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Neter: The Egyptian Word For God

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Hegeler Institute


Author(s): E. A. Wallis Budge
Source: The Monist, Vol. 13, No. 4 (July, 1903), pp. 481-492
Published by: Hegeler Institute
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Accessed: 26/10/2013 19:49

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Vol. XIII. July, 1903. No. 4.



the egyptian word for god by e. a. walxis budge.

common word
given by the Egyptians to God, and god,
THE and spirits of every kind, and being of all sorts, and kinds,
and forms,which were supposed to possess any superhuman, super
natural power, was neter, , and the hieroglyph which is used
both as the determinative of this word and also as an ideograph is
Thuswe have or "god," and^ or or
^or ^ *]^, *]f, Ifl^ ,
the plural is sometimes written out in full, for
'TT] !, "gods";
instance, v ^1 1*^e common wor^ for "goddess" is netert,
which is either written T , or T ,or I| <~>; sometimes the
IO. I * <? O
determinative of the word is a woman, and at others a serpent,
e. g., The plural is neterit,
C]<?>^. ^<^^?j^!
Wehave now to consider what object is supposed to be repre
sented by and what the word neter means.
In Bunsen's Egypt's Place (I., Nos. 556, 557, 623) the late
Dr. Birch described as a hatchet; in 1872 Dr. Brugsch placed1
among "objects tranchants armes" in his classified list of hiero

glyphic characters ; thus it is clear that the two greatest masters of

Egyptology considered to be either a weapon or a cutting tool,
and, in fact, assumed that the hieroglyphic represented an axe-head
let into and fastened in a long wooden handle. In the texts wherein
the hieroglyphics are colored it is tolerably clear that the axe-head
was fastened to its handle by means of thongs of leather. The

1Index des No.

hieroglyphs phon?tiques, 394.

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earliest axe-heads were made of stone, or flint or chert, and later of

metal, and it is certain that when copper, bronze, and iron took
the place of stone or flint, the method by which the head was
fastened to the handle was considerably modified. Recently an at
tempt has been made to show that the axe, resembled in out
line "a roll of yellow cloth, the lower part bound or laced over,
the upper part appearing as a flap at the top probably for unwind

ing. It is possible, indeed, that the present object represents a

fetish, e. g., a bone carefully wound round with cloth and not the
cloth alone."1 But it need hardly be said that no evidence for the
correctness of these views
is forthcoming. Whether the hiero
glyphic was
copied from something which was a roll of cloth
or a fetish matters little, for the only rational determination of the
character is that which has
already been made by Drs. Birch and
Brugsch, and the object which is represented by is an axe and
nothing else.
Mr. Legge has collected2 a number of examples of the pres
ence of the axe as an emblem of divinity on the megaliths of Brit

tany and in the prehistoric remains of the funeral caves of the

Marne, of Scandinavia, and of America, and, what is very much to
the point, he refers to an agate cylinder which was published by
the late Adrian de Longp?rier, wherein is a representation of a

priest in Chaldaean garb offering sacrifice to an axe standing up

right upon an altar. Mr. Legge points out "that the axe appears
on these monuments not as the representation of an object in
use, but for religious or magical purposes," and goes on to say that
this is proved by "the fact that it is often found as a pendant and
of such materials as gold, lead, and even amber ; while that it is
often represented with the peculiar fastenings of the earlier flint
weapon shows that its symbolic use "goes back to the neolithic
and perhaps the palaeolithic age."
Mr. Legge is undoubtedly correct in thinking that the use of
the stone axe precedes that of the flint arrow-head or flint knife,
and many facts could be adduced in support of this view. The

1 2Proc. Bibl.
Griffith, Hieroglyphs, p. 46. Soc. Arch., 1899, p. 310.

