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Basic Structure of Leds: What Is An Led?

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Chip LED (PCB type)

Basic Structure of LEDs
These were developed as LEDs that could be
LEDs are solid-state light-emitting devices. They emit surface-mounted on an electronic circuit board
less heat and last longer than other light sources, such (Fig. 2). The LED element is mounted on a small
as conventional incandescent bulbs. Also, because printed circuit board (PCB) and then connected
they are compact and can be molded as an entirely to the PCB via gold bonding wire before the
solid-state light source, they are highly element and the area around it are enveloped in
impact-resistant and afford unprecedented flexibility in a resin that sets hard.
the design of lighting equipment. This document
explains the basic structure of an LED device. Encapsulating
Bonding wire
What is an LED?
LED element
An LED (Light-Emitting Diode) is a light-emitting
element made using semiconducting materials. To
allow them to be used as electronic components,
these elements are molded into a range of packages
as lamps, which are referred to generically as LEDs. In Substrate
this document, such elements formed into packages
as lamps are referred to as LEDs (or LED devices), circuit/electrode
while the semiconductor elements themselves are
Fig. 2 Chip LED (PCB type)
referred to as LED elements.

Given their characteristics of compactness and low c. Surface-mount LED (PLCC type, etc.)
power consumption, LEDs are widely used as Unlike PCB-type LEDs, in these devices the LED
element is enclosed in a single molded package
indicator lamps in electronic equipment, but are also that includes the lead frame and a molded frame
increasingly used in applications such as information (lamp housing). The LED element is connected
display panels and LED displays. With the increases in to the lead frame by a gold bonding wire, after
light output from LEDs in recent years, they are now which resin is injected into an external frame,
enveloping and hardening around the
being used as lighting equipment in applications such components. The lamp housing is used as a
as LCD backlights and flash units for cellphone reflective frame, controlling the light distribution
cameras. Advances in white LEDs have also opened characteristics and heightening the light
the way for applications such as ordinary home utilization rate (Fig. 3).
lighting, outdoor lighting and even vehicle headlights. resin

LED element
LED Device Configuration
There are 4 main types of LED device.
a. Pinned LED
This is the most common type of LED device
(Fig. 1). The main components are the LED
element, a lead frame, a gold (bonding) wire and
the encapsulating resin.
Encapsulating Lamp housing
resin Lead frame

Bonding wire Fig. 3 Chip LED (PLCC type)

d. Others
These include metal stem-mounted LEDs and
number-display units.
LED element
The next section describes the features of the different
Lead frame components in LED devices.

Fig. 1 Pinned LED Lamp

2008 年 5 月、May 2008 スタンレー電気株式会社 Stanley Electric Co., Ltd

with which electron energy is converted to light energy,
LED Element and the efficiency with which that light energy is
extracted and projected from the element. Because
p electrode the efficiency of photo-electric conversion events is
generally taken to be the individual countable
p+ layer
Epitaxial p-type quantums for both electrons and light, it is expressed
growth layer p- layer semiconductor
as the quantum efficiency.
n- layer
Single-crystal n-type
substrate n+ layer semiconductor Conduction band

Electron energy in solid

n electrode
250 - 350 µm
(standard product) Light

Forbidden Eg(eV) λ = 1240/Eg (nm)

