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Radiation Physics and Chemistry: L.T. Hudson, J.F. Seely

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Radiation Physics and Chemistry 79 (2010) 132–138

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Laser-produced X-ray sources

L.T. Hudson a,, J.F. Seely b
National Institute of Standards and Technology, 100 Bureau Drive, Gaithersburg, MD 20899, USA
Naval Research Laboratory, Space Science Division, Washington, DC 20375, USA

a r t i c l e in f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: A formidable array of advanced laser systems are emerging that produce extreme states of light and
Received 7 January 2009 matter. By irradiating solid and gaseous targets with lasers of increasing energy densities, new physical
Accepted 28 January 2009 regimes of radiation effects are being explored for the first time in controlled laboratory settings. One
result that is being accomplished or pursued using a variety of techniques, is the realization of novel
Keywords: sources of X-rays with unprecedented characteristics and light–matter interactions, the mechanisms of
Strong-field science which are in many cases still being elucidated. Examples include the megajoule class of laser-produced
High-energy-density physics plasmas designed in pursuit of alternative-energy and security applications and the petawatt class of
X-ray metrology lasers used for fast ignition and X-ray radiographic applications such as medical imaging and real-time
Laser-produced plasmas
imaging of plasma hydrodynamics. As these technologies mature, increased emphasis will need to be
X-ray diagnostics
placed on advanced instrumentation and diagnostic metrology to characterize the spectra, time
X-ray lasers
Laser-wake field structure, and absolute brightness of X-rays emitted by these unconventional sources. Such customized
Inverse Compton and absolutely calibrated measurement tools will serve as an enabling technology that can help in
High-harmonic generation assessing the overall system performance and progress, as well as identification of the underlying
interaction mechanisms of interest to basic and applied strong-field and high-energy-density science.
Published by Elsevier Ltd.

1. Introduction Brabec and Krausz, 2000; Eden, 2004; Umstadter, 2003; etc.), but
rather to survey on behalf of the larger radiation physics
Since the discovery of X-rays by Roentgen in 1895, scientists community (potential consumers) these new tools, techniques,
have been producing laboratory X-rays by accelerating (and and mechanisms of producing X-rays that will surely only gain in
decelerating) electrons in evacuated tubes. In recent years, prominence going forward. Finally it is stressed that metrological
however, a disparate variety of laser methods have been care, usually in the form of calibrated diagnostics, is a necessary
developed that produce laboratory X-rays with new character- contributor to the success of these investigations, and ultimately,
istics, including spatial and/or temporal coherence, variable time the medical, alternative-energy, and device applications that will
structure and energy, and very-high-field or high-energy densi- emerge.
ties. In some of these light–matter interactions, extreme physical
regimes are being realized for the first time in laboratory settings,
guaranteeing a rich variety of forthcoming physical insights and 2. Sources of laser-produced X-rays
applications. At first glance it seems remarkable that 1.5 eV laser
photons can be used to produce X-rays of order 1 keV (high- 2.1. Megajoule-class laser-produced plasmas
harmonic generation; X-ray lasers), tens of keV (inverse-Compton
sources; MJ-class laser-produced plasmas), MeV (PW-class laser- The study of extreme states of matter is motivated by the
produced plasmas), and even GeV (laser-wake techniques). In this search for alternative-energy sources, hard X-ray imaging applica-
overview, we briefly describe these six methods of producing tions, nuclear weapons effects and testing, and basic physics
X-rays with modern laser techniques (tabulated below), pointing research, including atomic, plasma, hydrodynamics, astrophysical,
out how they provide radiation with novel characteristics that add and materials phenomena. In the next decade, one of the primary
value in both fundamental and applied investigations. This is not goals in high-energy-density (HED) physics is to achieve con-
intended to duplicate the excellent review papers that have trolled thermonuclear ignition. Many facilities around the world
already been produced in some of these areas (Pfeifer et al., 2006; are working to support this effort, and two facilities that expect to
achieve ignition are le Laser Mégajoule (LMJ) of the Commissariat
à l’Energie Atomique (CEA), being constructed near Bordeaux,
 Corresponding author. France and the National Ignition Facility (NIF) under construction
E-mail address: (L.T. Hudson). at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.

