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TB2 Workbook Answer Pages

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Workbook answers

2a 1e  2a  3f  4g  5c  6d  7b

Unit 1 In the past 2b A is 1, B is 7.
3 Students’ own answers.
Lesson 1 Famous lives
1 1 established 3  hated 5  traveled 7  moved Lesson 2 Visitors
2 studied 4  lived 6  enjoyed 8  competed 1a 2 We’re writing an exercise.
2b 1 policeman  2  MP are the initials of his name – Michael 3 He is learning English at college.
Phelps  3  University of Michigan  4  No  5  6 in Athens, 4 She is speaking to her mother on the phone right now.
8 in Beijing  6  2008 5 I’m going away next weekend.
2c Students’ own answers. 6 They are watching the ball game later.
3a Students’ own answers. 1b 2A  3B  4A  5C  6C
3b Students’ own answers. 1c 1  am sitting  2  is visiting  3  is bringing  4  are going 
5  want  6  am working  7  have  8  like 
Lesson 2 Personal history
9  are you enjoying  10  is starting  11  is ringing
1a Regular:
1d Students’ own answers.
established  wanted  worked  graduated  liked  lived  acted
2a Go out Go to a Go to the
Irregular: got  spent  left  did  took  read  bought  grew  began
of town restaurant park
felt  flew  hit  said  made  was  met  won  became
to dinner museum baseball game
1c 1 did, live 6 were 11 didn’t work
2b 1 to the park 3  out of town 5  out to dinner
2 lived 7 Did, have 12 played
2 the baseball game 4  to a museum 6  to dinner
3 had 8 didn’t have 13 went
4 did, hang 9 worked Lesson 3 Meeting new people
5 hung 10 did, do 1a 1 the guy wearing a blue sweater
2a Students’ own answers. 2 the man standing near your brother
2b Suggested answers: 3 the man in a suit
1 Who did your neighbor hang out with? 4 the person with a glass of juice
2 Who did you admire? 5 the girl with Jennifer
3 Who influenced you? 6 the one with curly, blond hair
4 What was your favorite subject? 1b 1 I want to meet the man standing near the window.
5 Did you have a best friend? 2 He’s the one eating a burger.
6 Who did he learn from? 3 There’s the woman wearing a big hat.
7 Who influenced John? 4 I like that teacher sitting at that table.
2c 6B  3C  8D  9E  7F  1G  10H  2I  4J 5 See that guy with short, black hair?
6 She’s the woman wearing a brown coat.
Lesson 3 Famous events
7 I think those guys with very short hair are brothers.
1b 1a  2b  3a  4b  5a
1c 2 He’s the one with a burger.
2 2d  3b  4e  5a  6f  7c
3 There’s the woman with a big hat.
3a Pliny was relaxing on his boat after lunch and a bath
6 She’s the woman in a brown coat.
– This is an action in progress when something else happened
2a 2B  3A / B  4A / B  5D  6E  7A  8A / E  9C  10B
Thousands of people died… when they were running away
2b 1 It’s a nice gathering, isn’t it?
– This is an action in progress when something else happened
2 Nice day, isn’t it?
He was trying to rescue survivors, but he could not
3 Do you come here often?
– This is an action in progress when something else happened
4  That’s an interesting book.
He died… while he was breathing poisonous gases
5  Hi, I’m Andrew.
– This is an action in progress when something else happened
6  Are you enjoying the gathering?
3b Yesterday I was walking down Main Street when I saw my old
friend Peter. I stopped to talk to him. Peter was telling me
about his new job when he suddenly said ‘Look over there.
What’s happening?’ I looked across the street. A man was
Unit 3 Time out
running away and a policeman was running after him. ‘We
Lesson 1 On the town
must stop him!’ said Peter. I looked again. ‘No, it’s OK,’  I said.
1c 1 Tate Modern is in London.
3c 1  was having 2  was having / rang
2 The collection includes wonderful paintings.
3  was making / knocked 4  woke up 5  was sitting
3 It’s in a breathtaking building.
4 You can get tea in the cafeteria and on the terrace.
5 The museum is open late on Friday and Saturday.
Unit 2 Describing people 6 It’s free.
2a 1 across from 2  next to 3  left 4  go 5  cross
Lesson 1 Who is he?
6  on 7  Turn 8  on 9  on
1a 1 is, has  2 is, are  3 am, have  4 has, is  5 have, am
2b 1 From the Dorset Hotel, turn left on 54th Street, go two blocks,
1b 1 Jack is tall and medium weight.
cross Broadway, turn left and go one block. Turn right on 53rd
2 He has short, curly blond hair.
Street and it’s on the left.
3 He has blue eyes.
2 From the Dorset Hotel, turn left on 54th Street, go one block,
4 Ali is medium height and slim.
cross Seventh Avenue, turn left and it’s on the right, on the
5 He has short, red wavy hair and green eyes.
corner of Seventh Avenue and 52nd Street.


