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Classroom Observation Tool 2 Research in Daily Life 02 Week 15 September 10, 2019 Lanie B. Pangilinan

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region III – Central Luzon
Arayat, Pampanga
Classroom Observation Tool 2
Research in Daily Life 02
Week 15
September 10, 2019
Lanie B. Pangilinan

I. OBJECTIVES At the end of the session, learners are expected to:

1. Identify the different sampling procedures used in quantitative
2. Differentiate the uses of each sampling procedures in quantitative
3. Recognize the importance of using sampling procedures in

A. CONTENT The learner demonstrates an understanding of description of sample


B. PERFORMANCE The learner is able to describe adequately quantitative research designs,

STANDARDS sample, instrument used, intervention (if applicable), data collection, and
analysis procedures
C. LEARNING The learner describes sampling procedure and the sample

D. LEARNING 1. Identify the different sampling procedures used in quantitative

2. Differentiate the uses of each sampling procedures in quantitative
3. Recognize the importance of using sampling procedures in

II. CONTENT Sampling Procedures

The integration of
LEARNING A. Learning Module: Practical Research 2 other disciplines in
using the previous
RESOURCES by Esther L. Baraceros pg. 126-134
lesson with the use of
B. Teachers Guide: a game of charades
C. Slides in power point presentation ( ICT)
D. Worksheets (ACROSS
F: Projector
Using the skill in acting
III. PROCEDURES and motor skills

A. Reviewing previous Activity 1: Throwback Time (Cooperative Activity)

lesson or presenting (A game with a twist of challenges on how to prepare the learners
the new lesson with their lessons and showcase their knowledge on different lesson
and even across other subjects)
1. Group the learners
2. Each group will think of a word related to the previous lesson.
3. They will be given 30 seconds to brainstorm.
4. The group leader will assign a member to act out the word, and
the remaining groups will guess the word.
5. Ask a representative to discuss the word. This will enable the
learners to be reminded of the topic which was previously
discussed by the teacher.

One DepEd… One Pampanga

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III – Central Luzon
Arayat, Pampanga
Classroom Observation Tool 2
Research in Daily Life 02
Week 15
September 10, 2019
Lanie B. Pangilinan

B. Establish a purpose Ask students how they would conduct a survey. Affirm answers relate
for the lesson directly to designing the survey.
Lead students to consider who will answer the survey. Ask: Critical thinking
and HOTS
1. Does anyone know what it is called when you ask
some people, but not all people, to answer a survey?
2. Why wouldn't you ask all the people related to a survey topic to
answer a survey?
3. What do you call the entire group of people that you are interested in
asking questions about on a survey?
4. Does it matter which people you ask to answer your survey?

C. Presenting Guide Activity/Question:

examples/instances of 1. What do you think is the importance of our activity to your subject?
the new lesson
The facilitator will present to the class the objectives of today’s lesson.
D. Discussing new Concept: Sampling Procedures
concepts leads to the (Please refer to Attachment A Worksheet 1)
first formative Activity 3: Sampling with Candies
assessment The purpose of this activity is to consolidate knowledge in relation to the
four sampling sampling: random, systematic, stratified and cluster.

Resources Required
• Large bag of assorted colored candies(one per group)
• Sampling with candies handout (one each)

The class should be divided into 5 groups and provided with one large bag
of skittles. Each group should also be provided with a copy of the ‘sampling
with candies’ handout.

Each member of the group should be given an opportunity to take part in

organizing and calculating at least one of the sampling methods.

The teacher’s role is to facilitate the activity and ensure that each student is
given an opportunity to take part in the organizing and calculating of the
different sampling methods. Students may find the stratified sampling –
more difficult and therefore teachers may wish to assist students, as they
approach this task.

Once the students have completed the activity, the following key
questions should be discussed, while considering the strengths
and limitations of each of the sampling methods explored
in this lesson:
1. Which sampling method was the most representative of your target
2. Which sampling method was the least representative of your target
3. Which of the above sampling methods took the longest to complete?
Why might this be an issue for researchers?
4. Which sampling method is the best and why?

