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剑桥新思维英语青少版 2级 语法与口语练习册答案

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Entry tests key

Entry test A
4 2 I hope I’ll find the man of my dreams.
1 2 He studies in London.
3 Maybe I’ll live abroad for a couple of years.
3 They don’t live in a small house.
4 I doubt I’ll go to that university.
4 I don’t enjoy my French lessons.
5 I think I’ll learn to drive one day.
5 You understand German very well.
6 I don’t think I’ll have any children in the
6 She doesn’t teach English. future.
2 2  Do, enjoy  3  Does, have  4  Do, know 5 2
   day after tomorrow  3  next weekend 
5  Does, play  6  Do, like 4  in an hour  5  next month  6  in three
weeks’ time
2  usually walks  3  am listening  4 teaches
5 go  6 want
Entry test D
2 reading  3 swimming  4 painting
5 dancing  6 cinema 2
   ’ll be; go  3  rains; won’t have  4  don’t
have; ’ll lend  5  will be; are  6  get; will buy
2  had to  3  Do, have to  4  have to
5  doesn’t have to  6  Does, have to 2 2
   exciting  3  tired  4  cool  5  dreadful 
6  ugly
2 pilot  3 dentist  4 teacher  5 vet
6  shop assistant 3 2  shouldn’t eat  3  should study  4  should
stop  5  should try  6  shouldn’t believe

Entry test B 4 2 My sister has never flown in a plane.

   was  3  made  4  Did, win  5  left  3 Have you ever tried Indian food?
6  enjoyed 4 They have never met any Scottish people.

2 2  much  3  many  4  an  5  some  6  a

5 We have never been to the States.
6 Have your parents ever met your best
3 2
   oranges  3  fish  4  salad  5  milk 
6  tomatoes 5 2  honest  3  lazy  4  unfriendly 
5  miserable  6  disorganised
4 2  some  3  any  4  any  5  some  6  any

5 2  the happiest  3  bigger than  4  the most

intelligent  5  the worst  6  better than

6 2  Pick, up  3  get in  4  took off 

5  Put on  6  Get out

Entry test C
2  will  3  will  4  won’t  5  will  6  will

2 2  too expensive  3  too tired / sleepy 

4  too cold / rough  5  too young  6  too late

3 2  late  3  fast  4  well  5  hard  6  slowly

剑桥新思维英语青少版语法与口语练习册2 © FLTRP&CUP 1
Teaching notes for communication
activities and grammar practice
Unit 1 3 2 was raining; when; looked
Communication activity 3 arrived; while; were watching
4 were walking; when; saw
Areas practised
Past continuous; House vocabulary 5 was writing; when; crashed
● Divide the class into student A and B pairs. 6 started; while; were walking
● Explain that students must ask and answer 7 was running; when; saw
using the past continuous tense to find 8 was going; when; heard
out what the people missing from their 9 While; were listening; arrived
picture were doing. Ask a stronger pair to
demonstrate. 4 2
   saw  3  stopped  4  saw  5  were shouting 
A: What was Josh doing last night? 6  was crying  7  was  8  didn’t have  9  arrived
B: He was playing with his toys.
● Explain to students that they must write the
Unit 2
answer on their half of the picture under the Communication activity
relevant names.
Areas practised
● Students now complete the exercise. Comparative and superlative adjectives: as … as,
much / far / a lot … than; Revision of present
Grammar practice key and past simple of the verb be
1 2 Mrs Brown was reading a book in her room. ● Divide the class into groups of four. You will
also need some dice and counters.
3 Julie Brown was sunbathing on the balcony.
● Students throw the dice and move the
4 Tom and Barry Brown were talking to the
number of spaces on the board. They must
local girls.
then make two correct sentences using
5 Grandmother Brown was sleeping on the the prompts on the square they land on.
beach. One sentence must use a superlative or
6 Marc Brown was talking on his mobile comparative with as … as or much / far /
phone. a lot … than.
7 Grandfather Brown was listening to the Example: I think dogs are a lot messier than
radio. cats. / Dogs aren’t as tidy as cats.
8 Ellie Brown was sitting in a café. ● The other students in the group must decide
9 Anita and Roberto Brown were waiting at if the sentences are grammatically correct and
the airport. make sense. If so, the next person has a turn
and the game continues. If the sentences are
2 2 Where was she going when she fell? wrong, the student must correct them and
3 Who were you talking to when I arrived? move back one square.
4 What were they watching when the television ● The first to reach the finish is the winner.
stopped working?
5 Where were they going when they heard
the news?
6 Who were you working for when you lost
your job?
7 What was he doing when he broke his leg?
8 Where were you travelling to when you lost
your passport?
9 Who were we visiting when the train was

