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Crop Yield Detection and Monitoring The Growth Conference Paper

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Akshaya V Chandni Kumari L 3 Jayashree K 4 Velmurugan S
B.E-CSE 4Assistant Professor
Vel Tech Multi Tech Dr.Rangarajan Dr.Sakunthala Engineering College, Chennai

Information and communication technology in agriculture also known as e-agriculture is developing and
applying innovative ways to use ICT in the rural domain, with the primary focus on agriculture. Information
technology offers a wide range of solutions to some agricultural challenges. We all know soil and water is the key
element of agriculture, but continuous cropping changes soil physiochemical parameters, enzymes and
microorganism which causes replant problem. So farmers are pushed leave the cultivable land into non-cultivable
land. To overcome this problem we are proposing one system which help to analyze the soil parameters with the
support of sensors and data mining techniques. The soil test is done in such land and the information is stored in the
database, final analysis give information about the best crop to be planted based on the current market demand
which yield more profit to the farmers. The proposed system also help the farmers to find the current demand of
crop cultivated in their own land, which result in awareness about the crop rotation and farmer’s Security growth.
KEYWORDS: ICT, Arduino C, Machine Learning, Physiochemical Parameter.

INTRODUCTION Users details for future use. Ex. Data mining/Data

Agriculture is the primary occupation of the larger warehouse and analysing purposes.
part of Indian population. 65-70% of Indian population is
being depends on agriculture for their living. Developing
A. Silva and Ratnadiwakara, “Social Influence in Mobile
a user-friendly agricultural Information System for the
Phone Adoption: Evidence from the Bottom of Pyramid in
worldwide web which fulfil the Agriculture Interested
Emerging Asia” (2005)
People’s requirements. Targets: Mainly Sri Lankan crop
such as coconut, rice, tea, rubber etc. Provide all the Using ICT to reduce transaction costs in agriculture through

information for the Research Institutes, Buyers, Planters better communication in Sri Lanka. They found that there were

and Investors. Database updating can be done by notable costs attached to information search and hence

authenticated users in the research institute thought transaction costs related with all six stages of the agricultural

Internet. Most of the reference information for the value chain ongoing with the decision to grow and ended with

cultivators and decision-making level people in sale of produce at the wholesale market.

Agricultural Field in Sri Lanka. Ex. Latest fertilizers, B. Singh, “Smart farming system using sensors for
Special chemicals. Monitoring and Baking Database and agricultural task automation” (2008)
Based on the essential physical and chemical video processing, cloud computing and robotics. The
parameters of the soil measured, the required paper concentrates in methodologies to detect pests in
quantity of green manure, compost, and one of the most popular fruits in the world – the tomato.

water is splashed on the crops using a smart

F. Hui Changl, Nan Zhou1, Xiaoguang Zhaol,
irrigator, which is mounted on a movable Qimin Cao2, Min Tanl,Yongbei Zhang2, “A New
overhead crane system. The detailed modelling Agriculture Monitoring System Based on WSNs”
and control strategies of a smart irrigator and
Recent developments in information technologies
smart farming system are demonstrated in this provide facility agriculture monitoring system a new
paper. perspective of networking and automation. This paper
presents a new agriculture monitoring system based
C. LIU Dan, Wan hongli, Zhang Mengya, Xiang
Jianqiu, “Intelligent agriculture greenhouse on WSNs (Wireless sensor networks) with IP
environment monitoring system based on the cameras, which can be controlled remotely.
android platform” (2017)
This paper take a full consideration of cost,
Information and communication technology in
practicability and other factors, combining the ZigBee
agriculture also known as e-agriculture is developing
and Android technology designed an intelligent
and applying innovative ways to use ICT in the rural
Greenhouse monitoring system with stable performance,
domain, with the primary focus on agriculture.
simple structure and easy extensibility.
Information technology offers a wide range of
D. Priyanka padalalu, Sonal Mahajan, Kartikee solutions to some agricultural challenges. We all
Dabir, Sushmita Mitkar, Deepali Javale, "Smart know soil and water is the key element of agriculture,
water dripping system for agriculture/farming” but continuous cropping changes soil physiochemical
(2017) parameters, enzymes and microorganism which
causes replant problem. So farmers are pushed leave
An automatic system that will precisely monitor and
the cultivable land into non-cultivable land. To
control the water requirements in the field. Smart
overcome this problem we are proposing one system
irrigation system ensures judicious usage of water. The
which help to analyse the soil parameters with the
system proposes a quick solution for the judicious usage
support of sensors and data mining techniques. The
of water which has been a major issue in developing
soil test is done in such land and the information is
countries like India.
stored in the database, final analysis give information

E. Sudhir Rao Rupanagudi, Ranjani B.S., “A novel about the best crop to be planted based on the current

cloud computing based smart farming system for market demand which yield more profit to the

early detection of borer insects in tomatoes” farmers.

