TP Manual. Section Isolators

Where two adjoining positive overhead contact wire circuits meet, a section isolator is used to
electrically separate them from each other. A tie switch must be installed across the section
isolator in order to connect to the two adjacent circuits during abnormal conditions, such as
substation maintenance, etc.
Section isolators must not be installed in an LRV acceleration zone to ensure that power is
constantly provided to the LRV during its acceleration period.
Further design guidelines and criteria are presented in Section 2.15 and 5.38 of the Overhead
TP Manual. Splices

A splice is a mechanical device used to connect two wires together. The use of catenary
splices must be minimized. If splices are required on contact wires, they must not be installed
near any catenary support structures.
The splice must meet the following general requirements:
 Electrical – Rated ampacity equal to or greater than the conductor.
 Mechanical – equal to or higher tensile strength than that of the wire.
Additional guidelines and criteria are presented in Section 2.19 of the Overhead TP Manual. Conductors and Related Devices

The Designer must ensure that the selected conductors possess the characteristics that meet
the required design standards for ampacity, resistance, insulation level, tensile strength, etc.
These standards are documented in Section 3.0 of the Overhead TP Manual. Surge Protection

Surge protection devices, referred to as surge or lightning arrestors, must be installed to

protect electrical equipment in substations and on the Traction Power System in the event of
electrical current surges and lightning strikes. All lightning arrestors installed in the ROW must
be complete with a surge counter mounted at eye level.
Surge protection guidelines and criteria are presented in Section 2.11 of the Overhead TP
Manual. Structure Grounding and Bonding

The LRT traction power electrical system is an ungrounded (floating) system except for the
D.L. MacDonald Maintenance Yard and Shop tracks, which are grounded.
In general, grounding is required for the following elements:
 All structures within the LRT system.
 Catenary mounting hardware.
 All utilities encased in metal conduit in tunnels
The existing system makes use of a continuous ground runner bonded to each support
structure to provide grounding. For the NLRT extension, a separate ground will be provided at
each structure using ground rods. The maximum allowable resistance for catenary masts is
10 Ω. A separate ground will also be provided for all lightning arrestors and the maximum

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resistance will be 5 Ω. Further design guidelines and criteria are presented in Section 2.13 of
the Overhead TP Manual. Protective Grounds

Protective ground points, also referred to as “temporary” grounds are used for grounding the
catenary wires during maintenance or repairs. The protective ground points must be installed
at feeder switches, tie switches and sectionalizing switches.
Further design guidelines and criteria are presented in Section 2.13 of the Overhead TP

Final Issue July 2017 6.33

Chapter 7 – Revision Tracking Form


Chapter 7
2017 EDITION – Revisions Tracking Form
Section Reference Revision General Description Issue Date
All Entire Text Chapter 7 – Signals has undergone significant July 2017
revision from the 2011 version.



7.0  SIGNALS 1 
7.1  GENERAL 1 
7.1.1  Introduction 1 
7.1.2  Abbreviations, Definitions, Nomenclatures 1 
7.1.3  System Description 2 
7.1.4  Applicable Codes, Standards, Regulations and Guidelines 3 
7.2.1  Goals and Objectives 4 
7.2.2  Operating Assumptions and Principles 5 
7.2.3  Checked-Redundancy Principle 5 
7.3.1  Headway and Train Size 6 
7.3.2  Direction of Running 6 
7.3.3  Vehicles 6 
7.4.1  System Design 7 
7.4.2  System Safety Principles 8 
7.4.3  Speed Restrictions 8 
7.4.4  Automatic Fixed Block Signalling 9 
7.4.5  Determination of Block Location 11 
7.4.6  CBTC System 11 
7.4.7  Prevention of Side Collisions and Derailments 11 
7.4.8  Grade Crossings 11 
7.4.9  LRT Operation Functional Requirements 13 
7.4.10  Wayside LRT Signal Equipment 13 
7.4.11  Communication Requirements for LRT Control 13 
7.4.12  Signal Aspects 13 
7.4.13  ATS Interface 13 
7.5.1  General 14 
7.5.2  Numbering Schemes 14 
7.5.3  Wayside Signals 15 
7.5.4  Track Circuits 16 
7.5.5  Powered Track Switches 17 
7.5.6  Manual Track Switches with Switch Point Indication Interlocks 17 
7.5.7  Route Key Switch 18 
7.5.8  Interlocking 18 
7.5.9  Central Traffic Control System 18 
7.5.10  Grade Crossing Equipment 19 
7.5.11  Bungalows, and Junction Boxes 20 
7.5.12  Signal Room 20 
7.5.13  Signal Room Power Supply 21 
7.5.14  Wire and Cable 22 
7.5.15  Spare Parts 23 
7.5.16  Duct Banks 23 
7.5.17  Knife Switches 23 

Final Issue July 2017 I



7.7.1  Signal System Contractor 25 
7.7.2  Deliverables 26 

Final Issue July 2017 II



7.1.1 Introduction
This chapter provides the guidelines and general requirements that are needed by the signals
consultant, ETS and contractors for the design of the extensions to Edmonton’s LRT signal
system and its related components. These guidelines are supplemented by the engineering
standards contained in the Engineering Standards Manual LRT Signals. Throughout this
chapter it will be referred to as the “Signals Engineering Standards Manual”.

7.1.2 Abbreviations, Definitions, Nomenclatures Abbreviations

AFBS  Automatic Fixed Block System 
ATO  Automatic Train Operation 
ATP  Automatic Train Protection 
ATS  Automatic Train Supervision 
CBTC  Communication Based Train Control 
CWI  Crossing Warning Indicator 
EMC   Electromagnetic Compatibility 
FCU  Field Control Unit 
FIFO  First in First out 
HSS  Health Sciences Station 
LRT  Light Rail Transit 
LRV  Light Rail Vehicle 
MRC  Manual Route Clearance 
NB  Northbound 
OCC  Operations Control Centre 
SCSISB  Small Computer System Interface Southbound 
SERSCSI  Signal Equipment Room Small Computer System Interface 
SOPSER  Standard Operation Procedure Signal Equipment Room 
SPISOP  Switch Point Indicator Standard Operation Procedure 
TCSPI  Track Circuit Switch Point Indicator 
TPSSTC  Traction Power Signal Station Track Circuit 
TSRTPSS  Temporary Speed Restriction Traction Power Signal Station 
TWCTSR  Train to Wayside Carrier Temporary Speed Restriction 
VCSTWC  Vital Computer System Train to Wayside Carrier 
VMICSVCS  Vital Microprocessor Interlocking Control System Vital Computer System 
WSCVMICS  Wayside Signal Case Vital Microprocessor Interlocking Control System 
ZCWSC  Zone Controller Wayside Signal Case 
ZC  Zone Controller 

Final Issue July 2017 7.1

SIGNALS Definitions

Convergence area Is the area where the Capital line trains and the Metro line trains run on
the Capital line track, physically Churchill Junction to the Health Sciences Tail track.
Failsafe is defined as a system whereby no single point of failure can result in an unsafe
condition. No latent failures, which when combined with any subsequent failure will result in an
unsafe condition, can be permitted.
Flank protection is defined protection provided to a train from any conflicting movement that
would allow another train or other equipment to foul the track the protected train is on.
Non-vital describes or refers to an electrical circuit or a piece of equipment whose function
does not affect the safety of the train operation. Non-vital is not safety critical (refer to Section
Office Centralized Non-Vital systems for managing day to day LRT operations and
maintenance activities.
Vital describes or refers to an electrical circuit or a piece of equipment whose function affects
Wayside – Refer to Chapter 3 Clearances and Right-of-way, Section 3.2.3.
Other definitions may be provided within this chapter. Nomenclature

The Engineering Standards Manual LRT Signals, must be utilized to keep all new LRT
additions, where possible, consistent with the standard already in use on Edmonton LRT

7.1.3 System Description Existing

Edmonton’s LRT System currently consists of two double tracked lines; the Capital Line and
the Metro Line. The Capital Line is approximately 21 km in length and runs from Clareview
Station in the Northeast to Century Park Station in the South. Approximately 5.4 km is in twin
or common tunnel. The remaining portion is on surface or open line with the LRT under
passing CN Rail in northeast Edmonton. The surface line has a number of roadway crossings
controlled by crossing gates. Located along the line are fifteen (15) stations, six (6) of which
are underground. The Capital Line operates on a 4 car consists during peak periods, it can
also operate 5-car consists.
The Metro Line is a 3.3 km extension off the Capital Line and runs from Churchill Station in
downtown Edmonton to NAIT LRT Station in the Northwest. The Health Sciences Tail Track
on the Capital line is used for revenue turnback for the Metro line. The tracks are underground
in twin tunnels from Churchill Station to just before Grant MacEwan Station. There are three
(3) stations along the line all at surface level. The roadway crossings are controlled by
crossing gates. The length of the NAIT LRT Station restricts the Metro Line to operate with 3-
car consists.
The train control signal system is located in nine (9) signal equipment rooms (SER)
strategically located along the track right-of-way. Each signal room houses vital and non-vital
control systems that cover a portion of the territory along the main line. Each signal room is
capable of operating train movements within its territory automatically and independent of the
other SERs. The SERs locations and the territory are shown in the following table:

Final Issue July 2017 7.2


SER Territory Line Block type

*Belvedere Clareview to 66 Street Capital Fixed
*Coliseum 66 Street to Stadium Station Capital Fixed
Churchill Stadium Station to Central and Both Fixed
North from Churchill to MacEwan (fallback) &
Corona Central to North Portal Both Fixed
(fallback) &
University North Portal to Both Fixed
McKernan/Belgravia (fallback) &
*South South of 60 Ave BS734 to Capital Fixed
Campus McKernan/Belgravia
*Southgate North of 34Ave BS1078 to South Capital Fixed
of 60Ave BS736
*Century Park Century Park to 34 Ave Capital Fixed
*Kingsway North of MacEwan Station to Metro CBTC
*Grant Power for CBTC
MacEwan Radio only

*Note: SER located at TPSS near the LRT station

Each SER interfaces with each other and operate under a safety critical Automatic Fixed
Block System (AFBS) for Capital Line and Moving Block System for Metro Line and the CBTC
portions of the Capital line. These systems are operated from a centralized Operations
Control Center (OCC) and is called the Automatic Train Supervisory (ATS) system comprising
of four LRT Controller consoles at the ETS Control Centre at Churchill Station.

7.1.4 Applicable Codes, Standards, Regulations and Guidelines

All new designs, components and installation procedures must follow the applicable standards
and provisions contained in the following documents:
 Alberta Electrical and Communication Utility Code (AECUC)
 American Railway Engineering and Maintenance of Way Association (AREMA)
 European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization (CENELEC) Standards
EN50126, EN50128 and EN50129
 Communications and Signal Specifications (or approved alternate standards, as approved
by the City of Edmonton)
 Canadian Standards Association (CSA)
 Canadian Electrical Code (and related applicable standards for Materials)
 National Transportation Agency, Railway Transport Committee.
 Engineering Standards Manual for LRT Signals – (referred to as the Signals Engineering
Standards Manual)
 Canadian Grade Crossing Standard.
 IEEE 1474 Standards for Communication Based Train Control
Control equipment proposed for use must have a proven performance record with major North
American and/or European public transportation agencies that operate heavy rail or LRT

Final Issue July 2017 7.3


systems. This equipment must also be rated for use in harsh winter climatic conditions similar
to Edmonton. Maintaining Current Codes, Standards, Regulations and Guidelines

At the time of design, codes, standards, regulations and guidelines referenced within these
Design Guidelines must be reviewed to ensure compliance with current codes, standards,
regulations, and guidelines. Where there is conflict, the designer is to seek clarification from
the City.
New and updated equipment or software along with related standards, codes, regulations and
guidelines can be adopted, as long as these are compatible.
Note: There may be a need to Grandfather standards applicable at the time the LRT system was
designed and constructed.

Safety is of primary importance in the operation of Edmonton’s LRT system. The design of the
high floor vehicle signal system, if not based around CBTC, must be based on the failsafe
Automatic Fixed Block System (AFBS) engineering design principles outlined in these

7.2.1 Goals and Objectives

The signal system must be designed on the basis that a single failure by either a system or by
human error does not result in an unsafe condition. The design objective is to provide
safeguards in the signal system to prevent such a possibility, while still facilitating an efficient
LRT operating system. Safety Critical

A fully automatic safety critical and failsafe system must be employed to prevent hazardous
conditions from occurring during normal system operations. Safety Critical systems must be
designed to activate in the event of system or human error and the system must not hamper
the normal safe conditions in train traffic operation. All systems (safety critical or not) must be
designed fail safe to prevent an unsafe condition from occurring. No latent failure may result
in an unsafe condition when combined with any other failure. The system must ensure that
safe operating procedures and methods are maintained.
Refer to Signals Engineering Standards Manual Section 3.1.3 for examples of safety critical
failsafe elements. Automatic Systems and Protection

Installation of automatic systems is needed to:

 Provide the level of safety required to prevent train on train and other types of collision
with fixed objects and conflicting vehicular or pedestrian traffic.
 Provide service efficiency through automation in performing routine and repetitive tasks
and functions.
 Enforce operating safety rules and equipment restrictions.
 Provide warning to the public at points of public interface with the rail system Automatic Train Protection

Automatic Train Protection is independent of the motorman. It must be incorporated on the

wayside and LRV to maintain and enforce a high level of safety.

Final Issue July 2017 7.4

SIGNALS Level of Safety

For a safety critical design the required level of safety must prevent the following incidents
from happening:
 Head to tail collisions between trailing and leading trains.
 Head to head collisions with opposing trains.
 Head to side collisions with other trains.
 Collisions with vehicular and pedestrian traffic. Collision Protection

All conceivable modes must be employed to protect against possible conflict and collision
between trains, fixed objects and other traffic under normal operations. To meet this goal,
automatic systems must be installed on the wayside and on the train that will prevent the
selection of conflicting routings, maintain adequate train separation and will bring about the
enforced and non-recoverable stopping of an encroaching train.
In an AFBS, the system is divided into blocks and permission to enter the block will not be
given unless free and unrestricted travel, free of conflicts, can be made to the end of the block. Wayside Equipment

The signal wayside system must be designed to minimize the number of wayside boxes
distributed across the system. This is done to allow ease of maintenance and troubleshooting
given the harsh winter conditions in Edmonton.

7.2.2 Operating Assumptions and Principles

An important principle of providing a safe LRT system is the use of a System Safety Program.
It requires a formalized process for initiating and implementing system changes that enhances
the safe transportation of passengers. The System Safety Program is comprised of the
publication, review and updating of the following:
 The LRT Operating Rules
 Safety Management Audit Program
It is the responsibility of all LRT personnel to follow all rules and procedures outlined in the
above documents.
The Motormen is recognized as the operator of the LRT train and is fully responsible for the
safe operation of the LRT train.
LRT Controllers located at the ETS Control Centre are trained to direct train traffic in the
safest manner. It is their responsibility to be aware of all the inherent dangers of executing
any train traffic control functions.
7.2.3 Checked-Redundancy Principle
The checked-redundancy principle applies to safety-critical hardware and/or software
configurations, and states that the probability of any failure or combinations of such failures
that can result in a condition not known to be safe must be demonstrated to be less than 109
per train operating hour for train-borne equipment and less than 109 per system operating
hour for other equipment. Therefore, each function of a component or subsystem which is
designed in accordance with the checked-redundancy principle must provide a level of safety
equivalent to that provided by the same function designed in accordance with the fail-safe

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The checked-redundant control configuration, whether it comprises hardware or software

elements, must incorporate at least two parallel control units processing a common system
characteristic and a means of comparing the output of the control units. If there is agreement
from the comparison, then the system may be allowed to respond in accordance with the
output of the control units. If there is disagreement, the system must immediately revert to a
safe state.
The following characteristics, at a minimum, must be incorporated into the checked-
redundancy design:
 The checking process is, in itself, fail-safe.
 The checking process is sufficiently frequent that similar or identical errors or failures in
redundant units could not occur between checks.
 The checking process is sufficiently sensitive to detect significant errors in a single unit.
 Failure to check causes timely action to occur which maintains safety.
 Redundant units are sufficiently independent that hazards due to common errors cannot
 The checking mechanism used to detect a failure and initiate a safe system reaction to the
failure cannot be compromised by the failure.


The existing LRT signal system provides all the necessary failsafe protection measures to
ensure safe train operation as described in the following sections.

7.3.1 Headway and Train Size

Train size can be anywhere from a single car to a 5 car consist.
The operational headways for the Capital Line as well as Metro Line is 5 minutes and for the
convergence area is 2.5 minutes.
The design headways for the Capital Line as well as Metro Line other than overlay area is 2.5
minutes and for the convergence area is 90 seconds.
The difference between the operational and design headways is to absorb the natural
accordion effect of the system as well as system delay recovery. Operational modelling is
essential for providing input into the signal design and operation plans.

7.3.2 Direction of Running

The system operates normally as right hand running, but shall be designed for full bi-
directional movements to maintain service during incidents or maintenance work.
7.3.3 Vehicles
The LRVs in use on the Edmonton LRT system are described in Chapter 2, Vehicles.
Additional detailed information is also provided in Section 3.6 of the Signals Engineering
Standards Manual. Operating Speed

The determination of the maximum operating speed is based on the following criteria:
 Track alignment.
 Civil works restrictions such as the track switch rating.
 Safety reasons where the consequences of exceeding the posted speed are severe.
 Passenger comfort.

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Refer to Chapter 4 Track Alignment, Sections 4.1.3 to 4.1.5 and Chapter 6 Traction Power
Section for additional considerations. Speed Control

Under normal conditions, it is the Motorman who controls the speed of the train and obeys all
wayside train control signals and the instructions from the LRT Controller. However, at
various points along the ROW, speed check devices have been installed to confirm adherence
to the posted speed. These devices shall be installed before interlocking areas, stations or
other locations where it is determined that enforced braking is required. The intention of the
speed checks is to enforce a mandatory brake on the train, which according to the LRT Rule
Book requires the Motorman to report to LRT Control. The speed checks do not vitally
enforce a safe speed at the point of concern (e.g. at a turn-out). If a train exceeds the posted
speed limit at one of these locations the wayside speed check magnet will activate the
automatic magnet sensor on the train. This will automatically trigger the braking mechanism
on the train, and brings the train to a stop. See Section 7.4.3 of this chapter for more
information regard speed enforcement. Propulsion System

For a description of the LRV propulsion system, refer to Chapter 2, and Section 3.6 of the
Signals Engineering Standards Manual. Braking Characteristics

Existing LRVs are equipped with dynamic braking, track braking (magnetic), and disc brakes.
In order to improve the adhesion conditions of the track, sand can be spread in front of the first
axle of each powered truck (bogie) in the direction of travel. The sand control solenoids are
operated automatically during a slip/slide condition monitored by the propulsion control
Additional braking and stopping information is available in Chapter 2 Vehicles, and the Signals
Engineering Standards Manual Sections 3.6.3 and 3.6.4. Track Alignment Constraints

Gradient, horizontal and vertical curvature restrictions are presented in Chapter 4, Track
Alignment. Clearance requirements and restrictions are presented in Chapter 3 Clearances
and Right-of-Way.


7.4.1 System Design General

The design and operation of the LRT signal system must allow for a worst case hazardous
situation. The system operation must be designed to achieve the safest operation possible
consistent with the required operational efficiency. Fully automatic safety critical failsafe
systems must be employed to prevent the occurrence of a hazardous condition during normal
system operations.
For any future LRT extensions, the new LRT vital logic control system must allow train
movements in both directions on one track, i.e. each track is fully bi-directional. It must also
allow trains to automatically turn back at all stations and at pocket tracks, should either
location be chosen to behave as the end-of-line station due to special circumstances.

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7.4.2 System Safety Principles Design

As safety is of primary importance, the signal design must be based on safety critical
engineering design principles rated as SIL4 or equivalent.
Automatic systems must be installed both on the wayside and the LRT train that will prevent
the selection of conflicting routings, maintain safe train separation and will bring about the
enforced and non-recoverable stopping of an encroaching train.
The signal system for each LRT line is to be divided into fixed blocks or moving blocks.
Permission for a train entering a block must not be given unless free and unrestricted travel,
free of conflicts can be made to the end of the block and through the overlap area. A red
block signal will not turn green unless all the following conditions have been satisfied:
 Tracks within the block and overlap block are not occupied,
 The train is traveling in the correct direction,
 The next block signal is operating properly, which means no signal lamp element is burnt
 No conflicting route into the block territory (including the overlap block),
 Track switches are properly lined and locked for the route to be used both electrically and
mechanically. Clearances

The design and layout of the signal system must consider:

 Static and dynamic clearance envelopes,
 Safe braking standards for LRVs,
 Worst case stopping distance,
 Approach to signal blocks or grade crossings.
For more detailed information refer to Chapter 3 Clearances and Right-Of-Way, Section 3.3
and the Signals Engineering Standards Manual, Section 3.5. Safe Braking Calculations

For the calculation of worst case stopping distances of the Edmonton LRV on level track and
on downgrade refer to the Signals Engineering Standards Manual, Section 3.6.
For the definition of Approach Track (call-on) Circuit and the calculation of the approach circuit
distance refer to the Signals Engineering Standards Manual, Section 3.11.

7.4.3 Speed Restrictions

As indicated in Section, the maximum allowable operating speed of the LRV on main
line is based on a variety of factors. It is therefore a requirement to have speed enforcement
devices, such as speed checks, installed to enforce the reporting of errors or operating
procedure violations. Speed Enforcement for Divergent Moves

Within the Edmonton LRT, the speed restrictions are a requirement for divergent moves on
fixed block systems and shall be based on the LRT Guideline of 40 metres from the switch

Final Issue July 2017 7.8

SIGNALS Speed Enforcement for Operating Line Speed

The speed restriction shall be enforced at grade crossings and critical curves. The monitoring
of these speeds will be achieved via speed checks or a speed supervision system. The speed
restriction will be set at the maximum operating line speed of 70 km/hr or as determined
through the requirements of the track design. Speed Enforcement for Stations with Adjacent grade crossings

Speed checks shall be placed at both the entrance and the centre of all platforms with
adjacent grade crossings so as to provide monitoring that the train is decelerating
appropriately and in accordance with the proximity of the grade crossing. It shall also be used
to promote a maximum speed entry into a station regardless of adjacent grade crossing.

7.4.4 Automatic Fixed Block Signalling

Each track, when not governed by CBTC or similar control, shall be divided into discrete
sections called blocks. Each block is to be equipped with failsafe track circuit devices that
sense and indicate the presence of a LRV within the block. A red and green block signal is to
be placed at the entrance of each block.
With a two-aspect (red and green) block signal system, each block is to overlap the next
signal block by the worst case stopping distance. This is referred to as signal block overlap.
The block overlap is provided to prevent a collision with the train ahead in case the following
train over-runs a block signal. The standard block overlap used on the Edmonton LRT
System is 316 m based on level tangent track.
Refer to the Signals Engineering Standards Manual, Section 3.10 for more detailed
information and the block overlap distance to be used on future LRT extensions. Design Safety Requirements

The normal condition of the block signal is a RED (non-permissive) indication. The signal will
not turn GREEN (permissive) unless it is safe to enter the block and the overlap is available.
Any train that passes a red block signal will be stopped automatically by the train trip stop
magnet associated with the block signal. Vital software must be designed using the check-
redundancy principles as defined in Section 7.2.3. These systems must be proved to be
independently safe from external influences such as, but not limited to EMI, interfaced
systems or sub-systems, and human operation from either the local control panel or central
train control. Train Routing

A route is a combination of powered track switches, track, and field devices that allows a train
to pass through a switching area according to the designated signal system design.
A route is established when the switches are lined and locked and all conflicting traffic is
prevented from violating the “route”. Normally, a route path will start from the block entrance,
through the next block signal into the overlap block. It will end at the end of the overlap block
in the direction of current traffic.
Refer to the Signals Engineering Standards Manual, Section 3.12 for further detailed
information and standards.
Switch Position
The actual switch position must be reported via vital circuits to the territory vital logic in order
to determine whether the requested route is safely lined for the route to be used.

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Power operated switches must not indicate position until mechanical locking is achieved.
Once the track switches are lined and locked (mechanically and electrically) in the proper
position for the route to be used then a route will be granted.
Conflicting routes must not be allowed into a particular section of track at any time. The block
signal will display GREEN once a route is confirmed. However, before the GREEN indication
can be displayed, the following conditions must be satisfied:
 Tracks within the block and overlap block are not occupied,
 The train is traveling in the correct direction,
 The next block signal is operating properly, which means no signal lamp element is burnt
 No conflicting route into the block territory (including the overlap block and flank
 Track switches are properly lined and locked for the route to be used both electrically and
Sectional Release on Interlocking
The release point of all switches in the interlocking must occur after a train vacates the last
detector circuit (switch track circuit) in the route, unless this point is foul of conflicting
movements. In the latter case, vacating the next track circuit (first track circuit after the switch)
must be used as the release point.
Sequential Track Circuit Clearing
This is a feature that ensures the track circuit that is left unoccupied behind a proceeding train
will not be cleared automatically unless the track circuit ahead is occupied.
This type of design is also sometimes referred to as a “tumble down track circuit clearing”
system. When sequential track circuit clearing is used in the signal design circuitry, a false
occupancy of a track circuit occurs when:
 A Train enters into a territory and then backs out the same way as it entered. This is
because the last track circuit it occupied as it moved forward cannot be cleared because it
travels out the same way as it entered.
 A NB train enters onto the SB track at Clareview Station. If this train continues to travel
north onto the unmonitored track (“dark” track), the NB track circuit next to the Clareview
platform (Track Circuit TC S13) will remain occupied until the next train goes south and
occupies track TC S14 (track circuit ahead of TC S13) and un-occupies TC S13.
Other examples of dark track are located at MYN and E-Track.
In these situations, a “track circuit reset” command can be issued from the ETS Control Centre
in an attempt to clear the false occupancy. While executing this command in a territory, all
track circuits in that SER territory will drop momentarily. This would cause a GREEN block
signal to drop to RED momentarily in front of an oncoming train; therefore when “sequential
track circuit clearing” design, is utilized it is essential to provide delay circuitry on the GREEN
block signals to prevent the GREEN signal from dropping to RED while executing the “track
circuit reset” command.
For installations utilizing audio frequency (AF) track circuits (including B-Points) and axle
counter blocks the concept of sequential track circuit clearing will continue to be utilized. It will
continue to be possible for a false occupancy to occur so some form of track circuit reset must
still be provided. This will not involve the momentary dropping of track circuits but rather a
vital software function that is capable of detecting and removing a false occupancy.

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Track Circuit Loss-Of-Shunt Timers

This feature ensures that momentary removal of shunt shall not allow a track circuit to be
declared unoccupied. Any potential loss-of-shunting event is usually of brief duration, but may
be adequate to allow the signal system to initiate un-safe events. This feature shall be used in
conjunction with Sequential Track Circuit Clearing to enhance safety.
A train entering a route must clear sequentially all track circuits within the path of the route
before another train can be routed through the same territory. Once a train accepts a route,
the route must not be allowed to be cancelled by the LRT Controller.

7.4.5 Determination of Block Location

Blocks can be made as short as the safe stopping distance or as long as the station-to-station
spacing. Refer to the Signals Engineering Standards Manual, Section 3.4.4 for the
determination of block locations.

7.4.6 CBTC System

Note: These Design Guidelines cover the current fixed block portion of the system. Design guidelines for
CBTC system will be incorporated in a future release.

7.4.7 Prevention of Side Collisions and Derailments

The signal system must ensure track switches are lined correctly and locked before a train is
allowed to travel through. Refer to Signals Engineering Standards Manual, Section 3.4.5 for
additional detail.

7.4.8 Grade Crossings

At all locations where LRT trains cross streets or sidewalks at grade level, adequate steps
must be taken to ensure that a collision between the LRT train and vehicular or pedestrian
traffic does not occur. This is done by incorporating the measures as described below into the
design and as per the Transport Canada Guidelines Levels of Warning

Generally, there are four levels of warning provided at grade crossings depending on the
traffic conditions.
Level 1 - Separated grade crossing
Level 2 - Railway Crossing Warning Devices
Level 3 - Traffic lights
Level 4 - Signage
Refer to the Signals Engineering Standards Manual, Section 6.2 for the levels of warning,
categories and their description. Traffic Signal Pre-emption

Refer to Transport Canada Grade Crossing Standards (TCGCS) part F as a guideline to

determine if pre-emption is required. Consideration should also be given to the MUTCD
For grade crossings requiring pre-emption, traffic signal pre-emption shall be used to allow the
traffic system to flush the intersection clear and enter a phase that is permissive for the train to
proceed uninhibited. Pre-emption points shall be determined based on gradient, speed
profile, sight lines, and the minimum pre-emption time received from Traffic Operations. When
the train reaches that predetermined pre-emption point, it shall send a request to the Traffic
Controller via the VLC.

Final Issue July 2017 7.11

SIGNALS Mandatory Protection

For LRT tracks crossing roadways, other than railroad right-of-way, Transport Canada has no
jurisdiction; however it is ETS’s practice to adhere to the Transport Canada Grade Crossing
Standards. Refer to Section 6.3 of the Signals Engineering Standards Manual for additional
detail. Control Design Criteria

Grade crossing signal control systems must be based on a failsafe design principle. This
ensures that any failure of the grade crossing signal control system must activate the red
flashing lights and bells and cause all equipped gate arms to descend.
Grade crossing protection must provide a minimum of 20 seconds warning time prior to the
arrival of a train at the nearest edge of the crossing. The required time may require to be
increased based on the geometry of the crossing. Refer to the Signals Engineering Standards
Manual, Section 6.4.2 for more detailed criteria for warning time.
All grade crossing protection must be activated by track circuits to allow adequate warning
time for trains approaching from all directions and routing on all tracks. A combination of track
circuits and timers must be employed if track circuits alone fail to meet the operating
requirements. Refer to Chapter 18 Streets Design, Section 18.5 Grade Crossing Safety. Power

All grade crossing protection equipment must provide failsafe operation on a DC power
system with battery back-up. Normal power to the enclosure that houses all of the control
equipment and batteries can be AC power. To charge the batteries, the AC power must be
rectified. Refer to the Signals Engineering Standards Manual for detailed information on
grade crossing protection and the number of hours of back-up battery power that must be
provided. Call-On Signals

A two aspect (amber and green) call-on signal must be provided at the wayside to inform the
Motorman that the grade crossing protection has been activated as requested. The call-on
signal must be located at a distance from the crossing that is greater than the worst-case
braking distance for a train traveling at posted speed. A train stop magnet associated with the
call-on signal will initiate train braking if the train has failed to stop for the amber signal. Pedestrian-Only Grade Crossings

Call-on signals are not required at pedestrian-only grade crossings but Crossing Warning
Indicators (CWI) must be provided to inform motormen that crossing protection has been
activated. A CWI is a white dwarf signal mounted to the outside of the track and is flashes
when the crossing protection has been activated, once the gates are confirmed down the CWI
will be steady lit.
For detailed design criteria on grade crossing protection, refer to the Signals Engineering
Standards Manual, Section 6.0. Also refer to Chapter 18 Streets Design, Section 18.5. Clearances

The location of all grade crossing protection equipment must comply with the static and
dynamic clearance requirements presented in Chapter 3 of these Guidelines.

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7.4.9 LRT Operation Functional Requirements

The key operational functions required by the LRT Controllers to operate the LRT Signals
System can be found in the ATS operational manuals as referenced below:
 ATS Workstation User Guide: 3CU 05006 0054 PCZZA
 Human Machine Interface (HMI) Document: 3CU 05006 0125 DSZZA
7.4.10 Wayside LRT Signal Equipment
All wayside LRT signals equipment must be controlled by a stand-alone vital electronic
interlocking computer system located in the SER or associated signal bungalow. Each vital
computer system in the SER must operate all wayside signals equipment within its territory
independently. If communication is lost to neighbouring territories, block information cannot be
conveyed to or from adjacent territories. With a safety critical and failsafe LRT signal design
system, the block signal at the border of the Territory must stay RED. This means a train
must not be routed in or out of the territory automatically. If, however it is determined that the
condition is safe, the LRT Controller may issue a Manual Route Clearance to the Motorman.
This will allow the train at the border of the territory to proceed in or out of the territory with
caution and at a restricted speed. ETS requires a highly reliable signal control system.
Therefore, the control system must be a redundant, stand-alone, vital electronic interlocking
computer system, with hot standby capability.

7.4.11 Communication Requirements for LRT Control

For the existing LRT signal system, network communications are used to transmit vital block
information between the SERs. Non-vital network communications is also used to
communicate to the central office.
In the event of a power failure, the signals network must be provide adequate battery backup
power to keep the system operational. Refer to the Signals Engineering Standards Manual.
In addition to the existing multi conductor cables and fibre optic cables to link
control/monitoring signals between the ETS Control Centre and the individual SERs along the
mainline, radio and telephone lines are also used as part of the LRT communication system.
Chapter 8, Communications and Control provides the design guidelines for these and other
related communications systems.

7.4.12 Signal Aspects

Wayside signals provide information and authorization to the Motorman. The signal indication
provides status of block ahead, grade crossing protection, and track switch position.
For detailed information on LRT wayside signals, refer to the Signals Engineering Standards
Manual, Section 3.7.
Note: A three aspect signal must not be used in future LRT extensions.

7.4.13 ATS Interface

The ATS system is connected to the VLC in each SER via a Protocol Convertor. The Protocol
Convertor talks to the ATS using Modbus. RP2000 protocol is used for the communication
between VLCs and between the VLCs and ZC. The unit receives the status of the wayside
equipment from the VLC’s and forwards it on to the ATS servers in University server room.
The ATS in turn updates the graphic indications on the MIMIC and display monitors at the
ETS Control Centre, DLM and Local ATS (LATS), local control panels however are not
updated by the ATS. Local control panels are local displays updated by the local VLC.
The ATS system also has a Local ATS Mode. This Mode allows a Signal Maintainer within a
particular SER to take control when approved by Control and allows the Maintainer to issue

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commands via the ATS system to Wayside Equipment within this Local ATS Area of Control
ATS server machines run the server side ATS application for the Edmonton LRT system.
There are two ATS Servers and one of them is active and the other one is in passive mode.
The operating system of the ATS server is capable of switching channels to the redundant
link. These network interfaces are combined together through 3rd-party NIC teaming software
and both appear to the network as a single virtual interface. Any fail-over between these
interfaces is transparent to the network and to the application.
All signal system extensions must be compatible with the existing ATS system unless a totally
new Control and Monitoring System is to be installed that is compatible with all other
equipment in the existing system.


7.5.1 General
Due to the harsh weather conditions all new outdoor wayside equipment must be rated for
temperatures that exceed the summer and winter conditions normally expected in Edmonton
(refer to Chapter 1 General, Section 1.3 for local climatic conditions).
In addition, all outdoor equipment must meet the following requirements:
 Must be sufficiently reliable to meet the overall reliability targets of the project. i.e. the
equipment has been used and is proven by other Transit properties operating in an
environment similar to the Edmonton LRT System.
 Must be weather and water resistant as per applicable AREMA standards.
From an equipment maintenance perspective, it is desirable to minimize the number of
different equipment suppliers for the following reasons:
 To eliminate interfacing requirements
 To minimize the amount of additional staff training (required for new systems)
 To maintain consistency in operational functionality
 To consolidate spares inventory and control

7.5.2 Numbering Schemes

All equipment, relay, contacts and terminals for all LRT extensions must be identified, located
and numbered with a numbering scheme in accordance with the Signals Engineering
Standards Manual, Section 2.0.
It is through the numbering system that a signal maintenance technician is able to identify
where a specific point or piece of equipment is located within the system. The numbering
scheme will be dependent on the location and line on which the equipment, relay, contacts
and terminals are located. Designation

Most equipment on the line is identified by the chainage location of the equipment in reference
to the chainage zero reference point south of Churchill Station.
Signals (Block and Call-on) and speed checks have a unique identifier, indicating the track
(NB or SB) and the distance it is from the chainage datum point (south of Churchill Station).
For detailed information on the identification of signal equipment refer to the LRT Signals
Engineering Standards Manual, Section 2.
Track switches are identified by a 3 digit number as follows:

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 Even numbers are for the SB tracks i.e. Switch #488 is the switch on the SB track north of
University Station
 Odd numbers are for the NB tracks i.e. Switch #533 is the switch on the NB track north of
Belvedere Station Consistency

Any extension on existing lines must follow the numbering scheme of that line. New lines may
have a new numbering scheme that is in accordance with the Signals Engineering Standards
Manual, Section 2.0. The numbering system for all new wayside signal equipment must be
consistent with the existing numbering scheme as described above.
The numbering scheme for control wiring terminations and signal control must be also be
consistent with the existing system (refer to the LRT Signals Engineering Standards Manual). Switches and Signals

Refer to detailed information provided in the Signals Engineering Standards Manual, Sections
2.7.1 and 2.7.4 as well as the previous Section Track Circuits

Track circuits are designated by the track direction (NB or SB) plus an arbitrary number. The
number of track circuits must be sequential and in an ascending order in one direction as the
distance increases from Churchill Station. For example, TC S10 to TC S22 or TC N10 to TC
N22 runs from Central Station to University Station.
For a track switch, where the switch is, must be named after the switch number i.e. TC488 for
SW #488.
For additional detail, refer to the Signals Engineering Standards Manual, Section 2.7.2. Bungalows and Junction Boxes

Bungalows should be named to reflect the chainage at that location.

Junction boxes or splitter boxes for the signal system located in a vault within the mainline
ROW shall have the vault designated by a 3 digit number in an ascending order. Refer to
Chapter 8, Communications and Control provides the design guidelines vaults and junction
7.5.3 Wayside Signals Colour Light Signals

Based on failsafe signal design principles, filament signal lamps must be monitored by cold
filament check. RED light or an AMBER light must have double element incandescent lamp,
the principal and the secondary element. A “signal disturbed” alarm must be issued as soon
as the principal element has burnt out.
All signal lights must be lit and complete with proper lenses and filters. The power supply for
the LRT signal lights must come directly from the SER or WSC controlling that particular
signal. The outgoing power must not be grounded (isolated power). Hoods on signal lights
must be provided so that glare from the sun will not interfere with the Motorman’s vision. For
future signal requirements LED signal aspects must be used, light-out detection must be
provided via cold filament check with status information sent to the ATS system. LED light-out
alarm must be failsafe. LED light-out must be equivalent to a red signal.
For additional detail refer to the Signals Engineering Standards Manual, Section 3.7.

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SIGNALS Equipment Labelling

Label all new block signal and grade crossing protection call-on signal lights with white letters
and numbers on black background to match existing.
Provide clear labelling for all new track switches and speed checks so that it is easily identified
by the Motorman. Location of Wayside Equipment

Location of all wayside equipment must be clear from the dynamic movement of the LRV’s.
For detailed information of on static and dynamic clearances (refer to Chapter 3, Clearances
and Right-of-way and the figures contained therein).
7.5.4 Track Circuits General

Each fixed block track circuit along the LRT ROW must be monitored by a vital track circuit
device in the SER.
An audio frequency track circuit operates using specific audio frequencies. Adjacent track
circuits utilize different frequencies so that track circuits can be distinguished from one another
without the need for insulated joints. The occupancy is picked up in the SER by a solid-state
circuit board rather than a physical relay but it too must operate in a failsafe manner. Audio
frequency track circuits can be used in conjunction with insulated joints to improve the
resolution of the track circuit limits. This is generally done at block signals and within special
track work (crossovers). Impedance Bonds

An Impedance Bond is a transformer that injects a track circuit signal onto the track so that it
can be monitored to detect the presence of a train. The impedance bond also allows the 660
VDC nominal traction power return via the tracks. The traction return power can be of a
magnitude of thousands of amperes so impedance bonds must be rated accordingly.
All LRT extensions using track circuits for train detection must be provided with the following:
 Impedance bonds and insulated joints to define the limits of track circuits.
 Vital track circuit devices for the detection of train occupancy. Switch and Rail Bonding

Between each set of adjoining insulated tracks, impedance bonds must be installed with the
centre taps via high current carrying cables to carry the 660 VDC nominal traction power
return from track to track and back to the traction power substation rectifiers. The size and
number of cables shall be designed in conjunction with the Traction Power system design.
Cable connections must be corrosion protected.
At a cross-over, the SB track and NB track are physically joined. Insulated joints must be
installed at both rails midway of the cross-over between the SB straight run track and NB
straight run track in order to separate the two straight run track circuits. The track switch
associated with each straight run track must be bonded to the rails to ensure low resistance
for the traction return power at the switch. Thermite-welding or approved bolt-on technologies
are used to connect the bonding cable to rails. For detailed information on location of bonding
cables refer to the Signals Engineering Standards Manual.
Methodologies shall be implemented to discourage theft of the bonds.

Final Issue July 2017 7.16

SIGNALS Cross-bonding

Cross-bonding consists of a number of multi-stranded, flexible cables in the traction power

return of the 660 VDC nominal traction power distribution system. They are connected
between the impedance bonds of a track and the impedance bonds of the adjoining tracks
separated by insulated joints.
This bonding is required at the midpoint of the track cross-over; and at the end station rails for
the SB track and NB track (refer to the arrangement at Clareview Station). The purpose of the
cross-bonding is to equalize the rail voltage drop between the NB and SB tracks. The size
and number of cables shall be chosen in conjunction with the traction power system. Rail Connections

Where there is an insulated joint, the rails must be insulated from the steel bolts and nuts.
Bonding cables must be connected to rails with thermite-welded connectors, or Cembre
connectors, where possible. Other rail connection technologies may be considered as an
option provided that the connector is rated for minimum 1000 A DC. Broken Rail Detection

Broken rail detection shall be provided.

7.5.5 Powered Track Switches Mainline Power

Power feeding the wayside powered track switch motor, must come directly from the SER or
bungalow controlling that particular switch machine. The status of the powered track switch
must be reported to the SER at all times. Status condition must include switch normal, switch
reverse, switch locked, and alarm status. Alarm status must include switch disturbed or trailed
All motorized track switches must also allow field and manual operation. There will be a key
located inside the "H" fixture to enable the push buttons located also inside the "H" fixture.
These push buttons will initiate the switch machine movement from the field. To manually
operate the switch machine, insert the hand crank which will also cut the power to the switch
machine thus preventing the switch machine from movement due to a command from the
office. Embedded in Street

Switches shall not be installed in embedded track. Insulation

The motorized track switch shall be well protected, electrically isolated and bonded to ground
so that the public is not exposed to live power.
The motorized track switch gear must be insulated and heated to permit operation in a -40°C
ambient temperature. The switch gear assembly must also be rust-proof and weather-proof.

7.5.6 Manual Track Switches with Switch Point Indication Interlocks

For manually operated track switches, a switch point indicator must be installed. This switch
point indicator provides the status of the switch conditions i.e. switch normal, switch reverse,

Final Issue July 2017 7.17


switch disturbed. If it is out of its normal position, the signal system must prevent all train
movements routed through that particular switch.

7.5.7 Route Key Switch

For fixed block systems, provision must be made to allow the Motorman to manually request a
route from an LRT station platform to the next station.
The route request must be done via a keyed push button inside a locked enclosure on the
wayside. The special key for the route selection enclosure must match existing keys used by
the Motorman.

7.5.8 Interlocking General

The LRT signal system consists of the following main components:

 Vital logic control system.
 Train traffic and wayside signals.
 A non-vital system for train movement display, wayside equipment status display and
command request during manual operation.
 A communication system that inter-connects the vital and non-vital system to allow it to
function as an integrated system. Vital System

The vital computerized control system consists of an ElectroLogIXS VLC microprocessor with
both vital and non-vital processing capability. Vital input/output (I/O) cards must be utilized for
driving signals and switch machines while non-vital communications and protocols provide an
interface to the ATS system. Power for the total system must be backed-up by UPS and
generator backup power.
The vital computerized control system is able to communicate with its adjacent SERs to
exchange vital block information. This communication will be a fully redundant network. The
communication between territories must be considered as an integral part of the vital system. Non-Vital System

The ATS system is classed as a non-vital system and not safety critical because it does not
have the capability to directly control wayside equipment. The vital logic system directly
controls the wayside equipment. However, when the vital logic system in the SER requires
human intervention, the ATS system must be able to put the territorial vital logic system in
manual operating mode. LRT Control must be able to send command requests from the ETS
Control Centre to the territorial vital logic control system for execution. The vital control
system must mitigate any controls received to ensure only safe results occur. Refer to the
following section 7.5.9 for additional details.

7.5.9 Central Traffic Control System System Configuration

The ATS carries out such tasks as data acquisition, monitoring, presentation, and data
archiving function.
It must also assist in performing tasks such as manual train routing, train tracking functions,
and processing of train and crew data.

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Functions within the ATS exist to allow for information storage and retrieval, playback of rail
operations, and simulation of rail operations.
The ATS system includes report generation functions, user interface displays of the LRT
network, and a repository of online documentation.
System Software
Future releases of ATS software must be built on the ETS approved versions.
Network Infrastructure
The ATS system must be distributed over several LRT facilities using a redundant network.
Basic Requirements
The existing ATS servers at the University Server Room record the status of all wayside signal
equipment and all control activities on the ATS system. Administrators of the ATS system can
retrieve all recorded data or play back the event recorded in the system. Any proposed LRT
extensions must be able to provide the same information to the existing ATS system.
System Uniformity
Any new signal systems connected to the ATS system must function identically to the existing
systems. The steps that a user must perform to execute a command on the ATS must be the
same, regardless of the signal system to which the command is being issued. All future LRT
Signal control systems must be compatible with the existing ATS system in all aspects. Any
signal contractor commissioned to extend the existing signal system must budget funds to the
supporting ATS software vendor to perform any required software updates to the ATS
software, graphical user interface and gateway devices. Whenever possible, the
communications protocol between the vital field processing equipment and the ATS must be a
common protocol (e.g. Genisys).

7.5.10 Grade Crossing Equipment Grade Crossing Warning Devices

LRT trains must have absolute priority and pre-emption at all grade crossings, the pre-emption
allows flushing of road traffic, and a traffic light phase that holds road traffic and allows for
train operation.
To ensure LRT priority, all grade crossing signals must be equipped with red flashing lights
and bells. If a road crossing includes a pedestrian crossing, additional protection must be
added as described in section
Crossing construction must be in accordance with the Signals Engineering Standards Manual.
300 mm LED Red flashing lights along with railroad crossing signs must be installed to provide
grade crossing protection for roads and sidewalks as indicated in the Signals Engineering
Standards Manual.
According to Transport Canada grade crossing standards, bells are required for all grade
crossings. Grade crossing bells in accordance with the AREMA standard or that have a
proven service record in Edmonton’s environmental conditions must be installed on crossing
signal masts as indicated in the Transport Canada Crossing Regulations. Each bell must
have an adjustable volume and be set at a level that complies with section 6.5.6 of Signals
Engineering Standards Manual. The placement, direction, and sound level of the bells may be

Final Issue July 2017 7.19


considered. Safety of motorists and pedestrians at LRT crossings is the primary concern and
will be the determining factor in designing the crossing warning system configuration.
Gate Arms
Grade crossings shall be equipped with active grade crossing gate arms. Gate mechanism
and gate arm assembly construction shall be in accordance with the Signals Engineering
Standards Manual. Gate arms shall be perpendicular to the roadway while in the horizontal
position. The tip of the gate arm must be a minimum of 3.66 m (12 ft.) away from the nearest
rail while in the horizontal position. Pedestrian-Only Grade Crossings

For pedestrian-only grade crossings, protection must be added in the form of crossing signals
equipped with 8-3/8” red flashing lights, railway crossing signs (80% size), bells and
pedestrian swing gates and active grade crossing gate arms.
7.5.11 Bungalows, and Junction Boxes
All bungalows and junction boxes must be corrosion and weather-proof with heat and
insulation provided, if necessary for the equipment installed at that location. Bungalows shall
have HVAC and shall allow for venting of the battery gas and a safe air exchange rate.
All bungalows and junction boxes must be sealed to prevent access of insects and rodents.
All bungalows and junction boxes for the wayside LRT signal equipment must be clear of the
dynamic clearance envelope as described in Chapter 3, Clearances and Right-of-Way.

7.5.12 Signal Room General

The existing signal control system is divided into 9 territories as described in Section
For LRT, the vital logic signal control system (refer to Section, must be an electronic
interlocking installed in a SER controlling the wayside signal equipment for that specific
territory. It is integrated with the existing vital relay logic system and the ATS system to form
an integrated LRT signal system compatible to the existing system.
Refer to the Signals Engineering Standards Manual, Section 4.0 for the detailed requirements
for signal room equipment.
Each SER must have an emergency generator dedicated to provide power to all of the signal
room equipment in the event of a power outage. Signal Room Requirements

Climate Control
All equipment installed in the SER must be capable of operating over a temperature range of
0°C to 35°C.
The HVAC system must maintain the room temperature at 20 C all year. Humidity and dust
control is also required to protect sensitive electronic equipment and relays. Battery venting
and safe air exchange shall be considered with the HVAC design.
A local control panel/computer referred to as the system administration work station for
emergency access to the new LRT territory vital computerized signal control system should be
provided. Also required are datalogger computers or ModBus Converter units to connect the
any new signal control system to the ATS system.

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Communications Room
Communication linkages are vital components in the LRT vital signal control system. It is a
collapsible fibre optic communication network which can be added to any future fibre node
network system. Sufficient space should be provided to house the following communication
equipment LRT vital signal control system,
 Connection to SER vital logic system
 Connection to ATS system
 Telephone system
In the event that the communication room is used by other systems, such as Fare Collection,
CCTV, radio and PA, additional space shall be provided.
7.5.13 Signal Room Power Supply Sources

Normal incoming power supply requirements to the SER are:

 347/600V, 3 phase, 4 wires (grounded neutral), 60 Hz normal commercial power
 347/600V, 3 phase, 4 wires (grounded neutral), 60 Hz diesel generator backup power
In addition the following is to be provided:
 Power transformers to step-down normal 600Vac building power to 120/208V.
 3 phase, 4 wires (grounded) for building 120/208 V power.
 Building heating and ventilation system must be with dust and humidity control.
 DC power supply for all essential communication equipment.
 All DC powered equipment must be complete with battery backup power.
All computer equipment must also be provided with surge protection and UPS power to take
care of the momentary power surges due to emergency power transfer switching. Distribution

All LRT wayside signal lighting equipment, track switch motors, speed checks, track circuit
monitoring equipment and other essential equipment must be powered directly from the signal
room emergency power.
Step-down power transformers and battery rectifiers are to be provided as required. Ground Isolation

Grounding and bonding systems shall meet AREMA Communications and Signals Manual,
Part 11.
Ground fault detection and alarms must be required to monitor all outgoing ungrounded power
system. All ground fault alarms are to be reported to the ETS Control Centre via the ATS
system. Surge Protection

Proper use and interconnection of Surge Suppression Devices (SPD) shall be provided for all
power and control circuits entering and exiting an SER Bungalow.

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7.5.14 Wire and Cable Standards

Wire and cable shall be in accordance with the Canadian Electrical Code, Table 19 and
AREMA Communications and Signals Manual Part 10.3 and install cable according to AREMA
manual Part 10.4. The physical and electrical properties of the external signal cable and the
related test methods and procedures may comply with the CP-100 SCM-S-0930-01,
Specification for 600V Polyethylene Insulated and Jacketed Railway Signal Cable.
CSA C22.2 No. 75, Thermoplastic-Insulated Wires and Cables standard should be used for
wire and cable insulation.
The insulation material on external cables should be properly vulcanized black ethylene
propylene rubber compound (EPR) or other AREMA compliant material as accepted by the
City. The insulation shall have moisture, chemical, mechanical and heat resistance
characteristics, suitable for an installed temperature of -40°C and maximum continuous
operating temperature of 90°C.
The insulation material of wires shall be Ethylene Tetrafluroethylene (ETFE) Fluorocarbon
Resin, clean stripping, suitable for continuous temperature of 150°C. The insulation shall
meet the dimensional, electrical and physical properties in AREMA Communications and
Signals Manual, Part 10.3.24.
Cables and wires installed in areas designated by the City as tunnel sections and confined
public areas:
 Cables and wire should comply and be installed in conformance with NFPA 130-8.6.7
 Cables and wire should be Low Smoke, Halogen Free type compliant with AREMA
Communications and Signal Manual Part 10.2.13
 Cables and wire should be tested Boeing Specification Support Standard BSS-7239 and
comply with the following maximum gas release limits:
o Carbon Monoxide (CO) - 3500 ppm;
o Carbon Dioxide (CO2) - 90000 ppm;
o Hydrogen Fluoride (HF) - 200 ppm;
o Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) - 100 ppm;
o Hydrogen Chloride (HCl) - 500 ppm;
o Hydrogen Cyanide (HCN) - 150 ppm;
o Sulphur Dioxide (SO2) - 100 ppm;
o Hydrogen Bromide (HBr) - 100 ppm.
Fibre Optic
All new fibre optic cable strands must be compatible with the existing fibre strands.
Existing fibre optic strands are single mode, 1310 nm bi-direction type, with fusion splices and
SC connectors at fibre node patch panels.
For additional standards refer to Chapter 8 Communications and Control, Section
Wire Identification
 All control conductors must be labelled and tagged at both ends to identify the source and
 Colour coding should be used where possible.
 All wires must have manufacturer’s name, month and year of manufacture, wire number,
for multi-conductor cable, if not colour coded.

Final Issue July 2017 7.22


Wire Testing
NFPA 262 - Standard Method of Test for Flame Travel and Smoke of Wires and Cables for
Use in Air-Handling Spaces should be used for testing wires.
All conduits running under the rails must be insulated to avoid accidental grounding or shorting
out of the rails thus causing nuisance false occupancy of the track circuit.

7.5.15 Spare Parts

To ensure the LRT Signal Control system down time is minimized, a sufficient quantity of
essential spare parts for related equipment must be provided. Supply a quantity (10%) of
spare parts or replacement components to permit replacement of each product (minimum of
one spare) used in the work from each on-Site location or maintenance shop where ETS will
maintain inventory of that part. All spare parts must be identical to the items being placed in
7.5.16 Duct Banks
The signal duct bank is comprised of a suitable number of four (4) inch FRE or PVC ducts.
The duct banks terminate at concrete vaults placed along the LRT ROW. Ducts for other
communication services or for power cables may be located in the same trench. 600 VDC
cable ducts must not run parallel to the tracks. It is preferred that they be kept as far away as
possible (minimum separation is 1.0 m).
700 VDC (no load) traction power duct bank must be kept separated from the control system
power and signal duct bank. They must meet the CEC requirements.
Control cables coming out from of a vault to a termination panel for wayside field equipment
connection must have the termination panel above grade. Termination panels must be
Vaults must meet the following requirements:
 Have adequate provision for drainage,
 Have a copper grounding bus each with their own ground rods,
 Power ducts can only terminate in a power vault,
 Power cable vault must not be used for communication or control cables,
 Each vault must be labelled with a 3 digit identification number, in a sequential order (refer
to Section 7.5.2).
Refer to Chapter 11 Electrical Systems, Section 11.13 for detailed duct bank guidelines.

7.5.17 Knife Switches

The knife switches are employed as a manual method of control for crossing warning systems
on the Capital and Metro Lines. Each crossing is equipped with one knife switch for each
track, each knife-switch controlling operation of the crossing(s) relative to the track it is
associated with. Knife switches are rated to be utilized in Class I AREMA vital circuits. The
switch has three effective positions:
 downward vertical position making electrical connection to the AUTO input circuit
 middle position making no electrical connections
 upward vertical position making electrical connection to the BYPASS input circuit
The knife switch statuses are passed to the governing train control system. When CBTC is
employed, the zone controller normally controls knife switch functions instead of the local
crossing controller.
The two input states are defined as:
 AUTO (Low = NOT AUTO, High = AUTO)

Final Issue July 2017 7.23



Where a crossing warning system provides warning for trains operating on the track governed
by a knife switch, the following table defines the behaviour of the crossing for that track:
Crossing State for Crossing Behaviour Associated with
Associated Track this Knife-Switch
LOW LOW MANUAL Crossing will be activated indefinitely.
LOW HIGH BYPASS Crossing will be unresponsive to
approaching trains on this track, acting
as though no trains are approaching on
that track.
HIGH LOW AUTO Crossing will activate normally with trains
operating on this track.
HIGH HIGH INVALID Crossing will be activated indefinitely.
Where CBTC is employed, the crossing
is declared unhealthy.


The signal system must be designed to properly interface with other major system elements
as follows:

7.6.1 Trackwork
Posted or allowable speed is affected by radius of curves, vertical grades and super elevation.
Speed monitoring and control may be required.

7.6.2 LRV’s
Placement of signals, junction boxes, and speed checks will be affected by the LRV clearance
profile and braking including the Guaranteed Emergency Brake Rate (GEBR) characteristics.
The interface between the Train Borne Equipment and the LRV is categorized into Motorman,
mechanical, electrical (discrete) and electrical (communications). Commands to subsystems
may be shared by more than one subsystem (e.g. emergency brake train line is shared by the
disc brakes and propulsion units).
7.6.3 EMC
Any interfacing equipment or system, including its track circuits where applicable, must be
electromagnetically compatible with the worst-case conducted and inductive emissions from
the ETS LRVs and traction power system and overhead contact wire, as well as from City and
neighbour radio systems.
Any equipment for interface purposes should conform to IEEE STD 1100-1999,
Recommended Practice for Powering and Grounding Sensitive Electronic Equipment.
Emissions of signal equipment shall conform with EN50121-4:2006, “Railway applications
Emission and immunity of the signalling and telecommunications apparatus.

7.6.4 Power
Ratings/specification of transformers must match available power source.

Final Issue July 2017 7.24


7.6.5 Traction Power Substation

The LRT signal design must recognize that negative traction power is connected to rails via
the centre tap of the impedance bond.

7.6.6 Overhead Catenary

Any sudden change in gradient, such as approaches to stations or tunnels, may require a
lower posted speed. This condition may require speed monitoring and control.

7.6.7 Traffic Signals

Whenever a road or pedestrian crossing is required, the signal system must be properly
coordinated at these locations as it impacts on:
 Approach time,
 Extended approach time,
 Type of grade crossing protection required.
The signal system must be compatible with the vehicular traffic controller to optimize
intersection capacity, location, and speed of train.
The Capital Line and Metro Line utilize an advanced interface to the traffic control system that
does provide absolute priority to train movements but also provides a targeted pre-emption
function that should help to minimize disruption to vehicular traffic movements through the
LRT corridor.
Trains must pre-empt traffic signals on approach to a grade crossing with consideration of two
data points from the traffic controller included in the vital circuitry of the LRT signal system that
allow a train to be held in a station to wait for an optimal point in the traffic cycle to be
The data points are:
 Traffic OK – True if all components of the traffic controller are operating correctly. If this
point is not true, all data received from the traffic controller will be ignored by the LRT
signal system.
 Hold In Station – True if the traffic controller requires the train to wait in the station for an
optimal point in the traffic cycle to be released.
Civil Facilities
Grade crossing protection of roadways is required. The signal design must ensure adequate
call-on time. The speed across the road may have to be monitored/controlled.
The location of insulated joints, signals, and track magnets must be coordinated with design of
the station platform. Where trains stop at the platform should also be considered.
Speed monitoring and control may be required as trains approach tunnels and overpasses.

7.7.1 Signal System Contractor
The Contractor must provide the following:
 The detailed system design specification of the any new LRT signal systems. The design
must be compatible to the existing Edmonton LRT signal systems. Refer to Section 7.7.3
for Design Deliverables and Contractors Submittals.
 The supply and installation all other equipment and material necessary for a fully
functional signal system, including, but may not be limited to:
o electronic interlocking computers

Final Issue July 2017 7.25


o signalling and communication systems

o relays
o power transformers
o electrical distribution panels
o track switch machines
o wayside junction boxes
o signal equipment
o wheel detectors or sensors
o track magnets
o all grade crossing protection equipment
o track bonding’s
o UPSs
o Impedance bonds
o Knife switches
o Wayside supervisory system
o Vital control equipment
 The testing of the completed installation integrated with the ATS System. It must be
demonstrated to ETS that the new integrated system meets the functional and
performance specification requirements and complies with all applicable codes and
7.7.2 Deliverables Design Plans and Specifications

The Contractor must provide the preliminary design to ETS for review and approval prior to
the preparation of detailed construction plans and specifications.
In the process of developing the detailed plans and specifications (based on the approved
preliminary design), the Contractor must submit the documents to ETS for review and
The Contractor must not provide further submittals to ETS until the previous submittal has
been reviewed and commented on by ETS and the Contractor has incorporated the previous
review comments in the forthcoming submittal. It is the Contractor’s responsibility to keep
track of all submittals and comments from ETS. Contractor Submittals

The Contractor must submit drawings and system descriptions to ETS for review and approval
in both electronic format and hard copy. It is the responsibility of the Contractor to keep track
of their submittal and ensure ETS’s comments have been incorporated in the upcoming
The Contractor must not purchase any equipment until approval has been granted in writing
by ETS. ETS’s signature on the Contractor’s submittals does not release Contractors from the
responsibility of ensuring the proper operation and the integrity of the installation of the system


For detailed information on commissioning and testing of the signal system refer to the Signals
Engineering Standard Manual, Section 8 as well as Chapter 1 General, Section 1.6.
All testing and commissioning will be carried out in the presence of the City or the Engineer.
All testing and commissioning activities must be performed in sequence on all systems,
subsystems, assemblies, subassemblies, components purchased or designed and software or

Final Issue July 2017 7.26


firmware provided. Software test documentation should be in accordance with IEEE Standard
829, Standard for Software Test Documentation.
Proper testing and commissioning test plans, procedures and schedule for testing should be
laid out for ETS review and acceptance before performing any testing in the field. All
prerequisite acceptance tests must be performed prior to the applicable integration test.
Independent, qualified and experienced test personnel should perform the tests or supervise
the testing. Valid calibration certificates must be provided for all the test instruments, certified
by an authorized laboratory.
The original testing documents and test reports should be submitted to ETS as a part of
testing document package.
The Contractor must not ship any LRT signal equipment until factory tests have been
completed, accepted and signed off by the City or the Engineer.
The results of testing and commissioning must be assembled in the O&M Manuals (refer to
Chapter 1 General, Section 1.7.2)


The Contractor must conduct comprehensive training courses to all users on the new system.
Training groups will generally consist of:
 LRT Controllers, supervisors
 LRT signals hardware maintenance personnel
 LRT signals software maintenance and system administrators
 Overview presentation and introduction to ETS (LRT) management
All training must be provided in Edmonton at the D.L. Macdonald Maintenance Facility training
boardrooms, where possible. Training schedules shall be conducted in a manner that it does
not impact the ongoing operation and maintenance of the LRT system. All training schedules
must be approved by ETS, LRT Section.
In addition the Contractor is required to ensure that the following requirements are met:
 All necessary high quality (resolution) training materials and equipment for classes is
 Instructional aids like handouts, slides, transparencies, videos, simulators as well as
supplemental material for functional mock-up or functional representation.
 Hands-on training is included in each training session.
 Training is provided to all system operators, including LRT Controllers, prior to the
beginning of the system availability test.
 Training material sufficient to support continued in-house training by ETS (LRT).
 Use written or practical tests to determine adequate transfer of knowledge to the trainee.
Training Materials must meet the following requirements:
 Be targeted for the particular training group.
 Be written in simple English and is clear and precise.
 Include as much illustrations, tables, charts, graphics and computer screen-prints as
 Include sufficient detail and classroom exercises, materials and demonstrations.
 Include safety procedures and instructions.
 A complete final draft to be submitted to ETS for review and acceptance prior to
distribution to all trainees.
 Both paper copies and CD-Recordable electronic format of accepted material to be

Final Issue July 2017 7.27


The training material will become the trainee’s reference document. The Instructor or Author
who prepares the training material must not assume that the trainee knows any part of the
system prior to training. To assist the trainee in understanding the subject matter better,
provide numerous examples.
ETS reserves the right to copy all training manuals and aids for use in future ETS conducted
training courses.


Refer to Chapter 1 General, Sections 1.7.1 and 1.7.2 and Appendix I to that chapter for the
detailed requirements for Plan of Record drawings and O & M Manuals.

Final Issue July 2017 7.28

Chapter 8 – Revision Tracking Form


Chapter 8
2017 EDITION – Revisions Tracking Form
Section Reference Revision General Description Issue Date
All Entire Text Chapter 8 – Communications and Control has July 2017
undergone significant revision from the 2011



8.2.1  Railway Certifications 4 
8.2.2  Other Certifications 4 
8.2.3  Regulatory Compliance 4 
8.2.4  Hazard Level Classification 4 
8.2.5  Electrical Safety Compliance 4 
8.2.6  EMC Compliance 4 
8.2.7  EMC Immunity 5 
8.2.8  Environmental Compliance 5 
8.2.9  Safety Standards Compliance 5 
8.2.10  Telecom Interface Compliance 5 
8.2.11  Electromagnetic Compatibility 5 
8.3.1  Fares System 5 
8.3.2  Building Management System (BMS) 5 
8.3.3  Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) 6 
8.3.4  Telephone Systems 6 
8.3.5  Public Address (PA) and Variable Message Sign Systems (VMS) 6 
8.3.6  Radio System 6 
8.3.7  Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) 7 
8.3.8  Signals Network 7 
8.3.9  Other Subsystems 7 
8.5.1  General 8 
8.5.2  BMS 8 
8.5.3  Public Address System 8 
8.5.4  Radio System 8 
8.5.5  CCTV 8 
8.5.6  Security System 8 
8.5.7  Other LRT Control Systems 8 
8.5.8  General Design Objectives and Requirements 8 
8.6.1  Introduction and Overview 12 
8.6.2  Control Centers 12 
8.6.3  Data Centers 15 
8.6.4  Communication Rooms 17 
8.6.5  Wiring Closets 19 
8.6.6  HVAC General 19 
8.6.7  Powering and UPS 19 
8.6.8  Overall Workmanship 20 
8.7.1  Introduction and Overview 20 

Final Issue July 2017 I


8.7.2  Communications Common Infrastructure 21 

8.7.3  Communication Room Common Infrastructure 21 
8.7.4  Network Architecture 21 
8.7.5  Fibre Optic Cable System 21 
8.7.6  Copper Cable Network 22 
8.7.7  Remote Device Powering Methods 22 
8.7.8  Surge Arrestors 23 
8.7.9  Entrance Conduits and Terminal Blocks 23 
8.7.10  Low Voltage Conduits & Distribution 24 
8.7.11  Station Telephone Distribution 24 
8.7.12  Equipment Racks & Cable Tray Assembly 24 
8.7.13  Cable Tray Structure 24 
8.7.14  Ancillary Equipment 25 
8.7.15  Communication Room Size 25 
8.7.16  Environmental 25 
8.7.17  Grounding 25 
8.7.18  Wayside Facilities 26 
8.7.19  Station Facilities 26 
8.8.1  General Considerations 30 
8.8.2  Quality 30 
8.8.3  Design Factors 31 
8.8.4  Outside Plant Cabling 31 
8.8.5  Station/Facilities 38 
8.9.1  Cable Labeling and Identification 39 
8.9.2  Cabling and Wiring Color Code Conventions 40 
8.10.1  General 40 
8.10.2  Identity Management 41 
8.10.3  DNS, DHCP and IP Address Management 41 
8.10.4  Security 41 
8.10.5  Remote Access 42 
8.10.6  Monitoring and Alarming 42 
8.10.7  Configuration Management 42 
8.10.8  Software 42 
8.10.9  Software Updates and Lifecycle 44 
8.10.10  Logging, Big Data and Analytics 44 
8.11  FARES SYSTEM 45 
8.12.1  BMS Definitions 46 
8.12.2  Nomenclature General Structure 46 
8.12.3  General Description 47 
8.12.4  BMS Operation and Maintenance Manuals 49 
8.12.5  BMS Equipment Requirements 49 
8.12.6  Requirements for the BMS Monitoring and Control of Systems 50 
8.12.7  Control Logic Software, Graphics and Alarming Requirements 54 
8.12.8  Training 55 
8.12.9  Documentation 55 

Final Issue July 2017 II


8.13  CCTV 55 

8.13.1  Applicable Codes, Standards, Regulations and Practices 55 
8.13.2  Product Acceptability 56 
8.13.3  Naming conventions 56 
8.13.4  Architecture 56 
8.13.5  Archiving - Video Archiver Servers 79 
8.13.6  Multicast Scheme 80 
8.13.7  Alarm Connections 80 
8.13.8  Monitoring and Alarming 80 
8.13.9  Remote Management and Access 82 
8.13.10  Cameras & Programming 83 
8.13.11  Required site coverage / CCTV Camera Views 105 
8.13.12  Cabling methods 108 
8.13.13  Camera Poles 109 
8.14  PA/VMS 109 
8.14.1  General 109 
8.14.2  Existing PA/VMS System 109 
8.14.3  Applicable Codes, Regulations and Standards 111 
8.14.4  Functional Requirements 111 
8.14.5  Location Considerations 112 
8.14.6  System and Component Design Requirements 112 
8.14.7  Interfacing Requirements 114 
8.14.8  Amplifiers 115 
8.14.9  Signs 115 
8.14.10  Installation and Design of Signs 116 
8.14.11  Naming Conventions 117 
8.14.12  Microphones 117 
8.14.13  Integration to the Central Phone System 117 
8.15.1  General 117 
8.15.2  Functional and Phone Equipment Requirements 117 
8.15.3  Naming conventions 118 
8.15.4  Extension convention 118 
8.15.5  Monitoring of devices 118 
8.15.6  Automated Device Testing 118 
8.15.7  Integration to PA/VMS 118 
8.15.8  Redundancy 118 
8.15.9  Phones 119 
8.15.10  Phone System Cabling Methods 120 
8.15.11  Phone System Powering Methods 121 
8.15.12  Phone programming 121 
8.15.13  Central management of all help phone devices 121 
8.15.14  Enclosures, Panels and Backboards 121 
8.15.15  Call recording 121 
8.15.16  Camera Behavior with Help phones 122 
8.15.17  Caller ID conventions 122 
8.15.18  Distribution Design Requirements 122 
8.16  RADIO SYSTEMS 122 
8.16.1  General 122 
8.16.2  Portable radios 123 
8.16.3  Mobile Radios 124 

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8.16.4  Installation standards 124 

8.16.5  Tunnel Radio system 124 
8.16.6  Industry Specs for all devices 124 
8.16.7  Network connection to AFRRCS 125 
8.16.8  Redundancy 125 
8.16.9  Console Programming 126 
8.16.10  Call recording 126 
8.16.11  Monitoring of devices 126 
8.16.12  Talk groups 126 
8.16.13  DAS 127 
8.16.14  BDAs 127 
8.16.15  Radiax and installation 128 
8.16.16  Coax and installation 128 
8.16.17  Coverage expectations 129 
8.16.18  Ground Level Stations (including terrestrial coverage) 129 
8.16.19  BER measurements 129 
8.16.20  Radio System Replacement 129 
8.17.1  Conventions 130 
8.17.2  Architecture 130 
8.17.3  Device requirements 130 
8.17.4  Redundancy 130 
8.17.5  Monitoring of Devices 130 
8.17.6  Signals Fibre Backbone 130 
8.18.1  EPCOR RACIs 131 
8.18.2  Architecture 131 
8.18.3  Naming conventions 131 
8.18.4  Transfer Trip 131 
8.18.5  SCADA control 131 
8.18.6  Redundancy 131 
8.18.7  Device requirements 131 
8.18.8  Traction Power Fibre Backbone 131 
8.18.9  Monitoring of Devices 132 
8.18.10  Optical Isolation 132 
8.19.1  Card Access System 132 
8.19.2  Public Wi-Fi 132 
8.19.3  Third Party Advertising 133 
8.19.4  Third Party Connectivity 133 
8.20.1  Installation, Testing, Manuals, and Training 134 
8.20.2  Testing and Inspection of Equipment and Systems 135 
8.20.3  System Demonstration 135 
8.20.4  Final Inspection for Completion of Contracts 136 
8.21.1  Project Record Drawings 136 
8.21.2  Operation and Maintenance Manuals 137 

Final Issue July 2017 IV


List of Figures
Figure 1 - Handhole Lid Integrated into Platform 
Figure 2 - Preferred Access Hatch 
Figure 3 - Above Platform Layout 
Figure 4 - Preferred Cable Layout in Cable Tray 
Figure 5 - CCTV Interface Subsystems 
Figure 6 - Tunnel Intrusion Detection System Physical Layout 
Figure 7 - Varifocal Lens Selection 
Figure 8 - Varifocal Lens Models 
Figure 9 - CBTC under “Existing train tracking & user inputs” 

List of Appendices

Final Issue July 2017 V




Acronym Description

ABC Alberta Building Code

ADFS Active Directory Federation Services

AM&PW Asset Management and Public Works Buildings and Facilities Maintenance

AODA Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act

AWG American Wire Gauge

BCP Best Common Practice

BDA Bi-Directional Amplifier

BER Bit-Error-Rate

BICSI Building Industry Consulting Services International

BLSR Bi-directional Line Switched Ring

BMS Building Management System

CATP Customer Acceptance Test Plan

CCD Charge Coupled Device

CCTV Closed Circuit Television

CLG Cooling systems monitoring and control

CMO Carbon Monoxide condition monitoring

CTC Centralized Train Control

CWDM Course Wave Division Multiplexing

DA Directory Access

DAS Distributed Antenna System

DDC Direct Digital Control System

DMVPN Dynamic Multipoint Virtual Private Network (DMVPN) technology

DSD Design Services Document

DSP Digital Signal Processing

DVR Digital Video Recorder

Final Issue July 2017 8.1


EDACS Enhanced Digital Access Communication System

ELC Electrical Systems Monitoring

ELV Elevator Monitoring and Control

ESC Escalator Monitoring and Control

FIR Fire Suppression Systems Monitoring

FOSC Fibre Optic Splice Closure

FPS Frames Per Second

GAS Natural Gas System Monitoring and Control

GbE Gigibit Ethernet

GEN Generator Systems Monitoring

GEX General Exhaust Systems Monitoring and Control

GLY Glycol Heating Systems Monitoring and Control

GBIC Gigabit Interface Converter

GOA Government of Alberta (GoA).

GPS Global Positioning Satellite

GUI Graphic User Interface

HDF Hortonworks Data Flow

HDP Hortonworks Data Platform

HTG Heating Systems Monitoring and Control

HWx Heating Water Systems Monitoring and Control where “x” = system numbers

IP Internet Protocol

IPS Images Per Second

LDAP Lightweight Directory Access Protocol

LRT Light Rail Transit

LTG Lighting System Monitoring and Control.

MPEG Moving Picture Experts Group part 4

MUx Make-up air systems monitoring and control where “x” = system number

NAS Network Video Recorder

NEXT Near End Crosstalk (Loss)

NVR Network Video Recorder

Final Issue July 2017 8.2


OAT Outdoor Air Condition Monitoring.

OFR On-Frequency Repeaters

OSE Optical Splice Enclosure

OWS Operator Work Station

POP Proof of Payment

PCoIP PC-over-IP

PIDS Passenger Information Display System

POE Power Over Ethernet

POP Proof of Payment

POT Portable Operator Terminal

PTZ Pan, Tilt, Zoom Camera

PSU Power Supply Unit

RADIUS Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service

RRS Radio Repeater System

SCA SCADA System Alarm Monitoring.

SCADA Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition

SEC Security and Alarm Monitoring Systems

SRS Signals Room Switch

TCO Total Cost of Ownership

TGB Terminal Ground Bus

TPSS Traction Power Substation

TPPSS Traction Power Sub Stations

RAK Rack or Equipment Cabinet

RSV Rail Smart Card Validator


SAN Storage Area Network

SMK Smoke Control Monitoring and Control

SMP Sump Monitoring

SNW Track Snow Blower Monitoring and Control

SPK Speaker

SPT Space Temperature Monitoring

Final Issue July 2017 8.3


TEL Telephone

TVM Ticket Vending Machine

TVV Ticket Vending Validator

UPS Uninterruptable Power Supply

UPSR Unidirectional Path Switched Ring

VDA Video Distribution Amplifier

VGW Voice Gateway

VNC Virtual Network Computing

VRF Virtual Routing and Forwarding

WAP Wireless Access Point

WBS Wireless Base Station

WDM Optical Wave Division Multiplexor

WSU Wireless Subscriber Unit


8.2.1 Railway Certifications

 EN 50121-4
 IEC 62236-4

8.2.2 Other Certifications

 MEF CE 2.0
 NEBS Level

8.2.3 Regulatory Compliance

 ETSI Standards
 ANSI Standards

8.2.4 Hazard Level Classification

8.2.5 Electrical Safety Compliance

 UL 609550-1 ed.2003

8.2.6 EMC Compliance


Final Issue July 2017 8.4


8.2.7 EMC Immunity

 EN 300 386
 IEC/EN 61000-4-3 Radiated Immunity

8.2.8 Environmental Compliance

 Telecordia GR-1089-CORE, Issue 6
 Telecordia GR-63-CORE, Issue 3

8.2.9 Safety Standards Compliance

 UL/CSA 60950-22
 CSA-C22.2 No.94
 CAN/CSA-B72-M87
 UL50
 IEC/EN 60950-22
 IEC 60529
 cTUVus, CB

8.2.10 Telecom Interface Compliance

 ITU-T G.703

8.2.11 Electromagnetic Compatibility

 CE Mark
 EN
 VCCI Class A

The LRT communications system is designed to link the Control Centre located at Churchill
Station and related equipment facilities with LRT stations, traction power substations (TPSS)
and LRT signaling facilities throughout the LRT system. These facilities are not manned. The
system must have the capability for LRT staff to remotely monitor and control, when
necessary, passengers, intruders and equipment that are in these facilities.
The primary communications system is comprised of a number of subsystems as follows:

8.3.1 Fares System

For greater detail on the Fare Equipment monitoring and control system (refer to Chapter 10
Station and Ancillary Facilities, Section 10.5). In this document please refer to Section 8.11.

8.3.2 Building Management System (BMS)

The BMS is equipment that is necessary for monitoring and controlling heating, ventilation and
air conditioning (HVAC) equipment at LRT stations and TPSS’s (refer to Section 8.12). The
BMS is interconnected with the security system and receives (using dry contacts) notification
from the security system if a security breach has occurred (refer to Section 8.12)
The BMS is the remote monitoring system that is responsible for remote monitoring and
control of all remote I/O devices such as HVAC, wayside devices, escalators, elevators,
generators, UPS, smoke fans, station lighting and any other device requiring connection via

Final Issue July 2017 8.5


contacts or analog signals. This system is used to give the control room operators a complete
overview and picture of the status of all stations in the LRT system.

8.3.3 Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA)

The status of protective relays, transformers, and circuit breakers in the TPSS is remotely
monitored (for information only) by SCADA from the EPCOR Control Centre. This system is
under the jurisdiction of EPCOR. It is discussed in Chapter 8, Traction Power Networks,
Section 8.18.

8.3.4 Telephone Systems

Nortel CS-1000 telephone switches, dedicated for LRT staff use, are located at the ETS
Control Centre (Churchill), Health Sciences Station, and Southgate Station. These switches
provide telephone access and switching services for the control center staff to all staff phones
along the LRT ROW, elevator access phones, service space phones, washroom access
phones, and for Emergency Help phones (refer to Section 8.15).
This system is entirely made up of analog devices and a few digital phone sets in the control
room. The vast majority of the system is used for public help phone calls from transit facilities
back to the main control room. This is where all communications are recorded by central
voice loggers. Calls placed from service phones used by ETS staff to the outside world are
not recorded and make up the remaining use cases for the phone system.
ETS is in the process of transitioning this system to one that is capable of analog and VoIP.
There are several reasons for this:
i. Ease of installation and deployment on new site installations. There will no longer be any
need to run a separate copper cable as everything can be run on fibre and the network
deployment at site.
ii. Migration to VoIP based help phones that can self-test to ensure functionality. This will
help to eliminate weekly testing currently done by Security and outside contractors.
iii. Ability to easily add redundant links to the PSTN network.
iv. Better visibility into the operation of the main backend system and the ability to take
addition of extensions in house as needed.
v. Simplification of management of the entire system from endpoint to backend.

8.3.5 Public Address (PA) and Variable Message Sign Systems (VMS)
The PA/VMS system is to provide the capability for the control center staff to make
announcements to patrons in all LRT stations and interconnected to the PA system is the
VMS, which displays visual messages at LRT station platforms (refer to Section 8.14).

8.3.6 Radio System

The Edmonton LRT System shares a radio system with the Edmonton Police Service and
Edmonton Emergency Response Department. The system is a 4 site, GPS Simulcast EDACS
trunked radio system employing 20 channels in the public safety band of the 800 MHz
spectrum. Edmonton LRT utilizes 38 talk groups to meet LRT wireless communications
requirements (refer to Section 8.16).
ETS is currently undergoing a project to migrate from EDACS to the provincial AFRRCS P25
based radio system. This will be a shared system with all first responders in the Edmonton
area and will have a similar capability to the existing EDACS system. The major difference is
that all backend maintenance of the system will be done by the Alberta Government and
ETS’s only responsibility will be to maintain the end user equipment in all vehicles and the
control room.

Final Issue July 2017 8.6


8.3.7 Closed Circuit Television (CCTV)

The CCTV system allows operations personnel and Controllers to remotely monitor and
record activities at all LRT stations and other designated locations (refer to Section 8.13).
This system is used primarily for safety and security of patrons on the system but is also used
for LRT operations in gaining an awareness of situations and status in all LRT facilities. This
system has also become the central point for security alarms and security related functions
and is relied upon by ETS on a 24/7 basis.
The Edmonton LRT System is equipped with a Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) surveillance
system that assists in the management of train operations, public safety, and security. It is
comprised of video imaging, processing, display, and recording equipment along with a fibre
optic data transmission network.
The CCTV system continuously records activities occurring within the fields-of-view of all
cameras located at LRT stations and other designated locations and allows operations
personnel and Controllers to remotely live-monitor as well as review the recordings of the
cameras. ETS has migrated the majority of the legacy analogue CCTV system to an updated
Unified Security Platform (USP).

8.3.8 Signals Network

The Signals network consists of a ring of switches providing layer 2 connectivity to all of the
GE Vital Logic Controllers (VLC). Communications is responsible for monitoring and
maintaining this network. Section 8.17 provides the design guidelines for the Signals Network.

8.3.9 Other Subsystems

Several other major communications subsystems are required on Edmonton’s LRT System.
They are the Centralized Traffic Control (CTC) system for the control of the LRT Trains (refer
to Chapter 7 Signals) and the Fare Equipment monitoring and control system (refer to Chapter
10 Station and Ancillary Facilities, Section 8.19).
The LRT communications systems use a combination of fibre optic and copper based cables
for the various subsystems. Sections 8.8, 8.9 and 8.19 provide the design guidelines for
cabling and the cable transmission system.


All design work, equipment and material selection must conform to or exceed the latest
editions of the codes and standards issued by:
 Alberta Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S) Act
 Alberta Chemical Hazards Regulations
 Alberta General Safety Regulations
 Guidelines for Non-ionizing Radiation IRPA/INIRC
 Guidelines on Office Ergonomics CSA-Z412
 Indoor Air Quality ASHRAE 55-1992
 Industrial Lighting ANSI/IES-RP-7-1991
 Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality ASHRAE 62-1989


Additional documentation that may be relevant to the design of the communication system
components are listed below. They are on file at the D.L. MacDonald Maintenance Facility
and available to the Consultant upon request. If differences between this guideline and the
reference documents listed below occur, then the most recent reference document must be
the Consultant’s basis for design.

Final Issue July 2017 8.7


8.5.1 General
 General Guidelines for the Design of Light Rail Transit Facilities in Edmonton - 2009
 LRT Design Guidelines For ETS Edmonton Transit System – Final Issue July 2011
 Naming Conventions Best Common Practice, Issue 1.0”, dated January 2016
 Solution Integration and Deployment Report Version 5.2 - March 1, 2011

8.5.2 BMS
 LRT Network Overview Schematic.

8.5.3 Public Address System

 U of A Station Upgrade PA and Acoustics Report – September 2000

8.5.4 Radio System

 GPS Simulcast Upgrade, City of Edmonton – Tyco Electronics June 2008
 Andrews Radiax Antenna Design Reference

8.5.5 CCTV
 APTA IT-RP-001-08 V1.3 - Technical Recommended Practice for: The selection of
Cameras, Digital Recording Systems, Digital High Speed Train-lines and Networks for use
in Transit related CCTV systems – American Public Transportation Association 2007

8.5.6 Security System

 ETS has implemented the Tyco C-Cure 800/8000 or 9000 Security and event
management solution. System support documents can be found at
 The Security System is maintained by the City Of Edmonton Public Works group and their
standards and documentation for installation must be referenced.

8.5.7 Other LRT Control Systems

 There are several other major control systems on Edmonton’s LRT system. They are
discussed in other chapters of the LRT Design Guidelines and are listed below with the
reference to the corresponding chapter and Section:
o Central Traffic Control (CTC) – Chapter 7 Signals, Section 7.5.9.
o Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) – Chapter 6 Traction Power,
Section 6.2.
o Central Data Collection and Information System (CDCIS) for Fare Collection
Equipment - Chapter 10 Stations and Ancillary Facilities, Section 10.5.4.
o (NextFare) – Chapter 10 Stations and Ancillary Facilities, Section 10.5.4.

8.5.8 General Design Objectives and Requirements Common Fundamental Design Goals and Objectives
The following provides a summary of the fundamental design objectives which were arrived at
from LRT project post mortem discussions and technical reviews with key personnel and
project disciplines.

Final Issue July 2017 8.8

i. The design objective is to minimize the number of components utilized in the
communication systems.
ii. All systems must be designed with integration in mind. Physical segregation of common
system equipment in all communication rooms is to be avoided.
iii. All operator functions must be capable of being installed and utilized on shared operator
workstations in control. Individual workstations for various programs are to be avoided.
iv. A critical component of any communications system is the ability to centrally monitor and
assure that the system is operating as designed. Any solution installed in the ETS
environment must have a monitoring and assurance solution incorporated as part of the
main system design.
v. All new systems must include a Design Services Document (DSD) to describe how the
system functions within the ETS system.
vi. Consistency from one site to another must be applied. The organization and layout of
most types of communications facilities is well established and must be followed in
deployment of new sites.
vii. The Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) must be considered will all solutions to be deployed.
The driving factor in selecting any solution must not be the one time up front cost.
Keeping maintenance costs to a minimum must be the priority when deciding on any
viii. Any interconnections between systems will preferably be driven by software connections
as opposed to hardware interconnects. If software is to be used, there must be a
supportable model to ensure the links will not be broken when either system on each side
of the link is upgraded.
ix. Redundancy is an important consideration for every point in the system: power, cooling,
network connections and local hardware. IT Rooms
i. Standardization of equipment cabinets in each communication room is required to ensure
cabinets and their layouts are the same from one Communications room to another.
ii. When multiple cabinets must be used in a location, consideration must be given to a
central patching bay for connections of devices between cabinets. The goal is to ensure
that only standard length (6 or 10 foot) patch cords are needed to plug anything in at any
location and these cables do not need to be in overhead cable trays. The goal is to
install once and not touch again. Appropriate future capacity needs to be planned in to
ensure this goal will be realized for the longer term.
iii. Each room must be constructed with the nature of the equipment being housed in it
under consideration. Ensuring that all communications rooms have vapor barriers to
keep humid air in, all floors and ceiling tiles are dust free and proper cooling solutions in
place are the basic considerations for any communications facility. Equipment, Devices and Components
i. All equipment must be remotely manageable both in band and out of band. This means
IP interfaces must exist on all equipment related to the communication system from the
UPS to the individual devices and also include the ability to carry out remote power
cycling of all devices.
ii. All servers are to be centrally located in the two main datacenters at USR and DLM. ETS
is in the process of introducing a third data center at City Hall. Any servers that are
required will be located in cooperation with ETS and must be approved by ETS prior to
iii. Any new devices that are currently not used by ETS and are being proposed as part of a
project must be reviewed by ETS and an accompanying Best Common Practice (BCP)
document must be created and submitted to ETS.

Final Issue July 2017 8.9


iv. All components in the communications rooms must be capable of being 19 inch rack
mounted and capable of being densely installed. Individual units that each have their own
power supply (such as media converters that do not share a power supply for multiple
runs) are not acceptable. Only chassis based solutions with redundant power supplies
are to be used. Powering
i. All communications equipment must be UPS fed and, where possible, generator fed.
Any exceptions will be noted in each individual section in these guidelines. This includes
all endpoints as well as headend equipment and satellite wiring closets.
ii. Power and data to be carried on the same cable where possible to allow for centralized
management of all end devices down to the power level. Ideally, all end devices should
be able to be remotely power cycled. This arrangement will also allow for centralized
power from a UPS generator source. PoE is to be used for device locations within 90 m
of a central switch and powered fibre solutions should be considered for any device
beyond 90 m and closer than 3 km.
iii. The goal for UPS power must be to power everything from one central UPS per station.
Individual satellite units for smaller cabinets must be avoided as much as possible. Any
exceptions must be reviewed by ETS prior to installation. Cabling
i. All structured cabling installations must follow BICSI standards and Cat 6 cable runs in
excess of 90m will be deemed unacceptable.
ii. ETS uses a cable connection and rack layout documentation system called Patch
Manager. All as-built documentation must be added to this system as part of any project
that requires changes to the cabling system or adds new equipment in communications
iii. All patch cables must be separated into copper and fibre and kept separate within
communications cabinets and cable management raceways. Copper is kept to the left
side and fibre is kept to the right side. All power connections are to be organized in the
rear of the cabinet.
iv. All indoor backbone fibre splicing is to be done in a wall mounted splice enclosure with
factory pre terminated pigtails. All outdoor FOSC fibre splicing must be completed using
fusion splicing methods. Spurs and other intra facility runs can be done the same way
and alternative methods such as rack mounted splice cassettes will also be considered.
All methods for fibre installation proposed by the contractor must be approved by ETS
prior to installation.
v. The majority of sites utilizing a lower number of fibre strands must use SC-APC type fibre
connectors. Any high density locations such as multiple fibre backbone meet-me
locations, datacenters and control rooms must use LC-APC connectors. The connector
types used at any site for any project must be approved by ETS prior to installation. Wireless Solutions
i. Wireless solutions can be used but must be considered carefully. If the project is
Greenfield, there is little to no reason to use wireless when wired can be used. The
preferred approach to wireless is to set up wireless “pods” with a central radio connected
to a managed switch providing service to devices within a 90 m radius of the central
cabinet. UPS power must be supplied at the cabinet. The use of Individual radios on
multiple poles for transmission back to a central base station is not acceptable. Software Systems
i. Single sign-on must be used wherever possible for applications and end device access.
LDAP, AD and RADIUS are the currently accepted methods to accomplish this.

Final Issue July 2017 8.10


ii. Central management software suites should exist for all end devices to be installed. For
example, ETS utilizes many AXIS products from cameras to encoders and all of these
devices can be centrally managed by the Axis Management System.
iii. All workstations are to be centrally located either in the control room datacenter or the
main ETS datacenters. The currently accepted technology to utilize central workstations
is PCoIP. Other methods can be considered but will need prior approval by ETS before
being installed.
iv. Centralized Monitoring solutions should exist for all key system operational performance
indicators such as CPU, memory, bandwidth, hardware status, application status, log file
analysis, power utilization from the local device and other points such as the generators,
electrical distribution panels and UPS must be included. HVAC utilization as well as
temperature and humidity of all communications facilities must also be included. General Design Requirements
The following are the general requirements that must be taken into consideration for each of
the communications subsystems:
i. The existing LRT communications system is comprised of a variety of different
technologies and equipment. When possible, equipment at new stations should be the
same as what is currently being used. If certain equipment is no longer available, provide
an acceptable alternative that can be used with the current system or plan on replacing
all obsolete and incompatible equipment to accommodate the new equipment.
ii. Investigate preferences or plans in place (to be confirmed with ETS operations
personnel) that will impact selection of equipment. Meetings between the Designer and
stakeholders must be conducted at the earliest stage of design to clarify the proposed
work and systems being offered. The final design must be consensus based and
inclusive of planning, changes and upgrades that are concurrent to LRT operations.
iii. Where possible, systems should be specified that are capable of being maintained,
repaired, modified, and updated by City of Edmonton staff, or by one of a number of local
qualified contractors. It is not desirable to be limited to one source for maintenance,
repair, and upgrading.
iv. Much of the new communication equipment currently being manufactured is
microprocessor based technology. Uninterruptible power supplies (UPS) are required for
this equipment to prevent loss of data, or problems associated with the restarting of the
v. Where possible, specifications should be based on open standards for interoperability.
Specifications should include bid evaluation criteria that comply with this requirement.
The use of environmentally hardened* electronic equipment will address some of the
environmental factors presented in the section below. The use of this class of equipment
is encouraged.
*Note: Environmental hardening generally refers to enhancements that are made to electronics in order
that they can withstand the “elements”. Enhancements can include water-tight, water-proof; dust-tight or
dust-proof; rugged enclosure or housing, increased allowable operating temperature range, RFI
shielding effectiveness, etc. Environmental Factors

There are a number of location and environmental factors which must be taken into
consideration as follows:
i. Temperature sensitive equipment can be problematic when installed in unheated or
uncontrolled locations.
ii. Poor air quality (high in dust particles) can affect newer electronic and computer
iii. Electromagnetic interference (from LRT catenary, and LRV’s) can affect
electronic/computer equipment.

Final Issue July 2017 8.11


iv. Arrival/departures of trains at surface stations or noise from activities from adjacent
developments/land-uses can create high ambient noise levels.
v. Way radios used by LRT staff have the potential for affecting sensitive electronic
vi. Lighting levels vary dramatically dependent on the type of station (underground or
surface) and the time of day.
vii. Water leakage and high humidity levels in underground stations and in tunnels can be
Refer to Chapter 1 General, Section 1.3 for local climatic conditions.


8.6.1 Introduction and Overview

ETS currently maintains three datacenters. Two are used for all production systems related to
LRT operations and one is used for all workstations and support equipment required by the
central control room. The two production datacenters are geographically separated by about
12 km of fibre optics. One is located above ground while the other is located below ground.
These two sites are operated in an active-active fashion and both are used 24/7 to keep the
ETS communications subsystems related to LRT operating. The exact failover mechanism
depends on each individual system and is usually left up to the application to facilitate failover
There are some underlying systems that are used to allow for disaster recovery between the
two sites over and above the application redundancy. These systems are built on VMware
and SAN technology and ensure appropriate reliability for all systems operating in the ETS
In addition to the datacenters, ETS has 19 LRT communications rooms plus a multitude of
wiring closets and distribution points that make up the entire communication equipment

8.6.2 Control Centers ETS Control Center
The LRT Control Center is located at the north end of the concourse level of the Churchill LRT
Station and has been located there since LRT operations began in the late 1970’s. A recent
project to renovate the control room was completed and LRT now occupies the entire space of
the original control room. Bus Operations and Security were moved from that location to their
current location in the middle of Churchill LRT station. There are now two rooms that house
all of the ETS control and dispatch operations personnel.
As part of this project, functions were consolidated onto single workstations but some
systems, due to their critical nature or difficulty in consolidating were left as is. This has
greatly reduced the number of monitors, keyboards and mice required. Going forward, all new
applications should be designed to exist within a unified control room environment. Adding
additional new workstations to the current environment in control rooms should be avoided
and will require ETS approval.
Migration to a new location in the event of an emergency in Churchill station has never been
well defined. Moving forward, ETS is considering the use of various PCoIP solutions to locate
all workstations in the central datacenters and provide flexibility to migrate control room
functions to offsite locations that have dedicated access to the ETS network. This will allow
for rapid relocation and will provide relocated operators with the same access to all systems
as is done in the Churchill location.

Final Issue July 2017 8.12

COMMUNICATIONS & CONTROL Control Center Facility Design Requirements Functions
The control facility must be designed to align and accommodate the following functions:
 LRT Operations
 Security
 Bus Operations Location and Sizing
Ideally, the control room should be located as close as possible to the LRT corridor, preferably
next to an LRT station. This will allow for easy access to the line in the event of major issues
and will also allow for simplified connectivity to the LRT backbone fibre optic system.
Other location considerations are:
 Provision of adequate staff and visitor parking
 Ready access to basic existing utility infrastructure such as water and sewer
 Access to telephone and fibre optic cables (owned or leased)
The operating area design within the Control Centre must include the following:
 A private office for the Coordinator located away from the room access doorway so that
the Controllers do not have to walk past the office.
 Specific un-walled or open areas for each functional group (LRT, Security, and Bus
Operations). Audible communication capability between each group is essential during
incident management situations.
The minimum size for a new facility, excluding the ancillary requirements that are listed below,
is approximately 325 m2. This figure assumes that the current Control Centre staffing levels
and equipment configuration requirements do not increase. Ancillary Requirements
 A separate Contractor waiting area (approximately 25 m2) must be provided. Prior to
starting any work on the LRT system, contractors must report to the Control Centre to
receive the required site access authorization and permits.
 Staff lunch room (approximately 35 m2).
 Male and female locker rooms (approximately 75 m2 in total).
 Combined Washroom (approximately 25 m2).
 ‘Break’ or ‘quiet’ room (approximately 20 m2).
 Electronic access control features are required on all doors.
 CCTV coverage of all doors is required.
 Generator and UPS back-up power is required.
 Staff and visitor parking.
All of the functional and spatial requirements would be verified through the space planning
process associated with the design and construction of an office-type facility. Environmental Requirements
Due to the nature of 24/7 operations and the sophisticated electronic equipment it houses,
environmental considerations and requirements are a critical factor in the design of the control
center facility. In general, the following design parameters should be taken into consideration:
 A need for continuous fresh air supply.
 A requirement for stringent humidity control.
 Provision of natural light.

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 Avoid the zone of electromagnetic interference caused by the overhead catenary power
 Computer flooring may be required. Alternative arrangements such as overhead racking
should be investigated.
 Anti-static floor tiles are to be used where desks and chairs are located. Carpet is suitable
for the other areas (to assist in noise reduction).
 Cable tray or raceways should be placed under the flooring to manage the large number
of interconnection cables that are required.
 Task lighting, with dimming capability as required.
 Area lighting, with dimming capability as required.
 A relatively low ambient light level is necessary, to control glare from computer monitors.
 Light levels should be adjustable to higher levels when maintenance is required in the
 Traditional ballast fluorescent lighting is not recommended.
 Lighting levels to be in accordance with ETS accepted standards.
 Noise attenuation measures are required both on the walls and ceilings in order to reduce
the noise levels generated from: staff conversations, telephone and radio conversations,
ringing phones etc.
 Air conditioning is required. Vents should be placed in locations that do not blow directly
on staff. The air conditioning equipment must be capable of keeping the facility cool and
comfortable 24 hours a day notwithstanding the large amount of electronic equipment in
service. Additional cooling for any equipment hot spots is to be considered separately.
 Alberta code fire protection is required. A pre-action sprinkler system is acceptable. Electronic and Software Requirements

There is an extensive array of electronic and computer equipment manufactured and supplied
by a variety of firms located in the ETS Control Centre.
Prior to commencing detailed design, the accuracy of the following information should be
confirmed with the ETS LRT Electrical Systems section.
 Meridian 1 telephone handsets or current equivalent: Supplier Telus Communications,
 Programming of telephones: Telus Communications, Edmonton
 CCTV equipment, including monitors, keyboards, recording equipment: Chermik Group
Inc. Edmonton and Convergint Technologies, Edmonton.
 CTC equipment, including workstations, software, and display panel systems: Thales Rail
 BMS equipment, including workstations, software, and printers: ESC Automation,
 City of Edmonton corporate network workstations, including software and printers: City of
Edmonton IT Branch
 Radio system workstations, including software and printers: Harris
 SCADA workstations, including software and printers: EPCOR, Edmonton
 Fare equipment workstations, including software and printers: CUBIC, San Diego,
 Key Systems Inc. – New York (Best Access Calgary is the closest local representative)
Due to the complex nature of, and the importance of certain systems, such as the CTC system
and the fare equipment system, LRT staff may direct and manage the purchase of the
equipment and software. Close consultation with the LRT staff is required early in the design
stage to ensure alignment so that the expected outcomes are achieved.

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8.6.3 Data Centers

As described in the introduction of this section, ETS operates two main data centers. One is
located at DLM and the other is at University LRT station. These datacenters must adhere to
BICSI and ANSI/TIA datacenter standards (ANSI/TIA‐942‐A (2012), ANSI/BICSI 002‐2011).
Industry best practices also apply and will be expected. The following categories of
datacenter design must be followed in designing any datacenter facility: Power Distribution
Power considerations for datacenters are as follows:
i. All power in datacenters must be 208V, 3 phase distributed to each cabinet.
ii. The use of distribution bus bars is preferred. The goal of this type of system would be to
ensure the room is cabled once and flexible enough to meet future needs. The only
consideration would be to ensure that the bars are sized for the appropriate current draw
based on the current cabinet loads and future loads. The bus bar system considered
would be similar to the Starline busway system. This would allow for the changing of any
PDUs and other power outlets to each cabinet without electrical re-cabling.
iii. All cabinets must have at least 2 IP capable PDUs that are vertically mounted in a
“ZeroU” configuration and can be remotely controlled and monitored. These PDUs can
be either single phase or three phase but must have at least 20 C13 outlets and be rated
to 30 Amps. In cases where dedicated power intensive equipment is to be installed, 19
inch rack mount PDUs may be installed for the sole use of that equipment if required.
Otherwise, a second set of vertical PDUs may be installed to accommodate the power
requirements. The current ETS standard is APC but other manufacturers can be
considered in consultation with ETS.
iv. Power expandability must be a main consideration. All components in the system must
be sized for the current load but have the ability to be easily expanded to accommodate
future loading. UPS/Generator
i. A minimum redundancy level of N+1 for the UPS must be provided. However, two
physical UPS units would be a better alternative and fed from redundant distribution
ii. The UPS is used as a method to ensure that the drop in voltage that occurs when the
generator takes over does not cause the equipment to restart. As such, the UPS needs
to be sized to accommodate the load but only a short run time such as 2 hours.
iii. The UPS needs to be flexible enough to be able to accommodate future growth such as
having a large frame size but starting with a smaller UPS electronics unit. The system
needs to be able to be expanded in capacity by adding additional units as the datacenter
requirements warrant.
iv. The generator must be sized to accommodate the entire load of the datacenter plus
some additional future capacity.
v. Both the generator and UPS must be able to be remotely monitored on the IP network. Cooling
i. All cooling methods must follow industry standard hot aisle/cold aisle in-row cooling
ii. Either redundant HVAC units (a minimum of 2) need to be provisioned or multiple in-row
units can be provisioned in order to ensure cooling availability in the event of equipment
malfunction or maintenance of a unit.
iii. All blank areas of the cold side of a cabinet are to have blanking panels. Rear mounted
switches may need special ductwork to allow for the flow of cold air to the intakes.
iv. Cooling of the room must be designed in such a way as to cool the equipment and not
the room.

