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Source: Intersubband Transitions in Quantum Structures


Quantum Cascade Lasers:

Overview of Basic Principles of
Operation and State of the Art

Carlo Sirtori
Matériaux et Phénomènes Quantique
Université Paris 7, 75251 Paris, France;
THALES Research & Technology
91767 Palaiseau cede, France

Roland Teissier
CEM2, Université de Montpellier 2
34095 Montpellier, France

1.1 Introduction

1.1.1 Historical introduction

Before the invention of the diode laser, a semiconductor laser based
on transitions between Landau levels in a strong magnetic field was
proposed by Lax in 1960. This is the first proposal of a semiconductor
laser in which the optical transition occurs between low dimensional
states of the same band (conduction or valence) rather than by the re-
combination of electron-hole pairs across the semiconductor bandgap.
The idea of a unipolar laser was then ignored for many years since
only 2 years after the proposal of Lax the first diode laser was demon-
strated (Hall et al. 1962). This exploit drew all the attention of the
semiconductor community on bandgap lasers and began the race for the
first diode laser continuous-wave (cw) operation at room temperature.
The race ended in 1970 when the first AlGaAs/GaAs heterostructure
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Quantum Cascade Lasers: Overview of Basic Principles of Operation and State of the Art

2 Chapter One

laser in cw operation at room temperature was achieved at nearly the

same time by Alferov’s group at the Ioffe Institute in St. Petersburg
(Alferov et al. 1970) and by Panish et al. (1970) at Bell Labs (Murray
Hill, NJ).
The effort to improve the performance of diode lasers and the
development of the transistor technology in III-V compounds had an
enormous impact on the epitaxial techniques for the growth of thin
semiconductor layers and gave rise to the concept of two-dimensional
structures such as quantum wells and inversion layers (Cho 1994). In
fact, also in 1970, while the diode lasers reached technological maturity,
Esaki and Tsu published their seminal paper presenting the concepts
of a superlattice (Esaki and Tsu 1970). One year after, Kazarinov and
Suris (1971), two scientists also from the Ioffe Institute, suggested that
optical gain could be obtained by using transitions between two-
dimensional states in a superlattice biased by an external electric field.
This structure, very innovative with respect to the other semiconductor
lasers, introduced the concept of a unipolar device in which the optical
transitions could be completely engineered by the judicious choice of the
thickness of well and barrier materials, regardless of their energy gap.
Years later, after the demonstration of the first quantum cascade (QC)
lasers, at a conference Capasso proudly declared, “The QC lasers make
us finally free from the bandgap slavery.”
It is hard to say if the Kazarinov and Suris structure could really
show optical gain, and most likely it is not so for two main reasons.
The first is related to the lack of reservoirs of electrons that inject
carriers in each active region of the cascade. Without the reservoir it is
necessary to bring electrons from the contacts, which makes the
structure electrically unstable due to the formation of space charge
domains. The second reason, more subtle, comes from the lack of a
region where high-energy electrons can be accumulated without
backfilling, by thermal effect, the ground state of the laser transition.
In other words, the structure proposed by Kazarinov and Suris was
lacking the injector, which today is thought to be an essential part of a
quantum cascade laser.
For more than 15 years after the first proposal no real progress was
made toward the realization of a unipolar laser. At the end of the 1980s,
and beginning of the 1990s, researchers working on resonant tunneling
reawakened the subject (Liu 1988, Henderson 1993). In the span of a
few years, several proposals appeared on how to achieve population
inversion by using intersubband transitions in superlattices or in
coupled quantum wells, but none was implemented into a real laser
In 1988, Capasso at Bell Labs was also working on resonant tunnel-
ing, and that year he published a review paper in which he proposed a

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Quantum Cascade Lasers: Overview of Basic Principles of Operation and State of the Art

Quantum Cascade Lasers 3

unipolar laser based on a superlattice structure (Capasso et al. 1986).

As a matter of fact, he really began to work on light interaction with
intersubband transitions only in the 1990s, when Sirtori joined his
group to study the linear and nonlinear optical properties of these
transitions (Sirtori et al. 2000). The laser project really gained mo-
mentum one year later when Faist joined the group of Capasso. A little
more than 2 years after his arrival, on January 14, 1994, for the first
time Jerome Faist observed laser action from an electrically injected
intersubband laser at 4.3-ȝm wavelength: The quantum cascade laser
was born. The main results were published a couple of months later in
Science (Faist et al. 1994). It is interesting to note that in the mid-
infrared regime (3 “m < Ȝ < 15 ȝm) the demonstration of a laser
practically anticipated the observation of electroluminescence. This is
related to the intrinsic difficulty of observing spontaneous emission
from an electron on an excited subband which has a radiative efficiency
close to 10í5!
In a few years after the first demonstration, the performance of the
quantum cascade laser dramatically improved: In 1996, above-room-
temperature operation in pulsed mode was achieved, and the long-
wavelength range was extended already to 11 ȝm (Faist et al. 1996,
Sirtori et al. 1996). Today quantum cascade lasers in the range of 4- to
10-“m wavelength operate routinely continuous-wave at room
temperature with hundreds of milliwatts of optical power (Bewley
2005). At low temperature, the concepts of quantum cascade lasers have
been extended into the terahertz region and the whole wavelength
range where lasers have demonstrated spans at present from 3.5 to
150 ȝm (Faist et al. 1998).
Between the first QC laser demonstration and the present, several
contributions were made by many different groups. Before concluding
this historical introduction, we mention some of what we believe are the
breakthroughs that played a major role in this field. In chronological
order, in 1998 a quantum cascade laser in a GaAs-based heterostructure
was demonstrated at the Thomson (today Thales) Laboratories (Sirtori
et al. 1998); in 2002, terahertz QC lasers were realized at the Scuola
Normale Superiore of Pisa, and during the same year the University
of Neuchâtel demonstrated the first laser operating in cw at room
temperature (Köhler et al. 2002, Beck 2002); and in 2004
room-temperature high-power devices were developed (Evans et al.
2004a, b).
At present there remain several scientific challenges in the field of
QC lasers: devices with short wavelength (Ȝ < 3 “m), where the devel-
opment of less conventional heterostructures is needed (GaN- or Sb-
based materials); the use of one-dimensional or zero-dimensional
structures for the realization of QC lasers based on quantum wires or

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Quantum Cascade Lasers: Overview of Basic Principles of Operation and State of the Art

4 Chapter One

dots; the improvement of the wall plug efficiency and the comprehen-
sion of the gain saturation that limits the peak output power.
That said, we are also convinced that the main challenge for this field
lies in the development of real-world applications and the
establishment of a commercial market.

1.1.2 Quantum engineering

In the last century, the work of engineers dealing with condensed
matter, such as for electronics, for optoelectronics, and in general for
material science, was in great part related to the manipulation of the
material properties directly descendent from the chemistry of the
principal constituents. Quantum engineering (Fig. 1.1) does not play
with the chemical bonds between atoms as has been done until recently
to discover and produce new and advanced materials. Rather, quantum
engineering explores the possibility of controlling the material proper-
ties by defining the size and the spatial distribution of the constituents
at the nanolevel independently of their chemical nature. The final
characteristics of this new class of materials come directly from the re-
definition of topological properties at the atomic level and can be ap-
plied with the same results on different combinations of materials. In
this respect nanotechnologies are a direct emanation of the quantum
engineering. The quantum cascade laser is an excellent example of
how quantum engineering can be used to conceive efficient devices
and emitters in the mid-infrared (mid-ir). In these devices the princi-

Quantum Engineering
1800 1900 2000

Mechanics Understanding Realization of new

(Newton Eqs.) of the phenomena systems (engineering)

Electricity Understanding Realization of new

(Maxwell Eqs.) of the phenomena systems (engineering)

Quantum mechanics Understanding Realization of new

(Schrödinger Eqs.) of the phenomena systems (engineering)

Condensed matter, chemistry, photonics, . . .

Figure 1.1 Quantum engineering is a consequence of our time. The rules of quantum
mechanics are today sufficiently well known and verified so as to start a new engineering
that develops devices based on Schrödinger equation. A similar scheme can be observed,
by looking back through the centuries, in mechanics and electronics.

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Quantum Cascade Lasers: Overview of Basic Principles of Operation and State of the Art

Quantum Cascade Lasers 5

ples of operation are not based on the physical properties of the con-
stituent materials, but arise from the layer sequence forming the
Quantum engineering associated with the recent progress of the
epitaxial growth techniques allows one to ascribe within a
semiconductor crystal artificial potentials with the desired electronic
energy levels and wave functions. This approach is the basis for
modifying, in a unique way, the optical and transport properties of
semiconductors, opening avenues to artificial materials and the
creation of useful devices. A remarkable illustration of this concept is
the QC terahertz laser, in which by judiciously introducing less than
2% of Al atoms into a GaAs crystal we transform a piece of bulk
semiconductor into a performing far-infrared laser!
Another crucial aspect of QC lasers, related to the quantum
engineering, is that the fundamental principles of this device are
essentially independent of the specific semiconductor system used. As
of today, QC lasers have been demonstrated using basically three
material systems: GaInAs/AlInAs//InP, which is the original system
and the one that still gives the best performance for lasers in the mid-
infrared range; GaAs/AlGaAs//GaAs, which is the material system for
the terahertz laser; and AlSb/InAs//InAs (or //GaSb), which is the most
recently exploited and whose very high conduction band discontinuity
gives hope for short-wavelength QC lasers. Interestingly, in these
three material systems, QC lasers have been fabricated, for instance,
at 10 “m, confirming that the emission wavelength is totally
independent of a particular transition intrinsic to the compounds
material. This is unique, and no other laser, semiconductor or not, has
this property.

