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Effect of Powdered and Composted Meat Bones On The Growth and Yield of Water Spinach

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Asian Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition

4(4): 1-10, 2019; Article no.AJSSPN.50197

ISSN: 2456-9682

Effect of Powdered and Composted Meat Bones on

the Growth and Yield of Water Spinach
(Ipomoea aquatica)
Badhon Ahmmed1*, Tamzid Bin Shafique1 and Shaikh Motasim Billah1
Soil, Water and Environment Discipline, Khulna University, Khulna-9208, Bangladesh.

Authors’ contributions

This work was carried out in collaboration among all authors. Author BA designed the study,
performed the statistical analysis, wrote the protocol and wrote the first draft of the manuscript.
Authors TBS and SMB managed the analyses of the study. Authors BA and SMB managed the
literature searches. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.

Article Information

DOI: 10.9734/AJSSPN/2019/v4i430052
(1) Dr. Pankaj Gupta, Professor, Dolphin (PG) College of Science & Agriculture, Punjabi University, India.
(1) Jamile Da Silva Oliveira, Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation, Brazil.
(2) Rahul Datta, Mendel University, Czechia.
(3) Jaime Cuauhtemoc Negrete, Autonomous Agrarian Antonio Narro University, Mexico.
(4) Rebecca Yegon, University of Embu, Kenya.
Complete Peer review History:

Received 05 May 2019

Original Research Article Accepted 15 July 2019
Published 01 August 2019


For agriculture, the most important is the soil’s function as a base and medium for plant growth.
The soil health and soil condition are important for plant growth. And the management of soil
organic matter is an important part in case of managing soil health and maintaining soil conditions.
The experiment was carried out in the field lab (Net House) of Soil, Water and Environment
discipline, Khulna University, Bangladesh. Total 21 plastic pots were used to continue the
experiment with 7 treatments. For the experiment, the meat bones were collected and used in the
experimental pot along with soil in different doses. This research has revealed that meat bones
both powdered and composted, has significantly increased (about 20-25%) the growth parameters
of water spinach (Ipomoea aquatica) such as a number of leaves, shoot length, fresh weight, dry
weight and moisture content. So, the application of powdered and composted meat bones in soil
will contribute in the growth of water spinach (Ipomoea aquatica).


*Corresponding author: Email:;

Ahmmed et al.; AJSSPN, 4(4): 1-10, 2019; Article no.AJSSPN.50197

Keywords: Soil organic matter; meat bones; water spinach (Ipomoea aquatica); pot experiment.

1. INTRODUCTION For agriculture, the most important is the soil’s

function as a base and medium for plant growth.
Agriculture is the most important sector of Soil health and soil condition is important, and
the economy of Bangladesh, contributing about the management of soil organic matter is an
23% of the country’s GDP and employing important part of managing soil health and
about 62% of the total labour force. Bangladesh, maintaining soil condition. Most of the soils of
after independence, has adopted various Bangladesh have low organic matter content,
measures to raise vegetable production for usually less than 2% [7]. A good soil should have
tackling the malnutrition problem in the at least 2.5% organic matter, but in Bangladesh,
country. most soils have less than 1.5%, and some soils
have even less than 1% organic matter [8]. The
Water spinach (Ipomoea aquatica) also known pressure on the management of soil organic
as ‘kalmi shak’ (in Bengali) is one of the popular matter is increasing as costs of inputs for
vegetables that is promoted to grow in agriculture increase and the capacity and ability
Bangladesh due to its good nutritive value, to overcome soils in poor condition by adding
antioxidant properties, high fiber content and more fertilizer, adding one more cultivation,
many other health-related benefits [1]. It is a adding one more irrigation or adding another
vascular semi-aquatic herbaceous perennial input are diminished [9]. The ultimate source of
plant belonging to Convolvulaceae [2]. Water organic matter for most soils is through the
spinach, Ipomoea aquatic Forssk. fixation of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere
(Convolvulaceae), is an aquatic or semi-aquatic through photosynthetic reactions by plants.
edible herb [3]. It has a hollow and viny stem, There is also a very small input from autotrophic
grows prostrate or floating, and roots are coming bacteria. However, in some instances, there may
from the nodes that penetrate the soil. Water also be some input from industrial and mining
spinach is native to the tropics and subtropics of products derived from petroleum or coal. At the
Southeast Asia, Southern China and India [4], broad scale, these sources of soil carbon are
[5]. It is a green vegetable and is ranked high insignificant. Soil organic matter is derived from
among the world’s healthiest foods, and there organic materials that are added to the soil, and
are plenty of reasons for it being so. It is one of the majority of soil organic matter derives from
the ideal options to manage weight and to lower the breakdown of residues remaining after plants
the cholesterol levels. It consists of rich amounts have died. These residues can take the form of
of iron that is required by the red blood cells root residues located in the soil matrix or leaves,
during process of hemoglobin formation. So, stems and stubble existing as litter on the soil
people who are suffering with anemia should surface. Animals also provide a proportion of the
include their diet with this iron rich leafy soil organic matter to varying degrees depending
vegetable [6]. on management and the ecosystem [10].

