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Solution of Engineering Mechanics For UCER Students 1995976039

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1. A roller shown in Figure 1 is mass 150 Kg. What force P is necessary

to start the roller over the block A?

 = sin ( ) = 25.37°

 =90+25 =115
= 90+25.377 = 115.377
= 360-(115+115.377) = 129.623
= =
 ()  ()  (
Putting the values we get,
P =175.95 kg

R=l00√2 kN

So HB = 15 kN
AC = 72-30-15 = 27 mm
BC = √45 − 27 =36 mm
Hi 115 kN
HB 15 kN
100√2 kN

3. Two cylinders A and B weighing 4 kN and 3 kN, respectively, rest on smooth inclined plane as,
shown in figure, They are connected by a bar of negligible weight hinged to each cylinder at its
geometric centre by smooth pins. Find the force P to be applied to the smaller cylinder at 45· to the
vertical to hold the system in the given position.


Applying Lami's Theorem at 'A'.

= =


R = 4522N
R= 4906.7 N
For equilibrium of point B, we have.
∑ f =0,
R cos 20° - Re cos 45° - P cos 45° = 0
4522 cos 20° - (Re + P) cos 45° = 0
or Re + P = 6010.31 ... (1)
∑ f =0
Rc cos 45° - 3000 - R cos 70° - P cos 45° = O.
or Rc - P = 6430.85 ... (2)
Adding (1) and (2), we get
Rc = 6220.58 N
P = 210.27 N Ans,

4. Three cylinders A, Band C each weighing 100 N and diameter 80 mm are placed in a channel of 180
10m width as shown in Fig. 1. Determine the pressure exerted by' the cylinder A and B at the point of

Ans. Free body diagram of the system is shown as below:

Due to symmetry, reactions of A and C on B are same,

cos  = 50/80
 = 51.33°
 = 90 – 51.33 = 38.7°
For equilibrium of B
2 F cos  = 100 N
Or, F = 64 N
5. A smooth weightless cylinder of radius 600 mm rests on a horizontal plane and is kept from rolling by
an inclined string of length 1000 mm. A bar AB of length 1500 mm and weight 1200 N is hinged at A
and placed against the cylinder of negligible weight. Determine tension in the string.
Ans. From fig. ∑ M =0
Taking moment about pint A, we get
Rc x 800 - 1200 x 750 cos 73.72 = 0

RC = 315.37 N

Sin θ = 600/100
Or θ = 36.86°
Or 2θ = 73.72 °
By applying Lami’s Theorem,


( θ) 
Or T = 377.86 N

6. uniform bar AB of length Land weight W lien in it vertical plane with its end resting
on two smooth on OA and find angle for-the equilibrium of bar as shown in Fig.
From the geometry we obtain
the various angles
The reaction R1 , R2 and W of the rod should cut at same point for the equilibrium. By applying Lami’s theorem at
point O.
= =
 ()  ()  ()
Solving we get
R1 = W/2
R2 = 1.73 W
Taking moment at the centre of the rod:
Clockwise moment = Anti Clockwise moment. .
O1A1 = L/2 cos 
O1B1 = L/2 Sin 
From above, we get
Tan  = 1/√3
Or,  = 30°
7 . Blocks A and B, f weight 150 N and 200 N, respectively rest on an inclined plane as shown in the figure. The
coefficient of friction between the two blocks is 0.3 and 'between blocks A and inclined plane is 0.4. Find the value
of e for which either one or both the blocks start slipping. At that instant, what is the friction force between B and
A? Between A and inclined plane?


From the fig.

R1 = 200 cosθ
F1 = 200 sin θ
F1 = µR1
200 sin θ = µ ×200 cosθ
tanθ = 0.3
θ= 16.7°Ans
F1 = 200 sin 16.7
F1= 57.47 N Ans.
R2 - R1 = 150 cosθ
F2- R2 = 150 sinθ
F2 = 350 sinθ
R2 = 350 cosθ
F2 = 350 sin 16.7
F2 = 100.6 N
Body B will slide at θ = 16.7°
8 A ladder 6 m long weighting 300 N is resting against a wall at an angle of 60° to the horizontal plane as shown in
fig. 3. A man weighing 750 N climbs the ladder from position B towards A. At what position along the ladder from
the bottom of the ladder does he induce slipping? The coefficient of friction for both the wall and the ground with
the ladder is 0.2.