0969-806X/$ - see front matter Published by Elsevier Ltd.

L.T. Hudson, J.F. Seely / Radiation Physics and Chemistry 79 (2010) 132–138 133

The strategy of laser-driven inertial confinement fusion (ICF) is combined with the time structure, intensity, polarization, and
to focus ultraviolet lasers onto capsules filled with heavy coherence of lasers.
hydrogen. In indirect-drive ICF, the capsule is suspended within There are a wide variety of ways in which ultra-short, ultra-
a metallic cylinder called a hohlraum. The hohlraum is heated to intense laser pulses can be used to create X-rays, usually through
hundreds of eV, creating a high-Z plasma with an electron controlled acceleration and deceleration of electrons. Laser light
temperature of several keV. X-rays emitted from this plasma interacting with a gas, for example, with relatively low field
ablate the capsule’s exterior polymer shell, compressing the fuel strengths, causes bound electrons to oscillate. This acquired
at velocities up to 300 km/s and to particle densities of 1025/cm3. ‘‘quiver energy’’ of an electron in a time-varying electric field is
The baseline hohlraums and capsules of NIF are expected to proportional to the field intensity; the time-averaged energy is
require at least 1.35 MJ of laser energy to achieve ignition. This called the ponderomotive energy. At laser-field strengths around
would be delivered in 192 beams at over 400 TW, exceeding the 1015 W/cm2, ionization and acceleration of free electrons can then
output of the global power grid for a few nanoseconds. At ignition occur (Umstadter, 2003). In the case of interaction with a solid
the core could reach 430 keV (Lindl et al., 2004), producing many surface, laser light can initially produce and then interact with
high-energy electrons, X-rays, neutrons, as well as electromag- dense plasmas. Energy can be readily transferred from the laser
netic interference and debris. Clearly, this is a physically hostile field into the plasma through the acceleration of free electrons.
environment providing challenges to the array of needed When laser intensities produce electron quiver energies compar-
diagnostic instrumentation (Hudson et al., 2006). able to the rest mass energy of the electron, e.g. at 2x1018 W/cm2
at 800 nm, the resulting laser–plasma interactions are said to be
relativistic. Such hot electrons can reach MeV energies, and
2.2. Petawatt class of laser-produced plasmas propagate both into solid targets and into vacuum. The latter
group strongly interacts with electromagnetic radiation in a
Today, solid-state lasers can attain peak pulse powers of process called vacuum heating (Berezhiani and Shatashvili,
terawatts with table-top systems, and up to petawatts at larger- 2006) and many of these electrons are drawn back toward the
scaled facilities. Among the most popular use today are solid-state target due to a space charge field established by the depletion of
lasers that employ Ti-doped sapphire (Ti:Al2O3, l around 806 nm, electrons from the interaction spot. This in turn can produce very
1.5 eV) as the gain medium. They possess a very broad gain short X-ray pulses containing both hard characteristic X-rays and
bandwidth, that is, they support a large number of discrete continuum. Hot electrons are also produced through refluxing
longitudinal modes or frequencies in the lasing cavity. Since electrons in irradiated solids, magnetic-Lorentz-force heating in
output-pulse duration is inversely proportional to the number of relativistic plasmas, and through inverse bremstrahlung and
modes that are phase locked, it is then possible to produce resonance absorption in both relativistic and non-relativistic
ultrafast, few-cycle pulses possessing up to a joule of energy regimes (Wilks and Kruer, 1997).
(Table 1). One high-profile application that involves both high-energy
Two key developments have permitted the delivery of ever- (MJ) and high-power (PW) lasers is the attempt to produce
more intense laser output into increasingly smaller domains of inertially confined fusion in the laboratory. One idea that is being
space and time, which in turn has permitted nonlinear and actively pursued at various laboratories around the world is fast
relativistic interactions with matter leading to X-ray production. ignition (Tabak et al., 1994; Kodama et al., 2001; Town et al.,
Indeed, the techniques discussed in the remainder of this paper 2005), where the compression of a heavy-hydrogen target is
are all rooted in these landmark breakthroughs. The first is accomplished with many simultaneous long-pulse (several ns)
chirped pulse amplification (CPA, Strickland and Mourou, 1985), a laser beams and the heating required to initiate fusion is
technique wherein short pulses from a laser oscillator with performed by short (E10 ps) intense laser beams after the target
durations ranging from a few fs to a ps are dispersively stretched has reached peak compression. The generation of MeV hot
in duration (spatial chirp), amplified, and then recompressed to electrons (Wharton et al., 1998; Yasuike et al., 2001) due to ps
produce intensities ranging from 1017 to 1021 W/cm2. The second laser–matter interactions also leads to the production of X-rays as
key development is the use of pulse shaping with adaptive optics they slow down in a material, producing line emission by inner-
or various dispersion-compensation techniques that permit shell ionization and a hard-bremsstrahlung continuum. Hence,
focusing of a laser beam to approach the diffraction limit. Using another common use in ICF research of short, intense laser beams
such laser pulses to produce X-rays, powerful probes matched to is the irradiation of a secondary target, producing high-energy
both the spatial and temporal scales of nano-world dynamics can X-rays, typically 4100 keV, which can backlight the primary,
be produced. Indeed, these new laser-produced X-ray techniques driven target and produce snapshot radiographs of its evolution
provide the best of both worlds: the high energies of X-rays with good temporal resolution. However, the MeV electron