1.1.3 Organization of the chapter

After the introduction in Sec 1.1 of the history of the quantum
cascade laser and presentation of the scientific context in which this
research is situated, the chapter has three main parts and a brief
In Sec. 1.2 we recall the fundamentals of quantum cascade lasers.
First we describe the main properties of a QC laser and its differences
from diode lasers. Then in Sec. 1.2.2 we describe the rules that have to
be respected to obtain population inversion between two subbands of
the same band, and in Sec. 1.2.3 we give a description of the optical gain
based on a simple rate equations model.
In Sec. 1.3 we review the state-of-the-art of QC lasers and emphasize
some of the best results. We then present lasers at short and very
long wavelengths of the spectral range and finally give an overview

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Quantum Cascade Lasers: Overview of Basic Principles of Operation and State of the Art

6 Chapter One

of the material systems in which QC lasers have been fabricated up

to now.
The physical parameters relevant for the design and control of
perfomance, such as conduction band discontinuity and electronic
effective mass, are discussed in Sec. 1.4. In Sec. 1.4.5 we also give a
basic description of the waveguides used for QC lasers.

1.2 Fundamental Principles of

Quantum Cascade Lasers

1.2.1 Unipolarity and cascading

Semiconductor diode lasers, including quantum well lasers, rely on
transitions between energy bands in which conduction electrons
and valence band holes are injected into the active layer through a
forward-biased p-n junction and radiatively recombine across the
material bandgap (Yariv 1989). The latter essentially determines the
emission wavelength. In addition, because the electron and hole popu-
lations are broadly distributed in the conduction and valence bands
according to Fermi’s statistics, the resulting gain spectrum is quite
broad and its width is on the order of the thermal energy.
The unipolar intersubband laser or QC laser differs in many
fundamental ways from diode lasers. All the differences are conse-
quences of two main features which are unique to quantum cascade
lasers and distinguish them from conventional semiconductor light
emitters: unipolarity (electrons only) and a cascading scheme (electron
recycling). These two features, shown schematically in Fig. 1.2, are


optical transition more photons
between subbands per electon


Figure 1.2 Schematic representation of two features that characterize a quantum

cascade laser. Note that intersubband transitions can be observed also for holes, and
therefore QC lasers are also conceivable in the valence band, for instance, using SiGe
quantum wells.

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Quantum Cascade Lasers: Overview of Basic Principles of Operation and State of the Art

Quantum Cascade Lasers 7

independent and can be used separately, as has been demonstrated

experimentally. In 1997 Garcia et al. demonstrated a cascade interband
laser at ~830 nm, whereas Gmachl et al. in 1998 demonstrated an
intersubband laser without a cascade scheme.
The unipolarity in QC lasers is a consequence of the optical
transitions that occur between conduction band states (subbands)
arising from size quantization in quantum wells. These transitions are
commonly denoted as intersubband transitions. Their initial and final
states are in the conduction band and therefore have the same
curvature in the reciprocal space. If one neglects nonparabolicity, the
joint density of states is very sharp, similar to the case of atomic
transitions. In contrast to interband transitions, the gain linewidth is
now only indirectly dependent on temperature through collision
processes and many body effects. Moreover, for these devices the
emission wavelength is not dependent on the bandgap of constituent
materials, but can be tuned by tailoring the layer thickness. The highest
achievable photon energy is ultimately set by the constituent
conduction band discontinuity, while on the long-wavelength side there
are no fundamental limits preventing the fabrication of QC devices
emitting in the far infrared.
The other fundamental feature of QC lasers is the multistage cascade
scheme, whereby electrons are recycled from period to period, contrib-
uting each time to the gain and the photon emission. Thus each electron
injected above threshold can generate, in principle, Np laser photons,
where Np is the number of stages. This leads to a quantum efficiency
Șq » 1 and therefore very high optical output power, since both quan-
tities are proportional to Np.

1.2.2 Rules to get intersubband population

In a QC laser, one period of the active zone can be approximated to a
three-level system, as shown in Fig. 1.3. The role of the injector region
is to transport electrons from level e1 to level e3 of the next period. In-
tersubband gain arises from a population inversion between levels e3
and e2. An important parameter for QC laser operation is the injec-
tion efficiency Și. It is defined as the ratio of the current injected in
level e3 to the total current
Și = (1.1)

In the ideal case Și = 1. Deviations from this value can be due either to
thermal activation from the injector to continuum or highly excited

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8 Chapter One

3 τ3

Injector 2


Figure 1.3 Schematic representation of one active region of a QC laser.

states, or to direct injection of electrons from the injector to the lower

states e2 and e1. The first mechanism can be avoided by a proper design
of the active zone and by the use of higher energy barriers. The second
mechanism can be reduced by the use of a narrow quantum well after
the injection barrier that enhances the injector coupling with e3, but
lowers the coupling with e2 and e1.
If IJ3 is the total lifetime of electrons in level e3, the steady-state
electron sheet density in this level is given by
Și J
n3 = IJ (1.2)
e 3

If one assumes that level e2 is populated only through the direct scat-
tering of electrons from level e3, the electron density in e2 is simply
given by
n2 = n3 (1.3)

where IJ32 is the mean scattering time from e3 to e2 and IJ2 the lifetime of
electrons in e2. In this picture, the population inversion reads
Și J IJ2
n3 í n2 =
e 3 (
IJ 1í
IJ32 ) (1.4)

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Quantum Cascade Lasers 9

In the most unfavorable case in which all the electrons flow sequentially
from e3 to e2 (equivalent to saying that IJ3 = IJ32), n2 has its maximum
IJ 2Ș i J
n2 = (1.5)

Și J
n3 í n2 =
(IJ3 í IJ2) (1.6)

If the condition IJ3 > IJ2 is satisfied, population inversion and optical

gain are achieved for any current density. A typical way to achieve
shorter IJ2 is to use the three-level scheme with the e2 to e1 transition
resonant with the LO phonon energy. This is a remarkable feature of
QC lasers (QCLs): There is no threshold for population inversion,
and gain is present from the first flowing electron. As a result, the
laser threshold current density is directly proportional to the optical
cavity losses and not related to a transparency condition.
Hence, a main issue for achieving a low-threshold QCL is to
reduce optical losses, both by fabricating low-loss waveguides and by
using long devices (2 to 4 mm) to reduce the contribution of mirror

1.2.3 Rate equations

The exact determination of the steady-state populations in the two
states e2 and e3 involved in the intersubband optical transition is, in
general, not straightforward. It results from the quasi-equilibrium dis-
tribution of the total electron population in the active zone, involving
different intersubband scattering mechanisms. These include direct
scattering from the previous injector across the injection barrier, or
backscattering of hot or low-energy electrons from the next injector. The
contribution of thermalized electrons to the population of e2 is known
as the thermal backfilling effect.
Backfilling can be avoided by proper design of the injector, giving a
large enough energy ǻ (Fig. 1.4) between level e2 and the lower state of
the injector. This energy is strongly dependent on the applied electric
field, and in that respect, the field necessary to achieve injector
alignment to e3 is a critical parameter.
Beyond the simple description presented above, the phenomena that
govern the population inversion in a more realistic QC laser structure
are complex. Different approaches based on the rate-equation approxi-
mation that include a description of various scattering mechanisms

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10 Chapter One


Energy (meV)



0 200 400 600 800
Z (Å)
Figure 1.4 Schematic conduction band diagram of a portion of the laser heterostructure
at threshold bias. The wavy lines indicate the moduli squared of the calculated wave
functions. Indicated also is ǻ, the energy that separates the ground state of the laser
transition from the lower state of the injector.

between all quantum levels of the active zone have shown fair agree-
ment with experimental characteristics, such as current-voltage curves
(Donovan et al. 2001). However, not all scattering mechanisms are
included in these calculations, and typically electron-electron inter-
action and interface roughness scattering are not taken into account.
Another approach is a nonequilibrium Green’s function theory (Lee
and Wacker 2002). It allows all the important scattering mechanisms
to be included and accesses the current-voltage characteristics and gain
spectra of QCLs. Its advantage over semiclassical rate equation
approaches is clear for long-wavelength QCLs (terahertz), where the
extension of the wave functions is easily beyond the coherence length
of a quantum state in a semiconductor.

