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The kinetics of CO2 reacting monoethanolamine (MEA) and 3-(methylamino)propylamine (MAPA) solutions are
studied by conducting absorption rate experiments in two different apparatuses: a wetted wall column and a string of
discs column. It is shown that the apparatuses give comparable results.
The results are modeled using the direct kinetic mechanism with activity-based rate expressions, and good
representation is obtained.
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under of GHGT
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1. Introduction
The kinetics of CO2 reacting in amine and caustic solutions have been widely studied by conducting
absorption rate experiments. Versteeg et al. [1] and Aboudheir et al. [2] present comprehensive literature
reviews concerning alkanolamines as solvents.
Two reaction mechanism models are normally used to describe CO2 reactions with amines: the
zwitterion formation and the direct (or termolecular) mechanism [3, 4]. Depending on the assumptions
made, both mechanisms will lead to the same rate expression for CO2 absorption, and can be used
indistinguishably. However, the results obtained by applying these models in their original concentration-
based form do not seem to be able to catch the variations of the kinetic constants with the concentration of
the solution.
Haubrock et al. [5] and Knuutila et al. [6] show that modifying the rate models so that activities of the
species are taken into consideration (and not their concentrations) can lead to better representations
respectively on caustic and carbonate solutions. This modification is made to take into account the strong
non-ideality of the reaction mixtures. Also, Dugas and Rochelle [7] apply direct kinetics with activity-
based rate expressions to model mass transfer experiments of CO2 into monoethanolamine (MEA) and
piperazine (PZ).
It is interesting to notice that activity-based rate models are being successfully applied for modeling
reactions other than CO2 absorption, such as the esterification of 1-butanol with acetic acid [8] and the
enzymatic production of decyl acetate [9].
The reactive absorption studies were conducted in two different apparatuses. MEA absorption
experiments were conducted both in a wetted wall column (WWC) and in a string of discs contactor
(SDC), while MAPA experiments were done only in the SDC. The WWC was described by Luo et al.
[10] while the SDC was described by Ma’mun et al. [11] and Knuutila et al. [12] among others.
In both apparatuses, a gas stream (mixture of N2 and CO2) and an aqueous amine solution flow in
countercurrent mode. The apparatuses are instrumented so that it is possible to calculate a mass balance
for CO2 over the apparatus and thereby determine the rate of absorption. The main difference between the
apparatuses is the mass transfer area, which is 2.19*10-2 m2 in the SDC and 1.69*10-3 m2 in the WWC.
The smaller contact area makes the WWC column unfeasible for studying the kinetics of slow systems.
As both amines considered in this study are relatively fast (MEA is a primary amine, MAPA has one
primary and one secondary group), it is possible to use both apparatuses to evaluate all solutions.
MAPA unloaded solutions with concentrations of 1M, 2M, 3M, 4M and 5M were tested. MEA
experiments were conducted with 5M solutions, with loading varying from 0 to 0.5. The reactions were
performed within the temperature range of 25ºC to 60ºC.
The CO2 absorption flux (NCO2) is determined experimentally. Using a mass transfer model, as the two-
film theory or the penetration theory, the CO2 absorption flux can be correlated with the mass transfer
parameters. The correlation obtained by using the two film theory is shown in equation 1. The
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experiments are carried out in the pseudo-first order regime so that the enhancement factor is equal to the
Hatta number.
pCO2 pCO2
N CO2 a
1 H CO2 1 H CO2
akG Eak L0 akG a kobs DCO2
Here kobs is the observed pseudo-first order kinetic constant. Since all other quantities on the right-hand
side of equation 1 can be assessed experimentally, this equation can be solved for kobs. Under the reaction
conditions prevailing in our experiments the concentration of OH- is very small, so the effect of hydroxyl
ions within the observed pseudo-first order kinetic constant is negligible. The reaction rate of CO2 is
commonly described by the simple expression in equation 2. This is called the concentration based model.
If the concentrations are replaced by the activities of the components, then we have the activity based
model. In equation 3, the activities are represented as the product of the concentration by the activity
coefficients. In this equation, kobs and k2 are represented with a superscript , to indicate that they were
obtained by using the activity based model.
