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Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 1993,32, 2662-2670

Simulation of a Urea Synthesis Reactor. 1. Thermodynamic Framework

Miguel A. Isla and Horacio A. Irazoqui'
Imtituto de Desarrollo Tecnol6gico para l Industria Qufmica (Comejo Nacional de Znvestigaciones a Cientificas y Thcnicas-Universidad Nacional del Litoral), Gfiemes 3450,3000 Santa Fe, Argentina

Carlos M. Genoud
F&brica de Fertilizantes PETROSUR, Pasa Petroqulmica Argentina S.A., Ruta 9, K m 79.4, 2804 Campana, Argentina

A thermodynamic model for the system NH3-CO2-HzO-urea is developed as a supporting program of a urea synthesis reactor simulation module. The model covers a wide range of composition and temperature and can be used to predict the behavior of the system at and removed from urea synthesis conditions. Calculated equilibrium phase compositions and vapor pressures a t different temperatures are in very good agreement with published experimental data. When used as thermodynamic support of the reactor simulation module, the proposed thermodynamic model yields good agreement with production-scale plant data. Calculated partial molal enthalpies for all components in the gas and liquid phases lead t o a satisfactory prediction of local equilibrium temperatures. The solution algorithm for the nonlinear system of phase and chemical equilibrium equations is simple and robust. A multiple-step parameter estimation strategy is adopted to regress published experimental data.
Urea (NH2CONHz) is produced commercially by reaction of ammonia (3 ") and carbon dioxide (Cod, under conditions dependingon each particular plant technology. In most operating processes the synthesisreaction is carried out in the liquid phase, at pressures from 13 to 25 MPa and at temperatures between 170 and 200 "C. A complete survey of operating process technologies has been published by Chao (1967). Subsequently, different process have been described by Uchino (1986) and Stamicarbon Staff (1986). The synthesis proceeds via formation of ammonium carbamate as intermediate, which then dehydrates to give urea. At pressures above ita dissociation pressure the formation of ammonium carbamate is fast and complete. The carbamate dehydration reaction is slower and does not proceed to completion. The equilibrium conversion usually reaches values greater than 80% on a C02 basis (Lemkowitz et al., 1972). To overcome the limitation imposed by chemical equilibrium on the one-pass conversion to urea, several urea technologies include total or partial recycle of unreacted ammonium carbamate. Unreacted C02 and NH3 present in the reactor outlet stream are recovered in a sequence of medium- and lowpressure carbamate decomposers and gas separators. A fraction of the total C02 fed to the process is used in these gas separators as a stripping agent to aid the NH3 and C02 separation from the product stream. Before it is recycled to the synthesis reactor, the stream of recovered gases is condensed and recompressed. The rest of the fresh C02, together with liquid NH3 and the recycle stream, is fed to the tubular synthesis reactor. At the reactor inlet, global NHdC02 (L) H20IC02 and
Table I. Typical Reaction Feed and Outlet Streams in a Total Recycle Urea Process

stream massflow(kg/h) composition (wt%) feed 16770
100 0 0 0 96.0

feed 8310
0 100 0 0 89.4

carbamate recycle 21800

40.83 36.19 21.81 1.17 106.9

outlet stream 46880

36.74 11.24 19.68 32.34 192.9


urea temp ( ( ) "2

(W) ratios are kept close to 4.0 and 0.7, respectively. mole Typical inlet and outlet streams conditions are described in Table I. Over the past 50 years a sustained effort has been put on the chemical and thermodynamic modeling of the system NH3-COz-HzO at and far from urea formation conditions. In the pioneering work of Fdjacques (1948) a single reversible reaction for urea formation
2NH3(1)+ COz(l)e NHzCONH2(1) H20(1) (1) +
w s proposed. This oversimplified model overlooks the a important fact that, at least, two independent reactions contribute significantly to the equilibrium composition: the carbamate formation reaction and the carbamate dehydration reaction. In later work (Kawasumi, l952,1953a,b, 1954;Mavrovic, 1971) the reaction scheme

2NH3(l)+ C02(1) NH20CONH,(1)



NH2CONH2(1) H20(1) +


* Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.

was proposed. This more realistic starting point leaves the way open for a more detailed treatment of chemical

