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Sinking of Atlantis by Nibiru in 9577 BC: Part 2, Mechanics of Sinking

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Sinking of Atlantis by Nibiru in 9577 BC:

Part 2, Mechanics of Sinking
Stuart L Harris; August 2018
Carbondale, CO; Shirley, LI; Ellenville, NY; Columbia, SC; Reading, PA; Knoxville, TN
Shock from a strike by Nibiru turned two horizontal layers of quartz into a
frictionless surface. The top half slid west into Rockall Basin, gathering speed as it
went. It slid 175 km, lost 1.5 km of elevation, and reached 422 kph. Suddenly the
sliding top regained friction and latched onto the bottom half. Momentum jerked
the two pieces away from the continental shelf and across the Atlantic. As the
plateau moved like a sheet of plywood through the sea, it lost energy from raising
the sea. It finally stopped when the front edge dug into the bottom of the basin and
rotated the plateau counter-clockwise 6 degrees. Above an area the size of Britain,
the slide raised sea level an average of 1.5 km with a peak of 2.1 km.

Table of Contents
Summary 1
Geology of Rockall Plateau and Basin 2
First model of Atlantis slide 3
Friction of sedimentary novaculite quartz went to zero 5
Second model of Atlantis slide 6
Separation from continental shelf 8
Reconstruction of Atlantis before sinking 11
Bibliography 13

Rockall Plateau is 650 km long, 450 km wide and 2 km high; its top averages a kilometer below
sea level, while its bottom rests on the flat surface of Rockall Basin, 3 km deep. Its eastern edge
matches the continental shelf of Ireland, 218 km away.
The plateau consists of two overlapping sedimentary layers, a top half and a bottom half. By
sliding the top half 175 km east over the bottom half, Atlantis pops out of the sea, about 400 m
high. A mountain range crosses the north; in the center, farm lands measure 3000 stadia long by
2000 stadia wide from sea to sea. Its area measures in size between Libya and Asia as they were
defined in 600 BC. Any trace of agricultural canals has vanished, but a feature in the southwest
looks like a ship channel that ends in a circular lake.
In Egypt, 4000 km away, shepherds in the mountains recalled the sequence: a terrible earthquake
followed by a catastrophic flood that penetrated the Mediterranean Sea and lasted a day and a
night. The earthquake resulted from an extra-terrestrial strike in Karelia by a satellite of Nibiru.

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Sinking of Atlantis by Nibiru in 9577 BC: Part 2, Mechanics of Sinking
A separate satellite struck Atlantis, most likely killing everyone. Shock from the strike turned
two horizontal layers of quartz into a frictionless surface. The top half slid west into Rockall
Basin, gathering speed as it went. It slid 175 km, lost 1.5 km of elevation, and reached 422 kph.
Suddenly the sliding top regained friction and latched onto the bottom half. Momentum jerked
the two pieces away from the continental shelf and across the Atlantic. As the plateau moved like
a sheet of plywood through the sea, it lost energy from raising the sea. It finally stopped when the
front edge dug into the bottom of the basin and rotated the plateau counter-clockwise 6 degrees.
Above an area the size of Britain, the slide raised sea level an average of 1.5 km with a peak of
2.1 km.
Figure 1: Atlantis west of Eire.

Geology of Rockall Plateau and Basin

Until 1969, Rockall Basin was thought to be a volcanic layer, part of sea-floor spreading, while
Rockall Plateau was some kind of volcanic eruption or a mini continent.
After oil was discovered in 1969, prospectors quickly determined that Rockall Basin and Plateau
were not volcanic but sedimentary, the fundamental prerequisite for oil and gas. There followed a
blizzard of papers until 1976, when papers on the geology of the North Sea ceased.
Before censorship, it was known that Rockall Plateau had somehow separated or rifted from the
Continental Shelf. Perhaps the underlying strata had stretched and thinned, but sonar
measurements found no such thinning; the underlying crust was intact. No mechanism for the rift
was found, nor was the date of the rift established, with estimates varying from Late Jurassic to
By law, companies had to submit drilling logs of their wells, but what they submitted is
incomprehensible, such as British Geological Borehole Scans, where a single hole may have a
hundred random pages filled with meaningless boiler plate and no charts.
One source suggested sandstones and shales in the southwest; limestones, localized metamorphic
rocks with igneous outcrops in the center; and schist, gneiss and granite in the northwest.
Wikipedia says a thin layer of basalt laid down 50-60 million years ago covers the entire region.
To model the Atlantis slide requires the average density of Rockall Plateau. If the bulk of the
mixture is quartzite (2.65), feldspar (2.56), calcite (2.71), basalt (2.9), sandstone (2.55) and
limestone (2.5), then perhaps the average is around 2.55.

