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Project Report On Fuel Oil System Final

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Guided by- presented by-
mr. ashok kumar (SSE/trn) sachin (iit bhilai)
anshu (iit bhilai)
Sandeep (iit bhilai)
rajnish (iit bhilai)
manoj (iit bhilai)


I have taken efforts in this project. However, it would not have been possible without the kind support
and help of many individuals. I would like to extend my sincere thanks to all of them.

I would like to express my gratitude towards Shree D. Satpathi (Sr. DME/D/R) & Mr. Mahesh
kumar(DME/D/R) for giving me that opportunity to learn about the industrial work & knowing about the
different kind of test machines and components of Diesel locomotive at Diesel loco shed Raipur(DLS).

I am highly indebted to Mr. Ashok kumar (SSE/TRN), Mr. Sant gyaneshwar (SSE) and Mr. Gautam
jha (SSE) for their guidance and constant supervision as well as for providing necessary information
regarding the project & also for their support in completing the project.

I would like to express my special gratitude and thanks to all technical staff and supervisors for giving
us such kind of attention and time for providing related information about locomotive and for explaining
briefly about the all components and its working in the locomotive.


Sr. no. Topic Page No.

1 introduction 4-6
2 Diesel locomotives 7
3 Diesel engine 8-9
4 Hhp locomotive 10-12
5 Diesel locomotive compartments 13-15
6 Major components of hhp locomotive 16-19
7 Silent features &general information of WDP4D 20

8 Fuel oil system 21-27

9 Failure data 28
10 Suggestions 29


Diesel Loco shed is located adjacent to RSD yard in Raipur. The

foundation stone of the project for establishing the Diesel Loco Shed at
Raipur with initial homing capacity of 60 locos was laid in February’93.
The Initial cost of the project was 26.44 Cr with the basic facilities.
Activities of maintenance of diesel Locos had commenced during year
1995 with 10 BG locos holding.

Vide pink Book 1999-2000 Sanctioned work the holding of the shed was
enhanced from 60 locos to 100 locos costing to Rs.8.91 Cr. Under this
project the covered shed area was further increased to 1098 Sq. Meters
and Administrative Building was extended by 305 Sq. Meters. As a result of expansion 02 additional
pits were created and lengths of the existing pits were increased from 37 meters to 55 meters.

Salient Features of the Shed:

Present Homing Capacity : 100 Locos

Present Holding : 215 Locos (Incl. 05 ZDM4A)

Shed area covered : 1.5 lakh Sq. meter

No. of heavy repair bay : 02

Number of Pits available : 06 pits

Shed Holding:
Five different types of BG Diesel Locomotives, including the latest state of art technology of Microprocessor
Controlled Locomotives are being maintained. Total holding of Raipur Shed is 179.


67 07 51 34 30 21 05 215

Mile Stone events:

February 1993 : Foundation stone laid.
May 1995 : Become operational with 10 BG locos.
October 1996 : First M24 Schedule of ALCO Loco.
June 1999 : First M48 Schedule of ALCO Loco.
Year 2000 : Shed expansion project 100 locos sanctioned.
September 2004 : First WDG3A loco (13126) commissioned.
First time retro-fitment of Microprocessor control
February 2007 :
system on Indian Railway.
April 2007 : Best Depot award.
March 2008 : Loco holding reached 100.
WDG3A Loco put on 40 days schedule for first time in
May 2009 :
Indian Railway.
April 2010 : Best Depot award.
September 2010 : First WDG4 loco (12328) commissioned.
November 2014 : Loco holding reached 150.
November 2011 : 1st Yearly Schedule WDG4 loco.
October 2013 : 1st 3rd Yearly Schedule WDG4 loco.
December 2013 : 1st WDP4D loco commissioned.
April 2014 : Best Depot award.
August 2014 : 1st WDG4D loco commissioned.

A “Diesel Locomotive” is a self-powered railway vehicle that moves along the rails and pulls or pushes a train
attached to it using a huge internal combustion engine running on diesel fuel as the prime mover or the prime
supplier of power.

Unlike conventional automobiles, modern diesel locomotives have no direct mechanical connection between
the engine and the wheels; hence the power generated by the engine does not really “turn the wheels”. Instead,
the diesel engine is used to turn a huge electric Generator/Alternator which produces electric current (earlier
direct current, nowadays alternating current), which is then transmitted to traction motors which then produce
the actual (rotational) torque that turns the wheel of the locomotive.


Contrary to popular belief, Electric locomotives are much older technology (1881) compared to Diesel (1938).
Hence Diesel Locomotives work on the same principle as on Electric Locomotives. It would not be wrong to say
that Diesel Locomotives actually run on electric power that is why locomotives using this technique of operation
are called “Diesel Electric”, which includes all mainline diesel locomotives in India.
In older times, there were Diesel Hydraulic Locomotives which had the diesel engine directly driving the wheel
through a set of gears like automobiles, but were not only complicated but inefficient and troublesome as well
and were replaced by Diesel Electrics.
When we say ’transmission” for locomotives, we mean the method or type of electricity transmitted from the
engine to the Traction Motors. Some of the earlier locos had DC (Direct Current) transmission, but all the newer
models have AC transmissions and all functions within the locomotive are controlled by computers.
The diesel loco is actually quite a sophisticated piece of equipment though does not look. Diesel locomotives
are fiercely independent, hugely flexible, can run anywhere and anytime as long as they have enough fuel in
their tanks.