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Grammar practice key Grammar practice key
1 2 Mobile phones are cheaper than computers. 1 2  will  3  will  4  might  5  won’t  6  will 
3 Alaska is colder than Rome. 7  may  8  will  9  will
4 Monkeys are more intelligent than frogs. 2 2 work; ’ll pass
5 Skiing is more difficult than cycling.
3 take; won’t rain
6 Australia is bigger than Great Britain.
4 go; will, buy
7 Computer games are more expensive than CDs.
5 don’t have; will, do
8 Hollywood film stars are richer than nurses.
6 fails; ’ll take
9 The Eiffel Tower is taller than Big Ben.
7 go; ’ll have
2 2 Who is the tallest person in your family? 8 studies; ’ll become
3 Which is the most beautiful city in your country? 9 buy; ’ll drive
4 Which is the hottest place in the world? 3 2  f  3  c  4  h  5  a  6  b  7  e 
5 Which is the worst programme on TV? 8  i  9  d
6 Who is the most boring person you know?
7 Who is the best actor or actress you know?
4 2
   If  3  Unless  4  If  5  unless  6  unless 
7  If  8  If  9  Unless
8 Which is the most famous building in your city?
9 Which is the easiest subject at school? Unit 4
3 2 A frog isn’t as intelligent as a monkey. Communication activity
3 Whales aren’t as dangerous as sharks. Areas practised
4 Buses aren’t as fast as planes. Present perfect: already / yet questions and
5 English isn’t as difficult as Chinese. short answers
6 Rome isn’t as hot as Cairo. ● Divide the class into student A and B pairs.
7 Edinburgh isn’t as big as London. ● Ask a stronger pair to demonstrate the
8 Children aren’t as tall as adults. example, drawing students’ attention to
the use of yet and already.
9 Digital cameras aren’t as expensive as computers.
● Students complete the activity.
4 2
   easily  3  quickly  4  badly  5  well 
6  quietly  7  nervously  8  clearly  9  happily Grammar practice key
1 2  don’t they  3  could you  4  aren’t you 
Unit 3 5  isn’t he  6  hasn’t she  7  aren’t we 
Communication activity 8  do they  9  is there
Areas practised 2 2  already  3  yet  4  already  5  already 
First conditional; unless in first conditional sentences; 6  yet  7  yet  8  already  9  already
Vocabulary: the environment; energy types; I agree;
I don’t agree because …; I think … 3 2 ()
● Divide the class into student A and B pairs. Each 3 (7) We have just got back from our holiday
pair cut up one set of sentences. in Germany.
● Students must fit the sentence halves together 4 ()
so they are grammatically correct and make 5 (7) He’s just gone back to school after the
sense. Once they have completed the activity, ask accident, hasn’t he?
students to choose one statement.
6 ()
● Students decide if they agree or disagree with
7 ()
their statement. Encourage them to give reasons
and to use the vocabulary from this unit. 8 (7) Have you finished that book yet? You’ve
been reading it for months!
● Class feedback.
9 ()