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v. Cooling needs to be designed in a flexible manner as the UPS described above. It must
be able to be expanded as the heating loads in the room increase with the installation of
new equipment.
vi. The cooling system must also bet capable of increasing the humidity in the room to
acceptable levels. Structured Cabling
i. All fibre terminations must be single mode and use LC patch panels.
ii. All fibre must go to a dedicated two post rack at the end of each row for interconnections.
iii. Each server cabinet will have a minimum of a 24 strand fibre run from it to the fibre
termination rack and have a top of cabinet patch panel.
iv. Each network cabinet will have a minimum of a 144 strand fibre run from it to the fibre
termination rack.
v. All copper connections must go to a dedicated two post rack at the end of each row for
interconnections. This rack is independent and is located adjacent to the fibre
termination cabinet.
vi. Each server cabinet will have a minimum of 24 copper connections from the cabinet to
the interconnection rack.
vii. Each network cabinet will have a minimum of 96 copper connections from the cabinet to
the interconnection rack.
viii. High density 48 port in one rack unit patch panels are to be used for all copper jacks in
the interconnection rack and the network cabinets.
ix. Overhead basket tray or cabinet integrated tray systems may be used to get cables to
and from the cabinets. Fibre and copper cables shall be run is separate dedicated
overhead raceways.
x. The goal would be to use multi-stranded fibres as much as possible to minimize the
number of cables in the tray. As well, consideration should be given to factory made
cabling bundles for easy plug and play installation of both copper and fibre.
xi. Overall, the goal is to cable once and minimize future adds. All cables should be
installed as cleanly as possible to allow for easier troubleshooting and maintenance.
xii. All cables are to be labeled according to ETS labeling standards and align with ANSI/TIA-
606-B standards. Cabinets
i. All cabinets must be extra deep and extra wide (800 mm Wide X 1200 mm Deep). The
currently used standard is Panduit server cabinets for servers and network cabinets for
network equipment.
ii. The height can vary depending on the space but they must be a minimum of 42 RU high.
iii. Server Cabinets must have front blanking panels to cover the vertical space caused by
the cabinet being wider and cable management fingers on the rear two posts.
iv. Network cabinets must have cable management fingers on all four posts and the front
rails be pushed back to accommodate the network connections on the front of network
v. All network cabinets must have slack spools in the cable management area to allow for
management of cable slack.
vi. All cabinets must come with PDU brackets to accommodate 4 PDUs (two per side in the
vii. Chimneys are acceptable for hot aisle containment if the room can accommodate the
extra height.
viii. Card access on each cabinet should also be considered with input from ETS.
ix. All cabinets need to be securely fastened to the floor.
x. All cabinets need to be grounded to a central busbar according to ANSI/TIA 607B.
xi. Each cabinet should contain a busbar to ground each piece of equipment.
xii. Double lug ground bars must be used for all grounding.

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xiii. Cabinets can be black or white but they must all be of the same color. Coordinate with
xiv. Cabinets should all match dimensions to create a uniform look of all cabinets. Mixing and
matching various sized cabinets must be avoided. This could also interfere with the In-
Row cooling strategy. Flooring/Structure
i. Raised flooring should generally be avoided if the space is brand new and does not
already have a raised floor. If a raised floor exists, it should only be used to distribute
cold air. Cabling in the underfloor space should be avoided if possible.
ii. All flooring should have antistatic tiles that are grounded to the central busbar.
iii. Dust needs to be kept to an absolute minimum. Sticky flooring pads need to be
positioned at each entrance for dirt control of people walking into the room.
iv. All walls, ceilings and floors must include proper vapour barriers to keep humidity in the
room at optimal levels so as not to overtax the humidity generating equipment. Fire Suppression Methods
i. Due to the sensitive nature of the equipment in the datacenter, any fire suppression
method must allow for the extinguishing of fires without the use of water. The goal is to
extinguish the flame and keep the equipment running.

8.6.4 Communication Rooms

Communication rooms are the locations at each transit facility that house the distribution and
access equipment for all end devices feeding the servers in the main datacenters. The
following should be taken into consideration in the design of the related communications
i. They must be able to accommodate fibre optic and copper patch panels, network
distribution equipment, amplifiers, and other equipment used for the communications
system with room for expansion.
ii. UPS systems should be located outside of these locations whenever possible.
iii. All power in the rooms must be fed from generator backup up UPS power sources and all
UPS units must be at least N+1 redundant.
iv. Overhead basket tray needs to installed to accommodate cable runs to the cabinets.
v. Contact closure inputs need to be installed in wall mounted boxes and fed into alarm
units or I/O devices within those boxes.
vi. The provision of heating, ventilation and air quality controls. Humidity can be difficult to
maintain given the dry environment in Edmonton. Vapor Barriers should be considered
to keep the humid air inside the communications room as much as possible.
vii. New communication and control systems are computerized. Dust can be a major
problem for computers. Dust can affect drives, CPU and heat-sink fans. Overheating will
result if dust builds up on circuit boards. Because of these issues, the room must be
designed to eliminate all sources of dust such as unsealed concrete flooring or dusty
ceiling tiles.
viii. Temperature must be controlled. Electronic and computer equipment cannot tolerate
outdoor minimum and maximum temperatures.
ix. All power distribution must be single phase 20 A 208 V with a provision for 20 A 120 V
circuits for any loads that require 120 V such as audio amplifiers.
x. All cabinets must have at least two IP capable PDUs, as described in the PDU section,
for power distribution inside all cabinets. Each PDU will have its own dedicated circuit
fed from generator backup up UPS circuits.
xi. All cabinets must be extra deep and extra wide (800 mm Wide X 1200 mm Deep) and be
network style cabinets with cable management on all four posts.

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xii. All cabinets must include card access on all locks if critical location, all locks shall be
keyed alike utilizing a master key system.
xiii. All communications rooms must include a contractor shelf that is to be used to put
contractor laptops on. This shelf shall be folded on the wall to maximize space. Above
the shelf, four Cat 6 jacks need to be installed that run to the main communications
cabinet for maintenance needs without having to open the cabinet door.
xiv. All cabling (fibre and copper) needs to be installed to the main communications cabinet
and any other cabinets must have at least 48 ports of copper connections to the main
communications cabinet. Main Communications Room
All main communications rooms shall be a minimum of 42 m2. Room configuration other than
square or rectangular are acceptable as long as same square meter size as indicated is
maintained. In these configurations, the room must be designed to accommodate the required
number of 4 post, server depth racks and allow access from all four sides of the rack. This
means a minimum of 1 m from all sides of the rack. When multiple racks are deployed, they
may be bolted together. Anti-Static mats must be deployed on at least the front and rear sides
of the cabinet extending out a minimum of 0.75 m from the cabinet edge.
The ceiling must be a minimum height of 4.0 m in order to accommodate a full 45 RU rack and
cable tray with waterfalls into each rack. Main Communications Rooms are preferred to be
located on the station itself, either on the platform or in the basement.
A minimum of two cabinets must be installed in each main communications room. One is for
the communications equipment and the second is for power distribution of a powered fibre
As powered fibre solutions start to become more mainstream, the likelihood of needing any
other locations for distribution equipment will decrease. This means that wiring closets and
secondary communications rooms will not be needed. The only thing that may end up being
installed in these locations is a wall mount junction box containing the power distribution
blocks and the fibre splice points as a means of device aggregation. TPSS Communications Rooms

When the Main Communications Room is located in a TPSS, provision must still be made for
a smaller communications room that can accommodate one 4 post cabinet 800 mm x 1200
mm. There must be access from all 4 sides. This location will be used to terminate all
structured cabling to all end devices in the station itself.
When the main communications room is in the station, provision must be made for a small
communications room in all TPSS structures to terminate fibre and structured cabling
requirements for SCADA, transfer trip, CTC, BMS, and CCTV. This space must be able to
hold a full height, 4 post, 800 mm x 1200 mm cabinet with access from all 4 sides. Anti-Static
mats must be deployed on at least the front and rear sides of the cabinet extending out a
minimum of 0.75 m from the cabinet edge. his rack can be collocated in the electrical room as
long as the required criteria, as outlined in this paragraph, have been met. Transit Center Communications Rooms
When a transit center is part of the overall LRT station design, provision must be made for a
small communications room in the transit center itself that will be used to terminate any end
devices. This space will be able to accommodate a full height 4 post cabinet at least 800 mm
x 1200 mm with access to all 4 sides. Anti-Static mats must be deployed on at least the front
and rear sides of the cabinet extending out a minimum of 0.75 m from the cabinet edge.

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When end devices are installed too far from any communications room for Cat 5e or Cat 6
cable, a distribution point may be used to extend the network coverage area. These may be
traffic signal boxes for outdoor installations, junction boxes for installation inside tunnels or
other locations inside the station. No minimum size is specified here as junction boxes can be
sized to accommodate whatever equipment needs to be housed.

8.6.5 Wiring Closets

Depending on the location of the communications rooms, it may be necessary to include
auxiliary wiring closets to connect a large number of devices at a second satellite location. An
example of this may be the situation where a communications rooms is located at the far end
of a station platform and only about half of the devices are within the 90 m radius of that
location. In order to capture the remaining devices, a wiring closet may be setup at that
opposite end of the platform. The following considerations must be made when building a
wiring closet:
i. A wall mount cabinet is acceptable but must be at least 11 RU high with vertical cable
management on both sides of the cabinet. ETS currently uses CableTalk cabinets for this
ii. UPS power must be fed to the location from a central source. Additional UPS units in the
cabinet are not acceptable.
iii. The location is not to be used as a main distribution point with network equipment. If the
number of devices becomes excessive, another communications room should be
planned for the location with a full height cabinet.
iv. Power should be 208 V 20 A. A single circuit is acceptable and power must be
distributed with an IP capable PDU. This PDU will be a horizontal rack mount unit.
v. The Main feeder cable to this location can be either copper or fibre, depending on the
distance. If copper, then the PDU control interface must be connected to the main
communications room switch for remote power cycling control.
vi. The location should have some temperature control. Air changes may be acceptable if
the temperature can be maintained within the operating parameters of the equipment to
be installed.
vii. The enclosure should be locked with ETS standard ABUS locks.
viii. Temperature monitoring should be available at the location.

8.6.6 HVAC General

Every main communications room and datacenter must have provision for cooling and heating
to maintain operating temperatures and humidity in the Edmonton ambient environment on a
year round basis. Considerations for HVAC are as follows:
i. Redundancy and expandability are required.
ii. The HVAC is used to cool (or heat) equipment as needed not the room.
iii. All HVAC equipment must be connected to the main BMS/SCADA system as well as
provide a network management controller that can be connected to the ETS OSS
network for central control and monitoring.

8.6.7 Powering and UPS

Providing power and UPS to the communications rooms must be designed with the following
in mind:
i. All power distribution is to be 208 V 20 Amp circuits within all communications facilities.
These circuits will come off of 3 phase output panels from the station UPS.

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ii. Provision may need to be made for 120 V AC input on audio amplifiers. Verification of
the acceptable input voltages of the equipment being installed needs to be made prior to
designing the power distribution.
iii. Every cabinet must have 2 redundant circuits distributed within the cabinet by an IP
capable PDU. This must have the ability to be able to be remotely shut down individual
outlets as needed. Wiring closets will only have one circuit.
iv. The UPS must be centralized for the station and all communications locations must have
UPS fed circuits.
v. The UPS must be used to bridge that gap between when the utility power goes away and
the generator power comes online.
vi. All power components feeding the communications equipment must be connected to the
OSS network for remote monitoring and limited control functions. This includes the Main
distribution meter, generator, UPS and PDUs. Network drops are to be provided to each
of these devices for connection to the OSS network. As some of these devices are in
electrical rooms, consideration should be given to using a hardened industrial access
switch in the room and optical isolating its uplink to the main communications room via

8.6.8 Overall Workmanship

All equipment shall be installed in a neat and workmanlike manner. All methods of
construction that are not specifically described in this guideline or indicated in the individual
system specifications shall be subject to the control and approval of ETS.
All materials and work, including but not limited to: equipment cabling, pathways, support
structures, wiring, equipment, installation, workmanship, maintenance and testing shall comply
with the latest editions of the Canadian Electrical Code, Canadian Electrical Safety Code, the
following list of codes and standards, and all applicable government, province and local rules
and regulations, equipment manufacturer's instructions, and the Canadian Electrical
Contractors Association (CECA) Standard of Installation. Conform with Provincial and Local
Codes. In case of discrepancy or misalignment between the documents noted above, the
contractor shall satisfy the most stringent requirements. Refer to Appendix H for a detailed list
of applicable regulatory and industry Codes and Standards.


8.7.1 Introduction and Overview

ETS is moving towards a three pillar foundation design that will allow for greater visibility,
maintainability, and standardization of its communications infrastructure. The three pillars are
as follows:
i. Network: ETS is migrating to an MPLS based services architecture that will allow for
multitenancy on the core network and deliver the strict network requirements demanded
by train control, SCADA, CCTV and other services. This will form the backbone for the
entire system and will be centrally monitored and controlled.
ii. Compute: ETS is migrating to a common compute platform that will be standard across
the board and be able to offer Virtual machines or bare metal servers to any application
that needs compute servers. This infrastructure will also be centrally monitored and
controlled with provision for full failover and disaster recovery.
iii. Storage: The entire compute platform with be migrating to a central managed SAN
solution that allows for boot from SAN and all storage necessary to run the applications.
This will be centrally monitored and controlled and have the ability to backup all data.
The foundation built with these three pillars is to be designed with a carrier grade mindset that
provides greater than 99.999% reliability and can be fully maintained with little to no downtime
of any service. ETS is operating on a 24/7 basis and the systems must stay operational at all

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times. Going forward, once this infrastructure is in place, vendors will no longer be able to
provide anything from these three categories in their solutions. They must run their
applications on the ETS provided infrastructure and work closely with ETS to ensure that their
needs are met.

8.7.2 Communications Common Infrastructure

The infrastructure that supports communications is generally comprised of four basic building
categories: Data Centers and Communications Rooms, Wayside Facilities, Station Facilities,
and Co-located Equipment Rooms. Refer to Appendix D for the Communications
Infrastructure Components diagram.

8.7.3 Communication Room Common Infrastructure

Typical equipment and devices that are located in the Communication Room are shown in
Appendix E, Typical Communications Room Layout.

8.7.4 Network Architecture

The following sections outline the various technologies and network architecture for the
transport of communication signals to from the key Communication rooms, Wayside facilities,
Station facilities, Control Rooms and Data Centres throughout the City of Edmonton LRT
As the newer MPLS based architecture is not in place today, the current architecture based on
Cisco using VLANs and VRFs will be described in this section.

8.7.5 Fibre Optic Cable System

All communications applications will utilize fully redundant central core ring backbone fibre
optic cable to transmit all data. Each system shares the network resources on this backbone
rather than utilizing individual fibre strands for each subsystem.
The following guidelines should be used in future designs of the main fibre backbone:
i. The main fibre backbone cable is a 144 strand single mode fibre optic cable.
ii. All termination of the cable within a station must be made in a wall mount Optical Splice
Enclosure (OSE).
iii. For the Communications room, all entries into a station must be done with a 72 strand
spur cable that splices the first 24 strands in each direction inside a Fibre Optic Splice
Closure (FOSC) in the nearest cable vault. The remaining 24 will remain dark for future
iv. For the Signals room, if applicable at the location, a 48 strand fibre will be brought into
the signals room from the same FOSC as the communications room 72 strand. This will
be spliced onto 12 strands in each direction from buffer tube 11 (strands 121-132).
v. For the TPSS room, if applicable at the location, a 48 strand fibre will be brought into the
SCADA cabinet, in the room, from the same FOSC as the communications room 72
strand. This will be spliced onto 12 strands in each direction from buffer tube 12 (strands
vi. Terminus stations must have the first 24 strands as well as buffer tube 8 spliced into the
station for the communications room.
vii. The fibre optic cables must be installed inside of sub-ducts which in turn are installed in a
103 mm conduit or carrier duct.
viii. A maximum of three 32 mm sub-ducts will be installed within one 103 mm conduit. The
unused sub-duct is for future expansion of the fibre optic system. Sub-ducts must be
Maxcell sub-ducting system or approved equivalent.
ix. All fibre design is subject to change and will require verification with ETS on the current
design philosophies.

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Note: Confirmation is required that the cables are sized in accordance with the latest known
requirements of ETS. In addition, any ducting that requires sub-ducts requires a minimum of two sets of
Maxcell within one 103 mm conduit.
Auxiliary fibre cables used to interconnect other locations within the station footprint and
adjacent structures must follow these guidelines:
i. All auxiliary fibres are to be a minimum of 24 strands.
ii. All auxiliary fibres are to be single-mode.
iii. Auxiliary fibres can utilize the OSE or cassette style installation.
iv. At a minimum these auxiliary fibre would connect the communications room to the
platform or TPSS (depending on the communication room location) and any transit center
location co-located with the LRT station.
The buffer tube assignments for all fibres are available on request and working in conjunction
with ETS, documentation is available for the current assignments.

8.7.6 Copper Cable Network

The following communications systems currently transmit signal utilizing the copper cable
i. Telephone
ii. CCTV (in stations, facilities and local access only)
iii. BMS (in stations, facilities and local access only)
iv. C-Cure Access Control (in stations, facilities and local access only)
v. PA/VMS (in stations, facilities and local access only)
vi. TVM (in stations, facilities and local access only)
The telephone system requires the availability of telephone pairs for connections from the mini
carrier remote at each future station to each of the following:
i. ROW phone
ii. Elevator access phone
iii. Washroom access phone
iv. Help phone
v. Service room phone
Currently, 300 pairs run north of University Station and 200 pairs south of University Station,
for the radio system, LAN lines and the PA system.
The 200-pair telephone cable should be installed in a 103 mm duct or conduit between each
future station.
Coordination is required with ETS on fibre or telephone allocations on the main trunk line.
Existing allocation tables must be made available.

8.7.7 Remote Device Powering Methods

Today, the LRT CCTV system is a hybrid of analog and IP based cameras. Over time, the
entire system will transition to IP cameras exclusively. These new cameras use PoE
technology for their power source. ETS currently uses two methods to provide this power
either the network device itself or a midspan PoE injector.
Regardless of the method, one critical feature of providing PoE power is the ability to be able
to remotely power cycle any camera on the system in the event of device lockups. By default,
all network devices used are manageable and can power cycle the end device. For PoE
midspans, the device must be manageable. ETS currently uses PowerDsine managed 60 W
PoE midspans for this purpose.

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Another desired goal of centralized PoE is to achieve centralized power distribution and UPS
backup of all end devices. All of the PoE injection devices must be UPS backed up by the
central station UPS. Individual UPS units are not acceptable.
ETS has traditionally used Axis 60 W PoE outdoor PTZ cameras for outdoor use as they are
rated to -50°C. Recently, ETS has piloted a 30 W equivalent with the tradeoff that it is only
rated to -30°C. ETS still has limited experience with the reliability of this camera so use of the
60 W camera model is still recommended in new installs. The main driver to move away from
the higher power camera is the fact that 60 W PoE devices are more difficult to find than 30 W
products. Consultation with ETS as to the current standards at the time of installation must be
completed prior to starting any design.
New semi-managed media converters are also being explored that convert fibre to copper and
output up to 60 W PoE. They are dumb devices but have the ability to cycle the 60 W PoE
output if the input data signal goes away. These devices connect directly to an SFP port on
the upstream switch and when the SFP is disabled, the end device is power cycled. This
works in terms of management of single devices but does not give the manageability to
provide access to disparate devices in the same area due to the lack of VLAN support. Other
manageable devices are being considered to fill this role. Combining this with hybrid power
and fibre cable, a viable alternative to remotely powering devices from one central
communications room is available for design. This is still under investigation and may be
introduced as a standard at a future date.

8.7.8 Surge Arrestors

All outdoor Cat 6 runs must have surge arrestors installed at the base of the device to prevent
surges from entering into the communications room.
All cameras installed outdoors shall have a Cat 6 in-line Surge / Lightning Arrestors with PoE
pass-through on the data cable. This device shall be installed at the base of the pole or in the
Junction Box located nearest the camera, in the case of building-mounted devices. All surge /
lightning arrestors must be provided with a proper ground connection, as per the
manufacturer’s specifications and meeting CAN/CSA-B72-M87, UL-497B and TIA/EIA 607
grounding and surge suppression requirements.
A common solution today is to ensure that surge arresters are located on all Cat 6 cables at
the building cable entrance points rather than at the device. The grounding point at the
entrance should tie into the Communications Room grounding system. This prevents any
voltage potential buildup or surges from lightning along the cable length between the surge
arrestor ground at the device and the building ground. There are in-line suppression devices
which are inserted on the inside of the building at the termination point. An example is the
EMERSON Edco CAT6-5 PoE surge arrestor which is designed to protect expensive
equipment against surges and transients entering a building on exposed transmission lines.

8.7.9 Entrance Conduits and Terminal Blocks

This is the area set aside for inter-station cabling or cable coming in from trackside
(designated Area 1 in Appendix E).
i. Conduit should enter the room at either ceiling level or floor level.
ii. Locate on a single wall, preferably the side of the room nearest to the trackway or
system-wide duct-bank.
iii. Provide 20 mm fire treated plywood (telco grade), painted grey, at least 2.4 m wide
mounted floor to ceiling. Width must be sufficient to allow for cables to run up to cable
tray and also hold gas tube protector cabinets, wall mount fibre splices, and the
associated cable management.

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8.7.10 Low Voltage Conduits & Distribution

This is the area set aside for cabling from within the facility to terminate in function specific
cabinets such as Building Management (BMS), Access Control (AC) and Public Address (PA)
(designated Area 2 in Appendix G).
i. Distribution cabinets should hold system specific RTUs as well as low voltage power
supplies (24 V).
ii. All cables for these functions coming into the room from within the station should be
terminated on this wall.

8.7.11 Station Telephone Distribution

This area serves as the main distribution frame for the station telephones (designated Area 3
in Appendix E).

8.7.12 Equipment Racks & Cable Tray Assembly

Equipment racks are generally located in the central part of the room (designated Area 4 in
Appendix E), allowing access to both the front and back of the racks. All equipment racks
must meet the following criteria:
i. Cabinet size to be 800 mm wide by 1200 mm deep and at least 42 RU high.
ii. Four post construction with lockable side panels and lockable quick release doors on
both the front and rear. The front and rear doors should have card readers for cabinet
access control.
iii. Front and rear doors made of 40% or better open mesh.
iv. The top panel must have 6 cable knockouts.
v. Up to 907 kg static load rating.
vi. 800 mm min. rack-mount width.
vii. #12-24 tapped, square-punched or specialty mounting rails with RMU markings for fast
equipment installation.
viii. Integrated vertical cable management with cable management fingers on all 4 posts.
ix. Standard 12-24 UNC-2B threaded holes pattern.
x. A dual ground bar system must be provided with the rack, one for chassis ground and
another for signal ground.
xi. When installed, racks must be electrically isolated from each other with dielectric. Lag
shield anchors should be installed flush with the floor to enable the rack to be bolted
down, but provide a level surface should the bolts be removed and the rack moved.
xii. Completed installation must be rated for Zone 3 earthquakes Working clearance on both
front and rear must be: 2000 mm nominal is preferred; 1000 mm absolute minimum.
xiii. Static ground straps must be installed inside, in the front or rear, of the cabinet for
handling of static sensitive cards.
xiv. Either static ground mats or static dissipative flooring must be used on the floor around
racks to prevent static discharge damage.
Refer to Appendix F for illustrations of rack and cable tray layout configurations.

8.7.13 Cable Tray Structure

The cable tray structure is a vital component of proper design layout because many of the
systems may couple into other systems via inductive noise. Moreover some elements, the
ISP fibres in particular, are fragile and need to be physically separated from other more
physically robust cables. Trays are also located around the perimeter of the room. A
preferred cable tray layout design is shown in Appendix F.
The preferred layout has the following characteristics:

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i. Distance between PA cables and any Telephone, Cat 6, or power cable is maximized.
ii. ISP Fibre cables and jumpers are physically isolated from copper cabling.
iii. Cables entering or exiting tray are protected with water falls.
iv. The signal ground bar is electrically isolated from other metal. No. 6 wire with lugs to
connect from the ground bar to the rack ground must be used. This provides a secure
but easy to remove connection.
v. 208 V AC and 24/48 V DC distribution is placed in conduit with j-boxes placed in each
cabinet location. Flex conduit is used to connect the j-box and rack.
vi. Cable trays in publicly accessible areas must be completely enclosed with tamper
resistant tops.

8.7.14 Ancillary Equipment

The following equipment must also be placed in the communications rooms (designated Area
5 in Appendix E):
i. Telephone
ii. Bulletin board which staff can use for entrance logs and notices
iii. Secured storage cabinet for misc. spares, maintenance manuals etc.

8.7.15 Communication Room Size

Based on the forgoing requirements the minimum size for the communication room is 42 m².
Preferred ceiling height is 3940 mm. The minimum allowable ceiling height is 3050 mm.
The minimum door size is 915 x 2438 mm.
The following equipment and systems should not be allowed in the Communication Room
unless environmental factors and precautions are taken into consideration in the design.
i. Water Pipes
ii. Wet Sprinklers
iii. Batteries or UPS systems

8.7.16 Environmental
Due to the sensitive nature of the equipment housed within the communications room, the
environment must be maintained similar to an office environment as a minimum requirement.
Heating and ventilation requirements are given in Chapter 12 Mechanical Systems, Table 3.

8.7.17 Grounding
Ground in a DC rail system is different than other environments. Ground loops and noisy
equipment are common. To mitigate these effects the following measures must be taken:
Provide two ground systems as follows:
i. A chassis ground, which would tie into the building traditional ground system along with
other systems in the building.
ii. A signal ground, which consists of either a separate ground rod or a larger than code
ground cable tied directly to the building ground grid. The primary reason for this is that
signals and traction power systems can feed noise back through the ground system.
iii. Oversized main ground bus bars should be used, ERICO TMGB-A25L33PT or approved
iv. Resistance to earth from each *TGB should be 10 ohms or less for chassis ground and 5
ohms or less for signal ground.

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8.7.18 Wayside Facilities

The following represents good design practice for communications vaults located in the
i. Vaults should be located such that entrance into and work around the vault fouls only one
track (entrance must be > 3 m from the furthest track).
ii. Vaults should have a center hatch in order to not conflict with ladder rungs. A removable
ladder could be added or carried in staff vehicles, if needed.
iii. Sharp edges need to be removed. Adding conduit bells will help to facilitate this.
iv. Cable racking should be added on all four sides of the manhole to dress cables properly
and to store cables above floor level so that they will not be damaged.
v. Drainage into a sub-drain system must be provided so that standing water does not
accumulate in the bottom.
vi. Preferred maximum vault to pullbox spacing is 200 m.
Refer to Appendix G for typical communication vault details.

8.7.19 Station Facilities

Typically, a large number of diverse cable runs are required to service nearly all areas of a
station. It would be prudent for the architects and other designers of the station to develop a
communications cable raceway implementation plan early in the station design stage.
In general, the following design practice for cable raceways should be followed:
i. Be continuous from end to end on each platform.
ii. Provide flexible access points. Communications devices such as CCTV or PA speakers
can change location frequently before being finally located.
iii. Cable raceways in publicly accessible areas must be completely enclosed and tamper
Diagrams below illustrate below and above platform layouts that should be considered for

Figure 1 - Handhole Lid Integrated into Platform

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Figure 2 - Preferred Access Hatch

Figure 3 - Above Platform Layout Co-located Communications Equipment

Communications equipment can frequently be co-located in Signal Bungalows or Traction
Electrification Rooms. For this configuration, the following minimum requirements must be
i. Communications equipment must be located in a dedicated space. This can be in either:
a. 20 mm fire rated plywood backboard, painted grey, mounted on a wall

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b. A NEMA 12 rated wall mount cabinet

c. Standard communications equipment rack as noted in Section 8.7.12
ii. If the equipment is electronic in nature or particularly sensitive to damage (i.e. fibre
optics), then it must be located in either a wall mount cabinet or communication rack.
iii. Communications equipment must have a dedicated ground or separate tie to earth
ground from other equipment located in the room to protect against noise.
iv. Copper cable shields must not be grounded in the remote equipment rooms. Single point
ground must be observed and that ground must be in the Communications Room. Out of Band Access
In order to effectively manage all remote devices, a separate, redundant network that does not
connect to the main network backbone is used. This network is simply a ring of terminal
servers that can be interfaced with in the event of a network outage so that remote devices
can be accessed, configured and fixed in order to expedite the recovery of a major equipment
failure. Each communications room at a minimum must have a dedicated serial terminal
server unit on the Out of Band Network (OOB). This can be extended to wiring closets and
other locations depending upon the criticality of the systems in those locations.
Essentially, the network consists of one device per communications room connected in an
Ethernet ring topology. The ring has entry points from the corporate network or the internet to
allow remote login capabilities to the network. The goal of the network is to be able to
remotely configure devices in the event that they become unavailable on the regular IP
interface in-band.
In a typical communications room, the following devices must be connected to the terminal
server (assuming that they have serial ports and are within the 50 feet RS-232 will work):
i. Network devices
ii. PoE injectors
iii. Telephone gateways
iv. Amplifiers
v. PDUs
vi. UPS
vii. Video encoders
viii. Remote PA servers
ix. Radio Bi-Directional Amplifiers (BDA) Security
The various subsystems of the communications network is broken into distinct services on the
network and separated by a central firewall. This separation is critical to maintaining security
between independent systems managed by various contractors and ensuring the
requirements of each system are met in terms of QoS and security. Each of the independent
subsystems must be on their own independent networks and separated by a central firewall.
This firewall will ensure that only the required connections between systems can occur and
ensure only authorized outside access can happen.
Currently, ETS uses 4 different firewalls to protect the network. One is a central core firewall,
one is a VPN concentrator, one is for access to the internet and the last is for firewalling of the
TELUS managed WAN services used to allow Bus facilities onto the ETS network.
This infrastructure will be increased in features, bandwidth and reliability moving forward to be
able to accommodate new LRT line extensions operated by third parties. Each firewall is
paired with a set of border routers to allow all connections from foreign networks to the ETS

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In addition to the firewall, ETS will be moving to full encryption of all individual networks across
the LAN and WAN to ensure all data is secure when it leaves a facility on its way to the
datacenters. Compute Environment
ETS is moving to a converged compute environment and standardization of all underlying
server hardware. Vendors will no longer be allowed to supply their own equipment but must
be able to work with ETS to ensure the server hardware required will fit into the ETS
environment. This environment is still a work in progress and the latest ETS standards will
apply. Refer to the ETS BCP on the converged compute environment for more details. Storage Environment

ETS is moving to a converged storage environment and standardization of all underlying SAN
hardware. Vendors will no longer be allowed to supply their own equipment but must be able
to work with ETS to ensure the storage required will fit into the ETS environment. This
environment is still a work in progress and the latest ETS standards will apply. Refer to the
ETS BCP on the converged storage environment for more details. Cabling and Wiring Methodologies

Cable management in all ETS facilities is critical. Although physical standards make up a
small amount of the efforts put into an ETS communications system, it is an extremely
important part of the overall health of each and every room. Industry studies show that almost
70% of maintenance costs are due to poor cabling practices.
As such, ETS requires that all cable installations conform to BICSI/TIA standards for
installation. All cabling must be kept in a neat bundle within cable trays, waterfalls, wire ways
in cabinets and cable management bars on the rear of patch panels. Only Velcro wraps are
permitted to be used within ETS communications rooms for bundling of cables and patch
Cables must be kept to the 90 m limit jack to jack and trying to push this limit by a few metres
is unacceptable. As well, every cable run must go Jack to Jack. Installing plugs on either end
and plugging directly into devices is unacceptable. If a device requires wires to be screwed
down to terminals, then a patch cord with one end cut off should be used. Cutting off the jack
in the field is not acceptable.
Adherence to the 40% maximum fill ratio of any conduit is crucial. Overfilling of conduits can
lead to damaged cables and reduced performance of the cables in the conduit. Additional
runs of conduit need to be considered to accommodate the cables and future needs. All
conduit 90° bends require communication elbows that have a bending radius of 11x the cable
diameter. Electrical 90°s are unacceptable in communications wiring. In addition, only180° of
cable bends are allowed between pull boxes. This applies to the conduits in the
communications rooms and to the main duct bank conduits.
When cabling to outdoor locations of devices, a surge suppressor at the base of the device
must be provided and grounded at the device before the cable can proceed into the
communications room.


The following are general requirements for cabling to be installed on the LRT system. These
requirements are to ensure that suitable products are used and to provide consistency in
designs and installations on the system.
This section is presented in three parts: general considerations, wayside cabling and stations
and facilities.

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8.8.1 General Considerations

The quality of the cable and the design of cable connections and terminations are important
factors in determining their overall performance.

8.8.2 Quality Manufacturer Selection Requirements
All cable manufacturers must be approved by ETS. The selected manufacturer must provide
all data required for evaluation by ETS and must make the arrangements for any required
demonstrations and tests. Qualifications must be based on the following criteria: Past Performance and Experience
The cable manufacturers must demonstrate previous successful experience in supplying wire
and cable specified herein. A list of such installations must be provided for each cable
manufacturer to be considered.
The number of years of experience required for the contractor must be confirmed with ETS. Demonstrated Quality Assurance Program

Cable manufacturers, in accordance with the requirements of these guidelines, are required to
have in place or implement, an effective quality assurance program adhering to the
requirements of ISO 9001 to ensure purchase control performance. ETS reserves the right to
audit the Manufacturer's facilities for conformance to the Contract. This may include, but is
not limited to, first article inspections, source inspections, and on-site surveys. Such
compliance must promote a thoroughly tested cable that will render long service life to the
user. Prime concern must be focused on the necessary formal assurance requirements to
insure that cable failure cannot be attributed to actions or lack of actions by the manufacturer. Warranty
The Manufacturer must certify compliance with the following warranty prior to selection.
The Manufacturer must warrant that the design, material, and workmanship incorporated in
each item of cable will be of the highest grade and consistent with the established, and
generally accepted, standards for aerial and underground cable for transit applications. Each
such item and every part and component thereof must comply with these requirements.
The Manufacturer must agree that this warranty will commence with the acceptance of each
item of the cable, whether the defect is apparent or latent, and must continue for a period of
eight years after initial satisfactory operation of the item or ten years after acceptance of the
item, whichever comes first. Contractor Requirements
Contractors, or suppliers of cable to ETS, must provide and perform the following: Technical Data
The Contractor must provide full technical data that demonstrates compliance with the
requirements of these technical specifications for each specified cable type that the Contractor
plans to supply. Demonstration Tests
The Contractor must make arrangements with the prospective cable manufacturers to perform
demonstration tests, as required by ETS.

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If requested, the Contractor must furnish to ETS, within 20 days after the Notice-to-Proceed,
sample specimens in 1200 mm (4 ft.) lengths similar to that which the Contractor proposes to
furnish for each type cable specified herein. The sample specimens will remain the property
of ETS. The Contractor must not proceed to purchase without written approval. After Cable Selection

The Contractor must monitor the manufacturer of the cable to assure that the approved
Quality Assurance Program is being closely adhered to and that the wire and cable is being
manufactured in accordance with these technical requirements and the approved submittals.
i. Each finished cable must be traceable to the test date on file for each step in its
manufacturing process.
ii. ETS must have the right to make such inspection and tests as necessary to determine if
the cable meets the requirements of these technical specifications. In addition, they must
have the right to reject cable that is defective in any respect.
iii. ETS must be given 15 days advance notice of the date the cable will be ready for final
testing so that ETS may witness the tests, if it so elects.
iv. Physical tests will be made on samples selected at random at the place of production.
v. Each test sample should be taken from the accessible end of different reels. Each reel
selected and the corresponding sample must be identified. The number and lengths of
samples must be as specified under the individual tests. All applicable tests for the cable
materials and cable construction specified must be performed.
vi. Certified test reports must be furnished for the finished cables no later than the time of
shipment. In addition to the test results, each test document must indicate the date the
tests were performed and the signature of the manufacturer's authorized representative.
vii. ETS reserves the right to conduct those tests to provide further satisfaction that the cable
is manufactured in accordance with the requirements of these technical specifications.

8.8.3 Design Factors

Cabling design must include the following elements:
i. Overall diagram of the Wayside Cable and its interconnections clearly identifying each
cable with ID, cable type, demarcation point, and any other significant transition points
such as splices or slack coils.
ii. Overall riser diagram for each station or facility showing both horizontal and vertical cable
runs, transition points, slack coil placement, support, and demarcation points. Each
diagram must clearly identify each cable, conduit, room, cabinet, and pullbox.
iii. Cable schedules showing in detail, each cable run from termination point to conduits and
pull boxes, to termination point for both wayside and station cabling.
iv. Conduit schedules for all communications conduit which clearly show which cables are
placed in which conduit and their fill ratios and calculated pulling tensions.
v. Termination schedules showing wire by wire or fibre by fibre detail of each termination,
patch, cross connect and splice.

8.8.4 Outside Plant Cabling Copper Paired Cable Minimum Requirements
Copper cables must conform to the following minimum requirements:
i. Conductors must be 22 AWG, or larger, tinned copper, meeting Canadian Electrical Code
for the intended application.

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ii. Conductors and cable inner/outer jacketing must be insulated with Polyethylene (PE),
Polyolefin (XLPO), or Cross-linked Polyethylene (XLPE or UL type XHHW-2) that will
meet the following minimum requirements:
a. Sunlight Resistant
b. Flame Test Rated FT4
c. CSA cold impact/bend test at -40 deg C
d. Suitable for direct burial
e. Rated for wet/dry environments with temperature range from -40°C to +70°C.
iii. Cables must meet all other requirements of direct burial outside plant cables as listed by
ANSI/ICEA for the intended application (i.e. control wiring, telephony, or broadband).
iv. Cables exposed or installed aerially must be rated for installations to -50°C.
v. Cables installed in tunnels or other confined spaces, intended for personnel or public use,
must not use Polyethylene (PE) and must comply with the following Toxicity.
Requirements (Boeing Specification Support Standard BBS-7239):
a. Carbon Monoxide (CO) < 3500 ppm
b. Carbon Dioxide (CO2) < 90000 ppm
c. Hydrogen Fluoride (HF) < 200 ppm
d. Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) < 100 ppm
e. Hydrogen Chloride (HCl) < 500 ppm
f. Hydrogen Cyanide (HCN) < 150 ppm
g. Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) < 100 ppm
h. Hydrogen Bromide (HBr) < 100 ppm Procurement & Installation Requirements
i. All outside plant cables, more than 300 m in length, must be ordered cut to length from
the manufacturer and delivered on separate reels.
ii. Cable must be labeled as follows (outer jacket must be marked with the following
a. Cable Manufacturer
b. Number of Pairs/Conductors
c. Cable Function (i.e. telephone, SCADA, etc.)
d. Halogen Free, Low Smoke. (if applicable)
e. Date Coded (MMYY).
f. Sequential Marking (a mark every foot or metre). Marking must be made in
contrasting colour, either black or white, and indented into the jacketing.
iii. Cables delivered to site or the contractor’s site office must be stored in a covered
warehouse facility.
iv. Prior to installation, all conduits must be rodded, mandrelled, and cleaned. Bells must be
placed upon all conduit ends. Sharp edges, that the cable may be pulled over, must be
protected. Pulling eyes and cable racking must be added to all manholes.
v. Installers must use breakaway swivels set to a pulling tension 95% or less than the
manufacturer’s maximum rated pulling tension. When pulling multiple cables, only those
cables directly tied to the swivel must be added to capacity of the swivel.
vi. When preparing to pull or lay cable, cable must not be placed or dragged upon the
ground. Tarps must be used to protect cable during preparation. Cables must not be
pulled through a cable tray or trough.
vii. A 15 m service loop must be placed in manholes approximately every 300 m and at each
cable end.
viii. Cables must be labeled with cable ID at each cable end, in each pull box and in each

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ix. Cable must not be spliced in manholes. If a splice is required, a pad or pole mounted
cabinet must be installed with a minimum of 150 mm above ground level or flood level,
whichever is higher.
x. All outside plant copper cables must be terminated within 15 m of the building entrance
All outside plant copper cables must be terminated on gas-tube protector (lightning
protectors) blocks similar to Porta Systems 175BCXN-400
xi. Cable armor, or shields, must be grounded only on the north or west end of the cable
(single end grounding) to prevent ground loops. Testing
i. Cable must be tested at least three times as follows:
a. At the manufacturer’s facility prior to shipment.
b. After receipt by contractor or agency prior to installation.
c. After installation.
ii. Testing must test for basic continuity and any functionally important requirements such as
data throughput or cross-talk for higher frequency transmission cables. As a minimum
cable must be tested to meet the manufacturer’s stated performance requirements.
iii. Conductors with 600 V or better insulation and greater than 18 AWG must be megger
tested. Data and Telephone Structured Cabling
All cable as described herein including, but not limited to: UTP Cable
i. All horizontal data and voice cable to be 4 unshielded, twisted conductor pairs. Cable to
be CMP rated and certified by CSA as type PCC with a minimum FT6 flame test rating,
and in accordance with requirements of the Authority Having Jurisdiction.
ii. Cable to meet or exceed Cat 6 standards for 250 MHz as per ANSI/TIA-568-C.2 (2009)
Balanced Twisted-Pair Telecommunications Cabling and Components Standard. Copper Analogue: Vertical Riser/Backbone
i. Unshielded Multi-pair Category 3 cable.
ii. Physical Description
a. Conductors: 25 pair 24 AWG solid copper conductors.
b. Cable Groups: formed into binder groups of pairs.
c. Insulation: thermoplastic-covered individuals; Riser-rated overall jacket, complying
with requirements of CEC.
d. Colour coding: each conductor colour coded in accordance with industry standard
colour scheme for 25 pair, 50 pair, 100 pair, and 200 pair cables. Each conductor
iii. Transmission Characteristics:
a. DC Resistance: Maximum 94 Ohms / km.
b. Mutal Capacitance: Maximum 262 pF/ 100 m @ 1 MHz
c. Characteristic Impedance: 100 Ohms ± 15%.
d. Attenuation, maximum:
1. 2.2 dB/ 100 m @ 772 kHz
2. 2.6 dB/ 100m @ 1 MHz
e. 5 Near End crosstalk coupling loss between pairs within a 25-pair binder group
equal to or greater than:

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1. 171 dB @ 1 km @ 1510 kHz.

2. 82 dB @ 1 km @ 10 MHz Outside Plant (OSP) Cabling
i. All OSP balanced twisted pair cabling to have an operational temperature range of -40˚C
to +60˚C and an installation temperature range of -20˚C to +60˚C. The cable is to be
sunlight resistant.
ii. Where outside plant cabling is terminated within entrance facility rooms provide UL-497B
listed Building Entrance Protection device for all copper cabling with the exception of
cable provided by Utility Telecommunication Providers (Telus, Rogers, Shaw, etc.).
a. Approved Building Entrance Protection Device: Emerson BEPNC series,
CommScope 489 Series, or ETS approved equal.
b. Utility Telecommunications Providers are responsible for provision of all Building
Entrance Protection devices required for their services as installed.
iii. Provide individual isolation Entrance Protection/Surge Protector device for each
communication or security device connected via copper Cat 3 or Cat 6 type cable
installed outside of the building envelope.
iv. Approved Entrance Protection/Surge Protector device: Citel MJ8-POE Series, ITW Linx
SurgeGate, or ETS approved equal.
v. Ground all entrance protector devices in accordance with CEC and ANSI/TIA-607B. Testing
Test all runs upon completion of permanent terminations, using instrumentation acceptable to
ETS or their Consultant. Before commencing testing, submit sample test data sheets and
information with respect to test instrumentation to be used.
i. Acceptable Test Instruments:
a. Copper: Fluke DSX-5000 or approved equal.
ii. Copper test instruments to meet the requirements of ANSI/TIA-1152 (2009)
Requirements for Field Test Instruments and Measurements for Balanced Twisted-Pair
iii. Test instrument firmware to be latest version as supplied by test device manufacturer.
iv. Copper Media:
a. All tests required for system to be Certified Cat 6 by Manufacturer. Test all
permanent and channel links to ANSI/TIA-568C.2 Category 6 250 MHz using
methods per ANSI/TIA-1152(2009).
b. Before recording results, compare readings to predicted values based on cable
specification and run length, using connector and patch cord losses as part of
predicted value. Retest runs with:
1. Resistance and capacitance readings more than 10% above predicted values.
2. NEXT values 3 dB lower than predicted values.
3. Attenuation values 2 dB higher than predicted values.
4. Re-terminate or re-install and retest as necessary to correct excessive
variations. Fibre Optic Cables
Outside plant cables must be used for installation in metropolitan underground ducts, cable
trays, open air and subway systems or other areas where uncontrolled temperature and
humidity exist and/or where cable may be exposed to water and pest damage. Cable must be
of loose tube, gel filled design having buffer tubes, central dielectric member, and *aramid

Final Issue July 2017 8.34


yarn outer core strength member(s). Due to potential placement of outside plant fibre cables
adjacent to power conductors, cables must not contain any metal parts, pieces or attributes.
Note: (Aramid any of a group of lightweight but very strong heat-resistant synthetic aromatic polyamide
materials that are fashioned into fibres, filaments, or sheets and used especially in textiles and plastics.) Minimum Requirements

Fibre cables must conform to the following minimum requirements and or Rural Utility System
(RUS) PE-90, whichever is more stringent:
i. Buffer Tubes – The optical cable must be loose tube, gel filed design with up to 12 colour
coded fibres contained within loose tubes filled with water blocking gel. The loose buffer
tube filling must be made of an abrasion resistant material while the buffer tube filling
must be a homogeneous based gel, dermatologically safe, non toxic, non-nutritive to
fungus, non-hygroscopic, and electrically non-conductive.
ii. Colour Code – Individual fibres in each buffer tube, and each buffer tube must be colour
coded per EIA/TIA 598-D.
iii. Cabling – buffer tubes must be cabled around the central member using either a helical
stranding or reverse oscillation method. Fillers may be used to maintain the cable
geometry. The interstices between the tubes must be filled with a water blocking gel
similar in property to that used inside the buffer tubes.
iv. Fillers – Fillers must be solid polyethylene, or similar material, rods of the same diameter
as the buffer tubes.
v. Central Member – the central member that serves as an anti-buckling element must be a
glass reinforced plastic rod with a similar coefficient of thermal expansion as the optical
vi. Tensile Strength Member – a layer of aramid yarn must be applied over the cabled core
in a counter-helical fashion to provide the desired tensile strength.
vii. Rip Cord – a rip cord of different colour than the aramid yarn must be pulled in
longitudinally under both the outer and inner jackets.
viii. Both cable inner and outer jacketing must be insulated with Polyethylene (PE), Polyolefin
(XLPO), or Cross-linked Polyethylene (XLPE or UL type XHHW-2) which will meet the
following minimum requirements:
a. Sunlight Resistant
b. Does not promote fungus growth
c. Flame Test Rated FT4
d. CSA cold impact/bend test at -40 deg C
e. Suitable for direct burial
f. Rated for wet/dry environments with temperature range from -50°C to +60°C.
g. Free of metal locational or protective elements
h. Fibre jacket Crushproof rating – 1156.58 N (260 lbs/ft/0.2248)
ix. Cables must meet all other requirements of direct burial outside plant cables as listed by
ANSI/ICEA for the intended application (i.e. control wiring, telephony, or broadband).
x. Cables exposed or installed aerially must be rated for installations to -50° C.
xi. Cables installed in tunnels or other confined spaces intended for personnel or public use
must comply with the following Toxicity Requirements (Boeing Specification Support
Standard BBS-7239):
a. Carbon Monoxide (CO) < 3500 ppm
b. Carbon Dioxide (CO2) < 90000 ppm
c. Hydrogen Fluoride (HF) < 200 ppm
d. Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) < 100 ppm
e. Hydrogen Chloride (HCl) < 500 ppm
f. Hydrogen Cyanide (HCN) < 150 ppm
g. Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) < 100 ppm

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h. Hydrogen Bromide (HBr) < 100 ppm

xii. Outer jacket must be marked with the following information (cable print):
a. Cable Manufacturer.
b. Number of Fibres.
c. Fibre Type (SM or MM).
d. Halogen Free, Low Smoke.
e. Date Coded (MMYY).
f. Sequential Marking (a mark every foot or metre). Markings must be of a contrasting
colour, either black or white, and must be indented into outer jacket.
xiii. Single Mode Fibre - Performance Requirements

Single mode fibres must be Corning SMF-28e or equal as follows:

Fibre Core Diameter 8.2 – 8.8 microns
Fibre Diameter 125 Microns +/- 7 microns
Fibre Type Step index
Cladding Non-Circulatory ≤ 2.0%
Minimum Bend Radius
(No load) a ≥ 10x cable diameter
(Full Load) ≥ 20x cable diameter
Attenuation: ≤ 0.35 dB/km @ 1285 - 1330 nm
≤ 0.22 dB/km @ 1525 - 1575 nm
Cutoff Wavelength ≤ 1260 nm
Zero Dispersion Wavelength 1310 ≤ Wavelength ≤ 1324 nm
Zero Dispersion Slope ≤ 0.092 ps/(nm2*km)
Environmental Induced Attenuation ≤ 0.05 dB/km @ 1310, 1550 nm
For Water Immersion 23°C +/- 2°C
For Humidity Cycling - 10°C to +85°C up to 98% RH
For Temp Dependence - 50°C to +85°C
Proof Test Stress ≥ 100 kpsi (0.7 GPa)
Coating Diameter 245 + 5 microns
NOTE: Multi Mode Fibre – must not be used Procurement & Installation Requirements

i. All outside plant cables, more than 300 m in length, must be ordered cut to length from
the manufacturer and delivered on separate reels.
ii. Cables delivered to site or the contractor’s site office must be stored in a covered
warehouse facility.

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iii. Prior to installation all conduits must be rodded, mandrelled, and cleaned. Bells must be
placed upon all conduit ends. Sharp edges, which cable may be pulled over, must be
protected. Pulling eyes and cable racking must be added to all manholes.
iv. Installers must use breakaway swivels set to a pulling tension 95% or less than the
manufacturer’s maximum rated pulling tension. When pulling multiple cables, only those
cables directly tied to the swivel must be added to capacity of the swivel.
v. When preparing to pull or lay cable, cable must not be placed or dragged upon the
ground. Tarps must be used to protect cable during preparation. Cables must not be
pulled through cable tray or trough.
vi. A 15 m service loop must be placed in manholes approximately every 300 m and at each
cable end.
vii. Cables must be labeled with cable ID at each cable end, in each pull box and in each
viii. Cable must not be spliced in manholes. If a splice is required, a pad or pole mounted
cabinet must be installed with a minimum of 150 mm above ground level or flood level,
whichever is higher.
ix. All outside plant cables must be terminated within 15 m of the building entrance.
x. Fibres must not be field terminated. Only factory polished pigtails must be used to
terminate fibres.
xi. Fibres must be terminated with Telcordia compliant SC connectors in panels not
exceeding 72 fibres in a single panel. Testing
Cable must be tested at least three times: first at the manufacturer’s facility prior to shipment;
second after receipt by contractor or agency prior to installation; and third after installation.
Tests must include the following:
i. Grading of all terminations by TIA/EIA-455-57B.
ii. End-to-end bi-directional power meter test at 1310 and 1550 nm for single mode fibre.
iii. Bi-directional OTDR test at 1310 and 1550 nm for single mode fibre.
iv. Optical Spectrum Analysis
a. Range: 1250-1650 nm.
b. Resolution: +/- 0.033 nm.
c. Accuracy: +/- 0.015 nm.
d. Power accuracy: 0.4 dB.
v. Chromatic Dispersion Analysis
vi. Range 1250 – 1650 nm.
a. Wavelength accuracy: 0.1 nm.
b. Dispersion accuracy: 1.6 ps/nm.
vii. Polarization Mode Dispersion Analysis both 1st and 2nd order
a. Range: 0 – 115 ps
b. Accuracy: +/- (0.020 +/- 2 % of PMD)
viii. Calculation of the following:
a. Span Loss (total loss of span from patch panel to patch panel)
b. Optical Loss margin defined as the additional loss that can be added to a fibre optic
span without adding additional bit errors or packet loss to any given circuit on the
optical MUX
c. Return Loss (as measured from a matching connector)
d. Splice Loss
e. Termination Loss
f. Physical distance to all fibre features correlated with actual track positioning

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ix. The following test values must be used as pass criteria:

a. Splices < 0.1 dB loss
b. Terminations < 0.25 dB loss and better than -55dB return loss (matching)
c. Total Loss < Calculated span loss
d. Optical Loss Margin > 10dB
x. Test data must be provided in static and dynamic format:
a. Static format must be in format compatible with other project delivery requirements.
b. Dynamic format must be in native machine format suitable for additional analysis by
c. Additional software must be provided by the contractor to read the native format files
as necessary.

8.8.5 Station/Facilities
The cabling requirements for stations and facilities must differ in the following ways:
i. No hydroscopic gel must be used. If cables are known to be placed in a wet location,
additional protection must be obtained with water absorbing polymer tape.
ii. Fibre cables may utilize a tight-buffer configuration as well as loose tube.
iii. Cables installed in stations/facilities, intended for personnel or public use, must comply
with the following Toxicity Requirements (Boeing Specification Support Standard BBS-
a. Carbon Monoxide (CO) < 3500 ppm
b. Carbon Dioxide (CO2) < 90000 ppm
c. Hydrogen Fluoride (HF) < 200 ppm
d. Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) < 100 ppm
e. Hydrogen Chloride (HCl) < 500 ppm
f. Hydrogen Cyanide (HCN) < 150 ppm
g. Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) < 100 ppm
h. Hydrogen Bromide (HBr) < 100 ppm
iv. Cable must be labeled, at each transition point, every 15 m, and at each end.
v. ISP fibre cables must be physically separated for protection.
vi. PA cables must be routed in a separate conduit system or shielded to prevent inductive
coupling and the introduction of noise into the PA system.
Cables placed in trays must be neatly placed with the maximum distance placed between
cables known to cause interference or inductive coupling. Diagram 8.7 below, Preferred
Cable Layout in Cable Tray, is an example of this application. Cable ties or lacing must be
used to hold cables in place.

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Figure 4 - Preferred Cable Layout in Cable Tray


Naming conventions for the various systems and system components are described in the
released document “Naming Conventions Best Common Practice, Issue 1.0”, dated January
2016. This document provides engineering guidelines to naming of all devices, servers,
network components, and cables used in ETS communication systems.
For this section, the following overall system components are relevant;
i. Network Infrastructure
ii. Vaults, Conduits and Duct Banks
iii. Out of Band Access Infrastructure
iv. Security Infrastructure
v. Compute Infrastructure
vi. Storage Infrastructure

8.9.1 Cable Labeling and Identification

All control wiring should be labeled consistent with the existing EMCS system using typed
(non-hand written) snap or slip on type wiring labels.
All control panels must be labeled with lamicoid labels attached with pop-rivets.
All EMCS panels should be provided with input / output panel directories.
All Point identification must follow current City of Edmonton standards.
All end devices must be labelled with identification tags or decals as per the following
minimum requirements:
i. Laminated tags must be made from the following materials:
a. Printed tag: 20 lb. white bond with black lettering.
b. Laminating Material: Luggage type laminating film minimum 7 mm thickness.
c. Fastening Device: Nylon ties (zip ties) sized for each application.
ii. Laminated decals must be made from the following materials:
iii. Printed tag: pre-cut white labels c/w adhesive backing suitable for printing on a laser
iv. Laminating Material: pre-cut 3 mm clear acetate film c/w adhesive backing.

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v. Laminated tags or decals should have the following approximate dimensions:

vi. Printed tag: 50 mm x 100 mm.
vii. Laminate Material: 60 mm x 110 mm.
Each tag must contain the following information (as a minimum) printed on one side of the tag:
i. System/Point Mnemonic.
ii. Point Descriptor.
iii. Point Type (eg. DI, DO, AI, AO OR TOT)
iv. End Device Type (e.g. Ts, Dm, Ry, etc.)
v. Associated RPU, LCU or ZC tag.
vi. Physical Point Address.
vii. Date.

8.9.2 Cabling and Wiring Color Code Conventions

Cabling and wiring color code conventions should follow the latest existing ETS standards.
The City of Edmonton has identified color coding separation between IT structured cabling
and Security structured Cat 6/6a cables in the Communications NLRT Naming and labeling
Conventions section of the Construction Management Contract reference; 28 40 00 Building
Management Subsystems – 11.09.28. The following cabling wiring code designations apply:
i. Cable jacket cover shall reflect the system to easily identify and bundle cables:
 Blue Jacket = Network
 Yellow Jacket = Security/Surveillance
 Grey Jacket – Voice
 Green Jacket = CTC / SCADA
ii. Modular jack Inserts in Network Patch Panels and Workstation Outlets shall be color-
 Blue Jack = Network
 Yellow Jack = Security/Surveillance
 Grey Jack – Voice
 Green Jack = CTC / SCADA


8.10.1 General
There is an extensive array of electronic and computer equipment manufactured and supplied
by a variety of firms located in the ETS Control Centre.
Prior to commencing detailed design, the accuracy of the following information should be
confirmed with the ETS LRT Communications group.
i. Meridian 1 telephone handsets or current equivalent: Supplier Telus Communications,
ii. Programming of telephones: Telus Communications, Edmonton
iii. CCTV equipment, including monitors, keyboards, recording equipment: Chermik
Communications and Convergint Technologies
iv. CBTC equipment, including workstations, software, and display panel systems: Thales
v. BMS equipment, including workstations, software, and printers: ESC Automation,
vi. City of Edmonton corporate network workstations, including software and printers: City of
Edmonton IT Branch
vii. Radio system workstations, including software and printers: HARRIS
viii. SCADA workstations, including software and printers: EPCOR, Edmonton

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ix. Fare equipment workstations, including software and printers: CUBIC, San Diego, CA
x. Key Systems Inc. – New York (Best Access Calgary is the closest local representative)
Due to the complex nature of, or the importance of certain systems, such as the CTC system
and the fare equipment system, LRT staff may direct and manage the purchase of the
equipment and software. Close consultation with the LRT staff is required early in the design
stage to ensure that the expected outcomes are achieved.

8.10.2 Identity Management

ETS uses several methods for identity management. The primary access database is the
internal Windows Active Directory environment that provides access to all windows
workstations and servers. Red Hat Enterprise Linux servers are authenticated against Red
Hat iDM. These identity systems are available for access to any applications that require user
verification to login.
The second method is via LDAP and this allows end devices that support the authentication
mechanism to be centrally authenticated in a similar manner to windows devices.
The third method is via LDAP and two-factor authentication. This allows end devices that
support the authentication mechanism to be centrally authenticated in a similar manner to
windows devices.
The fourth method is via RADIUS and this allows end devices that support the authentication
mechanism to be centrally authenticated in a similar manner to windows devices.
The last method is a combination of RADIUS and two-factor authentication. ETS uses two
factor authentication for all outside access to ETS systems.
Any new devices or applications that need to be installed in the ETS environment must be
able to be authenticated using one of these methods. In the future, these methods may be
expanded as required to accommodate more current methods of authentication especially
where standard logins to systems will mandatorily require a password and two-factor

8.10.3 DNS, DHCP and IP Address Management

All DNS, DHCP and IP Address management functions are controlled by centralized
infrastructure maintained by ETS communications. Any additions or new assignments must
be done with ETS personnel. For more details on the current environment maintained by ETS
for these functions, refer to the ETS BCP document. BCP documents are available on request
for the purposes of completing contract work.

8.10.4 Security
All ETS servers and device must be hardened to ensure the strictest levels of security and
best practices for each particular operating system.
ETS uses a centralized secure network to allow communications to pass from internal
networks to external networks. Any passing of traffic from internal to external must be via
proxy through this Demilitarized Zone (DMZ). Direct connections from external networks to
internal networks is not allowed. These standards are maintained as per ISA 99 and APTA
communications standards.
In addition, the general principal of having ready management workstations always on inside
the ETS network and using remote desktop protocols to remotely control them is the only way
to maintain any devices. Contractor laptops or computer devices that are used outside of the
network cannot be directly connected to the ETS network environment.

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Circumventing security measures or connecting systems directly or indirectly to the internet

without the prior expressed consent and approval, in writing, from ETS LRT Communications
is prohibited and considered unacceptable.

8.10.5 Remote Access

ETS uses an internet facing VPN concentrator to allow remote access to vendors and
personnel for the exclusive purpose of maintaining the internal ETS systems. This VPN only
allows access for remote control of the internal workstations that are used for direct control
and configuration all the ETS systems.
The system is secured using an industry standard two factor authentication methodology
reducing the reliance on passwords being the only entry mechanism. This VPN is available
for any vendor to use and is the only method ETS will allow for remote vendor access into the
ETS systems.

8.10.6 Monitoring and Alarming

Monitoring and alarming are a critical piece that must be considered with any design. ETS
currently uses a central SNMP server that monitors all devices, servers and workstations to
alert to any issues with any device. Agents are also deployed to monitor the health of
applications examples are web servers and database servers. Alerts are then generated for
personnel to look into and resolve any issues. All new devices and systems must be entered
into this system and a monitoring plan must be part of any design to ensure the appropriate
items are being looked at and what needs to be done to resolve the most common issues.

8.10.7 Configuration Management

Configuration Management must be included with all new devices and systems to ensure
disaster recovery and a proper audit trail for any configuration changes that may lead to
issues. Currently, there is a centralized system to manage all configurations for the network
devices. Backups of configurations of other devices must be part of the maintenance plan of
any new systems.

8.10.8 Software
Software is a major and integral part of proper and good operations of communications. ETS
LRT Communications has standardized on the following software for overall operation and
deployment efficiency.
i. Operating Systems
a. Linux: Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 7.3 64-bit or later
b. Windows: Microsoft Windows 2012R2 64-bit or later
c. Hypervisors: Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization (RHEV) 3 64-bit or later
d. Cloud Environment: Red Hat OpenStack (RHOS) 10 64-bit or later
No other software versions maybe substituted or replaced without the express approval,
in writing, from ETS LRT Communications.
ii. Virtualized Networking
a. Virtual Switches: Openvswitch 2.6.1 or later and Nuage Networks virtual platform
No other virtual switching maybe substituted or replaced without the express approval, in
writing, from ETS LRT Communications.
iii. Applications: All vendors must supply a 64bit based application. Applications must be the
latest, stable 64bit version if supplied by a third party software company. Third party
software vendor examples are Red Hat or Microsoft.

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a. ETS LRT Communications prefers applications written and deployable on RHEL.

When suppling such applications:
i. Applications must follow Linux Standards Base (ISO/IEC 23360)
b. Windows Applications must be accompanied with GUI based configuration tools to
aid in application configuration.
c. Applications must expose a comprehensive application programming interfaces
(API) leveraging REST based web services. Data to and from the API interface must
be in JSON. APIs must allow for full configuration and management of the
iv. Databases
a. Oracle 12c 64 bit or later, in cluster mode
b. Percona MySQL XtraDB Cluster 5.7.16 64 bit or later
c. Microsoft SQL Server 2016 Enterprise 64 bit, in cluster mode
v. Firmware: Any systems that utilize firmware such as storage, network or compute
elements must have the latest firmware and must be easily upgradable. All elements
must expose a comprehensive application programming interface (API) leveraging REST
based web services. Data to and from the API interface must be in JSON. APIs must
allow for full configuration and management of the firmware and/or underlying element.
vi. Big Data
a. Hortonworks Data Platform 2.5 64 bit or later
b. Hortonworks Data Flow 2.1.1 64 bit or later
c. Tableau Server 10.1.3 64 bit or later
vii. Directory/LDAP Server
a. Red Hat Directory Server 10.1 64 bit or later in a multi-master configuration.
1. 389 Directory Server is unacceptable.
b. UnboundID Directory Server is also acceptable, please obtain express approval, in
writing, from ETS LRT Communications before selecting this Directory Server.
All external non-ETS LRT Communications personnel must be created in the Directory
Server. A trust relationship must be established with the Identity Management system as
listed below to import ETS LRT Communications personnel and maintain credential sync.
viii. Identity Management
a. Red Hat iDM and Windows AD.
b. Windows Active Directory on Windows 2012 R2 64 bit or later.
If applications from vendors use both identity management systems, then a two way trust
and sync must be established between Red Hat iDM and Windows AD.
ix. Systems Automation and Maintenance
a. Ansible Tower 3 64 bit or later
1. All Ansible playbooks must be supplied that are utilized for system deployment
and configuration.
b. Red Hat Satellite Server 6.2 64 bit or later
1. All RHEL updates must be performed using Red Hat Satellite Server
x. Monitoring
a. Observium Professional Edition

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1. All MIBs should be integrated into Observium.

2. Appropriate graphs, metrics and statistics must be provided in Observium.
3. Logs should be sent to Observium from Windows and Linux.
i. Datagram Syslog Agent is a freely downloadable application send
Windows Event Logs to a syslog server.
Unauthorized software that may compromise the underlying system - as a whole - is

8.10.9 Software Updates and Lifecycle

Software updates and lifecycling are important aspect in the smooth operation of overall
systems. There are three major categories of software that require software updates:
i. Operating Systems: Operating systems (OS) must be kept current and up to date. This is
to prevent threats to the system whether they are initiated internal or external to the
system. Updates that address OS bugs, vulnerabilities and feature enhancements must
be installed. Any OS that is approaching its end of life must have an upgrade path to a
more recent and current version with minimal negative effect on the systems’ operation.
Updates must NOT be installed directly, instead the following methods must be used:
a. Red Hat Enterprise Linux: This OS must be updated using Red Hat Satellite Server
hosted on premise. This host must only perform this function. All vendor supplied
software must be in RPM format.
b. CentOS Linux: This OS must be updated using a Red Hat Satellite Server or a YUM
repository hosted on a separate host on premise. This host must only perform this
function. All vendor supplied software must be in RPM format.
c. Microsoft Windows: This OS must be updated using a WUS server hosted on
premise. This host must only perform this function. All vendor supplied software
must use an GUI based installer. MSI and EXE formats are the most common
installation format as available from Microsoft.
d. Hypervisors: VMWare must be updated using VMWare Update Manager. RHEV
must be updated using Red Hat Satellite Server.
ii. Applications:
a. All Linux applications should be upgradable using Ansible and Red Hat Satellite
b. All Windows applications should be upgradable using Ansible, Chocolatey and WUS
iii. Firmware:
a. Firmware should be deployable at a minimum using tftp/sftp/ftp and/or web ui and/or
APIs and/or Ansible
ETS LRT Communications uses Ansible to automate configuration and deployment of
systems and maintain lifecycle plans. It is mandatory that vendors have a clear understanding
of Ansible and Ansible Playbooks.

8.10.10 Logging, Big Data and Analytics

Analytics and Logging are vital in understanding trends, metrics and patterns. They provide
valuable insight into various aspects of the LRT system and allow the appropriate personnel to
combine previously thought non related data points to generate a pattern or trend.
As a simple example, tracking hourly temperature patterns combined with tickets dispense
and train arrival times could lead to a good understanding of when TVMs maybe out of tickets

Final Issue July 2017 8.44


given how hot or cold it is outside, which in turn could trigger an updated train run schedule
and target TVM Maintenance teams to efficiently to refresh blank tickets in TVMs.
Hortonworks Data Platform (HDP) is a standardized suite such as Hadoop, Spark amongst
other tools, which allow for distribute processing of data whilst making the data available to
end users. Hortonworks Data Flow (HDF) allows for data to be imported into HDP from a
variety of sources.
Tableau Server is a business intelligence and analytics end user system, which allows
personnel to easily and efficiently, connect to HDP so to visualize and understand the data
being operated on.
Logs from systems are the single most important source of information about the health of the
system. When the systems are not working as desired this is the first place to look to
understand what maybe wrong with the system. ETS LRT Communications has employed
standard syslog to standardize and unify log management.
i. Observium must also be configured to be the syslog server and parse the logs.
ii. On Linux systems syslog must be pointed to Observium as the syslog server. All
application logs must be written to syslog.
iii. On Windows systems Datagram’s Syslog Agent must be installed and logs pointed to
Observium as the syslog server. All Windows Event Logs and logs from applications that
don’t leverage Windows Event Logs must be configured in the agent.
iv. All logs from the Observium syslog server must be exported to HDP using HDF.


The basic guidelines include the following:
i. ETS (and other affected stakeholders) will determine the fare collection strategy could
include consideration for both Pay-on-boarding and Proof of Payment (POP) fare
collection systems.
ii. Fare collection systems must also leverage and interface (as applicable) to any access
card systems already in use within the ETS.
iii. Fare equipment (Smart Fare Vending Machines (SFVM’s) and card readers/validators)
will be consistent with equipment selected for the Regional Smart Fare System.
iv. Fare equipment should generally be located at stations and stops adjacent to platform
access points. Placement of fare equipment will be determined on station-by-station
basis, taking into account the characteristics and type of station/stop.
v. Fare equipment should be placed appropriately to avoid crowding and interference, while
maintaining convenient passenger access to the equipment.
vi. Camera views of fare collection and fare paid areas are also required and are used for
the purpose of ensuring the safety of customers and employees, risk mitigation related to
cash handling, reliable free flowing fare collection and to detect any flow obstruction.
vii. Design must comply with Canadian Safety Codes Act to meet appropriate accessibility
viii. Ticket vending equipment should be placed appropriately to avoid crowding and
ix. Camera views of fare collection and fare paid areas are also required and are used for
the purpose of ensuring reliable and free flowing fare collection and to detect any flow
x. Design must comply with Canadian Safety Codes Act to meet appropriate accessibility


The BMS is equipment that is necessary for monitoring and controlling heating, ventilation and
air conditioning (HVAC) equipment at LRT stations and TPSS’s. The BMS is interconnected

Final Issue July 2017 8.45


with the security system and receives (using a dry contact) notification from the security
system if a security breach has occurred.
LRT Stations, TPSS, the LRT Maintenance Facility, LRT trackswitch/snow blower control
system, underground tunnels and pedways on the Edmonton LRT System are provided with
various building heating, ventilating, air conditioning, plumbing, electrical, security and fire
alarm systems which are all controlled and/or monitored by the BMS. Dedicated controllers
within each facility or building perform all of the control and monitoring functions for the
various building systems. They are remotely monitored using central operator work stations at
the ETS Control Centre.
The content of this section includes: industry standard Building Management System
abbreviations, definitions and nomenclature, a brief overview of the existing Building
Management System and its major components, as well as, the guidelines that will govern the
design of future expansion of the system.

8.12.1 BMS Definitions

The following is a list of definitions for BMS related terms used in this section.
 Facility; includes LRT Stations, Traction Power Substations, D.L. MacDonald LRT
Maintenance Yard.
 Traction Power Substation (TPSS); is a stand-a-lone building, or a designated room
within a LRT Station housing the LRT Traction Power equipment.
 Main Network; is the BMS communication network linking all LRT Stations and Traction
Power Substations.
 Facility Network; is the BMS communication network linking all BMS controllers within
the facility.
 Controller; is the BMS direct digital control panel (either a main or local control panel).
Operator Work Station (OWS) is a computer connected to the BMS system to allow
operator access into the BMS.
 Portable Operator Terminal; is a laptop computer connected to the BMS system at a
 Interface; is the communication of one proprietary building DDC system with another
proprietary DDC system controlling pieces of equipment.
 Point; is a generic term used to describe a single point of information in a control system.

8.12.2 Nomenclature General Structure

Input/Output point names in the system must follow a designated fixed format to match to the
existing system nomenclature as follows:
ii. Where: STA = 3 character facility designator
iii. SYS = 3 character system designator
iv. POINT = specific point designator to follow standard DDC naming conventions Facility Designator
The Facility designator for new stations must be determined in conjunction with ETS. System Designators
System designators should coincide with existing system designator of similar systems in
other existing LRT Facilities. They should fall into one of the following categories:
i. AHx Air handling systems monitoring and control where, x = the system number. (If the
number of systems exceeds 9, 3 character designator to be A10, A11, A12 etc.)
ii. AIR Compressed air systems monitoring.

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iii. AUD Public address systems control.

iv. BLR Boiler system monitoring and control.
v. CLG Cooling systems monitoring and control.
vi. CMO Carbon monoxide condition monitoring.
vii. ELC Electrical systems monitoring.
viii. ELV Elevator monitoring and control.
ix. ESC Escalator monitoring and control.
x. FIR Fire suppression systems monitoring and Fire alarm system monitoring.
xi. GAS Natural gas system monitoring and control.
xii. GEN Generator systems monitoring
xiii. GEX General exhaust systems monitoring and control.
xiv. GLY Glycol heating systems monitoring and control.
xv. HTG Heating systems monitoring and control.
xvi. HWx Heating water systems monitoring and control where x = system numbers.
xvii. LTG Lighting system monitoring and control.
xviii. MUx Make-up air systems monitoring and control where x = system number.
xix. OAT Outdoor air condition monitoring.
xx. SCA SCADA system alarm monitoring.
xxi. SEC Security and alarm monitoring systems including:
a. access monitoring and control
b. motion detector monitoring.
c. emergency pushbutton monitoring.
d. fare equipment alarm monitoring.
xxii. SMK Smoke control system monitoring and control.
xxiii. SMP Sump monitoring.
xxiv. SNW Track snow blower monitoring and control.
xxv. SPT Space temperature monitoring.
xxvi. UPS UPS system monitoring.

8.12.3 General Description

The existing BMS is a proprietary system supplied by Delta Controls and installed by ESC
Automation of Edmonton.
Energrated Systems must be contacted to confirm existing control system firmware and
hardware and to coordinate compatibility requirements between the existing and new BMS
equipment. The Delta System in place at the time of the release of this edition of the LRT
Design Guidelines is:
i. Delta Panels – Type DSC Series (e.g., DSC-1212e, DSC-1616e, DSC-RTR)
ii. Delta Software – OrcaView v.3.3 for independent workstations and OrcaWeb v.3.3 for
generic browser clients requiring a web server. Main Network
The Main Network consists of a dedicated VLAN that spans the entire LRT LAN network into
all facilities that require BMS. This network is a dedicated network on the same Cisco
infrastructure that runs all other communications systems. The network is firewalled from
other ETS systems by the central core firewall and the only access allowed in from external
networks is via a VPN portal and to the http ports of the main Delta web servers.
This system will likely be migrated to a VPLS service on the new MPLS core network as part
of the common infrastructure environment network build. The same topology for the network
will continue to exist as today.

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Network switches are provided at each facility to allow for the interconnection of the individual
facility network into the Main Network. These switches are part of the shared core network
that runs all communications systems. Facility Network
Each Station, TPSS building and the D.L. MacDonald LRT Maintenance Facility has its own
access layer switches that branch out to all locations that contain BMS controllers.
The networks within each facility, consists mainly of copper network cabling, except where
conventional copper network cabling (Cat 6) distances are exceeded. Where copper network
cabling distances are exceeded, fibre optic network cabling is utilized. Industrially hardened
Ethernet switches with optical fibre small form-factor pluggable (SFP) transceivers are to be
used to gather copper based signals for transmission over fibre to the main station network
Signal amplifying devices are not to be used to overcome cabling distance limitations of
copper type network cable. Individual fibre media converters are to be avoided unless
approved by ETS staff. All copper runs must also conform to BICSI/TIA standards for
installation as with any Cat 6 installation described in this document. ETS Control Centre
Monitoring is conducted on a 24/7 basis from the ETS Control Centre (refer to Section 8.6 for
the Control Centre Facility Design Requirements).
The web page access to the main alarm system is accomplished via a shared ETS
workstation in the control room. Separate workstations are no longer used to accomplish
monitoring of the BMS system. General Requirements

A new Direct Digital Control (DDC) Building Monitoring System is to be provided in each new
facility or additions to existing buildings to monitor and control the building systems as outlined
in the following subsections. BMS Intent
Fully integrated controls must be provided to control and/or monitor facility systems and
equipment as part of the overall Building Monitoring System. System Additions

The new BMS equipment provided for any new facility will be added onto the existing BMS
system by extending the existing BMS main network to the new facility and connecting the
new facility network to the extended main network.
All new BMS equipment must be fully integrated into the existing BMS system. Interfacing Requirements

The BMS interfaces with other systems to provide monitoring and control functions. The
interconnection requirements, monitoring functions and control functions must be clearly
specified between the respective systems.
The Systems Interface Matrix, in Appendix A, identifies the major LRT functions, by element,
that are controlled centrally. It provides an overview of the required interrelationships
including those with the BMS. Section 8.12 describes the specific BMS interrelationships for
the various systems.

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8.12.4 BMS Operation and Maintenance Manuals

Refer to Chapter 1 General, Section 1.7 for general and specific requirements on operating
and maintenance data and record plans.

8.12.5 BMS Equipment Requirements Main Network
To extend the existing Main Network fibre optic cabling to a new facility, the designers must
treat the BMS panel as another Ethernet device to connect to the extended Ethernet network
and cable it in the same manner as an IP-based camera, sign, or phone. A dedicated port for
the BMS network must be provisioned on the network device before connecting it to the
network. This must be done in coordination with ETS. Facility Network
The facility network is simply an extension of the main network from the main communications
room and is the same network used for all IP devices at all the points in the station. Each of
these switches will have dedicated ports provisioned for the BMS panels at each location. Main Control Panels
Fully distributed BMS control panels must be provided in communication, mechanical,
electrical, signals and other rooms to control the relevant systems.
Controllers must be provided in all mechanical, electrical, and communication rooms.
All new controllers must be fully compatible with the existing Delta control system. Upgrading
of all software and firmware for existing BMS controllers may be required in order to interface
the new controllers to existing controllers. Where possible, upgrading should include all
existing controllers with the overall objective of maintaining the newest software and firmware
versions throughout the system.
New controllers must be fully capable of operating in standalone mode and communicating
with OWS’s without inter-panel functions.
Primary power supplies for all main control panels must be provided via the Facility UPS
power system. The power supply should be supervised with the following features:
i. Provision of individually fused outputs.
ii. Self-contained within the respective controller or standalone within an enclosure.
iii. Proper identification.
Free standing power transformers, mounted on small 100 mm x 100 mm boxes randomly
placed throughout a facility, are not acceptable. Local Control Panels

Local control panels may be utilized in remote applications or where multiplexing of small
numbers of input / output points is required in accordance with the following criteria:
i. Local control panels must not connect directly to the Facility network or the main network.
They must be networked directly to a main control panel via a sub-network dedicated to
one specific main control unit.
ii. Local control panels must be fully programmable controllers.
iii. All control panels must be enclosed within metal enclosures complete with lockable door
The primary power supply for all local control panels is to be provided via the facility power
system. Central emergency power must be utilized, if provided in the facility, as the primary

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power supply for all local control panels. Individual or, central UPS power supplies, for the
secondary power system to the local control panels must be provided. Expansion Capabilities
Stand-alone controllers must accommodate 25% spare input and 25% spare output point
capability for future input / output additions. Spare point capacity, through the future addition
of input / output expansion boards, is acceptable. Local, Facility and Remote Operator Work Stations
OWS’s, connected to the facility network, are required where control or monitoring functions
are provided in the facility.
Maintenance monitoring for LRT Stations is done by the AM&PW Buildings and Facilities
Maintenance Section by connecting remotely to the BMS system through a VPN connection.
To support operations and maintenance activities, a dedicated remote desktop connection to
an OWS running on the BMS network is provided.

8.12.6 Requirements for the BMS Monitoring and Control of Systems

This section outlines the monitoring and control function requirements for the various types of
systems and/or equipment that may be provided in a facility or tunnel. The requirements
should be applied based on the types of systems that have been selected for each facility
(refer to the list in Section 8.12).
To minimize the travel distance to specific locations, sufficient control and monitoring functions
must be provided for each system to adequately monitor, control and trouble shoot operational
and maintenance conditions from remote locations.
As stated earlier, reference should also be made to Appendix A, System Interface Matrix, to
determine their interrelationships to other systems. Air Handling Systems Monitoring and Control (AHx)
(where, x = the system number)
All control and monitoring functions for air handling units are to be provided via the BMS, as
per the following:
i. Fan control and status monitoring
ii. Coil and coil pump control
Damper control
i. Supply, return and mixed air temperature monitoring and control
ii. Filter section pressure drop monitoring
iii. Coil discharge temperature monitoring
iv. Burner controls on gas fired air handlers are not to be controlled.
v. Utilize integral burner controls c/w remote BMS temperature reset capabilities.
vi. Control all other aspects of the system where integral burner control functions are not
compromised Compressed Air Systems Monitoring (AIR)
Monitor all compressed air systems for low pressure alarms. Public Address Control (AUD)
Interconnection of the Public Address system to the BMS is not required at this time. This
integration may occur in the future depending on the capabilities and future enhancements of
the platform selected.

Final Issue July 2017 8.50

COMMUNICATIONS & CONTROL Boiler Monitoring and Control (BLR)

Boiler systems installed for heating must be fully controlled and monitored, and include the
i. Boiler enable/disable and status monitoring
ii. Boiler and circulating pump control and status monitoring
iii. Boiler integral alarm monitoring
iv. Individual boiler supply water temperature monitoring
v. Common supply and return water temperature monitoring
vi. System water pressure monitoring
vii. Expansion tank low level alarm monitoring
viii. Integral boiler controls should be utilized for all gas burner control functions Cooling Systems Monitoring and Control (CLG)
Monitoring functions for packaged air conditioners that must be provided are:
i. Space temperature
ii. Space temperature alarm
iii. Unit status
iv. Integral unit failure alarm Carbon Monoxide Condition Monitoring (CMO)
Where conditions dictate that the monitoring of carbon monoxide (CO) levels is required,
analog type CO sensors rated for the application must be provided.
Control functions for related systems in conjunction with the CO monitoring should also be
provided. Electrical Systems Monitoring (ELC)
All of the following main electrical service elements for a LRT Station must be monitored:
i. Main Service Entrance Breaker(s) Status
ii. Emergency Generator Power Breaker(s) Status
iii. Transfer Switch(s) Status
iv. Tie Breaker Status
v. Owner owned Main medium voltage (13.8 kV) Transformer High Temperature Alarms
BMS does not monitor the traction power elements such as transformers, rectifiers or circuit
breakers. It does however monitor the building-related elements such as substation room
temperature and fire alarm as described later. Refer to Chapter 6 Traction Power, Section for SCADA monitoring requirements relating to the electrical systems in the TPSS. Elevator Monitoring (ELV)
i. Elevators status. Escalator Monitoring and Control (ESC)
i. Escalator status. Fire Suppression Systems Monitoring (FIR)
Where dry sprinkler systems are incorporated into the facility, monitoring of the compressed
air pressure for the system should be provided.
Where dedicated fire suppression systems are provided for a specific room, the BMS should
monitor all general, supervisory, first, second and zone alarms at the integral alarming /
release panel as separate digital inputs into the BMS.

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i. Monitor the status of the facility fire alarm system for remote alarming at the ETS Control
ii. Monitor the general, supervisory and trouble status as separate digital inputs into the
iii. The BMS must provide a dial out signal to the LRT Control Centre. Natural Gas Control (GAS)

Remote shut off capabilities for gas supplies to gas fired equipment heating and cooling
systems at tunnel entrances, or exits must be provided. Emergency Generator Control and Monitoring (GEN)
i. Generator operating status
ii. Generator general alarm
iii. Key transfer switch parameters
iv. Provide a 4 to 20 mA tank level controller (such as Miltronic) to monitor tank volumes and
activate remote fill station alarms during the refueling process. General Exhaust systems Monitoring and Control (GEX)
i. Operating status
ii. Dampers
iii. Space Temperature
iv. Start/stop
v. Enable/disable
Damper sections are required to be hardwired and controlled by a modulating thermostat
located within the room. Glycol Heating Systems Monitoring and Control (GLY)
i. Pump operating status and control
ii. Heat exchanger control valve control
iii. Supply and return glycol temperature monitoring
iv. Secondary control valve control
v. Glycol/water pressure monitoring
vi. Expansion tanks level monitoring
vii. Glycol fill tank level monitoring Heating Systems Monitoring and Control (HTG)

i. Electric heat trace systems
ii. Infrared space heating systems
iii. Terminal space heaters such as unit heaters, force flows, radiation, radiant panels and
radiant heaters (If requested by ETS)
BMS controls for the various terminal heating systems should include digital output control
devices (enable / disable), analog output control devices (control valves) and analog input
space temperature feedback. Heating Water Systems Monitoring and Control (HWx)
i. Pump control and operating status monitoring
ii. Heat exchanger control valve control
iii. Supply and return water temperature monitoring
iv. Secondary control valve control
v. Water pressure monitoring

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vi. Expansion tank level monitoring Lighting Monitoring and Control (LTG)
i. Station signage lighting
ii. Pedway lighting
iii. Control of interior and exterior lighting control system
iv. Coordinate digital output requirements with lighting zone layouts for the facility
v. Monitor operating status for all lighting zones
vi. Interconnect to lighting control system as required
Refer to Chapter 11 Electrical Systems, Section 11.10 for lighting system requirements. Make-up Air Monitoring and Control (Mux)
i. Make-up air systems monitoring and control (refer to Section for details) Outdoor Air Condition Monitoring (OAT)

Each Facility must include, at a minimum, one outdoor air temperature sensor located in a
position least affected by the sun. The sensor should be utilized in conjunction with the facility
monitoring and control functions. Security and Alarm Monitoring
i. Motion Detector Monitoring. Motion detectors should be provided in the following
a. Station vaults
b. Public washrooms
c. All entrances to Station from street level
d. Access areas from platform levels to concourse levels and/or +15 pedways
e. At cash machines
Where motion detectors are provided in public areas, occupancy schedules must be provided
for disabling alarm functions during occupied periods.
i. Emergency Pushbutton Monitoring
Where emergency push buttons are deemed to be a requirement in a Facility, the status of
each individual push button should be monitored.
i. Fare Equipment Monitoring
ii. Fare, ticket, change, and ticket validating machines are monitored by the BMS.
All door security and access controls must be interlocked with the fire alarm systems as per
ABC requirements.
All security alarming must be segregated to the ETS Control Centre LRT Security operator
work stations. Smoke Control Monitoring and Control (SMK)
i. Monitor and Control all smoke removal functions in Stations, TPSS, and Tunnels. Local
control status are to be remotely controlled.
Smoke control functions are to be coordinated and integrated into the existing smoke control
matrix for the LRT underground stations and tunnel systems. Sump Monitoring (SMP)
i. Monitor for high level alarms independent of integral sump pump level controls.

Final Issue July 2017 8.53

COMMUNICATIONS & CONTROL Track Snow (switch) Blowers Monitoring and Control (SNW)

i. Two input monitoring points are required for each track blower. One input to monitor
status of the starter (on/off) and the second input to monitor the status of the overloads.
ii. Control blower fan by the provision of digital enable output.
The BMS must be capable of remotely enabling the respective track snow blower but must not
be able to remotely disable it. (Wiring at the track snow blower fan starter requires manual
disabling at the respective track snow blower fan motor starter). Space Temperature Monitoring (SPT)
i. Heating and cooling functions (monitor and control)
ii. Analog space temperature monitoring should be provided throughout the following areas
of all facilities including tunnels:
a. Common public areas of all Stations including platforms, concourses, landings and
b. Communications rooms
c. Electrical rooms
d. Elevator machine rooms
e. Mechanical rooms
f. Signals rooms
g. Traction Power Substations
Alarm conditions are to be set at both high and low limits consistent with similar space alarm
conditions in existing facilities. UPS System Monitoring (UPS)

Monitor the following integral alarms from each UPS or battery bank via digital inputs:
i. AC power failure alarm
ii. Battery failure alarm
iii. Output failure alarm
An integrated solution may be utilized subject to the UPS being compatible to the Delta
Control System. Sensors and Devices
Upon request, ETS will provide a list of acceptable sensors and device type products.

8.12.7 Control Logic Software, Graphics and Alarming Requirements Control Logic Software
Provision must be made for control logic sequences that incorporate all BMS monitoring and
control functions for new facilities and includes any required modifications to existing control
logic sequences.
Potential modifications to existing sequences include globally operated functions and
schedules such as:
i. Lighting control
ii. Tunnel / Station smoke control
iii. Track snow blower control BMS Graphics
Graphics must be provided for all BMS monitored and controlled systems. Existing graphic
formats previously used in existing facilities are to be utilized for consistency.

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In some instances modifications and/or additions may be required to some graphics to

accommodate new facilities. Possible existing graphics requiring modifications are:
i. Station overview
ii. Track snow blower
iii. Lighting control
iv. Tunnel / Station smoke control
v. Generator monitoring
vi. UPS monitoring BMS Alarming
All alarming is to be segregated and logged as follows:
i. Security related alarms are to be assigned to the LRT security monitoring OWS’s at the
Control Centre at Churchill Station with the exception of door access alarms. All door
access alarms are processed by Edmonton AM&PW department’s C-Cure System. The
C-Cure system will report a summary intrusion alarm at stations to the BMS system via
contact closure interface.
ii. All maintenance alarms will be initially assigned to ETS Security at the Control Centre.
LRT Operations will then dispatch to the AMPW Maintenance OWS as required.
iii. All other alarms are to be assigned to the LRT control OWS’s at the ETS Control Centre.
All alarms are also to be logged at the BMS server, located in the computer room at the
D.L. MacDonald LRT Maintenance Yard.
Individual alarm conditions are to be specified for the various system points in order to alert
LRT personnel to alarm conditions normally expected from BMS systems being monitored and
controlled. Where possible, alarm conditions in existing facilities should be utilized in new
facilities on similar systems.

8.12.8 Training
Training must be provided to ETS staff for all new facilities and their related systems, including
the expansion of the existing system. BMS training will be limited to BMS architecture for any
new station and the control sequence strategies for new equipment.

8.12.9 Documentation
Documentation must include loop drawings.

8.13 CCTV
The CCTV system allows operations personnel and Controllers to remotely monitor and
record activities at all LRT stations and other designated locations.
This section presents the guidelines and criteria to be used in the design of the Closed Circuit
Television System for future LRT extensions, along with an overview of the existing system
and related components.

8.13.1 Applicable Codes, Standards, Regulations and Practices

All design work, equipment and material selection must conform to or exceed the latest
editions of codes, standards and regulations issued by:
i. American National Standards Institute – ANSI
ii. APTA
iii. Canadian Electrical Code (CEC)
iv. CSA Standards
v. Electrical & Electronics Manufacturers (EEMAC) Standards
vi. Electronic Industry Association – E.I.A.

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vii. Transport Canada, NAV Canada

viii. Underwriters Laboratories (ULC) Inc. Standards
ix. ISEDC (Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada) - Spectrum
Management and Telecommunications Division
In the case of a conflict between standards or regulations the stricter requirement will apply.

8.13.2 Product Acceptability

As with all other systems, equipment supplied for CCTV system must be current models and
cannot be discontinued within 1 period of 12 months from the date of commissioning
acceptance by ETS Communications Group. Any product which has been discontinued by the
manufacturer by the date of commissioning acceptance shall be replaced with the current
model at the expense of the supplying contractor with no additional expense being incurred by

8.13.3 Naming conventions

Naming conventions for the various systems and system components are described in the
released document “Naming Conventions Best Common Practice, Issue 1.0”, dated January

8.13.4 Architecture
The CCTV system is currently comprised of both legacy systems, which are in the process of
being upgraded, and the current standard Video Management System, Genetec Security
Center (v5.4/SR3/CU1 at time of writing). All system additions or modifications are to be done
as expansion of the Genetec Security Center architecture; no alternate video systems or
platforms are to be introduced.
The Genetec Security Center (GSC) system is constructed based on a “Failover / Redundant
Centralized” system model. The GSC system is comprised of a fully redundant Directory set,
the primary Management servers for the USP system, along with a number of Archivers
(Video recording servers) configured for redundant recording. These servers, which are all
virtual, are hosted on physical stacks located within 2 server rooms, one located at the DLM
site and the other at USR. In addition, there are several sites with on-site recording servers
(Archivers) due to limited WAN bandwidth availability at the time of their deployment; these
will be migrated to the centralized storage servers once the WAN bandwidth is increased.
Cameras, encoders, Input / Output Modules (Alarm Units), and Client Workstations located
throughout ETS facilities are all connected to the “CCTV” network via local switches
connected to the ETS Fibre network backbone. This network is used to connect all field
devices with the Genetec Servers (Directories and Archivers) for transport of video and other
In addition to the Genetec Security Center VMS, ETS utilizes a centralized device
management platform for all CCTV field devices, such as cameras, encoders & Input / Output
Modules. This software allows an interface through which device status can be verified,
firmware updates can be applied and global programming configuration changes can be
deployed. This management software is provided by the hardware manufacturer and does not
allow for devices from disparate manufacturers. ETS has standardized on the use of Axis
Communications for all cameras, video encoders and input / output modules. Video Encoders/Alarm Interface Units (for use with Analog Cameras)
The future expansion of the CCTV system will be interfaced to a centrally located enterprise
network switch. The enterprise switch connects to PC based NVR’s and video workstations.

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In order to migrate from the legacy analogue CCTV systems which were in place to the
Genetec Security Center VMS, ETS has employed the use of Analogue Video Encoders.
These encoders receive analogue video signals and digitize them, converting them to IP video
streams which can then be handled by the VMS. Current specifications (as of August 2016)
are based on Axis Q74XX Series of encoders.
Any new camera deployment or system expansion will be done utilizing IP cameras. Video
Encoders are to be used only in the event that a site containing pre-existing analogue
cameras is to be added to the USP system.
Network Input / Output Audio Modules (aka Alarm Units), are used to provide an interface
between external dry contact “alarm points” and the USP system. No Alarm-point connections
are to be physically made directly to cameras or encoders, these must be connected to
Network I/Output Audio Module devices. Current specifications (as of August 2016) are based
on the Axis P8221. Modular Video Encoders (Self-Contained)
Additional encoders must be capable of network connection and communication providing for
peer to peer communication. These modular encoders shall:
i. Be manufactured with an all metal casing
ii. Be equipped with a 100Base-T or 1000BASE-T (Gigabit) Ethernet interface
iii. Be equipped with either 1 or 4 analogue composite video inputs
iv. For each channel provide at least 3 streams of resolutions up to 720x480 (NTSC) pixels
at 30 frames per second per stream (up to 60 frames per second on single-channel
v. Support simultaneous individually configured Motion JPEG and H.264 video streams for
each channel
vi. Support both unicast and multicast H.264 with support for both Constant and Variable Bit
vii. Include de-interlacing functionality
viii. For each channel accept static IP addresses as well as addresses provided by a DHCP
ix. Support both IPv4 and IPv6 based addresses
x. Be equipped with RS422/485 ports per video channel providing the ability to control third
part PTZ and dome cameras with support for guard tour and at least 100 presets
xi. Provide the ability to control PTZ devices from third party manufacturer using either RS-
422/RS-485 or up-the-coax control. (Up-the-coax on single-channel encoder only)
xii. Provide multiple user password levels, support for HTTPS and SSL/TLS and incorporate
IEEE 802.1X authentication for each channel
xiii. Include embedded event functionality, which may be triggered by:
a. alarm input
b. video loss
c. video motion detection
d. camera tampering
xiv. Event actions supported by the encoder shall include remote notification, including video
xv. Be equipped with a built-in web server for each channel
xvi. Be supported by an open and published API Chassis-mount Video Encoders Blades
Chassis-mount encoder blades shall:
i. Meet the following standards:
a. IEEE 802.1X (Authentication)

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b. IPv4 (RFC 791)

c. IPv6 (RFC 2460)
d. QoS – DiffServ (RFC 2475)
ii. Be designed for installation in a separate 19” chassis
iii. Contain different embedded de-interlacing filters in order to improve the video stream
iv. Incorporate Anti-aliasing functionality to minimize distortion in the image.
v. Incorporate Local Contrast functionality to apply contrast in a specified area of the image.
vi. Support manually defined values for:
a. Color level
b. Brightness
c. Contrast
d. Sharpness
vii. Allow for rotation of the image.
viii. Provide simultaneous Motion JPEG and H.264 video streams.
ix. For each channel, be designed to provide at least two individually configured
simultaneous video streams at 60 frames per second in all resolutions up to 720x480
pixels in Motion JPEG and H.264
x. Include both unicast and multicast functionality and support Constant Bit Rate (CBR) as
well as Variable Bit Rate (VBR) for H.264 implementation.
xi. Be equipped with six BNC connectors for analogue composite video input.
xii. Through the chassis, using the multi-pin connectors, provide:
a. RS-485/422 serial ports
b. I/O functionality, configurable as digital (alarm) inputs or digital outputs. These
inputs/outputs shall be configurable to respond to normally open (NO) or normally
closed (NC) dry contacts.
c. Network connectivity
d. Power
xiii. Provide the ability to control PTZ devices from third party manufacturer using either RS-
422/RS-485 or up-the-coax control.
xiv. Provide 100 preset positions/camera.
xv. Provide a guard tour functionality
xvi. Be equipped with an integrated event functionality, which can be trigged by:
a. Live Stream Accessed
b. Video Motion Detection
c. Tampering
d. Video signal
e. Manual Trigger/Virtual Inputs
f. PTZ functionality
g. Embedded third party applications
xvii. Support the following responses to a trigged event:
a. Send notification, using HTTP, HTTPS, TCP or email
b. Send images, using FTP, HTTP, HTTPS, network share or email
c. Send video clip, using FTP, HTTP, HTTPS, network share or email
xviii. PTZ control functionality
xix. Be equipped with a built-in web server for each channel
xx. Be supported by an open and published API

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Input / Output Modules Shall:
i. Be manufactured with an all metal casing
ii. Be equipped with a 100BASE-TX Ethernet interface
iii. Be equipped with 8 configurable I/O ports
iv. Support -40 V DC to + 40 V DC signals when configured as input
v. Supporting open-drain, max load 40mA, max voltage 40 V DC when configured as output
vi. Provide 1 channel of full duplex audio and be equipped with Line/Mic In and Line Out
vii. Support the use of 48 V phantom powered balanced microphones
viii. Accept static IP addresses as well as addresses provided by a DHCP
ix. Support both IPv4 and IPv6 based addresses
x. Provide one channel of serial communication for third party equipment using RS-232 or
xi. Provide date/time support synchronized with an NTP
xii. Provide user password, support for HTTPS and SSL/TLS and incorporate IEEE 802.1X
xiii. Be equipped with a built-in web server
xiv. Be supported by an open and published API Unified Security Platform
The Unified Security Platform (UPS) of which the CCTV USP is a component shall be of the
same release and patch level as ETS main system at the time of system deployment. The
USP shall support the following minimum requirements: System Functionality

i. Failover and Standby Functionality
ii. The USP shall support native and off-the-shelf failover options.
iii. Failover Directory
a. The Standby Directory shall act as a replacement SSM on hot standby, ready to
take over as the acting Directory in case the primary Directory fails. The failover
shall occur in less than 1 minute. No action from the user shall be required.
b. The USP shall support up to five (5) Directories on standby, lined up to take over as
the acting Directory in a cascading fashion.
c. The Standby Directory shall keep its configuration database synchronized with the
primary Directory.
d. The Standby Directory shall support synchronization of the configuration databases
using a backup and restore mechanism. The synchronization period shall be
configurable from 15 minutes to 1 week.
e. The Standby Directory shall support real-time synchronization of the configuration
databases using SQL Mirroring mechanism.
iv. Standby Archiver. Refer to section Standby Archiver for more information. Remote Task
i. The USP shall provide, through a Remote Task, capabilities to remotely monitor and
control the content of other workstations running the CSA (Monitoring UI) that are part of
the same system.
ii. The USP shall support video wall applications by connecting and controlling multiple
workstations and monitors simultaneously.
iii. The Remote Task shall be a graphical interface showing a replication of the remote
workstation running the CSA (Monitoring UI).
iv. The Remote Task shall allow the connection to other workstations using a low bandwidth
mode to receive only snapshots of video viewed remotely.

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v. The Remote Task shall allow the connection to other workstations using a spy mode to
remain invisible to the remotely connected workstation.
vi. The functionality provided by the remote monitoring and control capability shall include:
a. Remote monitoring and control of the monitoring and alarm monitoring tasks.
b. Ability to remotely switch cameras, doors and zones into display tiles.
c. Ability to remotely control live and playback video.
d. Ability to remotely change the tile pattern.
e. Ability to remotely create and delete tasks.
f. Ability to remotely start/stop task cycling.
g. Ability to remotely go into full screen mode.
h. Ability to remotely save and reload the workspace. Health Monitoring
i. The USP shall monitor the health of the system, log health-related events, and calculate
ii. USP services, roles, agents, units, and client apps will trigger health events.
iii. The USP shall populate the Windows Event Log with health events related to USP roles,
services, and client apps.
iv. A dedicated role, the Health Monitoring Role, shall perform the following actions:
a. Monitor the health of the entire system and log events.
b. Calculate statistics within a specified time frame (hours, days, months).
c. Calculate availability for clients, servers, and video/access/ALPR units.
v. A Health Monitoring task and Health History reporting task shall be available for live and
historical reporting.
vi. A web-based, centralized health dashboard shall be available to remotely view unit and
role health events of the USP.
vii. Detailed system care statistics will be available through a web-based dashboard
providing health metrics of USP entities and roles, including Uptime and mean-time-
viii. Health events shall be accessible via the SDK (can be used to create SNMP traps). Advanced Task Management

i. The USP shall support an infrastructure for managing Monitoring UI tasks used for live
monitoring, day to day activities, and reporting.
ii. Administrators shall be able to assign tasks and lock the operator`s workspace. The user
management of their workspace shall be limited by their assigned privileges.
iii. Operators shall be able save their tasks as either Public Tasks or Private Tasks and in a
specific partition. Public tasks shall be available to all users. Private tasks shall only be
available to the owner of the task.
iv. Operators shall be able to share their tasks by sending them to one or more online users.
Recipients shall have the option to accept the sent task. Microsoft Active Directory Integration

i. The USP shall support a direct connection to one or multiple Microsoft Active Directory
servers via the Active Directory Role(s). Active Directory integration shall enable the
synchronization of information from the Active Directory server to the USP.
ii. Active Directory integration shall permit the central management of the USP users, user
groups, cardholders, and cardholder groups.
iii. The USP shall be able to connect to and synchronize data from multiple Active Directory
servers (up to 10).
iv. The USP shall support Microsoft Active Directory encryption using LDAP SSL.

