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DLP in Differentiating Qualitative From Quantitative Research

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Instructional Planning

(With inclusion of the provisions of D.O. No. 8, s. 2015 and D.O. 42, s.2016)
Detailed Lesson Plan (DLP)
Learning Area: Practical Research 1 Grade Level: 11 Quarter: 3rd Quarter Duration: 2
Learning Differentiate quantitative from Code: CS_RS11-IIIa-4
Competencies: qualitative research
Key Concepts/  Quantitative research reflects the philosophy that everything can be
Understanding to described according to some type of numerical system and thus use numbers
be developed and statistical methods as key research indicators and tools.
 Qualitative research takes an inductive approach and its methods were
developed in the social sciences to enable researchers to study social and
cultural phenomena. There is no universally accepted definition of
qualitative research, although it is accepted that data collected during
qualitative research activities is usually not numerical.
1. Domain
Knowledge Describes quantitative and qualitative research.
Skills Compare and contrast quantitative from qualitative research through a chart.
Attitude Practice critical thinking during the activities.
Values Demonstrate appreciation in research as an instrument in solving societal issues.
2. Content Nature of Inquiry and Research
PowerPoint presentation
3. Learning Graphic Organizer
Resources Samples of Qualitative and Quantitative Research
4. Procedures
The teacher will show students statements about research. Students will then
determine the truthfulness of the statement. If the statement is true, they will
react by raising the heart button. If the statement is false, they will raise the dislike
Introductory button.
Activity 1. Research must always give correct or accurate data.
5 minutes 2. Research starts with a solution and ends with a problem.
3. Research must be instrumental in solving problems affecting the lives of
people in a community.
4. Good research does not rely on direct observations and experiences.
5. Research must take place in an organized or orderly manner.
The teacher will flash set of pictures one at a time. While the first picture is
shown, the teacher will play a music and pass a ball to the students. As the music
stops, the one holding the ball will form a question or problem about the given
Activity picture. The procedure is repeated until the last picture.
20 minutes  How will you find the answers or solutions to the questions or problems
you have formulated?
 Is research applicable in these situations?
 Do you have any idea about the methods of research that we can use in
these situations?
With their groups, the teacher will give each group two samples of research
report to read and evaluate.
Analysis 1. What are your important observations about the two research samples?
2. Which of the two aims to test the hypothesis and look for cause and
30 minutes
effect? What about to explore?
3. Which of the two is subjective? Is objective? Why?
4. What is the data collection technique used in sample 1? In sample 2?
5. Which data is analyzed statistically? Which is not?
6. What is the result of the research in sample 1? Sample 2?
7. In terms of outcome, which has the measurable results?
8. Based on your evaluation, which do you think is a qualitative research?
Which is a quantitative research? Why?
Students will complete the chart with needed information on the distinguishable
characteristics of quantitative and qualitative research. The teacher will then
clarify and elaborate the key concepts.

Point of View
30 minutes
Data Collection
Types of Data
Method of Analysis
Method of Presenting
Sampling Technique
Research Designs
Given the following scenarios below, select only one based on your preference.
1. You are the CEO of a foundation for a drug-free world, what programs
can you come up with to promote a drug-free life?
2. Supposed you are a parent, how will you deal with your children to
prevent them from taking drugs?
3. If you are the mayor of a municipality, what programs will you initiate to
lessen the number of drug addicts in your community?
Application 4. If you are to composed a song that aims to fight against the use of illegal
20 minutes drugs, what will it be?
5. You are a student and you join a slogan writing contest with the theme
Make your health, your “new high” in life. Formulate a slogan.
6. You are a student and you join a poster making contest with the theme
Make your health, your “new high” in life. Make a poster.

 As a researcher, you would like to know the level of effectiveness of your

campaign against the use of illegal drugs (as reflected in the activities
from nos. 1-6), will the approach be qualitative or quantitative? Why?
With your partner, decide whether the following topics or research questions is
qualitative or quantitative. Sort and fill in the chart with your answers.
 Culinary Arts: Then and Now
 How do the TVL students feel about their chosen strand?
 What is the degree of satisfaction of students taking the different SHS
Assessment tracks?
10 minutes  The Why and How of ICT Use
 The Level of Social Media Addiction among the Youth

Quantitative Qualitative

Assessment Tests – Paper and Pen

Assignment GOOGLE IT
2 minutes
Using the link below, make a synthesis of the different kinds of qualitative
research. Write your assignment in a short-sized bondpaper with margin in all


3 minutes

1. Remarks
Indicate below special cases including
but not limited to continuation of lesson
plan to the following day in case of re-
teaching or lack of time, transfer of
lesson to the following day, in cases of
class suspension, etc.

2. Reflections Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your student’s
progress this week. What works? What else needs to be done to help the students learn?
Identify what help your instructional supervisors can provide for you so when you meet
them, you can ask them relevant questions. Indicate below whichever is/are appropriate.
A. No. of learners who earned 100%
80% in the evaluation.
B. No. of learners who require 0
additional activities for
C. Did the remedial lessons Not Applicable
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who continue None
to require remediation.
E. Which of my learning All my strategies worked well because the students are very engaged.
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I None
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with
other teachers?

Prepare by:
Name: Purity V. Mata School: Cantumog National High School
Position/ Designation: Teacher III Division: Cebu Province
Contact Number: 09177014551 Email address:
Performance 4 3 2 1 Score
Creativity Slogan is Slogan is creative Slogan is creative The slogan does not
exceptionally and a good amount and some thought reflect any degree of
creative in terms of of thought was was put into it. creativity in thought
thought and effort. manifested. and effort.
Grammar There are no There is 1 There are 2 There are more than
grammatical grammatical mistake grammatical 2 grammatical
mistakes on the on the poster. mistakes on the mistakes on the
poster poster. poster.
Cooperation All of the members 75% of the members 50% of the members Less than 50% of the
helped and have helped and helped and members helped and
contributed to the contributed to the contributed to the contributed to the
group group group group


Performance 4 3 2 1 Score
Attractiveness The poster is The poster is The poster is The poster is
exceptionally attractive in terms of acceptably attractive distractingly messy
attractive in terms of design, layout, and in terms of design, or very poorly
design, layout, and neatness. layout, and neatness. designed. It is not
neatness. attractive.
Graphic- All graphics are Most graphics are Some graphics are Graphics do not
Relevance related to the theme related to the theme related to the theme relate to the theme.
and make it easier to and make it easier to and make it easier to
understand. understand. understand.
Cooperation All of the members 75% of the members 50% of the members Less than 50% of the
helped and have helped and helped and members helped and
contributed to the contributed to the contributed to the contributed to the
group group group group


Performance 4 3 2 1 Score
Clarity of Speech Speech is always Speech is usually Speech is not very
clear and easy to clear and easy to clear and difficult to
understand understand understand
Expression and Always expresses Usually expresses Rarely expresses
body language emotion through emotion through emotion through
voice, facial voice, facial voice, facial
expression and expression and expression and
gestures. Points of gestures. Points of gestures. Points of
view of character is view of character is view of character is
realistic somewhat realistic poorly demonstrated
Cooperation All of the members 75% of the members 50% of the members Less than 50% of the
helped and have helped and helped and members helped and
contributed to the contributed to the contributed to the contributed to the
group group group group

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