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DRAFTING 8. It is a part of a letter which is
1. A drafting tool used for drawing inclined.
horizontal lines. a. Swash
b. Lobe
a. Compass
c. Stem
b. Triangle d. Italic
c. T- square 9. Most commonly used in college
d. Triangular Scales diploma.
2. Drafting material used for fastening a. Roman
the drawing paper on the drawing b. Script or italics
table. c. Old English
d. Gothic
a. Gaffer Tape
10. It is the shortest line between two
b. Teflon Tape points.
c. Masking Tape a. Curve line
d. Scotch Tape b. Straight line
3. This drafting tool is used to protect c. Parallel line
the rest of the drawing when d. Perpendicular line
removing unnecessary lines. 11. It is an art of making letters by
a. Erasing Shield means of hand.
b. Eraser a. Printing
c. Masking Tape b. Lettering
d. Pencil Sharpener c. Writing
4. It is used for drawing vertical and d. Drawing
oblique lines. 12. One of the best practices of a good
a. Ruler draftsman is to NEVER letter without
b. Scale ________.
c. Triangle a. Pencil
d. T- Square b. Lettering pens
5. The common views used in multi- c. T-square
view drawing are ______________. d. Guidelines
a. front, top, and sides 13. Which unit is the basic linear unit of
b. front, rear and sides metric system?
c. front, sides and rear a. Feet
d. front, top and rear b. Meter
6. A horizontal guide line used to c. Yard
determine the general height of d. Inch
lower case letters. 14. 2 feet length is how many inches?
a. Base line a. 30
b. Cap line b. 24
c. Waist line c. 36
d. Drop line d. 12
7. It is standard set of line symbols 15. It is used to enclose a drawing and
used in drafting. contain several blocks or frames for
a. Alphabet of lines some necessary data.
b. Graphics a. Object line
c. Sectional symbols b. Border line
d. Dimensioning c. Phantom line
d. Guide line

16. It is used to represent the outline of 23. The smallest division of metric scale
the object that can be seen from a that you can find in the steel rule is
view. ________.
a. Hidden line a. Decimeter
b. Construction line b. Centimeter
c. Invisible line c. Millimeter
d. Object line d. Meter
17. A method of representing exact 24. What is the conversion equivalent of
shape of an object by projecting one inch to centimeters?
perpendiculars from two or more a. 25.4
sides of the object to projection b. 2.54
planes. c. 0.254
a. Orthographic projection d. 0.0254
b. Isometric drawing 25. Horizontal lines are best drawn using
c. Oblique drawing this instrument.
d. Sectional drawing a. T-square
18. An act of making drawing with the b. Ruler
use of pencil and paper only. c. Meter stick
a. Lettering d. Triangles
b. Freehand sketching 26. Which principle of design suggests
c. Drawing sequence movement?
d. Dimensioning a. Harmony
19. Drafting is considered as the b. Balance
universal language of: c. Proportion
a. Pottery d. Rhythm
b. Artistry 27. These lines are used to indicate the
c. Industry measurement of objects and are
d. Humanity presented by fine dark solid lines.
20. There are several styles of letters, a. Leader lines
slanting or inclined letters are b. Center lines
classified as _____________. c. Dimension lines
a. Roman letters d. Cross lines
b. Italic letters 28. If you use light red and dark red, the
c. Text letters color harmony is:
d. Gothic letters a. Monochromatic
21. It is a plane figure enclosed by b. Analogous
curved lines c. Complementary
a. Circle d. Split Complementary
b. Circumference 29. When the diameter of cylindrical
c. Quadrant object is to be measures, the tool to
d. Tangent be used is called:
22. The main function of this tool is to a. Ruler
reproduce the measurements of an b. Caliper
object to any size. c. Push pull rule
a. Compass d. Meter stick
b. Protractor
c. Triangle
d. Triangular Scales

30. In the arrangement of furniture and 36. A perspective drawing using one
fixtures in the house the principle of vanishing point, the front view is
design must always be taken into drawn in its true shape in full or scale
consideration. A principle which is size.
created through the prepetition of a. Parallel perspective
lines, colors or shapes is: b. Angular perspective
a. Balance c. Oblique perspective
b. Rhythm d. B and C
c. Harmony 37. Which principle of design suggests
d. Emphasis sequence movement?
31. The dimension taken from front to a. Harmony
the rear of the object is referred to b. Balance
as _______. c. Proportion
a. Width d. Rhythm
b. Length 38. In the arrangement of furniture and
c. Depth fixtures in the house the principle of
d. Height design must always be taken into
32. These lines are those which intersect consideration. A principle which is
with an angle of 90 degrees. created through the prepetition of
a. Intersecting line lines, colors or shapes is:
b. Perpendicular line a. Balance
c. Parallel line b. Rhythm
d. Curve line c. Harmony
d. Emphasis
33. One fourth of the circle is called 39. 2 feet length is how many
___________. centimeters?
a. Semi-circle a. 24
b. Quadrant b. 25.4
c. Chord c. 30.48
d. Tangent d. 60.96
34. A system of orthographic projection 40. 8 inches length is how many
used by the European countries meters? Round off your answer in 2
which places the object on the first decimal places.
quadrants. a. 0.10
a. First-Angle Projection (ISO b. 0.20
Standard) c. 0.32
b. Third-angle Projection (ANSI) d. 0.55
c. Axonometric Pictorial Drawing 41. This department is in-charge of
d. Oblique Pictorial Drawing unloading, unpacking of incoming
35. There are several styles of letters, materials, check, identify goods
slanting or inclined letters are received with descriptions on the
classified as _____________. purchase order.
a. Roman letters a. Accounting department
b. Italic letters b. Budget department
c. Text letters c. Receiving department
d. Gothic letters d. Sales department

42. This form contains information 49. A cross-disciplinary area concerned
about name, number, purchase with protecting the safety, health
information and cost of goods and and welfare of people engaged in
displays on a balance sheet. work or employment.
a. Delivery receipt form a. OHS
b. Inventory form b. PPE
c. Purchase order form c. Hazard
d. Requisition slip form d. Risk
43. Consist of two or more circles with a 50. This drafting tool is used to protect
common center. the rest of the drawing when
a. Concentric removing unnecessary lines.
b. Eccentric a. Erasing Shield
c. Diameter b. Eraser
d. Chord c. Masking Tape
44. A drawing showing more than one d. Pencil Sharpener
side of an object tilted in front of 51. It is used for drawing vertical and
the observer. oblique lines.
a. pictorial drawing a. Ruler
b. artistic drawing b. Scale
c. multi-view drawing c. Triangle
d. orthographic drawing d. T- Square
45. The object is placed on the horizon
at the eye-level of the observer. FOODS
a. bird’s eye view 52. Foreign term meaning to scoop an
b. worm’s eye view ice cream and served on or
c. man’s-eye view alongside of the pie.
d. orthographic view a. A la carte
46. It is used to represent the outline of b. A la king
the object that can be seen from a c. A la mode
view. d. Au jus
a. Hidden line 53. In Food Service Management
b. Construction line Team, they serve the food to the
c. Invisible line customer. They also wash the dishes
d. Object line and keeps the kitchen clean.
47. An oblique drawing in which the a. Manager
depth axis lines are in full size. b. Cashier
a. Cabinet oblique c. Waitress/ Waiter
b. Cavalier oblique d. Cook
c. General oblique 54. This is a small salted fish used for
d. Oblique perspective appetizer.
48. Type of dimensioning that requires a. Anchovy
all dimension figures be lettered b. Antipasto
between guide lines that are c. Au beurre
parallel to the bottom edge of the d. Au gratin
drawing paper. 55. To cooked in a sauce of tomato,
a. Aligned method vinegar, and seasonings.
b. Overall dimension a. Barbecue
c. Location dimension b. Béarnaise
d. Uni- directional method c. Béchamel
d. Bouillabaisse

56. A foreign term meaning “Menu of 63. This wine is light and highly flavored
the Day” wine that is usually served alone
a. Canapé before dinner or with soup.
b. Carte du jour a. Appetizer wine
c. Consommé b. Red wine
d. Compote c. White wine
57. Small pieces of fried or toasted d. Dessert wine
bread used as accompaniment for 64. This is obtained from the distillation
soup or salad. of fermented mash of sugar cane
a. Croissant juice or molasses.
b. Croutons a. Brandy
c. Demitasse b. Whiskey
d. Duchess potatoes c. Rum
58. Foreign term meaning “main dish” d. Vodka
such as meat or fish. 65. A Japanese beer which is
a. Éclair fermented in high alcoholic content
b. En Brochette and made from rice.
c. En Casserole a. Stout
d. Entrée b. Porter
59. A small, individual heat-proof dish in c. Lager
which food is baked and served. d. Sake
a. Ragout 66. To brown meat quickly on all sides
b. Ramekin at a high temperature to develop
c. Ratatouille flavor and improve the
d. Rissole appearance.
60. A light, puffy, baked egg mixture a. Sear
served as an entrée; when b. Dredge
sweetened, can be served as a c. Toss
dessert. d. Brownish
a. Sauté 67. Water that is safe for drinking,
b. Soufflé cooking, and personal use is
c. Table d’hote ________.
d. Vichyssoise a. Potable
61. It means “blue ribbon” in French. b. Purified
This food is the symbol of high c. Clean
military honor in France. d. Sterilized
a. Chicken Cordon Bleu 68. How many tablespoons are there in
b. Chicken Curry one cup?
c. Peking Duck a. 12 T
d. Borsht b. 16 T
62. This is a French beaten egg dish c. 20 T
filled with cheese, vegetables, d. 24 T
meat, poultry or fish and served with 69. What vegetable cut is appropriate
sauce. for potato in preparing French Fries?
a. Eggnog a. Slice
b. Gazpacho b. Mince
c. Omelet c. Julien
d. Enchiladas d. Chop

70. Hot cakes are prepared from flour 76. A 50g serving size of chiffon cake
mixture which can be poured or contains 3g fat, 22g carbohydrate,
stirred. This flour mixture is called and 3g protein. How many kcal are
________. in serving size of chiffon cake?
a. Dough a. 117 kcal
b. Muffin b. 127 kcal
c. Batter c. 137 kcal
d. Biscuits d. 147 kcal
71. A kind of chemical leavening agent 77. Baking chiffon cake requires a
that makes the cakes rise and baking temperature of 350 degrees
become light and porous is F. What is its equivalent in
________. centigrade if your oven thermostat
a. Baking powder was set in degrees Celsius?
b. Yeast a. 176 degrees Celsius
c. Egg whites b. 186 degrees Celsius
d. Cream of tartar c. 196 degrees Celsius
72. Rico is preparing chicken macaroni d. 206 degrees Celsius
salad as appetizer dish. What will he 78. Which is known as strong flour
do for the cooked chicken? because it contains 12-14% protein?
a. Chop a. All-purpose flour
b. Mince b. Cake flour
c. Flake c. Pastry flour
d. Grate d. Bread flour
73. Ronnie will prepare pan de sal for 79. When the pastry shell is baked
snacks with his friends. A flour before it can be filed, this is called
mixture he will knead is called ________.
________. a. Molding
a. Dough b. Blind baking
b. Muffin c. Proofing
c. Batter d. Docking
d. Biscuits 80. CHON is the chemical formula for
74. In bread making, the stage by ________.
which sugar is converted into a. Carbohydrate
alcohol and carbon. b. Protein
a. Kneading c. Fat
b. Fermenting d. Mineral
c. Conditioning 81. What vitamin deficiency is present
d. Leavening when a person suffers from poor
75. It means to cook in a small amount night or blindness?
of liquid that is hot but not actually a. Retinol
bubbling. b. Thiamine
a. Broil c. Niacin
b. Proof d. Folic acid
c. Poach 82. This is the process of melting sugar to
d. Blanch a golden brown.
a. Polymerize
b. Carbonize
c. Caramelize
d. Denaturize

