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TLE (4) - Foods 5) Meats are considered rich in proteins.

1) Jonas has sautéed some meat in the What kind of protein is found in
pan. There are some brown bits left on connective tissue of meat that converts
the bottom of the pan. While the pan to gelatin when it is cooked?
was still on the stove, he added some a. Elastic
white wine and scarped the bottom of b. Gluten
the pan. What do you call the c. Marbling
techniques just used? d. Collagen
a. Cleaning 6) Which of these nutrients is an anti-
b. Deglazing oxidant?
c. Caramelizing a. Vitamin E
d. Flambé b. Calcium
2) Energy value is express in terms of c. Fiber
calories which represents the chemical d. Vitamin B12
energy that released as heat when food 7) Which cooking method destroys
is oxidized. Which nutrient has more nutrients?
than twice the calorie per gram? a. Boiling
a. Carbohydrates b. Roasting
b. Protein c. Slow cooking
c. Fat d. All of the above
d. Minerals 8) Which food is the "best source of
3) Food furnishes the body with the thiamine?"
different nutrients it needs. Which of the a. Pork
following nutrients is needed as the b. Milk
main structural component of the body? c. Carrots
a. Carbohydrates d. Potatoes
b. Protein 9) What happens to carbohydrates that
c. Fat are not used right away as energy?
d. Fiber a. They are stored in the body as fat.
4) Frostings are products that are b. They are stored in the body as amino
closely associated with sugar. What kind acids.
of sugar is used primarily in the c. They circulate through the
preparation of flat icings with butter bloodstream until they are burned as fat.
cream? d. They are all used immediately as
a. brown sugar energy.
b. refined sugar 10) All of these are good sources of
c. granulated sugar Vitamin C. Which one has the most
d. confectioner sugar vitamin C?
a. 1 cup of sliced strawberries primarily because:
b. 1 cup of chopped green chili peppers a. the flavor of the vegetable is modified
c. 1 cup of orange sections b. vitamin C is destroyed in the
d. 1 cup of diced tomatoes presence of alkali
11) Saturated fats raise the cholesterol c. they become less palatable
level in our bloodstream. Saturated fats d. they become hard to digest
can be found in? 16) To minimize meat shrinkage and
a. Olives retain much of its nutritive value, the
b. Beans best cooking temperature is?
c. Movie theater popcorn a. moist heat
d. Fish b. low to moderate heat
12) Water boils at 212 degrees. What c. high heat
does "rolling boil" means? The bubbles d. dry heat
are: 17) What does "proofing" mean?
a. rolling non-stop a. Weighing the dough to make sure
b. forming rapidly and cannot be loaves are the same size.
stopped when stirred b. Letting the yeast grow to produce
c. forming slowly and can be stopped carbon dioxide.
when stirred c. Testing cakes for doneness.
d. spilling out of a container d. Brushing risen loaves before baking
13) Which of the following ingredients with egg whites for a shiny glazed finish.
will use creaming method? 18) Why should eggs be beaten with the
a. butter, flour and egg use of copper bowl? Copper bowl
b. flour, butter and egg ________.
c. butter, egg and sugar a. is special metal that makes egg
d. flour butter and sugar fresher
14) Onions when peeled or cut irritate b. makes egg fluffy and moist
the eyes and give biting sensations on c. keeps eggs fresh and firm
the tongue. This is due to the presence d. has special property which stabilizes
of: the eggs
a. sulfoxide 19) What do you call that pourable
b. sulfur compounds mixture of flour, liquid and other
c. sodium nitrate ingredients?
d. mustard oil a. Dough
15) The practice of adding baking soda b. Batter
when cooking vegetables for the c. Cream
purpose of retaining the green color and d. Syrup
the crispness should be avoided
20) Which flour typically forms the most term which means ________.
gluten? a. firm yet tender to the bite
a. cake flour b. soft and soggy
b. all purpose flour c. pleasant flavor
c. bread flour d. crisp texture
d. pastry flour 25) A student is preparing chicken
21) Diana is cooking eggs for breakfast. macaroni salad as an appetizer dish.
She breaks the eggs one at a time into a What will the student do for the cooked
dish and slide them into a hot water for chicken?
about 3 to 5 minutes or unitl the whites a. chop
are coagulated and yolks are still soft. b. mince
What procedure in cooking eggs does c. flake
she apply? d. grate
a. Boiling 26) Food is more appetizing to the eye if
b. Poaching small portions of colorful food such as
c. Simmering celery, parsley and tomatoes are added
d. Blanching to a dish to improve its appearance.
