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1.---- lead was widely known to be dangerous, 4.

When modern coastal fish-farming began

by the early years of the 20th century, it could 30 years ago, no one was doing things right,
be found in all manners of consumer products. ---- for the environment ---- the industry’s
A) Since long-term sustainability.
B) Once A) whether / or
C) Only when B) such / as
D) Even though C) so / that
E) Given that D) either / or
E) as / as

2.Animals trapped in a stone called ‘amber’

5. ----- deriving two-thirds of its power supply
are sometimes so well preserved that they
from fossil fuels, power producers in India
look ---- they have just died.
cannot get enough pipeline space to distribute
A) so that
natural gas.
B) in case
A) Despite
C) as though
B) Besides
D) even if
C) As a result of
E) now that
D) By means of
E) Rather than

3. The European Commission has put forward

that policies to cut greenhouse gases will not
6.------certain conceptual strategies can be
work ---- individuals share the vision of a low-
learned,specific levels of cognitive
carbon society.
development must be achieved in early
A) provided that
childhood education.
B) after
A) In case
C) but
B) Now that
D) while
C) Unless
E) unless
D) Before
E) Just as
7. Adopting a positive attitude to a 10.The crimes of the rich and the
terrible experience can ---- enhance powerful can be explained ----- the same
accuracy in emotional memories ---- motives as any other criminal act.
diminish their negative overtones. A) in terms of
A) just / as B) prior to
B) both / and C) apart from
C) as / as D) in spite of
D) rather / than E) instead of
E) so / that

11. ---- the role of calcium has received an

8. When we think of war films, we enormous amount of attention, very few
often think of places like Vietnam people realise that without its partner,
and Europe, ----- the location for magnesium, calcium does not serve the body
these films is generally the United nearly as well as it should.
States. A) If
A) only if B) Whereas
B) as C) Whenever
C) but D) Since
D) given that E) Once
E) thus

12. Whether in the countryside or in city, a

9. In a workplace, standardization
hotel should not be built ---- there is a proven
of skills involves considerable
need for it.
training of personnel ----- they
A) in case
can carry out organizational
B) unless
policies with few faults.
C) though
A) because D) because
B) whereas E) after

C) eventhough

D) as if

E) so that
13. For centuries, people have thought that 16. By the age of three, a child’s brain is
we have two brains ---- we have two lungs or almost fully grown ---- her bones and muscles
two kidneys. are still underdeveloped.
A) until A) since
B) even though B) but
C) whether C) if
D) so long as D) unless
E) just as E) once

17.---- the world has been changing more

14. As with other chronic illnesses, asthma
rapidly than ever before, managers and other
affects ----patients ---- their families.
employees throughout an organization must
A) not only / but also
perform at higher and higher levels.
B) the more / the more
A) Because
C) neither / nor
B) In case
D) such / that
C) As if
E) less / than
D) Although
E) Unless

15. ---- children and older people, who suffer

most of their unintentional injuries at home, 18. ---- evidence of the civilization of the

young and middle-aged adults are often ancient Egypt was apparent everywhere, little

injured in the workplace. was known of its detailed history until its

A) In contrast to hieroglyphic writing was deciphered in the

B) Instead of early 19th century.

C) Due to A) Since

D) Thanks to B) Just as

E) In case of C) Although
D) Given that
E) Only if
19. One central question in acupuncture is ---- 22.The mouth is the first part of the digestive
the needles reduce pain ---- patients are system, where food is broken and chewed ----
simply responding to suggestions. it can easily be swallowed.
A) whether / or A) so that
B) neither / nor B) since
C) either / or C) just as
D) so / that D) as long as
E) as / as E) once

20.Being very significant ---- economical and

23.Fire was essential for the growth of human
geopolitical aspects, control of the Bosphorus
civilization ---- people used it to cook their
was always demanded by many countries.
food, warm their homes, clear woodland for
A) in spite of
cultivation, make pottery, and eventually melt
B) rather than
metals for ores.
C) instead of
A) unless
D) regardless of
B) even if
E) in terms of
C) whenever
D) as

21. Digital media communication differs E) in case

significantly from conventional marketing

communication ---- digital media enable new
forms of interaction and new models for 24.Japan is enormously centralized, and

information exchange. Tokyo, the capital city, hosts ---- the national

A) although government ---- the stock market and the

B) since world’s largest companies.

