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Bohm Feynman

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Bohm Trajectories and Feynman Paths in Light of Quantum Entropy

Ignazio Licataa, b, Davide Fiscalettic,

ISEM, Inst. for Sci. Methodology, 91100, PA- Italy
School of Advanced International Studies on Theoretical and non
Linear Methodologies of Physics ,Bari, I-70124, Italy

SpaceLife Institute, San Lorenzo in Campo (PU), Italy

It is here proposed a new definition of Quantum Entropy by a Gauge constraint on a classical Boltzmann
Manifold. Bohm potential is derived as Fisher information, in accordance with Bohm-Hiley idea of “Active
Information”, and the geometries underlying Bohm trajectories and Feynman Paths are compared. Given a
Quantum system, it is shown how the modifications of such geometries are connected to the microstates that
Quantum Entropy provides.

PACS numbers: 03.65.-w ; 03.65.Ud ; 03.67.-a ; 11.10-z; 11.1oEf

KEY WORDS: foundation of quantum mechanics; quantum information; quantum entropy; quantum
geometry; Bohm Potential; Feynman’s path integrals.

1. Introduction
By starting from a geometrodynamic approach in which the entropy of a quantum system is
expressed by a metric in a manifold of different Boltzmann entropies, Bohm’s quantum potential
(QP) appears under the constraint of a minimum condition of Fisher information as a non-
Euclidean deformation of the entropic space. In this picture, the difference between classical and
quantum information is similar to the difference between Euclidean and non-Euclidean geometry in
the parameter space determined by the quantum entropy [1, 2].
On the other hand, starting from the work of J.P.Vigier it was recognized a strong formal
analogy between the QP and the most radical and powerful tool in theoretical physics, the Feynman
path integrals approach [3, 4]. In spite of the fact that the two approaches seem to originate from
different visions, both the paths of Bohm and the Feynman ones underline the "non-mechanical"
character of a quantum object, taking into account explicitly the non-locality which derives from
the global “interweaving” of dynamic stories in a “context” or “environment” via superposition and
entanglement. In other words, the concept of trajectory emerges only in appropriate conditions that
can be strictly defined in terms of Quantum Field Theory. This is the conceptual limit of any
"geometrodynamics" [5, 6]. The link between Bohm’s quantum potential and Feynman’s path
integrals is explored here within a new formalism based on quantum entropy as deformation of the
geometry of the configuration space.
The paper is structured as follows. In chapter 2, after a brief review of the most important
features of Bohm’s quantum potential, we will analyze a definition of quantum entropy as a
constraint on different Boltzmann entropies and we will derive the quantum potential as extremal of
Fisher Information on quantum entropy manifold. In chapter 3 we will outline the connection
between Bohmian paths and Feynman’s path integral approach, in the light of some recent research.

In chapter 4 we will analyse the link between the quantum information as a deformation of the
geometry and Bohm-Feynman’s path integrals. Finally, in chapter 5 we will derive a new minimum
principle which allows us to obtain quantum mechanics.

2. Quantum Potential as Fisher information in Entropy Space

The starting point to introduce the notion of geometric quantum information is the analysis
of the general features of quantum potential, the non-local “brick” of the David Bohm theory. As is
known, in his classic works of 1952 Bohm showed that if one interprets each individual physical
system as composed by a corpuscle and a wave guiding it, by writing its wave function in polar
form and decomposing the Schrödinger equation, the movement of the corpuscle under the guide of
the wave happens in agreement with a law of motion which assumes the following form
∂S ∇S
η2 ∇ 2 R
+ − + V = 0 (1)
∂t 2m 2m R
(where R is the amplitude and S is the phase of the wave function, η is Planck’s reduced constant,
m is the mass of the particle and V is the classical potential). This equation is equal to the classical
equation of Hamilton-Jacobi except for the appearance of the additional term
η2 ∇ 2 R
Q=− (2)
2m R
having the dimension of an energy and containing Planck constant and therefore appropriately
ρ ρ ρ ρ
defined quantum potential. If we consider a wave function ψ = R( x1 ,..., x N , t )e iS ( x1 ,..., x N , t ) / η
, defined
on the configuration space R 3 N of a system of N particles, inside Bohm’s interpretation of non-
relativistic quantum mechanics the movement of this system under the action of the wave ψ
happens in agreement to the quantum Hamilton-Jacobi law of motion
∂S N ∇ i S

