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Kingdom Monera Reading

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Kingdom: Monera (Archaebacteria and Eubacteria)

By Cindy Grigg

When Linnaeus began classifying living
things, he used only two kingdoms, plant and
animal. With the technology of microscopes, new
living things were discovered. Differences could
be seen inside their cells. Two kingdoms were not
enough. Most scientists today use either a five-
kingdom or six-kingdom classification system.
Until recently, all bacteria were grouped
together in one kingdom (five kingdom system).
This was because their cell structure was similar. The five-kingdom system is
divided into animal, plant, fungi, protist, and monera. The monera kingdom is
made up of two groups called phyla. Both of these phyla are made up of one-celled
organisms, which are all bacteria. None of them have a true nucleus. One-celled
(unicellular) organisms whose DNA is not contained inside a nucleus are called
prokaryotes (PRO care ee oats). They are bacteria. Bacteria mostly absorb their
food. Some have chlorophyll. These bacteria can be round, rod-shaped, or spiral
shaped. The other phylum is the cyanobacteria. They are often called blue-green
bacteria. They can make their own food using chlorophyll and are mostly blue-
green in color.
More recently, a six-kingdom classification system has been used. The six
divisions are animal, plant, fungi, protist, eubacteria, and archaebacteria. The last
two divisions are used based on the type of cells the organism has, whether or not
it can make its own food, and the number of cells in each organism. Because some
bacteria are chemically different, the monera kingdom was separated into the two
new kingdoms.
A new discovery in 1983 led to the reclassification. Scientists took a water
sample from a thermal vent deep in the Pacific Ocean. Hot gases and molten rock
poured out of the Earth's interior. They found archaebacteria (ahr kee back TIER
ee uh) in the water samples where no life was thought to exist. The word
archaebacteria means "ancient bacteria." Scientists think that modern-day
archaebacteria were similar to Earth's early life forms, existing on Earth billions of
years before the dinosaurs lived.
Some archaebacteria can make their own food (autotrophic). Some must get
their food from other organisms (heterotrophic). Some live in boiling hot springs in
Yellowstone National Park. Some can live in very acidic environments. Some may
even live inside of you. Archaebacteria have also been found in the intestines of
animals, in sewage, and in swampy mud. These bacteria are the cause of the foul
smells that you may think of when you think of these places. Some live in
anaerobic environments, or places without oxygen. To them, oxygen is poison.
These "extremophiles" who live in extremely hot, acidic, or anaerobic
environments have been separated in the classification system from the eubacteria.
Their cell membrane and RNA are also chemically different from the eubacteria.
Most bacteria is classified in the kingdom of eubacteria (YOU back tier ee uh).
They are also one-celled prokaryotes. Some make their own food. They float on
the surface of water and use the energy of the sun to make food and oxygen. These
bacteria, scientists believe, added oxygen to the Earth's atmosphere billions of
years ago. Even today, they still contribute oxygen to our atmosphere. Most
eubacteria do not live in extreme environments. The classification system that
began with Carolus Linnaeus's two kingdoms will probably continue to change as
new discoveries are made.
Copyright © 2009 edHelper
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Kingdom: Monera (Archaebacteria and Eubacteria)

1. In the monera kingdom, all 2. What are prokaryotes?
organisms are: One-celled organisms whose
One-celled organisms cell lacks a membrane-bound nucleus
Bacteria Unicellular organisms who
Both a and b have a membrane-bound nucleus
Multi-cellular organisms whose
cells have membrane-bound nuclei
3. The main difference between 4. Why do some scientists use a six-
archaebacteria and eubacteria is: kingdom system instead of the five-
Chemical difference in the cell kingdom system?
membrane and RNA Because they needed another
Eubacteria make their own category for viruses
food while archaebacteria must find Because they needed more
food. categories to group things
Archaebacteria make their own Because of chemical
food while eubacteria must find food. differences in bacteria
5. Archaebacteria and eubacteria share
these characteristics:
All members are prokaryotes.
All members are bacteria.
Both a and b

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