Table 1
Laser-produced X-ray sources.

Novel X-ray source Some distinguishing characteristics of X-ray emissions Some X-ray applications

MJ-class laser-produced plasmas Pulses of ns duration, incoherent, high-energy-density Inertial-confinement fusion, nuclear weapons effects
(HED) science and testing
PW-class laser produced plasmas Pulses of ns duration, incoherent, HED science Plasma diagnostics: scattering and radiography, fast
X-ray lasers Coherent; extreme brightness, ultra-short pulses, low Structure of single biomolecules; femtochemistry
Laser-wake techniques GeV/cm acceleration gradients Applications needing high-rep-rate bright and short X-
ray pulses
Inverse Compton sources Tunable, incoherent hard X-rays (o1 Å); ultra-short Bright and compact source for bioimaging and dynamics
pulses, 2% bandwidth
High-harmonic generation (HHG) sources Coherent soft X-rays; ultrafast pulse durations; strong- Spatially and temporally resolved studies of quantum
field science phenomena
134 L.T. Hudson, J.F. Seely / Radiation Physics and Chemistry 79 (2010) 132–138

circulation outside the small (E10 mm) laser focal spot can result llplp ¼ 2pc/op, where c is the speed of light. The ponderomotive
in an unacceptably large source size, which can adversely affect force due to the laser pulse expels electrons from a region in its
the radiogram’s spatial resolution (Tommasini et al., 2008; Park wake, exciting a transverse (to the laser-pulse direction) plasma
et al., 2008) unless care is taken with target design. wave, whose phase velocity is about that of the laser pulse group
velocity (Esarey et al., 1996). There are schemes in which the
plasma wave can be efficiently coupled to a train of laser pulses by
2.3. X-ray lasers
adjusting the interpulse spacing and/or pulse width, t, to be
resonant with (Umstadter et al., 1994) or shorter than (Pukhov
As discussed above, optical lasers have been used in the
and Meyer-Ter-Vehn, 2002) the plasma period, i.e. t2p/op. If the
exploding-foil technique to create heated plasmas, hot electrons,
plasma wave is of sufficient amplitude, analogous to water waves
and highly charged ions. With carefully selected atomic systems
it can ‘‘break’’ and electrons that were oscillating transversely at
and methods, collisional excitation of the pumped plasma can
op can begin to travel longitudinally (surfing the plasma wave)
result in a transient population inversion (into excited states of
behind the laser pulse and be continuously accelerated up to very-
the highly charged ions) and amplification of spontaneous
high energies. Schemes have also been devised to inject electrons
emission, producing a soft X-ray laser (Rosen et al., 1985;
into the wakefield (Faurel et al., 2006), and there are regimes
Matthews et al., 1985). X-ray lasers have evolved from under-
where the large electric (wake) field continuously traps and
ground systems initiated by nuclear explosions to above-ground
accelerates background electrons (Pukhov and Meyer-Ter-Vehn,
systems using high-energy laser drivers, to table-top high-peak-
2002). One recent demonstration of LWFA employed a 100 TW
power laser systems that use multi-pulse schemes to divide the
class Ti:Al2O3 laser directing 27 fs pulses (7.3 J) onto a supersonic
work of plasma creation, electron stripping, and excitation (Dunn
He gas jet, producing quasi-monochromatic, multi-hundred MeV
et al., 1998). Recently it has been shown that high-harmonic laser
electron beams with an acceleration gradient of 1.6 GeV/cm, more