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v. When enabled, Active Directory shall manage user logon to the USP client applications
through the user’s Windows credentials. Logging to the USP shall utilize native Active
Directory password management and authentication features.
vi. It shall be possible to synchronize the following USP entities and their information from
Active Directory with the USP:
a. Users (username, first and last names, email address, and more).
b. User groups (user group name, description, and group email address).
c. Active Directory attributes to USP custom fields.
vii. When enabled, the addition, removal, or suspension of a user’s Windows account in
Active Directory shall result in the creation, deletion, or disabling of the equivalent user
account in the USP.
viii. Supported synchronization methods for additions, modification, and deletions of
synchronized entities shall include: on first logon (users only), manual synchronization,
and scheduled synchronization.
ix. The USP shall support user connections across independent organizations by connecting
to an external ADFS (Active Directory Federation Services) service using claims-based
authentication. Zone Management
i. The USP shall support the configuration and management of zones for input point
monitoring via the Zone Manager Role. A user shall be able to add, delete, or modify a
zone if he or she has the appropriate privileges.
ii. A zone shall monitor the status of one or more inputs points. Zone monitoring or input
point monitoring shall be possible through the use of a controller and one or more input
modules. Inputs from video cameras or video encoders shall also be accessible via a
iii. Depending on the hardware installed, supervised inputs shall be supported. Depending
on the input module used, both 3-state and 4-state supervision shall be available.
iv. A schedule shall be defined for a zone indicating when the zone will be monitored.
v. Custom Events shall provide full flexibility in creating custom events tailored to a zone.
Users shall be able to associate custom events to state changes in monitored inputs.
vi. The ACS shall support one or more cameras per zone. Video shall then be associated to
zone state changes.
vii. Input / Output (IO) Linking:
a. Zone management shall support Input / Output (IO) Linking. IO Linking shall allow
one or more inputs to trigger one or more outputs.
b. IO Linking shall be available in offline mode when communication between the
server and hardware is not available.
c. Custom Output Behaviors shall provide full flexibility in creating a variety of complex
output signal patterns: simple pulses, periodic pulses, variable duty-cycle pulses,
and state changes.
d. Through the “trigger an output” action, the ACS shall support the triggering of
outputs with custom output behaviors User and User Group Security, Partitions and Privileges Management
i. The USP shall support the configuration and management of users and user groups. A
user shall be able to add, delete, or modify a user or user group if he or she has the
appropriate privileges.
ii. The USP shall support user authentication with claims-based authentication using
external providers. External providers shall include:
a. ADFS (Active Directory Federation Services)

Final Issue July 2017 8.61


b. Common access rights and privileges shared by multiple users shall be defined as
User Groups. Individual group members shall inherit the rights and privileges from
their parent user groups. User group nesting shall be allowed.
iii. User privileges shall be extensive in the USP. All configurable entities for the USP,
including access control/video/ALPR, shall have associated privileges.
iv. Specific entities, such as cardholders, cardholder groups, and credentials shall include a
more granular set of privileges, such as the right to access custom fields and change the
activation or profile status of an entity.
v. Partitions:
a. The USP shall limit what users can view in the configuration database via security
partitions (database segments). The administrator, who has all rights and privileges,
shall be allowed to segment a system into multiple security partitions.
b. All entities that are part of the USP can be assigned to one or more partitions.
c. A user who is given access to a specific partition shall only be able to view entities
(components) within the partition to which he or she has been assigned. Access is
given by assigning the user as an accepted user to view the entities that are
members of a particular partition.
d. A user or user group can be assigned administrator rights over the partition.
vi. It shall be possible to specify user and user group privileges on a per partition basis.
vii. Advanced logon options shall be available such as dual logon and more.
viii. It shall be possible to specify an inactive period for the Monitoring UI after which time the
application shall automatically lock, while still preserving access to currently displayed
camera feeds. Event / Action Management

i. The USP shall support the configuration and management of events for access control,
video, and ALPR. A user shall be able to add, delete, or modify an action tied to an event
if he has the appropriate privileges.
ii. The USP shall receive all incoming events from one or more ACS and/or VMS. The USP
shall take the appropriate actions based on user-define event/action relationships.
iii. The USP shall receive and log the following events:
a. System-wide events.
b. Application events (clients and servers).
c. Area, camera.
d. Unit events.
e. Zone events.
f. Alarm events.
iv. The USP shall allow the creation of custom events.
v. The USP shall have the capability to execute an action in response to an access control,
video, and ALPR event.
vi. The USP shall allow a schedule to be associated with an action. The action shall be
executed only if it is an appropriate action for the current time period. Schedules and Scheduled Task
i. Schedules
a. The USP shall support the configuration and management of complex schedules. A
user shall be able to add, delete, or modify a schedule if he or she has the
appropriate privileges.
b. The USP shall provide full flexibility and granularity in creating a schedule. The user
shall be able to define a schedule in 1-minute or 15-minute increments.
c. Daily, weekly, ordinal, and specific schedules shall be supported

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ii. Scheduled Tasks

a. The USP shall support scheduled tasks for access control, video, and ALPR.
b. Scheduled tasks shall be executed on a user-defined schedule at a specific day and
time. Recurring or periodic scheduled tasks shall also be supported.
c. Scheduled tasks shall support all standard actions available within the USP, such as
sending an email or emailing a report. Dynamic Graphical Maps

i. The USP shall support mapping functionality for access control, video surveillance,
intrusion detection, ALPR, and external applications.
ii. The USP shall provide a map centric interface with the ability to command and control all
the UPS capabilities from a full screen map interface.
iii. It shall be possible to span the map over all screens of the USP client station. In the
scenario where the map is spanned over all the screens of the USP client station it shall
be possible to navigate the map including pan and zoom, and the map’s moves shall be
synchronized between all screens. Spanning the map over multiple screen must provide
the same command and control capabilities than in a single screen display.
iv. The DGM shall support the following file format and protocol for importing map
a. PDF
b. JPG
c. PNG
d. Web Map Service (WMS) defined by the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC)
e. BeNomad
v. The DGM shall provide the following online map providers for use as map background
and provide the ability to manage their service license if they require one:
a. Google Map, aerial, terrain (Licensed)
b. Bing Map, aerial, satellite, hybrid (Licensed)
c. OpenStreet Map aerial
d. OVI hybrid
vi. It shall be possible to configure a mixed set of maps made of GIS, online providers and
private imported files and link them together.
vii. The DGM shall provide the ability to display all native entities of the UPS including:
a. Cameras, fix and PTZ.
b. Camera sequences.
c. Areas.
d. Digital inputs.
e. Digital outputs.
f. Intercoms.
g. Alarms.
viii. The DGM shall provide the ability to draw and display information over the map in the
form of:
a. Vector shapes: line, rectangles, polygons, ellipse.
b. Pictures.
c. Text.
ix. The DGM shall provide the ability to display any type of third party entities integrated
through an SDK.
x. The DGM shall provide the ability to display layer of information in Keyhole Markup
Language (KML) format.

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xi. The DGM shall provide the ability to the operator to manage layers of entities display
over the map, being able to turn them on and off and changing the superposition order.
xii. The DGM shall offer built-in map data backup and restore for both map background and
layers of entities.
xiii. The DGM shall offer failover capabilities.
xiv. The DGM shall scale up to several thousands of entities on a single map and hundreds of
xv. The DGM shall provide a means to update a map background without affecting the map
object configuration.
xvi. The DGM shall offer a user friendly graphical map designer to configure the maps.
xvii. The DGM shall provide a user friendly and intuitive navigation that includes:
a. The ability to create hierarchies of maps to facilitate navigation within and between
various sites and buildings.
b. The ability to define favorites for recurrent position recall.
c. The possibility to create links between maps. The map links shall allow the link from
one map to multiple map representing the floors of a building.
d. A common user experience regarding navigation into the map for both GIS or private
e. A history log of positions.
xviii. It shall be possible to monitor the state of entities on the map. It shall be possible to
customize the icon of any entities represented on the map.
xix. The DGM shall display the actual video Field of View of camera. It shall be possible to
configure the FOV of a camera by entering the specification of the camera installation or
graphically by moving the boundaries of the Field of View.
xx. For PTZ cameras offering position feedback capability, the DGM shall:
a. Dynamically represent the accurate Field of View of the camera.
b. Allow the user to act on the PTZ by moving its field of view.
xxi. The DGM shall offer the ability to optionally set a graphical display notification of the
motion detection
xxii. The DGM shall offer a smart selection tool to access the video simply by clicking the
location the user wants to see, the DGM will automatically select the cameras that can
see this location and move the PTZ towards that location. This smart selection tool shall
take into consideration the obstacle and not display cameras that cannot see the location
because of a wall.
xxiii. It shall be possible to select a location by drawing a zone of interest on the DGM and
display all the entities that are part of that zone of interest at once.
xxiv. The user shall be able to select and display the content of multiple USP entities on the
map in popup windows.
xxv. It shall be possible to access live and playback video from the map.
xxvi. It shall be possible to monitor from the DGM all entities event notification. User shall be
able to turn on and off the notification per entity.
xxvii. The DGM shall offer the ability to fully operate alarm monitoring. It shall be possible
a. Center the map on entities related to the alarm.
b. Visualize the Alarms notification on the map access the related video from the map
c. Trigger and receive alarms.
d. Act on the alarm from the DGM, including acknowledgements, forwarding, and
e. Visualize that an alarm occurred in an underlying linked map.
xxviii. The DGM shall provide the following search capabilities:
a. Search and center by entity name.

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b. From the Display of an entity in the USP locate the entity on the map and offer the
ability to select another one close-by.
xxix. Any update of map content by an administrator shall be immediately and dynamically
pushed to all DGM users. Audit and User Activity Trails (Logs)

i. The USP shall support the generation of audit trails. Audit trails shall consist of logs of
operator/administrator additions, deletions, and modifications.
ii. Audit trails shall be generated as reports. They shall be able to track changes made
within specific time periods. Querying on specific users, changes, affected entities, and
time periods shall also be possible.
iii. For entity configuration changes, the audit trail report shall include detailed information of
the value before and after the changes.
iv. The USP shall support the generation of user activity trails. User activity trails shall
consist of logs of operator activity on the USP such as login, camera viewed, badge
printing, video export, and more.
v. The ACS shall support the following actions on an audit and activity trail report: print
report and export report to a PDF/ Microsoft Excel/CSV file. CCTV Control - Video Management System (VMS) Software

The CCTV USP is a component of Genetec Security Center bundled under the license name
Omnicast. The USP shall support the following minimum requirements: General Functionality
i. The USP shall be based on a true open architecture that shall allow the use of non-
proprietary workstation and server hardware, non-proprietary network infrastructure and
non-proprietary storage.
ii. The USP shall offer a complete and scalable video surveillance solution that shall allow
cameras to be added on a unit-by-unit basis.
iii. The USP shall interface with analogue-to-digital video encoders and IP cameras and with
digital-to-analogue video decoders, hereafter referred to as digital video servers (DVS).
The USP shall support DVS from various manufacturers.
iv. The USP shall integrate DVS using the DVS native SDK / Extension
v. All video streams supplied from analogue cameras or IP cameras shall be digitally
encoded in MJPEG, H.264, H.265, compression formats and recorded simultaneously in
real time.
vi. All audio streams supplied from IP video servers shall be digitally encoded in g711 (u-
law), g721, g723, or AAC compression formats and recorded simultaneously in real time.
vii. Each camera’s bit rate, frame rate, and resolution shall be set independently from other
cameras in the system, and altering these settings shall not affect the recording and
display settings of other cameras.
viii. The USP shall be able to use multiple CCTV keyboards to operate the entire set of
cameras throughout the system, including brands of cameras from various manufacturer
and including their PTZ functionalities (i.e.: Pelco keyboard controls Panasonic dome or
ix. The USP shall be able to retrieve and set the current position of PTZ cameras using XYZ
x. The USP shall support PTZ camera protocols from multiple manufacturers, including
analogue and IP protocols.
xi. The USP shall arbitrate the user conflict on PTZ usage based on user levels per camera
xii. The USP shall support the following list of CCTV keyboard protocols:
a. American Dynamics 2078 ASCII and American Dynamics 2088 ASCII.
b. Bosch Autodome, Bosch Intuikey.

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c. DVTel.
d. GE ImpactNet.
e. Panasonic, Pelco ASCII, Pelco KBD-300, and Pelco P.
f. Radionics.
g. Samsung SSC-1000.
h. Videolarm.
xiii. The USP shall support the following list of joysticks and control keyboards:
a. Axis 295.
b. Axis T8310 Video Surveillance Control Board.
c. Panasonic WV-CU950 Ethernet keyboard.
d. Any USB joystick detected as a Windows Game Controller.
xiv. The USP shall allow for the configuration of a time zone for each camera connected to a
DVS. For playback review, users shall have the ability to search for video based on the
following options:
a. Local time of the camera.
b. Local time of the SSM.
c. Local time of the user’s workstation.
d. GMT Time.
e. Other time zone.
xv. Audio and Video storage configuration for the SSM shall either be:
a. Internal or external IDE/SATA/SAS organized or not in a RAID configuration;
b. Internal or external SCSI/iSCSI/Fibre Channel organized or not in a RAID
c. Within the overall storage system, it shall be possible to include disks located on:
1. External PCs on a LAN or WAN.
2. Network Attached Servers (NAS) on a LAN or WAN.
3. Storage Area Networks (SAN).
xvi. The SSM shall not limit the actual storage capacity configured per server. Configuration UI
i. The Configuration UI shall allow the administrator or users with appropriate privileges to
change video configuration.
ii. The Configuration UI shall provide the ability to change video quality, bandwidth, and
frame rate parameters on a per camera (stream) basis for both live and recorded video.
iii. The Configuration UI shall provide the ability to change video quality by a selection of
predefined video quality template.
iv. The Configuration UI shall provide the ability to configure brightness, contrast, and hue
settings for each camera on the same DVS.
v. The Configuration UI shall provide the capability to enable audio recording on DVS units
that support audio.
vi. The Configuration UI shall provide the ability to change the audio parameters, serial port
and I/O configuration of individual DVS units.
vii. The Configuration UI shall provide the capability to rename all DVS units based on
system topology and to add descriptive information to each DVS.
viii. The Configuration UI shall provide the ability to set recording schedules and modes for
each individual camera. The recording mode can be:
a. Continuous.
b. On motion and Manual.
c. Manual only.
d. Disabled.

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ix. The Configuration UI shall support the creation of schedules to which any of the following
functional aspects can be attached:
a. Video quality (for each video stream per camera).
b. Recording (for each camera).
c. Motion detection (for each detection zone per camera).
d. Brightness, Contrast, and Hue (for each camera).
e. Camera sequence execution.
x. The Configuration UI shall support the creation of unlimited recording schedules and the
assigning of any camera to any schedule.
xi. The Configuration UI shall detect and warn user of any conflict within assigned
xii. The Configuration UI shall provide the capability to set a PTZ protocol to a specific DVS
serial port and shall allow mixing domes of various manufacturers within a system.
xiii. User shall have the ability to configure a return to home function after a predefined period
of inactivity for PTZ cameras. This period of inactivity time shall be configurable from 1 to
7200 seconds. Archiving
i. The Archiver (role) shall use an event and timestamp database for the advanced search
of audio/video archives. This database shall use Microsoft SQL.
ii. The Archiver shall protect archived audio/video files and the system database against
network access and non-administrative user access.
iii. The Archiver shall digitally sign recorded video using 248-bit RSA public/private key
iv. The Archiver shall offer a plug and play type hardware discovery service with the
following functionalities:
a. Automatically discover DVS units as they are attached to the network.
b. Discover DVS units on different network segments, including the Internet, and
across routers with or without network address translation (NAT) capabilities.
v. The Archiver shall have the capacity to configure the key frame interval (I-frame) in
seconds or number of frames.
vi. The Archiver shall provide a pre-alarm and post-alarm recording option that can be set
between one second and 5 minutes on a per camera basis.
vii. The Archiver shall provide the functionality of storing of video and audio streams based
on triggering events, such as:
a. Digital motion detection.
b. Digital input activation.
c. Macros.
d. Through SDK application recording.
viii. The Archiver shall perform video motion detection on each individual camera based on a
grid of 1320 motion detection blocks. All of the video motion detection settings are
configurable on schedule. A global sensitivity threshold is available to reduce motion
detection sensitivity when the video signal is noisy or when a lot of false hits are incurred.
Video motion detection itself can be set into four different modes:
a. Full Screen: All 1320 blocks on screen are activated, and a general threshold for the
overall motion in the entire image can be set and, when it is reached, it can trigger
recording and a motion event or a custom event.
b. Full Screen Unit: This is the same as the Full Screen, but the motion detection takes
place in the DVS.
c. Detection Zone: Six overlapping zones can be defined in the 1320 blocks on screen
with each of these zones having its own threshold, and, when that threshold is

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reached, each one of them can trigger recording and a motion event or a custom
event. Each zone triggering its own event allows for the configuration of directional
motion detection events and other complex motion detection logic.
d. Detection Zone Unit: This is the same as the Detection Zone, but the motion
detection takes place in the DVS and only one zone is supported.
e. Disabled: No motion detection is performed on this camera.
ix. The Archiver shall be able to detect motion in video within 200 milliseconds and not only
on key frames.
x. The Archiver shall allow for multiple recording schedules to be assigned to a single
camera. Each schedule shall be created with the following parameters:
a. Recording mode:
1. Continuous.
2. On Motion/Manual.
3. Manual.
4. Disabled.
b. Recurrence pattern:
1. Once on specific days.
2. Specific days on a yearly basis.
3. Specific days on a monthly basis.
4. Specific days on a weekly basis.
5. Daily.
xi. Time coverage:
a. All day.
b. Specific time range(s).
c. Daytime or nighttime based on the times of sunrise and sunset that are
automatically calculated from the time of year and a geographical location.
Provision shall be given to offset the calculated sunrise or sunset time by plus or
minus 3 hours.
xii. The Archiver shall allow each camera (video source) to be encoded multiple times in the
same or different video formats (MJPEG, H.264, H.265), limited only by the capabilities of
each DVS.
xiii. Whenever multiple video streams are available from the same camera, users shall be
free to use any one of them based on their assigned usage. The standard video stream
usages are:
a. Live.
b. Recording.
c. Remote.
d. Low resolution.
e. High resolution.
xiv. The Archiver shall allow the video quality to vary according to predefined schedules.
Such schedules shall have the same configuration flexibility as the recording schedules
mentioned earlier. The video quality shall be based on, but not limited to, the following
a. Maximum bit rate.
b. Maximum frame rate.
c. Image quality.
d. Key frame interval.

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xv. The Archiver shall have the ability to dynamically boost the quality of the "recording
stream" (see previous bullet) based on specific events:
a. When recording is started manually by a user.
b. When recording is triggered by a macro, an alarm or detected motion.
xvi. The Archiver shall have the capacity to communicate with the DVS using 128 bits SSL
xvii. The Archiver shall have the capacity to communicate with the DVS using HTTPS secure
xviii. The Archiver shall have the capacity to receive multicast UDP streams directly from the
xix. For network topologies that restrict the DVS from sending multicast UDP streams, the
Archiver shall redirect audio/video streams to active viewing clients on the network using
multicast UDP.
xx. The Archiver shall have the capacity to redirect audio/video streams to active viewing
clients on the network using unicast UDP or TCP.
xxi. The Archiver shall empower the administrator with a full range of disk management
a. The Archiver shall allow the administrator to choose which disks to use for archiving
and to set a maximum quota for each.
b. The Archiver shall allow the administrator to spread the archiving of different
cameras on different disk groups (groups of disks controlled by the same controller)
so that archiving could be carried out in parallel on multiple disks.
xxii. The Archiver shall have the capacity to move video archives to the Azure Cloud. The
archives will be moved after a preset number of days.
xxiii. The Archiver shall offer the following options to clean up old archives, on a camera by
camera basis:
a. After a preset number of days.
b. Deleting oldest archives first when disks run out of space.
c. Stop archiving when disks are full.
xxiv. The Archiver shall allow important video sequences to be protected against normal disk
cleanup routines.
xxv. Users shall have the following options when protecting a video sequence:
a. Until a specified date.
b. For a specified number of days.
c. Indefinitely (until the protection is explicitly removed).
xxvi. The Archiver shall allow the administrator to put a cap on the percentage of storage
space occupied by protected video.
xxvii. The Archiver shall keep a log and compile statistics on disk space usage.
xxviii. The statistics shall be available by disk group or for the whole Archiver.
xxix. The statistics shall show the percentage of protected video over the total used disk
xxx. The Archiver shall have the capacity to down-sample video streams for storage saving
purposes. The down-sampling options available are the following:
a. For H.264, MPEG-4, H.265, streams the down-sampling options are: all key frames,
1 fps, 2 sec/frame, 5 sec/frame, 10 sec/frame, 15 sec/frame, 30 sec/frame. 60
sec/frame 120 sec/frame.
b. For MJPEG streams the down-sampling options are: 15 fps, 10 fps, 5 fps, 2 fps, 1
fps, 2 sec/frame, 5 sec/frame, 10 sec/frame, 15 sec/frame, 30 sec/frame, 60
sec/frame 120 sec/frame.

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xxxi. The Archiver shall support DVS with edge recording capabilities and offer the following
a. The ability to playback the video recorded on the DVS at different speeds.
b. The ability to offload (video trickling) the video recorded on the DVS on schedule, on
event, or manually to store it on the Archiver.
c. It shall be possible to filter the video that is being offloaded using one or multiple of
the following filters:
1. Time interval.
2. Playback request.
3. Video analytic events.
4. Motion events.
6. Alarms.
7. Input pin events.
8. Unit offline events.
xxxii. The Archiver shall be provided with proven performance and scalability figures:
a. The Archiver’s performance shall be guaranteed during the rebuild of a disk from a
raid 5 disk group. The rebuild process shall not affect the recording and playback
b. The recommended server specification from the Genetec Security Center Hardware
Requirement shall allow Archiver to perform up to 300 cameras or 300Mbs
throughput first limit reached.
c. The high-performance archiver specification from the Genetec Security Center
Hardware Requirement shall allow Archiver to perform:
1. Up to 500 cameras or 500Mbs throughput first limit reached with a 1Gbs NIC.
2. Up to 700 cameras or 1300Mbs throughput first limit reached with a 10Gbs
xxxiii. The Archiver shall provide the ability to encrypt the media stream coming from the
DVS including the video, audio and metadata.
a. Media encryption shall be optional and can be activated on a per DVS basis.
b. Media encryption shall be performed with AES-128.
c. Media encryption shall encrypt all video, audio and metadata at rest and in transit.
Once media encryption is turned on for a DVS all media stored or redirected by the
Archiver shall be encrypted and shall require the private key to be decoded.
d. It shall be possible to export the encrypted media into a non-encrypted ASF file. Standby / Redundant Archiver
i. The Standby Archiver shall act as a replacement Archiver role on hot standby, ready to
take over the functions of the primary Archiver role. The failover will occur in less than 1
minute. No action from the user will be required.
ii. The Standby Archiver assigned to an Archiver role entity shall automatically provide
protection for all DVS connected to that Archiver role.
iii. The Standby Archiver shall protect the primary Archiver role against the following failures:
a. Server failure (hardware or software)
b. Storage failure, such as Archiver Role detects that it cannot read or write to any of
its allocated disks.
iv. Each Archiver role shall have priority value if multiple Archiver Roles fail at the same time
on the same standby server.
v. It shall be possible for any Archiver role in the system to be designated as another's
standby and vice-versa.

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vi. The Standby Archiver shall have the ability to act as a Redundant Archiver.
vii. The Redundant Archiver shall maintain an exact copy of everything recorded by the
default Archiver, i.e. audio/video archives, events, and bookmarks.
viii. Redundancy shall be configured on a camera by camera basis.
ix. The Redundant Archiver shall have to ability to use a multicast video stream from the
DVS and shall not require an additional connection to any DVS. Media Streaming
i. The Media Router Role shall be responsible for routing video and audio streams across
local and wide area networks from the source (e.g. DVS) to the destination (e.g. CSA).
ii. The Media Router Role shall support multiple transport protocols, such as unicast TCP,
unicast UDP, and multicast UDP.
iii. The Media Router shall support IGMP (Internet Group Management Protocol) to establish
multicast group memberships:
iv. IGMP v3, including SSM (Source-Specific Multicast) shall be supported.
v. The Media Router Role using Redirector Agents shall be responsible for redirecting a
stream from a source IP endpoint to a destination IP endpoint.
a. The Redirector Agents shall be capable of converting a stream from and to any
supported transport protocols:
b. Multicast UDP to Unicast TCP.
c. Multicast UDP to Unicast UDP.
d. Unicast TCP to Multicast UDP.
e. Unicast UDP to Multicast UDP.
vi. It shall be possible to limit the number of concurrent live and playback video redirections
for each Redirector Agent in order to better control the bandwidth across multiple sites.
vii. It shall be possible to protect the Media Router Role against hardware or software
unavailability by configuring another Media Router Role to act as a hot standby server.
viii. Multiple Redirector Agents shall be used on a large USP installation to increase the
service availability and to provide automatic load balancing. Video Archive Transfer Capability

i. Archive transfer shall provide the ability to:
a. Transfer video from a server to another server in the same system.
b. Transfer video from a federated server to another server.
c. Transfer video from camera storage to a server.
ii. It shall be possible to program video transfers either on a recurrent schedule, or to trigger
them manually or upon connection.
iii. It shall be possible to filter the video of interest for a transfer. The video of interest shall
be defined with the following filters:
a. All archives when the camera was offline.
b. Alarms.
c. Playback request from the edge.
d. Video analytics events.
e. Motion events.
f. Bookmarks.
g. Input triggers.
h. Time range.
iv. It shall be possible to define the length of video before and after the event used as a filter
to determine the video of interest.

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v. The USP shall offer an interface for displaying all video archive transfer requests. This
interface shall display all the current, requested and scheduled video transfer requests. It
shall be possible to edit, trigger, and cancel video archive transfers from this interface. Client Software Applications (CSA) Overview
i. The Client Software Applications (CSA) shall provide the user interface for USP
configuration and monitoring over any network and be accessible locally or from a remote
ii. The CSA shall consist of the Configuration UI for system configuration and the Monitoring
UI for monitoring. The CSA shall be Windows-based and provide an easy-to-use
graphical user interface (UI).
iii. The Server Administrator shall be used to configure the server database(s). It shall be
web-based and accessible locally on the SSM or across the network.
iv. The CSA shall seamlessly merge access control, automatic license plate recognition
(ALPR), and video functionalities within the same user application.
v. The USP shall use the latest user interface (UI) development and programming
technologies, such as Microsoft WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation), the XAML
markup language, and the .NET software framework.
vi. All applications shall provide an authentication mechanism, which verifies the validity of
the user. As such, the administrator (who has all rights and privileges) can define
specific access rights and privileges for each user in the system.
vii. Logging on to a CSA shall be done either through locally stored USP user accounts and
passwords or using the operator’s Windows credentials when Active Directory integration
is enabled.
viii. When integrated with Microsoft’s Active Directory, the CSA and USP shall authenticate
users using their Windows credentials. As a result, the USP will benefit from Active
Directory password authentication and strong security features.
ix. The CSA shall support multiple languages, including but not limited to the following:
English, French, Arabic, Czech, Dutch, German, Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese,
Korean, Norwegian, Persian (Farsi), Polish, Portuguese (Brazilian), Simplified and
Traditional Chinese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, Turkish and Vietnamese.
x. To enhance usability and operator efficiency, the Configuration UI and Monitoring UI shall
support many of the latest UI concepts, such as:
a. A customizable Home Page that includes favorite and recently used tasks.
b. Task-oriented approach for administrator/operator activities where each type of
activity (surveillance, visitor management, individual reports, and more) is an
operator task.
c. Consolidated and consistent workflows for video, ALPR, and access control.
d. Single click functionality for reporting and tracking. The Monitoring UI shall support
both single-click reporting for access control, ALPR, and video, as well as single-
click tracking of areas, cameras, doors, zones, cardholders, elevators, ALPR
entities, and more. Single-click reporting or tracking shall create a new task with the
selected entities to report on or track.
xi. Configuration UI and Monitoring UI Home Page and Tasks
a. The Configuration UI and Monitoring UI shall be task-oriented.
b. A task shall be user interface design patterns whose goal is to simplify the user
interface by grouping related features from different systems, such as video and
access, in the same display window. Features shall be grouped together in a task
based on their shared ability to help the user perform a specific task.
c. Tasks shall be accessible via the Home Page of either the Configuration or the
Surveillance CSA.

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d. Newly created tasks shall be accessible via the Configuration UI or the Monitoring UI
e. Similar tasks shall be grouped into the following categories:
1. Operation: Access control management, LRP management, and more.
2. Investigation: Video bookmark/motion/archive reports, access control activity
reports, visitor activity reports, alarm reports, ALPR activity reports, and more.
3. Maintenance: Access control and video configuration reports, troubleshooters,
audit trails, health-related reports, and more.
f. An operator shall be able to launch a specific task only if he or she has the
appropriate privileges.
g. The Home Page content shall be customizable through the use of privileges to hide
tasks that an operator should not have access to and through a list of favorite and
recently used tasks. In addition, editing a USP XML file to add new tasks on the fly
shall also be possible. Configuration User Interface (UI)

i. The Configuration UI application shall allow the administrator or users with appropriate
privileges to change the system configuration. The Configuration UI shall provide
decentralized configuration and administration of the USP system from anywhere on the
IP network.
ii. The configuration of all embedded ACS, VMS, and ALPR systems shall be accessible via
the Configuration UI.
iii. The Configuration UI shall have a home page with single-click access to various tasks.
iv. The Configuration UI shall include a variety of tools such as troubleshooting utilities,
import tools, and a unit discover tool, and many more.
v. The Configuration UI shall include a static reporting interface to:
a. View historical events based on entity activity. The user shall be able to perform
such actions as printing a report and troubleshooting a specific access event from
the reporting view.
b. View audit trails that show a history of user/administrator changes to an entity.
vi. Common entities, such as users, schedules, alarms and many more, can be reused by all
embedded systems (ACS, VMS, and ALPR). Monitoring User Interface (UI)
i. The Monitoring UI shall fulfill the role of a Unified Security Interface that is able to monitor
video, ALPR, and access control events and alarms, as well as view live and recorded
ii. The Monitoring UI shall provide a graphical user interface to control and monitor the USP
over any IP network. It shall allow administrators and operators with appropriate
privileges to monitor their unified security platform, run reports, and manage alarms.
iii. To enhance usability and operator efficiency, the Monitoring UI shall support the following
UI concepts:
a. Dynamically adaptive interface that adjusts in real-time to what the operator is doing.
b. A dynamic dashboard loaded with entity-specific widgets (e.g. door and camera
c. Use of transparent overlays that can display multiple types of data in a seamless
d. Display tile menus and quick commands.
e. Consolidated and consistent workflows.
f. Tile menus and quick commands easily accessible within every display tile of the
user workspace.

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g. Single click functionality for reporting and tracking. The Monitoring UI shall support
both single-click reporting for access control, ALPR, and video, as well as single-
click tracking of areas, cameras, doors, zones, cardholders, elevators, ALPR
entities, and more. Single-click reporting or tracking shall create a new task with the
selected entities to report on or to track.
iv. Monitoring UI Home Page and Tasks
a. Similar tasks shall be grouped into the following categories:
1. Operation: Access control/LRP/video surveillance, visitor management,
mustering, access control and video alarm monitoring, and more.
2. Investigation: Video bookmark/motion/archive reports, access control activity
reports, visitor activity reports, alarm reports, ALPR activity reports, and more.
3. Maintenance: Access control and video configuration reports, trouble-shooters,
audit trails, and more.
v. Dynamically Adaptive UI, Dashboard, and Widgets
a. The Monitoring UI shall dynamically adapt to what the operator is doing. This shall
be accomplished through the concept of widgets that are grouped in the Monitoring
UI dashboard.
b. Widgets shall be mini-applications or mini-groupings in the Monitoring UI dashboard
that let the operator perform common tasks and provide the operator with fast
access to information and actions.
c. With a single click on an entity (e.g. door or camera) the specific widgets associated
to that entity appear and other non-relevant widgets disappear dynamically
(instantly). Widgets shall bring the operator information such as door status and
camera stream information, as well as user actions, such as door unlock, PTZ
controls, and more.
d. Specific widgets include those for a door, camera, alarm, zone, display tile, video
stream (statistics), PTZ camera, and more.
vi. Operator Workflows
a. A workflow shall be a sequence of operations an operator or administrator shall
execute to complete an activity. The “flow” relates to a clearly defined timeline or
sequence for executing the activity.
b. The Monitoring UI shall be equipped with consistent workflows for the ALPR, video,
and access control systems that it unifies.
c. Generating or printing a report, setting up or acknowledging an alarm, or creating an
incident report shall follow the same process (workflow) whether the operator is
working with video, ALPR, or access control, or with both video and access control.
vii. Each task within the Monitoring UI shall consist of one or more of the following items:
a. Event list.
b. Logical tree. Doors, cameras, zones, ALPR units, and elevators shall be grouped
under Areas in a hierarchical fashion.
c. Entities list of all entities being tracked.
d. Display tiles with various patterns (1 x 1, 2 x 2, and more).
e. Display tile menu with various commands related to cameras, doors, PTZ, and tile
f. Dashboard with widgets.
viii. The Monitoring UI shall support multiple event lists and display tile patterns, including:
a. Event/alarm list layout only.
b. Display tile layout only.
c. Display tile and alarm/event list combination.

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d. ALPR map and alarm/event list combination.

ix. User workspace customization
a. The user shall have full control over the user workspace through a variety of user-
selectable customization options. Administrators shall also be able to limit what
users and operators can modify in their workspace through privileges.
b. Once customized, the user shall be able to save his or her workspace.
c. The user workspace shall be accessible by a specific user from any client
application on the network.
d. Display tile patterns shall be customizable.
e. Event or alarm lists shall span anywhere from a portion of the screen up to the entire
screen and shall be resizable by the user. The length of event or alarm lists shall be
user-defined. Scroll bars shall enable the user to navigate through lengthy lists of
events and alarms.
f. The Monitoring UI shall support multiple display tile patterns (e.g. 1 display tile (1x1
matrix), 16 tiles (8x8 matrix), and multiple additional variations).
g. The Monitoring UI shall support as many monitors as the PC video adapters and
Windows Operating System are capable of accepting.
h. Additional customization options include: show/hide window panes, show/hide
menus/toolbars, show/hide overlaid information on video, resize different window
panes, and choice of tile display pattern on a per task basis.
x. The Monitoring UI shall provide an interface to support the following tasks and activities
common to access control, ALPR, and video:
a. Monitoring the events from a live security system (ACS and/or USP and/or ALPR).
b. Generating reports, including custom reports.
c. Monitoring and acknowledging alarms.
d. Creating and editing incidents and generating incident reports.
e. Displaying dynamic graphical maps and floor plans as well as executing actions
from dynamic graphical maps and floor plans.
f. Management and execution of hot actions and macros.
xi. The Monitoring UI shall include advanced video capabilities, including:
a. Advanced live video viewing functionality.
b. Advanced archive playing and video playback functionality.
c. Monitoring and management of video system events and alarms.
d. Intercom or duplex audio.
e. Generation of video reports.
f. Control of PTZ cameras.
g. Creating and Monitoring archive transfer requests.
h. Display metadata overlay on live or playback video.
xii. The Monitoring UI shall leverage the Graphical Processing Unit (GPU) for video
a. The following GPU technologies shall be supported:
1. NVidia CUDA.
2. Intel Quick Sync.
3. The Monitoring UI shall have the ability to decode video through the optimal
simultaneous use of the GPU and Computer Processing Unit (CPU).
xiii. The live video viewing capabilities of the Monitoring UI shall include:
a. The ability to display all cameras attached to the USP and all cameras attached to
federated systems.

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b. Support for live video monitoring on each and every display tile within a task in the
user’s workspace.
c. The USP shall support uninterrupted video streaming. The CSA shall keep existing
video connections active in the event that an SSM (except Archiver) becomes
d. The ability to drag and drop a camera into a display tile for live viewing.
e. The ability to drag and drop a camera into a display tile for live viewing on an
analogue monitor connected to an IP hardware decoder (converting an IP encoded
stream into an analogue video signal).
f. The ability to drag and drop a camera from a map into a display tile for live viewing.
g. Support for digital zoom on live camera video streams.
h. The ability for audio communication with video units with audio input and output.
i. The ability to control pan-tilt-zoom, iris, focus, and presets.
j. The ability to bookmark important events for later retrieval on any archiving camera
and to uniquely name each bookmark in order to facilitate future searches.
k. The ability to start/stop recording on any camera in the system that is configured to
allow manual recording by clicking on a single button.
l. The ability to activate or de-activate viewing of all system events as they occur.
m. The ability to switch to instant replay of the video for any archiving camera with the
simple click of button.
n. The ability to take snapshots of live video and be able to save or print the snapshots.
o. The ability to view the same camera multiple times in different tiles.
xiv. The video playback (archive playing) capabilities of the Monitoring UI shall include:
a. Support for audio and video playback for any time span.
b. Support for video playback on each and every display tile.
c. The ability to instantly replay the video for any archiving camera with the simple click
of a button.
d. The ability to select between instant synch of all video streams in playback mode,
allowing operators to view events from multiple angles or across several camera
fields, or non-synchronous playback.
e. The ability to simultaneously view the same camera in multiple tiles at different time
f. The ability to control playback with:
1. Pause.
2. Lock Speed.
3. Forward and Reverse Playback at: 1x, 2x, 4x, 6x, 8x, 10x, 20x, 40x, 100x.
4. Forward and Reverse Playback frame by frame.
5. Slow Forward and Reverse Playback at: 1/8x, 1/4x, 1/3x, 1/2x.
6. Loop playback between two time markers.
g. The ability to display a single timeline or one timeline for each selected video
stream, which would allow the operator to navigate through the video sequence by
simply clicking on any point in the timeline.
h. The ability to display the level of motion at any point on a timeline.
i. The ability to clearly display bookmarked events on the timeline(s).
j. The ability to query archived video using various search criteria, including, but not
limited to, time, date, camera, and area.
k. The tool necessary for searching video and associated audio based on user-defined
events or motion parameters.
l. The ability to define an area of the video field in which to search for motion as well
as define the amount of motion that will trigger search results. The Monitoring UI
shall then retrieve all archived video streams that contain motion that meets the
search parameters. There shall be a graphical timeline on which the time of each
search hit shall be indicated.

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m. The ability to browse through a list of all bookmarks created on the system and
select any bookmarked event for viewing.
n. The ability to add bookmarks to previously archived video for easier searching and
o. Support for digital zoom on playback video streams.
p. Still image export to PNG, JPEG, GIF, and BMP format with Date and Time stamp,
and Camera Name on the image (snapshot).
q. Tools for exporting video and a self-contained video player on various media such
as USB keys or CD/DVD-ROM. This video player shall be easy to use without
training and shall still support reviewing video metadata, such as bookmark, or
navigating the video with functions like panoramic camera view de-warping.
r. Tools for exporting video sequences in standard video formats, such as ASF.
s. The ability to encrypt exported video files.
t. The ability for an operator to load previously exported video files from their computer
or network.
u. The ability for queries to be saved upon closing the CSA and reappear when the
application is reopened.
v. The ability to dynamically block, on demand, video stream dynamically to lower level
users to prevent access, for a specific time, to live and recorded video.
w. A tool for building and exporting a set of videos into a single container. This tool
shall allow the operator to build sequences of video to create a storyboard and allow
the export of synchronous cameras.
x. The ability to store the video export and still image export at a pre-defined storage
y. An interface with the ability to list, search, and manipulate previously generated
video exports.
xv. Tracking
a. The USP shall permit the user to select multiple entities to monitor from the
Monitoring UI by adding the entities one by one to the tracking list.
b. The Monitoring UI shall provide the option to filter which events shall be displayed in
the display tile layout and/or event list layout.
c. It shall be possible to lock a Monitoring UI display tile so that it only tracks the
activity of a specific entity (e.g. a specific door or camera).
d. The user shall be able to drag and drop an event from an event list (or an alarm from
an alarm list) onto a display tile to view a license plate read, cardholder picture ID,
badge ID, or live/archived video, among other options.
e. Event, alarm, monitoring/tracking, and report lists shall contain cardholder pictures
where applicable.
f. The user shall be permitted to start or pause the viewing of events within each
display tile.
xvi. Display Tile Packing and Unpacking
a. The Monitoring UI shall support single-click unpacking and packing for ALPR hits,
ALPR reads, areas, doors, zones, camera sequences, and alarms.
b. The packing and unpacking of entities shall allow operators to quickly obtain
additional information and camera views of a specific entity.
c. The unpacking of an entity shall display associated entities. For example,
unpacking a door with multiple associated cameras shall display all cameras
associated with that door. Unpacking shall reconfigure the display tiles to be able to
display all associated entities. For example, unpacking a door (or a zone or alarm)
that is currently in a 1 x 1 tile configuration and that has 3 cameras tied to it will
create a 1 x 3 display tile arrangement for viewing all associated entities.
d. Packing will return the display to the original tile pattern.

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xvii. S Visual Tracking

a. The Monitoring UI shall support the ability to manually track a moving target with the
single click of a button.
b. The ability to switch from one camera view to an adjacent camera shall be done
within a single display tile.
c. Switching between camera streams shall be accomplished by simply clicking on a
semi-transparent shape or overlay.
d. Visual tracking shall be available with both live and recorded video.
xviii. The following additional tools or utilities shall be available from the Monitoring UI: create
credentials, create cardholders, and access control trouble shooter. Server Administrator
i. The Server Administrator shall be used to configure the SSM and the Directory Role
(main configuration) and its database(s), to apply the license, and more.
ii. The Server Administrator shall be a web-based application. Through the Server
Administrator, it shall be possible to access the SSM across the network or locally on the
iii. Access to the Server Administrator shall be protected via login name, password, and
encrypted communications.
iv. The Server Administrator shall allow the administrator (user) to perform the following
a. Manage the system license.
b. Configure the database(s) and database server for the Directory Role.
c. Activate/Deactivate the Directory Role.
d. Manually back up the Directory Role database(s) and/or restore the server
database(s), as well as configure scheduled backups of the databases.
e. Define the client-to-server communications security settings.
f. Configure the network communications hardware, including connection addresses
and ports.
g. Configure system SMTP settings (mail server and port).
h. Configure event and alarm history storage options. Unified Web Client (UWC)
i. The UPS shall support a unified web client (UWC) for access control and video.
ii. The UWC shall be a truly thin client with no download required other than an internet web
browser or standard web browser plugins.
iii. The UWC shall be platform independent and run within Microsoft Internet Explorer,
Firefox, Safari, and Google Chrome.
iv. Web pages for the web client shall be managed and pushed by the Mobile Server.
Microsoft IIS or any other web hosting service shall not be required given that all the web
pages shall be hosted by the Mobile Server.
v. Functionalities:
a. Login using name and password or Active Directory support shall be available.
b. Encrypted communications for all transactions.
c. Print reports and export to CSV file.
d. Customer logo customization shall be available for multi-tenant and hosted services
e. Video.
1. Live and playback video at 320 x 240, 640 x 480 or 1280 x 1024 @ 15 fps.
2. Video export.
3. 1, 4, 6 or 9 tiles.

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4. Basic PTZ Controls (Pan/Tilt, Zoom, go to presets, start pattern).

5. Start/Stop recording.
6. Sample web page for customers to see how to view video for their own
7. Add bookmarks
f. Access Control
1. Cardholder and group (add/modify/delete).
2. Credential management (modify/delete).
3. Unlock door.
4. Door Activities report.
g. Alarms
1. Alarm report. Video Display and Recording Video Monitor
i. Video monitor features that must be provided are:
ii. Screen Size: Widescreen LCD - 24” diagonal viewing size
iii. Aspect Ratio: 16:9 or 16:10
iv. Rapid response time of 4ms (or faster).
v. Screen resolution: 1920X1080 (minimum native)
vi. Interface: Display Port v1.2 (minimum) or DVI
vii. Picture setup and adjustment using on-screen menus and bezel-mounted buttons
viii. Wall-mountable using locally supplied VESA standard mounting bracket
ix. Viewing Angles: 160° Horizontal / 140° Vertical (minimum)
x. Rated for continuous-use (24 x 7 x 365)
xi. Power requirements: 120 V AC 60 Hz. Video Transmission System Fibre Optic Transmission System (Single Mode Fibre)
ETS utilizes a single mode fibre optic transmission system. Refer to Appendix C – Typical
Station CCTV System Block Diagram.
At each location where analogue CCTV cameras are still in use, the analogue video signals
are transmitted from the camera to the digital video encoder unit, also located on site at each
location; (the preferred media is 75Ω coaxial cable however twisted pair has been used in
conjunction with Video Balun Transceivers). These video signals are then encoded and
streamed to the archivers, client workstations or other systems requesting video. IP based
cameras are connected directly to the CCTV network via Ethernet switches in order to provide
video streams in the same manner as described for the encoders.
Digital video streams can be displayed on PC based video workstations in the control rooms
at Churchill LRT Station Concourse and/or other locations accessible via the network; video
streams will be simultaneously recorded at the two central archiver locations in the ETS
datacenters regardless of whether they are being live viewed. The main ETS Cisco network is
used to transport all video within all ETS facilities.

8.13.5 Archiving - Video Archiver Servers

Video signals from CCTV cameras are simultaneously recorded and archived to provide a
record of visual evidence. The system utilizes two sets of centrally located Video Archiver
Servers with designated storage space assigned from ETS’ NAS Storage arrays in order to
carry out fully redundant recording. Recording of each camera’s video stream, which is a

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digital process that is scalable to allow future expandability, and is simultaneously done on two
Archiver Servers, located in separate facilities. The entire recording and review process is
fully managed by the Video Management system.
Video Archiver Servers shall have that USP Client software applications installed along with
the Server role. (Security Center 5.4)
Standard of Acceptance: Genetec Security Center – Omnicast Archiver Role(s)

8.13.6 Multicast Scheme

All cameras must use statically assigned multicast group addresses, assigned from within the
central system. These addresses are determined based upon the camera unit’s location, the
unit’s device number within the location and the video stream number supplied by the unit.
For more information of the multicast and IP addressing scheme used by ETS, refer to the
CCTV DSD and BCPs related to CCTV addressing and configuration.

8.13.7 Alarm Connections

All alarm inputs to the CCTV system are accomplished via Network I/O Audio Modules as
described in Section These devices are PoE powered from the central switch.
There are several different alarms that are passed to the CCTV system. They include: help
phone activation, panic alarm activation, TVM door opening, and service door openings.
Once a contact is triggered on an alarm unit, the system causes a camera to move to the
location of the alarm and pop up the video in the control room.

8.13.8 Monitoring and Alarming

LRT Operations personnel located at the ETS Control Centre administer the functional duties
of train control including monitoring and controlling the physical and mechanical requirements
of the Edmonton LRT System. Critical camera views include:
i. Station platforms to monitor activity at platform level of passenger boarding and
detraining Vehicular traffic crossing locations where pedestrian and vehicular traffic
interface with operations (cameras to be fixed type)
ii. All track crossings whether vehicle or pedestrian along the entire ROW (cameras to be
fixed type), grade separations and tunnel portals to observe unauthorized entry or activity
on LRT right of way (cameras to be 1 PTZ inside each tunnel, 1 fixed and 1 PTZ outside
tunnel entrances)
iii. At platform and concourse levels
iv. At underground stations/tunnels
In addition to the platform areas, camera locations must also be considered in the tunnels at
the station platform ends. A minimum of one camera must be used to monitor each portal and
at least one additional camera must be placed inside the underpass/tunnel for each line of
sight in order to track the intruders. Refer to Figure 6 later in this section.
Typically, a minimum of four (4) cameras are installed at each station to cover the platform
views. In addition to the four fixed platform cameras, a strategically located PTZ camera must
be considered to allow observation of the complete area.
During peak hour and special events, it is essential that LRT Operations use camera views to
determine passenger load requirements at selected stations in order to determine if additional
trains are required.

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In order to efficiently maintain all VMS signs placed throughout a station, it is critical that PTZ
cameras be place so as to allow for the remote viewing of both sides of all VMS signs at a
station. Interface with Other Subsystems
The CCTV System must interface with other subsystems to provide the required camera field
of view at the correct time. Interface must be provided to the video encoder/alarm unit (N.O.
dry contact closures) with the following subsystems:

Fare Equipment Emergency Telephones

Vaults Panic/Duress Buttons
Motion Detectors (Stand Alone) Washroom Access
Motion Detectors (Cameras)

Figure 5 - CCTV Interface Subsystems

Refer to Appendix A - Systems Interface Matrix, indicating the control and monitoring
interfacing requirements of all communications subsystems. Portal Intrusion Surveillance System

A typical LRT Portal will have an Entrance and Exit Point on each end of the portal. Each end
will require motion and visual monitoring to control unauthorized entry to the portal. The basis
of this system is to allow the passage of the LRV through the portal without incident, however,
an alarm state will be initiated if the portal is breached by any other object, such as a person,
animal, bird or vehicle.
Each portal entry and exit point will require a minimum of one PTZ CCTV camera and one
Fixed CCTV camera. One PTZ CCTV camera will be mounted on the exterior of the portal
and the second will be mounted at, or near the halfway point within the portal/grade separation
(refer to the following Diagram 8.2). The PTZ CCTV cameras will allow full Pan/Tilt/Zoom
visibility of any movement within the portal environment, interior and exterior.
The fixed CCTV camera will be mounted within view of the portal entry/exit point.

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Figure 6 - Tunnel Intrusion Detection System Physical Layout

Each portal opening will require three (3) pairs of approved infrared sensors to trigger intrusion
alarms. Typically, the sensors are installed at heights of 2.74 m, 1.52 m and 0.61 m (9’, 5’ and
2’) above Top of Rail (TOR). These heights may require small adjustments on site and
therefore, the sensor installation should be flexible enough to accommodate small elevation
adjustments. If all three sensors are either activated or deactivated at the same time, a “No
Alarm” situation will be present. If any one or two sensors are activated, an “Intrusion Alarm”
situation would be triggered, sending an alarm through the Contacts and activating the nearest
exterior fixed and PTZ Cameras.
All video, control and alarm information will be transmitted through provided fibre optic cabling
to the Control Centre. The Control Centre will monitor the alarm situations and will be
required to contact ETS Security if a breach occurs. The system will be reset through the
BMS System.

8.13.9 Remote Management and Access

As with other critical systems, ETS has made it possible for authorized users to remotely
access the CCTV / USP system via a secured and dual-factor authenticated VPN connection.
ETS has also made provision to allow access to the CCTV system from outside the dedicated
network from specific designated network locations, such as the City of Edmonton Corporate
Network. No access to the CCTV system is available to users who have not been explicitly
given access rights.
For security reasons, details concerning remote access and management of this, and other
ETS critical systems is only provided to authorized individuals as deemed absolutely
necessary by the ETS Communications Group.

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8.13.10 Cameras & Programming

Cameras must represent current technology in design and construction. They must be IP
based, totally self-contained, high resolution, colour, solid state CCD units with true Day/Night
functionality, designed for any mounting position complete with all necessary attachments to
suit the application as outlined in these Guidelines. Information on analogue cameras has
been excluded as all new installations and upgrades are to be carried out using IP-based
cameras, as detailed within this section.
In situ analogue camera replacements, wherein the unit is not being upgraded to an IP-based
camera, shall be done using a suitable replacement model, as currently available in the
market. The performance and device specifications of the new device meet or exceed those
of the device being replaced, including:
i. Minimum scene illumination values (Low-light performance)
ii. Colour controls
iii. Day/Night Mode functionality (IR Cut filter operation)
iv. Backlight Compensation performance
v. Back-focus auto-adjustment
vi. Auto-Iris Lens controls
vii. Field-of-view provided by the optics
viii. Input Voltage Fixed Cameras

Camera selection is influenced by location factors. Four types of cameras, which are
considered to be suitable for installation, are described as follows: Fixed Camera Type 1

Type 1 cameras must be used in locations where lighting is uncontrolled and lighting
conditions can be extremely poor. Cameras that are exposed to a wide range of lighting must
adjust dynamically from very bright to very low light levels. These cameras will be suitable for
installation either indoors or outdoors without requiring the addition of accessories beyond
those which may be required for mounting or cabling. Type 1 cameras will offer significantly
higher sensitivity levels in low light than Type 2 cameras. In addition, Type 1 cameras must
provide the ability for post-installation adjustment of the field-of-view through remote
adjustment of the camera’s optical head allowing modification of the Pan, Tilt and Rotation as
well as the Zoom level of the lens. Current specifications (as of August 2016) are based on
Axis Q36XX-VE Series with details for the Q3615-VE model detailed below: Installation, Warranty & Recognitions
i. The specified unit shall be backed by a minimum of three-year manufacturer warranty.
ii. The manufacturer shall provide the option of extended warranty for the camera. The
optional extended warranty shall be available in two-year extension blocks for a total
warranty period of maximum five years.
iii. The contractor or designated subcontractor shall submit credentials of completed
manufacturer certification, verified by a third party organization, as proof of the
iv. All equipment shall be tested and configured in accordance with instructions provided by
the manufacturer prior to installation.
v. All firmware found in products shall be the latest and most up-to-date provided by the
manufacturer, or of a version as specified by the provider of the Video Management
Application (VMA) or Network Video Recorder (NVR). Sustainability
i. The specified unit shall be manufactured in accordance with ISO 14001.

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ii. The specified unit shall be compliant with the EU directives 2011/65/EU (RoHS) and
2012/19/EU (WEEE).
iii. The specified unit shall be compliant with the EU regulation 1907/2006 (REACH).
iv. The specified unit shall be PVC-free in accordance with IEC 61249-2-21.
v. The manufacturer shall have signed and support the UN Global Compact initiative as
defined by United Nations Standards & Regulations
i. The specified unit shall meet product safety standards as defined in IEC/EN/UL 60950-1
ii. The specified unit shall meet product safety standards as defined in IEC/EN/UL 60950-22
iii. The camera shall meet relevant parts of SMPTE 296M (HDTV 720p)
iv. The camera shall meet relevant parts of SMPTE 274M (HDTV 1080p)
v. The camera shall meet ISO/IEC 14496-10 Advanced Video Coding (H.264)
vi. The specified unit shall carry the following EMC approvals:
a. EN 55022 Class B
b. EN 55024
c. FCC Part 15 - Subpart B
d. VCCI Class B
e. RCM AS/NZS CISPR 22 Class B
f. ICES-003 Class B
g. KCC KN32 Class B
h. KN35
vii. The camera shall meet the following mechanical environmental standards:
a. IEC/EN 60529 IP66/67
b. ISO 20653 IP6K9K
c. NEMA 250 Type 4X
d. IEC/EN 62262 IK10
e. IEC 60068-2-1
f. IEC 60068-2-2
g. IEC 60068-2-6
h. IEC 60068-2-14
i. IEC 60068-2-27
j. IEC 60068-2-78
viii. The camera shall meet the following railway environmental standards:
a. EN 50121-4
b. IEC 62236-4
ix. The camera shall meet the following standards:
a. IEEE 802.3af/802.3at (Power over Ethernet)
b. IEEE 802.1X (Authentication)
c. IPv4 (RFC 791)
d. IPv6 (RFC 2460)
e. QoS – DiffServ (RFC 2475) Mechanics & environmental
i. The camera shall be manufactured with an IP66-, IP67-, IP6K9K- and NEMA 4X-rated,
IK10 impact-resistant casing with polycarbonate dome, aluminum base and
dehumidifying membrane.
ii. The camera shall operate in a temperature range of -40°C to +60°C (-40°F to +140°F).
iii. The camera shall operate in a humidity range of 10-100% RH (condensing).

Final Issue July 2017 8.84


i. The camera shall be equipped with an IR-sensitive progressive scan sensor.
ii. The camera shall contain a removable IR-cut filter providing Day/Night functionality.
iii. The camera shall meet or exceed the following illumination specifications:
a. 0.1 lux in color and 0.02 lux in B/W, in HDTV 1080p 25/30 fps with WDR-Forensic
b. 0.2 lux in color and 0.03 lux in B/W, in HDTV 1080p 50/60 fps.
iv. The camera shall provide 2.2x optical zoom.
v. The camera shall provide 2x digital zoom
vi. The camera shall provide the following camera angle adjustment:
a. Pan 370°
b. Tilt ±81°
c. Roll ±110° Image Control

i. The unit shall incorporate Automatic and Manual White Balance.
ii. The camera shall be equipped with an electronic shutter.
iii. The camera shall incorporate Wide Dynamic Range – Forensic Capture functionality
providing up to120dB dynamic range.
iv. The camera shall support a configurable maximum shutter in the range of 1/52500 s to 2
v. The camera shall incorporate capture mode with the following settings:
a. WUXGA (1920x1200) without WDR: 25/30 fps with power line frequency 50/60 Hz
b. HDTV 1080p (1920x1080) without WDR: 50/60 fps with power line frequency 50/60
c. HDTV 1080p (1920x1080) with WDR: 25/30 fps with power line frequency 50/60 Hz
vi. The camera shall allow for rotation of the image in steps of 90º.
vii. The camera shall provide Electronic Image Stabilization.
viii. The camera shall incorporate a function to manually correct barrel distortion, by using a
slider to correct distortion in the image.
ix. The camera shall incorporate a function for optimization of low light behavior. Video
i. The camera shall provide simultaneous Motion JPEG and H.264 video streams.
ii. The camera shall be designed to provide at least two video streams in HDTV 1080p
(1920x1080) at up to 60 frames per second (60 Hz mode) or 50 frames per second (50
Hz mode) using H.264 or Motion JPEG.
iii. The camera shall be designed to provide 2 individually cropped out view areas.
iv. The camera shall provide both landscape format (4:3 and 16:9 aspect ratio) as well as
corridor format (3:4 and 9:16 aspect ratio).
v. The camera shall support H.264 Baseline, Main and High Profile.
vi. The H.264 implementation shall include both unicast and multicast functionality and
support Constant Bit Rate (CBR) as well as Variable Bit Rate (VBR).
vii. The camera shall support H.264 with automatic scene adaptive bitrate control.
viii. The camera shall for its H.264 implementation support scene adaptive bitrate control with
automatic dynamic ROI to reduce bitrate in un-prioritized regions in order to lowering
bandwidth and storage requirements. Connectors
i. The camera shall be equipped with a RJ45 10BASE-T/100BASE-TX PoE Ethernet port.

Final Issue July 2017 8.85

COMMUNICATIONS & CONTROL Pan Tilt Zoom functionality

i. The camera shall provide Digital PTZ functionality
ii. The camera shall provide preset positions functionality. Event functionality

i. The camera shall be equipped with an integrated event functionality, which can be
trigged by:
a. Video Motion Detection
b. Live Stream Accessed
c. Camera tampering
d. Manual Trigger/Virtual Inputs
e. PTZ functionality
f. Embedded third party applications
g. Edge storage disruption detection
h. Shock Detected
ii. The cameras response to a trigged event shall include:
a. Send notification, using HTTP, HTTPS, TCP, SNMP trap or email
b. Send images, using FTP, HTTP, HTTPS, network share or email
c. Send video clip, using FTP, HTTP, HTTPS, network share or email
d. Send SNMP trap message
e. Recording to local storage and/or network attached storage
f. PTZ control functionality
g. WDR mode Storage
i. The camera shall be equipped with a video buffer for saving pre- and post-alarm images
and shall have a microSD-card slot to support local storage of video.
ii. The camera shall support recording to network attached storage. Other functionality

i. The camera shall include a customizable pixel counter functionality, identifying the size of
objects in number of pixels.
ii. The camera shall provide text overlay ability, including date and time.
iii. The camera shall have the ability to apply a graphical image as an overlay image in the
video stream.
iv. The camera shall provide Remote zoom and Remote focus functionality.
v. The camera shall provide Autoroll functionality.
vi. The camera shall provide the ability to apply privacy masks to the image. Network functionality
i. The camera shall support both static IP addresses and addresses from a DHCP-server.
ii. The camera shall support both IPv4 and IPv6.
iii. The camera shall incorporate support for Quality of Service (QoS).
iv. The camera shall incorporate support for Bonjour.
v. To secure access to the unit as well as provided content, the unit shall support HTTPS,
SSL/TLS and IEEE802.1X authentication.
vi. The camera shall provide centralized certificate management, with both pre-installed CA
certificates and the ability to upload additional CA certificates. The certificates shall be
signed by an organization providing digital trust services.
vii. The camera shall support IP address filtering and include at least three different levels of
password security.

Final Issue July 2017 8.86


viii. The camera shall support time synchronization via NTP server. Power
i. Power over Ethernet IEEE 802.3af/802.3at Type 1 Class 3
ii. Max 10.4 W
iii. Typical 4.5 W Maintenance & service
i. The camera shall provide a log file, containing information about all users connecting to
the unit since last restart. The file shall include information about connecting IP address
and the time of connecting.
ii. The camera shall be monitored by a Watchdog functionality, which shall automatically re-
initiate processes or restart the unit if a malfunction is detected.
iii. The camera shall send a notification when the unit has re-booted and all services are
initialized. API & applications
i. The unit shall contain a built-in web server making video, audio and configuration
available in a standard browser environment using HTTP.
ii. The camera shall be fully supported by open and published API (Application
Programmers Interface) providing necessary information for integration of functionality
into third party applications. Fixed Camera Type 2
Type 2 cameras must be used in locations where lighting is more evenly controlled and
lighting conditions are more consistent. Cameras may still be exposed to extremely bright
light or glare and must adjust dynamically to these conditions. Type 2 cameras will not offer
the same sensitivity levels for low light conditions as those of Type 1 cameras. These
cameras will be adequate for use outdoors or where cameras may be exposed to the
elements, temperature fluctuations or moisture. Current specifications (as of August 2016)
are based on Axis Q35XX-VE Series with details for the Q3505-VE model detailed below: Standards, Regulations & Recognitions
i. The camera shall be backed by a minimum of three-year manufacturer warranty.
ii. The manufacturer shall provide the option of extended warranty for the camera. The
optional extended warranty shall be available in two-year extension blocks for a total
warranty period of maximum five years.
iii. The contractor or designated subcontractor shall submit credentials of completed
manufacturer certification, verified by a third party organization, as proof of the
iv. The camera shall meet product safety standards as defined in IEC/EN/UL 60950-1
v. The camera shall meet product safety standards as defined in IEC/EN/UL 60950-22
vi. The camera shall meet ISO/IEC 14496-10 MPEG-4 Part 10, Advanced Video Coding
vii. The camera shall meet ISO/IEC 14496-2 (Profiles ASP and SP) (MPEG-4 Part 2)
viii. The camera shall meet SMPTE 296M (HDTV 720p)
ix. The camera shall meet SMPTE 274M (HDTV 1080p)
x. The camera shall meet ONVIF Profile S or ONVIF Version 1.01 or higher as defined by
the ONVIF organization.
xi. The camera shall carry the following EMC approvals:
a. EN55022 Class B
b. EN55024
c. FCC Part 15 - Subpart B Class A + B

Final Issue July 2017 8.87


d. VCCI Class B
e. C-tick AS/NZS CISPR22 Class B
f. ICES-003 Class B
g. KN22 Class B
h. KN24
xii. The camera shall meet the following standards:
a. IEEE 802.3af/802.3at (Power over Ethernet)
b. IEEE 802.1X (Authentication)
c. IPv4 (RFC 791)
d. IPv6 (RFC 2460)
e. QoS – DiffServ (RFC 2475)
xiii. The camera shall meet the following mechanical environmental standards:
a. IEC 60529 IP66/67
b. NEMA 250 Type 4X
c. IEC/EN 62262 IK10+ (50 J)
d. ISO 20653 IP6K9K
e. IEC 60068-2-1
f. IEC 60068-2-2
g. IEC 60068-2-6
h. IEC 60068-2-14
i. IEC 60068-2-27
j. IEC 60068-2-60
k. IEC 60068-2-78
xiv. The camera shall meet the following Railway environmental standards:
a. EN 50121-4
b. IEC 62236-4 Mechanics & environmental

i. The camera enclosure shall include the following:
a. Vandal resistant aluminum and polycarbonate body providing encapsulated
b. clear transparent cover
c. Fitted with a dehumidifying membrane
ii. The camera enclosure shall provide the ability to adjust the camera modules angle with -
5 to 90° tilt, 360° pan and 95° rotation while maintaining an image that is not interfered
by the camera housing.
iii. The camera shall operate in a temperature range of -40°C to +60°C (-40°F to +140°F).
iv. The camera shall operate in a humidity range of 10-100% RH (condensing). Sensors & optics
i. The camera shall be equipped with an IR-sensitive progressive scan sensor.
ii. The camera shall be fitted with a megapixel lens providing automated iris functionality
with P-Iris control and provide remote zoom and focus functionality.
iii. The camera shall provide images down to:
a. Lens 9 mm - HDTV 1080p 25/30 fps with WDR-Forensic Capture: Color 0.18 lux,
B/W 0.04 lux
b. Lens 9 mm - HDTV 1080p 50/60 fps: Color 0.36 lux, B/W 0.08 lux
c. Lens 22 mm - HDTV 1080p 25/30 fps with WDR-Forensic Capture: Color 0.28 lux,
B/W 0.06 lux

Final Issue July 2017 8.88


d. Lens 22 mm - HDTV 1080p 50/60 fps: Color: 0.56 lux, B/W:0.11 lux Image Control
i. The camera shall incorporate Automatic and Manual White Balance.
ii. The camera shall incorporate automatic and manually defined exposure zones.
iii. The camera shall support a configurable shutter in the range from 1/142850 s to 2 s in
HDTV 1080p 25/30 50/60 fps mode.
iv. The camera shall support a configurable shutter in the range from 1/142850 s to 2 s in
WUXGA (1920x1200) 25/30 fps mode.
v. The camera shall incorporate capture mode with the following settings:
a. HDTV1080p (1920 x 1080) with WDR: 25/30 fps with power line frequency 50/60 Hz
b. HDTV1080p (1920 x 1080) without WDR: 50/60 fps with power line frequency 50/60
c. WUXGA (1920 x 1200) without WDR: 25/30 fps with power line frequency 50/60 Hz
vi. The camera shall provide backlight compensation.
vii. The camera shall allow for rotation of the image in steps of 90º.
viii. The camera shall incorporate a function for optimization of low light behavior.
ix. The camera shall incorporate a function for Electronic Image Stabilization (EIS) for real-
time image stabilization.
x. The camera shall incorporate a function to manually correct barrel distortion, by using a
slider to correct distortion in the image. Video
i. The camera shall provide simultaneous Motion JPEG and H.264 video streams.
ii. The camera shall be designed to provide at least two video streams in HDTV 1080p
(1920x1080) at up to 60 frames per second (60 Hz mode) or 50 frames per second (50
Hz mode).
iii. The camera shall support Baseline Profile H.264 encoding with motion estimation in up to
60 fps (60 Hz), 50 fps (50 Hz) in HDTV 1080p resolution.
iv. The camera shall support Main Profile H.264 encoding with motion estimation and
context-adaptive binary arithmetic coding (CABAC) in up to 60 fps (60 Hz), 50 fps (50 Hz)
in HDTV 1080p resolution.
v. The camera shall support High Profile H.264 encoding with motion estimation up to 50/60
fps in up to 60 fps (60 Hz), 50 fps (50 Hz) in HDTV 1080p resolution.
vi. The camera shall provide video in landscape format 4:3 and 16:9 as well as corridor
format 3:4 and 9:16.
vii. The H.264 implementation shall include both unicast and multicast functionality and
support Maximum Bit Rate (MBR) as well as Variable Bit Rate (VBR). Audio
i. The camera shall support two-way full duplex audio.
ii. Input sources:
a. External microphone (balanced/unbalanced)
b. External line device
iii. Output sources:
a. External line device
iv. Encoding
The camera shall support:
a. AAC LC at 8/16 kHz
b. G.711 PCM at 8 kHz

Final Issue July 2017 8.89


c. G.726 ADPCM at 8 kHz Connectors
i. The camera shall be equipped with a RJ45 10BASE-T/100BASE-TX PoE Ethernet port.
ii. The camera shall be equipped with two configurable inputs/outputs, configurable for in- or
output functionality.
iii. The camera shall be equipped with a 3.5 mm connector for Line out.
iv. The camera shall be equipped with a 3.5 mm connector for Line/Mic In. PTZ functionality
i. The camera shall incorporate guard tour functionality.
ii. The camera shall incorporate preset positions functionality.
iii. The camera shall provide 3x optical and 2x digital zoom with 9 mm lens.
iv. The camera shall provide 2.4x optical and 2x digital zoom with 22 mm lens.
v. The camera shall provide control queue functionality.
vi. The camera shall provide On-Screen Directional Indicator (OSDI) functionality. Event functionality
i. The camera shall be equipped with an integrated event functionality, which can be
trigged by:
a. Live Stream Accessed
b. Tampering
c. Video Motion Detection
d. Audio Detection
e. Day/Night Mode
f. External Input
g. Temperature
h. Schedule
i. Manual Trigger/Virtual Inputs
j. PTZ functionality
k. Embedded third party applications
l. Edge storage disruption detection
ii. The cameras response to a trigged event shall include:
a. Send notification, using HTTP, HTTPS, TCP or email
b. Send images, using FTP, HTTP, HTTPS, network share or email
c. Send video clip, using FTP, HTTP, HTTPS, network share or email
d. Day/Night Vision Mode
e. Play Audio Clip
f. Activate External Output
g. Send SNMP trap message
h. PTZ control functionality
i. WDR Mode
j. Recording to local storage and/or network attached storage Storage
i. The camera shall be equipped with a video buffer for saving pre- and post-alarm images
and shall have a microSD-card slot to support local storage of video.
ii. The camera shall support SD/SDHC/SDXC UHS-I, memory up to 64 GB, speed class 10.
iii. The camera shall support recording to network attached storage.

Final Issue July 2017 8.90

COMMUNICATIONS & CONTROL Other functionality

i. The camera shall include a customizable pixel counter functionality, identifying the size of
objects in number of pixels.
ii. The camera shall provide text overlay ability, including date and time.
iii. The camera shall have the ability to apply a graphical image as an overlay image in the
video stream.
iv. The camera shall have the ability to apply privacy masks in the video stream. Network functionality
i. The camera shall support both static IP addresses and addresses from a DHCP-server.
ii. The camera shall support both IPv4 and IPv6.
iii. The camera shall incorporate support for Quality of Service (QoS).
iv. The camera shall incorporate support for Bonjour.
v. To secure access to the unit as well as provided content, the camera shall support
vi. The camera shall support IEEE 802.1X authentication.
vii. The camera shall provide centralized certificate management, with both pre-installed CA
certificates and the ability to upload additional CA certificates. The certificates shall be
signed by an organization providing digital trust services.
viii. The camera shall support IP address filtering and include at least three different levels of
password security.
ix. The camera shall support time synchronization via NTP server. Power
i. The camera shall accept Power over Ethernet IEEE 802.3af/802.3at Type 1 Class 3 Maintenance & service

i. The camera shall provide a log file, containing information about all users connecting to
the unit since last restart. The file shall include information about connecting IP address
and the time of connecting.
ii. The camera shall be monitored by a Watchdog functionality, which shall automatically re-
initiate processes or restart the unit if a malfunction is detected.
iii. The camera shall send a notification when the unit has re-booted and all services are
initialized. API & applications
i. The unit shall contain a built-in web server making video, audio and configuration
available in a standard browser environment using HTTP.
ii. The camera shall be fully supported by open and published API (Application
Programmers Interface) providing necessary information for integration of functionality
into third party applications.
iii. The camera shall allow for applications developed by third parties to be uploaded into the
camera, and the camera vendor shall provide compatibility tools to verify the stability and
performance of the applications. Fixed Camera Type 3
Type 3 cameras shall offer the same operational features as Type 2 cameras with the
exception of environmental controls. Type 3 cameras shall be used indoors in locations where
lighting is more evenly controlled and lighting conditions are more consistent but where it will
not be exposed to low temperatures or moisture. Current specifications (as of August 2016)
are based on Axis Q35XX-V Series with details for the Q3505-V model detailed below:

Final Issue July 2017 8.91

COMMUNICATIONS & CONTROL Standards, Regulations & Recognitions

i. The camera shall be backed by a minimum of three-year manufacturer warranty.
ii. The manufacturer shall provide the option of extended warranty for the camera. The
optional extended warranty shall be available in two-year extension blocks for a total
warranty period of maximum five years.
iii. The contractor or designated subcontractor shall submit credentials of completed
manufacturer certification, verified by a third party organization, as proof of the
iv. The specified unit shall be PVC-free in accordance with IEC 61249-2-21
v. The camera shall meet product safety standards as defined in IEC/EN/UL 60950-1
vi. The camera shall meet ISO/IEC 14496-10 MPEG-4 Part 10, Advanced Video Coding
vii. The camera shall meet ISO/IEC 14496-2 (Profiles ASP and SP) (MPEG-4 Part 2)
viii. The camera shall meet SMPTE 296M (HDTV 720p)
ix. The camera shall meet SMPTE 274M (HDTV 1080p)
x. The camera shall meet ONVIF Profile S or ONVIF Version 1.01 or higher as defined by
the ONVIF organization.
xi. The camera shall carry the following EMC approvals:
a. EN55022 Class B
b. EN55024
c. FCC Part 15 - Subpart B Class B
d. VCCI Class B
e. C-tick AS/NZS CISPR22 Class B
f. ICES-003 Class B
g. KN22 Class B
h. KN24
xii. The camera shall meet the following standards:
a. IEEE 802.3af/802.3at (Power over Ethernet)
b. IEEE 802.1X (Authentication)
c. IPv4 (RFC 791)
d. IPv6 (RFC 2460)
e. QoS – DiffServ (RFC 2475)
xiii. The camera shall meet the following mechanical environmental standards:
a. IEC/EN 60529 IP52
b. IEC/EN 62262 IK10
c. IEC 60068-2-1
d. IEC 60068-2-2
e. IEC 60068-2-6
f. IEC 60068-2-14
g. IEC 60068-2-27
h. IEC 60068-2-52
i. IEC 60068-2-60
j. IEC 60068-2-78
xiv. The camera shall meet the following Railway environmental standards:
a. EN 50121-4
b. IEC 62236-4 Mechanics & environmental
i. The camera enclosure shall include the following:

Final Issue July 2017 8.92


a. Vandal resistant aluminum and polycarbonate body providing encapsulated

b. Clear transparent cover
c. Fitted with a dehumidifying membrane
ii. The camera enclosure shall provide the ability to adjust the camera modules angle with
-5° to 90° tilt, 360° pan and 95° rotation while maintaining an image that is not
interfered by the camera housing.
iii. The camera shall operate in a temperature range of -10°C to +50°C (14°F to +122°F).
iv. The camera shall operate in a humidity range of 10-85% RH (non-condensing). Sensors & optics
i. The camera shall be equipped with an IR-sensitive progressive scan sensor.
ii. The camera shall be fitted with a megapixel lens providing automated iris functionality
with P-Iris control and provide remote zoom and focus functionality.
iii. The camera shall provide images down to:
a. Lens 9 mm - HDTV 1080p 25/30 fps with WDR-Forensic Capture: Color 0.18 lux,
B/W 0.04 lux
b. Lens 9 mm - HDTV 1080p 50/60 fps: Color 0.36 lux, B/W 0.08 lux
c. Lens 22 mm - HDTV 1080p 25/30 fps with WDR-Forensic Capture: Color 0.28 lux,
B/W 0.06 lux
d. Lens 22 mm - HDTV 1080p 50/60 fps: Color: 0.56 lux, B/W:0.11 lux Image Control
i. The camera shall incorporate Automatic and Manual White Balance.
ii. The camera shall incorporate automatic and manually defined exposure zones.
iii. The camera shall support a configurable shutter in the range from 1/142850 s to 2 s in
HDTV 1080p 25/30 50/60 fps mode.
iv. The camera shall support a configurable shutter in the range from 1/142850 s to 2 s in
WUXGA (1920x1200) 25/30 fps mode.
v. The camera shall incorporate capture mode with the following settings:
a. HDTV1080p (1920 x 1080) with WDR: 25/30 fps with power line frequency 50/60 Hz
b. HDTV1080p (1920 x 1080) without WDR: 50/60 fps with power line frequency 50/60
c. WUXGA (1920 x 1200) without WDR: 25/30 fps with power line frequency 50/60 Hz
vi. The camera shall provide backlight compensation.
vii. The camera shall allow for rotation of the image in steps of 90º.
viii. The camera shall incorporate a function for optimization of low light behavior.
ix. The camera shall incorporate a function for Electronic Image Stabilization (EIS) for real-
time image stabilization.
x. The camera shall incorporate a function to manually correct barrel distortion, by using a
slider to correct distortion in the image. Video
i. The camera shall provide simultaneous Motion JPEG and H.264 video streams.
ii. The camera shall be designed to provide at least two video streams in HDTV 1080p
(1920x1080) at up to 60 frames per second (60 Hz mode) or 50 frames per second (50
Hz mode).
iii. The camera shall support Baseline Profile H.264 encoding with motion estimation in up to
60 fps (60 Hz), 50 fps (50 Hz) in HDTV 1080p resolution.
iv. The camera shall support Main Profile H.264 encoding with motion estimation and
context-adaptive binary arithmetic coding (CABAC) in up to 60 fps (60 Hz), 50 fps (50 Hz)
in HDTV 1080p resolution.

Final Issue July 2017 8.93


v. The camera shall support High Profile H.264 encoding with motion estimation up to 50/60
fps in up to 60 fps (60 Hz), 50 fps (50 Hz) in HDTV 1080p resolution.
vi. The camera shall provide video in landscape format 4:3 and 16:9 as well as corridor
format 3:4 and 9:16.
vii. The H.264 implementation shall include both unicast and multicast functionality and
support Maximum Bit Rate (MBR) as well as Variable Bit Rate (VBR). Audio
i. The camera shall support two-way full duplex audio.
ii. Input sources:
a. External microphone (balanced/unbalanced)
b. External line device
iii. Output sources:
a. External line device
iv. Encoding
The camera shall support:
a. AAC LC at 8/16 kHz
b. G.711 PCM at 8 kHz
c. G.726 ADPCM at 8 kHz Connectors
i. The camera shall be equipped with a RJ45 10BASE-T/100BASE-TX PoE Ethernet port.
ii. The camera shall be equipped with two configurable inputs/outputs, configurable for in- or
output functionality.
iii. The camera shall be equipped with a 3.5 mm connector for Line out.
iv. The camera shall be equipped with a 3.5 mm connector for Line/Mic In. PTZ functionality
i. The camera shall incorporate guard tour functionality.
ii. The camera shall incorporate preset positions functionality.
iii. The camera shall provide 3x optical and 2x digital zoom with 9 mm lens.
iv. The camera shall provide 2.4x optical and 2x digital zoom with 22 mm lens.
v. The camera shall provide control queue functionality.
vi. The camera shall provide On-Screen Directional Indicator (OSDI) functionality. Event functionality
i. The camera shall be equipped with an integrated event functionality, which can be
trigged by:
a. Live Stream Accessed
b. Tampering
c. Video Motion Detection
d. Shock Detected
e. Audio Detection
f. Day/Night Mode
g. External Input
h. Temperature
i. Schedule
j. Manual Trigger/Virtual Inputs
k. PTZ functionality
l. Embedded third party applications

Final Issue July 2017 8.94


m. Edge storage disruption detection

ii. The cameras response to a trigged event shall include:
a. Send notification, using HTTP, HTTPS, TCP or email
b. Send images, using FTP, HTTP, HTTPS, network share or email
c. Send video clip, using FTP, HTTP, HTTPS, network share or email
d. Day/Night Vision Mode
e. Play Audio Clip
f. Activate External Output
g. Send SNMP trap message
h. PTZ control functionality
i. WDR Mode
j. Recording to local storage and/or network attached storage Storage
i. The camera shall be equipped with a video buffer for saving pre- and post-alarm images
and shall have a microSD-card slot to support local storage of video.
ii. The camera shall support SD/SDHC/SDXC UHS-I, memory up to 64 GB, speed class 10.
iii. The camera shall support recording to network attached storage. Other functionality

i. The camera shall include a customizable pixel counter functionality, identifying the size of
objects in number of pixels.
ii. The camera shall provide text overlay ability, including date and time.
iii. The camera shall have the ability to apply a graphical image as an overlay image in the
video stream.
iv. The camera shall have the ability to apply privacy masks in the video stream. Network functionality

i. The camera shall support both static IP addresses and addresses from a DHCP-server.
ii. The camera shall support both IPv4 and IPv6.
iii. The camera shall incorporate support for Quality of Service (QoS).
iv. The camera shall incorporate support for Bonjour.
v. To secure access to the unit as well as provided content, the camera shall support
vi. The camera shall support IEEE 802.1X authentication.
vii. The camera shall provide centralized certificate management, with both pre-installed CA
certificates and the ability to upload additional CA certificates. The certificates shall be
signed by an organization providing digital trust services.
viii. The camera shall support IP address filtering and include at least three different levels of
password security.
ix. The camera shall support time synchronization via NTP server. Power
i. The camera shall accept Power over Ethernet IEEE 802.3af/802.3at Type 1 Class 2. Maintenance & service
i. The camera shall provide a log file, containing information about all users connecting to
the unit since last restart. The file shall include information about connecting IP address
and the time of connecting.
ii. The camera shall be monitored by a Watchdog functionality, which shall automatically re-
initiate processes or restart the unit if a malfunction is detected.

Final Issue July 2017 8.95


iii. The camera shall send a notification when the unit has re-booted and all services are
initialized. API & applications
i. The unit shall contain a built-in web server making video, audio and configuration
available in a standard browser environment using HTTP.
ii. The camera shall be fully supported by open and published API (Application
Programmers Interface) providing necessary information for integration of functionality
into third party applications. PAN/TILT/ZOOM (PTZ) Cameras – Interior Application

ETS requires that unitized Pan, Tilt, Zoom cameras be installed to allow for expanded
coverage of larger areas and to provide tracking options during critical events. In areas where
the camera will not be subject to temperatures below freezing (0°C) or high moisture levels,
the PTZ camera can be an interior rated device. Current specifications (as of August 2016)
are based on Axis Q6055 as detailed below: Sensors & optics
i. The camera shall be equipped with an IR-sensitive progressive scan sensor.
ii. The camera shall contain a removable IR-cut filter providing Day/Night functionality.
iii. The camera shall meet or exceed the following illumination specifications:
a. 0.3 lux at 30 IRE F1.6 (color)
b. 0.03 lux at 30 IRE F1.6 (B/W)
c. 0.5 lux at 50 IRE F1.6 (color)
d. 0.04 lux at 50 IRE F1.6 (B/W)
iv. The camera shall provide 32x optical zoom.
v. The camera shall provide 12x digital zoom.
vi. The camera shall provide adjustable zoom speed. Image Control
i. The unit shall incorporate Automatic and Manual White Balance.
ii. The camera shall incorporate Wide Dynamic Range - providing up to120 dB dynamic
iii. The camera shall incorporate an electronic shutter operating in the range of:
a. 1/33000 s to 1/3 s (50 Hz)
b. 1/33000 s to 1/4 s (60 Hz)
iv. The camera shall incorporate highlight compensation functionality.
v. The camera shall incorporate a function for optimization of low light behavior.
vi. The camera shall provide backlight compensation. Video
i. The camera shall provide simultaneous Motion JPEG and H.264 video streams.
ii. The camera shall be designed to provide at least two video streams in HDTV 1080p
(1920x1080) at up to 30 frames per second (60 Hz mode) or 25 frames per second (50
Hz mode) using H.264 or Motion JPEG.
iii. The camera shall be designed to provide at least two video streams in HDTV 720p
(1280x720) at up to 60 frames per second (60 Hz mode) or 50 frames per second (50 Hz
mode) using H.264 or Motion JPEG.
iv. The camera shall support H.264 Baseline, Main and High Profile.
v. The H.264 implementation shall include both unicast and multicast functionality and
support Maximum Bit Rate (MBR) as well as Variable Bit Rate (VBR).

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vi. The camera shall support H.264 with automatic scene adaptive bitrate control.
vii. The camera shall for its H.264 implementation support scene adaptive bitrate control with
automatic dynamic ROI to reduce bitrate in un-prioritized regions in order to lowering
bandwidth and storage requirements. Pan Tilt functionality
i. The camera shall provide more than 255 manually set preset positions.
ii. The camera shall provide e-flip functionality, which will automatically rotate the image
180° electronically when following a moving object passing under the camera.
iii. The camera shall provide a guard tour functionality, which allows the dome to
automatically move between selected presets using an individual speed and viewing time
for each preset.
iv. The camera shall be able to record a custom PTZ tour, operated using an input device
such as a joystick, mouse or keyboard, and then use and recall this as a guard tour.
v. The camera shall be able to detect and automatically follow moving objects in the
cameras field of view.
vi. The camera shall provide On-screen directional indicator (OSDI) functionality.
vii. The camera shall be equipped with accurate high-speed pan-tilt functionality with 360°
endless pan range and a 180° tilt range.
viii. The camera shall provide pan and tilt speed between 0.05° - 450°/sec. Event functionality

i. The camera shall be equipped with an integrated event functionality, which can be
trigged by:
a. Video Motion Detection
b. Audio Detection
c. Live Stream Accessed
d. Manual Trigger/Virtual Inputs
e. Fan malfunctioning
f. PTZ functionality
g. External input
h. Embedded third party applications
i. Edge storage disruption detection
j. Shock Detected
ii. The cameras response to a trigged event shall include:
a. Send notification, using HTTP, HTTPS, TCP, SNMP trap or email
b. Send images, using FTP, HTTP, HTTPS, network share or email
c. Send video clip, using FTP, HTTP, HTTPS, network share or email
d. Recording to local storage and/or network attached storage
e. Activating external output
f. Day/Night Vision Mode
g. Play audio clip
h. PTZ control functionality
i. Overlay Text Storage
i. The camera shall be equipped with a video buffer for saving pre- and post-alarm images
and shall have a SD card slot to support local storage of video.
ii. The camera shall support recording to network attached storage.

Final Issue July 2017 8.97

i. To secure access to the unit as well as provided content, the unit shall support HTTPS,
SSL/TLS and IEEE802.1X authentication.
ii. The camera shall provide centralized certificate management, with both pre-installed CA
certificates and the ability to upload additional CA certificates. The certificates shall be
signed by an organization providing digital trust services.
iii. The camera shall support IP address filtering and include at least three different levels of
password security. Product installation & maintenance
i. The camera shall include a customizable pixel counter functionality, identifying the size of
objects in number of pixels.
ii. The camera shall allow updates of the software (firmware) over the network, using FTP
or HTTP.
iii. The camera shall support time synchronization via NTP server.
iv. The camera shall provide a log file, containing information about all users connecting to
the unit since last restart. The file shall include information about connecting IP address
and the time of connecting.
v. The camera shall be monitored by a Watchdog functionality, which shall automatically re-
initiate processes or restart the unit if a malfunction is detected.
vi. The camera shall send a notification when the unit has re-booted and all services are
initialized. API & applications
i. The unit shall contain a built-in web server making video, audio and configuration
available in a standard browser environment using HTTP.
ii. The camera shall be fully supported by open and published API (Application
Programmers Interface) providing necessary information for integration of functionality
into third party applications. Network functionality

i. The camera shall support both static IP addresses and addresses from a DHCP-server.
ii. The camera shall support both IPv4 and IPv6.
iii. The camera shall incorporate support for Quality of Service (QoS).
iv. The camera shall incorporate support for Bonjour. Other Functionality
i. The camera shall provide text overlay ability, including date and time.
ii. The camera shall have the ability to apply a graphical image as an overlay image in the
video stream.
iii. The camera shall have the ability to provide up to 32 individual 3D privacy masks to the
image. Mechanics & Environmental

i. The camera shall be manufactured with an IP52-rated metal casing (aluminum).
ii. The camera shall operate in a temperature range of 0°C to 50°C (32°F to 122°F).
iii. The camera shall operate in a humidity range of 10-85% RH (non-condensing). Connectors
i. The camera shall be equipped with a RJ45 10BASE-T/100BASE-TX PoE Ethernet port.
ii. The unit shall, by using a separate connection module connected to the camera using a
“multi connector cable”, provide connectivity for:

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a. Digital inputs and outputs.

b. 3.5 mm jack for line/mic input
c. 3.5 mm jack for line out.
d. AC power
e. DC power Power
i. Power over Ethernet IEEE 802.3at Type 2 Class 4
a. Max 19 W
b. Typical 13 W
ii. AC input
a. Max 25 VA
b. Typical 17 VA
iii. DC input
a. Max 16 W
b. Typical 11 W Standards & Regulations
i. The specified unit shall meet product safety standards as defined in IEC/EN/UL 60950-1
ii. The camera shall meet relevant parts of SMPTE 296M (HDTV 720p)
iii. The camera shall meet relevant parts of SMPTE 274M (HDTV 1080p)
iv. The camera shall meet ISO/IEC 14496-10 Advanced Video Coding (H.264)
v. The specified unit shall carry the following EMC approvals:
a. EN 55022 Class A
b. EN 55024
c. FCC Part 15 - Subpart A
d. VCCI Class A
e. RCM AS/NZS CISPR 22 Class A
f. ICES-003 Class A
g. KCC KN32 Class A
h. KN35
vi. The camera shall meet the following mechanical environmental standards:
a. IEC/EN 60529 IP52
b. IEC 60721-4-3
c. IEC 60068-2
d. The camera shall meet the following standards:
e. IEEE 802.3at (Power over Ethernet Plus)
f. IEEE 802.1X (Authentication)
g. IPv4 (RFC 791)
h. IPv6 (RFC 2460)
i. QoS – DiffServ (RFC 2475) Sustainability
i. The specified unit shall be manufactured in accordance with ISO 14001.
ii. The specified unit shall be compliant with the EU directives 2011/65/EU (RoHS) and
2012/19/EU (WEEE).
iii. The specified unit shall be compliant with the EU regulation 1907/2006 (REACH).
iv. The specified unit shall be PVC-free in accordance with IEC 61249-2-21.
v. The manufacturer shall have signed and support the UN Global Compact initiative as
defined by United Nations

Final Issue July 2017 8.99

COMMUNICATIONS & CONTROL Installation, Warranty & Recognitions

i. The specified unit shall be backed by a minimum of three-year manufacturer warranty.
ii. The manufacturer shall provide the option of extended warranty for the camera. The
optional extended warranty shall be available in two-year extension blocks for a total
warranty period of maximum five years.
iii. The contractor or designated subcontractor shall submit credentials of completed
manufacturer certification, verified by a third party organization, as proof of the
iv. All equipment shall be tested and configured in accordance with instructions provided by
the manufacturer prior to installation.
v. All firmware found in products shall be the latest and most up-to-date provided by the
manufacturer, or of a version as specified by the provider of the Video Management
Application (VMA) or Network Video Recorder (NVR). PAN/TILT/ZOOM (PTZ) Cameras – Exterior Application
ETS requires that unitized Pan, Tilt, Zoom cameras be installed to allow for expanded
coverage of larger areas and to provide tracking options during critical events. In areas where
the camera will be subject to the elements, including temperatures below freezing (0°C) or
high moisture levels, the PTZ camera shall be an environmentally rated device. Current
specifications (as of August 2016) are based on Axis Q6055-E as detailed below: Sensors & optics

i. The camera shall be equipped with an IR-sensitive progressive scan sensor.
ii. The camera shall contain a removable IR-cut filter providing Day/Night functionality.
iii. The camera shall meet or exceed the following illumination specifications:
a. 0.3 lux at 30 IRE F1.6 (color)
b. 0.03 lux at 30 IRE F1.6 (B/W)
c. 0.5 lux at 50 IRE F1.6 (color)
d. 0.04 lux at 50 IRE F1.6 (B/W)
iv. The camera shall provide 32x optical zoom.
v. The camera shall provide 12x digital zoom.
vi. The camera shall provide adjustable zoom speed. Image Control

i. The unit shall incorporate Automatic and Manual White Balance.
ii. The camera shall incorporate Wide Dynamic Range - providing up to120dB dynamic
iii. The camera shall incorporate an electronic shutter operating in the range of:
a. 1/33000 s to 1/3 s (50 Hz)
b. 1/33000 s to 1/4 s (60 Hz)
iv. The camera shall incorporate highlight compensation functionality.
v. The camera shall incorporate a function for optimization of low light behavior.
vi. The camera shall provide backlight compensation. Video
i. The camera shall provide simultaneous Motion JPEG and H.264 video streams.
ii. The camera shall be designed to provide at least two video streams in HDTV 1080p
(1920x1080) at up to 30 frames per second (60 Hz mode) or 25 frames per second (50
Hz mode) using H.264 or Motion JPEG.

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iii. The camera shall be designed to provide at least two video streams in HDTV 720p
(1280x720) at up to 60 frames per second (60 Hz mode) or 50 frames per second (50 Hz
mode) using H.264 or Motion JPEG.
iv. The camera shall support H.264 Baseline, Main and High Profile.
v. The H.264 implementation shall include both unicast and multicast functionality and
support Maximum Bit Rate (MBR) as well as Variable Bit Rate (VBR).
vi. The camera shall support H.264 with automatic scene adaptive bitrate control.
vii. The camera shall for its H.264 implementation support scene adaptive bitrate control with
automatic dynamic ROI to reduce bitrate in un-prioritized regions in order to lowering
bandwidth and storage requirements. Pan Tilt functionality
i. The camera shall provide more than 255 manually set preset positions.
ii. The camera shall provide e-flip functionality, which will automatically rotate the image
180° electronically when following a moving object passing under the camera.
iii. The camera shall provide a guard tour functionality, which allows the dome to
automatically move between selected presets using an individual speed and viewing time
for each preset.
iv. The camera shall be able to record a custom PTZ tour, operated using an input device
such as a joystick, mouse or keyboard, and then use and recall this as a guard tour.
v. The camera shall be able to detect and automatically follow moving objects in the
cameras field of view.
vi. The camera shall provide On-screen directional indicator (OSDI) functionality.
vii. The camera shall be equipped with accurate high-speed pan-tilt functionality with 360°
endless pan range and a 180° tilt range.
viii. The camera shall provide pan and tilt speed between 0.05° - 450°/sec. Event functionality

i. The camera shall be equipped with an integrated event functionality, which can be
trigged by:
a. Video Motion Detection
b. Live Stream Accessed
c. Manual Trigger/Virtual Inputs
d. Fan malfunctioning
e. Casing Open
f. Heater malfunctioning
g. Temperature
h. PTZ functionality
i. Embedded third party applications
j. Edge storage disruption detection
k. Shock Detected
ii. The cameras response to a trigged event shall include:
a. Send notification, using HTTP, HTTPS, TCP, SNMP trap or email
b. Send images, using FTP, HTTP, HTTPS, network share or email
c. Send video clip, using FTP, HTTP, HTTPS, network share or email
d. Recording to local storage and/or network attached storage
e. Day/Night Vision Mode
f. PTZ control functionality
g. Overlay Text

Final Issue July 2017 8.101

i. The camera shall be equipped with a video buffer for saving pre- and post-alarm images
and shall have a SD card slot to support local storage of video.
ii. The camera shall support recording to network attached storage. Security
i. To secure access to the unit as well as provided content, the unit shall support HTTPS,
SSL/TLS and IEEE802.1X authentication.
ii. The camera shall provide centralized certificate management, with both pre-installed CA
certificates and the ability to upload additional CA certificates. The certificates shall be
signed by an organization providing digital trust services.
iii. The camera shall support IP address filtering and include at least three different levels of
password security. Product installation & maintenance
i. The camera shall include a customizable pixel counter functionality, identifying the size of
objects in number of pixels.
ii. The camera shall allow updates of the software (firmware) over the network, using FTP
or HTTP.
iii. The camera shall support time synchronization via NTP server.
iv. The camera shall provide a log file, containing information about all users connecting to
the unit since last restart. The file shall include information about connecting IP address
and the time of connecting.
v. The camera shall be monitored by a Watchdog functionality, which shall automatically re-
initiate processes or restart the unit if a malfunction is detected.
vi. The camera shall send a notification when the unit has re-booted and all services are
initialized. API & applications
i. The unit shall contain a built-in web server making video, audio and configuration
available in a standard browser environment using HTTP.
ii. The camera shall be fully supported by open and published API (Application
Programmers Interface) providing necessary information for integration of functionality
into third party applications.
iii. Cameras shall comply with relevant ONVIF profile as defined by the ONVIF Organization. Network functionality
i. The camera shall support both static IP addresses and addresses from a DHCP-server.
ii. The camera shall support both IPv4 and IPv6.
iii. The camera shall incorporate support for Quality of Service (QoS).
iv. The camera shall incorporate support for Bonjour. Other functionality
i. The camera shall provide text overlay ability, including date and time.
ii. The camera shall have the ability to apply a graphical image as an overlay image in the
video stream.
iii. The camera shall have the ability to provide up to 32 individual 3D privacy masks to the
image. Mechanics & environmental

i. The camera shall be manufactured with an IP66-, NEMA 4X- and IK10-rated metal
casing (aluminum).

Final Issue July 2017 8.102


ii. The camera enclosure shall include the following:

a. Sunshield
b. Temperature sensors
c. Heaters
d. Fans
iii. Operate in a temperature range of:
a. 30 W midspan -20°C to 50°C (-4°F to 122°F)
b. 60 W midspan -50°C to 50°C (-58°F to 122°F)
c. Maximum temperature (intermittent): 60°C (140°F)
iv. The camera shall be equipped with Arctic Temperature Control, allowing camera start-up
at temperatures down to -40°C (-40°F).
v. Operate in a humidity range of 10–100% RH (condensing). Connectors
i. The camera shall be equipped with a RJ45 10BASE-T/100BASE-TX PoE Ethernet port. Power
i. 100-240 V AC / 50-60 Hz, max 60 W – provided to the camera through the network cable
by a separate injector, supplied with the camera. Standards & Regulations
i. The specified unit shall meet product safety standards as defined in IEC/EN/UL 60950-1
ii. The specified unit shall meet product safety standards as defined in IEC/EN/UL 60950-22
iii. The camera shall meet relevant parts of SMPTE 296M (HDTV 720p)
iv. The camera shall meet relevant parts of SMPTE 274M (HDTV 1080p)
v. The camera shall meet ISO/IEC 14496-10 Advanced Video Coding (H.264)
vi. The specified unit shall carry the following EMC approvals:
a. EN 55022 Class A
b. EN 55024
c. FCC Part 15 - Subpart A
d. VCCI Class A
e. RCM AS/NZS CISPR 22 Class A
f. ICES-003 Class A
g. KCC KN32 Class A
h. KN35
vii. The camera shall meet the following mechanical environmental standards:
a. IEC/EN 60529 IP66
b. NEMA 250 Type 4X
c. NEMA TS-2-2003 v02.06 Subsection 2.2.7, 2.2.8, 2.2.9
d. IEC 62262 IK10
e. IEC 60721-4-3
f. IEC 60068-2-1
g. IEC 60068-2-2
h. IEC 60068-2-6
i. IEC 60068-2-14
j. IEC 60068-2-27
k. IEC 60068-2-30
l. IEC 60068-2-60
m. IEC 60068-2-78
n. ISO 4892-2

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viii. The camera shall meet the following railway environmental standards:
a. EN 50121-4
b. IEC 62236-4
ix. The camera shall meet the following standards:
a. IEEE 802.1X (Authentication)
b. IPv4 (RFC 791)
c. IPv6 (RFC 2460)
d. QoS – DiffServ (RFC 2475) Sustainability
i. The specified unit shall be manufactured in accordance with ISO 14001.
ii. The specified unit shall be compliant with the EU directives 2011/65/EU (RoHS) and
2012/19/EU (WEEE).
iii. The specified unit shall be compliant with the EU regulation 1907/2006 (REACH).
iv. The specified unit shall be PVC-free in accordance with IEC 61249-2-21.
v. The manufacturer shall have signed and support the UN Global Compact initiative as
defined by United Nations Installation, Warranty & Recognitions

i. The specified unit shall be backed by a minimum of three-year manufacturer warranty.
ii. The manufacturer shall provide the option of extended warranty for the camera. The
optional extended warranty shall be available in two-year extension blocks for a total
warranty period of maximum five years.
iii. The contractor or designated subcontractor shall submit credentials of completed
manufacturer certification, verified by a third party organization, as proof of the
iv. All equipment shall be tested and configured in accordance with instructions provided by
the manufacturer prior to installation.
v. All firmware found in products shall be the latest and most up-to-date provided by the
manufacturer, or of a version as specified by the provider of the Video Management
Application (VMA) or Network Video Recorder (NVR). PAN/TILT/ZOOM (PTZ) Cameras
All PTZ controlled cameras must be integrated domes. The camera dome drive system must
consist of a discreet, miniature camera dome, a variable speed (high speed) pan and tilt drive
unit with continuous 360° rotation, a high resolution 1/4-inch colour CCD/B&W camera, an
optical and digital zoom, auto focusing, motorized zoom lens, and an integral receiver. In
addition to the forgoing, the following features must be provided:
i. Variable speed capabilities ranging from a smooth, fast pan motion of 360° per second to
a smooth “creep” speed of 0.1° per second.
ii. Be capable of 360° rotation with an “auto flip” feature that allows the dome to rotate 180°
and reposition itself for uninterrupted viewing of any subject that passes directly beneath
the dome.
iii. Dome back boxes must include built-in memory to store camera and location specific
dome settings, including labels, presets, patterns, and zones. These settings are
automatically downloaded if and when a dome is replaced.
iv. Domes must contain on-screen, user-defined programmable patterns that include pan,
tilt, zoom, and preset functions.
v. Domes must be individually programmable to initiate a stored pattern, or to go to an
associated pre-set when an alarm is received. Following the alarm acknowledgement,
the dome must return to a previously programmed state or to its previous position before
the alarm was activated.

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vi. The dome must incorporate independent automatic Colour-to-Black & White switching
modes for automatic switchover from colour in daytime, to high sensitivity black and white
at night.
vii. The CCD must be a 1/4-inch image sensor with 724 x 494 effective pixels, providing 470-
line resolution.
viii. Colour mode sensitivity must be 0.008 foot-candles (0.08 lx) at 1/2-sec shutter speed;
ix. Black & White mode must be 0.0013 foot-candles (0.013 lx) at 1/2-sec shutter speed.
x. Signal to noise ratio must be 50 dB or greater
xi. Power requirements: 70 VA at 24 V AC
xii. Standard of Acceptance: Pelco Spectra III Model SD53VBW-PG-E1
In addition to the above listed camera, IP based cameras are currently being evaluated and
may be considered for installation in future projects. Camera Lenses / Optics
All specified cameras include factory-installed lenses / optics which have been designed to
function correctly with the devices including all necessary feature support. Where applicable,
lens options, including specific focal-lengths, are to be selected specifically to suit the
installation and field-of-view requirements. No after-market lenses / optics are to be used on
new cameras.

Figure 7 - Varifocal Lens Selection

Figure 8 - Varifocal Lens Models

8.13.11 Required site coverage / CCTV Camera Views

Camera placements, as described herein, shall provide sufficient detail to clearly identify
individuals and objects within the required fields-of-view. The actual resolution and pixels-on-
target vary, depending upon the specific location. PTZ cameras are utilized to allow for closer
inspection of areas of concern, allowing for a reduction in the overall number of fixed cameras
in any given coverage area.

Final Issue July 2017 8.105


During peak hour and special events, it is essential that LRT Operations use camera views to
determine passenger load requirements at selected stations in order to determine if additional
trains are required. Security
Camera coverage is required for the following security sensitive areas:
i. Entrances to cash vaults (fixed)
ii. Fare equipment (may be either fixed camera or a PTZ camera preset position - must
provide a view of the front of the TVM)
iii. Platform areas
iv. Emergency telephones shall be clearly visible either in a fixed camera view or a PTZ
camera Preset position
v. Panic Buttons, where applicable, shall be clearly visible within either a fixed camera view
or in a PTZ camera Preset position
vi. Elevators require fixed camera coverage of each opening, as well as a fixed (wide-angle)
camera within the car
vii. Escalators require fixed camera coverage of the entire run in a single view as well as
both landings (top and bottom) in separate views – 3 cameras per escalator
viii. All entrance doors
ix. Washroom entrance doors (cameras to be fixed type) – must provide a clear view of the
door as well as the “Occupied” signage
x. Tunnel and Grade Separation portals
xi. Continuous coverage of pedway entrances and exits to all levels
xii. Continuous coverage of walkway entrances and exits to all levels
xiii. Continuous coverage of stairwell entrances and exits to all levels (cameras to be fixed
xiv. Surface parking areas
xv. Parking Lot entrances and exits require fixed-view License Plate Recognition cameras
positioned to allow capture of vehicle license plates entering and exiting the lots
Coverage must be provided with the objective of eliminating all blind or hidden areas. The
appropriate infrastructure must be added to light standards to allow for possible camera
installation. Activity must be identifiable for a distance of up to 45 m.
Camera views of fare collection and fare paid areas are for the purpose of ensuring reliable
and free flowing fare collection and to detect any flow obstruction.
Alarms generated from emergency phones, emergency call stations, ticket vending machines,
vaults, elevators or washrooms must immediately display their respective camera views.
Security must be able to display and record simultaneously a minimum of five emergencies or
alarm situations. LRT Security requires the ability to quickly view any camera image on the
system and record if desired. Operations
In addition to camera locations detailed for Security use, ETS has designated certain
operational areas which are to have coverage / visibility though the CCTV system.
i. PA/VMS Signs on LRT Platforms must have clear visibility of the entire sign face via a
PTZ camera – each side of double-faced signs, where applicable.
ii. Clock tower and Parking Lot signs must be visible via a PTZ camera.
iii. Certain Designated Employees Access doors or Entrances.
iv. Certain Areas wherein work is performed on sensitive equipment such as:
a. Substations (access and inner areas).
b. Communications Rooms (access and inner area).