0888-5885f 93/2632-2662$04.00fO 0 1993 American Chemical Society

Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 32, No. 11, 1993 2663 equilibrium. This possibility was lost because the thermodynamic model of chemical equilibrium built on this reaction scheme considered each mole of ammonium carbamate present at equilibrium as if it effectively were 1 mol of free COz plus 2 mol of free ". 3 With this simplifying assumption, equilibrium composition can be determined with a single extent of reaction. However, the model is insufficient to describe simultaneous chemical and phase equilibrium at synthesis conditions, or chemical equilibrium in the liquid phase far from urea synthesis conditions. Lemkowitz et al. (1973) considered eqs 2 and 3 as independent reactions, each one with its own extent of reaction. They solved chemical and gas-liquid equilibria using experimental values of the reaction equilibrium constants. Henry's constants of NH3 and COZ were measured considering the reaction mixture as a solvent. Bubble points of liquid reaction mixtures and dew points of gas mixtures were predicted with the assumption of ideal behavior of gas and liquid phases. Considering the severe conditions a t which the synthesis reaction is conducted and that the liquid phase is an electrolytic solution, it can be concluded that this simplifying assumption limits the validity of the model when the system is removed from the conditions at which the empirical constants were determined. There are abundant experimental data reported on the chemical equilibrium of the synthesis reaction in the liquid phase (Kawasumi, l952,1953a,b, 1954;Kotula, 1981;Inoue et al., 1972a,b). The conversion of COZto urea has been measured for different initial values of the NH3/COz and H20/C02 mole ratios and for different temperatures in the range of interest for urea synthesis. On the basis of the reported data, Gorlovskii and Kucheryavyi (1980) developed a useful correlation to predict the equilibrium conversion within a wide range of initial conditions. The thermodynamic models for the system NH3-COzHzO-ureareviewed so far in this section deal with chemical and phase equilibria. The rigorous simulation of critical equipment in urea synthesis processes also requires the accurate calculation of local temperatures. Therefore, the supporting thermodynamic model for the NH3-COz-HzO-urea mixture must be able to estimate partial molal enthalpies for all components in the gas and liquid phases. In the particular case of modeling and simulation of the synthesis reactor, local reaction rates must be predicted. This puts on the supporting thermodynamic model the burden of predicting the local composition and temperature at any point in the reaction volume (Kummel et al., 1981; Kucheryavyi and Gorbushenkov, 1970). This paper is intended to develop a thermodynamic model capable of supporting a rigorous reactor simulation program (Irazoqui et al., 1993). The model parameters will be estimated by regression of published operating data from pilot-scale plants and from laboratory data found in the literature.
Reaction Scheme




COz(l)+ 2NH3(l)


COz(l) + NH3(l) + HzO(l) HCO;

+ NH3(l)

+ NH4+
+ NH;



NH3(1)+ HzO(l)

C: 0-

+ NH,+

(9) (10)

HO- + NH;

HzO(l) * HO- + H+

This system of reactions does not account for an alternative way to dissolve COZdifferent from the production of ionic species. Except for the negligible amount that remains unreacted, all of the COz dissolved has been used to form He@-, c03'-, and HzNCOO- anions. This confers some lack of flexibility to the scheme, which for intermediate to high concentrations leads to overestimation of the ionic strength of the mixture. Undissociated carbamic acid formed from dissolved COz and NH3 according to COz(l) NH3(l) * H,NCOOH(l) (12) may be present in the NH3-COz-HzO mixture under certain conditions (Hatch and Pigford, 1962;Buckingham et al., 1986). Partial dissociation of ammonium carbamate can be included by considering the equilibrium C02(1)+ 2NH3(l) H,NCOONH,(l) (13) together with eq 7. At high ammonia and carbon dioxide concentrations and for temperatures above 160 "C, the urea synthesis reaction H,NCOO- + NH; HzNCONHz(l)+ HzO(l) (14) must also be taken into account. Although the objective of this work is to develop a thermodynamic subprogram to assist an urea synthesis reactor simulator, all of the above chemical reactions must be taken into account in order to profit from experimental data taken under different conditions, even if they were measured outside the synthesis range. In this way, no a priori restrictions on the degrees of freedom of the chemical system are imposed. The values of the parameters obtained by regression of the available experimental data will show which of the reactions in the scheme are relevant and which are not under ureasynthesis Conditions. However, chemical reactions with negligible equilibrium reaction extents will be disregarded in the final version of the phase and chemical equilibrium model to avoid unnecessary time-consuming iteration loops to be executed in each call to the thermodynamic supporting program.
Activity Coefficients

The behavior of the system NH3-COz-HzO has been extensively studied under conditions removed from those at which urea is formed (Edwards et al., 1978;Pawlikowsky et al., 1982;Kawazuishi and Prausnitz, 1987;Goppert and Maurer, 1988). The chemical model on which this body of work is based does not include urea either as a reactant or as a product.