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4 2 Has Sarah worked in Africa? 3 2 (7) Motorbikes are not often bought by
3 Have Sam and Tom broken the table? women.
4 Have his parents heard the news? 3 ()
5 Have they played football every day this week? 4 ()
6 Has she been shopping with her best friend? 5 (7) This game is played by lots of people.
7 Have you read that book? 6 (7) Their shopping is delivered to their house.
8 Has Anna taken lots of photographs? 7 ()
9 Has he fallen asleep? 8 (7) The washing is done every Wednesday.
9 (7) The house is painted once a year.
Unit 5 4 2 She won’t let him go to the concert.
Communication activity 3 His parents won’t let him buy a new
Area practised computer.
Present simple passive 4 They are allowed to use the Internet.
● Divide the class into student A and B pairs. 5 Harry won’t let his brother wear his hat.
● Explain that they must complete the picture 6 Her parents won’t let her have a party.
activity first, using the prompts under each 7 Dana’s allowed to invite her friends.
picture. Remind them they must use the
8 Jamie isn’t allowed to go out tonight.
present simple passive tense.
9 I won’t let you borrow my guitar.
● Once they have done this, students can check
their answers by reading out their sentences
to their partners. Unit 6
Communication activity
Grammar practice key
Area practised
1 2 The towels are changed every day. For / since + time expressions
3 That newspaper is sold every Monday. ● Divide the class into small groups of three or
4 The doors are opened at nine o’clock. four. Each group cut up one set of cards.
5 Your photo is taken at the entrance. ● Appoint a dealer to deal the dominoes out
face down.
6 David is invited to Pat’s party every year.
● The student on the left of the dealer must
7 Bread is sold in the supermarket.
turn their first domino over and place it in the
8 Elephants are killed for their tusks. centre of the table for everyone to see.
9 Lots of good films are directed by Steven ● The next student in the group must match
Spielberg! one of their dominoes to one side of the
first domino. For example, if the first student
2 2 Are they prepared for the storm? Yes, they places a domino with For / last week and the
are. next student has a domino with Since / ten
3 Is champagne produced in France? Yes, it is. years, they could match Since with last week
4 Are doctors and dentists paid a lot? Yes, or For with ten years. If the student has no
they are. matching domino, they must miss a turn.
5 Are all credit cards accepted? No, they’re ● To make the game more challenging, the
not. student who places a domino must make a
6 Are dogs allowed in this hotel? No, they’re correct sentence in the present perfect tense
not. using the words on the dominoes.
7 Is this table made of wood? Yes, it is. ● Students continue in this way until the first
student with no dominoes left is the winner.
8 Is Spanish spoken here? No, it isn’t.
9 Are stamps sold in the post office? Yes, they

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Grammar practice key 4 was, stolen
5 were injured
1 2 ()
6 was, taken
3 (7) John and Max have been skiing in Italy.
7 was, discovered
4 (7) Lisa has broken her leg.
8 were, completed
5 ()
9 were damaged
6 (7) She has bought a new dress.
7 (7) The tree has grown enormously! 2 2
   was given  3  was discovered  4  was filmed
8 (7) He has just made dinner. 5  are held  6  was given   7  is grown
8  were built  9  is exported
9 ()

2 2 Have you ever broken your leg?

3 2 ()
3 (7) Hamlet was written by William
3 Have you ever met the king?
4 Have you ever climbed a mountain?
4 ()
5 Have you ever read a book in English?
5 (7) My dad’s car was stolen last week.
6 How many times have you been late for school?
6 ()
7 How many times have you eaten pizza?
7 (7) Nothing was destroyed in the earthquake.
8 Have you ever been to Hong Kong?
8 ()
9 Have you lived in the same place all your life?
9 (7) John F. Kennedy was shot by Lee Harvey
3 2 They haven’t just broken the window. Oswald.