+∑ + Q + V = 0 (3)
∂t i =1 2mi
η2 ∇ i R
N 2

Q = ∑− (4)
i =1 2mi R
is the many-body quantum potential [7, 8, 9, 10; for a general review see 11].
For our purposes here it will be sufficient to refer to the first Bohm, still influenced by the
ideas of de Broglie and influenced by the attempt to describe the quantum phenomena in a
spaziotemporal arena. Later, his ideas will go more and more in the direction of a topological non-
locality described with algebraic methods in a pre-space [12, 13].
A fundamental trait which emerges from the formalism of non-relativistic de Broglie-Bohm
theory is the non-locality. In the expression of the quantum potential, the appearance of the
amplitude of the wave function in the denominator also explains why the quantum potential can
produce strong long-range effects that do not necessarily fall off with distance and so the typical
properties of entangled wave functions. Thus even though the wave function spreads out, the effects
of the quantum potential need not necessarily decrease. This is just the type of behaviour required to
explain the EPR effect. In virtue of the quantum potential, Bohm’s interpretation of quantum
phenomena has the merit to include non-locality ab initio rather than to come upon it as an a
posteriori statistical “mysterious weirdness” [cit. from 1].
Moreover, the expression of the quantum potential implies that the quantum potential has a
contextual nature, namely brings a global information on the process and its environment by
individuating an infinite set of phase paths; and it is active information in the sense that it modifies

the behaviour of the particle. In a double-slit experiment, if one of the two slits is closed the
quantum potential changes, and this information arrives instantaneously to the particle, which
behaves as a consequence. The active information of the quantum potential is deeply different from
classical one: it is, in fact, intrinsically not-Shannon computable [14].
An essential key for the relations between quantum potential, system’s geometry and
information is provided by the Fisher information, which plays the role of a natural tile to build a
metric able to connect the system’s statistical outcomes and its global geometry. In the recent paper
[2] the authors showed that the quantum potential expresses how the quantum effects deform the
configuration space of processes in relation to the number of the microstates of the system under
consideration. The quantum potential emerges as an information channel determined by the
quantum entropy space given by the manifold of different Boltzmann entropies
 S1 = k logW1(θ1,θ2 ,...,θ p )

S2 = k logW2 (θ1,θ2 ,...,θ p )
 (5)
 ...
S = k logWn (θ1,θ2 ,...,θ p )
 n
where W are the number of the microstates for the same parameters θ as temperatures, pressures,
etc… and k is Boltzmann’s constant. In this picture, quantum effects are equivalent to a geometry
which is described by equation
∂ ∂ 2 S j ∂x i ∂ ∂ log W j ∂
+ = + = k + B j,h (6)
∂x k
∂x ∂x ∂S j ∂x
k p k
∂xh ∂x
∂S j ∂ log W j
B j ,h = = (7)
∂xh ∂xh
is a Weyl-like gauge potential [15, 16, 17].
The change of the geometry corresponds with a non-local deformation of the moments stated by the
quantum action
 ∂A 1 1  ∂ log Wk ∂ log Wk  n
A = ∫ ρ + pi p j + V + dtd x (8).
 ∂t 2m 2m  ∂xi ∂x j 
The quantum action assumes the minimum value when:
 ∂A 1  ρ ∂ log Wk ∂ log Wk
δ ∫ ρ + pi p j + V dtd n x + δ ∫ dtd n x = 0 (9)
 ∂t 2m  2m ∂xi ∂x j
and thus
∂A 1 1  1 ∂Wk ∂Wk 2 ∂ 2Wk  ∂S k
= 1
+ pi p j + V + − + p p + V + Q (10)
∂t 2m 2m  Wk 2 ∂xi ∂x j Wk ∂xi ∂x j  ∂t 2m i j

where Q is the Bohm quantum potential derived from Fisher information as extremal, that is a
measure of distance in the entropy space [1].
On the basis of the formalism described by equations (5)-(10), it becomes so permissible the
following re-reading of the mathematical formalism in non relativistic bohmian quantum
mechanics: the distribution probability of the wave function determines the functions Wk defining
the number of microstates of the physical system under consideration, a quantum entropy is fixed
by these functions Wk given by equations (5), by determining a change of the geometry – with