Most of the work published on the chemical and thermodynamic modeling of the system NH3-COz-HzO


Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 32, No. 11, 1993

Table 11. Extended UNIQUAC Model: Pure Component Parameters
component (i)

deals with solutions from dilute to moderate concentrations of NH3 and C02 in water. Under such circumstances it is natural to choose the pure liquid at the system temperature, T, and pressure, P, as the standard state for water and that of infinite dilution in pure water for CO2 and nonvolatile species. A t synthesis conditions ammonia is fed to the reactor in great excess over its stoichiometric ratio to CO2. Urea and water, already present in the recycle stream, are produced in equal molar quantities by the urea synthesis reaction, representing together more than 50%of the outlet stream mass flow rate. In this situation, it is convenient to choose the pure liquid at the system temperature, T, and pressure, P, as the standard state for ammonia, water, and urea and infinite dilution in pure water as the standard state for the remaining components in the mixture. To estimate the activity coefficientsin the mixture 3C02-Hz0, Bernardis et al. (1989) used an extended UNIQUAC model (Sander et al., 1986a,b). In this paper, some of the most important binary interaction parameters are considered as functions of the temperature and of the ionic strength of the mixture. It is noticeable the strong dependence found for the binary interaction parameters on the ionic strength, which seems to be an indirect way to compensate for the inherent limitations of the adopted reaction scheme to interpret the chemical changes occurring in the medium far from synthesis conditions. In this paper, the chemical reaction system discussed in the previous section is adopted. Activity coefficients are predicted by means of the UNIQUAC extended equation In yi(T,x) = In yy(x) + In y?(T,x)

0.92 1.00 1.32 0.91 1.54 1.71 19 .9 2.16

1.40 1.00 1.12 09 .9 1.44 1.58 1.92 2.00

where mi is the molality of the i ionic species referred to 1000 g of mixed solvent, Mi is the molecular weight of neutral species i, ziis the charge number of a ionic species i; b is the distance of closest approach between ions, z is the coordination number (usually z = lo), ri and qi are fixed UNIQUAC volume and surface pure component parameters (see Table 11) and aij are adjustable binary interaction parameters. Following Sander et al. (1986a) b = 1.5 was chosen and the DebyeHtickel parameter A was taken as the one corresponding to pure water. Activity coefficientsbased on the symmetric convention, yi(T,X), can be related to those based on the unsymmetric convention, In y i o ( ~ , x= In yioc(x)+ In yi0tR(~,x) In y i 0 J ( ~ , x ) ) + (25) by means of

+ In yFH(T,x)

(15) In yioPR(T,x) In y:(T,x) =

where the combinatorial, yic(X), and the residual, TiR(T,x), contributions to activity coefficients are given by where

- In yimVR(T) (27)

In yioPDH(T,x)In yFH(T,x)- In yjlPDH (28) = In yimpc= ln(ri/rl) + (z/2)qi ln[qir1/(riql)I + li - riZl/ql (29) In y i m J ?= -qi(ln ~ and




respectively. The Debye-Htickel contribution for nonionic species (Sander et al., 1986a), is In y F H ( ~ , x ) ( 2 ~ / b ~ ) ~ , b 1 ~- 1/(1+ b ~ / - ) = [ + ~ / ~ ~ 2 ln(1 + b11/2)1 (18) while in the case of ionic species is In y F H ( ~ , x ) -Z?AP/~/(I = where

In yimJ 0 = (31) give the limiting values of the configurational, residual, and DebyeHuckel contributions to the activity coefficient in therationalsymmetricscale takenasxl-1 (purewater). Following the same criterion of Sander et al. (1986133, the Debye-Huckel parameter A was taken as the one corresponding to pure water.
Mathematical Model


A t global equilibrium, the following set of nonlinear, partial equilibrium conditions must be satisfied (subscript assignment to system components can be found in Table 11). Phase Equilibrium. At phase equilibrium, the following relationship must be satisfied for water (i = 1)and ammonia (i = 2)

~ i= j

exp(-aij/T); uij # aji;aii = ajj = 0


xiri(T,x) f i (TQ-0) exp(uiP/RT) = PYi@i(TQ,Y), i = 1,2 (32) while for carbon dioxide (i = 3) the phase equilibrium condition is

Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 32, No. 11, 1993 2665

x3y,O(T,x)H3,1(TPv,1(T)) exp(v,"(P - P,,,(T))/RT)= PY3@3(TQ,Y) (33) where x and y are arrays of the mole fractions in the liquid and gas phase, respectively. The fugacity coefficient of component i in the gas mixture, ai(TQ,y), is estimated using the equation of state proposed by Nakamura et al. (1976). In eqs 15-33, yi( T,x)is the activity coefficient of species i measured in the rational symmetric scale, while ?io (T,x) is the activity coefficient in the rational unsymmetric scale. The temperature dependence of the pure liquid reference fugacity a t zero pressure for ammonia (i = 2), fz", is modeled as
In f z 0 ( T )= (A,/T) + A, In T + A3T + A, (34) with f2" in MPa and T in K. In the limit of X I approaching 1 (pure water), the relationship In H3,1(T)= In r3"(T) In f30(2") + (35) between Henry's constant of COz (i = 3) in water, the hypothetical standard state fugacity, f 3 O , and the limiting form of the activity coefficient in the rational symmetric scale, y3-, holds for this noncondensable solute. The dependence of In f 3 O on the system temperature can be modeled with an empirical expression with the same form as that chosen for In f2O (eq 34). Besides,
(36) which, from eqs 23,29, and 30, can be shown to be of the form

COZ-HzO-urea system over the temperature, pressure, and composition range of the experimental d a h

K,(T) = K J x ) K,,(T,x); r = 7,8,12, 14



In rJT) = @ i l / T ) - (&'Til + ci (37) where Ci is a constant that depends on component i. The empirical function In H3,1(T)= ( B l / T )+ B, In T + B3T + B4 - q3731 (38) chosen to model the temperature dependence of Henry's constant of COZin water, H ~ J , consistent with eqs 34, is 35, and 37, as required. Chemical Equilibrium. The functional form In K&T) = (C,,/T) C,: In T C3,T + C,: (39) was adopted to describe the temperature dependence of the j reaction equilibrium constant. The estimation of the parameters of the phase and chemical equilibrium model was done by a nonlinear regression of experimental data using the maximum likelihood principle (Anderson et al., 1978). To lower the number of parameters to be regressed, exploratory runs of the parameter estimation program were made on the basis of the chemical reaction scheme described by eqs 7-13. Provisional but still significant estimated values of the model parameters were used to assess the relative importance of the chemical reactions 7-14 in the whole range of experimental conditions. By solving the phase and chemical equilibrium, it was found that in the temperature, pressure, and composition range of the experimental data only eqs 7,8,12, and 14 have to be considered to account for the detailed equilibrium composition. The remaining chemical reactions showed values of their reaction extents too low to influence the phase and chemical equilibrium composition. Therefore, the following set of nonlinear equations was 3 chosen to describe the chemical equilibrium of the "-

The electroneutrality condition is automatically satisfied when the extents of reactions 7,8,12, and 14 are used to compute the equilibrium composition of the reaction mixture. Given the temperature of the system and the initial values of the NHdC02 and H20/C02 mole ratios, the set of nonlinear equations is solved by an iteration method, according to the following procedure: (i) Initially each of the activity coefficients is set equal to 1. (ii) The value of the extent of the urea synthesis reaction (eq 14) is guessed. (iii) The system formed by eqs 32,33, and 41-46 is solved to obtain the extent of the reactions 7,8, and 12 in terms of the current value of the extent of reaction 14. (iv) With the liquid composition resulting from step iii, activity coefficients are calculated and substituted in eqs 32, 33, and 41-46. Steps iii and iv are repeated until convergence on mole fractions is obtained. (v) With the current values of the activity coefficients and of the extents of the reactions 7,8, and 12, eqs 47 and 48 are solved to obtain the extent of reaction 14. This can be done by solving a quadratic equation and disregarding the unphysical root. The algorithm returns to step ii, repeating steps ii and iii until the convergence criterion imposed on the extent of reaction 14 is satisfied. Bubble pressure and bubble composition can be calculated by means of eqs 32 and 33. In the synthesis reactor the presence of a gas phase is undesirable. The calculation of the bubble pressure at every point in the reactor is necessary only to ensure that the reaction mixture is always subcooled at synthesis conditions. The proposed calculation procedure is simple and robust. It has the additional advantage that it is able to cover

2666 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 32, No. 11, 1993

situations in which the synthesis reaction shows a measurable progress (as in the reactor) and also those in which it is negligible (as in the recycle stream). In the latter of the two situations, the extent of reaction 14 is set equal to zero and no iterative loop between steps ii and v is needed. Enthalpy Calculations. Neglecting pressure corrections, the partial molal enthalpy for water (i = 1) and ammonia (i = 2) in the liquid phase (Prausnitz et al., 1980) can be approximated by