22) Every chef knows that "mise Which of the term applied to the
enplace" is the first step to a successful statement?
food preparation. This French term a. glace
which means putting everything in place b. garnish
applies to ________. c. frosting
a. throwing the garbage d. decoration
b. sautéing the spices 27) What vegetable cut is appropriate
c. creaming the butter for potato in preparing menudo?
d. pre-heating the oven a. slice
23) Mixed vegetables are best when b. mince
cooked very briefly by dipping the food c. julienne
into a boiling water until they are crisp- d. cubes
tender and then into cold water. This 28) Which is a thickening agent made
practice is called ________. by the combination of 1 part melted
a. Blanching butter and 1 part flour, cooked together?
b. Baking a. Roux
c. Sautéing b. Roe
d. Steaming c. Raw
24) Pasta is cooked in boiling water with d. Row
salt and oil for about 12 to 15 minutes or 29) The food is prepared by skewing the
until "al dente." Al dente is an Italian meat, seasoned and brushed with oil,
placed on greased grid and cooked over 3g protein. How many kcal are in a
live coals. Which is referred to? serving size of chiffon cake?
a. Broil a. 117 kcal
b. Bake b. 127 kcal
c. Barbeque c. 137 kcal
d. Pan fry d. 147 kcal
30) Which term applies when eggs and 35) Fat-soluble vitamins can easily be
cream are beaten rapidly until thick and dissolved in fat. The following are
stiff with a whisk to incorporate air and examples of fat soluble vitamins,
increase volume? EXCEPT:
a. Creaming a. Vitamin D
b. Whipping b. Vitamin K
c. Blending c. Vitamin E
d. Stirring d. Vitamin C
31) To soak the meat or fish in a mixture 36) The food pyramid illustrates the
of oil, vinegar and wine to add flavor and balance of foods needed for a healthy
make it tender is to ________ it. lifestyle. Fat, sugar, salt and alcohol are
a. marinade group under what classification?
b. season a. Eat Least Food
c. dip b. Eat Moderately Foods
d. marinate c. Eat All Foods
32) Working the dough by stretching d. Eat Most Foods
and folding in a floured surface to obtain 37) The following are physiological
the required consistency is ________. functions of food, EXCEPT:
a. Beating a. give energy
b. Kneading b. build and repair cells
c. Punching c. provide satisfaction
d. Folding d. regulate body process
33) Which of the following term may 38) CHON is the chemical formula for
apply in cutting vegetables into thin ________.
match sticks size which are used to a. carbohydrates
garnished dishes? b. protein
a. Mirepoix c. fat
b. Macedoine d. minerals
c. Brunoise 39) What vitamin deficiency is present
d. Julienne when a person suffers from poor night
34) A 50g serving size of chiffon cake vision or blindness?
contains 3g fat, 22g carbohydrates and a. Retinol
b. Thiamine body
c. Niacin b. Cannot be destroyed by heat, light or
d. Folic acid oxygen
40) What disease would result to a c. Regulate physiological processes
person who has an iron deficiency? d. Control composition of body fluids
a. Cough and cold 46) Estimate the kilocalorie value of a
b. Nose bleed 25g biscuit with 16g total carbohydrates.
c. Anemia a. 54 kcal
d. Xeropthalmia b. 64 kcal
41) Which of the following fruit and c. 74 kcal
vegetables have higher water d. 84 kcal
percentage composition? 47) Which antioxidant vitamin helps to
a. Apple absorb iron?
b. Strawberry a. Vitamin C
c. Carrots b. Vitamin A
d. Tomatoes c. Vitamin D
42) Which is NOT a function of fat? d. Vitamin E
a. Enhance flavor and palatability of 48) Which is not a function of water?
food a. Regulate body processes
b. Carrier of fat-soluble vitamins b. Carrier of waste products
c. Protect the heart and kidneys c. Provides energy
d. Repair body tissues d. Regulates body temperature
43) The following vegetables are good 49) What do you call the sugar in milk or
sources of carotene, EXCEPT: milk carbohydrate?
a. Mangoes a. Fructose
b. Carrots b. Lactose
c. Legumes c. Glucose
d. Tomatoes d. Sucrose
44) Which is NOT a group from the 50) The loss of riboflavin in milk can be
Food Guide Pyramid? prevented if milk is ________.
a. water, milk, yogurt a. heated to a boiling point
b. food additives b. pasteurized before packing
c. chicken, pork, egg c. kept cold and protected from light
d. rice, corn, pasta d. fermented and sealed
45) Which statement regarding vitamins 51) Eliza wants to celebrate her birthday
is most accurate? in a restaurant. She ordered food from
a. Inorganic substances needed in the appetizer to dessert at P300.00 per
cover, good for 60 pax and she paid a a. as a leavening agent
total amount of P18,000. What type of b. as a thickening agent
menu did she avail of? c. as a clarifying agent
a. Table d'hote d. as an emulsifying agent
b. Cycle menu 56) In an American service, all drinks
c. Ala carte should be served ________ of the
d. Static menu guest.
