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Alhassan Saeed (BSc., B Tech, M phil)

Classification of Organisms
• The classification of living organisms has been controversial
throughout time, and these schemes are among those in use

• Aristotle’s system distinguished only between plants and animals

on the basis of movement, feeding mechanism, and growth

• This system groups prokaryotes, algae, and fungi with the

plants, and moving, feeding protozoa with the animals.

• The increasing sophistication of laboratory methods and

equipment, however, revealed the differences between
prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, prompting a classification
system that reflects them.
Classification of Organisms cont’d

Greek philosopher Aristotle (384-322 BC) grouped life forms as either plant or
animal. Microscopic organisms were unknown.

Plants Animals
Classification of Organisms cont’d
• In 1735 Swedish naturalist Carolus Linnaeus formalized
the use of two Latin names to identify each organism, a
system called binomial nomenclature.

• He grouped closely related organisms and introduced

the modern classification groups: kingdom, phylum,
class, order, family, genus, and species. Single-celled
organisms were observed but not classified.
Classification of Organisms cont’d

Kingdom: Plantae Animalia

Organisms: Plants Animals

Classification of Organisms cont’d

• In 1866 German biologist Ernst Haeckel proposed a

third kingdom, Protista, to include all single-celled

• Some taxonomists also placed simple multicellular

organisms, such as seaweeds, in Kingdom Protista.
• Bacteria, which lack nuclei, were placed in a separate
group within Protista called Monera.
Classification of Organisms cont’d

Kingdom: Protista Plantae Animalia

Organisms: All single-celled Plants Animals
organisms, such as
amoebas and
diatoms, and
sometimes simple
organisms such as
Classification of Organisms cont’d

In 1938 American biologist Herbert Copeland proposed a

fourth kingdom, Monera, to include only bacteria.

This was the first classification proposal to separate

organisms without nuclei, called prokaryotes, from
organisms with nuclei, called eukaryotes, at the kingdom

Kingdom: (Prokaryote) Protista Plantae Animalia
Organisms: Bacteria Amoebas, diatoms, Plants Animals
and other single- Fungi
celled eukaryotes,
and sometimes
organisms, such as
Classification of Organisms cont’d

• In 1957 American biologist Robert H. Whittaker proposed a fifth

kingdom, Fungi, based on fungi's unique structure and method of
obtaining food.

• Fungi do not ingest food as animals do, nor do they make their
own food, as plants do; rather, they secrete digestive enzymes
around their food and then absorb it into their cells.
Kingdom: e) Protista Fungi Plantae Animalia
Organism Bacteria Amoebas, Multicellula Multicellula Multicellula
s: diatoms, r, r r
and other filamentou organisms organisms
single-celled s that obtain that ingest
eukaryotes, organisms food food
and that through
sometimes absorb photosynth
simple food esis
such as
Classification of Organisms cont’d

• In 1990 American molecular biologist Carl Woese

proposed a new category, called a Domain, to reflect
evidence from nucleic acid studies that more precisely
reveal evolutionary, or family, relationships.

• He suggested three domains, Archaea, Bacteria, and

Eucarya, based largely on the type of ribonucleic acid
(RNA) in cells.
Classification of Organisms cont’d
Domain: Archaea Bacteria Eucarya
Kingdom: Crenarcha Euryachaeo Protista Fungi Plantae Animalia
eota ta
Organism Ancient Ancient
s: bacteria bacteria
that that grow in
produce high
methane temperatur

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