respect to the Euclidean space of classical physics – expressed by the Weyl-like gauge potential (7)
and characterized by the deformation of the moments (8). Moreover, on the basis of equation (10),
one can interpret Bohm’s quantum potential as an information channel determined by the functions
Wk given by equations (5): these functions Wk , and therefore the quantum entropy determine the
action of the quantum potential (in the extreme condition of the Fisher information) on the basis of
1 ∂W ∂W 1 ∂ 2W
Q= − (11).
2mW 2 ∂x i ∂x j mW ∂xi ∂x j
In this way, under the constraint of the extremal condition of Fisher information, the functions W
are “informational lines” of Bohm’s quantum potential in the non-Euclidean space of the entropies.
In other words, each of the Boltzmann entropies appearing in the superposition vector (5) can be
considered as a specific information channel of a quantum potential which describes the
deformation of the geometry in the presence of quantum effects.
In the recent article Sbitnev [18] showed that the quantum potential can be interpreted as an
information channel into the movement of the particles as a consequence of the fact that it
determines two quantum correctors into the energy of the particle depending on the density of the
ensemble of particles associated with the wave function under consideration. Here, in analogy with
Sbitnev’s treatment, if we substitute equation (11) into equation (1) the quantum Hamilton-Jacobi
equation of motion for the corpuscle associated with the wave function ψ ( x, t ) becomes:
1 ∂W ∂W 1 ∂ 2W ∂S
+ +V − =− (12).
2m 2mW ∂xi ∂x j
mW ∂xi ∂x j ∂t
Equation (12) which provides a new way to read the energy conservation law in quantum
mechanics. In equation (12) two quantum corrector terms appear in the energy of the system, which
are owed to the functions W linked with the quantum entropy. On the basis of equation (12), we can
say that, in the approach here suggested, the deformation of the geometry determined by the
functions W (and thus by the quantum entropy) produces two quantum corrector terms in the energy
of the system. More precisely, the energy conservation law (12) suggests that the term
1 ∂W ∂W
can be interpreted as the quantum corrector of the kinetic energy of the
2mW ∂x i ∂x j
1 ∂ 2W
particle while the term − can be interpreted as the quantum corrector of the potential
mW ∂xi ∂x j
1 ∂ 2W 1 ∂W ∂W
energy V. These two quantum correctors − and are determined just by
mW ∂xi ∂x j 2mW 2 ∂x i ∂x j
the functions W which are linked with the quantum entropy and describe the deformation of the
geometry in the presence of quantum effects.
In Sbitnev’s approach, by starting from the quantum entropy
S Q = − ln ρ (13)
introduced as the degree of order and chaos of the vacuum supporting the density of the ensemble
of particles associated with the wave function, the quantum potential is an information channel into
the behaviour of the particles given by relation
(∇SQ )2 + η ∇ 2 SQ (14). ( )
2m 2m
As a consequence, by equating equations (14) and (11) one obtains

In the next equations, for simplicity we are going to denote the generic function Wk (defined by equations 5) with W.

1  1 ∂W ∂W 2 ∂ 2W  η2 η2 2

2m  W 2 ∂x i ∂x j W ∂xi ∂x j 
= −
(∇ S (
Q )2
∇ S Q (15).

Equation (15) allows us to show that the two quantum corrector terms of the energy of the particle
(∇SQ )2 and η ∇ 2 SQ of Sbitnev’s approach to quantum entropy correspond to two terms
( )

2m 2m
depending on the functions W defining the number of the microstates of the physical system,
1  1 ∂W ∂W   
 − 1 ∂ W  respectively:
namely and
2m  W ∂x i ∂x j 
2  mW ∂x ∂x 
 i j 

1  1 ∂W ∂W  η2
= − (∇SQ )2 (16)
2m  W 2 ∂x i ∂x j  2m
 
 − 1 ∂ W  = η ∇ 2 S Q (17).
( )
2 2

 mW ∂x ∂x  2m
 i j 

Equations (16) and (17) state that Sbitnev’s entropy expresses the degree of order and chaos of the
vacuum supporting the density of the ensemble of particles associated with the wave function, in the
sense that it emerges from the functions W defining the number of microstates of the physical
system under consideration.
On the other hand, in analogy with Sbitnev’s model, the continuity equation of bohmian
mechanics may be written as:
∂S Q ρ 1 ρ
= −(v ⋅ ∇S Q ) + ∇ ⋅ v (18)
∂t 2
ρ ∇S
where v = is the particle’s speed and Sbitnev’s entropy S Q is determined by the functions W
on the basis of equations (16) and (17). In equation (18), the second term at the right side describes
the rate of the entropy flow due to spatial divergence of the speed. Equation (18) can be interpreted
as a law which describes balance of the information flows associated with Sbitnev’s entropy and
thus with the functions W.
According to the approach here suggested, in non-relativistic bohmian mechanics the
geometrodynamic nature of the quantum potential (namely the fact that it has a geometric nature,
contains a global information on the environment in which the experiment is performed, and at the
same time it is a dynamical entity, namely its information about the process and the environment is
active) is just determined by the deformation of the geometry determined by the functions W (and
thus by the quantum entropy (5)) on the basis of equations (11) and (12), while equation (18)
indicates the information flows associated with these functions. It is also interesting to observe that,
in this approach, the inverse square root of the quantity
Lquantum = (19)

1 2 ∂W 2
1 ∂W ∂W  
− 2
η  W ∂xi ∂x j W ∂xi ∂x j 
2 

defines a typical quantum-entropic length that can be used to evaluate the strength of quantum
effects and, therefore, the modification of the geometry with respect to the Euclidean geometry
characteristic of classical physics. Once the quantum-entropic length becomes non-negligible the
system goes into a quantum regime. In this picture, Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle derives from
the fact that we are unable to perform classical measurements to distances smaller than the
quantum-entropic length. In other words, the size of a measurement has to be bigger than the
quantum-entropic length

∆L ≥ Lquantum = (20).

