Harmonic Pada Lampu Led
Harmonic Pada Lampu Led
Harmonic Pada Lampu Led
Abstract- Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) are versatile, energy [6]. The deviation of waveform from perfect sinusoid is
efficient when compared to the conventional light sources. LEDs usually expressed in terms of harmonic distortion of the
represent a transformational change in how light is produced. current and voltage waveforms.
However, there are significant differences between conventional A large number of studies were conducted on LEDs as an
lighting sources and LEDs in terms of voltage and current energy efficient lamp but most of researchers pay their
operating requirements which may affect the power quality (PQ)
attention on the internal ballast circuit design and enhancing
of AC mains supplying the LED bulbs. Therefore, this paper
their performance [7-8]. Several other researchers have
investigates harmonic generations from LED bulbs available in
concentrated on light distribution and visual performance of
the market. It is done by conducting laboratory tests on various
LED lamps [9-10]. A few contributions focus on harmonic
LED lamps and tapping the load current behaviour under
different conditions. Then frequency domain analysis is emissions of LED lamps [4], [11]. According to [4], the
performed to investigate the generated harmonics. Harmonic widespread use of LEOs and CFLs could increase voltage
levels of different wattage, various branded LED bulbs are distortion in the distribution networks depending upon the
experimentally evaluated and compared. The results show that characteristics of the network. However, the work mainly uses
most of the LED lamps produce high level of harmonics with CFLs in the analysis.
reference to the IEC 61000-3-2 standard. This paper presents a detail harmonics analysis of LED
lamps. This is characterized by measurement tests, using
Keywords: Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs), Total Harmonic
various commercially-available LED bulbs. In the
Distortion (THD), Power Quality.
investigations, a total 35 pieces of different ratings from 7
I. INTRODUCTION different manufacturers (brands) are observed. All tests are
carried out to observe their current and voltage waveforms
Lighting accounts for roughly 20% of the electricity
and analyse them in terms of power rating, and brands. The
consumption all over the world. To promote energy saving,
test results are also compared with IEC 61000-3-2 harmonic
many governments in the world have introduced directives to
ban energy inefficient incandescent light bulbs [1]. Light
Emitting Diode (LED) lamps are becoming viable
replacements in industrial and commercial lighting
applications due to high energy efficiency and long life [2].
The principle operation behind LED bulbs and the
LEOs work on a completely different principle than the
harmonic emission limits for LEOs as defined by IEC 61000-
compact tluorescent lamps (CFLs). Individual electrons jump
3-2 are discussed in this section.
across a p-n junction of a semiconductor material. When each
electron recombines with an atom, it emits a particle of light A. Operation Principle ofLED Lamps
known as a photon. Because all of the light is being produced
LEDs require a constant current source from a low DC
at the junction, the resulting light source is a point source and
voltage source, but they must also operate from the AC mains.
requires many LEOs to light a large area [3].
Therefore, it is necessary to use a converter to regulate the
In general lighting applications, a compact AC/OC
voltage and control the current applied to the LEOs. The buck,
converter should be used in one lighting fixture to supply DC
boost, tlyback and resonant converters are well known in
current to LED chips which introduce nonlinearity to the
literature and widely used to supply LEDs, [12].
system. As a nonlinear load, LED bulbs produce highly
Fig. 1 depicts a block diagram of typical low-wattage LED
distorted currents [4]. Although the input power of a single
ballast. It includes the AC line input voltage, typically 220-
LED bulb is quite low, a large number of customers using
240 VAC 50/60 Hz, an EMI filter to block circuit-generated
LED bulbs and CFLs per premises could create significant
switching noise, a rectifier with smoothing capacitor, a PWM
power quality problems and disturb to other consumer
controlled constant current source converter for DC to DC
connected to the electrical power distribution systems [5].
conversion, and an array of LEOs. Since the rated load powers
Therefore a good understanding of the LED bulb's harmonic
are low, the directives governing the injection of harmonics
producing characteristics becomes necessary.
are not particularly strict [13], and therefore power factor
Harmonics are defined as the sinusoidal voltages or
control circuits may or may not be found in low-wattage LED
currents having frequencies that are integral multiples of the
lamp ballasts. However, to reduce the generated harmonics
frequency at which the supply system is designed to operate
Philips Cool Daylight
5 32 350 25
,,�- �-
-�... �
Philips Warm Daylight
Osram Daylight
Similar to any other appliance, LED lamps also must Osram Warm White 10 48 950 25
comply with several directives which are applicable to the Toshiba Cool White 5.5 44 290 40
product. The IEC 61000-3-2 standard assesses and sets the Viri-bright cool White 5 55 230 6
limit for equipment that draws input current :S16A per phase
Cash Wann White 7 67 580 20
[14]. Harmonic emission limits for lamps are subdivided
Evenzo Cool White 3 33 150 18
based on their active power up to 25W and above. Lamps
having an active input power less than or equal to 25W must
Each lamp is tested for four times to eliminate any error
satisfy at least one out of the two following criterions. One of
during different period of the day, namely morning, evening
the criteria is that the third harmonic current should not
and afternoon. This is necessary to make sure that during the
exceed 86% of the fundamental and the fifth harmonic current
measurements period, the total voltage distortion (THOv) of
should not exceed 61%. That gives the value of the total
the supply system is below 3% and does not vary much to
harmonic distortion (THO) current approximately 105%.
have a consistent and data for analysis. Then all the
The other criterion is given as a TABLE I of limits for
measurements on each lamp were performed simultaneously.
each harmonic order, where limits are expressed as absolute
The captured current waveforms were analysed by using
currents per one watt of active power (mA/W).