Every year farmers experience huge losses due to

pest infestation in crops, this in turn impacts his
livelihood. In this paper we discuss a novel approach to  Cost wise high

solve this problem by constantly monitoring crops using  Complexity is high


The proposed system also help the farmers to find

the current demand of crop cultivated in their own
land, which result in awareness about the crop rotation
and farmer’s growth. Application allows to quickly
seeing what is happening on the farm and what needs
to happen next. The aim of the project is to provide
farmers with an effective and reliable tool or
information for managing agriculture. Allows users to
plan activities, organize staff, monitor agriculture
inputs and agricultural machineries use, undertake
economic and financial analysis of activities i.e.
allows farmers to record cropping, machinery
procedures and access this information. Users can
record full history of crops from when they are sown
through to harvested, record chemical and fertilizer
use; including type, rate and date applied and keep
track of machinery maintenances. Many times farmer
is confused to take decision regarding selection of 1. Registration

fertilizer, pesticide and time to do particular farming A new user who wants to access the app needs to register
actions. Based on sowing date of crop, farmer will get first before login. By clicking on register button in login
reminders about application of fertilizer as per activity, the register activity gets open. A new user registers
schedule and tentative cultivation schedule which is by entering full name, password and contact number. A user
designed by crop expert. needs to enter password again in confirm password textbox for
confirmation. When user enters the information in all
textboxes, on the click of register button, the data is transferred
to database and user is directed to login activity again.
 Cost wise low
Registered users then needs to login in order to access the app.
 Complexity is less
 Automatically controlled 2. Login

 Minimize labour cost This is the first activity that opens when user
installs the app. User needs to provide a correct
contact number and a password, which user enters
while registering, in order to login into the app. If
information provided by the user matches with the
data in the database table then user successfully login
into the app else message of login failed is displayed
and user need to re-enter correct information. A link
to the register activity is also provided for registration
of new users.
3. View crops
In this module, user can view the updated crop
information about agriculture.
4. Feedback
In this module, user can view and update the
feedback about agriculture application.

System design is the process of defining the

architecture, modules, interfaces, and data for a system

to satisfy specified requirements. System design could be

seen as the application of systems theory to product

development. System is designed to be responsive and

intercommunication between modules which uses



Different apps are developed and used by farmers

for their specific purpose. All this apps have different
usage as per its functionalities. Many apps are being
utilized for different kind of functionality regarding
the farming activities like cropping information,
pesticides, fertilizer, seed, selling of crop, irrigation
information, estimation of crop production, weather
information and information regarding the best
practices of farming. We found that many of the apps
are static. Instead of that dynamic apps will be better
to use. Also if all such listed functionalities are bundle Agriculture”
into the one single app and in the native language of [4] Mohammed Abu Basim N, Abhishek Hariharan G,
the farmer, then it is easy to utilize it. Nishanth Solomon, DevaDharshini U, Rabiya Banu
N, Saranghan M, Vignajeth K K, “Autobot for
Precision Farming” (2017)
[1] Jan Bauer and Nils Aschenbruck, “Design and
[5] Rakesh Shirsath, Neha Khadke, Divya More,
implementation of an Agricultural Monitoring system
Pooja Patil, Harshali Patil, “Agriculture Decision
for smart farming” (2018)
Support System using Data Mining” (2017)
[2] LIU Dan, Wan Hongli, Zhang Mengya, Xiang [6] Priyanka Padalalu, Sonal Mahajan, Kartikee Dabir,
Jianqiu, “Intelligent Agriculture Sushmita Mitkar, Deepali Javale, “Smart Water
Greenhouse Environment Monitoring System based Dripping System for Agriculture/Farming” (2017)
on the Android platform” (2017) [7] Seong-Hun Lee, Messaoudi Oumaima, Su-Hyeon
[3] Manav Singhal, Kshitij Verma, Anupam Shukla, Ryn, Jaehwa Park, “ A Realtime Spatiotemporal Data
“Krishi Ville-Android based solution for Indian Acquisition System for Precision Agriculture” (2017)

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