1 2 ∂W 2
1 ∂W ∂W  
− 2
η  W ∂xi ∂x j W ∂xi ∂x j 
2 

The quantum regime is entered when the quantum-entropic length must be taken under
In synthesis we can say that by Fisher it is possible to characterize the deformations of the
geometry in the presence of quantum effects in the space of parameters and to express Bohm’s
quantum potential as the information channel indicating the modification of the geometry of the
configuration space determined by the quantum entropy. Novello, Salim and Falciano [19] have
recently proposed a geometrical approach in which the presence of quantum effects is linked with
the Weyl length LW = , and thus with the curvature scalar; in analogous way, in the approach
proposed by the authors and illustrated in this chapter [see also 2], the quantum effects are owed to
the microstates characterizing the system under consideration and thus to the quantum entropy (5).
Both the Novello’s, Salim’s and Falciano’s and our approach are realistic models that aim to
provide a geometrical framework to quantum mechanics in a bohmian picture, the one in the
context of Weyl integrable space, the other in the context of an entropic background in the
condition of Fisher information. In analogy with Novello’s, Salim’s and Falciano’s approach that
implies that the quantum effects are the manifestations of the modification of the geometry from
Euclidean to a non-Euclidean Weyl integrable space, inside the entropic approach to Bohm’s
quantum mechanics in the condition of Fisher information, the presence of the quantum effects is
linked with a change in the geometry which is determined by the quantum entropy and therefore the
length that can be used to evaluate the strength of quantum effects is linked with the quantum

3. About de Broglie-Bohm path integrals and Feynman path integrals

In quantum mechanics the fundamental problem regarding the propagation of the wave
function can be resolved by constructing the so-called quantum mechanical path integrals. as is
known, Feynman’s approach to quantum mechanics uses the concept of path as a mathematical tool
to calculate a propagator for the wave function:
S [x]
K ( x, t , x0 , t 0 ) = ∫ D[x ]e η
where S is the classical action and the integral is taken over all possible paths between the two
points (x; t) and (xo; to). One can show that equation (21) satisfies the Schrödinger equation and
can be used as a substitute for it. This means that, if we have an arbitrary initial wave function, we
can obtain it at any other time by (21). The Feynman path integral is conventionally understood as a
sum over all (infinite) possible paths connecting the points (x; t) and (xo; to), each of these
contributing with an amplitude found by integrating the classical Lagrangian. However, these paths
are understood not be “trajectories”,in fact in the standard interpretation of quantum mechanics such
a concept does not even exist. Instead, inside the interpretative universe of the de Broglie-Bohm
Theory there is a spectrum of more varied positions, from post-deterministic “realism” to “softer”
positions [20, 21, 22, 23]. Among the archipelago of “ontologies”, we prefer to follow the royal
road of mathematics.
As regards path integrals and theories of actual particle trajectories there is, moreover,
another important (and completely different) relation: since one considers a lot of possible paths of
the particle, is it perhaps one of these paths that the particle actually follows? If the Feynman path

integral formalism provided a probability distribution on the space of all paths, one could assume
that nature chooses one of the paths at random according to this distribution. In this way Feynman’s
path integral approach would have the same ontology as Bohmian mechanics, but would be based
on a stochastic law of motion. As we said, these old "ontological" issues are waiting to be
reformulated in terms of QFT, and a less naive “realism”. The essential point is that there are
already several formalisms able to establish a "bridge" between the two theories [23, 24, 25]. We
will limit ourselves here to illustrate a couple of examples from Bohm toward Feynman.
In their paper Abolhasani and Golshani [26] showed that the propagation of the wave
function in the context of de Broglie-Bohm theory for the one-body system can be achieved by
means of a Bohmian path integral which, for two points (x; t) and (xo; to) with a finite distance on a
Bohmian path, is defined by the relation
ρ ρ
ρ  i x ,t  (∇S )2  x ,t
∇ 2 S  ρ
ψ (x , t ) = exp ∫  − (Q + V ) dt − ∫ dt ψ ( x0 , t 0 ) (22)
 η xρ0 ,t0  2m  x0 , t 0 2m
ρ 
where the first exponential can be obtained by integrating the quantum Hamilton-Jacobi equation
(1) on the Bohmian path while the second exponential can be obtained by integrating the continuity
equation (derived from the imaginary part of Schrödinger equation) [21]. As one may expect, here
the classical action of the Feynman path integral (21) is replaced by the quantum action (which is
linked with the quantum potential Q given by equation (2). The Bohmian path integral given by
equation (21) can also be extended to the case of a system of N particles in the following way
ρ ρ
ρ ρ  i x ,t N  (∇ S )2  x ,t N
∇ S  ρ
ψ ( x1 ,..., x N , t ) = exp ∫ ∑  i
− (Q + V )dt − ∫ ∑ i dt ψ ( x01 ,..., x0 N , t 0 ) (23)
 η xρ0 ,t0 i =1  2mi  ρ
x0 ,t 0 i =1
2mi 
with the quantum potential Q given by equation (4).
Abolhasani and Golshani have then determined ψ ( x, t ) for a free-wave packet in one
dimension in terms of its Fourier components e ikx (for which ∇ 2 S = 0 and Q=0). In this case the
Bohmian path integral (22) becomes
ηk 2
−i (t −t0 )
ψ ( x, t ) = ∫ dke 2m
ϕ (k )e ikx (24)
(which can be called Fourier-Bohm path integrals) and the Feynman path integral becomes
 im( x − x0 )2 
K ( x, t , x 0 , t 0 ) =
exp  (25).
2πiη(t − t 0 )  2η(t − t 0 ) 
In both Feynman and Fourier-Bohm path integrals, infinite paths have origin from each point of
space at time to and these paths have all possible gradients. It is important to underline that in
Abolhasani’s and Golshani’s treatment, the infinity of Fourier-Bohm paths is of the same order of
the infinity of Feynman paths. The infinite Bohmian paths which appear in the Fourier-Bohm path
integral are equivalent with the infinite Feynman paths which appear in the Feynman path integral.
The only difference is that, in the Bohmian path integrals each path which initiates at xo, with the