83. It is used to serve ice cream. 90. What do you call a dish served after
a. Disher the main course consisting of a
b. Spoodle sweet dish?
c. Food portioner a. Emincer
d. Kitchen scoop b. Entrée
84. To clean and sanitize glassware, we c. Entremets’
need the correct procedures. d. Espagnole
Which of the following procedures is 91. One sachet of powdered juice
correct in sequence? contains 60g orange flavor. How
a. Wash→ Scrape→ Pre-rinse→ many liters of water should be
Rinse→ Dry added if the proportion is 1g
b. Scrape→ Pre-rinse→ Wash→ powder is equal to 20 ml of water?
Rinse→ Dry a. 3.5 L
c. Pre-rinse→ Scrape→ Wash→ b. 2.3 L
Rinse→ Dry c. 2.0 L
d. Pre-rinse→ Wash→ Scrape→ d. 1.2 L
Rinse→ Dry 92. Which is considered as the most
85. Water boils 212 degrees. When important meal of the day?
water is “rolling boil” it means the a. Supper
bubbles are ___________. b. Lunch
a. rolling non-stop c. Breakfast
b. forming rapidly and cannot be d. Brunch
stopped when stirred 93. Which is a low cost but nutritious
c. forming slowly and can be dish?
stopped when stirred a. Grilled fish
d. spilling out of container b. Beef with broccoli
86. Nutrients perform specific function c. Ginataang monggo with dilis
in our body. What nutrient together d. Chicken lollipop
with carbohydrates provides the 94. A disease caused by ingestion of
body with heat and energy? contaminated milk or water or
a. Proteins exposure.
b. Fats a. Botulism
c. Vitamins b. Trichinosis
d. Minerals c. Typhoid fever
87. A process which helps restore d. Staphylococcal poisoning
nutrients when food are refined or 95. To soak the meat or fish in a mixture
milled is: of oil, vinegar, and wine to add
a. Enrichment flavor and make it tendered is to
b. Enhancing ________ it.
c. Filling in a. Sear
d. Preserving b. Season
88. To cut or chop into tiny pieces. c. Dip
a. Mince d. Marinate
b. Flake 96. Which of the following is the biggest
c. Dice expense in the food budget?
d. Julien a. Meat
89. This is an invisible, odorless gas that b. Fruits
that could be left in the kitchen. c. Cereals
a. Oxygen d. Dairy
b. Carbon dioxide
c. Carbon monoxide
d. Carbon nitrate
97. Pies and breads are usually cooked 104. They served as an introduction in
by dry heat in an oven or closed formal dinners.
space. This process is called a. Dessert
________. b. Appetizer
a. Toasting c. Salad
b. Broiling d. Beverage
c. Baking 105. It is an agent that destroys
d. Roasting microorganism.
98. To mix thoroughly two or more a. Germicide
ingredients until you cannot identify b. Sanitizer
one from the other is to ________. c. Disinfectant
a. Combine d. Sterilization
b. Blend 106. Eggs are important protein
c. Mix foods comparable to meat, fish and
d. Stir poultry. In cooking hardboiled egg
99. To rub or to work shortening against the water must be:
the side of the bowl with a circular a. Warm
motion until smooth and fluffy is to b. High temperature
________. c. Rapidly boiling
a. Stir d. Simmering
b. Cream 107. Refers to the fat or oil used to
c. Blend tenderize baked products or to fry
d. Mix food.
100. It is used to describe the degree a. Lard
to which pasta had been cooked, b. Leavening
meaning still firm to bite. c. Butter
a. A la carte d. Shortening
b. Albumen 108. To pull off outer skin by means of
c. Al dente the fingers.
d. Béchamel a. Pare
101. A microscopic plant that grows b. Peel
best in fruits. It is used as leavening c. Puree
agent in bread making. d. Prick
a. Yeast 109. This process is to coat with syrup
b. Mold that is cooked to the crack stage.
c. Bacteria a. Glaze
d. Microorganism b. Dredge
102. These are the meaty sides of the c. Caramelize
fish cut. d. Cream
a. Drawn 110. Accuracy in measuring
b. Steaks ingredients produces good quality
c. Fish sticks products. In preparing food, you
d. Fillet need 1 gallon of water but you only
103. A process of removing fats, have a cup. How many cups of
bones and connectives tissues. water will you use?
a. Cutting a. 4 cups
b. Trimming b. 8 cups
c. Boning c. 16 cups
d. Larding d. 32 cups

111. This is the main ingredient or 118. ___________ is caused by lack of
framework of baked products. calories or inadequate amount of
a. Egg food.
b. Sugar
a. Xerophthalmia
c. Flour
d. Shortening b. Marasmus
112. How many tablespoons are c. Chelates
there in two quarts? d. Rickets
a. 32 119. These are organic, essential
b. 64 nutrients required only in small
c. 128 amounts?
d. 256
a. Calorie
113. Convert 85 degree Celsius to
Fahrenheit? b. Fats
a. 185 degrees Fahrenheit c. Carbohydrates
b. 187 degrees Fahrenheit d. Vitamins
c. 187.5 degrees Fahrenheit 120. Jona has sautéed some meat in
d. 189 degrees Fahrenheit the pan. There are some brown bits
114. One sachet of powdered juice left on the bottom of the pan.
contains 90g orange flavor. How
While the pan was still on the stove,
many liters of water should be
added if the proportion of 1g she added some white wine and
powder is equal to 25 ml of water? scraped the bottom of the pan.
a. 2.25 L What do you call the techniques
b. 3.6 L just used?
c. 0.28 L a. Cleaning
d. 2.78 L
b. Deglazing
115. They are very important for
c. Caramelizing
building strong bones.
d. Flambé
a. Retinol
121. Meats are considered rich in
b. Calcium
protein. What kind of protein is
c. Iron
found in connective tissue of meat
d. Protein
that converts to gelatin when it is
116. It is a dietary disease resulting
from inadequate intake of niacin.
a. Elastic
a. Scurvy
b. Gluten
b. Pellagra
c. Marbling
c. Anemia
d. Collagen
d. Kwashiorkor
122. Which cooking method
117. What is the protein food found
destroys nutrients?
in milk?
a. Boiling
a. Collagen
b. Roasting
b. Lactose
c. Slow cooking
c. Casein
d. All of them
d. Keratin

123. Onions when peeled or cut 130. To clean and sanitize glassware,
irritate the eyes and give biting we need the correct procedures.
sensations. This is due to the Which of the following procedures is
correct in sequence?
presence of ______.
a. Wash→ Scrape→ Pre-rinse→
a. Sulfur Rinse→ Dry
b. Sulfur oxide b. Scrape→ Pre-rinse→ Wash→
c. Sodium nitrate Rinse→ Dry
d. Mustard oil c. Pre-rinse→ Scrape→ Wash→
124. What do you call the sugar in Rinse→ Dry
milk or milk carbohydrate? d. Pre-rinse→ Wash→ Scrape→
a. Fructose Rinse→ Dry
b. Lactose 131. A kind of chemical leavening
c. Glucose agent that makes the cakes rise
d. Sucrose and become light and porous is
125. A process of removing fats, ________.
bones and connectives tissues. a. Baking powder
a. Cutting b. Yeast
b. Trimming c. Egg whites
c. Boning d. Cream of tartar
d. Larding 132. What vitamin deficiency is
126. This is an invisible, odorless gas present when a person suffers from
that that could be left in the poor night or blindness?
kitchen. a. Retinol
a. Oxygen b. Thiamine
b. Carbon dioxide c. Niacin
c. Carbon monoxide d. Folic acid
d. Carbon nitrate 133. One sachet of powdered juice
127. Use periodically on surfaces contains 60g orange flavor. How
where grease has burned on. They many liters of water should be
are often called degreasers. added if the proportion is 1g
a. Detergents powder is equal to 20 ml of water?
b. Solvent cleaners a. 3.5 L
c. Acid cleaners b. 2.3 L
d. Abrasive cleaners c. 2.0 L
128. An imaginary line drawn from d. 1.2 L
each of the three primary work 134. The teacher demonstrate to the
stations in the kitchen, and avoid students the proper way of slitting
traffic flow problems. the abdominal part of the poultry
a. Work flow and pulling out the entrails. This step
b. Work simplification in dressing chicken is referred to as
c. Work station ______________.
d. Work triangle a. Slaughtering
129. This kitchen shape is one of the b. Defeathering
most flexible and most popular, c. Evisceration
providing a compact triangle; Can d. Scalding
easily convert to a U-Shape with a 135. This kind of vitamin is also known
cabinet leg addition. as vitamin B3.
a. U-shaped kitchen a. Thiamine
b. L-shaped kitchen b. Riboflavin
c. G-shape kitchen c. Niacin
d. Corridor/ Galley kitchen d. Pantothenic acid
136. Marvin needs 250 cookies for a 142. What is the voltage required by
buffet. He will make oatmeal raisin, an automatic pressure cooker
macaroons, and chocolate chunk having a resistance of 22 ohms
cookies. He wants 25% of the when the current flowing is 10
cookies to be oatmeal raisin and amperes.
15% of the cookies to be a. 240 volts
macaroons. How many chocolate b. 220 volts
chunk cookies must Marvin bake? c. 32 volts
a. 150 d. 2.2 volts
b. 125 143. One horsepower is equal to how
c. 140 many watts?
d. 100 a. 746 watts
137. The base used in making cream b. 7,460 watts
mushroom soup and cream c. 74.6 watts
asparagus soup. d. 7.46 watts
a. Broth 144. Which tool is use in turning
b. Vegetable stock negative slotted screw?
c. Dairy a. Flat screw driver
d. Brown Stock b. Phillip screw driver
138. A solution composed of water c. Electrical pliers
and salt. d. Wire stripper
a. Brine 145. Which tool is used to cut the
b. Syrup insulator without cutting the wire?
c. Emulsion a. Utility knife
d. Cocktail b. Hack saw
c. Side cutter
ELECTRICITY d. Wire stripper
139. In ohm’s law, how to get the 146. It is a kind of circuit where there
value of current, resistance and is a continuous flow of electric
voltage? current.
a. I=E/R R=I/E E=I/R a. Close circuit
b. I=E/R R=E/I E=I/R b. Open circuit
c. I=E/R R=E/I E=IxR c. Short circuit
d. I=ExR R=E/I E=IxR d. Ground circuit
140. When the circuit is closed it 147. How much is the resistance of a
allows the current to ________. 100 watts 120 volts light bulb?
a. Cycle a. 1.44
b. Blocked b. 14.4
c. Drop c. 144
d. Pass through d. 1440
141. It refers to a materials that do not 148. If a copper wire becomes
permit electricity to pass through. heated because of an excessive
a. Conductor amounts of current flowing through
b. Rubber it, the resistance of the wire _______.
c. Insulator a. Decreases
d. Semi-conductor b. Increases
c. Remains the same as when the
wire is cold
d. Becomes zero

149. The “voltaic pile” and the 155. This is used for making holes on
“copper-zinc cells” are the first cells concrete intended for porcelain
and batteries that were created by tube, and circular loom.
_____________. a. Screw driver
a. Alessandro Volta b. Star drill
b. Benjamin Franklin c. Electric drill
c. William Gilbert d. Tox
d. James Watt 156. An instrument used to measure
150. This is the production of voltage the resistance of the circuit.
across the surfaces of certain crystal a. Ohmmeter
materials when they are pressed or b. Ammeter
twisted. c. Voltmeter
a. Bioelectricity d. Multi-meter
b. Photo electricity 157. Which of the following is a
c. Piezoelectricity source of alternating current?
d. Generator a. Dynamo
151. A machine that converts b. Battery
mechanical energy into electrical c. Dry cell
energy. d. Alternator
a. Motor 158. Which is the best conductor of
b. Dynamo electricity?
c. Generator a. Copper
d. Alternator
b. Aluminum
152. This kind of electricity flows in
c. Silver
one particular direction, usually
d. Gold
from negative to positive as caused
159. A busted bulb is most likely result
by chemical action as in the dry cell
of a/an.
and the storage batteries.
a. Short circuit
a. Series
b. Grounded circuit
b. Parallel
c. Open circuit
c. Alternate current
d. Parallel circuit
d. Direct current
160. In showing the connection of
153. It refers to any device that uses
components, which of the following
electricity such as electrical
diagrams is the simplest?
appliances and other devices.
a. Wiring diagram
a. Source
b. Block diagram
b. Path
c. Schematic diagram
c. Control
d. Pictorial diagram
d. Load
161. The unit of measure of electrical
154. Schematic diagram uses
current is _______.
symbols to represent materials and
a. Volt
other connection. Voltage
b. Ampere
represents ________.
c. Ohm
a. V
d. Watt
b. I
162. This kind of switch is used to
c. E
control lamp from two different
d. Q
a. Single switch
b. Three-way switch
c. Four-way switch
d. Double pole switch