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stone tied to the end of a stick formed an effective club, which was

probably the earliest weapon known to the predynastic Egyptians,

and subsequently man found that this weapon could be made more
effective still by making the stone flat and by rubbing down one
end of it to form a cutting edge. The earliest axe-head had a cut

ting edge at each end, and was tied by leather thongs to the end of
a stick by the middle, thus becoming a double axe ; examples of
such a weapon appear to be given on the green slate object of the
archaic period which is preserved in the British Museum1 (Nos.
20,790, 20,792), where, however, the axe-heads appear to be fixed
in forked wooden handles. In its next form the axe-head has only
one cutting edge, and the back of it is shaped for fastening to a
handle by means of leather thongs.
When we consider the importance that the axe, whether as a
weapon or tool, was to primitive man, we need not wonder that it
became to him first the symbol of physical force, or strength, and
then of divinity or dominion. By means of the axe the predynastic

Egyptians cut down trees and slaughtered animals, in other words,

the weapon was mightier than the spirits or gods who inhabited the
trees and the animals, and as such became to them at a very early

period an object of reverence and devotion. But besides this the

axe must have been used in sacrificial ceremonies, wherein itwould

necessarily acquire great importance, and would easily pass into

the symbol of the ceremonies themselves.
The shape of the axe-head as given by the common hiero

glyphic suggests that the head was made of metal when the
Egyptians first began to use the character as the symbol of divin

ity, and it is clear that this change in the material of which the axe
head was made would make the weapon more effective than ever.

Taking for granted, then, that the hieroglyphic represents

an axe, we may be sure that itwas used as a symbol of power and

divinity by the predynastic Egyptians long before the period when

they were able to write, but we have no means of knowing what
they called the character or the axe before that period. In dynastic
1See under the Great
my Egypt Pyramid Builders, p. 10, where it is figured
and described.

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484 the monist.

times they certainly called it neter as we have seen, but another

difficulty presents itself to us when we try to find a word that will

express the meaning which they attached to the word ; it is most
important to obtain some idea of this meaning, for at the base of it
lies, no doubt, the Egyptian conception of divinity or God.
The word neter has been discussed by many Egyptologists,
but their conclusions as to its signification are not identical.
M. Pierret thought in 1879 that the true meaning of the word
is " renewal, because in the mythological conception, the god as
sures himself everlasting youth by the renewal of himself in engen
dering himself perpetually.,,
In the same year, in one of the Hibbert Lectures, Renouf de
clared that he was "able to affirmwith certainty that in this par
ticular case we can accurately determine the primitive notion at
tached to the word," i. e., to nutar (neter). According to him,
"none of the explanations hitherto given of it can be considered

satisfactory," but he thought that the explanation which he was

about to propose would be generally accepted by scholars," because
itwas "arrived at as the result of a special study of all the pub
lished passages in which "the word occurs."2

Closely allied to nutar (neter) is another word nutra (netra),

and the meaning of both was said by Renouf to be found in the
or as we see from the passages
Coptic KIOUT6 wout, which, may
Tatham in his Lexicon (p. 310), is rendered by the Greek
quoted by
words and irapaKaXt?v. The primary meaning of
icrx^Sy 7rapa.K\r]<ris,

the word uoui to be "strong," and having assumed that

neter was equivalent inmeaning to this word, Renouf stated boldly
that neter signified "mighty," "might," "strong," and argued

that itmeant Power, "which is also the meaning of the Hebrew


1 ' Le mot par

lequel ou rendait l'id?e de Dieu ^ <=> f j]
nuter, signifie
au propre, renouvellement,'parce que dans la conception mythologique, le dieu
s'assure une ?ternelle jeunesse par le renouvellement de lui-m?me, en s'engendrant

lui-m?me perp?tuellement." Essai sur la Mythologie Paris, 1879,

page 8.
Religion of Ancient Egypt, p. 93.

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We may note in passing that the exact meaning of "El," the
Hebrew name for God, is unknown, and that the word itself is

probably the name of an ancient Semitic deity.

The passages which were quoted to prove that neter meant

"strong, strength, power," and the like could, as M. Maspero has

said1, be explained differently. M. Maspero combats rightly the
attempt to make "strong" the meaning of neter (masc), or ne
terit (fern.), in these words: "In the expressions 'a town neterit,1
'an arm . .is it certain that 'a 'a
neteri,'.. strong city/ strong arm/

gives us the primitive sense of neter? When among ourselves one

says 'divine music/ 'a piece of divine poetry/ 'the divine taste of
a peach/ 'the divine beauty of a woman' [the word] divine is a
hyperbole, but itwould be a mistake to declare that it originally
meant 'exquisite'because in the phrases which I have imagined
one could apply it as 'exquisite music/ 'a piece of exquisite poetry/
'the exquisite taste of a peach/ 'the exquisite beauty of a woman/

Similarly in Egyptian 'a town neterW is a 'divine town'; 'an arm

net eri' is 'a divine arm/ and neteri is employed metaphorically in
' '
Egyptian as is [the word] divine inFrench, without its being any
more necessary to attribute to [the word] neteri the primitive mean

ing of'strong/than it is to attribute to [the word] 'divine' the

primitive meaning of 'exquisite.' The meaning 'strong' of neteri,

if it exists, is a derived and not an original meaning."2
The view taken about the meaning of neter by the late Dr.

