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Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu's Predicted Appearance: Conclusive Evidence of

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Apart from Gaudiya Vaishnava Scriptures, other 24 Vedic Scriptures (known to

any student of Vedic Indian Heritage) are quoted here to establish the Absolute
Truth of the documented history of the Supreme Lord Sri Chaitanya's pre-
predicted advent.

Conclusive evidence ofSri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu’s predicted appea

Read Part I

Scriptures quoted:

Bhagavat Puran | Adi Puran | Kurma Puran | Garuda Puran | Narasimha Puran |
Padma Puran | Narada Puran | Brahma Puran | Bhavisya Puran | Agni Puran |
Matsya Puran | Vayu Puran | Markandeya Puran | Varah Puran | Vaman Puran | Upa
Puran | Ananta Samhita | Mahabharat | Atharva Ved | Sama Ved | Chaitanya
Upanishad | Chandogya Upanishad | Svetasvatar Upanishad | Purusa-Bodini-

Is there any specific reference in the Vedas as to when in this yuga, the Supreme
Lord’s Avatar- Sri Krishna Chaitanya was scheduled to appear?** In the Atharva-
Veda; Purusa-Bodini-Upanisad, it is said:

saptame gaura-varna-visnor ity aena sva-saktyacaikyam etya pratar avatirya saha

svaih sva-manum siksayati

"In the seventh manvantara, in the beginning of the Kali-Yuga, the Supreme
Personality of Godhead will, accompanied by His own associates, descend in a golden
form to the earth. He will teach the chanting of His own names." When exactly does
He come in the kali-yuga, and where does He specifically appear and what will He
do?** In the Atharva Veda, the Supreme Person says:

itotham krta sannyaso'vatarisyami sa-guno nirvedoniskamo bhu-girvanas tira-atho'

lakanandayah kalaucatuh-sahasrabdhopari panca-sahasrabhyantaregaura-varno
dirghangah sarva-laksana-yukta isvaraprarthito nija-rasasvado bhakta-rupo
misrakhyovidita-yogah syam

I will descend on the earth after the passage of four thousand years in the Kali-Age,
[kalau chatuh sahasrabdhopari] and before the passage of five thousand years
[pancha sahasra abhyantare]. I will come on the earth on the bank of the Ganges,
[tira-sthah alakanandayah]. I will be a tall and saintly Brahmana devotee. I will have
all the auspicious symptoms of an exalted person [dirghangah sarva-laksana-
yuktah]. I will exhibit renunciation. I will have all auspicious signs. I will be a
devotee, practicing bhakti yoga. I will taste the rasa of My own devotional service.
** In the Sama Veda, the Supreme Lord says:

tathaham krta sannyaso bhu-girvano 'vatarisyetire'lakanandayah punah punah

isvara-prarthitah sa-parivaro niralambo nirdhuteh kali-kalmasa-kavalita-

I shall come to the earth, accompanied by My associates, in a place by the bank of

the Ganges. I will advent to save the people who are afflicted and devoured by the
sins of the age of Kali. I will manifest as an Avadhut Brahman Sannyasi.What is the
name of the place where the Supreme Lord appears?** The Chandogya Upanisad
describes the place of advent of the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna Chaitanya.
This is explained by Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur, in the Sabadvipa Dham Mahatmya
(text 5):

tan-madhye daharam saksanmayapuram itiryatetatra vesma bhagavatas

chaitanyasya paratmanahtasmin yas tv antarakasohy antardvipah sa ucyate

The spiritual city in the shape of a lotus has the abode of Sri Mayapur as its heart.
Sridham Mayapur is the divine abode of Lord Chaitanya, the Supreme Personality of
Godhead. In the middle of Mayapur is the place called Antardvip. (ACBSPN Note:
One needs to catch a local train to “Krishna Nagar” from “Sealdah Station” in
Calcutta. After the 3 hour train journey, you got to catch a bus for Mayapur, which
will take another hour or so. Alternatively, you could catch a local train from Howrah
for Navadvip. These trains are very rare - about 4 or 5 a day, so its better to go thru
Sealdah. From Navadvip station you got to take a cycle-rickshaw to the “Ghat” [Bank
of Ganges]. Then you cross the Ganges and reach Mayapur. The half an hour
motorized boat ride may cost you about 1 to 2 Rupees!)Are there any other relevant
scriptural references in the vedas describing the appearance or qualities of Sri
Krishna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu?** The Svetasvatara Upanisad (Ch. 6, text 7)
describes the qualities of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord

tam isvaranam paramam mahesvaramtam devatanam paramam ca daivatampatim

patinam paramam parastadvidama devam bhuvanesam idyam

"O Supreme Lord, you are the Supreme Mahesvara, the worshipable Deity of all the
demigods and the Supreme Lord of all Lords. You are the controller of all controllers,
the Personality of Godhead, the Lord of everything worshipable."** Svetasvatara
Upanisad Ch 3 text 12, 14