C) only if A) not only / but also

D) in case B) whether / or

E) even if C) neither / nor

D) such / that
E) the more / the less
25.Prejudice may be expressed by people who 28. Much evidence points to a relationship
have developed generally negative between stress and disease ---- claims that
personalities, perhaps ---- being raised in stressful life events and daily routines cause
harsh and restrictive families. various diseases are still premature.
A) as a result of A) since
B) in terms of B) if
C) rather than C) once
D) in contrast with D) only when
E) in place of E) but

26.Telecommunication companies install cell 29.Scientists do research in natural forces ----

towers in places where the network will get for the sake of new discoveries ---- to use the
sufficient use, ---- sparsely populated areas do findings for the advantage of mankind.
not qualify, which means people there lack A) not only / but also
access to reliable phone service. B) so / that
A) in case C) the more / the more
B) even if D) such / that
C) so E) whether / or
D) although
E) just as
30.One way to reduce the negative impact
people have on the environment is to make
27.---- the 50-second silent film Train Pulling sure that as much garbage as possible is
Into A Station was first shown in 1895, people recycled ---- being put in a landfill.
were so terrified by the locomotive racing A) because of
towards them that they hurried to the back of B) in terms of
the theatre. C) for the sake of
A) Before D) instead of
B) Although E) in case of
C) Since
D) When
E) As if
31.Astronomers discover thousands of new 34.The basic principles of good diets are ----
members of the solar system every month, simple ---- one can summarize them in just ten
most of which, ----, are insignificant bodies like words: eat less, move more, eat lots of fruits
small asteroids or comets. and vegetables.
A) however A) neither / nor
B) therefore B) the more / the less
C) otherwise C) whether / or
D) accordingly D) such / as
E) in other words E) so / that

32. ---- sustainable technologies usually cost a 35.The henna, which may have spiritual
lot of money to set up, they save money in the significance in various cultures, is applied ----
long run. different graphic rules, with different symbolic
A) Even if relations.
B) After A) due to
C) Just as B) except for
D) Unless C) unlike
E) Once D) according to
E) prior to

33.With normal ocean waves, only the surface

of the water body is in motion; a tsunami, ----,
36. ---- some people produce irresistibly
brings not only the surface into motion but
scented sweat that insects can detect from 30
lifts and then drops an entire water column in
m away, they are especially attractive to
the ocean.
A) namely
A) Until
B) though
B) As
C) for example
C) Whereas
D) similarly
D) Whether
E) hence
E) Before
37. ---- using renewable energy is potentially a 40.---- the promising prospects that carbon
means of combating global warming, capture and storage technology offers to
renewable energy facilities can be very prevent air pollution, it is still a rather new
expensive to establish. technique requiring much more research
A) Unless before it can be utilized on a large scale.
B) Although A) Owing to
C) Just as B) Rather than
D) Until C) In spite of
E) When D) Similar to
E) Except for

38.Standard Mail Transfer Protocol employs

41. 70 percent of the Earth's surface is liquid,
an elaborate letter-and-number code that tells
---- water scarcity affects more than a billion
each computer station what it must do with a
people each year.
message ---- it can reach its destination.
A) as if
A) as though
B) yet
B) in case
C) given that
C) so that
D) instead
D) even if
E) thus
E) now that

42.Alphabetic writing systems are easy to

39. Leonardo da Vinci’s drawings for machines
learn and maximally efficient for transcribing
are ---- accurate ---- it has been possible for
any human language, ---- they are considered
modern engineers to build some of them.
one of the major achievements of civilisation.
A) so / that
A) otherwise
B) as / as
B) but
C) either / or
C) so
D) more / than
D) whether
E) neither / nor
E) as
43.---- historians cannot agree on when gold 46.Home-grown produce tastes better than
was first discovered, there is some evidence to grocery store produce ---- it is freshly picked
suggest that the Egyptians were the first to and perfectly ripe, which shines through even
mine it. when cooked or preserved.
A) Now that A) although
B) Just as B) whereas
C) Even though C) whether
D) As long as D) because
E) In case E) unless

44.Wheat, which has been a staple food for

47.---- there have been dozens of proposals
centuries, can turn out to be bad for some
for gender-neutral third-person pronouns in
people ---- because they are allergic to it ----
English over the past two centuries, none has
because they have an autoimmune disorder.
gained acceptance.
A) so / that
A) Now that
B) neither / nor
B) As long as
C) as / as
C) In case
D) the more / the more
D) Once
E) either / or
E) Even though

