500 Materials: 510 Selection of Materials For Service Environment 500-2
500 Materials: 510 Selection of Materials For Service Environment 500-2
500 Materials: 510 Selection of Materials For Service Environment 500-2
Two aspects of materials selection for pressure vessels are discussed in this section:
(1) selection for the service conditions, and (2) selection for brittle fracture preven-
tion. The two are usually considered at different stages of the design. Selection for
the service environment is completed first, and materials selection for brittle frac-
ture prevention second. This section also presents typical materials selections, and
discusses the general characteristics of commonly used pressure vessel materials.
Contents Page
Service Environment
Materials are selected to limit corrosion to acceptable, economic rates in the service
environment. “Service environment” as used here means what the vessel will
contain, its temperature and pressure, any contaminants, physical state, and some-
times flow rate. For a given service environment, materials selection should be
made with consideration for both corrosion rates and other potential deterioration
mechanisms, such as stress corrosion cracking and hydrogen damage.
Information about corrosion rates can be obtained from several sources. Past experi-
ence is the best source if there is a vessel in similar service. A review of the inspec-
tion records for vessels in similar services can indicate whether the materials
selection was correct and what corrosion rates may be expected. The comparison
should also include a review of the similarity of the new and old service environ-
Other sources of corrosion data include the Corrosion Prevention and Metallurgy
Manual, laboratory tests, and published data. The Corrosion Prevention and Metal-
lurgy Manual gives general material selection guidelines for several specific plants.
Contact a materials specialist for additional information and specific recommenda-
Certain environmental conditions may cause other deterioration mechanisms such as
stress corrosion cracking, sulfide stress cracking, and hydrogen attack. The Corro-
sion Prevention Manual describes these mechanisms and, in the chapters dealing
with specific plants, highlights potential deterioration mechanisms to consider.
The objective is to select the most economical material that will reliably satisfy the
design life of the vessel. This is often achieved by selecting carbon or low alloy
steels in preference to stainless and highly alloyed materials and by specifying
conservative corrosion allowances. See the discussion of design life below.
When stainless steel or a more highly alloyed material is required, it is often prefer-
able to use a carbon or low alloy steel clad with a thin layer of the high alloy mate-
rial. Clad plate is usually less expensive than solid alloy plate unless the thickness of
the vessel is less than 3/8 to 1/2 inch. Clad plate is also preferred because it is less
likely to develop through-wall stress corrosion cracks than solid alloy. Some of the
commonly used cladding materials, such as Types 405 and 410 stainless steel, are
not practical to fabricate for solid wall construction because of the difficulty in
making reliable welds.
For some aqueous services, up to about 200°F, nonmetallic thin film coatings can be
applied to reduce corrosion rates and the need for alloy material.
Design Life
The design life typically used for pressure vessels is 20 years. Exceptions are:
1. Small vessels less than about 400 cubic feet. If the vessels are easily acces-
sible, a design life of 10 years may be appropriate.
2. Large heavy walled vessels, thicker than 2 inches. A 30-year design life is
Corrosion allowances are specified to achieve the design life and are based on the
expected corrosion rate. Corrosion allowances are discussed in more detail in the
Corrosion Prevention and Metallurgy Manual, but recommendations for pressure
vessels are summarized in Figure 500-1. If the corrosion allowance required to
achieve the design life is greater than ¼ inch, then a more corrosion-resistant alloy
or a clad vessel is generally economical.
Each individual case warrants consideration of these factors, and judgment is then
necessary to choose economical materials.
