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Numerical Simulation of The Reactive Two-Phase Solid Rocket Motor Exhaust Plume

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Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computer Science and Electronics Engineering (ICCSEE 2013)

Numerical Simulation of the Reactive Two-Phase Solid Rocket Motor Exhaust


Zheng Li Hongjun Xiang

School of Astronautics School of Astronautics
Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Beijing, China Beijing, China

Abstract—This study is focused on numerical simulation of the emphasis on the use of existant modelization tools. Two
reactive two-phase flow from the end of the motor combustion comparisons are made to describe the influence of the
chamber to the exhaust plume. The NASA computer program reaction and particles phase. The ability of coupled
CEA (Chemical Equilibrium with Applications) has been used computation to represent complex physics phenomena of this
to calculate the equilibrium composition of AP/HTPB/Al kind is demonstrated.
composite propellant in the chamber. Then the 2D Navier-
Stokes equations with additional terms describing turbulence, II. COMPUTATION DESCRIPTION
chemical kinetics and gas-particle (Al2O3) interaction have
been solved for numerical simulation of plumes at an altitude A. Domain and grids
of 10 km. AUSM (Advection Upstream Splitting Method)
vector splitting method and a second order upwind-biased
The geometry used in the computations consists of a
scheme are present in the calculation. The resulting diagrams Laval nozzle and the external plume flow field. The
of temperature and mass fraction of components in the plume computational domain is treated as 2D axisymmetric with a
and profiles on the axis are shown. The flow field structure and quadrilateral elements grid partition. It is chosen to be 0.2m
particle behavior in the plume is discussed. Especially, the upstream and 3m downstream to avoid spurious reflections
ability of coupled computation to represent complex physics on its far-field boundaries. The nozzle grid has 96×32 cells
phenomena of this kind is demonstrated. with a small refinement in the shearing zone. And the plume
zone has 90×300 cells. A grid consisting of 30572 cells were
Keywords-solid rocket motor; numerical simulation; plume; used. Fig.1 displays all these grids.
reactive;two-phase flow

Rocket exhaust plumes have been a subject of intensive
interdisciplinary study during the last decades [1]-[7].
Thermodynamics of the propellant, fluid dynamics of the
chemically reacting mixture of gaseous and particulate
species and the radiative transport of the nonhomogeneous
emitting and scattering flow field is contained in the exhaust
plume phenomenology. A description of the major kinetic
Figure 1. Structure grid of the nozzle and plume field.
and optical processes in solid engine exhaust flows is given
in [8]. B. Models
The exhaust plume is formed by rapid expansion through
1) Thermodynamics
an exhaust nozzle of high pressure combustion products
contained in the chamber. The resulting plume is composed The reacting multiphase flow in the solid rocket chamber
of gaseous species and particles in a condensed phase. Some can be effectively treated as consisting of a continuous
of these partially unburned products can react with oxidizing phase composed of the products of combustion from the
species contained in the ambient air to form the afterburning binder (HTPB), the ammonium perchlorate (AP), and
phenomenon. This phenomenon changes the structure, reacted aluminum, and a discrete phase composed of
temperature and component of the exhaust plume flow field. particles containing aluminum and Al2O3. The physics of
The computation of infrared signatures is usually done by the metalized propellant combustion includes diffusion transfer
use of a radiative code chained with a flow field (CFD) code. controlled combustion of agglomerates as well as gas-phase
Thus, the accuracy of the flow field is predominant for the reactions. The kinetic timescales associated with the
final radiative result: the physics of the simulation needs to reactions in the continuous phase, however, are likely to be
be realistic and input parameters must be well defined. small compared to the fluid dynamics timescales in the
The aim of this paper is to characterize the flow field of chamber. The continuous-phase chemistry can, therefore, be
the exhaust plume with fixed assumptions, putting the treated using chemical equilibrium. The CEA (Chemical

Published by Atlantis Press, Paris, France.

© the authors
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computer Science and Electronics Engineering (ICCSEE 2013)

