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A Rapid Test For Detection of Dengue Fever

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Dengue IgG/IgM Rapid

(A rapid test for detection of Dengue Fever)

Dengue Fever Rapid IgG/IgM is an immunochromatographic assay 1. Dengue IgG/IgM Rapid cassette (25 pieces packed in individually
designed for the qualitative detection and differentiation of specific IgM and sealed aluminium pouch)
IgG antibodies to dengue virus in human serum or plasma. It is intended to 2. One bottle of assay buffer
be used as in vitro diagnostic of dengue fever. The test provides a 3. One copy of instruction manual (product insert)
differential detection of anti-dengue IgM and anti-dengue-IgG antibodies and
can be used for the presumptive distinction between a primary and MATERIALS REQUIRED BUT NOT SUPPLIED
secondary dengue infection.The results obtained should not be the sole 1. Lancets, sample collection and preparation device and disinfecting
determinant for clinical decision. sterile wipes
2. Sample dispensing apparatus such as pipettes capable of delivering
Dengue virus, a virus belonging to the Flavavirus group of viruses, is one of 3. Clock or timer
the most significant mosquito-borne diseases in the world in terms of
morbidity and mortality. Transmitted principally by the mosquito types STORAGE AND STABILITY
Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus, the virus is found commonly Store at 4-28 ºC, do not freeze. Keep the test device sealed until used.
throughout the tropic and sub-tropic regions of the world. There are four Keep away from direct sunlight, moisture and heat.
known serotypes of dengue. Symptoms of dengue fever include high fever,
headache, muscle pain and skin rash. The complications often associated
with this infection are dengue hemorrhagic fever or dengue shock WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS
syndrome. 1. For professional in vitro diagnostic use only.
2. This product insert must be strictly followed in order to produce
The immune response to this virus includes the production of IgM antibodies accurate test results.
by the 5th day of symptoms, which remain in the circulatory system for 30- 3. Keep the test device sealed until use. Once the device pouch has
60 days. IgG antibodies appear by the 14th day of infection and persist for been opened, the test device must be used immediately.
life. A secondary infection often results in high fever and, in many cases, 4. All test devices, reagents and specimens must be at room
initiates hemorrhagic events and circulatory failure. A secondary infection temperature (15-30°C) before running the assay.
also induces an IgM antibody response after 20 days of infection and IgG 5. Do not use device if the sealed pouch is visibly damaged.
antibodies rise within 1-2 days after the onset of symptoms. Therefore, 6. Do not use the kit contents beyond the expiration date.
patients with secondary infections will have a positive IgG result, usually 7. Handle all specimens as being potentially infectious. Dispose all
with a positive IgM result as well. Thus, the use of a reliable and sensitive materials that come in contact with the specimen as infectious waste.
rapid serological test that can simultaneously detect the presence of anti- 8. Wipe any spills of sera or plasma promptly with 1% sodium
dengue IgG and IgM antibodies is of great clinical utility. hypochlorite solution.
9. Do not reuse test device.
Dengue Fever Rapid IgG/IgM provides an excellent methodology for
specifically detecting anti-dengue IgG and IgM antibodies. The presence of LIMITATION OF THE TEST
high titers of IgG antibodies does not interfere with the detection of IgM 1. This product is designed for use with human serum, plasma or
antibodies in the sample. By using a mixture of highly purified dengue whole blood only.
proteins, the test is able to detect all 4 Dengue serotypes. Additional 2. This test detects the presence of antibodies to dengue in the
advantages includes: specimen and should not be used as the sole criterion for the
diagnosis of a dengue viral infection.
• fast, simple and reliable
3. The test is a qualitative assay and is not for quantitative
• simple to perform and no additional sample preparation required determination of antibodies concentration levels. The intensity of the
• no special equipment is needed band does not have linear correlation with the antibody titer of the
• results are easy to interpret specimen.
• minimal sample volume used 4. The results obtained should only be interpreted in conjunction with
other diagnostic results and clinical information. If the test result is
PRINCIPLE OF THE TEST negative and a dengue infection suspicion still exists, additional
The Dengue Fever Rapid IgG/IgM is an indirect solid-phase follow-up testing using other clinical methods is recommended.
immunochromatographic assay. Serum or plasma samples may be used 5. In early infections and some secondary infections, detectable levels
with this test. When a specimen is added to the test device, IgG and IgM of IgM antibodies may be low. Some patients may not produce
antibodies in the specimen sample, if present, will react with particles coated detectable levels of antibody within the first seven to ten days of
with dengue envelope proteins to form a complex. As this complex migrates infection. A negative serological result at any time does not preclude
along the length of the cellulose nitrate membrane, the anti-dengue IgG or the possibility of an early infection of Dengue virus.
IgM antibody particle complex is captured by the relevant IgG and/or IgM 6. The use of icteric or lipemic samples should be avoided. This test
test bands located in the test device window causing a pale to dark pink- should not be used on specimens from immunosuppressed
purplish band to form at the IgG or IgM region of the test device window. individuals.
The intensity of the bands will vary depending upon the amount of antibody 7. This test cannot be used to monitor therapy or to estimate the
present in the sample. The appearance of any color in a specific test region relative antibody titer.
(IgG or IgM) should be considered as positive for that particular antibody
type (IgG or IgM). A pink-purplish procedural control band should always SAMPLE COLLECTION AND PREPARATION
develop in the test device window to indicate that the test has been 1. Handle all specimens as being potentially infectious. Dispose all
performed properly. materials that come in contact with the specimen as infectious
PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS 2. Specimen should be collected aseptically by venipuncture according
Sensitivity and specificity for Dengue Fever Rapid IgG/IgM are 96% and to the standardized methods. The use of grossly lipemic or turbid
95% respectively. Based on a limited number of samples, the test did not samples should be avoided. Plasma or serum is separated from the
detect an IgG or IgM response with positive JE samples. whole blood using standard procedures.
For a more comprehensive list for the sensitivity, specificity and cross- 3. If serum or plasma specimens cannot be tested immediately, they
reactivity study for the test, please refer to separate sheets that can be should be refrigerated at 2 to 8°C. For storage periods longer than
obtained from the manufacturer. three (3) days, freeze the specimen at -20°C or below.