= RdO(T) R,O(T) + = R4"(T)+ ) ; T , O ( T )



are the standard molal enthalpies of the electrolytes. Rearranging the van't Hoff equation written for K7(2'), K d T ) , K12(T), and K14(T), the following expressions of the standard molal enthalpies of the product species are obtained:

R i ( ~ , x ) H ~ O ( T ) - R P (In y = ~



R4,60(7') 2H20(T)+ R30(T)+ RF(d In K7(T)/dT) =


Hio(T)= Hi*(T)- RP(d In f i o / a T ) (50) In eqs 49 and 50, Hio(T) is the molal enthalpy of the hypothetical liquid pure component at zero pressure and at the system temperature andH?(T) is the molal enthalpy of the ideal gas pure component at the same temperature. For carbon dioxide (i = 3), the dilute solution in pure liquid water has been chosen as the reference state. The corresponding expression of the partial molal enthalpy in the liquid phase is

+ H20(T)+ R30(T) +
R F ( d In K , ( T ) / ~ T )(59)

R8"(T) H 1 O ( T ) =

+ 2H,O(T) + R30(T)+
RP(d In K14(T)/Xl"l (61)

R3(T,x) R3'(7')- R P ( d In y30/dT) =


Finally, the molal enthalpy of the liquid mixture is given by

where the molal enthalpy of CO2 in its hypothetical liquid standard state at zero pressure and at the system temperature is given by

where x j is the mole fraction of species j in the mixture. Parameter Estimation Strategy The model adopted to fit the chemical and phase equilibrium behavior of the NHs-CO2-HzO-urea system contains a total of 80 adjustable parameters. Among these are the Ai constants of eq 34, with i = 1, ..., 4; the Bi constants of eq 38, with i = 1, ...,4, and the Cij constants of eq 39, with i = 7, 8, 12, 14 and j = 1, ..., 4. These equations give the pure liquid reference fugacity of NH3 at zero pressure, the Henry's constant of COa in water, and the chemical equilibrium constants of reactions 7,8, 12, and 14, respectively, as functions of temperature. The remaining 56 adjustable parameters are UNIQUAC interaction parameters aij, with i, j = 1, ..., 8, which are necessary to model the temperature dependence of the activity coefficients of the components in the mixture and to calculate their molal partial excesa enthalpy. The UNIQUAC interaction parameter a31 also appears in the empirical function chosen to model the temperature dependence of Henry's constant of C02 in H2O (eq 38) through the function
= exp(-a,,/T) To calculate the reactor temperature profile, the temperature corresponding to each local enthalpy and composition has to be computed. The accuracy of the prediction of temperatures from molal enthalpy values at given compositions largely depends on the accuracy of the coefficients listed above. This is why plant measurements of the adiabatic mixing temperature of the reactor feed streams have been included as experimental points to estimate the model parameters, in addition to liquid-vapor and chemical equilibrium data. These additional experimental measurements are needed because of the proven fact that "...correct predictions of the vapor phase compositionsand pressures by a solution model do not guarantee that the description of the liquid phase is correct" (Pelkie et al., 1992).

R30(T) H3*(T) - R P ( d lnH3,1/dT) =


where H3,1 is Henry's constant of COZin water, given by eq 38. The partial molal enthalpies of ionic and neutral reaction products can be calculated using the appropriate forms of the van't Hoff equation relating the standard molal enthalpies of the reaction products to those of the reactant species. The dilute solution in pure liquid water has been chosen as the reference state for all reaction products. The corresponding expression of the partial molal enthalpy in the liquid phase is

R i ( ~ , x ) i 0 ( - R P (In yi0/") =R ~ ~


whereHio(T) is the molal enthalpy of the i product species in its hypothetical liquid standard state at zero pressure and at the system temperature. Anions and cations belonging to the same electrolyte are not independent speciessince their concentrations have to satisfy the electroneutrality condition. For this reason it is convenient to work with partial molal enthalpies of each dissociated electrolyte instead of working with ionic partial molal enthalpies. The partial molal enthalpies of dissociated ammonium (i = 4) bicarbonate (i = 5) and ammonium carbamate (i = 6) are given by

H4,5(T,~) = H44,50(T) - RPaCca In y40/aT) + (d In r5"ldT)1 (54)

