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Hav Igm CTK

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OnSite HAV IgM Rapid Test-Cassette (Serum / Plasma) Page 1 of 2

5. Do not use the components in any other type of test kit as a substitute for the
components in this kit.
6. Do not use hemolized blood specimen for testing.
7. Wear protective clothing and disposable gloves while handling the kit reagents and
clinical specimens. Wash hands thoroughly after performing the test.
8. Users of this test should follow the US CDC Universal Precautions for prevention of
transmission of HIV, HBV and other blood-borne pathogens.
9. Do not smoke, drink, or eat in areas where specimens or kit reagents are being
Catalog R0090C handled.
10. Dispose of all specimens and materials used to perform the test as biohazardous
11. Handle the Negative and Positive Control in the same manner as patient specimens.
In vitro Diagnostic 12. The testing results should be read within 15 minutes after a specimen is applied to
the sample well or sample pad of the device. Reading result after 15 minutes may
give erroneous results.
The OnSite HAV IgM Rapid Test is a lateral flow chromatographic immunoassay for the 13. Do not perform the test in a room with strong air flow, ie. electric fan or strong air-
qualitative detection of IgM antibody to Hepatitis A virus (HAV) in human serum or plasma. It is conditioning.
intended to be used as a screening test and as an aid in the diagnosis of infection with HAV.
Any reactive specimen with the OnSite HAV IgM Rapid Test must be confirmed with alternative REAGENT PREPARATION AND STORAGE INSTRUCTIONS
testing method(s) and clinical findings. All reagents are ready to use as supplied. Store unused test device unopened at 2°C-30°C.
The positive and negative controls should be kept at 2°C-8°C. If stored at 2°C-8°C, ensure that
the test device is brought to room temperature before opening. The test device is stable
1 through the expiration date printed on the sealed pouch. Do not freeze the kit or expose the kit
HAV is a positive RNA virus, a unique member of picornavirdae . Its transmission depends
primarily on serial transmission from person to person by the fecal-oral route. Although over 30°C.
hepatitis A is not ordinarily a sexually transmitted disease, the infection rate is high among
male homosexuals, as result of oral-anal contact 2,3. SPECIMEN COLLECTION AND HANDLING

Consider any materials of human origin as infectious and handle them using standard
The presence of specific anti-HAV IgM in blood samples suggests acute or recent HAV biosafety procedures.
infection 4-6. The IgM antibody rapidly increases in titer over a period of 4-6 weeks post
infection, and then declines to non-detectable levels within 3 to 6 months in most patients . Plasma
1. Collect blood specimen into a lavender, blue or green top collection tube (containing
The OnSite HAV IgM Rapid Test is to be used to detect IgM anti-HAV in less than 15 min by EDTA, citrate or heparin, respectively in Vacutainer® ) by veinpuncture.
untrained or minimally skilled personnel, without cumbersome laboratory equipment. 2. Separate the plasma by centrifugation.
3. Carefully withdraw the plasma into new pre-labeled tube.
The OnSite HAV IgM Rapid Test is a lateral flow chromatographic immunoassay. The test 1. Collect blood specimen into a red top collection tube (containing no anticoagulants in
cassette consists of: 1) a burgundy colored conjugate pad containing mouse anti-human IgM Vacutainer®) by veinpuncture.
antibody conjugated with colloid gold (IgM conjugates) and, 2) a nitrocellulose membrane strip 2. Allow the blood to clot.
containing a test band (T band) and a control band (C band). The T band is pre-coated with 3. Separate the serum by centrifugation.
recombinant HAV antigen, and the C band is pre-coated with goat anti-mouse IgM antibodies. 4. Carefully withdraw the serum into a new pre-labeled tube.

Test specimens as soon as possible after collecting. Store specimens at 2°C-8°C if not tested

Store specimens at 2°C-8°C up to 5 days. The specimens should be frozen at -20°C for longer

Avoid multiple freeze-thaw cycles. Prior to testing, bring frozen specimens to room
temperature slowly and mix gently. Specimens containing visible particulate matter should be
clarified by centrifugation before testing.

When an adequate volume of test specimen is dispensed into the sample well of the cassette,
the specimen migrates by capillary action across the cassette. Anti-HAV IgM if present in the Step 1: Bring the specimen and test components to room temperature if refrigerated or
specimen will bind to the IgM conjugates. The immunocomplex is then captured on the frozen. Mix the specimen well prior to assay once thawed.
membrane by the pre-coated HAV antigen, forming a burgundy colored T band, indicating a
HAV IgM positive test result. Absence of the T band suggests a negative result. Step 2: When ready to test, open the pouch at the notch and remove device. Place the test
device on a clean, flat surface.
The test contains an internal control (C band) which should exhibit a burgundy colored band of
the immunocomplex of goat anti-mouse IgM antibodies/ IgM-gold conjugate regardless of the Step 3: Be sure to label the device with specimen’s ID number.
color development on the T band. Otherwise, the test result is invalid and the specimen must
Step 4: Fill the pipette dropper with the specimen.
be retested with another device.
Holding the dropper vertically, dispense 1 drop (about 30-45 µL) of specimen into
the sample well making sure that there are no air bubbles.
1. Each kit contains 30 test devices, each sealed in a foil pouch with three items inside:
Then add 1 drop (about 35-50 µL) of Sample Diluent immediately.
a. One cassette device.
b. Plastic dropper
c. One desiccant.
2. Sample Diluent (1 vial, 5 mL)
3. One package insert (instruction for use).

