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ISKCON Desire Tree - Voice Newsletter 022 Apr-09

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Some of the key takeaways from the document include the visit and lecture by HH Bhakti Caru Swami Maharaj at IIT Kharagpur VOICE, as well as camps and preaching activities conducted by various devotees across different colleges and places.

HH Bhakti Caru Swami Maharaj gave an inspiring lecture titled 'Role of Youth of India in re-establishing the spiritual culture' where he emphasized the importance of studying the science of the soul alongside material advancement.

Activities at the Spurthi camp included lectures, deity darshan, dramas and kirtan. It aimed to inspire the youth towards spiritual life and Krishna consciousness.

Issue 22 Apr’09

Contents In this issue….


HH BhaktiCaru Maharaj visits KGP VOICE….2 Clients of Corporate VOICE……………..….....4

Camps at various VOICEs…………………….…3 TAPAS SAPAT@SRKD VOICE…..………..…….5
Yet another MBA College Preaching…………...4 Sreshtha for the month Ankur Varshney Pr..6

Prabhupada Uvaca–“No more material enjoyment” News Flash

 HH Bhakti Caru Swami Maharaj visits
Prabhupāda: I have gone through variety stages of life. So I have got IIT Kharagpur VOICE
full experience of this material world. I don't want it. That  Sphurti camps conducted in VOICEs all
determination is there. Society, family, over India; First year students getting
ready to enter UTKARSH
love, friendship, these nonsense,
 "ISKCON Balaji Festival" to be
everything—out! I have tasted. I am no
celebrated at NVCC Pune from May
more interested with this material. That
1st to 3rd in the presence of HH
is niskincana. Finished. Loknath Swami Maharaj, HH Gopal
Tamāla Krsna: Distaste for all worldly Krishna Goswami Maharaj and HG
things. Gauranga Pr. All devotees, donors and
well wishers are cordially invited.
Prabhupāda: That I am realizing, that  Visit to know
Krsna pushed, dragged me through all more about VOICE activities
circumstances, that "These are useless." Niskiñcanasya bhagavad-
bhajanonmukha... That is required. Just like Jagāi and Mādhāi. They
 HG Drutakarma Prabhu visits Mayapur
VOICE, conducted program for more
were made to promise, "No more." "Yes sir, no more." "Then I than 250 boys at Tulani collge, 200
accept you. That's all right." "No." And they made it, kept their boys in COET and many other colleges.
promise. They became faithful.

Spurthi’09 for IIT Kharagpur, NIT Rourkela, NIT Jamshedpur and

Kolkata @ Jagannath Puri Dham
With almost 100 enthusiastic first year students from IIT Kharagpur,
NIT Rourkela, NIT Jamshedpur, Kolkata and Kolhaghat, the Spurthi
camp started on 7th March in the holy land of Jagannath Puri Dham.
HG Sankirtananda Pr addressed the participants speaking about ―Deity
Worship‖. He said ―Just like electromagnetic waves are everywhere, but
we cannot see them, so we channelize them through an antenna, The
Lord is everywhere, but we access His mercy through His Deity form‖.
Then the devotees proceeded for taking darshan of their Lordships
Jagannath, Baladeva & Subhadra. HG Chaitanya Charan Pr, while
speaking on ―Science and Spirituality‖ emphasized on the fact that
―Spirituality is neither non-scientific nor sectarian but is the highest science dealing with universal principles and
laws‖. HG BalaGovinda Pr while lecturing on the ―Power of Holyname‖ inspired everyone saying ―Attentive
chanting for even 3 months can help one give up all bad habits‖.
Mangala Arati held on the beach of the holy ocean at Puri made a deep impact on the hearts of all the
devotees. Kharagpur devotees enacted two dramas on ―Akshaya patra‖ & ―Mind your Mind‖ which not only
included fun but also profound lessons conveying the importance of controlling the mind & the dangers of having
an uncontrolled mind. Pankaj, a 1st year student expressed his joy saying, ―I always thought that spiritual life is for
oldies; now after this dynamic and energizing camp I feel that spiritual life is for the youth also.‖–Bh Dhikshith, IIT KGP