Various factors to consider include the following:
Likelihood of failure:
1. Past history in same or similar services.
2. Whether onstream inspection can predict failures.
3. Shutdown frequency.
Consequences of failure:
1. Personnel safety: acids, caustic, H2S, HF, etc.
2. Fire hazards: LPG, high pressure H2, proximity to furnace.
3. Lost production (plant profitability).
4. Ease of repair or replacement.
5. Geographic factors: availability of expert craftsmen and replacement material.
6. Will leakage cause catalyst poisoning or affect plant performance?
7. Will plant be shut down, or can equipment be bypassed?
8. Will plant shutdown force related plant shutdowns?
9. Will leakage cause environmental problems such as pollution of navigable
varies widely
Sweet hydrocarbons, less than 1 Carbon steel May corrode even with trace H2S (1)
Carbon-Moly Steel
Carbon-moly steel is similar to carbon steel but with 0.5% molybdenum added. The
molybdenum improves the steel’s high temperature strength and graphitization resis-
tance. The corrosion resistance is the same as for carbon steel. A discussion of limi-
tations of carbon-moly steels follows:
Brittle Fracture. Unless made to fine-grain practice and normalized, carbon-moly
steels may have poor toughness (increased susceptibility to brittle fracture).
Hydrogen Attack. Experience has indicated that carbon-moly steel cannot be relied
upon to resist hydrogen attack. For new construction, carbon-moly should not be
specified for hydrogen attack resistance. Instead, 1¼ Cr—1½ Mo should be
specified. Refer to the Corrosion Prevention and Metallurgy Manual and API RP
941 for detailed information.
Graphitization. Like carbon steel carbon-moly will graphitize, but carbon-moly is
resistant to a maximum service temperature of 850°F.
Stress Corrosion Cracking. Same as for carbon steel.
Sulfide Stress Cracking. Same as for carbon steel.
Chrome-Moly Steel
Chrome-moly low alloy steels are similar to carbon steel but with chromium and
molybdenum added. Typical grades are 1 Cr-½ Mo, 1¼ Cr-½ Mo, and 2¼ Cr-1 Mo.
The general corrosion resistance of these grades is about equal to that of carbon
steel, but these grades have better resistance to hydrogen attack and better high
temperature strength. Chrome-moly steels do not graphitize. Chrome-moly steels
are somewhat more difficult to fabricate; they require control of preheat for welding
and postweld heat treatment for all welded construction.
A discussion of limitations of chrome-moly steels follows:
Brittle Fracture. Like carbon steels, chrome-moly steels undergo a ductile-to-
brittle transition at low temperatures and become susceptible to brittle fracture. In
addition, chrome-moly steels in service above about 650°F embrittle in service. The
2¼ Cr-1 Mo steels are particularly susceptible, but 1 Cr-½ Mo and 1¼ Cr-½ Mo
may also be susceptible. The Company's specifications recommend screening tests
on chrome-moly steels to minimize embrittlement.
Hydrogen Attack. Resistance to hydrogen attack is dependent on the chromium
and molybdenum contents in the steel. Resistance improves with increased alloy
content. Refer to the Corrosion Prevention and Metallurgy Manual and API RP 941.
Stress Corrosion Cracking and Sulfide Stress Cracking. Same limitations as for
carbon steel.
Stainless Steel
Stainless steels are alloys of iron and chromium, typically with at least 12% chro-
mium. Additionally, the 300 series stainless steels contain nickel. A term commonly
used for Type 304 stainless steel is 18-8, for 18% chromium-8% nickel. Other
alloying elements such as molybdenum, titanium, and niobium are added for
specific purposes.
Stainless steels are classified as either austenitic, ferritic, martensitic, or duplex
depending on their microstructure.
Austenitic stainless steels have an austenite structure similar to the high tempera-
ture structure of carbon steel. Austenitic stainless steels will not harden with heat
treatment. They are nonmagnetic. Examples are Type 304, 316, 321 and 347. Auste-
nitic stainless steels are readily weldable and are used both for cladding and in solid
wall construction.
Ferritic stainless steels have a ferrite structure similar to the low temperature struc-
ture of carbon steel. Typical examples are Types 405 and 430. Ferritic stainless
steels will not harden with heat treatment. They are magnetic and usually do not
contain nickel. Their use in pressure vessels is primarily as cladding, such as the
Type 405. Solid ferritic stainless construction is limited due to poor weldability.
Martensitic stainless steels can be hardened with heat treatment. They are
magnetic. Type 410 stainless is the most common example. Their use in pressure
vessels is primarily as cladding. Solid martensitic construction is limited due to poor
Duplex stainless steels have structures of roughly 50% austenite and 50% ferrite.