Final Issue July 2017 8.106


c. Signals Rooms (access and inner area).

v. Other areas as defined or requested by ETS personnel or departments as required.
vi. All level crossings in the LRT system, both pedestrian and vehicular, shall be covered
with a fixed view camera to allow monitoring of crossing arm position and post-incident
investigations – multiple cameras or a multi-head device may be required to provide
sufficient viewing detail. Camera Enclosures

All specified camera types incorporate dome type enclosures which are to be installed in
accordance with the manufacturer’s specific instructions, including use of grounding
connections, sealing grommets etc. No alternate enclosures should be required or utilized as
these may compromise the IP66, IP67 or IK10 ratings carried by different cameras. Camera Mounts
Camera mounts shall be designed specifically for use with the specified cameras. Placement
of these mounts must allow the camera to fulfill its role as defined previously, while taking into
consideration maintenance requirements. The following brackets are suitable dependent on
the type of surface where they are to be installed:
i. Ceiling Mounts
a. Recessed Mount
b. Surface Mount
c. Pendant Mount
ii. Wall Mounts
a. Junction Box Adapter
b. Surface Mount Plate
c. Enclosure (Cabinet)
d. Arm
iii. Corner Mount Adapter
Corner adapters must be utilized to allow the wall mount to be attached to the corner of a
building where required. In instances where pole mounting is required, suitable pole
mount adaptors must be utilized.
iv. Parapet Mount
Parapet mounts must be utilized at locations where mounting is on a flat roof or to smooth
horizontal surfaces. Sufficient height is required to clear the parapet and 360° rotation
must be available for service and maintenance. Lighting / Illumination
Typical installations shall not require additions or modifications to the lighting in place, unless
otherwise provided for under a renovation or remodeling project. In the event that a camera is
to be located in a room or location where there is zero-light condition, consideration may be
given to install dedicated lighting such as Infrared or White-Light LED Illuminators. In such a
case, the illuminator shall be specifically designed to operate with the specified camera type
for the specific location and shall selected according to the size and configuration of the area
to be viewed. Acceptable illuminator models (as of August 2016) are Axis T90 Series.

Final Issue July 2017 8.107

COMMUNICATIONS & CONTROL Space Requirements Spatial Considerations
All CCTV equipment except cameras must be located in the Communication room (refer to
Section 8.6.4) and interfaced to the associated monitoring equipment in the ETS Control
Centre. Equipment Racks
Racks must comply with E.I.A. specifications for rack mounting ANSI/EIA standard RS-310. In
addition, the following requirements must be met:
i. Be four (4) post style
ii. Be of welded metal construction with front and rear locking doors
iii. Be louvered where required to provide proper ventilation
iv. Have built-in space for wire and cable management and have cable access ports in the
top and bottom panels
v. Be sized to accommodate distribution equipment and cabling
vi. Power bars integral to the enclosure Labeling and Identification
i. All cabling and conductors must be clearly identified by using typed (non-hand written)
ii. All equipment racks or enclosures must be lamacoid labeled.
iii. All alarm racks/enclosures must be provided with input/output directories and wiring
iv. All termination enclosures must be provided with input/output wiring charts. Power Supply Primary Power
i. All CCTV devices with PoE powering option should be powered via PoE as described in
Section 8.7.7 of these Design Guidelines.
ii. Any CCTV devices requiring AC power, either directly or via a plug-in type power supply /
adapter, should be powered from the location’s central UPS
iii. Any deviation from these two configurations shall require approval from ETS
Communications Group and shall include clear and detailed documentation including:
a. Location of Power Supply / Adapter
b. AC Circuit to which connection is made
c. Location of Electrical Breaker Panel feeding AC Circuit (Emergency) Power
i. Conditioned power must be supplied from UPS back up power for all locations where
CPU’s are utilized. UPS back up power must be supplied from the emergency power

8.13.12 Cabling methods Conduit, Cable, and Other Related Accessories
i. All IP-based CCTV devices shall be subject to all Ethernet Device cabling requirements
as detailed in Section 8.8 of these Design Guidelines.
ii. Installation and termination of fibre optic cable must comply with Section of these
Design Guidelines.

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iii. Installation of conduit and cable pathways must comply with Section 8.8 of these Design
iv. Installation of associated electrical cabling for AC circuits must comply with the latest
editions of the Alberta Building Code, Canadian Electrical Code and Canadian Electrical
Safety Code.

8.13.13 Camera Poles

Dedicated camera mounting pole for installation of cameras are to be comprised of:
i. Square section pole measuring 4.75" x 4.75"
ii. Pole shall be 18' in height (total including base)
iii. Mounting base shall be 13" x 13"
iv. Extruded Aluminum with Powder Coat finish
Pole shall mount directly onto NEMA 4 rated base box measuring 15" x 18" x 22.5" (See Moog
P1800 specification for further detail).
Where applicable, the pole should include the internal Camera Lowering Mechanism.
Pole shall include internal Cat 6 cabling from manufacturer to accommodate connection of
Camera to base of pole while allowing necessary cable retraction during lowering process
(See Moog PV18N specification for further detail).
In cases where a single pole is to be used for mounting two devices the manufacturer's dual-
mount adapter shall be used. For fixed poles this would be a separate accessory (see Moog
PV8); in cases using Lowering Mechanism, the pole shal be replaced with the Dual-Mount
model (see Moog PV18NX2 specification for further detail) which includes dual mounting
adapter and 2 internal Cat 6 cables.
In all cases, poles should be equipped with manufacturer’s Lightning Rod (see Moog PV1)
and Anchoring Jig (see Moog PV4).

8.14 PA/VMS

8.14.1 General
This section presents an overview of the existing LRT PA System on the entire LRT system.
The system consists of three parts: the amplifier and live announcement system, the train
arrival and scheduled message system and the automated public message and visual display
maintenance system. The first one is provided by OpenAccess from Australia, the second
one is provided by Thales in conjunction with the CBTC system and the last one is an in
house developed system.
The Guidelines presented here apply to the Bus Transit Center PA as well. The OpenAccess
system is to be used in all bus transit centers for audio because it can be integrated into the
same system as the LRT uses. The in house system controls all of the clock towers and
parking lot LED signs used in all transit centers.
The PA system is to provide the capability for the control center staff to make announcements
to patrons in all LRT stations and Bus Transit Centers. Interconnected to the PA system is the
VMS, which displays visual messages at LRT station platforms.

8.14.2 Existing PA/VMS System

All stations on the Edmonton LRT System are equipped with amplified public address voice
messaging systems. Each of these stations has loudspeakers on the Platform and Concourse
levels. Several stations also have loudspeaker coverage in connecting public pedways, as
well as landing levels (i.e. at University Station).

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Loudspeakers should operate in a zoned manner to allow individual area announcements, as

well as multi-zones and ‘All-Call’ general announcements, from Operator Work Stations
(OWS) at the ETS Control Centre and other selected locations. Station loudspeaker paging
zones are accessed by the OWS at the ETS Control Centre.
The Public Address System (PA) and Variable Message Sign System (VMS) must support
ETS current and long-term communications needs for Audio and Visual services. They must
meet current and future technology and system expansion requirements.
The key feature of this PA/VMS system must be its compatibility and interface to the existing
train control system and seamless integration with the communication network for the existing
The PA/VMS system is comprised of automated train arrival announcements and centrally
controlled passenger announcements distributed via IP for both audio, using Voice over IP
(VoIP), and text for sign displays. The main Cisco network is the backhaul that allows for this
system to function.
The PA/VMS is relying on the existing Communications Based Train Control (CBTC) system
to obtain real time train movement and route information. The train arrival announcements will
be triggered by the train occupancy of the pre-selected track circuits on the approach (from
either direction or either tracks where track switches are present) to each station. The
estimated arrival time is displayed on the station’s Variable Message Signs at all stations
except terminus locations. At terminus locations, the estimated departure time is displayed.
The following is an itemized functionality of the PA/VMS system:
i. Automatically announces and displays the arrival time (30 seconds prior to arrival at
station), track, and terminus location of the next approaching train. This information will
apply to all revenue trains which are on time or delayed.
ii. Displays the expected time of arrival (ETA) of a minimum of two approaching trains (in
minutes) at the same side of the platform and destination automatically in conjunction
with the default message. The default message must be “Track 1 (or 2) / Time”. The
display should read: “Terminus station for train (e.g. Clareview) – Estimated arrival time
(e.g. 5 min)”. The display should be able to indicate arrival times for 2 trains in any one
direction. At terminus stations, the estimated time to departure will be displayed. The
default message is controlled by the sign management system developed in house.
iii. The software uses the occupancy on a given track circuit with the train ID and the
destination (from the CBTC system) in order to make the train announcement.
Information will be updated with each successive track circuit.
iv. The software also uses CBTC schedule and track circuit information data (e.g. track
block and lined routes) to calculate accurate ETA of the approaching trains and target
station platforms.
In addition to automated train announcements, PA/VMS software provides functionality that
supports Canned (predetermined), Ad –hoc (from typed input), and Live (from microphone
input) announcements, both visual and/or audio:
i. Creation, scheduling, distribution, and monitoring of audio/visual announcements.
a. Live
b. Canned
c. Ad-hoc
ii. Creation and presentation of automated announcements based on inputs from the CBTC
train dispatch system.
iii. PA/VMS system configuration, monitoring and test e.g. volume can be tailored by station
and by schedule.
iv. Playback and retrieval of past live announcements.

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The PA/VMS Central Servers perform the following functions:

i. Aggregate train movement, route and schedule information from the CTC
ii. Manage all communication to stations
iii. Perform necessary queuing and prioritization of messages delivered to stations
iv. Allow for message preemption and suspension
v. Maintain a real-time database of selected set of states of managed devices at the station
vi. Log all messages, errors, and state changes of the system

8.14.3 Applicable Codes, Regulations and Standards

All design work, equipment and material selection must conform to or exceed the latest
editions of codes, standards and regulations issued by:
 Canadian Electrical Code (CEC)
 CSA Standards
 Electrical & Electronics Manufacturers (EEMAC) Standards
 Electronic Industries/Telecommunications Industries Associations (EIA/TIA)
 EIA/TIA RS160-51 – Sound Systems
 EIA/TIA SE103-49 – Speakers for Sound Equipment
 IEEE – C62.41 Surge Voltages in Low – Voltage AC Power Circuits
 Underwriters Laboratories (CUL) Inc. Standards
In the case of a conflict between standards or regulations the stricter requirement will apply.

8.14.4 Functional Requirements

Live and prerecorded announcements are required for ETS LRT Security and Operations
messages to the public.
As an overall goal, the public address system must provide ability for clear transmission of
amplified voice messages throughout all designated public areas of LRT stations.
To meet this goal, as stated above, the public address system must meet the following
general requirements:
i. The acoustic quality of voice messages must be clear, intelligible and easy to
ii. The system operation must be simple, intuitive and easy to operate.
iii. Has the ability to play pre-recorded messages and announcements.
iv. System reliability must be assured by good technical design, audio products that
represent current technology in design and construction, and high industry installation
and construction standards and practices.
v. For any additions and renovations to existing stations, or the construction of new stations,
PA facilities must comply with the existing PA network control equipment and signaling
vi. The system must be integrated into the web and allow for automatic reading and writing
of twitter, Facebook and other social media messaging to either sync messages on signs
with social media or take social media messages and display on the signs. In addition to
social media, other online sources need to be integrated such as weather, weather alerts,
amber alerts, emergency alerts, parking bans, fire bans, sporting events, and other ETS
related advertising messages. The ability to send SMS, email and updates to websites is
required as well. All of these abilities must be modular and fully configurable by ETS
From a maintainability perspective, the system must have the following capabilities:

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i. Ability to add new signs and amplifiers without involving the manufacturer or installer of
the system
ii. Ability to monitor the status of all signs, amplifiers, speaker health, and alert to problems
as soon as they are detected.
iii. Must have an open API that can used to access and push information between systems
as needed by third party systems.
iv. Must have as few components as possible and combine as many functions into a single
integrated unit per station.
v. Must have the ability to centrally maintain all end device configurations and be able to
push these out as needed.
vi. Must have the ability to verify and ensure the time displayed on all VMS signs is accurate
and automatically rectify and alert if the time is off.

8.14.5 Location Considerations

Loudspeaker placement must include train level platform, concourse and connecting pedways.
Configuration of loudspeaker zones will vary according to station architectural design.
Speaker type and placement must minimize the sound spill of amplified messages into
adjacent residential neighborhoods. As a minimum criterion, the system must comply with the
noise provisions of the City of Edmonton Community Standards Bylaw 14600.

8.14.6 System and Component Design Requirements

In order to meet the public address system overall goals stated in 8.15.4, the following
guidelines should be met. Acoustic Conditions and Treatment
Professional products must be selected in order to ensure that the PA system delivers high
speech intelligibility, even when operating in a reverberant and raised ambient noise
Coordination with the station design consultants is required regarding the following:
Station materials and finishes will be limited to those that reduce acoustic reflection and
complement the goal of maximizing the public address system performance. As a design
goal, the RT60 must be kept to less than 1 second.
Note: RT60 is defined as the time it takes sound to be reduced by 60 dB.
Should RT60 be more than 1 second, computerized models, such as EASE (Enhanced
Acoustic Simulator for Engineers by Renkus-Heinz), should be utilized to determine optimal
speaker location and use of acoustical treatment to achieve intelligible messaging. The
resulting design must produce messages as intelligible as possible. System Acoustic Performance
Loudspeakers should be placed to provide consistent and uniform sound levels throughout
designated station areas. The following acoustic performance levels should be met:
i. Sound levels should be 6 to 10 decibels (dB) above ambient noise levels to assure a high
degree of speech intelligibility.
ii. Typical ambient sound pressure levels (SPL) to be 75 dB (2 dB) at 1.2 m above floor
iii. System must meet the noise provisions of the Community Standards Bylaw.
iv. Reverb level at platform, concourse and pedways should be less than 1.0 seconds @
500 Hz. (refer to University Station Upgrade PA and Acoustic Report).
v. Provide adequate dynamic range and system gain to ensure intelligible speech quality.

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vi. Overall system hum and noise to be lower than –70 dBm. Harmonic distortion to be less
than 2% measured at stated operating sound pressure levels and specified frequency
vii. Provide PA system frequency response uniform from 200 Hz to 6000 Hz 2 dB, measured
with a 1/3 octave broadband signal.
viii. Provide Automatic Gain and Compression features to assure speech levels from
loudspeakers to public areas remain constant within 2 decibels SPL.
ix. The overall minimum performance value must be 0.55 or better on a Speech
Transmission Index (STI) scale. Control Network
In order to ensure compatibility, new station or system modifications must be in accordance
with and fit into the existing system design concept as illustrated in Appendix C. System Servers and Network Capacity
Servers and general capacity on the system must be sized to handle all the users, stations,
and other various equipment plus 20%. Messaging must not have a delay of more than 1
second, 1% of the time, from any terminal at peak usage. Message throughput must be
measured from the operator to message delivery at the desired location with all messages
being of the same priority. Loudspeakers and Placements

The technical performance characteristics, architectural and mounting features of the
loudspeaker must match the acoustic conditions and treatment of the area requiring amplified
public address announcements. Loudspeakers should be selected that provide a tight pattern
control for reverberant high ceiling areas.
Speaker placement should meet the following criteria:
i. Sound should project from one direction only. Do not locate speakers in ceilings and
walls in the same area. Do not locate speakers on walls and directed towards each
ii. Provide directional dispersion speakers, with tight pattern control, in a distributed
overhead loudspeaker configuration. Sound should not reflect from room walls.
iii. Spacing must assure no dead spots or sound pressure level (SPL) variance of more than
2 dB SPL.
iv. Weatherproof loudspeakers and mounting fixtures must be provided for all outdoor
v. Speakers must be placed at a minimum height of 3050 mm from platform and fitted with
vandal resistant housing and hardware.
vi. Outdoor loudspeaker direction must minimize any significant sound spill to adjacent
vii. Speakers are to be tapped at 5 W
Consideration should be given to the use of PA automatic volume control systems in stations.
Ideally the system should be able to automatically compensate for high wind or a high
background (crowd, traffic) noise environment. Factors influencing installation will be based
upon cost, reliability, and performance in other similar situations, either locally, or in LRT
stations in other cities.
Consideration should also be given to using IP speakers. This has not been done to date in
any LRT system but may be a viable alternative going forward. This will have to be integrated
into the existing system however which may limit the possibilities with IP speakers.

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To assure speech clarity in all loudspeaker areas professional grade Digital Signal Processing
(DSP) with full audio spectrum tuning ability must be provided.
To assure consistent voice levels throughout loudspeaker areas, electronic audio signal
processing must include automatic signal “compression” and “limiting” features.
These features are to be provided within the amplifier. Equipment Cabinets and Accessories
All PA/VMS headend equipment must be installed in the main communications cabinet with all
other communications system components. Conduit and Wiring
All PA wire, cable and connectors are to be run in electrical conduit, junction boxes and
Refer to Section 8.8 for general cable requirements.
Distributed loudspeaker wiring cable must be no less than #16 AWG. Audio cable must be
twisted pair, complete with 100% shield and grounded only at equipment cabinet.
Low level audio signal cable must not run in the same conduit as high level loudspeaker cable.
All cable connections must be made on approved clamp terminal wiring blocks. Field wiring to
tie together multiple speaker zones must be accomplished on terminal blocks, not on the
terminal screws of the amplifier.

8.14.7 Interfacing Requirements Existing PA Network
Station control assignments must be coordinated to comply with existing network configuration
and operation. Train Signal System –Train Arrival/Departure

PIDS must interface with existing CBTC for automatic train arrival messages as illustrated in
the following figure.

Figure 9 - CBTC under “Existing train tracking & user inputs”

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8.14.8 Amplifiers
Amplifiers are required to provide suitable acoustic performance and sound pressure levels
(SPL) for intelligible voice announcements, as described by Section
Audio amplifiers to be specified must have the following features:
i. Meet professional technical performance specifications.
ii. Provide overload protection and convection cooling (no cooling fan).
iii. Power rating is suitable for individual loudspeaker zones.
iv. Integrated 70 V constant line operation.
v. Ability to monitor the health of all connected speaker zones
vi. Integrated DSP and ambient noise sensing functions
vii. Integrated ability to play out messages
viii. Network connected, remotely manageable and configurable
ix. Connect to a central backend system that monitors all amplifiers on the system
Total number of amplifier output channels must equal or exceed the number of logical zones
within the station.
The loudspeaker circuit loading must be designed with a minimum 20% power margin. The
amplifier power distribution is to be 70 volt constant current method.
Standard of acceptance: Open Access Netspire Network Access Controller

8.14.9 Signs Variable Message Signs
Variable Message Signs (VMS) are provided to augment the PA system with visual
messaging. In general, visual messaging must be coordinated with audio messaging to
improve intelligibility of messages for the general public and the hearing impaired community.
Additionally, VMS must be used for stored repetitive messaging, such as public service
announcements, or in neighborhoods where audio messaging is either not desirable or not
VMS messaging must be controlled from the overall PIDS system on an individual sign basis.
The same OWS must control both the PA and VMS, including the coordination of joint
In order to remain consistent with the existing system signage, designs must use Daktronics
Galaxy 1000 Series displays with Venus 1500 Protocol, or approved equal, conforming to the
i. 48 x 144 LED matrix
ii. Min Text Height 100 mm
iii. NEMA 4 Rated, Double-Faced Cabinet
iv. Cabinet Dimensions: 406 mm (16”)H x 1320 mm (52”)W x 36 mm(14”)D
v. Two (2) NEMA 4 Rated Gaskets for Power and Signals Knockouts
vi. Internal DSL/Ethernet Modem Mounting Bracket
vii. LED Colour: Amber with minimum life of 50,000 hours (50% of original brightness)
viii. Automatic ambient light compensation
ix. Provided with sunshield and glare resistant coating, as need
x. Five (5) Year Warranty
Each Daktronics sign installed at platform level must have a two controller design. One
controller used to control the upper two thirds of the sign and the second controller used to
control the bottom third of the sign. If the functionality of all pieces of the PA system described

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above are integrated into one system, these signs could operate with one controller. This is
not the case today however.
In addition, to the signs on the platform, ETS uses three other sign types: Clock towers,
parking lots, and third-party advertising. These signs (except for the third party advertising)
are also Daktronics signs using Venus 1500 protocol. Spec sheets for the different sign types
used by ETS Connectivity
At each station, the VMS signs must be connected via direct Cat 6 connections to the nearest
ETS network presence. The network device is then programmed with the PA/VMS service for
access to PA/VMS resources only. This configuration may be modified if the Communications
Room is centrally located on the platform or as approved by ETS staff. Power Supply Primary Power
All VMS must be provided from the station primary power supply. All VMS equipment power
must be on the same phase. Secondary (Emergency) Power

Conditioned power must be supplied from UPS back up power for all signs. UPS back up
power must be supplied from the emergency power source.

8.14.10 Installation and Design of Signs

The following guidelines and considerations for sign installation apply for installation and
design work with the Daktronics signs:
i. No overhead single sided signs on platform areas (unless mounted to a wall)
ii. Outdoor signs should be under a rain shield
iii. All signs should be visible to a camera on both sides (note that PTZ cameras cannot look
upwards from their mounting height)
iv. VMS signs should not be in line with way find signs as they block sight lines for each
v. Light from scrolling VMS signs can give false positives to BMS motion sensors. This
effect is more pronounced at night when the station's lights are off as the VMS light is
visible for a longer distance.
vi. VMS signs should be below catenary height and at least 2 m from high voltage lines to
allow maintenance personnel to access them without a traction power shutdown (unless
a physical barrier is in place as in Coliseum and Stadium installs).
vii. Enough signs must be mounted to ensure all areas of the platform can see a VMS sign
viii. The signs should be visible to patrons entering a platform from any entrance
ix. Signs should be mounted high enough that patrons can not touch them even if climbing
on structures
x. All enclosures should be NEMA 4 and use water tight connectors when wiring and be
able to withstand power washing at any location without water ingress
xi. Conduits or connections which run to the signs but originate from a high moisture area
(under a platform or other unheated or unconditioned space) should be sealed after
xii. VMS signs should be on BMS controlled power circuits for remote power cycling.

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8.14.11 Naming Conventions

Naming conventions for the various systems and system components are described in the
released document “Naming Conventions Best Common Practice, Issue 1.0”, dated January

8.14.12 Microphones
All microphones to interface with the PA system must be PoE powered IP microphones.
These devices must integrate directly with the PA system and be monitored and configured
from a central system the same as the amplifiers.

8.14.13 Integration to the Central Phone System

The PA/VMS should also have the ability to interface directly to the phone system to support
the ability for users in control to pick up the desk phone and be able to make announcements
in addition to the IP microphones.


8.15.1 General
The telephone systems to be installed on the LRT system are classified as follows:
i. Right-of Way (ROW) Phones
ii. Emergency Phones*
iii. Elevator Phones*
iv. Washroom Access Phones*
v. Information Phones*
vi. Public Pay Phones*
vii. Staff Service Phones
*Note: Phones available for public use are designated by asterisk.

8.15.2 Functional and Phone Equipment Requirements

Nortel CS-1000 telephone switches are located in the ETS Control Centre (Churchill), Health
Sciences Station, and Southgate Station. Each station on the Metro line has its own CS-1000
expansion chassis that is used for all phones local to each station. The CS-1000 is the
electronic device that routes or switches telephone calls to the appropriate internal phone or to
one of the available external telephone lines. This telephone switch manages the ROW
phones, emergency phones, elevator help phones, information phones and washroom access
These switches provide telephone access and switching services for the control center staff to
all staff phones along the LRT ROW, elevator access phones, service space phones,
washroom access phones, and for Emergency Help phones. The LRT PBX system has over
500 lines, all managed by the Nortel CS-1000 network.
Standard of Acceptance for phone sets: Meridian Model #8004.
Information phones “ring down” to the ETS Control Centre. The call is routed to the ETS
Customer Services Section via the Nortel CS-1000 switch network.
A CS-1000 switch has been installed in Health Sciences Station to service telephones south
of the D.B. Menzies bridge to South Campus Station. Another CS-1000 switch is to be
installed in Southgate Station to service all telephones south of South Campus Station to
Century Park Station. For future extensions, multiple CS-1000 switches may be networked
together over the communication system’s 144 fibre cable backbone using network single
mode fibre optic transceivers to connect the main switch located at the ETS Control Centre to

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remote switches. For phone service at stations not housing a PBX, a 200 pair copper cable
will be used between all stations to provide VF pathway to the nearest PBX.
This topology is in the process of being migrated to VoIP and this topology will need to be
updated in the design guidelines when the new topology is clear.

8.15.3 Naming Conventions

Naming conventions for the various systems and system components are described in the
released document “Naming Conventions Best Common Practice, Issue 1.0”, dated January

8.15.4 Extension Convention

The convention used for assigning extensions will be developed based on the well-defined
Logical ID system used by the CCTV system. This is described in the telephone BCP for
naming and numbering standards. The extensions will be based upon the station ID and the
number of the phone that is used in its name. This will allow for a self-documenting type
system that allows for easy identification of the location of any particular phone extension in
the system. The IP address of the phone will also be derived and flow from the extension and
name of the phone so that they are all logically linked.

8.15.5 Monitoring of Devices

When the system has transitioned to VoIP, central management of all IP phone sets will be
done using the same techniques as for any other IP device. SNMP statistics can be gathered
as well to further monitor the state of the phone and any dropped packets. Central alerting in
the system should also be able to constantly monitor the key parameters affecting voice
quality and alert if these go outside of established thresholds. In addition, control requires
information and logging of all phone calls to determine call volumes. The system must be able
to present reports that show the number of calls received in the control room over the past

8.15.6 Automated Device Testing

All emergency phones, as they migrate to IP, must have the ability to self-test. This means
that they must be able to tell if the microphone and speaker portions are functioning in addition
to whether or not the phone is on the network. This is critical to ensure that the phone is
working at any given time and when it stops, alerts can happen to allow personnel to get to
site as soon as possible to resolve the issue.

8.15.7 Integration to PA/VMS

Integration and interconnections of the PA/VMS to the telephone system is described in
Section 8.14.

8.15.8 Redundancy
All backend servers that drive the phone system and emergency phones must be redundant
and provide a high level of availability. This must also extend to the PRI or VoIP trunk lines
that connect the system to the PSTN. The phone system is one of the most critical systems to
keep operating and must be a highly reliable and available solution.

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8.15.9 Phones Right of Way (ROW) Phones
ROW Phones (painted white) must be installed at nominal 350 m spacing along the LRT
corridor in the vicinity of LRT communication duct bank vaults. In the duct bank vault a 4 pair
armored telephone cable will be spliced into the main telephone trunk cable and pulled into
each ROW telephone set and terminated. Refer to Figure 8.2 for phone support stand detail
drawing. As the system migrates to VoIP phones, these installs can be paired with ROW
switches used for cameras at all crossings and intersections and use the same network
infrastructure to drive two different communications systems. Another possibility for these
phones is the use of powered fibre that can potentially bring any VoIP phone within 3 km of a
station back to the main communications room and centrally power the device from there.
ROW phones must also be installed at:
i. At each crossing controller.
ii. At tunnel portals, in tunnels and at each cross tunnel. A blue light is to be installed at
these phones.
Unless otherwise approved by ETS, the ROW phone must be heavy duty, weather proof, and
have an armored handset cord, Guardian Telecom Inc. (ACT-40) or approved equal.
Guardian makes a VoIP equivalent to this analog phone described here and this will likely be
the new standard once the VoIP system is in place.
If a ROW phone call is made to the ETS Control Centre, the call is recorded. If the ROW
phone call is to another ROW phone, the call is not recorded. Dial outside of the ETS phone
switch network is not to be permitted from ROW phones. Call on Phones
Call on phones must be installed at the end of all station platforms (stainless steel, two per
station). For staff security, a mirror is to be installed on the inside of the door to the
compartment. This phone is to be a Guardian SCT-10 or approved equivalent. This phone
will also become the VoIP alternative once the VoIP system is in place. Emergency Phones

Emergency Phones should be located as follows:
i. LRT station platforms next to information panels, elevators and seating areas.
ii. LRT station mezzanine levels in fare paid areas close to information panels, and fare
Refer to Appendix B for typical details.
Emergency Phones must be programmed as an auto ring down telephone line to ETS
Security at ETS Control Centre at Churchill Station. The phones are to time-out after 9
minutes if not properly hung up by ETS Security. This phone will change to another vendor
once the VoIP project is complete. As this will be tendered, a decision as to the vendor is
unknown at this time. ETS will need to be involved with determining the current standard at
the time of design. Elevator Help Phones
Elevator Help Phones will be provided by the elevator company. They must be hands free
with single button call and compatible with the LRT CS-1000 telephone switch. Elevator
phones must be programmed as an auto ring down telephone line to ETS Security. The
phones are to time-out after 9 minutes if not properly hung up by ETS Security.

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Washroom Access Phones will be installed at LRT Stations where washroom services may be
made available for use by the public. Washroom access phones must be programmed as an
auto ring down telephone line to ETS Security. The phones are to time-out after 2 minutes if
not properly hung up by ETS Security.
As all emergency, elevator help, and washroom access calls are routed through ETS Control
Center, they are always recorded.
Signage for all public phones (ROW, emergency, elevator help, and washroom access) must
be provided in English and Braille. Staff Service Phones
One (1) single line telephone set must be provided and installed in all service rooms in the
LRT Stations where access is required by service and maintenance personnel.
Standard of acceptance for phone sets: TBD, charcoal in colour. Pay Phones
The location of pay phones in new stations must be determined in conjunction with Telus
Communications Inc. They* must be consulted early in the design stage of a station to
determine their requirements (refer to Chapter 10 Stations and Ancillary Facilities, Section
10.6.4 for placement criteria).
*Note: Telus contact is Manager of National Public Access (780) 945-8775. Information Phones

Information Phones are incorporated into information panels located at platform and
mezzanine/concourse levels. Refer to Chapter 10, Figure 10.9.
Information phone calls are answered by the City of Edmonton 311 operator and are not
recorded by ETS.
Signage for Information Phones must be provided in English and Braille.
*Note: Contact ETS for HDE 11 mounting details for phone type noted by asterisk above.

8.15.10 Phone System Cabling Methods Conduit
Empty telephone conduit provisions must conform with the Canadian Electrical Code and
Telus Communication’s requirements. The minimum size of conduit must be 21 mm. Pull Boxes
Pull Boxes must be provided in sections of conduit run greater than 30 m, and/or after every
two 90º bends or equivalent deflections. Pull boxes must be installed in easily accessible
locations. Outlet Boxes
Outlet boxes should be of 1104 type or equivalent except when located on a riser system
where it should be 100 mm x 100 mm x 55 mm and equipped with a single gang plaster ring. Wiring
All wiring must be in accordance with the Canadian Electrical Code.

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8.15.11 Phone System Powering Methods

All phones are powered in a similar manner to the cameras. Due to the lower power
requirements of the phones, it is possible to use alternatives like Phybridge to pass PoE over
Cat 3 cable along with the data. This makes retrofits over existing cable relatively simple and
reduces the need to replace the original cable in brownfield applications.

8.15.12 Phone programming

Phone programing requirements for analog phones is described in the Analog phone sections.
Programing for digital VoIP phones is dependent on the phone vender and specific product.
As such, this section will be updated at a future date.

8.15.13 Central management of all help phone devices

As help phones are migrated to VoIP, it is imperative that a central management system be
available to keep inventory, configuration management and status of all help phones. The
system must also perform the testing on the microphone and speaker to ensure the help
phones are all working without requiring manual testing. The results of these tests must be
available for a regular report and alarming when phones go offline. Ideally, this system would
be able to be expanded to include all phone extensions as they get converted to VoIP.

8.15.14 Enclosures, Panels and Backboards Enclosures
ROW telephone enclosures c/w phone sets are to be weatherproof with a hinged cover.
Provision should be made such that the handset cord may easily be coiled within the
Supplier: Guardian Telecom (ACT-40) Distribution Panels

Distribution panels, where required, should be flush or surface mounted type, complete with
hinged door, catch and lock, and 20 mm plywood backboard (T type or equivalent). Panel
sizes are dependent on the number of cable pairs to be terminated and must conform to Telus
Communication and telephone industry standards. Backboards
To mount the equipment and terminations, a 20 mm thick one hour fire rated plywood
backboard, painted grey, must be provided in main terminal rooms/closets, riser or apparatus
closets, and satellite closets. Riser Sleeves
Where riser sleeves are required, they must be:
i. Metallic
ii. Equipped with metal case
iii. 103 mm in diameter

8.15.15 Call recording

All calls to all phone sets in the control room are recorded by a central logging recorder. If a
phone call does not go through the control room, it is not recorded. The same system is used
to capture radio conversations in and out of control. The current standard for voice logging is
NICE. As radio and telephone shift to IP based systems, the voice logger will be migrated to
an IP platform and all traffic will be captured by IP networking.

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8.15.16 Camera Behavior with Help phones

All help phones must activate an alarm in the CCTV system when a call is placed. This alarm
is then programmed to move the closest PTZ cameras to focus on the help phone causing the
alarm and pop up the camera in the main control room so security has visual awareness of the

8.15.17 Caller ID conventions

These are under development and will be included in the telephone BCP describing
conventions used when naming telephone devices and points.

8.15.18 Distribution Design Requirements Existing Trunk Infrastructure
The existing trunk telephone cable from the ETS Control Centre to University Station is a 300
pair copper distribution cable. Approximately 100 pairs are allocated for use in and around
University station with 200 pairs allocated to Health Sciences Station.
Note: The City of Edmonton owns the cables from Churchill Station to Century Park Station. Telus
Communications Inc. owns the cable from Churchill Station to Clareview Station. LRT Extensions

i. A 200 pair cable was installed from Health Sciences Station south to Century Park
Station during the construction of the South LRT Extension.
ii. Multi-pair (4) telephone cable is required to connect ROW phones located along the LRT
All future extension must have a minimum of (1) 200 pair cable and (1) multi-pair (4) telephone
cable to each ROW phone installed along the alignment for the telephone connectivity
requirements of that extension. This will need to be reviewed at the time of design as there
may be no need to install any of these cables if VoIP solutions can be found to fully replace
the copper cabling. Interfacing Requirements
The specified telephone elements must interface with the communications systems/devices
listed below:
i. Emergency phones (including push button) – CCTV
ii. Logging Recorder


8.16.1 General
This section presents the guidelines that must be followed in the design of the radio system for
future extensions to the Edmonton LRT System. It also provides an overview of the radio
system currently in use on the LRT System.
The Edmonton LRT System shares a radio system with the Edmonton Police Service and
Edmonton Emergency Response Department. The system is a 4 site, GPS Simulcast EDACS
trunked radio system employing 20 channels in the Public Safety band of the 800 MHz
spectrum. Edmonton LRT utilizes 38 talk groups to meet LRT wireless communications
All channels are served by 4 full duplex transmitter repeater sites located throughout the City
of Edmonton. These four sites are connected in a microwave ring architecture that supports 8
T1 circuits and timing is synchronized through GPS. The EDACS system utilizes 3 T1 circuits

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for voice, control, and SCADA monitoring of each remote transmitter facility. Tunnel Radiax
cable antenna systems are utilized to extend above ground coverage to all tunnel areas.
Extension of 800 MHz radio signals into Coliseum and Grandin LRT Stations is accomplished
by the utilization of a bi-directional amplifier (BDA) system.
The current system supports 20 channels and has capacity, when required, to be expanded to
24 channels. The frequencies are assigned between 821- 824 MHz and 866 - 869 MHz.
Because all channels in an EDACS system are shared by all users and allocated by a central
control system, talk groups are created to logically group radio users by function. ETS
currently has 38 talk groups of which 7 are dedicated for use by LRT operations, LRT
Inspectors, and LRT Maintenance. The other 31 are used by Security, Surface operations,
Surface Inspectors, and Surface Maintenance.
ETS is working closely with EPS and FRS to migrate from EDACS to the provincial AFRRCS
radio network. The new system changes the frequencies to the 700 MHz range and is based
on the P25 standard. It retains a lot of the same characteristics as the existing EDACS in that
it will be a trunked system and use talk groups as EDACS does. The biggest difference will be
the audio as P25 is all digital audio and EDACS is analog. This overview will be updated once
the migration has been completed within the next two years. Definitions
 Radio Repeater System is a duplex communications radio network employing sensitive
radio receivers and high power transmitters. Low power (3 watts typical) portable radio
signals are received by fixed receiver/transmitter base stations and rebroadcast to allow
communication between low power (portable) radios over a much wider area than
possible by direct portable to-portable radio communication.
 Receiver Voting is a network of sensitive radio receivers, equipped with high gain
antennas, strategically located to ‘pick-up’ low power (portable) radio signals. The
receiver with the best signal is then selected or “voted” to be rebroadcast by a high power
repeater transmitter.
 Bi-Directional Amplifier (BDA) is an alternate (duplex) frequency amplification system
employing narrow band amplifiers and filter networks, rather than radio repeaters, to allow
duplex communications to and from below ground (tunnels/stations) areas.
 On-Frequency Repeaters (OFR) is a same frequency amplification system employing
wide band amplifiers and filter networks to allow same frequency communication to below
ground areas.
 Grade-of-Service is a term referring to radio frequency (RF) signal level, reliability of
radio signal and the impact of this on the quality of audio for voice communication.
 Global Positioning Satellite (GPS) is a network of satellites that provide time signals to
receivers on earth in order to synchronize clocks or compute a location.
 Enhanced Digital Access Communication System (EDCAS) is a radio system that was
invented by General Electric and currently supported by M/A-COM / Harris.

8.16.2 Portable radios

The current Portable standard prior to transition to the AFRRCS system is the Harris XG-25P.
This radio is 700/800 MHz and capable of both EDACS and AFRRCS. This may change to a
different 700 MHz P25 Radio once ETS is fully transitioned to AFRRCS. There are currently
175 portable radios within LRT.
Portable radios must be evaluated for size and weight considerations. Currently Lithium
chemistry batteries are used for maximum battery life and weight savings. NiMH, NiCad and
Lead Acid are not allowed due inferior performance and charger differences with Lithium

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8.16.3 Mobile Radios

The current Mobile standard prior to transition to the AFRRCS system is a mix of the Harris
XG-25M and XG-75M. These radios are 700/800 MHz and capable of both EDACS and
AFRRCS. This radio will likely remain the standard after the AFRRCS switchover due the
number spare parts required to be maintained, and staff retraining required. Currently the
SD160 LRVs use a remote mount XG-75M, U2 LRVs and desktop units use a front mount XG-
25M, and automobiles use the XG-25M remote mount. Some vehicles for staff required to
carry a Portable radio sometimes are just provided a vehicle charger instead of a vehicle
radio. There are currently 200 Mobile radios within LRT.

8.16.4 Installation standards

Other radio systems the LRT Radio System must interface with are:
i. ETS Bus Operations Radio System
ii. Public Safety (Police and EMS) Radio
iii. U of A Campus Security Radio System
iv. The U of A Campus Security radio transmitter is multi-coupled to the common Radiax
antenna cable system within University LRT station.
v. The new province wide AFRRCS radio system for emergency response. The
connectivity will likely be through a fully redundant network connection.

8.16.5 Tunnel Radio system

The tunnel radio system uses the normal ETS mobile radio for communication. The radios
utilize the DAS Radiax cable which runs along the inside of the tunnels. The radio signals are
carried back to the nearest communication rooms where they are repeated through the BDA
system to ensure reliable radio connectivity throughout all the LRT tunnels.

8.16.6 Industry Specs for all devices

All devices on the AFRRCS network will need to have the following specifications:
i. Must be on the approved device list for AFRRCS. This list is developed and maintained
by GoA. ETS currently has 2 Agencies with AFRRCS, 1 for first responders and 1 for
non-first responders.
ii. Over The Air Programming (OTAP)
iii. Over the Air Rekeying (OTAR) – First Responder agency radios only
iv. Link Layer Authentication (LLA)
v. Individual Call Capable (I-Call) This is currently a Harris P25 Feature, other
manufacturers may have a similar feature but it must be verified to work the same for end
users with both the AFRRCS Harris Back end and Harris ETS Consoles in Control.
AFRRCS specification requirements are summarized as follows: Technology
i. Standards Based
ii. APCO P25 / TIA-102
iii. P25 Phase 1
iv. Improved Spectrum utilization
v. 700 MHz frequency
vi. Fully Digital Network
vii. IP Trunked System, Conventional VHF in some areas
viii. ISSI Gateways, Not a system of systems
ix. Simulcast (Edmonton)

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i. Voice
ii. PSTN
iii. I-Call
iv. Encryption
v. AES 256
vi. OTAR
vii. Limited data
viii. GPS Capable
ix. OTAP Talkgroups
i. Logical grouping of users that need to communicate
ii. Talkgroups do not require dedicated channels
iii. Nearly 65K talkgroups possible on AFRRCS
iv. Agencies define their own talkgroups based on operational need
v. Talkgroups can be encrypted
vi. The system tracks the users in the group and where they are physically located AFRRCS Network Security
i. The physical AFRRCS network links locations.
ii. Voice and data traffic traverse the network over virtual ‘tunnels’ using the Dynamic
Multipoint Virtual Private Network (DMVPN) technology.
iii. Tunnels of the DMVPN network utilize a security layer called Internet Protocol Security
iv. IPsec is used for securing IP communications by authenticating and encrypting
v. The tunnel architecture is hub and spoke from the NSC’s to sites and a full mesh
between the NSC’s and VSAT hubs. Encryption
i. AFRRCS supports AES 256 encryption
ii. Agencies determine talkgroups encrypted
iii. End User Radios must support encryption Managed thorough Key Management Facility
iv. Over the Air Rekeying (subject to operational approvals)
v. No encryption on CETs

8.16.7 Network connection to AFRRCS

In order for the control room radio consoles to communicate to field devices, a network
connection is used to connect the consoles at control to the main servers hosted by the
Government of Alberta (GoA). These connections are fully redundant in that two routers
connect via different network providers to gain access to the government network. The two
providers are TELUS and Axia (SuperNet). The routers themselves use Virtual Router
Redundancy Protocol (VRRP) to create a virtual gateway that fails over to the active router.
All IP addresses on the console network local to ETS are managed and maintained by the
GoA. The local ETS routers are owned and maintained by ETS while all backend servers and
equipment are maintained by the GoA.

8.16.8 Redundancy
As described in 8.18.6, network redundancy is achieved through having two different
connections to AFRRCS via different network providers. Redundancy should also extend to

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the end device in the control room. Each console will have two Ethernet connections up
linking to different physical switches providing a redundant pathway in the event of an
interface failure or switch failure.
The AFRRCS network is also designed to have redundancy via two different network
providers for every radio tower site. Within the city of Edmonton, there will be four tower sites
providing a simulcast service to the city and creating redundancy for each other in the event of
a major failure at a tower site.
In addition, the underground BDA system will be designed with two donor antenna sites at
opposite ends of the LRT system and distribute the signals redundantly over fibre optic to
each BDA location along the line.

8.16.9 Console Programming

Radio consoles are maintained by outside contractors. All programming changes and
modifications are to be completed by the contractor. These configurations are backed up and
maintained by ETS’ contractor. Any new consoles will need to be purchased from Harris,
installed and programmed by ETS’ contractor.

8.16.10 Call recording

All radio conversations are logged on a system maintained by corporate IT. The
conversations are logged for investigative purposes of incidents involving communication to
control. All calls are maintained in the system for a one year retention period and stored on
the corporate SAN. The goal is to monitor communications on all ETS talkgroups and icalls
from control to the buses.

8.16.11 Monitoring of devices

All network devices that are within ETS’ control (consoles and routers) must be monitored to
ensure uptime of device and any other issues that can be identified to ensure the applications
are running as can be expected. This monitoring will happen with the ETS SNMP monitoring
system that monitors all end devices to ensure one simple interface to give status of the entire
ETS system.

8.16.12 Talk groups

There are eight (13 in AFRRCS) related LRT talk groups in the overall radio system, and
these include the following:
i. LRT–OPS1 through LRT-OPS2 (1-5 in AFRRCS) – is used by LRT Operations. All rail
mounted equipment (including LRVs and auxiliary equipment) use these talk groups. In
addition to the forgoing equipment, there are many portable and mobile radios using this
talk group.
ii. INSP–LRT (LRT-INSP in AFRRCS) – is used by LRT Inspectors for communication with
LRT Control.
iii. MNT–BOOK (LRT-BOOK in AFRRCS) – is used by maintenance crews online to inform
LRT Control of booking on and off line.
iv. MNT–SIG (LRT-SIG in AFRRCS) – is used by EPCOR Signals for communication.
v. LRT-TPSS in AFRRCS will be used by EPCOR Power for Substation work.
vi. MNT – TRK (LRT_TRK in AFRRCS) – is used by ETS Track Crew for communication.
vii. MNT–LRT1 (LRT-YARD in AFRRCS) – is used by DLM shop technicians.
viii. LRT-FACL in AFRRCS will be used by Facilities maintenance staff.
ix. LRTEMERG – is used by any person working around the LRT system in emergency

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This only describes a few talk groups used by LRT. For a complete fleetmap, refer to the ETS
fleetmap spreadsheet that is available on request for use in designing radio communications
systems for ETS.
All talkgroups are managed by ETS communications and any changes or modifications can be
completed working in cooperation with the ETS communications group.

8.16.13 DAS
The DAS will utilize a hybrid Fibre and Coax infrastructure solution engineered in a redundant
configuration. The DAS receives RF signal from the base station or off-air BDA and
distributes the RF signal to antennas over either coaxial cable (Passive DAS) or fiber (Active
With passive DAS, coaxial cable and other passive components, splitters and couplers are
used. Usually, a central headend BDA drives the passive DAS elements or leaky feeder cable
called Radiax.
Active DAS provides improved installation and maintenance benefits over Passive DAS, but
still poses some design challenges including limited range and increased system noise.
Active DAS is usually the preferred in-building wireless solution over passive DAS for larger
facilities such as airports, hospitals, stadiums, high-rises, subway systems and multi-building
The ETS DAS shall meet the following basic requirements:
i. DAS System shall be compatible with all major access protocols used worldwide
including GPRS, EDGE, CDMA2000, 1xRTT and W-CDMA, LTE., LTE-U
ii. DAS will cover a min RF frequency range of 700 MHz to 1900 MHz
iii. DAS System shall include software configurable frequency configuration, system gain
and RAU output power.
iv. DAS System shall support industry standard cabling options.
v. DAS System shall support a modular and scalable topology of system equipment.
vi. DAS System shall be deployable in environments with potentially high levels of RF
interference while maintaining acceptable levels of operational reliability.
vii. DAS System shall not require separate power connections to the unit’s antennas.
viii. DAS System shall be CUL, CSA approved.
ix. The installed DAS shall not interfere with ETS operations and equipment, or with any
other existing RF systems within the ETS LRT System, and shall satisfy the following
signal coverage requirement:
a. Signal coverage of 95% or better in public and non-public areas inside the stations
and inside the tunnels.

8.16.14 BDAs
Today, the BDA system consists of approximately 14 BDA locations throughout the city of
Edmonton’s Transit facilities. These systems have been installed in locations that have been
identified as having poor coverage for radio units especially portable radios. The primary
location for this system is the underground tunnels downtown and any other low lying areas
surrounded by concrete. Each of these sites has its own donor antenna on the surface
pointed at the downtown tower site and the signals are redistributed internally via radiax cable.
None of these sites are managed remotely and the only indication of issues is when trains or
personnel report issues.
Going forward, this system will be replaced to accommodate the P25 system and new
frequency band that will be used by AFRRCS. As part of the upgrade, new radiax will be
installed in the tunnels and designed to effectively cover the space. As well, the system will
be fibre fed from two donor locations to ensure reliability and the cleanest signal possible.

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Every BDA will also be connected to the ETS network for remote diagnostics and monitoring
of every device. This will allow for proactive alerting of potential issues that can be rectified
before they become bigger issues.

8.16.15 Radiax and installation

The design of the Edmonton LRT Radio System is unique as it utilizes Radiax ‘slotted cable’
antenna systems. Radiax cable is installed within station structures, grade separation
structures, pedways and throughout the length of the underground tunnels. To minimize
conflicts with other tunnel electrical and communications systems, radiax is mounted on
insulated standoff hangers. All EDACS radio channels employ segments of the existing
Radiax antenna systems for tunnel radio coverage utilizing bi-directional amplifiers and low
pass filters. These designs are illustrated by nine drawings in the Kaval Electronics Report.

8.16.16 Coax and installation

All fibre, coax, heliax and radiax which will support the DAS shall be installed in a neat and
workmanlike manner. All methods of construction that are not specifically described or
indicated in this guideline shall be subject to the control and approval of ETS. Equipment and
materials shall be carrier grade. The equipment specified is based on the acceptable
manufacturers listed. Where "or equal to” is stated, equipment shall be equivalent in every
way to that of the equipment specified, and will be subject to prior approval by ETS and the
design engineer.
All materials and work, including but not limited to: cabling, pathways, support structures,
wiring, equipment, installation, workmanship, maintenance and testing shall comply with the
latest editions of the Canadian Electrical Code, Canadian Electrical Safety Code, and all
applicable government, province and local rules and regulations, equipment manufacturer's
instructions, and the Canadian Electrical Contractors Association (CECA) Standard of
Installation. Installation must satisfy the following:
i. All system components including all cables, connectors, terminators, interconnections,
services, and adjustments required for a complete an operable system shall be installed
in accordance with NFPA 70 and ANSI-C2.
ii. All components shall be installed according to the manufacturer’s instructions, unless
ETS authorizes deviations from those instructions.
iii. All outdoor-mounted equipment shall be designed to support ambient temperatures
ranging between -40°C and +60°C.
iv. Grounding and bonding shall be installed as necessary to preclude ground loops, noise,
and surges from adversely affecting system operation. The system shall include
protection against power surges, including lightning strikes, for all network connections
and electrical. The system shall incorporate proper bonding and grounding using
standard electrical industry practices for the telecommunication systems. Verification Testing
The DAS installation will require verification testing to ensure that requirements have been
met; specifically the following tests will apply:
i. Isolation measurement and mapping of micro and macro transmissions
ii. Documented record of input/output levels for all CUDAS components
iii. In building and in tunnel transmitter testing using Praxsym (or equivalent) transmitters
and Anritsu spectrum analyzer to confirm coverage compliance, under observation of
ETS or its representative
iv. Live subjective Radio and Cellular band testing using actual system users and

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8.16.17 Coverage expectations

Current radio coverage provides over 99% reliable communication within 95% of the LRT
track right of way.
Guidelines for what the power level expectations are for mobiles/portables used on trains.
This essentially suggests that the LRT track right of way maintain a sufficient coverage RSSI
level to allow for 99% reliability in all train radio communications. This is usually expressed in
terms of min dBm level expectations in the corridor which ensures sufficient S/N margins of
>15 dB. More specifically, the Minimum signal penetration will be as follows (assume 800
MHz operation):
i. -85 dBm indoors throughout 95 % of the anticipated coverage area.
ii. -95 dBm outdoors throughout 90% of the anticipated coverage area.
iii. -95 dBm within the LRT track ROW throughout 95% of the anticipated coverage area.

8.16.18 Ground Level Stations (including terrestrial coverage)

Radio coverage will adequately serve ground level radio communications for trains and
ground level stations as coverage currently extends well beyond the south city limits. Any
station with rooms or accessible areas below ground level will require treatment with BDA or
OFR technology similar to tunnels and underground stations. Currently Coliseum and Grandin
have additional BDAs. Coverage is expected to change with the switchover to AFRRCS. Wire and Cable Requirements

All wire and cable required for radio systems must meet CEC requirements for terrestrial and
below grade construction.
All wire and cable must be installed in conduit and appropriate electrical boxes and EEMAC
approved equipment cabinets. Cable Hanger Requirements

Insulated ‘stand off’ cable hangers for Radiax antenna cable must be as specified by the
manufacturer (i.e. Andrews Antenna Products or approved equal) of Radiax cable and

8.16.19 BER measurements

Bit-Error-Rate (BER) measurement testing is to be included in the Customer Acceptance Test
Plan (CATP) as part of final testing and commissioning of Radio systems.
The testing should sample points along the corridor and other critical coverage areas. This is
important due to changes which may have occurred in the structures from the initial
construction drawings. Where and how the BER measurements are conducted must be
identified for required consistency. A test plan should exist which identifies the tests to be
done, test conditions, instrumentation to be used, the test locations, performance
expectations, pass-fail criteria and when tests are to be completed. A standard minimum
performance should be established over a reasonable period of time (example; min 1x10-8
BER over a 1 hr test period) to ensure testing credibility, accuracy and reliability.

8.16.20 Radio System Replacement

In accordance with the recommendations of the Radio Network Replacement Project, the
radio system was replaced in 2009.
The control features and operating software of any future system must be:
i. Compatible with existing radio systems technology and equipment.

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ii. Forward compatible with new wireless network technologies.


8.17.1 Conventions
The signals network is based off of similar conventions to the main ETS network. Two new
types of switch names were introduced to distinguish these switches from the main network.
These names are Signals Room Switch (SRS) and Territory Ring Switch (TRS) and are used
based on where the switch is located in the architecture.

8.17.2 Architecture
The signals network is made up of a pair of switches in each of the 8 signal rooms in the
system. These 16 switches form a large ring that uses a Ruggedcom ring management
protocol to achieve 50 ms failover in the event of a switch failure in the ring. Each signal room
then has a local ring that connects to single switches at each wayside case in the field. These
cases control crossings and other signal devices within a small area of the case and relay that
information back to the main signal rooms for master control and monitoring. These wayside
case exist in the territory controlled by the signal room that they connect to. Therefore, the
switches in these subrings are referred to as territory ring switches.
At Churchill station, there is a single signals firewall that is used for all monitoring of the
signals devices from the main ETS network to ensure uptime and availability of all switches.
There is one VLAN defined in all the switches for management of every device that is exposed
to the ETS communications network and the untagged traffic is for VLC to VLC

8.17.3 Device requirements

Currently, the switches used are made by Ruggedcom. This is going to change going forward
as ETS works to migrate this network into the overall ETS infrastructure built on MPLS. Any
designs to expand this network will have to be completed in coordination with ETS

8.17.4 Redundancy
All signal switches are connected in a layer 2 ring using a Ruggedcom proprietary ring
management protocol that can heal the ring within 50 ms. As this is migrated to MPLS, a
similar architecture will be maintained but the device used will be different and there will be
more failover paths than a single ring will allow for.

8.17.5 Monitoring of Devices

All signals devices are currently monitored with the central ETS SNMP monitoring platform for
a single view into the health of ETS systems and the signals network. Going forward,
monitoring of this network will be accomplished with a single view into the entire ETS network
which the signals will be a portion of.

8.17.6 Signals Fibre Backbone

In order to reduce the chances of issues with people disconnecting fibre in the field, ETS has
dedicated buffer tube number 11 in the 144 backbone for the exclusive use of signals. This
buffer tube is spliced directly from the backbone into the signals room and the only location
any changes can be made is in the signals room with EPCOR supervision.

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8.18.1 EPCOR RACIs

The status of protective relays, transformers, and circuit breakers in the TPSS is remotely
monitored (for information only) by SCADA from the EPCOR Control Centre. This system is
under the jurisdiction of EPCOR. It is discussed in Chapter 6 Traction Power, Section

8.18.2 Architecture
The traction power network consists of three separate networks. One is a ring that starts at
Churchill and picks up the five southernmost substations on the Capital line. In addition to
this, Churchill and the entire Metro line are connected to this network. This network has a
gateway and a fibre connection to EPCOR in Churchill station. All the rest of the substations
in the system are connected on the second network which is via ISDN lines from the
substations to EPCOR. The final network type is a linear line of switches to interconnect the
transfer trip signaling from adjacent substations.

8.18.3 Naming conventions

Naming conventions for the various systems and system components are described in the
released document “Naming Conventions Best Common Practice, Issue 1.0”, dated January

8.18.4 Transfer Trip

The transfer trip function allows for a substation that detects a major overload condition to be
able to send a signal to its neighbor to trip its breakers as well to avoid creating more
overloads down the line. This network is made up of layer 2 switches that connect in a line
with no redundancy. This line of switches uses 2 strands out of buffer tube 12.

8.18.5 SCADA control

The status of protective relays, transformers, and circuit breakers in the TPSS is remotely
monitored (for information only) by SCADA from the EPCOR Control Centre. This system is
under the jurisdiction of EPCOR. It is discussed in Chapter 6 Traction Power, SCADA RTU,

8.18.6 Redundancy
The SCADA network has ring redundancy but the transfer trip network does not. This is
something that will be incorporated into future designs using MPLS as well for one converged
architecture and network.

8.18.7 Device requirements

Today, the standard switches used for this networking are Ruggedcom. This will migrate to
new devices as MPLS comes online.

8.18.8 Traction Power Fibre Backbone

In order to reduce the chances of issues with people disconnecting fibre in the field, ETS has
dedicated buffer tube number 12 in the 144 backbone for the exclusive use of Traction Power.
This buffer tube is spliced directly from the backbone into the traction power room and the only
location any changes can be made is in the Traction Power room with EPCOR supervision.

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8.18.9 Monitoring of Devices

None of these devices are monitored today due to the history of how the network was built.
This will be changing with a new converged network.

8.18.10 Optical Isolation

In order to connect the various RTUs in the Traction Power substation, optical isolation is
recommended. This means that Cat 6 copper connections to switches is not allowed and all
connections from RTUs to switches must be via fibre optic to prevent and surges from
damaging the network devices.


Several other major communications subsystems are required on Edmonton’s LRT System.
They are the Centralized Traffic Control (CTC) system for the control of the LRT Trains (refer
to Chapter 7 Signals) and the Fare Equipment Monitoring and Control system (refer to
Chapter 10 Station and Ancillary Facilities, Section 10.5).
The LRT communications systems use a combination of fibre optic and copper based cable
infrastructure for the various subsystems. Sections 8.7, 8.8 and 8.9 provide the design
guidelines for cabling and the cable transmission system.

8.19.1 Card Access System

ETS has implemented the Tyco C-Cure Security System and it is provided by Public Works
within the City of Edmonton. The following devices must be provided and subsequently
i. Magnetic door contacts
ii. Door strikes
iii. Bolt monitors
iv. Door holders
Doors/Room Functionality Requirements:
i. Exterior Doors – Monitor and control access during unoccupied periods. Occupancy
scheduled alarming is to be provided.
ii. Interior Doors to Non-Public Spaces – Monitor access of all interior doors. Provide 24/7
alarming at doors not regularly accessed or high security areas. Occupancy scheduled
alarming at doors frequently accessed must be provided.
iii. Interior Doors to Public Spaces – Monitor door status and provide door hold open
controls where required and/or indicated by ETS.
iv. Public Washrooms – Central control of public washroom locks is made from ETS Central
Control through the phone system.
Hardwired interconnections from the security system to the CCTV System, for high security
area door monitoring, must be provided (refer to Chapter 10 Stations and Ancillary Facilities
Section If a high level rated security door (vault, communication room, relay room,
traction power substation, electric utility room, etc.) is opened, hardwire interlocks are to signal
the CCTV system to view a specific camera. Interconnection requirements must be
coordinated with the CCTV system. These interlocks are via dry contacts from the C-Cure

8.19.2 Public Wi-Fi

ETS is committed to providing its LRT customers and the general public with a free public
Wi-Fi service at all its stations and transit centre locations.

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The overall objective of the Wi-Fi network is to provide reliable “best efforts” wireless
communications for the general public and ETS personnel in both underground and surface
LRT station platforms and transit centres. The following guidelines apply:
i. Wi-Fi wireless communications technologies and station infrastructure must be
investigated to support the relevant subsystem connectivity requirements. The objective
is to avoid the need to add surface conduits and network wiring after the stations have
been completed.
ii. The system architecture will utilize a dual radio Wireless Access Point (WAP) solution
capable of supporting 802.11 a/b/g @ 2.4 GHz and 802.11 a/n @ 5 GHz. The
technology selected must also be capable of supporting the latest 802.11ac higher
bandwidth protocols.
iii. All Wi-Fi network communications subsystems must provide redundancy and survivability
in the event of failures and outages.

8.19.3 Third Party Advertising

ETS has existing partnerships with third party advertisers such as Pattison who have been
allocated physical space through ETS contracts in all the LRT station platforms and transit
centres where there are high concentrations of the general public.
To support this advertising platform, there is a need to consider conduit pathways, cabling
infrastructure and network capacity in the initial station communication systems engineering
and design phase.
The system architecture will need to consider:
i. The network capacity requirements
ii. Data transport formats and protocols
iii. Data redundancy and reliability
iv. Network tie in points and back-office requirements.

8.19.4 Third Party Connectivity

ETS will continue to explore opportunities for enhancement and third-party upgrades within
the LRT public realm. Such enhancements and upgrades will be subject to the same
performance requirements as existing systems. Communication system considerations will
include secondary power, network access and connectivity and possibly TELUS telephone
lines depending on the application. Also, security system integration may be required. Some
of these opportunities could include the following: ATM’s
Public ATM’s will require pathway conduits for both power and network connectivity back to
the station Comm rooms. Strategic and secure deployment locations within the station
footprint will require consultation with the third party. Vending machines
Public vending machines may require pathway conduits for both power and network
connectivity back to the station Comm rooms depending on the sophistication of the vending
machines. Strategic and secure deployment locations within the station footprint will require
consultation with the third party. Coffee shops and portable food kiosks

Coffee shops and portable food kiosks will likely require secondary power, potable water, and
sanitary sewer service in station plaza spaces. They will also require pathway conduits for
both power and network connectivity back to the station Comm rooms depending on the

Final Issue July 2017 8.133


connectivity requirements. Deployment locations within the station footprint will require
consultation with the third party. Other third party
Other third party opportunities will surface as the ETS LRT system scales to include more
stations and transport of more people. In order to support increasing third party opportunities,
the communication system infrastructure design at future LRT stations and transit centres
should consider:
i. Increased conduit infrastructure, conduit size and fill ratios at the LRT stations.
ii. Enhanced Wi-Fi wireless capacity with secure and segregated SSID’s for third party
iii. Increased capacity in the fibre network backbone.
iv. Potential to scale the security and CCTV network to support the additional third party


New technologies are being introduced yearly to respond to growing demand for safer, more
efficient, operationally flexible and higher performing Light Rail Transit Systems. The added
commercial pressures to shrink timescales for designing and implementing new major rail
projects in order to secure early revenue income is resulting in a challenging delivery
environment. This added complexity requires new management approaches to lead highly
competent engineers through well-defined and controlled systems integration work processes.
An effective Systems Integration strategy ensures that the City of Edmonton LRT
communication systems, and infrastructure, combined with Operations and Maintenance
inputs, delivers a safe and resilient operational railway system meeting customer
This section addresses the key testing and commissioning guidelines which should be
adopted in order to ensure that City LRT operations meets its overall key performance and
business objectives.

8.20.1 Installation, Testing, Manuals, and Training

i. A Customer Acceptance Test Plan (CATP) must be prepared by all system contractors
and submitted to the City for approval before any equipment installation or testing is
ii. Field installation procedures that are deployed must be consistent with industry practices
and the system manufacturer’s recommendations. All Communication systems
installations will be performed under City of Edmonton supervision at all facility locations.
iii. Actual testing in the factory and in the field shall be certified as being done in accordance
with approved plans and procedures. Field acceptance tests must be witnessed.
Factory tests may be witnessed at the discretion of the City. Requirements for the
publication of operating and maintenance (O&M) manuals as well as requirements for
City personnel training shall be developed as necessary.
iv. Co-ordinate with the equipment manufacturer, notify the appropriate City consultant or
technical representative in writing, within ten (10) working days before any factory testing
to confirm Consultant's desired presence, and be present for all site testing.
v. Co-ordinate with other trades for work which affects the operation of the Communication
systems, before submitting request for testing and commissioning.
vi. Perform site testing and commissioning only after all equipment has been installed and is
vii. Furnish manufacturer's certificate or letter confirming that entire installation as it pertains
to each system has been installed and tested to manufacturer's recommended
installation practices.

Final Issue July 2017 8.134


a. Submit to the consultant or City technical representative ninety (90) days prior to the
schedule "date of Substantial Completion", a comprehensive installation / start-up
testing schedule identifying all activities to take place. Include draft forms to
demonstrate intended performance for each and every system. Information will
include but not be limited to the following:
1. Date of test.
2. Individual involved.
3. System being tested.
4. Description of functionality of the system.
5. Demonstration of proper operation.
6. Revise the draft forms to the City consultant's satisfaction.
7. Provide two (2) copies of certificates of all factory and site testing in complete
detail bearing in each case the seal of the Engineer responsible for the tests.
8. Submit all test results for City representative or consultant's review.
9. All equipment or system deficiencies identified by factory or site testing
procedures, to be corrected by the Contractor prior to obtaining a "Certificate of
Substantial Completion".
10. Complete acceptance and close-out documentation package to be created and
submitted for City representative or consultant's review. Final System
Operation and Maintenance manual will be required for each system. See
Section 8.21 for greater detail.
11. Contractor shall provide an appropriate training program for designated City
Operations personnel in order to accomplish and understand all aspects of the
specific system operation. Training plan to be submitted for City representative
or consultant's review.

8.20.2 Testing and Inspection of Equipment and Systems

i. The Contractor shall be responsible for all tests detailed in the specification and those
tests required by a manufacturer as part of their installation requirements.
ii. The Contractor shall only utilize licensed electricians or certified technologists to conduct
tests with previous experience in the testing procedures. The Contractor shall inform the
City, in writing, who they intend to use with a list of experience and projects completed.
iii. The Contractor shall hire manufacturer certified personnel who will conduct tests on their
iv. The Contractor shall co-operate with the Independent Testing Contractor to provide
assistance during the testing procedures.
v. The Contractor shall schedule all tests and provide a minimum of 48 hours prior notice
before testing. Tests may be witnessed by the City or its Technical representative.
vi. System Grounding - Perform ground continuity and resistance tests using method
appropriate to site conditions and to approval of City consultant and local authority having
jurisdiction. Submit report on test results to consultant and include additional copy in
Operation and Maintenance manual.

8.20.3 System Demonstration

i. Prior to final inspection demonstrate operation of each system to Owner, construction
manager and consultant or technical representative.
ii. Instruct Owner's personnel in operation, adjustment and maintenance of equipment and
systems, using operation and maintenance data provided as the basis for instructions.
iii. Contractor and responsible personnel from the Subcontractors whose work is being
demonstrated shall be present at these demonstrations.

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8.20.4 Final Inspection for Completion of Contracts

i. Neither the Owner's representatives, the City, Construction Manager nor the Consultant
will be responsible for the issue of extensive lists of deficiencies. Contractor assumes
primary responsibility for ensuring that all items shown on Drawings and described in
Specifications are completely his. Any inspections to approve Certificates of Substantial
Performance will be immediately cancelled if it becomes obvious that extensive
deficiencies remain outstanding.
ii. Every effort shall be made to ensure that both defects and deficiencies are corrected
prior to final inspection.
iii. During the inspection, decisions will be made as to which defects must be rectified before
the building or system can be accepted and which defects are to be treated as warranty
iv. Deficiencies shall be made good before the Contract can be considered complete.
v. When Contractor is satisfied that the entire work is completed, and after making his own
inspection, he shall make written request for a final inspection by construction manager
who in turn will notify the owner. This inspection shall be carried out and completed
within 10 calendar days of the request, and shall constitute the inspection precedent to
the issuance of the final certificate of payment.
vi. If there are any further deficiencies determined by this inspection, they shall be listed by
City and provided to Contractor. This list shall be recognized as the final deficiency list
for purposes of acceptance of the work under the contract.
vii. Such deficiencies shall be corrected by a date mutually agreed upon between City and
the Contractor, unless a specific date is required by the Contract, and a re-inspection by
the City shall be called for by the Contractor following his own inspection to take place
within 7 calendar days from date of request.


8.21.1 Project Record Drawings

i. Submit project record drawings with application for certificate of total performance. Final
acceptance of the work will be predicated on receipt and approval of record drawings.
Co-ordinate preparation of record drawings as described in City LRT Operations
Standards of Performance documents.
ii. Record, as the work progresses, work constructed differently than shown on contract
documents. Record all changes in the work caused by site conditions; by Owner,
Consultant, Contractor and Subcontractor originated changes; and by site instructions,
supplementary instructions, field orders, change orders, addendums, correspondence,
and directions of jurisdictional authorities.
iii. Accurately record location of any concealed electrical services, piping, conduits, pull
boxes, junction boxes and similar work not clearly in view, the position of which is
required for maintenance, alteration work, and future additions. Do not conceal critical
work until its location has been recorded.
iv. Dimension location of concealed work in reference to building walls, and elevation in
reference to floor elevation. Indicate at which point dimension is taken to concealed
work. Dimension all terminations and offsets of runs of concealed work.
v. Make records in a neat and legibly printed manner with a non-smudging medium.
vi. Identify each record drawing as "PROJECT RECORD COPY". Maintain drawings in
good condition and do not use them for construction purposes.
vii. After completion of the work, purchase a complete set of mylar prints from the Consultant
and transfer the information recorded on the white prints accurately, neatly in ink with
dimensions, as applicable. Return these marked-up as-built mylar prints to the City
consultant or technical representative for review. Any subsequent changes found by the
owner review shall remain the responsibility of the Contractor to rework for re-submission

Final Issue July 2017 8.136


back to the owner. Throughout the duration of the project the City consultant or technical
representative will periodically review the status of project record drawings.

8.21.2 Operation and Maintenance Manuals

i. The contractor will provide three (3) sets of operation and maintenance manuals.
Provide separate vinyl covered binders for Fire Alarm and Security Systems.
ii. The contractor will include the following information in the Operations and Maintenance
a. Catalogue description of each of the following systems:
1. Network and Back Office Devices
2. Fibre Transport
3. Distribution equipment
4. Fire alarm systems
5. Security systems
b. Names and address of local suppliers for the items included.
c. Details of design elements, construction features, component function and
maintenance requirements, to permit effective start-up, operation, maintenance,
repair, modification, extension and expansion of any portion or feature of the
d. Technical data, product data, supplemented by bulletins, component illustrations,
exploded views, technical description of items, and parts lists. Advertising or sales
literature is not acceptable.
e. The Consultants reviewed shop drawings.
f. Review information provided in the maintenance instructions and manuals with the
Owner's operating personnel to ensure a complete understanding of the Telecom
and Electrical equipment and systems and their operation.
g. The contractor shall prepare and submit the detailed operating and maintenance
data to the City consultant or technical representative six weeks prior to the
beginning of any training.
h. The contractor shall re-submit the data should the City consultant or technical
representative find any deficiencies. Training shall not begin until the data has been
accepted by the City.
i. The manual sections shall be divided into the following subsections:
1. Shop Drawings (reduced to 11” x 17”).
2. As Built Drawings (reduced to 11” x 17”).
3. As Built Riser Diagrams (reduced to 11” x 17”).
4. Operating Procedures.
5. Maintenance Procedures.
6. Spare parts List.
7. Trouble Shooting Guide.
8. Equipment Lists.
9. Certification Forms.
j. The operating procedures shall be the recommended manufacturers operating
procedures for the equipment.
k. The maintenance procedures shall include scope of work, frequency of activity, parts
required, and necessary documentation.
l. The spare parts list shall be the manufacturers recommended list for maintenance
m. The trouble shooting guide shall be the manufacturer’s recommendation for the

Final Issue July 2017 8.137


n. The equipment list shall include make, model, serial number, electrical
o. The systems operating manual shall be prepared by contractor.
p. The systems operating manual shall be sub-divided into system sections. Each
system section shall contain:
1. The Telecom and electrical design intent.
2. The system location and areas served by each system.
3. Equipment included in each system.
4. Operation of each system in the normal and emergency modes.
5. Any Operator parameters.
6. Trouble shooting recommendations.
7. System schematics or logic diagrams.


General equipment and sparing will be handled through each respective system procurement
process. There are many equipment and technology related variables which must be
considered as well as the reliability and service availability requirements of each system which
the sparing strategy must also support.

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Final Issue July 2017

Function/Element Primary System Interface Control & Secondary System Comments
Analog Digital Monitor Only
Monitor Interfaces
Relay X Signals VLC

Cameras X CCTV X
Recorders X CCTV X
Video encoder X CCTV X
Alarm interface unit X CCTV X Telephone, BMS, Fares

Emergency phone X X Phone Switch X CCTV
Emergency push button X CCTV X
Info phone X Phone Switch X
ROW/Operator phone X Phone Switch X
Washroom access phone X Phone Switch X
Elevator phone X Phone Switch X

Server X X CBTC


Interior/exterior lighting X BMS X Motion Detector/Photocell
Motion detectors X BMS X CCTV
Fire alarm zones X BMS X
Fire alarm trouble X BMS X
Space temperature sensor
(underground stations only)
Door strikes X C-Cure X CCTV
Door monitoring X C-Cure X CCTV
Sprinkler system X X
Heat tracing X BMS X
Infra-red com. Ht'g X BMS X
Bldg space temperature X X BMS X
Vaults X C-Cure X CCTV

Ticket vending machines X CDCIS X BMS, CCTV
Ticket validators N/A

Space temperature sensor X BMS X
Heat tracing X BMS X
Heaters X X BMS
Intrusion detection X BMS X CCTV

Vent fans X BMS X
Escalators X BMS X
Elevators X BMS X
Pumps X BMS X* X * Sump pumps only
Dampers X BMS X
Shelter heaters X BMS

TP SUBSTATION (See Section 10 Elect. Stds Manual for complete list)

15 kV switchgear circuit
DC circuit breakers X SCADA X
Transf. over temp X SCADA X
Rectifier over temp X SCADA X
SS intrusion alarm X C-Cure X
Building temperature X X BMS X
Fire alarm X BMS X
Emergency generator X X BMS X
Vent fans X BMS X X

1. The purpose of the Matrix is to identify all of the major LRT functions, by element, that are controlled and monitored centrally and by what system.
2. Functions and elements for some items can be further categorized by facility type.


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Final Issue July 2017



2017 National Electrical Safety Code® CAN/CSA-C22.2 NO. 0-10 (2015)
Canadian Electrical Code (CEC), 23rd edition C22.2 NO. 65-13 (2013)
C22.1-12 (2012) CAN/CSA-B72-M87 (2013)
CENELEC - EN 50173-1 to -5 (2007) CENELEC - EN 50173-6 (2013)
NFPA 101: Life Safety Code (2015) NFPA 70: National Electrical Code (NEC)

Specifications and Drawings for 24.9/14.4 kV Specifications and Drawings for 12.5/7.2 kV
Line Construction (1998) Line Construction (2005)
Specifications and Drawings for Underground IEC 603-7
Electric Distribution (2000)
ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 25/WG 3 N655 (Nov. 2001) ISO/IEC 11801 Edition 2.2 (2010)

ANSI/TIA-568.1-D (Sept 2015) TIA-606-B (June 2012)
TIA-568-D.3 (Oct 2016) TIA-526-14-B (Oct 2010)
TIA/EIA-568-D (2015) ANSI/TIA-607-C (Nov 2015)
ANSI/TIA-569-A-1 to A-7 ANSI/TIA-758-B (Mar 2012)
TIA-569-D (Apr 2015) ANSI/TIA-942-A (Aug 2012)
TIA-569-D (Apr 2015) TIA-1152, Revision A (Nov 2016)
ICEA S-90-661 (June 2012) ANSI INCITS 455 (Sept 2009)
TIA-492AAAA, Revision B (Nov 2009) TIA/EIA-604 (Nov 1993)
TIA-492CAAA (May 1998) ANSI/INCITS 526 (Feb 2016)
TIA-598-D (July 2014) ICEA S-83-596 (2016)
TIA-598-D (July 2014) ANSI/ICEA S-87-640 (Aug 2016)
ISA 99, 5 Edition
ANSI/ISA-TR99.00.01 (2007) ANSI/ISA-62443-1-1 (99.01.01) (2007)
ANSI/ISA-62443-2-1 (99.02.01) (2009) ANSI/ISA-TR62443-2-3 (2015)
ANSI/ISA-62443-3-3 (99.03.03) (2013)

BICSI Telecommunications Distribution NECA/BICSI 568-2006

Final Issue July 2017



Methods Manual (TDMM), 13th edition (2014)

ANSI/BICSI 002-2014 (2014)



BBS-7239 Boeing Specification Support Methods Manual-latest edition, 5th edition
Standard (2016)

Final Issue July 2017

Chapter 9 – Revision Tracking Form


Chapter 9
2017 EDITION – Revisions Tracking Form
Section Reference Revision General Description Issue Date



9.1  GENERAL 1 
9.1.1  Introduction 1 
9.1.2  Applicable Codes, Standards, Practices and Reference Guidelines 1 
9.1.3  Structure Categories 2 
9.1.4  Load Factor Method for Design 2 
9.1.5  Application of Loadings 2 
9.2  BRIDGES 3 
9.2.1  Dead Loads 3 
9.2.2  Live Loads 4 
9.2.3  Vertical Loads 4 
9.2.4  Horizontal Loads 4 
9.2.5  Derailment Loads 5 
9.2.6  Longitudinal Forces Due to Acceleration/Deceleration and Rail Restraint 5 
9.2.7  Centrifugal Forces 5 
9.2.8  Vehicle Collision Loads 6 
9.2.9  Vibration and Deflection Control 6 
9.2.10  Fatigue 6 
9.2.11  Thermal, Wind, Snow, Shrinkage, Creep Loading Considerations 6 
9.2.12  Related Structural Considerations 6 
9.2.13 Inspection and Maintenance Manual 7 
9.3.1  Loads and Forces 8 
9.3.2  Related Structural Considerations for Type II and Type III LRT Stations 8 
9.4.1  Loads and Forces and Related Considerations 8 
9.7.1  General 9 
9.7.2  Type I Stations 10 
9.7.3  Tunnels 10 
9.7.4  Shafts and Cross-Connections 12 
9.7.5  Cut and Cover 13 
9.7.6  Portals 14 
9.7.7  Temporary Live Loads 15 
9.8.1  Support General Requirements 15 
9.8.2  Support Methods 16 

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9.1.1 Introduction
This chapter presents the basic structural design guidelines, codes and standards references
that must be followed throughout the structural design process of LRT facilities. The various
types of structures that are generally incorporated as part of an LRT project, loading
conditions and their expected service life are discussed.
There may be cases where special design requirements are encountered not specifically
covered by these guidelines. In these instances the Consultant must seek appropriate
guidance on the design parameters from ETS.
9.1.2 Applicable Codes, Standards, Practices and Reference Guidelines
Codes and Standards
The structural design must conform to the most current edition of all applicable design codes
and standards documents as follows:
American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO)
American Concrete Institute (ACI)
Alberta Building Code (ABC)
American Railway Engineering & Maintenance of Way Association (AREMA)
Canadian Standards Association (CSA)
CSA S6 Package - Canadian Highway Design Code and
- Canadian Highway Bridge Design Code (CHBDC)
CSA A23.3 - Design of Concrete Structures
National Building Code of Canada (NBCC)
Design References
A number of the Edmonton design guidelines have been adopted from the design references
listed below. The Consultant should refer to these documents for additional information where
Design Guideline for the Thermal Interactive Forces between Continuously Welded
Rail and the NJ TRANSIT LRT Aerial Structures – Parsons Brinckerhoff
Quade & Douglas, July 1995
Thermal Interaction between Continuously Welded Rail and Elevated Transit
Guideways – Hid N Grouni and Chris Sadler Structural Office Ontario Ministry
of Transportation and Communications
Standard Aerial Structures: Continuous Welded Rail/Aerial Structure Interactive
Behavior Report for Dallas Area Rapid Transit – Parsons Brinckerhoff Centec
Inc., and Deleuw Cather and Company, June 1988
Continuous Welded Rail Aerial Transit Structure Interactive Analysis – American
Transit Consultants September 1990
The document listed below provides the Designer with the guidelines and process for approval
and installation of planned infrastructure in LRT tunnels.
LRT Infrastructure in LRT Tunnels – ETS Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)
(most recent version)

Final Issue July 2017 9.1


9.1.3 Structure Categories

The type of structure which may be constructed throughout the length of the LRT system
includes, but may not be limited to: Bridges – Design for 100 year service life
 Bridges carrying LRT tracks only
 Existing highway bridges that may carry LRT tracks at some future date
 Highway bridges carrying roadways over or under LRT
 Pedestrian structures overpassing or underpassing the LRT Buildings – Design for 75 year service life
 Type II and III LRT Stations (refer to Chapter 10 for station categories)
 Traction Power Substations (Stand-alone)
 LRT Maintenance and Storage Shops and Yards
 Parkades – above grade Earth Support and Retaining Structures – Design for 75 year service life
 Earth Embankment
 Retaining Structures – adjacent to track bed
 Retaining Structures – carrying the track bed Underground Structures – Design for 100 year service life
 Type I Stations
 Bored Tunnels (Conventional Tunnel Boring Machine, Hydro-shield)
 Mined Tunnels (NATM or Sequential Excavation Method)
 Shafts
 Cross Connections (between tunnels)
 Cut and Cover Box sections
 Special Trackwork Cavities
 Parkades – below grade or under buildings Portals – Design for 100 year service life Noise Walls – Design for 75 year service life Electrical Ductbanks/vaults - Design for 75 year service life Support systems/slabs for ROW devices - Design for 75 year service life
9.1.4 Load Factor Method for Design
Structures and structural members must be designed to the required strength calculated for
the factored loads in such loading combinations as stipulated in the codes and standards
under sub-section 9.1.2.
9.1.5 Application of Loadings
For structures carrying LRT loads only, apply one work train (locomotive and four loaded
dump cars at 40 km/hr) and one LRT train consist (comprised of five LRV’s at 80 km/hr) per
track, for strength and serviceability considerations for all structural elements.
For LRV and on-track auxiliary vehicle design loadings refer to Chapter 2 Vehicles, Sections
2.3.2 and 2.3.3 Figures 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, and 2.4 and Chapter 5 Trackwork, Section

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For the condition when other vehicular traffic will also be operating on the LRT structure,
highway loads must also be applied to determine the most severe loading condition to be used
in the design of the structure.
It should be noted that LRT loadings are more characteristic of highway loadings than
standard heavy railway loadings. Typically, as part of the design process, the structural
designer will also apply the standard highway design loads to determine the most severe
loading condition. If the highway loading creates the most severe condition (as compared to
LRT loadings) the Consultant must first seek approval from ETS to use the highway loading as
the design basis. Loading Combinations (for applicable structure type)

The loading combinations which will affect the structure most severely must be used in
accordance with the latest CAN/CSA S-6 and ABC requirements. The Consultant should
review relevant design codes such as the current AASHTO and AREMA for further design
The Transportation Department’s Structural Engineer must confirm combinations of vertical
and horizontal loads to be considered in the design of underground structures. Distribution of Loads (for applicable structure type)
The Consultant must consider the distribution of loads in accordance with the latest CAN/CSA
S-6 and AASHTO. The following load distribution must be checked to determine the worse
design loading condition for the design of slab.
Distribution of Wheel Loads to Slab for Tie and Ballast Track
For tie and ballast track wheel loads are transmitted to the deck slab through the ballast. It
can be assumed that the wheel loads are uniformly distributed longitudinally over a length of
900 mm, plus the depth of the track structure, plus twice the effective depth of slab, except as
limited by wheel spacing. Wheel loads can be assumed to have uniform lateral distribution
over a width equal to the length of the tie plus the depth of ballast under the tie, except as
limited by the proximity of adjacent tracks or the extent of the structure.
Distribution of Wheel Loads to Slab for Direct Fixation Track
For direct fixation track, wheel loads are transmitted to the deck slab through the rail fastening
system placed directly on the slab. It can be assumed that the wheel loads are uniformly
distributed over a length of 900 mm along the rail. This load can be assumed to be distributed
transversely (normal to the rail and centered on the rail) by the width of the rail fastener plus
twice the depth of the deck and track support structure except as limited by the proximity of
adjacent tracks or the extent of the structure. Seismic Requirements
There are no special requirements for the Edmonton LRT system. The provisions of the ABC
are adequate.
9.2.1 Dead Loads
Dead loads for the LRT structures should be established in accordance with the latest editions
of the ABC and CAN/CSA S-6. The following items are normally included but may not be
limited to:
 Structure self-weight
 Ballast (if provided)
 Track slab

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 Plinths, rail fastening components and rails

 Permanently installed pipes, conduits, cables and wires
 Utility services
 Traction power systems cabling, wiring and related hardware including traction power
 LRT Signal systems cabling, wiring and related hardware including signal lights and
support masts
 Partitions
 Service walkways
 Bridge railing
 Lighting fixtures or masts (if required)
9.2.2 Live Loads
In reference to Section 9.1.5, the live load design weight to be used for the LRV is shown in
Figure 2.3. The vertical static wheel load configuration for the design vehicle is also shown on
that figure. This loading is not only applied as a single vehicle but also applied as a total of up
to five vehicles to determine the most severe stress conditions in the structural member under
consideration. This design LRV is heavier than the Siemens/Duewag (SD) RTE series and
the SD 160 LRV’s The application of the design loading will allow the use of LRV’s other than
the SD RTE and SD 160 in the future.
The configuration of the vertical static wheel loads for the Work Train is shown in Figure 2.4.
This loading must be applied as a single vehicle (locomotive and four dump cars) on any one
In long structures, designing for the Work Train as opposed to the design LRV, may result in
significant extra costs. In such instances, a cost-benefit analysis should be carried out and
alternative span configurations be analyzed and optimized with the objective of obtaining the
most cost-effective solution.
Bridges must also be designed to accommodate highway vehicle loads (equivalent to the
MS200 loading) specified in latest CAN/CSA S-6.
As per Section 9.1.5, highway design loads (equivalent to the MS200 loading) should also be
applied to determine the most severe condition.
9.2.3 Vertical Loads
For bridge decks supporting multiple tracks, the design LRV load is applied as follows:
2 tracks - 100% on each track
3 or more tracks - 100% on any 2 tracks and 75% on any additional tracks
For a multiple track structure, a combined impact factor and allowance for rolling of 10% for
welded rail, and 30% for turnouts and sliding rail expansion joints is to be applied to the total
live load. This impact factor is to be applied on up to a maximum of two loaded tracks.
9.2.4 Horizontal Loads
A longitudinal traction and braking force equal to 25% of the static vertical live load must be
applied on all loaded tracks at the level of the uppermost rail. The force generated is offset by
the resistive clamping force of the rail clip and the number of plinths on the bridge. Typically,
the clamping force per clip is 13.35 KN. The clip clamping force must be checked and
confirmed by the Consultant for each individual case prior to being used in the design.
Horizontal design forces resulting from thermal effects of the bridge structure acting on the rail
must also be considered along with centrifugal forces and forces due to lurching, hunting,
collision, broken rail, structural interaction (tangential and radial), snow, wind and earthquake.

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9.2.5 Derailment Loads

Potential derailment load effects must be considered. In the absence of actual crash test data
or the results of a detailed dynamic crash/impact analysis the load effect of a derailment event
can be accounted for by applying concurrently vertical and horizontal (transverse) forces to
the supporting structure as follows:
 Vertical load effect – either a) equal to the weight of three (3) LRV’s positioned parallel to
the axis of the track with an impact multiplier equal to 100% of the LRV design weight, OR
b) equal to the weight of the Work Train positioned parallel to the axis of the track with an
impact multiplier equal to 50% of the Work Train design weight. The derailed LRV or Work
Train must be assumed to be positioned a perpendicular distance away from the track
alignment so as to cause the maximum load effect due to the load.
 Horizontal (transverse) load effect – equal to 10% of the LRV or Work Train weight,
distributed proportionately along the length of the train in accordance with the axle load
distribution along the length of the train, acting perpendicular (transverse) to the track
alignment at an elevation 1.05 m above the top surface of the rail.
When checking any component of the bridge superstructure or substructure that supports two
tracks, only one derailment event need be considered at a time. Concurrently with the
derailment event the other track must be assumed to be loaded with a stationary train (either
the Work Train locomotive and four dump cars or five LRV’s). Other methods of establishing a
derailment design load presented by the Design Consultant may be considered by the City.
Research indicates that where the trackway cross section has a clearance between the LRT
train and a barrier wall of between 150 mm and 900 mm, and with maximum vehicle operating
speeds of *96 km/hr, the force due to horizontal derailment loads is 40% of the weight of a
single LRV acting 600 mm above top of rail and normal to the barrier wall for a distance of 3 m
along the wall. For tracks protected by guardrails, the guardrail must be designed to resist this
force. For the Edmonton LRT System the force calculation should be based on a design
operating speed of 80 km/hr.
For derailment events that would cause LRV wheels to bear directly on the structure slab, the
wheel load distribution on the slab should be established using a rational method
9.2.6 Longitudinal Forces Due to Acceleration/Deceleration and Rail Restraint
To determine this loading condition a force equal to *15% of the LRV design vehicle load,
without impact, per track, should be applied at the center of gravity of the LRV above the top
of the rail. Consideration should be given to combinations of acceleration and deceleration
forces where there is more than one track on the structure.
For tie and ballast track with continuously welded or bolted rails spanning the entire structure it
can be assumed that up to * 50% of longitudinal forces due to acceleration/deceleration and
rail restraint is transferred outside the structure. Whenever CWR is terminated, any
movement of the rail end must be restricted. The restraint will introduce a significant
longitudinal force. To avoid excessive longitudinal forces, CWR must not be terminated on
aerial structures unless the structure is designed to withstand the additional imposed load.
9.2.7 Centrifugal Forces
For structures carrying curved track, the *centrifugal force resulting from the curvature is to be
applied at a height of 1.8 m above the top of rail measured along a line perpendicular to the
line joining the top of rails and equidistant from them. The centrifugal forces are to be
determined in accordance with the codes and standards as stipulated in Section 9.1.2.
*Note: Adopted from AREMA

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9.2.8 Vehicle Collision Loads

Piers or other structure support elements that are situated less than *10 m from the edge of an
adjacent street or highway must be designed to withstand a horizontal static force of *1400 KN
applied horizontally at *1.2 m above ground level at the support component. This force is to
be applied on the support element at an angle of *10 from the direction of the road traffic.
*Note: Refer to Canadian Highway Bridge Design Code S6-06 3.15.
9.2.9 Vibration and Deflection Control
Vibration behavior of structures must be considered and design features adopted so as to
avoid or mitigate the occurrence of undesirable levels of vibrations. In the case of a bridge or
elevated structure, in the absence of detailed dynamic analysis, to limit dynamic interaction
between the superstructure and the LRV’s, the natural frequency of the first mode of vertical
vibration of the superstructure should be greater than 3.5 cycles per second for longitudinal
members. Consideration must also be given to the lateral and torsional vibration modes of
structures and structural proportions must be selected so as to avoid or mitigate associated
vibration or resonance response tendencies. When functional or other considerations result in
superstructure natural frequencies that fall within vibration sensitive ranges, provisions shall
be made in the design to mitigate resonant vibration response through the use of tuned mass
dampers or alternative methods.
Provision is to be made so that vibrations transmitted to the rail from the LRV’s, or generated
within the rail will be dampened before reaching the track slab or the track bed. This can be
accomplished by the fastener system.
The deflection due to live load plus impact should not exceed 1/800 of the span for beams or
1/300 for cantilevers.
9.2.10 Fatigue
Consideration must be given to the effect of change of stress level caused by the passage of
LRT trains over structures. Fatigue design criteria must be applied to affected structural
elements. 600,000 train load cycles over a structure must be assumed to occur during the 100
year design life of the structure unless otherwise identified during the preliminary engineering
stage of a project. LRV loading must be based upon fully loaded vehicles.
9.2.11 Thermal, Wind, Snow, Shrinkage, Creep Loading Considerations
Provision must be made for stresses and deformations resulting from thermal, wind, snow,
shrinkage, and creep effects. The Consultant will determine these allowances in accordance
with the requirements of CAN/CSA S-6 and AREMA.
Provision must also be made for transverse (radial) and longitudinal rail/structures interaction
forces due to temperature variations in the CWR (refer to Chapter 5 Trackwork, Section 5.4.5).
The magnitude of the transverse and longitudinal rail forces must be determined by a rigorous
analysis of the total structural system including rail fasteners, bearings and substructure. Refer
to the CWR Design References listed in Section 9.1.2 for further details on interactive force
9.2.12 Related Structural Considerations Bridges Carrying LRT Tracks
The structural consultant must confirm with the trackwork consultant if the track is to be tie and
ballast or if a direct fixation fastening system is to be used. The loads imposed by the track
systems on the structure must be carefully considered as the loading condition will affect the
CWR fixation to the bridge construction joints.

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Where tie and ballast track is used, the ballast shoulder must be retained by a curb or
equivalent structure. Drainage for the ballast must also be provided.
An allowance for walkways/refuge area must be incorporated into the design for the safety of
operations and maintenance personnel, and evacuated LRT passengers during emergency
situations (refer to Chapter 3 Clearances and Right-of-Way). A barrier rail mounted on a
parapet must be constructed on the outside edges of the bridge structure.
The design of the superstructure must meet the requirements of CAN/CSA S-6 for static
deflection due to live loading for bridges designated “with sidewalks for occasional pedestrian
use”. The deflection due to live load plus impact on members must not exceed 1/800 of span
for beams and for cantilever span the deflection should not exceed 1/300.
In addition to the forgoing the following must also be evaluated:
 The vibration characteristics of the structure to determine that there is no danger of
resonance and to ensure compatibility with the structural design (refer to previous Section
 The dynamic loading imposed on the track and structure of a fully loaded vehicle coming
to a full emergency stop with all brakes on the LRV operative.
 The fatigue conditions of the structure to satisfy the serviceability and durability
requirements (refer to previous Section 9.2.10).
 The use of epoxy-coated reinforcement, cathodic protection, or other methods, for
reinforced structural elements that are susceptible to deterioration from corrosion.
 The effects of significant air pressure differentials in the design of plenum walls.
All structures must be designed to minimize maintenance requirements. The following factors
should be taken into consideration during the design process:
 Method of snow removal
 Track maintenance requirements
 Traction power and signal system requirements
 The control of storm water run-off and its disposal
 Corrosion protection measures Highway Bridges over the LRT

Where highway bridges are to be carried over the LRT alignment, the vertical and horizontal
clearance requirements for the structure must be confirmed with ETS and the T & S Structural
Engineer. The design of these structures must conform to CAN/CSA S-6. Pedestrian Over/Underpasses
For overpasses, the Consultant must also confirm the vertical and horizontal clearance
requirements with ETS and the Transportation Department’s Structural Engineer.
For both pedestrian over and underpasses, the design criteria will normally follow the
CAN/CSA S-6 unless specific instructions to the contrary are received from ETS.
9.2.13 Inspection and Maintenance Manual
If so directed by the PMO, the structural design consultant will prepare a draft of an inspection
and maintenance manual for the bridge structure that the Consultant has been contracted to
design. The draft manual will identify critical areas of the structure to be inspected, frequency
of inspection, and include specific guidelines and maintenance/repair procedures. It will be
submitted to the City at the completion of final design.

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The following structural elements are to be included but are not necessarily limited to:
 Deck
 Girders
 Expansion Joints
 Bearing Units
 Piers and/or columns
 Abutments
 Special protective measures if the piers or foundations are founded in water.
 Connections
 Members susceptible to cracking or deformation
The design must ensure that the critical elements of the structure are accessible for
inspection, maintenance and/or repair.
The draft manual will form a key component of the standard O & M Manual prepared by the
Contractor for the structure. (Refer to Chapter 1 General Section
There is a need for the City’s Inspectors to understand the structural behavior of bridge
structure being designed. Additional instruction/training is to be provided by the Designer to
the City Inspectors, if deemed necessary.
9.3.1 Loads and Forces
Building structures must be designed to sustain the maximum dead and live loads that they
may be subjected to. This includes any erection loads that may occur during construction.
The loadings must conform to the requirements of the most current edition of ABC, where
Refer to Chapter 19 Parkades, Section for the live load conditions to be analyzed for
above grade parkade structures.
9.3.2 Related Structural Considerations for Type II and Type III LRT Stations
The platforms of Type II and Type III stations are constructed at grade. They are described in
Chapter 10 Stations and Ancillary Facilities. For the station platform height and edge
clearance dimensions, the Consultant should refer to Chapter 3 Clearances and Right-of-Way,
Section and the applicable figures contained therein.
To avoid the possibility of resonant vibrations induced by pedestrian traffic, the natural
frequency of the unloaded structure must not be less than 2.0 cycles per second. To avoid
vibrations that might be objectionable to patrons, the calculated live load deflection must be
limited to 25 mm maximum.
The structures supporting elevators and escalators must be designed for the maximum dead
and live load capacity provided by the conveyance manufacturers.
For better control of shrinkage stresses and to minimize cracking in monolithically poured
concrete slabs and walls in the long linear platform structure, contraction joints must be
provided at spacing not exceeding 15 m. The reinforcing steel must be designed to handle
the calculated stresses.
9.4.1 Loads and Forces and Related Considerations
Retaining walls must be designed to withstand earth and hydrostatic pressures, including any
live load surcharge and the dead weight of the wall. The geotechnical consultant must provide
the structural consultant with the soil parameters for determining the lateral earth pressure.

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For retaining structures constructed immediately adjacent to the LRT trackway, the Consultant
must determine if the structure is within the soil pressure influence zone due to the LRV
loading. If applicable, use 20 kPa as the surcharge loading for the design of the retaining
Any adjacent surface elements (such as traction power mast supports) that may exert a
surcharge loading on the retaining structure must also be considered.
Retaining walls constructed adjacent to the LRT track bed for the purpose of retaining fill or
cut slopes are to be designed in accordance with the soil parameters recommended by the
geotechnical consultant (refer to Figures 3.14 and 3.15).
When “Limit States Design Methods” are used for proportioning wall sections, the lateral earth
pressure load factor to be used is 1.5.
A drainage layer must be provided behind the wall to mitigate the build-up of hydrostatic
pressure. Both the water pressure and the lateral soil pressure must be considered in the
The design / installation of proprietary support systems such as Reinforced Earth and
Mechanically Stabilized Walls, etc. must be reviewed and approved by ETS.
The retaining wall design should include consideration of appropriate wall face treatments for
aesthetics purposes. The top of the wall must be fenced to ensure public safety.
The surface of the embankment must be designed for erosion protection. Surface run-off
must be properly intercepted by a drainage system. The Consultant should refer the
embankment design criteria of AASHTO for further guidance.
For at-grade sections of the LRT adjacent to existing or future noise sensitive receivers, such
as residential and institutional properties, etc., a noise wall or barrier may be required to
attenuate the noise created by the passage of the LRT trains.
Setback and spatial requirements for the wall structural elements must be considered in the
design. Refer to Chapter 3 Clearances and Right-of-Way, and the figures contained therein,
and Chapter 14 Impact Mitigation, Aesthetics and ROW, Section 14.2.
The noise wall design loadings must conform to the latest requirements of the applicable
codes and standards set out in Section 9.1.2
9.7.1 General
The Consultant will recommend to ETS the vertical and horizontal load combinations to be
considered in the design of underground structures. The design must minimize settlement or
soil uplift adjacent to the structures.
The degree of flotation at locations where a high water table is encountered must be checked.
The structure is to be designed so that the net downward load at all stages of construction or
operation is always exceeding the calculated uplift due to buoyancy by 10%.
The structural design consultant must use the specified LRV loadings, earth pressure,
hydrostatic pressure, overburden soil and surcharge and live loadings as required by
CAN/CSA S-6 and other applicable codes.

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9.7.2 Type I Stations Loads and Forces
The Load Factor Design Method is normally used for the design of all structural components
and connections. All underground station structural elements must conform to the ABC and
relevant CSA standards for the construction materials being considered.
The major station structural components such as the platform, ramps, mezzanines, and
stairways, etc. must be designed for the appropriate pedestrian loading, as required by the
ABC. In addition, the loadings of a number of additional components must also be
considered. They are listed as follows, but may not be limited to: platform furniture,
machinery, electrical equipment, overhead catenary system, pumps, battery/generators,
elevators, escalators, artwork such as sculptures, storage of materials needed to service and
clean the station etc.
To ensure serviceability and durability, permanent deformations under dead load, live load
deflections, and fatigue characteristics under service loadings, must be investigated. Construction Techniques

All underground stations on the Edmonton LRT System were constructed using the tangent
pile wall cover and cut technique.
9.7.3 Tunnels Tunneling Methods
LRT tunnel construction in Edmonton has utilized several methodologies as follows:
Tunnel Boring Machines (TBM)
Several types of TBM’s have been used to construct most of the tunnels in the downtown area
and the section of twin tunnels between the University Station and the Health Sciences
Station. They are:
Open Mode TBM - generally does not have continuous earth pressure balance support.
Suitable for stable ground conditions (till, clay, sandstone)
Slurry-Mode or - provides continuous support to the tunnel face. Used in unstable
Hydroshield TBM ground conditions (sand).
Sequential Excavation Method (SEM)
This method is based upon excavating the tunnel face either in whole or via pilot drives using
backhoes or road-header equipment. The excavated face is given a temporary lining of
gunite, reinforced with steel ribs or reinforcing to minimize the relaxation of in-situ stresses in
the soil. In unstable soil (sand) conditions, spilling has been installed. The success of the
method is dependent on minimizing the time between excavating and lining procedures.
When tunneling in areas with a high water table, dewatering of the soil is critical to the
success of this tunneling method.
Several sections of twin tunnel in the western sector of the downtown area and from the south
bank of the river valley to the University Station have been constructed by the SEM method.
Due to the very sandy conditions in some areas, some form of ground control or stabilization
measures has generally been used with all three of the above described methodologies.