Fig. 1. Water spinach

Ahmmed et al.; AJSSPN, 4(4): 1-10, 2019; Article no.AJSSPN.50197

Additions of large amounts of organic materials 2. MATERIALS AND METHODS

as composts or as biochar can increase the
levels of soil organic matter in soils [11]. Soils are 2.1 Location of the Study Area
used as a filter or sink for effluent and waste
materials. The wastes produced from meat The experiment was carried out in the field lab
bones can be used as such types of organic (Net House) of Soil, Water and Environment
materials as the replacement of compost or discipline, Khulna University, Bangladesh.
2.2 Collection and Preparation of the Soil
Maximum people eat various types of meat daily.
There are some particular occasions such as
wedding ceremony, some religious festivals The soil for our research was collected from the
like Eid, Puja etc which is incomplete without research field of Soil, Water and Environment
meat. A lot of meat bones can be found Discipline, Khulna University. Spade, plastic bag
after these ceremonies. If we use these was used for collecting the soil. Then the soil
bones as fertilizers for plant growth, then the was air dried at room temperature, and all the
waste load will be controlled. Usually, beef plant debris were removed manually. Then the
bones, however, other types of a creature like massive aggregates were broken by gentle
chicken or pigeon bone meal or emulsion can be crushing by a hammer. Then the soil was sieved
used to prepare meat bone fertilizer. The by 2 mm sieve.
processed bone meal goes through to become a
powder or compost will quickly kill off many 2.3 Preparation of Pot
After sieving, the soil was taken into pots for
Meat and bone meal (MBM) can be a viable sowing the seeds. Total 21 plastic pots were
alternative to mineral fertilizers because it used to continue the experiment. The pots were
contains about 8% Nitrogen (N), 5 % Phosphorus cleaned and labelled. Each Pot was filled with
(P), 1 % Potassium (K) and 10 % Calcium (Ca) 3kg sieved soil. Pots had no pore in its bottom to
[12], which makes it a valuable source of protect the leaching of meat bone fertilizers from
nutrients for plant production. It has about 50% the soil. The experiment was started on 24
protein, 35% ash, 8-12% fat, and 4-7% moisture, June, 2018.
and contains a big amount of nutrients. Chemical
properties of Meat Bone Materials (MBM) vary a 2.4 Powdered and Composted Meat
lot from different raw materials. On average, the Bones Preparation
pH tends to be acidic, about 6.5. Organic matter
in content is about 50% [13]. Besides a great The meat bones were collected after eating.
deal of phosphorous, bone meal also provides Then some of the bones were crushed into
smaller amounts of essential nitrogen, potassium powder form with the help of crusher (Haman
and calcium. As the bone meal breaks down dista). To prepare meat bone compost, bones
over the season, it will steadily and slowly (pigeon, chicken, and beef) were crushed and
release these nutrients for plant uptake. transferred it into a plastic bag. Sufficient amount
The advantageous aspects of slow release of water was added into it to degrade the meat
nutrition are that plant roots will not burn, and bones and kept it by digging soil into 30 cm
th th
that soil vitality is increased for extended periods depth. After 60 days (4 June – 4 August), the
[14]. compost was ready to be applied into my
experiment. 10 g powdered and composted meat
1.1 Objectives bones were applied to each pot. 5 g was mixed
up with the soil before sowing the seeds, and the
To minimize the rate of waste load by using rest 5 g was added when the seeds were grown
the meat bones as organic fertilizer which up to plants.
is environmental friendly as well as to
improve soil health, for determining the 2.5 Treatments of Investigation
effectiveness of different types of meat bones in
water spinach cultivation, to assess the effect of Seven treatments were used in the experiment.
composted and powdered meat bones on the
growth and yield of water spinach (Ipomoea T0 = Control
aquatica). T1 = 500 kgha powdered beef bone

Ahmmed et al.; AJSSPN, 4(4): 1-10, 2019; Article no.AJSSPN.50197

-1 0
T2 = 500 kgha powdered chicken bone tagged separately, weighted, oven dried at 65 C
T3 = 500 kgha-1 powdered pigeon bone temperature for 24 hours until moisture content
T4 = 500 kgha composted beef bone reached to a minimum condition. The dried
T5 = 500 kgha composted chicken bone material of plants per pot from each treatment
T6 = 500 kgha-1 composted pigeon bone was collected.