45.---- its similarities with other Italian cities, it

48.The story of the cat’s domestication is one
is important to emphasise that Venice's
of mutual appreciation: early farming
aquatic environment and associations with
communities benefited from cats’ rodent-
foreign lands via the sea endowed it with a
catching skills ---- cats won themselves
protection and shelter without losing
A) Due to
their independence.
B) By means of
A) even if
C) In terms of
B) only when
D) In case of
C) as soon as
E) Despite
D) while
E) before
49.In most cultures around the world, men 52.Industrial nations consume nearly 75 to 80
and women typically differ in a number of percent of the fossil fuels burned each year;
ways ---- physical appearance, personality ----, they are responsible for the majority of
traits, and occupational preferences. greenhouse gas emissions.
A) in case of A) instead
B) in spite of B) on the contrary
C) such as C) as a result
D) similar to D) for example
E) as well as E) however

50.19th-century scientists fell into a bitter 53.Buildings such as the Hagia Sophia in
debate as to ---- intelligence lay in anatomy Istanbul, Turkey date back to the sixth century
---- a vital force was responsible for thoughts. and yet are still standing ---- they are located
A) as / as in earthquake-prone areas.
B) neither / nor A) as long as
C) so / that B) unless
D) whether / or C) as if
E) not only / but also D) although
E) since

51.---- there is no consensus among folklorists

on how to define folklore nor how to explain 54. In statistics, ---- the standard deviation
the issues of the meaning and the function of allows us to see how much individuals vary
it, folklore generally refers to cultural within a sample, ---- the standard error allows
expressions, such as narratives, music, dance, us to estimate how much samples will vary
beliefs and festivals. within a population.
A) Once A) whether / or
B) While B) no sooner / than
C) Until C) rather / than
D) As D) hardly / when
E) In case E) just as / so
55.The idea of the Internet was initially to 58. Studies have found that the effects of a
provide redundancy of communications ---- a cup of coffee or a glass of cola are noticeable
catastrophic event like a nuclear blast, which after just 10 minutes ---- the peak caffeine
might destroy a single connection or concentration in the blood occurs after 4
computer but not the entire network. minutes.
A) such as A) since
B) on behalf of B) but
C) in terms of C) provided that
D) in addition to D) as long as
E) in case of E) unless

56.Most cheesemakers believe that the

brilliant nuances of flavour found in raw milk, 59. Animals are hunted by humans ---- for
with its naturally present ‘good’ bacteria their meat ---- for parts of their bodies that
simply cannot be duplicated in a pasteurised are used to create medicines, clothes, and
milk cheese ----some well-respected cheeses, jewellery.
including British Stilton, are made only from A) neither / nor
pasteurised milk. B) such / that
A) now that C) not only / but also
B) after D) the more / the more
C) although E) as / as
D) because
E) only if
60. ---- its notoriety as a naval weapon, the
57.Surprisingly, the symbol for zero emerged first modern torpedo was developed in
later than the concepts for other numbers, landlocked Austria, or rather in what was then
and ---- the Babylonians used a symbol for the Austrian Empire stretching down to the
zero, it was merely a placeholder and not used Adriatic.
for computational purposes. A) Along with
A) just as B) In terms of
B) as if C) Despite
C) in case D) Due to
D) because E) Instead of
E) even though
61.Scientists have grown more aware of the 64. Known as the ‘Lady with the Lamp’ during
social implications of their work ---- people the Crimean War, Florence Nightingale, the
have become more conscious of the ways in most famous nurse in history, focused her
which science and technology affect their efforts ---- on the prevention of diseases ----
lives. the promotion of healthy living in a more
A) but positive way.
B) in case A) the more / the more
C) just as B) not only / but also
D) only if C) whether / or
E) unless D) such / that
E) as / as