TRANSMISSION: The method of transferring power from one place to other place is called transmission
In Diesel transmission system there are three types:
1. Diesel- Mechanical transmission.
2. Diesel- Hydraulic transmission.
3. Diesel- Electric transmission.
❖ In Diesel Mechanical transmission, the power transferred is via clutch and gear box mechanism.
e.g., trucks & buses.
❖ In Diesel Hydraulic transmission the power is transferred via Torque converter/fluid coupling. e.g.
WDS4B and WDS 4D.
In Diesel- Electric transmission, the power developed in the engine is utilized to rotate armature in traction
generator. This produces electric power. The developed power is regulated in control gear equipment power.
The pinion of traction motor armature is connected to axle through bull gear. Due to this the axle starts revolving
and loco moves due to combined effort of all Traction motors.

The Diesel- Electric transmission is again divided into 3 types:
1. DC/DC electric transmission: In this the generator is of DC type and traction motors also of DC series
motors. e.g.: YDM4/4A, WDM2, and WDS6.
2. AC/DC electric transmission: In this the alternator is provided to produce AC current and traction
motors are of DC series type. To convert the power from AC to DC a rectifier panel is provided. e.g.:
WDM2 (AC/DC), WDM3A, WDG3A, WDP1 and WDP2.
3. AC/AC electric transmission: In this the alternator and AC induction motors are provided. e.g. WDG4
and WDP4 locos.


(1) Alco Locomotives (WDS6, WDM2, WDM3A, WDG3A) and
(2) HHP Locomotives (WDP4D, WDG4, and WDG4D)

Engine used in diesel locomotives is HEAT ENGINE.
A. HEAT ENGINE: Heat engine is the machine which converts heat energy into mechanical energy. Heat
engine are of two types.
a. External combustion engine - In External combustion engine, fuel is burnt or ignited outside
the engine cylinder. So it is called an external combustion engine e.g. Steam engine.
b. Internal combustion engine - In internal combustion engine, fuel is burnt or ignited inside the
engine cylinder so it is called an internal combustion engine e.g. Petrol engine, diesel engine.
They are of two types
1. Spark ignition engine - In this type of engine, fuel is injected along with air in the cylinder and
after compression this mixture is given electric spark due to which fuel starts burning and
produces power. e.g. Petrol engine
2. Compression ignition engine - It is an engine in which the fuel is ignited into charge of
compressed air and ignited spontaneously by the high temperature of the air induced by the heat
of compression. e.g. Diesel engine.
B. Combustion - Burning of fuel with air is called combustion.
C. Piston stroke - The movement of piston from one end to other end is called the piston stroke.
D. Dead centre - The place beyond which the piston cannot move further in a cylinder is called dead centre.
E. Top dead centre - The end towards the head of the cylinder is called top dead centre.
F. Bottom dead centre - The end towards the base of the cylinder is called Bottom dead centre.
G. Total Volume - The area between piston and cylinder head when the piston is at BDC is called total
H. Swept Volume – When the piston travel during one stroke then the area covered by it, is called swept
I. Clearance Volume – The area above piston when it is at TDC is called Clearance Volume.
J. Compression ratio - The ratio of total volume and clearance volume is called compression ratio.
Compression Ratio = Total volume /Clearance Volume
Total volume = Swept volume + clearance Volume
K. Diesel cycle - In the compression ignition engine, to convert heat energy into mechanical energy the
following actions take place in fixed sequence. When this actions are completed once is called Diesel
cycle. Following four activities occur during Diesel Cycle.
a) Suction – In this atmospheric air enters into the cylinder.
b) Compression - The air inside the cylinder is compressed with the help of piston movement due
to which pressure increases resulting in rise in temperature.
c) Fuel injection - Injection of fuel in atomized form at right time when air is at high temperature.
d) Power - When fuel burns inside the cylinder, the heat energy is discharged leading piston to move
e) Exhaust – The gasses produced in cylinder is exhausted to atmosphere.

Depending upon the cycle DIESEL ENGINE is classified into two types.
1) TWO STROKE DIESEL ENGINE - In this engine one cycle is completed by two piston strokes. All four
actions (Suction, compression, power and Exhaust) are completed in one revolution (360⁰) of the
crankshaft. In this cycle piston starts from BDC and every downward stroke is power stroke, to complete
one stroke the crankshaft rotates 90⁰ only.
a) Suction - when piston is at BDC fresh air or mixture (petrol and air) is admitted into the cylinder from
ports specially provided in cylinder liner.
b) Compression - when piston travel in upward and cover the ports, compression starts and completes
when piston reaches TDC.
c) Power - When the piston reaches TDC at this time fuel is injected into the cylinder in atomized form,
exhaust gases are produced and pushes the piston downwards. In this stroke piston travels from
d) Exhaust - When piston travels half distance during downward stroke either exhaust valve or exhaust
port opens and exhaust gases go out. This stroke completes when piston reaches BDC.