52) A TLE teacher plans to prepare a. at the right side
Chicken Galantina for her food and b. at the left side
nutrition class. What cooking method is c. across
applied for this chicken dish? d. in front
a. Broiling 57) Mother wants to prepare Callos and
b. Roasting Goto for father's birthday party. Which
c. Frying variety of meat could you suggest for
d. Steaming these recipes?
53) Sauce is a richly flavored thickened a. Tongue
liquid, used to complement a meal. b. Tripe
What leading sauce is used in making c. Heart
Carbonara? d. Liver
a. Veloute sauce 58) The teacher demonstrated to the
b. Brown sauce students the proper way of slitting the
c. Bechamel sauce abdominal part of the poultry and pulling
d. Tomato sauce out the entrails. This step in dressing
54) Vegetables have different degrees chicken is referred to as ________.
of doneness. It is done when it has a. slaughtering
reached the desired degree of b. defeathering
tenderness. The following are the c. evisceration
guidelines to achieve proper doneness d. scalding
in vegetables, EXCEPT: 59) The students are preparing food for
a. cook vegetables close to serving time their culminating activity. They are
b. cut vegetables into uniform pieces expected to invite 100 guests. What
c. separate tough part from tender part type of service is more convenient for
d. cook different kinds of vegetables 100 guests with limited space and food
together servers?
55) Eggs serve many important a. Counter service
functions in cookery. What is the b. Russian service
function of eggs when it is used to bind c. Buffet service
food together? d. French service
60) Jessa plans to cook Bopiz for her c. 2.0 L
catering function. Which part of pork d. 1.2 L
cuts would she buy? 66) How many ounces is 1 cup of soda?
a. Leg a. 6 ounces
b. Loin b. 8 ounces
c. Picnic c. 12 ounces
d. Variety d. 16 ounces
61) What is the function of eggs in 67) Which of the statement about the
mayonnaise preparation? general direction for Low-Cholesterol
a. Emulsifying agent diets is FALSE?
b. Thickening agent a. use of corn oil
c. Browning agent b. avoid coconut milk
d. Leavening agent c. use of margarine
62) Why do we buy food from approved d. trim all visible fats from meat
sources? 68) What is the menu pattern for
a. cheaper price breakfast?
b. guarantee safe and wholesome food a. fruits, protein dish, cereal, beverage
c. good customer service b. appetizer, protein dish, pasta, dessert
d. accessibility and comfort c. cereal, protein dish, beverage
63) Which of the following reasons for d. soup, vegetable dish, dessert
cooking meat is FALSE? 69) Which is considered as the most
a. improve flavor and appearance important meal of the day?
b. tenderize meat a. Supper
c. unavailability of nutrients b. Lunch
d. destroy harmful microorganisms c. Breakfast
64) Which of the following is NOT a d. Brunch
moist-heat method of cooking? 70) The main course or courses of
a. Scalding dinner consisting usually of meat, fish or
b. Stewing pulses with or without accompaniments
c. Baking is called ________.
d. Steaming a. entrée
65) One sachet of powdered juice b. espagnole
contains 60g orange flavor. How many c. emincer
liters of water should be added if the d. entremets
proportion is 1g powder, 20 mL water? 71) The main goal in meal planning,
a. 3.5 L food preparation and service is
b. 2.3 L _________.
a. present low cost foods 77) When guests enter into a restaurant
b. serve appetizing meals the first thing that a receptionist should
c. satisfaction of family members offer is ________.
d. keep meals nutritionally adequate a. water
72) Which food group is a good source b. appetizer
of fiber? c. bread and butter
a. milk, yogurt, cheese d. menu card
b. meat, poultry, eggs 78) Which of the following is the
c. bread, rice, pasta CORRECT menu sequence?
d. banana, apples, oranges a. main dish, appetizers, cereals,
73) Which of the following is NOT a beverages, desserts
principle in planning meals? b. appetizers, main dish, cereals,
a. Plan meals ahead of time. beverages, desserts
b. Plan meals that have interesting c. cereals, main dish, appetizers,
variety. beverages, desserts
c. Plan meals that are rich in essential d. desserts, main dish, cereals,
nutrients. appetizers, beverages
d. Plan meals that are expensive and 79) Which of the following statement
entail more time to prepare. about service rule is FALSE?