R4,6(T,x)= R4,e0(T) P [ ( dIn y4~/a77 -R + (a In y6OldT)I (55)

respectively, where

Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 32, No. 11, 1993 2667 Aslightly modified version of the parameter estimation program published by Prausnitz et al. (1980), which is baaed on the method of Anderson et al. (1978), has been adopted in this work. Before starting the parameter estimation process, a set of initial parameter estimates was generated. To this purpose it was recognized that different subsets among the model parameters can be related to different features of the system behavior. In particular, the characteristic minimum shown by the isothermal bubble pressure of NH3-CO2 and NH3-CO2H2O mixtures as a function of the COdNH3 ratio at, and outside, urea synthesis conditions, is ascribed to chemical reactions (Pelkie et al., 1992; Bernardis et al., 1989; Lemkowitz et al., 1973). The Cij parameters included in the correlation of the chemical equilibrium constants with temperature are reasonably expected to have an important impact on the prediction of the system behavior if the C02/NH3 ratio is taken within the range in which the pressure minimum occurs as a consequence of the chemical reactions in the liquid phase. Also, at low concentrations of NH3 and C02 in H2O the Debye-Huckel contribution to the activity coefficientswill tend to dominate over the configurational and residual ones, thus attenuating the impact of the UNIQUAC interaction parameters aij on the phase and chemical equilibrium description. Therefore, to obtain initial values of the parameters Clj, C2j, C3j, and C4j, for j = 7, 8, and 12, the parameter estimation program was ran on a subset of experimental points of low concentration of NH3 and COz in H20, and with COdNH3 ratio about the pressure minimum. These points have been chosen among the extensive experimental data published by Goppert and Maurer (1988). In these initialization runs the UNIQUAC interaction parameters aij were taken equal to 0, while the Ai and Bi parameters of eqs 34 and 38 were obtained from published data by Gillespie et al. (1987) and by Edwards et al. (19781, respectively. The low COz/NH3 branch of the isothermal bubble pressure curve of the NH3-CO2-HzO system can be interpreted assuming that its asymptotic behavior is dominated by the NHS-H~O binary interactions and by the chemicalreactions present. On this basis, experimental points in the low COdNH3 region were selected from the data published by Goppert and Maurer (1988) to generate initial estimates of the a12 and a21 binary interaction parameters. The parameter estimation program was run on this subset of experimental points, using the initial values of the parameters Clj, Czj, C3j, and C4j, for j = 7, 8, and 12, obtained before and taking the remaining aij parameters equal to 0. Assuming that the asymptotic behavior of the "3 C02-H20 system at large C02/NH3ratios is dominated by the C02-Hz0 binary interactions in addition to the chemical reactions present, initial a13 and a31 values were estimated. For this, the parameter estimation program was run on a subset of experimental points in the large COdNH3 region selected from the same source as the others. The initial estimates of the a12 and a21 binary interaction parameters obtained before were used, as well as those of the parameters Clj, Cq, C3j , and Cdj, for j 7, 8, and 12. The remaining aij parameters were taken equal to 0. After the initialization procedure has been accomplished, the parameter estimation process for the NH3-CO2-HzO system outside urea synthesis conditions begins, taking the initial estimates of the model parameters asthe starting point. In all the regressions made so far in this procedure, the urea synthesis reaction has been excluded from the chemical model and the interaction coefficients aj,8 and asj were both taken equal to 0. This was done because the liquid-vapor equilibrium data used for the NH3-CO2H2O system were reported at conditions outside those of urea synthesis. In the following step the synthesis reaction was taken into account, as well as the interaction between urea and the other components in the mixture. The parameter estimation process was renewed on a set of 48 vapor-liquid and chemical equilibrium data for the NH3-C02-H20urea system at synthesis conditions (Inoue et al., 1972). To keep the number of adjustable parameters well below the number of experimental points, some of the aij interaction parameters in the NH3-COzH2O-urea system were given the same value as that already estimated for the NH3-C02-H20 system on the basis of the experimental data by Goppert and Maurer (1988). At synthesis conditions, the liquid phase at chemical equilibrium can be thought of as a solution of ammonium salts in a mixed solvent formed by excess "3, H20, and urea. Among the solutes, ammonium carbamate is the predominant species and the amount of free C02 in the liquid phase is negligible. The equilibrium concentrations of ammonium bicarbonate and carbamic acid are also very small compared to that of ammonium carbamate. Under these circumstances the aij parameters in the "3-CO2-HaO-urea system corresponding to binary interactions between solutes were assigned the same value they had in the NHs-COZ-H~O system. The same criterion was adopted for the interactions between carbamic acid and bicarbonate ions with each of the components of the mixed solvent. The only ajj parameters adjusted in this final step were those corresponding to interactions between the compoH20, and urea) and nents of the mixed solvent (Le., "3, to interactions between each one of them with C02 and ammonium and carbamate ions. The list of the parameters adjusted in this final step is completed with the binary interaction parameters ai,sand a ~ ji,,j = 1, ..., 7, and the parameters c , 4c , 4c3,14, and 11 , 21 , c4,14, related to the temperature dependence of the synthesis reaction equilibrium constant. The multiobjective function to be minimized included the error between predicted and measured vapor equilibrium pressure over the reaction mixture at urea synthesis conditions, the error between predicted and measured conversion of initial C02 to urea, and the error between predicted and measured adiabatic mixing temperature of the reactor feed streams. The proposed phase and chemical equilibrium model with the final set of adjusted parameters loaded was able to accurately reproduce the behavior of the NH3-CO2HzO-urea system within the range of temperature and composition defined by the synthesis reactor inlet and outlet streams.
Analysis of Results