2) FOUR STROKE ENGINE - In this type of engine the cycle completes in two revolution of the crank shaft
a) Suction stroke - In this stroke, piston moves from TDC to BDC. During this time inlet valve is open
and exhaust valve remains closed and the air from the air manifold (v gallery) enters into the cylinder
through inlet valve.
b) Compression stroke - In this stroke the piston moves from BDC to TDC. Both inlet and exhaust
valve will remains close during this stroke. Air in the cylinder is compressed due to which the
temperature and pressure increases. Before the piston reaches at TDC, the fuel is injected into the
cylinder through injector in atomized form and fuel starts burning.
c) Power stroke - when the fuel burns, burnt gases are created and this tends the piston to move from
TDC to BDC. In this stroke both exhaust and inlet valves are in closed condition. Before reaching to
the BDC, Exhaust valve opens.
d) Exhaust stroke - In this stroke, piston travels from BDC to TDC. This time inlet valve remains closed
but exhaust valves are opened and gases goes out.

SCAVENGING: It means kick out the residual exhaust gasses from cylinder with the help of fresh charge
air. It is essential in super charged engine so that the cylinder be adequately scavenged before the fresh
air charge is compressed otherwise such charge is contaminated by the residual exhaust gases from the
previous cycle.


❖ In the early 1960, IR began conversion of its mainline from steam

to Diesel
❖ For this conversion, GM and ALCO were asked to submit designs
for new diesel locomotives.
❖ Further, 40 No GM loco (WDM4) purchased & introduced in 1962
in parallel to the Alco (WDM2) locos.
❖ However, GM did not agree to the TOT agreement, so the ALCO
(WDM2) prototype was selected for production.

❖ In 1930, GM purchased EMEC (Electro motive Eng. Company) & Winton Eng. together.
❖ In 1941, EMEC became The Electro motive Division (EMD) of GM.
❖ In 2005, EMD was sold to Greenbrier of USA, where it is named as Electro Motive Diesel.
❖ In 2012, Electro Motive Diesel was purchased by Caterpillar.
❖ These days, No GM, No EMD loco (In India).
❖ Now, it is HHP loco.


❖ Specification developed by RDSO in 1984
❖ Tender floated in 1986
❖ The initial contract was for GT46 loco (AC-DC)
❖ 21 GT46 loco ordered on General Motors in 1995
❖ Finally the order modified to GT 46 MAC in 1996 ( It is a state of art AC-AC locomotive with many
advanced features)
❖ TOT was included in the contract


710 G Engine. 710 GB fuel-efficient Engine
AC-DC transmission AC-AC transmission
Pneumatic brakes Computer controlled brakes

16 bit μ-processor control-limited scope 32 bit computer control - Advanced features

Conv. GC bogies High adhesion HTSC bogies
Conv. dynamic brake Wide range dynamic brake

Plain suspension bearings Roller suspension bearings


❖ 42% starting adhesion-53 Ton starting Tractive Effort

❖ Only loco Indian Railways to start 58 BOXN load on 1:150 gradient
❖ 32% continuous all weather adhesion
❖ 90 days trip schedule as compared to10-15 days for ALCO locomotives
❖ 16-18% fuel saving over conventional ALCO locomotives
❖ One 4000 HP WDG4 locomotive replaces and out performs two WDG3A locomotives on level track
❖ 5 WDG4 locomotives have been able to replace 8 WDG3A locomotives for haul of 58 BOXN train in
Braganza ghat section (Gradient 1in37) of SW Railway
❖ High reliability level of only 4 failures per year per 100 locomotives
❖ High availability of over 93%


1. 710 G 3B fuel efficient & low maintenance engine with the following features:
❖ Laser hardened cylinder liners,
❖ Unit fuel injectors which eliminate the problematic HP tube
❖ Inconel valves and Valve bridge with hydraulic lash adjuster
❖ Overhead camshaft-No need of push rod and FP support
❖ Durable crankcase and piston structure
❖ High efficient Turbo with external over running clutch arrangement

2. EM -2000/MAS 696 Computer Control with the following advanced features:

❖ Excitation control, to determine engine power level as per driver’s demand through throttle handle and
also to match electrical loading with engine’s capability.
❖ To control other systems and protective functions as programmed in display diagnostic systems.
❖ Monitors critical function in locomotive power system and provide display message and audible alarm,
if necessary, in case of faults.
❖ Archive memory and fault data logging- 800 messages (Large data pack of related parameters pre/ post
❖ Determines braking effort as demanded by driver during dynamic braking, by controlling inverters.
❖ Doppler Radar based super series Wheel Slip/ Slide Control system for better adhesion-42% starting
adhesion achievable)
❖ Interacts with SIBAS computer for propulsion control and with NYAB computer during braking

