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Cervical Angiograms in Cervical Spine Trauma Patients 5 Years After The Data: Has Practice Changed?

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Cervical angiograms in cervical spine trauma patients 5 years

after the data: has practice changed?
Kelsey A. Rebehn, Howard M. Place

Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Saint Louis University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO, USA
Contributions: (I) Conception and design: All authors; (II) Administrative support: All authors; (III) Provision of study materials or patients: All
authors; (IV) Collection and assembly of data: KA Rebehn; (V) Data analysis and interpretation: KA Rebehn; (VI) Manuscript writing: All authors; (VII)
Final approval of manuscript: All authors.
Correspondence to: Kelsey Rebehn, MD. Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Saint Louis University School of Medicine, 3635 Vista Avenue, St.
Louis, MO 63110, USA. Email:

Background: We sought to retrospectively evaluate changes in practice of use of computed tomography

angiography (CTA) in the cervical spine trauma population at the authors’ institution following intervention
to increase the clinical utility of this study. Prior studies have shown screening asymptomatic trauma patients
demonstrate a rate of vertebral artery injury (VAI) near 1%. While CTA can readily provide a diagnosis, the
high number of concomitant injuries limit which patients are candidates for treatment. At our institution,
this had been described in a previous 5-year study.
Methods: After IRB approval, 1,201 charts from 2011 to 2016 were reviewed at our Level 1 trauma
hospital. Data collected included cervical injury type, neurologic examination, diagnostic testing, and
treatments or complications of VAI. This time frame begins after the prior study was completed and results
of the study had been disseminated among the trauma faculty.
Results: A total of 1,142 subjects were eligible for inclusion. Six hundred forty patients had cervical spine
fractures, and of these 158 patients had CTA/MRA. Twenty-four were diagnosed with VAI, and 12 were
treated. None of the subjects had complications from angiography, one patient with VAI had blood loss after
initiation of therapeutic anticoagulation requiring transfusion. There has been a significant increase in CTA/
MRA testing (P<0.001), but no significant increase in patients treated or in percent of positive tests (P=0.15,
Conclusions: Despite discussion at our institution of the clinical utility of CTA in the trauma population,
there are more CTA studies being done and without a corresponding change in rate of diagnosis or treatment
for VAI. The presence of symptoms and risk of therapeutic anticoagulation in this population are important
factors to consider. We recommend the use of a treatment algorithm in the electronic ordering system to
help aid practitioners in targeting the use of this test.

Keywords: Spinal trauma; quality improvement; resource utilization

Received: 02 June 2019; Accepted: 19 June 2019; published: 16 July 2019.

doi: 10.21037/jhmhp.2019.06.04
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Introduction diagnostic imaging, there has also come the ability to

detect vertebral artery injury (VAI) on a wider scale than
Evaluation of cervical spine trauma has been revolutionized previously available. Prior data has shown that in a trauma
by use of computed tomography (CT), which allows greater patient population, when screening patients who present
specificity and sensitivity in detection of cervical spine with high clinical suspicion of VAI or with neurologic
trauma (1). With improved quality and access to advanced symptoms suggestive of central nervous system pathology,

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Page 2 of 4 Journal of Hospital Management and Health Policy, 2019