Brugsch was
entirely different, for he thought that the fundamental
meaning of the word was "the operative power which created and

produced things by periodical recurrence, and gave them new life

and restored to them the freshness of youth."
Die th?tige Kraft, welche in periodischer Wiederkehr die Dinge erzeugt und

erschafft, ihnen neues Leben verleiht und die Jugendfrische zur?ckgiebt."3

The first part of the work fromwhich these words are quoted

appeared in 1885, but that Dr. Brugsch held much the same views
six years later is evident from the following extract from his volume

1 de Mythologie et d%Arch?ologie tom. ii., p. 215.

?tudes ?gyptiennes,
8 und
2Maspero, op. cit., p. 215. Religion Mythologie, p. 93.

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486 the monist.

entitled Die Aegyptologie (p. 166), which appeared in 1891. Refer

ring to Renouf's contention that neter has a meaning equivalent to

the Greek ?vva/u?,he says :

"Es liegt auf der Hand, dass der Gottesname im Sinne von Starker, M?ch

tiger, vieles f?r sich hat, um so mehr als selbst leblose Gegenst?nde, wie z. B. ein

Baustein, adjektivisch als nutr?, d. h. stark, m?chtig, nicht selten bezeichnet

werden. Aber so vieles diese Erkl?rung f?r sich zu haben scheint, so wenig stimmt

sie zu der Thatsache, dass in den Texten aus der besten Zeit (XVIII. Dynastie)
das Wort nutr als ein Synonym f?r die Vorstellung der Verj?ngung oder Erneue

rung auftritt. Er diente zum Ausdruck der periodisch wiederkehrenden Jugend

frische nach Alter und Tod, so dass selbst dem Menschen in den ?ltesten Sarg
inschriften zugerufen wird, er sei fortan in einen Gott, d. h. in ein Wesen mit

jugendlicher Frische, umgewandelt. Ich lasse es dahingestellt sein, nach welcher

hin die aufgeworfene Streitfrage zu Gunsten der einen oder der anderen
Auflassung entschieden werden wird ; hier sei nur betont, dass das Wort nutr,
nute, den eigentlichen Gottesbegriff der alten Aegypter in sich schliesst und daher

einer ganz besonderen Aufmerksamkeit werth ist."

In this passage Dr. Brugsch substantially agrees with Pierret's

views quoted above, but he appears to have withdrawn from the

position which he took up in his Religion undMythologie, wherein

he asserted that the essential meaning of neter was identical with
that of the Greek <?v<n?and the Latin "natura."1 It need hardly
be that there are no good grounds for such an assertion, and
it is difficult to see how the eminent Egyptologist could attempt to
compare the conceptions of a savage or half-savage indigenous
African people with those of such cultured nations as the Greeks
and the Romans.

solution of the difficulty of finding a meaning for neter is

not brought any nearer when we consider the views of such distin

guished Egyptologists as E. de Roug?, Lieblein, and Maspero.

The first of these in commenting on the passage

which he translates "Dieu devenant dieu (en) s'engendrant lui

m?me," says in his excellent Chrestomathie ?gyptienne (iii., p. 24) :

1 "Der
Inbegriff dieses Wortes deckt sich daher vollst?ndig mit der urspr?ng
lichen Bedeutung des griechischen physis und des lateinischen natura (p. 93).

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One knows not exactly the meaning of the verb nuter% which forms the rad
ical of the word nuter, god.' It is an idea analogous to to become,' or 'renew

oneself,' for nuteri is applied to the resuscitated soul which clothes itself in its im
mortal form."

Thus we find that one of the greatest Egyptologists thinks that

the exact meaning of neter is unknown, but he suggests that it

may have a signification not unlike that proposed by Pierret. Pro

fessor Lieblein goes a step further than E. de Roug?, for he is of

opinion that it is impossible to show the first origin of the idea of

God among any people hitherto known historically.
When we, for instance, take the Indo-Europeans, what do we find there ?