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First model of Atlantis slide
First model of Atlantis slide
Cross section across Rockall Plateau show s the top half slipped w est
A cross section across Rockall Plateau reveals two pieces, an eastern base and a western top that
slid off the base (Figures 2 and 3). Both Rockall Plateau and the continental shelf are
sedimentary deposits, 4 to 6 km thick for the continental shelf. When a satellite of Nibiru
disintegrated and struck the Scandinavian ice sheet, one piece landed near or on Atlantis. The
resultant shock converted a sloping sedimentary layer of quartz beneath the island into a
frictionless material (see below). Without friction, the top half slid west into Rockall Basin.
Figure 2: Initial concept of the sinking of Atlantis. Cross section across Rockall Plateau shows
how the upper part of the island might have slid into Rockall Basin. The problem is lack of a
horizontal frictionless layer.

Figure 3: Cross section across Rockall Plateau.

To reconstruct the slide, first push the plateau back to the mainland (Figures 4 and 5).

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Sinking of Atlantis by Nibiru in 9577 BC: Part 2, Mechanics of Sinking
Figure 4: Rockall Plateau shoved up against the continental shelf of Ireland. This preliminary
model does not push the plateau far enough.

Next slide the western half back to its original position (Figure 5). Atlantis rises out of the sea.
Figure 5: Preliminary model of Atlantis before sinking. Problem is that Atlantis is too narrow.

Without accounting for loss due to raising sea level, Atlantis would have accelerated down a
1.34% slope for 120 km and reached 475 kph in 26 minutes (Figure 6). But this model has

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Friction of sedimentary novaculite quartz w ent to zero
Figure 6: Preliminary model of the Atlantis slide created a tsunami 2.1 km high.

Friction of sedimentary novaculite quartz went to zero

Guilio Di Toro, David Goldsby and Terry Tullis discovered that at moderate pressure, the
coefficient of friction for Arkansas novaculite goes to zero for speeds above 1.2 meters per
second (Figure 7). This contrasts with most rocks, whose coefficient of friction remains
constant with velocity. Novaculite is a form of quartz found in flat sheets of sedimentary
origin. To date, novaculite is the only material that exhibits this property. Therefore, the
frictionless surface should be horizontal, parallel with the sedimentary layers.
After the experiments, the fault surface is covered by white ‘flakes’,10 mm thick, of ultra-
comminuted gouge. We presume there is a large amount of amorphous silica in these flakes
because examination via transmission electron microscopy of gouge flakes produced in
friction experiments on quartz rocks with low slip displacements and sliding velocities
shows that the gouge consists of quartz fragments and amorphous silica. However, the
amorphous silica alone cannot account for the extraordinary weakening, because at low
sliding velocities the friction coefficient is 0.6–0.8. Nor is it from melting, because the
melting point of cristobalite is 1,713°C at room pressure; neither the average nor flash
temperatures are high enough to induce melting.
The weakening appears to be due to weak, fluid-like behavior of a tribolayer of silica gel, the
production of which appears to require water from and probably the presence of amorphous
silica. The recovery of frictional strength has a time constant of 100 s; the fact that strength
recovery is not instantaneous rules out the other weakening mechanism that could be caused
by a weak fluid, namely elasto-hydrodynamic lubrication (Toro, 2004).