1.2.4 Gain derivation

To derive the gain of a quantum cascade active region, first we focus on
the determination of the intersubband transition probabilities induced
by the presence of an incident electromagnetic wave.
We consider a linearly polarized electromagnetic plane wave with an
electric field E = E0İ cos(Ȧt – q·r) of polarization İ, pulsation Ȧ, and
propagation vector q. In a semiconductor material of refractive index
n, we have q = nȦ/c. The vector potential A associated with this incident
electromagnetic wave is given by the relation E = – ˜A/˜t and reads

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Quantum Cascade Lasers 11

E0 ( ) ( )
A = í İ (e i Ȧ t í q썉r í e í i Ȧ t í q썉r ) (1.7)

The action of this incident wave on the electron eigenstates of the het-
erostructure is given by the time-dependent hamiltonian H, written by
using the dipolar approximation and the effective mass description
(Bastard 1988) as
H= í A 썉 p = V (e iȦt í e í iȦt ) (1.8)

where e is the electron charge, m* is the effective mass in the quantum

well material, and
V= İ썉p (1.9)
2m* Ȧ

Under the action of this perturbation hamiltonian, the probability per

unit time that an electron makes a transition from the initial state
| i of energy Ei to the final state | f of energy Ef is given by the
Fermi golden rule:

Wif ( ല Ȧ ) = | f | V | i |2 į ( E f í Ei ± ല Ȧ ) (1.10)

Using the momentum matrix element, we have
2 2
2 ʌ e E0
Wif ( ല Ȧ ) = | f | İ 썉 p | i |2 į ( Ef í Ei ± ല Ȧ) (1.11)
ല 4m* 2Ȧ2

The – ƫȦ term is associated to the first component of A and corresponds

to the absorption of an incident photon ( Ef = Ei + ലȦ), whereas the
+ ƫȦ term is associated to the second component of A and corresponds
to the stimulated emission of a photon ( Ef = Ei ෹ ലȦ).
In the effective mass approximation, the wave functions of the
heterostructure states are in the form

ȥi (r) = uȣ i f i (r)
1 ik 쌩 i 썉r쌩 (1.12)
f i ( r) = e Ȥi ( z )

where uȣ i is the periodic part of the Bloch function, k쌩i and r쌩 are the
two-dimensional wave and position vectors in the plane of the layers
of area S, and Ȥi(z) is the envelope function, which describes the

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12 Chapter One

extension of the electron state in the direction perpendicular to the

heterostructure layers.
For intersubband transitions, the initial and final states origi-
nate from the same band ( uȣi = uȣ f ). In this case, the matrix ele-
ment of Eq. 1.11 simplifies to the matrix element of the envelope

f | İ 썉p |i = f f | İ 썉 p | fi
= Ȥ f | Ȥi
S œd x d y e í i k 쌩 f 썉r쌩
(İ x p x + İ y p y ) e i k 쌩 i 썉r쌩

+ į ( k 쌩 f í k 쌩 i )İ z Ȥ f | p z | Ȥ i
Since the envelope functions are orthogonal, the term Ȥ f | Ȥi is null if
the final subband is different from the initial one. Consequently, the
transition rate from state |i to state | f is given by
2 2
2ʌ e E0 2
Wif (ലȦ) = İ | Ȥf | p z | Ȥ i | |2
ല 4m ෾2Ȧ2 z (1.14)
× į(k 쌩 f í k 쌩i )į( Ef í Ei ± ലȦ)

Alternatively, we can choose to express the matrix element in the

r representation, which is a much more common notation. In this
case, the transition rate is written using the z dipole moment matrix
element and reads
2 2
2ʌ e E0 2
Wif (ലȦ) = İ z | Ȥ f | z | Ȥi |2
ല 4 (1.15)
× į(k쌩f í k쌩i )į( Ef í Ei ± ലȦ)

Equations 1.14 and 1.15 contain several important pieces of physical

information about intersubband transitions:

The optical transitions occur only when the electric field is parallel to
the direction of growth z. In fact, only the İz component of the
polarization is left in the expressions of the transition rates. This has
the immediate consequence that no transitions are possible if the light
propagates perpendicular to the sample surface. This is the well-
known intersubband polarization selection rule, which is very well
observed experimentally.

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Quantum Cascade Lasers 13

The optical transitions are vertical in k-space (k쌩f = k쌩i) and, in the
parabolic band approximation, the transition energy Eif = Ei í Ef
and the transition rate Wif do not depend on the in-plane wave vector.

The matrix element depends exclusively on the envelope functions
and can be tailored by designing the shape of the wave functions in
coupled well structures.

In summary, Wif is the general transition rate of an electron from sub-

band i to subband f independent of its two-dimensional nature.
In reality, the subbands have a finite width that can be accounted for
by replacing the delta function for energy conservation by a lorentzian
function of half width at half maximum Ȗ:

ʌe 2 E02 | zif |2 Ȗ/ʌ

Wif ( ലȦ) = (1.16)
2ല ( Ei f í ലȦ)2 + Ȗ2

As far as QC lasers are concerned, the relevant quantity is the maxi-

mum stimulated emission rate, obtained for ƫȦ = Eif, of

e 2 E02| zif |2
Wif max = (1.17)

Equation 1.17 is the probability of stimulated emission or absorption

of a photon per unit time and per electron present in the initial
subband, in the presence of electromagnetic radiation of pulsation
Ȧ = Eif / ല and of electric field amplitude E0 in the direction perpen-
dicular to the layers.
To derive the propagation gain of a QCL active region, one must
consider the geometry of the device (Fig. 1.5). Let us consider an
electromagnetic plane wave propagating over a width w in the plane
of a heterostructure of thickness Lp containing one QC active period
consisting of the three levels of Fig. 1.3.
The power density carried by the plane wave of amplitude E0 is given

P= İ ncE02 (1.18)
2 0
and the number of photons of energy ƫȦ crossing the structure per unit
time is
1 İ0ncE0 (1.19)
ĭ= wL p
2 ലȦ

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14 Chapter One


Propagation direction


Figure 1.5 Schematic geometry of the device used to derive the material gain. The growth
direction is z, and y is the direction of light propagation.

If ƫȦ = E32, the variation of the photon flux over a distance dy is

max max
d ĭ = W32 n3w dy í W32 n2w dy (1.20)

where n3w dy (and n2w dy) is the total number of electrons of level
e3 (and e2) in the slice of length dy. The first term corresponds to the
stimulated emission of photons due to the presence of electrons in e3,
while the second corresponds to the absorption of photons due to the
presence of electrons in e2. The propagation gain (often also referred to
as material gain) is defined as the variation of the photon flux divided
by the number of photons (definition equivalent to the absorption

dĭ / dy
G= (1.21)

By using Eqs. 1.19 and 1.20 and the intersubband transition rate
(Eq. 1.17), one gets

2e 2 z32 2Ȧ
İ0nc2ȖL p 3
(n í n2) (1.22)

With the expression of the population inversion in Eq. 1.4 and by using
the wavelength Ȝ = 2ʌc / Ȧ (in vacuum) of the propagating light, one
finally gets the usual expression of the gain of a QC laser, proportional
to the current density,
G = gJ (1.23)

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where g is the gain coefficient, defined as

4ʌe z32 2 IJ2
İ0nȜ2ȖL p (
Ș i IJ3 1 í
IJ32 ) (1.24)

A quantity commonly used in these expressions is the oscillator

strength f32 of the intersubband transition
f 32 = Z32 2

The gain coefficient can then be written as

eല 1 IJ2
g = Și f 32IJ3 1 í (1.26)
İ0cm0 2ȖnL p IJ32

In a QC laser, normally the guided optical mode extends in the z

direction outside of the active region. The gain is then reduced in the
proportion of the spatial overlap ī of the guided mode with the active

G = īg J (1.27)

Up to now, we have considered only one period. If we have an active

region composed of Np periods, each having a comparable overlap with
the optical mode, we can write ī = īpNp, and therefore
G = ī p Np g J (1.28)

which makes it evident that the gain is proportional to the number of

periods. This consideration is very well observed when ī < 50% and the
active region is centered in a flat part of the mode. To conclude, it is
interesting to note that the gain coefficient g is not proportional to the
number of periods of the active region. The gain multiplication, when
using Np periods, is canceled in Eq. 1.24 by the increase of the
thickness Lp of the active region with the same factor. As mentioned
before, the benefit of a large number of active periods comes from the
corresponding increase of the overlap factor ī with the guided optical
The gain is quite small compared to that of interband semiconductor
lasers. Threshold currents for the QC laser are higher, but much less
sensitive to T since the excited state lifetime is by nature intrinsically