163. To measure the current flowing 169. This is used for cutting and
through a circuit, connect a/an holding fine wires. This can reach
______. tight space or small opening where
a. Ohm meter other pliers cannot reach and also
b. Ammeter used in making terminal loops of
c. Volt meter copper wires.
d. Meter in series with the circuit a. Combination plier
164. This could be in the shape of a b. Side cutter plier
screw driver or a wrench. Its c. Long nose plier
function is to drive screw with d. Wire stripper
hexagonal slot head. 170. This kind of joint is commonly
a. Philip screw driver used to join two or more conductors
b. Standard/Flat screw driver inside the junction box. It is suitable
c. Stubby screw driver for service where there is no
d. Allen screw driver/ wrench mechanical stress when wires are to
165. A circuit protective device that be connected in an outlet box,
automatically blows and cut the switch, or conduit fitting.
current when and over load or short a. Knotted tap
circuit happens. b. Western union short-tie splice
a. Junction box c. Wrap tap or tee joint
b. Fuse d. Rat tail
c. Switch 171. He is considered as the father of
d. Male plug electricity who made a careful
166. Which tool is used to cut the study on electricity and magnetism.
insulator without cutting the wire? a. William Gilbert
a. Utility knife b. Michael Faraday
b. Hack saw c. James Watt
c. Side cutter d. Thomas Alva Edison
d. Wire stripper 172. What is the voltage across the
167. This is the production of voltage terminals of a 27 ohms resistor that
across the surfaces of certain crystal has 3.25 A of current flowing
materials when they are pressed or through it?
twisted. a. 0.12 volts
a. Bioelectricity b. 8.31 volts
b. Photo electricity c. 30.25 volts
c. Piezoelectricity d. 87.75 volts
d. Generator 173. If the voltage of a circuit is 110 V,
168. Which is the best conductor of and the flow of current is 1.75 A,
electricity? what is the power generated?
a. Copper a. 62.86 watts
b. Aluminum b. 111.75 watts
c. Silver c. 192.5 watts
d. Gold d. 336.86 watts
174. If the voltage of a circuit is 220 V,
and the resistance is 20 ohms, what
is the power generated in terms of
a. 2.42 Kw
b. 11 Kw
c. 4.4 Kw
d. 4,400 Kw

175. How much is the resistance of a 182. An octagonal shaped electrical
50 watts light bulb flowing through material where the connections or
110 voltage? joints of wires are being done.
a. 0.45 ohms a. Utility box
b. 2.2 ohms b. Junction box
c. 242 ohms c. Lamp holders
d. 5,500 ohms d. Outlet
176. How much is the resistance of a 183. A graphical presentation of
12 watts LED bulb flowing through 4 electrical wiring connections to
A of current? install in a particular house or
a. 0.75 ohms building. It indicates the position of
b. 1.33 ohms electrical fixtures such as
c. 3 ohms convenience outlets, switches,
d. 48 ohms lightings, door bells, and others to
177. How much is the amount of be installed.
current flows from 48w LED TV with a. Schematic diagram
the resistance of 3 ohms? b. Pictorial Diagram
a. 4 A c. Block diagram
b. 12 A d. Electrical plan
c. 16 A 184. Which or the following is a
d. 18 A pneumatic tool?
178. Five horsepower is equal to how a. Electric drill
many Kilowatts? b. Wrenches
a. 3.5 Kw c. Hammer
b. 3.73 Kw d. Air drill
c. 3.87 Kw 185. A part of an electric circuit
d. 3.93 Kw which converts electrical energy
179. What is the total resistance in a into another form of energy to do
series circuit having the resistance work is ________.
of 2.5 ohms, 3 ohms, and 5.7 ohms? a. Load
a. 3.73 ohms b. Circuit
b. 11.2 ohms c. Source
c. 14.25 ohms d. Control
d. 0.21 ohms 186. A law that states that current is
180. What is the total resistance in a directly proportional to voltage and
parallel circuit having the resistance inversely proportional to resistance
of 4 ohms, 6 ohms, and 12 ohms? is known as ________.
a. 96 ohms a. PEC
b. 7.33 ohms b. Law of Resistivity
c. 22 ohms c. Kirchoff's Law
d. 2 ohms d. Ohm's Law
181. Commonly known as flexible 187. There are several factors
non-metallic conduit or the involved in electrical wiring
“moldflex”. installation but the foremost
a. Corrugated plastic conduit consideration is ________.
(CPC) a. Cost
b. Metallic Conduits b. Labor
c. Non-metallic conduits c. Safety
d. Connectors and Adapters d. Function

188. The standard number or 194. In a 220-volt power line, three 50-
diameter of wires for convenience watt incandescent bulbs are
outlet layout should be? connected in parallel. How many
a. 12 more bulbs will light if one of the
b. 14 bulbs is open?
c. 18 a. One
d. 10 b. Two
189. To comply with the requirements c. All
of the Philippine Electrical Code, d. None
the appropriate fuse rating for 195. Which of the following electrical
lighting should be ________. symbols in wiring diagram means
a. 15 amperes that there are three wires running in
b. 30 amperes a line?
c. 60 amperes a. ----/-/-/----
d. 20 amperes b. -----/-/-/-/----
190. Planning and designing of c. ------------
electrical wiring plan is being done d. S3W
in order to: 196. A series connected dry cells will
a. Provide efficient and effective result to ________.
wiring system of the building. a. increase in the amount of
b. Maintain quality workmanship. current
c. Avoid overloaded circuit. b. increase in the amount of
d. Protect the circuit from high voltage
current. c. increase total resistance
191. Circuit breakers are used to d. more powerful supply of
protect household electrical electricity
circuits. What is the ampacity rating 197. What type of switch is used to
of the breaker used for control alternately three-phase line
convenience outlets or general system using two sources of power?
purpose circuits? a. Double Pole Single Throw Switch
a. 20 amperes b. Single Pole Double Throw Switch
b. 30 amperes c. Triple Pole Single Throw Switch
c. 15 amperes d. Triple Pole Double Throw Switch
d. 60 amperes 198. The resistors are to be
192. To conserve energy, what kind connected in four possible types of
of lamp should be used in lighting circuit connections namely series,
fixtures? parallel, series- parallel and parallel-
a. Incandescent lamp series. Which type of connection will
b. Mercury lamp give the least amount of equivalent
c. Compact fluorescent lamp resistance?
d. Neon lamp a. Series
193. The size of electrical wire b. Parallel
recommended for installing lighting c. Series-parallel
fixtures is: d. Parallel-series
a. No. 12 AWG
b. No. 10 AWG
c. No. 18 AWG
d. No. 14 AWG

199. Which is an exposed wiring 204. Which transforms heat energy to
method that uses cleats, knowbs, electric energy?
tubes and flexible tubing for the a. Transformers
protection and support of single b. Battery
insulated conductor run in or on c. Generator
building and not concealed by the d. Thermocouple
building structure? 205. Which is the kinetic energy of
a. Open wiring on insulators falling water?
b. Armored cable wiring a. Thermo energy
c. Concealed knob and tube b. Hydro energy
wiring’ c. Solar energy
d. Metal clad cable wiring d. Mechanical energy
200. What will happen if two 100-W, 206. Which is a solar collector that is
230 V incadescent lamps are capable of producing voltage
connected in series across a 230 V when exposed to radiant energy
source? (sunlight)?
a. Both lamps will consume more a. Photoelectric
power. b. Photovoltaic system
b. Both lamps will get burnt. c. Photoemission system
c. Each lamp will give lesser output d. Solar light
lights. 207. Energy derived or extracted
d. Each lamp will give more output from the internal heat of the earth is
lights. called ________.
201. What is the reason why electrical a. Volcanic
appliances are connected in b. Geothermal
parallel rather than in series? c. Thermal
a. Parallel connection consumes d. Chemical
lesser power. 208. Which refers to the extraction of
b. Parallel connection is simpler electrons from a substance by
than series connection. sunlight on incident
c. Each appliances consumes electromagnetic radiation?
more power if connected in a. Photoelectric effect
series. b. Photovoltaic effect
d. It makes the operation of each c. Photoemission
appliance independent of each d. Electron microscopy
other. 209. Which statement is TRUE?
202. When replacing a busted fuse a. Bigger size of wire has higher
which of the following is important? resistance.
a. same size and type b. Bigger size of wire has lower
b. same type but different rating resistance.
c. same size but different rating c. Long wire has lesser resistance.
d. different size and type d. Short wire has higher resistance.
203. A process in splitting the atom of 210. Small light bulb with a resistance
uranum is called ________. of 100 ohms is connected across a
a. Fusion 120-v line. What is the current
b. Fission through the bulb?
c. Friction a. 1.2 A
d. Tension b. 0.012 A
c. 0.12 A
d. 12 A

211. What is the maximum load 217. Which is a box with a blank
capacity of a 15A circuit breaker cover is inserted in one or more runs
protecting a branch circuit that of raceway to facilitate pulling of
supplies a continuous load? the conductors?
a. 15 A a. Blank box
b. 10 A b. Junction box
c. 12 A c. Terminal box
d. 14 A d. Pull box
212. What is the horsepower rating of 218. Which is a box with a blank
an electric water pump if it has a cover for joining runs of conduits
power rating of 1.75 Kw? and providing space for
a. 2 Hp connection and branching of
b. 2.3 Hp enclosed conductors?
c. 2.5 Hp a. Blank box
d. 23 Hp b. Junction box
213. A cell supplies a load current of c. Terminal box
0.5A for a period of 20 hours until its d. Pull box
terminal voltage falls to an 219. The minimum size of wire used in
unacceptable level. How long can electrical wiring is the no.14 AWG.
it be expected to supply a current Under the SI standard, what is the
of 100mA? diameter of this wire?
a. 50 hours a. 1.2 mm
b. 100 hours b. 1.6 mm
c. 60 hours c. 1.5 mm
d. 70 hours d. 2.0 mm
214. A battery is rated 200Ah. If it is 220. A thin-walled steel raceway of
used to supply a constant current of circular with a corrosion-resistant
8Ah. How long can the battery last coating for protection of wires or
until it becomes unusable? cable is ________.
a. 20 hours a. rigid metal conduit
b. 25 hours b. flexible metal pipe
c. 15 hours c. metal moulding
d. 2.5 hours d. electrical metallic tubing
215. The resistance of 500 meters of a 221. Armored cable is commercially
certain wire is 125 ohms. What known as ________.
length of the same wire will have a a. BX cable
resistance of 60 ohms? b. flat cable
a. 24 meters c. metallic cable
b. 225 meters d. duplex cable
c. 240 meters 222. Which type of cable is
d. 235 meters fabricated assembly of insulated
216. Find the cost of using a 100W, conductors enclosed in a flexible
220V lamp for 20 hours at P3.00 per metal sheath?
kW-hr? a. Underground cable
a. P6.00 b. Armored cable
b. P9.00 c. Flat cable
c. P10.00 d. Flexible cable
d. P60.00