pulses (discussed below in 2.6), tuned to a soft X-ray laser’s
than three orders of magnitude larger than in conventional radio-
transition energy, can themselves be amplified in the collisionally
frequency linear electron accelerators (Yoshitama et al., 2008). It
excited plasma amplifier while preserving their desirable proper-
has also been noted that such injected and accelerated electron
ties of high spatial coherence, low divergence, polarization, and
bunches are phased with respect to the driving laser, hence the
short pulse widths (Wang et al., 2008). In addition, the narrow
suitability of such a plasma-cathode electron gun for pump–probe
linewidth of the plasma amplifier increases the temporal
experiments (Umstadter, 2003) involving the laser and the
coherence of the output, providing a bright tool for fully coherent
electrons or X-rays produced by the same.
probes and imaging below 20 nm (Wang et al., 2008).
At present, laser irradiances can approach 1022 W/cm2 and,
X-ray free-electron laser (XFEL), based on the self-amplified
when interacting with plasmas, can produce ultrarelativistic
stimulated emission of accelerated electrons being pursued at
electrons. In this regime, laser-wake accelerated electron bunches
facilities such as the Free-electron LASer in Hamburg (FLASH) and
can take the form of a parabolic flying mirror that, it has been
the Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS) at the SLAC National
proposed (Bulanov et al., 2003), can in turn interact with a
Accelerator Laboratory, is also worth mentioning. Here the lasing
counter-propagating laser pulse to focus, compress, scatter, and
medium itself is the single-pass, accelerated beam of GeV
frequency upshift the light (Einstein, 1905), producing a power
electrons in an undulator system that interacts with its own
density such that the field strengths may exceed the so-called
synchrotron radiation, leading to microbunching and hence
Schwinger ‘‘limit’’, where vacuum begins to boil into electro-
pulsed X-rays with variable time structures down to the
n–positron pairs (Schwinger, 1951). The First measurements of
femtosecond scale. These are expected to produce spatially
X-ray creation using relativistic paraboloidal shells of laser-
coherent X-rays tunable up to several keV and with unprece-
accelerated electrons have produced a frequency multiplication
dented laboratory-source brightness (1012–1013 photons/pulse in a
of more than 100 (Kando et al., 2007).
0.2%–0.4% energy bandpass). Planned applications include studies
Finally, in a related mechanism, relativistic electrons can be
of plasma and warm-dense matter, structural studies on single
generated not only through interaction with a laser wakefield but
biomolecules, femtochemistry, and studies of nanoscale dynamics
also directly with the laser field itself via the inverse FEL
in condensed matter (Shenoy and Stöhr, 2000). While not a laser-
mechanism (Pukhov et al., 1999). This method of accelerating
produced photon source, the temporal coherence of free-electron
electrons and potentially making hard X-rays is operative in the
lasers (FELs) can be greatly enhanced by injection seeding with
regimes of higher-plasma densities and longer–laser pulses than
conventionally produced laser pulses; similarly, XFEL research is
those where LWFA is operative.
pursuing seeding with high-harmonically generated ultraviolet-
and X-rays (see Section 2.6. and Lambert et al., 2008) or X-ray
lasers that are tuned to resonance.
2.5. Inverse-Compton sources