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16 Chapter One

1.3 Quantum Cascade Lasers

1.3.1 Summary of present results

Today’s best performance. Since their invention in 1994, QC lasers

have reached maturity. They now are a well-established class of
optoelectronic devices that can produce coherent radiation in a wide
part of the infrared spectrum, although the best performances are ob-
tained in the 5- to 13-“m wavelength range (Evans et al. 2004a). A
remarkable feature of QCLs is their low sensitivity to temperature.
Characteristic temperatures T0 of 150 to 200 K are the standard, en-
abling high-temperature operation of the lasers; in pulsed mode a
maximum operating temperature of 450 K (180ƕC) is currently
achieved. However, wall plug efficiencies are in the range of 10% to 15%
for the best devices, and thermal power management remains an im-
portant issue to be solved.
Room-temperature pulsed operation was rapidly obtained (Faist et
al. 1996), as well as cw operation (Sirtori et al. 1996). However, the first
continuous-wave operation of a QC laser at room temperature was
reported only 8 years after its first demonstration (Beck et al. 2002).
Today, there is no doubt that in the wavelength range of 3.5 to
150 ȝm the QC laser outperforms all other semiconductor laser
technologies based on current injection. Room temperature operation
in pulsed mode has been achieved on a very wide spectral range, from
4 to 16 ȝm, and peak power on the order of 1 W is routinely obtained
(Sirtori et al. 2002, Faist et al. 2002). In the last couple of years,
continuous-wave operation above room temperature has been
demonstrated between 4.8 and 9 ȝm (Beck et al. 2002, Evans et al.
2004b). Record cw optical power of 0.5 W at 6 ȝm (Fig. 1.6) has been
recently reported by Evans et al., and the same authors have also
reported average power close to 1 W for devices operating at 290 K
(Evans et al. 2004a). This is the most important technological result
that has been demonstrated for QC lasers, and it opens the route for
new important applications, such as wireless communications and
high-sensitivity optical sensors, based on mid-infrared radiation.
However, room temperature cw operation is still one of the major
challenges for QC lasers, due to the very high threshold power densities
that generate strong self-heating of the devices. If we look at the
numbers, we see that at 300 K the best lasers reach threshold at current
densities on the order of 2 kA/cm2. This would represent a reasonable
injected power for laser diodes, where the voltage is typically on the
order of the bandgap. However, in QC lasers, due to the cascade

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293 K
CW operation 10
400 λ = 6 μm 298 K
Optical power (mW)

298 K 8
303 K
308 K

Voltage (V)
313 K

318 K 4
323 K
100 328 K 2
333 K
0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4
Current (A)
Figure 1.6 Continuous-wave light versus current (L – I) curve of an HR-coated, 9-ȝm-
wide and 3-mm-long buried heterostructure laser at various heat sink temperatures.
The V–I curve at 298 K is also shown. (Reprinted with permission from Evans et al. 2004a.
Copyright © 2004, American Institute of Physics.)

scheme, the voltage is a function of the number of periods, and it can

easily reach 10 V, as shown in Fig. 1.6.
High-speed modulation of quantum cascade lasers and mode locking
have been the subject of intense investigations by a group of researchers
at Bell Labs led by Capasso in recent years (Paiella et al. 2000, 2001).
Among all these brilliant experiments, we would like to draw attention
to the small-signal analysis of a laser under high-frequency modulation.
The data in Fig. 1.7 are a clear demonstration of the absence of relax-
ation oscillation resonance for QC lasers. This is direct experimental
evidence that the bandwidth of these lasers will be ultimately deter-
mined by the photon lifetime in the cavity rather than the resonant
coupling between the photon field and the optical gain, as in
conventional diode lasers.
In parallel, a new type of QCL emerged in 2002 (Köhler et al. 2002)—
the terahertz laser emitting in the far infrared at a wavelength of
around 100 μm (Ȧ = 3 THz). These devices are discussed in the next
This rapid progress is the result of intense research, complex quan-
tum engineering, and technological developments in active region and
waveguide designs, in the growth of optimized heterostructure
materials, and in device processing. We try to summarize hereafter the
contributions that we feel are more important in each of the fields just

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20 K
Modulation response
300 mA

250 mA
200 mA
150 mA

0 1 10
Modulation frequency (GHz)
Figure 1.7 High-frequency modulation response traces of an 8-“m QC laser at 20 K for
different values of the drive current ranging from very near threshold (150 mA), up to
one order of magnitude higher photon density (300 mA). These traces were normalized
to the experimental frequency response of the receiver and reflect only the modulation
response of the QC laser. (After Paiella et al. 2001.)

Active region. The active region of the first QCL was based on a simple
three-quantum-well (QW) scheme, where the laser transition was
diagonal between two adjacent QWs. It emitted at a wavelength of
4.3 “m at cryogenic temperatures (Faist et al. 1994). Then more vertical
transitions were explored, in order to improve the intersubband gain
(Sirtori et al. 1998). The most efficient design was commonly considered
to be a vertical intersubband transition in two coupled QWs, with a
third very thin QW in the injection barrier. The role of the latter QW is
to selectively enhance the amplitude of the excited state of the laser in
the injection barrier, to increase resonant tunneling injection while
preventing direct injection into the lower states.
For high-temperature and high-power operation of QC lasers, the
efficiency of electron extraction from the lower state of the active
quantum wells is an important issue. To overcome the bottleneck in
electron extraction from the active region, new designs have been
proposed. Superlattice-based active regions (Scamarcio 1997) have
produced high-efficiency QCLs, thanks to a very rapid carrier
extraction in the superlattice miniband. This was, however, to the
detriment of electron injection into the upper state e3. The most efficient
scheme, called bound-to-continuum (Faist et al. 2001), combines
efficient electron injection into a bound state e3 and rapid extraction
from a delocalized lower state.

Waveguide. Waveguide design is another fundamental issue. As al-

ready discussed, QCL performances are directly related to the low

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Quantum Cascade Lasers 19

optical losses of the laser cavity. The undisputable champion for high
performance in the mid-infrared range is the InP material used as op-
tical cladding layers. It is a binary compound that provides a large
dielectric refractive index contrast with the active region. In addition,
InP has high electrical and thermal conductivity, without the need for
a high doping level and therefore allows very low free-carrier optical
losses. For this reason, QCLs made of materials grown on InP have
considerable advantages. Alternative materials can, however, have
their interest in specific cases. This material issue for QCL is discussed
in greater detail in the following sections.

Growth. QCLs are very demanding devices in terms of heterostructure

growth. Molecular beam epitaxy, with atomic monolayer control, is
the technique of choice for their fabrication. The evolution of laser
performances was directly related to the progress in growth quality.
The question of growth rate stability is very important for the control
of the emission wavelength. Short-term stability (hour scale) impacts
the homogeneity of all periods of the active region and consequently the
optical gain.
The question of interface roughness, due to atomic intermixing or
segregation, is of great relevance (Offermans et al. 2003). First, it
induces inhomogeneous broadening of the intersubband transition and
consequently of the gain curve. In addition, interface fluctuations create
a scattering potential in the plane of the epilayers. This is the cause of
elastic scattering of electrons in the active region of the QCLs, which
affects the electron dynamics and possibly the lifetime of electrons in
the excited state (Leulliet et al. 2005).
Most important is certainly the decrease of epitaxial defects and
subsequent reduction of optical losses. The more advanced realizations
are the monolithic growth of complete QCL structures including active
region and high-purity cladding layers (Evans et al. 2004a) which
reduced optical losses to few cmí1. This appears to be the key for the
fabrication of very high-performance devices.

Processing. Beyond the conventional ridge geometry, solutions have

been proposed to manage the dissipation of the high thermal power
generated in the active part of QCLs. The reduction of the total area of
QC devices, without the addition of extra waveguide losses, is one of
the most important issues presently under investigation. To this end,
two processing technologies are under development: (1) the conven-
tional buried heterostructure used by Beck and coworkers (Beck et al.
2002) and (2) the selective current channeling by ion implantation
recently demonstrated at the corporate laboratory of THALES (Sirtori
et al. 2002). By exploiting this second way of realizing devices Page

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et al. were able to demonstrate cw operation of GaAs-based quantum

cascade lasers up to 150 K (Page et al. 2004). Additional thick electro-
plated gold on the top contact is another way to spread the heat away
from the active region (Evans et al. 2004a, Forget et al. 2005).
Monomode emission from distributed feedback (DFB) QCLs has been
obtained on InP (Faist et al. 1997) and on GaAs (Schrenk 2000). With
such technology, QCLs are a new class of single-mode sources available
for applications to chemical sensing or pollution monitoring, of
particular interest in the 3- to 5-“m and 8- to 12-“m ranges. The
implementation of photonic crystals is another field explored toward
more compact or surface-emitting QC devices (Colombelli et al. 2003).
QC lasers are a very attractive light source for molecular spectroscopy
when they are processed into distributed feedback lasers for wave-
length control and stabilization. In Fig. 1.8 the spectra of GaAs-based
QC lasers, mounted on a Peltier cooler, are shown. Notice that the
emission wavelength varies as function of the temperature, due to the
change of the material’s refractive index. This is a very important
parameter that allows one to fine-tune the emission frequency with
the molecular resonance. The linewidth of free-running DFB lasers
has been measured in different experiments and gives a value in the
2 to 5 MHz (Kosterev and Tittel 2002, Blaser et al. 2001). When
stabilized by means of an electronic feedback loop, for high-stability

Spectra at maximum optical power

Device size:
0.1 0°c
Intensity (arb. units)

1.5 mm x 30 μm



1040 1050 1060 1070

Wave number (cm-1)
Figure 1.8 QC laser spectra of a device processed into DFB. The device operates in pulsed
mode (100 ns, 5 kHz) and is mounted on a Peltier element where the temperature is
varied between –40 and +35°C. The peak position red-shifts with temperature;
therefore the far left curve corresponds to +35°C and that on the far right to –40°C.
The peak optical power is in excess of 100 mW at all temperatures. Note that in
this temperature range the device can be tuned over 5 cmí1. (After Sirtori and Nagle

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Quantum Cascade Lasers 21

operation, these devices have shown lines with intrinsic width well
bellow 1 kHz (Myers et al. 2002).