HH Bhakti Caru Swami Maharaj visits Kharagpur VOICE

A festival atmosphere pervaded at IIT Kharagpur VOICE on
18 march when HH Bhakti Caru swami Maharaj, an intimate
disciple of Srila Prabhupada, world renowned for making
AbhayCaran movies, famous for singing melodious kirtans, for
establishing the new Ujjain temple project, & translating all
Prabhupada books to Bengali blessed all the devotees by his
personal presence.
Maharaja gave a Prerana lecture on “Role of Youth of India
in re-establishing the spiritual culture” in which he said, ―We are
all after western culture due to the material advancement, but we
are spirit souls. Without Soul, body cannot work. So science of
soul is very important to be studied. We have driven away the British,
but still why should we carry on their culture? Today the world is in a precarious situation with leaders of the
nations not knowing the purpose of life. So, India can and has the responsibility to teach them before everything
gets destroyed by foolish people. The future of India is youth. So, Youth has to take to the process of Krsna
consciousness and preach it all over the world for peace among nations.‖ After many striking questions and
answers and magnetic kirtans of Maharaja that evening, he had given morning class the next day about the mission
of Srila Prabhupada. He said ―If one person in his old age could do so much, what amazing things all the youth
can do. During Q&A he said ―…the IIT graduates should not go to US for sense gratification, but for preaching
about Lord Krishna‖. –Bh Dhikshith, IIT KGP

SANKALPA camp FOR SRM[Chennai] Students at ISKCON Tirupati

Preaching has started in full swing at SRM College at Chennai, the same college where
HG RadheShyam Pr did his graduation. Devotees conducted the DYS Course in the college
campus itself. Around 75 students attended DYS 1st session and from 2nd session onwards, 33
boys regularly attended the sessions.
The students showed a very positive response to VOICE activities. 25 boys took part in
the SANKALPA camp under the shelter of ‗Sri Sri Radha Govinda Mandir‘, ISKCON Tirupati
conducted by Vishal Kaushal Pr. Boys were thrilled by the magnificent temple, spiritually
surcharged atmosphere & captivating darshan of Sri Sri Radha Govinda.
On the first day of camp, boys were introduced to chanting and Mantra Meditation Circles. And to our
amazement, all the 25 boys attended the Mangal Arti on next day of camp at 4.15 am! While coming back from
Tirupati, some boys expressed that they are feeling as if they are going away from their home. A topper from 3rd
year, Suwigya Rathode said, ―Even after having everything, life was tasteless. But now VOICE has
added salt in my life. I found the singing of Hare Krishna very magnetic & I am eager to help
VOICE in spreading this invaluable message‖. Mrs. Anuradha Parakkat (Head of Students
Mentoring) and Mr. Ravindar Sir (Students counsellor) are very happy with VOICE programs and
they have requested VOICE to conduct at least one program every month. –Bh Vijay, SRM
Unique guest and unique venue for SPHURTI Camp @ Shantipur Dham
The devotees of Shantipur Dham VOICE are experts in excavating new venues for arranging various
picnics and camps. Continuing this trend, SPHURTI Camp-09 was held at spiritually surcharged atmosphere of
―Dakshina Vrindavan‖ Udupi with 31 participants.
HG Shyamananda Pr, who is famous for his witty yet logical &
philosophical presentations, arrived at Udupi on the same day as our
camp. Radheshyam Pr became jubilant and invited Shyamananda Pr to
conduct our whole camp. But we were fortunate to hear only one lecture
from him, on the theme "Don‘t try to see God but serve Him in such a
way that he wants to see you"
HG RadheShyam pr spoke
on ―Who is your hero and why?‖
in which he explained that all the
opulences like beauty, strength,
fame etc. originate from Krishna & pervertedly reflected in the fallible
dying heroes in the material world. He went on to establish based on logic,
reason and scriptures how Krishna is the Supreme Personality of
Godhead. Although the topic of Krishna & demigods is a sensitive one, he beautifully conveyed the vital concepts
relating to this topic through group work and prizes.
Devotees presented and performed beautiful dramas on ―Cobbler and the brahman‖ and
― Mind your mind‖. HG RadheShyam Pr specifically appreciated the costumes used in Cobbler
and Brahman drama, and the powerful teachings conveyed by Narada muni & the cobbler.
―Mind your mind‖ enacted by Gokul becoming a mind of Bholabhala student Pranjal conveyed
very important lessons for a modern day student. This drama touched the hearts of students
portraying self destructive habits that the boys pick up due to bad company and the benefits of
taking up to devotional service.
HG RadheShyam Pr appreciated the arrangements which were coordinated by Bh Chandrashekar and Bh
Pranjal; enthusiastic participation & brilliant performance of the participants. -Bh Gokul, NITK