gradient vi = i , is multiplied by one component of ψ 0 ( x0 ) , i.e. ϕ (k i )e ik i x . Instead, in Feynman
path integral the same path is multiplied by all components of ψ 0 ( x0 ) , i.e. ∑i ϕ (ki )e ik i x .
In Abolhasani’s and Golshani’s treatment, both the Bohmian path integral (22) and the
Feynman path integral (21) lead to the same result as regards the evolution of the wave function for
a free wave packet. In particular, in this model, Feynman path integral (21) can be obtained directly
from the Bohmian path integral (22) on the basis of an “heuristic argument”. The equivalence of the
Bohmian path integral (22) and the Feynman path integral (21) for the free wave packet can also be
seen as a consequence of the fact that in this simple case the quantum potential vanish.
Recently, Oltean showed that the Feynman path integral (21) can be obtained from the
Bohmian path integral inside a bit more general, careful and rigorous context [27]. Oltean

demonstrated that the Bohmian path integral (22) derives from a combination of two opportune
lemmas regarding the propagation of the wave function modulus and the propagation of the phase
of the wave function respectively, and thus by integrating the quantum Lagrangian
N 
LQ = ∑  i
(∇ S )2 − Q − V  along one single path i.e. the particle’s Bohmian trajectory. More

i =1  2 mi 
precisely, the two lemmas are the following:
- The wave function modulus is propagated according to
  1 N
ρ  ρ ∇ S
ψ ( x, t ) = exp − ∑ ∫ ∇ ⋅ v ψj dt ψ ( x0 , t 0 ) where v ψj = j is the velocity of the generic

  2 j =1 t0   mj
particle of the system.
S ( x, t ) = S ( x0 , t 0 ) + ∫ LQ dt
- The phase function is propagated according to where

N  (∇ i S )2 
LQ = ∑  − Q − V  is the quantum lagrangian.
i =1  2 mi 
Then, on the basis of Oltean’s results, the Feynman method of summing over all paths can
be constructed by starting from the de Broglie-Bohm theory. By utilizing the propagator
ρ ρ ρ ρ ρ
K ( x, t ; x0 , t 0 ) of the wave function (which is defined such that ψ ( x , t ) = ∫ K ( x , t ; x0 , t 0 )ψ ( x , t )d 3 x )

ρ  i ρ ρ ρ ρ ρ
and the free particle wave function ψ ( x , t ) = exp p ⋅ x ψˆ ( p, t )d 3 p (where ψˆ ( p, t ) is the
3/ 2 ∫
(2πη) R 3  η 
Fourier transform of the wave function), the Feynman path integral can be obtained which, for the
one-body system, is given by relation
ρ ρ  n −1 3 ρ
 m 2 i t
K ( x , t , x0 , t 0 ) = lim ∫ ...∫
  exp  ∫ C ∏
L dt d rk (26)
R 3 ( n −1 ) 2πiη∆t
n →∞
   η t0 k =1

where the classical lagrangian is given by LC = ∑  i

N 
(∇ S )2 − V  .

i =1  2mi 
According to the research of Abolhasani and Golshani and of Oltean, we can conclude that,
despite their different conceptual starting-points, there is a significant relation between Bohmian
path integral and Feynman path integral approach (in particular, in the special case of the free
particle wave function, for which the quantum potential is null). In the next chapter we will
demonstrate the link between the concept of quantum information by Fisher entropy developed in
chapter 2 and Feynman’s path integral approach.