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Sinking of Atlantis by Nibiru in 9577 BC: Part 2, Mechanics of Sinking
Figure 7: Coefficient of friction for novaculite quartz drops to zero above 1.2 m/s.
Coefficient of dynamic friction vs sliding velocity
0.8 Novaculite at 5 Mpa (49 atmospheres)
0.7 Source: Giulio Di Toro (2004)
Coefficient of friction 0.6 Friction goes to zero at 1.2 m/s
Arkansas Novaculite is a quartz rock
0.2 of meta-sedimentary origin with a grain
0.1 size of 1 to 5 microns.
0.000001 0.00001 0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10
Sliding velocity - m/s

Second model of Atlantis slide

Problems w ith first model
The initial model of the Atlantis slide had three problems:
the width of Atlantis was too narrow, well under 2000 stadia;
it lacked a zero-resistance sedimentary plane parallel to the flat bottom of Rockall Basin;
it did not account for drag from the force required to lift the sea.
Two-thirds of Rockall Plateau had to be above sea level to satisfy Plato. At first the geometry
seemed impossible, but repeated trial and error solved the problem: two slip planes, two slide
surfaces and pushing the plateau further east across the joint between plateau and continental
shelf (Figure 8). An important insight: as the slide progressed, the steep western face filled with
debris, which caused the slope to ease and avoided a 3 km spike in sea level.
Second model comparison
Compared to the first model, distance moved by the slide increased from 120 km to 175 km,
width of Atlantis increased from 175 km to 291 km, top speed dropped from 475 kph to 422 kph
(117 m/s), time to sink increased from 26 minutes to 47 minutes.
The width of 291 km lies between the width of Libya (280 km) and 2000 stadia (314 km).

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Second model of Atlantis slide
Figure 8: Cross-section of Atlantis attached to the continental shelf west of Ireland. Two slopes,
east and west, supplied energy to propel Atlantis into Rockall Basin. Two frictionless, horizontal
surfaces offered no resistance. Mass above the slopes contributed to acceleration, while raising
water above sea level subtracted from acceleration.

Depth - km Atlantis slides into the sea

3 km

2.1 km
Atlantis cross section

2 km

1 km

0 km
43 min
-1 km
135 km

-2 km
366 kph
Rockall Basin

-3 km

1100 1000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0
Distance from center of Ireland - km S Harris May 2018

The eastern slope provided initial acceleration.

The western slope was under water, so to calculate acceleration, the density of sedimentary rock
(2.55) must be reduced by a weighting factor of (2.55-1.0)/2.55 = 0.607.
An abruptly changing western slope, as well as varying amounts of Atlantis above it, created a
zig-zag shape of acceleration (Figure 9). To estimate slope, I worked from the end to the
beginning, and assumed that land above was roughly constant in thickness.
How to model lifting of ocean water was solved by recognizing that the leading face of the slide
was also an inclined plane, which could therefore generate negative acceleration.

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Sinking of Atlantis by Nibiru in 9577 BC: Part 2, Mechanics of Sinking
Figure 9: Acceleration of Atlantis from two slopes of the continental shelf less force to lift the
sea. The eastern slope provided the initial force, barely offsetting the force required to lift the
sea. Once the slide started, the western slope provided most of the force.
Acceleration - m/sec2 Acceleration of east slope, west slope and sea slope

0.06 East slope

West slope
Sea slope (neg.)
0.02 Sum of 3

175 150 125 100 75 50 25 0


West East
Distance moved by top of Atlantis - km

Subtracting the force required to lift the sea slowed final velocity to 385 kph. (Figure 10).
Figure 10: Velocity versus time for Atlantis to plunge into Rockall Basin.

Velocity vs Time
In 56 minutes, the top half of Atlantis traveled 175 km and reached 385 kph
400 385
Velocity - kph

0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Time - minutes

Separation from continental shelf

After accelerating for 175 km, the sliding top regained friction, latched onto the base and ripped
it from the continental shelf. Velocity slowed down by the ratio of the square root of the two
KE = ½mv2 = ½MV2
V2 = v2(m/M) = v2(Atop/Acombined)
V= 385 kph *(249 km2/575 km2)½ = 385*0.658 = 253 kph => 70 m/s

Page 8
Separation from continental shelf
Momentum of sliding top carries island w est
The interface between Rockall Plateau and Rockall Basin exhibited close to zero friction. Any
friction at all would have brought the plateau to a quick stop, but instead, it went on until the
leading edge caught on the southwest corner, spun the plateau 6 degrees counterclockwise, and
rebounded slightly. Water resistance had little impact because of how thin the plateau was in
relation to its width, thinner than a knife, but raising the sea 1½ km did cause drag. A volcano in
the north-east corner remained anchored to the basin floor.
Figure 11: Model of plateau travel across Rockall Basin. Kinetic Energy of the plateau was
converted to Potential Energy of raised sea water.

