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Lesson Plan in Music 8

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The document discusses the traditional musical instruments of Japan and how they are classified into percussion, string, and wind instruments.

The three classification of musical instruments of Japan are percussion, string and wind instruments.

Percussion instruments are played by striking or hitting a stretched membrane.

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Tagudin National High School
Tagudin Ilocos Sur



At the end of the lesson, the learners are expected to:
a. identify the different musical instruments of Japan;
b. appreciate the nature and qualities of the musical instruments of Japan; and
c. discover the traditional music of Japan through their instrumental music.
Topic: Musical Instruments of Japan
Reference: learner’s material in MAPEH 8 pp. 63-68,
Materials: Power point presentation, video clips, speaker

Music Appreciation

Teacher’ Activity Learners Activity
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Greetings
2. Prayer
3. Checking of Attendance
4. Classroom management
5. Motivation

Play a video clip of Japanese

music with their different

- What did you observed in the - There are people playing different
video I presented? music instruments.

- Alright! nice answer.

B. Developmental Activities
1. Presentation

- From the video and pictures I - Musical Instruments of Japan.

presented, what is our topic for

- Yes! Correct!
- In the musical instruments - No
you’ve watched, are they all
played in the same manner?
- They are played in different way by:
- Then, how are they played? blowing, strucking, plucking and hitting.

2. Discussion

The Japanese Traditional Music

is quite different from the
Western vocal music, and is
based on the intervals of human
breathing rather than
mathematical timing, and how
Japanese musicians show their
spiritual self-mastery in
mastering his or her instrument
more than simply perfecting a
technique of some sort and how
they give value to their
performance and composure. - The Traditional Japanese music is
basically meditative in meditative in
- What is Japanese music? character. Its performance is highly
ritualized, as much in the music itself,
as in the composure of the musicians
when performing it. Japanese chamber
and solo music have a slow meditative

- The Japanese Traditional

Music is meditative in character
meaning their music is very
serious and quiet and the - The performance of Japanese music
performer played it with has traditionally been of a spiritual
calmness. character, similarly to martial arts and
other forms of art such as tea ceremony
and calligraphy.

- Musicians must show the spiritual self-

mastery their performance and
composure. They work on an inner
strength in mastering his or her
instrument, more than simply perfecting
a technique of some sort and providing
- And now, we are going to tackle
the classification or types of
musical instruments of Japan.

1. Percussion instruments
(Membranophone) – Odaiko,
Tsuzumi, Tsuridaiko, Taiko
2. String instruments
(Chordophone) – Koto,
Shamisen, Biwa
3. Wind instruments
(Aerophone) – Shakuhachi,
Nokan, Hichiriki, Sho,
Shinobue, Ryuteki

- What are percussion

instruments? - These are instruments which produces
sound primarily by vibrating stretched
- Will you name examples of
percussion instruments?
- Drum, snare, bell, cymbals
Here are some examples of
percussion instruments of
1. Odaiko

- What is an Odaiko? - It is a big drum. The physical energy

and sheer excitement of an odaiko
performance is an integral part of many
2. Tsuzumi Japanese matsuri(festivals).

- What is an Tsuzumi? - It is a hourglass-shape and there are

two varities, the smaller kotsuzumi and
the larger otsuzumi. The kotsuzumi is
held on the right shoulder while the
otsuzumi is placed on the left thigh.
3. Tsuridaiko

- What is an Tsuridaiko? - A large hanging barrel drum.

4. Taiko

- What is a Taiko? - A drum that comes in various sizes and

is used to play a variety of musical
Those are examples of genres.
percussion instruments of

- Another type of musical

instruments of Japan are String
instruments, what are string
instruments? - These are instruments that produce
sounds by vibrating strings.
- Very good!

Here are some examples of

string instruments of Japan.

1. Koto

- What is a Koto? - It is a 13-string zither, about two

meters long and made of Paulownia
2. Shamisen wood.

- What is a Shamisen?
- It is a plucked stringed instrument. Its
construction follows a model similar to
that of guitar or a banjo, employing a
3. Biwa neck, and strings stretched across a
resonating body.
- What is a Biwa?

- Those are examples of - A Japanese short-necked fretted lute,

string instruments of Japan. often used in storytelling.
Moving to the last type of
musical instrument of Japan
which is wind instruments.
What are wind instruments?

- Very good! - These are instruments that produce

sound by using a body of air to vibrate.
Here are some examples of
wind instruments of Japan?
1. Shakuhachi

- What is a Shakuhachi?

- The most famous flute made from

2. Nokan bamboo. It has four or five finger holes
on the front face and a thumbhole on the
- What is a Nokan? rear face.

3. Hichiriki
- A parallel, bamboo flute(fue) is the only
- What is a Hichiriki? melodic instrument used in noh.

4. Sho - It is a double reed flute use as one of

two main melodic instruments in
- What is a Sho? Japanese gagaku music.

5. Shinobue
- It is a free reed musical instruments
- What is a Shinobue? that was introduce from China.

6. Ryuteki - It is also called takebue in the context

of Japanese traditional arts. It is a
– What is a Ryuteki? transverse flute that has a high pitched

- Those are examples of

wind instruments of - Literally known as “dragon flute” a
Japan. transverse fue made of bamboo. It is
used in gagaku.

C. Post – Development Activities

1. Application
Students will be group into
respective rows. They are going
to listen to recordings of different
musical instruments of Japan.
They are going to classify what
they heard if it is a percussion,
string or wind instruments.

2. Generalization
What are the three classifications
of musical instruments of

- The three classification of musical

How is percussion instruments instruments of Japan are percussion,
played? string and wind instruments.

How about string instruments? - It is played by strucking or hitting

a stretched membrane?
- String instruments is played by
And the wind instruments? plucking or strumming the strings
attached to a resonating body.
- It is played by blowing or applying
body of air to create vibration.
In a ¼ sheet of paper, classify the following instruments given if it is membranophone,
chordophone or aerophone.

1. Taiko
2. Tsuzumi
3. Koto
4. Biwa
5. Odaiko
6. Shamisen
7. Shakuhachi
8. Sho
9. Nokan
10. Hichiriki

Search other examples of traditional musical instruments of Japan at least 2 examples
and print it in a short coupon bond.

Prepared by: Carl Leo G. Siding Checked by: Delmark A. Villanueva

Student Teacher Cooperating Teacher

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