One DepEd… One Pampanga

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III – Central Luzon
Arayat, Pampanga
Classroom Observation Tool 2
Research in Daily Life 02
Week 15
September 10, 2019
Lanie B. Pangilinan

E. Continuation of the Evaluating your samples

discussion of new 1. Look at the results recorded above. Which sampling method was the
concepts leading to the most representative of your target population? Critical thinking
second formative 2. Look at the results recorded above. Which sampling and HOTS
assessment that method was the least representative of your target
deepens the lesson and population?
shows learners new 3. Which of the above sampling methods took the longest to complete?
ways of applying Why might this be an issue for researchers?
learning 4. Why might this method be problematic in the real world?
5. Finally, as a group, decide which sampling method is the best and
Best Sampling Method:
F. Developing mastery, Activity 4: Identify Me!
which leads to the third (Please refer to Attachment B Worksheet 2)
formative assessment, Choose the appropriate sampling technique for each given situation.
can be done through
more individual work
activities such as
writing, creative ways
of representing
learning, dramatizing,
G. finding practical Ask the students:
applications of 1. Why is sampling important in conducting your research?
concepts and skills in 2. Can you identify examples or uses of the sampling procedures that
daily living which can you have encountered in your everyday life?
develop appreciation
and valuing for
students’ learning by
bridging the lesson to
daily living. This will
also establish
relevance in the lesson
H. making The learners will answer the following questions:
generalizations and 1. What are the different sampling techniques that you can use in your
abstractions about the research?
lesson will conclude 2. What is their difference from one another?
the lesson by asking 3. Were you enlightened on what sampling technique you will use for
learners good your research study?
questions that will help
them crystallize their
learning so they can
declare knowledge and
demonstrate their

I. Evaluating Learning Activity: 3-2-1

Students will then be asked to reflect on the following:

 3 Things I learned today

One DepEd… One Pampanga

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III – Central Luzon
Arayat, Pampanga
Classroom Observation Tool 2
Research in Daily Life 02
Week 15
September 10, 2019
Lanie B. Pangilinan

 2 Things I found interesting

 1 Question I still have
J. additional activities Application
for application or Think of one doable quantitative research topic. Surf the Internet for a list of
remediation will be topics from where you can get an idea of one specific topic you can work
based on the formative on. Decide on which appropriate sampling technique to use for this topic.
assessments and will Make a written report defining, explaining and describing every aspect of
provide children with your sampling design or plan.
enrichment or remedial
activities. The teacher
should provide extra
time for additional
teaching activities to
those learners
demonstrating that they
have difficulties with
the lesson


the part of the DLP in
which teachers shall
document specific
instances that result in
continuation of lessons
to the following day in
case of reteaching,
insufficient time,
transfer of lessons to
the following day as a
result of class
suspension, etc.

V. REFLECTION Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about
your students’ progress this week. What works? What else needs to be
done to help the students learn? Identify what help your instructional
supervisors can provide for you so when you meet them, you can ask them
relevant questions.
A. No. of learners who 38/38
earned 80% in the

B. No. of learners who None

require additional
activities for
remediation who
scored below 80%

C. Did the remedial Not Applicable

lessons work? No. of
learners who have

One DepEd… One Pampanga

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III – Central Luzon
Arayat, Pampanga
Classroom Observation Tool 2
Research in Daily Life 02
Week 15
September 10, 2019
Lanie B. Pangilinan

caught up with the


D. No. of learners who Not Applicable

continue to require
E. Which of my 1. Differentiated Activity
teaching strategies 2. Cooperative learning
worked well? Why did 3. Application of integration within and across curriculum
these work? 4. Application of HOTS

F. (What difficulties did

I encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
used/discover which I
wish to share with
other teachers?

Prepared by:

Lanie B. Pangilinan
SHS Teacher II

Checked by:

Rosalie D. Ocampo Carmina C. Marzo

SHS Master Teacher I SHS Assistant Principal II

One DepEd… One Pampanga

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