Applications. As they produce compact light sources of coherent radi-

ation working cw at room temperature in the mid-infrared range, from
wavelengths of 4 to 10 “m, QCLs become attractive for many applica-
tions in this spectral range such as gas-sensing, free-space optical
communications, or optical countermeasures. In the terahertz range,
molecular spectroscopy or imaging applications promise the potential
for long-wavelength QCLs.
Gas-sensing applications include, for example, trace gas detection,
pollution or process monitoring, isotope separation, etc. Monomode
lasers with narrow spectral width and high side mode suppression
ratio are needed for spectroscopic applications. The tunability of the
emission wavelength is an important property, obtained through the
current-induced temperature shift of the laser line. High-T operation is
also required for most applications. Continuous-wave operation is in-
dispensable for high-resolution spectroscopic applications. However, cw
operation is not absolutely necessary, as demonstrated by the company
Cascade Technology. It developed a QCL-based spectroscopic system
able to acquire the entire spectrum over one single current pulse
(Stevenson 2004).
Free-space communications can also benefit from QCL sources
emitting in the 3- to 5-“m and 8- to 12-“m atmospheric windows. Longer
wavelengths are theoretically better because they are less sensitive to
Raleigh scattering or bad atmospheric conditions.
QCLs are also proposed as candidates for optical countermeasures.
However, for such applications consisting of deceiving or blinding
adverse infrared sensors, emitted power is still an issue. The versatility
of QCL technology and its ability to produce multiwavelength sources
could be an advantage in this domain.
As far as commercial applications are concerned, new perspectives
have appeared with the first MOCVD-grown QCLs (Green et al. 2003).
This technique provides a more reliable and industrial-friendly
approach for QCL fabrication. Despite its presumed impossibility to
produce sharp interfaces, rapidly improving performances of MOCVD-
grown QC lasers are reported (Troccoli et al. 2005a).

1.3.2 Frontiers
Beyond the conventional mid-infrared QC lasers of increasing matu-
rity, new frontiers are being explored. Thanks to the flexibility of the
active region and the cascading scheme, new functionalities or phe-
nomena can be explored inside the laser cavity, such as nonlinear optics

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22 Chapter One

or Raman lasing (Troccoli et al. 2005b). However, one of the most at-
tractive research areas is at the frontiers of the emission spectrum, to
extend the spectral width of QC laser operation. The long-wavelength
side is the emerging field of terahertz lasers, which opens new perspec-
tives in terms of imaging or molecular spectroscopy. On the other end
of the spectrum, short-wavelength QCLs (Ȝ < 4 “m) could be the candi-
date to fulfill the lack of semiconductor laser sources operating at room
temperature in the 3 to 4 “m range.

New physics. The high intensity of optical field in the cavity of QCLs
allows generation of intracavity nonlinear effects. Nonlinearity can
originate either from the semiconductor crystal itself or from specifi-
cally designed structures inserted in series with the active region.
Frequency doubling has been demonstrated (Owschimikow et al. 2003)
as well as sideband generation (Dihlon 2005).
The coherent light generated in the QCL cavity can also be used to
pump intersubband transitions and generate emissions at different
wavelengths. This principle gave birth to the intracavity Raman laser
(Troccoli 2005b).

Terahertz domain. In only a couple of years, since the first demonstra-

tion in 2002 (Köhler et al. 2002), the progress on QC terahertz lasers
has been astonishing. Not only has the wavelength range been extended
by more than a factor of 2 from 67 to 150 “m (Worral et al. 2005),
but also the operating temperatures have noticeably improved: In
continuous-wave, terahertz devices operate a few degrees above liquid
nitrogen, and in pulsed-mode they reach 140 K (Williams et al. 2005).
In Fig. 1.9 we report V-I and L-I characteristics at temperature
T = 10 K of a device with an emission wavelength of 103 “m (2.9 THz)
(Alton et al. 2005).
The principles of operation of terahertz QC lasers relie on rather
different concepts than do devices in the mid-infrared, which take
advantage of electron-LO-phonon scattering processes above the
material reststrahlenband to achieve large population inversions. Also
for terahertz lasers, efficient depletion of the lower level is essential,
while long lifetimes of the upper level are highly desirable. To this end,
terahertz active regions are designed to have the optical transition,
with a large dipole matrix element, across a minigap 10 to 15 meV wide.
The lower laser state is strongly coupled to a wide injector miniband
(comprising a high number of subbands), which provides a large phase
space where electrons scatter, thus ensuring a fast depletion of the
lower state of the laser transition. Moreover, the minibands allow
efficient electrical transport, even at high current densities, and
suppress thermal backfilling.

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Quantum Cascade Lasers 23

Laser frequency (THz)


4 20

Optical power (mW)

3 0
10.5 11.0 11.5 12.0 12.5 13.0
Voltage (V)

Photon energy (meV)

2 10

T = 10 K

0 0
0 100 200 300
Current density (A/cm )
Figure 1.9 Electrical and optical characteristics (continuous-wave) of a 100-“m-wide
ridge terahertz laser at 10 K. The length of the device is 2 mm. In the insert is the high-
resolution emission spectrum.

An additional relevant issue for the terahertz range is the fact that
conventional laser waveguides are not suitable, owing to large free-
carrier absorption losses and practical limitations on the thickness of
epilayer growth. For these long-wavelength lasers, the optical
confinement is never achieved by using dielectric claddings, but by
metallic layers very much as in the case of microwave strips. Even if
operating at low temperature, terahertz QC lasers are very promising
candidates to become compact sources for imaging systems, or local
oscillators for heterodyne detection (Gao et al. 2005).

Short wavelength. The first demonstration of a QC laser (Faist et al.

1994) was a device emitting at a wavelength of 4.2 “m. The shortest
wavelength demonstrated today is 3.5 “m, not too far from the first QC
laser (Faist et al. 1998). As a matter of fact, the standard wavelength
for a QCL is restrained in a wavelength range of around 5 to 13 “m. The
latter corresponds to photon energies between 100 and 200 meV, easily
accessible for intersubband transitions in GaInAs/AlInAs quantum
The realization of QC lasers emitting at short wavelength is more
difficult, since they are limited by the finite depth of the quantum
wells (ǻEc in Fig. 1.14). This parameter sets a limit for the energy
level e3, the excited state of the laser transition. In typical QCL designs
the energy level e3, measured from the conduction band edge in the
QW, has a value of twice the photon energy. Thus, a QCL made of

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24 Chapter One

GaAs/AlGaAs materials with ǻEc = 0.36 eV will not be able to operate

with photons of energy greater than 0.18 eV, that is, below a wavelength
of 7 “m.
This limitation on the short wavelength is fundamental and
dependent on the materials. Alternative materials presenting higher
conduction band discontinuities are required to achieve QC laser
emission below 4 “m. This is the main motivation of most of the research
on new material systems for QCLs presented below.

1.3.3 Results on different materials

By nature, the concept of a QC laser does not depend on the choice of
the well and barrier materials that constitute the heterostructure.
However, material-dependent properties will play a significant role in
the device characteristics, through their influence on barrier heights,
scattering mechanisms, waveguide properties, etc.
The different III-V materials that have been investigated for QC
lasers are presented in Fig. 1.10. Among all the possible combinations
two material systems have been already amply exploited to produce QC
lasers: InGaAs/InAlAs grown lattice matched on indium phosphide
(InP) substrate and GaAs/AlGaAs grown on gallium arsenide (GaAs)


2.0 AlAsSb

Energy gap (eV)





0.0 InSb

5.4 5.6 5.8 6.0 6.2 6.4

Lattice constant (Å)

Figure 1.10 The different III-V material systems, as defined by their lattice constants.
The heterostructures that have been already used to realize quantum cascade lasers are
indicated by the dashed ovals.

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InGaAs/InAlAs on InP. This is the historical material system in which

the laser was first demonstrated (Faist et al. 1994). In the mid-infrared,
InGaAs/AlInAs quantum wells lattice matched on InP substrates are
the best-performing solution for QC lasers. Today, they cover the spec-
trum from 3.6 to 24 “m. CW operation at room temperature is obtained
from Ȝ = 4.3 “m (Yu et al. 2005) to Ȝ = 9.6 “m (Beck et al. 2002).
With a ǻEc of 0.52 eV, the standard InP system fails to produce high-
performance QCLs below 6 “m. However, its spectral range can be
extended toward short wavelengths by using strained compensated
materials, with increased indium content in the InGaAs wells and
increased aluminium content in the InAlAs barriers. This provides a
larger band discontinuity of 650 to 750 meV as a function of the In and
Al content. As a matter of fact, QCL devices made of these strained
materials have shown performances of 300-mW continuous-wave
emission at a wavelength of 4.8 “m at room temperature (Evans et al.
2004b) and 160 mW at Ȝ = 4.3 “m (Yu et al. 2005). DFB lasers operating
cw at room temperature have also been realized with InP-based QCLs,
first at a wavelength of 5.4 “m (Blaser et al. 2005).