Both pieces moved as a unit across Rockall Basin for 218 km. The gain in Potential Energy
equaled the loss in Kinetic Energy.
d(PE) = d(KE) H = height of raised sea = 1.6 km
d(PE) = ½ H g Mw g = gravity = 9.8 m/s2
= ½ H g (ρWHLx) ρW = density of water = 1
d(KE) = ½ MP (v02-vx2) ρP = density of plateau = 2.55
2 2
= ½ (ρP A L)(v0 – vx ) L = length of plateau = 650 km
x = distance slide has traveled, in km
A = cross section area of plateau = 575 km2
v0 = initial velocity of plateau = 70 m/s, 253 kph
vx = velocity at distance x, in m/s
Setting the two sides equal, crossing out identical items, and letting the density of water = 1,
H2 g x = ρP A(v02 – vx2)
Solving for velocity,
vx2 = v02 – g H2 x/ρP A m2/s2
= (70 m/s)2 – [(9.8 m/s2)(1.62 km2/575 km2)(1000 m/km)/2.55](x km)
= 4900 – [(9.8*1.6*1.6*1000)/(575*2.55)]x
= 4900 – 17.1x
= 17.1(286 – x) m2/s2
Taking the square root gives meters per second, while multiplying by 3.6 gives kph.
vx = 4.13(286 - x)½ m/s, or 14.9(286 - x)½ kph
For x = 218 km, velocity = 123 kph
To calculate time, use the equation: distance = (average velocity)*(time)
x = ½ (v0 + vx)t
t = 120 x/(v0+vx) minutes, with x in km, v in kph
For x = 218 km, vo = 253 kph, vx = 123 kph
t = 120*218/(253+123) = 70 minutes

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Sinking of Atlantis by Nibiru in 9577 BC: Part 2, Mechanics of Sinking
Figure 12: Separation of Rockall Plateau from Ireland. In seventy minutes, the plateau moved
218 km. Inrush from north and south began to fill Rockall Trough. Above the plateau, sea level
rose an average of 1.6 km across an area of 400 km by 650 km, with a maximum height of 2100

2.1 km tsunami leaves Rockall Plateau

Beginning with a peak height of 2.1 km and an average height of 1.6 km over an area the size of
Britain, the tsunami moved out in all directions.
Figure 13: After the plateau stopped moving, the sea above the plateau separated and moved out
in all directions. The vertical scale greatly exaggerates the tsunami height; it was like a ¼ in
sheet of plywood. Rockall Trough filled with water rushing in from north and south.

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Reconstruction of Atlantis before sinking
Figure 14: A half hour later, the tsunami began to cross Ireland at 410 kph, its average height
still about 1.6 km because of run-up.

Reconstruction of Atlantis before sinking

To reconstruct Atlantis, move the pieces of Rockall Plateau back together, then move the
assembled island back to the continental shelf (Figures 15 to 20).
Figure 15: (1) island top, (2) island base upper, (3) mountain range, (4 and 5) island base lower.

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Sinking of Atlantis by Nibiru in 9577 BC: Part 2, Mechanics of Sinking
Figure 16: Move mountain range to continental shelf.

Figure 17: Move island top to cover island base.

Figure 18: Move island back to continental shelf.

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Figure 19: Assembled island moved back to the continental shelf. The volcano in the north-east
corner did not move. A large central plain is ringed by mountains.

Balsillie, James H. (1946-1960) and Joseph F. Donoghue (2004); High resolution sea-level
history for the Gulf of Mexico since the last glacial maximum; Florida Geological Survey.
Di Toro, Giulio, David L Goldsby, Terry E Tullis (2004); Friction falls to zero in quartz rock as
slip velocity approaches seismic rates; Letters to Nature, V427, Jan 29, 2004. Discovery of zero
coefficient of friction property of quartz at high pressure and slip speeds greater than 1.2 m per s.

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