223. This plier is used to splice wire. 229. When the entire switch or outlet
a. Long nose plier body is visible and extends beyond
b. Side cutter the wall surface, the device is said
c. Combination Plier to be ________.
d. Wire Stripper a. Wall type
224. Flat cable assembly shall be b. Surface type
installed for ________. c. Flush type
I. concealed work only d. Open type
II. Exposed work only 230. What is the smallest size of wire
a. I only permitted by the Code to be used
b. II only in wiring installation?
c. I and II a. 2.0 mm squared
d. cannot be determined b. 3.5 mm squared
225. An assembly of two pieces of c. 2.0 mm
insulating material provided with d. 1.25 mm squared
grooves for holding one or more 231. Which one of the following uses
conductors at a definite scpacing is permitted by the Code to be used
from the surface wired over and for surface non-metallic raceway?
from each other, and with holes for a. dry locations
fastening in position is called: b. where concealed
a. split knob c. where subject to severe physical
b. cleat damage
c. spool insulator d. where voltage is over 300 V
d. strain insulator 232. Service entrance using copper
226. Which is a wiring method that conductors shall have sufficient
uses knobs, tubes, and flexible non- capacity and shall not be smaller
metallic tubing for the protection than ________.
and support of single insulated a. 5.5 mm squared
conductors concealed in hollow b. 3.5 mm squared
spaces of walls and ceilings of c. 14 mm squared
buildings? d. 8.0 mm squared
a. Knob and tube wiring 233. If two identical lamps give
b. Open wiring on insulators normal light when connected in
c. Concealed knob and tube parallel in a 230v line are
wiring reconnected in series in the same
d. Open wiring with knob and line, the bulb will ________.
tubes a. give more light
227. Which term refers to that switch b. not light
or outlet body that is embedded or c. give less light
hidden in the wall? d. blows out
a. Surface type 234. When flexible metal conduit is
b. Flush type installed as a fixed raceway, it shall
c. Concealed type be secured within ________ on each
d. Open type side of every outlet box.
228. The use of surface non-metallic a. 250 mm
raceway is not permitted in all the b. 300 mm
following, EXCEPT: c. 100 mm
a. dry locations d. 150 mm
b. where subject to severe physical
c. where voltage is over 300 V
d. where concealed
235. A short circuit can be detected 241. Why do conductors need
by using ________. additional wiring insulators?
a. an ohmmeter a. Electrical wiring needs to be
b. a megger protected from mechanical
c. an oscilloscope harm.
d. an ammeter b. Wires are connected by joints
236. The electrical plans for therefore need reinsulation.
residential house include the c. Wires touches wood surface
following items, EXCEPT: therefore need protection.
a. Substation plan d. Wires skin is weak.
b. Location plan 242. What is the total number of
c. Floor plan showing location of mechanical degrees that an
service electrical pipe run maybe bent
d. Layout of wiring plan for general between pull points?
lighting and receptacles outlets a. 360 degrees
237. If installed in raceways, b. 180 degrees
conductors of size ________ and c. 120 degrees
larger shall be stranded. d. 270 degrees
a. 5.5 mm squared 243. Rigid non-metallic conduit shall
b. 8.0 mm squared be supported within ________ of
c. 14 mm squared each box.
d. 3.5 mm squared a. 600 mm
238. At least ________ of free b. 800 mm
conductor shall be left at each c. 900 mm
outlet, junction and switch point for d. 760 mm
splices or connection of fixture or 244. Electrical metallic tubing smaller
devices. than ________ electrical trade size
a. 250 mm shall NOT be used.
b. 175 mm a. 12 mm
c. 150 mm b. 10 mm
d. 300 mm c. 15 mm
239. Light fixtures suspended from the d. 20 mm
ceiling by chains should be wired so 245. A schematic diagram shows the
that the wires ________. components of an electronic
a. will be grounded circuit by means of:
b. will not touch the chains a. Symbol
c. will support the fixture b. Construction
d. will not support the fixture c. Physical appearance
240. In rigid metal conduit wiring, d. Linear appearance
conduit of 15-20 mm diameter shall 246. What is the best place for
be supported at least every electronic hand tools and
________. equipment?
a. 2,500 mm a. Tool box
b. 3,500 mm b. Tool cabinet
c. 1,800 mm c. Tool room
d. 3,800 mm d. Tool bag
247. The voltage rating found in a
capacitor is called ________.
a. Peak-reverse voltage
b. Working voltage
c. Blow-up voltage
d. Breakdown voltage
248. Which is a synchronous 255. It is simplest solid state device
alternating current machine that which is use as rectifier.
changes mechanical power into a. Transistor
electrical power? b. Diode
a. Dynamo c. Resistor
b. Motor d. Capacitor
c. Alternator 256. It is a kind of diagram where all
d. Lathe machine information, its symbol, and
designation are emphasize.
ELECTRONICS a. Electricity
249. Which of the following is the b. Schematics diagram
value and tolerance respectively of c. Wiring diagram
a resistor coded with red-blue- d. Fish tailing diagram
brown-gold? 257. It is a branch of physics which
a. 24 ohms, ±5% deals with the study of the behavior
b. 240 ohms, ±5% properties and control electronics in
c. 26 ohms, ±5% the circuit.
d. 260 ohms, ±5% a. Electricity
250. Which battery CANNOT be b. Electronics
recharged after its chemical energy c. Radio mechanics
has been depleted? d. Computer
a. Energizer 258. Why does the audio signal of
b. Eveready television networks transmitted?
c. Primary battery a. By modulating the frequency of
d. Secondary battery the wave
251. An appliance with 110V AC b. By transforming the amplitude
supply is accidentally plugged to signal
220V AC outlet. What component is c. By transforming it to an analog
actually destroyed? signal
a. Switch d. By transforming it to a digital
b. AC plug signal
c. Line fuse 259. The amount of energy
d. Power transformer consumed by an appliance per unit
252. It is an electronic device used to time is indicated as the appliance‘s
limit the flow of electric current. ________.
a. Capacitor a. Current
b. Resistor b. Power
c. Transistor c. Resistance
d. Diode d. Voltage
253. It is an electronics device used 260. Which of the following can be a
to store electric charge. function of a transistor in a circuit?
a. Resistor a. Amplifies current or electronics
b. Transistor signals
c. Diode b. Limits to the flows current
d. Capacitor c. Stores electrical energy
254. It is a solid state device use to d. Regulates voltage
amplify the small input signal to
become large output signal.
a. Resistor
b. Transistor
c. Diode
d. Capacitor
261. If you are typing in a computer 268. In cross sectional area; the
keyboard, you want to paste some smaller the wire the __________ the
words in your file. What shortcut key resistance.
is appropriate? a. Higher
a. Cntrl + C b. Lower
b. Cntrl + P c. Same
c. Cntrl + S d. Cannot be determine
d. Cntrl + V 269. It is the first to consider in
262. Which tool is use for joining or achieving a good soldering.
soldering electronic components in a. Cleanliness
the circuit? b. Heat
a. Soldering iron c. Flux and solder
b. Soldering rack d. Good technique
c. Disordering pump 270. This is temperature dependent
d. Soldering lead resistor.
263. What is another name for a. Varistor
connection diagram? b. Thermistor
a. Venn diagram c. Potentiometer
b. Block diagram d. Rheostat
c. Pictorial diagram 271. What tool is used to remove
d. Schematic diagram solder from the PCB?
264. What is the best place of a. Hot air
electronic hand tools? b. Soldering gun
a. Tool box c. Soldering pencil
b. Tool cabinet d. Desoldering tool
c. Tool room 272. A property that exists whenever
d. Tool bag two conductors are separated by
265. What tools are NOT insulating material, permitting the
recommended to be used in storage of electricity.
electronic works? a. Capacitor
a. Brand new tools b. Capacitance
b. Branded tools c. Resistor
c. Damage tools d. Resistance
d. Locally produced tools 273. An arrangement of one or more
266. What does LED stands for? complete paths of electron flow.
a. Light emitting display a. Circuit
b. Low energy display b. Alternating current
c. Light emitting diode c. Direct current
d. Light emitting detector d. Electronics
267. It is important to understand the 274. A portion in the ohmmeter
different symbols/ signs in electricity. where the actual reading is
Letter “E” represents multiplied by the range value.
_______________. a. Test probes
a. Electron b. Ohmmeter scales
b. Current c. Range multiplier
c. Resistance d. Zero ohm adjuster
d. Voltage

275. The fourth color in the 3-band 282. Also called a short. Low
color coding that indicates the resistance connection between
percentage of deviation from its two points in a circuit typically
color coded value. causing excessive current.
a. Red a. Short circuit
b. Multiplier b. Open circuit
c. Tolerance c. Series circuit
d. Gold d. Parallel circuit
276. The positive electrode or 283. Systematic approach to locate
terminal of a device. The “P” the cause of a fault in an electronic
material of a diode. circuit or system.
a. Cathode a. Repairing
b. Anode b. Restoring
c. DC Current c. Troubleshooting
d. AC Current d. Assembling
277. A diode rectifier that converts 284. The tool that is used to push
AC to pulsating DC by eliminating back of loosen cuticle.
either the negative or positive a. Cuticle remover
alternation of each input AC cycle. b. Nail file
a. Full wave rectifier c. Cuticle nail pusher
b. Half wave rectifier d. Emery board
c. Bridge rectifier 285. The resistor has the color value of
d. None of them green-violet-orange-gold. Give its
278. Insulating board containing equivalent value.
conductive tracks for circuit a. 47 KΩ ±5%
connections. b. 57 KΩ ±5%
a. LED c. 470 KΩ ±5%
b. PCB d. 5.7 KΩ ±5%
c. AWG 286. The resistor has 490 KΩ with ±10%
d. LCD tolerance. Give the color value of
279. A process that converts the resistor.
alternating current to direct current. a. Yellow- White- Yellow- Silver
a. Rectifier b. Yellow- Gray- Green- Silver
b. Conversion c. Yellow- White- Blue- Silver
c. Alternation d. Yellow- Gray- Blue- Gold
d. Rectification 287. What is the maximum deviation
280. An output winding of a of a 320 ohms resistor with + 10%
transformer winding that is tolerance?
connected to a load. a. 310 ohms
a. Primary b. 330 ohms
b. Secondary c. 352 ohms
c. Tertiary d. 360 ohms
d. None of them 288. The resistance of an electrical
281. A power supply that maintains a wire is inversely proportional to its
constant output voltage under ___________.
changing load condition. a. Length
a. Regulated power supply b. Cross sectional area
b. Main switch c. Temperature
c. Transformer d. Material
d. Circuit breaker

289. If three equal resistances are 296. A piece of electronic test
connected in parallel, the equipment that allows signal
equivalent resistance of the circuit voltages to be viewed, usually as a
will be ___________ the value of one two-dimensional graph of one or
resistor. more electrical potential
a. Three times differences.
b. Half a. Volt-Ohm-Milliammeter
c. One-third b. Signal generator
d. The same c. Galvanometer
290. This is temperature dependent d. Oscilloscope
resistor. 297. What color in the color coding
a. Varistor scheme has an equivalent of 5 in
b. Thermistor the 2nd band?
c. Potentiometer a. Brown
d. Rheostat b. Red
291. A property that exists whenever c. Green
two conductors are separated by d. Yellow
insulating material, permitting the 298. What is the maximum deviation
storage of electricity. of a 220ohms + 10% tolerance?
a. Capacitor a. 230 ohms
b. Capacitance b. 242 ohms
c. Resistor c. 224 ohms
d. Resistance d. 236 ohms
292. An arrangement of one or more 299. What is the minimum resistance
complete paths of electron flow. of a 100 ohm resistor with 10%
a. Circuit tolerance?
b. Alternating current a. 90 ohms
c. Direct current b. 190 ohms
d. Electronics c. 110 ohms
293. A process that converts d. 210 ohms
alternating current to direct current. 300. The band in the color coding
a. Rectifier scheme that permits the value to
b. Conversion deviate to a certain extent?
c. Alternation a. Multiplier
d. Rectification b. Body color
294. A material that serves as c. Limitation
insulator because it has poor d. Tolerance
electric conductivity 301. It is an electronics device used
a. Direct current to store electric charge.
b. Discrete component a. Resistor
c. Dielectric material b. Transistor
d. Electro static discharge c. Diode
295. It is used to bore or drill holes in d. Capacitor
the printed circuit board (PCB) with 302. If the transistor is an NPN type the
sizes from 1/32” – 1/16”. base is ________.
a. Utility knife a. Negative and positive
b. Drill bit b. Negative
c. Portable electric drill c. Positive
d. 12V Mini-Drill d. Common