They are nonhardenable by heat treatment. The duplex stainless steels are not
currently widely used for pressure vessels but could be considered for both
cladding and solid wall construction. They have corrosion properties similar to the
austenitics but are higher in strength. They share some of the limitations of both the
ferritics and austenitics.
A discussion of limitations of the stainless steels follows:
Austenitic Stainless Steels in Chloride Solutions. Chloride stress corrosion
cracking of austenitic stainless steels (Types 304, 316, 321, 347, etc.) can occur in
aqueous solutions containing chloride ions. Cracking is most severe where the chlo-
ride ion concentration is high, the solution is hot, the pH is neutral or low, and espe-
cially where evaporation builds up deposits on the stainless steel.
Stainless equipment hydrostatically tested with sea water has failed due to the
residual sodium chloride film left behind. Other failures have been traced to chlo-
rides leaching out of wet insulation. Many failures have resulted from not protecting
stainless equipment from chlorides during shutdowns. There can be an incubation
period of several hours to many weeks before cracking occurs in certain environ-
ments. Cracking can be greatly reduced by stress relieving the stainless equipment
in the 1550°F to 1650°F temperature range. However, complete freedom from chlo-
ride stress corrosion cracking can be assured only by protecting austenitic stainless
steels from any chloride ions or by using the more expensive super stainless grades
with 30% to 45% nickel. Duplex stainless steels have improved resistance to chlo-
ride stress corrosion cracking.
Recommendations to prevent chloride stress corrosion cracking include:
1. Do not select solid wall austenitic stainless steel construction for hot, aqueous
chloride services. If stainless steel is required, use clad construction.
2. Stress relieve vessels made of solid austenitic stainless steel where no other
economical material is available.
Austenitic Stainless Steels in Sulfur-Derived Acids. Sulfur-derived acids can
cause “polythionic acid” stress corrosion cracking of austenitic stainless steels.
Unlike chloride stress corrosion cracking, the austenitic stainless steel must be
sensitized with chromium carbide precipitates along the grain boundaries before
polythionic acid stress corrosion cracking can occur. Sensitization results from
exposure of stainless steel equipment to temperatures in excess of 700°F. If regular
carbon grades such as Types 304 or 316 are used, they may sensitize during
Neither sulfurous nor polythionic acids are normally found in process units during
operation. However, these acids commonly develop during shutdowns by the oxida-
tion of iron sulfide scale in the presence of moisture and oxygen. They also form in
flue gas condensate.
Freedom from polythionic acid stress corrosion cracking can be assured only by
preventing sensitized austenitic stainless steels from coming in contact with sulfur-
derived acids. Regular grades of austenitic stainless steel (Types 304, 316, etc.)
sensitize easily at temperatures above about 700°F. In fact, the heat of welding is
often enough to sensitize the heat-affected zone. The extra low carbon grades of
stainless steel (Types 304L, 316L, etc.) normally do not sensitize during welding.
However, they will sensitize with long-term exposure at temperatures above about
700°F. Some austenitic stainless (Types 321 and 347) are chemically stabilized to
minimize sensitization.
Usually polythionic acid cracking is prevented by using the chemically stabilized or
extra low carbon grades of stainless steel and avoiding harmful heat treatments. A
less effective means of prevention is to use regular grades of stainless steel and
require soda ash wash during all shutdowns.
Chromium Stainless Steels in 750°F to 900°F Service. Straight chromium stain-
less steels, such as the ferritic (Types 405 and 430) and martensitic types (Type
410), containing 13% or more chromium can embrittle during exposure to tempera-
tures in the 750°F to 900°F range. This phenomenon is known as 885°F embrittle-
ment. Some of the straight chromium stainless steels are so sensitive to 885°F
embrittlement that even slow cooling through this temperature range will cause
embrittlement. The 885°F embrittlement results in an upward shift in the ductile-to-
brittle transition temperature. Duplex stainless steels are also susceptible to 885°F
embrittlement. Prevent this problem by not using chromium stainless steels for solid
wall construction of pressure vessels.