rates of VAI that are diagnosed in the trauma population are is recorded which includes all patients who arrive in the
approximately 0.1% (2). In populations where asymptomatic emergency department for evaluation of trauma related
trauma patients are also screened, rates of VAI among the complaints. The trauma registry from 2011 to 2016 was
trauma patient population approaches 1% (2-4). However, used to identify all patients from 18–89 with a diagnosis of
prior studies have shown that often the clinical significance cervical spine injury or pain, using both ICD 9 and 10 codes
of diagnosing VAI in poly-trauma patients is minimal, as to ensure all patients with relevant injuries were included.
many of the patient who are diagnosed with an injury are This time frame begins after the prior referenced study by
not candidates for treatment, and no changes are made to Dreger et al. was completed.
patient management after diagnosis (2,3). Previous studies These 1,201 eligible charts were reviewed for age, gender,
at the author’s institution discussed the limited indications mechanism of injury, cervical injury sustained and injury
for a CTA of the cervical spine, and recommended limiting location, cervical injury treatment, neurologic examination,
the use of this diagnostic test to symptomatic patients presence of head injury, and the use of further diagnostic
and those who can have a change in course of treatment testing to evaluate the cervical injury. All records were
if they are diagnosed with an injury (2). This initial study assessed for the completion of a CTA or magnetic resonance
was done over 5 years at a level 1 trauma center, and the imaging angiography (MRA), diagnosis of VAI, treatment
recommendations outlined in that paper were disseminated of any vascular injury, any complications from the CTA,
among the staff at the in trauma and orthopedic presence of a radiology report recommending CTA before
departments. CTA imaging performed, and any complications noted as
CT angiograms of the cervical spine provide an a result of the VAI. Inclusion criteria were ages 18–89, and
interesting lens into possible applications of a treatment imaging of the cervical spine performed. Exclusion criteria
algorithm designed to better guide a health care system were ballistic or penetrating trauma to the neck, death
focused on reducing excess. CT angiograms are not risk- on arrival to the emergency department without imaging
free; the test requires an additional contrast dye load, as performed, and imaging performed at outside institution
well as radiation dose to patients who already are subject only. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS.
to significant physiologic stressors and a multitude of
imaging studies during a trauma evaluation (4-7). The
purpose of this study will be to provide evaluation of a level
1 trauma system’s response to data demonstrating the range Review of the institutional trauma registry showed 1,201
of patients most appropriate for cervical CTA, and will patients who met initial inclusion criteria. From these,
allow for evaluation of any changes in practice made in the exclusions due to death in the trauma bay or on arrival and
trauma system in response to published evidence. It will penetrating/ballistic mechanisms resulted in 1,142 eligible
also evaluate for the possible role of a treatment algorithm patients for review. A total of 186 CTA/MRA studies were
in trauma patients to guide decisions for angiography in the done in this patient population. Six hundred forty patients
cervical spine trauma patient in a trauma facility. in this included population had a cervical spine fracture,
Previous studies have showed that cervical CTA is and of these patients 158 had a CTA/MRA. There has not
often performed in the evaluation of cervical spine trauma been a formal protocol for CTA study use implemented
patients, but a positive finding rarely results in either in our facility in the past 5 years, so clinical judgment
treatment or correlation with clinical symptoms (2,3). With of the ordering provider was the main ordering criteria.
the availability of data demonstrating the limited utility of Additionally, radiologist recommendations were also present
cervical spine CTA in all but a small subset of patients, our on initial CT cervical spine studies, which may also play a
study plans to examine results over a subsequent 5-year role in ordering provider decision making.
period to see if treatment patterns have changed in a level 1 Of the 158 CTA/MRA studies performed in patients with
academic trauma center. cervical spine fracture, a total of 24 studies were positive
for VAI injury, and ten showed pertinent findings in other
vessels. Of these patients, 12 were treated with either aspirin
(ASA), heparin drip, Coumadin, or therapeutic Lovenox
After IRB approval, a chart review was conducted at our for VAI. One patient treated with a heparin drip developed
level 1 trauma hospital. At our institution, a trauma registry increasing blood loss requiring cessation of the drip and

© Journal of Hospital Management and Health Policy. All rights reserved. J Hosp Manag Health Policy 2019;3:17 |
Journal of Hospital Management and Health Policy, 2019 Page 3 of 4