3 Hasn’t he been in hospital for a long time? 4 2  the  3  The  4  a  5  a  6  a  7  a  8  the 
4 He hasn’t worked in the circus since he was five. 9  a  10  The
5 Haven’t you heard their new song?
6 Jack hasn’t taught maths for eight years. Unit 8
7 Elisabetta hasn’t slept for 12 hours. Communication activity
8 She hasn’t just woken up. Areas practised
9 Haven’t you ever eaten fish? Too much / too many / not enough; Homes
4 2  for  3  since  4  for  5  since  6  for 
● Divide the class into student A and B pairs.
7  since  8  since  9  for
● Explain that on each card there is information
Unit 7 about a house or some people. Students must
match the houses and the people. As they
Communication activity discuss the choices, they should decide what
Areas practised the problems are with each house using too
much / too many / not enough / near / far,
Past simple passive; Natural disasters vocabulary
etc. They then write the letter of the house
● Divide the class into student A and B pairs. they have chosen in the box next to the
● Give students a few minutes to prepare their picture.
questions. Monitor and help as necessary, ● Go through the first card with the class as
making sure students are forming the past simple an example.
passive tense correctly.
A: I think house C is right for Anna and Jon.
● Students ask each other questions to complete
B: I don’t think so, it’s got too many rooms.
the quizzes, checking the answers at the end of
What about house F?
the quiz and adding up the scores. Make sure
they take turns to ask and answer. ● Ask for feedback. Does everyone agree?
Suggested answers
Grammar practice key 1 B  2 D  3 E  4 A  5 F  6 C
1 2 was, held
3 was, found

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Grammar practice key ● Class feed back. Are there any interesting or
amusing questions? Students could vote for
1 2 too much the most interesting or amusing quiz.
3 too many / not enough
4 not enough Grammar practice key
5 too many; too much 1 2  some of them  3  none of them 
6 not enough 4  All of them  5  none of them 
7 too many 6  some of them  7  all of them 
8 too much 8  None of them  9  some of them

9 too many 2 2  everywhere  3  no one  4  all of them

5 Everywhere  6  nothing  7  someone
2 2 () 8  No one  9  nowhere
3 (7) There are too many cars on the roads today.
4 () 3 2 ()
5 (7) Sorry, that's too much pasta for me. 3 (7) Someone gave it to me for a birthday
6 ()
4 ()
7 (7) There's not enough time to do my
homework. 5 (7) Everywhere is full.
8 (7) Yuk! There's too much sugar in this tea! 6 (7) I want to speak to someone in the sports
department, please.
9 ()
7 ()
3 2 ’re going to stay 8 (7) I think everyone should see the new
3 ’ll answer Johnny Depp film.
4 ’ll cut 9 (7) No one remembered my birthday this year.
5 ’re going to have
4 2
   mustn’t  3  don’t have to  4  must  5  must
6 ’s going to buy 6 must  7  don’t have to  8  don’t have to
7 ’ll have 9 mustn’t
8 ’ll open
9 ’re going to see Unit 10
4 2  h  3  d  4  g  5  a  6  f  7  i  8  e  9  b
Communication activity
Areas practised
Unit 9 Present perfect simple and continuous
● Divide the class into student A and B pairs.
Communication activity
● Explain that students must write either the
Areas practised present perfect simple or the present perfect
Must / mustn’t / have to / don’t have to continuous form of the verbs in brackets.
● Divide the class into student A and B pairs. Then they must guess who they think the
● Give students a few minutes to read the person is. Go through the first item as an
instructions and the quiz questions. example, if necessary.
Check any problems. ● Monitor and check that students are using
● Ask students to turn to page 40 and check the tenses correctly and note down any
their answers. Ask for feedback. repeated errors to go through as a class after
the activity.
● Students now work alone and think up some
questions about the customs and laws in their ● Students read out their completed texts to
own country. Monitor and check they are their partner who corrects any mistakes and
using must / mustn’t / have to / don’t have to tells them if they have guessed correctly.
● Students can then swap questions with their
Grammar practice key
partner and answer them. 1 2 haven’t been cooking; ’ve only been cooking
3 have you been waiting