Stainless Steels Above 1000°F. At elevated temperatures, all stainless steels with
high chromium contents will develop some “sigma phase” which causes embrittle-
ment at lower temperatures. Sigma phase is very hard, nonmagnetic, and brittle. The
composition of sigma phase varies depending on the alloy from which it formed.
Sigma phase normally does not affect the steel's elevated temperature properties but
may make it so brittle at lower temperatures that failures will occur during startup or
The straight chromium ferritic and martensitic stainless steels containing 13% and
more chromium are very susceptible to extensive sigma phase formation at tempera-
tures above about 1000°F. The austenitic stainless steels are not as susceptible
because of their high nickel content, but they can develop damaging amounts of
sigma phase when held between about 1000°F to 1550°F for long periods of time.
Certain highly susceptible austenitic alloys, such as castings and welds, may
develop serious embrittlement in a few hours at temperatures of 1200°F to 1300°F.
Duplex stainless steels are also very susceptible to sigma embrittlement.
Sigma embrittlement is controlled by minimizing ferrite content of stainless steel
welds. Refer to specifications PVM-MS-1322 and PVM-MS-4748. Duplex stain-
less steel is limited to 650°F maximum service temperature to avoid embrittlement.
Sulfide Stress Cracking. The martensitic stainless steels are especially susceptible
to sulfide stress cracking. Welds are difficult to soften with heat treatment and are,
therefore, susceptible to cracking. Low carbon grades, like Type 410S, are used to
limit weld zone hardness.
This cracking is prevented by controlling weld strength and hardness. These
requirements are covered by PVM-MS-4748.
Other Alloys
Other alloys are not frequently used for pressure vessel construction. Two classes of
alloys occasionally considered are discussed in this section, nickel alloys and tita-
nium alloys.
Nickel Alloys. Examples include Monel, Inconel alloys, Incoloy alloys, and
Hastelloy alloys. Usually very expensive, these alloys are used only for specialized
applications and then usually as cladding. Some nickel alloys have good resistance
to chloride solutions where stainless steels are poor. Fabricating and weldability are
generally good with proper precautions.
Titanium Alloys. These are used infrequently for pressure vessels. Welding is diffi-
cult, requiring very clean conditions. Welding is usually done only in a shop “clean
room,” so field repairs are not practical.
contained about 40,000 gallons of LPG. The vessel separated into 13 large pieces,
some of which were thrown 450 feet from the vessel foundation. Fortunately, no one
was injured, and no other plant damage resulted. This vessel’s fabrication practices
were not up to current standards.
Figures 500-4 and 500-5 show two of the pieces of the fractured vessel. The frac-
ture initiated from a preexisting flaw that was about 1.9 inches long by 0.9 inch
deep on the inside of the vessel. The vessel wall thickness was 1 inch. The shell
plate had a Charpy impact toughness of 2 ft-lb at the failure temperature.
of was purchased without toughness control. At the failure temperature, the steel
had a Charpy impact toughness of 3 ft-lb.
A photograph of the fractured channel is shown in Figure 500-6. An investigation of
the failure showed that a failure of the baffle-to-channel attachment weld occurred
during the hydrotest and initiated the fracture of the channel section. Fortunately, no
one was injured. Plant startup was delayed considerably while the channel was weld
Fig. 500-6 Fractured Channel of Heat Exchanger of Richmond TKC Isomax Steam
Generator E-440
1. These data illustrate the variation of CVN energy with temperature and with
the orientation of test specimen relative to the direction of principal working.
2. These data must not be considered typical. Wide variation may result even
from specimens from plates of the same specification and thickness.
CVN impact energy of 10 ft-lb. Crack propagation was found to be difficult above a
temperature corresponding to 15 to 25 ft-lb. From these findings, a 15 ft-lb CVN
requirement at the minimum loading temperatures became a widely used fracture
In the CVN impact test, notched bars are hit with a swinging pendulum. Specimens
are broken over a range of test temperatures and the energy to break the specimen is
recorded as a function of test temperature. CVN impact test results are in units of
ft-lb (English units). (See ASTM A 370 for more details on CVN testing.)