Equilibrium with Applications) program [9] calculates turbulent gas phase field. The inlet section of the
chemical equilibrium product concentrations of the compose computational domain is subdivided into elementary
propellant which is consists of 68% AP, 20% Al and 12% surfaces and individual particles are injected through these
HTPB. The result of calculation will be the input of the flow surfaces. The mass fraction of Al2O3 listed in Table 2 is
field. 34.055%. Seven groups of particles have been added into
2) Flowfield calculation the flow field with 5μm average diameter.
The numerical solution of the Navier-Stokes equations for Several modeling assumptions are made:
a chemically reacting gas flow has been obtained with finite  No phase change is considered for the particles that
volume spatial discretization on a structured 2D grid are considered to be always liquid
implemented in FLUENT. The solution was generated for  The turbulent dispersion effects are neglected
the conditions of 10 km altitude. ASUM (Advection  No interaction between the 7 groups of particles
Upstream Splitting Method) vector splitting method is used  The size, velocity and temperature in each group is
for the convective fluxes. The second-order upwind-biased uniform
scheme with an additional limiter is applied for the spatial C. Boundary conditons
reconstruction of volume properties in the cell boundaries.
The nozzle inlet is treated with total pressure, total
The realizable k-ε turbulence model is included to model the
temperature, and uniform axial injection of considered
effects of turbulence. With the initialization of FMG method,
chemical species computed by CEA. A pressure-far-field
the computation has been significant accelerated.
condition is used at the freestream inflow. The mass friction
The exhaust gases generated by the combustion of
at the chamber exit plane and freestream ambient conditions
composite propellant consist primarily of HCl, CO, and H2.
are summarized in tables 2 and 3. The axis is defined as
Because of the high temperature and the shear layer,
symmetry, while no-slip walls are considered still and
chemical reactions occur between exhaust and atmospheric
adiabatic. Finally, the outlet is subsonic and atmospheric
species that affecting the flow field. To represent the pressure is prescribed.
reacting flow within the rocket nozzle and exhaust plume, a TABLE II. MASS FRACTIONS OF CHEMICAL SPECIES
finite-rate chemical kinetics model is included in the
analysis. Seventeen elementary reactions involving twelve Species Freestream Nozzle inlet
chemical species (N=12) are considered in the combustion CO 0.00000 0.23539
CO2 0.00030 0.014314
model. The chemical species used are H2, O2, H2O, H, O,
CL 0.00000 0.012677
OH, HCl, Cl2, Cl, CO, CO2, and N2 (an inert). The CL2 0.00000 0.000052696
seventeen reaction model [10] used for the finite-rate H 0.00000 0.0012654
chemistry is given in table 1. HCl 0.00000 0.17732
H2 0.00000 0.022699
Reaction A(cm3/mol·s) n E(j) N2 0.78953 0.127671
O 0.00000 0.0001868
H+O2=OH+O 1.915E+14 0 7.03E+04
OH 0.00000 0.0032805
O+H2=H+OH 5.080E+04 2.67 2.63E+04
O2 0.21017 0.000045804
OH+H2=H+H2O 2.160E+08 1.51 3.43E+04
Al2O3(L) 0.00000 0.34055
OH+OH=O+H2O 1.506E+09 2.02 1.34E+04
H+H+M=H2+M 4.577E+19 -1.4 1.04E+05 TABLE III. FLOW CONDITIONS
H+OH+M=H2O+M 1.912E+23 -1.83 1.18E+05
H+O+M=OH+M 9.880E+17 -0.74 1.02E+05 Velocity (m/s) Pressure (Pa) Temperature (K)
O+O+M=O2+M 4.515E+17 -0.64 1.19E+05 Freestream 650 26500 216.65
CO+OH=CO2+H 9.420E+03 2.25 -2.35E+03 Nozzle / 7000000 3461.35
CO+O2=CO2+O 2.499E+12 0 4.77E+04
CO+O+M=CO2+M 6.170E+14 0 3.00E+03
H+HCL=H2+Cl 1.692E+13 0 4.14E+03 III. RESULTS
H+CL2=HCL+Cl 8.551E+13 0 1.17E+03
HCL+OH=H2O+Cl 2.710E+07 1.65 -2.2E+02 A. Computation of the gas phase
HCL+O=OH+Cl 3.370E+03 2.87 3.51E+03
Cl+Cl+M=Cl2+M 4.675E+14 0 -1.8E3 The fuel-rich plume is exposed to the atmosphere, which
H+Cl+M=HCl+M 1.192E-02 -2 0 is not an inert chemical background, but allows additional
Particles of alumina (aluminum oxide, Al2O3) are oxidant to react with exhaust gases. It is important to focus
primarily encountered in the exhausted of solid propellant on the chemical reaction of the exhaust plume, because it
rocket; finely ground aluminum powder is mixed specific dominates the temperature and mass friction field which is
impulse, while also serving to stabilize the combustion. the key point in the infrared radiation computation. Some
These particles can easily affect the final structure and comparisons between with and without reaction have been
radiation properties of the plume [8]. A Lagrangian made to represent the influence of the chemical reaction in
approach is used here for the computation of particle the exhaust plume.
concentrations and temperature fields from the gaseous The global flow structure of gas is illustrated by the
temperature field (see Fig. 2). The similar structure has been

Published by Atlantis Press, Paris, France.

