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Basaha Inggris (Soal)

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1. Made : I think Mario is the nicest student in your class? What do you think?
Putu : . . . He is always helpful.
A. I don’t think so.
B. I don’t agree.
C. Impossible.
D. I think so.
2. Mr. Wiyono : What do you think of our new house, dear?
Hanik : . . . I don’t have any place to put my stuff.
A. It is the best place I believe.
B. I think it’s tpp small.
C. It is beatiful I think.
D. I think it is lovely.
3. Warno : Did you see what the fireman did?
Mampu : Yes. He saved the lady just in time. He climbed the ladder so quickly and jumped into
the fire so bravely . . .
Warno : Yeah! He is a dedicated person.
A. What a brave man he is!
B. What a careless man!
C. What a poor man!
D. How poor!
4. Arrange the following words into a good sentence.
think – it – a – I – very – interesting – is – film
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
A. 4 – 1 – 2 – 7 – 3 – 5 – 6 – 8
B. 4 – 1 – 7 – 5 – 2 – 3 – 8 – 6
C. 4 – 1 – 2 – 8 – 6 – 3 – 5 – 7
D. 4 – 1 – 3 – 5 – 6 – 2 – 7 – 8
5. Arrange the expressions into a good dialogue.
1) Eny : Great!
2) Eny : Really? What is it?
3) Eny : No kidding. How did you know?
4) Sarah : Mr Sukur told me just now. We are not going to have a class
tomorrow. All student will go to the National Museum.
5) Sarah : We are going to visit the National Museum Tomorrow.
6) Sarah : I’ve got good news for us.

A. 6 –2 – 4 – 3 – 5 – 1
B. 6–2–5–1–4–3
C. 6–3–5–2–4–1
D. 6–2–5–3–4–1

SCORE NOTES Teacher Parent

Practice 2

Complete the sentences using can or can’t and one of the verbs in the box.

Read understand Swim Walk See hear

Example : She is deaf, She can’t hear.

1 I________it easily because the teacher explained it clearly.
2 There is an indoor swimming pool in this hotel. We________there.
3 The man is blind. He_________
4 Salma is only five, but she__________very well. Her favorite books are animal stories.
5 Nadia got a serious fracture on her leg bone. She_____________.

Choose and cross (X) the correct answers

I have two best friends, whose names are Gigis and Yuko. They have
different hobbies and characters. Gigis is calm girl. She can dance and can
also sing well. Her voice is very beautiful. On the other hand, Yuko can’t
dance or sing. She has terrible voice. However, she is good at martial arts.
She has got a red belt in tae kwon do. Gigis and I sometimes watch her at a
tae kwon do contest. You can also swim well. She is a really strong girl.

6. Who can dance ?

A. Gigis
B. Yugos
C. The Writer
D. Gigis and Yuko
7. Who can do tae kwon do ?
A. Yuko
B. Gigis
C. The writer
D. Gigis and Yuko
8. What can Yuko do ?
A. Singing, tae kwon do, and dancing
B. Singing, dancing, and swimming
C. Swimming and tae kwon do.
D. Singing an dancing.
9. Which sentence is TRUE according to the text?
A. Gigis can sing well because she has beatiful voice.
B. Yuko can sing well although she has a terrible voice.
C. Gigis an the writer can di tae kwon do.
D. Yuko likes dancing very much.
10. What makes Yuko strong?
A. She likes art.
B. She likes sprots.
C. She has good friends
D. She has a terrible voice.
SCORE NOTES Teacher Parent
Practice 3

Complete the sentences using must or mustn’t and one of the verbs in the box.

Lock learn steal park fat be

Example : You must lock all doors and windows during the strom.

1 Drivers_________ their cars in the middle of the road.

2 If you want to be healthy, you_________ a lot of fruits and vegetables.
3 Children_________ to the teacher if they want to learn.
4 We _________ because it is wrong.
5 If you want people to be nice to you, you_________ nasty to them.

Choose and cross (X) the correct answers

This text for questions numbers 6,7 and 8

Our Kitchen Rules

 If you empty it, fill it.
 If you dirty it, clean it.
 If you Open it, fill it.
 If you spill it, wipe it.
 If you cook it, share it.

Aminah is talking about kitchen rules in her house with house with her friend.

Aminah : Did you have any kitchen rules at home ?

