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8 Point Agenda For NEMSU

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Republic of the Philippines

North Eastern Mindanao State University

Formerly Surigao del Sur State University
Rosario, Tandag City, Surigao del Sur 8300
Telefax No. 086-214-4221

Bio note
Dr. Nemesio G. Loayon is a professor of Education specializing in Education
Administration and the 4th University President of NEMSU Tandag. In more than three
decades of service, his experiences molded him to become a multifaceted academician,
researcher, and administrator equipped with a dedication to public service.
Republic of the Philippines
North Eastern Mindanao State University
Formerly Surigao del Sur State University
Rosario, Tandag City, Surigao del Sur 8300
Telefax No. 086-214-4221

A premier Research University that leverages social innovation and economic
competitiveness for sustainable development.
As NEMSU transforms itself into a premier research University, it shall govern an
academic community that shall construct responsive-research programs, provides
industry-standard programs of instruction, and manages technology-driven projects and
market-oriented extension services, all towards shaping the role and significance of
Northeastern Mindanao in the political and economic integration among the Southeast
Asian nation as one.
Prof. Loayon’s administration proposes transformative strategies aligned with the
strengths of the NEMSU Academic and Administrative community and anchored on the
needs and demands of the country. The 8-Point Agenda aspires to empower the
academic institution toward innovation and sustainable development.
1. Industry and commercially-driven research and innovation
2. Transformative education and excellence in teaching and learning
3. Innovative Technology and entrepreneurial driven-production
4. Market-oriented extension and inclusive public service
5. Vibrant and equitable Faculty and Staff development programs
6. Accessible and client-focused student services
7. Client-centered, transparent, and efficient governance with modernized and disaster-
resilient physical and digital infrastructures and facilities
8. Knowledge-sharing and skills-driven internationalization programs
Republic of the Philippines
North Eastern Mindanao State University
Formerly Surigao del Sur State University
Rosario, Tandag City, Surigao del Sur 8300
Telefax No. 086-214-4221


(FOR AY 2023-2027)


SUC President

8 – Point Strategic Strategic Goals Specific Action

1. Industry and 1.1 Generate research Implement interdisciplinary research
commercially-driven and innovations programs addressing the pressing
research and focused on disaster gaps in FAME, health services, food
innovation resilience, crisis- security, poverty alleviation,
oriented, and climate- renewable energy, environmental
adaptive industries in conservation, climate change, and
Fishery, Agri-forestry, disaster preparedness.
Mining, Eco-Tourism
(FAME), health Intensify capacity building of
services, food security, researchers and innovators to
and poverty establish research complementary
alleviation. with leading Universities in the
country and abroad to create an
1.2 Produce branches innovative ecosystem in the
of artistic and University.
scientific knowledge,
intellectual property, Establish Technology Business
or technological Incubation and Food Innovation
invention to hone the Center to spur more innovations into
ecology of innovation business models and translate early-
among the stage start-ups into profitable R&D-
instruments of based spin-off companies to generate
governance, human employment of graduates for
capital, natural economic recovery.
resources, techno-
scientific Design curricular programs into
infrastructures, and research-led instruction that spur
environmental new knowledge and innovation, and
management develop new technocrats, and
standard. community and business leaders.

1.3 Upscale human Establish research centers in all

capital and change- seven campuses based on its niche
dynamic mechanism and flagship programs, viz:
for social legislation
strategists, public Cantilan Campus – Industrial Park
administrators, and Renewable Energy Hub
and industry leaders Tandag Campus – Center of Teaching
to promote inclusive in Learning Excellence
Republic of the Philippines
North Eastern Mindanao State University
Formerly Surigao del Sur State University
Rosario, Tandag City, Surigao del Sur 8300
Telefax No. 086-214-4221

development and
programs. San Miguel Campus – Center for
Smart Agriculture and Exclusive
Economic Zone

