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ESWM Report

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Sto. Tomas is located in the island of Mindanao, in

Region 11, Province of Davao del Norte, Philippines and
it falls under its second political district. It lies
between 125˚ 30’ to 125˚45’ east longitude and 7˚20’ to
7˚40’ north latitude.
North :  Mun. of Kapalong & Talaingod
East :  Municipality of Asuncion
West :  Davao City
South :  Mun. of B. E. Dujali & Panabo City
Kapalong and Talaingod

Presented by:

Davao City
HON. MAXIMO M. ESTELA, MD ƒ Land area : 32,
32,041 has
Municipal Mayor ƒ Population : 99,142 (based on 2007 NSO Survey)
Chairman, Municipal ESWM Board ƒ Total number of : 21,
21,027 (based on 2007 NSO Survey)
Municipality of Sto. Tomas, Davao del Norte, Philippines households B.E. Dujali and Panabo City

Sto.. Tomas
ƒ the agri-industrial hub of Davao del
Norte and the fastest-growing
Municipality in the 2nd political district
whose revenue source is derived
mainly from local tax revenue of
business and real property,
exportable banana operations, rice-
farming and high value crops.

The ESWM Program of the Municipality of Sto
The ESWM Program of the Municipality of Sto. Tomas aims specifically to:
. Tomas aims specifically to:
1. Establish an effective and sustainable garbage management system through
an efficient solid waste storage, collection, hauling, processing and disposal
disposal;; ‰ Approved ESWM Plan in accordance with RA 9003 on November 
8, 2004.
2. Educate the people on the principles of “Waste Reduction at Source” and
“Segregation of Waste at Source” as the primary solution in lessening the ‰ Approved ESWM Municipal Ordinance 006 on November 22, 2004.
amount of garbage generated daily using the 4Rs approach
approach:: Reduce, Reuse,
Recycle and Recover
Recover;; ‰ Re
Re‐‐launched the Program on December 8, 2004
33. p
Revitalize and instill “Discipline”.
“Discipline” p an integral
. Make the People g p
part of the ‰ Approved 19 
Approved 19 Barangay
Barangay ESWM Plans through Strategic Planning 
Program.. Empower them to participate in the discussions, drawing and
calibrating processes and solutions, trainings and other interventions for the
Workshop January 13––14, 2005.
Workshop January 13
efficient implementation of the Program
Program;; ‰ Approved 19 
Approved 19 Barangay
Barangay Ecological Solid Waste Management 
4. Draw out support and commitment from the people making Proper Waste Committees.
Disposal their “Social and Moral Responsibility”
‰ Approved 14 
Approved 14 Barangay
Barangay ESWM Ordinances excluding Resolutions & 
5. Establishment of Materials Recovery Facilities (drop
(drop‐‐off area and pick
point) and collection points across the nineteen (19
19)) barangays
Executive Orders.
6. Generate revenues and income
income.. ‰ 127 Operational Materials Recovery Facilities and 298 Waste 
Collection Points across the nineteen (19) barangays.
Collection  Points across the nineteen (19) barangays.
7. Promote entrepreneurship


“Our serious focus in 1. No Waste Segregation, No Collection Policy

implementing the law is a political
suicide, and this is the reality. 2. No ESWM Program Implementation, No Project
However, I firmly believe that the Policy
negative perception towards the
program will soon die down,
down and 3. No ESWM Program Orientation, No Renewal of
our constituencies would realize Business Permits and Licenses Policy
that what we are doing benefits all 4. No ESWM Program Orientation, No Issuance of
of us and generations after us.
Municipal Mayor
Burial Permits Policy
Chairman, ESWM Board
Political will is the force in 5. No Garbage Bins Deployed at Conspicuous Areas
attaining this result! We hope that
the better side of the dreaded 6. Tungod Mo, Limpyo Mo Policy
GARBAGE will remain in the (Your area, your responsibility)
habitual system of our people!”
1. No House to House Garbage Collection Policy

Balagunan Elementary School

Kimamon Elementary School

New Katipunan Elementary School

Elementary School
Esperanza Elementary School

No Project Policy” Talomo Elementary School

during the
Annual ESWM Orientation and Cascading during the renewal of business Pre-Marriage
licenses at the public market and business establishments ` Counseling
Seminar every
1st and 3rd
Thursday of the

“No ESWM Orientation, No Issuance

“No ESWM Orientation and Implementation,
No Renewal of Business License Policy” of Marriage Certificate Policy”

“No Garbage Bins
“No ESWM Orientation, Scattered in
No Issuance of Conspicuous
Burial Permit Policy” Places”