Fig. 4 Example of Basic LED Element Configuration band
Valence band Recombination
The LED element is the key component in an LED
device. One type of semiconductor component, it is a n+ layer n- layer p- layer p+ layer
photoelectric converter that converts electrical energy λ: Emitted light wavelength
into light. LED elements are a type of electrical device Eg: Energy gap Junction
referred to as diodes and are basically constructed of Fig. 5 LED Light Emission Mechanism (Energy
joined p-layer and n-layer semiconductors that have Band Diagram)
different modes of electrical conductivity. Rather than External quantum efficiency:
the silicon and germanium materials used in normal
η ext = η e × E
diodes, LED are made from compound
semiconductors such as GaAs, GaP, AlGaInP and η e :Internal quantum efficiency
InGaN. The energy states of the electrons within the
solid materials in compound semiconductors vary E :Light extraction efficiency
depending on the component materials in those
Measures to improve internal quantum efficiency
semiconductors. When the electron energy in the
This is mainly achieved using measures in the P-N
materials is converted to light energy, the wavelength
of the light is inversely proportional to the electron
Measures include improved crystallinity,
energy. Depending on the component materials, LEDs
heterojunctions and quantum well structures.
that use compound semiconductors are capable of
emitting light in wavelengths ranging from infrared and Measures to improve light extraction
visible light through to near-ultraviolet. These include removing any light absorbent
materials in the LED element and minimizing
To convert electron energy to light energy, an electrical
internal reflective components.
current is applied to the element and an electrical
Measures in the element PCB —
carrier is injected into the P-N junction. In the electrical
The use of transparent substrates
carrier, electrons in the n-type semiconductor come
Reducing internal reflectivity —
together in the P-N junction with electron holes (where
Surface texture processing, die
groups of electrons in a special state act as a single
reshaping, etc.
positively charged particle due to quantum-mechanical
Other — Formation of reflective layers, etc.
effects) in the p-type semiconductor. When the
electrons and electron holes recombine, their electrical Because LED elements themselves are completely
charges are cancelled out but the energy held by the solid, as discussed earlier, they can be used to create
electron is released at the same time. The energy is rugged, entirely solid-state light-emitting devices. And
released in the form of electromagnetic waves and because the light emissions are not heat-derived,
expelled as light. excellent light-emission efficiency is achievable.

Various means are used to boost the light-emitting

efficiency of actual LED elements. The light-emitting
efficiency of an element is made up of the efficiency

2008 年 5 月、May 2008 スタンレー電気株式会社 Stanley Electric Co., Ltd

Lead Frame and PCB
These components hold the LED element and provide Recrystallization
the electrical connections to the element that receives
an external power supply. For pinned LEDs or PLCC
packages, lead frames made from copper and iron
alloy are used. Normally, highly reflective silver plating
is applied in the immediately vicinity of the LED in
LED element
order to minimize any light absorption within the lamp.
Printed circuit boards (PCBs) are often used with chip Fig. 6 Bonding Wire
LEDs. Highly reflective materials are again used in the
substrate materials to minimize light absorption.
Lead frames and PCBs also play an important role in
Die-bonding Material
dissipating heat from the LED element. They are
directly connected to the element and form an This is the material used to fix the LED element to the
important channel for heat generated by the element lead frame. Because most LED elements are
to escape. In applications where high levels of light constructed so that current flows from the epitaxial
output are required, large amounts of current must be growth layer to a conductive substrate, the element is
supplied. Accordingly, various package-based located on the electrical pathway for the lead frame or
measures are applied, such as using a lead frame with PCB and the PCB side is glued in place with the
broad feet or a PCB with a metal core. die-bonding material. The bonding wire is then fused
to the epitaxial growth layer to supply power. The most
Bonding Wire commonly used die-bonding material is a silver paste
made up of silver granules suspended in an epoxy
In most cases, a gold wire is used to connect the LED
resin. Once this material hardens, it has excellent
element electrode to an electrically conductive section
electrical and thermal conductivity. However, because
of the lead frame or PCB. Ultrasonic waves are used
it is a resin-based material, problems of deterioration
to make the connection. When the bonding wire is first
can arise with devices such as short-wavelength LEDs.
connected, the tip of the bonding wire is ball-shaped
For this reason, eutectic bonding with materials such
and ultrasonic waves are used to generate friction
as AuSn is used for some LEDs. Like soldering,
between the ball and the LED element electrode or
eutectic bonding uses entirely metallic materials and
lead frame. The ball is heated using the electrical
so features excellent thermal conductivity as well as
discharge and the tip of the gold wire is fused into
being very reliable. Another method that offers the
place. When this happens, the section of wire adjacent
flexibility and adhesion of the gold in the bonding wire
to the ball also melts partially and has a different state
is to bond the LED element using gold bumps.
to the rest of the wire when it cools. (This section of
In recent years, some LED elements have started
the wire is referred to as the recrystallization region).
using insulating materials in the substrate. In such
Because crystal grain boundaries form in this section
cases, power is supplied to the epitaxial growth layer
of the wire, care is needed with respect to its electrical
as well as to the p-type and n-type semiconductors.
characteristics. For instance, when a large current is
For this reason, the bond does not need to be
applied, this section of the wire may break due to
electrically conductive and clear resin pastes can be
electromigration. LED lamp ratings are specified with a
generous margin so as to ensure that such breakages
do not occur.
Encapsulating Resin
In terms of mechanical strength, the bonding wire is
one of the weakest parts of the lamp. However, The encapsulating resin fills and seals the area around
because the wire is embedded in a material such as the LED element. This protects the LED element from
plastic resin when a solid-state lamp is formed, the moisture and external impacts. The resin used is
lamps are extremely reliable. either clear or at a minimum is one that is highly
transparent to the emitted light wavelengths. The
simplest construction is that used for ordinary pinned
LEDs, where the encapsulating resin supports the

