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Statics Assgnmnt)

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The 30-N force P is applied perpendicular to the por-

tion BC of the bent bar. Determine the moment of P

about point B and about point A.

Question number 1 of 20
(a) Calculate the moment of the 90-N force about
point O for the condition @ = 15°. Also, determine
the value of 6 for which the moment about O is (6)
zero and (c) a maximum.
Ans. (a) Mp = 33.5 N‘-m CCW
(6) 6 = 36.9° (or 217°)
(c) 6 = 126.9° (or 307°)

Question number 2 of 20
The masthead fitting supports the two forces shown.
Determine the magnitude of T which will cause no
bending of the mast (zero moment) at point O.
Ans. T = 4.04 kN

Question number 3 of 20
A 400-N force is applied to the welded slender bar at
an angle # = 20°. Determine the equivalent force-
couple system acting on the weld at (a) point A and
(b) point O. For what value of @ would the results of
parts (a) and (5) be identical?
Ans. (a) F = 400 N, M, = 131.6 N-m CW
(b) F = 400 N, Mp = 214 N-m CW
6 = 0 or 180°

Question number 4 of 20
The flanged steel cantilever beam with riveted
bracket is subjected to the couple and two forces
shown, and their effect on the design of the attach-
ment at A must be determined. Replace the two
forces and couple by an equivalent couple M and re-
sultant force R at A.
Ans. R = 1.6441 + 1.159} kN
M, = 2.22 kN-m CCW



0.15 m

Question number 5 of 20
B86 The asymmetric roof truss is of the type used when
a near normal angle of incidence of sunlight onto the
south-facing surface ABC is desirable for solar energy
purposes. The five vertical loads represent the effect
of the weights of the truss and supported roofing ma-
terials. The 400-N load represents the effect of wind
pressure. Determine the equivalent force—couple sys-
tem at A. Also, compute the x-intercept of the line of
action of the system resultant treated as a single
force R.

500 N

5m 5m

Question number 6 of 20
2/91 An exhaust system for a pickup truck is shown in the
figure. The weights W,,, W,,,, and W, of the headpipe,
muffler, and tailpipe are 10, 100, and 50 N, respec-
tively, and act at the indicated points. If the exhaust-
pipe hanger at point A is adjusted so that its tension
F, is 50 N, determine the required forces in the
hangers at points B, C, and D so that the force—cou-
ple system at point O is zero. Why is a zero force-
couple system at O desirable?
Ans. Fz, = 98.9N, Fo = Fp = 642 N

0.5 +02 0.65 ~~ 0.65 >< 0.5 0.454

Dimensions in meters

Question number 7 of 20
2/103 The tension in the supporting cable BC is 800 lb.
Write the force which this cable exerts on the boom
OAB as a vector T. Determine the angles @,, @,, and
#, which the line of action of T forms with the pos-
itive x-, y-, and z-axes.
Ans. T = 110.7i — 775j + 166.0k lb
6, = 82.0°, 6, = 165.6°, 6, = 78.0°

Question number 8 of 20
104 The rectangular plate is supported by hinges along
its side BC and by the cable AE. If the cable tension
is 300 N, determine the projection onto line BC of
the force exerted on the plate by the cable. Note
that E is the midpoint of the horizontal upper edge
of the structural support.

Question number 9 of 20
06 The access door is held in the 30° open position by
the chain AB. If the tension in the chain is 100 N,
determine the projection of the tension force onto
the diagonal axis CD of the door.

Question number 10 of 20
9 Determine the x-, y-, and z-components of force F
which acts on the tetrahedron as shown. The quan-
tities a, b, c, and F are known, and M is the mid-
point of edge AB.
Ans. F,. = =
Ja? + b?Va? + b? + 4c?
F 2bcF
Ja? + B2Va? + B? + Ae?
2 of 2

+ b6* + 4e 2

Question number 11 of 20
2/129 Using the principles to be developed in Chapter 3 on
equilibrium, one can determine that the tension in
cable AB is 103.6 N. Determine the moment about
the x-axis of this tension force acting on pointA. Com-
pare your result to the moment of the weight W of the
15-kg uniform plate about the x-axis. What is the mo-
ment of the tension force acting atA about line OB?
Ans. M,. = 31.1 N-m, (M,)yw = —31.1 N-m
Mor = 9

Question number 12 of 20
131 The rigid pole and cross-arm assembly of Prob. 2/95
is shown again here. Determine the vector expres-
sion for the moment of the 1.2-kN tension (a) about
point O and (b) about the pole z-axis. Find each mo-
ment in two different ways.
Ans. (a) Mp = —2.89i1 — 0.962k kN-m
(b) M, = —0.962k kN-m

Question number 13 of 20
/142 Represent the resultant of the force system acting
on the pipe assembly by a single force R at A anda
couple M.

Question number 14 of 20
2/143 Replace the two forces and single couple by an
equivalent force—couple system at point A.
Ans. R = —20i — 37.9j + 12.65k kN
M = 45.3j + 40.9k kN-m
35 kKN-m

Question number 15 of 20
»/161 Three couples are formed by the three pairs of equal
and opposite forces. Determine the resultant M of
the three couples.
Ans. M = —20i — 6.77j — 37.2k N-m

100 N &Q

Question number 16 of 20
169 The rectangular plate is tilted about its lower edge
by a cable tensioned at a constant 600 N. Deter-
mine and plot the moment of this tension about
the lower edge AB of the plate for the range 0 =
d= 90°. ’
7200 sin 6
Ans. Map = N-m
AB 41 + 24 cos 6

Question number 17 of 20
16 The uniform beam has a mass of 50 kg per meter of
length. Compute the reactions at the support O. The
force loads shown lie in a vertical plane.


Question number 18 of 20
/90 A rectangular sign over a store has a mass of 100 kg,
with the center of mass in the center of the rectangle.
The support against the wall at point C may be
treated as a ball-and-socket joint. At corner D sup-
port is provided in the y-direction only. Calculate the
tensions 7’; and T’, in the supporting wires, the total
force supported at C, and the lateral force R sup-
ported at D.
Ans. T, = 347N, T. = 431N
R = 63.1N,C 768 N

Question number 19 of 20
*3/117 The horizontal boom is supported by the cables AB
and CD and by a ball-and-socket joint at O. To de-
termine the influence on the reaction at O of the
position of the vertical load L along the boom, we
may neglect the weight of the boom. If R repre-
sents the magnitude of the total force at O, deter-
mine by calculus the minimum ratio R/L and the
corresponding value of x. Then write a computer
program for R/L and plot the results for 0 < x <
6 m as a check on your calculations.
Ans. R/L = /47x*/162 — x/3 + 1
(R/L)min = 0.951 atx = 0.574 m

Question number 20 of 20

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