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4 hasn’t been learning ● Make sure students are sitting opposite each
5 ’ve been travelling other, or back to back, so they can’t see each
other’s crossword. Give students time to
6 have they been staying
complete the activity.
7 ’s been talking
● Students can check their answers by looking
8 ’s been swimming at their partner’s crossword.
9 hasn’t been working
Grammar practice key
2 2 Have you posted
3 ’ve been waiting 1 2 I’ve got a pair of trousers which are too small.
4 Have you heard 3 The hotel where we stayed had a big gym.
5 ’ve been searching 4 Pippa has a friend who is a singer.
6 ’ve watched 5 Please give me the pen which is on my desk.
7 has your brother been tidying 6 I read a book which was very good.
8 Have you ever seen 7 I know somebody who can drive a bus.
9 ’s been practising 8 There’s the man who stole €10,000!
9 The city where Jane lives is called Cambridge.
3 2 ()
3 (7) My parents have been married for 30 years. 2 2 Did Peter use to have long hair? No, he didn’t.
4 () 3 Did Peter use to want to be a writer? Yes,
he did.
5 (7) You’ve broken your leg three times.
4 Did Peter use to eat very much? No, he didn’t.
6 ()
5 Did Peter use to talk to everybody? Yes, he
7 (7) I’ve had my new computer for three months.
8 (7) Your brother’s watched that DVD twice already.
6 Did Peter use to play with his friends? Yes,
9 () he did.
4 2 known 7 Did Peter use to like travelling by car? No, he
3 been doing; been talking
8 Did Peter use to stay at his grandmother’s
4 found
house? Yes, he did.
5 been listening
9 Did Peter use to drink coffee? No, he didn’t.
6 visited
7 finished 3 2 (7) Did you use to play football?
8 had 3 ()
9 been studying 4 (7) We used to live in Liverpool.
5 (7) They didn’t use to like going to the gym.
Unit 11 6 ()
Communication activity 7 (7) Did you use to watch Star Wars?
Areas practised 8 (7) My sister used to smoke.
Defining relative clauses; Medical (and other general) 9 (7) Danny and Eddie didn’t use to sing.
4 2 Medicine didn’t use to be as good.
● Divide the class into student A and B pairs.
3 She used to get stomach ache every
● Demonstrate the activity with a stronger pair.
Explain that they listen to their partner’s clues
and write the missing words in their crossword. 4 Vinny used to get a cold every winter.
They must use defining relative clauses. For 5 My parents didn’t use to go shopping very
example: often.
A: Number 1. This is someone who helps you
when you have a problem with your teeth.

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6 People didn’t use to use computers. 5 ()
7 He didn’t use to work so hard. 6 ()
8 Karen’s eyes used to hurt when reading. 7 (7) He wouldn't have a party if it wasn’t Saturday.
9 The doctor didn’t use to live there. 8 (7) If you saved your work, you wouldn't lose it.
9 (7) Would you dance if they weren't there?
Unit 12 4 2 went; would change
Communication activity 3 wouldn’t wash up; had
Area practised 4 Would, travel; rained?
Second conditional 5 would take; had
● Divide the class into student A and B pairs. 6 Would, work; won
● Ask a stronger pair to demonstrate the 7 would eat; didn’t lose
examples, making sure students understand
8 ate; would be
that they must write out the second
conditional sentences in full and then 9 read; would know
predict their partner’s answers before asking
questions. Tell them they mustn’t read the Unit 13
analysis at the bottom of the page yet.
Communication activity
● Monitor and check that students are using
the second conditional tense correctly and Area practised
note down any repeated errors to go through Past perfect
as a class after the activity. ● This can be done individually or in pairs.
● Students then read their partner’s analysis. ● Explain that students must complete each
Does their partner agree with it or not? sentence using the past perfect tense,
using the pictures to help them.
Grammar practice key ● Students complete the activity. You can set
a time limit if you prefer.
1 2 I would play tennis every day if I could.
● If students worked individually, they can check
3 If I went to bed early, I wouldn’t be so tired. answers in pairs. If students worked in pairs,
4 You would take good photos if you had a then put pairs together to check answers.
good camera. ● Check answers as a class.
5 I would phone you if I had a mobile phone. Suggested answers
6 Lucy would let you drive if you asked her. 1 my friends had left. / it had closed.
7 If I were rich, I would go on holiday now! 2 that she had forgotten her passport.
8 I would pass my exams if I studied. 3 he had lost his keys.
9 He would see you if you turned the light on. 4 she had left her homework in her bedroom.
2 2 If Mary could swim, would she go every day? 5 our parents had gone to bed.
3 Would she tell me if she knew the secret? 6 she had changed since they were at school.
4 Would you tell him if you were me? 7 the film had started.
5 Would you have more time if I came 8 the programme had finished.
6 Would you be sad if she didn’t believe you?
Grammar practice key
7 Would you go if you didn’t have so much 1 2
   had taken  3  had fed  4  had scored 
homework? 5  had reached  6  had stopped  7  had written
8 Would he be cold if he had a jacket? 8  had won  9  had taught
9 Would Sam fix the computer if he could?
2 2 H
 ad Katie ever believed in aliens, until she
3 2 () saw one?
3 (7) If he shouted, she would know he was there. 3 Had she ever travelled to India before?
4 (7) Would you buy them if they had your size? 4 Had Jack taken photos before they arrived?
5 Had Joe walked for ten kilometres?