2.4. Laser-wake techniques When a photon interacts with an electron whose kinetic
energy is large compared to the photon energy, it may scatter
Radio-frequency linear accelerators have long been used for from the electron and gain energy at the expense of the electron.
high-energy X-ray production. With the advent of short-pulse This has been called linear inverse-Compton scattering and has
(p1 ps) ultrahigh intensity (X1018 W/cm2) lasers, a new method been the idea behind a novel source of tunable X-rays produced by
of electron acceleration to very-high energies has been developed crossing laser and electron beams (Huang and Ruth, 1998). Such
called laser wakefield acceleration (LWFA). There are a variety of sources of X-rays have been demonstrated and the formalism
implementations and terminology in this rich, new field of developed to describe various aspects of performance has been
laser–plasma interactions. A plasma wave (wakefield) can be verified quantitatively (Brown et al., 2004). The appeal of such
created by a single pulse and driven by a train of pulses from such sources derives from the ability to obtain tunable, short-pulse
an intense laser propagating through an underdense plasma, that X-rays from a relatively compact system compared to the use of a
is when the laser wavelength ll is related to the intrinsic plasma synchrotron facility. This semi-monochromatic (a few percent
frequency op (o2p ¼ 4pe2n0/m, where e, m, and n0 are the charge, bandwidth) source of X-rays is initially finding its greatest interest
relativistic mass, and density of electrons in the plasma) as in medical-imaging applications.
L.T. Hudson, J.F. Seely / Radiation Physics and Chemistry 79 (2010) 132–138 135