Ans. Draw the FBD for ladder

Let x b'e the distance man climbs on ladder for equilibrium from point B.
∑ f =0 , Ra - µRb = 0 Ra = 0.2 Rb .. ,(1)
∑ f =0, Rb + µRa - 300 - 750 = 0
Rb = 1009.6 N, Ra = 201.92 N
For finding out distance x take moment about B.
∑ M =0, 750 x cos 60° + 300 x 3 cos 60° - µRa 6 sin 60° -
Ra x 6 cos 60° = 0
x = 1.92 rn

9. Block 2 rests 011 block 1 and is attached· by horizontal rope AB on the wall as shown in fig. What force P is
necessary to cause motion of the block 1 to impend? The coefficient of friction between the blocks is 1/4 and
between the floor and block 1 is 1/3. Mass of the blocks 1 and 2 are 14 kg and 9 kg respectively.
M1= 14kg,
m2 =9kg
FBD of block 2

∑  = 0 T =  ×

∑  = 0
 = 9× 9.8
FBD of block 1

∑ f = 0 ; Pcos45°= µ × N + µ N2 (3)
∑ f = 0 ; Psin45°+N1=N2+14×9.8 (4)
By solving all. equations


1. Determine the magnitude and nature of forces in all members of the truss shown in Fig.

For equilibrium of truss consider it fully as free body
Ra + Rb = 4
∑M = 0
4 × AD = Rb × AB
Putting the value we get,
Rb = 3 kN
Ra = 1 kN
FBD of Joint A

∑ f = 0 ; fac cos30° + fab = 0

∑ f = 0; fac sin30° + Ra =0
fac = - 2KN (C)
f ab = 1.732 KN (T)

∑ f = 0 ; fbc cos 60 + fab = 0

∑ f = 0; fbcsin 60° + Rb = 0°
fbc = - 1.l55KN(C)
2.. Determine the force in all the members of the truss shown in Fig.

First consider whole truss as a free body
∑ f =0, Rex = 15 kN
∑ f =0, Rey +Ra = 0
∑ M =0,, Ra x4.5 = 1.5 X 6
Ra= 20 kN
R = -20 kN
Joint C
∑ f =0, fcd sin 36.87 - 15 = 0
∑ f =0, fcb + fcd cos 36.87 = 0
fcd = 25 kN (T),.
Joint B

fba = fbc = - 20 kN (c)

fbd = 0 kN
Joint A

∑ f =0
fab+ Ra + fad cos 36.87 = 0
- 20 + 20 +fad cos 36.87 = 0
fad= 0
∑ f =0
fac + fad sin 36.87 = 0
fac= 0
Joint D
Fdc = fde =25 kN (T)

3.. Determine the forces and their nature in each member of truss loaded as shown in fig.


The reaction at the supports can be determined by considering equilibrium of the engine
From the figure.
AB sin 30° = BD
AB =2 BD =2X
∑ f =0
RA + Rc= 57-5 KN
∑ M =0
7.5 x 2Xcos 30 + 50 x 2X=Rc × 3X
Or, Rc =37.08 KN
RA = 20.42KN
FAD = - 20.42/sin 30 = - 40.84 kN (C)
FAB = . +40.84× √3/2= 35·36 kN (T)
FCD = -74.16 kN (C)
Fbc = + 74.16 × √3 / 2
= 64.221 kN
FBD = 50 / sin 60 = 57.71 kN (T)

4.A truss is loaded as shown in Fig. 6. Find the reactions and forces in the members of truss.

For Equilibrium conditions

∑ f =0,
RA + RB = 2 + 1 = 3
Taking moment about A
∑ M =0,
1 × 6 − R × 4 + 2 × 2 = 0
R = 2.5 kN
R = 0.5 kN
Consider point D

∑ f =0,
F sin 60 = -1
F = -1.155 kN
∑ fh =0,
F  = −F sin 60
F  = 0.577 kN
Consider Point C

∑ f =0,
FCB sin 60° + FAC cos 30° =.- 2
0.866 FCB + 0.866 FAC = - 2
∑ fh =0,
FAC sin 30° - FCB cos60° = Fe})
0.5 FAC – 0.5 FCB = 0.577 ... (ii)
From equations (i) and (ii)
FAC = - 0.577 kN (comp.) Ans.
FCB = - 1.731 kN (comp.) Ans.
Consider point 'A'

FAB = - FAC x COS 60°

FAB = + 0.577 x cos 60°
FAB = 0.2885 kN (Tensile)

5.Draw the shear force and bending moment diagrams for the simple supported beam as shown in Fig.