3. AC-AC TRANSMISSION with the following modern features:

❖ Computerised Traction control, resulting in High adhesion and Tractive effort.
❖ Maintenance-free traction motors with roller bearing suspension.
❖ No limitation of minimum continuous speed.
❖ High reliability and availability.
❖ Lower rolling resistance and higher transmission efficiency
❖ Excitation control, to determine engine power level as per driver’s demand through throttle
handle and also to match electrical loading with engine’s capability.
❖ To control other systems and protective functions as programmed in display diagnostic
❖ Monitors critical function in locomotive power system and provide display message and audible alarm,
if necessary, in case of faults.

4. Improved Mechanical Systems:

a. Microprocessor controlled Engine cooling system
i. Radiator fan drive through microprocessor controlled electrical Motors (Two speed fans 2 No)
ii. Mechanical bonded radiator core
b. Improved Primary Filtration
i. All-purpose air in Locomotive system used after primary filtration
ii. Self-cleaning inertial type
c. Efficient Secondary Filtration
i. Fibre glass filter element for engine. (condition monitored on computer)
ii. Paper Filter element for electronic cabinet

5. HTSE bogie:
a. Cast bogie - optimized wall thickness
b. Uni-directional traction motors
c. No bolster, low centre pivot
d. Soft primary - helical coil springs
e. Stiffer secondary -rubber springs
f. Hydraulic damping (primary & secondary)
g. TM suspension through link
h. Low maintenance -(no pedestal & pivot liners, chafing plates, friction snubbing)

6. Computer controlled brake system:

a. Self-test feature - checks all components.

b. Fault diagnostics - a troubleshooting tool
i. pinpoints the location of failures fast
ii. reduces downtime and shop time of loco
iii. reduces technician skills for troubleshooting
c. Blended brake/Vigilance control - no additional valves
d. Precise control of brake pipe/cylinder pressures
i. Pneumatic logic replaced by electronic logic
e. Flexibility for future system upgrades
f. Inherent safety advantages
g. Integration with controls of other locos possible


❖ Power upgradation 4000 to 4500 bhp
❖ WDP4 loco 4TM to 6 TM (all axles)
i. Quick acceleration, max speed 130 Kmph
❖ change in propulsion control:
i.From bogie control to individual motor control (MEDHA)
ii.Traction computer & IGBT for every individual traction motor (MEDHA)
iii. in EMD traction EM 2000 controls firing of IGBT through 2 no MPUs for propulsion control (bogie
control continues)
❖ Hotel load: Provision of additional TC for hotel loading

Diesel locomotive compartments

1. NOSE:


• CCB (Computer Controlled Brake) Air Brake Equipment Panel,

• Dead Engine COC,
• Goods/Passenger Handle.

a. Control console: - 2 no
b. Reverser handle
c. Automatic brake valve with 5 positions.
d. Independent brake handle with two positions.
e. Air brake trail/lead setup switch (like MU2B) with 3 positions.
i. Lead
ii. Trail
iii. Test
iv. HLPR
f. Reset (alertness control) push button switch.
g. Manual sanding switch
h. Horn push button switches.
i. Head light switches
j. Gauge for MR ,ER, BP, BC, AFI, Speed, TE
k. Indicator Panel switch for Sanding, Flasher light etc


a. Circuit breaker panel.
b. Engine control panel.
c. Circuit breaker and test panel.
d. EM 2000 display panel

4. TRACTION CONTROL COMPARTMENT:-TCC1 &TCC2 ,Dynamic braking Grid and Blower fan

5. CENTRALIZED AIR FILTER COMPARTMENT-consists the following components - inertial air inlet
filters for engine left/right air intake and for TM blowers.


❖ Traction motor blower.
❖ Traction generator with companion alternator.
❖ Turbo super charger (EMD ‘G’ series) with Aftercooler.
❖ Auxiliary generator.
❖ Engine starting motors (two in no).

a. Diesel engine with all accessories.
b. Battery knife switch and fuse are provided at engine rear end right side (loco’s left on Gen. end).
c. Turbo lube oil pump (soak back pump) is provided at the engine left side (loco’s right side).
d. Lube oil dip stick gauges are provided on both left and right banks of the engine.


a. Wood word governor.
b. Water pumps (2nos.) for left and right banks.
c. lube oil pumps (gear driven)
i. Scavenging pump: draws oil from lube oil sump through scavenging strainer and supplies to
main lube oil pump through oil filter and cooler.
ii. Main lube oil pumps: for piston cooling and engine lubrication.
d. Lube oil strainer housing.
e. Maciana filter housing consists of 5 paper type filter elements.
f. Lube oil cooler.
g. Engine water tank.
h. Fuel primary filter.
i. Fuel pump (at engine right bank).
j. engine mounted fuel oil secondary filters (two in nos.) spin-on type with sight glasses provided on
engine right free end side.
k. EPD (engine protection device): provided on engine left side.
i. Low lube oil protection device.
ii. Low water level /pressure protection.
l. Crank case vacuum protection device. Fuel prime/start switch, provided at the left side of engine
equipment rack.
m. Hand brake on left side of engine accessories compartment.