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Workbook answers

3 From the Dorset Hotel, turn left on 54th Street, go one block, 2b Suggested answers: Peter is younger than John. David is older
turn right on Seventh Avenue, go three blocks and it’s on the than John. Peter is smaller than David. David is taller than John.
right. John is heavier than Peter. David is heavier than John. John is
4 From the Dorset Hotel, turn left on 54th Street, turn left on the happier than Peter. David is sadder than John. David is more
Avenue of the Americas, turn left on 53rd Street and it’s on the intelligent than Peter. Peter is more intelligent than John.
5 From the Dorset Hotel, turn right and it’s next to the hotel.
Lesson 3 Learning culture
1a 1 Would you mind if I left early?
2c Students’ own answers.
2 Can you carry this for me, please?
Lesson 2 What’s happening? 3 Could you call me later?
1a 6B  2C  5D  1E  3F 4 Would you mind if I finished this tomorrow?
1b Accepting: Yeah, OK, that’s fine by me.  OK, fine.  Yeah, OK. 5 Could you give me a ride, please?
Rejecting: I’d prefer not to. I don’t really enjoy watching sports. 6 May I talk to you?
1c A: Hello, how are you doing? 1b Suggested answers:
B: Fine, thanks. 1 Can you lend me a pen, please?
A: Would you like to go out tonight? 2 Would you mind if I took next Monday off?
B: Good idea. Why don’t we go to dinner? 3 Could you open the window, please?
A: No, I’d prefer not to. I’m a little too tired for that. Let’s just to 4 Would you mind if I left the class early?
go out for a coffee. 5 Can you make me a cup of coffee, please?
B: Fine with me. Would you like to drink outside? 1c 1 Could you get me a bigger shirt, please?  d
A: Oh, yes, good idea. Let’s to go to the coffee house on the river. 2 Could you get me a hotter coffee, please?  c
2 Students’ own answers. 3 Could it go faster?  e
4 Could I do an easier exercise, please?  b
Lesson 3 Internet! 5 Could I leave earlier, please?  a
1a 1  laptop  2  monitor  3  speakers  4  webcam  5  mouse 
2 Students’ own answers.
6  printer
1b 2e  3h  4a  5g  6f  7b  8d
2 1  ’m going to  2  ’ll  3  ’ll  4  ’ll  5  will  6  ’ll  7  ’ll  8  will
9 ‘ll
Unit 5 On the move
3 Students’ own answers. Lesson 1 Getting around
1a Students’ own answers.
1b Suggested answers:
Unit 4 Learning for life 1 The plane is more expensive than the car.
2 The car is more comfortable than the bus.
Lesson 1 School days 3 The train is more comfortable than the plane.
1a 1 math 4  sport 7  biology 4 The service on the train is better than the bus.
2 history 5  teacher 8  headteacher 5 The plane is faster than the train.
3 English 6  student 9  geography 6 The train is faster than the bus.
1b 1 English 4  teacher 7  history 7 The car is slower than the train.
2 headteacher 5  math 8  student 8 The bus is slower than the train.
3 sport 6  geography 9  biology 9 The car is more practical than the bus.
1c 1 subjects 3  geography 5  teacher 7  coach 1c Suggested answers:  Advantages: bus cheap  car practical
2 history 4  math 6  captain 8  librarian train good service  plane fast  Disadvantages: car expensive
2b Suggested answer: Juan is a good student in general. He has train delays  plane very expensive
great ability and interest in math, physics, computer science, 1d Suggested answers:
and geography. He puts effort into subjects that are more 1 The car is practical because you can go anywhere.
difficult for him. He needs to put more effort into sports. 2 The train is comfortable because there is good service.
3 The plane is very expensive because tickets are expensive.
Lesson 2 Choices 4 The train is slow because there are delays.
1a 1 younger 4  more exclusive 7  thinner
5 The car is expensive because gas is expensive.
2 more modern 5  more intelligent 8  dirtier
2b 1T  2F  3T  4F  5T
3 happier 6  more famous 9  more extreme
1b My brother is 7 years older than me. Although I am younger Lesson 2 Getting away from it all
than him, I am more intelligent and happier. I am taller and 1a most modern passenger trains in the world  One of the most
slimmer than he is and one day, when I am a little bit bigger, I exciting things about the Eurostar
will be a lot more famous. 1b 1 He is the most intelligent boy in the class.
2a 1 Rome is warmer than Moscow in the summer. 2 ✓
2 Moscow is colder than Mexico City in the winter. 3 ✓
3 Rome is more expensive than Mexico City. 4 That is the worst book I’ve ever read.
Suggested answers: 5 ✓
4 Rome is more expensive than Moscow. 1c 1 the hottest 5  the most 9  the most
5 Mexico City is cheaper than Rome. interesting expensive
6 Moscow is bigger than Rome. 2 the coldest 6  the best 10 the most
7 Rome is smaller than Moscow.  important