Preaching adventure at SYMBIOSIS College, Pune

The devotees of the Lord are ready to undergo any sacrifice happily to serve Him. Proving this statement a
team of devotees headed by Bh. Amarjit ventured to carry out book distribution at Symbiosis management, Lavale
located at a hill top in the outskirts of Pune under the instruction of HG RadheShyam Pr. They had ventured to carry
out book distribution in the hostel located within the campus of the Institute. The preaching at this particular campus
started in August 2008.
Being the highly intellectual and managerial crowd, to distribute each book requires a monumental effort. The
devotees could finally distribute around 20 DYS and 15 Spiritual Scientist books. Subsequently DYS sessions started
in which around 10 students on an average were observed. On Jan 11, 2009 there was a separate session on ―Yoga for
Modern Age‖ by Bh Amarjit where in chanting of the Hare Krishna Maha Mantra was introduced.
By the help of Bh. Raghav & Bh. Anand, devotees were able to successfully organize a seminar by HG
Drutakarma Pr (Dr Michel Cremo) on the topic "Human Devolution - A Vedic alternative for Darwin's theory‖, on
15th March. Thanks to the hardships taken by the team of devotees Bh. Arpit, Bh. Sreenath, Bh. Gaurav, Bh.
Chandresh & Bh Amarjit who played a major role in the preaching adventure in this college.
"Great effort for professional to pursue spiritual education. I appreciate sincerity of all the VOICE members"
said a 1st year student Purnendu, Symbiosis Telecom Management in ‗Yoga for Modern Age‘ session.
Issue 22 Apr’09

Clients of Corporate VOICE

1. Alcon Home Solutions (Regular DYS program) 2. Cognizant Technology System (one-time program)
3. Concentric Pumps (one-time program) 4. Crest Premedia Solutions (one-time program)
5. Finolex Groups (one-time program) 6. Forbes Marshall (one-time program)
7. Hotel Aurora Towers (one-time program) 8. Hotel Sagar Plaza (one-time program)
9. Hotel Sun ‘n’ Sand (one-time program) 10. HSBC (one-time program)
11. IDEA Cellular Ltd (one-time program) 12. Infosys (Regular Positive Thinker program)
12. L&T Infotech (Regular Positive Thinker program) 13. Poona Hoteliers’ Association (one-time program)
14. Ruby Hall Clinic (one-time program) 15. Synerzip (Regular Positive Thinker program)
16. Tech Mahindra (Regular DYS, Positive Thinker, Self Manager & Proactive Leader program)
17. The Garden House (one-time program) 18. The Pride Hotel (one-time program)
19. Xpanxion (one-time program) 20. Zensar Technologies (one-time program)
21. Symantec (New DYS program) 22. Serum Institute (one-time program)
23. PYC Gymkhana (one-time program) 24. Schnectady Elantas Beck India (one-time program)


In order to provide better facilities for the devotees as well as

to make the VOICE more attractive to the new students, MAYAPUR
VOICE at Pune has undergone a major renovation. In the initial
phase of the construction Krishna tested the faith of the devotees via
objections from neighbors and huge management load. But due to the
able guidance of HG Ram Priya Pr, HG SundarCaitanya Pr & the
dedication of VOICE devotees, soon Krishna's mercy smoothened the
road to the completion of the temple hall which incorporated the
features like - much bigger and well ventilated room in front of the
altar for japa and Bhagvatam classes , a well organized Prabhupada
books library, Srila Prabhupada Vyasasan, spacious Deity kitchen
and a detailed notice board which -Bh Munish, Mayapur VOICE