Cagwait Campus – Tourism and SMEs

Innovation Hub

Lianga Campus – Research Center for

Marine and Ecosystem

Tagbina Campus – Food Technology

Research and Agribusiness Center

Bislig Campus – Agri-forestry and

Paper Industry Innovation Park
2. Transformative 2.1 Educate and train Recalibrate curricular programs and
Education and students to shape the institutionalize research-based and
Excellence in shared mindset, innovation-led instruction.
Teaching and systematic thinking,
Learning and collective attitude Modernize classroom buildings,
as researchers, information technology gadgets,
adaptors, agents, and infrastructures, connectivity, library
enablers of innovative hub with learning commons,
start-ups and business workspaces, laboratories, auditorium,
incubation projects. As and simulation rooms.
young entrepreneurs
and technocrats in the Introduce multiple learning delivery
fields of the fishery, modes for optimum learning
agro-forestry, mineral, outcomes and research excellence.
and eco-tourism
(FAME), law, Develop a practical model for
engineering, learning assessment and ensure the
education, business, mastery of competencies and
health care, competitiveness for employment and
HUSOCOM, and other livelihood opportunities.
demand-driven fields,
rather than the mere Subject academic programs ready for
traditional CHED recognition as COD/COE
and job-hunting Intensify Licensure Exam Review for
graduates. board courses to ensure a high
passing percentage.
2.2 Train students to
become research-
skilled and future-
ready graduates
whose psychosocial
characters do not
search for
Republic of the Philippines
North Eastern Mindanao State University
Formerly Surigao del Sur State University
Rosario, Tandag City, Surigao del Sur 8300
Telefax No. 086-214-4221

opportunities but
create livelihood and

2.3 Serve as convener,

agent, and enabler in
building and
promoting disaster-
resilient, crisis-
oriented, and climate-
adaptive economy.
3. Innovative 3.1 Maximize LUDIP- Establish strong linkages and
Technology and based land areas of networking with the government,
Entrepreneurial the University academes, industries, and
driven-production potential for joint and communities to maximize the
feasible revenue- entrepreneurial, technological, and
generating and innovative ecosystem of the
livelihood multiplying University
enterprises under
Public Private Revisit the resource generation
Partnership (PPPs) manual to scale up resource
developers and generation initiatives, investments,
innovators entrepreneurship, and fiscal
engagement, anatomy.

3.2 Establish FAME Establish Technology Business

enterprise Incubation and startup enterprise
Competitiveness Policy which serve as simulations and
and Research Centers business models with hands-on
to mark all research- experience.
based and knowledge-
driven products and

3.3 Increase the

commercial activities
among campuses in
support of the
instruction, research,
and extension
functions of the
4. Market-Oriented 4.1 Organize, train, Design pragmatic extension services
and Community- and mobilize selected grounded on research engagement
Responsive faculty fellows, technology transfer,
Extension Services research and entrepreneurship, and social
extension staff, and responsibility.
students to serve as
Republic of the Philippines
North Eastern Mindanao State University
Formerly Surigao del Sur State University
Rosario, Tandag City, Surigao del Sur 8300
Telefax No. 086-214-4221

social technocrats in Establish strong linkages and

the conduct of the networking industries locally and
University’s extension internationally.
services to its partner
institutions and Strengthen alliance with Philippine
beneficiaries. Exclusive Economic Zone (PEZA) as
one of the key players for the
4.2 Forge partnerships exclusive economic zone.
with communities as
strategic growth poles Intensify knowledge sharing and
for pilot project technology transfer to recipients and
modeling. beneficiaries.

Monitor assist and supervise the

project implementation to ensure
progress and sustainability.
5. Vibrant and 5.1 Institutionalized Strengthened faculty and staff
ignitable Faculty and and Globally-engaged mobility
Staff development an impactful faculty
program and staff development Well-funded institution and externally
program institutionalized succession plan with
sound benefits and compensation.

6. Accessible and 6.1 Comprehensive Institutionalize the Campus Ministers

client-focused student services that per Campuses of the University
student services propel the holistic
development of the Provisions of workspace, dormitories,
learners. student center, sports and recreation
center, learning commons, multi-faith
center, and campus security
7. Client-centered, 7.1 Establish NEMSU Strengthen resource generation and
transparent and as a Smart University adequate fiscal space for governance
efficient governance with digitalized and support operations.
with modernized and disaster-resilient
disaster-resilient infrastructure, Accelerating digital transformation,
physical and digital facilities, and and automation of transactions.
infrastructure and technology-enabled
facilities governance Implement physical and
infrastructure development plan
reflected at the LUDIP
8. Knowledge- 8.1 Produce globally International curriculum and quality
sharing and skills- competitive graduates assurance for globally competitive
driven education. Identify international
internationalization mobility of student and faculty
program mobility and knowledge-based

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