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Workbook answers

3 the most 7  the most 11 the most well- Lesson 3 Organizing your life
exciting colorful preserved 1a 1c  2b  3c  4d  6e
4 the most 8  the richest 1b 1 You have to do your homework every night.
cosmopolitan 2 Frank needs to see the dentist.
1d 1 What is the highest mountain? 3 Ali wants to go to the shops.
2 What is the biggest ocean? 4 Why do I have to take my cell phone with me?
3 What is the longest day of the year? 5 Do you need to work this weekend?
4 What is the longest river? 6 They don’t have to come.
5 What is the sixth biggest planet? 1c 1 have to 3  needs to 5  want to 7  want to
6 What is the biggest city in Egypt? 2 doesn’t want to 4  want to 6  have to 8  needs to
2a Suggested answers:
Lesson 3 Getting there
1 spend some time alone each day
1a 1 I do, too. 3  I do, too. 5  I can’t either. 7  I am, too.
2 say “no” when people ask you to do things
2 I can, too. 4  I’m not either. 6  I do, too. 8  I don’t either.
3 get a job with more money
1b 1 I am, too 4  I do, too
4 plan your practice schedule
2 I do, too 5  I can’t either
5 put your personal life before your work and studies
3 I don’t either 6  I do, too
6 do regular exercise and eat less
2a Algerian. He lives in Algeria. He was born on December 8, 1970.
2b Suggested answers:
He has relatives in Oxford. Their address is 26, George St., Oxford,
1 make a list of the things you have to do and don’t put things
off until the last minute
2b 1 What’s your name?
2 do you spend your money on
2 How do you spell Karim?
3 buy things you need and not buy things you don’t need
3 Where are you from?
4 plan your work and study schedule
4 Where do you live?
5 How old are you?
6 Where are you staying in the U.K.?
7 Why are you visiting Oxford?
Unit 7 The story so far
Lesson 1 Life histories
1 1 job 5  club 9  accident 13 news
Unit 6 Healthy living 2 won 6  broke 10 got
3 an award 7  your leg 11 fired
Lesson 1 Laughter is the best medicine
4 joined  8  had 12 getting
1a Positive: doing exercise, fun, relaxation, walking, fruit and
2b Suggested answers:
vegetables, bicycle riding
1 He was educated at St. Mary’s College, St. Lucia and at the
Negative: smoking, drinking, stress, fast food, chocolate, coffee,
University of the West Indies in Jamaica.
cookies, sedentary lifestyle, working long hours, watching TV
2 He is famous for his writing – plays and poems.
1b Suggested answers: Positive: drinking water, eating fish, laughter