74) Which of the following has the a. Serve women before men
biggest expense in the food budget? b. Serve food from the left side of the
a. Meat guest with service person's left hand
b. Fruits c. Scrape and stack dirty plates on
c. Cereals guest table
d. Dairy d. Bring all food to the guest at the same
75) Which is a low cost but nutritious
dish? 80) Which of the following is an example
a. Grilled fish of a low cost dish?
b. Beef with broccoli a. Pork adobo
c. Ginataang monggo with dilis b. Chicken kare-kare
d. Chicken lollipop with tartar sauce c. Baked mussels
d. Seafood sinigang
76) One of the functions required before
assembling the food materials to 81) When the recipe calls for steaming
produce quality meals is ________. fish and a steamer is not available, what
a. market list will you do?
b. menu planning a. Place the fish wrap in banana leaf
c. mis en place card and cook in a tightly covered frying pan
d. standardized recipe containing water.
b. Place the fish in a frying pan and c. Carmelization of sugar
cover with coconut milk. d. Over handling
c. Place the fish in a casserole lined with 86) Which is NOT a function of salt in
barbecue stick and apply heat. food?
d. Place the fish in a frying pan, add a. flavor enhancer
water and cook. b. preservative
82) Baking chiffon cake requires a c. increase volume
baking temperature of 350 degrees d. control agent
Fahrenheit. What is its equivalent in 87) Which statement about conventional
Centigrade if your oven thermostat was method of mixing is FALSE?
set in degree Celsius? a. time consuming
a. 176 degree Celsius b. produce velvety texture
b. 186 degree Celsius c. one-bowl method
c. 196 degree Celsius d. alternate addition of dry and liquid
d. 206 degree Celsius ingredients
83) Olivia bakes cheese bread, forming 88) Which ingredient controls and
a fairly firm, porous structure. What regulates the fermentation in bread
gives structure to the cheese bread? making?
a. Albumen a. Yeast
b. Gluten b. Salt
c. Whey c. Baking powder
d. Casein d. Sugar
84) What will you do to the shortening if 89) A blunt knife with an extremely
you want to make quick breads using flexible steel blade primary used for
the biscuit method? mixing colors in cake designing is
a. Melt the shortening ________ knife.
b. Cream the shortening a. cake
c. Fold in the shortening b. serrated
d. Cut in the shortening c. chef
85) The students are cutting apples for d. palette
their apple pie filling. They noticed that 90) Which is usually done with a fork to
browning occurs at the cut surfaces of make small holes in bottoms and side of
apples. What process may have caused crust for single crust pies?
the browning color of an apple? a. Docking
a. Reaction between protein, amino b. Punching
acids and sugar c. Cutting
b. Oxidative enzymatic changes d. Fluting
91) Which is known as strong flour 97) Which living organism feeds in
because it contains 12-14% protein? sugar to produce alcohol and carbon
a. All purpose flour dioxide?
b. Cake flour a. Yeast
c. Pastry flour b. Bacteria
d. Bread flour c. Fungi
92) Which phrase describes a good d. Mold
characteristic of pastry? 98) What disease-causing
a. wet and brown microorganism is commonly found in
b. tender and flaky eggs?
c. dry and hard a. Escherichia coli
d. sweet and mushy b. Salmonella
93) The following are some safety risks c. Staphylococcus aureus
in baking, EXCEPT: d. Shigella
a. hot oven ANSWERS:
b. moving parts 1. B
c. sufficient light 2. C
d. cutting equipment 3. B
94) Which icing is made from 4. D
shortening, sugar syrup and eggs? 5. D
a. boiled icing 6. A
b. royal icing 7. D
c. buttercream icing 8. A
d. fondant icing 9. A
95) When the pastry shell is baked 10. B
before it can be filled, this is called 11. C
________. 12. B
a. molding 13. C
b. blind baking 14. B
c. proofing 15. B
d. resting 16. A
17. B
96) Which of the following does NOT
18. D
belong to the group?
19. B
a. Muffin
20. C
b. Popover
21. B
c. Waffle
22. D
d. Pie
23. A
24. A 63. C
25. C 64. C
26. B 65. D
27. D 66. B
28. A 67. C
29. C 68. A
30. B 69. C
31. D 70. A
32. B 71. D
33. D 72. C
34. B 73. D
35. D 74. A
36. A 75. C
37. C 76. B
38. B 77. D
39. A 78. B
40. C 79. C
41. D 80. C
42. D 81. A
43. C 82. A
44. B 83. B
45. C 84. D
46. B 85. B
47. A 86. C
48. C 87. C
49. B 88. B
50. C 89. D
51. A 90. A
52. D 91. D
53. C 92. B
54. D 93. C
55. B 94. C
56. A 95. B
57. B 96. D
58. C 97. A
59. C 98. B
60. D
61. A
62. B

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