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Test Paper in Ecology

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Paper no. 5 revised test Test I Multiple Choice. Each item below has four choices.

Choose the correct answer and write the letter that corresponds to the letter of your chosen answer before the number on your test paper. NO ERASURES ALLOWED. 1. How many part is the oxygen which can be found in the earths atmosphere? a. more than 50 % c. approximately 21 % b. 1% and less d. exactly 50% 2. The following are ecologically important qualities of light. Which one is hot? a. luminosity c. refraction b. exposure d. magnitude 3. The functional unit in the study of ecology is a. biotic community b. individual 4. Which term include all others? a. hydrosphere b. lithosphere

c. population d. ecosystem

c. atmosphere d. ecosphere

5. One example in the ecological approach that is synecology is the study of a. life cycle of tamilok c. development of oyster b. water movement in a stream d. orchids on an acacia tree 6. The study of ecosystems as they affect and are affected by man is a. environment c. human biology b. dynamics of a stream d. environmental science 7. Which of the following is not a climatic regime? a. biogenic salts b. cloudiness

c. precipitation d. wind velocity

8. Which two factors, taken together explain why we have different seasons? a. light intensity and angle of reflection b. duration of sunlight and angle of incidence c. light quality and amount of reflection d. duration of light and latitude 9. In a mangrove forest, which factor could be a more important limiting factor? a. dissolved gases c. speed of current b. temperature d. water pH 10. Generally, organisms like orchids live at what range? a. maximum moisture and light b. maximum light and nutrients c. optimum range of conditions d. less moisture and high temperature 11. In choosing a habitat, which of the following is the first action of a young bird? a. establish a nest c. settle in the home range b. explore d. migrate to cold places 12. Very young crabs (kalampay or talangka) hatched in the sea move upstream and grow until maturity in fresh waters. This species is a. stenohaline c. euryhaline b. eurythermal d. stenothermal 13. What is the niche of mushrooms and most free living fungi?

a. make nutrients available to other organisms b. decrease the amount of mineral supply c. increase heat energy available for other organisms d. release oxygen to the soil 14. Man is found in almost all parts of the world because he has the capability to do the following except a. modify his environment to suit his needs b. change his living requirement to adjust to the habitat c. alter weather conditions to a large extent d. domesticate plants and animals for his purpose 15. Which of the following is not true of Shelfords Law of Tolerance? a. Organisms show variation in response to different factors b. Organisms tend to live to a minimum range c. The reproductive stage in the life cycle of an organism is most critical d. steno species are widely distributed 16. Why must organisms maintain a fairly constant internal environment? a. an increase in temp. outside may enhance survival b. an change in salinity level affect the cells ability to reproduce c. to sustain life of the organism in a particular habitat d. as a response to external environments 17. The following are the physical component/of an estuary like the mouth of Iloilo River Except a. light penetration c. turbidity b. salinity d. current 18. The study of ecology is related to other fields of science. What field of knowledge will help us understand the functions of availability of water and nutrients to plants? a. geology c. meteorology b. population genetics d. microbiology 19. An example of a field study conducted by an ecologist to determine relationship of nutrients to rice growth and yield is. a. develop plots in a greenhouse and control the factors b. measure nitrogen availability in rice field c. develop farm lots and apply various levels of fertilizers d. grow varieties of rice in farmers field 20. There had been a number of reports on snakes (phyton) caught in thickly populated areas in Metro Manila in summer. What may be the most plausible explanation for this? a. snakes migrate to where there are more food for them b. young snakes may have been carried by floods to the city c. snakes have more space in big cities d. snakes are ectotherms, thus they search for a cooler place 21. Which soil horizon would be a good habitat for mosses and ferns? a. organic layer c. mineral layer b. bedrock layer d. zone of leaching 22. Life in the soil is highly diverse. Which organisms are highly abundant in soils? a. fungi c. flatworms b. segmented worms d. arachnids 23. What may bring about the initial formation of soil? a. weathering of rocks b. action of big rooted plants

c. action of winds d. effect of farming

24. Most plants take up nutrients from the soil. Which one is taken in small amounts even if these are abundantly found in the area?