3 He has worked as a college professor at Yale, Harvard, and
Negative: not much sleep, sugar, soda
1c 1 junk food 3  watching TV 5  lots of sleep
4 His first play was produced in 1950.
2 coffee 4  doing exercise
5 It showed the world what Walcott was capable of.
2a That people spend money to use machines which imitate
2c Suggested answers: Where was he born?  When did he win the
walking, rowing, and bicycle riding when they could do those
Nobel Prize for Literature?  How old was he when he published
things for free.
In a Green Night?
2b Advantages: exercise keeps you in shape and keeps weight
3 Suggested answers: Hugo Sanchez is a very well-known football
down, trendy, safe place to be Disadvantages: very high
player. He was born in Mexico City in 1958. He began playing
membership fees
professional football in 1976 and his first team was Pumas in
2c Students’ own answers.
Mexico. He played for Real Madrid. He has won a number of
Lesson 2 Your favorite team awards for scoring the most goals. He now works as a coach.
1a Jogging: solo, outside  Basketball: team, with a ball,
inside or outside  Tennis: solo, with a ball, with a racket,
Lesson 2 Experience and experiences
1a be, was, been  break, broke, broken  come, came, come  do,
inside or outside  Rugby: team, with a ball, outside
did, done  drink, drank, drunk  fall, fell, fallen  go, went, gone
1b 1 do  2  play  3  do  4  played  5  go  6  do
have, had, had  know, knew, known  make, made, made
1c 1 football 3  stadium 5  fans
read, read, read  see, saw, seen  swim, swam, swum
2 championship 4  capacity 6  games
win, won, won  write, wrote, written
2a Object pronoun: you, him, her, it, us, you, them
1b 1 John has lived in this town all his life.
Possessive adjective: your, his, her, its, our, your, their
2 Paul has never read a mystery book.
Possessive pronoun: yours, his, hers, its, ours, yours, theirs
3 We haven’t seen James in years.
2b 1 This isn’t her bicycle. It’s mine.
4 They’ve never had a car.
2 Your brother looks like them.
5 Have you been to a football game recently?
3 My house is bigger than yours.
6 Has your brother ever swum across a river?
4 Is this your hat? No, it’s hers.
7 Paul and Bob haven’t been to Europe. / Bob and Paul haven’t
5 I like their car more than mine.
been to Europe.
2c 1 your 3  my 5  your 7  his
1c 1 Have, gone 3  have climbed 5  haven’t had 7  has had
2 mine 4  Mine 6  mine 8  their
2 haven’t 4  haven’t done 6  have felt 8  Has, fallen