With the development of the fracture mechanics approach, it became apparent that
CVN requirements to establish transition temperature were dependent on material
yield strength and thickness. Energy requirements to establish the transition temper-
ature increase with yield strength and thickness.
ASME Code, Section VIII, Division 1, requirements for CVN energy for pressure
vessel steels are given graphically in Figure UG-84.1 of the Code. Steels may be
exempted from tests if they meet requirements shown in Figure UCS-66 of this
Code, as discussed later in this chapter.
ASME Code, Section VIII, Division 2, requirements for CVN energy for pressure
vessel steels are given in Code Table AM-211.1. The current Division 2 require-
ments are less conservative than the Division 1 requirements and do not take into
account the need for higher CVN energy with increasing thickness. Steels may be
exempted from tests if they meet requirements shown in Paragraph AM-218 of this
Code, also discussed later in this chapter.
Fig. 500-8 Simplified Overview of Design for Brittle Fracture Under ASME Code, Section VIII, Division 1.
Courtesy of the ASME
The impact-test exemption curves are preferred to CVN impact testing where prior
data or service experience are available. CVN tests increase materials costs substan-
tially (approximately 2 to 10 cents/pound) and complicate delivery.
Code Figure UCS-66, Impact-Test Exemption Curves, gives the application points
(combinations of thickness and minimum design metal temperature) where prior
data or service experience show specific steels have sufficient toughness for frac-
ture-safe design; i.e., they are above their transition temperature. The application
point is the point corresponding to the thickness and minimum pressurizing or
design metal temperature. A steel has adequate toughness if the application point is
above the steel's curve. Figure 500-9 is a schematic illustration which resembles
Figure UCS-66. It is for reference only. Do not use Figure 500-9 for design. Figure
UCS-66 first appeared in the 1987 Addenda to the 1986 Code.
Fig. 500-9 Schematic Illustration of Impact Exemption Curves in ASME Code, Section VIII,
Division 1. Do not use this figure for design. Refer to the latest Code Figure
UCS-66. Courtesy of the ASME
To use a steel at an application point below that steel’s curve, CVN impact testing is
required to prove adequate toughness. Requirements for CVN impact testing are
discussed in the next section. The Company’s preference is to use steel with suit-
able inherent toughness rather than requiring impact tests which can cause unneces-
sary delays and expense.
Follow the requirements of Code Paragraph UCS-66 and Figure UCS-66 to select
steels for pressure vessels and to establish the need for impact testing. However, the
following restrictions on the use of UCS-66 are recommended:
1. All grades of SA 285 and SA 515 steels thicker than ¾ inch should be assigned
to Curve A rather than to Curve B. This is more conservative than the require-
ments of Figure UCS-66. SA 285 is often a semikilled steel and SA 515 is
made to coarse grain practice, so both tend to have poorer impact transition
temperatures (higher) than Curve B indicates.
2. The impact test exemption allowed in Paragraph UG-20(f) should not be
allowed. UG-20(f) eliminates the impact test requirements for carbon steel
1 inch or less in thickness for most pressure vessels. It is better to choose steels
from Figure UCS-66 that do not require testing for the specific application.
Note that Code Paragraph UCS-68(c) allows a 30°F reduction in impact testing
exemption temperature for P-1 materials (carbon steel) that are given postweld heat
treatment (PWHT) and PWHT is not otherwise required by Code. This reduction
should be allowed.
Charpy V-Notch Impact Testing. When a steel is to be used at an application point
below its curve on Figure UCS-66 Impact Test Exemption Curves, CVN impact
testing is required to prove adequate toughness. Requirements for CVN testing are
summarized here.