C = Control line
These lines are not seen
T2 = IgM Test line
before the cassette is used.
T1 = IgG Test Line

Add 5 µl of specimen sample into the upper

portion of the sample well. Then follow by
adding 2 drops of buffer into the same sample
well. Sample will start wicking up. Read result
within 20 minutes. Invalid Invalid Invalid Invalid

Invalid: Control line (C) is absent. If this occurs, the assay should be
1. Bring test cassette and chase buffer to room temperature (if repeated using a new test cassette.
precipitates are noted in the chase buffer reagent, shake the bottle
vigorously and allow to warm up further). Positive results may appear as early as 5-10 minutes. Negative
2. Gently tear open the pouch and remove the test cassette. Lay the test results must be confirmed after 20 minutes.
device on a clean, flat work surface. The results are stable for up to 30 minutes. Do not read the results
3. Label the test cassette with the sample name. after 30 minutes.
4. Pipette 5 µl of serum, plasma, or whole blood into the upper portion of
the sample well (as marked in the image above). Make sure that there
are no air bubbles. EXPECTED VALUES:
5. Add 2 drops of buffers into the same sample well of the test device. Primary dengue is characterized by the presence of detectable IgM
Sample will start wicking up. antibodies 5 days after the onset of infection.
6. Read the test result within 20 minutes.
Secondary dengue is characterized by the elevation of specific IgM
antibodies and the elevation of specific IgG antibodies. Usually IgM
Negative results must be confirmed only after 20 minutes. Do not
antibodies will rise within 1-2 days after the onset of symptoms and IgG
read results after 30 minutes.
antibodies will be detectable after 20 days of infection.


The performance characteristics stated were obtained by using the assay
1. Positive and negative controls are not included and are optional.
procedure in this insert. Failure to follow the assay procedure may derive
2. If the control line at position C does not become visible, the test is
inaccurate results. In such event, the manufacturer disclaims all
invalid and the test must be repeated. Positive samples will have
warranties expressed, implied or statutory, including the implied warranty
additional coloured band at position 1 and/or 2.
of merchantability and the fitness for use.
INTEPRETATION OF RESULTS The manufacturer will not be liable for any damage caused by misuse,
improper handling and storage, non-compliance with warnings and
procedures, damage caused by events occurring after the product is
released, failure to ensure the product is in proper condition before use,
or any warranty given by independent distributor.

1. Sabin, AB and Schlesinger RW. Production of immunity to dengue
with virus modified by propagation in mice: Science (1945),
2. Lam, SK. Dengue haemorrhagic fever. Rev. Med. Micro. (1995),
3. Innis, BL, Nisalak, A., An enzyme-linked immunosorbent
assay to characterize dengue infections where dengue and
Negative Positive for Positive for Positive for Japanese encephalitis co-circulate. Am. J. Trap. Med. Hygiene
IgM IgG IgM & IgG (1989), 40:418-427.
4. CDC/NIH Guidelines. Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical.
5. Laboratories. 2nd Edition, 1988
1. Negative: 6. Siti-Strong. Diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of tropical disease,
Only control line (C) is visible. No IgG or IgM antibodies were detected. 7th ed., Philadelphia, The Ablakiston Company.
The result does not exclude dengue infection. If symptoms persist, a
new sample should be drawn from the patient in 3-5 days and then
should be retested (see the limitations section). ORDER INFORMATION
2. Positive for IgM: Product Code Description Packing Size
Coloured bands appear at the control line (C) and test line (T2). The
test is positive for IgM antibodies. This is indicative of a primary dengue RDG-RD0102 Dengue IgG/IgM Rapid 25 tests / kit
infection (see the limitations section).
3. Positive for IgM and IgG: MANUFACTURER
Coloured bands appear at the control line (C) and both test lines (T1 Reszon Diagnostics International Sdn. Bhd.
and T2). The test is positive for IgM and IgG antibodies. This is Revongen Corporation Center, No.12A, Jalan TP5, Taman Perindustrian
indicative of a secondary dengue infection (see the limitations section). UEP, 47600 Subang Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia
4. Positive for IgG: Tel : 603-8025 1603
Coloured bands appear at the control line (C) and test line (T1). The Fax : 603-8025 1637/1354
test is positive for IgG antibodies. This is indicative of a past dengue Email :
infection (see the limitations section). Website :


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