Barangay Esperanza Barangay Bobongon Barangay La Libertad

Barangay Pantaron
Barangay San Miguel Barangay La Libertad
Barangay Talomo Barangay New Katipunan
NAFCO Elementary School Puerto Azul

“Tungod Mo, Limpyo Mo Policy”

(Your area, your responsibility)
“No House to House
Barangay Talomo Barangay La Libertad Garbage Collection Policy”

Barangay Pantaron Barangay La Libertad

(Continuous Information and Education Campaigns)
y The Barangays
y Religious Sector and other Cause‐
Cause‐Oriented Groups
y Purok Leaders and Officials
y Barangay ESWM Committees
y Youth
Y th and d Students
St d t Sectors
S t
y Teaching Sector
y Business Sector
y Pre‐‐Marriage Counseling
y Establishments and Stakeholders
y Households
y Study Tours Visitors
y Technology Transfer to other Local Government Units

Strategic Planning & Seminar Workshop and Other Trainings Conducted: 

‰ Cateel, Davao Oriental ‰ Maydolong, Eastern Samar
Study Tour Visitors…. ‰
San Isidro, Davao del Norte (2)
Sta. Cruz, Davao del Sur
Pilar, Surigao del Norte
Tagbina, Surigao del Sur
‰ Trento, Agusan del Sur (2) ‰ Bislig City, Surigao del Sur
‰ Bansalan, Davao del Sur ‰ Mawab, Compostela Valley
‰ Hinatuan, Surigao del Sur ‰ Lianga, Surigao del Sur
• Schools ‐ 29 ‰ Rosario, Agusan del Sur ‰ Gen. Luna, Surigao del Norte
‰ Barobo, Surigao del Sur ‰ San Isidro, Surigao del Norte
• Non‐governmental Organizations ‐ 41 ‰ Soccoro, Surigao del Norte ‰ Gigaquit, Surigao del Norte
‰ San Pablo, Zamboanga del Sur ‰ Tubod, Surigao del Norte
• Barangays ‐ 108
• Cities ‐ 21 Technology Transfer Trainings Conducted:

• Municipalities ‐ 150 ‰City ESWM Board of Cotabato City and Barangays of Cotabato City

• Regional and Provincial Offices ‐ 23 Local Government Support Program for the ARMM Assisted Trainings Conducted

• National Offices ‐ 10 ‰
Mun. of Datu Odin Sinsuat, Maguindanao
Mun. of Jolo, Sulu
• TOTAL ‐ 382 ‰
Mun. of Bongao, Tawi‐tawi
Mun. of Siasi, Tawi‐tawi
‰ Mun. of Panglima Estino, Tawi‐tawi
‰ Mun. of Upi, Maguindanao
‰ City of Lamitan, Basilan


y A total of 523 violators cited from 2005 to


y An amount of Php
p 108
775..00 was collected
from the ESWM violators

y Most common violations were:

were: Littering and
Dumping, Non‐
Non‐Segregation of Wastes, Open
Burning and Dumping, and Transport and


y A total of 12 junkshops in 2009 caters to the Php1,200,000.00
recyclables of the Municipality from the
previous number of just 2 in 2005
2005.. Php1,000,000.00

y Transient scrap buyers increased from 12 to 100

100.. Php800,000.00

y The households, offices and all other waste 602,670

sources are getting extra income from selling Php600,000.00


y The schools also participate in the recycling Php200,000.00
process by turning paper wastes into art 113,480 

materials like papier

papier‐‐mâché and art painting.
painting. Php0.00
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

CALENDAR YEAR 2007, 2008, 2009
y Transformed the old open dumpsite into a Controlled
PARTICULARS 2007 2008 2009 Disposal Site and now into a Municipal Ecological Park and
Ecology Center
¾ Seminar Package ‐ 63,500 60,000
y Established a total of 127 Materials Recovery Facilities (MRFs)
¾ Clearance 49,801 61,510 52,228 and 298 Waste Collection Points at Barangays and Puroks
¾ Municipal Ordinance ‐ 8,650 2,800 y Managed to reduce the amount of waste generated daily
from 368 tons to 6.8 tons
¾ Environmental Fee 92,200 214,650 196,837
y An average of 2 tons of soil conditioner (compost fertilizer)
¾ ESWM Income 28,925 102,857 are harvested daily thus augmenting the income of the
¾ ESWM Kit 21,000 48,095 Municipality from the sale of this product.