1. Each plate, forging or pipe used at an application point below its impact test
exemption curve is tested. Usually each plate is tested, while forgings and pipe
are tested in accordance with specifications such as SA 350 and SA 333,
2. Three test specimens taken transverse to the major working direction (during
steel making) are tested. It is important that transverse rather than longitudinal
specimens be used because transverse properties are generally poorer. Seam-
less pipe is an exception because its properties do not vary much with orienta-
tion. ASTM A-370 defines transverse and longitudinal CVN specimens.
Specimen orientation is a Company requirement. The Code leaves orientation
3. The maximum (warmest) allowable CVN test temperature is the minimum
pressurizing or design metal temperature.
4. Minimum CVN energy requirements are in accordance with Code Figure
UG-84.1. Figure UG-84.1 shows CVN energy requirement as a function of
specified minimum yield strength and thickness.
5. When impact testing is required on the parent metals, impact testing of the
heat-affected zone (HAZ) and deposited weld metal is required on the Welding
Procedure Qualification Test Plate (WPQT) or Production Test Plate. See
ASME Code, Section VIII, Division 1, Paragraph UG-84, for definitions of
these terms. See also Code Paragraph UCS-85 concerning heat treatment of test
specimens. Test specimen heat treatment must simulate actual vessel heat treat-
temperature. For postweld heat-treated vessels, the service temperatures and pres-
sure test temperatures are equal. For as-welded vessels, the pressure test tempera-
ture is 30°F higher than the service temperature for most vessels. At metal
temperatures below the minimum service temperature, pressure applied to the vessel
must be less than 20% of the required test pressure. This will usually be an applied
pressure of 25% of the design pressure.
Materials Selection Requirements. Either impact test exemption curves or CVN
impact testing are used to assure that steels are above their transition temperature.
Requirements are similar to the Code, Section VIII, Division 1, requirements
discussed previously in this section of the manual.
The ASME Code, Section VIII, Division 1, Impact Test Exemption Curves have
been more recently revised than those in Code, Division 2. Paragraph AM-218 spec-
ifies the Code, Division 2, Impact Test Exemptions.
Guidelines for use of the Code, Division 2, Figure AM-218.1, Impact Test Exemp-
tion Curves, are given in Specification PVM-MS-4749, which specifies the use of
Code, Division 2, Figure AM-218.1, with the exemption curve materials assign-
ment given in Figure 500-10.
Fig. 500-10 Recommended Exemption Curve Materials Assignment for Section VIII, Division 2 (Figure AM-218.1)
Plate Forgings Pipe
Curve I
SA 36 (Nonpressure containing attachments only, ≤ ¾" thick)
Curve II
SA 285 SA 105 SA 53
SA 515 SA 181 SA 106
SA 387 (annealed) SA 366 & 182 (annealed) SA 355 (annealed)
Curve III
SA 516 if not normalized
SA 387, Gr. 11 & 12(1) SA 182 or SA 336, Gr. 11 & 12(1) SA 335, Gr. P11 & 12(1)
(1)normalized and tempered
Curve IV
SA 387, Gr. 21 & 22(1) SA 182 or SA 336, Gr. F21 & 22(1) Sa 335, Gr. P21 & 22(1)
(1)normalized and tempered
Curve V
Sa 516 normalized SA 350, LF 1 & 2(1) SA 333, Gr. 1 & 6(1)
SA 537, Cl 1
(1) SA 350 LF 1 & 2 and SA 333 Grades 1 and 6 are acceptable for minimum design temperatures down to -50°F, without additional impact
These guidelines are slightly more conservative than Code, Division 1, Figure
UCS-66, especially at thickness less than 1½ inches.
For Division 2 vessels, impact tests are required for all carbon and low alloy steels
thicker than 3 inches regardless of minimum pressurizing temperature.
Charpy V-Notch Impact Testing. The ASME Code, Division 2, requirements are
given in AM-204 through AM-218. CVN impact tests are required when a steel is to
be used at a combination of metal temperature and thickness below its exemption
The impact test energy requirements of Code, Division 1, Figure UG-84.1, are
recommended in place of the Code, Division 2, requirements of Table AM-211.1.