4. The link between quantum entropy and Bohm-Feynman path integrals

Starting from the expression (11) of the quantum potential in terms of the functions W, it is
possible to introduce interesting perspectives about the relation between the quantum information
associated with the quantum entropy space (5) and Feynman’s path integrals. The introduction of
the quantum entropy given by equations (5) that determines the behaviour of quantum particles lead
to two equations of motion, the energy conservation law (12) and the entropy balance equation (13),
which introduce a new suggestive way to read the bohmian mechanics and suggest a link with
Feynman’s path integrals.
By taking into account the entropic definition (11) of the quantum potential, Abolhasani’s
and Golshani’s bohmian path integral (22) can be rewritten in the following form:

ρ ρ
ρ  i x ,t  (∇S )2 1 ∂W ∂W 
x ,t
 ∇2 S 1 ∂ 2W   ρ
ψ ( x , t ) = exp ∫  −  dt − ∫  2m mW ∂xi ∂x j dt ψ (x0 , t0 ) (27).
 − + V
 η xρ0 ,t0  2m 2mW 2 ∂xi ∂x j  ρ
x0 ,t 0   
Equation (27) indicates clearly that the functions W (and therefore the quantum entropy given by
equation (5)) are associated with a bohmian path by determining appropriate corrective terms into
the kinetic energy and the potential energy (and thus into the lagrangian) of the particle under
consideration. Moreover, in the picture provided by Oltean, the following re-reading of the bohmian
path integral formalism becomes permissible: the bohmian path integral (27) derives from the
integration of a quantum lagrangian determined by the kinetic energy, the potential energy and the
quantum entropy of the particle, namely the quantum entropy producing a change of the geometry
expressed by a Weyl-like gauge potential introduces a modification of the lagrangian and thus
determines a particular bohmian trajectory associated with the bohmian path integral (27). In other
words, on the basis of equation (22), one can say that bohmian trajectories associated with bohmian
path integrals are indeed determined by the fact that the functions W (and thus the quantum
entropy) produce a modification in the energy of the system under consideration. The functions W
indicating the microstates of the system under consideration change whether the energetic-
informational picture and hence Feynman’s integrals emerge.
As regards the entropic definition (11) of the quantum potential, one can show that by means
of an opportune unification of the quantum Hamilton-Jacobi equation (12) and the entropy balance
equation (18), a complexified Hamilton-Jacobi equation containing complex kinetic and potential
terms can be obtained. And can show that the two quantum correction terms of kinetic energy and
potential energy both depending on the functions W and thus on the quantum entropy are the
fundamental terms that modify the Feynman’s path integral by expanding coordinates and momenta
to an imaginary sector.
In this regard, by multiplying equation (18) for − iη and introducing this result into equation
(12), this latest equation becomes

2m m
+ iη [
∇S ⋅ ∇S Q + ]
1 ∂W ∂W
2mW ∂xi ∂x j
+ V − i η
1 ρ 1 ∂ 2W
∇v −
mW ∂xi ∂x j

Here, in analogy with Sbitnev’s treatment in the paper [18], we write the first three terms in (28) as
gradient of a complexified action squared

+ iη
[ ]
∇S ⋅ ∇S Q +
1 ∂W ∂W
2mW ∂xi ∂x j 2m
(∇J )2 (29).
while as regards the other three terms of (28), we use an expansion into the Taylor's series of the
potential energy extended in the complex space possessing by a small broadening into imaginary
sector (as regards the complex extension, see for example the reference [28]):
ρ ρ ρ ρ  s ρ   η2  s 2 2 ρ 
V ( x + iε ) ≈ V ( x ) + iη n ⋅  ∇V ( x )  −  ∇ V ( x ) + ... (30)
  2m   2 m  2m 
ρ η ρ
where ε = sn is a small vector having the dimension of a length and s is the universal constant,
the reverse velocity s = 4πε 0 2 = 4,57 ⋅10 − 7 [s / m ] , e is the elementary charge carried by a single
electron, ε 0 is the vacuum permittivity. As regards the second term of equation (30), we have a
ρ ρ
force − ∇V ( x ) multiplied by a vector l n providing thus an elementary work performed by this
ρ ρ
force at shifting on a length l along n . The force multiplied by the factor l n and divided into mass
m is a rate of velocity's variation per unit length, i.e., it represents divergence of the velocity. So, the
second term of equation (30) can be rewritten in the following form

s ρ
(n ⋅ ∇V (xρ)) = − 1 (∇ ⋅ vρ) (31).
2m 2
s 2
As regards the third term  ∇ 2V ( x ) , it can be made the position
 2m 
s 2
ρ 1 ∂ 2W
−  ∇ 2V ( x ) = − 2 (32).
 2m  η W ∂xi ∂x j
Now, by defining the complexified momentum p ' = ∇J = ∇S + iη∇S Q and the complexified
ρ ρ ρ
coordinates x ' = x + iε , equation (28) can be rewritten as a complexified Hamilton-Jacobi equation

(∇J )2 + V (xρ') = H (xρ' , pρ' , t ) (33)
∂t 2m
ρ ρ
where H ( x ' , p' , t ) on the right side is the complexified Hamiltonian. The total derivative of the
complex action gives the following equation
ρ ρ
( ρ ρ
= − H ( x ' , p ' , t ) + ∑ pi ' x&i ' = L x ' , x&' , t (34).
dt i =1
By integrating equations (27) and (28) we obtain the solutions
ρ ρ
J = − ∫ H ( x ' , p ' ,τ )dτ + C1 (35)

ρ ρ
( )
J = − ∫ L x ' , x&' ,τ dτ + C 2

where C1 and C2 are two integration constants that satisfy the following condition:
t N N
C1 − C2 = ∫
∑ pi ' x&i ' dt = ∫ ∑ pi ' dxi '
i =1
L i =1

In equation (37) L is a curve beginning at t 0 and terminating at t.