303. If the arrow of the transistor is BEAUTY CARE
pointing inward it tells us that the 310. Which is the technical term for
transistor is _________. nail?
a. NPN a. Onyx
b. PNP b. Onychosis
c. Bipolar c. Onychology
d. Injunction d. Keratin
304. Which tool is needed in 311. It is used to shape free edge of
removing soldered components in hard or sculptured nails.
the circuit board? a. Nail pusher
a. Long nose pliers b. Nail file
b. Desoldering pump c. Cuticle nipper
c. Diagonal cutting pliers d. Orange wood stick
d. Wire stripper 312. Before applying make-up in the
305. If two resistor are placed in morning, the first step is to ________.
series, the final resistance is a. Apply foundation
___________. b. Applying moisturizer
a. Higher c. Applying eye shadow
b. Lower d. Cleanse the face thoroughly
c. The same 313. An agent used in cleaning the
d. Cannot be determined hair to make shine and glossy.
306. Solder is a mixture of a. Shampoo
______________. b. Gel
a. Tin and Lead c. Conditioner
b. Zinc and Lead d. Vitress
c. Zinc and Tin 314. The implement with pointed and
d. Copper and Lead rounded ends to remove the excess
307. A diode is an electronic part polish.
that at all times is expected to do a. Orange wood stick
one of the following functions. b. Nail file
Which one is it? c. Nail buffer
a. allow current to flow in both d. Emery board
directions 315. Massage is part of manicuring
b. multiply voltage and pedicuring services. When
c. allow current to flow in one massage is applied? Before
direction only ________.
d. not allow any current flow a. Removing old polish
308. There are various types of b. Coloring polish
diodes. This diode that acts as a c. Base coat
regulator is the ________. d. Top coat
a. Silicon diode 316. Under normal circumstances,
b. Crystal diode how many strands of hair does an
c. LED average person shed per day?
d. Zener diode a. 20-50
309. You will find an electrode b. 40-100
nearest the white band on a c. 80-120
rectifier. What is it? d. 150-200
a. Anode
b. Cathode
c. Gate
d. Main Terminal

317. It is the part of the skin that 325. This may either be in liquid, cake,
surrounds the entire nail area. or cream form and is used to add
a. Cuticle color to the eyelashes and
b. Matrix eyebrows.
c. Eponychium a. Crayons
d. Perionychium b. Color rinses
318. It is the end of the nail that c. Highlighting shampoos
extends beyond the fingertips. d. Mascara
a. Free edge 326. This is the art of creating waves
b. Nail root and curls.
c. Nail body a. Hair styling
d. Nail plate b. Hair cutting
319. It is the light colored half-moon c. Hair setting
shape at the base of the nail. d. Hair grooming
a. Hyponychium 327. It is a wheel cart that is pushed
b. Lunula by hand and used for transporting
c. Nail bed manicuring and pedicuring.
d. Matrix a. Trolley
320. A person born with white hair, b. Supply tray
the result of an absence of coloring c. Manicure tray
matter in the hai shaft. d. Foot file
a. Albina 328. Nail technique by simply
b. Albino extending the natural nail artificially.
c. Alubin a. Dipped nails
d. Albani b. Nail wrapping
321. This kind of make-up is applied to c. Nail tipping
create an illusion of beauty. d. Nail art
a. Photographic make-up 329. It makes the eyes brighter and
b. Corrective make-up more expressive.
c. Day make-up a. Eye liner
d. Theatrical make-up b. Eye shadow
322. A metal tool with spatulate end c. Pencil eye liner
used to remove disorderly hair. d. Eyebrow color
a. Eyebrow brush 330. The word “manicure” derives
b. Razor from the Latin word “manus”
c. Tweezers meaning _________, and “cura” for
d. Shaver care.
323. This is woman’s crowning glory a. Hand
and beauty asset, b. Feet
a. Hair c. Finger
b. Eyebrow d. Skin
c. Eyelashes 331. Which of the following tools is the
d. Hair style first one to use in cleaning nails?
324. It is used to cover the head after a. Buffer
applying hot oil in order to produce b. Cuticle nipper
heat during scalp treatment. c. Cuticle knife
a. Plastic cap d. Cuticle scissor
b. Towel
c. Cape
d. Heating cap

332. It is the care on personal 339. These are cosmetics and
appearance which includes the supplies that are consumed and
condition of the body and how one should be replaced from time to
looks and smells. time. They are also called
a. Good health consumables.
b. Grooming a. Tools
c. Personal development b. Implements
d. Proper hygiene c. Materials
333. It goes over or under the d. Equipment
foundation and is used for spot 340. Which refers to hand-held tools
treatments. used in manicure which are durable
a. Lipstick and must be sanitized after use with
b. Mascara each client?
c. Foundation a. Cosmetics
d. Concealer b. Equipment
334. This type of make-up produces a c. Materials
cinematic effect on screen. d. Implements
a. Photographic make-up 341. In facial, make-up foundation
b. Daytime make-up serves as make-up base. What is the
c. Stage/ screen/ theatrical make- type of foundation recommended
up for dry skin?
d. Heavy make-up a. Cake
335. This gives overall beauty and b. Cream
finished look. c. Liquid
a. Blush on d. Stick
b. Powder 342. The purpose of thinning the hair
c. Eye shadow is to remove its excess bilk without
d. Lipstick shortening its length. What is the
336. A small bowl used for soaking best shear to use for thinning bulky
the fingers to soften the cuticles. hair?
a. Finger of manicure bowl a. all-purpose shear
b. Foot spa basin b. clipping shear
c. Foot file c. razor
d. Mixing bowl d. thinning shear
337. A mixture of fats and waxes 343. The process of thinning, tapering
containing lanolin and petroleum and shortening of the hair is called:
base to soften and lubricate the skin a. hair cutting
around the nails. b. hair drying
a. Cuticle remover c. hair setting
b. Cuticle oil d. hair styling
c. Benzalconium chloride 344. Make-up is applied to the face
d. Antiseptic solution for the purpose of improving its
338. It goes over or under the appearance. To give color to the
foundation and is used for spot cheeks, which of the following
treatments. should be applied?
a. Lipstick a. Eye shadow
b. Mascara b. Lipstick
c. Foundation c. Mascara
d. Concealer d. Rogue

345. To correct misshaped eyebrows, 352. Foot cosmetics with tiny particles
it is best to use: that helps remove stubborn dirt
a. Depilatory when giving foot spa is:
b. eyebrow pencil a. foot balm
c. electric clipper b. foot scrub
d. razor c. foot soak
346. Arrange the following cosmetics d. foot spray
in their order of use in applying 353. Arrange steps in cleaning the
make-up? nails:
I. Curl lash I. Apply cuticle remover
II. Eyeliner II. Cut & file nails
III. Eye shadow III. Push cuticle
IV. Mascara IV. Trim cuticle
a. I, II, III, IV a. I, III, II, IV
b. II, III, IV, I b. II, I, III, IV
c. III, II, I, IV c. III, I, IV, II
d. IV, I, II, III d. I, III, IV, I
347. make-up tool that makes 354. One best way of shaping the
eyelashes wavy is: eyebrow with the use of shave is:
a. blush on brush a. Depilation
b. curl lash b. Epilation
c. eye liner c. Threading
d. mascara d. Waxing
348. A corrective make-up that 355. A heavy make-up is suitable for:
makes small eyes appear bigger is: a. casual affair
a. adding lines on the eyelids b. evening affair
b. using dark colored eye shadow c. picture affair
c. using light colored eye shadow d. night swimming
d. using mascara 356. What is the proper term for the
349. An emery board is used to shape practice of dividing the hair into
the ________ of the nails. smaller, more workable pieces for
a. Cuticle the purpose of control?
b. free edge a. Bunching
c. lunula b. Spitting
d. root of the nails c. Sectioning
350. An orange wood stick is used to: d. Texturizing
a. apply oil on the nails 357. A darker shade of eye color
b. remove excess cuticle remover makes the natural color of the eye
c. remove excess nail polish appear ________.
around the nails a. Lighter
d. remove stain on nails b. Darker
351. The ability of the hair to absorb c. Smaller
moisture whether the hair is coarse, d. Deeper
medium or fine is:
a. hair analysis
b. hair elasticity
c. hair porosity
d. hair texture

358. Mariana would like to apply the 362. Which of the following
principles she learned in corrective statement is NOT true?
make-up to a friend whose lips are a. Cosmetologist is one of the best
broad. Which should you not advertisements for a salon.
recommend? b. Salon owners and managers do
a. apply light color lipstick not consider appearance,
b. apply lip gloss personality and poise to be as
c. use lip liner at the outer portions important as technical
of the lips knowledge and manual skills.
d. use lip liner on the inner lips c. The female cosmetologist
359. The nail is composed mainly of: should wear stylish shoes that fit
a. Melanin and are comfortable at the end
b. Keratin of a long day.
c. Collagen d. All female stylists should have
d. Sebum their hair done at least once a
360. Customer A is complaining and week and their hair should
getting pushy about the pedicure reflect the best workmanship of
service she received. If you were the salon.
the pedicurist, what would you do? 363. The following are guidelines for
a. Tell your customer to look for good human relations and
another pedicurist. professional attitude, EXCEPT one:
b. Refrain from becoming a. Always greet a client by name
emotional and continue with a pleasant tone of voice.
working without being bothered b. Show interest in the client's
by the complained. personal preferences.
c. Remain cool and calm, c. Make a good impression by
pleasant and professional. wearing obtrusive jewelry to
d. Ask for an apology, maintain look at your best.
professionalism and ask what d. Be ethical in all your dealings
she wants. with clients and others with
361. Which of these is the first thing whom you come in contact.
the pedicurist should do to avoid 364. Lisa applied as public teacher.
such situation? She doesn't have any experience
a. Be courteous. for job interview. Could you please
b. Ask the customer what she help her decide? What type of
wants for her toenails like the clothing will she wear?
shape, color, etc. a. Casual dress
c. Decide you own design and b. Sunday dress
styles. c. Business attire
d. Proceed to the service right d. Party dress
after customer A says that she 365. Which of these are implements?
wants pedicuring. a. chair, manicure pillow, and
finger bowl
b. assorted colored polish, top
coat, base coat, and cuticle
c. cuticle pusher, nail brush,
cuticle nipper, nail file and
orange wood stick
d. cotton, hand towel, antiseptic
solution, alcohol, and nail polish
366. Which of these are cosmetics? 370. Which of these is an imaginative
a. cotton, hand towel, antiseptic and artistic process of caring for the
solution, alcohol, and nail polish nails and toenails, involving special
remover care and expertise for bringing out
b. top coat, base coat, assorted the best effects?
colored polish and cuticle a. nail tattoo
remover b. nail art
c. finger bowl, manicure pillow, c. nail extender
and chair d. nail technician
d. orange wood stick, cuticle 371. Which of the following
pusher, cuticle nipper, nail file statement is CORRECT?
and nail brush a. Adult fingernails grow at an
367. Which of these is the correct average rate of 1/8 inch a
way to use cuticle nail file? month.
a. The pointed side is used to push b. Older people nail grow slowly
back and moisten the cuticles. than younger people.
b. The dull spade side is used to c. Fingernails grow more easily
scrape and moisten the cuticles. than toenails.
c. The pointed side is used to push d. The rate of nail growth is greatest
back and remove the cuticles. during winter.
d. The dull spade side is used to 372. It is not good to apply massage
push back and loosen the when a person has _________.
cuticles. a. high blood pressure and heart
368. Which of these is the correct condition
way to use nail brush? Insert the ring b. Mayoma and diabetic
finger and pinky in the nail brush c. deliver a baby
handle and brush the nails with a d. cancer
_________. 373. If you are going to start a home
a. Downward motion from the base service as a manicurist/pedicurist
to the fingertips to clean the nails and your parents give you ₱500.00
and fingers. to start with, which equipment,
b. Sideward motion from the base implements, cosmetics and
to the fingertips to clean the materials should you buy first?
nails and fingers. I. Nail cutter, nail pusher,
c. Upward motion from the base to cuticle nipper, assorted nail
the fingertips to clean the nails polish, base coat, and top
and fingers. coat
d. Sawing motion from the base to II. Solvent, lotion, cuticle oil,
the fingertips to clean the nails and nail art designs
and fingers. III. Tray basket, emery board,
369. Which is created by allowing the orangewood stick, nail brush,
nail to grow out straight and then nail file, and nail polish
filing the tip straight across at right remover
angles with the rest of the nail IV. Finger bowl, manicure
plate? pillows, hand towel,
a. round nail antiseptic solution, and nail
b. square nail buffer
c. pointed nail a. I only
d. oval nail b. I and II
c. I and III
d. I and IV

