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Test Attack: Meaning

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The text provides various English words and their synonyms under different parts of speech like adjectives, nouns, verbs etc.

Some of the nouns and their synonyms provided are approval- agreement, authorization, inadequacy- insufficiency, yetersizlik, distraction- disruption, interruption etc.

Some of the verbs and their synonyms provided are maintain- sustain, retain, uphold, demonstrate- show, display, approve (of)- confirm etc.

Test Attack

Adjectives Synonyms Meaning

intense powerful, extreme güçlü, yoğun

notable substantial, considerable, remarkable, dikkate değer, büyük ölçüde
notable, significant, noteworthy,
prominent, outstanding, extraordinary,

suitable (for) proper uygun

fierce harsh, violent, brutal, severe şiddetli

subsequent successive, succeeding ard arda

inevitable unavoidable kaçınılmaz

equivalent (to) equal eşit

effective influential, impressive etkili

familiar (with) acquainted (with) aşina

probable possible, likely muhtemel

sensitive thoughtful hassas, düşünceli

adequate enough, sufficient yeterli

comprehensive complete, inclusive kapsamlı

vulnerable (to) prone, susceptible (to) savunmasız
proportional proportionate orantılı

prevalent predominant, widespread yaygın, hakim

sole only, mere yalnızca, sadece

excessive extreme aşırı

Davut DOĞAN & Ercüment Cem ÇUHADAR

Test Attack
Noun Synonyms Meaning

approval agreement, authorization onay


inadequacy insufficiency yetersizlik

distraction disruption, interruption dikkatini dağıtma

requirement obligation zorunluluk

preference (to / for) favourite tercih

benefit (from) profit fayda, çıkar

sufficiency adequacy yeterlilik

accumulation gathering birikme, birikinti

destruction devastation, demolition yıkım, harap

growth (in) advancement, development büyüme

contribution (to) katkı

objection (to) opposition itiraz, muhalefet

dedication (to) devotion kendini adama

encouragement inspiration, incentive teşvik, ilham

appreciation kıymet, değer

indication estimate, guess

consideration thought düşünce

regulation guideline düzenleme

display exhibition serge

conversion alteration, change değişiklik

recession depression durgunluk

determination decisiveness azim, hırs, kararlılık

diversity variety çeşitlilik

fluctuation oscillation dalgalanma

deficit shortage, scarcity azlık

Davut DOĞAN & Ercüment Cem ÇUHADAR

Test Attack
Verbs Synonyms Meaning

maintain sustain, retain, uphold sürdürmek

demonstrate show, display göstermek

approve (of) confirm onaylamak

counter oppose karşı çıkmak

confront face yüzleşmek

assign allocate tahsis etmek

enact ratify onaylamak, kanunlaştırmak

seize grab kapmak, el koymak

conduct carry out yürütmek

comprehend make out idrak etmek, anlamak

release emit, send out salmak, yaymak

accelerate enhance hızlanmak

disrupt disturb, interfere rahatsız etmek, müdahale etmek

surpass outweigh aşmak

remove eliminate kaldırmak

consume use up tüketmek
expand enlarge, develop genişlemek

increase go up, grow, rise artmak, yükselmek

decrease go down, decline, fall, reduce azalmak

encourage urge, inspire teşvik etmek, cesaretlendirmek

relate (to / with) associate, link (to / with) alakalı olmak

deceive trick kandırmak

represent stand for temsil etmek

derive (from) obtain from -den elde etmek

entail cause, lead to, bring about, result in neden olmak

exclude (from) omit dışlamak, hariç tutmak

reinforce support, strengthen güçlendirmek, desteklemek

respond (to) answer, react to, reply yanıtlamak

initiate launch, start başlamak, başlatmak

Davut DOĞAN & Ercüment Cem ÇUHADAR

Test Attack
Adverb Synonyms Meaning

notably substantially, remarkably, considerably, dikkate değer ölçüde, önemli derecede


significantly, dramatically, prominently,

massively, immensely, outstandingly,
particularly, largely, noticeably, greatly,
intensely, excessively, extremely, heavily

completely thoroughly, ultimately, totally, fully tamamen

suitably properly, appropriately uygun bir biçimde

rapidly swiftly, quickly, abruptly hızlı bir biçimde

fiercely harshly, firmly şiddetli biçimde

densely tightly sıkı bir biçimde, yoğun biçimde

adequately sufficiently, satisfactorily yeterince

respectively successively, subsequently, art arda


cautiously carefully dikkatli biçimde

accurately definitely, exactly, absolutely kesinlikle

effectively efficiently etkili biçimde

apparently görünüşte, görünüşe bakılırsa

briefly in short kısaca

primarily chiefly, mainly başlıca

approximately roughly, about, nearly yaklaşık

Davut DOĞAN & Ercüment Cem ÇUHADAR

Test Attack
Phrasal verbs Synonyms Meaning

get rid of quit, give up kurtulmak, bırakmak

cut down on reduce, decline azaltmak, kesmek

keep up with catch up with yetişmek

put up with tolerate tolerans göstermek

look down on underestimate aşağılamak

put off delay, postpone ertelemek

bring up raise, grow büyütmek

look up to respect saygı duymak

look into investigate araştırmak

call off cancel iptal etmek

make up for compensate for telafi etmek

back up support, stand by, stand for desteklemek

cope with deal with başa çıkmak

lead to bring about, result in, end up with, entail, neden olmak
give rise to

figure out make out, find out, understand anlamak, kavramak
come up with think up çözümle gelmek

rely on base on, depend on dayanmak, bağlı olmak

send out give off, emit, release salmak, yaymak

run out of run out, use up tüketmek, tükenmek

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