In analogy with the Sbitnev paper , the complexified state space (associated with the
complexified momenta p ' = ∇J = ∇S + iη∇S Q and described by equations (33), (34), (35), (36) and
(37)) can be considered as the fundamental stage which determines the features of Bohmian
trajectories: Bohmian trajectories are trajectories submitted to the principle of least action that
expands on the action integral (36) containing the complexified Lagrangian function. Bohmian
trajectories turn out to be geodesic trajectories of an incompressible fluid loaded by the
complexified lagrangian that in turn is determined by the quantum potential expressed by equation
(11), in other words by the two quantum correctors linked with the functions W and thus with the
quantum entropy.
In the complexified state space defined by equations (33), (34), (35), (36) and (37), a
solution of the Schrödinger equation can be written as
ρ ρ i 
ψ ( x ' , p' , t ) = exp J  (38).
η 
By substituting the action integral (35) into equation (38) we obtain
ρ ρ  i t ρ ρ 
ψ ( x ' , p' , t ) = exp− ∫ H ( x ' , p' ,τ )dτ  (39)
Z1  η t0 
 i 
where Z1 = exp − C1  .
 η 
In this complexified state space, the Hamilton’s principle δJ = 0 states that the motion of an
arbitrary mechanical system occurs in such a way that the definite integral (36) becomes stationary
for arbitrary possible variations of the configuration of the system, provided the initial and final

configurations of the system are prescribed. This principle can also be reformulated with respect to
the wave function expressed in terms of the complexified action
 i t ρ ρ 
ρ ρ
ψ (x ' , p' , t ) =
( )
exp− ∫ L x ' , x&' ,τ dτ  (40)
Z2  η t0 
 i 
where Z 2 = exp − C2  . In this case the principle states: this exponent becomes stationary for
 η 
arbitrary possible variations of the configuration of the system, provided the initial and final
configurations of the system are prescribed. Obviously, it results from stationarity of the integral
(36) stated above.
Feynman’s path integral approach based on the superposition principle is that all arbitrary
trajectories are accepted as possible histories of the evolving quantum system. Contributions of
most paths to the integral (36) will cancel each other, unless these paths are somehow “close” to the
solution of δJ = 0 , which is the “real” path of the system. In the semiclassical region the propagator
will therefore be dominated by those paths which are in the immediate vicinity of the classical path;
the size of this vicinity follows from the estimate δJ ≈ η . As shown in Grosche and Steiner [29],
Feynman’s path integral can be written mathematically in the following way inside the
complexified state space
ρ ρ ρ  i t ρ ρ 
K ( x ' , t ; x '0 , t 0 ) = ∫ ∫ ...∫ D[x ' (τ )]exp ∫ L( x ' , x ' ,τ )dτ  (41)
 η t0 
where the path-integral symbol indicates the multiple integral
− M / 2 xρ' ρ ρ
ρ  2πiηδt  ρ ρ ρ
x' x'

∫∫ ...∫ D[x ' (τ )] ⇔  m  xρ∫ 'dx '1 xρ∫ 'dx '2 ⋅ ⋅ ⋅xρ∫ 'dx 'M (42).
o o o

The fundamental principle of quantum mechanics, principle of superposition, underlies the

path integral (41). Whereas evolution of a classical object is described by a unique trajectory
satisfying the principle of least action, the path integral tests all possible virtual classical
trajectories, among which there is a unique trajectory satisfying the least action principle. Other
trajectories cancel each other by their interference.
Feynman’s path integral represented in the product form, like in equation (21) or in equation
(41), is a collection of the integrals of Fresnel type which are generally oscillatory [30, 31]. A trick
suggested by Feynman was to add a negative imaginary part to Planck constant. This converts the
oscillatory integrals into the Gaussian integrals and makes the path integral convergent. Another
more generally applicable trick is to assume that each element of the diagonal mass matrix has a
positive imaginary part. Under this assumption, the path integral can be convergent independently
of the metric of space.
On the basis of this treatment, the relation between the geometric quantum information
(whose starting-point is the quantum entropy (11)) illustrated in chapter 3 and Feynman’s path
integral approach based on equations (41) and (42) seems simple and natural inside the
complexified state space characterized by the complexified momenta p ' = ∇J = ∇S + iη∇S Q and by
ρ ρ ρ
the complexified coordinates x ' = x + iε : the key of reading is provided by the two Bohmian
quantum correctors linked with the functions W and thus with the quantum entropy. The path
integral computation stems directly from decomposition of the Schrödinger equation to the
modified quantum Hamilton-Jacobi equation (12) plus the entropy balance equation (18). The two
Bohmian quantum correctors linked with the quantum entropy resulted from this decomposition
expand the state space to the imaginary sector. In turn, imaginary terms emergent in this
computations suppress the wilder contributions to the path integral. Thus, one obtains a non-trivial
N-dimensional manifold embedded in the 2N-dimensional complex state space where its real part is
the conventional coordinate state space. The two Bohmian quantum correctors in the energy of the

system determined by the functions W and thus by the quantum entropy emerge as indispensable
terms that modify the Feynman’s path integral by expanding coordinates and momenta to the
imaginary sector.