GaAs. A few years later, GaAs-based QCLs were demonstrated (Sirtori

et al. 1998a). They now range from 8 “m to the terahertz domain at
wavelengths up to 160 “m. In the mid-infrared, this material system
has less interesting performance that of InP-based materials. The ma-
jor drawback is the relatively higher threshold at room temperature
( JthGaAs 싀 5JthInP) which makes cw operation almost impossible for these
devices above 200 K. On the long-wavelength side, GaAs becomes better
performing than InP fundamentally for reasons of material purity,
which dramatically increase the mobility and the conductivity of the
semiconductor at low temperature and guarantee lower waveguide
losses. This has allowed the birth and development of the terahertz QC
lasers (Köhler et al. 2002).

Antimonides at 6.1 Å. Antimonide compound semiconductors are the

family of III-V materials with a crystal lattice constant of about 6.1 Å
(Fig. 1.10), which can be grown lattice-matched on gallium antimo-
nide (GaSb) or indium arsenide (InAs) substrates. This family in-
cludes the three binary compounds InAs, GaSb, and AlSb and their
The most interesting property of antimonides for the design of
QCL is the remarkably large depth of InAs QW with AlSb barriers
ǻEc = 2.1 eV. In principle, it should enable the design of very short-
wavelength QCLs down to the near-infrared range (1.5 “m). The
available QW depth is, however, limited by the position of the lateral
valleys (X or L) of the Brillouin zone. The L valley is 800 meV above the

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26 Chapter One

conduction band edge in InAs. Therefore, the emission range for this
novel material system is probably restricted to wavelengths greater
than 3 “m. Other specific issues for the realization of short-wavelength
QCLs are presented in Sec. 1.4.
A second specificity of antimonides is the very small effective mass
in InAs. This leads to significantly stronger intrinsic intersubband
optical gain, compared to other material systems (see Fig 1.13 below).
Hence, from a material point of view, it is clear that antimonides are a
very attractive system for mid-infrared QCLs.
In spite of the very high conduction band discontinuity, the first QC
laser demonstrated in this material system was at 10 “m (Ohtani and
Ohno 2003). More recently the potential of this heterostructure has
been better exploited and lasers emitting at ~4 ȝm have been
demonstrated up to room temperature (Teissier et al. 2004). Even
though the performances of these devices are very encouraging, they
have not yet reached those of the QC laser based on InP. We cannot
address any fundamental reasons for this, but just remind that these
very recently born devices need more work and optimization.

InGaAs/AlAsSb on InP. An intermediate solution has been proposed

and developed from 2003—to use the antimonide alloy AlAsSb lattice-
matched on InP (Fig. 1.10) as a barrier material with InGaAs
as the well material both lattice-matched on InP. This heterostructure
benefits both from the advantages of the InP system and from
a high ǻEc provided by the AlAsSb barriers. It is, in our opinion, a very
attractive material choice for the short wavelengths, for the most part
for technological reasons related to the maturity of the processing
and InP waveguide claddings. In principle, however, GaInAs has a
higher mass and lower lateral valley energy than InAs, which should
give lower gain and reduced effective QW depth. QCLs made of
these InGaAs/AlAsSb materials were realized for the first time in
2004 (Revin et al. 2004). The devices emitted at Ȝ = 4.3 “m in pulsed
mode up to a temperature of 240 K. Recently, very high-temperature
operation of similar devices around Ȝ = 4.5 “m has been reported (Yang
et al. 2005).

Si/SiGe. For Si/SiGe the steps toward a unipolar laser are less ad-
vanced. Nevertheless, intersubband electroluminescence has been re-
cently observed from QC active regions realized on metamorphic
substrate Si0.5Ge0.5 (Diehl et al. 2002). The realization of QC lasers
in Si/SiGe would represent a major breakthrough simply because it
would represent the first laser based on Si. In this material system,
intersubband transitions occur in the valence band, which is a serious
complication from the point of view of the theoretical description.

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Quantum Cascade Lasers 27

Moreover, the presence of the different hole dispersions (heavy, light,

and split off) increases enormously the number of subbands and makes
it more difficult to control their energy separation. Even if prelimi-
nary, these recent results on electroluminescence represent, in our
opinion, the closest yet to the demonstration of a Si-based semiconduc-
tor laser.

1.4 Material Issues

1.4.1 Fundamental Parameters m* and ǻEc

In Sec. 1.1 and in particular in the paragraph where we describe our
definition of quantum engineering, we insist on the minor dependence
that the quantum cascade laser concept has on the material parameters
of the heterostructure. Indeed, there are some physical parameters, re-
lated to the material system, that have a direct influence on the laser
characteristics. At the first order, there are two parameters originating
from the heterostructure that have to be taken into account: the con-
duction band discontinuity ǻEc and the effective mass of the well
material m*.

1.4.2 Role of the effective mass m*

The role of m* is complex, but can be easily illustrated by analyzing
the formula of the gain (Eq. 1.24). We take the expression of the
gain coefficient g and compare its value for two material systems: GaAs
and InAs. Moreover, to reduce the influence of the active region design
and have a fair comparison of the two materials, we apply this formula
to the first two states (E1 and E2) of a quantum well with very
high barriers (Fig. 1.11). In the limit of IJ2 << IJ32 (or IJ1 << IJ21 in the
present two-level picture), normally very well satisfied at low temper-
ature, and with unity injection g can be written as

4ʌe 2e 1
g = | z |2 IJ = E IJ | z |2
İ0nȜ 2ȖL p 21 2 İ0ncല 2ȖL p 21 2 21
eല 1
= f IJ
İ0cm0 2ȖnL p 21 2

In this expression the effective mass has a direct influence on the

three terms on the right, namely, the transition energy E21, the squared
dipole matrix element, |z21|2, and the lifetime of the excited state of
the laser transition IJ2. If we set the transition energy to a fixed value
for both materials, for instance, 124 meV (Ȝ = 10 “m), then the quantity

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1/m*L2 is identical in the two materials, where L is the width of the

quantum well.
Therefore the lighter the mass, the wider is the quantum well, as
schematically illustrated in Fig. 1.11. It can be easily demonstrated
that in a quantum well the absolute value of the dipole matrix element
|z21| is proportional to L. Thus it can be concluded that for a given
material the square of the dipole matrix element is inversely
proportional to the effective mass. If we now concentrate on IJ2, the
excited state lifetime, we can safely assume that it is merely controlled
by the electron optical-phonon interaction. In this case it can be shown
that IJ2 depends on the inverse of the square root of the mass. In
summary, the gain coefficient g is
í3 / 2
g ค | z32 |2 IJ2 ค (m* ) (1.30)

which means that the gain coefficient is proportional to (m* )í3/2 and that
the ratio of the gain coefficients of the two materials InAs and GaAs can
be evaluated to
g InAs m*GaAs 0.067 3/2
= = 싉 5 (1.31)
g GaAs m*GaInAs 0.023

This example evidently illustrates the strong dependence of the gain

on the effective mass. However, the full picture is more complicated due
to the effect of the conduction-band nonparabolicity that makes the
electronic effective mass a function of the energy m* = m* (E). This effect
arises from the coupling of the electronic wave functions with those of
the valence bands, and it is more pronounced for materials with small
gaps, such as InAs. To calculate the energy-dependent effective mass,
we used a simplified 3×3 Kane hamiltonian which describes the
conduction, light-hole, and split-off bands, since near the ī point the
heavy-hole band is decoupled from the others (Sirtori et al. 1994). The
value of m* as a function of the energy for different material systems is

GaAs InAs
m* = 0.067 m* = 0.024
E3 3 h 2π2
E21 =
E2 2 m* L2

L = 115 Å L = 189 Å
Figure 1.11 Quantum wells made of different materials. Notice that if we fix the energy
separation E21 the width of the quantum well is inversely proportional to m* .

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plotted in Fig. 1.12. As shown, the mass is almost linear as a function

of energy. We remark that the slope is almost the same for all materials.
This is so because the slope is directly proportional to the Kane energy,
which is constant within less than 10% for all the III-V materials
(Bastard 1988). This is not in contradiction to the fact that for narrow-
gap materials nonparabolicities are stronger, since the latter have to
be seen as a relative increase of the mass with the energy. As an
example, we compare the relative increase of the effective mass at
200 meV above the bottom of the conduction band (the zero of the
energy in our calculations) for GaAs and InAs. We can see that m*GaAs
(200 meV) has increased only 10%, with respect to its zero energy
value m*GaAs. If we now take mInAs * (200 meV) í m*InAs / m*InAs we can see
that relative increase corresponds to more than 40%.
We are now in a position to comment on the energy-dependent gain
that takes into account the masses of the initial and final states. In this
case the definition of the dipole matrix element gets more complicated
since the conduction and valence components of the wave function have
to be taken into account (Sirtori et al. 1994). It is intuitive that the
higher the laser transition energy, the heavier are the effective masses
of the states. This has as a final consequence that the gain as a function
of the energy can saturate, as in the case of InAs. An illustration of this
behavior of the gain in our simplified model is given in Fig. 1.13. In this
figure we plot the product of the oscillator strength f and the upper state
lifetime IJ as a function of the transition energy in a single quantum well
for four different material systems. On the left panel we have calculated
the product f *IJ for the 2–1 transition and on the right that of the 3–2
transition. Note that the value of the gain in the right panel is almost

m* in the wells m* in the barriers

0.12 0.12
Effective mass (m0)

0.08 0.08

0.04 GaAs
0.04 AlGaAs
0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
Energy (eV) Energy (eV)
Figure 1.12 Energy dependence of the effective mass in the wells (left) and in the barriers
(right) for the different material systems. For the barrier materials the zero of the energy
is set at the bottom of the conduction band of the associated well materials, so that one
can read the value of the masses on the same energy scale on both panels.