The Sanskrit word deva is identical with the Latin deus, and the northern tivi

tivar ; as now the word in Latin and northern language signifies God itmust also
in Sanskrit from the beginning have had the same signification. That is to say,

the Arians, or Indo-Europeans, must have combined the idea of God with this

word, as early as when they still lived together in their original home. Because,
if the word in their prehistoric home had had another more primitive significa
tion, the wonder would have happened, that the word had accidentally gone through
the same development of signification with all these people after their separation.

As this is quite improbable, the word must have had the signification of God in the

original Indo-European language. One could go even farther and presume that,
in this language also, it was a word derived from others, and consequently origi
nated from a still earlier prehistoric language. All things considered it is possible,
even probable, that the idea of God has developed itself in an earlier period of lan

guages than the Indo-European. The future will perhaps be able to supply evi

dence for this. The science of languages has been able partly to reconstruct an

Indo-European prehistoric language. It might be able also to reconstruct a pre

historic Semitic, and a prehistoric Hamitic, and of these three prehistoric lan

guages, whose original connection it not only guesses, but even commences to prove

gradually, it will, we trust in time, be able to extract a still earlier prehistoric lan

guage, which according to analogy might be called Noahitic. When we have come

so far, we shall most likely in this prehistoric language, also find words expressing
the idea of God. But it is even possible that the idea of God has not come into

existence in this prehistoric language either. It may be the first dawning of. the

idea, and the word God should be ascribed to still earlier languages, to layers of

languages so deeply buried that it will be impossible even to excavate them. Be

tween the time of inhabiting caves in the quaternian period, and the historical

kingdoms, there is such a long space of time, that it is difficult to entertain the

idea, that itwas quite devoid of any conception of divinity, so that this should first

have sprung up in the historical time. In any case we shall not be able to prove

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488 the monist.

historically where and when the question first arose, who are the superhuman

powers whose activity we see daily in nature and in human life. Although the

Egyptians are the earliest civilised people known in history, and just therefore

especially important for the science of religion, yet it is even there impossible to

point out the origin of the conception of the deity. The oldest monuments of

Egypt bring before us the gods of nature chiefly, and among these especially the
sun. They mention, however, already early (in the Fourth and Fifth Dynasties)
now and then the great power, or the great God, it being uncertain whether this

refers to the sun, or another god of nature, or if it was a general appellation of the

vague idea of a supernatural power, possibly inherited by the Egyptians. It is

probably this great God indicated on the monuments, from the Fourth Dynasty,
and later on, who has given occasion to the false belief that the oldest religion of

the Egyptians was pure monotheism. But firstly, it must be observed, that he

is not mentioned alone but alongside of the other gods, secondly, that he is merely
called The great God,' being otherwise without distinguishing appellations, and a

God of whom nothing else is mentioned, has, so to speak, to use Hegel's language,

merely an abstract existence, that by closer examination dissolves into nothing."

It is necessary to quote Professor Lieblein's opinion at length

because he was one of the first to discuss the earliest idea of God
in connection with its alleged similarity to that evolved by Aryan
nations ; if, however, he were to rewrite the passage given above
in the light of modern research he would, we think, modify many
of his conclusions. For our present purpose it is sufficient to note
that he believes it is impossible to point out the origin of the con

ception of the deity among the Egyptians.

The last opinion which we need quote is that of M. Maspero,
who not only says boldly that if the word neter or netri really has
the meaning of "strong" it is a derived and not an original mean

ing, and he prefers to declare that the word is so old that its earliest
signification is unknown. In other words, it has the meaning of

god, but it teaches us nothing as to the primitive value of this

word. We must be careful, he says, not to let it suggest the mod
ern religious or philosophical definitions of god which are current

to-day, for an Egyptian god is a being who is born and dies, like
man, and is finite, imperfect, and corporeal, and is endowed with

passions, and virtues, and vices.2 This statement is, of course,

Egyptian Religion, by J. Lieblein, Leipzig, 1884.
2Za de Mythologie, torn, ii., p. 215).
Mythologie ?gyptienne p. 216 {?tudes

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true as regards the gods of the Egyptians at several periods of their

history, but itmust be distinctly understood, and it cannot be too

plainly stated, that side by side with such conception there existed
among the educated Egyptians at least ideas of monotheism which
are not far removed from those of modern nations.
From what has been said above we see that scholars take the
view that the word neter may mean "renewal," or or
or "to become," or some idea which "re
"strong," suggests

newal," and that others think its original meaning is not only un
known, but that it is impossible to find it out. But although we

may not be able to discover the exact meaning which the word had
in pre-dynastic times, we may gain some idea of the meaning which
was attached to it in the dynastic period by an examination of a
few passages from the hymns and Chapters which are found in the
various of the Book of theDead.
versions In the text of Pepi I.