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6 Had Anna already left when Sue arrived? Grammar practice key
7 Had he died before the doctor arrived?
1 2 Mary told us it was her birthday.
8 Had the train left when you arrived?
3 David said we had to go to our English class.
9 Had she finished her homework by 11 pm?
4 Tom said we should drink lots of water.
3 2 had learned; went 5 Dad said I could go when I had finished.
3 hadn’t enjoyed; was 6 Harry said a black cat had crossed his path
4 had collected; got that day.
5 reached; had scored 7 My sister complained that I was always
so lucky.
6 was; had read
8 The director told them that he had made her
7 got; had made
a star.
8 promised; hadn’t finished
9 forgot; hadn’t written 2 2 S he asked him if they were going to
the cinema.
4 2 (7) The cat had grown while they were away. 3 Tom asked what time they were leaving.
3 () 4 He asked me when I had gone to Africa.
4 () 5 Helen asked her when they went to bed.
5 (7) Had Charles been to America before? 6 The children asked their father what was
6 () for dinner.
7 () 7 He asked her if she was always so lucky.
8 (7) Had she already left when you phoned? 8 Ana asked her where he had taken her for her
9 (7) Derek had taken him home when I called. birthday.
9 She asked me where I had been.
Unit 14 3 2 ()
Communication activity 3 (7) If we had gone by car, we would have
Area practised arrived earlier.
Third conditional 4 (7) If we had borrowed the money, we would
You will need a dice for each group and some have bought the house.
counters. 5 ()
● Divide the class into groups of four. 6 (7) He wouldn’t have passed if he hadn’t
● Students place their counters on the start square. studied.
The first student in the group rolls the dice and 7 ()
moves the number of squares shown on the dice.
8 (7) We wouldn’t have gone if he had been ill.
● Once the student has moved to the relevant
9 (7) If he had felt cold, he would have worn a
square, they read the prompt and then
complete the third conditional sentence. The
other members of the group must decide if 4 2 If Sheila hadn’t lost her keys, she could have
the sentence is correct. got in.
● If the sentence is correct, the student stays where 3 If Paul hadn’t seen a shooting star, he
they are; if the sentence is wrong, they move wouldn’t have made a wish.
back to the start square. Alternatively, students
4 If Billy had studied, he wouldn’t have failed
can correct a wrong sentence and then move
the exam.
back one square.
5 If Sam hadn’t gone out, his camera wouldn’t
● The first to reach the finish is the winner!
have been stolen.
6 If she had been in the play, she would have
got a prize.
7 If it hadn’t rained, he would have gone fishing.
8 If the director hadn’t seen him, he wouldn’t
have made him a star.
9 If John hadn’t been late, there would have
been some dinner left.

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