For the case of a head-on collision of laser photons and an 8 fs lifetime and delayed from the exciting X-ray pulse by a
relativistic (tens of MeV) electrons, X-rays are emitted in the few fs.
direction of the electron beam, forwardly focused into a few A very special application area is now addressed with the
milliradians. The X-rays are energetically dispersed about this ability to produce X-rays with the HHG characteristics outlined
forward direction in cones with half angle y, given by Es ¼ El4g2/ above that are energetically within the ‘‘water window,’’ that is,
(1+g2y2), where El is the laser photon energy and g is the between the K-edge absorption energies of carbon and oxygen. In
relativistic factor for the electrons of energy Ee, viz., g ¼ this region, X-rays are weakly absorbed in water compared to
1+Ee[MeV]/0.511. In this backscattering geometry, the X-ray burst other biomaterials, permitting in vivo imaging and holography
is usually determined by the length of the electron bunch. By without the need for contrast agents or dehydration and attendant
crossing the electron and laser beams at 901, 300 fs X-ray pulses collapse of the biostructure to be studied (Wachsmann-Gogui
have been observed at 31 keV (Schoenlein, et al., 1996, and called et al., 1994).
relativistic Thomson scattering). While this geometry sacrifices a
factor of two in peak X-ray energy, the time structure offers a tool
for fast pump–probe studies, including for example, the structural 3. Diagnostics and metrology
dynamics of materials.
Finally, it is noted that at high laser irradiance (of order 1018 W/ The elucidation of new scientific phenomena requires the
cm ), nonlinear inverse-Compton scattering has been observed concurrent development of a supporting infrastructure of mea-
wherein several photons interacted with one electron, producing a surement science, standard reference data, and absolutely
single-frequency-upshifted output photon (Bula et al., 1996). calibrated diagnostics traceable to international units of measure.
This not only helps to define the fundamental mechanisms that
emerge in new interaction regimes of light and matter, but also
2.6. High-harmonic-generation sources (strong-field science) gauges system performance as the physics is harnessed into
specific applications.
With the advent of sub-picosecond lasers and their high peak Certainly a wide variety of diagnostic techniques are required
powers, a new regime of highly nonlinear laser–matter interac- to help enable the development and understanding of the exotic
tions could be explored. One of the surprising phenomena sources of laser-produced X-rays surveyed in this paper. We focus
discovered was a new way of making soft X-rays with lasers via here on spectroscopic diagnostics. Listed below are examples of
high-order harmonic generation (HHG). HHG is commonly the types of information derivable from laser-produced X-ray
produced when lasers with intensities X1014 W/cm2 are focused spectra:
onto gas jet or solid targets. Target atoms are field ionized and
during a part of the cycle of the driving field, accelerated electrons
 identification of X-ray sources and ionization state(s) from
emit coherent radiation of integer harmonics of the fundamental
bound–bound line transitions,
frequency with an angular divergence approaching the diffraction
 measurement of spectroscopic line and satellite ratios (plasma
limit. The ponderomotive forcing of the electrons is proportional
temperature and opacity),
to laser intensity. As a result of improvements in the phase
 measurement of bound–free continuum emission (presence of
characteristics of the optical pulses, as well as their short
hyperthermal electrons),
durations, highly intense laser fields have created harmonic
 measurement of line widths and shapes (plasma density and
orders beyond 300, pushing this technique’s reach into the soft
source size),
X-ray regime up to about a kilovolt (Brabec and Krausz, 2000).
 spectra as a function of time or space, and
Since HHG occurs during only part of an optical cycle (one optical
 measurement of absolute intensities (conversion efficiency of
cycle is about 2.5 fs), high-harmonic X-ray pulses have been
laser light to X-rays).
produced with durations of only a few hundred attoseconds (Paul
et al., 2001). Further, the use of adaptive optics has been used to
enhance and select individual harmonics. Finally, while the So a spectroscopic X-ray diagnostic wish list would then
harmonic spectrum is quantized in multiples of the fundamental include:
laser frequency, by varying gas-target pressure or the position of
the focus, it is possible to tune the overall spectrum by more than  broad spectral coverage,
several fundamentals (Umstadter, 2003). This selectability and  high resolving power,
tunability then gives the investigator access to table-top, tunable,  large dynamic range of detection,
coherent, short-pulse, soft X-rays.  high sensitivity,
One obvious application is the study of ultrafast phenomena,  data acquisition within very short or very long integration
most commonly imaging or dynamics using pump–probe techni- times,
ques. Time-domain studies have been used to observe atomic  spatial and/or time resolution of spectra,
motion and femtochemistry with femtosecond laser pulses. With  high signal-to-noise ratios in hostile HED and/or strong-field
HHG and X-ray pulses in the attosecond regime (the natural time environments,
scale of an atomic electron is 150 as, the period of the Bohr orbit in  designs that accommodate point-like and/or extended sources,
hydrogen), one can now perform time-domain studies of electron and
dynamics in atomic and molecular systems that involve both  absolute energy and sensitivity calibrations.
valence and core transitions. One such elegant experiment
(Drescher et al., 2002) used harmonic radiation at 97 eV to Most of our efforts in this field have been the design,
produce M-shell vacancies in krypton. Since HHG pulses are well production, calibration, and fielding of wavelength-dispersive
synchronized with the driving field, it can be used as the pump of X-ray spectrometers as a diagnostic of exotic X-ray sources. These
the Kr system, which is then probed with variable delay by the have been fielded to help characterize the performance and X-ray
high-field fundamental. Using a ponderomotive streaking techni- spectra from advanced medical X-ray sources, laser-produced
que, the sub-femtosecond time evolution of Auger electron plasmas, terawatt pulsed accelerators, intense ultrafast laser
emission was tracked and the 3d core hole was found to have sources, and inverse-Compton backscatter sources. Most recently
136 L.T. Hudson, J.F. Seely / Radiation Physics and Chemistry 79 (2010) 132–138