multiple unit transfusion. No additional complications for Discussion

VAI treatment were noted.
Prior studies have discussed the specific role of CTA in
Previously, 15 of 108 patients with cervical spine fracture
the trauma population, and there has been considerable
who received a CT angiogram had a VAI, and four were
discussion and education about the results of these studies
treated. Rates of CTA performed for patient with a cervical
in our institution. In an increasingly cost conscious health
spine fracture increased in our study, with 108 (16.95%)
care environment, there is continued discussion on how
of patients receiving a CTA in our prior study and 158
to best maximize health care expenditures. Our study has
(24.69%) in our current study with a P value <0.001.
demonstrated that there is still a significant portion of
Despite increased test utilization, and rates of positive
patient’s tested for VAI that do not receive any treatment
CTA remained relatively stagnant at 15 (13.89%) and 24
for the findings due to other injuries. Despite this, the rate
(15.19%) respectively with a P value of 0.77. Though by
of CTA performed in the cervical spine trauma patient
absolute numbers more of the diagnosed injuries were
population has increased significantly at our institution.
treated in our study group with a treatment rate of 12 out
of 24 VAI (50.00%) versus our prior study which showed The rate of positive testing has remained stagnant, and half
a treatment rate of 4 out of 15 diagnosed VAI (26.67%), of positive testing still goes untreated. Despite attempts at
this did not reach statistical significance, with P=0.15. Of provider education, there has not been improved diagnostic
note, of all the trauma patients with or without cervical accuracy of CTA. While the cost of treatment can be
spine fracture who received CTA testing, 8.06% of patients minimal in the case of injuries to the vertebral arteries
ever received any treatment for an injury diagnosed from treated with aspirin, the cost of the testing for each patient
testing. treated still remains high (6).
Addition information of interest is in the origin of We propose the consideration of an institutional algorithm
recommendations for CTA, and the prognostic significance for ordering a CT cervical spine angiography study. When
of these recommendations. Some patients in the data set ordering imaging through the electronic medical system,
did not have the initial CT scan done at the study center we propose two additional prompts, similar to the existing
or had the CTA done at the same time as the CT scan, prompts for imaging studies that asked the clinician if the
and these scans are not included in the sub-analysis. At our patient has renal disease or a pacemaker/defibrillator device.
institution, either on the final or preliminary radiographic The two suggested prompts are “Is the patient eligible for
report from the Radiology department, there may be a treatment of vascular injury?” and “Is the patient symptomatic or
recommendation from the reading radiologist for a CTA was the test recommended by a consulting service?”. With these
for further study depending on the injury type. In addition, prompts, the provider is asked to consider if the patient has
a consulting service may ask based on initial CT for a CTA risk of bleeding or other contraindication for initiation of
and document that request in a consult note. In our study, therapeutic anticoagulation, as well as assess if the patient
125 CTA studies were performed in trauma patients after has any of the associated symptoms of a VAI or had the
an initial CT scan at the study institution. Of these scans, study required in a specialist workup would work to limit the
72 were recommended by the reading radiologist in reflexive ordering of this test in the trauma population. If the
either the preliminary or final reads. Among radiology answer to both prompts is “No”, the provider would receive
recommended CTA studies, 56 (77.8%) had negative a second prompt asking if the test is still needed.
findings, 12 (16.7%) had positive findings for VAI, and 4 Consideration for this institutional intervention may help
(5.6%) had findings indicating injuries other than VAI. to decrease the number of CT angiograms that are ordered
Studies performed in patients without recommendations and do not result in treatment or are unlike to diagnose an
from radiology or subservices for CTA showed 18 (78.3%) injury. In an era where efficiency in healthcare expenditure is
with no evidence of VAI, 3 (13.0%) with positive findings increasingly coming to the forefront of patient management,
for VAI, and 2 (8.7%) with findings indicating injuries other trying to ensure tests are only employed in situations they
than VAI. Of the 13 CTA studies performed for concern of effect clinical management remains an important goal for
other injuries, no VAI injuries were diagnosed. In the case all practitioners. When computer physician order entry was
of the 17 CTA studies performed for investigation of VAI introduced in specific clinical settings, an associated decrease
at the request of the consulting spine service, all 17 scans in cost, medical errors, and failure of guideline compliance
showed no VAI or other injuries were diagnosed. was noted (8-10). The current use of electronic ordering

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Page 4 of 4 Journal of Hospital Management and Health Policy, 2019

systems could be utilized to guide and target the appropriate of complete cervical helical computed tomographic
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doi: 10.21037/jhmhp.2019.06.04
Cite this article as: Rebehn KA, Place HM. Cervical
angiograms in cervical spine trauma patients 5 years after
the data: has practice changed? J Hosp Manag Health Policy

© Journal of Hospital Management and Health Policy. All rights reserved. J Hosp Manag Health Policy 2019;3:17 |

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