For equilibrium conditions

∑ f =0,
RB+RF = 70
Taking moment about point 'F'
RB x 8 = 40 x 10 + 20 x I x 7.5 + 10 x 7 + 20 x 2 x 6 + 20 x 5 + 20 x 2 + 10 x 2 x 1
RB = 127.5 kN
RF = 42.5 kN
Shear force diagram:
Shear force at point 'F' = 42.5 kN
Shear force at just left of point 'E'
= 42.5 -10x 2 = 22.5 kN
Shear force at point 'E'
= 42.5 - 10x 2 - 20 = 2.5 kN
Shear force at just left of point 'D' = 2.5 kN
Shear force at point 'D'
= 2.5 - 20 = - 17.5 kN
Shear force at just left of point 'C'
= - 17.5 - 20 x 2 = - 57.5 kN
Shear force at point 'C'
= - 57.5 - 10 = - 67.5 kN
Shear force at just left of point 'B'
= - 67.5 - 20 x I = - 87.5 kN
Shear force at point 'B'
= - 87.5·+ (RB = 127.5) = 40 kN
Shear force at point 'A' = 40 - 40 = 0
Bending moinent diagram:
Bending moment at point 'F' = 0
Bending moment at point 'E'
= 42.5 x 2 – l0x 2 x I = 65 kN-m
Bending moment at point 'D'
= 42.5× 5 − 10 × 2 × 4 − 20 × 3 = 722.5 kN-m
Bending moment of point C
= 42.5 × 7 − 10 × 2 × 6 − 20 × 5 − 20 × 2 − 20 × 2 × 1 = -2.5 kN-m
Bending moment at point B
= 42.5 × 8 − 10 × 2 × 7 − 20 × 6 − 20 × 3 − 20 × 3 × 2 − 10 × 1 − 20 × 1 × 0.5 = -80 kN-m
Bending moment at A
= 42.5× 10 − 10 × 2 × 9 − 20 × 8 − 20 × 5 − 20 × 4 × 2 − 10 × 3 − 20 × 1 × 2.5 + 127.5 × 2 =0 kN-m


6. For the simply supported beam as shown in figure, draw shear force and bending moment diagrams after finding
the equations for shear force and bending moment.

Ans. Total load

RA + RB = 5 x 2 + 5
= 10 + 5 = 15 kN
∑ M =0,
Taking moment about point A we get,
5 × 2/3 + 10 × 3 = 4RB
RB = 8.33 kN
RA = 6.67 kN
SFA = + RA = 6.67 kN
SF o = - 8.33 + 5x 0 ≤ x ≤2
at distance 0
= - 8.33 + 5 x 0
= - 8.33 kN
at distance 2.
= - 8.33' + 5 x 2
= - 8.33 + 10
= - 1.67 kN
with the help of load, draw the SFD shown in fig.

For BMD- when the Beam is simply supported at end point B.M. will be zero.
M= '8.33 x – 5/2x2 0 ≤ x ≤2
M = 8.33x -10(x -1) -1 – 25 (x-2)2 2 ≤ x ≤4
with help of BM load we will draw the BMD show in fig

7. Draw the shear force and bending moment diagrams for the simple supported beam as shown in fig.

∑ f =0
Ra + Rb = 15 + 5 =20 KM
Taking moment about point A
∑ M =0
15 x 1·5 + 10 + 5×8 - Rb x10 = 0
Rb =7.25 kN
Ra = 12·75 kN

Calculation for the .shear force diagram. Value of S F

Just before A1 SFA = 0
Just at A, SFA = + RA = 12·75 KN
We get two values at A = 0 and 12.75
At-point E SFE = RA - 5 x 3
= 12.75-5
Between points A and C Since there is UDL b/w points A and E, Hence an inclined line is drawn
Now our aim is to find out the distance of that point where shear force changes its sign. Let it will be 'y' from point
S Fh = RA - 5 x y .
Y =2.55 m
SFD = 12·75 - 5 x 3
Single-valued C = -2.25
SF c = 12·75 - 5 x 3 =-2.25
Between point D and C
SFD= 12.75-5x3-5 =-7.25
Just-at SFD = 12·75 - 5 x 3 - 5 + 10 =+2.75
We get two values at B = - 7·25 and 0