374. In shaping the nails, what comes 379. Which of the following is a
first? common skin disorder caused by
a. Hold the client's finger between the formation of sebaceous matter
the thumb and the two fingers of within or under the skin?
the left hand. a. Blackheads
b. Hold the file or emery board in b. Whiteheads
the right hand and tilt it slightly so c. Pimples
that filling is confined mainly to d. Acne
the underside of the free edge. 380. Mitch has acne problem so she
c. Discuss with the client the nail went to a cosmetologist for an
shape best suited for him/her. advice, though she is under
File the nails at the left hand medical care. What would be the
starting with the little finger and role of the cosmetologist?
working towards the thumb. a. Work closely with the client's
d. Shape the nails. physician to carry out
375. Teacher F is a MAPEH teacher. instructions as to the kind and
Sometimes or most of the time she is frequency of facial treatments.
exposed to the sunlight. What type b. Advice the client to stop the
of skin protection should she apply? medication from the physician.
a. face toners c. She can have her own separate
b. anti-aging body creams medication aside from the
c. body mask physician.
d. SPF lotion d. Refuse and do not give further
376. Which of the following drinks can service.
she take to hydrate herself? 381. Under medical direction, the
a. soft drinks following are the measures of
b. gatorade limitation in cosmetic treatment for
c. cobra juice acne, EXCEPT:
d. plain water a. Remove blackheads using
377. Which of the following proper procedures
statement is NOT a concern in b. Reduce the oiliness of the skin by
analyzing the client's skin? If the local application
_________. c. Apply moisturizer
a. skin is dry, normal, or oily d. Clean the face
b. shape of the face 382. How is highlight produced for
c. lines or creases exist corrective make-up? A highlight is
d. skin texture is smooth or rough produced when:
378. Which of the following is NOT a. a darker foundation than the
beneficial for facial treatments? original one is applied to a
a. Softening and improving skin particular part of the face
texture and complexion b. a lighter shade than the original
b. Helping prevent the formation of one is applied to a particular
wrinkles and aging lines part of the face
c. weakening muscle tissue c. a medium shade similar to the
d. correcting skin disorders original one is applied to a
particular part of the face
d. a shadow subdues or minimizes
prominent features

383. What must one remember in 387. What type of haircutting is done
giving facial manipulations to when one holds the shears at an
induce relaxation? angle to the hair strand other than
a. Routine 90 degrees?
b. Tempo a. blunt cut
c. Pressure b. beveled cut
d. skin type c. graduated cut
384. A client comes into the salon for d. undercutting
a scalp treatment. She has some 388. Which of the following safety
obvious abrasions on her scalp. measures in haircutting is NOT true?
Which treatment would be a. Always palm the shears when
acceptable? combing the hair.
a. Apply an antiseptic scalp b. When cutting bangs or any area
treatment with minimum close to the skin.
massage. c. Beginners should always use a
b. Apply an oil treatment with a guard when razor cutting.
heat cap. d. Cut past the second knuckle
c. Advise the client of her scalp when cutting on the inside of the
condition and reschedule her hand.
appointment. 389. Which is an art of arranging the
d. Give a first aid treatment and hair with attractive shapes and
proceed with manipulations. styles?
385. Mika noticeably has gray hairs a. Hairstyling
but she is only 11 years old and she b. Hair trimming
is not an albino. What may be the c. Curling
cause of gray hairs at this early d. Waving
age? 390. David cut the hair of Miss P.
a. Lack of sleep and overexposed David just did partially wet and
to computers. partially dry of Miss P's hair. What
b. She has serious illness. would be the result of Miss P's hair?
c. She has defects in pigment a. Even
formation occurring at birth. b. Uneven
d. A result of the natural aging c. Perfect
process of humans. d. Curly
386. Who is an albino? A person born 391. Following a haircut, when is
with _________. texturizing performed most
a. an hypertrichosis or superfluous effectively?
hair, an abnormal development a. On dry hair styled the way it will
of hair typically be worn.
b. an absence of coloring matter in b. At the shampoo bowl after the
the hair shaft, which is conditioner is applied.
accompanied by no marked of c. On soaking wet hair that has
pigment coloring in the skin or been brushed.
irises of the eyes d. On moderately damp hair prior
c. androgenetic alopecia to styling.
d. a small involuntary muscle
attached to the underside of a
hair follicle

392. The following are some myths 398. This is the vertical face of a stairs
about hair growth, EXCEPT: step.
a. Close clipping, shaving, a. Riser
trimming, cutting, or singeing b. Tread
has an effect on the rate of hair c. Nosing
growth. d. Hand rail
b. The application of oils increases 399. It is considered as the strongest
hair growth. and best type of wood joint.
c. Hair grows after death. a. Butt joint
d. Normal, healthy hair grows and b. Lap joint
sheds each follicle repeatedly c. Mortise and Tenon joint
cycles through three stages. d. Miter joint
393. Cutting the hair for a graduated 400. Which is the simplest wood joint?
effect is called _________. a. Dado joint
a. taped haircutting b. Butt joint
b. wedge haircutting c. Lap joint
c. sectioning d. Miter joint
d. barbering 401. A carpenter wants to make a
394. Which of the following is an art of picture frame, which type of joint is
creating curls or weaving? appropriate?
a. Hairstyling a. Dado joint
b. Thermal styling b. Butt joint
c. Hair setting c. Lap joint
d. Traditional finger waving d. Miter joint
395. Which is done to increase the 402. In sharpening a saw, this is the
circulation of the blood to the process of bending the teeth
scalp, rest and soothe the nerves, alternately?
stimulate the muscles and the a. Shaping
activity of the scalp glands? b. Setting
a. Shampooing c. Filing
b. Hair treatment d. Whetting
c. Scalp manipulation 403. The cross cut saw has a number
d. Rebonding of stamped on the blade near the
396. Which is the correct way to handle. What does this number
remove tangles from the hair before indicate?
hairstyling. a. The length of the blade
a. Crown b. Number of teeth per inch
b. Forehead c. Size of the saw
c. Nape of the neck d. The width of the saw blade
d. Back of the head 404. What is the longest type of
397. A piece of wood 2” thick, 6” b. Jack
wide, and 6’ long is how many c. Jointer
board feet? d. Smooth
a. 12
b. 16
c. 6
d. 14

405. A carpenter bought 10 pcs. Of 412. This kind of saw allows you to cut
2”x3”8’ lumber. If the price of wood in curved shape, it has fine
lumber is Php. 50.00 per board foot, blade and can cut up to one inch
how much did he pay? thick.
a. Php. 1,800.00 a. Panel saw
b. Php. 1,900.00 b. Back saw
c. Php. 2,000.00 c. Universal saw
d. Php. 2,100.00 d. Coping saw
406. Which is considered to be the 413. A wood made from veneers that
oldest and most commonly used are glued together so that the
building material? grains in alternate layers run in
a. Cement opposite directions.
b. Wood a. Plywood
c. Steel b. Block board
d. Sand c. Particle board
407. Which wood joint is used to d. Hard board
support the middle of the bench? 414. A wood defects which the end
a. Dado joint of the board has breaks that run
b. Butt joint along the grain.
c. Bridle joint a. Blue
d. Miter joint b. Dead
408. It is used for boring holes either c. Worm-holes
wood or metal. d. Checks
a. Drill bit 415. This tool has an adjustable blade
b. Hand drill which can be used to transfer
c. Auger bit angles to mark on a board to be
d. Ratchet brace cut.
409. In wood working, the process of a. Triangles
putting wood together to form b. Folding rule
object. c. Sliding bevel
a. Joinery d. Framing square
b. Measuring 416. The cutting ability of a saw
c. Planning blade depends upon three
d. Cutting measurements. Which of these
410. There are numerous kinds of saw. measurements describe the
The one used for sawing along the number of teeth per inch on the
grain of wood is called ________. table?
a. Back saw a. Rake
b. Cross cut saw b. Pitch
c. Rip saw c. Set
d. Turning saw d. Shape
411. Which wood joint describes the 417. This saw is usually used for cutting
technique for joining two pieces by metal.
cutting of 45 degrees angle? a. Hacksaw
a. Dado joint b. Backsaw
b. Butt joint c. Coping saw
c. Lap joint d. Fret saw
d. Miter joint

418. This saw have narrow blades to 425. Tool used in squaring, measuring
cut along curves or short distance. and testing the squareness of a
a. Keyhole or compass saw wood.
b. Rip saw a. Steel square
c. Cross cut saw b. Try square
d. Hand saw c. Spirit level
419. This kind of screwdriver often d. Plum bob
referred to as socket head screw 426. An edge cutting tool used to
driver. obtain a smooth and flat surface.
a. Flat slot a. Chisel
b. Phillips b. Plane
c. Robertson c. Spoke shave
d. Pan d. Cabinet scraper
420. Chisel is an example of a 427. It is used to hold large boards or
___________. frames together while assembling or
a. Hand tool gluing.
b. Basic tool a. C-clamp
c. Striking tool b. Bench vise
d. Power tool c. Bar clamp
421. Mortise and tenon joints are d. A-clamp
usually used in making furniture, 428. It is used to drive the head of
door window, and tools. If mortise nails lower than surface of wood.
means “holes”, tenon means a. Oil stone
___________. b. Saw set
a. Cut c. Nail set
b. Notch d. Files
c. Overlap 429. Power tool used primarily for
d. Projection cutting curved or irregular shapes of
422. Drills and bits are friendly tools wood surfaces.
that facilitate project making. a. Sander
Which of the following is used for b. Router
boring holes on wood? c. Jigsaw
a. Drill bit d. Circular saw
b. Nail set 430. It is used to protect the eyes
c. Saw set against flying debris and harmful
d. Auger bit liquids.
423. When materials are to be laid a. Goggles
out, the best tools to be used are b. Ear protector
__________. c. Gloves
a. Measuring tools d. Masks
b. Tooth cutting tools 431. It is made out of wood or rubber
c. Lining tools used to drive other tools like chisel.
d. Boring tools a. Claw hammer
424. Flexible tape that slides into a b. Mallet
material case and it is used to c. Nail Set
measure irregular and regular d. Plane
shapes. 432. The easiest method of laying out
a. Pull-push rule of miter join is by using __________.
b. Ruler a. Square method
c. Meter stick b. Combination square
d. Try square c. Sliding t-bevel
d. T-square
433. How tall is 15.24 meter building in 440. Which wood joint describes the
feet? technique for joining two pieces by
a. 25 feet putting one end over the other?
b. 50 feet a. Dado joint
c. 75 feet b. Butt joint
d. 100 feet c. Lap joint
434. A piece of wood having 3” thick, d. Miter joint
8” wide, and 15’ long is how many 441. Which unit is the basic linear unit
board feet? of an English system?
a. 2.5 BF a. Foot
b. 30 BF b. Yard
c. 120 BF c. Rod
d. 360 BF d. Inch
435. What is the total board feet of 5 442. How tall is 10 meter building in
pcs. 6”x8”x96”lumber? inches?
a. 160 BF a. 3.937
b. 1,920 BF b. 39.37
c. 384 BF c. 393.7
d. 286.67 BF d. 3,937
436. A wood made from veneers that 443. A carpenter wants to obtain
are glued together so that the vertical line. Which tool is
grains in alternate layers run in appropriate?
opposite directions. a. Ruler
a. Plywood b. Level
b. Block board c. Plumb bob
c. Particle board d. Pull push rule
d. Hard board 444. A carpenter wants to fasten and
437. It refers to the wood to be cut in remove nails. Which tools is
a cutting machine appropriate?
a. Substrate a. Hammer
b. Stock b. Ball-pen hammer
c. Scaler c. Claw hammer
d. Segregate d. Sledge hammer
438. What makes the door swing 445. In wood working, the process of
when you close and open it? putting wood together to form
a. Door knob object.
b. Door lock a. Joinery
c. Door shutter b. Measuring
d. Door hinge c. Planning
439. A carpenter wants to construct d. Cutting
a stair, what could be the standard 446. The preparation of good quality
height for the riser? lumber includes several stages.
a. 5-6 inches When it is dried, the process
b. 6-8 inches involved is?
c. 8-10 inches a. Seasoning
d. 10-12 inches b. Staining
c. Lumbering
d. Logging