a. WLN TYPE A9BB 2 stage, 3 cylinder air compressors (cooled by engine cooling water system).
b. MVCC (computer control magnet valve) for compressor loading- unloading.


a. Radiators (two nos.) located on headers on top of the cooling fans.
b. Two radiator cooling fans (ac motor driven).
c. Main reservoir cooling coils.

a) Bogie (front and rear)
b) Bogie frame(HTSC)
c) Traction motors(3ΦAC)
d) Axles
e) Wheels
f) Bull gear mounted on axles
g) Pinion mounted on TM
h) Gear case
i) Motor Suspension Unit
j) Traction rod
k) Coil springs & Happy Pad
l) Hydraulic dampers( Primary)
m) Huck bolt
n) Car body rod
o) Nose link
p) Brake gear hangers with brake shoes
q) Brake blocks and retaining keys
r) Sand boxes and sand gears
s) Cattle guard, rail guard
t) Centre buffer coupler
u) Side buffers
v) Yaw damper.
w) Fuel tank
x) Secondary rubber spring



HHP locomotive engine is turbocharged diesel

engines “V” type two-cycle engines incorporating the
advantages of low weight per horsepower, positive
scavenging air system, solid unit injection, and high

In a two-cycle engine, each cylinder completes a

power cycle in one revolution of the crankshaft. The
piston does not function as an air pump during one
crankshaft revolution as is the case in a four-cycle
engine which requires two revolutions of the
crankshaft to complete one power stroke in each
cylinder. A separate means is provided in a two-cycle
engine to supply the needed air and to purge the
combustion gases from the cylinder.

The engine is equipped with a turbocharger to

efficiently provide the air needed for combustion and
scavenging. The turbocharger provides an air supply
greater than that provided by positive displacement

During engine operation, the turbocharger utilizes

heat energy in the exhaust from the engine as well as power from the camshaft gear train to drive the turbine.
However, when exhaust heat energy is sufficient to drive the turbine alone, the gear drive is disengaged by an
overrunning clutch. The turbine then drives a centrifugal blower which furnishes air to the engine.

The air from the centrifugal blower is raised to a higher pressure and likewise to a higher temperature. It is
desirable to reduce the air temperature to increase its density before it enters the air box surrounding the
cylinders. The air temperature is reduced by passing it through the aftercoolers. Thus cooled, air of greater
comparable weight and having more oxygen is available to the engine.

Assuming that the piston is at the bottom of its stroke and just starting up, the air intake ports and the exhaust
valves will be open. Air under pressure enters the cylinder through the liner ports, pushes the exhaust gases,
remaining from the previous power stroke, out through the exhaust valves and fills the cylinder with a fresh
supply of air. When the piston is 45° after bottom dead centre, the air intake ports will be closed by the piston.
Shortly after the air intake ports are closed, the exhaust valves will also be closed, and the fresh air will be
trapped in the cylinder. Closing the exhaust valves after the intake air ports provides for the greatest efficiency
in cylinder scavenging of combustion gases.

As the piston continues upward, it compresses the trapped air into a very small volume. Just before the piston
reaches top dead centre, the fuel injector sprays fuel into the cylinder. Ignition of the fuel is practically
instantaneous, due to the temperature of the compressed air trapped in the top of the cylinder. The fuel burns
rapidly as the piston is forced down on the power stroke of the piston. As shown in the timing diagram, the
piston continues downward in the power stroke until the exhaust valves open.

The exhaust valves are opened ahead of the air intake ports to permit most of the combustion gases to escape
and reduce the pressure in the cylinder. When the air intake ports are uncovered by the piston at 45° B.BDC
as it continues downward, air from the air box under pressure can immediately enter the cylinder, scavenging
the remaining combustion gases from the cylinder and providing fresh air for combustion. The piston is again
at the original starting point of the description and the cycle of events is repeated.