Sumiarti: Oh, we don’t have any. What about your house ?
Aminah : We have kitchen rules.
Sumarti : Really ? Like what ?
Aminah : Well, like when we spill something, we (6) . . . .
Sumarti : Oh, what if you empty a jar ?
Aminah : You (7)......
Sumarti : That’s good. What if you cook something ?
Aminah : (8) . . .

6. A. Must take it away

B. should leave it
C. must empty it
D. must wipe it
7. A. must fill it
B. must clean it
C. must not do it
D. must tell others
8. A. You must not cook
B. You must not share it
C. Don’t forget to share it
D. You must cook something delicious

9. From the text, we can conclude that we . . . feed the animal.

A. Must
B. Should
C. Must not
D. Don’t have to
10. Where can we probably find the sign?
A. At school
B. At the zoo.
C. At an office.
D. In a cinema.

The following text is for questions 11 to 13.

After 25 year as a teacher at ABC Elementary Scholl, Mrs Sienna McKenzie is celebrating
her retirement.
Please join us as we honour her with dinner.
Saturday, 16 December, 2017 At 7.00 in the evening
The parchment cafe 2345 Main Street
Oyster Bay, New York
Regret only : (021) 3374517

11. What Should an invitee do if he cannot come to the dinner?

A. He should send a gift to the dinner place.
B. He should make a phone call.
C. He should come on time.
D. He should write a letter.
12. What it the purpose of the dinner?
A. To welcome a new teacher.
B. To honour Mrs Sienna McKenzie’s coming.
C. To celebrate Mrs Sienna McKenzie’s retirement.
D. To have dinner together with ABC Elementary School Student.
13. “ . . . is celebrating her retirement.”
The underlined word means . . . .
A. Being the best at a job
B. Leaving a job because of age
C. Stopping work because of sickness
D. Getting a reward because of a particular achievement
The following text is for questions 14 and 15.

Dear Rooney,
Congratulations on being the winner of the English Speech Contest for junior High School Student in West Java Province 2015. You’ve
made us proud of you.

Keep up the good work, our beloved friend.

Your 8 B buddies


14. From the text, we can conclude that . . . .

A. The contest was conducted to celebrate West Java Province’s anniversary
B. The card is written by Rooney’s classmates
C. Rooney is a Senior High School student
D. Rooney lives in West Java
15. “You’ve made us proud of you.”
The underlined word means . . . . .
A. Doing somenthing that makes other people happy
B. Doing something hard that cannot be done by anybody else
C. Feeling happy about something happening to someone close to you
D. Feeling pleasure and satisfaction because you oor people connected with you have done or got
something good

SCORE NOTES Teacher Parent

Practice 4

Circle the correct answers.

1. I’m sorry but I don’t have much / many time.

2. There are a few / a little apple in the refrigerator.
3. Do you have some / any sugar?
4. She has a lot of / a little friends at school.
5. Do you eat meat? Yes, a few / a little.
6. We wait a few / a little minutes.
7. I meet some / any friends in the party.
8. How much / many butter do you need?
9. Do you receive much / many emails?
10. I don’t have many / much homework to do tonight.
11. We like apple juice, but I don’t drink some / much milk.

Complete the following sentences with the verb in the brackets.

Example : Some people drink tea. (drink)
He likes detective novels. (like)

1. Children often_________ their time with their friends in the afternoon. (spend)
2. Yosi_________ to the robotic course every Monday. (go)
3. Laila and I_________ the same hobby. (have)
4. The girls always_________ the cooking clas on weekends. (join)
5. We usually_________ milk in the morning. (drink)
6. Maya_________ the dishes in the afternoon. (wash)
7. Bagas_________ early in the morning. (study)
8. They_________ the books to the bookshop. (carry)
9. He often_________ me with my homework. (help)
10. A cat_________ trees easily. (climb)

SCORE NOTES Teacher Parent

The following text is for questions 1 – 5

Adiba is a professional roller skater. Here is her weekly schedule.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday

 07.00 – 14.00 school  07.00 – 13.00 school  07.00 – 13.00 scholl
 16.00 – 19.00 roller skate  13.00 – 14.00 music school  14.00 – 16.00 Oemah Resto – Cindy’s
stadium  16.00 – 19.00 roller skate birthday party
stadium  16.00 – 19.00 roller skate stadium