mahan prabhur vai purusahsattvasyaisa pravartakahsunirmalam imam praptimisano

jyotir avyayah

"The Supreme Personality of Godhead is Mahaprabhu, who disseminates

transcendental enlightenment. Just to be in touch with Him is to be in contact with
the indestructible brahmajyoti. " ** Sri Chaitanya Upanisad
(Chaitanyopanisad), text 5:

jahnavi-tire navadvipe golokakhye dhamni govindodvi-bhujo gaurah sarvatma maha-

puruso mahatmamaha-yogi tri-gunatitah sattva-rupo bhaktim lokekasyatiti. tad ete
sloka bhavanti

"The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Govinda, the supreme enjoyer, whose form is
transcendental, who is beyond the touch of the three modes of material nature, and
who is all pervading Supersoul residing in the-hearts of all living entities, will appear
again in the Kali-age. Appearing as the greatest devotee, the Supreme Personality of
Godhead will assume a two-armed form of golden complexion in His abode of Goloka
Vrindavan manifested on the bank of the Ganga at Navadvip. He will disseminate
pure devotional service in the world. This incarnation of the Lord is described in the
following verses." In what color will the Lord appear in the Kali-yuga, and what will
He do?** Sri Chaitanya Upanisad text 6:
eko devah sarva-rupi mahatmagauro rakta syamala-sveta-rupahchaitanyatma sa vai
chaitanya-saktirbhaktakaro bhakti-do bhakh-vedyah

"The Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is the master of all transcendental

potencies, and who may be known only by devotional service, [bhakti vedyah]
appears in innumerable transcendental forms. He has appeared in red, white and
black complexions, [gauro rakta syamala sveta rupah] and He will also appear in the
golden form of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. He will assume the role of a perfect
devotee [bhakta akarah] and He will teach the conditioned souls the path of pure
devotional service [bhakti dah].What is the nature of the form of Lord Chaitanya and
how is He understood?** Chaitanya Upanisad. text 7:

namo vedanta vedyayakrmaya paramatmanesarva chaitanya rupayachaitanyaya

namo namah

I offer my respectful obeisances unto Him, who is understood by Vedanta [namo

vedanta vedyaya], who is Lord Krishna [Krishnaya], the Supersoul [paramatmane],
whose form is fully transcendental and conscious of everything [sarva-chaitanya-
rupaya]. We offer our humble obeisances again and again. [chaitanyaya namo
namah] What is the result of understanding the divine position of Sri Chaitanya
Mahaprabhu?** Sri Chaitanya-Upanisad. text 8:

vedanta vedyam purusam puranamchaitanyatmanam visva-yonim mahantamtam

eva viditva' mrtyum etinanyah pantha vidyatetyanaya

"Knowing Him who is the object of knowledge in the Upanisads, the oldest person,
the embodiment of consciousness, the source of the universe and the greatest of all,
one crosses over death. There is no other path for going there." What will Sri
Chaitanya Mahaprabhu do in this incarnation ?** Sri Chaitanya-Upanisad. text 9:

sva-nama mula-mantrena sarvam hladayati vibhuh

The Supreme powerful [vibhuh] Lord Sri Krishna Chaitanya appears in His golden
form, and He will fill the universe with bliss [hladayati] by the chanting of His own
holy names [sva-nama-mula-mantrena]. Which mantra will this yuga avatar chant?
** Sri Cartanya Upanisad text 10.

sa eva mula-mantra japati harir iti krishna iti rama iti

Sri Krishna Chaitanya will chant the maha-mantra comprised of the divine names of
Hari, Krishna and Rama. i.e.,

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare HareHare Rama Hare RamaRama
Rama Hare Hare

(ACBSPN Note: the pronunciation of “Rama” is “rAma” or “rAm” and *not* "rAmA" as
commonly misunderstood.)Does Lord Chaitanya appear in every day of lord brahma?
Just like the original Personality of Godhead, Lord Sri Krishna does appear once in
every day of Lord Brahma. ** Answer: Srila Prabhupada once explained in
Melbourne, Australia, in answer to the question of how long it would be
before Lord Krishna would come to this planet again in His personal form:
after 8 billion, 600 milion years. Devotee: How long do you say it is before
Krishna comes to this planet again in His physical form? Srila Prabhupada: Now,
calculate, I have already given the duration of one day, twelve hours, of Brahma
means 4,300,000 years multiplied by one thousand....the eight billion. Devotee (2):
600,000,000. Srila Prabhupada: So Krishna comes after this period in one day,
after one day of Brahma, He appears. Devotee: Srila Prabhupada, does Lord
Chaitanya Mahaprabhu also appear every day of Brahma? Srila Prabhupada: Yes,
following Krishna. Krishna comes in the Dvapar-Yuga. There are four sets of yugas:
Satva, Treta, Dvapar, Kali. So Krishna comes at the end of Dvapar-Yuga, and
Chaitanya Mahaprabhu comes in the Kali-Yuga so almost the same year, same
circulation... Similarly, Krishna appears in rotation in this universe after so many
years, eight billion years. So next He goes to another universe....[Melbourne
Australia. 22nd May 1975.]Did the Srimad-Bhagavatam (Bhagavat-Puran), the
foremost of all Vedic literatures predict the appearance of Lord Chaitanya
Maraprabhu?** In the seventh canto of the Srimad-Bhagavatam, Prahlad
Maharaj directly hints at the hidden nature of the Supreme Lord's appearance.
Because the Supreme Lord is also called Tri-Yuga, or one who appears in only three
yugas (satya, dvapara, treta), He is sometimes said to appear in a concealed form,
in the age of Kali.