Preaching at Vrindavan YOGA

One time program for 1st yr students at SIT Kondhawa, which is at a stone’s throw from NVCC was
conducted by HG RamPriya Pr on “Power of Habits”. Nearly 140 students attended this grand program.
Book distribution: Immediately after one time program all devotees from Vrindavan YOGA in association of
Pranav Pr under the guidance of HG Mukundlila Pr and Vijay Pr went for book distribution in the boys’ hostel.
Around 50 students got registered for DYS sessions.
DYS Sessions: Students were scattered in different areas near the college. So, groups were made to conduct DYS
sessions. 4 DYS sessions were conducted by devotees like HG MukundaLila Pr, Vijay Pr & HG DasGadadar Pr.
Mantra Meditation Circles: Chanting was introduced in 4th session & MMCs were started. Vrindavan YOGA
devotees-HG Suddchitt Pr, Bh. Abhijeet, Bh. Luna, Bh. Chetan, Bh. Santosh took active part in this preaching.
–Bh SandeepGera

Come to our temple…we will take care

This Krsna consciousness temple is the hospital
for the diseased spirit soul. And everyone is
diseased. Come to this hospital. We shall take
care of you and cure your material disease.
First Youth Center for Medical Students
HG Keshavanand Pr and HG PremPrayojan Pr pioneered the newly started BJ Medical Youth Centre. This
is the first ever Youth Centre of medical Students in Pune who are the future devotee-doctors. Under creative
mentorship of HG RevatiPati Pr -- HG Premprayojan Pr, Bh. Gyan Prakash, Bh. Vivek, Bh. Taranath & Bh.
Yogesh arranged all the paraphernalia required for the Altar set up. They arranged the preaching material for the
BJ Medical Youth Center and decorated the VOICE with nice posters to make it look more spiritually attractive.
About 8 students are attending Morning program daily. Various Camps were arranged for them like Sanklapa and
Sphurti and Temple Morning Programs. Seeing their enthusiasm the 1st year students have also been inspired by
attending the DYS course and now undergoing the MMC sessions every single day. –Bh Amit More

TAPAS SAPAT @ Sri RangaKshetraDham VOICE

TAPAS SAPAT festival is the festival celebrated by every VOICE to express their
gratitude to the passing out devotees. This festival was held on the 4th April for the
passing out devotees of NIT Warangal VOICE. Five devotees are passing out this
year - Kshitish Pr, Rahul Pr, Varun Pr, Kiran Pr and Aditya Pr. In a heart-to-heart
session the devotees spoke about each of the passing out devotees. They expressed
their gratitude for them and mentioned as to how they would be missing them.
The passing out devotees also poured their hearts out recollecting their stay in
VOICE. Kiran Pr advised not to find faults in others, it will be stumbling blocks in
our devotional service. HG Sundarshyam Pr said about Kshitish Pr that he has never
seen any devotee so strongly fixed up in his sadhana despite health problems. He also mentioned about unique
devotional qualities in each of them. – Bh Amit, SRKD

Chitra, Visakha and Gaura Bhakta Vrinda Camps held at Pune

Srimad Bhagavatam by HG DhrutaKarma Pr was the highlight of the Gaurbhaktavrinda camp which
was held at Naveen Marathi School in Pune on 15th March’09. He spoke on the topic of Science & Spirituality. He
quoted Prabupada “…if one is doing service of the Lord by Scientific Preaching then that is also another kind of
kirtan”. After this class there were separate classes for the all the Vrinda devotees. HG SriGurucharan Pr conducted
the Vishakha Vrinda camp, HG Ramanand Pr conducted the Chitra
vrinda camp on the theme “Prayers of Prahalad Maharaj” in which he
said, “Prayer is an act by which we lift up our mind & heart to Lord &
Lord becomes happy if we spend our free time with Him to express our
strong desire to render loving devotional service”.
HG BalaGovinda Pr took class for the Gaura-Bhakta-
Vrinda devotees on the topic “Broadmindedness v/s Loyalty”, i.e.
respecting the beliefs & practices of others & at the same time being
loyal to our paramapara & practice of the Krishna Consciousness. The
session was very interactive with lot of humors & pastimes. He told the
glories of our own parampara – “Vyasdev, the author of
all the vedic literature belongs to our parampara. Brahma
the original creator is also in our parampara”. After
hearing the lecture all devotees felt very fortunate &
grateful to be part of the glorious Brahma Madhva
Gaudiya parampara. The camp ended with tumultuous
kirtan. HG SundaraChaitanya Pr & team of ICFC
devotees were instrumenal in making this camp a
successful event. - Bh Tushar, GGD VOICE
S h r e s h t h a - B h A n k ur V a r s h n e y