Fluke 434 and MATLAB software.
lEC 61000-3-2 LIMITS FOR CLASS C EQUIPMENT (P <:: 25w)
5 1.9
7 1
9 0.5
11 0.35
The purposes of these tests are to explore the type of lamps have same characteristics although the magnitude of
harmonic filters used in the LED ballast circuit and harmonic current increases with the increase of power rating.
emissions from all the tested lamps. The tests also provide an
insight about the harmonic generation levels of same branded
lamps with different power rating, different branded lamps
Tested Lamp Harmonic (%)
with same active power rating.
The typical current waveform illustrated in Fig. 3 is Fund 3rd 5th 7th 9th THDr
obtained from different lamps tested. From the figure it can be Philips 4 W 100 34.61 6.28 22.27 18.94 63.05
noted that the current waveforms is totally distorted that
Philips 5 W 100 36.92 7.16 19.81 19.39 63.83
means they are inject harmonic in power system. Furthermore
from Figure 3, it can be seen that the ballast in dissimilar LED Philips 7 W 100 32.34 11.6 23.4 19.03 64.23
bulbs use different filtering methods to reduce harmonic Osram 4 W 100 89.24 70.65 51.19 38.57 173.9
generation. For example, most of the Phillips brand LED
Osram 6 W 100 91.96 77.05 58.51 41.01 174.3
bulbs tested utilize the Valley-filled circuit, the Toshiba 5.5 W
lamp contains a passive filter, Osram 8 sample embed an Osram 8 W 100 22.25 15.04 2.34 9.73 30.94
active filter, and some other tested lamps does not implement
Osram lOW 100 32.12 4.68 2.67 6.45 34.78
any filtering technique. Based on the type of filtering and peak
Evenzo 3 W 100 90.7 77.34 58.89 45.32 164.35
current drawn by the lamp, one can also classity these bulbs as
"good", "moderate" and "bad" LED lamps in terms of Bright 5 W 100 86.65 75.92 61.75 48.87 167.2
harmonic injection into the system.
Cash 7 W 100 91.23 74.81 56.41 41.06 168.2
0.3 ,------.---,--,--,
Toshiba 5.5 W 100 73.4 45.4 35.62 31.38 106.3
LtllLlliLru � �LlIiUO:� : i
10' 10' l[ �LIll
high levels of harmonics which is in the range of 173 to l:: 0
" I 3 5 7 9 II 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29
175 % THO,. This is because these LED bulbs do not use any u Harmonic Order (n)
filter in their ballast circuit. However, in case of 8 W and 10
W Osram LED lamps produce the lowest THO, which is in Fig. 4 Test results of Philips 4 W, 5 W, 7 W LED bulbs: (a) Lamp current
the rage of 30 to 35%. All other tested lamps have THO, value and voltage waveforms (b) Individual harmonic spectrum
Here Philips 4 W, 5 W, 7 W lamps and Osram 4 W, 6 W, 8 W, W bulbs use different ballast configurations which produce
lOW LED bulbs are investigated. current waveforms similar to the pure sine wave. Hence, they
A typical voltage and current waveforms obtained from produce much less harmonic.
Philips 4 W, 5 W and 7 W is shown in Fig. 4(a). From the Fig.
C. Findings/rom Same Wattage Lamps
4 (a) it is clear that the current waveforms of different wattage
These tests aim to identify the harmonic levels from same is also noted that different manufacturers of LED lamps use
wattage lamps introduced by different manufacturers. For this diverse ballast technologies to reduce harmonic generation
purpose 4 W, 5 W and 7 W LED bulbs are investigated. which includes ballast with passive filters, active filters, and
Figure 6 depicts the wave forms obtained from 4 W LED valley-filled circuit. However, some do not use any type of
lamps from Osram and Philips. It can be noted from the figure harmonic filter.
that the current waveform characteristics from these two
lamps are quite different. Since the Philips lamp used Valley
filled configuration, the current peaks observed for the case of This work was carried out with the financial support from
Philips lamp is about 50% lower than that required by Osram the MOHE under the research grant UKM-KK-02 FRGSO 193-
lamp. Therefore it can be concluded that the 4 W Philips LED 2010.
bulbs is better than the Osram 4 W.
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� -0.1 --------------- �� �� 1
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ballast used. From the experiments it was found that all LED [14] IEEE recommended practices and requirements for harmonic
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