1. Positive Control (1 vial, red cap, 1 mL, Cat # R0090-P)

2. Negative Control (1 vial, green cap, 1 mL, Cat # R0090-N) 1 drop of specimen 1 drop of sample diluent 15 minutes


Step 5: Set up timer
1. Clock or Timer
Step 6: Results can be read in 15 minutes. Positive results can be visible in as short as 1
For in Vitro Diagnostic Use
1. This package insert must be read completely before performing the test. Failure to Don’t read result after 15 minutes. To avoid confusion, discard the test device after
interpreting the result.
follow the insert gives inaccurate test results.
2. Do not open the sealed pouch, unless ready to conduct the assay.
3. Do not use expired devices.
4. Bring all reagents to room temperature (15°C-30°C) before use.
OnSite HAV IgM Rapid Test-Cassette (Serum / Plasma) Page 2 of 2

QUALITY CONTROL 2. The OnSite HAV IgM Rapid Test is limited to the qualitative detection of anti-HAV IgM in
human serum or plasma. The intensity of the test band does not have linear correlation
Using individual OnSite HAV IgM Rapid Test cassettes as described in the Assay Procedure
with the antibody titer in the specimen.
above, run 1 Positive Control and 1 Negative Control (provided upon request) under the
3. A negative result for an individual subject indicates absence of detectable anti-HAV IgM.
following circumstances to monitor test performance:
However, a negative test result does not preclude the possibility of exposure to or
1. A new operator uses the kit, prior to performing testing of specimens.
infection with HAV.
2. A new test kit is used.
4. A negative result can occur if the quantity of the anti-HAV IgM present in the specimen
3. A new shipment of kits is used.
is below the detection limits of the assay, or the antibodies that are detected are not
4. The temperature used during storage of the kit fall outside of 2°C-30°C.
present during the stage of disease in which a sample is collected.
5. The temperature of the test area falls outside of 15°C-30°C.
5. Some specimens containing unusually high titer of heterophile antibodies or rheumatoid
Expected results are as follows: factor may affect expected results.
6. The results obtained with this test should only be interpreted in conjunction with other
Negative Control diagnostic procedures and clinical findings.
Only the C band shows color development. The T band shows no color development.

1. Minor P. Picornaviridae. In: Francki RIB, Fauquet CM, Knudson DL, et al., eds.
Classification and nomenclature of viruses (Arch Virol Supp 2). Wien: Springer-Verlag,
1991: 320-326.
2. Keeffe EB. Clinical approach to viral hepatitis in homosexual men. Med Clin North Am.
Positive Control 3. Ballesteros J, Dal-Re R, Gonzalez A, del Romero J. Are homosexual males a risk group
Both C and T bands show color development. for hepatitis A infection in intermediate endemicity areas? Epidemiol Infect. 1996;
4. Bradley DW, Maynard JE, Hindman SH, et al: Serodiagnosis of viral hepatitis A: Detection
of acute-phase immunoglobulin M anti-hepatitis A virus by radioimmunoassay. J Clin
Microbiol 1977; 5: 521-530.
5. Decker RH, Kosakowski SM, Vanderbilt AS, et al: Diagnosis of acute hepatitis A by
HAVAB-M : A direct radioimmunoassay for IgM anti-HAV. Am J Clin Pathol 1981;76:140-
The appearance of any burgundy color in the T band, regardless of intensity, must be 6. Locarnini SA, Ferris AA, Lehman NI, et al: The antibody response following hepatitis A
considered as presence of the band. infection. Intervirology 1974; 4:110-118.
7. Skinhoj P, Mikkelsen F, Hollinger FB. Hepatitis A in Greenland: Importance of specific
INTERPRETATION OF ASSAY RESULT antibody testing in epidemiologic surveillance. Am J. Epidemiol 1977; 105: 104-147
1. NEGATIVE RESULT: If only the C band is developed, the test indicates that no
detectable IgM anti-HAV is present in the specimen. The result is negative.
Index of CE Symbol
European Authorized Representative: Attention,
CEpartner4U , Esdoornlaan 13, 3951DB Maarn. see instructions for use
The Netherlands. Tel.: +31 (0)6.516.536.26 For in vitro
diagnostic use only

REF Catalog #
2. POSITIVE RESULT: If both C and T bands are developed, the test indicates for the Manufacturer:
Lot Number
presence of IgM anti-HAV in the specimen. The result is positive. CTK Biotech, Inc.
6748 Nancy Ridge Drive, San Diego, CA 92121, USA
Tel: 858-457-8698, Fax: 858-535-1739, Use by
Tests per kit
PI-R0090C Rev. D
English Version
Store between 2-30°C
For Export Only, Not For Re-sale In the USA
Do not reuse
Samples with positive results should be confirmed with alternative testing method(s) and clinical
findings before a positive determination is made. Manufacturer

3. INVALID: If no C band is developed, the assay is invalid regardless of color development

Date of manufacture
on the T band as indicated below. Repeat the assay with a new device.


Clinical Performance

A total of 200 samples from susceptible subjects were tested by the OnSite HAV IgM Rapid
Test and by a commercial EIA test. Comparison for all subjects is showed in the following

OnSite HAV IgM Rapid Test

EIA Positive Negative Total
Positive 21 1 22
Negative 0 178 178
Total 21 179 200

Relative Sensitivity: 95.5% , Relative Specificity: 100%, Overall Agreement: 99.5%


1. The Assay Procedure and the Assay Result Interpretation must be followed closely
when testing the presence of anti-HAV IgM in serum or plasma from individual subjects.
Failure to follow the procedure may give inaccurate results.

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