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STRUCTURES Loads and Forces

For all tunneling methodologies, the tunnel temporary and permanent linings must be
designed to sustain all the loads to which they will be subjected to with minimum Factor of
Safety of 2.
The loading conditions are:
 Earth Loads
The Consultant must estimate the total vertical pressure (earth load) that will be exerted
on the tunnel. The earth load is estimated to be the total weight of soil using a soil mass
density of not less than 2000 kg/cu.m (to be confirmed by the geotechnical consultant).
The full overburden earth pressure is to be multiplied by the appropriate at-rest lateral
stress coefficient.
The horizontal earth pressure exerted on underground tunnel will be based on the
recommendations of the geotechnical consultant.
 Surcharge loads due to adjacent buildings
 Live loads of vehicles moving on the surface above the tunnel
 Erection loads including external grouting loads
 Hydrostatic pressure
 Effects of tunnel breakouts at cross-passages, portals, and shafts
 Self-weight of the tunnel structure, including tunnel infrastructure components
 Live loads of vehicles moving in the tunnel
 Loads due to possible imperfect liner erection
 Additional loads due to the construction of adjacent tunnels
 Seismic loads, where applicable Related Tunnel Design Considerations

Alignment and construction tolerance requirements for tunnels (regardless of the construction
method) are as follows:
 The distance between centerlines of two parallel tunnels must not be less than 1.5 times
the outside diameter of the excavated face unless special requirements are investigated.
 The final location of the inside face of the permanent liner must be within 50 mm of the
design alignment.
 The tunnel must be built so that it is within 50 mm of the longitudinal reference line and
no more than 25 mm inside the indicated finished surface of the tunnel.
All tunnels must be designed to accommodate the traction electrification, utilities, electrical
and communication ducts and ductbank, fire line pipes, catwalk, etc. in the space between the
tunnel wall in accordance with the guidelines and Figures outlined in Chapter 3 Clearances
and Right-of-Way. No fixed infrastructure or object can be located within the Design Vehicle
Dynamic Envelope (except as noted).
Extensive instrumentation has been installed on previously constructed tunnels to confirm the
structural and geotechnical factors assumed in the design of the temporary and permanent
tunnel linings. The Consultant should refer to the historical findings and results for further
design guidance.

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To confirm the basis for design instrumentation must be provided on all new tunnel
Waterproofing/Corrosion Protection
In general all tunnels, underground shafts and cavities should be sealed to prevent water
ingress and full water pressure head from occurring around the opening periphery. The
design measures should include a durable structural lining and the provision of a membrane
or other effective waterproofing system. Other measures such as the provision of channels to
intercept water seepage may also be considered if total water tightness is problematic and
cost prohibitive.
The design of the liner should include the provision of measures to prevent corrosion and
eliminate stray currents (refer to Chapter 13 Corrosion and Stray Current Control).
9.7.4 Shafts and Cross-Connections Loads and Forces
Shaft and cross-connection linings must be designed to sustain all the overburden soil and live
loads and hydrostatic pressure with minimum Factor of Safety of 2.
Shafts inclined more than 45 degrees from the vertical must be designed on the basis of the
tunnel design pressure. Related Considerations

Tunnel Emergency Egress
Tunnel exits for emergency situations can include stations, portals, access shafts and cross-
Tunnel emergency exits complete with fire door rated assemblies should be spaced so that
the distance from any point within a tunnel to an emergency exit is not greater than 380 m,
based on the NFPA 130 Standard for Fixed Guideway Transit and Passenger Rail Systems
2000 edition, unless otherwise approved by the AHJ. Emergency access shafts fitted with
stairs can be considered as an emergency exit.
Means of egress from an underground tunnel section should be spaced so that the distance
from any point within a tunnel to a point of egress is not greater than 245 m, based on the
NFPA 130 Standard for Fixed Guideway Transit and Passenger Rail Systems 2000 edition,
unless otherwise approved by the AHJ. Cross tunnels can be considered as a means of

Emergency Access Shaft Requirements

 In accordance with applicable codes and regulations, hatches on access shafts must be
readily unlatched from the inside of the tunnel by means of panic hardware and opened by
means of a key operated device from outside the tunnel.
 Doors must open in the exit direction at the trackway and surface ground levels.
 Doors must meet the fire rating specified in the local codes.
 Locking devices must be provided with panic hardware.
 Access hatches must be protected from surface water. Measures must be employed to
divert surface water away from the hatches into the drainage system.
 Continuous handrails must be provided on stairways.

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9.7.5 Cut and Cover Loads and Forces
The dead load for structures constructed by the cut and cover method consists of:
 The weight of the basic structure.
 The weight of the earth cover supported by the top of the structure acting as a simple
gravity load.
 The weight of secondary elements permanently supported by the structure.
The design unit weight of soil to be used is approximately 2000 kg/cu. m, or as recommended
by the geotechnical consultant.
The dead load should be applied in stages to duplicate the life history of the designed
structure. For example, removal of the earth cover from a pre-stressed concrete span at
some future date may create a serious upward deflection problem and should be analyzed as
a separate loading condition.
In general, most cut and cover structures within public right-of-way should be designed for
actual cover depth or for an assumed minimum cover depth of 2.5 m when the actual cover
depth is less than 2.5 m. If the structure supports a roadway (i.e. the roadway elevation is the
control feature) then the design should be based on the actual depth of cover that can be
The horizontal earth pressure applied to the structures is to be calculated using the criteria of
CAN/CSA S-6: Design of Highway Bridges. If the Consultant is of the opinion that an
alternative approach to estimating the horizontal earth pressure is appropriate for the structure
under consideration, approval of the proposed method is to be obtained from ETS.
For any roadway live load that will be applied to the underground structure, the distribution of
the live load over area of the structure, in varying depth of soil conditions, must follow the
requirements specified by CAN/CSA S-6.
The following loading combinations should be the minimum considered for design (unless
modified in consultation with ETS), with the structural members being proportioned for the
most severe conditions:
Case 1: Full vertical and full horizontal loading
Case 2: Full vertical loading with full horizontal loading on one side and one
half horizontal loading on the other side
Case 3: Full vertical loading with half horizontal loading on both sides Additional Design Considerations
The design of cut and cover structures should be fully compatible with the proposed method of
construction. For example, for single or double box sections, the permanent slabs and wall
may also form the temporary supports for the excavation.
Before proceeding with final design, the proposed method and sequence of construction
should be submitted to ETS for approval. Any constraints that the design may place on the
construction sequence should also be identified and resolved prior to the commencement of
final design.
Unless constraints dictate otherwise, the thickness of walls and slabs of underground box
structures carrying LRT tracks should be a minimum of 600 mm. If this thickness has to be
reduced, special measures must be adopted to ensure the water-tightness and long-term
durability of the structure.

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To promote water-tightness and structural integrity, joints that allow movement (construction,
expansion, contraction) should be carefully designed and located. At *locations where there
are major changes in the structure section, a construction joint should be provided.
*Note: Examples are - connecting a cut and cover structure to a station structure, or connecting a cut
and cover structure to an open cut structure.
Where a box section meets a station section, the connection should be designed either to
absorb any differential movements or to transmit the forces that may occur under any design
conditions. Again achieving water-tightness is of utmost importance.
To control shrinkage stresses, and thus minimize cracking, cast-in-place monolithically poured
concrete slabs and walls contraction joints should be provided at a maximum spacing of 15 m.
Construction joints must have reinforcing steel continuous across the joint, keys, roughened
surfaces, or other positive means of shear transfer in all exterior structural elements in contact
with soil or rock. Non-metallic water stops must be provided at the construction joint.
Temperature and shrinkage reinforcement must be installed continuously in all walls and slabs
of these underground structures.
Membrane waterproofing or similar approved systems should be provided over entire cut and
cover structures. Refer to Section for other seepage control considerations. All
boundary condition details, such as flashing and laps must be carefully designed.
9.7.6 Portals
Tunnels and box section entrance portals must be designed in a manner that minimizes the
rate-of-change of pressure on an LRT train as it passes through the portal. The pressure rise
is a function of both the cross-sectional area of the portal entrance and the entrance speed of
the train. The higher the train speed the higher the pressure on the train. The length of the
transitional section also has to be factored in.
There are several acceptable approaches available for the design of the transition to the portal
as follows:
Flared Transition
The increase in cross-sectional area approximates the cross-section of a 6 degree conical
flare starting at the constant area section of the tunnel or box interface (portal end) and
extending through to the portal opening.
Tapered Slot
In this configuration, the top and vertical sides of the portal structure are designed without a
flare. A tapered slot is provided in the ceiling of the portal.
In general, the following conditions do not require special transition portal sections:
 Tunnels less than 61 m in length
 Portals at underground stations
 Single track SEM tunnels with an LRT train design speed of 72 km/h or lower
 Box sections and single track circular tunnels with an LRT train design speed of 64 km/h
or lower

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9.7.7 Temporary Live Loads

The City may receive requests from crane operators wanting to position their equipment over
built LRT tunnels, underground stations or related underground facilities for the purpose of
lifting materials or heavy equipment onto private development located adjacent the
underground LRT alignment.
To assist City officials in accommodating these requests structural designers for the LRT
underground structures are required to:
 Design underground facilities to accommodate most normal loads of this type.
 Identify if this provision is not feasible and/or is cost prohibitive.
 Identify in their design notes the maximum allowable point loading the LRT facility is
designed for.
Any possible negative impact to adjacent existing private and/or public structures (including
LRT) and facilities due to proposed LRT construction must be investigated early in the design
Some of the major influencing factors that may affect the design are:
 Construction clearances to on-track or road vehicles
 Potential ground settlement caused by construction activities
 Temporary or permanent support or protection of the existing structures
 The effect of noise and vibration during construction.
9.8.1 Support General Requirements
The structural consultant, in conjunction with the geotechnical consultant must review all
existing structures that are adjacent to or over the proposed LRT construction. Designed
solutions must be prepared for their protection and/or permanent support and underpinning,
where justified.
The design of underground structures must consider the surcharge load that can be applied
due to adjacent foundations of existing buildings or structures. Consideration must be given to
the maximum and minimum loads that can be transferred to the proposed structure. The
design loads can be assumed to be the same as for those for which the adjacent existing
structure was designed. If this information is not readily available, the load provisions in the
ABC or the actual weights and the heaviest occupancy for which the building is suitable, can
be used.
Additional factors that should be considered in establishing the loading conditions for the
proposed structure are:
 Any clauses or conditions from agreements with adjacent property owners, pertaining to
loading conditions of structures that pass beneath or adjacent to their properties or
 The potential for future building construction on the adjacent site.
The cost of underpinning work together with the associated insurance and easement costs
can be significant. The Consultant should review with ETS the alternative of purchasing
outright the structure to be underpinned with the option of reselling the property after the
completion of the LRT project. Chapter 3 Clearances and Right-of-Way sets out the general
requirements for setting ROW limits and the acquisition of privately owned property.

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Remedial support measures for adjacent buildings may be required when the following
conditions are evident:
 The building extends significantly over the proposed LRT structure and must be
temporarily supported during construction and then is permanently underpinned.
 The building is immediately adjacent to the LRT structure and requires underpinning. This
in turns acts as a retention structure for the sides of the LTR structure excavation.
 The lowering of the ground water may cause settlement of buildings both adjacent to, or
some distance away from the cut and cover or tunneled excavation.
 Historical or other sensitive buildings that are in close proximity and it has been deemed
necessary that temporary and / or permanent support measures are required.
9.8.2 Support Methods
Methods used to protect existing buildings or structures are influenced by local soil conditions
and the construction method to be utilized for the LRT structure. The geotechnical consultant
must be consulted and provide advice on the selection of the most appropriate method.
The typical support measures that are generally considered are described in the following
sections. Piles
Piles used in the underpinning of building foundations, should, in general, extend below a
sloped line drawn from the side of the excavation at a point 1.0 m below sub-grade elevation
to the intersection with the vertical projection of the underpinned building foundation, or to
sound bearing material, whichever is greater. The slope of this line must be determined in
consultation with the geotechnical consultant. Excavation Support
Under some soil conditions, the support system installed for the excavation will be sufficient to
protect light-weight structures.
Under heavier loading conditions the following methods may be considered as alternatives to
underpinning or to avoid settlement if dewatering is required:
 Reinforced concrete cut-off wall, constructed in short clay-slurry-filled (slurry wall)
 Bored pile sections (tangent or secant pile walls) braced with preloaded struts Bracing
A tight bracing system is required to minimize any movement of the temporary support. The
Consultant must indicate any special requirements and procedures for the installation and
removal of the support system. Soil Stabilization
In general, the application of techniques such as freezing and chemical injection for the
stabilization of soil under buildings should be subject to a detailed analysis. Proposed
solutions using this technique must be reviewed with the geotechnical consultant. If the
proposed technique is considered to be a viable cost-effective solution, approval for its
implementation must first be obtained from ETS prior to the commencement of final design.

Final Issue July 2017 9.16



The design of structures to accommodate the LRT trackway, over public or privately owned
buried structures such as utilidors or pedways must conform to the Canadian Highway Bridge
Design Code, CAN/CSA S-6, AREMA, and the ABC.
The basic design loadings must include the following:
 225 mm ballast plus ties, snow load and LRV and Work Train loadings
 Any other loads as required by the applicable codes and standards
In addition to the load combinations specified by the codes and standards, the Consultant
must consider the following load combinations to determine the worst load case scenario.
 For LRV (1) 1.25 x DL + 1.3 (1.6 x LL)
(2) 1.25 x DL + 1.3 (1.0 x DR)
 For Work Train (1) 1.25 x DL + 1.3 (1.6 x LLw)
(2) 1.25 x DL + 1.3 (1.0 x DRw)
DL = Dead Load
LL = Weight of LRV
DR = LRV derailment load = 2xLL
LLw = Weight of Work Train
DRw = Work Train derailment load = 1.5xLL
Impactor Factor = 1.6
Dynamic Factor = 1.3
 The deflection limit of structures must be 1/800.
All loads related to LRT operation must be supported by structures independent of the buried
structure. The loads cannot be transmitted to the buried structure.
Where the LRT and a roadway both cross the underground structure, the support structure
must be designed to accommodate the highway loading if it has been determined it is the
most severe loading condition.
There may be properties where the LRT has been constructed below ground, but the surface
or air rights are available for private development.
There are many variables that are required to be taken into consideration when designing
structures constructed over existing LRT facilities.
These include: the type of LRT structure; construction methodology used; depth of the
structure; soil characteristics of the location; proximity to major utilities, etc. These are largely
site dependent and therefore it is not possible to establish a general guideline that describes
the design of building structures that are acceptable for development over underground LRT
structures. Each location must be analyzed on an individual basis.
This procedure outlines the City requirements when responding to inquires regarding possible
construction over underground LRT structures.
In general, developers interested in such property have the responsibility of making
themselves aware of the location, type of LRT structure and construction methodology,
geotechnical conditions and related underground utilities that exist for the site being
considered for development.

Final Issue July 2017 9.17


The Developer, and their consultants, are to familiarize themselves with the existing LRT
structure and services by conducting a thorough review of existing record drawings (where
available), including carrying out a non-destructive inspection as necessary. Responsibility for
verifying the existing information remains with the Developer and their consultants.
Specifically, a qualified registered professional engineer, retained by the Developer, must
carry out an analysis of the site that identifies the following:
 Increases in the structural loading on the existing LRT structure and measures that are
required to support the additional loads.
 Vibration impacts that may be detrimental to the existing facility or its operation and how
they can be mitigated.
 Impacts that negatively affect the thermal or moisture resistance of the existing facility and
associated remedial measures that are required.
 Impact on both LRT related buried utility services and other utility lines that may be in
close proximity to the structure.
 Other factors that could affect the operations of the existing LRT facility in any other
In addition, the Developer is responsible for identifying the measures that are required to
ensure that the proposed development will not be affected by LRT operations (i.e. train
vibration, etc.) within the existing LRT facility.
All of these activities must be carried out in accordance with the latest applicable codes,
standards and regulations including the Alberta Building Code.
The Developer is responsible for providing drawings and related engineering and test results
to the City for the City’s review. All costs associated with the preparation of the forgoing
documents will be the Developer’s responsibility.
ETS, on behalf of the City, reserves the right to accept or reject the proposal of the developer.
The City may retain services of a qualified third party to undertake an independent
assessment to assist in making its decision. The costs of third party services would be borne
by the City.
If the development proposal is acceptable, the City will require the Developer to enter into a
Development Agreement specifying all terms and conditions pertaining to the proposal.
Refer to the Design Guidelines given in Section 9.10. For the most part they are applicable to
this scenario as well.

Final Issue July 2017 9.18

Chapter 10 – Revision Tracking Form


Chapter 10
2017 EDITION – Revisions Tracking Form
Section Reference Revision General Description Issue Date
st 1 paragraph Added text to give consideration to escalator July 2017
maintainability 1st paragraph Added preference to provide space for 2nd

elevator 3rd bullet Added requirement to provide grade to promote

drainage of pedways/covered areas 2nd bullet Added requirement for electrical outlets at


3rd bullet Added requirement for twist lock outlets in public

spaces Doors Added requirement for lite in door Doors Added requirement for lite in door Train Operator Added requirement for drinking water spigot


Public Added requirement to consider maintenance of

Washrooms drainage system

Public Added preference for single occupancy unisex

Washroom washrooms

Public Added requirement for doorway sensor


10.6.4 2nd paragraph Revised reference to Chapter 8

10.7.1 14 bullet Added requirement for Park and Ride signage

10.7.2 Clock tower Removed references to prototype clock tower.

Comfort and Corrected spelling of ‘adjacent’; revised reference

Convenience – to Chapter 8
6th bullet

10.10 1st paragraph Revised reference to Chapter 8 9th bullet Added requirements for sealer Acoustical Corrected spelling of ‘public’; revised reference to

Treatment – 1st Chapter 8
paragraph C-Cure Revised reference to Chapter 8



10.1  GENERAL 1 
10.1.1  Introduction 1 
10.1.2  Applicable Codes, Standards, Policies and Reference Guidelines 1 
10.1.3  Definitions 2 
10.2.1  General 4 
10.2.2  Interchange Function 4 
10.2.3  Accessibility 5 
10.2.4  Fare Payment 5 
10.2.5  Passenger Safety and Security 5 
10.2.6  Architectural 6 
10.2.7  Lighting 6 
10.2.8  Artwork 6 
10.2.9  Landscaping 6 
10.3.1  Location 7 
10.3.2  Access and Egress 7 
10.3.3  Emergency Egress/Exiting 8 
10.3.4  Vertical Circulation 11 
10.4.1  Platform 15 
10.4.2  Roofs 19 
10.4.3  Sheltered Enclosures 20 
10.4.4  Service Area/Room Requirements 21 
10.4.5  Transit Centre Facility 25 
10.5.1  General 25 
10.5.2  Fare Equipment Types 25 
10.5.3  Fare Equipment Placement 27 
10.5.4  Central Data Collection and Information System 27 
10.5.5  Interfacing Requirements 28 
10.5.6  Power Supply 28 
10.5.7  Conduit, Cabling Requirements 28 
10.5.8  Anchorage Requirements 28 
10.5.9  Design References 29 
10.6.1  Artwork 29 
10.6.2  Concession Booth or Kiosks 30 
10.6.3  Vending and Electronic Equipment 30 
10.6.4  Pay Telephones 31 
10.6.5  Furniture Items 31 
10.6.6  Bicycle Racks 32 

Final Issue July 2017 I


10.7.1  Types of Signage – Summary 32 

10.7.2  Branding 33 
10.11.1  Design Objectives 35 
10.11.2  Basic Materials 36 
10.11.3  Colour 38 
10.11.4  Finishes 38 
10.11.5  Specialties 41 
10.11.6  Doors and Windows 42 
10.11.7  Hardware 45 
10.11.8  Gates (Type I and II Stations) 46 
10.11.9  Office Furnishings 46 
10.12.1  Type I Roof Structures 47 
10.12.2  Type I and Type II Station Walls 47 
10.12.3  Above Grade Structures (Type I Entranceways, Type II and III Roofs) 47 
10.12.4  Drainage 48 
10.13  ADVERTISING 48 
10.13.1  General 48 
10.13.2  Location Criteria 49 
10.13.3  Advertising Panel Frames 49 
10.13.4  Lighting 49 
10.13.5  Digital Display 49 
10.13.6  Maintenance and Performance Criteria 49 
10.13.7  Future Requirements 49 

List of Figures
Figure 10.1 – Stair Detail
Figure 10.2 – Escalator Guard
Figure 10.3 – Platform Tactile Warning Strip
Figure 10.4 – Ticket Vending Machine
Figure 10.5 – Fare Validator Stand
Figure 10.6 – Ticket Vending Machine Anchoring Detail
Figure 10.7 – Bike Stand
Figure 10.8 – Typical Clock Tower
Figure 10.9 – Typical Information Panel Layout
Figure 10.10 – Garbage / Recycling Receptacle
Appendix I – Basics for Platform Widths
Appendix I – Electrical/Mechanical Service Room Sizes
Appendix I – Risk Assessment Criteria for Placement of Garbage / Recycling

Final Issue July 2017 II



10.1.1 Introduction
This chapter presents the specific guidelines, and criteria that are needed by consultants to
carry out the preliminary and final design of the many components and elements of LRT
stations and other building-type structures on Edmonton’s LRT system.
Note: The standardization of elements and station identity are two important elements related to station
design. Design consultants are requested to inspect existing LRT stations to acquaint themselves with
these elements.
The emphasis placed in previous editions of the LRT guidelines was the presentation of
design guidelines and criteria for underground tunnels and complex underground and surface
For the foreseeable future, LRT extensions will be more “urban-style” in nature, as they will be
constructed on surface, beside, or within the medians of arterial roadways and adjacent to
established residential, commercial and institutional communities. Stations will be required to
be more “neighborhood” friendly with special attention placed on their careful integration into
adjacent communities. This edition of the Guidelines incorporates the design variances
approved and issues dealt with during the design phase of the NLRT extension to NAIT.
The following major topics are included in this chapter:
Applicable Codes, Standards and Related Guidelines
Design Principles
Site, Access and Circulation
Structures and Shelters
Fare Collection Equipment
Station Amenities and Furniture Branding
Signage and Branding
Materials and Finishes
For the details of the station electrical, mechanical and communication components the
Consultant should refer to the appropriate chapters in the Guidelines covering these topics as
indicated later in this chapter.
Other documents providing design guidelines and criteria, and standards for specific
components such as signage and graphics, transit centres etc. are also available for reference
during the engineering and design phase.
All disciplines are required to closely coordinate their design activities with each other to
ensure that the many different station elements are properly interfaced.

10.1.2 Applicable Codes, Standards, Policies and Reference Guidelines

Unless stated otherwise, stations and their related ancillary facilities must be designed to meet
all requirements of the latest edition of all applicable federal, provincial, and municipal codes
and regulations.
Alberta Building Code (ABC)
Alberta Barrier-Free Design Guide - Alberta Safety Codes Council

Final Issue July 2017 10.1


CSA Safety Code for Escalators – B44-00

Edmonton Design Committee Bylaw 14054
Elevators and Fixed Conveyance Act
National Building Code (NBC)
National Energy Code (NEC)
Zoning Bylaw 12800 (Landscaping Provisions)
Standards and Policies
Accessibility to City of Edmonton Owned and Occupied Buildings
Canadian Painting Contractors Specification Manual
City of Edmonton Policy C458C - Percent for Art to Provide and Encourage Art in
Public Places
City of Edmonton Specifications for LRT Elevators and Escalators
ETS Accessible Transit Instruction
ETS Signage Standards – Light Rail Transit Graphic Standards Manual
ETS Transit Centre Design Guidelines, February 2011
NFPA 14 - Standard for the Installation of Standpipe, Private Hydrants, and Hose
NFPA 130, Fixed Guideway Transit and Passenger Rail Systems
Quality Standards for Architectural Woodwork (AWMAC)
Reference Guidelines
Accessibility and Design Guidelines for the Visually Impaired
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
APTA Guidelines for the Design of Rapid Transit Facilities
APTA Heavy Duty Escalator Design Guideline
Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) Principles
Design Guide for a Safer City – City of Edmonton Sustainable Development
i. While LRT stations fall under the definition of buildings in the Alberta Building Code some of their
operational characteristics do not coincide with normal building functions. Where no provisions are
made in the codes for particular features of design, or where the code provisions are not
applicable, the best professional design practice must be followed with the Owner's prior approval.
ii. There may be instances where the Consultant is of the opinion the code requirement should be
relaxed or a variance is justified. These situations must be reviewed, first with ETS as the Owner
and second with the City of Edmonton Planning and Development Department, the approving
iii. The Consultant must resolve any conflicts between applicable codes.
10.1.3 Definitions
A LRT Station is a facility where LRT Trains stop to pick up or drop off riders. It primarily
consists of a platform area for passenger loading/unloading, fare equipment, and information
on train arrivals and departures. Other related components may include; service areas, stairs,
ramps, escalators, elevators, advertising, and passenger amenities, etc. Stations can be fully
enclosed, partially covered with simple roof design or fully open. They can be located
underground, elevated, or at grade (surface), and can be within exclusive use, semi-exclusive
use or shared use right-of-way.
On Edmonton's System, LRT stations are classified as followed:
Type I Station (Underground) is constructed fully underground with the LRT tracks leading to
and from the station located in tunnels. It may or may not be a terminal/transfer station (refer
to definition below). The majority of the existing underground stations in Edmonton make
provision for walk-on passengers only.

Final Issue July 2017 10.2


Type II Station (Terminal/Transfer) is normally a surface station providing interchange or

transfer capability with bus transit or other modes. This type of station may or may not have a
vertical circulation component connecting the platform to the transfer area or facility.
Examples of Terminal/Transfer stations are the existing Belvedere and Clareview Stations.
Type III Station (Neighborhood) is a simple surface station, normally located in a suburban
area, servicing primarily LRT walk-on passengers from adjacent communities. In most
instances, terminal or transfer facilities are not provided however bus stops may be located in
close proximity. Only a few of the components as described previously may be incorporated.
Elevators or escalators are not provided. An example is Belgravia McKernan Station.
Type IV Station (Elevated) is located above ground level. The LRT tracks leading to and
from the stations are located on an elevated guideway or structure. No elevated stations have
been constructed on Edmonton's LRT System and none are anticipated. Therefore, detailed
guidelines for elevated stations have not been included in this edition of the Guidelines.
Platform is that portion of the station directly adjacent to the tracks where trains stop to load
and unload passengers. The platform height *currently conforms to the existing high-level
loading LRV’s. There are two basic types of platform configuration: center loading with the
platform located between each set of tracks, and side loading, with the platforms located on
the outside of each set of tracks. Only center loading platforms have been constructed on
Edmonton’s LRT System.
*Note: ETS is considering the implementation of low-level loading LRV’S for future LRT extensions into
other quadrants of the City. To accommodate this loading configuration Design Guidelines for stations
with low platforms will have to be developed and issued to station designers, prior to preliminary
Ancillary Facilities are those facilities, buildings, or structures adjacent to or directly linked to
LRT stations. They can also be stand-alone facilities or structures located within or adjacent
to the LRT ROW.
They can include:
 Pedestrian overpass or underpass structures (pedways)
 Passenger shelter structures
 Structures containing mechanical, electrical, communications or other service equipment
 Traction Power or Booster Substation Buildings
 Signal equipment enclosures
 Transit centre buildings (shelters)
 Parking areas (surface and in structure)
Note: Design guidelines for some of the above noted facilities are provided in other chapters.
Inter-modal transfer is the movement, or transfer, of passengers from one mode of
transportation such as bus transit to another mode of transportation such as LRT.
Transit Centre is a stopping point for buses and other types of transit service. Passengers
using one type of transit service can transfer to another. For example, bus passengers can
transfer to the LRT at this location if the Transit Centre is combined with a LRT Station.
Park and Ride is a common name for a dedicated parking area for Bus and LRT passengers’
private vehicles. They are generally located adjacent to an LRT Station or Transit Centre.
Parking areas can be either at-grade or multi-level parkade structures.
Passenger Drop-off (sometimes referred to as Kiss and Ride) is a designated drop-off area
for passengers from private vehicles adjacent to a LRT Station or a Transit Centre.
Barrier-Free is a feature of a building and its related facilities whereby it can be approached,
entered and accessed by persons with physical, mental or sensory disabilities.

Final Issue July 2017 10.3


Proof of Payment is the authorization provided to a person for transportation on a transit

vehicle or for access to a proof of payment area. Proof of Payment includes a validated ticket,
a valid pass, a valid transfer, or other valid authorization.
Proof of Payment Area is any portion of ETS property restricted to persons with valid proof of
payment and is designated as proof of payment area with signs posted at the entrances.
Service Vehicles are used by City of Edmonton staff in the performance of maintenance and
operational duties on the LRT and its related facilities.


The following general and detailed design principles apply to the design of new and upgraded
stations on Edmonton’s LRT System.
10.2.1 General
 Protect and enhance where possible existing community qualities and values. Community
access will increase as a result of a station being located within or adjacent to a
 The design should be flexible to suit a wide variation in site conditions and to provide for
future LRT extensions as well as additions/connections to accommodate future
redevelopment of adjacent lands and structures.
 Transit related uses in close proximity to stations should be promoted.
 Analyze the impact of vehicular and pedestrian flows and the effect of adjacent land use
patterns both during and after station implementation with the objective of minimizing
disruption to existing neighborhoods.
 As the time spent by patrons in aggregate is substantial, the environment for patrons
waiting for a LRT train must not only be safe and secure, but should also be enjoyable,
comfortable and informative.
 Elements throughout the entire L.R.T. system should be standardized to the maximum
extent practical to establish an overall identity.
 The standardization of elements such as platform layout, barriers, proof of payment area
layouts, signage, ticket machines, clock towers, elevators, escalators, and finishes further
assists the passenger in their use of the system, and develops economies of scale in
operations and maintenance.
 Notwithstanding the forgoing standardization principle, individual stations should be
recognizable entities to the passenger through the use of different colours, finish materials
and some variation in configuration.
 The design life of stations and ancillary facilities is expected to be as follows:
Type I – 100 Years
Type II and III and Ancillary Facilities – 75 Years
Design procedures will be generally on the conservative side and should utilize materials
and products especially designed to or suited for heavy, prolonged usage.
 In the application of materials and products, strive for minimal maintenance requirements
and ensure that maintenance procedures are as convenient as possible to carry out.

10.2.2 Interchange Function

 Provide a safe, efficient, and convenient station configuration that facilitates the
movement of passengers within the station and from one transit mode to another.
 Provide clear and easily understood transit related information that can be referenced
quickly in order to minimize disorientation.

Final Issue July 2017 10.4


 Loading zones at outlying stations must be provided for DATS and private vehicles
transporting persons with disabilities. The zones are to be located in close proximity to
the transit facility so that safe and convenient access is provided.
 To limit potential liability due to possible increase in the potential for pedestrian accidents,
Park and Ride lots should not be separated from Stations by major roadways.
 Access to transit centres should be controlled in such a manner as to prevent private
vehicular traffic from entering the bus transit operating areas.
 The pedestrians' walk between access nodes and the station platform should be direct,
safe, convenient and as short as possible.

10.2.3 Accessibility
 The application of design guidelines and criteria, standards and practices must
accommodate the needs of persons with physical, sensory, and mental disabilities.
 Stations, and their approaches, must facilitate the barrier-free movement of passengers to
and from the LRV and other transportation modes in the most convenient and cost
effective manner possible.
 A minimum of three (3) designated barrier-free parking spaces for the first 100 parking
stalls for self-drive persons with disabilities is to be provided at each Park and Ride lot. To
provide safe and convenient access, these stalls should be located in close proximity to
the station.
 The Consultant should be proactive in the application of barrier-free standards to address
the accessibility concerns of persons with physical, sensory and mental disabilities and
should not wait for changes to the Building Codes.
 The Advisory Board on Services for Persons with Disabilities must review station
preliminary and final design plans as they are developed
Refer to Chapter 15, Accessibility, for accessibility and barrier-free design guidelines and

10.2.4 Fare Payment

 Proof of payment is required before accessing Type I and Type II station platforms.
 For Type III stations, proof of payment is required prior to entering the LRT Trains.

10.2.5 Passenger Safety and Security

 Station shelter structures should have sufficient transparency to provide adequate visual
surveillance of the station area to enhance patron safety and discourage vandalism.
 The patron should have the ability to:
o See and be aware of the surrounding environment through unobstructed
sightlines, adequate lighting and the avoidance or minimization of confined or
hidden areas.
o Be seen by others, so that the feeling of isolation is reduced.
o Communicate, find help, or escape when in danger, through improved signage
and facility designs.
 Security features such as telephones and CCTV surveillance cameras will be an inherent
feature of the station design.
 The design of all station-related public areas (platforms, entrances and passageways,
sidewalks, parking areas) will be subject to a Crime Prevention Through Environment
Design (CPTED) review by the City.
Refer to Chapter 16, Safety and Security for the design guidelines related to LRT passenger
safety and security.

Final Issue July 2017 10.5


10.2.6 Architectural
 The architectural concept of stations should reflect the attributes of simplicity, economy,
functionality, aesthetics, marketability, service-ability and safety and blend in with the local
styles of the adjacent community.
 Create a civic architecture that is permanent, functional, has character and is pleasant, yet
maintains the *LRT system identity and overall line recognition.
*Note: ETS branding policy requires that standard signage and identification methods must be
used. Refer to Section 10.7.
 Develop a family of station parts and amenities that are interchangeable but also allows
for the retention of the individual character of each neighborhood.
 Provide an architectural and urban design framework that defines and encourages joint
development opportunities.
 Materials used for station components and elements should be durable, easy to maintain
and should minimize life cycle maintenance costs.
 Protect passengers from adverse weather conditions.
 Protect passengers from conflicts with vehicular traffic.
 Provide patron seating at shelters and other protected locations on the platform.

10.2.7 Lighting
 The lighting colour spectrum should be as close to natural light as possible to bring out the
true colour of objects.
 Lighting should be constant, uniform, and diffused. Glare should be minimized.
 Lighting, particularly interior lighting, should be instant on to enable immediate recovery
after a power outage.
 The lighting design must promote safety by identifying and properly illuminating areas and
elements of potential hazard.
 Pedestrian access lighting should provide well-defined walkways, crosswalks, ramps,
stairs, and bridge corridors.
 Platform edges, shelters, seating areas, fare collection equipment areas, ramps and
stairs, LRT and bus loading areas, pedestrian walkways and crossings, parking areas and
wayfinding signage must be appropriately illuminated.
 Light trespass into adjacent neighborhoods areas should be minimized.
 Light fixtures and standards should be incorporated into the architectural elements of the
stations as much as possible.
Design Guidelines for Lighting and recommended illumination levels are presented in Chapter
11, Electrical Systems Section 11.10.
10.2.8 Artwork
 Artwork is to be incorporated into eligible public areas of LRT facilities in accordance with
the City’s Percent for Art Policy.
Artwork Guidelines are presented in Section 10.6.1.

10.2.9 Landscaping
 Landscaping is to be in accordance with the LRT Planning Principles, meet the
requirements of the City of Edmonton Zoning By-law 12800. Locate trees and shrubs so
sightlines are not obscured or hiding places created.
 Relocate trees and shrubs when practicable to do so. If they cannot be relocated, the
replacement value of the trees and shrubs must be borne by the LRT project budget.
Landscape Guidelines are presented in Chapter 14, Impact Mitigation, Aesthetics and ROW
Control, Section 14.3.

Final Issue July 2017 10.6



10.3.1 Location
The general location of a station is determined during the Conceptual Planning phase of the
development of the LRT alignment taking into account a wide range of factors and restrictions
that are assessed at the planning level of detail.
The location of the station platform, its length and whether it is staged (5 car verses 4 car) is
determined during the preliminary engineering phase of the track alignment design. Refer to
Chapter 4, Track Alignment, Sections and for horizontal and vertical alignment
guidelines at stations.
10.3.2 Access and Egress
There are three distinct user groups that must be considered in the design of the pedestrian
circulation patterns: regular LRT patrons, infrequent users, and persons (users) with
disabilities. These groups access the system in the following ways:
 Regular patrons move quickly with a minimum of guidance.
 Infrequent users move easily but with heavy reliance on signage for guidance.
 Persons with disabilities move more slowly with guidance required depending on the
frequency of use and degree of disability.
The design of stations must accommodate the varying demands of these user groups. General Requirements
 Entranceways must be laid out to avoid queuing. If doors are required their widths should
be equal to the number of pedestrian traffic lanes of the access corridor.
 All ramps, stairs, and passageways (including escalators, and elevators, if required),
should be located to provide safe convenient, direct access to and from the station.
 Provide a minimum of two points of access to the platform.
 For Type I and Type II stations, all passenger access to the platform will be provided
through designated fare collection or prepaid entry areas. For Type III stations this
requirement will be relaxed (refer to Section 10.2.4).
 For Type I and Type II stations all passenger access facilities to the platform may be
grade separated from train movements. Access facilities to the platform for Type III
stations will be at-grade unless otherwise directed.
 Passenger circulation routes should be direct. Disorientating turns, blind corners,
unnecessary barriers, bottlenecks and areas of congestion should be avoided.
 A right-hand flow throughout the station is preferred, as people naturally tend to keep to
the right.
 Cross flow of passengers is highly undesirable and should be avoided. Avoid cross-
circulation at fare collection and decision points.
 Dead-ends and unnecessary turns should be avoided at all times.
 Surge and queuing spaces must be provided ahead of every barrier and where there is a
change in direction, circulation, or modal transfer.
 Provide adequate space so that queues at fare collection areas do not block passenger
 Locate passageways, shelters, stairways, etc., to encourage balanced train loading and
unloading. Passengers tend to board at such connection points on the platform. Barrier-Free Requirements
For most barrier-free provisions applicable to stations the Consultant should refer to the
Alberta Barrier-Free Design Guidelines, the Alberta Building Code, and Chapter 15

Final Issue July 2017 10.7


Accessibility. ETS has also developed additional requirements that must be considered.
These requirements are:
 The provision of well lit, distinguishable, barrier-free walks and pathways
 At least one barrier-free entrance provided at every station
 Stations should strive for the same general layout features to permit patron familiarity
 To access the station platform, persons with disabilities must be provided with the
following facilities:
o Ramps for Type II and III stations in accordance with guidelines in Section
o Elevators for Type I and Type II stations
In addition to the forgoing, the following features will be provided on the platform:
 Audio train arrival announcements
 TTY phone on platform of Type III station. TTY phone at concourse level of Type I and II
stations. All phones to be of low level height.
 Low level Public Pay Phone(s) with variable volume level control.
 Designated wheel chair stalls are required in platform shelters (the number of stalls to be
confirmed by ETS)
 Platform / shelter seating to be provided with arm rests

10.3.3 Emergency Egress/Exiting

Emergency egress / exiting must conform to the provisions of the latest editions of the
National Building Code and the Alberta Building Code.
In addition the following is required:
 Egress / exiting must be coordinated with the Transportation Department and the City
Planning and Development Department.
 All facility designs must be approved by the Sustainable Development Department. The
Department interprets the provisions of the ABC, which applies, with a few exceptions, to
all LRT facilities (refer to Chapter 1 General, Section Alberta Building Code (ABC) Limitations

In general, applying the technical provisions of the ABC to LRT facilities is fairly straight
forward. However, applying the requirements of the Use and Occupancy regulations can be
problematic. These regulations cannot be directly applied to transit facilities due to the
following problems:
 Definition of *occupancy loads and the resulting units of exit width to be provided.
 Exit lengths from platform level to grade level are not defined.
 Presence of dead end condition on platforms.
 Use of tunnels as emergency exits.
 Use of open stairways as exits from platform level to grade level.
 Requirements for persons with disabilities.
 Provision of access measures by Emergency Response Department personnel.
 Recognition of the special security measures that are provided in LRT facilities
*Note: Occupancy loads in LRT stations, based on the emergency condition requiring evacuation of that
station to a point of safety, are a function of train-carrying capacities not platform areas which are
categorized as “places of assembly” (NFPA 130 Appendix C – Emergency Egress).

Final Issue July 2017 10.8

STATIONS AND ANCILLARY FACILITIES The Basis of City of Edmonton Exiting Criteria

To address the ABC occupancy problem areas the City utilized the *APTA Guidelines and
Principles for the Design of Rapid Transit Facilities (1973) to determine the exiting
requirements for underground (Type l) stations with centre loading platforms.
*Note: Originally they were referred to as the Institute for Rapid Transit Guidelines and Principles (refer
to Chapter 1 General, Section 1.1.4).
The application of the APTA guidelines and principles presented below are based on the
Transportation Department assumption that the average train load entering and leaving the
station platform over a peak five (5) minute period under normal conditions is 1000
passengers (two 5-car trains arriving simultaneously at the platform and discharging 100
passengers from each car).
For a side loading platform configuration the number of passengers disembarking from a 5-car
train on each platform is 500.
APTA Guidelines and Principles
 The design should incorporate sufficient capacity to exit 1000 persons from the platform
within a 3 minute period.
Based on research of the literature, the following assumptions were made for the
calculations that follow:
o Each 1100 mm width of stairway provides an exit capacity of 65 persons per
o Each 1220 mm wide escalator provides an exit capacity of 100 persons per
Notes: One (1) unit of exit width is equivalent to 550 mm as per the ABC.
Stair widths are generally multiples of 550 mm units of exit width.
Escalators are generally built in standard widths of 600 mm, 800 mm, 1000 mm and
1220 mm.
To exit 1000 persons from the platform within 3 minutes, eleven (11) units of exit width are
required as per the following calculation:
Exit rate is 1000/3 min. = 333 persons/min.
Each unit of stair width (550 mm) exits 65/2 = 32 persons x 3 = 96 persons in 3 min.
Therefore, 11 units of exit width are required (1000/96 = 10.4 rounded to 11)
 Based on unidirectional flow/crush load conditions, the following stairway/escalator
combinations were derived:
Calculation 1
Provide 2 – 1220 mm escalators (2 x 100 pers/min. x 3 min. = 600 persons)
Provide 2 – 1100 mm stairs (2 x 65 pers/min. x 3 min. = 390 persons)
= 990 pers exiting in 3 min.
Calculation 2 – As above, but assume one escalator is down for maintenance
Assume 1 – 1220 mm escalators (1 x 100 pers/min. x 3 min. = 300 persons)
Assume 2 – 1650 mm stairs (2 x 107 pers/min. x 3 min. = 642 persons)
= 942 pers exiting in 3 min.
Calculation 3 – Increase stair width in case one escalator is down for maintenance
Provide 2 – 1220 mm escalators (*1 x 100 pers/min. x 3 min. = 300 persons)
Provide 2 – 2100 mm stairs (4 x 65 pers/min. x 3 min. = 780 persons)
= 1080 pers exiting in 3 min.

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*Note: Assume that one escalator is not operational due to maintenance.

Calculation 3 provides the recommended escalator/stair configuration.
 Escalators should be provided based on the following distance criteria:
o One Up escalator if the vertical distance exceeds 3.7 m
o One Down escalator (in addition to the Up escalator) if the vertical distance
exceeds 7.3 m (in addition to the Up escalator)
 The bottom of any stair/escalator combinations should generally approximate the ¼ points
of a 5 car train which is *30.35m. This provides a minimum trip distance for most
*(Length of 5 car train is 5 x 24.284 = 121.42 m/4 = 30.35 m)
 The dead end distance from end of platform to the base of the stair/escalator combination
should not exceed 61 m.
 The location of exits from the concourse to street level are to be decided on an individual
basis considering the following factors:
o Distance of trip from concourse to street level.
o Minimizing the interference with existing roadways and sidewalks and other
physical obstacles.
o The integration with other transportation modes.
 Tunnels cannot be used as emergency exits from station platforms or concourse levels.
 In Types I and II stations, elevators must be installed to provide persons with disabilities
with barrier-free access from the platform to street level.
Other Related Emergency Requirements
 The design of the smoke removal system for underground facilities will require extensive
coordination with ETS Operating and Maintenance Branches and with the City Emergency
Response Department.
 The number and type of separate electrical services must be approved by the Emergency
Response Department. In addition, any temporary fire protection measures necessary to
permit the closing of access routes must be identified, and should be reviewed with the
Emergency Response Department:
Other Related Reference Documents
In addition to the above and the requirements of the ABC, the Consultant should review the
following documents for further information on emergency exiting:
APTA Guidelines for the Design of Rapid Transit Facilities (1991)
*NFPA 130 Standard for Fixed Guideway Transit Systems (1995)
*Note: It is strongly recommended that the Consultant review the NFPA 30 documents due to their
general acceptance by the North American Transit Industry with respect to fire safety issues.
The application of forgoing exiting criteria for Type I and Type ll stations should be reviewed
with ETS early in the design stage and prior to specification development. Special Exiting Considerations
Commercial areas that are planned for incorporation within any LRT facility must be fire
separated from the adjacent station areas. In addition, commercial or retail areas must
independently meet all code requirements. Special attention should be directed to emergency
exiting with respect to underground public retail or commercial areas.

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Exits may converge in fire-protected corridors or zones provided that the units of exit width are
maintained for each occupancy (i.e. units are accumulated at merged exits). Due to design
limitations imposed on an underground structure, ideal locations for exits at street level on City
owned property are not always available.
In cases where exit routes are in or on private property, the following criteria must be
 Agreements must be entered into between the property owner and the City.
 Exit rights are required to be maintained at all times during station or underground
commercial operating hours.
 In the event that re-development takes place, temporary exits must be provided pending
availability of permanent exits in the new facility.
 Exit rights and agreements cannot expire on change of land or building ownership.
 Appropriate cost sharing agreements will be established.
 All agreements affecting the ABC requirements are to be irrevocable.
 Security must be maintained for both the station premises and the privately owned
The ABC must not be violated by any changes to structure location, mechanical and electrical
systems, etc.
10.3.4 Vertical Circulation
This section provides the basic guidelines for vertical circulation conditions relating to
passenger access to and from stations and to LRT trains. Each station will have specific
vertical circulation requirements based on station type, access requirements and grades
established as part of the overall site plan.
Access to stations and ancillary facilities is required to be barrier-free through the use of both
ramps and stairs.
The location of ramps and stair entrances are a function of surface street geometry, land use
requirements, ownership, access traffic needs and station external and internal integration
requirements. Ramps
Generally, for Type lll stations, only ramp access is required at both ends of the platform for
public access. If space permits, also provide a stairway from the platform to ground level next
to the ramp.
Ramps should meet the following general requirements:
 Provide a non-skid surface and a maximum 1:16 slope
 Intermediate landings, or rest areas, a minimum of 1200 mm in length, are to be provided
every 9 m of ramp length. The Consultant must fully justify the deletion of the rest area
where the ramp slope is flatter than 1:20.
 Changes in ramp grades are to be minimized.
 A handrail is to be provided on both sides of ramp 860 mm 60 above ramp finished
surface. A bottom rail, no more than 75mm above finished floor height, is to be provided
to prevent a person’s foot from getting caught between the railing and post. Curbs are not
acceptable in cases where snow removal is required.
 The minimum clear distance between the handrails must be 1.5 m to allow for the passing
of two wheelchairs. Motorized snow removal equipment accessing the ramps is 53.3 cm
in width.
 Covered ramps are preferred. The provision of heated ramps will be evaluated on an
individual ramp basis for each station.

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A grated drainable catchment basin is to be provided at the base of the ramp to trap grit, water
and snow. The Consultant should give consideration to the installation of engineered
prefabricated drain systems.
Standard of Acceptance: Polydrain ABT Inc.
ZURN Industries Inc.
For additional specific barrier-free requirements refer to Chapter 15, Accessibility and the
Alberta Barrier – Free Design Guidelines. Stairs
The preferred rise / run dimensions for both interior and exterior stairways on the Edmonton
LRT System is 165 mm x 305 mm (including nosing) (refer to Figure 10.1 for stairway details).
For additional accessibility features refer to Chapter 15, Accessibility, Section
In addition to ensuring that the applicable code requirements are met the following criteria is to
be incorporated into the interior and exterior stairway design.
 Open risers are not permitted.
 Continuous railings are to be provided on both sides of the stairs.
 Stairs adjacent to an escalator must be parallel to the angle of inclination of the escalator
and sized to have landings at a common level.
A 100 mm wide sweep or cleaning trough on both sides of interior stairways is considered to
be a desirable feature for ease of cleaning.
The design of exterior stairway landing levels should include a grated drainable catchment
basin to trap grit, water and snow. The Consultant should give consideration to the installation
of engineered prefabricated drain systems.
Standard of Acceptance: Polydrain ABT Inc.
ZURN Industries Inc. Railings
 Railings on interior stairs should be stainless steel.
 Interior stair railings should be 30 mm to 40 mm in diameter.
 Railings are required at the platform ends. They should be set back a minimum of 300
mm from the edge of the platform
 Vertical railing supports are to be welded flush to preinstalled embedded anchor plates.
 It is preferred that exterior stair and ramp railings be galvanized. Other coatings are
acceptable as long as they are maintenance free.
For additional specific requirements refer to Chapter 15, Accessibility, Sections and Escalators
Consideration to be given to operating environment and maintainability – entrance grating,
parts storage area, proximity to exterior doorways.
In general the incorporation of escalators into the design of stations with centre loading
platforms is to be based on the following:
Type I Stations
The minimum requirements are:
 Two escalators from platform to concourse level
 At least one escalator from concourse to street level

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The final determination of the number of escalators to be provided will be dependent on

platform to concourse vertical distance, entranceway and interior circulation configuration,
exiting requirements. Reference should be made to Section for additional platform /
escalator interface criteria that should be considered.
Type II Stations
One escalator is the general requirement where the platform is separated from pedestrian
ingress / egress movements to the station. The requirement of additional escalators is to be
evaluated on an individual station basis.
Type III Stations
In general escalators are not provided in Type III stations. The future role of the station and /
or future adjacent development potential may determine if provision should be made for future
All escalators must meet the following general requirements:
 Conform to all applicable Acts and Codes
 Meet the LRT Specification for Escalators
 Be of standard product lines
In addition, they must have the following features:
 A minimum nominal width 1220 mm is preferred (provides 2 units of exit width). Any
proposed reduction to this width will require discussion with and approval by ETS.
 The angle of inclination does not exceed 30 degrees from the horizontal.
 The running headroom is not less than 2200 mm.
 A patron activated emergency control at the top and bottom of the escalator run.
 Although reversing escalators are normally installed, operation will be limited to one
direction only. Where only one escalator is provided, the normal continuous operating
mode is set in the “up” direction. A keying device, used by ETS personnel only, is required
to change direction.
 Be single speed capable of operating with a full load at a speed of 27.5 m per minute
 Comes equipped with an anti-rollback feature.
 Be keyed to match existing escalators in the system.
 A stainless steel handrail (sometimes referred to as an emergency guard) is to be
mounted on the balustrade on the outside of the escalator handrail (refer to Figure 10.2)
 Escalator status to be monitored by the BMS.
It should be noted that glass walled escalators are not acceptable. Passenger Elevators
Space for two elevators should be included at each station to increase flexibility for provision
of access during maintenance periods.
In general, elevators will be provided in stations with centre loading platforms as follows:
Type I Stations
Provide at least one elevator from platform to street level at one end of the station. The
requirement for additional elevators is dependent on entranceway, interior circulation and
accessibility needs.
Type II Stations
As a general requirement, provide at least one elevator where the platform is separated from
pedestrian ingress/egress movements to the station. Each station is to be evaluated on an
individual basis.

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Type III Stations

In general, elevators are not provided in Type III stations. The future role of the station and /
or future adjacent development potential may determine if provision should be made for future
All elevators must meet the following general requirements:
 Conform to all applicable Acts and Codes
 Meet the LRT Specification for Elevators
 Be of heavy duty components and construction
 Be of standard product lines
In addition, they must have the following features:
 Access locations are to be as weather protected as is feasible
 Flooring should have a non-slip surface
 Able to accommodate a minimum capacity of 1134 kg (hydraulic type preferred).
 The minimum inside dimensions must be 2032 mm x 1295 mm. (to accommodate a
 Provision of the following security measures:
o Design to be based on vandal-proof principles
o At least one transparent side to be provided in an elevator car at each stop
o Must be access controlled from the security monitor room.
o Lighting must be covered with a protective transparent shield to prevent
o Maximize the use of graffiti-resistant finish materials in the cab interior
 Machine rooms should be in close proximity to the elevator and need to be acoustically
treated to minimize noise levels.
 Oil heaters are to be installed in the hydraulic elevator storage tank if the elevator is not in
a heated area
 Will be equipped with a self-recharging battery pack which will maintain lighting and return
the elevator to its lowest landing open the doors and render the elevator inoperative in the
event of a power failure.
 All elevator keying must match the keying of the existing elevators within the LRT system.
 Must be equipped with “Home” interface for fire alarm system input signal.
 Must be equipped with a telephone connected with the ETS PABX System operated out of
the Control Centre at Churchill Station. The Elevator telephone should not be located at a
mounting height lower than the lowest push buttons. The Telephone cabinet can be
located opposite the control push buttons.
 The operating status of the elevator is to be monitored by the BMS system.
 Must be accessible and operable by persons with physical, sensory and mental
In addition to the forgoing, refer to Chapter 15 Accessibility, Section for additional
accessibility features. Connecting Links
Connecting linkages into or within a station, not described in the immediate previous sections,
are passageways or corridors that are internal to the station and pedways. Pedway structures
generally connect to station entrances or directly to the station platform and can either be
elevated (overpass) or below grade (underpass).

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The width of passageways for public use will be determined by the calculation of the exiting
requirements. The minimal acceptable width of passageways for non-public use is 900 mm.
For some Type I and Type II station configurations it may be appropriate to consider heating
of public passageways. Also consider heating of non-public corridors accessing service areas
(refer to Chapter 12, Mechanical Systems, Section 12.5).
Public- Use Pedways (Overpass / Underpass)
 The absolute minimum width is 4000 mm.
 The minimum clear height should not be less than 2800 mm, excluding fixtures such as
lights, directional signage and other required installations.
 LRT and pedway overpasses and underpasses must be sufficiently sloped towards drains
or the outdoors so that standing water does not occur.


This section presents the guidelines for the main structural components of a LRT station,
which is comprised of the platform, its roof, passenger shelters and the various ancillary
spaces and rooms that are required to provide a functional station.

10.4.1 Platform
The platform is the key main component of a station. Restrictions to the location of platforms
are governed by the station location as discussed in Section 10.3.1.
Platforms can contain a variety of elements such as passenger shelters, service rooms, fare
collection area and equipment, mobility impaired access equipment (elevators), information
signage and graphics, patron amenities etc. Platform Configuration

Platforms can be either centre loading or side loading, however, a centre platform
configuration is preferred over side platforms because of the efficient and flexible use of the
stairways, escalators and cross platform passenger traffic. Passenger convenience is
generally better with centre loading platforms, with the same platform serving two trains
arriving at the same time.
The size and configuration of the platform is influenced by a number of factors as follows:
 The number of LRV’s per train
 *The length of the train
 Loading arrangements
 Egress / exiting requirements
 Predicted ridership
 Needs of the patron and special user
 The track horizontal and vertical alignment
 The limits of the available LRT ROW
*Note: The length of the LRT train will generally determine the length of the platform. Length
In general, the platform length is to be 123 m. This length is based on 5 car trains operating on
the system in the future. All Type I stations are to be constructed to their ultimate length of
123 m.
If staged, Type II and Type III platforms will be a minimum of 100 m long (to accommodate 4
car trains) with provision made for expansion to the 123 m ultimate length. Whether the

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platform is to be staged or not will be determined during the preliminary engineering phase of
the development of the LRT alignment. Width
The platform width (centre loading) will normally be 8.0 to 9.0 m. Reduced platform widths for
Type III stations may be allowed through the provision of ramps at both ends of the platform
and / or more flexible interpretations of the ABC code interpretations.
For information, the basis for the establishment of the platform widths and existing platform
widths on the Edmonton LRT system is provided in Appendix I.
Factors to Consider When Establishing the Width of Future Centre and Side Loading
 A tactile warning zone 915 mm wide is to be provided at the platform edge (refer to
Section and Figure 10.3).
 A desirable minimum 2500 mm of clear space should be provided between the edge of
the platform and obstructions such as equipment, stairs, escalators, railings, and
structural columns. The absolute minimum clearance is 1700 mm (refer to Figure 3.9).
 For centre loading configuration shelters, equipment and amenities are to be placed in the
centre portion of the platform.
 For side loading configurations shelters, equipment and amenities are to be placed
adjacent to the back wall.
Egress / Exiting Requirements (refer to Section
Stair widths are products of multiples of standard 550 mm units of exit as per the ABC and
escalators are built in standard widths.
Based on the forgoing (For Type I):
Centre loading platforms require a minimum of two exits (5.5 units of exit each x 2 = 11
units of exit)
5.5 units x 550 is equivalent to 3.025 m of width at each end
Each side loading platform requires a minimum of two exits into each or a total of four
exits (3 units x 4 = 12 units of exit)
3 units x 550 mm is equivalent to 1650 mm x 2 = 3.3 m of width each side Platform Height
To handle passenger boarding and alighting from Edmonton’s high-level loading SD LRV’s the
finished platform height above top of rail for all station Types must be -890 mm +5/-15 mm
(refer to Figure 3.9) Platform Drainage
For Type I stations the platform finished surface cross-slope can be flat. The longitudinal
grade will be the same as the track grade (refer to Chapter 4 Track Alignment Section
For Type II and Type III stations the platform finish surface should be crowned at the center,
sloping at a minimum of 2.0% grade to the outer edges allowing water to runoff onto the
trackway. Platform Floor Finish

Special attention must be given to the overall platform finishes to minimize the risk of injury to
the public and to avoid excessive maintenance. To meet this stipulation the following features
are required.
 The finished floor must be specified to have a non-slip surface.

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 Floor colour and texture must be different from the flooring in the areas approaching the
 A tactile warning strip providing a minimum width of 915 mm and comprised of ADA
compliant truncated dome detectable warning surface is to be placed along the trackside
edge of the platform.
Measured from the edge of platform the warning strip consists of: 300 mm unglazed anti-slip
ribbed edge tile; 600 mm ceramic warning tile with a raised dot profile (refer to Figure 10.3).
Standard of Acceptance: Station Stop Ceramiche Caesar
Detailed finish guidelines for platform floors and other floor areas are provided in Section
For additional visibility at the platform edge provide the following:
 Lighting fixtures installed at the ceiling or underside of the roof structure casting
continuous lighting on the platform edge warning strip is a requirement for Type I and
Type ll stations.
 For Type III stations platform lighting requirements will be evaluated on a station to station
The use of tube-type lighting is not permitted. Clearances from Platform

Horizontal and vertical clearance guidelines are given in Chapter 3 – Clearances and Right-of-
Way, Sections They are based on the SD LRV static dimensions (refer to Figures
3.1A and 3.1B) and are summarized below for convenience.
 The clearance distance from centreline of track to the finished edge of platform is 1405 ± 5
 The minimum clearance distance from centerline of track to the inside face of the station
outside wall support foundation is 2300 mm (refer to Figure 3.9).
 The platform must be cantilevered from its supports to provide a continuous 900 mm clear
set-back beneath the outside edge of the platform. This set-back forms a refuge area for
any person who falls from the platform and may be trapped due to a train entering the
station. In special circumstances, subject to the approval of ETS, this set-back may be
encroached upon by intermittent supports or equipment.
Vertical Clearances above Platform Surface
 Any station element that could be targeted for theft or vandalism (e.g. light fixtures,
speakers, CCTV cameras, signage etc.) should be located a minimum of 3050 mm above
the finished platform surface. The possible use of benches, waste receptacles etc. by
vandals to stand on to reach these elements should be considered by the Consultant in
the final placement of all items.
 Horizontal elements such as canopy framework, sign units etc. that could be attractive for
climbing should be located above the 3050 mm minimum distance.
 Vertical elements should be designed to deter climbing. Catenary Clearance Above Track
The minimum vertical clearance distance is governed by the overhead catenary clearance
requirements as outlined in Chapter 6, Traction Power, Section
The absolute minimum distance from the top of rail (TOR) to the underside of the catenary
contact wire support structure is 4200 mm for Type I and Type II stations and in tunnels,
where vertical clearance is normally restricted (refer to Figures 3.10, 3.11, and 3.16).

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For Type III stations (no roof over the trackway) (refer to Figure 3.23) the minimum distance
from top of rail to the underside of the catenary contact wire support is 4800 mm. Trackway Drainage
In Type II and Type III stations, perforated drainage pipe is to be installed on the outside of the
track along the inside of the station wall or ballast curb to divert water runoff from the platform
away from the station footprint (refer to Chapter 12 Mechanical Systems, Section 12.7). Service Outlets
Service outlets required for power, water, and vacuum systems are as follows:
 Electrical – provide 15 A/120 V split receptacles at 20 m intervals under both sides of the
platform overhang.
 Electrical – provide 15 A/120 V split receptacles at all landings of stairs and escalators.
 Electrical – provide twist lock receptacles at locations that are accessible by the public.
 Vacuum outlets (galvanized steel) - provide at 20 m spacing under both sides of the
platform overhang (refer to Chapter 12 Mechanical Systems, Section and Figure
 Water Hose Bibs – provide one (1) tamper proof hose bib near the center of the platform
in Type II and III stations only. If the central location is not feasible, provide a bib at both
ends of the platform. Service/Maintenance Personnel Access Requirements
A minimum of two (2) parking stalls for City operations and maintenance service vehicles are
required at each station in close proximity to a station entrance. Refer to Section for
parking requirements when staff is housed at a station.
Stairway access from the platform to track level must be provided at each end of the platform
for Type I and II stations. For Type I stations, concrete steps should be used. Steel ladder
rung steps should be provided on Type II stations. Ramps for emergency egress by the public
also may be provided. To discourage general use by the public, access must be secured by a
gated barrier. A gate at the platform centre is preferred rather than a swinging gate at the
edge. Platform Crawl Space
The underside of the platform for all station types must be designed to provide an accessible
crawl space for inspection/maintenance purposes. A hatch or doorway at track level is the
preferred access method. The provision of a man-hole type access from the platform finish
surface should be avoided. Lighting adequate for routine maintenance and inspections along
with adequate ventilation must also be provided.
Additional requirements include:
 The provision of drains to intercept any penetrating water
 The placement of a minimal lift (50 mm approx.) of concrete on any exposed soil within
the basement area to reduce the potential for mould formation. Platform Basement Level
Space limitations on the platform level of Type ll and lll stations may require the examination
of providing a basement to house some or all of the service areas that are required. The
placement of electrical and communication rooms in a basement is not acceptable unless
assurance can be provided by the Designer that water will not be able to enter those areas.
All other options must be fully evaluated (economically and functionally) and compared to this
configuration during preliminary engineering. If a basement is to be provided, only stairway

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access is required for Type lll stations. Elevator access may also be a means of access if
included in the design of a Type ll station.
10.4.2 Roofs
Roof structures will be different for each station type as follows: Type I Stations
All existing underground stations are constructed under existing roadways. The station roofs
must be designed to carry the road slab above.
Special waterproofing measures (membranes etc) must be designed and incorporated into the
roof elements to prevent water leakage into the underground station from damaging structural
and finish components (refer Section 10.12.1) Type II Stations

Two types of roof structures can be provided; “enclosed” or “partially” enclosed.
The “enclosed” type covers the platform, station amenities and tracks. It forms an integral part
of the supporting wall structure located on the outside of the tracks. The ends of the station
are open to allow the trains to enter the station area.
Design features that are generally incorporated are:
 The provision of skylights to allow natural daylight to reach the platform surface.
 The provision of roof accessibility systems such as, hatches and retractable ladders, for
cleaning and maintenance.
 Fall protection measures that form a permanent part of the roof structure (refer to Section
 The provision of heat traced (refer to Chapter 11, Electrical Systems, Section 11.8) gutters
and down spouts for roof drainage tied directly into a storm drain.
 The provision of snow stops.
The “partially” enclosed type is comprised of a climate controlled building structure over the
portion of the platform that contains the stairways, escalators, elevator, service rooms and
patron waiting area. In addition, a Type lll “open” style roof as described in the next Section
may cover the rest of the outdoor area of the platform. The tracks are not covered. The
design features listed for the “enclosed” station will, for the most part, apply as well. Type III Stations
The provision of a roof on the neighborhood style of station is optional. If a roof is provided the
station is generally referred to as having an “open style”.
Without Roof
If there is no roof over the platform, sheltered enclosures with roofs are required.
With Roof
The roof can cover the majority or all of the platform area depending on its height above the
platform level. In addition, sheltered enclosures with roofs may be required (refer to Section
Birds, primarily pigeons, roosting on the structural support members of Type II and III roofs are
problematic. The Consultant will consider the use of techniques such as sloping surfaces, bird
nails etc. to deter this activity as much as possible.
Heat traced gutters and down spouts for roof drainage tied directly into a storm drain must be

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The Consultant must evaluate the need for a designed roof access system (refer to Section Fall Protection Measures
For Type II and Type III roof structures that require ongoing cleaning and inspection for
maintenance purposes the Consultant must consider the incorporation of an engineered fall
protection system, where fall protection is required.
 Approved systems are available and should be reviewed by the Consultant for
 The fall protection system must be designed by a specialist consultant with proven
expertise in the design of fall protection systems.
 Convenient and safe access measures and devices, including the provision of a roof
access hatch for service personnel must be considered in the design.
10.4.3 Sheltered Enclosures Entranceways
Sheltered entranceways should be designed to reflect existing adjacent development yet still
maintain the Edmonton LRT system identity. The design should take into account the following
 Be clearly identified with appropriate signage.
 Floors in Type I and II stations must be sloped towards the street to prevent the entry of
water from the outside sidewalk.
 Runoff water from roofs must be directed away from the station entry sidewalk to prevent
ice build-up and slippery conditions.
 For situations where down-ramps or stairways end near a below grade entranceway
drains must be installed in front of the entranceway doors (refer to Section for
acceptable drainage systems.
 Type I and Type II station entranceways must be equipped with lockable self-closing
doors to provide security and prevent the entry of rain and snow.
 Overhead electric infrared, gas space heaters, steam or hot water piping and forced air
are acceptable heating methods for Type I and Type II station entranceways.
 Incorporate the provisions of the Alberta Barrier-Free Design Guide.
In addition to the forgoing refer to Chapter 15, Accessibility, Section for additional
accessibility features.
For the construction of Type I, or below grade Type II and III entranceways, techniques must
be utilized that will prevent structural damage due to the penetration of ground water.
Specifically these techniques should:
 Minimize differential settlements between the entranceway and the station substructures.
 Maintain the integrity of the waterproofing membrane between the two substructures. Shelters on Platforms
Sheltered enclosures, preferably with roofs, to protect waiting patrons from wind, rain and
snow must be provided on all Type lll station platforms. Shelters or vestibules may also be
required on Type ll “enclosed” platforms.
The number of shelters to be provided and their size will be dependent on the following
 Degree of overhead protection.
 Orientation of the platform to prevailing winds.

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 Whether the station is adjacent to a Transit Centre and whether the Transit Centre is
designed to accommodate High Speed Transit or regular bus transit.
 Projected Transit Centre passenger loadings.
 Whether the platform is staged (i.e. to be expanded to a full 5-car length at a later date).
 Area required for signage, fare equipment and communication devices.
 Amount of interior bench seating including the provision of spaces for persons in
wheelchairs required.
 Bench seating should also to be placed in open platform areas subject to space
availability. Further details on benches are provided in Section
The following features must be considered in the design development:
 Heated shelters are preferred.
Both overhead electric infrared and gas heaters are acceptable as heating devices,
however gas is preferred if the shelter has no roof. If gas heaters are selected they must
have burners that will resist wind blow-out. Heaters will be automatic thermostatically
controlled by the BMS system including manual override control (refer to Chapter 8,
Communications, Section
Consideration should also be given to the placement of heaters in other areas of the
platform waiting area particularly in the vicinity of fare equipment.
 Where stairs, escalators and elevators are provided, enclosures or shelters should be
incorporated into the platform design to keep these conveyances free from intrusion from
snow, ice, rain and wind (refer to Section
 Roofed shelters should include heat traced gutters and downspouts (hidden from view)
tied into platform.
 Shelter walls should be made flush with the platform (no air gap). Provision must be
made to ensure drainability (for cleaning).

10.4.4 Service Area/Room Requirements

All stations require rooms or dedicated areas; for housing a variety of equipment and related
material, for storage of cleaning materials, washrooms, concession booths or kiosks, ETS
staff, cash vaults etc. The requirement for these facilities will be determined on an individual
station basis by the Consultant, in conjunction with ETS.
Where required, the specific requirements are: Electrical/Mechanical Equipment Rooms

 Electrical Service Rooms - Two types of rooms may be required; one to house high
voltage equipment, the other to house all other electrical equipment.
Note: If possible, locate the UPS in its own room.
 Communication Service Room - CCTV and PA racks, telephone system backboards and
other communications related equipment. Room must be air conditioned.
 Signal Equipment Room - Signal relay and signal power equipment. Room must be air
 Traction Power Substation/Booster Substation Room – High voltage transformers,
switchgear, rectifiers etc.
Note: The TPSS can be a stand-a-lone building or a room in a station. Chapter 6, Traction Power
provides the guidelines for this facility.
 Mechanical Service Rooms - Pumps, fans, motors,
 Vacuum room – houses a central vac system. A separate room at platform level is
preferred (refer to Chapter 12, Mechanical Systems Section 12.3.4).

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 Elevator Machine Room

All service rooms must be painted (refer to Section and must be fire alarmed. Fit
doors with sidelites or windows if doors swing outwards on to platform.
Refer to Appendix II for typical room sizes. Utility/Janitorial Storage (All Station Types)
This room is required for storage of cleaning supplies and related equipment and should be
located at platform level. Fit doors with sidelites or windows if doors swing outwards on to
platform. Provision in Type III stations will be determined by ETS. Where provided, the
following services / appurtenances are required:
 Electrical service for the charging of battery operated portable equipment.
 Water service
 Built-in shelving or cabinets
 Wash-basin built into a counter or vanity
 Mop sink with appropriately sized backsplash
 Space for floor Scrubber
 Space for snow clearing equipment
 Hot Water tank (possible optional location)
Refer to Appendix II for typical room sizes. General Storage (Type I & Type II Only)
This must be a secure room for the storage of spare parts, contractor’s materials and
equipment, etc. Staff Rooms (Type I & Type II Only)
Dedicated rooms for ETS staff performing the following functions may be required. ETS is to
confirm the number of staff to be housed and related services to be provided. The following
are typical requirements. They do not necessarily apply to all stations.
Security “Beat” Room
A “Beat” room is an office occupied by ETS Security staff who monitor the safety and security
of LRT patrons and the station non-public areas. They function as on-line workspaces only
i.e. they are not deployment locations.
The following space/services/amenities are required:
 Sized to accommodate up to four (4) staff
 Air conditioned with temperature control
 Up to four (4) workstations
 Computer and printer service connections
 Service connections for phone and fax
 Windows with one-way glass for monitoring purposes
 Horizontal blinds on all windows
 Lighting is dimmable
 Vinyl flooring
 Sink and vanity
 One microwave service connection
 Parking in close proximity to the station for one (1) service vehicle.
Door entry is by card access.
A staff washroom is required in the station.

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LRT Inspectors Office

A combined office/lunch room is to be provided to accommodate up to 3 persons. They will
report to this station/room at the start of their shift.
Space/services/amenities to be provided are as follows:
 Change area with lockers
 One computer work station
 Computer and printer service connections
 Filing cabinet
 Service connections for phone and fax
 Service connections for microwave and small fridge
 Heated parking and secured parking in close proximity to the station for one (1) service
 Nearby heated parking (or with plug-ins) for two (2) staff.
Door entry is by card access.
A staff washroom is required in the station.
LRT Maintenance Crew Room
A combined office/work/lunch room is to be provided to accommodate up to six (6) persons.
This room will function as a deployment location. Staff will be required to report to this
location at the start of their shift.
Space/services/amenities to be provided are as follows:
 Work table
 One computer work station
 Computer and printer service connections
 Service connections for phone and fax
 Vinyl flooring
 Service connections for microwave and small fridge
 Sink and vanity
 Eyewash station with dedicated water service
 Nearby secure storage for tools and materials. Tools may include gasoline powered
equipment (i.e bobcat)
 Heated and secured parking in close proximity to the station for up to three (3) service
 Nearby heated parking (or with plug-ins) for up to six (6) staff.
Each station designated to house this operational function must provide male and female staff
washrooms. A change area with lockers that are sized to allow winter clothing to dry is to be
provided in each washroom. Showers are not required.
All staff rooms should be fire alarmed. Washrooms
Staff Rooms
Refer to above Section for washroom requirements when security, inspectors and
maintenance staff are housed in the station.
Train Operator Washrooms
A washroom dedicated for train operator use must also be provided in any station that is
designated as a “terminal” or “end of the line” station even if the duration of that function is

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 A single “unisex” washroom is generally sufficient.

 A phone for the Train Operator’s use is to be provided inside the washroom.
 A water spigot for drinking water is to be provided inside the washroom.
 If a kiosk or concession booth is located in the station, and there is no public washroom,
the washroom must be “barrier-free”.
Public Washrooms
Public washrooms must be provided in all LRT stations with the following characteristics:
 Joint LRT station/bus terminal with significant passenger boarding/alighting and transfer
activity. The station may or may not have a public washroom if there exists a public
washroom at the adjacent bus terminal.
 Major “end-of-line” or intermediate LRT stations with park and ride lots.
 Public washrooms would not be included at intermediate “urban-style” LRT stations.
 Consideration to be given to cleaning and extraction of foreign materials in drainage
Public washrooms will be access controlled; and *barrier-free (refer to Chapter 15,
Accessibility, Section for additional specific requirements).
Directional signage leading to public washrooms must be provided in accordance with the LRT
Graphics Standards Manual. Provide washroom signs on the Exterior Entrance signs.
Public Washroom Access Features
Washrooms must be provided with the following special access features:
 Single occupancy unisex washrooms are preferred.
 Locking/unlocking of all doors controlled remotely through ETS Security.
 CCTV coverage of the exterior of the washroom entrance doorway.
 A hands free direct dial phone connected to ETS Security located on the exterior wall near
the washroom doorway for persons to request access.
 A power door opener to automatically open the washroom door once ETS Security
remotely activates the door release. (Note: the automatic opener must not unlock the
thumb lock used in single occupancy washrooms).
 Include doorway sensor to prevent closing on occupant.
 An exterior lit “Occupied” sign for single occupancy washrooms, located near the
washroom doorway and activated by motion sensor inside the washroom. The sign must
be visible to ETS Security via CCTV.
 Single occupancy washrooms to be lockable from the inside using a thumb latch.
 An automatic door paddle located adjacent the door inside the washroom allowing the
door to open automatically when the paddle is pressed.
 An interior hands free direct dial Emergency Phone to ETS Security mounted on a wall of
the washroom.
Fixture/Finish Standards for All Washrooms
 Toilet partitioning to be floor mounted steel panels.
 Toilet stall latch to be surface mounted dead bolt type.
 Coat hooks to be installed preferably on the stall door above head level.
 A fold-down infant change table is to be mounted on a wall inside of the washroom.
 Glass or polished metal mirror.
 Towel dispensers and disposal unit.
 Wash-basins should be built into a counter or vanity.
 Automatic water controls and flushers.
 Heating.
 Fixtures to be stainless steel and vandal-proof.

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 Urinals to have proximity sensor flush valves.

 Provision should be made for hot water service. Determine how the water is to be heated
(refer to Chapter 12, Mechanical Systems, Section
 Floors to be tiled.
Soap dispensers and toilet tissue dispensers are normally supplied by ETS.
The Consultant should evaluate the potential for the installation of a self-cleaning toilet system
(“Clean Latrine” or equivalent).
All washrooms should be fire alarmed. Cash Vaults
ETS and the City Corporate Services Department will jointly determine the location of the cash
vault. ETS will provide the Consultant with the detailed design and related installation

10.4.5 Transit Centre Facility

The Bus Fleet and Facilities Section of ETS has developed Design Guidelines for Transit
Centres. These guidelines must be followed by the station design consultant when this type of
facility forms part of the overall station design and construction package.


10.5.1 General
The Edmonton LRT System uses a Proof of Payment fare system. The fare collection system
is comprised of ticket vending and validation equipment and a computerized data collection
and information system.
Passengers purchase tickets and passes from ticket vending machines located within the LRT
stations. Pre-purchased tickets or tickets purchased from other locations must be validated by
ticket validating machines, that are also located within the stations.
All fare collection equipment within each station is inter-connected to form a local area
network. Data is transmitted to a central computer located at the D.L. MacDonald LRT
Maintenance facility via the LRT fibre optic network. This computerized system is called the
Central Data Collection and Information System (CDCIS).
Fare enforcement is carried out by ETS Security Officers who randomly check passengers on
trains and in Station “Fare Paid Areas”. ETS Security Officers may also conduct a fare
payment check of all passengers as they exit the station platform.
All fare collection equipment is designed, tendered and installed under the direction of ETS.
ETS will provide the station consultant with final design details such as location, spatial
requirements, fastener details and power or other hook-up requirements early in the design
phase, prior to specification development.
10.5.2 Fare Equipment Types
Ticket Vending Machine (TVM)
The ticket vending machine (TVM) dispenses both tickets and passes (when purchase is
made by coins or bills). Each machine is normally ready to respond to a customer selection
when it is in the ready state. A programmable display screen and pushbuttons are provided for
the customers to complete a transaction. An ATM style display screen directs the customer
through the steps of the transaction via pushbuttons located beside the screen. The TVM
cabinet includes a lighting valence to illuminate the front of the machine.

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In general, each ticket vending machine performs the following functions:

 Accepts Canadian and U.S. coins and Canadian bills
 Accepts ETS specified tokens
 Responds to a customer’s input
 Displays the amount due based on the customers fare selection
 Prints and issues tickets and passes
 Displays instructions and notices
 Issues change if excess payment is made and change is available
 Returns monies deposited if a transaction is cancelled or terminated
 Registers and stores accounting data
 Provides backlit 15” TFT LCD computer display screen instructions in both English and
 Provides audio output of messages and instructions
 Contains a security, alarm and heating system
 Communicates over a network to receive commands and also transmits and receives data
regarding sales, revenue, accounting, machine status, maintenance status, and security
 Provides a customer information display to indicate machine status and along with ETS
customer information messages
 Can be up-graded to add credit/debit cards and/or smart card readers
The TVM is readily accessible to persons with disabilities and complies with relevant
requirements of the *Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The ADA requirements can be
summarized as:
 All operable controls should be between 380 mm and 1370 mm of the finished floor from a
side reach parallel approach to the TVM. The minimum clear space wheelchairs require
for a parallel approach to the TVM is 760 x 1220 mm.
 Displays, raised letters, Braille and other instructional information should be no more than
1525 mm from the finished floor.
 Pushbuttons and other operable controls are to be identified with high-contrast raised
lettering at least 0.75 mm high; Braille instructions must also be at least 16 mm high.
 No objects should protrude more than100 mm from the finished floor to a height of 2030
mm on the front surface of the equipment.
 The TVM will provide audible voice instructions when demanded by the customer.
*Note: In the absence of applicable Canadian or Provincial legislation the requirements of the ADA are
to be followed.
The Ticket Vending Machine shape and dimensions are shown on Figure 10.4.
Ticket Validators
Ticket Validators are required to validate tickets that have been purchased in bulk from Ticket
Vending Machines or at a location remote from the station. Each validator communicates to
the nearest ticket vending machine via a serial cable. Validators may be installed up to 50 m
from the nearest ticket vending machine and must utilize a serial connection suitable for such
distances. Each ticket vending machine is capable of communicating with one other
Validators perform the following functions:
 Validates a ticket automatically upon proper insertion of a ticket. Validation consists of
imprinting ticket validator number, date, time in the specified location on one side of the
inserted ticket.
 Registers the total number of tickets validated by an electro-mechanical counter.

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 Capable of detecting basic internal malfunctions and annunciates failures to the CDCIS
via an adjacent TVM.
 Communicates with an adjacent TVM to receive clock synchronization and configuration
 Alerts customers of a malfunction by a visual out-of-service annunciator.
Ticket Validators are a readily accessible to persons with disabilities in accordance with the
ADA provisions (also refer to Chapter 15, Accessibility, Section
Refer to Figure 10.5 for details of the stand that supports the Validator.

10.5.3 Fare Equipment Placement

The layout of the equipment is dependent on station design in accordance with the following
Type I and II Stations
Complex stations comprising of platforms and mezzanines or concourse levels will generally
have the fare collection equipment located on the mezzanine / concourse adjacent to the
platform access points. In these stations the platform is considered a “Fare Paid Area”. The
quantity of equipment will depend upon the anticipated usage but at a minimum consists of
two ticket vending machines and two validators at each station platform access point.
Ticket machines and validators can be clustered together or spread out around the platform
access point to form a clearly visible fare collection area. Fare collection equipment should be
appropriately spaced to avoid crowding and interference. The Consultant must take into
consideration the following spatial requirements when designating fare equipment locations:
 Fare collection equipment should conform to ADA parallel approach requirements. The
minimum clear space wheelchairs require for a parallel approach is 760 x 1220 mm.
 Fare collection equipment spacing must consider the TVM door swing (refer to Figure
10.6, TVM Anchoring Details). Adjacent fare collection equipment cannot block or its use
impeded when the TVM door is open.
ETS will make the final determination as to the number of pieces of fare equipment and the
Type III Stations
Simple stations will generally have the fare collection equipment conveniently located in a
central area on the platform, easily accessible from a number of platform access points. They
should be clustered together to form a fare collection site on the station platform, however
they should also be spaced appropriately to avoid crowding and interference.
The quantity of equipment will depend upon the anticipated usage. ETS will make the final
determination as to the number of pieces of equipment and their location on the platform.
Provision is to be made (junction box with flush mounted brass cover plate, and conduit) at
each platform end for the future installation of TVM’s and Validators. Installation will be
subject to projected passenger demand.
Ticket Vending Machines should be located in an area that has overhead shelter protection.
Validators can be located in open areas if the sheltered area is not in close proximity. In this
situation shrouds over the validator heads must be provided.
10.5.4 Central Data Collection and Information System
All ticket vending equipment is connected to the Central Data Collection and Information
System (CDCIS). CDCIS automatically monitors and controls all equipment (including
validators through the TVM) connected to the network.

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The main features of CDCIS are:

 A local area network (LAN) at each LRT station connects the fare collection equipment
together, which is typically terminated in the station communications room.
 A network interface device connects the station LAN to the LRT fibre optic backbone
system. The fibre optic system is capable of supporting up to 10 ticket vending machines,
which may be located up to 300 m from the communications room.
 A server that is located at D.L. MacDonald LRT Maintenance facility in North-east
 Remote workstations that are located in designated ETS facilities and other City
10.5.5 Interfacing Requirements
Each ticket vending machine provides a signal to the CCTV Pelco system via a “dry contact”
alarm relay to allow for monitoring by CCTV. Wiring from the ticket vending machine is
terminated at the control panel in each station communication room.

10.5.6 Power Supply

 Each ticket vending machine requires a dedicated 20/120 VAC ampere, electrical circuit.
 Validator power consumption is 50 watts and requires 15/120 VAC ampere service.
Multiple validators must be on separate circuits from each other.
Refer to Section 10.5.9, Design References, for sample wiring diagrams.
Fare equipment emergency power will be provided through the station emergency power

10.5.7 Conduit, Cabling Requirements

Two conduits are required for each piece of fare collection equipment, one for the power
supply wiring, and the other for the communication cable. Conduits must be appropriately
sized for their intended use.
The type of equipment and installation location will determine the electrical connection
requirements. Most installations will have conduit stub-ups (floor) rather than flush mounted
boxes. 75 mm stub-ups must be provided. For uncovered stations measures must be
employed to ensure that moisture is not able to access the conduit and the connection device
to the fare equipment.
Communication cable requirements are as follows:
 Validators - CAT 5e only. If the run to the node is over 100 m the Validator can run to the
nearest TVM otherwise they run back to the Communication Room.
 TVM’s - for runs greater than 100 m require SM fibre pair to each TVM and twisted
shielded pair for BMS.

10.5.8 Anchorage Requirements

All fare equipment will be floor mounted and will require the following anchorage provisions:
Ticket Vending Machine
A “Hilti” type of insert is acceptable for placement in the platform floor. A cap screw or
threaded stud can be used however the cap screw is preferable due to the weight of the TVM.
Female threaded inserts are to be embedded in the concrete at the time the platform floor is
poured. The location of the inserts will be based on the template provided by the
manufacturer. A “Hilti” type insert is also acceptable.

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10.5.9 Design References

The following wiring diagrams can be obtained from ETS. They are located at the D.L.
MacDonald Maintenance Facility.
 Typical LRT Fare Equipment Installation Wiring Diagram
 Typical Vendor AC/Input Connections Wiring Diagram


Amenities provided at LRT stations enhance the comfort, safety, and convenience for
passengers as they are waiting to board the train or are leaving the trains to transfer to bus
transit or other modes.
They can include:
 Artwork
 Concession Booths / Kiosks
 Vending and Electronic Equipment
 Information Panels
 Pay Phones & TTY phone
 Furniture such as benches
 Washrooms for use by the public (refer to Section
 Clock Tower
 Bike Racks
 Garbage/Recycling Receptacles

10.6.1 Artwork
The City of Edmonton has adopted C458C “Art in Public Places Policy” for incorporating
artwork in public areas of LRT facilities.
The Sustainable Development Department administers the Art in Public Places Program.
Through the Edmonton Arts Council, they will oversee the selection of the Artist and Artwork.
The Consultant and the Artist will coordinate their activities to ensure that the criteria and
restrictions for the placement of artwork as listed below are adhered to:
 Does not adversely affect pedestrian flow patterns
 Does not cause areas of concealment for people to hide behind
 Does not cause the opportunity to gain access to restricted areas (i.e. do not locate in
such a manner as to allow climbing to areas not normally accessible to the public)
 Does not pose a risk of injury to the public (example: sharp points, slip/fall hazard, etc.)
 Does not block security camera viewing areas
 Does not interfere with the effectiveness of the PA System
 Does not block access to Fare Collection Equipment, Information Panels or Emergency
 Must meet fire codes with respect to flammability, off-gassing, etc
 Must be vandal resistant
 A minimum 3050 mm clearance from the 600 V overhead catenary must be maintained
 Must not be located within the dynamic clearance envelop of the LRT trains
 Must not interfere with the operation and serviceability of the station
 Must meet all building codes
 Must not be incorporated into temporary structures, hoardings etc.

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10.6.2 Concession Booth or Kiosks

The provision of a concession booth and its location within the station (Type I & II Stations
only) will be evaluated on a station-by-station basis by ETS. If deemed a future requirement
the following service connections will be required to be installed at the proposed location:
 Power (a separate metered electrical panel may be required)
 Water
 Sewer
 Telephone
 Data line

10.6.3 Vending and Electronic Equipment

A variety of vending equipment (provided and placed by Vending Equipment suppliers) may
be located within the various station public areas or adjacent to the station entranceways,
subject to the approval of ETS.
Fare Collection Equipment has been dealt with previously in Section 10.5.
The following are the most common types of vending machines that can be installed. ETS
has established general location criteria for each.
Confectionary, Hot and Cold Drink Vending Machines
 Locate in main entrance areas but away from the entrance doors to reduce the potential
for vandalism.
 Strive to locate drink machines next to confectionary machines. Both types of machines
require individual electrical service.
 Hot drink machines require water service.
Paid Newspaper Boxes
 Locate at the outside of the station main entranceways.
 Provide, where practicable, vendor vehicular access in close proximity to box locations.
 Provide an anchoring post or device to secure the box.
Free Newspaper / Magazine Boxes
 Station exteriors at main entranceways are the preferred locations although interior
passageways are also acceptable.
Automated Teller Machines (ATM)
 Locate in the general vicinity of the fare collection equipment.
 CCTV coverage of the location will be required.
 Electrical and data line service is required.
The Consultant will review the feasibility of providing the following *amenities. The need for
these installations must be reviewed with ETS early in the station design phase.
*Multi Media Terminals (Internet on a Payphone)
 Located on the platform and the interior of the entranceways.
*Single Use Computer Terminals
 Generally located in interior passageways away from congested areas.
*Electronic Information Screens (generally providing an advertising component)
 Generally located overhead or on the floor of the platform area.

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10.6.4 Pay Telephones

In general, pay phones are to be located on the platform and the interior of the entranceways.
Consideration should be given to locating pay phones at the exterior of the station
The final location of any pay phones will be determined in conjunction with Telus
Communications as the primary pay telephone service provider (also refer to Chapter 8,
Communications, Section 8.15). As indicated previously a TTY phone for the hearing
impaired is also required.
Phone Enclosure Standard of Acceptance: Jaro Industries Jaro Inc. J-400

10.6.5 Furniture Items

In most instances, the normal furniture related items placed in or near stations are benches for
patron seating, and garbage/recycling receptacles. ETS has established the following
objectives for these installations:
 Enhance the comfort and convenience for the transit patron.
 Be functional and be compatible with the aesthetics of the station.
 Be vandal proof and graffiti-resistant.
 Be placed so as not to impede passenger flows.
The Consultant must develop station furniture requirements and their location and coordinate
with ETS early in the design phase of the project, prior to specification development.
In general, furniture, and more specifically garbage and recycling receptacles, should not be
located near fare equipment. Benches
Platform benches must be provided. They must meet the following criteria:
 Are durable and maintenance free (metal is preferred).
 Provide armrests to enhance barrier-free accessibility.
 The location of platform seating should not interfere with access to overhead lighting and
The seating capacity to be provided (including spaces required for wheelchairs) will be
developed by the Consultant and reviewed by ETS (refer to Section Garbage and Recycling Receptacles
Fixed garbage and recycling receptacles must be provided at all stations in accordance with
the following criteria:
 The location must allow for easy service access and meet the risk mitigation criteria
identified in Appendix lll.
 The number of receptacles provided should be based on the station layout and the
projected passenger volumes and approved by ETS.
 Garbage and recycling receptacles in accordance with ETS standard will be supplied by
ETS for placement at each station entrance.
 Garbage and recycling receptacles shielded from the wind will be designed in accordance
with the drawing shown in Figure 10.10. The design for those that are exposed to wind is
modified slightly.

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10.6.6 Bicycle Racks

Secure bicycle racks are to be provided at all LRT stations, wherever possible. The number of
racks/capacity will be confirmed by ETS during the preliminary engineering phase of the
station design development.
Design Requirements
The Consultant should review off-the-shelf bike rack design criteria and installations at the
existing LRT stations. The ETS preference is the “Sheffield Parking Stand” (refer to Figure
10.7). It has the following main features:
 The rack or stanchion should be constructed of galvanized pipe and securely anchored
(vandal-proof) to the concrete base.
 The pipe diameter should be 50 mm (minimum) to 65 mm (maximum) in order to
accommodate most bicycle security locks.
 To promote usage and security, racks should be situated adjacent to the station entrances
where there is high volumes of pedestrian activity, but located so they do not interfere with
pedestrian flows.
 They should be placed on concrete paving and in protected areas, if possible.
 CCTV camera coverage of area is desirable.


ETS has developed guidelines for designing, implementing and maintaining the information
signage, graphic systems and branding elements within the LRT system. The intent of the
guidelines is to:
 Utilize in a consistent manner ETS’ corporate identity and branding requirements.
 Provide consistency in regards to the use and placement of visual elements, materials,
finishes, colour and typography.
 Establish a functional and contemporary wayfinding system.
 Promote legibility and readability of pictograms and typographical elements.

10.7.1 Types of Signage – Summary

Both static and electronic signage is required on or adjacent to the platform. They include:
 Wayfinding
 Station Identification
 LRT System Map
 Transit Information Panels
 Train Arrival (Variable Message Signage)
 Proof of Payment
 Emergency phone
 Pay phone/TTY
 TVM / Validator
 Restricted Access
 No Trespassing
 No Smoking
 Surveillance Notification
 Park and Ride signage
All signage must conform to the LRT Graphics Standards. The LRT Graphic Standards are
included in the ETS Brand Manual.

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10.7.2 Branding
The objective of the ETS branding program is to enhance ETS’s corporate identity by
providing a consistent visual image as well as to enhance the total customer experience by
providing customer focused passenger comfort and convenience amenities.
Primary visual branding is achieved through the use of corporate colours in materials and
finishes, ETS logo signage and clock towers.
ETS Corporate Colours
Incorporate, where appropriate, ETS’s blue and silver corporate colours into the architectural
features of each station. The use of corporate colours however needs to be balanced with the
overall architectural treatment of each station. A primary design objective is to give each
station a unique appearance so that passengers can view them as recognizable stops, while
at the same time being recognizable as an ETS facility.
ETS Logo
Locate large scale high visibility “ETS” logo/brand signage on station exterior walls.
Preference is to be given to locations adjacent building entrance points, and large scale walls
or flat surfaces facing public approaches. Suitable locations are to be determined jointly by the
Consultant and ETS. Logo details will be provided by ETS.
All branding signage must include the following:
 Anodized, chrome plated or powder coated metal lettering pinned to the building surface.
 Diffused halo LED lighting placed behind the lettering.
 Sign transformers and electrical access located inside the building.
Clock Tower
The installation of a clock tower in a highly visible location is required at all LRT stations.
Clock towers must utilize GPS technology and digital components for time accuracy and low
maintenance. Electrical service will be required with the controller placed in the electrical
room. Space permitting, a small scale tower should also be located on the station platform.
If a Transit Centre is located adjacent to the station, the main (large scale) clock tower must
be located on the Transit Centre island. The Consultant in conjunction with ETS will
determine the location.
The clock tower must be constructed to the approved and accepted design/engineering
standards as supplied by the City of Edmonton.
Comfort and Convenience Amenities
Customer comfort and convenience amenities as listed below are provided in LRT stations as
part of the ETS branding program. Additional amenities may be provided if proven
technologically and economically justified. Section references are noted for amenities
discussed elsewhere in these Guidelines.
 Environment - Refer to Chapter 1 Section 1.1.6 Sustainable Building Policy.
 Platform Roofs and Sheltered Enclosures - Refer to Sections 10.4.2 and 10.4.3 for
Platform roofs and sheltered enclosures respectively.
 Platform Seating - Refer to Sections
 Public Washrooms - Refer to Section
 Transit Fare Products - Refer to Section 10.5 for current Fare Equipment technology.
Future enhancements will be made as the need dictates.
 Platform Time Display – In addition to the clock tower on or adjacent to the platform, time
will be displayed digitally by Variable Message Signs (VMS) mounted overhead along the
platform. Typically six (6) signs are installed, three on each side of the platform. They are

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positioned to provide maximum visibility to LRT patrons (refer to Chapter 8

Communications and Control, Section 8.14.9.
 Retail Space - Refer to Section 10.6.2
 Wireless Internet - Refer to Section 10.6.3
 Public Information System (Future development) – includes wireless information transfer
of real time schedule information through electronic signage and information portals, GUI
(graphic user interface) to access mapping and real time schedule data and touch screen
technology and non-language based self-directed graphic navigation.
Refer to Section 10.6 for other amenities to be provided in addition to the above ETS branding


The Consultant is directed to Chapter 11, Electrical Systems, for the design guidelines
pertaining to the station electrical system. The chapter presents guidelines for a number of
components including:
 Electrical systems requirements
 Lighting
 Emergency power


The Consultant is directed to Chapter 12, Mechanical Systems, for the design guidelines
pertaining to the station mechanical systems and components. This chapter addresses the
following station related items:
 Plumbing
 Plumbing Fixtures
 Water Service
 Freeze Protection
 Heating and Ventilation
 Grating and Miscellaneous metals
 Fire protection (Siamese, wet, dry)

 For design guidelines pertaining to the communications systems requirements for a LRT
station the consultant is directed to Chapter 8, Communications and Control.
There are a number of different phone systems that are installed in a station. Guidelines for
the various systems are provided in Section 8.15 of the Communications and Control chapter.
Several of these systems, Right-of-Way (refer to Figure 8.2), Emergency (refer to Figure 8.3),
Information (refer to Figure 10.9), and Pay Phones are all located on the platform or in other
public areas of the station.
All phones available for use by the public must meet the requirements of the Alberta Barrier-
Free Design Guide (also refer to Chapter 15, Accessibility, Sections and


This section presents the guidelines and criteria for the materials and finishes that are used in
the construction of stations, their related components and elements and ancillary facilities.
Material selection and finish design objectives are stated along with the expected performance
standards. The guidelines for each of the material types presented herein; i.e. concrete,

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masonry, wood and plastic and related finishes, are based on past experience derived from
previous LRT construction in Edmonton.
The quality and character of materials used and final finishes provided in the station
construction directly affects the image and long term maintenance requirements of each
facility. Simple, durable materials in small manageable sizes, with long-standing availability,
installed to facilitate easy replacement, can diminish the impact of damage and maintenance
while balancing the character and visual quality of each station.
When specifying manufactured items or materials, preference should be given to standard off-
the-shelf items available from more than one supplier, over custom-made or single-source
As poorly maintained property is more prone to vandalism, material selection should be based
on minimizing repair time so that stations never appear to be under-used or unattended.
When specifying finish, size, colour, pattern or composition, slight variations in appearance
should be allowed so less costly products or materials of equal quality can be utilized.

10.11.1 Design Objectives

The following objectives are provided to assist the Consultant in achieving the basic principles
previously stated for LRT station design.
Quality Objectives
 Maximize aesthetic and civic quality, safety and transit patron comfort.
Maintenance Objectives
 Maximize the ease of construction and potential replacement and renovation.
 Maximize the use of durable and readily available materials and finishes.
 Minimize the number of components and sizes.
 Minimize life cycle costs.
Performance Standards
 Durability – durable and cost-effective materials should be used that have consistent
wear, strength, and weathering qualities. Materials should be capable of maintaining a
good appearance throughout their useful life and must be colourfast.
 Low Maintenance – life cycle maintenance costs should be considered in the evaluation of
all materials and finishes.
 Quality of Appearance – materials should be appealing and harmonious in appearance
and texture. They should reinforce system continuity while still relating to the local
 Cleaning – materials that do not soil nor stain easily must be used and have surfaces that
are easily cleaned in a single operation. Minor soiling should not be apparent. Commonly
used equipment and cleaning agents should be able to be utilized. All porous finishes
subject to public contact shall be treated or finished in a manner that allows easy removal
of “casual vandalism.”
 Repair or Replacement – to reduce inventory and maintenance costs, materials should be
standardized as much as possible for easy repair or replacement without undue cost or
disruption of LRT operations. For example, hose bibs, electrical outlets, lighting fixtures
and lamps glass or plastic lights, information panels, signs shelter materials, etc., should
be standardized on commonly available sizes and finishes for easy inventory stocking and
 Non-slip – entrances, stairways, platforms, platform edge strips, and areas around
equipment must exhibit high non-slip properties. Floor finishes must be non-slip even

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when wet. This is particularly important at stairs, elevators, and other areas near station
entrances including platform areas.
 Corrosion Resistance – because of moisture and the electrical currents involved in LRT
operations, special consideration must be given to prevention of corrosion. Non-corrosive
metals should be utilized when possible or required.
 Grounding – elements deemed to be an electrical hazard must be grounded.
 Compatibility – selected materials should be compatible with the Edmonton area climate
and consistent with existing materials within the station vicinity. Materials for structures
should harmonize with existing facilities on a site-specific basis.
 Availability – selection of materials should permit competitive bidding and emphasize
regional products and processes over those not available locally.
 Fire resistance – “flame spread” ratings must conform to the National and Alberta Building
 Finish Materials – dense, hard, nonporous materials should be used in all applications.
Finish materials should be corrosion, acid, and alkali resistant and must be compatible
with chemical compounds required for maintenance.
 Detailing – detailing of finishes should avoid unnecessary surfaces which may collect dirt
and complicate cleaning. Wall surfaces must be vertical and flush allowing for texture. All
edge and finish materials should be detailed, incorporating joints and textures that reduce
the requirements for true, visually perfect installation over long distances.
 Waterproofing – all finish materials in underground spaces as well as those areas
exposed to rain or snow, must be selected and detailed with proper attention to
waterproofing, cavity walls, drainage, and venting. All drainage cavities should have
cleanout provisions.
 Texture – materials within reach of passengers should be easily cleaned, with a finish to
prevent or conceal scratching, soiling, and minor damage.
 Graffiti – graffiti proofing products should be used to protect surfaces susceptible to

10.11.2 Basic Materials Poured-in-Place Reinforced Concrete
 For all major structural elements the consultant should specify concrete compressive
strengths to a minimum of 30 Mpa at 28 days.
 The use of sulfate resistant cement at each structure location should be investigated and
specified as recommended in the results reported by the geotechnical consultant retained
for the project.
 As a general rule the use of fly-ash as a cement replacement will not be permitted unless
specifically called for by the consultant and approved by the ETS. Fly-ash, as an additive
to the mix, may be permitted in certain conditions of high sulfate content and hydrostatic
 LRT structures are frequently constructed in locations subjected to extremes of
temperature, where moisture and compounds applied as de-icing agents or leached from
the soil. These conditions are conducive to an early deterioration of the concrete. To
minimize the problem attention should be given to detailing the reinforcing to achieve
adequate cover and to minimize crack formation. Nominal pre-stressing should also be
considered in order to minimize crack formation.
 Control joints or saw cuts must be specified for poured-in-place platforms, slabs, exterior
walls and grade beams.
 Wherever concrete surfaces are exposed to salt or chloride the reinforcing layer near the
exposed surface must be epoxy coated. When using epoxy coated reinforcing, the
consultant must ensure that quality of concrete and adequate coverage of the reinforcing
is maintained/specified.

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 Exposed concrete floor surfaces not exposed to public pedestrian traffic should be steel
trowelled. Platforms and other pedestrian traffic areas with exposed concrete should be
broom finished.
 All concrete surfaces should be sealed to prevent dusting. Concrete sealers must be
carefully chosen to reflect the service condition. Certain sealers used in floor joints are
susceptible to damage by cleaning machinery. Other sealers to vertical joints are
susceptible to removal by vandals and should, if possible, be concealed by cover strips.
 Concrete sealers used on platforms should be a two-part acrylic or water based densifier
and finish product. The preferred product must be confirmed with Facility Maintenance
Services prior to application.
 Exposed concrete floors in service, and equipment rooms, hallways and common areas
should have a non-metallic, abrasion resistant floor hardener finish.
 Concrete testing will be carried out by an independent testing agency retained by the City. Pre-cast Concrete
 Pre-cast concrete components are not recommended for interior architectural finishes,
because of size and weight, and the difficulty involved in the replacement of components.
 Minimum 28 day concrete compressive strength for precast elements must be not less
than 35 MPA.
 Pre-cast concrete must be erected in accordance with clearly defined standards set out by
the consultant responsible for the work.
 Pre-cast concrete components are only to be manufactured by a company with CSA-A25
 As a minimum, the Consultant should specify the following:
o cement, aggregate reinforcing or any materials incorporated into the pre-cast
o the class of finish required
o direct the successful subcontractor to present samples of the designed pre-cast
o dimensional tolerances clearly shown in the details
o responsibility for all caulking, sealing, grouting, and other associated operations Masonry
 Concrete block is preferred as the wall construction within service areas and rooms. If
cost justified, Spectra Glaze block can be considered as an alternate to tile in public
 All masonry wall construction around heated service rooms must be cavity insulated.
 The responsibility for masonry cleaning must be clearly specified.
 Through-the-wall exterior masonry units must not be used.
 Through-the-wall and weep flashings must be used to intercept and guide moisture to the
 The Consultant must pay particular attention to flashing requirements. The objective is to
eliminate staining due to water flowing from windowsills or other horizontal components.
 The construction details of walls required as fire separations must be completely detailed
on the design drawings including gap closure details at wall perimeters and wall to ceiling
 Expansion and construction joints must be incorporated in masonry wall construction in
accordance with standard practice.
 The Consultant must ensure that compressor and other noise generating rooms are
adequately soundproofed.
 The same manufacturer’s brands and sources of mortar materials should be used for
entire project in order to maintain uniformity of mix and colouration.