A direct mechanism scheme for carbamate formation is shown in Figure 1. According to this
mechanism the forward reaction rate model in its activity form can be described by equation 4.
For all the experiments addressed in this work, it is reasonable to consider that water and the amine
itself are the only bases present in significant concentrations in the systems. Hence, the rate expression
simplifies to the one presented in equation 5.
rCO2 Am Am H 2O H 2O Am Am CO2 CO2 (5)
Comparing equation 5 to equation 3, the expressions for the observed pseudo-first order and the second
order kinetic constants are obtained as:
kobs Am Am H 2O H 2O Am Am CO2 (5a)
k2 Am Am H 2O H 2O Am CO2 (5b)
When the reaction rate and the system physical properties are known, and a thermodynamic model
(extended UNIQUAC or electrolyte NRTL) is available to evaluate the concentrations and activity
coefficients, the kinetic and mass transfer coefficients can be determined.
The modeled second order kinetic constant for the MAPA system is in good agreement with the values
experimentally determined, as can be seen in Figure 2. Data for 1M, 2M, 3M and 4M MAPA solutions are
well represented by the proposed correlations. However, for 5M MAPA, either the representation is not
very good or there are two outliers.
When using a concentration based model, the obtained average absolute relative deviation (AARD)
was 23%. However, by introducing the activity-based model, the AARD was reduced to 10%, which is
within the experimental uncertainty. This gives an indication that treating the non-idealities of the system
leads to improved results.
It is important to stress that the activity coefficients were fitted using the e-NRTL model against
available vapor-liquid equilibrium (VLE) and CO2 solubility data. While the VLE data are completely
independent from the kinetic results, the CO2 solubility data are used (in the form of Henry’s law
coefficient) when applying equation 1. As long as the modeling assumptions are correct and data used
consistent, improved representation is expected because the modified model takes into account the non-
idealities of the systems.
All the MAPA systems tested within this work were thermodynamically modeled as unloaded systems
(regarding the systems properties models). It should be noted that while running the experiments, CO2
reacts with the amine and thus some loading occurs. The effect of the loading on the system properties
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was neglected, since the maximum loaded achieved during the experiments was of the order 0.01 mol
CO2/mol MAPA for the experiment with 5M MAPA solution at 60ºC.
Since MAPA is a diamine with one primary and one secondary group, it actually forms two distinct
carbamates when reacting with CO2. Hence, the carbamate formation reaction measured in the
experiments is actually the lumped sum of the two carbamate reactions taking place in the system. With
the current set-up, it is not possible to distinguish between them. However, since there is one primary and
one secondary amine group in MAPA, and as the final loadings achieved during the experiments always
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Figure 2 – Model and experimental values for the second order kinetic constant of formation of MAPA carbamate, in m3mol-1s-1
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were lower than 0.01 mol CO2/mol MAPA, it is believed that the kinetic results are more representative of
the primary amine group reaction.
For the MEA system, the representation is generally good, as can be seen in Figure 3. The results for
experiments conducted in the string of discs and in the wetted wall column are in good agreement with
each other. Unlike for the MAPA system, the activity-based rate model was found not to have any clear
advantage over the concentration-based model. The deviations were an AARD = 27% for the
concentration based model and an AARD = 23% for the activity based model. Unfortunately, when using
loaded solutions in the experiments, the higher experimental uncertainties lead to scatter in the data that is
so significant that the corrections for the non-idealities only gives a marginal improvement. It is still
believed that using an activity based model is an advantage.
The concentrations and activity coefficients were obtained from the e-UNIQUAC model presented by
Figure 3 – Parity plot for the observed kinetic constant of formation of MEA carbamate
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5. Conclusions
The results were modeled using the direct kinetic mechanism with activity-based rate expressions, and
good representation is obtained. For the reaction of CO2 into unloaded MAPA a clear improvement was
found when converting from concentration based to activity based kinetics. For the test with CO2-loaded
MEA the data scatter hides any clear advantage of activity based kinetics.
Financial support from the EC 7th Framework Programme through Grant Agreement No : iCap-
241391, is gratefully acknowledged.
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