447. Find the total number of board 454. A type of roof frame consisting
feet of six pieces of lumber with a series of triangles used to distribute
dimension of 2" x 4" x 12'. loads and stiffen the structure of the
a. 8 bd. ft. roof is ________.
b. 96 bd. ft. a. Girts
c. 48 bd. ft. b. Rafter
d. 480 bd. ft. c. Truss
448. A seasoned lumber is ideal for d. Purlins
carpentry works. Which among the 455. A triangular file is used to
following is best to use? sharpen a saw. What is the angle of
a. Sun dried the file set against the bevel of the
b. Kiln dried tooth of a cross cut saw?
c. Air dried a. 30 degrees
d. Natural dried b. 45 degrees
449. Fastening materials are c. 90 degrees
important in woodworks. The most d. 60 degrees
common of these materials is 456. What kind of wood finishing
________. material is used when you want a
a. Dowel solid color instead of a wood
b. Bolts pattern finish?
c. Screw a. Opaque finishes
d. Nails b. Bleaches
450. You are almost finished with your c. Stains
project. One of the procedure d. Lacquers
below is done before the 457. A saw angle should be adjusted
application of finishing materials. depending on the kind of wood.
a. Cutting What is the recommended angle
b. Spraying for soft and thin wood?
c. Sanding a. 30-45 degrees
d. Varnishing b. 60 degrees
451. A surfaced lumber where four of c. 80 degrees
its sides are smooth or planed is d. 20 degrees
called: 458. A wood which is obtained from
a. S3S conifers and are used for framing?
b. S2S a. Hard wood
c. Rough b. Soft wood
d. S4S c. Dark wood
452. In carpentry, splicing or joining of d. Brown wood
wood using two side blocks is 459. Which wood is obtained from
called: deciduous trees?
a. Lapping a. Hard wood
b. Scarfing b. Soft wood
c. Fishing c. Dark wood
d. Jointing d. Brown wood
453. In a wooden floor system, the 460. A lumber that has been sawed,
major horizontal support member edged, and trimmed in which
upon which the floor system is laid is cutting marks are visible is ________.
the ________. a. Rough
a. Floor joist b. Smooth
b. Sill c. Dressed
c. Header d. Worked
d. Girder
461. Which lumber has been put 468. Which lumber has wood fiber
through planning machine which that do not run parallel to the
gives fine surface? board?
a. Rough a. Edge-grain
b. Smooth b. Cross-grain
c. Dressed c. Flat-grain
d. Worked d. Close-grain
462. Which lumber that has been 469. A carpenter fixes shelves of a
dresses and matched, ship lapped, bookcase. Which type of joint is
or patterned? appropriate?
a. Rough a. Dado joint
b. Smooth b. Mortise and Tenon joint
c. Dressed c. Lap joint
d. Worked d. Miter joint
463. Which is a plank of wood that 470. Which wood joint protects the
has been roughly cut? room occupants from seeing
a. Timber outside?
b. Board a. Rabbet joint
c. Lumber b. Butt joint
d. Block c. Bridle joint
464. Which lumber has been cut from d. Miter joint
logs radially to the growth rings and 471. One decameter of G.I. sheets is
the fiber runs about parallel to the how many centimeters?
face? a. 10
a. Edge-grain b. 20
b. Angle-grain c. 100
c. Flat-grain d. 1,000
d. Close-grain 472. 5 pcs. of a 1" x 1' x 8' lumber is
465. Which lumber has been cut how many board feet?
tangentially to the growth rings and a. 30
the fiber runs about 90 degrees to b. 35
the face? c. 40
a. Edge-grain d. 45
b. Angle-grain 473. A carpenter wants to measure
c. Flat-grain long distances. Which tool is
d. Close-grain appropriate?
466. In the construction site, what a. Ruler
protects the carpenter from falling b. Extension rule
objects? c. Meter stick
a. Hat d. Pull-push rule
b. Belt and harness 474. A carpenter wants to mark very
c. Helmet rough objects. Which tool is
d. Shed appropriate?
467. Which lumber has wood fibers a. Chalk line
that are packed closely together? b. Extension rule
a. Edge-grain c. Level
b. Angle-grain d. Border line
c. Flat-grain
d. Close-grain

475. A carpenter wants to smoothen 482. This signs shall be used only
wood surfaces. Which tool is where an immediate hazard exists.
appropriate? a. Caution sign
a. File b. Danger sign
b. Sand paper c. Safety instruction sign
c. Back saw d. Accident prevention tags
d. Plane 483. These are compress baked clay
that is processed into workable
MASONRY materials?
476. Class A concrete needs how a. Stone
many parts of gravel? b. Sand
a. 3 c. Bricks
b. 4 d. CHB
c. 5 484. A mason wants to mix concrete.
d. 6 Which tool is appropriate?
477. Most commonly material used in a. Shovel
masonry. b. Hawk
a. Bricks c. Trowel
b. BCH d. Float
c. CHB 485. In mixing concrete in a truck
d. HBC mixer, the discharge of concrete
478. A mason wants to mix concrete shall be completed within _________
for hollow block filler. Which mixture after the introduction of mixing
is appropriate? water to the cement and
a. 1:2:4 aggregates, or the introduction of
b. 1:1/2:3 the cement to the aggregates.
c. 1:2 ½:5 a. 1 hour
d. 1:3:6 b. 1 ½ hours
479. Which is an artificial stone that c. 2 hours
result from mixing of cement, sand, d. 2 ½ hours
and water? 486. What type of mortar should be
a. Concrete used in veneer brick wall?
b. Grout a. M or O
c. Mortar b. S or M
d. Bricks c. N or S
480. Which is the art of building with d. N or O
stone, bricks, concrete blocks and 487. The dimension of the wall is 6m x
other similar materials? 5m. How many CHB are needed for
a. Carpentry the entire wall?
b. Concrete a. 125 pcs.
c. Mortar b. 275 pcs.
d. Masonry c. 375 pcs.
481. A stone that is irregular in size, d. 425 pcs.
shape, and texture. 488. The area of the wall is 18 sq. m.,
a. Pebbles how many CHB are needed if the
b. Gravel dimension of CHB is 0.5m x 0.3m?
c. Rubble a. 100 pcs.
d. Ashlar b. 110 pcs.
c. 120 pcs.
d. 125 pcs.

489. A mason wants to mix concrete 496. Which is NOT a finishing tool?
for underwater column of bridge. a. bull float
How many parts of gravel are b. carpet float
needed if he used 75 sacks of c. devil floating
cement? d. none of them
a. 112.5 497. Which is NOT part of the group?
b. 187.5 a. Brick trowel
c. 225 b. Buttering trowel
d. 300 c. edger
490. If the distance of 1 post to d. none of them
another post is 6 meters, how many 498. Which is the best way to keep
layers of CHB can be made from 60 the tools in perfect condition?
pcs? CHB? a. Keep them immediately without
a. 3 cleaning
b. 4 b. Clean them while they are in
c. 5 the tool cabinet
d. 6 c. Clean them before storing
491. Which is the length of a CHB? d. Place them in a bucket of
a. 16 ft water
b. 16 in 499. Which refers to the ease with
c. 16 m which the fresh concrete can be
d. 16 cm molded without segregation?
492. Which of the following is a a. Plasticity
masonry material? b. Consistency
a. Brick c. Mobility
b. granite d. Grout
c. glass block 500. Which term refers to the process
d. all of the above of finishing using mortar?
493. Which requires that quality of a. Finishing
masonry materials should be of b. Fine finishing
general standards? c. Concreting
a. Association of Phil. Architectures d. Plastering
b. Association of Phil. Engineers 501. A mason wants to lay concrete
c. 2003 International Building hollow blocks in a 10 sq. m. wall.
Code How many CHB are needed?
d. 2003 International Baptist Code a. 100 pcs.
494. What material reinforces the b. 120 pcs.
structure of masonry materials? c. 112.5 pcs.
a. Mortar d. 125 pcs.
b. cement 502. How many CHB are installed for
c. steel a wall having a dimension of 2.5 m.
d. CHB in length and 6 m. height?
495. Which is NOT a roughing up a. 180 pcs.
tool? b. 180.5 pcs.
a. Crandall c. 185 pcs.
b. cold chisel d. 187.7 pcs
c. patent hammer
d. claw hammer

503. Which is a binding agent that 510. Which is flat with handle at the
reacts with water to form a hard back usually made of wood?
stone-like substance? a. Shovel
a. Glue b. Buttering
b. Cement c. Trowel
c. Mortar d. Float
d. Grout 511. A mason wants to mix class B
504. Which term refers to inert mixture. Which mixture is correct?
materials when bound together into a. 1 : 2 : 4
a conglomerated mass from b. 1 : 1 1/2 : 3
concrete? c. 1 : 2 1/2 : 5
a. Aggregate d. 1 : 3 : 6
b. Gravel 512. Which refers to the degree of
c. Cement wetness or slump of the concrete
d. Water mixture?
505. A mason wants to create a a. Plasticity
smooth finish of concrete after b. Consistency
floating. Which tool is appropriate? c. Mobility
a. Brick hammer d. Grout
b. Concrete trowel 513. A mason wants to lay 16" by 16"
c. Plane ceramic tiles in a 10 sq.m. room.
d. Float How many tiles are needed?
506. A mason wants to set or cut a. 60 pcs.
brick, block, or stone. Which tool is b. 61.5 pcs.
appropriate? c. 62.5 pcs.
a. Claw hammer d. 63 pcs.
b. Crandall 514. Which tile is appropriate in the
c. Mason's hammer toilet and bathroom flooring?
d. Star drill a. Glaze tiles
507. A mason wants to repair mortar b. Ceramic tiles
joints. Which tool is appropriate? c. Non-skid granite tiles
a. Pointing trowel d. Clay tiles
b. Crandall 515. Bricks are laid where its longer
c. Cold chisel side is exposed to view. This
d. Brick trowel arrangement is called ________.
508. A mason wants to mix and move a. Header
mortar in brick laying. Which tool is b. Stretcher
appropriate? c. Bond
a. Pointing trowel d. Mortar
b. Crandall 516. The most widely used masonry
c. Cold chisel materials for construction works
d. Brick trowel are?
509. A mason lays bricks. Which tool a. Ashlar
is appropriate? b. Bricks
a. Shovel c. Rubble stones
b. Hawk d. Concrete hollow blocks
c. Trowel
d. Float

517. Which of the following is NOT a 523. What is the type of hydraulic
requirement to consider in cement is widely used in small and
proportioning concrete mixture? large construction including roads
a. Economy and highways?
b. Workability a. Hydraulic cement
c. Strength b. Portland cement
d. Flexibility c. Pozzolan cement
518. The following are factors that d. Lime
regulate the strength of concrete, 524. Which of the following refers to
EXCEPT: the structural reinforcing member
a. Correct proportion of that holds or binds together the
ingredients. main reinforcement of a column?
b. Proper method of mixing. a. Lateral tie
c. Adequate protection of b. Stirrups
concrete during curing. c. Spiral tie
d. Dropping concrete mixture from d. Rebars
high elevation. 525. The structure that holds the
519. What class of concrete mixture is poured concrete until it hardens to
consisting of 1 bag cement, 2 cu. ft. form the concrete beam or post.
of sand, and 4 cu. ft. of gravel or a. Scaffolding
1:2:4? b. Batter board
a. Class AA c. Forms
b. Class A d. Stake
c. Class B
520. According to the building code 526. The pipe that conveys waste
of the Philippines, for how many from various fixtures other than from
days shall concrete be maintained water closet.
above 10 °C temperature and in a a. Waste pipe
moist condition? b. Soil pipe
a. 3 days c. Vent pipe
b. 5 days d. Drain pipe
c. 7 days 527. It is a fitting or device that
d. 10 days provides liquid to seal to prevent the
521. Which of the following are back passage of air.
known as coarse aggregates in a a. Nipple
concrete mixture? b. Union
a. Sand c. Wye or tee
b. Soil d. Trap
c. Gravel 528. What is the ideal inclination of a
d. Stones horizontal waste pipe as
522. What do you call the process of recommended by the National
hardening of concrete? Plumbing Code?
a. Curing a. 2% slope
b. Setting b. 3% slope
c. Hardening c. 4% slope
d. Molding d. 5% slope