5. The principle of least action in the complexified space

On the basis of the mathematical formalism of the complexified space, a minimum principle
for the complexified action may be introduced which allows us to derive non-relativistic quantum
mechanics. This minimum principle is the Hamilton’s principle for the complexified action δJ = 0
which states that the motion of an arbitrary mechanical system occurs in such a way that the integral
(36) becomes stationary for arbitrary possible variations of the configuration of the system,
provided the initial and final configurations of the system are prescribed. In this chapter we want to
show that this minimum principle can reproduce and derive non-relativistic quantum mechanics in
the sense that is equivalent to Schrödinger equation (and this would open the perspective to
interpret the complexified space described by this principle of least action for the complexified
action and associated with the quantum entropy as the fundamental key for non-relativistic quantum
Hamilton’s principle of least action is a fundamental principle of physics that is used to
obtain dynamical equations for both nonrelativistic and relativistic particles and fields [two classics
are 32, 33]. As regards the derivation of Schrödinger equation from Hamilton’s principle of least
action, recently Kobe proposed an approach based on a lagrangian density involving second-order
derivatives of the wave function [34]. Kobe’s approach is different from the Feynman’s path
integral approach that uses a classical particle lagrangian in the path formulation to obtain the
propagator. This approach gives a unified treatment for both nonrelativistic quantum theory and
relativistic quantum field theory, as well as showing their unity with other branches of physics.
Moreover, Kobe has shown that for time-independent quantum systems, the principle of least action
reduces to the energy variational principle of nonrelativistic quantum mechanics.
Here, we apply Hamilton’s principle of least action to nonrelativistic quantum mechanics by
considering the wave function in the complexified space as a generalized coordinate and
constructing a Lagrangian density such that Hamilton’s principle gives the Schrödinger equation.
Differently from Kobe’s picture, the approach of the complexified space developed in chapter 4
allows us, to be coherent and compatible with Feynman’s path integral approach. In this treatment,
in order to use Hamilton’s principle of least action to obtain the Schrödinger equation we need a
general lagrangian density characterizing the complexified space. Such a lagrangian density can be
constructed from the wave function (40) of the complexified space, its complex conjugate, and their
partial derivatives to any order [34]. Because it involves the wave function, the lagrangian density
emphasizes the wave aspect of quantum theory.
We postulate a simple Lagrangian density L for this system in terms of the nonrelativistic
wave function as
 ∂ 
L = ψ ∗  iη − H ψ (43)
 ∂t 
which depends only on ψ , ψ and its partial derivatives. Any Lagrangian density that gives the

correct equation of motion is a valid one, so a Lagrangian density that is complex can still be useful
[35]. To obtain the dynamical equations from a Lagrangian density we use Hamilton’s principle of
[ ]
least action. Hamilton’s Principle states the action functional J ψ ∗ ,ψ for any lagrangian density
(43) is stationary:
[ ] ( )
J ψ ∗ ,ψ = ∫ dt ∫ d 3 rL ψ ,ψ ∗ ,... = stationary (44),

where integration is over all time and all complexified space. The action (44) is stationary when its
variation with respect to ψ ∗ or ψ (or both) is zero. When the specific lagrangian density (38) is
substituted into equation (44) and variation is made with respect to ψ ∗ we obtain

[ ]  ∂ 
δJ ψ ∗ ,ψ = ∫ dt ∫ d 3 rδψ ∗  iη − H ψ =0 (45).
 ∂t 
Since the variation δψ is arbitrary except for vanishing at the boundaries, equation (45) leads

immediately to the Schrödinger equation

Hψ = iη (46)
where the wave function ψ (0) must be specified. If the variation of the action is made with respect
to ψ , then integration by parts is needed and the complex conjugate of the Schrödinger equation is

6. Conclusions
In this article a geometric approach to quantum information based on a new vision of
quantum entropy has been explored and it has been analyzed connection between Bohm potential
and Feynman integrals. The Quantum Information carried by Bohm-Feynman Paths can be
interpreted as a measure of the deformation of the geometry associated with the quantum entropy
space. In this way the idea that Born Rule indicates a sort of Quantum Equilibrium [36, 37] is
supported. The emergent geometries of Bohm-Feynman Paths are determined by two quantum
corrector terms in the energy of the system. Finally, all that confirms the contextuality of QM, its
”open” nature on QFT and reproposes the possibility to put the question of the formal analogies
between Bohm trajectories and Feynman integrals in terms of energetic relations of “doubling” [5,
6] between system and environment in quantum vacuum.

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