channah kalau yad abhavas tri-yugo'tha sa tvam

(Srimad Bhagavatam 7.9.38)Are there any more direct references in the Simad
Bhagavatam, than the above reference?** In the Tenth Canto of the Srimad
Bhagavatam, chapter eight, Gargamuni the family priest of Nanda Maharaja,
explains that the young boy Sri Krishna has three colors - white, red and yellow -
when He appears in His transcendental form in different ages. In the current
incarnation of Krishna, He has appeared black.

asan varnas trayo hy asya grhnatotnvyugam tanuhsuklo raktas tatha pita idanim
krmatam gatah

(Srimad-Bhagavatam 10.8.13)Srila Krishna das Kaviraj Goswami, the celebrated

author of the Sri Chaitanya-charitamrta, explains that the three colors of white, red
and yellow are the three bodily colors which the Supreme Lord assumes in the ages
of Satya, Treta and Kali respectively.

sukla rakta pita-varna ei tina dyutisatya-treta-kali-kale dharena sri-pati

The Bhagavatam explains in the conversation between Karabhajan Muni and King
Nimi, that in the Dvapara-Yuga, the Supreme Lord, the Personality of Godhead
appears in a blackish form [dvapare bhagavan syamah]. He has a yellow dress and
carries His own weapons [pita-vasa-nija-ayudhah]. He is beautified with the mark of
Srivatsa and the Kaustubha jewel [sri vatsa-adibhih ankais ca laksanaih]. This is the
actual description of His characteristics [upalaksitah]. The great sage continues his
instruction to King Nimi by saying that people in general in the age of Dvapar-Yuga
worshiped the Lord of the Universe [iti dvapara urvisam stuvanti jagad isvaram]. In
the age of Kali, they worshipped the Supreme Person by the regulation of the
scriptures [tantra vidhana].

krishna varnam tvisakrmam sangopangastra parsadamyajnaih sankirtana prayair

yajanti hi sumedhasah

(Srimad-Bhagavatam 11.5.32)
"In the age of Kali, intelligent persons perform congregational chanting to worship
the incarnation of Godhead who constantly sings the holy name of Krishna. Although
His complexion is not blackish, He is Krishna Himself. He is accompanied by His
associates, servants, weapons and confidential companions." How does this verse
refer to the advent of Lord Chaitanya, since his name is not directly mentioned
there?** Just as the symptoms and characteristics of the various previous
incarnations are mentioned in the scriptures, similarly the symptoms of the
appearance of Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu are described. Krishna-varnam
indicates that He belongs to the category of Krishna. Krishna varnam also means one
who constantly repeats and sings the name of Krishna. The main business of Sri
Chaitanya Mahaprabhu was the chanting of the holy name of Krishna. Thus the
words Krishna varnam and Krishna Chaitanya are equivalent. Srila Krishna das
Kaviraj Goswami has elucidated the two meanings of the words Krishna varnam by

krishna ei dui varna sadayanra mukheathava krmake h'nho varne nija sukhe

Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu always sings the two syllables Krish & na [Krishna ei
dui varna sada yanra mukhe], or He always relishes great transcendental pleasure
while describing Lord Krishna [athava krmake tinho varne nija-sukhe]. Is there any
hint or explanation of His bodily characteristics?His bodily complexion is not black
[tvisa akrishnam]. Lord Chaitanya appeared in a very light, golden like complexion.
His complexion was yellow [akrma-varane kahe pita-varana]. Sri Chaitanya
Mahaprabhu is very beautiful. Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu is often described as
Gaurasundara. Gaura means fair and Sundar means beautiful. Sometimes He is also
called Gauranga or one who has a very fair complexion.

Thus it is clearly established from the various Vedic Literatures and also by the
various writings of the great Acaryas, that Sri Krishna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu is
the Supreme Personality of Godhead Himself, whose appearance and birthplace
were predicted and whose activities were also foretold.

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