529. A device installed in water lines 536. The standard length of PVC pipe
that can be closed or opened to is ________.
allow installation or trouble shooting a. 12 feet
of fixtures. b. 2.0 meter
a. Check valve c. 6.0 meter
b. Angle valve d. 10 feet
c. Gate valve 537. All plumbing fixtures must have
d. Float valve P-trap EXCEPT ________.
530. What material is used to seal off a. Lavatory
threaded fitting to avoid leakage? b. Water closet
a. Masking tape c. Sink
b. Teflon tape d. Bath tub
c. Adhesive gum 538. Which plumbing tool is used for
d. Solvent cement gripping large pipes and irregular
531. It is the most expensive of all objects?
types of pipe. It is made of alloy or a. Monkey wrench
zinc and copper. b. Chain wrench
a. Copper pipe c. Yolk vise
b. Synthetic pipe d. Pipe wrench
c. Cast iron pipe 539. A plumber wants to cut pipes.
d. Brass pipe Which holding tool is needed?
532. There are many kind of pipes a. Vise grip
used in plumbing. PVC used in b. Pipe threader
water supply or in electrical supply. c. Yolk vise
PVC means ________. d. Pipe wrench
a. Poly volume carbon 540. If the end of a PVC pipe is filled
b. Pipe volume carbon with a female adopter, what fitting
c. Pipe vinyl chloride will be used to stop the flow of
d. Poly vinyl chloride water?
533. A receptacle or vault used to a. Elbow
collect organic discharge from the b. Coupling
house sewer. c. Cap
a. Pipe d. Plug
b. Drainage 541. There are 4 ways to measure the
c. Septic tank length of the pipe. Which one is the
d. Man hole most convenient?
534. A pipe installed to provide flow a. Face to face
of air from the drainage system. b. Center to center
a. Clean out c. End to end
b. Trap d. Center to end
c. Man hole 542. A device used in controlling and
d. Vent permits the flow of water in only one
535. If there are leaking in the water direction is ___________.
supply of lavatory, sink, and water a. Globe valve
closet, which valve are you going to b. Check valve
shut off? c. Gate valve
a. Gate valve d. Float valve
b. Globe valve
c. Check valve
d. Angle valve

543. The right and proper tool used to 550. What pipe is applicable for
cut G.I. pipe is ____________. potable water?
a. Hacksaw a. Cast iron pipe
b. Pipe cutter b. Brass pipe
c. Pipe reamer c. Galvanized iron pipe
d. Cold chisel d. Earthenware pipe
544. A wrench used to screw pipes 551. A rubber funnel-shaped
into or out of their fitting is instrument attached to the end of a
___________. handle for unblocking toilets, sinks,
a. Strap wrench and other drains.
b. Adjustable wrench a. Plumber’s snake
c. Pipe wrench b. Plunger
d. Monkey wrench c. Pipe threader
545. If you plan to drill for a well that d. Pipe wrench
supply water for public use, what is 552. These are made in different
the minimum water radius from a forms that are intended for
well to the residences? plumbing joints and connections.
a. 150 meter a. Solvent
b. 100 meter b. Fittings
c. 50 meter c. Faucet
d. 200 meter d. Nipple
546. These are waste that being 553. This is the space, allowance or
discharge by water closet. gap between working part of an
a. Solid waste object.
b. Liquid waste a. Mensuration
c. Privy b. Clearance
d. Water c. Volume
547. It refers to as the tile of a person d. PPE
who is skilled in the field of 599. Which valve controls the entry of
sanitation. water into a storage cistern or
a. Plumbing flushing cistern, closing off the
b. Plumber supply in the cistern when the water
c. Engineer level has reached the
d. Doctor predetermined level?
548. The drainage installation is a. Ball
sometimes referred to as DWV. DWV b. Gate
means ___________. c. Non return
a. Drainage, waste & valve d. Float
b. Drainage, water, & ventilation
c. Drainage, water, & valve ENTREPRENEUR/BUSSINESS MATH
d. Drainage, waste, & ventilation 554. Refers to seed money,
549. The plumbing code on traps: equipment, machines, and
“Every trap shall be _________ trap materials.
for bath tubs, lavatories, and other a. Capital
similar fixtures. b. Demand
a. Clean out c. Supply
b. Self-cleaning d. Liability
c. General cleaning
d. Observed

555. It means satisfying human wants 563. To be a good listener one must
and needs. ________.
a. Utility a. Take note of accompanying
b. Manufacturing nonverbal cues
c. Manufacturer b. Engage in other activities
d. Processing c. Argue
556. The first step in entrepreneurial d. Interrupt when necessary
activity. 564. Loyalty is measure when people
a. Planning stay together in time of crises. What
b. Staffing does it strengthen?
c. Directing a. Partnership
d. Organizing b. Friendship
557. Which of the factor of c. Healthy competition
production is refers to physical and d. Cooperation
mental efforts of workers. 565. Which of the following refers to
a. Land the things of value and right owned
b. Labor by the business?
c. Capital a. Expense
d. Entrepreneur b. Liability
558. Which is considered as a c. Asset
comprehensive and effective d. Profit
blueprint to guide an entrepreneur 566. Convert 25 into percent.
in a business venture? a. 25 %
a. Resume b. 0.25%
b. Portfolio c. 250%
c. Business plan d. 2500%
d. Insurance plan 567. Mrs. Santos borrowed Php 10,000
559. It is the obligation together with for 2 years at a 10% interest rate.
the equity interest of its owners. How much did she pay back?
a. Asset a. Php 20,000.00
b. Liabilities b. Php 12,000.00
c. Accounting c. Php 1,200.00
d. Balance sheet d. Php 2,000.00
560. The key ingredient to 568. Ryan works at a nearby
Entrepreneurial activity is the result electronic store. He makes a
of: commission of 10% on every item he
a. Good luck sells. If he sells a television for Php
b. Big Capital 6,260.00, how much money does
c. Careful planning Ryan make in a commission?
d. Patience a. Php 626.00
561. Expenses that are unexpected b. Php 62.60
are _______. c. Php 62,600.00
a. Flexible d. Php 6.26
b. Miscellaneous 569. Which type of financial
c. Allowance statement shows how much cash is
d. Fixed coming in and how much you are
562. A large family needs a large paying for purchases and other
income. This is referred to as: expenses?
a. Expanding stage a. Income Statement
b. Counteracting stage b. Balance sheet
c. Empty nest stage c. Cash flow statement
d. Beginning stage d. Account Statement
570. This is the statement of the 575. An amount of money set aside
enterprise’s financial position at a for expenditures that would bring
given date. additional income or profit for the
a. Balance sheet family is referred to:
b. Income statement a. Savings
c. Statement of cash flows b. Deposit
d. Financial statements c. Advancement
571. What are the three components d. Investment
that make up a company’s 576. What is a plan of spending
balance sheet? during a specific period based on
a. Asset, liabilities, and income an estimate of the funds available?
statement a. Estimate
b. Credit, debit, and financial b. Budget
statement c. Expenditure
c. Asset, liabilities, and owner’s d. Income
equity 577. Convert 5.8 in percent?
d. Income statement, owners a. 0.058%
interest, and customer b. 0.58%
572. A plan of spending family c. 5.8%
income without incurring debt or d. 580%
deficits is known as: 578. Mrs. Santos borrowed Php
a. Budget plan 15,250.00 for 2 years at 12.5%
b. Family budget interest rate. How much did she pay
c. Household operation back?
d. Operational budget a. Php. 17,156.25
573. Which question should an b. Php. 19,062.50
entrepreneur consider as regard c. Php. 15,631.25
location? d. Php. 18,300.00
a. Is the location economically 579. The purchase cost of 2 dozen
accessible to its market? apple is Php 288.00, it gains Php.
b. Does the future look good or 3.50 mark-up per piece. What is the
bad for this firm in this market? selling price of three (3) apples?
c. Are present assets consistent a. Php. 46.50
with the floor plan, available b. Php. 72.00
additional space and customer c. Php. 36.00
comfort? d. Php. 39.50
d. Was a proper market survey 580. John invests Php. 40,000
made for this purpose? compounded yearly in a bank that
574. Which of the following is NOT an pays compound interest at the rate
important factor in selecting a of 5 % per year. Find the amount
location for a store? that John has in the bank after 3
a. Weather situation years.
b. Income of the families in the a. Php. 46,000.00
community b. Php. 46,305.00
c. Standard of living of families in c. Php. 47,458.00
the community d. Php. 48,997.25
d. Employment conditions that
prevails in the community

581. John invests Php. 40,000 586. Find the profit of Weng's water
compounded half-yearly in a bank refilling business with revenue of
that pays compound interest at the ₱56,000,000 and costs of
rate of 5 % per year. Find the ₱42,000,000.
amount that John has in the bank a. ₱14,000,000
after 3 years. b. ₱140,000
a. Php. 46,300.00 c. ₱1,400,000
b. Php. 46,387.74 d. ₱14,000
c. Php. 46.445.45 587. Norma's food stall has costs of
d. Php. 46,502.75 ₱2,900. Her total food sales are
582. A toy car is on sale for 40% off. If ₱11,600. What percent of her food
the original price is Php. 750.00, sales do the food costs represent?
what is the new sales price? a. 20%
a. Php. 300.00 b. 25%
b. Php. 450.00 c. 27%
c. Php. 1,200.00 d. 30%
d. Php. 1,050.00 588. If a shirt is marked down 25%,
583. Art Caras, a licenced real estate what will the purchase price be?
broker sold a house and lot for Php. a. ₱25
5,500,000.00 and was given a b. 75% of its original price
commission of 5%. How much did c. 50% off
he earn? d. ₱75
a. Php. 275,000.00 589. A customer places a special
b. Php. 2,750,000.00 order through 480 Furniture Store.
c. Php. 5,775,000.00 The list price in the manufacturer's
d. Php. 550,000.00 catalog is ₱1,600. 480 Furniture
584. A home sells for Php. receives a 35% trade discount.
3,000,000.00. Listing firm is paid 6% What is the net price for the furniture
commission from the sales price. order?
Listing broker is entitled to 60% of the a. ₱560
commission. How much is the b. ₱1,535
broker’s share? c. ₱1,565
a. Php. 180,000.00 d. ₱1,040
b. Php. 288,000.00 590. Ron's Manufacturing offers
c. Php. 108,000.00 discounts on most of its products.
d. Php. 72,000.00 What is the trade discount rate on
585. Karen receives a monthly salary an item with a list price of ₱16.79
of Php. 15,000.00 plus commission and a net price of ₱2.42?
on all sales. Last month, her total a. 22%
earning salary plus commission b. 26%
were Php. 27,000.00. If her total sales c. 54%
for the month were Php. 240,000.00, d. 74%
what is the rate of her commission? 591. What type of financial
a. 2% statement summarizes the
b. 3% information concerning the cash
c. 4% inflows and outflows during a
d. 5% particular period?
a. Balance sheet
b. Statement cash flows
c. Income statement
d. Statement of retained earning

592. Closing entries are made: 598. Which of the following does not
a. so that financial statements can appear in a Balance Sheet?
be made a. Cash
b. in order to terminate the b. Equipment
business as an operating entity c. Accounts Payable
c. in order to transfer net d. Depreciation Expense
income/loss and owner's 599. Adjusting entries are used to:
drawings to the owner's capital a. close the books
account b. record accruals
d. so that all assets, liabilities, and c. correct errors
owner's capital accounts will d. all of the listed answers are
have zero balances when the correct
next accounting period starts 600. Net Income or Profit results from:
593. Suppliers who allow business to a. revenues exceeding expenses
receive goods and services before b. assets exceeding liabilities
paying for them are known as: c. expenses exceeding revenues
a. Finance companies d. liabilities exceeding assets
b. Leasing companies 601. Assets are normally recorded at:
c. Trade companies a. Cost
d. Trade debtors b. appraised value
594. Which of the following is an c. market value
example of external finance? d. management's estimated value
a. Disposal by a business of surplus 602. Which financial report measures
assets results for a period of time?
b. Bank loan a. Balance Sheet
c. Day to day cash from sales to b. Income Statement
customers c. Trial Balance
d. Money loaned from trade d. All of the listed answers
suppliers through extended 603. Using the double entry system,
credit every business transaction
595. A shareholder sells his shares for _________.
more than he paid for them. This is a. affects two or more accounts
known as: b. affects only asset accounts
a. Capital gain c. affects only one account
b. Profit on disposal d. affects only income statement
c. God deal 604. A debt incurred by buying
d. Capital allowance goods or services from a supplier on
596. The point at which the level of credit is called _________.
sales of a business exactly equals its a. Property
costs is known as the: b. accounts payable
a. Break-even point c. an expense
b. Insolvency point d. accounts receivable
c. Start-up stage 605. Asset that serves as security for a
d. Profit point loan is called __________?
597. Working capital is: a. Collateral
a. Current Assets-Current Liabilities b. Credit
b. Notes Payable c. Debt
c. Current Liabilities d. Money
d. Accounts Payable


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