NameHG : Bh. Ankur Varshney

About Ankur Pr : Ankur Varshney Pr is one of the dynamic devotees at Bhishma YOGA,
Bangalore introduced to Krishna Consciousness at IIT KGP VOICE.
Academic background : Did his B .Tech from IIT KG P, school topper in 10 and 12th,
scholarship in X and XII from school, among 10% of State as discerned by PTA (Physics
Teachers Association), changed department from Mining to Mechanical in IIT owing to
excellent performance.
Talents: preaching, one time seminars, instruments playing mridanga & singing.
Major Services rendered: Preaching in IIT KGP, Preaching in NIT J, Preaching in IIM Bangalore, Sankalpa Camp Management

Interests: Reading and hearing Krishna katha, sharing Krishna katha, management, assisting in preaching.
Q. How were you introduced to Krsna Consciousness?
Ankur Pr: I was fortunate to be introduced to Krsna Consciousness in the very first year of my engineering in IIT KGP. It was
HG AntarDwip Pr and HG Mukund Lila Pr who initially gave me the “Discover Yourself” book and groomed my KC initially.
HG Vraja Basi pr’s “eye opening” lectures, his sweet and deep kirtans and HG Acharya Ratna’s pr unassuming personality with
lots of his love attracted me to the association of devotees in KrishnaGatiPur Voice. Finally HG Sri Guru Charan Pr’s
meticulous care and guidance enabled me to grow in my KC.
Q. How did V O I C E training help you in life?
Ankur Pr: I am very grateful to HG Radheshyam Pr who brought a real spiritual revolution in my life through the system of
VOICE. VOICE is like a modern Gurukul where I got opportunity to understand what is of real value in life, what is the goal of
life! VOICE stay helped me to live a pure life of spiritual principles. It helped me to realize my dream of being a “social
reformer” by giving opportunity to assist in preaching services. In fact I see that it was because of training of VOICE that I can
face all the various challenges and different situations be it in my spiritual life or my life as a corporate.
Q. What is your inspiration in Krishna Consciousness?
Ankur Pr: First of all the devotees are our real well wishers. The warmth in the association of devotees is what inspires me so
much that how devotees are completely selfless and dedicated in the supreme interest of everyone. At the same time the to see
the missionary life of our Srila Prabhupada and previous acaryas and the senior devotees in the movement, brings out a feeling
of surrendering my life to this path. HH Radhanath Maharaja’s lectures help me even at the time when my spirits are low, they
enthuse me with a hope of KC.
Q. W hat is your message for all the V O IC E devotees?
Ankur Pr: Haribol! Dear prabhus – please take this opportunity very Quiz – Apr 2009
seriously! The love, care, training, opportunity to engage our talents in 1. Who is the author of the book “Forbidden
Krishna’s service and the guidance of pure spiritual leaders which we Archeology”?
get in VOICE, is not available elsewhere. It is so amazing that just as 2. One who is the master of his _______, is called
when there is a epidemic doctor himself comes to patient, similarly in gosvami.
3. How does an intelligent person gathers
this age where there is dearth of any moral or spiritual values among
experience ? By Seeing, Hearing, Experiencing
youth, VOICE as a spiritual doctor has come right to our Colleges, to 4. Who is the spiritual master of Gadadar Pandit?
help us cure our insidious spiritual amnesia. The most important 5. What is spread all over the body?
aspect of stay at VOICE is to be truthful and honest to the senior 6. Which of the following is accepted as the
devotees who are guiding us just like a patient has to be honest in Supreme? Energy, Energetic, Energizer
seeking help from the doctor. Thank you Ankur Pr 7. The chariot on which Arjuna and Krishna were
seated was donated by ?
8. Who is the author of the book “Servant of the
Editorial Board 9. What are the names of Dhruva Maharaj’s
HG Radheshyam Das, M.Tech, IIT Bombay, Director-VOICE mother and step mother?
HG Chaitanya Charan Das, B.E, COEP, Pune 10. Yamuna is daughter of ________?
Please mail your answers to
Sudhir, Anurag, Sandeep, Sri Ram, Tushar, Aditya, before 30th Apr 09.
Hari Chaitanya, Pranav
The winners will be given special prize along
Vedic Oasis for Inspiration Culture and Education with the release of next News letter
4-Tarapore Road, near Dastur Boys School, Camp Pune01
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