(line 191) we have the words :

"Behold thy son Horus, to whom thou hast given birth. He
hath not placed this Pepi at the head of the dead, but he hath set
him among the gods neteru"

- =*
?IP ~A?~ @J).1 ek?

Now here net eru <z> must be an adjective, and we are

^ ^
clearly intended to understand that the gods referred to are those
which have the attribute of neteru;
the "gods neteru" since
are mentioned in opposition to "the dead" it
seems as ifwe are to regard the gods as "living," i. e., to possess
the quality of life. In the text of the same king (line 419) a bak

neter, <z=> , i.e., a hawk having thequality of neter,

Jj (j ^
is mentioned ; and in the text of Unas (1. 569) we read of bauinetrui,
or the two soulswhich possess thequality of neter.
These examples belong to the Fifth and Sixth Dynasties.
Passing to later dynasties, i. e., the Eighteenth and Nineteenth,
etc., we find the following examples of the use of the words neter
and netri.

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hun netri a? heh utet se-mes su tchesef

Boy netri, heir of eternity, begetting and giving birth
to himself.

ta-? tu em ?b-? dti bakai netri

I am devoted inmy heart without feigning, O thou netri

er neteru
more than the gods.

tchel - 1ai re pen her mahu en netrdt

Shall be said this chapter over a crown of netrat.

weter - tea
I have become neter.

aw - ? te? - tea em 6?i netri

I have risen up in the form of a hawk netri.

? flETi Is Ti-
at tea weter tea hhu, - tea
I have become pure, I have become neter, I have become a
spirit (khu),

"IPSTi *VlTi6
user ? te? -
ia tea
I have become strong, I have become a soul (?a).

? m
unen-f neter m? neteru em Net erSchertet
this being neter with the gods in the Neter-khertet.
(or, he shall be)

my Chapters of Coming" Forth by Day, Text, p. n, 1. 10.

2Ibid., p. 43, 1. 4. 9/??i., p. 8o, 1. io. */bid., p. 154, 1. 6.

5 6 Ibid .p. 174,1. 15. 7
Ibid., p. 168, 1. 3. Ibid., p. 417, 1. 12.

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O :<*

?uf netrd khat-f temtu

the shall netra his body all.

cm & 2
ba - k em Sebut
They make thy soul in the house of Sebut.

- - k
n mir
ne tri f m? neteru
He makes net er thy soul like the gods.

IS 1?H
neter netri kheper tchesef pant
God netri, self-produced, primeval matter.

Now, in the above examples it is easy to see that although the

words "strong" or "strength," when to translate neter or

netri, give a tolerably suitable sense in some of them, it is quite out

of place in others, e. g., in No. 6, where the deceased is made to

say that he has acquired the quality of neter, and a spirit, and a

soul, and is, moreover, strong; the word rendered "strong" in

this passage is user, and it expresses an entirely different idea from

From the fact that neter is mentioned in No. 1 in connection

with eternal existence, and self-begetting, and self-production, and
in No. 11 with self-production and primeval matter, it is almost

mpossible not to think that the word has a meaning which is

closely allied to the ideas of "self-existence," and the power to

"renew life indefinitely," and "self-production."
In other words, neter appears to mean a being who has the

power to generate life, and to maintain itwhen generated. It is

useless to attempt to explain the word by Coptic etymologies, for
it has passed over directly into the Coptic language under the forms

nouti, and noute, the last consonant, r, having disappeared through

1See Forth
my Chapters of Coming by Day, Text, p. 419, 1. 7.

2Ibid., p. 509, 1. 13. 3Ibid., p. 511, 1. 13. 4Ibid., p. 49, 1. I.

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the monist.

phonetic decay, and the translators of the Holy Scriptures from

that language used it to express the words "God" and "Lord."
Meanwhile, until new light is thrown upon the subject by the dis
covery of inscriptions older than any which we now have, we must
be content to accept the approximate meaning of neter suggested

E. A. Wallis Budge.

London, England.

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