2.6 Sowing of the Seeds Number of leaves

The seeds were sown on 24th June, 2018.The The number of leaves of five plants of each pot
seeds were sown thoroughly as it was possible was counted and average value was taken.
to keep uniformity and then the seeds were
covered by soils. 0.01 g seeds (5 kg ha as Shoot length (cm)
recommended by BARI, 2005 for trial
experiment) were sown in each pot and Shoot length was measured using a measuring
maximum seeds germinated within 5 days. After scale from the root level to the tip of the plant.
germination only five plants were kept in each From each pot, five plants were measured and
pot. averaged.

2.7 Intercultural Operations Root length (cm)

2.7.1 Watering Root length was measured using a measuring

scale from root level to the tip of the longest root
For normal plant growth, the water was added at harvest, and their average value was taken as
regularly (2-3 days intervals) to each pot for the root length in cm.
maintaining enough moisture. Fresh weight per plant (gm)
2.7.2 General observation
Harvest of five plants from each pot, fresh weight
The pots under experiment were frequently of the whole plant was taken by an electrical
observed to note any change in the crop growth balance, and their mean value was calculated as
and other characteristics. The crop growth was fresh weight expressed in gm/plant.
very satisfactory in some treatments. But some
treatments showed a lower number of plants. Dry weight per plant (gm)

2.7.3 Harvesting Five plants from each pot were collected and
oven dried at 650C for 48 hours, weighed in
The experimental crops were harvested after 40 gm/plant by an electrical balance and average
days of germination. The harvested plants were value was recorded.

Fig. 2. Sowing the seeds of water spinach

Ahmmed et al.; AJSSPN, 4(4): 1-10, 2019; Article no.AJSSPN.50197 Moisture content (%) and it is recommended to use as a soil

amendment for the growth of such type of leafy
Percent moisture was calculated by using the vegetables like water spinach.
3.2 Root Length per Plant (cm)
Moisture content (%) = × 100
Length of root per plant ranged from 8.81cm to
13.91 cm and highest length of root found in T6
Where, (13.91 cm) (Table 1). Length of root varied
significantly in T6 compared with control
W f = Fresh weight of the plant sample treatment T0 and there was the insignificant
W o= Oven dry weight of the plant sample difference among T1, T2, T3, T4 and T5 (Fig. 4). A
distinct difference was found between T0 and T6.
2.8 Analysis So, application of compost of pigeon bone
showed a significant increment of length of root
The collected data on different parameters were in water spinach whereas application of
represented in bar diagram by Microsoft powdered chicken bone, beef bones did not
office excel program 16.0 and statistically show any positive effect on the root length of
analyzed following the analysis of variance water spinach. On the basis of the length of the
(ANOVA) technique. The Completely root of plants application of composted pigeon
Randomized Design (CRD) was followed as bone is the best for uses, and it can be
experimental design and the different doses of recommended for the plants.
meat bones in composted and powdered forms
were the treatments. 3.3 Shoot Length per Plant (cm)
3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Length of shoot per plant ranged from 17.64 cm
to 24.96 cm. and highest length of shoot was
Effect of powdered and composted meat bone on found in T5 (24.96 cm) (Table 1). There was
the growth and yield of Water spinach (Ipomoea insignificant relationship between T1, T2 and T6
aquatica) was studied following pot experiment. but significant difference was found in T5
The number of leaves per plant, shoot length per compared with the control treatment T0 (Fig. 5).
plant, root length per pant, fresh weight per plant, So, application of composted chicken bone
dry weight per plant and percent moisture showed significant increment of length of shoot in
content were measured for the plants treated water spinach whereas application of other meat
with 10g powdered and composted meat bone bone fertilizers did not show any positive effect
and compared with plants grown with no meat on the shoot length of water spinach. On the
bone which was control experiment. The data of basis of the length of shoot of plants application
morphological attributes are presented in of composted chicken bone is the best for uses
Table 1. and it is recommended for the plants.