¾ Garbage Coll. Fee 387,440 521,585 468,900 y Able to produce quality concrete products by pulverizing the
residual wastes and mixing it with sand and cement to
produce balusters, hollow blocks and paving blocks
¾ TOTAL 602,670 1,020,847 1,251,015

from an The Early Operations of the Newly Opened Dump Site

Open Dump Site 
to an This is how our Open Dumpsite looks like in 1994....


The Open Dump Rehabilitation

The Open Dump Rehabilitation

This is how worst it is in 2004.... Controlled Disposal Facility

2005 2009

The Former Controlled Disposal Now Turned Into an

The Controlled Disposal Facility during its First Phase of Rehabilitation
Ecological Park and Ecology Center

This is how it looks now today after it is fully transformed....

A Waste Disposal Facility Within an Eco-

Eco-Park and Eco

The Septic Vault and Biodegradable Waste Processing Facility

Organic Garden

Produced Organic Vegetables are Fertilized by Organic Materials Made

View Deck
from Processed Biodegradable Waste

Morning view at the Ecological Park COMPOST PROCESSING FACILITY

Plenty of compost fertilizer or

soil conditioners will be
produced with the advent of
the Shredder as an implement
in reducing the volume of
Biodegradable waste
generated daily.

Biodegradable Shredder
Harvested Soil Conditioner

Process of Making Concrete Products from Residual Waste

1 R
1. Recover R
id l WWaste
t 2 Operator feeds Residual
Materials Waste into Pulverizer.

4. Personnel mixes pulverized

3. Personnel sacks pulverized residual waste with sand,
residual waste materials. gravel and cement

Concrete Products Made out of Residual Waste Previously…

At an
daily average
of 368 tons…

Hollow Blocks Balusters Concrete Tiles Latrine Bowls

is at approximate daily
average of 6.8 Tons

1. Awarded “MODEL SITE” by the Department of Environment and Natural 7. Awarded with a “Certificate of Commendation” by the Department of
Resources last August 16, 2005. Environment and Natural Resources, the National Solid Waste
Commission of the Office of the President of the Republic as a “MODEL
2. Awarded “1ST PLACE WINNER, BEST PUBLIC MARKET” by the SITE” and a “LEARNING INSTITUTE” last April 8, 2008
Department of Trade and Industry last October 11, 2006

3. Awarded with a “CERTIFICATE OF COMMENDATION” by the 8. The Honorable Mayor Max M. Estela, M.D. is a member of the pool of
D t t off Environment
E i t and
d Natural
N t l Resources
R last
l t May
M 24,
24 2006 speakers of the Mayors
Mayors’ Development Center (MDC) of the League of
Municipalities of the Philippines (LMP) and of the Regional Ecology Center
4. Awarded the “Most Outstanding Mayor of the Philippines” by the Senate in Region 11.
of the Philippines
9. Awarded with the “Incentive Prize” in the prestigious Ryutaro Hashimoto
5. Awarded as the “REGIONAL WINNER” in the Search for Search for Asia-Pacific Forum for Environment and Development (APFED) last July
Model Barangay for Eco-Waste Management System 2007 last June 30, 25, 2008.
10. Awarded the “Linis-Ganda Award” (Clean and Beautiful) for being the
6. Awarded the “Regional Winner” in the Alternative Learning System (ALS) Cleanest and Greenest Municipality in the entire Philippines by the
Regional Literacy Awards Search 2007 last December 8, 2007 National Broadcasting Network and the League of Municipalities in the
Philippines last February 16, 2009.

1. There must be Political Will, Priority and Commitment of the local officials to

Good day and 
implement the Program.
2. The ESWM Program implementation must be integrated in the processes of
the Local Government Units like in the granting of permits, programs, and
3. The Barangays must perform their mandate and role in carrying out the IEC
(Information and Education Campaigns), enforcement and composting processes
at their level.
4. There must be a strong g communityyp p
participation. The p p must be able to
see the importance of the program in their day to day activities. The people must
actively involve in the system & processes.
Thank You
5. The program’s sustainability is dependent on the people’s appreciation.
Without people’s support, the program will eventually and entirely collapse.
Republic of the Philippines
6. There is cash in trash. The dreaded garbage we disregard is as important as Province of Davao del Norte
any other resources the moment it has found its rightful place in the system. MUNICIPALITY OF STO. TOMAS
7. The ESWM Program implementation must be integrated in the daily ECOLOGICAL SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM
processes and operation of the Public Market Government Center, Feeder Road 3, Sto. Tomas, Davao del Norte, Philippines
Telefax (084) 829-1180 or Email us at
8. If there’s a greater will to pursue the thrusts of the program then the way to
succeed is easy. And, WE HAVE PROVEN IT.

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