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Workbook answers

1d 1a  2f  3b  4d  5c  6e 1c 1 asked us to write 4  asked me to take

2 8B  5C  2D  10E  1F  6G  3H  7I  4J 2 told us to study 5  asked Peter and me to come
3 wanted me to help 6  wants us to bring
Lesson 3 Success stories 1d Suggested answers:
1a 1 She made a cake last night.
1 asked me to a restaurant and told me not to be late.
2 Henry has never read Shakespeare.
2 told me to do more exercise.
3 Did your brother eat a pizza last night?
3 asked us to help him.
4 He won seven championships between 1998 and 2005.
4 told them to work harder.
5 I broke my arm last week.
5 asked them to work on the weekend.
6 He has won many races and he hasn’t finished winning races
1b 1 did, move
2 needed
3  did, play
4  was
5  have played
Unit 9 What’s next?
1c 1B  2C  5D  7E  6F  4G Lesson 1 Reviewing the situation
2a 1 down championship 5  played 9 finished 1a hobbies: activity, outdoor, collecting coins, free time  family
2 biography 6  failed 10 English and friends: best friend, gathering, siblings, uncle  study:
3 traveled 7  won 11 written college, homework, graduate, school  home: living room,
4 camped 8  windsurf 12 turning point kitchen, house, yard
2b 1 won  2 finished  3 biography  4 windsurf  5 traveled 1b 1 house 3  living room 5  free time 7  activity
2 kitchen 4  homework 6  outdoor 8  yard
1c Suggested answers:
Unit 8 Ways of life 1 Do you go to college 5  do you live
2 Were you in college 6  Where did you live before
Lesson 1 Traditions 3 Do you work in architecture 7  Do you have a pet
1 1 make 3  make 5 doing 7 doing 9 make
4 Did you have a job 8  Do you share
2 do 4 do 6 does 8 make
2a Suggested answers: Tim’s life has changed a lot in the last five
2 Students’ own answers.
years. He graduated from college two years ago. He studied
3a He’s staying close to the Park of the city.
architecture and now works in an architect’s office. Five years
3b 1F  2F  3T  4T  5F
ago he had a part-time job at a fast-food restaurant. He has an
Lesson 2 Your life apartment downtown and before that he lived with his parents.
1a For: ages, 10 years, a long time, three weeks, years He doesn’t have any pets and he shares his apartment with a
Since: 12 o’clock, September, spring, 1997, 10:30, April, January, guy from the office.
2000, this morning, last summer 2b Students’ own answers.
1b 1 Oh, for about six months. Lesson 2 Lifestyle changes
2 She has lived here for one year. 1a 1 should 3  should 5  shouldn’t 7  shouldn’t
3 I have studied English for nine months. 2 shouldn’t 4  should 6  should 8  should
4 How long have they worked there? They’ve worked there 1b 1c  2g  3b  4h  5f  6a  7d  8e
since 1998. 1c Suggested answers:
5 We have been in this line for 20 minutes. 1 You should try to get up and move around, in between
1c 1 have  2 studied  3 for  4 has  5 for  6 since working at the computer.
1d 1 have you lived in London? 2 You should go to the travel agency.
2 For (length of time) / Since (date and year). 3 You shouldn’t feel shy.
3 has he played tennis 4 You should find ways to relax and release your stress.
4 For (length of time) / Since (date and year). 5 You should wake up earlier.
5 have you studied French 1d Suggested answers:
6 For (length of time) / Since (date and year). 1 You should plan your revision time.
7 has studied Spanish for 2 You should take a break every half hour.
8 have you collected stamps 3 You should try not to get too anxious.
9 I started 4 You should talk to the teacher about your concerns.
Lesson 3 Working together Lesson 3 Twenty-five years from now
1a 1 She told me to do my homework. 1a 1 will 4  will 7  will 10 will
2 They asked us to stand up. 2 will 5  might 8  won’t 11  will
3 He asked him to raise his hand. 3 might 6  will 9  will
4 He told us to march more quickly. 1b Suggested answers:
5 He told us not to leave our boots under the bed. 1 No, I don’t
6 Mark told me not to call him early in the morning. 2 Because there will be more people
7 Imad asked us to bring him that book. 3 By 50%
1b 1 My brother asked me not to touch his computer. 4 There will be more cures for many diseases
2 The librarian wanted us to stop talking. 5 Children will learn from computers and there won’t be any
3 The company told us to try to think creatively. teachers
4 My mother asked me to clean my room. 6 We will have robots doing jobs
5 She wants us to learn French. 2a Students’ own answers.
6 The teacher told the students to bring some photos of their 2b Students’ own answers.
families to class if they have any.

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