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 Galvanized reinforcing and anchoring must be used in conventional masonry wall

construction. Normally reinforcing for lintels, bond beams filled with concrete would not be
 The use of standard unit masonry components is encouraged. Metals
 Rugged methods of fastening such as heavy-duty Hilti type anchorages, rather than
concealment, should be used when architectural elements anchorage and bolting are
subject to rough usage and vandalism.
 Galvanized metals should be used where the metals are exposed to the elements or to
 Stainless steel or other like materials should be used in areas where there is public
access. Some examples are washrooms and walls in elevators and exterior handrails.
 The Consultant must, by specification, confirm with the Canadian Welding Bureau
(C.W.B.) that all fabricators have C.W.B. certification. Wood
 The allowable moisture content, stress grades, species, and grading of all lumbers must
be specified.
 Wood must not be used in unprotected exterior areas or areas subject to exposure to wet
 Commonly available stock items should be used to the greatest degree possible.
 Requirements for special exposed and concealed fixing devices and their arrangement
must be clearly detailed and specified.
 The re-use of salvaged framing materials is not encouraged. This should be specified.
 The placement of wood or wood glulam structural support members that is reachable by
the public should be avoided. Architectural Wood work (including Millwork)
 Architectural woodwork finishes should be low maintenance. Plastics
 Laminated plastics can be used in high maintenance areas such as washrooms and
elevators. Its use in exterior, wet, and areas prone to vandalism however, will be
 Waterproof adhesives must be used in all locations. Expansion Control
 Surfaces of expansion joints exposed to pedestrian traffic must be provided with a non-
slip finish. Review and approval of the design by ETS is required.

10.11.3 Colour
Material colours should be in harmony with the surrounding area. Colour selection should
favor materials that are light and reflective to assist in maintaining desired illumination levels.
They should however, be of sufficient contrast and accent to provide visual interest, and
warmth and still be able to conceal minor soiling.
The use of paint, stains, and coatings should be minimized.
10.11.4 Finishes
In general, all finishes are required to meet the performance standards stated in Section

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For Type I stations, all architecturally finished systems must be accessible from the rear for
ease of maintenance. Floor Finishes
Platform floor finish general guidelines are outlined in Section
Flooring should be easy to maintain, age resistant, acid proof, shock resistant, slip resistant,
and able to handle high traffic loads. Slip resistance must be confirmed by field-testing a
sample panel of the tiling prior to its use being confirmed. This panel will become a reference
for acceptance of the tiles used in the installation.
Acceptable finishes or finish products for all floor areas in and immediately adjacent to all
station types are presented in the following table:

Area Acceptable
Platform  Concrete with light to medium
broomed finish
 Quarry Tile
 Ceramic Tile (colour through non-
Public Corridors and Passageways  Concrete with broomed finish
 Quarry Tile
 Ceramic Tile
 Specialized coloured non-slip coating
Ramps - Interior  As per Corridors/Passageways

- Exterior  Concrete with broomed finish

 Paver Stones
*Interior / Covered  Concrete with broomed finish
Exterior  Quarry Tile
 Ceramic Tile
**Uncovered  Concrete with broomed finish
Elevators  Resilient (Rubber – based) Preferred
 Quarry or Ceramic Tile
Washrooms  Ceramic Tile is preferred
Service Rooms  Concrete with light broomed finish
Non-Public Circulation Areas  Concrete with light broomed finish
Office – Type  To be determined by the consultant
(Interior Designer)
* Non-slip, unglazed ribbed nosing tiles must be used.
** Where tile is used on exterior stairs, non-slip, ribbed nosing and textured unglazed tiles for treads
must be used.
The following finish surfaces are not acceptable:
 Terrazzo – has a tendency to crack, notwithstanding the provision of control joints, and
has a very slippery surface especially when it is wet or snow is tracked on to it.
 Slate
 Colour glazed ceramic
 Rubber or pure vinyl tile

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 Cushion back or sheet vinyl

Expansion Joints
 Tile expansion joints should be placed at junctions with walls and columns, etc. and
coincide with structural joints.
 Purpose-made expansion joints should be used and be set flush with the finish flooring.
 Flooring materials should not be installed over expansion joints.
 The Consultant must ensure that proper control and expansion joint be incorporated in
ceramic / quarry tile flooring. Expansion joints must be full depth of concrete topping and
spaced at maximum of 3600 mm centers.
Resilient Flooring
Acceptable resilient flooring material must have the following features:
 Provide a minimum thickness of 2.5 mm
 It must have a non-slip surface when used on ramps
 Is of a non-combustible material
Fire resistant and waterproof adhesives should be used throughout.
Access Flooring
The use and type of access flooring in special rooms or areas must be reviewed with ETS
early in the design phase and prior to specification development. Wall Systems

Entrance wall systems should be designed to be easily maintained and vandal resistant.
Gypsum or cement wallboard must not be used in the following areas:
 Exterior
 Subject to water or moisture penetration
 Prone to vandalism
 Equipment and maintenance rooms below 2400mm from finished floor
Lath and plaster systems must not be used anywhere in LRT stations or ancillary buildings.
Moisture-resistant gypsum board must be specified when forming back-up for ceramic or
mosaic tiles, or as liner wall to the main structure where moisture may be present.
Access panels through gypsum wallboard systems must be designed with metal edged
tamper-proof manufactured stock frames and covers made especially to accommodate wall
Walls in non-public areas must be extended to the full length and height of the structure to
avoid unauthorized access over a tiled ceiling system.
Wall Tiles
Ceramic or mosaic wall tiles are the preferred finish in all public areas subject to the following
 Their use can be economically justified
 Located in areas not subject to extreme temperature change
 Must be glazed for easy maintenance
Adequate expansion joints must be provided in all wall tile areas.

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The following requirements must be considered in the design of suspended ceiling systems:
 Are located a minimum 2750 mm above stairs, landings, or floor areas in public areas.
 The area above ceiling surfaces must be accessible.
 Must consider the use of appropriate clips or mechanical fasteners in order to resist
displacement by air pressure differentials caused by train movements and stack effects.
 Should be impact, damage and vandal-resistant.
 Should be able to resist damage by water or moisture penetration.
 Should not be installed in service rooms or areas.
 Mineral or ceramic base lay-in ceiling tiles and suspended “T” bar ceilings should be
avoided in public areas.
 Avoid sprayed finishes.
Acoustical Treatment
The station design consultant must coordinate with the PA systems consultant to ensure that
proper acoustical materials are specified with the objective of achieving maximum
effectiveness of the public address system speakers in all station areas (refer to Chapter 8,
Communications and Control Section 8.14).
In addition, non-combustible acoustical treatment must be used in platform area ceiling
spaces when this treatment is deemed to be a necessary requirement. Painting
For all interior and *exterior areas to be painted, as specified below, the type of paint and
number of coats to be applied will be reviewed with ETS early in the design phase and prior to
specification development.
The only acceptable paint materials are those listed in the Canadian Painting Contractors
Association Specification Manual.
The following areas/elements will be painted:
 Specialty coatings and finishes should be considered for public areas, if not tiled.
 Service, equipment and machine room walls should be painted a light colour. Floors to be
painted as well. Painting is required for dust control.
 All doors - doors in public areas should have semi or *high gloss finish.
*Note: A high gloss finish can expose surface imperfections.

 Exposed conduits, pipes and other mechanical and electrical equipment. All mechanical
and electrical, piping, ductwork and conduit must be identified, marked with symbols, and
 *Handrails, fencing, exterior architectural metals.
 As a general rule, the surfaces of all materials.
*Note: Exterior handrails should be stainless steel or galvanized. Painted exterior handrails require
repainting on an annual basis.

10.11.5 Specialties
This section lists a variety of specialty elements that are generally provided in LRT stations. A
number of the elements that were listed in this category in the previous edition of the LRT
Design Guidelines are now addressed in other sections of this chapter (refer to references).

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 Access doors, opening front panels and the like, must be secure from vandalism when
closed and be designed to remain in the open position for maintenance purposes.
 Front panels and cabinet assemblies generally should be rigid and free from rattles or
loose seals and easily accessible for maintenance.
 All suspended units must be firmly secured and braced and if possible, be locate above
normal reach.
 Exterior units must be weather tight.
Louvers and Vents
 The use of architectural aluminum or steel louvers in public areas should be encouraged.
 All louvers and vents must be firmly anchored into mounting frames to prevent vandalism
and interference.
Stainless Steel Components
 Stainless steel alloys for architectural components and hardware must be of grade SAE
316 (L) or better.
 For interior use where there is minimal contact with moisture or chlorides, a 180-Grit finish
or better must be used.
 For exterior use where there will be exposure to moisture or possible exposure to
chlorides, a 280-Grit finish or better must be used.
Elements Addressed Elsewhere
 Clock Tower (refer to Section 10.7)
 Plastic Laminate Toilet Partition (refer to Section
 Access Flooring (refer to Section

10.11.6 Doors and Windows Doors
All doors must be of heavy-duty construction to handle extremely heavy traffic use and must
be reinforced for mortise locks.
The use of aluminum doors and frames under high load situations should be avoided as they
have a tendency to twist (hinge screws do not hold) and perform poorly in high traffic and
windy areas.
Mineral core doors, hollow core wood doors, or solid core wood doors must not be used.
Doors must be provided at street level at all Type I and II station entrances.
Doors should have the following characteristics:
 Frames around glass doors should be of heavy steel construction
 Must be latch-able to counteract door movement due to air pressure differentials caused
by train movement in underground stations. This will generally require that the door
closes against (or to) a mullion.
 Exterior doors should not rely on the closure motion to keep them closed if the panic
hardware is clogged open.
 Single action doors only should be used.
 Fully glazed doors should not be used without a horizontal 200 mm wide cross bar at 900
mm height to physically divide the glass area into smaller panes
 Fixed or removable mullions should be provided wherever possible where pairs or
multiples of doors are required. (This condition may not be applicable to high occupancy,
special service room requirements or other areas where the use of mullions is restricted

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by the building code). Where applicable, mullion dimensions must be adequate to allow
for the mounting of any required electrified control devices.
 All doors equipped with electrified security devices I.e. electric strike, door contact, sensor
must be operated at 12 vdc only.
 All exterior doors must be equipped with remote locking with the default position locked
when not powered.
 All doors should have stainless steel kick plates.
 All exterior doors must be fitted with heavy duty stainless steel continuous hinges (i.e.
piano hinges) to maximize life and wear resistance.
 In areas where wind loads on exterior doors may be substantial, consideration should be
given to limiting the door height to seven (7) feet.
 Labeled doors will be hollow metal.
The use of special doors must be reviewed and approved by ETS early in the design phase
and prior to specification development.
Card Access System (C-Cure)
Public access and service room doors as designated by the City are to be fitted with conduit,
wire and hardware as per City requirements for connection to card readers that are supplied
and installed by the City. A board is to be installed by the Contractor in the Communication
room to accommodate the wiring and control devices that are required for the system. Refer
to Chapter 8 Communications and Control Section 8.19.1 Security System.
Standard Steel Doors
 Interior doors must be a minimum of 45 mm thick, 900 x 2100 mm commercial grade flush
and seamless.
 Exterior doors must be a minimum of 45 mm thick, 900 x 2100 mm thermally insulated
commercial grade flush and seamless.
 A minimum 100 mm stile should be used where glazing occurs.
 Steel doors with welded frames must be used for all door openings except where allowed
for in aluminum doors and frames as discussed below.
 Must meet fire code provisions.
Standard Steel Frames
Pressed steel door frames must be used throughout. The use of knock down frames are not
The Consultant must also specify the following:
 Large openings are to be equipped with a structural sub-frame to provide rigidity.
 Welded joints are acceptable
 Door mutes are to be provided.
 Use thermal-broken frames at exterior door openings.
 Provide positive weather-stripping at exterior openings.
 Detailing should encourage the use of locally manufactured door frames from standard
shape components.
Aluminum Doors and Frames
As indicated above, if aluminum doors and frames are to be used it should only be in low
traffic and ancillary areas and only when authorized by ETS. They must meet the following
 Doors will be 45 mm thick, 900 x 2100 commercial series designed for heavy commercial
 Provide a minimum 100 mm stile

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 Have steel backing for all hardware and corners

 Electro-chemically coloured aluminum components must have Aluminum Association
Class I anodonic coatings.
 Use thermally broken frames and positive weather-stripping at exterior openings.
Mill finish aluminum must not be used. Automatic Doors
The location and types of automatic doors that are to be installed will be determined by ETS
early in the design phase.
Sliding Door
The general requirements for automatic sliding doors are as follows:
 Must be able to operate between –30° C and +45° C.
 Must have a clear anodized aluminum finish
 Provide a full width aluminum threshold at each opening
 Provide directional motion sensors to activate, and an infrared safety beam
 Provide a control system (electronic open, close, lock) for service personnel
 Must not have an emergency breakout to full open position
 Automatic equipment must comply with ANSI A156.19
 Must connect to the main building power supply and UPS system and interface with the
BMS and fire alarm systems
Standard of Acceptance Stanley Dura-Glide 2000 Series
Swing Door
The general requirements for automatic swing doors are as follows:
 Must be able to operate between –30°C and +45°C.
 Must have a clear anodized aluminum finish
 Provide a full width aluminum threshold at each opening
 Push button controlled
 Provide directional motion sensors and a infrared safety beam to stop or slow door
movements when there is a pedestrian in the path of the door.
 Provide at least a 15 second minimum delay before closing from the open position.
 Automatic equipment must comply with ANSI A156.19
 Must connect to the main building power supply and UPS system and interface with the
BMS and fire alarm systems
Standard of Acceptance: Stanley Magic Swing Windows
Aluminum window frames are preferred having the following features:
 Thermal-broken frames should be used at exterior locations.
 A protective rail or mullion must be provided at approximately the 900 mm level where
windows extend to within 450 mm of the floor.
 If aluminum window frames are specified, electro-chemically coloured aluminum
components must have Aluminum Association Class I anodonic coatings.
 Where special window frames are specified, fully glazed wall sections having decorative
glass must be adequately protected.
Mill finish aluminum wood or plastic window frames must not be used.

Final Issue July 2017 10.44

The Consultant must review the use and application of glazing options (tempered or laminated
safety glass, plexi-glass, curtain walls) with ETS early in the design phase of the project, prior
to specification development.
General Requirements
 Tempered float plate glass or wired glass must be used in all public areas.
 Interior glazing will be taped by the dry method.
 Thermally sealed, double glazed windows should be used with protective channel edges.
 Neoprene glazing splines will be used where possible.
 All sealed units must be covered by a non-diminishing minimum ten (10) year warranty
against film formation or dust collection on the internal glass surfaces.
Glazed Curtain Walls
Only proven curtain wall systems will be used that can accommodate expansion and
contraction without damage to the components structure or it’s adverse weather – resistance
 Curtain wall systems should conform to the rain-screen principal.
 Only thermal-broken sections can be used.
 Aluminum finishes must be similar to those required for aluminum doors and windows.

10.11.7 Hardware
The Consultant must review and coordinate all door and related hardware requirements,
including, but not limited to locksets, door closers, overhead door holders, door hold openers,
stops, panic devices hinges, keying, and lock cylinders with ETS early in the design phase of
the project, prior to specification development.
All hardware must be specified as heavy duty and commercial grade. Locksets
Standard mortise locksets must be used which are capable of accepting standard cylinders.
Locksets must be coordinated with the existing locking system and confirmed with ETS prior
to specification development. Door Closers
 Concealed closures (any type) must not be used unless specifically approved by ETS.
 They should not allow the door to open more than 90°.
 Closures with projecting arms should be avoided as they are prone to vandalism.
Standard of Acceptance: LCN 4041 Overhead Door Openers
Acceptable overhead door openers should be used on all entrance doorways and public
corridor smoke or fire doors. Door Hold Openers
 Magnetic hold openers must be installed on public corridor smoke or fire doors. Hold
openers may also be required in other areas. Each location / condition will be assessed
individually by the Consultant and ETS.
 Floor or wall mounted hold open devices are preferred as compared to concealed types or
types incorporated into the door closer.
 By code, hold openers must be connected to the fire-alarm system.

Final Issue July 2017 10.45


 The device must be connected to the BMS for locking and unlocking. Stops
Floor mounted door stops are acceptable for utility room doors. This type should not be
installed in areas of high pedestrian traffic flows where they pose a trip hazard, unless there
are no other options. Panic Devices
The installation of panic devices on a bank of doors will be governed by code. Only the
minimum number of panic devices should be installed. Where a bank of doors needs to be
keyed they will be all keyed with the same key.
 Must be the type in which the action is controlled from the interior with a special key.
 Vertical rod panic devices are generally not acceptable. Vertical mullions are preferred in
lieu of vertical rod employment. Concealed vertical rods are preferred where panic
devices with vertical rods must be used.
 Bolt sockets must be the spring-loaded self-cleaning type.
Standard of Acceptance: Von Duprin Series 9900 Hinges
The selection of hinges should be based on the following criteria:
 Durability and the ability to handle high traffic volumes and rough usage.
 Provides a heavy-duty ball bearing mechanism.
 Have provided superior performance on existing LRT facilities.
Standard of Acceptance Stanley, Hugar, Von Duprin
Continuous hinges should be used on exterior entrance doors. Keying
The Consultant’s responsibilities with respect to keying are:
 The provision of keyways that is unique to ETS and the City of Edmonton.
 Ensuring the coordination with the ETS General Master Key (GMK) System
 Confirming uniformity with ETS before installation.
 Ensuring that the specifications state that the master keys will not be issued to anyone on
the building site.
The Consultant will also ensure that the Contractor provides the following:
 Temporary or construction cylinders to be used during construction.
 Assembles all change keys with numbers corresponding to the appropriate key or keys
after the locks and cylinders are installed.
10.11.8 Gates (Type I and II Stations)
Gates are to be installed at both ends of the platform to deter the public from accessing the
track level from the platform. Notwithstanding, the public must be able to use the gate to exit
the platform in the case of an emergency.
10.11.9 Office Furnishings
Office type furniture, such as desks or chairs may be required for certain service rooms in
stations. These requirements will be determined by ETS on an individual station basis.

Final Issue July 2017 10.46



10.12.1 Type I Roof Structures
A waterproofing membrane must be applied to the outside of the structure. Successful repair
of a faulty membrane on an underground structure is very difficult and expensive. Special
precautionary measures must be taken to ensure the designed/specified membrane does not
develop leaks. They are as follows:
 Research to confirm that the selected membrane has performed satisfactorily on other
facilities under similar conditions.
 Prior approval of the design by the membrane manufacturer or licensed representative,
 Written approval by the selected applicator that the roof surface has an acceptable finish
for receiving the membrane.
 Installation of the membrane by an applicator approved by the membrane manufacturer.
 Site visits by the manufacturer’s representative and an independent supervisor/inspector
before and during membrane application. The independent inspector must be *ARCA
certified and acceptable to both the Contractor and the Supplier.
*Note: ARCA – Alberta Roofing Contractors Association
 Protection of the membrane after application with the protection measures being approved
by the manufacturer.
 The structural element to which the membrane is applied must be designed to minimize
uncontrolled cracking. This may involve breaking the element into small discrete portions
separated by expansion joints and/or pre-stressing the element to ensure it is always in
 Metal eavestroughing or similar drainage system should be used at major slab or deck
joints where an effective waterproof seal cannot be provided. This is of particular
importance where leakage may damage underlying elements.
 Insulation subjected to traffic loads must be able to withstand the fatigue failure, which
may be induced by the imposed repetitive loading.
 A minimum five (5) years warranty on materials and installation against leakage or other
defects is to be provided by the Contractor.

10.12.2 Type I and Type II Station Walls

For Type I structures where moisture is allowed to penetrate the exterior primary structural
envelope and the moisture is intercepted by means of drains, the Consultant should consider
a second interior screen / decorative wall some distance removed from the primary wall
Type I structures can have multiple changes in section. This type of configuration is more
prone to cracking and movement of the structure leading to a possible early breakdown of the
membrane at entranceways.
Readily accessible clean-out openings should be provided as required to permit maintenance
of any sub-drainage system associated with the moisture protection system.
Decorative false walls, electrical and mechanical construction at exterior walls must be
supported away from the exterior walls or be placed on the inside wall of cavity wall
construction. The water should be allowed to seep through exterior walls to a designed
drainage system.

10.12.3 Above Grade Structures (Type I Entranceways, Type II and III Roofs)
Non – Metal Roof Structures
The following are the general requirements for membranes installed on non-metal roof

Final Issue July 2017 10.47


 Ensure the membrane is protected against mechanical damage

 Ensure that the membrane is maintained at a fairly constant temperature throughout the
 Ensure that the membrane is protected from UV radiation thus slowing the aging process
 Insulation should be R 15 to R 20 minimum (average R value). Avoid the use of soft and
fiberglass type insulations.
 Avoid the use of Reglet joints
Metal Roofs
Seamless metal roofs with upstanding vertical joints are acceptable. A five (5) year ARCA
Certificate of Assurance Warranty against leakage should be requested. Usually a ten (10
year manufacturer’s warranty on materials is provided. A specialist roofing consultant must be
retained to design the roof to qualify for the ARCA warranty. A certified ARCA inspector must
perform the inspection.
 Use polycarbonate skylights wherever practical. Anti-scratch surface treatment should
only be used on flat panels.
 Skylights must be designed to have a positive slope to adjacent roof or drains.
 Vandal proof fasteners should be used with pressure plates to clamping glazing in place,
avoid the use of exposed caulks and sealants.
 When specifying skylights, the consultant should consider the use of UV inhibitors with the

10.12.4 Drainage
Numerous references have been made to drainage requirements throughout this chapter. For
additional guidelines refer to Chapter 12, Mechanical Systems, Section 12.7.


10.13.1 General
The provision and installation of advertising signage in or adjacent to LRT Stations is generally
the responsibility of an Advertising firm under contract to and the direction of ETS.
The station design consultant, in conjunction with ETS, early in the design phase and prior to
specification development, will determine the possible locations suitable for advertising based
on the criteria presented below. Once the final locations have been selected the Consultant
will ensure that design drawings clearly specify anchorage and electrical locations and
Advertising must meet the following general requirements:
 Does not conflict, by placement or treatment with, or take priority over, system information
 Be carefully located so that it does not obstruct, cause distraction or impede patron
movement; or conflict with legibility of emergency exits or equipment.
 Be located so that it does not obstruct CCTV coverage of the facility.
 Be considered as a design element rather than random displays.
 Be compatible as much as possible with the architectural theme/features of the station.
 Preferably, be placed so that a power shutdown of the 600V overhead catenary is not
required when installing ad or maintaining the signage fixtures.
 Conform to all applicable codes.

Final Issue July 2017 10.48


10.13.2 Location Criteria

 Entrances, Concourse, Passageways and Fare Collection Areas
Station entrances are suitable for advertising as this location is usually free of safety
concerns related to trains or vertical circulation. The placement of advertising in the
concourse areas must not conflict with fare collection, signage functions, or patron
movement patterns.
 Vertical Circulation Spaces (Stairways and Escalators)
Advertising should not be located at the top and bottom landings of stairs and escalators
as their placement could be distracting to the patron.
 Platform Level
The station platform and across track locations are suitable for advertising provided
placement meets the general requirements listed above.

10.13.3 Advertising Panel Frames

 The Advertising vendor will supply the frame for installation by ETS.
 ETS can request that frames be custom-built for a station including the specification of the
colour requirements.
 Panel sizes will be decided by ETS in consultation with the Advertising Vendor.
 Frames must conform to the most popular national advertising standards.

10.13.4 Lighting
Existing ambient station lighting should be adequate for most advertising. If lighting is
deemed necessary, it should be identified as early as possible in the station preliminary
design process in order that the electrical requirements can be determined and specified.

10.13.5 Digital Display

Refer to Section 10.6.3 – Electronic Information Screens

10.13.6 Maintenance and Performance Criteria

All materials used in the fabrication of advertising panels and framework should be durable,
vandal-resistant and have low maintenance.

10.13.7 Future Requirements

When directed by ETS, and where practicable, the Consultant will make provision in the
design for additional future advertising signage (conduit runs, etc.).


The Consultant is directed to Chapter 18, Streets Design, for the design guidelines for street
and sidewalk modifications, new street construction, track grade crossings, and parking and
vehicular drop-off areas adjacent to the LRT station site.

Final Issue July 2017 10.49



The following calculations were made to determine the minimum width of centre load
 Platform length = 123 m
 1000 passengers detraining from a 5 car train or two – 5 car trains arriving
simultaneously at platform and each detraining 500 passengers.
 Occupancy allowance of 0.743 sq m per person (APTA standard)
Therefore platform area required = 1000 x 0.743 = 743 sq. m
Based on the forgoing, a minimum platform width of 6.0 m is required (743 / 123 = 6.04)
However, this width excludes any allowances for the widths of stairs, escalators, service
areas and the safety zone at the edge of the platform. When these allowances were
factored in it was determined that a minimum width of 8.19 m was required.
Width remaining = 2150 mm (8190 – 6040)
Safety zone requirements 400 x 2 = 800 mm (as per 1992 edition of Design
Width remaining for stairs, escalators etc = 2150 – 800 = 1350 mm
However 48’ escalator = 1220 mm
Stairway (2 units at 550) = 1100 mm
(It appears that 8190 mm not adequate when exiting factored in)
For a side loading platform configuration the minimum width was determined to be 3650
 Platform length = 123 m
 Area req’d = 500 pass. detraining x Occup. Allowance of 0.743 = 371.5 sq. m
 Min. width req’d = 371.5 / 123 = 3.02 m or 3020 mm
When allowances for safety zone, benches etc are added in it was determined that the
minimum width required is = 3650 mm (Diff 3650 – 3020 = 630 mm)


Station Width Length

Clareview 9.076 m 123.0 m
Belvedere 7.858 m 121.425 m
Coliseum 7.86 m 123.85 m
Stadium 7.86 m 124.562 m
Churchill 7.86 m 129.0 m
Central 7.86 m 125.3 m
Bay 8.19 m 129.881 m
Corona 8.19 m 123.0 m
Grandin 8.19 m 123.0 m
University 8.19 m 123.0 m
Health Sciences 9.0 m 124 m
McKernan/Belgravia 6.0 m 123 m
South Campus 9.0 m 123 m
Southgate 9.0 m 123 m
Century Park 9.0 m 123 m

Final Issue July 2017 AI.1


Room Equipment Size Area

Station Power Services 15kV LB switch, Station Services 10m x 5m 50 sq.m
Substation Power Transformer, 600V
Distribution switchboard, 120/208
distribution transformer, Utility power
meter, customer meter, panelboard,
heaters, lights, UPS, transfer switch,
TVSS, generator interface, ground
bus, exhaust fan
Platform Services 600V panelboard, 120/208 3m x 4m 12 sq.m
Electrical distribution transformers, 120/208V
panelboards, ground bus, lights,
heaters, exhaust fan
Communications CCTV Matrix, Optical Fibre Comm. 5m x 6m 30 sq.m
Hardware, 120/208V panelboard,
Clock controller, PA amplifier, Video
IP encoder, Optical Fibre Node,
patch panels, telephone termination
board, A/C unit, ground bus, BMS
C-Cure panel (refer to Ch 8, Section
Platform Comm. Hub/ Optical Fibre patch panels, Copper 2m x 4m 8 sq.m
Signals Termination media patch panel, signals
termination cabinet, signals
relays/timers/switch cabinet, lights,
cooling fan, heaters
*Signal Relay Power equipment, relays, optical 6m x 7m 42 sq.m
fibre node, control panel, UPS,
Traction Power Substation Rectifier Transformers, Power 10m x 11m 110
Transformers, 15kV Primary sq.m
Switchgear, DC switchgear, Utility
Power Meter, heaters, lights, UPS
Ground bus, substation ground grid,
exhaust fan
Utility / Janitorial Storage Mop Sink, Snow Cleaning 2.5m x 3m 7.5 sq.
Equipment, Floor Scrubber, Counter m
/ Vanity
Mechanical Pumps, fans, motors TBD TBD
Vacuum Central Vac System, up to two (2) TBD TBD
45 gal drums
Elevator Machine Motors, etc. TBD TBD
Permanent Generator Generator, fuel tank TBD TBD

* Equipment sizing requirements by Signals provider may facilitate smaller room size engineered to
Note: TBD – To be Determined by Consultant

Final Issue July 2017 AII 1


Risk Assessment Criteria for Placement of Garbage / Recycling Receptacles

(As it Relates to Risk to People, Operations and Critical Infrastructure)

Risk Low Risk

APTA Category Description Element Element Comments

Pedestrian access and egress points X See Note 1

to/from stations

Areas where people congregate Platform level X See Note 1

Pedestrian bottlenecks Stairways/escalators X See Note 1

Elevators X See Note 1

Location of critical structural elements Columns X major impact of structural failure

in underground stations Load bearing walls X major impact of structural failure

Location of critical structural elements Columns X reduced impact of structural failure

in surface stations Load bearing walls X reduced impact of structural failure

Walkways Hallways X See Note 1

Open walking areas X See Note 1

Glass Glass enclosures X produces significant amounts of shrapnel

Small glass barriers X produces limited amounts of shrapnel

Enclosed spaces Alcoves/vestibules X receptacle not visible to pedestrians; poor blast dispersion

Ceiling height X See Note 1

Utilities HVAC X limited potential for secondary effects

Smoke fans X critical to evacuating smoke
Electrical X limited potential for secondary effects
Communications X incident reporting/emergency response
Gas lines - main feeds X impact of secondary explosion is major
Gas lines - line connections X impact of secondary explosion is lesser
Fire life safety systems i.e. main X limited potential for secondary effects
sprinker valve
High pressure steam X potential for secondary effects
Signals room/substation X required to maintain power/train control

Flammable and toxic materials X minimal storage of materials in LRT stations

Note 1: In general, Edmonton's LRT system currently is at a low risk level to the threat of an explosive event. The risk is mitigated by the use of clear plastic
receptacles placed in highly visible areas.
Chapter 11 – Revision Tracking Form


Chapter 11
2017 EDITION – Revisions Tracking Form
Section Reference Revision General Description Issue Date
11.4.3 Last paragr. Added requirement for twist lock receptacle in July 2017
public areas.

11.5.1 Last paragr. Added requirement for consultant to develop

spare parts list. Colour list Updated standard colours. Colour list Updated standard colours. Bullet list Added requirement for drain valves on remote

fuelling lines.

11.9 Bullet list Added requirement for water resistant smoke

detectors in crawl spaces.

11.9 Bullet list Added requirement for anti-tamper cover on fire

alarm pull station. Section Changed preference to LED lighting, other minor

changes. Last bullet Clarified power connection.





11.1  GENERAL 1 
11.1.1  Introduction 1 
11.1.2  Abbreviations 1 
11.1.3  Applicable Codes, Regulations, Standards, Practices, Reference Guidelines1 
11.2.1  Demand Factors 2 
11.2.2  Traction Power 3 
11.3.1  Utility Power Transmission 3 
11.3.2  Systems Voltages 3 
11.3.3  Capacity 3 
11.4.1  Supply to Signal and Communication Rooms 4 
11.4.2  Panel Board Locations 4 
11.4.3  ROW Maintenance Power 4 
11.5  MATERIALS 4 
11.5.1  Objectives 4 
11.5.2  Identification 5 
11.6  EQUIPMENT 6 
11.6.1  Motors 6 
11.6.2  Transformers 6 
11.6.3  Disconnect Switches and Fuses 7 
11.7.1  Manual Transfer Switch 8 
11.7.2  Automatic Transfer Switch 8 
11.7.3  Standby Rated Fixed Mounted Generators 8 
11.7.4 Portable Generators 10 
11.8.1  General Requirements 11 
11.8.2  Cables 11 
11.8.3  Control Panels and Accessories 11 
11.8.4  Power Services 12 
11.8.5  Snow and Ice Melt Systems 12 
11.10  LIGHTING 13 
11.10.1  General Design Objectives 13 
11.10.2  Performance Standards 13 
11.10.3  Standard Lighting Elements/Fixtures 13 
11.10.4  Illumination Levels 14 
11.10.5  Lighting Control Systems 16 

Final Issue July 2017 I


11.10.6  Lighting Energy Conservation Measures 16 

11.10.7  Emergency Lighting 16 
11.11  METERING 17 
11.11.1  Utility Metering 17 
11.11.2  Distribution Equipment Metering 17 
11.12.1  Bonding 17 
11.12.2  Ground Fault Protection 19 
11.13.1  General 19 
11.13.2  Ductbank Construction General Requirements 22 
11.13.3  Conduits and Raceways Additional Requirements 23 
11.14.1  General 24 
11.14.2  Exceptions 24 

List of Figures
Figure 11.1 - Typical Communication Ductbank
Figure 11.2 - Typical Power and Catenary Ductbank
Figure 11.3 - Vault Detail
Figure 11.4 - Typical Pullboxes

Final Issue July 2017 II



11.1.1 Introduction
This chapter provides the design guidelines for the electrical systems for all LRT facilities and
components including those located in the ROW other than the power that is required to
propel the LRV’s (refer to Chapter 6, Traction Power).
The major topics included in this chapter are system loadings and power characteristics,
electrical equipment and materials, lighting, including emergency lighting, grounding and
ground fault protection, fire alarm and detection systems, conduits and combined ductbanks.
For the design of all electrical systems, it is incumbent upon the Consultant to utilize
sustainable design elements including LEED protocol where applicable and practical. Refer to
Chapter 1 Section 1.1.6 regarding the City Sustainable Building Policy #C532.
11.1.2 Abbreviations
CDP - Central Distribution Panel
EM - Emergency
EMT - Electrical Metallic Tubing
HID - High Intensity Discharge
AHJ - Authority Having Jurisdiction
LEED - Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design
MDP - Main Distribution Panel
MUT - Multi-use Trail
PDC - Power Distribution Centre
PMG - Permanent Magnet Generator
*ROW - Right-of-Way
RSC Rigid Steel Conduit
RTO - Motor Thermister Relay
THD - Total Harmonic Distribution
TP - Traction Power
ULC - Underwriter’s Laboratories of Canada
UPS - Uninterruptible Power Supply
*Note: ROW is defined as the area within which the LRT trackway and all its related system elements
and facilities are placed. It is defined by a legal boundary or limits referred to as the LRT ROW Limit.
The Consultant should refer to Chapter 3 Clearances and Right-of-Way, Section 3.2.3 for other ROW
related definitions.
11.1.3 Applicable Codes, Regulations, Standards, Practices, Reference Guidelines
Unless stated otherwise, all design activities, equipment and material selection must conform
or exceed the requirements of the latest editions of all applicable federal, provincial, and
municipal codes and regulations.
Codes, Regulations, Standards
Alberta Building Code (ABC)
Alberta Electrical and Communication Utility Code (AECUC)
Alberta Electrical Code Regulation (AECR)
American National Standards Institution (ANSI)
Alberta Safety Code Act (ASCA)

Final Issue July 2017 11.1


American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE)

American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)
Canadian Electrical Code (CEC)
Canadian Electrical Manufacturers Association (CEMA)
Canadian Government Specifications Board (CGSB)
Canadian Standards Association (CSA)
Electro Federation of Canada (EFC)
Electrical Equipment Manufacturers Advisory Council (EEMAC)
Illumination Engineering Society Lighting Handbook (IES)
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
International Society for Measurement and Control (ISA)
National Building Code of Canada (NBC)
National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA)
National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)
Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA)
Underwriters Laboratories of Canada (ULC)
Reference Guidelines
Accessibility for Elderly and Handicapped Pedestrians
City of Edmonton Design Guide for a Safer City
Edmonton Transit System LRT Portal Lighting Study – BGME April 2003
EPCOR Customer Connection Guide
EPCOR Underground Distribution Manual
EPCOR Utility Standards Manual
Going Places – Accessibility Needs of Visually Impaired Travelers in Transportation
Facilities, CNIB 1997
LEED Green Building Rating System
NFPA 130 Standard for Passenger Rail Systems
Road And Walkway Lighting Manual – Transportation Services Department
TCRP Report on Passenger Loading
Transportation Services Electrical Services Plan (TESP)
The guidelines presented herein apply to AC power systems in the following facilities:
 LRT Stations and adjacent related facilities such as Transit Centres
 Signal, Communication and other service rooms and ancillary buildings
 Tunnels and Portals
 TPSS buildings
 ROW appurtenances
 All other LRT related facilities such as Park and Ride lots
11.2.1 Demand Factors
The electrical and mechanical equipment requiring power includes but is not limited to, the
 Communication Systems Components
 Controls (Building Management System)
 Maintenance Receptacles
 Elevators and Escalators
 Lighting
 Emergency Lighting and Power Systems
 Fare Collection Equipment

Final Issue July 2017 11.2


 Space Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC)

 Heat Tracing
 Motors
 Pumps
 Signals
 Signage (Variable Message system, architectural fixed signs, monument signs)
 Snow Melt System
 Vacuum System
 Fare Equipment
 Vending Equipment
11.2.2 Traction Power
The design and engineering of the Traction Power system is specialized and is to be
performed by a pre-qualified, approved and experienced Consultant. For further guidance on
the traction power system refer to Chapter 6, Traction Power. Chapter 6 provides the electrical
requirements specific to the DC traction power supply and distribution system.
11.3.1 Utility Power Transmission
EPCOR is a major utility services provider in Edmonton and to the LRT system. If contracted,
the EPCOR Customer Connection Guide should be referred to for electrical connection and
wiring details. An EPCOR Customer Engineering Services Representative is to be contacted
for site-specific planning, details and constraints. An EPCOR service representative can be
reached at 412 - 4510 or 412 -7726. It is advisable that the Consultant engage the services
and input of EPCOR early and continuously throughout the duration of the project. The
Consultant must obtain clarity from EPCOR on submission requirements required to engage
their services.
The University of Alberta is also designated as a utility service provider at site specific
locations and operates as such. If contracted to provide utility power to the LRT system, the
Consultant should contact and coordinate with the University of Alberta Utilities for all
electrical utility matters for areas under their jurisdiction. A University of Alberta service
representative can be reached at 492-4021. The University of Alberta has a multi year
services contract with “The Inspections Group” as their electrical inspection agent or AHJ.
The University of Alberta utility and campus wide electrical design standards may apply to
installations that are under the direct operational and maintenance control of the University of
Alberta. University of Alberta Utilities must be consulted to confirm their requirements.
11.3.2 Systems Voltages
LRT Stations supplied voltage is dependant on the utility provider’s existing or planned
electrical distribution system.
For the purpose of these guidelines, High Voltage is defined as 750 V AC and greater (e.g.
13800 V). Low Voltage is defined as less than 750V AC (e.g. 600/347 V 120/208 V 3 - Ø 4 -
11.3.3 Capacity
Capacity is defined as the required load as per the load calculations plus 30% for future

Final Issue July 2017 11.3



Service equipment must be rated to withstand the published fault current available from the
utility service provider (EPCOR, University of Alberta or others). Fault levels and protection
should be coordinated with the utility service provider.
11.4.1 Supply to Signal and Communication Rooms
To handle the expected loads from communications equipment, separate branch circuits for
each of the respective loads, or equivalent combinations thereof, must be provided. Power for
communication equipment must be on separate protected circuits with no other loads on the
The emergency power source for signal and communications room can either be an
emergency generator or a UPS or both.
The power requirements for the signals and communication systems must be carefully
ETS is to define the philosophy of operating the system and stations during a power outage
and how much time they require continuous emergency power to be available based on the
assumption that the traction power system is energized. ETS must confirm the minimum run
time requirements for the emergency power supply at each location in which either signals
equipment or communication equipment is found.
Signals equipment located outside of, or remote from either a TPSS, Transit Centre, LRT
Station or other similar structure, may be utility fed with no backup from a generator or UPS.
Specifically, signals equipment located in crossing controllers may be fed from ROW power
originating from a source.
11.4.2 Panel Board Locations
Branch circuit panelboards should be located near the area being served (preferably in a non-
public service area). In all cases where it is practicable panelboards should be located at a
level allowing it to be serviced. Panel Boards should ideally be placed within service rooms
dedicated to the electrical system.
11.4.3 ROW Maintenance Power
Weatherproof 15A / 120V duplex receptacles are to be installed at 30 m intervals through
tunnel sections, at tunnel track switches and along station platforms.
Weatherproof convenience outlets, duplex receptacles are to be provided at service points
such as near signaling termination cabinets, near emergency phone locations, near ROW
phone locations, near track blowers, at PDC locations, etc.
To resist vandalism, receptacles must be of nylon face construction.
To resist loitering, provide twist lock electrical receptacles at locations that are easily
accessible by the public.
11.5.1 Objectives
Material and device selections should be based on the following:
 Utilization of materials impervious to corrosion, resistant to the effects of water and the
effects of chemicals that may be present.
 Minimizing maintenance or avoiding failure during the long service life expectancy of the
LRT facility.

Final Issue July 2017 11.4


 Being capable of withstanding rough usage and vandalism common to public facilities.
 Being resistant to the efforts of unauthorized personnel attempting to remove (theft)
installed equipment during and after construction.
When used in similar applications, devices and materials should be standardized as much as
possible throughout the LRT system.
All materials to be utilized must have prior CSA approval. If CSA approval has not been
obtained then approval for its use must be sought from ETS and/or the AHJ.
During the design, the consultant should determine a spare parts list for each component, and
discuss with ETS for agreement.
11.5.2 Identification General
Colour coding, identification and methods of paint finishes to electrical equipment must be
specified and carefully supervised during construction.
All electrical fittings, supports, hanger rods, pullboxes, channel frames, conduit racks, outlet
boxes, brackets, clamps, etc. must have a hot dipped galvanized finish or powder coat enamel
paint finish over a corrosion-resistant primer.
All enclosures located outdoors or in a tunnel or grade separation must be made of stainless
steel. All fittings, covers, bolts and hinges associated with these enclosures must be made of
stainless steel.
All interior panelboards, distribution centers, motor control centers, transformers, etc., must be
factory finished in alkyd high gloss enamel applied over corrosion-resistant primer.
Note: Matte or flat type finish paint is not acceptable.
The extent of tagging of electrical equipment and systems must be discussed in detail with the
ETS and AM&PW Facility Maintenance personnel prior to specifying. Colour Coding of Systems Elements
System colours including all associated equipment enclosures, terminations and pullboxes
should be as follows:
Above 750V grey RAL 7035
347/600V sand CIL-BH-355-7
120/208V grey CIL-BH-94222
Fire Alarm red CIL-BH-94351
Telephone/Data blue CIL-BH-878-9
PA/VMS blue
CCTV yellow
Low voltage switching black enamel
Emergency power pullboxes, etc. must be clearly labeled with 25 mm “EM” stenciled red
letters over the system colour.
Transformer enclosures are to be finished in accordance with primary voltage colour as
outlined above. Colour Coding of Conductors
Conductors must be colour coded throughout the facility with the same colour applying to the
same phase throughout. Colour coding must be by insulation colour or permanently applied
colour banding at all distribution centres and panels in accordance with the following:
Equipment bonding conductor - green

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Identified Conductor (Neutral) - white

120/208V phase wires - red, black, blue
347/600V phase wires - red, black, blue
Data cabling - Cat 6 rated, blue
Voice cabling - Cat 5E rated, grey
At all distribution centres, pullboxes, wireways, etc., feeder conductors of each feeder group
must be neatly laced or clipped into a feeder group.
Fire alarm system control cable suitable for addressable fire alarm systems must be utilized
and installed in conduit systems. Nametags
Nameplate schedules are to be prepared and issued to ETS for their review and approval.
Final markings, as determined in consultation with ETS, are to be placed on the drawings for
implementation during construction.
MDP’s, CDP’s, power panels, lighting panels, disconnect switches, starters, contactors, motor
control centers, terminal cabinets, junction boxes, On/Off switches and transformers must be
clearly identified by permanent labels in accordance with the following requirements:
 Nametags must be of 3-layer laminated plastic, black/white/black with etched lettering
giving white letters on black background where called for on the drawings or in the
specifications. Letters on nametags must be a minimum of 9.5 mm in height. All
nametags must be mechanically fastened with either machine screws and or rivets, in
addition to nametag adhesive backing.
 Terminal strips, etc. must be identified in terminal cabinets for control wiring, closed circuit
television distribution, intercommunication, sound, telephone, fire alarm, timing, etc., and
must utilize typed lists.
 Communication vaults, catenary power vaults and utility power vaults must be clearly
identified as shown on the drawings.
 Panels, along with their rated voltage, must be as shown on drawings. Where panels are
located in areas other than electrical rooms, nametags must be clearly identified as shown
on drawings.
 Transformers along with capacity, primary and secondary voltages must be clearly
identified as shown on drawings.
 For disconnect switches, starters and contactors the equipment being controlled and the
voltage must be indicated.
 The areas being served by On/Off switches must be indicated.
 Terminal cabinets and pull-box systems and voltages must be indicated.
 Distribution Centres must be identified as indicated on the drawings and must show the
main voltage or voltages if more than one is used.
 Motor Control Centres must be identified as shown on the drawings and must show main
voltage or voltages if more than one is used.
11.6.1 Motors
Supply Voltage requirements are:
 Motors rated at 0.56 kW or larger must be supplied by 208V 3Ø or 600V 3Ø, if available.
 Motors rated at 0.37 kW or smaller must be 120V 1Ø.
 Motors for variable speed drive motor applications must be Inverter duty rated.
 All motors are to be a high energy efficient type.
11.6.2 Transformers

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Transformers are to be located away from any critical low noise areas and must be mounted
on neoprene-steel-neoprene vibration isolation pads with flexible conduit connections. In
addition, they should have the following features:
 Dry type construction
 TP1 “Energy Star” and C802.2 compliant or rated
 High voltage transformers are to be provided with core and coil temperature gauge and
 High Voltage transformers to be in compliance with EPCOR Customer Connection Guide
Note: Confirm additional requirements with University of Alberta Utilities if the project comes under their
direct jurisdiction. University of Alberta Utilities transformer standard is “Cast-Coil” type transformer for
primary voltage applications. This standard is only applicable to installations where the University of
Alberta Utilities operates and maintains the equipment.
Heat rejection rates must be determined for all transformers. The cooling requirements for all
transformers must be coordinated with the mechanical design consultant.
11.6.3 Disconnect Switches and Fuses
Disconnect switches, complete with lock off means, are to be provided for all motors. Fused
disconnect switches are discouraged. The use of circuit breakers should be utilized, if
Three phase disconnect switches are to be quick make, quick break, three pole, three or four
wire complete with bonding lug. In general, the enclosures are to be of type EEMAC 1. In
some installation situations special enclosures may be required.
The maximum length of liquid tight flexible conduit from the disconnect switch to the electrical
apparatus is 1 m. If TECK 90 cabling is utilized, cable length is not an issue. Approved TECK
90 gland type connectors are to be utilized for all TECK 90 cabling applications. Flexible
conduit (clamp type) connectors are not approved for TECK 90 cabling applications.
All disconnect switches are to be suitably labeled with lamicoid labels that includes the motor,
voltage and service source identification (refer to Section 11.5.2).
Emergency power sources should be selected on the basis of type of system (sensitivity),
reliability and most economic life cycle cost. Sources include:
 Uninterruptible Power System (UPS)
 Central battery system (battery packs)
 *Second utility power source
 Standby fixed mounted diesel engine generator system
 Portable generator
*Note: A redundant power source should only be selected if it can be demonstrated that a failure of the
primary utility service will affect the secondary utility service.
In the event of outage, or loss of normal/utility power, Emergency Power Systems must be
designed to provide power to systems such as communications and control, signals, stations
and ancillary facilities, traction power equipment (controls, relaying, SCADA, communication
equipment, and alarm functions) all areas in accordance with the following general guidelines:
 If two utility feeds with independent transformers are provided with an automatic transfer
then a 2 hour UPS (based on peak operation) is required. The automatic transfer set
needs to be alarmed on BMS.

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 If two utility feeds are provided to one transformer, it is not classified as redundant as
there is a single point of failure.
 If an emergency generator set is available with is own transformer then a 2 hour UPS
(based on peak operation) is required. The generator set needs to be alarmed on BMS.
 If no secondary backup is available then 8 hours of UPS backup is required.
 Type I and II passenger stations must have dual redundancy.
 On other passenger stations redundancy can be provided by a plug for the portable
generator set provided the capacity of the portable generator is large enough to handle
the essential services of emergency lights, CCTV, fire alarms, PA, TVM, BMS, smart
cards, and signals equipment, if any.
 Backup power is to also include switch machines, switch blowers, crossing warning
systems, TVM, smart cards, CCTV (this includes cameras, recorders, network
infrastructure etc).
11.7.1 Manual Transfer Switch
Manual transfer switches are only permitted for installation to accommodate portable
generators. The manual transfer switch must be able to inhibit, alert and alarm against phase
rotation errors. The manual transfer switch must be interlocked with the normal power supply.
An interlock on the normal power supply must be opened before the manual transfer switch
can be closed into the emergency power supply.
11.7.2 Automatic Transfer Switch
In all cases where a standby generator is permanently located at a site and is operational, a
contactor or circuit breaker type CSA approved transfer switch should be used. Molded case
switches with integral protection are acceptable.
Transfer switches should:
 Utilize electronic control circuitry for system operation and monitoring.
 Contain a microprocessor based transfer logic controller.
 Be open transition – break-before-make operation type.
 Be equipped with a bypass switch feature.
 Be of 3-pole design for switching the current carrying conductors of each phase.
 Be designed to avoid nuisance tripping of the ground fault protection schemes.
11.7.3 Standby Rated Fixed Mounted Generators General
Standby rated fixed generators must be installed in Type I stations to provide emergency
power in the event of a power failure. In general, permanent emergency generators should
also be installed in Type II stations; however, this requirement will be reviewed on a station by
station basis at the outset of preliminary design.
Portable generator(s) will be made available by ETS to provide emergency power to Type III
stations in the event of a power failure (refer to Section Standby rated fixed Generators
Generators and day tanks must be located in a dedicated room within the traction power
substation or similar building. Generators must not be located in the same room as the
traction power equipment.
The fuel tank must be sized to hold sufficient fuel for the generator to run for at least 24 hours
without re-fueling, or for as many hours that do not exceed the maximum fuel tank capacity
allowed in the installation code for oil burining equipment.

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The tank must not be buried. The room and generator footprint should be sized to allow for a
generator that meets the needs of the station with an allowance for future loads.
Standby rated emergency generators must have the following features:
 Are diesel engine driven alternator PMG types.
 Muffler systems are to be critical residential rated.
 Fuel oil storage to be sized to a minimum life safety systems loading. Do not oversize fuel
storage capacity. ETS will provide additional direction for operations loading
 A fuel fill alarm station for fuel storage tank refueling.
 An electronic level control systems, integrated into the BMS (i.e. Siemens Miltonic 4 to
20ma level device or equal).
 A mechanical float fuel storage oil level indicator.
 Air ventilation dampers are to default to open should the BMS fail and the generator
starts, but does not transfer. This is to ensure the generator remains operational should a
power failure occur during cold weather.
 Equipped with electronic governor and a microprocessor based control system capable of
integration into the BMS.
 Engine oil heater must be controlled by thermostat and de-energized when engine is
Exhausting Requirements
 The generator exhaust pipe insulation must be rated for the maximum exhaust gas
temperature and covered with aluminum jacket.
 Suitable insulation and air pocket (thimble) must be provided to prevent heat damage from
exhaust stack.
 Where the exhaust stack comes out at street level, the architectural features should be
compatible with the surroundings.
 Exhaust ports at street level must be shielded to ensure that the hot piping and exhaust
gases do not endanger the public. The prevailing winds are to be considered when
locating the exhaust pipe. Exhaust pipe must be arranged in such a way that it will not
collect rain water.
 If required and recommended by the manufacturer the exhaust pipe muffler drain,
complete with an isolation valve, must be connected to the nearest floor drain.
Fuel Storage Requirements
 Fuel oil storage tank is to be double walled welded steel or contained with seal tight sheet
metal fabrication, or equal material. Wherever possible, incorporate the tank into the
generator frame. The tanks are to contain leak detection contacts. The leak detection
contacts must be connected to the BMS to provide an alarm condition.
 All tanks are to have a mechanical visual level indication at the tank and high/low level
alarms both at street level and at the operators control terminal in the ETS Control Centre
at Churchill Station. The low level alarm must be at a level that will allow six (6) hours of
generator run time. Six (6) hours low fuel level alarm must be in addition to the 24 hour
generator running time fuel capacity.
 Tanks are to be equipped with 4 to 20 mA level controller and connected to the BMS.
 The fuel filling station must be equipped with an audible alarm system to advise the
refueling agent when the tanks are full.
Fuel Oil and Fuel Oil Vent Line Requirements
 Mechanical and tripping hazard protection of fuel lines from the storage tank to the
generator engine is to be provided.

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 Fuel tanks that are located in underground rooms must have fill and vent lines piped to
street level.
 Fill pipes and spouts, vent pipes and level indicators must be located above sidewalk level
to prevent water leaking into the station and ensure accessibility even with snow cover.
Strive to minimize as much as practicable the length of piping from the fuelling location to
the fuel tank.
 Remote fueling lines must be fitted with drain valves for water condensation.
 Access to the fuel spout for the fueling truck should be convenient.
 Fuel spout must have a lockable lid to prevent unauthorized access.
 Fuel oil fill lines must be schedule 40 steel pipe.
 Fuel oil vent lines must be screwed fittings.
 Valves and unions must be provided to isolate the tank and allow for full tank drainage.
 Vent pipe to be equipped with a mechanical whistle.
 The fill pipe hose connections are to be coordinated with ETS.
Requirements for Generator Room
The room housing the generator must incorporate the following spill retention measures:
 A concrete or concrete block curb dike. The storage area is to be sized to accommodate
the entire contents of the fuel tank plus 25% freeboard.
 The perimeter sealed with a hydrocarbon rated sealant at the joints between the walls and
 The entire room floor, including the sides and top of the dike curb, is to be sealed with a
two-part hydrocarbon rated membrane.
Standby Rated Fixed Mounted Generator Sizing
The size of the generator will be based upon the values of the following loads, which are either
mandated or recommended to be on emergency power:
 Signals equipment
 Communication equipment
 Emergency Exit Lighting
 Fire alarm
 Station emergency lighting
 Ticket Vending Machines, Validators and Smart Card Readers
 CCTV equipment
 BMS Panel
 Security Panel
 Critical HVAC equipment
 Sump Pumps
 *Elevators
*Note: Full operation of elevators is preferable. As a minimum elevators need to have automatic
lowering to lowest publically accessible floor with the doors opening and remaining in the open position.
11.7.4 Portable Generators
In LRT stations (and platforms) where permanent emergency generators are not provided, a
manual transfer and an emergency power distribution system must be provided. The manual
transfer switch must be serviced from a remote located emergency power receptacle complete
with over-current protection, reverse rotation protection and weatherproof receptacle. ETS will
provide a portable generator during extended outages. The receptacle and manual transfer

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switch must be compatible with the ETS supplied portable generator. The output of the
portable generator is 600 Vac, 3 phase, 4 wire, 60 KVA.
Upon request, ETS will provide the required pin and sleeve designation of the fixed mounted
outlet that will be used as the portal to connect the portable generator to the emergency
distribution system.
The emergency power tie-in assembly including generator receptacle must be located
adjacent to the platform and have sufficient space adjacent to it to house the generator without
unduly impeding pedestrian and vehicular traffic or causing a safety hazard.
The manual transfer must be designed using a kirk key system or approved equivalent to
prevent accidental interconnection of the portable generator and utility lines.
11.8.1 General Requirements
Heat tracing is to be provided for the following elements when exposed to temperatures below
 Eavestroughs
 Roof drains
 Rain water leaders
 Gutters
 Drainage troughs at portal entrances
 Drainage catchments at pedestrian ramps and stairs
 Water Lines
 Sanitary drain lines
 Storm water drain lines
 Dry line sprinkler drop valves (where the potential for freezing exists).
Heat tracing must be provided where it is determined that sufficiently low temperatures will be
present to cause ice build-up within the track drainage trenches located in underground
All heat tracing systems must be designed for remote operation by the BMS control system.
11.8.2 Cables
Heat tracing cables must meet the following requirements:
 Are self regulating heating cables for freeze protection on pipes and drains.
 Are mineral insulated style with stainless steel or alloy 825 sheath for installation when
embedded in concrete.
 The recommended voltage rating is either 120V or 208V.
 Have cold leads of sufficient length to run from in feed points to power connection boxes.
11.8.3 Control Panels and Accessories
A zone control system is to be provided by the heat tracing control panel. Control panels are
to utilize microprocessor controls systems monitored and controlled by the BMS.
The control panel and associated heat tracing equipment consists of the following:
 Ground fault sensing element
 Control transformer
 Multi-pole heating contactor
 Freeze protection thermostat complete with sensor
 Snow sensor to detect falling or blowing snow
 Gutter ice sensor to detect freezing in gutters and downspouts

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 Control relay for BMS override and local disconnect means

The assembly is to be contained within an EEMAC enclosure suitable for its location.
11.8.4 Power Services
The heat tracing system is to be supplied from panel boards located at the nearest LRT
service location (i.e. station, portal, etc.).
All power connections, in feed and junction boxes, are to be appropriate for the location in
which they are placed and if located outdoors or in tunnels they are to be watertight
enclosures appropriate for accepting either in slab or surface conduit entry.
11.8.5 Snow and Ice Melt Systems
As a general requirement:
 Exterior stairs and ramps should be protected from snow and ice accumulation by
providing either roof cover or snow melting devices.
 Provide local and remote controls for each stairway for snow melt installations.
The Consultant should, early in the design phase, review with ETS the performance of snow
melt systems installed on the existing LRT system.
Mechanical (glycol) means of snow melting, where it is cost effective, practicable and
applicable may be considered as an option to concrete imbedded electric snow melt systems.
At each designated street address entrance to an LRT station there must be an alarm
annunciator panel indicating fire alarm zones and system status. Fire alarm systems must be
of the addressable type and monitored by the BMS through the ETS Control Centre at
Churchill Station.
If a ULC rated emergency evacuation system is not required, convenient access to the PA
system must be provided for the Emergency Response Department’s use at all annunciator
Automatic shutdown of air systems and elevators must be incorporated into the Fire Alarm
system. Elevators are to home to the nearest floor and then lock out until the fire alarm
system has been restored. Escalators are to be kept running during alarms to provide faster
and safer exiting.
Consideration must be given to a method of preventing fire doors from closing during the
weekly generator test. The generator test momentarily shuts off the power which is
considered to be a power failure in the system, which in turn, activates the closing of the
doors, etc.
Additional requirements are:
 Annunciator panels must be installed with a flush mounted polycarbonate (Lexan) shield
to render them vandal resistant.
 A dedicated telephone connection to the ETS Control Centre must also be located at the
annunciator panels for use by the Emergency Response Department.
 Rooms with critical equipment that must have fire protection include:
- Communication rooms
- Mechanical rooms
- Electrical rooms
 Smoke detectors installed in station platform crawl spaces must be water resistant.
 All conduits must have a pull cord installed in them at the time of construction. Spare
cords must be provided in conduits between annunciator and fire alarm cabinets.

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 The provision of spare zones for future expansion of retail space or additional services.
 The provision of a manual pull-station at each entrance and exit.
 Manual pull-stations in public areas must have covers to prevent vandalism and misuse.
 The provision of an exterior audible and visual indicator at each building.
 All fire detectors, unless disqualified by the environment in which they are placed, are to
be of the addressable type.
The lighting guidelines presented in this section are intended to outline the functional
requirements for site areas, pedways, stations and related service areas, tunnels, portals,
open trackway (ROW), MUTS and transit parking, including park and ride areas.
Conformance to these guidelines is necessary to ensure lighting levels are adequate and the
intended quality, convenience, efficiency and system safety requirements are provided.
Ease of maintenance should be a primary consideration in the selection of lighting systems
and devices.
11.10.1 General Design Objectives
 Provide lighting systems that have good colour rendition and are of high quality suitable
for hard usage applications.
 Select a luminaire with high efficiency to take the best advantage of the efficient source.
 Select readily available, low maintenance luminaires that have a long life.
 Luminaires are to be selected that will suit not only the environment in to which they are
placed but also be effective against vandalism and theft.
 Luminaires should have UV stabilized polycarbonate diffusers, i.e. Lexan or equivalent.
Glass luminaries are acceptable for luminaires that are out of harms way.
Lighting design principles for LRT stations are presented in Chapter 10 Stations and Ancillary
Facilities, Section 10.2.7. All or part of these principles, can also be applied to other
components of the LRT system that requires lighting.
Refer to the City Road and Walkway Lighting Manual for lighting standards related to these
11.10.2 Performance Standards
 All luminaires should be commercial/industrial quality.
 All platform, tunnel, underpasses and exterior luminaires (ROW) should be IP 66 rated.
 The average to minimum uniformity ratio for interior lighting should not exceed 3 to 1.
 For exterior path and roadway lighting, the minimum uniformity ratio should be 6 to 1.
 All hinging mechanisms must be metallic (plastic is not permitted).
11.10.3 Standard Lighting Elements/Fixtures Lighting Sources
In general, LED lights are the preferred lighting source. In some instances, other lighting
sources could be considered. The designer shall provide recommendations for lighting
Guards should be used to protect lighting in areas where there is potential for vandalism or
breakage (public use areas, low mounting heights in utility areas).
The light source selected should be based on application, lamp life, source lumen efficacy,
ease of maintenance, color spectrum and illumination control (photometric data).

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A white light source is required to provide improved visibility and color rendering on LRT
platforms. All lighting on the LRT platform to must be supplied from an uninterruptible power
supply (UPS). Light tube lighting is not permitted.
Consideration should be given to protecting overhead lighting in public areas from falling by
means of a safety chain fastened to the roof or ceiling. Factors to consider in determining if a
chain is required include: type of luminarie, its location, potential for vibration etc. Lighting Ballast
 High efficiency electronic ballasts are to be used with THD<20%. Pulse magnetic ballasts
are to be used for HID lighting systems.
 Ballasts should be readily accessible through the luminaire opening or remotely mounted
for ease of maintenance.
 Where luminaries are not easily accessible (i.e. over stairwells), ballasts must be remote
 Closed units, such as sign boxes or display cases, must have adequate ventilation to
dissipate ballast and lamp heat.
11.10.4 Illumination Levels
In general, minimum lighting levels (except where otherwise noted) should be maintained at
900 mm above the finished floor level of the facility or area being lit. All lighting levels
provided in the following tables are in *Lux.
*Note: Lux is the SI unit of illuminance. 1 Lux = 0.0929 foot-candles
The following minimum illumination levels have been established as a result of the experience
gained by ETS during the entire LRT operating period in Edmonton. Higher levels in public
circulation areas are preferred.
Station Interior

Location Minimum Lux Emergency
Public Circulation Areas 200 10
Platforms 200 10
Platform Shelters 200 10
Stairs, Ramps, Escalators 200 10
Elevators 400 10
Service Rooms 500 10
Washrooms 300 10
Public Circulation Areas include passageways, pedway structures,entranceways,
mezzanine levels, ticketing areas
Type I, II, III station platforms
Refer to Chapter 19 for lighting levels in open style Parkade structures.
Exterior Areas

Location Minimum Lux Emergency
Stairs 55 N/A
Walkways/Ramps 25 N/A
Private Vehicle/Taxi Drop-off 25 N/A
Surface Parking Lots 25 N/A
Transit Centre Shelter Island *20 N/A
*Source: Transit Centre Design Guidelines

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Location Average Emergency

Minimum Lux
Open ROW N/A N/A
Tunnels - Tracks and Catwalks 20 10
- Cross-Overs 20 10
- Track Switches 40 N/A
Grade Separation (short 20 to 50 10
underpass) ²nighttime

¹Lighting within tunnels should be able to provide for safe egress in an emergency situation and sufficient
illumination levels for operational and maintenance purposes.
²The Consultant should review the lighting upgrade completed for the Belgravia Road Underpass and
utilize it as the guide for daytime light levels.
Tunnel - Portal Transition
Special consideration must be given at the tunnel entrances to provide for the transition of
lighting levels from daylight to darkness. The length of threshold/transition lighting should be
based on LRV operating speeds and the corresponding safe stopping distance. The
Consultant must review the following documents and take into account the given criteria in
their lighting design.
 Edmonton Transit System LRT Portal Lighting Study – April 2003
 American National Standard Practice for Tunnel Lighting – ANSI/IESNA RP-22-96

Daytime Night Time

Zone Length Lux Lux
1 First 30m 5000 20
2 Next 30m 500 20
3 Next 30m 50 20
4 Remainder 20 20


Location Average Emergency

Minimum Lux
*TPSS (Interior) 500 10
TPSS. (Exterior) N/A

Provide lighting over doorways 50 N/A

TPSS (Parking Area) 10 N/A

*Note: Refer to SS Electrical Equipment Engineering Design Manual, Section 10.0 Building Services
For additional guidelines and requirements, the Consultant should refer to the IES Lighting
Handbook. The Consultant must coordinate with ETS operations personnel to verify that the
proposed lighting levels are acceptable and appropriate for the application.

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11.10.5 Lighting Control Systems

Lighting Control Systems should provide following features:
 Low voltage lighting control, monitored and controlled by the BMS.
 Motion sensor or timer control in service areas.
 Motion sensor control in public areas with CCTV tie in during non-service hours for
security purposes.
 Exterior luminaries, including luminaries in signage, must be controlled by photo-cell and
the BMS. Exterior light control must include a maintenance bypass switch (Hand-Off
11.10.6 Lighting Energy Conservation Measures
As per City Policy #C532 LEED protocol should be utilized, where applicable and practical.
Innovations to reach acceptable lighting levels and lower operating costs are encouraged
subject to City Council approved capital budgets.
11.10.7 Emergency Lighting
Provision of emergency lighting systems is required by code. Power Supply Sources
 Wherever possible, provide for a second utility feed to eliminate the need for an
emergency generator.
 If a second utility feed is not available, emergency generators (refer to Section 11.7) are
the power source for general emergency operation. Within 15 seconds of a power failure,
the emergency generator powered system must start up and be operational to provide
emergency operation through the stations and the underground track areas. The
generator system should have a 24 hour capacity before refuelling (refer to Section
11.7.4). Start-up must be by an automatic transfer switch that transfers the emergency
lighting load to an emergency power source when the voltage from the normal source
 The uninterruptible power supply (UPS) must provide power to emergency lighting in all
station areas accessed by the public or staff which includes:
- Station platforms
- Stairways
- Underground pedways
- Utility rooms
- Communication rooms
- Washrooms
UPS is preferred over battery packs and is to be backed up by a generator. The UPS
capacity must be in accordance with the general guidelines stated above.
 Emergency lighting with self contained power source shall not be connected to the UPS
system. Circuiting of Emergency Lighting – Standby Generator Available
 The power supply for emergency lighting in service rooms should be 50% from the
emergency bus (if available). In addition, stand-alone emergency lighting battery packs
should be located in the electrical room and in the emergency generator room.
 Provide lighting to all public areas with 30% of the lighting supplied from the emergency
 Provide all station platform lighting from the UPS.

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Emergency lighting sources can be LED, incandescent quartz, induction lamp or fluorescent to
provide the required instant restrike in the event of a power failure.
Instant restrike devices used in conjunction with high intensity discharge lamps must be
reviewed to confirm reliability and lamp maintenance.
11.11.1 Utility Metering
The Utility Service Provider must be consulted to determine the mandatory metering
provisions that are to be provided.
The specifications must indicate that the Contractor is responsible for the meter and service
application. The cost of the electrical service and the ongoing operating costs are by ETS
unless directed by ETS to be otherwise.
At each utility metering point located within a station or transit centre a remote terminal unit
(RTU) is required to allow for remote metering.
11.11.2 Distribution Equipment Metering
Panelboards or switchgear incorporating metering equipment must be constructed so that all
meters, and transformers used with meters, are accessible. Metering transformers must not
be installed in the rear section of the cubicle unless the cubicle is accessible from the back.
To avoid unnecessary delays, detailed plans of panelboards or cubicles should be submitted
for approval as early as possible in the design phase to allow the Utility Service Provider to
order any equipment necessary to complete the metering arrangements. The Utility Service
Provider may request the Contractor to supply the digital meter. In this case the Consultant
must obtain the meter specifications for inclusion within the tender documents.
Owner supplied distribution equipment metering is to be integrated into the BMS. This may
also include all Utility Service Provider metering systems. The Consultant must confirm the
need for revenue metering to be interfaced with the BMS.
Metering located along the ROW or along a Shared Use Path must be installed in a stainless
steel weatherproof enclosure complete with a Lexan viewing window. The Contractor will be
responsible for the application and installation of the service meter. The Owner will be
responsible for the utility cost of supplying and installing the meter and the electrical service.
11.12.1 Bonding Bonding Bus
All electrical communication and signal equipment rooms must be provided with a 6 mm x 50
mm (*industry standard) copper bonding bus connected to the facility ground grid.
*Note: The size may vary depending on the type of equipment being protected. Connections
Ground electrode and grid cable connections should be made with compression type
connectors installed with a suitable hydraulic press. Exothermic welding is only to be
deployed where absolutely necessary.

Final Issue July 2017 11.17

ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS Transformer Grounding

A grounding conductor must be provided running from the supply distribution center to the
neutral on the secondary of the transformer and to the system grounding bus. ROW Grounding in Tunnels or Grade Separations
There must be two separate grounding systems in tunnels: catenary grounding system, and
ROW main grounding system. Two #2/0 AWG copper grounding conductors must be installed
in the tunnel (one per track) for the catenary grounding system. The catenary grounding
conductors must be surface mounted under the tunnel ceiling, run the entire length of the
tunnel, and be interconnected to all the catenary overhead supports in the tunnel. The
catenary grounding conductors must be terminated to ground grids at each end of the tunnel.
All miscellaneous metallic objects within 2 m from the catenary overhead support must be
bonded to the catenary grounding system.
The ROW main grounding system consists of two continuous #2/0 AWG copper conductors,
one per track configuration. The ROW main grounding conductors must run the entire length
of the tunnel 1 m above the top of the track. These ground conductors are installed within rigid
steel conduits mounted on the surface within tunnel sections and imbedded within the
concrete in open areas. These grounding conductors are connected to the ground grid at
each station with 2 - #2/0 AWG ground conductors and at ground grids. Tie conductors are to
be provided between the two conductors at 400 m intervals. Connect all miscellaneous
bonding pigtails to the ROW ground conductors.
The catenary grounding system and the ROW main grounding system should not be
connected. Miscellaneous Bonding within Tunnels or Grade Separations

All miscellaneous metals located in the tunnel sections require bonding. This includes metal
ladders, catenary poles, light standards, hand and guardrails, catenary protective shields,
catenary brackets, junction boxes, control cabinets, conduits, fire line piping, and any
miscellaneous metal brackets, etc. All miscellaneous metallic objects within 2 m from the
catenary overhead support must be bonded to the catenary grounding system. All remaining
metallic objects should be bonded to the ROW main grounding syatem.
All miscellaneous metal that is continuous (piping systems, conduit, etc.) is to be bonded at 50
m intervals and connected to the ROW or catenary ground conductors, depending on the
distance between the metal and the grounding system. Unless determined otherwise, the
pigtails connecting all miscellaneous metals to the main #2/0 ground is to be #2AWG in size.
Tunnel rebar for tunnel wall liner, etc. is to be bonded by pig tails of #2/0 AWG copper secured
to the rebar with approved grounding clamps and brought through the tunnel liner formwork for
termination. A minimum of 1.5 m of bonding conductor is to protrude through the finished
concrete liner. Tunnel liner rebar is bonded at 50 m intervals. ROW Grounding in Areas Outside of Tunnels or Grade Separations

The LRT ROW grounding system consists of two continuous #2/0 AWG stranded copper
conductors, one per track configuration. These ground conductors are installed below the
track ballast and may be routed along side or above the track drainage. The ground
conductors are to be buried or may be installed within the track slab. These grounding
conductors are connected to the ground grid at each station with 2 - #2/0 AWG ground
conductors and at ground grids. Tie conductors are to be provided between the two
conductors at 400 m intervals.

Final Issue July 2017 11.18


Connect the various miscellaneous bonding pigtails except for catenary masts to the ROW
ground conductors. The ground conductors are not required to be tied to any of the concrete
reinforcing steel unless it is shown in a Corrosion Report that this will be necessary. All
connections are to be made using compression connectors. Ground/Bond conductors are not
required within the concrete of duct banks.
For the catenary masts with feeders, there will be two ground grids per each catenary base:
one ground grid for catenary pole grounding and the other for lightning protection grounding.
The two ground grids must be separated by at least 2 m.
For the catenary must with no feeders, there will be only one ground grid per catenary base.
This ground grid will be for catenary pole grounding .
All miscellaneous metallic objects ( rail lubricator cabinet, hand rail, etc) within 2 m from the
catenary mast are to be connected to the catenary mast ground grid. ROW Miscellaneous Bonding in Areas Outside of Tunnels or Grade Separations

All miscellaneous metals located along the ROW require bonding. This includes metal
ladders, station signs, crossing gates, signal bases, catenary masts, light standards, hand and
guardrails, catenary protective shields, cable vaults, catenary brackets, junction boxes,
pullboxes, control cabinets, conduits, crossing arms, signals cabinets and any miscellaneous
metal brackets, etc. All miscellaneous metallic objects ( rail lubricator cabinet, hand rail, etc)
within 2m from the catenary mast are to be connected to the catenary mast ground grid. All
remaining metallic objects will be bonded to the ROW main grounding system. Unless it is
determined otherwise, and except for cable vaults, the pigtails connecting all miscellaneous
metals to the main #2/0 ground is to be #2AWG in size. For all cable vaults connect to the
main ground with a #2/0 conductor.
11.12.2 Ground Fault Protection General Requirements
Ground fault protection should be provided on all major feeders if required by code or if the
Consultant determines this would be a good design practice. Caution should be exercised
when determining that ground fault protection is to be adopted. Ensure that proper
coordination is possible between downstream overcurrent devices and upstream ground fault
protected breakers. Coordination of all electrical overcurrent devices is to be undertaken in
accordance with *IEEE Buff Book.
*Note: Buff Book Standard Protection and Coordination of Industrial and Commercial Power Systems –
latest edition. Stray Currents

The Consultant must recognize that there is a potential for the presence of stray currents.
Provisions may need to be made to facilitate the installation of protective systems that may be
indicated as being necessary by tests on the completed and operating installation. The
requirements for the work of the project being considered will be provided by a Corrosion
Specialist Consultant. The Electrical Consultant is to refer to the results of the Corrosion
Specialist’s Report and then implement the published recommendations into their design.
Electrical bonding or other treatments of rebar may be required. Refer to Chapter 13
Corrosion and Stray Current Control for the design guidelines related to this topic.
11.13.1 General

Final Issue July 2017 11.19


Ductbanks and conduits provide a common, coordinated, protected electrical routing for the
cable interconnections required for, and associated with, the operation and control of the LRT
Typically four (4) ductbank systems are provided:
 ROW Communications & Signals (CCTV, PA, Antennae, BMS, SCADA, Signals)
 Catenary Power – refers to the traction power feeds and returns between the TPSS’s and
the overhead catenary
 ROW Power – AC Power for trackway devices
 High Voltage Utility Power (Utility Service Provider power supply to TPSS)
Ductbanks are constructed within the LRT ROW (preferably along side the trackway) with
cable vaults or pullboxes provided intermittently along the length of the duct bank (refer to
following sections for spacing requirements).
If possible, or as required by Code, the four ductbank systems should be kept separate.
Separation of the concrete encased duct banks must meet Code requirements. Routing and
placement should follow good engineering practices.
Catenary power ducts and underground cables are generally located in the vicinity of
substations and LRT stations.
LRT stations and tunnels contain many areas that can differ in temperature. This can cause
potential condensation problems that must be considered in the design.
Duct drainage is an important consideration in duct bank design. Duct banks (except for ROW
Electrica) must be sloped to vaults/pullboxes to prevent water traps. From these locations it is
preferable to provide drain connections to nearby drainage systems. However, Row Electrical
power duct banks are not required to slope to ROW Electrical power pullboxes for drainage
due to the design and size limitation of the pulbox.
In addition to the applicable codes listed in Section 11.1.3 refer to the following:
 Utility Service Provider’s utility standards for additional criteria related to high voltage
applications and duct type.
 Signals Engineering Standards Manual Section 5.0, for additional criteria related to
signals cabling and conduit.
 Chapter 6, Traction Power for the guidelines pertaining to conduit runs to and within the
TP substation.
For additional criteria on traction power underground feeder duct construction refer to the
Overhead TP Manual Section 2.18. ROW Communications & Signals
A network of ductbanks is required for the connection of cables between Signal and
Communication rooms and to related field devices along the LRT right of way.
A maximum spacing of 200 m is preferred between vaults and pullboxes.
Splicing of copper communications cabling within the cable vaults may be permitted, if
approved by ETS, and a LRT Station is not in the immediate vicinity. All backbone fiber
cables are to be routed between stations with no splices or terminations occurring. All splices
and terminations are to be done at the LRT station communications room.
Underground ductbanks must be constructed of concrete encased conduit type DB2 or
equivalent and reinforced with steel in accordance with the following requirements:
 For mainline ductbanks, the minimum configuration is 12 – 103mm ducts (refer to Figure

Final Issue July 2017 11.20


 Conduits are to be spaced in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations. The

provision of duct spacers is preferred.
 The reinforcement steel (rebar) must be placed so that the lengths overlap a minimum of
50mm. Ensure that the placement of the rebar is adequate to reinforce the concrete
structure, particularly at the bottom of the ductbank.
 A minimum of 50mm of concrete cover must be provided for direct buried installations
(75mm is preferred). Depending upon the location, additional structural protection may be
required to accommodate additional structural loads. This requirement should be
coordinated with the structural design consultant.
 The concrete strength must be at least 20 MPa @ 28 days. Type 50 cement must be
utilized if the geotechnical report indicates that the adjacent soils contain sulfates.
Refer to Chapter 8 Communications & Control, Section 8.10.2 and Figure 8.11 for additional
duct bank/vault details. Catenary Power
 Catenary power ducts distribute the positive and negative traction power cables from the
TPSS to the overhead catenary and rails.
 They are constructed of 103mm PVC DB2 ducts, concrete encased and sloped a
minimum of 1 to 250 towards pullboxes or manholes for drainage (refer to Figure 11.2).
 Pullboxes or manholes should be installed as required, to limit any section of duct to a
preferred maximum spacing of 120m. Cable pulling eyes must be provided at all pullboxes
and manholes.
 Catenary power ducts/vaults and pullboxes must be sized to take a maximum 1000 mcm
 Each duct run must not exceed a maximum of an equivalent of 3-90 degree bends.
 Ducts are to be routed with a preferred 3000mm clearance from the centreline of the
tracks. They must not be routed within 1500mm of the center of track in parallel under the
LRT rails.
 Any traction power ducts crossing the rails must be installed at 90 degrees to the tracks.
 Spare ducts are to be provided as per the ETS Overhead TP Manual Section 2.18.
 All 90 degree bends must have a minimum bending radius of 1000mm.
 Ball ends to be provided at vaults, pullboxes and in TPSS trenches. ROW Power

Ductbanks are required to house conduit/cable providing electrical feed to the many devices
located along the trackway, e.g. snow blowers, switch machines, etc.
 For mainline ductbanks, the acceptable configurations are 2 – mmC or 4 mmC ducts,
subject to load determination (refer to Figure 11.2).
 Maximum allowable vault/pullbox spacing is 400 m. High Voltage AC Power
For high voltage AC feeders, conduits should be made of DB2 or galvanized steel [if there is a
need to mitigate the effects of electromagnetic interference (EMI)] as required by the Utility
Service Provider. The conductors must be separated from other systems.
 Utility high voltage AC conduits should have a minimum-bending radius of 1000mm.
 Utility cables must be installed in a reinforced concrete encased ductbank. Thin wall PVC
(DB2) and/or rigid PVC must be utilizied when encased in concrete.
 Utility cable vaults and pull pits must comply with the Utility Service Provider standards.

Final Issue July 2017 11.21


11.13.2 Ductbank Construction General Requirements Depth and Clearances
A recommended average cover depth of 650 mm below grade should be provided for LRT
ductbank installations to prevent damage under load conditions. This depth can be varied to
suit field conditions. The duct systems must be encased in concrete. Refer to Figures 11.1,
11.2, and 11.3 for suggested ductbank configuration.
The preferred minimum allowable clearance distance from the centreline of the ductbank to
the centreline of track is 3000 mm. Adequate clearance is required in order that service
personnel can access vaults in safety. The provision of this clearance will depend to a large
extent, upon routing constraints such as available real estate and other competing systems
such as drainage. Coordination is required with other interfacing Design Consultants and ETS
to determine best fit solutions for the routing of each ductbank. Cable Vaults and Pullbox Spacing
The structures that are required for accessing the ductbank to allow for the pulling of cable are
referred to as cable vaults and pullboxes. They are to be installed at specified intervals along
the ductbank.
Cable vaults and pullboxes can vary in size. Cable vaults for the communication system duct
bank and for the Catenary duct bank to be as a minimum equal to the LaFarge A type vault,
product number 1120. The cable vault to have a drain complete with backflow preventer. The
cable vault lid is to be made of light weight aluminium equal to products manufactured by USF
fabrication. The cable vault lid to have a slam lock and 90º hold open arms. Refer to Figure
11.3 for details.
Pullboxes must be constructed of concrete complete with a high impact lid. An identification
label must be provided on the lid. Refer to Figure 11.4 for typical pullbox details. An
identification schedule must be prepared for review and approval by ETS prior to issuing
construction drawings. Drainage
All ductbanks must be gravity-drained towards cable vaults and pull-boxes.
As much as practical, low spots in the ductbanks must not be allowed to develop. It is
preferable that all cable-vaults and pullboxes drain to an adjacent subdrain system (i.e. catch
basin leads, track drains). Integral dry well systems are acceptable only if the surrounding
terrain has good drainage and drainage to subdrains is not feasible.
Sump pumps are to be installed in manholes located in tunnels or grade separations as
required if they cannot be drained into a subdrain system. Branch Ducts
It is preferred that concrete encased branch ducts for stub points and branch lines be
constructed with the main duct system, where possible. All conduits crossing a roadway are
to be encased in concrete and at a depth where damage to the conduits will not occur. Cable Pulling

The pulling tension recommended by the cable manufacturers must not be exceeded when
pulling cables. Therefore, the number of bends in the ductbank should be minimized to
reduce cable-pulling tension. Identification of Ducts, Cable Vaults and Pullboxes

Schedules must be prepared and submitted to ETS for review.

Final Issue July 2017 11.22


11.13.3 Conduits and Raceways Additional Requirements Sealing of Conduit
All conduits entering or leaving a building below grade must be designed to drain away from
the building and the equipment contained therein. Channelling the water towards the
equipment is not permitted.
Alternatively, all conduits entering a building must be sealed by an approved sealer. Fastening Devices
All electrical equipment and systems are to be fastened with flush mount internal threaded
metallic anchoring systems designed for the specific application.
Plastic, wood or malleable metal inserts and shot driven pins and fasteners for securing
electrical conduit or equipment are not permitted.
Note: It is difficult to control the quality of shot driven fasteners. They are not able to withstand
continual vibration inherent in transit facilities.
Multiple conduit runs must be rack mounted on Unistrut or equivalent mounting equipment
with the provision of a minimum of 25% spare rack space. Conduits within Tunnels/Stations

All conduit and associated boxes within tunnels and/or stations on exterior walls should be
mounted a minimum of 25 mm from the wall. Nylon spacers are permitted to be mounted on
the wall allowing for electrical equipment to be supported from these spacers. Conduits in Slabs
All conduits located in slabs between levels where coring may be required in the future must
be located and dimensioned 50 mm on the plan of record drawings. Empty Conduits
Empty conduit systems should be provided for traction power system, signals,
communications, antennae, telephone, CCTV and BMS. Conduits are to be swabbed clean
and must have an adequate number of nylon pull cords installed. Raceways
Rigid galvanized steel conduit must be used in all exposed raceway installations, and in
PVC or DB2 conduit may be used within concrete or PVC when located below grade. PVC
conduit emerging from grade or from concrete and routing on the surface must be converted
to rigid steel. The transition from PVC to rigid steel to be done with a coupling that is then
covered in a heat shrink sleeve and taped. The transition must take place before emerging
from grade or from concrete. PVC conduit emerging from grade but routing directly into an
enclosure does not require transitioning to rigid steel conduit.
EMT conduit should be used as the principle raceway within the TPSS. No plastic pipe is to
be used within the TPSS. Plastic pipe emerging within the TPSS is to be converted to either
rigid steel or EMT. Metal conduit must be bonded to ground using the correct sized bonding
cable for protection.
All conduits in raceway installations should be provided with supports not more than 3 m apart
from each other. The supports used in raceway installations can either be clamps for wall-
mounted conduits, or trapeze-type racks.

Final Issue July 2017 11.23


Conduits that are prone to the effects of expansion (e.g. at bridge abutments) must be fitted
with expansion joints. Conduits that may experience both horizontal and vertical movement
must be provided with deflection fittings. The Consultant is to accommodate all conduits that
are routed to or through fixed structures, which will, due to temperature fluctuations and the
seasonal freeze thaw cycles, have different coefficients of expansion and contraction. Duct Cleaning and Testing

Ducts must be thoroughly cleaned by the Installer before testing is carried out. After cleaning
a pull rope must be left with a minimum of 1.0 m of tail protruding from the end of the duct at
each vault and/or pullbox.
Mandrel testing of the ducts is required to ensure the successful installation and longevity of
the cables that will be installed. The duct installer must prepare a procedure for review and
approval by the City prior to the commencement of duct installation.
11.14.1 General
Service voltage must be confirmed with the Utility Service Provider.
High voltage (greater than 750V) service equipment is preferred to be owned, maintained and
operated by the utility company. This arrangement is to be followed whenever possible and
any variance to this arrangement to be done in consultation with ETS. Refer to 11.14.2 for
Rules of “Underground Services – General” must apply to all high potential installations.
All service cables or conductors to the main power utility transformer may be supplied and
installed by the Utility Service Provider.
 The details of all high potential services must be approved in the Utility Service Provider
prior to commencement of construction of service lines.
 The Consultant should refer to the Utility Service Provider’s Customer Connection Guide
for details and contact the Utility Service Provider directly if clarification of the service
details is required.
 The electrical contractor must obtain approval from the Utility Service Provider for each
underground service entrance application.
11.14.2 Exceptions
The following process is to be followed when EPCOR does not supply the primary switchgear
and protective relays.
 EPCOR must specify the protection coordination with a 15 kV or 4.16 kV feeder.
 EPCOR must examine and confirm the available fault current.
 EPCOR is willing, if requested, to provide the initial relay calibration and trip checks, to
confirm the operational readiness of the protection.
 Unless requested otherwise, EPCOR will not be responsible for carrying out the required
annual or bi-annual relay maintenance. All maintenance work is carried out by the City of
Edmonton’s own forces or contracted agencies.
 EPCOR is willing, if requested, to enter into contractual agreements to conduct annual
maintenance on protective relays owned by others.

Final Issue July 2017 11.24



Testing and commissioning is to be carried out in accordance with the overall commissioning
plan and program (refer to Chapter 1 General, Section 1.6).
For standard record documentation requirements refer to Chapter 1 General, Section 1.7 and
Appendix 1.

Final Issue July 2017 11.25

Chapter 12 – Revision Tracking Form


Chapter 12
2017 EDITION – Revisions Tracking Form
Section Reference Revision General Description Issue Date
12.2 Last paragr. Added requirement for consultant to develop July 2017
spare parts list. Last bullet Added requirement for access to pumps.

12.6.1 3rd paragr. Clarified crawl space ventilation requirements.

12.6.2 2nd paragr. Added requirement for consultant to consider

alternate room uses in ventilation design.

12.6.2 Table Added Type II & III shelters and crawl space.

12.7.4 Last paragr. Updated reference.



12.1  GENERAL 1 
12.1.1  Introduction 1 
12.1.2  Applicable Codes, Regulations and Standards and Reference Guidelines 1 
12.1.3  Definitions 1 
12.3.1  Piping Systems 2 
12.3.2  Other Insulation Requirements 7 
12.3.3  Equipment 7 
12.3.4  Vacuum System 9 
12.3.5  Plumbing Fixtures and Trim 10 
12.4.1  General 10 
12.4.2  Standpipe Fire Hose Systems 11 
12.4.3  Sprinkler System 12 
12.4.4  Fire Extinguishers 12 
12.5  HEATING 13 
12.6.1  General 13 
12.6.2  Ventilation and Heating Criteria 14 
12.6.3  Ventilation Equipment 15 
12.6.4  Alarms and Controls 16 
12.6.5  Metering (Water and Gas) 16 
12.7  DRAINAGE 16 
12.7.1  General 16 
12.7.2  Design Criteria 17 
12.7.3  Drains 18 
12.7.4  Pumping Stations 18 

Final Issue July 2017 I



12.1.1 Introduction
This chapter outlines the design guidelines for the mechanical infrastructure components and
elements for LRT structures and facilities including tunnels, underground and surface LRT
stations and open right-of-way. The topics in order of presentation are as follows:
 Mechanical systems components including piping and equipment
 Fire protection measures including fire hose and sprinkler systems
 Heating
 Ventilation
 Controls
 Drainage
Post construction standard documentation requirements are addressed in detail in Chapter 1
General, Section 1.7.
12.1.2 Applicable Codes, Regulations and Standards and Reference Guidelines
Unless stated otherwise, all material and equipment selection must conform to, or exceed the
requirements of the latest editions of all applicable federal, provincial and municipal codes and
regulations. Consideration should also be given to pending code changes and adoption of
new code standards.
ABC - Alberta Building Code
ASCA - Alberta Safety Code Act
AWWA - American Water Works Association
CGC - Canadian Gas Code
CPC - Canadian Plumbing Code
NBC - National Building Code of Canada
NFPA - National Fire Protection Association including NFPA 130 Standard for
Fixed Guideway Transit and Passenger Rail Systems
OHSA - Occupational health and Safety Act
12.1.3 Definitions
Water distribution is defined as the conveyance of water from the water service provider to
LRT stations, buildings and other related consumption and service points.
Waste return is the collection and conveyance of storm drainage from LRT facilities and the
LRT right-of-way to the public storm sewer system and sanitary sewage from LRT stations,
buildings, underground structures and tunnel(s) to the public sanitary sewer system.
All plumbing and drainage systems should be designed to meet the following functional
 Piping in station and ancillary areas should be run as directly as possible (i.e. run parallel
to, and at right angles, to walls and partitions). Multiple pipes should be grouped in
parallel lines. Where required, sleeves should be provided in structure walls to allow for
future piping.
 The domestic water service connection to each facility should be sized to meet the project
total peak demand. Each service must have a main shut-off valve and a backflow

Final Issue July 2017 12.1


A stainless steel water service connection is acceptable.

 Insulation and heat tracing must be installed on all piping subject to freezing. Refer to
Section and Chapter 11 Electrical Systems, Section 11.8 Electrical Heat Trace
 A capped drain valve complete with low point connect [1500 mm above finished floor
(AFF)] must be provided to facilitate easy drain ability in the event of an emergency.
 The provision of unimpeded access to piping and equipment for maintenance purposes or
its removal or replacement must be considered in the design.
 The interfacing aspects of the plumbing, drainage and fire protection systems must be in
accordance with the specified criteria.
 Mechanical material and equipment should be selected based on the following
- High level of usage, long life expectancy and low maintenance.
- Able to perform satisfactorily within a – 40 to +40 °C temperature range.
- Equipment located in public areas must have suitable protection to minimize damage
from vandalism.
All drainage systems must be designed to meet the requirements of the City of Edmonton
Infrastructure Services Department, Drainage Branch.
During the design, the consultant should determine a spares list for each component, and
discuss with ETS for agreement.
12.3.1 Piping Systems General
All piping systems must be designed and arranged for neat appearance, properly sloped for
drainage and venting, properly supported, guided, and anchored to provide complete
flexibility. During any extreme operating condition, the integrity of all systems should be
maintained without any damage or leaks.
Corrosion protection measures must be a consideration in design. Pipe Routing
Piping configuration and routing, through the use of flanges or unions, must be designed in
such a manner so that piping does not have to be removed if the equipment is replaced.
Drainage piping must not be routed through communication, electrical or signal rooms.
Adequate clearance must be provided from catenary power installations (refer to Chapter 3
Clearances and Right-of-Way and Chapter 6 Traction Power). Rough-In
For stations and buildings that may be constructed in stages or by multiple contracts, sleeves
and block-outs must be provided in the earlier stage contract to accommodate plumbing and
fire protection equipment, plumbing fixtures and piping installations by the later stage
contractors. The location and sizes of sleeves and block-outs must be accurately
dimensioned on the structural drawings. Hangers and Supports
Wherever possible, pipe hangers and supports should be anchored to reinforced concrete
slabs or beams utilizing drilled in steel inserts.
The location of all supports and hangers anchored into concrete decks and slabs must be
coordinated with the structural design consultant.

Final Issue July 2017 12.2


The location of all supports or hangers anchored to the steel roof decking must be coordinated
with the facility prime consultant. Sleeves
Sleeves must be large enough for movement and the provision of continuous insulation.
The location of sleeves through concrete decks and walls are to be coordinated with the
structural consultant and the facility prime consultant. Seals
Modular mechanical type seals must be used on penetrations through mechanical room
walls/floors/ceilings and through foundation walls to inside space.
Pipe bridges on building services must be used where services penetrate foundation walls and
more than 1 m in width of fill is to be provided around the foundation. Soil and Waste

Plastic may be used on approved application for all services, including below ground and the
building interior. Building interior plastic piping systems must be rated for such applications.
Lines requiring heat tracing must be steel or cast iron or approved PVC piping systems. Heat
traced lines must be insulated and aluminum clad.
Aluminum or galvanized material must not be used as piping.
Invert elevations must be checked for sewer connections to confirm that a sufficient gradient
for drainage and adequate depth of cover is provided to avoid freezing. Ensure coordination
with the geotechnical report findings/recommendations.
Cleanout and service access points must be full size and be located in accessible areas. If
direct access is not available, provide cleanouts and service points by installing long sweep
fittings (Y fittings not T fittings). Heat Tracing/Insulation
Pipe and pipe fittings that are subject to freezing must be heat traced. Heat traced piping
must also be insulated and aluminum clad. Heat tracing must be carefully installed to ensure
that mechanical fitting and soft-seated valves are not in direct contact with the heat tape.
In addition, the following must be provided:
 Labels at 10 m intervals indicating “Caution Heat Tracing”.
 Installed with a minimum 0.5% gradient to ensure drainability.
 Low point drains (1500 mm AFF), complete with chained screw caps, for easy draining in
the event of an emergency.
Heat tracing is monitored and controlled by the BMS. Refer to Chapter 8 Communications
and Control, Section Wet/Dry Vacuum Piping
The vacuum system piping should be specialty rated for the application. Rigid galvanized
steel piping i(2-1/8"OD 11ga.) tubing is preferred.

Final Issue July 2017 12.3


Outlets are to be located at 20 m intervals under both sides the station platform and 350 mm
back from the platform edge (refer to Chapter 10 Stations and Ancillary Facilities, Section An outlet should be provided in the central fan room (Type I stations) for cleaning
of fan chamber.
Clean out plugs are to be provided at the ends of horizontal mains and branches.
Main vacuum lines (i.e. headers) that provide connection to station outlets must run parallel to
the track under the cantilevered part of the platform in the refuge area (refer to Figure 12.1).
Headers must be installed on the outside of the station bearing wall fixed to the underside of
the station platform. They must have only one point of entry into the station building on each
side. For ease of future maintenance, vacuum lines should not be installed within confined
space areas or crawl spaces.
The vacuum lines must be designed to minimize abrasive wear of the pipes and fittings.
Accordingly, 90° short elbows or TY’s with short radii must not be used. When designing 90°
directional changes, long radius elbows and TY’s with a 45° offset in the direction of flow must
be utilized with the maximum T radius practicable. This applies to locations along the headers
that connect to outlets and locations that breech into the station’s interior.
Cleanouts must be supplied at both ends of vacuum line headers.
Refer to Section 12.3.4 for the central vacuum system guidelines. Valves
All isolation valves must be located in accessible locations, away from high voltage lines or
Hand-wheel gear operated valves must be used on all fire-line isolation applications and be
ULC approved.
The accepted practice is to provide a fire alarm system within the station area but not within
underground tunnels. Therefore, supervised devices should be provided in station areas and
chains with locks for all tunnel sections.
Fire-line hand wheel gear operated valves are required to be locked in the open position.
Locks are to be provided by ETS. If chain is required to lock the valves open, the chain
should be provided under the Mechanical Division 15 contract.
In a propylene glycol charged sprinkler system or wherever other systems are tied into the
domestic supply lines, an appropriate reduced pressure back-flow device must be installed as
approved by the AHJ.
It is preferred that a zonal system be established for each level of a station (a minimum of two
zones per level) in order that the entire system need not to be drained when localized
maintenance or systems changes are required.
Isolation valves and unions are to be provided, as required, to isolate equipment, so that
*entire systems do not have to be drained to remove failed components.
*Note: It is preferred that two (2) zones per floor be provided.
In the event of an over pressure condition discharge, collection barrels for the pressure relief
valves (minimum barrel size 205 L (45 imp gal.) are to be provided. Piping Identification
Exposed piping must be painted/designated in accordance with applicable codes and City of
Edmonton standards as presented in the following Tables 12.1 and 12.2. The mechanical
design consultant must forward the painting requirements to the Project Office for review and
approval prior to specification development.

Final Issue July 2017 12.4


Primary Colours for Pipe

1. Yellow #505-102
2. Light Blue #502-106
3. Green #503-107
4. Orange #508-102
5. Brown #504-103
6. Red #509-105
7. White #513-101
8. Aluminum #515-101
9. Purple #511-101
10. Grey #501-107
Secondary Colours for Band
1. Red #509-102
2. Orange #508-102
3. Blue #502-106

1. Red - to indicate extremely hazardous material
2. Orange - to indicate mildly hazardous material
3. Blue - to indicate non-hazardous material

Note: Colour numbers used are as designated in Canadian Government Specification No. 1-GP-12C.
Table 12.1 – Piping Colour Codes

Type Pipe Colour Band Colour Symbol

Sprinkler Red None
Wet Stand Pipe Red None
Dry Stand Pipe Red None
Carbon Dioxide (Fire) Red None CO2

Oxygen Orange O2
Natural Gas Orange Natural Gas
Vacuum Aluminum Blue Vac.
Compressed Air White None 7 psi Air
Distilled Water Green Blue Dist. Water
Drinking Water Light Blue None None
Domestic Cold Water Light Blue None Cold Water
Domestic Hot Water Green Orange Hot Water
Domestic Hot Water Return Green Blue Hot Wtr.R.
(Below 140ºF)
Heating Hot Water Yellow Red 200ºFF Heat. Water
(Over 250ºF)

Final Issue July 2017 12.5


Type Pipe Colour Band Colour Symbol

Heating Hot Water Return Yellow Orange 200ºF Heat. Water R.
(Under 250ºF)
Chilled Water Green Orange Ch. Wat.
Chilled Water Return Green Orange Ch. Wat. R.
Cooling Water Green Orange Cool. Water
Cooling Water Return Green Orange Cool. Water Return

Low Pressure Steam Yellow Orange 15 psi St.

High Pressure Steam Yellow Red 100 psi St.
Condensate Green Orange Cond.
Dry Mop Aluminum None Dry Mop
Fuel Oil Brown Orange Fuel Oil
Freon-Liquid Grey Blue Freon
Freon-Gas Grey Blue Freon
Lubricating Oil Brown Blue Lub. Oil
Engine Exhaust Aluminum Orange Exhaust
Boiler Feed Water Green Red if over 250ºF Blr. Feed
Orange under
Strong Acid Purple Red Acid
Strong Caustic Purple Red Caustic

Glycol Green Orange Glycol

Nitrogen Orange Blue N2
Brine Green Blue Brine
Demineralized Water Green Blue Demin. Wtr.
Softened Water Blue None Soft. Water
Chemical Feed Line Green Orange Chem. Sym (SO3)
Drains Aluminum Red or Orange Drain
Vent Aluminum Red or Orange Vent
Blow Down Aluminum Red or Orange Blow Down
Ammonia Grey Orange Ammonia
Carbon Dioxide (Ref.) Grey Blue CO2

Table 12.2 - Application of Colour Codes to Type of Piping

Final Issue July 2017 12.6


12.3.2 Other Insulation Requirements

Piping insulation requirements are provided in Section The following insulation
guidelines relate to other mechanical elements.
All intake, supply, exhaust ductwork must be insulated in accordance with the following
 Supply ductwork must be acoustically lined with a minimum of 25 mm acoustical
 Exhaust ductwork on the return side of ventilating equipment is to be acoustically
insulated up to and including the first elbow before the unit.
 Casings of all ventilating equipment are to be insulated.
 Major equipment is to be internally protected with perforated aluminum liners.
 Exhausted ducts within 3 m of exterior walls or openings to have 50 mm thermal
 Outdoor air intake ducts within 3 m of exterior walls or openings must have 50 mm thermal
 Ductwork exposed to the outdoors must have 50 mm thermal insulation c/w aluminum
To meet environmental and/or ambient criteria, acoustical insulation will be installed as per the
recommendations from a review conducted by an acoustical consultant.
12.3.3 Equipment Pumps
Where pumps are provided, the following requirements should be met:
 Each pump should be capable of handling 100% of system flow at peak condition for
 Lifting systems containing tackle and hooks must be provided above the pumps to
facilitate the easy removal of the pumps for maintenance purposes.
 No piping, conduits, drains or any other obstructions are to be mounted above the pumps
that would impede their easy removal.
 Provision for pit cleaning must be incorporated into the design. The preferred access size
is 1000 mm.
 Pump controllers monitored by the BMS.
 Provide easy access to pumps for maintenance purpose.
A 100% stand-by pump must be provided for all pumping applications. Generators
Permanent generators have been installed in Type I stations to provide emergency power in
the event of a power failure. The requirement for generators in Type II stations on future
extensions to the LRT System will be determined on a station to station basis. In general
permanent generators will not be installed in Type II and III stations. The generator size and
requirements for ventilation and fuel oil requirements must be reviewed with the electrical
The following requirements should be considered when specifying generators:
 Ventilation must incorporate exhaust air dampers, return air dampers, outdoor air intake
dampers and a minimum combustion air damper. Exhaust, return and outdoor air
dampers to modulate as controlled by a space temperature sensor.
 Residential areas require a detailed review for noise control. Muffler systems must be
able to meet the noise levels restrictions required by the surrounding neighborhood.