Now for the BM diagram

BMA =0 kN-m
BM = 12·75 x 2.55 - 5×2.55× 2.55/2
=+ 16·25 kN-m
BMD = 12·75 x 5 - 10(2 + 1.5) . =28.75 kN-m
BMC = 12·75×7 - 10 x (3 + 2 + 15) = =24.25 kN-m
BMB = 12·75 x 8 - 10(2 + 3 + 2 + 1.5) = 17.00 KN-m

1. . Principle of Transmissibility of a Force. It states that the condition of equilibrium or of motion of rigid body will
remain unchanged if the point of application of a force acting on the rigid body is transmitted to act at any other
point along its line of action. A force F acting on the rigid body at' point B having the line of action AB, can be
replaced by the same force F but acting .at the point A provided this new point A lies along the line of action AB of
the force.

In other words, the force F acting at point A can be transmitted to act any other point B along its line of action
without changing its effect on the rigid ·body. Next consider a prismatic bar AB which is acted upon by two equal
and opposite coaxial forces P and P 'as shown in Fig.
Varignon's Theorem: It is also known as principle of moments: it states that "The algebraic sum of the moments of a
system of coplanar forces about a moment centre in their plane is equal to the moment of their resultant force about
the same moment centre.

Fl x Xl + F2 x X2 + F3 x X3 = R x X
F1, F2, F3 are the forces and R is the resultant.

5.Angle of Friction (4)): It is defined as the angle made by the resultant of the normal reaction and the limiting force
of friction (f) with the normal reaction R.
tan ∅ = F/R =µ .

Angle of repose: It is the maximum inclination of an inclined at which body starts moving due to it's own weight. In
limiting condition this angle is equal to angle of friction.

7.'Laws of static friction : If the two surfaces, which' are in contact are at rest, the force experienced by
one surface is called static friction' following are the coulomb’s laws for static (Dry) friction:
1. Frictional force is always acting .in opposite direction in which body tends to move.
2. Frictional force is directly proportional to normal reaction.
3. Frictional force is equal to the net force acting in direction of motion.
4.Frictional force is independent of the surface area in contact.
5. Frictional force depends upon the nature or roughness of surface.



Staticaly Staticaly
determinate indeterminate
beam beam

Simply Overhanging Propped

beam Cantilever Continuous
supported cantilever Fixed beam
beam beam
beam beam

Simply supported beam: When a beam is made to freely rest on supports which may be knife edges or
rollers is called simply supported beam.

Point Load

Overhanging Beam: A beam having one or both ends

extended over the supports is called a overhang beam.

One side overhang Both side overhang

Cantilever Beam: In cantilever beam one end is fixed or built in and other end is free to deflect.

4. The point at which bending moment changes it sign is called point of contraflexture. At this point bending
moment is zero point of contraflexture and point inflection is same.


I. The truss is statically

atically determinate and perfect one and thus follow, m = 2j – 3.
II. The joints of truss are assumed to be pin connections and frictionless.
III. The members of the truss are straight two force members with the forces acting at the joints only.
IV. The weights of the members are negligibly small unless otherwise mentioned.
6. Analysis of truss: Analysis of truss means finding out axial forces in different members of truss. These forces may
be compressive members of truss. These forces may be compressive or tensile in nature.
We can analyze truss by
(1) Graphical method: Finding out forces in different members by drawing funcicular polygons
and bow's notation.
(2) Analytical Method;
(a) Method of joints: Draw the free body diagram for each and every joint. Direction of axial forces in the line of
members. By applying necessary condition of equilibrium we can get axial forces in members. It is for finding out
forces in all members.

(b) Method of Sections: It is for finding out forces in some specified members. Take a section plane
which will cut only three members where forces are unknown including specified members. Draw the
FBD for either side and apply condition of equilibrium for finding out unknowns
Method of section is preffered when forces in some of the member are required.and also preferred
when method of joint fails to proceed.

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