this has been motivated primarily by the need to better under- small diffraction angles of high-energy X-rays as well as time-
stand ns laser-matter interactions in ICF (Hudson et al., integrating or -resolving detection schemes. This type of
2002,2006; Seely et al., 2003, 2006, 2007; Section 2.1,) and diagnostic is also well matched for characterizing much lower-
ps laser–matter interactions for the fast ignition and point- power, table-top X-ray sources, such as those being developed for
projection radiography applications (Tommasini et al., 2007, 2008; narrow-band medical-imaging applications, where the spectrum
Park et al., 2008, Section 2.2.). Ongoing investigations requiring can be easily integrated over many pulses of the laser.
hard X-ray diagnostics include the conversion efficiency of laser Recently a formalism was developed for the Cauchois X-ray
light into X-rays, the hot-electron energy distributions, and the spectrometer that quantifies the various contributions to the
circulation of hot electrons in laser–solid target irradiation. observed line width (Seely et al., 2008), including source size,
One implementation of a bent crystal spectrograph (Hudson detector spatial resolution, crystal thickness, crystal rocking curve,
et al., 1996; Chantler et al., 1996) has been shown to be spectrometer aberrations, and natural line width. The two
particularly well matched to the wish list outlined above; it has primary contributors to the registered line width are typically
been shown to perform well in the noisy environments of strong- the detector resolution and the size of angle subtended by the
field and HED experiments (Hudson et al., 2006) while registering source of X-rays in the plane of dispersion. To first order, extended
spectra from 12 to 160 keV. This type of diagnostic employs the X-ray sources are focused onto a so-called Rowland Circle (RC;
Cauchois geometry, wherein the diffracting planes of a cylindri- shown in top of Fig. 1) with diameter equal to the radius of the
cally bent crystal are normal to the crystal surface that faces the crystal curvature. Hence the registered line width is usually
X-ray source. As shown in Fig. 1, this implementation has the dominated by detector resolution when the spectrum is acquired
advantage that it admits no line of sight from the source to on the RC. If the source size is relatively small, it will be seen to
detector when the source is not so extended in the plane of defocus only slowly as a detector is positioned further off the RC
dispersion. In this case, only dispersed light illuminates the (Hudson et al., 2007). In such cases, the source size is the
detector, giving a high signal-to-noise result from targets that are dominant contributor to the measured line width; in these cases
also emitting debris and other radiation and particles. The very-high instrumental resolving powers are achievable, normally
symmetric illumination of the crystal produces two mirror- challenging in hard X-ray wavelength-dispersive spectroscopy.
symmetric spectra on the detector, and since the plate function This dependence of resolving power on detector resolution and
is known (Hudson et al., 1996) this enables the assurance of in situ position is shown in the two spectra of Fig. 1. These were acquired
energy calibration. This geometry naturally accommodates the simultaneously off and on the RC from a single picosecond shot of

Fig. 1. Demonstration of on- and off-Rowland Circle spectroscopy. The two spectra were acquired simultaneously using the geometry implemented as shown from a single
picosecond shot of the LULI Laser (Laboratoire pour l’Utilisation des Lasers Intenses) focused onto a CsI target. The K lines from Cs and I are observed in both cases but with
different instrumental resolving powers. The (10-11) diffraction planes were used, perpendicular to the crystal entrance surface of a quartz plate that was elastically bent to
a 254 mm radius of curvature.
L.T. Hudson, J.F. Seely / Radiation Physics and Chemistry 79 (2010) 132–138 137

the LULI Laser (Laboratoire pour l’Utilisation des Lasers Intenses, Kodama, R., Mima, K., Tanaka, K.A., Kitagawa, Y., Fujita, H., Takahashi, K., Sunahara,
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and space and deliver large photon densities to gaseous and solid Medecki, H., MacGowan, B.J., Trebes, J.E., Whitten, B.L., Campbell, E.M., Hatcher,
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