© the authors
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computer Science and Electronics Engineering (ICCSEE 2013)

obtained in the two cases. The exhaust gas produced at the the nozzle inlet. After oscillations due to the
combustion chamber is accelerated by the Laval nozzle expansion/compression zones, the mass fractions all fall
corresponding to a temperature decrease. As the exhaust gas down at about x=0.5 m in the two cases because of the
out of the nozzle, expansions and compressions of the mixing between exhaust plume and air. In the reaction case,
plume is shaped by the ambient pressure. Surrounding core the unburned species decreases a little faster than the inert
flow, the viscosity effects permit the development of the case. In the meantime, the increase of H2O production is
mixing of fast exhaust gases with slower freestream air. As obtained in the reaction case, corresponding to the
we can see in the reaction case, temperature is a little higher consumption of H2.
than the inert case at the expansion section of the nozzle.
There is a slight difference in the core flow between the two
cases. However, a high temperature tape is obtained at the
mixing layer in the reaction case. The mixing layer is
reheated by the reaction which takes place at the suitable
temperature and concentration of the exhaust gas.

(a) Reaction (b) Without reaction

Figure 4. Mass friction on the axis.
Fig. 5 gives a comparison of the OH mass friction
distribution in the afterburning zone. As we can see in the
inert case, the OH mass fraction is vanishing along the axis
because of the mixing between exhaust plume and air. To
Figure 2. Comparison of flow field temperature (upper: reaction, lower: the contrary, a strong production of OH is gained in the
inert). downstream of the plume in the other case. In the reaction 1
Fig. 3 gives a comparison of the temperature with and to 8 show at Table 1, OH is known as an intermediate for
without reaction. The axial temperature (Fig. 3a) oscillations combustion and thus it determines afterburning flame in the
correspond to the expansion/compression zone with the mixing layer. At some distance downstream the production
same shape in two cases. One can see a slight difference of OH is then burned and transformed to H2O. Fig. 6 shows
between the two cases in the nozzle and near the outlet of the two CO2 mass friction structures in the plume. In the
the nozzle. But after that a significant difference has been carbon monoxide combustion, CO2 is directly produced
obtained which reaches the maximum in the region near from CO. Contrary to the inert case, the CO2 mass friction is
x=1.5 m. It can be explained by the fact that in the flow field, up to 0.1 at the downstream of reactive plume. The
the reaction between exhaust gas and air reheated the plume. maximum of OH and CO2 is determined by the necessity of
As the effect of mixing improving along the axis, the the air/exhaust mixture to be heated to a temperature at
reaction has occurred closer to the axis and has more which combustion can occur. Fig. 7 indicates the difference
influence to axial temperature. Fig. 3b compares the of the Cl mass fraction between the two cases. Differing
temperature between the two cases at x=1m. As we can see from the two species shown above, HCl is decomposed to
in Fig. 3b the maximum temperature is gained in the mixing Cl and Cl2 in the nozzle. Cl is produced nearly
layer near y=0.02m where the reaction takes place. And the instantaneously in the mixing layer next to the exit nozzle.
temperature drops to the ambient condition out of y=0.1m.
Comparing to the inert case, additional heat increment is
also indicated in Fig. 3b.

Figure 5. Comparison of OH mass friction in the after burning zone

(upper: reaction, lower: inert).

(a) Axis (b) X=1 m

Figure 3. Comparison of temperature.
Fig. 4 compares mass fractions of H2, HCl, CO and H2O
Figure 6. Comparison of CO2 mass friction in the after burning zone
species along the axis. The first three ones are the main (upper: reaction, lower: inert).
partially unburned species in the chamber that are injected at

Published by Atlantis Press, Paris, France.

© the authors
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computer Science and Electronics Engineering (ICCSEE 2013)

 The Al2O3 particles generated by the combustion of

solid propellant will reheat the core flow of the
exhaust plume at the expansion/compression zone.
The final achievement would be to account for some
radiative computation permitting the evaluation of the
infrared emission of gases such as H2O, CO2, CO and HCl
Figure 7. Comparison of Cl mass friction in the after burning zone and of alumina particles, in order to entirely validate the
(upper: reaction, lower: inert). assumptions made for the aerothermochemical calculations.
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Figure 9. Comparison of axis temperature.

A numerical scheme has been developed that can
calculate the flow in an intermediate altitude solid rocket
exhaust plume with the AP/HTPB/Al composite propellant.
The combustion chamber condition as the input of the flow
simulation is calculated by the NASA CEA program. And
the exhaust plume is described by solving the 2D Navier-
Stokes equations in FLUENT. Included in the analysis are
nonequilibrium chemical reactions, gas-particle interaction
and turbulence in the mixing layer. Two comparisons are
made to describe the influence of reaction and particles:
 Reactions occurring at the mixing layer would reheat
the plume and change its component. Up to 850K
heat increment is obtained in the reaction case. The
mass friction of H2O would increase. And the mass
friction of CO, HCl and H2 decrease a little faster.

Published by Atlantis Press, Paris, France.

© the authors

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