a. potassium b. zinc 25. Animals in arid places meet the water problem by a. feeding at night b. being active at day time

c. phosphorus d. calcium

c. releasing more water as waste d. by becoming hypothermic

26. The following are ways by which desert organism loss water and solutes. Which one is not? a. through urine c. evaporation from skin b. producing metabolic water d. through feces 27. Plants respond to water stress by a. yellowing of leaves b. stomatal opening 28. For mammals, what is the major barrier to outside heat flow? a. body fat b. light colored fur

c. increased photosynthesis d. producing more leaves

c. dark colored fur d. growing a heavy coat of fur

29. What may be a plausible explanation for luxuriant growth of trees in north-facing slopes and south facing slopes in a mountain. a. abundance of moisture c. distinct microclimate b. similarity in topography d. soil texture that are similar 30. Of the emerging environmental health issues, which is the most important to the Philippines that need immediate action? a. freshwater c. climate change b. desertification d. saltwater intrusion in wells 31. Apples grow best in temperate countries but not in Panay Island. Why is this so? a. apples have wide tolerance to tropical climate c. nutrients for growth are scarce b. apples cannot adjust to the climate d. apples have no insect pollinators 32. Adding too much fertilizers to soil may even be harmful to crops. Why is this true? a. this will result to increased acidity of soil b. this will make the soil more alkaline c. this will result to poor soil quality d. this will result to intense competition to crops 33. You would like to set up a self-sustaining freshwater aquarium. Which one cannot be added to the live organisms in the aquarium? a. Fish c. algae c. Snail d. sand dollar 34. A marsh along a lake and land communities is an example of a. Niche b. Ecotone

c. barrier d. mangrove

Give the food web of a freshwater pond, answer the following questions #35-37:



water lily



Water beetles Frog Bacteria tilapia

snails turtle duck

35. What is the trophic level occupied by the turtle? a. 1st b. 2nd 36. The water beetles are a. 1st order consumer b. 2nd order consumer 37. Which organism is the final consumer? a. duck b. bacteria

c. 3rd d. 4th c. 3rd order consumer d. 4th order consumer

c. turtle d. dragonfly

38. If usable energy at the producer level is 10,0000 kilocalories, what is the number of kilocalories that a tertiary consumer will be able to obtain from its immediate food supply? a. 10,0000 kcal c. 100kcal b. 1,000 kcal d. 10 kcal 39. A generalized graph of biomass in an ocean shows that the biomass of primary producers is lesser than that of primary consumers. How can this situation occur? a. there is energy subsidy from land ecosystems b. there are many predators c. the consumers can survive even if there are few producers d. the consumers do not feed on producers 40. Which of the following ecosystems has the least productivity? a. Desert c. marshes b. Swamps d. estuaries 41. Which of the following enable living things to release carbon dioxide to the atmosphere? a. Photosynthesis c. food consumption b. Respiration d. combustion 42. Which of the following accelerated the transfer of phosphate from land to the sea? a. Weathering c. erosion b. geologic d. compaction over time

43. What forces allows for the movement of water in cycles?

a. gravity and energy from the sun b. mechanical energy and motion of the moon c. precipitation and condensation d. run off and solar energy 44. Ecologists unravel the processes of nature through the following ways EXCEPT a. field research c. systems analysis b. laboratory research d. library research 45. Given a food chain, detritus____ mudskipper _____ mullet ______; what organism can you add to the chaint? a. Whale c. shrimp b. Milkfish d. mudcrab 46. Species are classified according to their roles in the ecosystem. Which one is an exotic species in the country? a. African hito c. rattan b. Maya d. abaca 47. Which of the following is a specialist species (organisms with narrow niches)? a. Prawns c. red-cockaded woodpeckers b. Rats d. bullfrogs 48. If man would withdraw ground water to support his commerce and basic needs, what possible impacts will this have on water cycle? a. intrusion of salt water into underground supplies b. increase runoff c. reduces infiltration that recharges groundwater supplies d. increases the risk of flooding 49. In the advocacy for environment, Year 2010 is dedicated as international year of a. Astronomy c. climate change b. Biodiversity d. education for sustainable development 50. Considering age and parts of the plant, which of the following would be most productive in terms of biomass. a. young shoots c. old roots b. young roots d. old shoots

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