62. ---- the organic food industry is relatively

small and new, it is important that consumers 65. ---- expansion west across the Mississippi
become aware of its claims, limitations, and River to the Pacific coast, settlers from
potential benefits. Europe were brought into conflict with Native
A) Just as American tribes who lived in the area, upon
B) Once whose lands the settlers were encroaching.
C) Unless A) Rather than
D) Even if B) Along with
E) Until C) As opposed to
D) Unlike
E) Due to
63. Early conceptualization of acculturation
described an interpersonal transformation
that occurs ---- cultures come into sustained 66.Renaissance art evolved from a common
contact. set of principles, ---- it took many directions
A) whereas and changed considerably in the following
B) when centuries.
C) as if A) instead
D) even though B) provided that
E) in case C) but
D) for
E) so
67. ---- palaeontologists still like to argue 70. Although genetically modified seed is
about what role the asteroid played in the more expensive than conventional
dinosaur extinction, there really is not much of equivalents, the extra cost can be seen as an
a mystery left. insurance policy against crop losses ---- weeds
A) Once or pests.
B) In case A) contrary to
C) Given that B) due to
D) Although C) in terms of
E) As D) despite
E) along with

68. To psychology professionals, the name

Anne Anastasi is synonymous with 71. ---- immigrants to North America’s new
psychomethcs, ---- it was she who pioneered colonies were primarily British in the 17th and
understanding how psychological traits are 18th centuries, significant numbers of people
influenced, developed, and measured. of other nationalities also established a
A) so presence in the Americas.
B) even if A) Because
C) while B) While
D) yet C) As long as
E) as D) Provided that
E) Once

69. Music is a very small world encompass

something that takes ---- many forms ---- there 72. Not much had been accomplished with the
are cultural and subcultural identities. phenomena of magnetism and static ---- the
A) either / or Chinese began to use the magnetic compass
B) both / and for navigation around 1000 AD.
C) as / as A) in case
D) such / that B) while
E) not only / but also C) until
D) if
E) as soon as
73. Liquid water covers more than two-thirds 76. Among the drawbacks of aging is a
of the Blue Planet’s surface, ---- exactly how it creeping tendency to put on weight, ---- our
got there has always been puzzling. resting metabolism slows down-by roughly 1
A) so to 2 percent every decade.
B) instead A) but
C) but B) since
D) otherwise C) as if
E) as D) if only
E) even if

74.Personality is ---- a crucial aspect of

psychology ---- every main branch of 77. Feminism made an important difference to
psychological research has attempted to British culture throughout the 20th century
contribute to the existing knowledge in ---- the struggle to change unequal gender
this area. relations took place in a range of contexts.
A) such / that A) provided that
B) whether / or B) unless
C) as much / as C) as
D) the more / the more D) in case
E) neither / nor E) as long as

75.Having a geopolitical significance ---- its 78. Surpassed by tennis in the 19th century,
unique aspect of dividing two continents, the croquet is today more of a recreational
Bosphorus stands among distinguished activity than competitive sport ---- intense
landmarks of Istanbul. competition has not disappeared entirely in
A) similar to croquet clubs.
B) thanks to A) just as
C) in place of B) even though
D) in spite of C) provided that
E) contrary to D) so that
E) as long as
79. The management of farms in the future 82.---- all dogs show signs of having theory of
will be influenced ---- by climate ---- by global mind', which enables them to grasp that we
demand and agricultural practices, so the think differently from them, it is unlikely that
winners will be farmers who modernise their they are capable of extending this to knowing
methods and diversify their fields. the reason why one person behaves
A) neither / nor differently to another.
B) as / as A) In case
C) not only / but also B) Only if
D) rather / than C) As far as
E) so / that D) Given that
E) Eventhough

80. ---- connecting distant empires into an

integrated web of commerce, the Silk Road 83.---- there are hundreds of school- and
carried infectious diseases that severely communi-ty-based aggression prevention and
affected immunity-free victims. social skills promotion programmes, only a
A) In case of handful of these appear to be effective.
B) Apart from A) Provided that
C) In terms of B) Since
D) On behalf of C) Although
E) For the purpose of D) Just as
E) Unless

81.---- electricity and heat account for 41

percent of global carbon dioxide emissions 84.Finding ammonia on the, surface of Pluto
today, curbing climate change wili require could be a hint of more complex organic
satisfying that much demand with renewables chemistry on the planet, although it is ---- cold
rather than fossil fuels. ---- there is almost definitely no life there.
A) Since A) not only /but also
B) While B) both / and
C) Until C) neither / nor
D) Unless D) such / that
E) As if E) so / that
85.---- the Sun's constant stream of energy, 88. In diabetic patients, even though food
water molecules are continually evaporating intake may be increased, weight loss cạn
from the surfaces of oceans and lakes, adding occur ----- muscles and fat stores may shrink
to the water vapour in the air. as they are not getting the necessary glucose.
A) Rather than
A) because
B) Thanks to
C) As opposed to B) given that