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120 120
InAs/AlSb 2 2
GalnAs/AllnAs 1
90 90
GalnAs/AlAsSb Studied transition Studied transition
τ • f (ps)

60 60

30 30
0 0
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
E21 (eV) E32 (eV)
Figure 1.13 The product f·IJ between levels 2 and 1 is plotted on the left, and between
levels 3 and 2 on the right. The quantity f·IJ directly proportional to the gain.

twice that on the left, showing the importance of designing lasers

between excited states.

1.4.3 Role of the conduction band

discontinuity ǻEc
At first glance, the role of ǻEc is self-evident and defines the highest
photon energy achievable in a given material system, as mentioned
earlier. Therefore, the range in which the emission wavelength of the
QC laser can be tuned by adjusting the width of the layers is finite and
has an upper limit set by the depth of the quantum wells. Nonetheless,
on the long-wavelength side, there are no fundamental limits prevent-
ing the fabrication of QC lasers emitting in the far-infrared. Apart from
the wavelength range, there are less evident effects controlled by ǻEc
that need to be mentioned.

Escape to the continuum. When a confined level gets closer to the top of
the barriers, the probability of thermal activation of electrons to a de-
localized state increases dramatically (Fig. 1.14). The scattering rate of
an electron out of the confined state e3 is controlled by the occupation
probability in the subband at an energy greater than that of the top of
the barrier, and by the typical scattering time IJscatt from this subband.
The model to describe this effect is identical to the one used for calcu-
lating dark current in quantum well infrared photodetectors (QWIPs)
(Liu et al. 1993).
The two-dimensional density of electrons localized in the quantum
well and with energy greater than ǻEc is given by

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Figure 1.14 Schematic representation of a QC laser active region. The arrow indi-
cates the path of electrons that, due to thermal effects, are activated into the continuum

ǻEc í e3
n2D = n3exp í ( kTe ) (1.32)

where n3 is the total sheet density in level e3, and Te is the electron
temperature. It has been measured (Spagnolo et al. 2004) to be
sensibly greater than the lattice temperature by a value on the order
of 100 K.
The leakage current density to the continuum is then simply given
Jesc = (1.33)

The important issue is the estimation of the scattering time. It can

be derived from the drift velocity and mean transit time of unbound
electrons over the quantum well, as usually assumed in QWIP theory.
In the case of QCLs, however, the band structure of the active region is
much more complex with a large number of confined states, and the
applied electric field is far greater than the one in QWIPs. For these
reasons, we can neglect the probability of electron recapture to the ini-
tial state. The time IJscatt is then the mean scattering time of the confined
state to a continuum of states. We can safely assume that in InGaAs/
InAlAs structures IJscatt is dominated by LO phonon scattering and is on
the order of 0.2 ps.
This escape current has to be compared to the cascade current Jc
which is governed by LO phonon scattering to the lower subbands. The
electron lifetime in the excited state of the active region IJ3 is on the order
of 1 ps, and its temperature dependence is given by the variation of the
phonon population

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IJ 3 ( 0)
IJ3 = (1.34)
1 + 2 / exp(ലȦLO / kT ) í 1

The calculated ratio of leakage current density to the cascade current

is shown in Fig. 1.15 for InGaAs/InAlAs QC lasers lattice-matched on
InP, as a function of emission wavelength. For room temperature op-
eration, the limit set by the escape current is around 4.5 to 5 “m.
The effective activation energy can be modified by the presence of
minigap or quasi-bound states in the continuum density of states, due
to quantum interference with the quantum wells. These effects have
been reviewed in Faist et al. (2000).
When a high electric field is applied, a lowering of the barrier occurs.
Moreover, due to tunneling the continuum states penetrate into the
active region, thus also modifying the effective activation energy. All
these effects contribute to make the design of short-wavelength QC
lasers more and more difficult.

Injector barrier transparency. The basis of QC laser engineering is the

control of the coupling between adjacent QWs. In that respect the band
discontinuity ǻEc is a critical parameter, since it sets the transparency
of the barriers. The wave function decay rate in the barrier for a level
of energy E is given by

2mB* ( E )
kB = (ǻEc í E ) (1.35)

λ ~ 4.3 μm
(e3 - ΔEc = 30 meV)

2 λ ~ 4.5 μm
(e3 - ΔEc = 50 meV)
J esc/Jc

λ ~ 5 μm
(e3 - ΔEc = 100 meV)

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400

Temperature (K)
Figure 1.15 Ratio between the current in the active region and the leakage current due
to the thermal leakage in the continuum. It is clear that for activation energy smaller
than 50 meV, room temperature operations are completely hindered by the thermal
activated current.

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where mB* (E) is the energy-dependent effective mass in the barrier

material. The transmission of the barrier is proportional to the atten-
uation of the squared wave function over the thickness of the barri-
er LB.

TB § exp(í 2kB L B) (1.36)

The exponent leads to very rapid variation of the transparency as a

function of the barrier parameters. Note that not only the band
discontinuity, but also the effective mass in the barrier plays an
important role in this effect. For materials with large ǻEc, such as
antimonides, much thinner barriers are needed for a given coupling
strength. This is illustrated in the Fig. 1.16 where the coupling is
observed through the splitting energy of anticrossed levels in
symmetric double quantum wells.
A typical value for the injection barrier in InGaAs/InAlAs QCLs is 40
to 50 Å. In GaAs/AlGaAs QCLs, equivalent transmission is obtained for
60- to 70-Å-thick barriers, while in InAs/AlSb QCLs much thinner
barriers (about 25 Å) are needed. As a consequence, greater precision
on layer thicknesses is required in material systems of larger ǻEc. The
problem is more severe for thinner barriers. It is current practice to use
10- to 20-Å-thick coupling barriers in the active quantum well or in the
injector of InP-based QCLs. From Fig. 1.16, their transposition in the
InAs/AlSb system leads to 4- to 6-Å-thick AlSb layers, i.e. one to two
atomic monolayers. This constitutes a limitation on the use of high

Level splitting (meV)


1 InAs/AlSb GaAs/AlGaAs


0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Barrier thickness (Å)
Figure 1.16 Calculated splitting of the levels of two coupled quantum wells, giving a
picture of barrier transparency for different material systems. The confinement energy
is kept constant at a value of 250 meV from the bottom of the QW.

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ǻEc materials. In that respect, optimum design schemes may be

significantly different in these alternative material systems.
The absolute barrier thicknesses also influence the inhomogeneous
broadening of confined levels and the associated interface roughness
scattering mechanisms. A fluctuation of one atomic monolayer will lead
to a larger shift of intersubband transitions when thinner barriers are
used. In a similar way, interface scattering is expected to be more
important for higher barriers, since a given thickness roughness will
produce a larger scattering potential. However, these mechanisms are
deeply linked to the microscopic structure of the interfaces, which is
very dependent on the material system and on the growth conditions.
In practice, intersubband emission linewidths comparable to those of
InP- or GaAs-based structures have been reported in InAs/AlSb
structures (Barate et al. 2005).
Terahertz QCLs require very thick quantum wells. For this reason
the electron wave functions have a very small amplitude in the barriers,
and adjacent QWs are much less coupled than in mid-infrared QC
lasers. In this case, too, thinners barriers are necessary. One advantage
of the GaAs system for terahertz lasers is the possibility of reducing the
height of AlGaAs barriers by reducing the Al content of the ternary
alloy. Typical values of 15% Al content are used to avoid the problems
inherent in too thin barriers.