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 Install vibration isolators on the muffler piping and spring isolators on the hangers for the
exhaust pipe to accommodate vibration and expansion and contraction.
Refer to Chapter 11 Electrical Systems, Sections 11.7.3 and 11.7.4 for additional generator
guidelines. Domestic Water Heaters
Hot water is to be supplied by standard commercial grade domestic hot water heaters at
locations to be determined by ETS. In general, the locations are limited to washrooms and
custodial service rooms.
The following features/installations are required:
 The provision of a fire proof drip tray and self-contained shut down device for the water
and power to the heater. The self-contained shut down device is to be mounted in the
drip tray.
 The provision of easy access for replacement.
 The provision of floor drains in close proximity to the hot water heater to accommodate
drainage from pressure relief valves.
 Electric domestic hot water heaters must meet the requirements of CSA C22-110 and
CSA C191 Backflow Preventers
Backflow preventers must be installed on potable water systems in LRT facilities in
accordance with the following requirements:
 Be located maximum of 2 m above floor level to ensure that convenient access is
 If reduced pressure principal backflow preventers are to be installed, a drain line to
nearest funnel floor drain must be provided. The air gap funnel assembly must have anti
splash components to prevent water spray in the event of a discharge (to prevent water
build-up on floor and the creation of areas where slippage could occur).
 The device assembly must meet the AWWA requirements and CSA B64 standards.
Types and location to be in accordance with codes, authorities having jurisdiction and
AWWA guidelines.
 Backflow preventer assemblies must be tested and verified in accordance with the
requirements of authorities having jurisdiction. Certification sheets for insertion into O & M
manuals must be provided. Equipment Bases
All major equipment items must be mounted on reinforced concrete housekeeping bases. Access Doors

All concealed mechanical equipment requiring service or adjustment must be provided with
access doors, of adequate size for the intended use and positioned for most accessible and
safe work condition.
Mechanical system components must include:
 Valves
 Volume and splitter dampers
 Fire Dampers
 Cleanouts and traps
 Coils and terminal units
 Expansion joints

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 Control components
Sizes to be 600 mm x 600 mm minimum.
Provide UL-listed fire rated access doors installed in rated walls and ceilings. Equipment Identification
Identify all equipment excluding pipe and duct with mechanically fastened lamacoid plates
having 6 mm minimum letter size. Identification must match as built drawings equipment
name and number.
Identify electric starting switches, thermostats controlling motors, remote push button stations,
and controls equipment supplies under this division with lamacoid plates having 6 mm (¼”)
minimum letter size. Identification to state equipment controlled and match to control shop
drawing identification numbers.
All mechanical equipment, including valves, must have identification tags indicating the
 Equipment ID Number
 Electrical disconnect location
 Equipment use
12.3.4 Vacuum System
A central vacuum system must be provided in each station to facilitate the cleaning of the
platform and adjacent trackway area.
To provide easy access for the track mounted equipment that will be handling the dust
collection barrels, the vacuum system equipment components should be placed in a separate
room that it is at track level or is accessible by elevator to the track level. The placement of
electrical or communications equipment or panels in this room should be avoided due to the
potential for dust spill-over.
The ceiling of the room should provide sufficient height to accommodate a hopper style tubular
bag separator. The separator straddles one of the 205 liter dust collection barrels.
The floor area of the room should be adequate to allow for the servicing and maintenance of
the equipment from all four sides including space for an extra collection barrel. If the provision
of adequate access space is a space design issue, as an absolute minimum, access must be
provided to at least two sides, subject to the manufacturer’s verification.
The following devices must be provided as part of the vacuum system:
 HEPA filter system
 HEPA filter gauge – indicates when the filter requires changing.
 Electronic Monitoring Bleed Control (EMBC) – if an overload condition is created it will
transmit a signal to the valve to allow more air in or it will turn off the system to protect the
 The Circuit Transformer (CT) must be housed in a metal junction box separate from the
vacuum starter.
 The CT and vacuum starter must be mounted with in the vicinity of the EMBC.
 Components, panels and breakers must be properly labeled.
Standard of Acceptance: Spencer Turbine Components including:
Tubular Bag Separator - Spencer TH 820 AA or equivalent
HEPA Filter System

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12.3.5 Plumbing Fixtures and Trim General
All plumbing fixtures must be low water consumption standard commercial grade (handicap
models where required) and meet the following requirements:
 Water closets – elongated rim floor mounted, low flush type.
 Urinals - wall hung with low flush valves or automatic flush sensors.
 If water lines are not exposed, recessed flush valves are to be installed.
 Be vandal proof in washrooms that are accessible for public use. Specific requirements
 New (CSA approved) fixtures to be provided
 Ensure fixtures are free from flaws and blemishes with finished surfaces clear, smooth
and bright.
 Visible parts of fixture, brass and accessories must be heavily chrome plated
 Protect fixtures against use and damage during construction
 Fixtures must be the product of one manufacturer
 Fittings of same type must be the product of one manufacturer.


12.4.1 General
To meet the provisions of the building code, fire protection systems must be installed in LRT
stations including service areas, tunnels, and Traction Power substations.
The design of the fire protection system must be approved by the City of Edmonton’s
Insurance Providers.
A manual has been prepared which provides a description of the fire protection systems
utilized in the underground portion of Edmonton’s LRT System. The existing underground
LRT system is comprised of six (6) underground passenger stations and an adjoining network
of connecting twin tunnels.
Any modifications or extensions to fire protection and tunnel emergency ventilation systems
must be documented and updated in the ETS Fire Protection Manual.
As the LRT is extended, the Fire Protection Manual is to be updated by the Project Office as
part of the extension Plan and Commissioning Program.
Three (3) copies of the updated manuals are to be provided to each of the following groups:
Emergency Response Department
ETS – Light Rail Transit (D.L. MacDonald Division)
ETS – Operations (Mitchell Division)
The Edmonton LRT system also has a number of Type II stations. As the LRT is extended,
additional Type II and Type III stations will be added. The fire protection requirements for
Type III stations will be reduced in scope as compared to Type II stations due to their more
open and simple architectural style and features.
The main fire protection equipment utilized on the LRT system is listed as follows:
 Dry pipe sprinkler system
 Wet pipe sprinkler system
 Tunnel Fire Hose Cabinet Racks
 Station Fire Hose Cabinets

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 Chemical Extinguishment Systems

 Portable Fire Extinguishers
 Fire Fighter Phones
 Fire Hydrants
12.4.2 Standpipe Fire Hose Systems
The fire hose system is split into two systems dependent on the location within the LRT
facility. It is independent of the sprinkler system (if applicable).
A dry standpipe system is to be used in the underground tunnels. A propylene glycol charged
wet system is to be used for the hose cabinets on the Type I station platform and mezzanine
levels, where required.
Bonding jumpers are required on all mechanical grooved piping victaulic connections on
piping systems in tunnel areas.
Fire hoses for all tunnel hose racks are to be supplied and installed by the sprinkler contractor
with the approval of the Emergency Response Department. Fire Hose Locations
Hose stations must be located on all station platforms. The hose stream must be able to
reach all areas of each LRV while the train is stopped within the length of the platform.
Hose stations must be located in a hose cabinet containing hoses, fittings, and a portable fire
extinguisher (if required).
Connections for the Emergency Response Department must be provided for all standpipe
Hose stations must be installed behind break glass or locked glass panels to limit vandalism.
Hose stations and valves in tunnels are to be located no more than 1200 mm above TOR and
are to be clear of the Design Vehicle Dynamic Envelope. Each hose station is to have a
fluorescent orange cover.
They are to be split into valved standpipe sections. Should a break occur in the main line, that
section of line could be valved off with the remaining stations being useable.
Each hose station is equipped with the following:
 Two (2) 15m (50 ft.) lengths of service attack hose. Each hose length has a diameter of
44 mm (1 ¾”) complete with 38 mm (1 ¼”) couplings. Hose must be double jacketed.
 The hose nozzle is to be City of Edmonton EMS standard fog and straight steam nozzle.
The nozzle is constructed to have double row of molded rubber-like teeth as an integral of
the bumper.
Standard of Acceptance: Fire Hose Reel - National Model V-8-1-1/2
Fire Hose - Angus “Fire Power”
Hose Nozzle - Angus GFAMKill Fog Nozzle
Hose Valve - National Model A56

Final Issue July 2017 12.11

MECHANICAL SYSTEMS Siamese Connections

The location of the Siamese connections will be determined by the mechanical design
consultant and must be coordinated with the Emergency Response Department.
Siamese locations must have a lamicoid nameplate indicating the area being served and the
Siamese connection number. Temporary Standpipe
A temporary dry standpipe(s), on grade, must be provided if a station or tunnel construction
impedes the Emergency Response Department access to existing hydrants or buildings.
The standpipe is to have a Siamese connection at each end and hose valve takeoffs as
required by the Emergency Response Department. The system must be braced and
anchored to prevent movement during use. Valves
Check and isolation valves are required at each end of Tunnel Fire Hose Systems. Butterfly
valves are a standard requirement.
Valve locations must be coordinated with the Emergency Response Department.
12.4.3 Sprinkler System
The sprinkler system within LRT stations should generally be the dry pipe type to avoid
freezing problems. This system must be independent of the hose system.
The system must be braced and anchored to avoid damage to ceilings and other building
elements, when activated.
Drain valves for the sprinkler system are to be located in easily accessible locations.
The contract must specify that suitable spare heads are to be provided.
Sprinkler systems used in signals and communications rooms should be the pre-action or
water mist systems type.
Sprinkler systems must not to be installed in traction power substations. Protection is to be
provided by acceptable gas systems or by designing adequate fire protection rating into the
structure accompanied by the installation of appropriate fire protection devices.
12.4.4 Fire Extinguishers
Equipment and installation must meet the requirements of NFPA No. 10 Portable Fire
Select fire extinguishers that are applicable, based on the type of fire expected:
 Class A – wood, paper, cloth etc.
 Class B – flammable liquid or combustible liquid, fat or grease.
 Class C – energized electrical equipment.
Classification of hazard may be found in NFPA 10, 1-5. Additional extinguishers may be
required adjacent to welding operations, where combustibles are stored, near internal-
combustion engines, adjacent to flammable liquids storage and handling.
Space extinguishers based on their hazard and rating using Alberta Fire Code Table
and Table

Final Issue July 2017 12.12


Heating systems are required in specified areas or rooms of stations for passenger comfort or
to meet personnel and equipment functional requirements. Refer to the table contained in
Section 12.6.2 for the areas to be heated and the level of heating to be provided.
Both overhead electric infrared, gas infrared heaters or gas fired furnaces are acceptable
installations subject to the conditions stated in Chapter 10 Stations and Ancillary Facilities,
Section 10.4.3. Baseboard heating units being considered for public areas must be proven to
be safe and vandal-proof. Shelter heating, if the halogen type, must be controlled by
occupancy sensors.
Heating systems must conform to the regulations of the Alberta Building Code and all other
applicable codes in force or pending.
12.6.1 General
The two major types of ventilation systems that are in existence within Edmonton’s
underground tunnel and station system are:
 Base tunnel and underground (Type I) stations ventilation system.
The objective of this system is to provide an acceptable level of environmental quality for
LRT passengers and service personnel carrying out their responsibilities in these areas.
Heating at portals may also be required where the stack effect is a concern and freezing
conditions may result in damage to LRT structures and equipment. Each location must be
evaluated on an individual basis.
 Emergency tunnel and station ventilation system.
This system must be capable of handling emergency situations such as a fire in a tunnel
or station.
Ventilation systems for surface (Type II and III) stations are not normally required except for
specified service rooms that form part of the station.
Air conditioning in LRT facilities is not normally provided except in special situations to deal
with high heat levels generated by certain equipment. Air conditioning may be provided
within service rooms housing UPS systems to maintain the room temperature below 25°C.
The power supply for the cooling system for the communication room, signal room, and main
electrical room must be provided by the emergency generator. Ventilation in crawl spaces
must be equipped with switches which allow fresh air fans to operate on a timer of up to one
The ventilation of the tunnel systems is achieved by three methods:
 The “piston” effect action of the LRV’s moving through the tunnels. The piston effect will
provide the ventilation under normal conditions. Blockage ratio, impedance, and the
speed of the train will be utilized in the design of this ventilation.
 The forced air fan smoke removal systems.
 The *natural stack effect.
*Note: The design of the underground ventilation system must always consider the natural stack effect,
which is dependent on the exterior air temperature and the temperature inside the tunnels.
Emergency ventilation of underground stations is primarily achieved by the forced air fan
smoke removal system.

Final Issue July 2017 12.13


Ground level access locations must have the provision to prevent the premature closure of
doors when trains enter and leave the station, which could cause injury to LRT patrons.
Dampers and fans that are designated to respond to emergency conditions are automatically
controlled from the ETS Control Centre at Churchill Station. Manual override control is also to
be provided at the station. The manual override control arrangement should be verified by
Under the condition of no piston effect, the forced air system must be able to purge the
emergency area at a rate approved by the Emergency Response Department. Additions to
the existing ventilation system must be compatible and totally integrated to the existing
Fans designated for the control and direction of air flow are required to be:
 Reversible under emergency conditions with full reversing within 30 seconds.
 Sized to provide air velocity of a minimum 60 m/minute in all tunnels leading from a
 Fan and drive components must be complete with internal brakes to ensure fans are at
zero speed before starting and/or change of air flow direction.
During the design process, and as required, the mechanical design consultant must
coordinate with the appropriate City of Edmonton Departments to ensure the proper operation
and control of smoke removal in an emergency condition.
Heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems must conform to the regulations of
the Alberta Building Code and all other applicable codes in force or pending.
For insulation requirements refer to Section 12.3.2.
12.6.2 Ventilation and Heating Criteria
If it is not practical to discharge exhaust systems outside underground structures, they should
be discharged into a well-ventilated area remote from any public areas. Whenever possible,
exhaust from public washrooms and battery rooms should be exhausted outside.
During the design process, the consultant shall consider the alternate uses for rooms in LRT
facilities, and design ventilation and heating for such uses. The consultant must coordinate
with the appropriate City of Edmonton departments to verify these considerations. Rooms in
LRT facilities must be ventilated and heated in accordance with the criteria shown in the
following table:

Room or Area Exhaust Max and Min Operating

Washroom 10 changes per hour 15 - 21ºC
Utility/Janitorial Storage 8 changes per hour or natural 15 - 21°C
Office Areas 8 changes per hour 15 - 24°C
Electrical Equipment Air conditioned and filtered 20ºC
air (coordinate with LRT on
the requirements for air
2 speed fan 8 changes per
hour at high speed

Final Issue July 2017 12.14


Room or Area Exhaust Max and Min Operating

Communication Signal, Air conditioned and filtered
Telephone, Radio air (coordinate with LRT on 19 to 23°C
Equipment the requirements for air
conditioning). Humidity Controlled to 40 –
2 speed fan 8 changes per 55%
hour at high speed.
Positive pressure to be
maintained to prevent entry
of dust.
*Traction Power Substation Filtered air, speed fan, as 18ºC
required for equipment heat Note: Temperature
gains dependent on the type of
8 changes per hour minimum building structure. Cooling
at high speed may be required to limit
temperature to a maximum of
30 degrees. The electronic
protective relays start to
malfunction above 30
Generator As determined by the As determined by the
Consultant Consultant
Type II & III Platform Areas Ceiling mounted radiant
heating in semi-enclosed
waiting area
Floor heating in public
waiting areas where deemed
Type II & III Platform Consideration for heating
Shelters and/or ventilation to be given
based on type of shelter,
location, etc.
Type I and II Exterior Doors/ Radiant Heat over interior
Thresholds side of Doors & Thresholds
to prevent ice formation
Crawl Spaces Fresh air (timer switch of up
to 1 hour)

Table 3 - Heating and Ventilation Requirements

*Note: The mechanical design consultant must coordinate with the TP substation designer on the
placement of mechanical systems and related equipment. Clearances from TP equipment and
accessibility to mechanical equipment are key critical design factors.
12.6.3 Ventilation Equipment
Where applicable, variable speed drive systems should be deployed on air systems, and
integrated into the BMS.
Fans and Motors must meet the following requirements:
 Station ventilation fans must be of commercial grade.

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 Main station fans must be able to operate under plug reverse conditions, and run at 100%
volume forward and reverse.
 All motors to high efficiency rated, and inverted duty rated for variable speed drive
 All variable speed drive applications, especially those deployed for emergency track
ventilation, must be equipped with 100% manual bypass motor contactor-soft start
 All fan motors over 20 kW must have thermistor winding over-temperature protection.
Reversible fans must have electric or mechanical braking to prevent damage to fan and
motor. They are not, however, required with variable speed drive applications.
Allowable noise levels due to fan operations are:
- A maximum of 50 dBA when measured outside of the mechanical room.
- A maximum of 56 dBA outside of the station adjacent to the plenum.
12.6.4 Alarms and Controls
Design guidelines for mechanical control systems are presented in Chapter 8
Communications and Control Section 8.3, Building Monitoring System.
12.6.5 Metering (Water and Gas)
If water and gas service is required at a station then the service should be metered. The
meter should be located inside the station where possible.
Integrated or adjacent stand-a-lone traction power substations require their own separate
service meters, if applicable.
12.7.1 General
Drainage systems are classed as either storm or sanitary facilities.
Design of drainage measures is required for the following major LRT components:
 Open or surface LRT right-of-way.
 Underground structures (tunnels, Type I stations).
 Building structures (Type II and Type III stations and Traction Power substations, etc.).
 LRT and pedway overpasses and underpasses.
 Roadways and parking lots including sidewalks, walkways, multi-use trails when located
with the LRT ROW.
 LRT directly related landscaped areas.
Drainage for LRT facilities and installations that are directly exposed to the elements is
classed as storm drainage and is normally discharged into a storm sewer. This includes run-
off from open ditches, roofs, roadway and parking lots, underpasses, aerial structures and
embankments, etc.
Sub-surface drainage on open track sections, retaining walls, and abutments should discharge
into an adjacent storm sewer, if available.
Drainage from a building structure plumbing fixtures, floor drains and infiltrated water is
classed as sanitary drainage and must be designed to discharge into a sanitary sewer. This
includes drainage from underground tunnels and the trackway through Type I stations.
Sanitary drainage must not be permitted to enter the track drainage system.

Final Issue July 2017 12.16


12.7.2 Design Criteria

This section describes, in general terms, the guidelines and limitations that the design
consultant will have to consider throughout drainage design development. Design Storm
LRT underpasses must be designed for a peak run-off from a 1:100 year storm.
The sizing of all other storm drainage runoff collection facilities such as pipes, culverts,
ditches, retention ponds, etc. will be subject to the following process:
 A review of the drainage characteristics adjacent to the LRT corridor on an area-by-area
 Development of adequately sized drainage facility scenarios at 10, 25 and 50 year storm
events. The evaluation of the scenarios to include a feasibility analysis and cost
implications of providing adequate drainage facilities at each storm level.
 The presentation by the drainage design consultant to ETS of a recommended scenario
for implementation.
Guidance must be sought from the City Infrastructure Department Drainage Branch to confirm:
 Historical storm intensities and related precipitation data for the area.
 If the existing storm drainage system is capable of handling the run-off from the proposed
LRT extension right-of-way.
 If there is a possibility of the existing storm drainage system surcharging and flooding the
proposed LRT ROW, facility or installation. General Requirements and Limitations
All LRT drainage systems must:
 Be designed and constructed to meet the standards and requirements of the City
Infrastructure Department Drainage Branch. Refer to the City of Edmonton Design and
Construction Standards (City Design Standards) Chapter 3 Drainage.
 Conform to the regulations of the Alberta Safety Codes Act and the ABC.
Open or Surface LRT Right-of-Way
In the case of open track, where ample space permits the construction of drainage ditches
along the right-of-way, the bottom of ditch must be a minimum of 500 mm below the shoulder
of the subgrade. The Consultant should carry out a site reconnaissance prior to commencing
the drainage design to ensure adequate drainage capacity can be implemented by providing
proper drainage grades, outlets or retention areas. In areas where a ditch grade is steep and
flow velocity may be high, baffles or riffle dams may be required to prevent the scouring and
deterioration of the subgrade.
In areas where space is restricted, a sub-drain system must be provided (refer to Chapter 5
Figures 5.4, 5.5 and 5.6).
Care should be taken to ensure that surface drainage from within the LRT right-of-way does
not drain onto areas adjoining the right-of-way.
The design of new LRT facilities and installations must not adversely affect existing drainage
All track sections must be adequately drained to strategic collection points with gravity flow
connections to sewers (shortest possible runs, fewest possible bends, and generous
cleanouts to be allowed for).
The Consultant must ensure that low-lying areas of the LRT ROW have sufficient storm water
drainage capacity (in accordance with the requirements of Section to allow the LRT

Final Issue July 2017 12.17


trains to continue to operate during periods of heavy rainfall. If feasible, retention ditches or
ponds should be provided.
The location and requirements for catch basins and manholes must be checked with the
AM&PW Drainage Branch.
Underground and Surface Structures
The Consultant should assume that the walls of the underground structures cannot be
effectively waterproofed and that water infiltration will occur.
Water infiltration through roofs and side walls must be controlled through the provision of sub-
drains and pressure relief weep drains near the trackway level.
If necessary, backflow preventers and other suitable measures to protect the facility or
installation from water intrusion, should be provided.
The outflow from gravity pumps and sump pumps discharging on to track level must be
controlled so that the discharge can be directed into any or all of the tunnel drain-ways.
All areas having a fire protection sprinkler system or fire hoses must have sufficient capability
to drain the area should activation occur.Heat tracing of piped drainage systems must be
provided as required to ensure proper functioning of the system (refer to Section 12.2).
12.7.3 Drains
Types of drain fittings that are acceptable are:
 Catchbasin frame and grate
 Floor drain
 Cleanouts
A minimum 150 mm diameter floor drain with sediment trap must be provided.
12.7.4 Pumping Stations
Pumping stations and sump pumps will only be permitted under extreme circumstances. Their
installation will require the prior approval of ETS.
If sump pumps are to be installed, they should meet the requirements as outlined in Section
Commissioning and testing is to be carried out in accordance with the overall commissioning
plan and program (refer to Chapter 1 General, Section 1.6). Activation requirements are
outlined in Section 1.6.2.
The Consultant must coordinate with ETS to ensure that the ETS computerized maintenance
program is modified to include all new equipment and related procedures.
The following must be provided:
 Maintenance and lubrication schedules for major components. Schedules to include daily,
weekly, monthly, semi-annual and yearly checks and tasks.
 Procedures describing the maintenance tasks required for typical equipment such as
bearings, drives, motors and filters.
This information will be compiled for all typical equipment separate from shop drawings.

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Refer to Chapter 1 General, Section 1.7 for guidelines related to the preparation of Plan of
Record drawings and O&M manuals. Appendix 1 to Chapter 1 Section 1, describes the
additional topics/content that must be included.

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Chapter 13 – Revision Tracking Form


Chapter 13
2017 EDITION – Revisions Tracking Form
Section Reference Revision General Description Issue Date





13.1  GENERAL 1 
13.1.1  Introduction 1 
13.1.2  Definitions 1 
13.1.3  Scope 2 
13.1.4  Objectives 2 
13.1.5  Applicable Codes, Standards and Reference Documentation 2 
13.1.6  Corrosion Protection Specialist Services 3 
13.2.1  Materials of Construction 3 
13.2.2  Safety and Continuity of Operations 3 
13.2.3  Accessibility of Installations 3 
13.2.4  Special Considerations 3 
13.2.5  Materials and Methods 3 
13.2.6  LRT Fixed Facilities 5 
13.3.1  Traction Power System 7 
13.3.2  LRT Fixed Facilities 8 
13.3.3  Facilities Owned by Others 13 
13.4.1  General Requirements 14 
13.4.2  Metallic-Sacrificial Coatings 14 
13.4.3  Organic Coatings 14 
13.4.4  Conversion Coatings 14 
13.4.5  Ceramic-Metallic Coatings (Cermets) 14 
13.4.6  Sealants 15 
13.4.7  Barrier Coating System 15 

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13.1.1 Introduction
This chapter presents the design guidelines related to the provision of corrosion control
measures. Corrosion control measures are required to minimize stray current leakage and
prevent premature corrosion failures on the LRT system fixed components including surface
structures, above ground and below ground structures and adjacent facilities along the LRT
In the Edmonton LRT System the rails of the track system act as the negative side of an
electrical circuit in the traction power network. The positive side is the overhead contact wire
system or catenary. The catenary carries the *DC electrical current from the substation to the
LRV. The track carries the return current to the substation. This is typical of most electrified
rail systems, including heavy rail.
Electrical currents can leak out of the circuit and escape into the soil to find the path of least
resistance (if the resistance is lower than the rail) through any available conductor back to the
substation. These paths may be buried utility pipelines and cables, other structures (i.e.
bridges, buildings) containing metal, or be the soil itself. Stray currents from the positive side
of the circuit are generally very small. The current from the negative (track) side tends to be
larger due to the proximity of the track to the ground. If the electrical continuity of the track
structure is poor, more electricity will return as stray current than through the running rails.
Corrosion on the surface of a conductor results when electric current leaves the conductor and
returns to the soil. If left uncontrolled stray currents can be *detrimental for a number of LRT
*Note: AC systems do not experience this problem
In summary, it is important to identify the leakage path and to mitigate by electrical isolation
and the provision of suitable protection such as sacrificial metals or coatings.
Corrosion control systems should be economical to install, operate, and maintain.

13.1.2 Definitions
Corrosion is defined as the destruction or deterioration of a material because of reaction with
its environment. Corrosion of metallic structures is an “electrochemical” process that usually
involves small amounts of direct electrical current (dc). It is an “electro” process because of
the flow of electrical current. It is a “chemical” process because of the chemical reaction that
occurs on the surface and corrodes the metal.
Cathodic Protection is the prevention of electrochemical corrosion of a metallic structure by
causing the structure to act as the cathode rather than the anode of and electrochemical cell.
This is done by applying a direct current to the metal to be protected and to another metal that
acts as a sacrificial anode.
Stray Current refers to extraneous direct currents in the earth. For LRT facilities it implies rail
current leakage to its surroundings. Stray currents produce corrosive reactions in LRT
structures and facilities and in adjacent utilities. Stray currents place a minimal electrical
charge on metallic objects that can oxidize or corrode the object through electrochemical

Final Issue July 2017 13.1


Stray Current Corrosion Control applies to measures installed with the traction power
system and trackwork to assure that stray earth traction currents do not exceed maximum
acceptable levels. These levels are based on system characteristics and the characteristics of
underground structures.
Soil and Water Corrosion Control applies to systems or measures installed to mitigate
corrosion caused by soil/rock and groundwater.
Atmospheric Corrosion Control applies to systems or measures installed to mitigate
corrosion caused by local climatological conditions and air pollutants. Materials and coatings
can be used to significantly decrease atmospheric corrosion rates.

13.1.3 Scope
The emphasis in these guidelines is on soil and stray current corrosion. Atmospheric
corrosion is not as problematic in the Edmonton area as it may be in other areas.
Corrosion control design guidelines should encompass all engineering disciplines applied to
the any LRT project. Therefore the engineering and design of corrosion control measures
must be coordinated with the trackwork, civil / structural, traction power, signals,
communications, electrical, mechanical, and utility designs.

13.1.4 Objectives
The application of these design guidelines is intended to meet the following objectives:
 Realize the design life of system facilities by avoiding premature failure caused by
 Provide continuity of operations by reducing or eliminating corrosion related failures of
systems and subsystems.
 Minimize annual operating and maintenance costs associated with material deterioration.
 Minimize detrimental effects to adjacent privately-owned facilities and structures as may
be caused by stray earth currents from LRT operations.

13.1.5 Applicable Codes, Standards and Reference Documentation

All design relating to implementation of the corrosion control requirements must conform to or
exceed the requirements of the latest versions of codes and standards identified below.
ACI Publication SP-77 Sulfate Resistance of Concrete
ACI Publication 201.2R Guide to Durable Concrete
ACI Publication 222R Corrosion of Metals in Concrete
ACI Publication 506.2 Below Grade Shotcrete Used as Permanent Support
ASTM G-51, D-512, D-516, C 452-75,
AWWA Standard C105
CSA C22.3 No.4
NACE International Standards
South LRT Road Crossing Design Discussion Report, Stantec Consulting Ltd. May
2004 (Design Reference)
TCRP Report No. 57 Track Design Handbook for Light Rail Transit
Chapter 8, Corrosion Control (Design Reference)
Soil Corrosivity and Stray Current Control Design Report, Universal Technical
Resource Services (UTRS), INC. (Design Reference)

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13.1.6 Corrosion Protection Specialist Services

The design of corrosion protection measures should be undertaken by a Specialist Consultant
and be in accordance with NACE International industrial standards.
This section provides guidelines for the design of systems and measures to prevent corrosion
of LRT fixed facilities due to contact with area soil/rock and groundwater.
Soil/rock samples should be obtained in conjunction with geotechnical testing in areas of
extensive below grade construction. The soil/rock samples should be analyzed for resistively
(or conductivity), moisture content, ph, chloride and sulfate ion concentrations and for the
presence of sulfides.
Structures should be protected against environmental conditions by the use of coatings,
insulation, cathodic protection, electrical isolation, electrical continuity, or a combination of the
preceding, as appropriate.
The design of structures should be based on achieving the service life stated in Chapter 9
Structures, Section 9.1.3 through consideration of the following factors:

13.2.1 Materials of Construction

All pressure and non-pressure piping and conduit must be non-metallic, unless metallic
materials are required for specific engineering purposes. Aluminum and aluminum alloys
should not be used in direct burial applications.
Non-native fill used for backfilling concrete or ferrous structures, must not exceed ph, chloride
and sulfate ion levels as outlined in ASTM.
Test reports must be submitted for approval of all imported backfill.
Use of fill material, which does not meet the ASTM criterion, may only be used after review
and approval by ETS.

13.2.2 Safety and Continuity of Operations

Corrosion control protection is required for those facilities where failure of such facilities
caused by corrosion may affect the safety, or interrupt the continuity of operations.

13.2.3 Accessibility of Installations

Any permanent test facilities installed with certain corrosion control provisions must be
accessible by service personnel after installation, allowing for periodic maintenance and
13.2.4 Special Considerations
The installation of corrosion control measures for facilities owned by others, but designed as
part of the LRT project, must be coordinated through ETS or its designate. This coordination
will include the resolution of design and construction conflicts to minimize the impact on other
system elements.

13.2.5 Materials and Methods Coatings
Coatings are specified for corrosion control of buried metallic or concrete facilities must satisfy
the following criteria:
 Minimum volume resistively in accordance with ASTM D-257
 Minimum thickness as recommended for the specific system, but not less than *15 mils.

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* Note: A mil is a unit of distance equal to 0.0001 inch

 A chemical or mechanical bond to the metal or concrete surface. Pressure-sensitive
systems are not acceptable. Non-bonding systems may be used in special instances,
after review and approval by ETS.
 Mill application wherever possible, with field application of a compatible paint or tape
 Mechanical characteristics capable of withstanding reasonable wear during handling and
earth pressure after installation for the design life of the system.
 Minimum 5-year performance record for the intended service.
Generic coating systems include, but are not limited to the following:
 Extruded polyethylene/butyl based system
 Coal-tar epoxies (two component systems)
 Polyethylene-backed butyl mastic tapes (cold applied)
 Bituminous mastics (airless spray)
Refer to Section 13.4 for the types of coating systems available. Electrical Insulation of Piping
Devices used for electrical insulators for corrosion control should include non-metallic inserts,
insulating flanges, couplings, unions, and/or concentric support spacers and meet the
following criteria:
 A minimum resistance of 10 megohms prior to installation.
 Sufficient electrical resistance after insertion into the operating piping system such that no
more than 2 percent of a test current applied across the device flows through the
insulator, including flow through conductive fluids if present.
 Mechanical and temperature ratings equivalent to the structure in which they are installed.
 Internal coating (except complete non-metallic units) with a polyamide epoxy for a
distance on each side of the insulator equal to two times the diameter of the pipe in which
they are used. Where conductive fluids with a resistively of less than 2,000 ohm-
centimeters are present, internal coating requirements must be based on separate
 Devices (except non-metallic units) buried in soils must be encased in a protective
 Devices (except non-metallic units) installed in chambers or otherwise exposed to partial
immersion or high humidity must have a protective coating applied over all components.
 Inaccessible insulating devices, such as buried or elevated insulators, must be equipped
with accessible permanent test facilities.
 A minimum clearance of 30 cm must be provided between new and existing metallic
structures. When conditions do not allow a 30 cm clearance, the design must include
special provisions to prevent electrical contact with existing structure(s). Electrical Continuity of Piping
Electrical continuity must be provided for all non-welded metallic pipe joints and meet the
following criteria:
 Use direct burial, insulated, stranded, copper wire with the minimum length necessary to
span the joint being bonded.
 Wire size must be based on the electrical characteristics of the structure and resulting
electrical network to minimize attenuation and allow for cathodic protection.
 Use a minimum of two wires per joint for redundancy.
 Surface preparation of the structure to be coated must be required in accordance with the
coating manufacturer’s recommendations.

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13.2.6 LRT Fixed Facilities

Protective measures to be considered for utilities and buried structures are as follows: Ferrous Pressure Piping
All new buried cast iron, ductile iron, and steel pressure piping must be cathodically protected.
The design must satisfy the following the criteria presented in the previous section.
The number and location of anodes and size of rectifier (if required) will be determined on an
individual structure basis. Copper Piping
Buried copper pipe must be electrically isolated from non-buried piping. In a station structure,
though, install an accessible insulating union where the piping enters through a wall or floor.
Pipe penetrations through the walls and floors should be electrically isolated from building
structural elements. The insulator should be located inside the structure and not buried. Gravity Flow Piping (Non-Pressured)
Corrugated steel piping must be internally and externally coated with a sacrificial metallic
coating and a protective organic coating.
The design and fabrication of cast or ductile iron piping must include the following provisions:
 An internal mortar lining with a bituminous coating on ductile iron pipe only (not required
for cast iron soil pipe).
 A bonded protective coating or unbonded dielectric encasement on the external surfaces
in contact with soils in accordance with AWWA Standard C105.
 A bituminous mastic coating on the external surfaces of pipe 150 mm on each side of a
concrete/soil interface.
Reinforced concrete non-pressure piping must include the following provisions:
 Water/cement ratios meeting the minimum provisions of AWWA.
 Maximum 250-ppm chloride concentration in the total concrete mix (mixing water, cement,
admixture and aggregates).
 Use Type 1 cement within the range of acceptable sulfate concentrations within soil and
groundwater. Electrical Conduits
Buried metallic conduits should include the following provisions:
 Galvanized steel with PVC or other coating acceptable for direct burial, including
couplings and fittings. The PVC coating is not required when conduits are installed in
 Electrical continuity through use of standard threaded joints or bond wires installed across
non-threaded joints.

Final Issue July 2017 13.5

STRAY CURRENT/CORROSION CONTROL Buried Concrete/Reinforced Concrete Structures

In general, the design of cast-in-place concrete structures, standard precast components such
as vaults or manholes and segmented concrete rings should be in accordance with applicable
local codes, regulations and standards. The Consultant should also refer to the appropriate
sections of ACI, and ASTM for standards related to concrete durability and corrosion of metals
in concrete. to based on the following provisions:
Below grade shotcrete used for permanent support must be in accordance with ACI 506.2 and
related applicable provisions. No special corrosion control measures are required for
shotcrete applications, which are not considered as providing permanent support. Support Pilings
The following is applicable only to support piling systems, which provide permanent support.
Pilings used for temporary support do not require corrosion control provisions.
A barrier coating should be applied to metal piling support structures that are exposed to the
environment (i.e. H or soldier piles).
The need for special cathodic protection measures will be determined on an individual basis,
based on type of structure, analysis of soil borings for corrosion characteristics and the degree
of anticipated structural deterioration caused by corrosion.
Reinforced concrete piling, including fabrications with prestressed members, should be
designed in accordance with the standards referred to in Section
Concrete-filled steel cylinder columns, where the steel is an integral part of the load bearing
characteristics of the support structure, should be designed considering the need for special
measures, such as increased cylinder wall thickness, external coating system, and/or cathodic
protection. These designs must also be determined on an individual basis, based on type of
structure, analysis of soil borings for corrosive characteristics and the degree of anticipated
structural deterioration caused by corrosion. Chloride restrictions must also be a design
consideration. Reinforced Concrete Retaining Walls
Cast-in-place concrete retaining walls should be designed in accordance with the standards
referred to in Section
Consultants must provide for stray current and soil corrosion control for modular retaining
walls with structural support component beneath the LRT tracks.
Pre-stressed or post tensioned concrete cylinder pressure pipe should not be designed for use
in the vicinity of the LRT tracks or substations without review on an individual basis to
determine alternate materials of construction.
This section provides guidelines that are to be followed by the Consultant to minimize the
corrosive effect of stray earth traction currents from transit operations on LRT structures and
to privately owned facilities. They are based on anticipated stray earth traction current levels
and the characteristics of fixed facilities and other buried structures.
The objective of stray current control should reduce or limit the level of stray currents at the
source, under normal operating conditions, rather than trying to mitigate the corresponding
effects (possibly detrimental), which may otherwise occur on LRT facilities and other
underground structures.

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The basic requirements for the control of stray currents are as follows:
 Ability to operate the mainline LRT system with no direct or indirect electrical connections
between the positive and negative traction power distribution circuits and ground.
 Design the traction power system and trackwork to minimize stray earth currents during
normal revenue operations.
Protective measures such as cathodic protection and induced currents can be applied, if
applicable, to ensure that stray currents are maintained within the acceptable range for the
structure being protected.
Stray current monitoring along the track should be installed in order to verify that the rails are
insulated from the ground and to detect any leakage of stray current.

13.3.1 Traction Power System

Chapter 6, Traction Power provides the design guidelines for the LRT Traction Power System
including Substations and the Overhead Traction Power System. The Consultant should also
refer to the Overhead TP Manual Section 2.7 for additional information on floating grounds
and stray currents. Traction Power Substations (Mainline)
TP Substations should be provided with stray current control devices to allow the connection
of the negative bus to the station ground mat through a relay (normally open) and a current
monitoring shunt. The test facility should be implemented to allow for periodic monitoring of
the stray current return to identify changing conditions associated with the track-to-earth
Substations must be provided remote monitoring systems to record the negative bus-to-earth
potential, negative return shunt, track to earth potentials and the stray current return circuit.
The remote monitoring system should consist of either a stand-alone data acquisition module
and communications package or SCADA interface.
Space should be provided in each substation for future installation of stray current mitigation
drainage devices. Positive Distribution System

The positive distribution system should be normally operated as an electrically continuous
bus, with no breaks, except during emergency or fault conditions. Intentional electrical
segregation of mainline, yard, and shop positive distribution systems is the only type of
segregation permitted.
Overhead contact systems, consisting primarily of support poles, the contact wire, and where
applicable, the messenger wire, must be designed to minimize the generation of stray current. Mainline Negative Return System

The Consultant should refer to Chapter 5 Trackwork, Sections 5.2.4, 5.5.3 and
regarding Edmonton’s experience regarding protection against stray electrical currents.
Notwithstanding the measures already used, the application of the following guidelines will
provide additional protection to the track system.

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Running Rails
The mainline running rails, including special trackwork, grade crossings and all ancillary
system connections, should be designed to have a minimum, uniformly distributed, in-service
track-to-earth resistance.
Appropriately designed insulating track fastening devices, such as insulated tie plates,
insulated rail clips, direct fixation fasteners or other approved methods should be used.
Ballast and sub-ballast construction for ballasted track must meet the provisions of Chapter 5
Trackwork, Sections 5.6.4 and 5.6.5.
The top of the ballast material should be a minimum of *25 mm below the bottom of all metallic
surfaces i.e. the rail and all track fastening components in electrical contact with the rail.
*Yard track should be electrically insulated from mainline and shop tracks by use of insulated
rail joints in both rails.
*Note: Denver RTD and Seattle Link systems also uses this guideline. This provision is to ensure that
parked vehicles will not electrically connect the shop track or mainline track to the yard track for periods
of time longer than that required to move a vehicle into or out of the yard.
Ancillary Systems
Switch machines, signalling devices, train communication systems, and other devices or
systems which may contact the rails should be electrically isolated from earth by the use of
dielectric materials.
Electrical Continuity
The mainline running rails must be constructed as an electrically continuous power distribution
circuit through the use of rail joint bonds, impedance bonds, continuously welded rail, or a
combination of the three. Water Drainage
Below grade sections must be designed to:
 Prevent water from dropping or running onto the running rails and related rail
 Prevent the accumulation of freestanding water.
Water drainage systems for sections exposed to the environment must be designed to prevent
water accumulation from contacting the rails and rail appurtenances.
The Consultant should refer to Chapter 12, Mechanical Systems, Section 12.7 for the Design
Guidelines for drainage.
13.3.2 LRT Fixed Facilities Aerial Structures
Column and Bearing Assemblies with Direct Fixation Track
This section applies to aerial structures and bridges that use a column and bearing assembly
that can be electrically insulated from deck or girder reinforcing steel and will have insulated
trackwork construction.
 Provide electrical continuity of top layer reinforcing steel in the deck/girder by welding all
longitudinal lap splices.
 Electrically interconnect all top layer longitudinal reinforcing steel by welding to transverse
collector bars installed at breaks in longitudinal reinforcing steel, such as at expansion
joints, hinges, and at abutments. Connect collector bars installed on each side of a break
with a minimum of two cables.

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 Provide additional transverse collector bars at intermediate locations to maintain a

maximum spacing of 155 m between collector bars.
 Provide a ground electrode system at each end of the structure and at intermediate
locations to maintain a maximum spacing between ground electrode systems of 460 m.
The number, location, and earth resistance of the ground electrode system must be
determined on an individual structure basis.
 Provide electrical isolation of reinforcing steel in deck/girders from columns, abutments,
and other grounding elements. Isolation can be established through the use of insulating
elastomeric bearing pads, dielectric sleeves and washers for anchor bolts and dielectric
coatings on selected components.
 All copper to steel weld locations (bond cables) should be coated with a cold applied, fast
drying mastic consisting of bituminous resins and solvents.
Column and Bearing Assemblies with Tie and Ballast Track
This section covers the same type of aerial structures covered above, but with tie and ballast
track construction. Welding of reinforcing steel in the deck is not required for this
configuration. The following measures should considered in the design:
 An electrically insulated waterproofing membrane (with protection board) over the entire
surface of the deck that will be in contact with the ballast.
 An electrically continuous collector grid, such as steel welded wire fabric, directly on top of
the protection board over the waterproofing membrane and beneath the ballasts. The
collector grid must extend the full width of the trackway.
 A ground electrode system in accordance with the direct fixation guidelines.
 Electrical isolation of reinforcing steel in deck/girders from columns, abutments, and other
grounded elements.
 Any copper to steel weld locations (bond cables) should be coated with a cold applied,
fast drying mastic consisting of bituminous resins and solvents.
Bents and Girders with Direct Fixation Track
This section applies to aerial structures that use bent type supports with reinforcing steel
extending into the deck/girders. Girders can be pre or post tensioned. This type of
construction precludes the electrical isolation of deck/girder steel from bent/column steel.
Ground electrode systems are not required for these types of structures.
Electrical continuity of top layer reinforcing steel in the deck/girder by welding all longitudinal
lap splices should be provided.
Electrically interconnect all top layer longitudinal reinforcing steel by welding to transverse
collector bars installed at bents and on each side of breaks in longitudinal reinforcing steel,
such as at expansion joints, hinges and at abutments (deck side only). Connect the collector
bars installed on each side of a break with a minimum of two cables.
 Provide electrical continuity of all column/bent steel by welding appropriate reinforcing to
at least two vertical column bars. Make these connections to each of the two vertical bars
at the top and bottom of the column/bent.
 Electrically interconnect column/bent steel to deck/girder steel by welding at least two
vertical column bars to collector bars installed at bents.
 Electrically interconnect column/bent steel to footing steel when column/bent steel
penetrates the footing. Weld at least two vertical column/bent bars to footing reinforcing
 Electrically interconnect pre or post tensioned cables to continuous longitudinal reinforcing
steel by welding a cable between each anchor plate and the longitudinal reinforcing steel.
 All copper to steel weld locations (bond cables) should be coated with cold applied, fast
drying mastic consisting of bituminous resins and solvents.

Final Issue July 2017 13.9


Bents and Girders with Tie and Ballast Track

This section covers the same type of aerial structures covered above, but with tie and ballast
track construction.
 Provide the same features as described in the bullet points above for direction fixation and
the following additional item.
 Provide a waterproofing, electrically insulating membrane over the entire surface of the
deck that will be in contact with the ballast.
 All copper to steel weld locations (bond cables) should be coated with a cold applied, fast
drying mastic consisting of bituminous resins and solvents.
Concrete Deck/Exposed Steel with Direct Fixation Track
This section applies to bridge structures that use a reinforced concrete deck with exposed
steel superstructure and will have insulated trackwork construction. This type of construction
precludes the electrical insulation of deck reinforcing steel from superstructure steel.
 Provide electrical continuity of top layer reinforcing steel in the deck/girder by welding all
longitudinal lap splices.
 Electrically interconnect all top layer longitudinal reinforcing steel by welding to transverse
collector bars installed at breaks in longitudinal reinforcing steel, such as at expansion
joints, hinges, and abutments. Connect the collector bars installed on each side of a
break with a minimum of two cables.
 Provide additional transverse collector bars at intermediate locations to maintain a
maximum spacing of 155 m between collector bars.
 If the total structure length exceeds 75 m provide a ground electrode system at each end
of the structure and at intermediate locations to maintain a maximum spacing between
ground electrode systems of 460 m. The number, location and earth resistance of the
ground electrode system must be determined on an individual structure basis.
 Provide test facilities at each end of the structure and at intermediate locations to maintain
a maximum spacing of 155 m between test points. The facilities will house test wires from
the collector bars and ground electrode system, if present.
 Provide electrical isolation of reinforcing steel in the deck and superstructure steel from
columns, abutments and other grounded elements. Isolation can be established through
the use of insulating elastomeric bearing pads, dielectric sleeves and washers for anchor
bolts and dielectric coatings on selected components.
 If electrical isolation of reinforcing steel in the deck and superstructure steel from columns,
abutments and other grounded elements cannot be obtained, then electrical continuity of
metallic components within these latter elements must be established by appropriate
welding and bonding procedures.
 All copper to steel weld locations (bond cables) should be coated with a cold applied, fast
drying mastic consisting of bituminous resins and solvents.
Concrete Deck/Exposed Steel with Tie and Ballast Track
This section covers the same type of aerial structures covered above, but with tie and ballast
track construction. Welding of reinforcing steel in the deck is not required for this
 Provide an electrically insulating waterproofing membrane that is(with protection board)
over the entire surface of the deck that will be in contact with the ballast.
 Provide an electrically continuous collector grid, such as steel welded wire fabric, directly
on top of the protection board over the waterproofing membrane and beneath the ballast.
The collector grid must extend the full width of the trackway.
 Provide a ground electrode system at each end of the structure and at intermediate
locations to maintain a maximum spacing between ground electrode systems of 460 m.

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The number, location and earth resistance of the ground electrode system must be
determined on an individual structure basis.
 Provide test facilities at each end of the structure and at intermediate locations to maintain
a maximum spacing of 155 m between test points. The facilities will house test wires from
the collector grid and ground electrode system, if present.
 Electrically isolate the reinforcing steel in the deck and superstructure steel from columns,
abutments and other grounded elements. Isolation can be established through the use of
insulating elastomeric bearing pads, dielectric sleeves and washers for anchor bolts and
dielectric coatings on selected components.
 If the electrical isolation of reinforcing steel in the deck and superstructure steel from
columns, abutments, and other grounded elements cannot be obtained, then the electrical
continuity of metallic components within these latter elements should be established by
appropriate welding and bonding procedures.
 All copper to steel weld locations (bond cables) should be coated with a cold applied, fast
drying mastic consisting of bituminous resins and solvents. Underground Structures
It is recommended that reinforcing steel in underground structure (tunnels and stations) inverts
be designed to be electrically continuous in accordance with the following general
 The longitudinal lap splices in the top layer of the first-pour reinforcing steel be welded.
 All longitudinal members to a transverse (collector) member at intervals not exceeding
155 m should be welded. This included at electrical (physical) breaks in the longitudinal
reinforcing steel (i.e. at expansion joints).
Test facilities should be installed at each end of Type I station platforms and at every collector
bar. Each facility to consist of insulated copper wires, conduits and enclosures terminated at
an accessible location.
Soil conditions and environmental corrosivity should be evaluated to determine the need for
the application of a barrier coating. If soils are deemed to be highly corrosive apply a coating
in accordance with Section Also refer to Section 13.4.
Corrosion control methods selected should include consideration of the following:
 Internal and external coatings
 Segment bonding
 Test electrodes
 Cathodic protection test ports
The structure cross section should include space for a cathodic protection rectifier, distribution
conduit and power supply. OCS Mast Foundation Grounding
All metallic components inclusive of the pole base-plate, that will be partially embedded or
come in contact with concrete surfaces, should be coated with a sacrificial or barrier coating.
The sacrificial coating must be applied to the entire component. The barrier coating should
extend a minimum of 150 mm into the concrete and a minimum of 13 mm above the surface of
the concrete.

Final Issue July 2017 13.11


At-Grade OCS Support Masts

Electrical continuity of reinforcing steel with support pole foundations must be established to
provide an adequate means for dissipating any leakage current from the contact wire and,
where applicable, the messenger wire. The following minimum provisions should be included
in the design:
 The outermost layer of vertical reinforcing steel within the concrete foundation should be
tack welded at all intermediate vertical lap joints and to reinforcing bar rings installed at
the top and bottom of the reinforcing bar cage.
 A copper cable should be connected between the base of the support mast and the
foundation reinforcing steel. The cable should be thermite welded or brazed to the
support mast and routed in such a manner that it will not be susceptible to damage during
construction or after installation is complete.
 The copper cable should be sized based upon anticipated fault current and fault clearing
Different electrical continuity requirements may be necessary depending on the actual
reinforcing configuration for the support mast foundations.
All copper to steel weld locations (bond cables) should be coated with a cold applied, fast
drying mastic consisting of bituminous resins an solvents.
The Consultant should also refer to the Overhead TP Manual Section 7.11 for coatings to be
applied to mast anchor bolts and anchor bolt nuts.
OCS Poles on Aerial Structures
OCS poles located on aerial structures should include either of the following minimum set of
provisions, depending on the type of aerial structure.
 Where the aerial structure includes welded deck reinforcing steel connected to a ground
electrode system, electrically interconnect the OCS support masts on the structure and
connect these poles to the ground electrode system.
.1 Cabling used to interconnect the poles and the ground electrode system should be
sized based upon anticipated fault current and fault clearing time.
.2 The cabling should be routed in conduit and terminated in junction boxes or test
cabinets that also house wires from the deck reinforcing steel and the ground
electrode system.
.3 Cabling should be designed to allow for connection of interconnected OCS masts
along the aerial structure to all ground electrode systems installed with a particular
aerial structure.
 Where the aerial structure has welded deck reinforcing steel but does not include a
ground electrode system, electrically connect the OCS support masts to the welded deck
reinforcing steel.
.1 Provide a copper cable from each OCS support mast to the deck reinforcing steel.
The copper cable should be sized based upon anticipated fault current and fault
clearing time.
.2 Thermite weld or braze the cable to the OCS support mast and preferably to the
nearest transverse collector bar installed in the aerial structure deck.
.3 Where it is not practical to connect an OCS mast directly to a transverse collector bar,
because of excessive distance or other factors, connect the pole to a local transverse
reinforcing bar using a copper cable and weld the transverse reinforcing bar to at least
three upper layer longitudinal reinforcing bars in the deck.

Final Issue July 2017 13.12


 All copper to steel weld locations (bond cables) should be coated with a cold applied, fast
drying mastic consisting of bituminous resins and solvents. Utility Structures
All piping and conduit must be non-metallic, unless metallic facilities are required for
engineering purposes. No special provisions are required if non-metallic materials are used.
Metallic Facilities (System Wide)
Pressure or non-pressure piping exposed within crawl spaces or embedded in concrete
inverts do not require special provisions.
Pressure piping that penetrates station walls must be electrically insulated from the external
piping to which it connects wall reinforcing steel, and from watertight wall sleeves.
Metallic Facilities (Yard)
Tracks in yards are grounded. Metallic piping in yards must be adequately protected from
corrosion. Protective measures are to be jointly determined by ETS and the Utility Service
13.3.3 Facilities Owned by Others Utility Relocations
Corrosion control requirements for buried utilities installed by the utility provider as part of LRT
construction must be the responsibility of the individual utility provider. Minimum stray current
corrosion control criteria, when guidance is requested by the utility provider, should be in
accordance with the following Section
Relocated or replaced utilities, installed by the LRT project contractor must be installed in
accordance with the utility owner specifications. The following are the minimum provisions
applicable to ferrous and reinforced concrete pressure piping. Other materials and structures
will require individual review.
 Electrical continuity through the installation of insulated copper wires across all
mechanical joints for which electrical continuity cannot be assured.
 Electrical access to the utility structure via the installed test facilities.
 The need for additional measures, such as electrical isolation, application of a protective
coating system, installation of cathodic protection, or any combination of the preceding,
should be based on the characteristics of the specific structure and should not adversely
effect the existing performance within the environment. Existing Utility Structures
The need for stray current monitoring stations will be jointly determined by ETS and the utility
provider. If the utility provider requires assistance, the following minimum provisions can be
 Test facilities may be installed at select locations for the purpose of evaluating stray earth
current effects during start-up and revenue operations. The suggested guidelines for
location of test facilities are as follows:
.1 At all utility crossings with the system, and on structures that are within 90 m and
parallel to the system right-of-way.
.2 At locations on specific utility structures that are within 90 m of the system traction
power substations.

Final Issue July 2017 13.13


Stray current corrosion control for existing bridge structures can be addressed by limiting earth
current levels at the source (running rails). To provide the primary stray current control for
these facilities refer to the guidelines outlined in Sections to .3 and
13.4.1 General Requirements
Coatings that are applied to control corrosion must:
 Have established performance records for the intended service and be compatible with
the base metal to which they are applied.
 Be able to demonstrate satisfactory gloss retention, color retention, and resistance to
chalking over their minimum life expectancies.
 Have minimum life expectancies, defined as the time prior to major maintenance or
reapplication, of 15 to 20 years.

13.4.2 Metallic-Sacrificial Coatings

Acceptable coatings for carbon and alloy steels for use in tunnels, crawlspaces, vaults, or
above grade are as follows:
 Zinc
 Aluminum
 Aluminum-zinc
 Cadmium and electroplated zinc (sheltered areas only)
 Inorganic zinc (as a primer)

13.4.3 Organic Coatings

Organic coating systems should consist of a wash primer (for galvanized and aluminium
substrates only), a primer, intermediate coat(s), and a finish coat. Acceptable organic
coatings, for exposure to the atmosphere, are as follows:
 Aliphatic polyurethane’s
 Vinyl copolymers
 Fusion-bonded epoxy polyesters, polyethylenes, and nylons
 Acrylics, where not exposed to direct sunlight
 Alkyds, where not exposed to direct sunlight
 Epoxy as a primer where exposed to the atmosphere or as the complete system where
sheltered from sunlight

13.4.4 Conversion Coatings

Conversion coatings, such as phosphate and chromate coatings can be used as
pretreatments only for further application of organic coatings.

13.4.5 Ceramic-Metallic Coatings (Cermets)

This hybrid-type coating system is acceptable for use on metal panels and fastening

Final Issue July 2017 13.14


13.4.6 Sealants
All crevices should be sealed with a polysulfide, polyurethane or silicone sealant.

13.4.7 Barrier Coating System

There are two basic types of barrier systems available. One is where corrosion protection is
needed but appearance is not a primary concern. The other is where both corrosion
protection and good appearance are needed.
The Consultant should select a suitable barrier system based on the prevailing conditions
All coatings must be applied in accordance with manufacturer’s specifications.

Final Issue July 2017 13.15

Chapter 14 – Revision Tracking Form


Chapter 14
2017 EDITION – Revisions Tracking Form
Section Reference Revision General Description Issue Date



14.1  GENERAL 1 
14.1.1  Scope 1 
14.1.2  Bylaws, Standards, Practices, Guidelines, References 1 
14.2.1  LRT Impacts 1 
14.2.2  Community Standards Bylaw 2 
14.2.3  Abatement Techniques 2 
14.3.1  General 3 
14.3.2  Landscape Design Principles 3 
14.3.3  Landscape Design Reference Documents 6 
14.3.4  Architectural Requirements 6 
14.4.1  Fencing 6 
14.4.2  Signage 7 

Final Issue July 2017 I




14.1.1 Scope
This chapter provides the design guidelines for the following:
 Measures that can be implemented to mitigate the impacts that LRT can have on adjacent
 Aesthetic treatment including landscaping along the LRT ROW and around stations.
 The control and protection of the LRT ROW.

14.1.2 Bylaws, Standards, Practices, Guidelines, References

City of Edmonton Community Standards Bylaw 14600
City of Edmonton Design and Construction Standards (City Design Standards)
City of Edmonton Urban Traffic Noise Policy C506
City of Edmonton Noise Bylaw 7255
City of Edmonton Zoning Bylaw 12800
Noise Position Paper – Stantec Consulting Ltd., March 2001
Residential Vibration Monitoring and Assessment – ACI Acoustical Consultants Inc.,
May 2003


14.2.1 LRT Impacts
In addition to affecting traffic and pedestrian patterns, the introduction of LRT into a
community may be visually obtrusive, and may be perceived as increasing noise and vibration
The development of transportation options during the planning phase is intended to present
solutions related to mitigate the disruption of vehicular traffic and pedestrian patterns. Visual Intrusion
The installation of the LRT infrastructure which includes the trackway, overhead catenary
wires and support masts, signal support poles, grade crossing control measures, fencing,
stations, and other ancillary structures, including the LRT train moving through the community,
may be considered by some community residents as being visually displeasing. Noise
The City of Edmonton has enacted Policy 506, the Urban Traffic Noise Policy. The policy
defines noise level descriptors and specifies acceptable noise levels generated by urban
traffic and high speed transit facilities. Mitigating the impact of LRT development is governed
by the following criteria:

Final Issue July 2017 14.1


“The City of Edmonton will seek to achieve a projected attenuated noise level below 65 dBA
*Leq24, or as low as technically, administratively, and economically practical, with an objective
of achieving noise level of 60 dBA Leq24, where any transportation facility (major arterial
roadway, light rail transit, or future high speed transit) is proposed to be built or upgraded
through or adjacent to a developed residential area. Funding for noise attenuation, where
appropriate, and subject to availability, is considered in the cost of the project”.
*Leq (Equivalent Continuous Sound Level) is defined as a calculated sound level over the
measured time period that has the same acoustical energy as the actual fluctuating sound
levels that occurred during the same period. It is a single number descriptor commonly used
for environmental noise measurements.
The Consultant should refer to the Stantec Noise Position Paper for additional data derived
from an environmental noise model study that was carried out for the South LRT Extension. Vibration
Vibration can be caused by the movement of LRT trains along the tracks and LRT
construction activities. Refer to Chapter 2 Vehicles, for a brief discussion on the degree of
vibration generated by LRV’s. The Consultant should also refer to the ACI Residential
Vibration Monitoring and Assessment Study for the results of vibration monitoring and the
prediction of vibration levels in the McKernan and Belgravia communities.

14.2.2 Community Standards Bylaw

The City of Edmonton has enacted Bylaw 14600, Community Standards Bylaw, February 13,
2008. The Bylaw defines noise level descriptors, specifies acceptable noise levels that can be
generated by vehicles and what is acceptable for several classes of land use. It also specifies
the penalty to be imposed when the noise levels are exceeded.
Noise from LRT operations is covered in the criterion for vehicular noise and should not
exceed a 24 hour Leq of 60 dBA.

14.2.3 Abatement Techniques Visual Abatement
Screen fencing, berming, depressed LRT alignment, landscaping, or combinations thereof, are
all acceptable visual screening methods subject to ROW availability, and cost-benefit analysis.
Screen fencing can be of wood, metal or concrete construction. Vibration Abatement
Vibration as a result of LRT operations is not anticipated to be problematic as per the findings
of the ACI Residential Vibration Monitoring and Assessment Study. Notwithstanding, Chapter
5 Trackwork, Section 5.2.5, describes trackwork design measures that can be employed to
further reduce LRV vibration levels. Noise Abatement
There are a number of techniques available to reduce or absorb the noise generated from a
passing LRT train.
These techniques are:
 Trackwork design measures as described in Chapter 5 Trackwork, Section 5.2.5.
 Lubrication of rails on curves to reduce wheel squeal.
 Construction of depressed track sections or earth berming.
 Noise Walls or Barriers.

Final Issue July 2017 14.2


To be effective, the medium selected for a noise wall preferably should have sound absorption
characteristics, and must be placed in the line of sight between the noise source and the point
of observation.
The placement of trees and shrubs alone is not an acceptable medium for reducing noise.
The location, size and spatial requirements of the installation will be determined during
preliminary engineering phase of the design activities.
Structural design considerations for noise walls are outlined in Chapter 9 Structures, Section


14.3.1 General
Chapter 1 General, Section 1.2 describes, in general terms, the Design Physiology for LRT
development in Edmonton. Section 1.2.2 Land Use, lists a number of related items that
Consultants must examine through the planning and design process. Section 1.2.3
Aesthetics/Arts Program, provides details of City Policy C458C related to the provision of
Artwork in City facilities.
The Consultant must become familiar with this material at the outset of design.
In addition, Policy F-5 of the City of Edmonton Transportation Master Plan (1999) states “Use
current design when rehabilitating transportation infrastructure, unless this has adverse
impacts which outweigh potential benefits”. The intent of the policy is to ensure that when an
existing LRT corridor is upgraded, current design standards for landscaping, aesthetics, and
screening are reviewed and applied, if appropriate.

14.3.2 Landscape Design Principles General
From the broad principles, seven major design principles were formulated for landscape
development in the LRT corridor. They are:
 Safety and security
 Maintenance
 Neighbourhood integration and mitigation
 Buffering
 Aesthetics
 Fiscal responsibility
 Public involvement
The principles apply to the LRT ROW, stations, Park and Ride, and Kiss and Ride facilities,
traction power substations, structures, and roadway and pedestrian access elements. Safety and Security
The safety of the public and City operating and maintenance staff within the LRT corridor
should be an overriding consideration for the design of the LRT landscape.
The LRT corridor and its landscape components must:
 Be compatible and safe for all LRT users and City operating and maintenance staff;
 Be designed using the LRT Safety and Security Guidelines;
 Incorporate Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) principles; and
 Not compromise the security of the LRT stations, right-of-way or the adjacent

Final Issue July 2017 14.3

Maintenance must be considered in all aspects of LRT landscape. Low maintenance will
reduce long-term costs, help provide an enduring landscape and provide long term fiscal
The LRT corridor and its landscape components must:
 Be durable, functional and able to withstand heavy use and potential vandalism;
 Be compatible with local climatic conditions. Considerations must be given to the
environmental conditions (wind, sun, shade, snowdrifting, aspect and moisture regime) of
the sites and their effect on the hard and soft landscape. Site specific conditions will have
to be considered;
 Meet the City of Edmonton standards for road right-of-way planting requirements; and
 Accommodate typical City of Edmonton maintenance practices. Neighborhood Integration and Impact Mitigation
Along the LRT corridor, integration of the LRT landscape and mitigation of impacts in the
surrounding community will perpetuate and enhance the existing neighbourhood flavour and
The LRT corridor and its landscape components must:
 Identify and reflect the character/theme of the neighbourhoods that it moves through by
utilizing similar landscape architectural streetscape elements;
 Protect, retain and /or reuse as much of the existing hard and soft landscape as possible;
 Where possible, reconstruct distributed landscapes to a condition similar to pre-LRT
development and/or as negotiated through the stakeholder process;
 Provide replacement compensation of permanently removed hard and soft landscape with
other landscaping within the neighbourhood as negotiated through the stakeholder
 Maintain, facilitate and/or integrate major pedestrian movement systems, i.e.
neighbourhood paths and major walkways;
 Maintain, facilitate and allow ease of movement of other modes of neighbourhood traffic,
i.e. bicycle, etc.; and
 Satisfy the requirements of the Corporate Tree Management Policy and Bylaw 7829
concerning Boulevards, Flankages, Utility Lots and Boulevard Trees within the City of
Edmonton. Buffering
Landscape components used for screening or buffering of impacts of the LRT may help satisfy
resident needs and help maintain the character of the remaining neighbourhood.

The LRT corridor and its landscape components must:

 Provide buffering from the adjacent land uses where feasible;
 Provide buffering of LRT parking lots from adjacent land uses;
 Provide buffering that reflects the community, its character and the adjacent setting; and
 Provide buffering with planting, berming, fencing or combination of these elements as
space and design considerations, i.e. noise, snowdrifting, lighting, etc., and budget allow.

Final Issue July 2017 14.4

The LRT development must be attractive and visually pleasing to the general public.
Landscape may be used to soften and enhance the visual character of the LRT corridor and
present a positive image to attract ridership while retaining safety and security.
The LRT and its landscape components must:
 Recognize and provide visual interest for all seasons through the use of a variety of
materials, color, etc.;
 Provide a sense of unity for the corridor with the use of similar materials and theme;
 Provide a sense of scale appropriate for the corridor and the adjacent land uses.
Landscaping may be used to reduce the scale of retaining wall, fencing, overpasses,
parking lots, etc. or provide a more intimate scale to a space for meeting or seating areas;
 Define special sites and uses such as schools, major intersections, commercial, etc.;
 Enhance and define the uses of the adjacent sites;
 Frame important views, neighbourhood identity features and landmarks to increase their
 Selectivity screen views and facilities to reduce their impact on the adjacent community;
 Integrate the corridor, stations and platforms into the neighbourhood within the use of
similar materials and design theme;
 Incorporate significant existing site features such as signage, buildings and existing plant
materials into the landscape; and
 Provide orientation in the neighbourhood and within the LRT corridor. Fiscal Responsibility
The LRT landscape development must meet the established budget for the project. All design
 Show fiscal responsibility;
 Produce an enduring, long lived development within the community;
 Recognize the interconnection of site design and facility maintenance operations; and
 Minimize impacts but maximize the value received for the dollars expended.
Preference will be given to development which retains community stability and meets the
budget. Public Involvement
The LRT landscape development must incorporate a comprehensive public involvement
process (refer to Ch. 1 General Section 1.2.1) for each geographic location. This process, at a
minimum, must address the statement of principles of LRT planning and the landscape design
principles listed above and allow for public input on the following:
 Safety concerns and issues;
 Retention or modification of existing landscape themes, i.e. naturalized or formal
landscape, paving, etc.;
 Desired pedestrian and vehicular movement patterns;
 Desired visual screening/buffering of adjacent land uses;
 Existing views to be retained, enhanced or screened;
 Existing features/landmarks to be retained, enhanced or screened;
 Potential location(s) of compensatory landscape;
 Neighbourhood identity and character;
 City standards and maintenance requirements;
 Other site specific issues; and

Final Issue July 2017 14.5


 Review of proposed solutions, designs, schedules and budgets

14.3.3 Landscape Design Reference Documents

Several documents have been prepared by the City that provides the Consultant with the
guidelines and standards to be used in the development of design landscape plans and
specifications. The intent is not to restate the content here, but just list the documents for the
Consultant’s reference. They are:
City Design Standards - Volume 5 Landscaping
ETS Transit Centre Design Guidelines – February 2010 (Draft)

14.3.4 Architectural Requirements

The Consultant must prepare designs for LRT stations and Ancillary facilities, grade
separation structures, noise, and screen and barrier walls, in accordance with the design
principles stated in Chapter 10 Stations and Ancillary Facilities, Section 10.2.6.


For safety and security reasons, access onto the LRT ROW by the public (in vehicles, on
bicycles, or on foot) must be controlled through the provision of fencing, barriers, and signage.
Where different types of fencing/barriers connect together, the design must accommodate a
seamless transition in order to maintain the continuity of the fence/barrier.

14.4.1 Fencing Exclusive, Semi-Exclusive Use ROW
All ROW in this operating category must be fenced to provide protection for the public.
Normal fencing requirements will be heavy-duty chain link barrier fencing. The absolute
minimum fence height is 1.2 m with a height of 1.8 m being typical. Fencing will generally be
parallel to the track and located within the defined ROW. The Consultant should refer to the
figures in Chapter 3, Clearances and Right-of-Way for further details.
Where aesthetics and community standards demand, other types of protection such as
wooden, steel or concrete barriers, pipe rail, bollard and chain, or hedgerows may be
considered. The location and type of barrier fence will be determined on a case-by-case
Where necessary, gates that can be locked must be installed to provide access to the ROW
by maintenance or emergency personnel and equipment. The locations should include direct
access to all surface trackway turnouts. This requirement is also applicable to Section Shared Use ROW
Where the LRT alignment is located in a shared use ROW, the installation of fencing or
barriers may be somewhat limited due to the roadway and pedestrian movements, and related
crossing requirements. Each section of the LRT alignment must be analyzed carefully to
determine feasible fencing or barrier locations. Type II and III Stations
If practicable, fencing/barriers should be installed adjacent to surface LRT stations to prevent
pedestrians from accessing the tracks except at controlled crossing areas.
The following factors should be considered when developing the fence/barrier location plan:
 Safety of pedestrians including persons with disabilities.
 Station platform access

Final Issue July 2017 14.6


 Grade crossing configuration and related control measures (refer to Chapter 18 Street
Design, Section 18.5, Grade Crossing Safety) Drop-Off and Parking Areas
Fencing or barriers should be considered for locations where there is the potential vehicular/
pedestrian conflict, or security may become an issue (refer to Chapter 18 Street Design,
Section 18.7). Tunnel Portals/Overpass Structures
Fencing should be considered for areas around tunnel portals and on bridges for use by
pedestrians crossing over the LRT trackway. The objective is to discourage persons from
dropping or throwing objects onto the LRT ROW.
In areas where pedestrians come into close proximity to the overhead catenary system, a
protective shroud must be installed over the contact wires. The mesh in the shroud should be
closely spaced to prevent any contact with the energized conductors (refer to Chapter 6
Traction Power, Figure 6.8). Related Fencing Requirements
Vehicle service, maintenance and storage areas must be secured by a perimeter fence.
All fencing with a metal component to be located in areas where pedestrian movements occur
must be grounded. Standards Reference Documents
Standards for Screen, Uniform and Solid fences are provided in Volume 5 Section 10
Landscaping, of the City Design Standards.
The specification for steel chain link fencing is given in Volume 5, Section 02821. For chain
link fence details, refer to Drawings 9450, 9452, and 9454.
Refer to Chapter 5 Trackwork, Figure 5.29 for the typical detail of bollard and chain (two
chains) fencing mounted on ballast curb. Where a bus stop is located immediately adjacent to
the LRT right-of-way, and bollard and chain is utilized, three (3) chains along the length of the

14.4.2 Signage
Signage indicating that trespassing is prohibited on the LRT ROW should be erected at all
locations where the public can gain access. Typical locations include road and pedestrian
grade crossings and at stations. Other specific signage may be required at designated

Final Issue July 2017 14.7

Chapter 15 – Revision Tracking Form


Chapter 15
2017 EDITION – Revisions Tracking Form
Section Reference Revision General Description Issue Date
Appendix Appendix I Revised checklist. July 2017



15.1  GENERAL 1 
15.1.1  Introduction 1 
15.1.2  Abbreviations, Acronyms 1 
15.1.3  Definitions 1 
15.1.4  Applicable Codes, Standards, Practices 2 
15.1.5  Design References 2 
15.1.6  Accessibility Features/ABC References 2 
15.2.1  Policy C463 – Accessibility to City of Edmonton Owned and Occupied
Buildings 3 
15.2.2  ETS Accessible Transit Instruction 4 
15.2.3  Stakeholder Groups 5 
15.3.1  Accessibility Principles 5 
15.3.2  Interior Accessible Routes 5 
15.3.3  Platform, Public Areas and Amenities 10 
15.4.1  Exterior Accessible Routes 13 
15.4.2  Passenger Loading Zones 14 
15.4.3  Parking Lots 15 

List of Appendices

Appendix I – Checklist for Accessibility and Universal Design in Architecture

Final Issue July 2017 I



15.1.1 Introduction
This chapter is a consolidation of the accessibility and barrier-free design criteria to be applied
to the interior of LRT stations, their entranceways, station site access routes, and vehicular
parking and drop-off areas adjacent to a station.
This chapter also provides a summary of the City and ETS Policy statements on accessibility,
and definitions that are commonly used. It also indicates that Edmonton City Council has
established an Advisory Board with the mandate to review LRT facility plans at the various
stages of design development.
The purpose of consolidating these guidelines into one chapter is to provide design
consultants and ETS and other City staff with one location within the Guidelines where most
references to barrier-free guidelines and requirements can be found without having to search
through the full text of several chapters of these guidelines (also refer to Section 15.1.6).
15.1.2 Abbreviations, Acronyms
CSA Canadian Standards Association
TAC Transportation Association of Canada
TCRP Transit Cooperative Research Program
TTY Text telephone for the hearing impaired
US DOT United States Department of Transportation
15.1.3 Definitions
Accessibility is the design and construction in and adjacent to a building, including the
building site and adjacent public ways, which allows ease of movement and safety for all
employees, citizens, visitors and others, including persons with disabilities. To ensure
accessibility for persons with disabilities, the building including the building site and adjacent
public ways, shall be barrier-free and shall incorporate principles of barrier-free design
(Source: City Policy C463).
Barrier-Free is a feature of a building and its related facilities whereby it can be approached,
entered and use by persons with physical, mental or sensory disabilities. (Source: City Policy
Barrier-Free Design is the incorporation and utilization of design principles to construct an
environment that is functional, safe, and convenient for all users, including those with any type
of disability. (Source: City Policy C463).
Note: Barrier-free design is also referred to as Universal Design.
Barrier-Free Design Guide is a design guide respecting the minimum building requirements
for disabled persons in the most current Alberta Building Code in force in the Province of
Alberta. (Source: City Policy C463)
Disabilities are physical, mental or sensory conditions, which require barrier-free buildings
that can be easily approached, entered and used. (Source: City Policy C463)
Mobility Challenged are persons with disabilities, elderly persons, families with children or
persons with temporary impairments or disabilities. (Source: ETS Transit Accessible
Mobility Aids/Equipment means a wheelchair, walker, crutches, assistance dogs, strollers,
scooters, canes and oxygen tanks. (Source: ETS Transit Accessible Instruction)

Final Issue July 2017 15.1


15.1.4 Applicable Codes, Standards, Practices

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) – Accessibility Requirements for Fare
Access Needs of Blind and Visually Impaired Travellers in Transportation Terminals –
Canadian National Institute for the Blind (CNIB)
Alberta Building Code
Alberta Safety Codes Act
Accessibility to City of Edmonton Owned and Occupied Buildings - City of Edmonton
Policy C463
CAN/CSA B651.M90 Barrier-Free Design, A National Standard for Canada,
CAN/CSA 3-T515-M85 Requirements for Handset Telephones
City of Edmonton Transportation Master Plan
ETS Accessible Transit Instruction – April 10, 2002
Geometric Design Guide for Canadian Roads – TAC (1999)
Highway Traffic Act RSA 2000 Chapter H-8
National Building Code
Plan Edmonton City of Edmonton Bylaw 11777, as amended
15.1.5 Design References
Accessibility for Elderly and Handicapped Pedestrians, US DOT, 1987
Barrier-Free Design Guide – Alberta Safety Codes Council 1999
City of Edmonton Design and Construction Standards (City Design Standards)
Design Guidelines for Accessible Bus Stops – Alberta Transportation 1994
*Design Guidelines for Pedestrian Accessibility, Alberta Transportation & Utilities 1996
Going Places – Access Needs of Visually Impaired Travelers in Transportation
Facilities, CNIB 1997
Manual for Accessibility to City of Edmonton Owned and Occupied Buildings
Light Rail Transit Graphic Standards Manual
TCRP Report on Passenger Loading – Platform lighting Guidelines
Universal Design for Barrier-Free Park Development, City of Edmonton Community
*Note: City of Edmonton Standards govern if they are at variance with Alberta Transportation & Utilities
15.1.6 Accessibility Features/ABC References
For the design consultants reference during the design development process an accessibility
features checklist is provided starting with Section 15.3. The provision of the list does not
relieve the Consultant from ensuring that the accessibility provisions of the applicable codes
and related barrier-free guidelines are incorporated into all areas of LRT stations and related
ancillary facilities. For a number of items, references are made to the applicable clauses of the
Alberta Building Code. The bracketed numbers. (i.e. ABC indicates the ABC
reference. If no bracketed numbers are shown then the item is a direct City requirement or
A checklist for Accessibility and Universal Design in Architecture has also been prepared by
the Advisory Board on Services for Persons with Disabilities. This checklist is designated
Appendix I to this chapter. To ensure the maximum degree of accessibility in City buildings,
the City has directed that this checklist be followed by the Consultant along side the checklist
detailed later in this chapter, the Barrier Free Design Guidelines, and the Alberta Building
Chapter 1, General, Section 1.2.5 of these LRT Design Guidelines states that:

Final Issue July 2017 15.2


“Barrier-free design will be undertaken for all sites and as determined by the stakeholder
involvement process. The design must utilize the following documents or resources to ensure
a barrier-free design:
Advisory Board on Services for Persons with Disabilities
Barrier-Free Design Guide, Barrier-Free Design Advisory Committee of the Safety
Codes Council and Alberta Municipal Affairs
City Policy C463
Universal Design for Barrier-Free Park Development”
15.2.1 Policy C463 – Accessibility to City of Edmonton Owned and Occupied
This policy states, in part:
“The City of Edmonton is committed that all persons will have reasonable access to
City of Edmonton owned and occupied buildings. Reasonable access should be
provided to all persons, including persons with disabilities. This applies whether the
person is an employee, citizen, visitor, official or other.”
The main purpose of the policy is to ensure that over time, City owned and occupied buildings
are safely useable for and provide reasonable access to persons with disabilities. All new
building construction is subject to the provisions of the policy.
A key component of the policy was the establishment of the “Advisory Board on Services for
Persons with Disabilities” with the mandate to promote recognition of entitlements and service
needs of Edmontonians with disabilities, by facilitating changes in city policy and practice.
Edmonton City Council appoints the Board members.
As one of the stakeholders, a Board responsibility is the review of city projects for reasonable
access at each of the following five project stages:
 Project/program development
 Design development drawings
 Tender development
 Substantial completion
 Commissioning
Another key component of the policy is a manual titled “Manual for Accessibility to City of
Edmonton Owned and Occupied Buildings”. This manual outlines the specific procedures and
requirements for Policy C463. Section 10 of the manual, Requirements for Reasonable
Access, states that “the requirements of the Alberta Building Code shall form the basis of the
requirements of the manual”.
The Barrier-Free Design Guide was prepared by the Barrier-Free Design Advisory Committee
of the Safety Codes Council, with the assistance of Alberta Municipal Affairs. It was
developed to assist designers, consultants, builders and other Building Code users in meeting
barrier-free design standards and principles. It forms the appendix to the Manual for
Accessibility to City of Edmonton Owned and Occupied Buildings. In accordance with City
policy the Barrier-Free Design Guide must be used as the main reference in the
implementation of the provisions of the ABC.
City Policy C-466, Integration of Persons with Disabilities, has also been adopted by City
Council. In part, the policy has been put into place to ensure that the planning, development
and provision of civic services to persons with disabilities is in full consideration of their needs
and the range of their abilities.

Final Issue July 2017 15.3


15.2.2 ETS Accessible Transit Instruction

As a supplement to Policy C463, ETS has adopted an instruction that states “the City of
Edmonton and ETS are committed to providing an accessible public transit system”
This instruction lists a number of general accessibility principles. These principles apply to
ETS employees, public transit vehicles and facilities. A principle that is directly applicable to
the LRT system is:
“ETS facilities and equipment will be designed to be accessible to customers with limited
mobility and their equipment such as wheelchairs, scooters, canes, walkers, strollers etc.”
The Instruction also states that the following accessible features are to be incorporated into all
transit facilities:
 At least one power assist or power operated entrance door
 Visual indicators of plate glass windows adjacent to doorways
 Ramp access to the facility
 Curb ramps to facilitate ease of movement to bus stops, in transit terminals, and entry into
 Accessible parking stalls at Park and Ride locations and other ETS facilities
 High contrast edging on stairs, escalator steps and LRT platform edges
 Handrails on all stairways and ramps
 Emergency exits from platform ends are to be accessible and protected by gates
 Elevators in LRT stations and other ETS multi-story facilities must have Braille floor
indicators, protruding buttons, oversize lit floor call buttons with Braille, floor arrival bells,
handrails, and infrared beams to prevent doors from closing against person or object.
 Non-slip, colour contrasting surface to delineate the LRT platform edge.
 High contrast signage in facilities.
 Accessible bus shelters.
 Heated waiting areas at major transit terminals and LRT stations.
 Train arrival voice announcements at all LRT stations.
 Seating with armrests in LRT stations and major bus terminals.
 DATS loading bays at major transit terminals.
 Enhancements for the use of phones by the hearing impaired (TTY phones, ‘call connect’
feature on Emergency Phones).
 Enhancements for use of phones and facilities for the sight impaired (Braille numbers and
instructions on Emergency Phones, raised line station maps).
 Emergency phones installed in public washrooms and elevators.
 Fare collection equipment will have numerous accessibility features such as voice, Braille,
slots and push buttons at heights that are accessible.
 Wheelchair accessible washrooms (hands-free remote access system to LRT Security,
light indicators at entrance doors to signal access granted) and
 “Elevator” directional signage throughout LRT stations and entranceways.
The Instruction states that a number of accessible features are also to be incorporated into the
transit fleet, wherever possible. Those accessibility features related to LRV’s are:
 Public Address systems for announcements
 High contrast edgings on steps and doorways
 Grabstraps, handrails, and stanchions
 Emergency alarm system
 Designated priority seating for those with mobility challenges
 Automated Access Ramp (as described in detail in Chapter 2, Vehicles, Section’s

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15.2.3 Stakeholder Groups

In addition to the Advisory Board on Services for Persons with Disabilities (refer to Section
15.2.1) Edmonton City Council has also established the following Boards:
 Edmonton Transit System Advisory Board
 DATS Working Group
These groups are available for review of accessibility design issues as determined by ETS.
15.3.1 Accessibility Principles
The general design principles applicable to in the design development of a station are stated
in Chapter 10, Stations and Ancillary Facilities. Section 10.2. The accessibility related
principles are:
 Stations, and their approaches, must facilitate the barrier-free movement of passengers to
and from the LRV, and other modes, in the most convenient and cost effective manner
 The application of design guidelines and criteria, standards and practices must
accommodate the needs of persons with physical, sensory, and mental disabilities.
 The Consultant should be proactive in the application of barrier-free design solutions that
will provide persons with physical, sensory and mental disabilities the same reasonable
access to facilities as those who are able-bodied.
 The Advisory Board on Services for Persons with Disabilities is required to review design
plans during their development.
In addition to the forgoing, the following principles also apply:
 All areas serving the public must be accessible
 Pathways should be well lit, distinguishable and barrier-free.
 Stations should strive for the same general layout features to permit patron familiarity
 Provide at least one barrier-free entrance at every station.
 In order to access the station platform persons with physical, sensory, and mental
disabilities must be provided with the following facilities:
- Accessible emergency exits at platform ends (Type II stations)
- Ramps (Type III stations)
- Elevators (Type I and Type II stations)
 Provide sufficient designated wheelchair stalls to meet the projected demand.
15.3.2 Interior Accessible Routes
In general, interior accessible routes must be designed with the following features:
 Main circulation routes in large open areas should be defined by the use of flooring
materials differentiating in colour and texture.
 To avoid possible depth perception difficulties, heavily patterned floors should be avoided,
especially in areas where there are elevation changes.
 Finished flooring must be slip resistant.
 Must be wide enough to allow two wheelchairs to pass.
 Where an escalator is provided, an elevator or ramp must also be provided.
 Projections or obstructions must be kept to a minimum.
 Visual indicators on plate glass windows adjacent to doorways must be provided.

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Specific requirements are:

 Floor surfaces, walks, ramps, stairs and curb ramps must be stable, firm and slip resistant.
Grates must not have any opening larger than 13 mm. Elongated grate openings should
be placed so the long dimension is perpendicular to the direction of travel. (ABC
 Provide an unobstructed width of 920 mm (ABC It should be noted however, that
this width does not allow a person in a wheelchair to pass another with ease.
 Where an escalator is provided, elevators and/or ramps must also be provided (ABC Access to other levels must be via an interior elevator or ramp. Reliance on
exterior walkways to access other interior levels does not meet the intent of the code.
 Obstructions located within 1980 mm of the floor must not project more than 100 mm
horizontally onto the passageways in a manner that would create a hazard for visually
impaired persons traveling adjacent to walls. (ABC (3)) Horizontal projections are
permitted to be more than 100 mm where it extends less than 680 mm above the floor.
 A downward change in elevation must be signaled by the use of a 600 mm wide color
contrasting tactile warning strip placed 250 mm from the delineated edge (ABC
(4)). Ramps
Specific accessibility requirements for ramps are:
 Must be stable, firm and slip resistant. (ABC
 The slope must not greater than 1:12 however; ramps with a gradient of more than 1:16
can be difficult for someone with limited upper body strength and can be unsafe to
descend especially if covered by snow and ice. Although the Code permits ramps of 1:12
for distances of up to 9 m, gradients of 1:20 are safer and less strenuous for the user
(ABC In general, a slope no greater than 1:16 is preferred with rest areas
every 9 m.
 Where ramps do not form part of a barrier free path they can be less than 1:12 (ABC
 Provide a width of not less than 870 mm between handrails (ABC However, as
this does not allow two wheelchairs to pass a width of 1500 mm is preferred. (ABC
 A level area of at least 1500 mm by 1500 mm at top and bottom and intermediate levels
leading to a door is required to allow a person an opportunity to stop and rest if necessary
 Intermediate landings 1200 mm in length must be provided every 9 m along the ramp
length to allow a person the opportunity to stop and rest if necessary. (ABC
 A tactile warning strip contrasting in colour and texture must be placed at the top of ramps
to provide a warning of a downward change in elevation (ABC Appendix)
 Ramps must be equipped with handrails and guards. Protection at sides of ramps must be
provided to prevent people using wheelchairs from accidentally going over the edge of a
ramp. Curbs are often combined with handrails and guards. (ABC
 Floors or walks having a slope steeper than 1:20 must be designed as ramps (ABC
 Ramps must have a slip resistant finish or provided with slip resistant strips that extend
not more than 1 mm above the surface. In most cases, a slightly more abrasive surface
than the one being walked on is all that is needed. (ABC
 Handrails on ramps must be 865 – 965 mm from the surface of the ramp. (ABC

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 At least one handrail at the side of a ramp must extend not less than 300 mm beyond the
top and bottom of the ramp. (ABC Handrails should be terminated by returning
the ends into the wall or downwards to reduce the possibility of catching clothing on the
ends of the handrail.
 A clearance not less than 40 mm must be provided between the handrail and any wall to
which it is fastened. (ABC This should be increased to 60 mm where a rough
texture is used. Stairs
In general stairs must have the following features:
 Treads to be of non-slip surfaces and rounded nosings.
 A distinct visual contrast between the treads and the risers are to be provided including
tactile warning cues for the visually impaired.
 The color of the stairway should be different than the surfaces it leads to and from.
 Open risers are not permitted.
 Continuous railings are to be provided on both sides of the stairs.
Specific accessible requirements for stairs are:
 The preferred step run is 305 mm. The absolute minimum run is 280 mm (ABC
 The preferred step rise is 165 mm. The acceptable range is 125 mm to 180 mm (ABC
 Treads and landings of interior and exterior stairs must have a slip resistant finish or
provided with slip resistant strips that extend not more than 1 mm above the surface. A
slightly more abrasive surface than the one being walked on is all that is needed in most
cases (ABC
 Treads and landings of exterior exit stairs more than 10 m high must be designed to be
free of ice and snow accumulations (ABC
 Open risers should be avoided where possible. They can be awkward for persons
equipped with foot or leg braces (ABC
 Step nosings must have either a radius or a bevel between 8 mm and 13 mm in the
horizontal dimension. Nosings that are not properly raked should be avoided as they can
cause problems for people using braces where a foot must be dragged up each step
 Nosing of stairs should be of a contrasting colour with respect to the treads and risers
 The front edge of stair treads in exits and public access to exits must be at right angle to
the direction of exit travel (ABC Railings
Specific accessible requirements for railings are:
 Exit ramps and stairways must have a handrail on at least one side and on both sides if
1100 mm or more in width. (ABC
 If the exit ramp of stairway width is greater than 2200 mm then there must be one or more
intermediate handrails that are continuous between landings and located so that there will
not be more than 1650 mm between handrails. (ABC
 Handrails must be continuously graspable along their entire length. (ABC
 Handrails must have a circular cross section with an outside diameter between 30 and 50
mm. Any non-circular shape must have a 100 to 155 mm perimeter with the largest cross-
sectional dimension not more than 57 mm. (ABC A circular cross-section of
less than 40 mm is preferred.

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 Handrails on stairs must be 865 to 965 mm vertically from the stair nosing. (ABC
 At least one handrail should be continuous through the length of the stairway including
landings except where interrupted by a door or newels at changes in direction. (ABC Continuous handrails are relied on by the blind or visually impaired to guide them
on stairways. Continuous handrails also assist the elderly.
 Handrails must be terminated in a manner which will not obstruct pedestrian travel or
create a hazard. (ABC At least one handrail at the side of a stairway must
extend not less than 300 mm beyond the top and bottom of the stairway (ABC (7)).
Handrails should be terminated by returning the ends into the wall or downwards to
reduce the possibility of loose clothing being caught on the end of the handrail.
 A clearance distance of not less than 40 mm must be provided between the handrail and
any wall to which it is fastened. (ABC (8)). This should be increased to 60 mm
where the wall has a rough texture. Escalators
In general escalators must have:
 A high contrasting edging
 A warning buzzer if the emergency stop button is being accessed
 Under-lit stairs Passenger Elevators
In general elevators must have the following features:
 The location must be clearly identified by signage
 The floor covering must be slip-resistant and permit easy movement by persons in
 Upon entering an elevator the controls must be readily available to the person in a
 Braille floor indicators
 Protruding buttons
 Oversized lit floor call buttons with braille
 Floor arrival tones
 Handrails
 Infra-red beam curtain to prevent doors from closing against a person or object
 Emergency phones to the ETS Control Centre (hands free direct dial phones with Braille
and lit call connect indicator).
 Security features (refer to Chapter 10 and Chapter 16)
Specific accessible requirements are:
 If there is one or more elevators in a building all stories must be served by at least one
elevator sized to accommodate a stretcher 2010 mm long by 610 mm wide. The elevator
meeting this requirement must be clearly marked on the main level of the building (ABC The minimum inside dimensions will be 2032 mm x 1295 mm.
The preferred elevator size is 2032 mm x *1500 mm as this allows a wheelchair to turn
around with ease.
*Note: To allow a wheelchair to turn around with ease it is preferred that an area of 1500 mm by 1500
mm be provided.
 Emergency controls and door operating buttons must be grouped together at the bottom
of the control panel. The alarm and emergency stop button must not be less than 890 mm
above the floor. The highest car control button should not be higher than 1370 mm above
the floor. Other controls may be located where it is convenient to do so.

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 Must be equipped with a telephone connected with the ETS PABX System operated out of
the ETS Control Centre. The phone should not be located at a mounting height lower than
the lowest push buttons and no higher than 1220 mm from the floor. The phone cabinet
can be located opposite the control push buttons. It must be identified by the international
symbol for telephones in a contrasting colour. The symbols must be at least 38 mm in
height and raised at least 0.75 mm. Telephones must be equipped with a volume control.
 Automatic leveling is provided to within 13 mm of the floor level
 Minimum door clear width of 910 mm.
 Door reopening device is required in case the car door is obstructed and must be capable
of sensing an object at 125 mm and 735 mm above the floor without requiring contact for
 Door-opening devices must remain effective for not less than 20 seconds.
 The allowable minimum door delay is 4 seconds from the time the doors start to open to
the time they start to close if it is a hallway call and 3 seconds if it is an elevator call. This
time may be reduced if after operation of the door close button.
 Elevator controls must be readily available from a wheelchair upon entering an elevator.
 Floor registration buttons are to be a minimum 19 mm in size and can be raised, flush or
recessed. The full recessed depth when depressed must not be more than 10 mm.
 Arabic numerals must be to the left of the floor buttons and on a contrasting colour
background. Markings must be at least 16 mm high and raised at least 0.75 mm. The
raised markings may be on the buttons.
 Visual and momentary audible indication must be provided to show each call registered.
The visual indication can be extinguished when the call is answered.
 A lit elevator position indicator must be provided to indicate the floor the elevator is
stopped at or passing. It must be on a contrasting colour background and at least 16 mm
in height.
 Handrails must be provided at a height of 800 mm to 920 mm and spaced 35mm to 45
mm from the wall.
 The illumination level at the elevator control panel must be at least 100 lux.
 Hallway call buttons must be located 1070 + - 25 mm above the floor and must be at least
20 mm in size and mounted one above the other. A visual indication must be provided that
will extinguish when the call is answered.
 A lit elevator position indicator must be provided in the hallway to indicate the floor the
elevator is stopped at or passing. It must be on a contrasting colour background and at
least 60 mm in the smallest direction. An audible signal must be provided when the
elevator stops at the landing (once for up; twice for down). Entranceways, Doors and Gates
In general, a station or a transit facility must:
 Provide at least one barrier-free entrance (ABC
 The barrier-free entrance will incorporate automatic door(s). It is preferable that automatic
doors slide open parallel with the wall rather than open toward or away from the
pedestrian line of travel.
 Automatic doors to be identified with the international symbol for accessibility
 The identification of entrances should be done by using contrasting colours for door
frames, handles, etc.
 Entrances must be well lit.

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Specific requirements are:

 Every doorway located in a barrier-free path must have a clear width of not less than 800
mm when the door is in the open position (ABC
 The design of door operating devices must not require tight grasping and twisting of the
wrist as the only means of operation (ABC It is recommended lever handles
be used on doors that are latched. Levers with their handles turned towards the door are
less prone to catch the closing of someone passing by.
 Door hardware should be installed between 800 mm and 1065 mm from the finished floor.
 Doors that provide a barrier-free path of travel at an entrance in buildings of assembly
must be equipped with a power door operator. (ABC
 Automatic swing doors should have guardrails and sensing devices.
 For ease of passage of people using wheelchairs and to avoid tripping, raised thresholds
should be avoided. Where necessary, they must not exceed 13 mm in height above the
finished floor surface. If higher than 6 mm, it should be beveled and be distinguished in
from the surroundings with a contrasting colour/brightness (ABC
 The location of the activating device for an automatic door must not interfere with the
movement of a wheelchair (ABC
 In the event of a power failure, power-activated doors must be able to be opened
manually with a force applied to the handle of not more than 38 N (exterior door) or 22 N
(interior door). (ABC
Note: Greater opening forces are allowable where greater forces are required in order to close and
latch the door against the prevailing difference in air pressure on opposite sides of the door (ABC
 An interior door closer must have a closing period of not less than 3 seconds measured
from the time the door is at 70 degrees of the open position to when the door reaches the
closed position. (ABC
 The minimum door height to be provided is 2030 mm (ABC
 Minimum clear headroom to be provided below a door closure is 1980 mm (ABC
15.3.3 Platform, Public Areas and Amenities Platform Floor
The platform finish floor must have the following features:
 Have a non-slip surface.
 Detectable non-slip warning strips must be placed at LRT platform edges in accordance
with the requirements stated in Chapter 10 Stations and Ancillary Facilities, Section and as shown in Figure 10.3.
 For any other barrier-free path of travel, with a downward change in elevation (stairways,
escalators, ramp approaches) the color brightness and texture of the flooring must be
different from the platform flooring (ABC Install a 600 mm wide tactile warning
strip placed 250 mm from the edge for the full width of the access.
Persons using a cane for finding their way rely on tactile changes to surfaces for clues
regarding their environment. The grid should feel noticeably different when walked on but
should not cause a person to stumble. A grid of truncated domes placed 60 mm apart forming
a floor texture can serve as a tactile warning strip.

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In general, the following features should be provided:
 Heated waiting areas
 Train arrival voice announcements and lighted train arrival signs
 Seating with armrests at each seat Public Washrooms
In general, where public washrooms are provided they must:
 Be barrier-free
 Have automatic water controls and flushers on toilets and urinals
 Have controlled access
Specific requirements are:
 The provisions of the ABC, and ABC through addresses
washroom dimensions, water closet stall design, toilet design, urinal design, lavatory
design, design of and locations for grab bars, location of soap and towel dispensers,
design of mirrors, and amenities such as coat hooks and change tables for babies.
 Automatic flushers for toilets and urinals in accessible stalls are preferred over hand
operated flushing mechanisms.
 Automatic water controls are preferred over lever handle faucets.
 Water should be heated in the temperature range of 45-60 C. Hot water and drain pipes
under lavatories must be insulated or otherwise protected where they could be a burn
hazard to those using wheelchairs.
 Tilt mirrors are preferred over lowered mirrors since they offer better use for a variety of
 Require the installation of an access phone on the exterior wall adjacent to the doorway to
the washroom.
 Door locking /unlocking will be remotely controlled. Counters
In general, every counter that is more than 2 m long and serves the public must have at least
one barrier-free section in conformance with the code (ABC Public Telephones
The following are the general accessibility requirements for public telephones:
 At least one phone in each station must be provided with a build in TTY.
 Volume control
 Pre-programmed emergency numbers in Proof of Payment areas
 Telephone heights and maneuvering space in front of telephones must meet the code
requirements as per ABC Emergency Phones
The following are the general accessibility requirements for emergency telephones:
 Hands-free
 Braille identification and instructions
 Written instructions provided to deaf users
 Phone locations must be monitored by CCTV

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In general, Ticket Vending Machines and Ticket Validators must be readily accessible to
persons with disabilities and comply with the relevant requirements of the Americans with
Disabilities Act (ADA).
The specific accessibility requirements for TVM’s are:
 All operable controls should be between 380 mm and 1370 mm of the finished floor from a
side reach parallel approach to the TVM.
 Pushbuttons and other operable controls are to be identified with high-contrast, raised
lettering at least 16mm high. Braille instructions must also be at least 16 mm high.
 Braille and other instructional information should be no more than 1525 mm from the
finished floor
 No objects should protrude more than 100 mm from the finished floor to a height of 2030
mm on the front surface of the equipment.
 The minimum clear space wheelchairs require for a parallel approach to the TVM is 760 x
1220 mm.
 Provides audible voice instructions, upon request by the customer.
The specific accessibility requirements for Validator’s are:
 All operable controls should be between 380 mm and 1370mm of the finished floor level
from a side reach parallel approach.
 The minimum clear space wheelchairs require for a parallel approach is 760 x 1220 mm. Signage
The Light Rail Transit Graphic Standards Manual incorporates handicapped access signage
into all wayfinding elements.
All people rely on cues to find their way. In addition to signage, cues can include:
 Lighting – the intensity and distribution of lights used to accent areas and passageways.
 Audio – subtle audible cues such as music or verbal announcements assist with the
individual’s orientation.
Wayfinding Signage
 High contrast signage is required.
 Signs incorporating the international symbol of accessibility for persons with physical
disabilities must be located to indicate the locations of a barrier-free entrance. (ABC
 Washrooms and elevators designed to be barrier-free must be identified with the
international symbol of accessibility for persons with physical disabilities. The type of
facility that is available must be clearly indicated by the provision of appropriate graphic or
written directions (ABC
 Doors and openings that lead from and through spaces the public is permitted to enter
must be identified with letters not less than 60 mm high, be raised 0.75 mm above the
surface, located 1350 mm above the floor surface and beginning not more than 150 mm
from the door openings.
Information Signage
As a general rule, wherever audible signals are used, a lighted visual signal must also be
provided. Lighting
Lighting Principles are presented in Chapter 10, Stations and Ancillary Facilities, Section
10.2.7. For convenience they are listed below:

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 The lighting color spectrum should be as close to natural light as possible to bring out the
true color of objects.
 Lighting should be constant, uniform, and diffused. Glare should be minimized.
 Lighting, particularly interior lighting, should be instant-on to enable immediate recovery
after a power outage.
 The lighting design must promote safety by identifying and properly illuminating areas and
elements of potential hazard.
 Pedestrian access lighting should provide well-defined walkways, crosswalks, ramps,
stairs and bridge corridors.
 Platform edges, shelters, seating areas, fare collection equipment areas, ramps and
stairs, LRT and bus loading areas, pedestrian walkways and crossings, parking areas and
wayfinding signage must be appropriately illuminated.
 Light trespass into adjacent neighborhoods areas should be minimized.
 Light fixtures and standards should be incorporated into the architectural elements of the
stations as much as possible.
 Care should be taken in the design to avoid “light pollution”.
 Light fixtures, luminaries, and related equipment should be selected on the basis of:
maximizing standardization across the system, cost effectiveness, durability, ease of
maintenance and energy efficiency.
The Design Guidelines for Lighting are presented in Chapter 11 Electrical Systems, Section
The following illumination levels are taken from the Lighting Guidelines given in Chapter 11,
Section 11.10.4.
 Station Platforms – 200 lux minimum
 Stair nosings - 200 lux minimum
 Elevator cabs - 400 lux minimum
 Exterior walkways/ramps – 25 lux minimum
 Exterior Stairs – 55 lux minimum
 Passenger loading zones and parking lots – 20 lux minimum
 Emergency lighting in tunnels including catwalks – 10 lux minimum
Changes in lighting levels of more than 100 to 300 lux range from one area to the next should
be avoided.
Several of the reference documents listed in Section 15.1.5 provides suggestions on
illumination levels and should be reviewed by the Consultant. For example, Going Places –
Access Needs of Visually Impaired Travelers in Transportation Facilities recommends that the
IES suggested levels be increased by 25 to 50%.
15.4.1 Exterior Accessible Routes
In general, exterior routes such as sidewalks, ramps, pathways etc. will have the following
accessible features:
 Provide well-lit, distinguishable barrier-free pathway(s) leading to each barrier-free facility
 Finish surfaces to be slip resistant
 The pathways will incorporate ramp access where stairs are otherwise suitable
 Curb ramps must be installed at roadway intersections adjacent to LRT stations, provide
ramps at all four corners as well as the access points to the platform.