Bore 230.19 mm (9-1/16")

Stroke 279.4 mm (11")
Angle between banks 45°
Compression ratio 16:1
Displacement per cyl. 11 635 cm 3 (710 cu. in.)
Rotation(facing rear end) Counter clockwise
Exhaust valves (per cyl.) 4
16 cyl. 1,8,9,16,3,6,11,14,4,5,12,13,2,7,10,15
Firing order
20 cyl. 1,19,8,11,5,18,7,15,2,17,10,12,3,20,6,13,4,16,9,14
Main 16 cyl. 10
bearings 20 cyl. 12
Governor (Woodward) PGEV
Electronic engine control (EMD) EMDEC Scavenging Uni-flow
Type of scavenging blower Turbo-Centrifugal
Cooling system Pressurized
Water pump(s) Centrifugal
Lubricating oil system Full pressure
Lubricating oil pumps Herringbone gear type
Fuel injection Mechanical/Electronic Unit injector
Fuel pump Positive displacement
Engine 16 cyl Dual electric motors
starting 20 cyl Dual electric/dual air motors
Full time low idle speed(s) 200 RPM
RATINGS Normal Idle speed(s) 269 RPM
Full speed(s) 954 RPM
Output 16 cyl 4500 HP
(THP). 20 cyl 5500 HP

Silent features &general information of wdp4d loco
• It is a 4500 HP Locomotive for Passenger operation.
• It has two Loco pilot cabins with one control console in each cabin.
• Each cab will have a provision to insert the BL Key. Existing cab (SH side) is named as CAB-1 and new
cab (LH side) is named as CAB-2.
• In which cab BL key is inserted and turned to 'ON', is called Active cab and other one is Inactive cab.
Locomotive operation can be performed from Active cab only.
• All necessary switches and breakers are duplicated in CAB -2 also.
• 4 /6 TFT displays are provided; two/three in each cabs and replaces Speedometer, TE Meter.
• Parameters of loco can be seen in displays of both cabs.
• Recycling feature of LCC and CCB is given in both cabs.
• Isolation feature is given in both the cabs and necessary switches are duplicated for ALP.
• EFCO and MUSD switch provided in both the cabs to shut down the engine.
• TE/BE meter, Speedo Meter and Lights (Sand, PCS Open, Flasher, Wheel Slip, Brake Warn, TE Limit etc.)
were shifted from control console to TFT display.
• Locomotive weight is 123 Tons and axle load is 20.5 Tons.
• Loco Dimensions in m - Height- 4.201, width- 3.127 and length- 23.00
• Capacity of Fuel Tank is 5000 L.
• Axle Configuration is CO-CO.
• Maximum starting torque is 460 KN and DB Effort is 230 KN.
• Maximum operating speed is 130 Kmph and minimum continuous speed is 22.5 Kmph
• Head Light Circuit Breaker is provided in CAB-1 only.
• There is no separate circuit breaker for fans in the CAB-2 only one circuit breaker named Lights & Fans
circuit breaker which provides supply for both lights & fans in CAB-2.
• Battery Ammeter is not duplicated in Cab -2 as this information is available on TFT display.
• Fuel Prime/Engine Start switch (FP/ES) It is provided in both the cabs and is in parallel and enables to start
the engine from any cab.
• Classification lights switch is provided in both the Cabs to control classification lights. If this switch is kept
in Cab end position then White light glows on Cab-1side and Red light glows on Cab-2 side. If this switch
is kept in Hood end position then White light glows on Cab-2 side and Red light glows on Cab-1 side.
• BL Key If it is inserted in any one cab that is treated as active cab.
• BL key is not inserted in both the cabs then system will be isolated and LCC will give crew Message “BL
Key removed in both cabs”.
• BL key is inserted in both the cabs then system will be isolated and LCC will give crew Message “BL Key
inserted in both cabs”.
• BL Key is interlocked with
a) TE Limit
c) GF Request Switch
d) Alerted Reset
e) Horn
f) Fuel Pump Switch,
g) Manual sand switch
❖ Master Controller and supplied to traction motors. The traction motors will again produces

Fuel oil system

Fuel oil system consists of following components:-

1. Fuel tank of 6000/5000 Litre capacity
2. Fuel suction strainer
3. Fuel oil pump (AC motor driven constant RPM fuel pump)
4. Fuel primary filter
5. Fuel secondary (Engine mounted spin – on filters)
6. Fuel headers
7. Unit fuel injectors.

The Total fuel system divided as:

1. Fuel feed system and
2. Fuel injection system


Fuel pump draws fuel oil from fuel tank through fuel suction strainer which is a fine wire mesh strainer (28 to 30
Meshes, 600 micron) and pumps oil to fuel primary filter (10-14 micron) which is placed horizontally on the top
of the lube oil filter tank, on engine equipment rack. Fuel primary filter is having double filter element which
filters the fuel oil and it goes to engine mounted secondary filters (spin on filter). A by-pass valve and gauge is
provided across the fuel primary filter and the by-pass valve is set to 30±1 psi which by passes the fuel passing
through fuel primary filter element whenever the filter element is clogged and the differential pressure crosses
30 psi. The bypass gauge provided at the left free end side of the engine indicates the condition of fuel primary
filter element, the gauge scale having green, yellow and red zones. Always the needle should be in green zone
which indicates the normal operation of filter elements. Whenever needle shows yellow or red zones primary
filter should be renewed.
Fuel oil further goes to engine mounted spin-on secondary filters (12±2 micron). secondary filtration of fuel oil
is done in these two engine mounted filters and then fuel enters both bank fuel headers. Fuel oil will be available
always in both the fuel headers whenever fuel pump motor is on. At the end of the fuel headers after sufficient
fuel is supplied to all the fuel injectors, fuel returns to fuel tank through return fuel sight glass which is mounted
on the top of secondary spin-on filter which is nearer to engine block.
A check valve set at 15 psi is provided in the return line maintaining this pressure always in fuel headers.