2008 年 5 月、May 2008 スタンレー電気株式会社 Stanley Electric Co., Ltd

entire structure of the device. For this reason, lamp. Chip LEDs can also be made into a sharply
high-strength epoxy resin is used in most cases. The focused lamp either by shaping the encapsulating
resin is also used to form a dome-shaped lens that resin or by subsequently adding a lens.
focuses the light emitted by the LED element. Fillers
Diffusing agents
such as diffusing agents are mixed into encapsulating
resin to control its light distribution characteristics. And The LED element light distribution characteristics have
with the emergence of elements that emit blue light, specific patterns depending on the product. The light
fluorescent materials are now being mixed into the distribution characteristics for lamps encased in clear
resin to convert the blue light to other wavelengths. resin reflect the light distribution characteristics of the
This has led to the production of white LEDs and LEDs LED element used. To eliminate the effects of
that can be any color. variations in LED elements and provide uniform
Because the encapsulating resin directly envelops the distribution patterns, diffusing agents such as silica are
LED element, the light emitted from the element can sometimes mixed into the encapsulating resin.
be used very close to the element. Consequently, the
Fluorescent materials
energy concentration of the light around the element is
extremely high, and with short-wavelength elements With the development of LED elements that emit blue
such as blue or white LEDs, light degradation of the light, it has become possible to use LEDs to excite
resin is a major problem. In PLCC-type packages, fluorescent materials. This allows a single LED
because the construction is supported by a molded element to produce any color. For instance, by
frame and lead frame, silicon resins can be used. combining an element that emits blue light with a
While these resins are more flexible than epoxy resins, yellow fluorescent material and projecting the light
they are highly resistant to light degradation. from both, white light can be achieved.
Because fluorescent materials are vulnerable to
Other Components moisture, lamp design must take moisture resistance
into account. Care must also be taken with the
Reflective frame
selection of the materials used, since the constituent
A PLCC-type LED lamp is made by fitting a resin substances in some materials can cause other
external frame around the lead frame used to conduct components to degrade.
electricity and then mounting the LED into the frame
and enveloping it in encapsulating resin to form the White light
package. Because the structure is supported by the
external frame, a flexible material can be used as the
Direct light from LED
encapsulating resin. To make the most effective use of element (blue)
the light from the LED element, the external frame is
Activated light from
treated to make it highly reflective and resins with fluorescent material
white pigment added as a filler are used.
Like the encapsulating resin, part of the role of the
reflective frame is to protect the inside of the lamp
from the external environment, so the material used LED element

must have excellent durability. Ceramic reflective

frames have also been developed that offer higher
durability than resin for applications where lamps are
to be used in harsh environments or particularly high
levels of reliability are demanded.
Fig. 7 White LED

Encapsulating resin has a high refractive index and,

depending on its shape, will change the direction of
light projected from the element. Consequently it can
be used to form a lens. In the case of pinned LEDs,
the entire resin envelope functions as a lens and
controls the light distribution characteristics of the

2008 年 5 月、May 2008 スタンレー電気株式会社 Stanley Electric Co., Ltd


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