Table AM-211.1 requirements are less conservative than Figure UG-84.1 require-
ments and do not take into account the need for higher CVN energy with increasing
Fig. 500-11 Typical Carbon Steel Selections to Avoid Brittle Fracture in Pressure Vessels
Minimum Shell and Head Plates
Temp., °F 1 in. Thick 2 in. Thick Nozzle Forgings Pipe
(1),(3) (1),(2),(3)
-50° to 0 Normalized SA 516 or Normalized SA 516 SA 350 LF2 SA 333
SA 537 Class 1 or SA 537 Class 1
0 to 30 Normalized SA 516 or Normalized SA 516 SA 105(3),(4) SA 106(3),(4)
Impact Tested, As-Rolled
SA 516
30 to 60 As-Rolled SA 516, or Normalized SA 516 SA 105(3),(4) SA 106(3),(4)
Impact Tested SA 285
Warmer than 60 SA 285 or As-Rolled Normalized SA 516 SA 105 SA 106
SA 516
(1) Plates may require impact testing; see Code, Division 1, Figure UCS-66.
(2) The SA 516 specification requires plates 1½ inch and thicker to be normalized.
(3) Impact testing of the heat-affected zone (HAZ) and deposited weldmetal is required on the Welding Procedure Qualification Test Plate
when impact testing is required on the parent metal.
(4) Forgings and pipe may require impact testing; see Code, Division 1, Figure UCS-66.
Fig. 500-12 Schematic of the Shift in Transition Temperature Due to Loading Rate
sition temperature, such that the embrittled alloys have poor notch toughness at
atmospheric temperature.
Loading Rate. The toughness of low strength steels decreases with increasing
loading rate. At a given temperature, the toughness measured in an impact test is
lower than the toughness measured in a static test. Figure 500-12 shows a sche-
matic representation of shift in transition temperature due to loading rate. The
magnitude of the shift depends on the yield strength of the material.
Thickness. The fracture toughness of a particular material decreases with increasing
section thickness for two reasons. First, it is metallurgically more difficult to obtain
good toughness properties as thickness increases. Second, thicker sections produce
greater constraint ahead of the notch due to a triaxial state-of-stress. Beyond some
limiting thickness, maximum constraint is obtained (called plane strain), and notch
toughness approaches a minimum value (KIc). Thin
materials have a biaxial state-of-stress (called plane stress), so have less constraint
to plastic flow and act in a more ductile manner.
Due to the severe state-of-stress, thicker sections need to have better fracture tough-
ness in order to have resistance to brittle fracture equivalent to thinner sections.
The MPT is determined by the intersection of component thickness with the appro-
priate curve on Figure UCS-66. Consider only welded parts such as shells, heads,
channels, and integrally reinforced nozzles for MPT. The component with the
highest MPT sets the MPT for the vessel.
Reinforcing pad nozzles or small nozzles without reinforcement do not need to be
considered for MPT unless the risks of brittle fracture (i.e., low temperature, autore-
frigeration, adjacent facilities, etc.) warrant extra precaution. Fractures of vessels
with reinforcing pad nozzles generally occur in the shell plate at the reinforcing-
pad-to-shell fillet weld. Integrally reinforced nozzles, however, should be consid-
ered for MPT.
The following guidelines clarify the use of Figure UCS-66 to establish MPT:
1. The thickness of vessel components refers to the thickness at a weld.
2. An MPT does not need to be established for nonwelded parts like cover flanges
or heat exchanger channel covers.
3. To use the curves for normalized material, vessel records must indicate normal-
ized material was used.
4. For P-1 carbon steel vessels that were stress-relieved but were not required to
be stress-relieved by Code, the MPT may be 30°F lower than is given by the
exemption curve on Figure UCS-66. This is consistent with Code Paragraph
UCS-68(c). Normally carbon steel vessels 1¼ inch and less in thickness are not
required to be stress-relieved by Code rules. See ASME Code, Section VIII,
Division 1, Table UCS-23, to determine whether a steel is a P-1 steel.
5. All grades of SA 285 and SA 515 steels thicker than 3/4 inch should be
assigned to Curve A rather than to Curve B.