Thursday Friday Saturday

 07.00 – 12.00 school  07.00 – 11.00 school  09.00 – 11.00 English course
 13.00 – 15.00 library visit  14.00 – 16.00 cinema  13.00 – 15.00 roller skate stadium

1. How often does Adiba Practice roller skate?

A. Three times a week
B. Four times a week
C. Twice a week
D. Once a week
2. When does Adiba visit the library?
A. On Thursday afternoon
B. On Thursday morning
C. On Friday afternoon
D. On Friday morning
3. When is Adiba off scholl?
A. Every day
B. On Fridays
C. On Fridays and Saturdays.
D. On Saturdays and Sundays
4. What does Adiba do on Wednesday evening?
A. She celebrates her birthday
B. She practises on the stadium
C. She goes to the cinema
D. She visit the library
5. When does Cindy celebrate her birthday?
A. On Wednesday afternoon
B. On Wednesday morning
C. On Wednesday evening
D. On Wednesday night
6. The man . . . soundly.
A. Are sleeping
B. Is sleeping
C. Sleeping
D. Sleep
7. My father an I . . . now. We . . . for the next week festival.
A. Are dancing – are rehearsing
B. Is dancing – is rehearsing
C. Dancing – rehearsing
D. Dance – rehearse
8. Roni : Anton. Sorry to disturb you, but I need your help.
Anton : Oh, that’s alright. I’m just cleaning my shoes.
What is Anton doing?
A. He’s cleaning his shoes
B. He’s looking at Roni
C. He’s having luch
D. He’s watching TV
9. Imam : who . . . beside Mr. Stewart?
Rahma : Mr. Yoga, the new tacher
A. Sitting is
B. Is sitting
C. Sitting are
D. Are sitting
10. Shh! Mrs Ayu is speaking. Listen to . . . .
A. She C. My
B. Her D. Is
11. Linda is as . . . as her sister.
A. Beauty
B. Beautiful
C. More beautiful
D. Most beautiful
12. I hope tomorrow will be . . . than today.
A. Well C. Good
B. Best D. Better
13. He has the . . . house among all of his friends.
A. Big C. Biggest
B. Small D. Smaller
14. Your ramen noodle is . . . than mine.
A. Hot C. Hottest
B. Hotter D. Coldest
15. During school vacation, Bukittinggi is as . . . as Bandung.
A. Crowded
B. Less crowded
C. Most crowded
D. More crowted
16. Ten year ago, I . . . only a baby.
A. Is C. Was
B. Am D. Were
17. My friend . . . ill yesterday.
A. Is B. Am C. Was D. Were
18. My cousin . . . us last summer.
A. Visit C. Visited
B. Visits D. Visiting
19. Firman was doing his maths homework when the phone . . . .
A. Ring C. Rang
B. Rings D. Ringing
20. I bought a new CD. It . . . thirty dollars.
A. Cost C. Costing
B. Costs D. Was cutting

SCORE NOTES Teacher Parent

Practice 5

The following text is for questions 1 to 5

Rina went to a cooking festival in the morning to join the cooking competition. She wanted to cook fried rice.
She arrived at eight and directly prepared for the competition. At first, she thought she had brought
everything, but suddendly, she realised that she had left the rice in the kicthen at her house. She couldn’t
cook fried rice and lost the competition. She felt very disappointed.

1. Why did Rina go to the cooking festival?

A. To watch her friend competing
B. To join a cooking competition
C. To check the rice
D. To eat fried rice
2. What was the first thing Rina did when she arrived at the coking festival ?
A. Perparing for the competition
B. Starting the competition
C. Losing the competition
D. Leaving the rice
3. Why did Rina lose the competition
A. She left the rice
B. She left the festival
C. She cooked fried rice
D. She was dissapointed
4. How did Rina feel ?
A. Cheerful
B. Excited
C. Happy
D. Upset
5. What is te purpose of the writer in writing text ?
A. To persuade the readers to go to cooking festival
B. To inform the readers about Rina’s hobby
C. To describe past events that happened to Rina
D. To describe the cooking festival

The following text is for questions 6 – 9

Earth day is coming!

Come celebrate and join our Earth Day Programmes:
 seminar on how to recycle;
 replanting plants project.
Let us make this planet cleaner and healthier! Think of what
you can do and seek for ways to slow or even reverse the
harm we’ve done to our beloved Earth.