1.4.4 Lateral valleys

Effective barrier height. The presence of lateral valleys can be another

limitation to short-wavelength operation of QC lasers. Heterostructure
quantum states are built independently from each minimum of the
conduction band in the k· p theory (Bastard 1988). However, if the states
associated with lateral valleys have an energy close to that of the ī
states of the active region, a possible intervalley transfer can occur and
deteriorate the gain of the laser.
The positions of the relevant lateral valley minima are shown in
Fig. 1.17 for the different material systems. The large conduction band
discontinuity of GaAs/AlAs cannot be fully exploited because of its
indirect bandgap and the presence of X valley confined states in the
AlAs barriers. Tunneling channels introduced by X states have been
observed experimentally and extensively studied (Finley et al. 1998).
They can produce significant leakage currents for electrons of energy
greater than 200 meV. For this reason, GaAs-based QCLs use only
direct gap barrier with Al content of 30% to 40%.
In an InGaAs/AlInAs system, lateral valley minima L and X are close
to the top of the barriers and are not a main limitation for wavelenghs

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Lattice matched
InGaAs / InAlAs GaAs / Al0.35Ga0.65As

InAs / AlSb

ΔEc = 500 meV ΔEc = 300 meV

InGaAs / AlAsSb
ΔEc = 2000 meV

ΔEc = 1600 meV

GaAs / AlAs L

Strain compensated L
Inx Ga1-x As / In1-y Aly As

ΔEc = 1000 meV


ΔEc = 600 - 700 meV EΓL = 800 meV

X EΓL = 500 meV
EΓL = 500 meV
EΓX = 220 meV

Figure 1.17 Band offsets of the different material systems used for QC lasers. Both ī and
relevant lateral valleys (X or L) are shown for the wells and the barriers.

up to 6 “m. When one is using strained compensated InGaAs and

AlInAs, the situation is different. The strained ternary alloy AlxIn1íxAs
(x > 0.48) has indirect bandgap due to both contributions of composition
change and strain. Its L valley minimum energy decreases compared to
the lattice-matched alloy. Altogether, the ī(InGaAs) to L(AlInAs)
energy separation remains unchanged in the strained balanced pair of
materials (see Fig. 1.17). In the same way, the use of AlAsSb alloy
lattice-matched on InP does not change the L point energy in InGaAs
(ī í L = 500 meV), despite the strong increase of ǻEc. In these cases,
the L valley could be a limitation to the realization of high-performance,
short-wavelength QCLs.
In InAs the L valley is about 0.8 eV above the conduction band
minimum. Hence, the system InAs/AlSb provides the larger conduction
band energy range, free of parasitic intervalley transfer channels.
As a matter of fact, the shortest-wavelength intersubband emission
(Ȝ = 2.5 “m; hȞ = 500 meV) has been obtained in electroluminescence
devices made in these materials systems (Barate et al. 2005).

Intervalley transfer.The real impact on the laser performance of inter-

valley scattering is not clear at present. The tunneling currents asso-
ciated to ī-X transfer have been studied for AlAs barriers coupled to a

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continuum of states (Finley et al. 1998). It has been shown to be domi-

nant for thicker barriers and higher applied electric fields.
In the case of QC lasers, the lateral valley states are not coupled to a
continuum. When L or X states come below the ī point conducting
levels, the more likely transfer mechanism is a sequential hopping
transport between X or L localized states. Intervalley scattering times
have been demonstrated (Teissier et al. 1996) to be in the form
IJi j = (1.37)
| īi | X j |2
where the wave function overlap is calculated between the two local-
ized states īi and Xj and IJ0 is a constant scattering time, characteristic
of the transfer mechanism. Typical values are IJ0 = 0.15 ps for elastic
scattering to Xz valleys (in the growth direction) and IJ0 = 0.33 ps
for phonon-assisted scattering to Xxy valleys (in the direction parallel
to the layers). The situation should be significantly different depending
on whether these states are localized in the barriers or in the
wells. In the first case, the overlap between ī state localized in the
wells and X state localized in the barrier is small, leading to a slow
intervalley transfer. In addition, coupling between X states in different
barriers is also weak. The final result is a charge buildup in the bar-
riers. On the contrary, in the case of X or L states localized in the wells,
the overlap factor expressed in Eq. 1.37 is closer to unity, and more
efficient ī-X(L) transfer is expected. Therefore when the X or L valley
is localized in the well, the scattering in the lateral valley can give
rise to an important parasitic leakage current, such as depicted in
Fig. 1.18.
The exploration of the short-wavelength limit of antimonide QCLs
(InGaAs/AlAsSb or InAs/AlSb) could be a way of studying the real
impact of intervalley transfer, in a case where the escape of carriers to
the continuum is negligible because of the huge barrier height.

1.4.5 Waveguide
The waveguide design and its realization are crucial steps to obtain
high-performance QC lasers. The vertical confinement of the optical
mode propagating in the cavity of the laser is obtained, as in most
edge-emitting semiconductor lasers, by a multilayer structure: a core
waveguide made of the active region and spacer layers, surrounded
by optical cladding layers made of low-refractive-index material.
This is another aspect for which the material system impacts QCL

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Figure 1.18 Schematic diagram of the ī and L conduction band profile in a short-
wavelength InAs/AlSb QC structure, showing the relevant states issued from both
valleys. The arrows show the possible intervalley leakage current mechanism.

The typical structure of a waveguide for a QC laser is presented in

Fig. 1.19. The intersubband transitions are only coupled to transverse
magnetic (TM) polarized light (electric field prependicular to the
layers). The electric field intensity of the fundamental TM mode of the
waveguide is shown in the same figure. An important parameter to
define is the overlap factor ī, which is the percentage of the mode
interacting with the active region and can be written as

|E ( z )|2 d z
ī = +’
œ |E ( z )|2 d z
Refractive index

Mode intensity
Active region



Figure 1.19 Refractive index profile of a typical QCL waveguide, in the growth
direction z. The electric field intensity of the fundamental TM (electric field in the z
direction) mode is also shown.

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The gain of a QCL is proportional to the current density and to this

overlap factor (Eq. 1.27). As a result, the laser threshold current density
is directly proportional to the cavity losses, which include waveguide
losses Įw and mirror losses Įm, and inversely proportional to the overlap

Į w + Įm
īg Jth = Į w + Įm ෎ Jth = (1.39)

A typical way to increase ī, and hence reduce threshold, is to increase

the number of periods in the active zone. This, however, increases the
applied voltage and therefore the total dissipated power injected into
the device. The main criterion to achieve a low-threshold QC laser is
to find the waveguide that minimizes the optical losses and
simultaneously maximizes the overlap factor.
Due to the long wavelength a major contribution to optical losses is
the free-carrier absorption in the doped region of the waveguide, manly
in the cladding layers. These losses increase rapidly for longer
wavelength and are the dominant factor for terahertz QC lasers. The
optimum waveguide design depends both on the material system and
on the wavelength range.
The InP-based system provides, with no doubt, the best waveguide
properties for mid-infrared QC lasers. The main advantages of this
material system stem from the possibility of using InP as cladding
material. In fact, due to its low refractive index and good electrical
properties, InP provides optical confinement without the need of high
doping concentration and therefore allow very low free-carrier optical
losses. Moreover, this is the only binary material that can be used as
cladding, with very important consequences to the thermal resistance
of the devices. The thermal conductivity of InP (0.7 W/cm/K) is quite
high, almost twice that of GaAs and at least 10 times higher than the
ternary or quaternary alloys, typically used for the optical confinement
in waveguides grown on GaAs, InAs, or GaSb substrates. Nowadays,
practically all the results relevant for technological applications are
referred to InP-based lasers.
In GaAs-based QCLs, the substrate index is higher than the index of
the active region. Alternative materials must be used as cladding
layers. Different solutions have been proposed. The most straight-
forward are the transpositions to the mid-ir of the waveguides used in
the near-ir GaAs-based diode lasers, using the alloys AlGaAs (Sirtori
et al. 1998) or GaInP (Green 2002) as cladding layers.
An alternative to dielectric waveguides (using low-dielectric-constant
material as cladding layers) was proposed in the early days of QCL
history (Sirtori et al. 1995): a plasmon-enhanced waveguide using

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highly doped cladding layers. The low refractive index is obtained

thanks to the strong dispersion when the laser frequency gets close to
the plasma frequency of the doped material. This type of waveguide has
been efficiently applied to mid-infrared GaAs QCLs, either as a pure
GaAs waveguide (Sirtori et al. 1999) or as AlGaAs waveguide enhanced
by n+ GaAs plasmons (Sirtori et al. 1998). Its drawback is obviously its
intrinsic high optical losses, due to the highly doped layers. Thick, low-
doped spacers are needed to separate the active region from the highly
doped layers, thus reducing the overlap factor.
Plasmon-enhanced waveguide is the solution for InAs systems too.
Today, all InAs/AlSb QCLs have been made of n+-doped InAs cladding
layers (Ohtani and Ohno, 2003). For short-wavelength lasers, the free-
carrier losses (proportional to Ȝ2) are reduced to a reasonable level, and
high-performance waveguides with low loss (Įw = 7 cmí1) and high
confinement factor (ī = 47%) have been demonstrated at Ȝ = 4.5 “m
(Teissier et al. 2004). The main limitation of the InAs-based waveguide
is the small bandgap energy (Eg = 0.36 eV) of InAs, which prevents its
use for wavelengths shorter than 4 “m.
Waveguides for terahertz QCLs require different solutions. Dielectric
waveguides cannot be used due to the very long wavelength that would
impose the use of very thick layers. On the other hand, at terahertz
frequencies the very high free-carrier absorption prevents the use of
doped layers. The solution is to use optical confinement through surface
plasmons at metal semiconductor interfaces (Köhler et al. 2002). The
ultimate confinement, with ī close to 100%, has been obtained in a
terahertz QCL using double metal waveguides (Williams et al. 2003),
analog to a mm-wave microstrip line.

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