There is some disagreement in the equilibrium conversion of C02 to urea reported by different authors (Inoue et al., 1972; Kawasumi, 1952a,b,1953,1954;Kotula, 1981). Therefore, different parameter sets can be obtained depending on the set of experimental data used. However, the equilibrium conversionvalues predicted can be checked

2668 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 32, No. 11, 1993
Table 111. Equilibrium Constants, Ammonia Fugacity, and Carbon Dioxide Henry's Constant Parameters parameters lOAz function 1VA1 lO3A3 A4 2.8417 -2.5759 14.6460 In fzo ( m a ) -2.5141 parameters lOBz function 1VB1 WE3 B4 -3.5050 6.3216 18.1575 In HR (MPa) I -2.6560 Darameters function IVCli 102Czi IOSCR i CAi In Ki -5.3985 -20.2220 9.9068 7.4296 i=7 0.8404 1.8736 -21.6135 i=8 8.8226 0.0283 -0.1005 -21.5090 i = 12 8.1358 -1.7352 -4.7506 9.3576 5.6601 i = 14
~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~





0 L14.0


o L.5.0

0 a W


2 8

Table IV. Extended UNIQUAC Model: Binary Interaction Parameters


i 1




1 2 847.3 3 2623.7 4 -272.8 5 -2.6 6 -96.6 7 -158.7 8 91.7

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 -626.3 -401.5 355.6 -18.2 0.9 -118.0 -110.0 -291.4 -190.7 -41.9 335.0 -1366.7 357.1 -610.0 836.1 825.3 -204.8 958.6 670.5 -12.4 -653.6 -907.8 1476.5 -656.9 272.8 844.7 -637.1 284.9 1158.4 82.9 -0.9 -62.3 -302.6 -337.2 -632.5 157.5 221.6 95.6 89.1 568.6 201.1 98.0 142.3 -532.5 269.0 -162.2 2.3 -166.2 -33.2

Figure 1. Influence of HaO/COz load ratio (W) on equilibrium conversion at t = 190 O C and different NH$COa ratios (t). , 0 , (0 A, 0 ) Gorlovskii and Kucheryavyi (1980); (-) this model. Table VI. Influence of Ratios L and W o n Equilibrium Conversion at t = 190 O C ; Comparison with Experimental Data
COZto urea equilib conv exptla this model 3.5 0.0 75.9 77.3 0.2 72.5 73.8 0.4 69.2 70.4 0.6 65.8 67.3 0.8 62.4 64.3 1.0 59.1 61.5 4.0 0.0 80.0 80.2 0.2 76.9 77.0 0.4 73.8 73.9 0.6 70.7 71.0 0.8 67.7 68.2 1.0 64.6 65.6 4.5 0.0 83.1 82.3 0.2 80.3 79.3 0.4 77.5 76.5 0.6 74.6 73.8 0.8 71.8 71.2 1.0 69.0 68.8 5.0 0.0 84.9 83.9 0.2 82.4 81.2 0.4 79.9 78.6 0.6 77.3 76.1 0.8 74.8 73.6 1.0 72.2 71.3 a Calculated with the correlation of Gorlovskii and Kucheryavyi (1980) which fits experimental results from several sources.