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The specific requirements are:

 Curb / cut ramps are to be provided with deep grooves parallel with the slope of the ramp
that are detectable with a cane (refer to City Design Standards).
 Not less than 50% of the pedestrian entrances including walkways leading from the LRT
property line to the entrances must be barrier-free (ABC However, it is ETS’s
preference that all access routes used by the public be barrier-free.
 Every barrier-free path of travel must provide an unobstructed width of 920 mm (ABC
 Floor surfaces, walks, ramps, stairs and curb ramps located along a barrier-free access
route must be stable, firm and slip resistant. Grates must not have any opening larger
than 13 mm. Elongated grate openings should be placed so the long dimension is
perpendicular to the direction of travel. (ABC
 A well-lit distinguishable barrier-free path must be provided from each-barrier free
entrance to an exterior parking area, if exterior parking is provided (ABC The
use of lighting, contrasting colours, changes in texture and handrails all help to identify the
barrier-free path.
 A barrier-free path must be provided from each barrier-free entrance to at least one
parking level if parking is provided in a parking structure. Floors within parking structures
served by elevators must be accessible. (ABC
 An accessible passageway must be provided to the barrier-free building entrance from
sidewalks, roadways or parking areas (ABC Parking should be arranged so that
people using wheelchairs do not have to pass behind parked cars
 Walks must have an even surface and provide a continuous and uninterrupted path of
travel. (ABC Pre-cast units such as bricks, pavers, concrete slabs or tiles should
not be used however, if they are used, all joints should be within 6 mm of flush. In all
cases the selected material must be slip resistant. (ABC
 Exterior walks must be at least 1100 mm wide with wheelchair passing area of 1500 mm
in width every 30 m. It is preferred, however, that the sidewalk be 1500 mm in width over
its entire length to allow two wheelchairs to pass (ABC
 Walks should be easily discernable from the surrounding areas (ABC
 Pathways through parking lots and large plazas should be identified through use of
different textures and contrasting colours (ABC
 To aid persons with visual impairments, walkways should be free of any obstructions
(examples: directional signs, tree branches, guy wires). Handrails with a maximum
projection of not more than 100 mm into the clear area are permitted (ABC
 Any part of a path that has a slope greater than 1:20 must be designed as a ramp (refer to
Section A 75 mm curb is required to assist a person who is sight impaired and
using a cane. It will also prevent wheelchair wheels from accidentally going over the path
edge where the drop off exceeds 75 mm. (ABC
15.4.2 Passenger Loading Zones
The specific requirements are:
 Where a passenger loading zone is provided, provision should be made for side and rear
loading/unloading operations from a vehicle. The majority of vehicles transporting persons
with disabilities are equipped with side loading platforms.
 Curb ramps are required to accommodate rear loading/unloading (ABC
 Passenger loading zones require sufficient space for a wheelchair to turn around (ABC
 A lay-by designated for DATS vehicles is to be provided as part of the kiss and ride drop
off area

Final Issue July 2017 15.14


15.4.3 Parking Lots

In general, the following accessibility features should be provided:
 Barrier-free access to facilities and to bus stops at Transit Centres.
 Passenger loading zones to accommodate the loading/unloading of wheelchairs.
 Designated parking stalls for the self-driving disabled LRT patron as per the self- drive
accessible requirements detailed below.
 Sufficient designated wheelchair stalls to meet the projected demand.
The specific requirements are:
 Allocate at least 3 designated parking spaces for the first 100 parking stalls required plus
an additional designated stall for each additional increment of 100 parking stalls or part
thereof. (ABC
 Accessible parking stalls must be provided near station entrances.
 Accessible parking stalls should be as close to the elevator or the accessible station
entrance as possible (ABC
 A mobility-impaired patron should not be required to cross any roads en route to the
station entrance.
 Mobility impaired patrons should not be forced to travel behind parked vehicles.
 Travel paths should be free of gratings that would constitute a hazard to a person on
crutches or with a cane.
 Designated parking stall signage should include the words “Permit Required” (ABC
 Except for ramps in curbs, travel paths should preferably contain no longitudinal grades
steeper than 5% and no cross-slopes steeper than 3%.
 Designated parallel parking stalls must be at least 3.7 m wide, have a firm slip-resistant,
level surface, and be clearly marked for the use by persons with disabilities (ABC
 Curb ramps are required to gain access to sidewalks where the sidewalk is raised. (ABC
 Where curbs are used within parking areas, openings to allow unimpeded passage by
persons with disabilities using wheelchairs should be provided. The opening should be at
least 760 mm wide (ABC
 Curbs of any kind will be more easily detectable by persons whose vision is impaired if
colour is used to distinguish curbs from surrounding surfaces, (ABC
The accessibility features of Transit Centres are outlined in the ETS Transit Centre Design
Guidelines Section 7.0.
The provision of safe and secure passage for all users is of primary concern to ETS. Chapter
16 Safety and Security presents the guidelines, and safety and security measures provided on
Edmonton’s LRT System.

Final Issue July 2017 15.15


Appendix I – Checklist for Accessibility and Universal Design in Architecture

Final Issue July 2017


The City of Edmonton Accessibility The following checklist draws attention

Advisory Committee (AAC) has created to several areas where accessibility
this checklist to promote the concepts can be improved by good design. For
of Universal Design. The Barrier-Free additional information or alternate
Design Guide provides only a minimum formats, please call 311 or email
standard for accessibility. With an aging
population and increased
independence and involvement of THE AAC MANDATE:
persons with disabilities in the The Accessibility Advisory Committee
community, there is a need to exceed provides advice and recommendations
minimum standards for accessibility to City Council about facilities and other
where possible. For example, many infrastructure, programs, services,
scooters today require a 10-foot turning activities and policies, for the purpose
radius instead of the standard five feet. of improving the City’s livability,
Strollers for children are larger and inclusiveness and accessibility for
require more room for maneuverability. individuals with disabilities.
Good design should incorporate
principles of Universal Design, offering
solutions as to how spaces can be Code (required)
designed and developed to meet the
needs of all users. Best Practice

Physical Access Deaf or Hard of Hearing Access

Blind or Low Vision Access Cognitive Limitations Access
1.1 Designated accessible parking spaces located closest
to accessible entrance
1.2 Barrier-free unobstructed path of travel (minimum width
of 1200mm) from parking area to building entrance
(clear of snow, garbage cans, sign posts and other
obstacles; pathway well lit) not behind vehicles
1.3 Curb ramp to sidewalk located between parking spaces
1.4 Access aisle painted on pavement between
parking spaces
1.5 Accessible parking symbol painted on pavement at the
entrance of each stall
1.6 Vertical accessible mounted sign located near the
centre line of each designated stall (minimum
1500mm/60” from ground to mid sign, max
2500mm/98” high)
1.7 Number of designated accessible parking spaces per
number of parking stalls: 1 accessible stall per 2-10
spaces, 2 per 11-25 spaces, 2 per 26-50 and 4 per
51-100. One additional accessible stall for each
additional increment of 100 or part thereof
1.8 Passenger loading zones need: an access aisle not
less than 1500mm wide/6000mm long adjacent and
parallel to the vehicle pull-up space, a curb ramp
where there are curbs between the access aisle and
the vehicle pull-up space and a clear height of not less
than 2750mm at the pull-up space and along the
vertical access and egress routes
2.1 Barrier-free path of travel to entrance
2.2 Signage at all non-accessible entrances should clearly
indicate location of accessible entrance
2.3 Doorway clearance is 800mm/31.5” when the door is in
the open 90 degree position (920mm/36” preferred)
2.4 Door operating device should not require tight grasping
or twisting of the wrist (doors should have lever handles)
2.5 The primary entrance is accessible (automatic sliding
doors are optimal; power doors with large paddle/push
plate is the next best alternative)
2.6 If entrance is through doors in a series, leave enough
room (1200mm/47” plus the width of the door) for a
wheelchair to occupy the vestibule while opening the
2nd door
2.7 Automatic door button is 800mm/31.5”-1200mm/47”
from the ground and is located 1200mm/47” back from
the door. Large well marked opener/button
2.8 Level, or beveled doorway threshold (maximum of
13mm/0.5” rise)
2.9 Color contrast to identify doorway threshold, frame or
entrance. Corridors should be 1100mm/43”
(recommend 1800mm/71”)
3.1 Facilities and services for persons with disabilities
identified with appropriate symbols (e.g. availability of
assistive listening devices)
3.2 Signage available in symbol form for those with visual
processing difficulties or who are unable to read
3.3 Signage includes braille as well as large print, high
colour contrast tactile lettering that is a mix of caps and
lower case letters and be processed to prevent glare.
3.4 General and way-finding signage consistent in design
and easily identifiable
3.5 Braille signage mounted at appropriate height (chest
level) and location
3.6 Signage font in Sans Serif (e.g., Verdana, Arial) for
reading ease. Signage should be 1350mm/51” high
from floor level and not located on a door (should be
150mm/6” from the door frame). If tactile signage is
installed it should be 1200mm from floor level (building
directories should be tactile)
4.1 Slip-resistant, tactile finish or strips contrasting in color
and texture on all landings, treads edges, and the
beginning and end of a ramp
4.2 Tactile strips in contrasting color on all stair nosings.
Step demarcation in yellow on sides and back of
escalator steps
4.3 Steps for stairs have a rise between 125mm and
180mm and a run of not less than 280mm (should not
be open between steps)
4.4 Avoid single isolated steps
5.1 Doors have clear colour contrast from door surroundings
5.2 Location of elevators clearly identified at main entrance
5.3 Preferred dimension of elevator car to allow for optimal
turning radius of 1500x1500mm/60x60” with elevator
door at least 910mm/36” wide (one elevator has inside
dimensions that will accommodate a stretcher at
2010mm/79” long and 610mm/24” wide)
5.4 Elevator buttons and emergency controls mounted
at accessible height (1045mm/41”-1095mm/43”
from ground)
5.5 Elevator buttons and emergency controls incorporate
large print tactile numbers and Braille mounted in a
raised fashion (not flush or recessed)
5.6 Braille and tactile numbers placed on both sides of
door jams at appropriate height to identify floor level
5.7 Visual indicator in elevators to indicate “help on the
way” for use in an emergency
6.1 Ramps are used for any slope steeper than 1 in 20 in a
path of travel
6.2 Preferred maximum slope is 1 in 16 (1 in 12 in AB
building code)
6.3 Ramp width minimum 1500mm/60” to allow 2
wheelchairs to pass (or wheelchair and pedestrian,
stroller,etc.); 870mm/34” min between handrails. Level
landings/resting areas provided at 9m/10yd intervals
along ramp
6.4 Minimize or avoid tight turns or switch-backs
6.5 Strong color contrast and tactile surfacing on all ramp
landings and a 15mm/0,6” wide strip in contrasting color
and texture at the top of ramp to warn users of a
change in elevations
6.6 Landings designed to accommodate larger chairs and
scooters (able to open door without backing onto ramp).
Landings must be min 1200mm/47”long
7.1 A stairway should have a handrail on at least one side
but if it is 1100mm or more wide it shall have handrails
on both side and are continuously graspable. Ramps
should have handrails on both sides (recommend
handrails on both sides of stairwell regardless of width).
Handrails should have a diameter not less than
30mm/1.18” or more than 43mm/1.69”
7.2 Handrails in contrasting color to wall or surrounding area
7.3 Handrails provided at two heights with unobscured view
between. Handrail height should be 865mm/34” and no
more than 965m/38”
7.4 Handrails extend horizontally beyond last stair and
terminate to wall or ground
8.1 Single door entrance is optimal
8.2 For washrooms without entrance door, there is only one
turn with clear corner so persons who are blind do not
become disoriented
8.3 Proper signage located outside entrance and
cubicle door
8.4 Sinks, garbage cans, etc. located around perimeter
rather than in the centre of the room
8.5 Accessible sink (minimum knee space of 735mm/29”)
with soap and towel dispenser close to sink at preferred
height of 1200mm/47” (to wash and dry hands prior to
wheeling); include low mounted or tilt mirror. Include low
mounted or tilt mirror 1000mm/39” above floor and
insulate any exposed pipes
• minimum 1700mm x 1500mm/70 x 60”
• door that swings outward so person in wheelchair
can close it independently
• equipped with door pull handle, coat hook, grab bars
at appropriate height and placement
• can be locked from the inside with a large, sliding
latch (not thumb-turning)
• toilet paper reachable without leaning too far off toilet
• accessible toilet height between 400mm-
• at least one urinal should have a vertically mounted
grab bar installed on each side
8.7 Self-contained,unisex/family washroom available, with
proper signage provided in an accessible location
(allows for any individual requiring assistance to be
accompanied by a companion or attendant)
9.1 Public and emergency phones mounted at an
accessible height with a minimum of 865mm and a
maximum of 1370mm above the floor
9.2 TTY (built in typewriter) phone for users who are Deaf
or hard of hearing (VRS, VRI are options to explore)
9.3 At least one drinking fountain at accessible height
(610mm/24” from ground preferred) spout located near
front, controls either automatic or easily operated, cane
detectable. Proper knee space below
9.4 One accessible section of counter in all areas that
serve the public. A barrier-free counter surface shall not
be more than 865mm/34” above the floor
9.5 Shelving, coat hooks and light switches at an
accessible height
9.6 Space for persons using wheelchairs to sit/park in all
public seating areas, including companion seating
(without blocking walk through areas)
9.7 Level wheelchair seating area (in theatres, lecture halls,
sports arenas etc), to also include companion seating
and unobstructed views
9.8 Glass doors or partitions include a contrasting strip of
color across at eye-level
10.1 All alarm systems to include an audible and visual
signal (e.g., flashing light)
11.1 Furniture should only be placed outside the main path
of travel (inside or outside) and is detectable by
someone who uses a cane
11.2 There should be good colour contrast between street
furniture and background surfaces (generally, grey
colours should be avoided as they blend into the
general background)
11.3 Variety of benches should be provided (some
including a back and an arm rest)


Refer to the BARRIER-FREE DESIGN GUIDELINES for details regarding
appropriate dimensions. The Barrier-Free Design Guide is available for a fee from
the Safety Codes Council by calling 780 413 0099

PHONE 311 @cityofedmonton

FAX (780) 577 3525
Chapter 16 – Revision Tracking Form


Chapter 16
2017 EDITION – Revisions Tracking Form
Section Reference Revision General Description Issue Date





16.1  GENERAL 1 
16.1.1  Introduction 1 
16.1.2  Abbreviations, Acronyms, Definitions 1 
16.1.3  Applicable Codes, Standards, Regulations, Design References 1 
16.2.1  Safer City Principles and Guidelines 2 
16.2.2  General Guidelines for all Transit Facilities 2 
16.2.3  LRT Facility Interior and Exterior Access Routes and Areas 3 
16.4.1  Surveillance 4 
16.4.2  Stations/Facilities 6 
16.4.3  Station Exterior Areas 8 
16.4.4  LRT Right-of-Way 8 
16.4.5  Light Rail Vehicles 9 
16.4.6  Ownership, Maintenance and Management 10 

Final Issue July 2017 I



16.1.1 Introduction
The primary purpose of this chapter is the presentation of principles, guidelines and required
safety and security measures for LRT passengers, service and maintenance staff in the
following LRT facilities:
 Stations
 Exterior site areas including walks/pathways, parking, and drop-off areas
 LRV’s
The security of LRT facilities and equipment, including the prevention of losses through
burglary, damage and vandalism are addressed, in part, by the surveillance measures
outlined in Section 16.4.
LRT systems fire/life safety requirements as a result of building code requirements (exiting,
fire alarm / detection, smoke removal systems, sprinklers, train control) are addressed in other
chapters or by direction to an applicable code.
Safety requirements related to traction power, signals, facility structural, electrical, and
mechanical design, and barrier-free design are addressed in the chapters covering those
particular topics in the Guidelines.
ETS has initiated the APTA developed and sponsored Safety Management Audit Program.
Details of the Audit Program goals are provided in Chapter 1 General, Section 1.5.

16.1.2 Abbreviations, Acronyms, Definitions

ABC Alberta Building Code
*CPTED Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design
NBC National Building Code
*CPTED is defined as follows: “the proper design and effective use of the built environment
can lead to a reduction in the fear and incidence of crime and an improvement in the quality of
*Note: The source of this definition is the United States National Crime Prevention Institute.

16.1.3 Applicable Codes, Standards, Regulations, Design References

Barrier-Free Design Guide – Alberta Safety Codes Council
City of Edmonton Zoning Bylaw #12800 – Regulation 58 General Performance
Standards for a Safe Physical Environment
City of Edmonton Design and Construction Standards (City Design Standards)
Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design in Parking Facilities CPTED –
Research Brief, National Institute of Justice, April 1996
ETS Transit Centre Design Guidelines, Section 6.0, Safety and Security Features
ETS Safety and Security Information Brochure
Design Guide for a Safer City – City of Edmonton Sustainable Development
Department – 1995
*Moving Forward: Making Transit Safer for Women – Toronto Transit
Commission 1989

Final Issue July 2017 16.1


Transit Security Best Practices Review: A Strategic Approach for the Future - LEA
Consulting, June 2004
*Note: Moving Forward document provides a Personal Security Minimum Criteria List.


An introduction and preamble to LRT Safety and Security principles is provided in Chapter 1,
General, Section 1.2.6 of these LRT Design Guidelines.

16.2.1 Safer City Principles and Guidelines

The Design Guide for a Safer City is a City Council approved document prepared by the
Planning and Development Department. It provides suggestions on measures that can be
used to provide a safer urban environment.
The following broad principles, supported by a number of guidelines, are given in Section 2 of
the Design Guide for a Safer City:
Awareness of the Surrounding Environment
The ability to see and to understand the surrounding environment through unobstructed
sightlines, adequate lighting and pointing out possible situations to avoid confined and hidden
Visibility by Others
The ability to be seen by others, reducing isolation, improving the land use mix, intelligent use
of activity generators, and creating a sense of ownership through maintenance and
management of the built environment.
Finding Help
The ability to communicate, find help, or escape when in danger through improved signs and

16.2.2 General Guidelines for all Transit Facilities

Section 3 of the Design Guide for a Safer City, discusses a number of safety and security
concerns and presents specific guidelines for transportation elements including surface and
below grade transit stops parking, sidewalks, and pedways.
Those guidelines for transit stops (refer to Design Guidelines for Safer City, Section 3.1.6) are
summarized below for the Consultant’s convenience:
Transit Riders at transit stops / shelters and entrances to LRT stations should be clearly
visible from streets and buildings. Any wall, berms, bushes, hills, power boxes or solid fences
that block the view should be eliminated, modified or the transit stop / shelter should be
relocated. Advertisement on bus shelters should be relocated to ensure visibility of transit
Avoidance of Entrapment Spots
Nearby entrapment stops created by landscaping or built form should be eliminated, modified
or the transit stop / shelter should be relocated.
Signs and Information
Passenger information signs should indicate route schedules and provide security/safety
contact information for appropriate authorities (e.g. Transit Watch information).

Final Issue July 2017 16.2


Reduce Isolation
Bus stops and LRT entrances, where possible, should not be adjacent to isolated areas such
as large parking lots, vacant land, alleys, ravines, or buildings set back from the street.
*Bus Shelter Design
Design to reduce the possibility of entrapment. Provide vandal resistant material.
*Note: These guidelines apply to shelters on Type III station platforms as well.
Areas adjacent to transit stops should be well lit, however shelters should not be over-lit such
that they make the users feel uncomfortable.
Shelters and transit stops should be well maintained.
Formal Surveillance
Measures should be taken to improve the ability of transit drivers to respond to dangerous
situations, e.g. through two way communications or a panic alert button. Drivers should be
trained to respond to emergencies.
All LRT stations should have video, CCTV, and / or other forms of formal surveillance.
Transit Security personnel and Police should be made aware of problematic transit stations or

16.2.3 LRT Facility Interior and Exterior Access Routes and Areas Sightlines
It is important to be able to clearly see what is ahead along a given travel route. The line of
sight should not be interrupted by sharp corners, walls, earth berms, fences, bushes, garbage
cans, signs, or pillars. Where grade separation and landscape screens may be required for
functional or aesthetic reasons, they should be assessed against the potential for risk to
personal safety.
Factors to consider are:
 Ensure sightlines are considered from appropriate heights and angles including
pedestrian (adult or child), vehicle or wheelchair heights.
 Visibility – unobscured landscaping, open perimeters edges, see-through structures
 Dead-ends must be avoided at all times. Predictable Routes, Entrapment Areas, and Isolation Points
Predictable routes offer no escape alternatives for pedestrians. An attacker can predict where
pedestrians will end up once they are on the path. Examples of predicable routes are
pedestrian tunnels, overpasses, escalators and staircases. Predictable routes are of particular
concern when they are isolated or when they terminate in entrapment areas. Entrapment
spots can be small, confined areas near or adjacent to well-traveled routes that are shielded
on three sides by some barrier, such as walls or bushes. Isolated areas can be those that
have limited activity such as parking lots, parkades and pathways.
Factors to consider are:
 Ensure visibility by providing clear sight lines
 Introduce surveillance measures

Final Issue July 2017 16.3


 Consider the introduction of activity functions

 Provide convenient emergency phones and/or panic hardware
 Provide appropriate security lighting


This section describes the specific LRT passenger orientated safety and security features that
are required in the design of the system elements and components. References are made to
the corresponding chapter of these Guidelines for additional considerations.

16.4.1 Surveillance
Surveillance measures, both formal and informal are used to manage and maintain security.
Natural surveillance should be encouraged through the placement of physical elements,
activities and people to maximize visibility in accordance with the principles and criteria
provided earlier in this chapter.
Formal surveillance including communication equipment is also necessary and should
complement and improve upon the natural surveillance system. ETS Control Centre
The communications hub for the Edmonton LRT System is the ETS Control Centre located at
Churchill Station. It houses the amalgamated functions of LRT Operations, Bus Operations
and Security to allow for the efficient dispatching of staff resources. Formal surveillance is
performed from this location. Chapter 8, Communications and Control provides the design
guidelines for the ETS Control Centre. CCTV
The Edmonton LRT System is equipped with a closed circuit television surveillance system
that assists in the management of train operations, public safety and security. It is comprised
of video imaging, processing, display, and recording equipment along with its own dedicated
video transmission system. Cameras are remotely controlled from the security area located at
the ETS Control Centre.
The CCTV surveillance system serves two distinct functions defined as follows:
Operational needs are those requirements deemed necessary for the safe and orderly
dispatch of passengers. Monitoring is carried out for the purpose of ensuring the safe
movement of people in both normal and crush conditions.
Security needs are those requirements deemed necessary for protection of assets, prevention
of vandalism, and the safe passage of passengers and the general public.
Camera coverage is required for the following security sensitive areas:
 Entrances to cash vaults
 Fare equipment
 Continuous coverage of all platform areas
 Emergency telephones
 Elevator / escalators
 All entrance doors
 Washroom entrance doors
 Tunnel portals
 Continuous coverage of pedway entrances and exits to all levels
 Continuous coverage of walkway entrances and exits to all levels
 Continuous coverage of stairwell entrances and exits to all levels

Final Issue July 2017 16.4


Camera coverage should be provided with the objective of eliminating all blind or hidden
Station approach access routes and adjacent parking and loading areas also require
coverage. The appropriate infrastructure should be added to light standards to allow for
possible camera installation. Activity should be identifiable for a distance of up to 45 m.
Chapter 8, Communications and Control, Section 8.9 CCTV, provides the guidelines and
criteria to be used in the design of the Closed Circuit Television System for future LRT
extensions along with an overview of the existing system and related components. Telephone Systems
The following telephone systems are provided on the Edmonton LRT System and are
available for public use:
 Local Phones
 Emergency Phones
 Elevator Emergency Phones
 Washroom Access Phones
 Information Phones
 Public Pay Phones
Emergency Phones are generally located on the station platforms next to information panels,
seating areas and elevators, on station mezzanine levels in paid fare areas close to
information panels and fare equipment.
Emergency phones must be readily identifiable through the use of high visibility color/lettering/
markings. Each phone has a direct connection to the ETS Control Centre and is monitored by
CCTV. When a call is placed a video recording is activated at the Control Centre.
Direct access Pay Phones are located in the proof of payment areas of a station. They
provide coin free calling button access to 911, 611, 411, 0 and ETS Security at ETS Control
Chapter 8, Communications and Control, Section 8.6,Telephone Systems, provides the
guidelines and criteria to be used in the design of the Telephone System for future LRT
extensions. Public Address (PA) and Variable Message (VMS) Systems

Voice paging announcements are required for ETS LRT Security and Operations messages to
the LRT patron.
All stations on the Edmonton LRT System are equipped with amplified public address voice
messaging systems. As a minimum each station should have speakers at the platform level.
The loudspeakers operate in a zoned manner to allow individual area announcements as well
as all – call general announcements from dedicated telephone sets at the ETS Control Centre.
Chapter 8, Communications and Control, Section 8.7, Public Address (PA) and Variable
Message (VMS) Systems, provides the guidelines and criteria to be used in the design of the
PA System for future LRT extensions. Manned Security Patrols
Security Officers patrol the entire LRT system on a continuous basis during operating hours
using an “intelligence-led” model for optimal coverage with limited resources. Security Officers
and Transit Inspectors are equipped with two-way radios. They can contact the ETS Control
Centre at Churchill Station if emergency assistance is required.

Final Issue July 2017 16.5


16.4.2 Stations/Facilities Architectural Treatment
The choice of surface treatments and construction materials should take into consideration
safety, budget, practicality and maintenance. In general:
 Materials should be resistant to damage.
 Consideration should be given to textured surfaces to discourage graffiti.
 Wall materials should be utilitarian but not be so rough that they could cause injury to
 Low ceilings should be avoided, they are easily damaged and vandalized.
Reference should also be made to Chapter 10, Stations and Ancillary Facilities (Section
10.2.6 for additional architectural principles and Section 10.11 for materials and finishes), and
Chapter 15 - Accessibility. Corridors/Passageways/Entranceways
Refer to Section 16.2.3 for sightline and entrapment requirements. Exiting
All emergency exiting must conform to the latest editions of the National Building Code and
the Alberta Building Code. For other exiting considerations refer to Chapter 10, Stations and
Ancillary Facilities, Section 10.3.3. Non Public Restricted Zones
Prevent public access to potentially unsafe areas through the provision of:
 Gates, fences
 Locking gates/remote controlled doors with status indicators
 Intrusion alarms, motion sensors/detectors
 Increased gradients (steepen areas) to prevent climbing
 Landscaped and/or appropriate surface treatment to separate and delineate travel corridor
 C-Cure door access System – refer to Chapter 8, Section 8.4 Security Vertical Circulation Elements

All stairs, escalators, elevators, passageways, etc., must be located to provide safe
convenient, direct access to and from the station.
Passenger Elevators
For security reasons, at least one transparent side must be provided in an elevator car at each
stop position. Vandal proof materials must be used as much as possible. Lighting fixtures
must have protective mesh or screening (refer to Chapter 10, Stations Section
All elevators must be equipped with a hands-free direct dial telephone that connects with the
ETS PABX System operated out of the ETS Control Centre at Churchill Station. The
telephone must include Braille directions plus a lit call connect indicator.
Elevators should have the provision to be access controlled from the security monitor room at
the ETS Control Centre.
For additional design considerations and criteria, refer to Chapter 10, Stations and Anc. Fac.
Section and Chapter 15, Accessibility Section

Final Issue July 2017 16.6


Public washrooms are to be provided with emergency lighting to provide passenger safety
during local power failures. The locking and unlocking of the washroom doors must be
remotely controlled.
Refer to Chapter 10, Stations and Anc. Fac. Section for additional design
considerations and criteria. Lighting
Lighting is a critical security feature. The lighting design must provide the following:
 Adequate and uniform light levels in each area. Avoid shadows created by weak and
uneven lighting.
 The nighttime light level must be high enough to allow the transit patron to detect,
recognize, and identify objects and events.
 Ample lighting in vulnerable areas. The lighting should avoid spotlighting points, which
leave surrounding areas dark.
Lighting Principles are stated in Chapter 10, Stations and Ancillary Facilities, Section 10.2.7.
Lighting design guidelines that include illumination levels for various public areas are
contained in Chapter 11, Electrical Systems, Section 11.10.
All station areas and rooms regularly accessed by the public or staff (i.e. station platforms,
stairways, underground pedestrian access, utility rooms, communication/electrical/mechanical
rooms, washrooms etc.)are to be provided with emergency lighting to provide occupant safety
and assist in maintaining scheduled services during local power failures. For Emergency
Lighting and Power Sources, refer to Chapter 11, Electrical Systems Section 11.10.7. Acoustics and Vibration
Unnecessary or conflicting noises create confusion and causes difficulties when trying to deal
with safety and security issues such as listening to the public address system or using help
 Acceptable noise and vibration levels to be established. Refer to Chapter 14, Impact
Mitigation, Aesthetics, ROW Control for guidelines related to noise and vibration.
 Acoustical characteristics with the objective reducing the echo effect should be considered
in the facility design stage. Directional and Informational Signage

Well designed / located signs and maps contribute to a feeling of security.
They should:
 Be strategically located and plainly visible from the reader’s height.
 Provide clear and consistent messages and are easy to understand.
 Be consistent in design.
Refer to Chapter 10, Stations and Ancillary Facilities, Section 10.10 for Information Signage
and Graphics guidelines. Fare Equipment
For guidelines pertaining to Fare Equipment refer to Chapter 10, Stations and Ancillary
Facilities, Section 10.5.

Final Issue July 2017 16.7


16.4.3 Station Exterior Areas

Sidewalks, pedways, parkades and surface parking lots require special consideration related
to access and should be handled through judicial placement of entrances/exits, adequate
signage, lighting, landscaping and fencing.
The following guidelines are applicable to the following exterior areas:
Sidewalks and Pathways
 Provide the most direct routing to station entrance.
 Ensure that the illumination levels are in accordance with Chapter 11, Section 10.4.
Passenger Loading Zones
 Place in close proximity to station entrance.
 Avoid routing passenger loading or unloading vehicles through the park and ride areas.
 Ensure that the illumination levels are in accordance with Chapter 11, Section 10.4.
Parking Lots including circulation and access roadways
 Avoid conflicts between vehicular and pedestrian and bicyclist traffic.
 Provide drop-off and short term parking in close proximity to and visible from the station
platform and entrances.
 Avoid dead-end aisles.
 Ensure that the illumination levels are in accordance with Chapter 11, Section 10.4.
 Self drive accessible parking stalls to be in accordance with Chapter 18, Section
Refer to Chapter 18, Streets Design for additional design considerations and criteria.
Refer to Chapter 14, Impact Mitigation, Aesthetics, ROW Control, and designated references,
for safety and security considerations in LRT landscape design.
For the security and safety of the LRT patrons and their vehicles surface LRT park and ride
lots must be fully fenced. Fencing is to be installed in accordance with Chapter 14, Impact
Mitigation, Aesthetics, ROW Control, Section 14.4. Reference is also made to Chapter 18
Streets Design, Section 18.9. All metal fencing must be grounded.
16.4.4 LRT Right-of-Way Access
The design of LRT facilities must permit the safe evacuation of passengers in the event of a
train breakdown and/or catching fire. This may require the installation of catwalks
(walkways/refuge areas) stairs, etc., especially in tunnels to enable passengers to leave the
train safely.
In addition, emergency lighting must also be provided for patron safety in enclosed tunnels
exceeding 100 m in length from portal to portal and in all enclosed tunnels where the portal is
not within the line of sight.
Safe access along the open tracks during LRT operations must also be provided. Walkways/
refuge areas are to be provided on each side of the trackway within the LRT ROW. Where
absolutely necessary, both walkways/refuge areas may be replaced with a single
walkway/refuge area 600 mm wide between each set of tracks. Refer to Chapter 3,
Clearances and ROW for additional guideline criteria and figures showing the walkway/refuge
area requirements.

Final Issue July 2017 16.8

SAFETY AND SECURITY Pedestrian at-grade Track Crossings

Chapter 18, Streets Design, Section 18.5 outlines the analysis process associated with
determining appropriate safety measures at both vehicular and pedestrian grade crossings.
Chapter 5, Trackwork, Section 5.5 provides the infrastructure requirements for the physical
track crossing for both types of grade crossings. Land Use Mix or Activity Generators

Land use mix and activity generators help create spaces that promote multi-use by bringing
into a space different types of positive activities. Mixed uses should be compatible with one
another and with the community in order to encourage activity, natural surveillance and
contact among people during the day and evening.
 Spaces that support positive usage encourages natural surveillance and greater safety.
 Provision of community gathering areas.
 Art provides a focus and encourages people to stop or take notice.

16.4.5 Light Rail Vehicles

The Consultant should refer to Chapter 2, Vehicles for the general characteristics of
Edmonton’s LRV. Safety and Security features that are incorporated are:
Red Emergency Alarm Handles
Handles are located at alternate doors on the LRV. Pulling handle activates an emergency
signal to the Operator. The Operator can then communicate two-ways with the passengers.
Yellow Touch Strip Passenger Emergency Alarms
A passenger touching the strip activates two-way communication with the Operator.
Intercom System
Each car has an Operator controlled one-way public address system that can be used for
exterior or interior announcements.
Automatic Voice Announcements
Provide information to the passenger on station stops.
Radio System
On board two-way radio system is housed in the cab of the LRV and can be used by the
Operator to communicate with the ETS Control Centre.
Safety Glass
Safety glass is provided in all LRV windows.
Door Control
Can be operated by the passenger or the LRV Operator.
Automatic Train Stop
Refer to Chapter 7, Signals Section, Speed Control.
LRV Camera System
The new SD160 LRV’s will have a suite of cameras monitoring and recording activity both in
the vehicle’s passenger compartment, and the external areas to the front and rear of the
vehicle. The SD160 motorman will be able to select and monitor any of the cameras within
the vehicle consist.

Final Issue July 2017 16.9


16.4.6 Ownership, Maintenance and Management

LRT property should be well maintained to create a perception of responsible ownership and
the provision of a safe and secure environment. Shared spaces will require consistent
maintenance and management policies and agreement standards.
Specific requirements are:
 Prompt attention to cleaning, maintaining/upgrading of the property (where required)
 Prompt removal of graffiti
 Well placed and well maintained garbage receptacles
 Prompt removal of snow and ice.

Final Issue July 2017 16.10

Chapter 17 – Revision Tracking Form


Chapter 17
2017 EDITION – Revisions Tracking Form
Section Reference Revision General Description Issue Date



17.0  UTILITIES 1 
17.1  GENERAL 1 
17.1.1  Introduction 1 
17.1.2  Applicable Codes, Standards, Practices and Reference Guidelines 1 
17.1.3  Ownership 1 
17.2.1  All Utilities 3 
17.2.2  Utilities Impacted by LRT Construction 3 
17.3.1  Process Overview 4 
17.3.2  LRT Utility Design Consultant 4 
17.5.1  General 6 
17.5.2  Utility Service Connection 6 
17.5.3  Utility Placement At-Grade Trackway 6 
17.5.4  Utility Placement in Underground Tunnels or Structures 6 

Final Issue July 2017 I



17.1.1 Introduction
This chapter presents the design guidelines for the following:
 The relocation, adjustment, or abandonment of existing utilities within existing or proposed
LRT right-of-ways.
 The placement of new utilities across or adjacent to the LRT ROW.
 The placement of utility services that are required for the operation of any new or
upgraded LRT facility.
Utilities include those that are owned by the City of Edmonton civic departments, public utility
corporations, private companies, other governmental agencies, and utility services to adjacent
private properties.

17.1.2 Applicable Codes, Standards, Practices and Reference Guidelines

All utility work must be designed in accordance with the applicable standards and criteria
established by the utility owner/service provider and the standards and criteria of the local
jurisdictional authorities, as appropriate.
In reference to a standard, the following abbreviations and acronyms are used to denote the
organization that issues that standard or regulation.
API American Petroleum Institute
AWWA American Waterworks Association
ASC Alberta Safety Code Act
CGA Canadian Gas Association
CSPI Corrugated Steel Pipe Institute
EAPUOC Edmonton Area Pipeline and Utility Operator’s Committee
IOA Insurer’s Advisory Organization
ULC Underwriters Laboratories of Canada
The abbreviations for other requirements that are frequently referred to are;
TESP Transportation Electrical Services Plan (refer to Section
ULA Utility Line Assignment permit (per City of Edmonton *Bylaw #12846)
*Note: Bylaw #12846 is the Regulation of Work and Equipment Installation on City Lands. It requires any
person who wants to do utility work on Municipal Rights of Way to apply and obtain the required permits.
The City of Edmonton has prepared a Design and Construction Standards Manual for use by
developers and engineering consultants designing roadway and utility projects on behalf of the
City. It is referred to as the City Design Standards throughout these guidelines. The
Consultant must refer to this document for design related criteria for drainage, power, and
water utilities.
The LRT Section of Edmonton Transit has prepared a policy “Infrastructure on LRT Tunnels”.
This policy provides the guidelines and process for the installation of electrical infrastructure in
LRT tunnels.

17.1.3 Ownership Utility Type/Owner Agency
The following are the majority of the utility service providers within the City boundaries as of
the date of the issuance of this edition of the Design Guidelines.

Final Issue July 2017 17.1


Storm, Sanitary and Combined Sewers City Infrastructure Services – Drainage

Bus Trolley Lines/LRT Utility Infrastructure City Transportation Services – ETS
Traffic Signals & Street Lights City Transportation Services – Operations
Water Distribution EPCOR Water Services Inc.
Power Distribution Overhead and Underground EPCOR Distribution & Transmission., Fortis
(outside of City boundary)
Power Transmission Overhead and Underground EPCOR Transmission Inc., Altalink
Natural Gas Distribution and Transmission Atco Gas
Telecommunication Lines Aerial, Underground TELUS, BELL, MTS Allstream, Shaw, City
Infrastructure Services, Others – verify
through Geo Edmonton Database.
Radio Communications Research Facility Owners
Cellular Research Facility Owners
Broadcast Towers (Radio, Cellular, Microwave) Confirm with ETS and City Police Services
Pipelines for Liquid and Petroleum Products Verify through Geo Edmonton Database.
Other major utility service providers include the University of Alberta, and the Province of
It should be noted that any one utility service provider may have more than one contact
person dependent on the specific utility they are responsible for and where it is located
geographically. Transportation Electrical Services Plan (TESP)
As indicated in the section above, the Transportation Services Department owns and operates
the Trolley, LRT, Signal and Street Lighting systems. The TESP is a Transportation Services
Department internal quality assurance plan designed to provide a regulated framework,
obligation and commitment to ensure responsible ownership.
The TESP identifies the procedures, practices and process that must be adhered to when any
work (construction, alterations, repairs, relocations, maintenance) is performed in a manner
that ensures an “electrically safe condition”.
As authorized by the General Manager of Transportation Services, all City staff, contractors,
and developers that perform work on these *electrical distribution systems must do so in
compliance with the TESP.
*Note: Electrical Systems in LRT Stations and buildings are exempt. TESP is only required for the LRT
Catenary and Signals systems, and roadway or Shared Use Paths lighting.

Final Issue July 2017 17.2



17.2.1 All Utilities
The following guidelines must be followed for all utility work:
 In general no new utilities should be located within an existing or proposed surface LRT
Right of Way (ROW), except to transit across the LRT ROW as outlined below. Utilities
that are required to service the proposed LRT facilities are exempt. It should be noted
that under Federal legislation privately owned Telecommunications utilities may be
allowed to locate within the LRT ROW parallel to the tracks. Refer to the ETS policy on
Infrastructure in LRT Tunnels.
 Existing, relocated or proposed utilities that run longitudinally adjacent the LRT ROW
should be located an absolute minimum of 4000 mm from the centerline of the closest
track or it will be considered to be “Impacted by LRT Construction” as described below
(refer to Figures 3.18 and 3.22).
 Where possible, utilities should cross beneath the LRT ROW at a 90 degree angle to the
LRT track centerline. The depth of cover must be a minimum of 1830 mm from TOR to the
top of all utility encasements (refer to Figures 3.18 and 3.22).
 A Design Guideline variance application must be submitted to LRT D&C and ETS where
these design minimums are not met. LRT D&C and ETS have the ability to accept, reject,
or negotiate an alteration to a variance application.
 In general ETS prefers that *utilities within the “Impacted by LRT” zone (crossing or
parallel to the trackway) be sleeved or cased. Concrete casing is preferred, but suitable
alternatives may be evaluated by the Consultant as acceptable. If another protective
option is recommended it must have the approval of ETS prior to final design.
*Note: Natural gas lines are to be reviewed on an individual basis with the service provider.

 All abandoned utilities beneath the trackway should be removed. If they cannot be
removed they must be abandoned appropriately for the type of utility such that the safety
or stability of the LRT line is not compromised.
 Future utility crossings could be bored. However, due to limited ROW availability it is
recommended that consideration be given to the provision of ducts for future utility
installations if the future utility crossing location has been fixed.
 Where possible, utilities should be constructed with non-conductive materials (refer to
Chapter 13, Corrosion and Stray Current Control).
 Pipelines carrying water, oil, gas, highly flammable, volatile, or other pressurized
substances are to be suitably cased, or bridged over with a structural concrete slab. If
they are encased, the casing material must also be designed to withstand LRT loadings
and should employ appropriate cathodic and corrosion protection devices.

17.2.2 Utilities Impacted by LRT Construction

The following guidelines must be followed for all utility work:
 Utilities encountered or located close enough to be deemed to be affected by LRT
construction must be;
- Maintained in place and in operation during construction, if they do not present an
impediment to LRT construction as scheduled,
- Temporarily relocated and maintained in operation during construction,
- Temporarily relocated and maintained, then, upon the completion of LRT construction,
replaced by a new utility installation, or
- Permanently relocated to a new location in accordance with LRT utility separation

Final Issue July 2017 17.3


 Any utility servicing private property within the zone of influence should not be interrupted.
If temporary service has to be provided it should be installed so as to be permanent at the
completion of LRT construction.
 New installation of any existing utilities should be designed to provide service equal to that
offered by the existing installation.
 No betterment of the service is to be provided unless specifically directed by LRT D&C.
 Where the LRT tracks cross power transmission lines, railway, gas, oil, or other high-
pressure pipelines, a crossing agreement must be obtained. Further detail on this
requirement is provided in Volume 1 of the City Design Standards. Refer to Section
17.3.1 Process Overview
On behalf of ETS, all utilities affected by LRT construction or that are required to service LRT
facilities, will be coordinated by the LRT Project Office through the Utility Design Consultant
and the respective utility service provider.
The utility documentation, coordination and design review process will generally be as follows:
 Notification to Utility Companies of the proposed LRT Right of Way.
 The identification and documentation of all abandoned, existing, and proposed utilities
within the immediate vicinity of the LRT corridor as per Section Identification of
proposed utilities within the corridor and within the sphere of influence of the corridor is
also required.
 The LRT Utility Design Consultant in consultation with the applicable utility must identify
those utilities that may be impacted by LRT construction and prepare proposals for their
relocation in accordance with these design guidelines for submission to the utility owner.
 Video inspection to determine the condition of active storm and sanitary lines affected by
LRT development should be considered.
 The utility service provider will review the Utility Design Consultant’s utility record plan and
relocation proposal and will provide comments, suggestions, or present alternatives back
to the Utility Design Consultant.
 The Utility Design Consultant must review all utility service provider’s comments. A
composite utility plan will be developed showing the proposed utility relocation alignments
and orientations. This plan is to be reviewed again with each utility service provider.
 Each utility service provider will review and respond to the Utility Design Consultant with
either acceptance of the proposed alignments and orientations or a submittal of a request
for further alterations. Upon acceptance the utility service provider will sign-off the plan.
 The signed off plan will be submitted by the Utility Design Consultant to the City ROW
Management Office who will in turn issue a ULA number in accordance with ULA
 The Utility Design Consultant will issue a final composite utility plan showing the proposed
locations and orientations of all relocated and new utilities.

17.3.2 LRT Utility Design Consultant Preliminary Engineering Phase
The following tasks are to be undertaken by the Utility Design Consultant during the
preliminary engineering phase of the LRT design work:
 All utility service providers are to be notified of the proposed LRT ROW route and are to
be coordinated with to supply and receive the following;
- Data and documentation (including plans and profiles – where available) of existing
active and abandoned utilities that may affect or be affected by LRT construction.

Final Issue July 2017 17.4


- Data and documentation of proposed utilities within the corridor and within the sphere
of influence of the corridor that may be affected by LRT construction.
- Determination of the responsibility for relocation costs and notice timeline
requirements (as per existing agreements with the City).
 Major property owners adjacent to the LRT construction may have to be contacted to
obtain available utility service documentation that is unavailable from the utility service
 Utilities that are within the Impacted by LRT Construction zone that will require relocation
are to be identified as soon as possible during this phase of the work. The removal
process to be employed in the abandoned facility should also be determined at this phase
of work.
 Verification by field survey of critical elevations and locations of existing utilities must be
 Right-of-way or easements required to relocate or install new utilities to service proposed
LRT facilities must be identified.
 Preliminary cost estimates for relocated utilities and LRT facility services must be
The City has developed procedures that are to be followed for the protection of utilities and the
crossing of high-pressure pipelines. Where applicable, the Consultant must take these
procedures into consideration during the utility design process. These procedures can be
found in Volume 1 of the City Design Standards as follows:
Procedures for Crossing High Pressure Pipelines – Section 01561
Procedures for Protection Existing Utilities and Structures – Section 01562 Final Design Phase
The Utility Design Consultant must clearly and correctly identify the following information on
the final design drawings for:
Relocation of Existing Utilities
 Utilities retained in place and in service during and following LRT construction.
 Utilities that will be restored upon completion of LRT construction.
 Utilities permanently relocated beyond the immediate limits of LRT construction.
 Utilities that have been abandoned in place, or are to be abandoned and removed.
 Final plan and profiles including any special protection measures required.
 All right-of-ways, existing and proposed, and all easements, existing and proposed.
 Construction Cost estimates and Schedule
Utilities Required to Service the LRT Facility
 Final plans and profiles of proposed utility including any special protective measures
 Construction Cost estimates and Schedule
The Utility Design Consultant must refer to the appropriate sections of the City’s Design
Standards for design related criteria for drainage, water, street-lighting (includes drawings),
and power (includes drawings), facilities and appurtenances.
There may be instances whereby the utility service provider will assume the responsibility for
final design. This should be verified at the time the utility service provider is initially contacted.

Final Issue July 2017 17.5



The timeline requirements for providing notice to affected utility service providers of the intent
to carry out utility related construction activities is outlined in each agreement with the City.
The notice period must be followed so the utility service provider can not only budget for the
work but also schedule the work in accordance with the LRT construction schedule.


17.5.1 General
As stated previously, all utilities specifically designed for the LRT must conform to the
applicable codes, standards regulations, and requirements of the utility service provider and
the City of Edmonton, as the authority having jurisdiction.
The design of the utility will be done by the Consultant that is designing the new LRT
facility/component requiring the utility service.
The chapters listed below present the design guidelines for the major utility infrastructure and
services that are required to provide a functional LRT extension.
 LRV’s – refer to Chapter 6 Traction Power
 Signals – refer to Chapter 7 Signals
 Communication systems and devices – refer to Chapter 8 Communications & Control
 Facility internal and external lighting – refer to Chapter 11 Electrical Systems
 Facility (*other) and ROW – refer to Chapter 11 Electrical Systems
*Note: pumps, fans, service power, etc.
 Facility and ROW Storm drainage and Sanitary Sewers – refer to Chapter 12 Mechanical
 Facility Gas and Water Service – refer to Chapter 12 Mechanical Systems
17.5.2 Utility Service Connection
The Facility Design Consultant must contact the utility service provider to determine:
 The number of LRT project site plans that need to be submitted.
 The location that the utility service will enter the project site.
 The number of ducts that are required to service the project (if applicable)
The Contractor constructing the facility is responsible for making application and paying for the
applicable utility service and any associated apparatus.
17.5.3 Utility Placement At-Grade Trackway
Clearance requirements and the typical placement of major LRT utility elements for surface
and open portal sections are illustrated on Figures 3.18A, 3.18B, 3.22 and 3.23.

17.5.4 Utility Placement in Underground Tunnels or Structures

Clearance requirements and the typical location of LRT utilities to be placed in tunnels or
underground grade separation structures are illustrated on Figures 3.10, 3.11, 3.16, 3.17,
3.19, and 3.20. Also refer to ETS policy on Infrastructure in LRT Tunnels.
Exposed natural gas lines servicing LRT stations must only enter the station from an end wall.
This requirement is to reduce the risk of the gas line being contacted by operations and
maintenance personnel that are primarily working on the track sides of the station.

Final Issue July 2017 17.6

Chapter 18 – Revision Tracking Form


Chapter 18
2017 EDITION – Revisions Tracking Form
Section Reference Revision General Description Issue Date



18.1  GENERAL 1 
18.1.1  Introduction 1 
18.1.2  Abbreviations 1 
18.1.3  Applicable Standards, Regulations, Practices, Guidelines 1 
18.1.4  Plan Approval Procedure 2 
18.2.1  Medians 3 
18.2.2  Private Crossings/Curb Cuts 3 
18.2.3  On-Street Parking 3 
18.2.4  Bus Loading Zones 3 
18.2.5  Sidewalks/Walkways/Shared Use Paths /Boulevards 3 
18.2.6  Curb Ramps 4 
18.2.7  Landscaping 4 
18.2.8  Street Lighting 4 
18.2.9  Temporary/Detour Roads 4 
18.2.10  Clearance Requirements (edge of road to LRT) 4 
18.3.1  General 4 
18.3.2  Grade Crossings of the LRT Trackway 4 
18.4.1  General 4 
18.4.2  Crosswalks 4 
18.4.3  Vehicular Access and Parking 5 
18.5.1  General 5 
18.5.2  Mitigation Measures 5 
18.5.3  Evaluation Procedure 6 
18.5.4  Road Crossings of Arterial Roadways 7 
18.5.5  Protective Measures for At-Grade Pedestrian Crossings of Arterial Roads 7 
18.7.1  Access Modes 8 
18.7.2  Vehicular Access 8 
18.7.3  Surface Park and Ride Lots 9 
18.10  FENCING 12 

Final Issue July 2017 I


List of figures
Figure 18.1 - Pedestrian Controls Decision Tree
Figure 18.2 - Four Lane Cross-section All Pedestrian Crossings
Figure 18.3 - Four Lane Cross-section Pedestrian Crossing One Side Only
Figure 18.4 - Four Lane Cross-section No Pedestrian Crossings
Figure 18.5 - Section Widened for LRT Station Pedestrian Crossings One Side Only
Figure 18.6 - Section Widened for LRT Station No Pedestrian Crossings

Final Issue July 2017 II




18.1.1 Introduction
This chapter presents the guidelines that are needed by the roadway design consultants to
carry out the preliminary and final design of changes to existing roadways and related facilities
that may be impacted by the construction of LRT facilities. Included are recommended
guidelines for grade crossings. In addition, the guidelines are also applicable to new roadway
construction, including surface parking facilities that are to be constructed as part of the LRT
The geometric and pavement design of all public streets and roadways must be approved by
the City Transportation Services Department (refer to Section 18.1.4).
18.1.2 Abbreviations
AASHTO - American Association of State Highway and Transportation
FHA - Federal Highway Administration
MUTCD - Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices
OSCAM - On-Street Construction and Maintenance
TAC - Transportation Association of Canada
TCRP - Transit Cooperative Research Program

18.1.3 Applicable Standards, Regulations, Practices, Guidelines Standards and Practices
The Consultant’s primary source for streets design criteria will be the latest edition of the City
of Edmonton Design and Construction Standards referred to in these Guidelines as the ”City
Design Standards”. It has been developed from a number of design standards documents
currently in industry use (see below) and the City’s background and experience in streets and
roadway development. Its purpose is to ensure that municipal improvements and related
systems in the City of Edmonton are designed consistently by consultants and the
development industry.
Unless stated otherwise, all design work must conform to or exceed the requirements of the
latest editions of all applicable codes, standards and regulations.
A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets (ASSHTO)
Barrier-Free Design Guidelines – Alberta Safety Codes Council
City of Edmonton Design and Construction Standards (City Design Standards)
City Policy C452 Street Maintenance and Construction Coordination for Traffic Flow
Design Vehicle Dimensions for Use in Geometric Design (TAC)
Edmonton Traffic Bylaw 5590
Edmonton Zoning Bylaw 12600
Edmonton Light Rail Transit Graphic Standards Manual
Geometric Design Guide for Canadian Roads (TAC)
Metric Curve Tables (TAC)
Manual Uniform Traffic Control Devices (FHA)
Procedures Manual for On-Street Construction Safety –Transportation Services
Department, Traffic Operations
Road and Walkway Lighting Manual – Transportation Services Department Traffic

Final Issue July 2017 18.1


Traffic Signals Construction and Maintenance Specification –Transportation Services

Department, Traffic Operations
Urban Supplement to the Geometric Design Guide for Canadian Roads (TAC)
Replacement of roads, sidewalks, landscaping or other related infrastructure located on
privately owned property, which is affected by LRT construction, must be designed and
constructed in kind, unless otherwise directed by the City acting on behalf of the property
owner. Other Design References

TCRP Project 13 Light Rail Service Pedestrian and Vehicle Safety
H.W. Korve, J.T. Siques
ETS Transit Centre Design Guidelines – February 2011
Edmonton SLRT Extension Traffic Control and Circulation Study
Korve Engineering, April 2004
Edmonton SLRT Extension Traffic Control and Circulation Study- Segments 2 & 3
Korve Engineering, July 2007

18.1.4 Plan Approval Procedure

All new additions or modifications to municipal roadways and drainage facilities must be
approved by the City using the *Municipal Improvement Agreement” procedure.
*Note: Although this is not a mandatory requirement for LRT extensions, the City has determined that
the procedure must be utilized by all LRT Consultants preparing road and drainage designs.
This procedure requires that the following information be provided on the drawings:
 Notes to indicate tie-ins to existing pavement, curbs, etc. will be to the satisfaction of the
City of Edmonton.
 Existing elevations on pavement indicating the direction of surface drainage.
 Curb returns, cross-fall, and roadway longitudinal slopes including crossings to abutting
 Cross-sectional details showing landscaped areas, roadway cross-fall, light pole locations,
road/walk structure and limits of construction.
 Show references to City Design Standards drawing numbers on all drawings and cross-
sectional details.
 Provision for the approval signature by the Transportation Services Department, Director
of Roadway Design.
Pavement marking and signage plans are also to be prepared and approved by the
Supervisor Pavement Markings/Detours Traffic Engineering Section of the Traffic Operations
Branch. These elements are generally supplied and installed by the City. Other Traffic
Operations signatures that may be required are: Director of Traffic Engineering; Director of
Signals and Street Lighting.
Other signatures that are required on applicable plans for Drainage; Infrastructure Services
Department and for Landscaping; Infrastructure Services Department

Final Issue July 2017 18.2



A table summarizing the geometric design standards in accordance with the roadway
classification is presented in Volume 2, Section 10 of the City Design Standards. Drawings of
each classification have also been developed. Related drawings for each class can also be
found in that chapter.
In general, final design should be based upon the roadway geometry developed during the
preliminary engineering phase.
18.2.1 Medians
For details refer to drawings 5060, 5062, 5064 contained in Volume 2 of the City Design
Standards. Other drawings in this chapter may also show median details.

18.2.2 Private Crossings/Curb Cuts

In general, all existing crossings affected by LRT construction must be replaced in kind, where
practical. The closure of crossings required to facilitate LRT operations or construction must
be approved by Transportation Services Department, Transportation Planning and Traffic
Operations Branches.
Drawings 5040 to 5050 inclusive contained in Volume 2 of the City Design Standards provide
the Consultant with the details of various crossing configurations.

18.2.3 On-Street Parking

Wherever practicable, all on-street parking stalls that are affected by LRT construction should
be replaced in kind.

18.2.4 Bus Loading Zones

Bus loading zones on existing or new streets designated as bus routes are either parallel or
recessed in relation to the curb. Locations, dimensions, and arrangements for the relocation
of, or new zones will be determined by ETS. Loading zones are constructed in concrete.
Bus loading zones should be located adjacent to and in close proximity to LRT stations where
the LRT corridor parallels a roadway that is designated as a bus route. Further related details
are provided in Volume 2, Section 7 of the City Design Standards.

18.2.5 Sidewalks/Walkways/Shared Use Paths /Boulevards

Existing sidewalks affected by LRT construction must be replaced in kind where practical.
Sidewalks must be provided for pedestrian access to LRT stations.
Shared use paths accommodating pedestrians and cyclists may be developed within the LRT
ROW. This will be determined during the LRT extension planning phase. Typically the
following widths should be provided:
 Minimum width = 3 m + 0.6 m offsets from both edges (clearance to vertical barrier)
 Preferred width = 4 m + 0.6 m offsets from both edges (provide when high bike/ped
volumes are forecast).
Pedestrian/cyclist crossing of the LRT tracks immediately adjacent to Type III stations or at
other locations along the LRT alignment must be reviewed on an individual basis with ETS
(refer to Section 18.5).
Refer to Volume 2 Roadways, Section 3 of the City Design Standards for details and

Final Issue July 2017 18.3


18.2.6 Curb Ramps

Curb or wheelchair ramps must be provided as follows:
 Restore or replace any ramps that are affected by LRT construction.
 At roadway intersections adjacent to LRT stations, provide ramps at all four corners as
well as at the access points to the platform.
For details refer to drawings 5052, 5054, and 5056 contained in Volume 2 of the City Design

18.2.7 Landscaping
LRT corridor and station landscaping guidelines are presented in Chapter 14, Section 14.5 of
these guidelines. For streets landscaping design criteria, refer to Volume 5 of the City Design

18.2.8 Street Lighting

Refer to Volume 6 of the City Design Standards for street lighting design standards.

18.2.9 Temporary/Detour Roads

In general, temporary or detour roads should comply with the provisions of Volume 2, Section
6 of the City Design Standards.

18.2.10 Clearance Requirements (edge of road to LRT)

The minimum distance from the centerline of the closest track to the curb of the roadway is
4100 mm for tie and ballast. For embedded track the distance is 2600 mm. (refer to Chapter 3
Figures 3.8A and 3.8B of these guidelines).


18.3.1 General
For detailed criteria, refer to Volume 2 the City Design Standards, and the relevant
specifications and drawings.

18.3.2 Grade Crossings of the LRT Trackway

For current roadway and pedestrian grade crossing cross-sectional details refer to Chapter 5,
Trackwork Section 5.5, and Figures 5.21 and 5.22A to 5.22D of these guidelines.
18.4.1 General
Through Traffic Bylaw 5590 and City Council Policy C452, the Transportation Services
Department’s Manager of Traffic Operations has been granted the authority to control all work
occurring on the road ROW.
In addition, the Traffic Operations Branch is responsible for developing and or approving any
changes to traffic signals, pavement markings, and signage installations. The design of traffic
operational measures is to be done in accordance with the Traffic Signals Construction and
Maintenance Specification.

18.4.2 Crosswalks
Crosswalks should be provided at all intersections adjacent to LRT stations. In some
instances mid-block crossings may be warranted.

Final Issue July 2017 18.4


18.4.3 Vehicular Access and Parking

Any construction activity that will take place on street right-of-way must comply with the
requirements of the City of Edmonton Procedures Manual for On-Street Construction Safety.
It is mandatory that an OSCAM permit be obtained prior to any work being started.
Refer to Volume 1, Section 01550 of the City Design Standards for additional details and


18.5.1 General
The introduction of LRT systems into the urban environment introduces elements that differ
from typical traffic control measures for streets and operating railways.
These elements include:
 LRT trains crossing roadways/sidewalks are much more frequent than an operating
railway. The Edmonton LRT System operates on a 5 minute headway in each direction
during its peak periods.
 LRV’s tend to be quieter than operating railways or adjacent vehicular roadway traffic.
 A large number of patrons embark and disembark from a passenger station on a daily
 Pedestrian at-grade crossings of LRT tracks in particular, have proven to be a safety
concern for the majority of LRT operating systems. Pedestrian, and vehicular incidents,
can be serious.
ETS is committed to ensuring that the LRT system attains an optimum level of safety by taking
all the appropriate due diligence steps through planning and design to ensure that pedestrian
and vehicular safety is ensured.
In addition, the dissemination of information by the transit operating agency to the public about
the hazards and cautions that are required when mixing LRT with pedestrians and vehicles in
an urban environment is also an important element in the due diligence process.
Through the planning process associated with any LRT extension, the objective is to minimize
the number of at-grade crossings to the extent feasible, considering alignment objectives and
community and environmental impacts.
The provision of grade-separated crossings is subject to the number of projected
pedestrian/vehicular volumes. The feasibility and associated impacts of providing a grade-
separated crossing must be part of the analysis.
Once it has been determined that an at-grade crossing is required, the challenge during the
planning and design process should be to eliminate identified hazards and unacceptable
safety risks associated with each individual crossing.
If the hazard or degree of risk cannot be adequately reduced both active and passive warning
devices must be considered to provide the appropriate level of protection that is required. A
Specialist Consultant is generally retained to provide analysis and recommendations in this
18.5.2 Mitigation Measures
There are a wide range of methods that can be considered to mitigate the potential danger as
 Signage on the sidewalk and at eye level to guide pedestrian behavior.
 Signage – “Look both ways”, “Watch for second train” signs.

Final Issue July 2017 18.5


 Pedestrian crossing gates should be designed to discourage persons from jumping over
or crawling under.
 Pedestrian swing gates and crossing gates design should raise “awareness of danger”
and/or “awareness of a safe area” near trains.
 Provision of a clearing (refuge) zone between the gates and the track with clear visibility
by the Train Operator.
 Ensure that the crossing controls allow enough time to complete crossings safely with
special attention to the predominant user in the area.
 Pedestrian mirrors or stainless steel type sign outside to assist with line of sight.
 Directional audible warning devices with messages that trains are approaching (both
 Consideration for specific needs relevant to location of school or special needs crossings.
 Ramping should avoid rounded edges; squared corners are preferred as they provide
direction for visually impaired.
 Width considerations to accommodate motorized wheelchairs/scooters.
 Standardized location of activated crossing signals in proximity to the crossing location.

18.5.3 Evaluation Procedure

In summary, a review of each at-grade crossing must be undertaken that considers the
following factors:
 The LRT operating environment, design and anticipated operating speed.
 LRT alignment geometry.
 Degree of sight restriction.
 Volume and frequency of vehicular and pedestrian activity. Potential for pedestrian
inattention or hurried behavior.
 School Zones.
 Identify the safety hazards/risks associated with each crossing. Eliminate if feasible.
Mitigate or warn.
 Perform a safety analysis of the crossing.
 Apply passive/active treatments if deemed to be required (refer to previous section)
TCRP Report 69 presents a pedestrian controls decision tree (refer to Figure 18.1) that can be
used as a tool by the Consultant for evaluating the type of treatment that should be installed at
a pedestrian grade crossing based on site-specific conditions. The decision tree defines the
type of pedestrian devices and controls that are desirable based on six criteria (decision
points) relative to the pedestrian crossing environment.
The six key decision points are:
Decision Point 1 - Pedestrian facilities and/or minimum pedestrian activity is
present or anticipated
Decision Point 2 - LRT speeds exceed 55 km/hr
Decision Point 3 - Sight distance is restricted on approach
Decision Point 4 - Crossing is located in a school zone
Decision Point 5 - High levels of pedestrian activity occur
Decision Point 6 - Pedestrian Surge occurs or high pedestrian inattention
The Consultant should refer to the Korve Design Reference for additional information
regarding the decision tree analysis process.

Final Issue July 2017 18.6


18.5.4 Road Crossings of Arterial Roadways

LRT operating in the median of the roadway is preferred over running along side of the
roadway for the following reasons:
 Trains travel in the same directions as the roadway traffic on either side of the centerline.
The driver expectation is that there are no oncoming trains to the right of the driver.
 Conflicts with driveways and property access points are minimized.
 Queuing conflicts are minimized. Drivers generally do not queue up through the centre of
a intersection, whereas with side running, queuing across the tracks is commonplace.
 Median alignments do not interfere with the drainage of the roadway lanes which can
occur along the curb regardless to the presence of the LRT trackway.
 Allows right-hand turn movements on both sides of the intersection.
The biggest concern with median operation is the control of left turn movements made by the
mainline road vehicle traffic into the crossing roadway. It is imperative that positive control
measures for the left-turns be provided such as:
 Left turn signals
 Signals should be a lagging phase activated after the mainline traffic has been served
 Left turn movements are allowed to overlap
Automatic crossing gates are generally required once the speed of the LRT trains exceeds 56
kph through an intersection when the traffic control is provided solely by a signal.
There are a number of options for the placement of the gates. For roadways with wide
medians it is not possible to completely barricade off access across the trackway.
 Crossing gates are placed parallel to the trackway
 Left turn gates are placed perpendicular to the trackway along with the provision of
supplemental cross-street gates
 Left turn gates are placed at 30 degrees to the trackway along with the provision of
supplemental cross-street gates.
For the 111 Street section of the South LRT Extension to Century Park crossing gates parallel
to the trackway was selected as the preferred option for the following reasons:
 The visibility of the crossing gates and supplemental flashing light devices are maximized.
 The likelihood of broken gate arms is reduced compared with the other options.
 Additional protection can be provided by the use of supplemental crossing gates on the
outside of the intersection if the cross street is wide.
The following figures are included in this chapter. They show a number of gated road crossing
configurations with and without the provision for the pedestrian’s crossings.
Figure 18.2 – 4 Lane Cross-section all pedestrian crossings.
Figure 18.3 - 4 Lane Cross-section pedestrian crossings one side only.
Figure 18.4 - 4 Lane Cross-section no pedestrian crossings.
Figure 18.5 – Section (median) widened for LRT Station Pedestrian crossings one side only.
Figure 18.6 – Section (median) widened for LRT Station No Pedestrian crossings.

18.5.5 Protective Measures for At-Grade Pedestrian Crossings of Arterial Roads

Where pedestrian crossings are included as part of the roadway intersection design, the
following treatments are to be provided:
 Barrier channelization/swing gates– force the pedestrian to use the designated pedestrian
crossing location. Include *detectable warning strips where practicable.

Final Issue July 2017 18.7


 Active Warning Devices – Use both visual and audio devices in conjunction with the swing
 A pedestrian service phase long enough to allow pedestrians to cross both sides of the
roadway including the median, if feasible.
 Countdown timers on pedestrian signal heads.
 Pedestrian refuge trapezoidal area – minimum of 1.5 m to 2.5 m by 3.0 m wide between
swing gates and the edge of the roadway at the median.
 Locate the cross-walks as close to the intersection as possible; avoid skew angle
crosswalks, where possible and avoid changes in crosswalk orientation with intersections.
 Use “Signals Stop Line” signs to designate stop bar locations.
 For open crossings or controlled by a crossing arm provide a *detectable warning strip
coloured yellow with STOP written on the approach side.
 For crossings with pull (swing) gates provide a *detectable warning strip coloured yellow.
*Note: Refer to Chapter 5 Trackwork, Section 5.5.2 and Figures 5.22A TO 5.22D incl. for
further details regarding the layout and construction of the warning strips.


Volume 3 of the City Design Standards provides the streets design consultant with all of the
City standards related to the drainage requirements for roadways. In addition, specification
clauses are provided for a variety of drainage related appurtenances such as catch basins,
manholes, culverts, etc.


18.7.1 Access Modes
LRT patrons will arrive or depart a typical LRT station by the following modes of travel:
 Walking
 Automobile passenger with a disability
 Bus
 Automobile driver with a disability (at an adjacent park-and-ride *facility)
 Bicycle
 Automobile passenger drop-off/pickup
 Taxi
 Automobile driver/passengers (at an adjacent park-and-ride *facility).
*Note: Facility includes surface parking lots and parking structures.
For the Edmonton LRT system, the above modes are listed in order of priority for providing
convenience and directness of routing.
The layout of a station site, as well as the associated access roadways, must ensure that the
provision is made for access by patrons in all the above access modes where applicable.
Station Interchange and Accessibility principles are presented in Chapter 10, Stations and
Ancillary Facilities, Sections 10.2.2 and 10.2.3.
18.7.2 Vehicular Access
Provision must be made in the design of the station access for the following vehicle access
modes. They can be as simple as one mode only, or combined subject to the scope of the
 Entrance Roadways
 Private Vehicle Passenger Drop-off

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 Taxi
 Bus / DATS Drop-off on street adjacent to the station
 Park and Ride facility
 Bus Drop-off from a Transit Centre located adjacent to a station
 Transit Centre combined with a Park and Ride facility
Parking for City service vehicles must be provided (refer to Section and Chapter 10,
Section 10.4.4). Manoeuvrability of emergency vehicles may also be a design consideration. Entrance Roadways
The design of roadway entrances to station sites that interface with bus transit centres,
park-and-ride facilities and vehicular drop-off areas must take into consideration adjacent land
uses. Where possible, avoid large unplanted or paved areas that are out of scale with those
uses. In addition, the design should take into consideration the following requirements:
 Avoid direct access from a major roadway. A secondary road from the main road to
access the forgoing facilities, should be provided.
 Direct access from residential streets should be avoided, where possible.
 The entrance roadway should be designed to provide sufficient storage to meet the
expected peak period transit ridership and avoid having vehicular traffic backing up onto
the public street.
 Avoid conflicts between the entrance road, pedestrian and bicycle flow corridors and
access points.
 Strive to provide more than one entrance roadway to large parking areas (more than 1000
Entrance roadway design must be in accordance with the City Design Standards.

18.7.3 Surface Park and Ride Lots General
Surface Park and Ride lots may be provided at selected LRT stations as determined through
the planning process. The configuration and quantity of spaces to be provided will be
determined by the projected demand and site restrictions. The park and ride area must be
designed to optimize the available site area.
Special circumstances such as site constraints, joint-use partnerships, etc. may determine that
a parking structure be constructed. Chapter 19, Parkades, provides the design guidelines for
parking structures.
Designated parking stalls for the self-driving disabled LRT patron must be provided as per the
self-drive accessible requirements below.
Designated short-term parking and taxi stalls must be provided adjacent to the area.
Circulation roadways, drop-off and parking areas must be hard-surfaced in accordance with
the provisions of the Edmonton Zoning Bylaw 12800, Section 54.6.
Typically fencing must be provided around the perimeter of surface Park and Ride Lots. The
Consultant will review this requirement with ETS early in the parking lot design phase. Parking Lot Circulation
The design of the parking area traffic circulation system should strive to minimize:
 Vehicular travel distances
 Conflicting movements
 Number of turns

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The vehicular movements within the parking area can be dispersed by the strategic placement
of entrances, exits and aisles.
If the normal aisle standards provide inadequate vehicle circulation, additional two-way or one-
way circulation roadways should be provided. Minimum widths are:
 Two-way circulation road – 7.3 m
 One-way circulation road – 5.5 m Aisles and Parking Stalls
Aisles should be aligned to facilitate convenient pedestrian movement toward the station.
 Strive to keep the aisle length less than 122 m.
 Aisle width – 7 m minimum.
 Stalls dimensions are: 2.6 m wide by 5.5 m in length minimum for 90 degree angle
parking. If they are adjacent to landscaped areas, with no obstructions, consideration can
be given to reducing the width by 0.6 m.
 At the head of the parking stall, the horizontal clearance required must be 0.75 m from the
front face of the curb to any obstruction.
 At the sides of stalls, if adjacent to wall or raised planters, provide an additional 0.3 m
minimum clearance.
 Dead-end aisles must be avoided.
Light Standards or landscaping should be considered in areas where a parking stall cannot be
placed. Self-Drive Accessible Parking Stalls

As per Chapter 10, Stations and Ancillary Facilities, Section 10.2.2, a minimum of one stall for
every 100 stalls must be allocated to self-drive persons with disabilities.
Accessible parking stalls must be provided near station entrances in conformance with Alberta
Barrier-Free Design Guide and meet the following requirements:
 A mobility-impaired patron should not be required to cross any roads en route to the
station entrance.
 Mobility impaired patrons should not be forced to travel behind parked vehicles.
 Travel paths should be free of gratings that would constitute a hazard to a person on
crutches or with a cane.
 The stall must be identified with appropriate signage that restricts the use of the space to
disabled persons.
 Ramps must be provided in curbs that will be traversed by persons in wheelchairs.
 Except for ramps in curbs, travel paths should preferably contain no longitudinal grades
steeper than 5% and no cross-slopes steeper than 3%.
 Sizing of parallel stalls should be 7 m x 3.7 m. Service Vehicle Parking

A minimum of two (2) parking stalls must be provided for service vehicles. Refer to Chapter
10, Stations and Ancillary Facilities, Section Signage
Parking lot signage must conform to the requirements of the Light Rail Transit Graphic
Standards Manual.

Final Issue July 2017 18.10

STREETS DESIGN Curbs and Medians

Curbs must be provided around the entire perimeter of the parking area, circulation roadways,
at raised concrete medians and other locations as deemed necessary by ETS. Curb design
must be in accordance with the City Design Standard. Drainage and Grading
Drainage analysis and design must be done in accordance with the City Design Standards
and the process identified in Chapter 12, Mechanical Systems Section 12.7
 Pavement cross slope should not be less than 1% or greater than 6% (5% for accessible
 A minimum slope of 0.5% must be provided in concrete gutters.
 The preferred maximum slope from the head of the stall to the rear is 2%.
 Drainage must be directed away from pedestrian corridors.
 Wherever possible, catch basins should not be located in aisles.
 The depth of ponding over catch basin inlets must not exceed 350 mm. Pavement Design

The pavement design for the parking and drop-off areas, circulation, and access roads and
walkways, must be done in accordance with the requirements of the City Design Standards. Lighting
Where applicable, the lighting principles stated in Chapter 10, Section 10.2.7 should be
followed. Lighting levels to be provided are contained in Chapter 11, Electrical Systems,
Section 11.10.4. Applicable lighting criteria, standards and requirements provided in the
Transportation Services Department’s Road and Walkway Lighting Manual must also be
Placement of the lighting poles (in addition to providing the required illumination levels) should
be coordinated with the landscaping plan. They may be placed in areas that are not used for
parking, such as: the end of rows, adjacent to walkways at the corners of the parking, and
medians, etc. Planted Areas

The total area required for landscaping must meet the requirements of the City Zoning Bylaw
12800. The landscaping design should be done in accordance with the principles stated in
Chapter 10 Stations and Ancillary Facilities, Section 10.2.9 and the guidelines contained in
Chapter 14, Impact Mitigation, Aesthetics, ROW Control, Section 14.3.


There must be provision to allow maintenance and Emergency vehicle access points along
the LRT ROW. For each section of at-grade ROW in between stations, there must be at least
one vehicle access point. Signage and other measures must be provided in the vicinity of the
vehicle accesses to:
 Discourage trespassing
 Indicate the prohibition of any obstructions such as parking the of private vehicles


The station designer must refer to and follow the ETS Transit Centre Design Guidelines if a
proposed Transit Centre adjacent to an LRT station is to be designed and constructed as part
of the LRT Station contract package.

Final Issue July 2017 18.11


Fencing is required around surface parking lots for security and to provide safe passage for
pedestrians. It must be designed and installed in accordance with the guidelines presented in
Chapter 14, Section 14.4.1 and the standards given in the City Design Standards.

Final Issue July 2017 18.12

Chapter 19 – Revision Tracking Form


Chapter 19
2017 EDITION – Revisions Tracking Form
Section Reference Revision General Description Issue Date



19.0  PARKADES 1 
19.1  GENERAL 1 
19.1.1  Introduction 1 
19.1.2  Abbreviations and Definitions 1 
19.1.3  Applicable Codes, Standards, Practices, and Reference Guidelines 1 
19.2.1  Usage Projections 2 
19.2.2  Required Level-of-Service 2 
19.2.3  Accessibility for Persons with Disabilities 2 
19.2.4  Emergency Access 2 
19.2.5  Street Access 3 
19.2.6  Access Control Devices 3 
19.2.7  Above vs. Below Ground Structure 3 
19.2.8  Vehicular Circulation 4 
19.2.9  Parking Geometry and Layout 4 
19.2.10  Pedestrian Circulation 5 
19.3.1  Classification 6 
19.3.2  Required Service Areas 6 
19.3.3  Architectural Finishes and Landscaping 6 
19.3.4  Mechanical Requirements 7 
19.3.5  Electrical Requirements 7 
19.3.6  Communication Requirements 7 
19.3.7  Structural Requirements 7 
19.3.8  Drainage 8 
19.3.9  Maintenance and Operation Considerations 8 
19.4  SECURITY 9 
19.4.1  Safety Audit 9 
19.4.2  Passive Security 9 
19.4.3  Active Security 10 
19.5.1  General 12 
19.5.2  Signage 12 
19.5.3  Graphics and Painting 12 
19.5.4  Pavement Markings 12 

List of Appendices
Appendix 1 – Parkades Level of Service

Final Issue July 2017 I




19.1.1 Introduction
This chapter presents the basic guidelines for the design of park and ride parkades for the
LRT System. The Guidelines presented in this chapter are limited to parkades only. They are
not applicable to surface parking lots, which are presented previously in Chapter 18, Streets
Design. Furthermore, this chapter focuses on free stranding parking structures as opposed to
parking under buildings. These guidelines present the criteria needed by Designers to
complete the preliminary and final design of parkades.

19.1.2 Abbreviations and Definitions


LOS Level-of-Service
NPA National Parking Association
PCC Parking Consultants Council
UV Ultra-Violet


Access Controls consist of two primary components - parking access controls and revenue
controls. Parking access controls regulate the vehicles entering and exiting the structure.
These can include but are not limited to automatic gates, manually-operated gates, etc.
Revenue controls facilitate the collection of parking fees (if required). These devices can
include ticket booths, ticket machines, etc.
Level-of-Service (LOS) is a method of determining the quality of transportation infrastructure.
Primary qualitative factors taken into consideration are speed, time, and ease of use.
Open-Air Storey is a floor that has at least 25% of its exterior perimeter wall open to the
outdoors that allows for air to flow across the entire storey, (based on ABC criteria).
Parkades are structures located near or adjacent to LRT stations. Their primary function is to
provide vehicle parking for LRT patrons who are riding the LRT to and from work, shopping or
major sporting events. They are also referred to as parking structures or parking facilities.

19.1.3 Applicable Codes, Standards, Practices, and Reference Guidelines

Unless stated otherwise, parking structures and their related ancillary facilities must be
designed to meet all requirements of the latest edition of all applicable federal, provincial, and
municipal codes and regulations.
Codes and Standards

Alberta Building Code (ABC)

Canadian Standards Association (CAN/CSA) Standard S413 Parking Structures
City of Edmonton Zoning Bylaw 12800
Illuminating Engineering Society of North America (IESNA) RP-20 Lighting for Parking

Final Issue July 2017 19.1


Standards and Policies

Accessibility to City of Edmonton Owned and Occupied Buildings

City of Edmonton Policy C-458A – Percent for Art to Provide and Encourage Art in
Public Places
City of Edmonton Specifications for LRT Elevators and Escalators
ETS Signage Standards – Light Rail Transit Graphic Standards Manual
Landscape Guidelines for South LRT Extension – UMA 2001

Reference Guidelines

Accessibility and Design Guidelines for the Visually Impaired

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
Barrier-Free Design Guide – Alberta Safety Codes Council
Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) Principles
Design Guide for a Safer City – City of Edmonton Planning and Development
Parking Structures – Anthony P. Chrest, Mary S. Smith, Sam Bhuyan
ISBN 0-442-206


A number of factors such as: the type of user, size and dimensions of the parkade site, floor to
floor height, parking geometry, peak hour volumes, and flow capacity will influence the
functional design of a parking facility. These factors and others are outlined in greater detail in
the following sections.

19.2.1 Usage Projections

All usage projections and required soft capacities for parking structures should be obtained
from the City or a source explicitly approved by them.
19.2.2 Required Level-of-Service
The PCC of the NPA recommends that parkade design be based on a preferred minimum of
“B” LOS. The Designer must confirm the LOS to be applied with ETS prior to proceeding into
preliminary design. Refer to Appendix 1 – Parkade Levels of Service.
These recommendations cover all aspects of the functional design of parking structures
ranging from stall size, circulation and flow patterns, queuing, entrance and exit designs, ramp
designs, etc.

19.2.3 Accessibility for Persons with Disabilities

The parkade must be accessible by persons with disabilities and meet the requirements of
Chapter 15 Accessibility, the Barrier-Free Design Guide, and the ABC.

19.2.4 Emergency Access

Chapter 10 Stations and Ancillary Facilities, Section 10.3.3 provides requirements for
emergency access and egress. The City also prefers that the structure be designed to allow
for access by *emergency vehicles, such as ambulances. As a minimum, the facility must
allow for access by emergency personnel and stretchers throughout by means of elevators.
*Note: The Designer will require specific information about the vehicle such as its dimensions and

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19.2.5 Street Access

Entrances and exits should be designed to allow for easy maneuverability of vehicle traffic.
Obstructions to pedestrian and vehicle sight lines at entrances and exits should be minimized.
Entrance and exit lanes must be designed to meet the requirements of the City Design
Standards and Bylaw 12800 as well as to achieve a preferred minimum “B” LOS during peak
hours per the recommendations of the PCC of the NPA as indicated in Section 19.2.2. The
effects of installing access control devices on the flow of traffic must be accounted for when
determining the design Level-of-Service.
Provisions must be made by the Designer to allow for the future installation of access control
equipment that may include but is not limited to: manned pay booths, card readers, ticket
dispensers, and/or automatic gates. All entrance/exit medians must be able to accommodate
automatic or manually-operated gates and/or manually operated ticket booths installed at a
later date.
The following additional requirements should be met:
 Avoid direct access to the parkade from a major roadway. A secondary access roadway
from the main road should be provided if required by Bylaw 12800.
 Direct access from residential streets should be avoided, where possible.
 The access roadway must provide sufficient storage to meet the expected demand
generated by peak period transit ridership and to avoid having vehicular traffic queuing
onto the public street.
 Avoid conflicts between the access road and pedestrian/bicycle flow corridors and access
 Strive to provide more than one entrance roadway to large parkades (more than 1000
Three entrance/exit lanes must be provided at each entrance/exit with a reversible centre lane
to accommodate fluctuations during morning and evening peak hourly flows. These three
lanes must be separated by medians designed to meet the requirements of the City Design
Standards and allow for future access control.
The Designer must include the provision for the parkade to be securely locked down to
vehicles and pedestrians to prevent the potential for vandalism and tampering with the
structures security. All vehicle and ground level pedestrian entrances and exits must have a
rolling steel door or equivalent. Stairwells and connecting pedestrian walkways to adjacent
structures must have doors that can be locked to prevent access to the parkade but still allow
any patrons remaining inside to exit.

19.2.6 Access Control Devices

The City currently prefers that there are no access restrictions to parkades and ETS patrons
are not charged a parking fee. The Designer is not required to provide include any form of
access control devices in the design. However, provision should be made for the installation
of access control devices in the future in case the operating philosophy of the City changes.

19.2.7 Above vs. Below Ground Structure

Above ground parkades are preferred by the City as underground structures are generally
more expensive to construct and require mechanical ventilation and fire protection systems.
Patron security is also more difficult to achieve in underground structures.
All underground parking structures require complete coverage by Active Security methods
including CCTV, manned security patrols, and the provision of emergency intercoms/panic

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19.2.8 Vehicular Circulation

Parking spaces and internal traffic aisles should be designed to allow for easy maneuverability
of vehicle traffic. The type of circulation system is dependent upon the individual structure and
should be selected by the Designer in conjunction with the City.
A one-way four bay side-by-side ramped parking structure for vehicular circulation is
preferred. The floors along the exterior are horizontal for architectural reasons. The vehicular
circulation system must be selected and designed to maintain an appropriate LOS as required
by Section 19.2.2. Selection should consider, but may not be limited to, the following:
 Land availability, size and dimensions
 One-way vs. two-way traffic system
 90 degree vs. angled parking (refer to Section 19.2.9)
 Parking on ramps
 Maximum allowable ramp slopes;
 Size of parkade (i.e. number of stalls required);
 Minimizing travel distances, turns, and conflicting vehicle movements;
 Dispersing traffic throughout the structure.
Turning radii and driving lane widths must meet a preferred minimum “B” LOS according to the
recommendations of the PCC of the NPA as required by Section 19.2.2.
There are a wide range of types of ramps that can be used to obtain efficient vehicular
circulation throughout the structure including circular, express, speed, and including parking
Special transition ramps are required whenever the change in slope at ramps is greater than
8%. The transition ramp must have a minimum length of 3.7 m and have a slope that splits
the transition in half.
Ramp slopes should be minimized by maximizing ramp length. The preferred maximum slope
of ramped parking is 4.0% and the absolute maximum slope is 6%. The limits for slopes for
other types of ramps are determined by the LOS approach of the PCC of the NPA.

19.2.9 Parking Geometry and Layout

Coordination with the City is required to determine the design vehicle dimensions and loads.
They can include, standard passenger vehicles, emergency vehicles, snow removal and
maintenance equipment. Stall and Aisle Sizing
The stall and aisle dimensions must meet the following requirements:

 Clause 54 of City of Edmonton Bylaw 12800,

 Section for Standard vehicle parking at 90 degrees,
 Section 15.4.3 for Accessibility vehicle parking, and
 Preferred “B” LOS according to the PCC of the NPA.
The City prefers the following more stringent requirements:
 Standard vehicle spaces have a width of 2.75 m and a depth that varies from 5.5 m for
Straight (90 degree) stalls to 4.75 m for Angled (60 degree) stalls (measured
perpendicular to the wall face).
 Maintenance vehicles stalls are identical to standard vehicle spaces.
 All accessible vehicle spaces must be Straight (90 degree) stalls and have a width and
depth of 3.7 m and 5.5 m, respectively.

Final Issue July 2017 19.4


 At the head of the parking stall, the horizontal clearance between the front face of the
curb/wheel-stop to any obstruction must be a minimum of 0.9 m.
 At the side of a parking stall adjacent to wall, raised planters, or any other obstructions,
provide an additional 0.3 m minimum clearance beyond the width of the parking stall.
 Aisle widths must be a minimum of 5.5 m for one-way traffic and 7.0 m for two-way traffic. Stall Layout
Parking must be provided by Straight parking stalls for areas where there is two-way traffic
flow and by Angled parking stalls for areas where there is one-way traffic flow.
Accessible parking should be located close to elevators, to means of disabled access, to
station entrances, to pedestrian walkways, to pedestrian circulation routes, etc.
Parking of over-height vans should be limited to the ground floor level.
A minimum of four (4) parking stalls must be reserved and labeled for City Operations and
Maintenance service vehicles adjacent to a station entrance. At least one (1) parking stall
must be reserved and labeled near each exit/entrance having a control booth or room. Overhead Clearances
In general, an overhead clearance of 2.75 m or greater throughout the facility is preferred.
Provision must also be made to provide clearance for maintenance and tow trucks to all levels
(refer to Section 19.2.4). Access by emergency vehicles may be a consideration as well. The
true vehicle clearance is most critical at ramp transitions and must be checked against the
allowable overhead clearances.
Headache bars must be provided at all entrances/exits and at any change in vertical clearance
throughout the parking structure. The purpose of the bars is to provide an advance warning to
vehicle drivers of the height restrictions and to protect the structure from damage caused by
over-sized vehicles. Headache bars, as well as all connections and hardware, must be
designed for the appropriate wind loads and a vehicle impact load of 1.5kN.

19.2.10 Pedestrian Circulation

Design a parkade layout that encourages pedestrians to walk down aisles to increase their
visibility to vehicle drivers. Travel distance for pedestrians along aisles and pedestrian
walkways should be minimized. When pedestrian flow cannot be oriented parallel to the
aisles or when aisle lengths exceed 122 m in length, separate pedestrian sidewalks
perpendicular to the aisles are acceptable. These pedestrian sidewalks must be clearly
marked and meet the requirements of the City Design Standards.
Signage, graphics, and pavement markings must be provided to assist and direct pedestrian
flow around each floor of the parking structure (refer to Section 19.5).
All pedestrian walkways and egress/access points must be well illuminated, highly visible, and
located to provide safe pedestrian movements, protected from vehicular traffic and those with
criminal intents.
The requirements for and the design of stairwells must comply with the ABC as well as
Chapter 10 Stations and Ancillary Facilities Section, Chapter 15 Accessibility Section, and Chapter 16 Safety and Security Section At least one (1) stairwell
located adjacent to each elevator is preferred.
The requirements for and the design of elevators must comply with the ABC as well as
Chapter 10, Section, Chapter 15, Section, and Chapter 16, Section16.4.2.5.
Elevators should be located in the direction of the walking patron’s destination (i.e. near a
pedway or in this case, the LRT Station).

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Non-slip surfaces should be installed on stairs and in elevator lobby areas (refer to Chapter 10
Stations and Ancillary Facilities, Section

19.3.1 Classification
Parkades must be designed for a 75 year service life. According to the ABC they are
classified as Group F, Division 3 structures. The City prefers that the parking structure is
designed such that no fire protection and mechanical ventilation systems are required.
Therefore in accordance with the ABC:
 Each storey can be considered an open-air storey,
 The building is of non-combustible construction,
 The building is less than 22 m high (measured from the grade to the ceiling of the top
 The building area is less than 10 000 m2,
 No part of the floor area is greater than 60 m from an exterior wall opening.

19.3.2 Required Service Areas

Parkades may require rooms or dedicated areas to house staff and a variety of equipment and
related cleaning material etc. The requirement for these facilities will be determined on an
individual structure basis by the Designer, in conjunction with the City.
In general, the requirements are:
 Elevator Machine room housing all elevator equipment to properly maintain elevators as
required by local inspection authorities. The requirements of the elevator codes and the
manufacturer including outlets, lighting, and HVAC must be adhered to.
 Electrical room housing high voltage equipment and other electrical equipment.
 Communication room housing CCTV and PA racks, telephone system backboards, and
other communication related equipment. This room, subject to the type and amount of
equipment it houses, may be required to be air conditioned. (refer to Chapter 10, Stations
and Ancillary Facilities, Section 10.4.4).
Note: The Electrical and Communication equipment rooms can be amalgamated in one room if it is
reasonable to do so.
 Maintenance/Mechanical room housing water pumps and other mechanical systems as
well as providing storage for maintenance items. Chapter 10 Section, indicates
the requirements for Utility Storage rooms that must be included in the
Maintenance/Mechanical room, or provided for separately.
 Security Office/Control room housing all controls, devices, equipment, storage, and other
items required for the regular operation of the facility. This room should also provide a
washroom, small work/lunch table and lockers for facility operators.
Note: Public washrooms should not be provided in parking structures as they pose a direct security

19.3.3 Architectural Finishes and Landscaping

The Designer should refer to Chapter 14 Impact Mitigation, Aesthetics, ROW Control
Section 14.3, for aesthetics and landscaping requirements. Clauses 54.2 and 55.0 of City of
Edmonton Bylaw 12800 provide additional landscaping requirements.
Trash receptacles should be included at various locations around the structure along
pedestrian routes and must be included at stairwells and elevator lobbies to help maintain
cleanliness. Trash receptacles must meet the requirements of Chapter 10 Section

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19.3.4 Mechanical Requirements

Refer to Chapter 12, Mechanical Systems for the mechanical systems requirements.
Mechanical venting and fire protection systems are not required when the provisions of
Section 19.3.1 are met.
The provision of heated service rooms should be confirmed with the City early in the design
stage. From a maintenance perspective a primary consideration for heating is the *type of
equipment to be installed in the service room. If heated, a temperature of 20C should be
*Note: Some air compressors have difficulty starting at lower temperatures and therefore heating is
Heating systems must conform to the regulations of the ABC and Section 12.5.
A water system must be provided so that regular cleaning and maintenance of the parking and
other surfaces can be carried out on a regular basis. Hose bibs or other water outlets must be
provided evenly around the structure and be tamper resistant. This system must be
accessible, reliable, provide equal pressure through the structure, and be drainable /closeable
in the winter to avoid frozen pipes (if the system is not heated and insulated).
To allow for easy maintenance and to prevent corrosion problems conduits or piping must not
be imbedded in the superstructure.

19.3.5 Electrical Requirements

Refer to Chapter 11 Electrical Systems, for the electrical system requirements. Lighting must
meet the requirements of Clause 51.0 of City Bylaw 12800, Chapter 10 Stations and Ancillary
Structures, Section 10.2.7, Chapter 11 Electrical Systems Section 11.10, as well as
Section 19.4.2.
The requirement of individual stall plug-ins for patrons should be confirmed with the City early
in the preliminary design stage.
Emergency power systems must meet the requirements of Chapter 11 Electrical Systems,
Section 11.7. Sufficient power must be supplied to provide emergency lighting for patron
safety and emergency elevator operation for accessibility. If a permanent emergency stand-by
generator is required, refer to Section 11.7.3.
To allow for easy maintenance and to prevent corrosion problems conduits or piping must not
be imbedded in the superstructure.

19.3.6 Communication Requirements

To allow for easy maintenance and to prevent corrosion problems conduits or piping must not
be imbedded in the superstructure.

19.3.7 Structural Requirements General
The structure must use long-span construction to avoid the presence of columns in individual
parking modules. Loads
Live loads for these structures should be established in accordance with the ABC. Three
types of live loads must be considered:
 A gravity uniformly distributed load on the floor.

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- According to the ABC, a uniformly distributed load of 2.4 kPa is considered for
passenger cars.
 A gravity concentrated load on the floor.
- Individual concentrated loads as per Clause of the ABC.
- A gravity concentrated load on the floor surface of 20 kN is applied over an area
of 13 000 mm2. This load represents the load applied by a hydraulic jack while
lifting a portion of the weight of a 3 600 kg vehicle over the approximate area of a
jack. This point load may influence local connections but should not be assumed
to act throughout a floor. Pattern loading should not be considered.
 A horizontal concentrated load on any barriers or vertical elements.
In addition, the Designer must provide loading allowances for snow removal equipment, and
snow piling, including the provision for snow removal by means of a snow chute (refer to
Section 19.3.9). Durability
The concrete design must meet the following:

 The requirements for concrete materials in CAN/CSA S413.

 The equivalent minimum levels of corrosion protection that is given in Table 1 of
 Measures are provided to minimize and control cracking in all concrete work.

19.3.8 Drainage
The drainage system must meet the requirements of CAN/CSA S413 and Chapter 18 Streets
Design, Section including the pertinent provisions of Volume 3 of the City Design
Water at design peak flow must be prevented from spreading a horizontal distance greater
than 610 mm from the face of any curbs, walls, or other vertical barrier. The design must
prevent storm water from flowing into stairwell and elevator openings and should limit the
ingress of precipitation into the interior of the structure, where possible.

19.3.9 Maintenance and Operation Considerations General
The effects of all design decisions on the Parkade operation and future maintenance
requirements must be considered. Where possible, minimize joints and connections in slabs
and pavements to avoid high maintenance locations. Devices should be vandal resistant and
preferably constructed out of stainless steel, galvanized steel, plastics, or coated to prevent
early deterioration.
A waterproof membrane coating system must be placed on the floor to provide protection and
prevent delamination. A minimum five (5) year warranty is required by the City. Regular
inspection of the membrane must be carried out.
Locations likely to attract nesting of birds should be minimized. Consider the use of bird
deterrent devices where potential nesting locations cannot be designed out. Operations & Maintenance Plan
The Designer should coordinate with the City in the development of an O & M plan. This plan
should include, but is not limited to the following:
 Cleaning, Inspection and Maintenance

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Recommendations regarding cleaning, inspection and maintenance to expansion, control,

and construction joints including provision of replacement schedules.
Regular joint inspection and replacement must be scheduled and coordinated with the City
at the time of construction
 Snow removal
The snow removal plan should make use of the City’s resources where possible. This
plan must include the provision for snow removal on the roof to minimize snow piling and
still allow for parking on the roof structure during winter. Snow removal equipment must
be equipped with rubberized blades to prevent damage to expansion, control, and
construction joints. A snow chute or other means of removing the snow from the roof
must be provided.
Specific details on the allowable limits of snow piling, snow removal vehicles, and the
snow removal process must be included.
 Wash-down/cleaning schedule.
A schedule of regular wash-downs to clean the parking service must be included. The
objective of this schedule is to prevent the build-up of de-icing salts that can cause
potential corrosion problems.

Security of patrons in parking facilities is of paramount importance to the City. The Designer
must refer to Chapter 16 Safety and Security, and Clause 54.7 of City Bylaw 12800 for safety
and security requirements.

19.4.1 Safety Audit

To determine the structure’s risk level and the safety features required to mitigate the risk the
Designer must complete a safety audit, including a CPTED review, at the preliminary design
stage. A preferred reference to help perform the Safety Audit and design the structure for
safety is the recommendations of the PCC of the NPA produced in “Security Design for a
Parking Facility”. The audit documents due diligence in designing a safe structure may assist
in reducing insurance premiums

19.4.2 Passive Security

Passive Security features are provided by the physical design of the structure including
lighting and incorporate CPTED principles. The following requirements for Passive Security
features must be met in all parkades. Chapter 16 Safety and Security, Sections 16.4.2 and
16.4.3 provide additional passive security requirements. Lighting
Lighting is a highly important form of passive security.
The lighting requirements for a “B” LOS according to *RP-20 Lighting for Parking Facilities by
IESNA must be met throughout the structure for safety purposes as follows:
 Provision of well-lit and uniform light levels throughout the structure including edges of
parking stalls and driving aisles
 Night-time lighting levels must be high enough to allow the parkade patron to detect,
recognize, and identify objects and events without causing glare
 Minimize glare by careful selection and positioning of fixtures.
 Avoid shadows created by weak and uneven lighting
 Avoid spotlighting points, which leaves surrounding areas dark

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*IESNA RP-20 recommended lighting levels are as follows:

General areas – 54 lux average at pavement
Entrance, kiosk, gate areas – 540 lux
Corners and ramps – 110 lux
Note: If security cameras are to be installed levels may need to be higher
For other areas not stated above refer to Chapter 11 Electrical Systems, Section 11.10.4.
All lighting devices must be easy to maintain, reliable, weather resistant, and vandal-resistant.
Emergency lighting must be provided through the parking structure in case of local power
failure. Structure Design
The Designer must use open facades on all sides of the structure to maximize natural
Stairwells must have maximum allowable openings to allow for natural light and surveillance.
The City prefers that two (2) or more of the walls surrounding stairwells be open having
windows covering these walls. These stairwells should be located in the exterior corners of the
parkade to allow the opportunity for natural surveillance.
The design requirements for elevators can be found in Chapter 10 Stations and Ancillary
Facilities, Section, and Chapter 16 Safety and security, Section It is
preferred that as many of the sides of the elevator car are transparent as possible at each
stop position.
All openings at ground level or another other levels where pedestrians can climb into or
access the parking structure that are not intended for pedestrian use must be fenced off.
Chain-link wire fencing is preferred as it provides openness and allows for natural
Any small interior spaces in which a person can hide should be closed in or fenced off. If
feasible, use these areas for storage.
Local retailers should be encouraged to open businesses around the parking structure to
increase pedestrian flow in the vicinity of the parkade.
All landscaping at ground level must be designed to avoid the creation of hiding locations for
persons which may have criminal intents. Painted Surfaces

To improve the overall brightness and light uniformity in the structure while helping to create a
sense of well-being, the interior of the structure must be painted a bright color. White is
preferred on all walls, ceilings including stairways. Some exceptions can be made when
painting the walls if this wall space is required by Section 19.5 for pedestrian or vehicular way-
finding symbols and graphics.
For dust control, all service rooms walls and ceilings surfaces should be painted as well,
preferably in white. Refer to Chapter 10, Stations and Ancillary Facilities Section

19.4.3 Active Security

Active Security features are those that involve both human activities the use of specialized
equipment and devices. They include CCTV systems, manned security patrols, emergency
telephones, emergency intercoms and panic buttons. Design requirements for active security
features in the LRT System are presented in Chapter 16 Safety and Security, Section 16.4.1.
They must be supplemented by Section 19.4.4 that provides requirements specific to

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CCTV systems in parkades must meet the global requirements for the entire LRT System
stated in Chapter 8, Communications and Control, Section 8.9 and Chapter 16 Safety and
Security, Section The Designer must consider the required coverage of the system
based upon the security risk of the structure as determined by the Security Audit (refer to
Section 19.4.1).
The Parkade design consultant should strive to maintain unobstructed views and provide
adequate lighting of persons, property, and vehicle parking activity in the following areas:
 Ticket Distribution and Payment Equipment
 Operator Booths
 Entrances to Service Rooms
 Emergency Telephones
 Emergency Intercoms/Panic Buttons
 Elevator Interiors
 Elevator Entrances/Exits
 Stairwell Entrances/Exits at all levels
 Stairwell Interiors
 Vehicle Entrances and Exits
 Pedestrian Entrances and Exits
Cameras should be positioned to avoid directly viewing headlights. Camera technology should
be selected to effectively handle extreme lighting conditions. In the case of “open” parking
structures, camera positioning should also be avoided not to view directly outdoors from within
the interior of the structure.
Parked vehicles, sloping floors, and shadows make it difficult to position surveillance cameras
to fully cover all areas. Subject to a Cost – Benefit Analysis consideration may be given, to
the installation of CCTV cameras that ride a track back and forth along the length of the
parking aisles. The camera(s) can provide coverage of the areas between parked vehicles. A
variety of control mechanisms are available that can be used to move the camera(s) to the
specific locations to be observed.
If the initial design of the CCTV system does not provide complete parkade coverage,
provision must be made to allow for future expansion of the coverage to cover the entire
structure. A system that provides the minimum coverage required above as well as mobile
coverage for the remaining areas of the parking structure is preferred. Manned Security Patrols

Manned security patrols are referred to in Chapter 16 Safety and Security, Section
Patrols must be extended to include any transit park and ride parkades along the LRT system. Emergency Telephones
Emergency telephones must be located at elevators and stairways at each level of the parking
structure as well as any pedestrian access or egress locations from the structure. They should
be highly visible and accessible. Design Guidelines are detailed in Chapter 8
Communications and Control, Section and Chapter 16 Section Intercoms/Buttons
Emergency Intercoms/Panic Buttons should be located in highly visible and accessible
locations throughout the parkade. They should compliment the locations of emergency
telephones. They must be readily identifiable through the use of high visibility color/lettering

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Each device must have a direct connection to the ETS Control Centre located at Churchill
Station and must be monitored by CCTV. When the device is activated a video recording is
activated at the ETS Control Centre.


19.5.1 General
All parkade signage must be designed in accordance with the criteria presented in the Light
Rail Transit Graphic Standards Manual. All markings and graphics should be clearly visible,
simple, free from clutter, and easily read.

19.5.2 Signage
 Exterior parkade identification signs should be visible to passing motorists.
 Provide each parkade entrance with customer information signage i.e. displaying
operational hours etc.
 Should be provided to direct pedestrians to means of egress including stairways and
 Locate signs at all decision points to direct drivers to available parking and exits. This will
assist the vehicle driver in effective decision making and circulating efficiently.
 Illuminate signs that are critical to the operation of the parking facility during the night-time
hours, so that they are visible to vehicular and pedestrian traffic.
 Should be UV resistant and non-corrosive.

19.5.3 Graphics and Painting

 Graphics should be used on each floor level to orientate patrons and to identify parking
 Each floor level should be clearly labeled using numbers, color codes, and/or symbols to
help patrons locate their vehicle quickly and easily.
 The forgoing means of identification must be provided in stairwells as well as elevator
lobbies and cabs.
 The use of bright background colors enhances the safety and security of the parkade.

19.5.4 Pavement Markings

 Label all parking stalls by providing 100 mm wide painted lines on the pavement surface.
 Label all accessible stalls as required by the Barrier-Free Design Guide.
 To control vehicle speed in the parkade provide standard speed bumps at appropriate

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Final Issue July 2017


Roadway designers have developed a system based on the degree of congestion that is
acceptable to vehicle drivers. They have classified conditions by Levels of Service (LOS). As
congestion increases LOS decreases.
As it is an extension of the road transportation system in a community, the LOS approach for
parking facilities has also been adopted by the National Parking Association. Adapting a LOS
approach for parking facility design permits qualitative measures of such factors as:
 Freedom to maneuver
 Delay
 Safety
 Driving comfort
 Convenience
The LOS approach is applicable to a number of parking design considerations including:
 Entry/exits
 Geometrics
 Flow capacity
 Travel distance
 Spaces passed
 Turning radii
 Floor slopes
*Parkades Level of Service Criteria

Acceptable Levels of Service

Design Prime Factor D C B A
Turning radii, ramp Freedom to Employees Visitors
slopes etc maneuver
Travel Distance, Travel time Visitors Employees
number of turns
Geometrics Freedom to Employees Visitors
Flow Capacity v/c ratio Employees Visitors
Entry/Exits Average wait time Visitors Employees

*Parking Structures - Anthony P. Chrest, Mary S. Smith, Sam Bhuyan ISBN 0-442-20655-0. LOS based
on PCC of the NPA recommendations.
Factors to Consider in Selecting a LOS
 If the Parkade Owner wants a more comfortable design as a marketing feature then LOS
B or LOS A is applied. If parkade cost is a more paramount consideration and the
parkade does not require superior comfort, then LOS D or C should be used.
 A lower LOS would may be appropriate as long as reasonable traffic flows and stall widths
appropriate for an this type of parkade can be maintained. However, if paid parking is
contemplated a lower LOS may not be acceptable.

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