3.1 Number of Leaves per Plant 3.4 Fresh Weight per Plant (g)

The number of leaves of water spinach was Fresh weight per plant ranged from 1.09 g to
significantly influenced by different treatments in 3.47 g and highest fresh weight of plant was
maximum cases. The highest number of leaves found in T5 (3.47 g) (Table 1). Fresh weight
was found in T5 (10.73) (Table 1). The results varied significantly in T4, T5, T6 compared with
exhibited that there was the insignificant control treatment T0 but there was the
difference in T1, T2, T4 and T6 compared to the insignificant difference between T0, T1, T2 and T3
control experiment T0 and a significant difference (Fig. 6) The observation was T5 > T6 > T4 >T1>T2
was found in T3 and T5 (Fig. 3). Application of >T3>T0. So, application of compost of chicken
composted chicken bone showed a significant bones showed a significant increment of fresh
increment of the number of leaves in water weight in water spinach, whereas application of
spinach, whereas application of other meet bone meat bones and pigeon bones did not show any
fertilizers did not show any positive effect on the positive effect on the fresh weight. On the basis
number of leaves of water spinach. On the basis of the fresh weight of plants application of
of the number of leaves of plants, application of composted chicken bone is the best for uses,
composted chicken bone is the best for using, and it is recommended for the leafy vegetables.

Ahmmed et al.; AJSSPN, 4(4): 1-10, 2019; Article no.AJSSPN.50197

Table 1. Observed growth factors of the experimented water spinach for different treatments

Treatments No. of Root Shoot Fresh Dry Moisture

leaves length length weight weight content
/plant /plant /plant /plant /plant (%)
(cm) (cm) (g) (g)
T0 8 8.81 17.64 1.09 0.08 64.36
T1 9 9.31 24.32 1.56 0.37 76.49
T2 9 9.98 24.25 1.23 0.32 73.85
T3 8 10.93 18.65 1.17 0.35 70.25
T4 9 12.65 22.01 2.67 0.40 84.97
T5 11 13.51 24.96 3.47 0.52 85.05
T6 10 13.91 23.93 3.30 0.48 85.39

Number of leaves per plant


12 ab a
abc ab
No. of leaves

bc c

T0 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6

Fig. 3. Effect of powdered and composted meat bone on leaves number of water spinach

Root length per plant

ab a
16 ab
Root length (cm)

12 ab ab ab
T0 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6


Fig. 4. Effect of powdered and composted meat bone on root length of water spinach

Ahmmed et al.; AJSSPN, 4(4): 1-10, 2019; Article no.AJSSPN.50197

Shoot length per plant


30 a
ab abc ab
Shoot length (cm)

c bc



T0 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6


Fig. 5. Effect of powdered and composted meat bone on shoot length of water spinach

Fresh weight per plant

4 a
Fresh Weight (g)


2 b
1.5 b b


T0 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6

Fig. 6. Effect of powdered and composted meat bone on the fresh weight of water spinach

3.5 Dry Weight per Plant (g) bone fertilizers did not show any positive effect
on the dry weight. On the basis of dry weight of
Dry weight per plant ranged from 0.08g to 0.52g plants application of composted chicken bone is
and highest dry weight was found in T5 (0.52g) the best for using and it is recommended for the
(Table 1). Dry weight varied significantly in all plants.
treatments compared to the control treatment T0
and there was an insignificant difference 3.6 Moisture Content per Plant (%)
between T2 and T3 as well as T1 and T4 (Fig. 7).
So, application of compost of chicken bone Moisture content per plant ranged from 64.36%
showed significant increment of the dry weight in to 85.39% and highest moisture content found in
water spinach whereas application of other meat T6 (85.39%) and the lowest moisture content

Ahmmed et al.; AJSSPN, 4(4): 1-10, 2019;; Article no.AJSSPN.50197

observed in T0 (Table 1). The observations are T6 increment of moisture content of water spinach
> T5 > T4 > T1 > T2 > T3 > T0. The following figure whereas application of chicken bone, beef bones
shows significant differences when control both powdered and composted did not show any
experiment is compared with other treatment and positive effect on the moisture content of water
significant differencess are found in T1 and T3 but spinach. On the basis of the moisture content of
insignificant relationship was found among T4, T5 plants application of composted pigeon bone is
and T6 treatments (Fig. 8). So, application of the best for using and it can be recommended for
compost of pigeon bone showed a significant the plants.

Dry weight per plant

0.6 ab
bc c
Dry weight (g)




T0 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6


Fig. 7. Effect of powdered and composted meat bone on the dry weight of water spinach

Moisture content
90 a a a
b bc
Moisture content (%)

80 c
70 d
T0 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6

Fig. 8. Effect of powdered and composted meat bone on the moisture content of water spinach

Ahmmed et al.; AJSSPN, 4(4): 1-10, 2019; Article no.AJSSPN.50197

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© 2019 Ahmmed et al.; This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License
(, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original work is properly cited.

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