(A Rapid Test For Detection of Typhoid Fever) : Typhidot Rapid Igg/Igm (Combo)
(A Rapid Test For Detection of Typhoid Fever) : Typhidot Rapid Igg/Igm (Combo)
(A Rapid Test For Detection of Typhoid Fever) : Typhidot Rapid Igg/Igm (Combo)
TYPHIDOT Rapid IgG/IgM (Combo) is an immunochromatographic 1. For professional in vitro diagnostic use only.
assay designed for the qualitative detection and differentiation of specific 2. This product insert must be strictly followed in order to produce
IgM and IgG antibodies against specific Salmonella typhi OMP antigen in accurate test results.
human serum or plasma. It is intended to be used as in vitro diagnostic of 3. Keep the test device sealed until use. Once the device pouch has
typhoid fever. The results obtained should not be the sole determinant for been opened, the test device must be used immediately.
clinical decision. 4. Do not use device if the sealed pouch is visibly damaged.
5. Do not use kit beyond the expiration date.
SUMMARY AND EXPLANATION OF THE TEST 6. Handle all specimens as being potentially infectious. Dispose all
materials that come in contact with the specimen as infectious waste.
Typhoid fever is an infectious disease caused by a bacterium, Salmonella 7. Wipe any spills of sera or plasma promptly with 1% sodium hypochlorite
typhi. It continues to be a major health problem especially in the Asia solution.
Pacific region, the Indian subcontinent, Central Asia, Africa and South 8. Do not reuse test device.
America1. Definitive clinical diagnosis of typhoid is unreliable because
typhoid fever symptoms mimic other diseases with fever that are common
in this part of the world. Clinical presentations vary tremendously among
patients and cover a wide spectrum, hence the need for a good laboratory
test2,3. In addition, an accurate diagnosis of typhoid at an early stage is
Store at 4-30oC, do not freeze. Keep the test device sealed until used.
important not only for an aetiological diagnosis for the patient but also to
Keep away from direct sunlight, moisture and heat.
identify individuals that might serve as a source of infection3. Thus all
cases of fever should be tested for typhoid and a rapid laboratory tests will
be required.
TYPHIDOT Rapid IgG/IgM (Combo) offers many advantages which fulfill
the requirement of typhoid diagnosis. These advantages includes: 1. Handle all specimens as being potentially infectious. Dispose all
materials that come in contact with the specimen as infectious waste.
• early and specific diagnosis of typhoid fever 2. Specimen should be collected aseptically by venipuncture according
• fast, simple and reliable to the standardized methods. The use of grossly lipemic or turbid
• simple to perform and no additional sample preparation required samples should be avoided. Plasma or serum is separated from the
• no special equipment is needed whole blood using standard procedures.
• results are easy to interpret 3. If serum or plasma specimens cannot be tested immediately, they
• minimal sample volume used should be refrigerated at 2 to 8°C. For storage periods longer than
three (3) days, freeze the specimen at -20°C or below.
Sensitivity and specificity for TYPHIDOT Rapid IgG/IgM (Combo) are 1. Bring test cassette and chase buffer to room temperature (if
90% and 80% respectively. precipitates are noted in the chase buffer reagent, shake the bottle
vigorously and allow to warm up further).
2. Gently tear open the pouch and remove the test cassette.
3. Label the test cassette with the sample name.
4. Add 45 µl serum/ plasma to each sample well; making sure that there
1. TYPHIDOT Rapid IgG/IgM (Combo) cassette (25 pieces packed in
is no air bubbles.
individually sealed aluminium pouch)
5. Add 1 drop of buffer to each sample well. Serum/ plasma will start
2. One bottle of Chase buffer
wicking up the membrane. The cassette may be tapped gently on the
3. One copy of instruction manual (product insert)
table to facilitate the sample to flow up the membrane.
6. Read result after 20 minutes.
1. Positive and negative controls are not included and are optional. 1. This product is designed for use with human serum and plasma only.
2. If the control line at position C does not become visible, the test is
invalid. Positive samples will have additional coloured band at 2. The test is a qualitative assay and is not for quantitative
position T. determination of antibodies concentration levels. The intensity of the
band does not have linear correlation with the antibody titer of the
3. The results obtained should only be interpreted in conjunction with
other diagnostic results and clinical information.
4. Due to the limitations of the test, for cases where interpretation of
result seems difficult, we strongly recommend repeating the test
using TYPHIDOT 1 hour or TYPHIDOT 3 hours.
Note: TYPHIDOT 1 hour or TYPHIDOT 3 hours are Dot EIA assay
designed for the qualitative detection of specific IgM and IgG
antibodies against a specific outer membrane antigen of
Salmonella typhi in human serum.
Reszon Diagnostics International Sdn. Bhd.
Revongen Corporation Center, No.12A, Jalan TP5, Taman
Perindustrian UEP, 47600 Subang Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia.
Tel : +603-8925 1603
Fax : +603-8925 1637
Email : info@reszonics.com
Website : www.reszonics.com