Table V. Influence of Temperature and W o n Equilibrium Conversion for L = 4; Comparison with Experimental Data


180 190 200 210 180 190 200 210 180 190 200 210



COz to urea equilib conv exptla this model 79.2 80.2 80.0 80.1 79.6 79.9 77.9 79.5 71.5 72.5 72.3 72.4 71.9 72.1 70.2 71.5 63.8 65.6 64.6 65.5 64.1 65.2 62.5 64.6

Calculated with the correlation of Gorlovskii and Kucheryavyi (1980) which fits experimental results from several sources.

against those calculated by means of the correlation of Gorlovskii and Kucheryavyi (1980), which is based on a large number of experimental data from many independent authors. Fortunately, abundant plant reactor data obtained under different operating conditions provide an irreplaceable tool for checking both the model performance and the parameter quality. Agreement between plant data and simulation results is an indication of the good performance of the thermodynamic model. Tables I11 and IV show the model parameters obtained with the procedure explained above. The equilibrium data from Inoue et al. (1972) were used to correlate the urea synthesis reaction equilibrium constant with the system temperature. Values of the adiabatic mixing temperature of the reactor feed streams from plant measurements and the temperatures of all inlet and outlet streams of known composition were included as part of the experimental data on which the parameter regression was based. This allowed an

accurate prediction of the temperature profile along the synthesis reactor. Figure 1illustrates the model performance at predicting equilibrium conversions. It must be noticed that agreement is better for initial NH3/C02 ratios closer to actual reactor operating conditions, because of the abundance of published experimental data in this region. Tables V and VI summarize the model sensitivity to changes in the most important operating and control variables: temperature, NHJC02load ratio (L), H2O/ and C02 load ratio (W).It can be noticed that the differences between predicted and measured equilibrium conversions are within experimental error. Calculated bubble pressures against mole percent of ammonia for an NH3-CO2 initial mixture are shown in

Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 32, No. 11, 1993 2669


\ \

+- t=200"C *

t = 180 "C t=190C

9 65








(mol %)

Figure 2 Vapor pressure of NH.q-COrH20 system. .

Figure 2. Agreement with data reported by Lemkowitz (1973) is excellent, reproducing the pressure minimum at its exact position for each temperature. This is a remarkable result if we consider the fact that experimental points with zero initial H20/C02 ratio were scarce. Conclusions Although the model proposed is intended to support an urea reactor simulator, it was also tested at predicting the behavior of the systems NH3-COz-H20 and NH3-CO2HzO-urea over a wide range of composition and temperature. In all cases the model was able to predict vapor pressures and C02 to urea conversions satisfactorily. When used as the thermodynamic support of an urea reactor simulation program (Irazoqui et al., 1993),results were in excellent agreement with observed plant data. The observed reactor sensibility to changes in NHdC02 and H20/C02 load ratios were correctly reproduced. Acknowledgment Financial support from Pasa Petroquimica Argentina S.A., Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientfficas y TBcnicas, and Universidad Nacional del Litoral is gratefully acknowledged. Nomenclature
A = Debye-Huckel parameter Aj = jth parameter in the correlation of pure liquid reference fugacity of ammonia with temperature aij = UNIQUAC binary interaction parameters between components i and j Bj = jth parameter in the correlation of Henry's constant of carbon dioxide in water with temperature b = distance of closest approach between ions C h i =kth parameter in the correlation of the equilibrium constant of chemical reaction j with temperature f i 0 = pure liquid reference fugacity of component i at zero pressure g = gas (eqs 4-6) H = molal enthalpy of the liquid mixture &= partial molal enthalpy of component i H '= molal enthalpy of component i in the ideal gas reference i state

Hio = molal enthalpy of component i in the pure liquid reference state at zero pressure Elio = molal enthalpy of component i at infinite dilution in water reference state Hij= Henry's constant of component i in solvent j K = equilibrium constant of chemical reaction J' j L = NHdC02 load mole ratio 1 = liquid (eqs 1-14) li = see eq 22 Mi = molecular weight of neutral species i mi = molality of the i ionic species referred to loo0 g of mixed solvent P = pressure Pvj = vapor pressure of component i qi= UNIQUAC surface parameter of component i R = gas constant ri= UNIQUAC volume parameter of component i T = absolute temperature ui = liquid molal volume of component i uim = liquid molal volume of component i at infinite dilution W = H20/C02 load mole ratio x i = mole fraction of component i in the liquid phase x = array of the mole fractions in the liquid phase yi = mole fraction of component i in the gas phase y = array of the mole fractions in the gas phase z = UNIQUAC coordination number ( z = 10) zi= charge number of a ionic species i
Greek Letters

activity coefficient of component i, rational symmetric convention yio = activity coefficient of component i , rationalunsymmetric convention yi" = limiting value of the activity coefficient in the rational symmetric scale taken as XI 1 (pure water) Bi= surface area fraction of component i &= volume area fraction of component i ai= fugacity coefficient of component i in the gas phase

Superscripts C = combinatorial DH = Debye-Huckel R = residual

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Received for review February 8, 1993 Revised manuscript received July 7, 1993 Accepted July 14, 1993.
Abstract published in Advance ACS Abstracts, October 1, 1993.

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