D) In terms of C) as long as
E) Unlike
D) although

E) in case
86.----- social media has become widely
integrated into everyday life, there is a
growing interest in understanding its impact 89.----- you are a long-time fan ----- casual
and the noms of online conduct. follower of the series of Street Fighter, you are
A) Supposing that already well-aware that it is constantly
updated with new characters, costumes, and
B) Although story content.
C) Now that A) Both / and
D) As much as B) Neither / nor
E) While C) Rather / than

D) Whether / or

87.For many years, social researchers E) Not only / but also

regarded gossip as unworthy of scientific
investigation; -----, sociologists have recently
90.----- many individual cases of malicious
begun to recognise gossip as an important
data leaks online that have caught the public
feature of social life. eye, there has been very little research
examining the scale of the problem.
A) accordingly
A) Similar to
B) in other words
B) Due to
C) however C) As a result of

D) as a result D) In accordance with

E) Despite
E) for example
91.------certain types of fungi have been used 94. The conventional view of dinosaur origins
throughout history for a variety of benefical holds that they were endowed with —
purposes, others have been found to contain superior speed, agility, metabolism and
dangerous toxins that are poisonous to intelligence — as soon as they debuted they
humans. quickly spread across the globe.
A) Once A) either / or

B) Although B) both/and

C) Since C) the more / the more

D) Provided that D) whether/or

E) Only when E) such / that

95..Books continue to be a major medium for

92. ----- such an intimate connection existed communicating scholary works in the field of
between agricultural intensification and the history, ------ many other social sciences,
appearance of cities, it is not surprising that where journal articles are far more important.
the earliest evidence for cities comes from A) with the help of
regions with ancient agricultural traditions. B) in contrast to
A) Because
C) due to
B) Asif
D) such as
C) Before
E) on the basis of
D) Although

E) While
96. In linguistics, the distinction between a
word's sense and reference is a critical one,
---- it allows us to study the many cases where
93. ……children can be easy targets for
we happily use words, even though they do
exploitation and victimization, supervision is not naturally correspond to the way things are
necessary component of any Internet safety. in the world.

A) Even if A) in order that

B) Although B) so that

C) Since C) because

D) Before D) if

E) Unless E) once
97.-----there is nothing wrong with wanting to 100.The science says that products grown
look good, there are some troubling ethical organically contain higher levels of the
issues associated with aesthetic plastic
antioxidant compounds linked to good health
---- lower levels of pesticides and toxic metals.
A) Given that

B) Although A) as well as

C) In case B) prior to

D) Unless C) in terms of
E) Provided that
D) on behalf of

E) as a result of
98.----- even kings and high statesmen have a
daily life, when that concept is used in history,
it refers to the lives of the ordinary people
who became the protagonists of much
historiography in the late 20th century.

A) Whether

B) Seeing that

C) While

D) Unless

E) Until

99.Economic activity is the source of wealth

for any country, so government control and
regulation of the economy has a significant
effect ---- on prosperity and growth ---- on
political well-being.

A) the more / the less

B) neither / nor

C) not only / but also

D) so / that

E) whether / or
1. D 36. B
2. C 37. B
3. E 38. C
4. D 39. A
5. A 40. C
6. D 41. B
7. B 42. C
8. C 43. C
9. E 44. E
10. A 45. E
11. B 46. D
12. B 47. E
13. E 48. D
14. A 49. C
15. A 50. D
16. B 51. B
17. A 52. C
18. C 53. D
19. A 54. E
20. E 55. E
21. B 56. C
22. A 57. E
23. D 58. B
24. A 59. C
25. A 60. C
26. C 61. C
27. D 62. D
28. E 63. B
29. A 64. B
30. D 65. E
31. A 66. C
32. A 67. D
33. B 68. E
34. E 69. C
70. B
71. B
72. C
73. C
74. A
75. B
76. B
77. C
78. B
79. C
80. B
81. A
82. E
83. C
84. E
85. B
86. C
87. C
88. A
89. D
90. E
91. B
92. A
93. C
94. E
95. B
96. C
97. B
98. C
99. C
100. A

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