NOTE: - Return fuel sight glass should be always in filled condition whenever fuel pump is on and should not
have any bubbles. A 70 psi bypass relief valve is provided before the fuel spin-on filter which opens when the
fuel spin-on filter clogged and returns the fuel back to fuel tank avoiding unfiltered fuel oil entering into fuel
headers. Thereby the damages to fuel injectors will be avoided.
This bypassing of fuel oil from spin-on filters can be seen in the fuel bypass sight glass, which is provided on
spin-on filters. This bypass sight glass should be always empty. If any oil in bypass sight glass is noticed, it is
to be informed to home shed for changing filters.
Associated components-
1. Fuel oil tank
2. Fuel primary filter (paper type filter)
3. Booster filter (fuel transfer pump)

4. Fuel relief valve
5. Fuel secondary valve (paper type filter)
6. Fuel regulating valve

Pressure Test with fuel oil after assembly:

i. Use main outlet to filter.
ii. 70 PSI relief valve to open at 65-75 PSI fuel pressure with outlet to engine manifold closed & drains
iii. Block 60 psi relief valve and test filter housing at 75 psi fuel pressure.
4. 15 psi relief valve to open at 13-17 psi fuel pressure with line connected to return to manifild & drain open.


Fuel oil supplied by fuel feed system is always readily available in both fuel headers & fuel injectors whenever
the fuel pump is on. When engine is started, according to the timings individual unit injectors will pressurize and
inject the fuel into the cylinders in atomized form. These fuel injectors are operated by overhead cam and fuel
rocker arm mechanism.
The quantity of the fuel injected will be controlled by the engine mounted Woodward Governor according to the
notch and load conditions through fuel control shaft, linkage mechanism and fuel racks.
The external working parts as well as some of the internal components (gear, gear retainer and upper portion
of the plunger) are lubricated by engine oil from the end of the injector rocker arm adjusting screw. The
remaining internal injector working parts are lubricated and cooled by the flow of fuel oil through the injector.
The main working parts of the injector are: rack, gear, plunger, follower spring, follower, valve spring, spring
seat and spray tip needle valve.
The plunger is given a constant stroke reciprocating motion by the injector cam acting through the rocker arm
and plunger follower. The timing of the injector period during the plunger stroke is set by an adjusting screw at
the end of rocker arm.
Rotation of the plunger by means of the rack and gear controls the quantity of fuel injected into the cylinder
during each stroke. Rack position is controlled by the governor through the injector control lever linkage. The
gear is keyed with a sliding flat surface to the plunger to allow plunger vertical movement as well as rotation.
The helices near the bottom of the plunger control the opening and closing of both fuel ports of the plunger
bushing. Rotation of the plunger regulates the time that both ports are closed during the downward stroke, thus
controlling the quantity for fuel injected into the cylinder. As the plunger is rotated from idling position to full load
position, the pumping part of the stroke is lengthened, injection is started earlier, and more fuel is injected.
Proper atomization of the fuel is accomplished by the high pressure created by the downward stroke of the
plunger, which forces fuel past the needle valve and out through the spray holes in the tip of the injector. Filters
at the fuel inlet and outlet connections protect the working parts of the injector.

Associated components-
1. Fuel injection pump- it is single acting constant stroke plunger type pump
• To raise the fuel oil pressure to nozzle which will efficiently atomize the
• To supply the correct quantity of fuel to nozzle as per power and speed
requirement of the engine.
• To accurately time the delivery of the fuel for efficient economical
operation of engine.

2. Fuel injection nozzle-
• To inject fuel at a sufficient high pressure so that the fuel enters the
cylinder with a high velocity.
• Fuel injection nozzle injects fuel oil to combustion chamber at 4000psi.


After setting injector in test stand, injector is popped with the popping lever using approximately 40 smooth
even strokes per minute. A finely atomized spray should show at each of the holes in the tip. Rapid closing of
the needle valve should produce a sharp “chatter”.
If the injector plunger does not move down smoothly, stop. Do not force the plunger downward or component
damage may occur.
If the valve opens without producing a finely atomized spray (solid stream) or the valve seats without producing
the sharp “chatter”, make several rapid strokes with the lever to dislodge any foreign material on the valve seat.
If the needle valve still fails to function properly, a stuck needle, dirt on the valve seat, or a defective valve seat
may be the cause.


All injectors lose pressure due to leakage at any of several points, but this leakage must be controlled during
injector manufacture to prevent engine lube oil dilution. The holding pressure test will qualify injectors having
specified leak off rates.
Reconditioned injectors should be qualified on the pressure holding test by timing the interval for a drop in
pressure from 2000 psi to 1500 psi (138 to 103 Bar). If this interval is less than 30 seconds, repeat the test, but
close the pressure shutoff valve on the test stand immediately after establishing the 2000 psi (138 Bar) pressure.
This is to ensure that the leak-down time is not being affected by possible leakage in the test stand itself. If the
timed interval for the pressure drop from 2000 psi to 1500 psi (138 to 103 bar) is still less than 30 seconds, the
injector should be rejected. To relieve the pressure before removing the injector from the test stand, wrap a
cloth around the injector fuel line connections and back off on the clamping wrench.


The gear, rack and upper portion of the plunger are lubricated by engine oil, not diesel fuel so a binding or
sticking of the rack can be caused by carbon particle in the engine oil, damaged gear teeth (caused by excessive
force on rack), scored plunger and/or bushing, or galling of rack itself. A binding rack may cause sluggish or
erratic speed changes and overspeed trip action.
To be considered satisfactory, the rack must fall in and out through full travel, by its own weight, when injector
is held horizontally and rotated about its axis.

(4) BINDING PLUNGER TEST: A binding plunger will cause erratic cylinder firing and, in extreme cases, over
speed trip action.
A binding or stuck plunger can be caused by improperly inserting the plunger into the bushing during assembly.
The plunger must be well lubricated with calibrated oil/diesel fuel and inserted into the bushing gently and
without any rocking or wiggling motion, otherwise a chip can be loosened on the plunger helix edge which will
cause a P&B seizure when in operation. Some common causes (but not a complete list) of a stuck/seized
plunger and bushing during locomotive operation are dirty fuel, excessively hot fuel (caused by running the
locomotive tanks empty or near empty), algae growth in the fuel tanks and unapproved fuel additives.

Failure data of mui for year 2018-19

SI. No. Loco No. Date of Date of Life obtain Reason of failure
fitment failure

01 70777 13-02-18 22-05-18 03 months Plunger Barrel Seized

02 12468 08-06-17 03-06-18 12 months Plunger Barrel Seized

03 70794 15-03-18 03-06-18 2.5 months Plunger Barrel Seized

04 70828 31-05-18 21-06-18 12.5 months Fuel oil leak from body near rack

05 70828 31-05-18 21-06-18 12.5 months Fuel oil leak from body near rack

06 70828 31-05-18 21-06-18 12.5 months Fuel oil leak from body near rack

07 70738 18-10-17 25-06-18 08 months Plunger Barrel Seized

08 40161 22-10-16 24-09-18 23 months Plunger Barrel Seized

09 70320 03-08-18 22-11-18 3.5 months Follower pin broken due to head stud
10 70846 18-07-18 03-11-18 3.5 months Plunger Barrel Sized

11 70041 31-05-18 28-01-19 08 months Plunger barrel seized due to button

spring broken
12 12401 11-06-18 11-03-19 09 months Plunger Barrel Seized


Reason of failure: No. of failure:

Plunger barrel seized 08
Fuel oil leakage 03
Follower pin broken due to head stud broken 01
Total failure 12


• Heavily carboned oil and sludge deposits from overhead components can cause sticking and seizure of the
upper internal injector components. This is most common during injector installation and timing procedures.

• Improperly set injector rocker arm timing can cause Plunger & Barrel sticking/damage or poor engine
performance. Rocker arm timing must be rechecked whenever an injector is installed in an engine using the
correct EMD timing gage.

• The fuel filters contained in the injector fuel fittings will allow micro-fine hard particles to pass into the Plunger
& Barrel and other internal injector components and cause sticking and seizing. Correct engine fuel system
filters must be used and maintained to prevent this from occurring .

• When an injector is properly stored it is protected by plastic caps which prevent contaminants from entering
through the injector body openings.

• Bubbles in the fuel bowl sight glass on mechanical injectors are the result of combustion gases blowing by
the spray tip seat in the injector nut. This condition is caused by a poor tip seat area inside the injector nut.

• Combustion gases blowing by the injector nut and cylinder head can be caused by:

o Improper torque on the injector crab nut

o Inadequate clearance between the cylinder head and body of the injector
o Bent or dislocated injector dowel pin

• Injector nut cone out of round, wrong angle or contains surface defects .


• During overhauling of FIP, avoid excessive clearance in barrel and plunger assembly to avoid
fuel oil leakage from leak off hole which leads to its excessive consumption.

• Ensure that clamping of all fuel hoses has been done properly to avoid its rubbing.

• Primary/secondary filter must be replaced in due time.

• If loco is giving repeated problem of fuel oil pressure, clean the fuel oil tank by filling up the
water and draining out the same after opening dummy provided at bottom of the fuel tank.

• Before turn out of loco from shed , ensure that strainer at fuel filling plug of fuel tank is not in
distorted condition through which foreign material like cotton waste, cloth, rag, jute, etc may
block suction line to fuel booster pump.


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