6. What is the purpose of the text ?

A. To inform the readers about the damage we’ve made
B. To ask the readers to join the Earth Day Programmes
C. To tell the readers about the coming Earth Day
D. To ask the readers to recycle things
7. Which of the following activities will NOT likely be done during the replanting plants project ?
A. Fertilizing new trees
B. Watering new trees
C. Cutting down trees
D. Planting new trees
8. “. . . or even reverse the harm . . . .”
The underlined word means . . . .
A. Make something the opposite of what it was
B. Add an activity to the agenda of an activity
C. Put something in a safe situation
D. Give something to someone else
9. The announcement was likely written by . . . .
A. The goverment
B. The local people
C. The programme committe
D. The participants in the programmes

Please refill the ice cube trays, instead of leaving them empty

10. What does the text mean ?

A. Empty the ice cube trays regularly
B. Its is suggested not to take the ice cubes out of the trays
C. Refill the ice cube trays when the ice cubes are still in the trays
D. Refill the ice cube trays with water after taking the ice cubes out

SCORE NOTES Teacher Parent

Adjective / Adjective /
No Kata Sifat Arti No Kata Sifat Arti

1 Amazing Menakjubkan 26 Easy Mudah

2 Awesome Mengagumkan 27 Expensive Mahal

3 Adorable Menarik 28 Enormous Besar sekali

4 Angry Marah 29 Eager Asyik

5 Agree Setuju 30 Fair Adil

6 Alive Hidup 31 Famous Terkenal

7 Beautiful Cantik 32 Far Jauh

8 Better Lebih Baik 33 Fast Cepat

9 Big Besar 34 Flat Datar

10 Blue Biru 35 Friendly Ramah

11 Blak Hitam 36 Good Baik

12 Brave Brani 37 Green Hijau

13 Broken Rusak 38 Grey Abu-abu

14 Careful Cermat / Teliti 39 Happy Happy

15 Clumsy Ceroboh 40 Handsome Tampan /

16 Cheap Murah
41 Helpful Bermanfaat
17 Clever Cerdas
42 High Tinggi
18 Comfortable Nyaman
43 Hilarious Riang
19 Crazy Gila
44 Impolite Tidak sopan
20 Creepy Menyeramkan
45 Important Penting
21 Cute Imut
46 Incredible Luar biasa
22 Dangerous Berbahaya
47 Impossible Tidak mungkin
23 Dead Mati
48 Jealous Cemburu
24 Delicious Lezat
49 Kind Jenis
25 Dirty Kotor
50 Large Besar
No Verb / Kata Kerja Arti No Verb / Kata Kerja Arti

1 Accompany Menemani 26 Bring Membawa

2 Achieve Mencapai 27 Borrow Meminjam

3 Activate Mengaktifkan 28 Buy Membeli

4 Advise Menasehati 29 Brush Menyikat

5 Agree Setuju 30 Burn Membakar

6 Allow Mengizinkan 31 Cancel Membatalkan

7 Answer Menjawab 32 Care Peduli

8 Approve Menyetujui 33 Carry Membawa

9 Arrive Tiba 34 Carve Mengukir

10 Ask Meminta 35 Catch Menangkap

11 Attack Menyerang 36 Cause Menyebabkan

12 Attend Menghadiri 37 Change Mengubah

13 Avoid Menghindari 38 Check Memeriksa

14 Beat Mengalahkan 39 Choose Memilih

15 Become Menjadi 40 Clarify Menjelaskan

16 Begin Mulai 41 Classify Menggolongkan

17 Behave Berkelakuan 42 Decide Memutuskan

18 Believe Percaya 43 Declare Menyatakan

19 Bend Membungkuk 44 Defeat Mengalahkan

20 Bet Bertaruh 45 Deliver Menyampaikan

21 Bind Mengikat 46 Embrace Merangkul

22 Bite Membungkuk 47 Encourage Mendorong

23 Blame Menyalahkan 48 Enjoy Menikmati

24 Blow Meniup 49 Equip Melengkapi

25 Breathe Bernafas 50 Escape Melarikan Diri


Become Became Become Menjadi

Begin Began Begun Mulai

Bite Bit Bitten Menggigit

Blow Blew Blown Meniup

Break Broke Broken Memecahkan

Bring Brought Brought Membawa

Build Built Built Membangun

Burn Burnt Burnt Membakar

Buy Bought Bought Membeli

Catch Caught Caught Menangkap

Choose Chose Chosen Memilih

Come Came Come Datang

Cost Cost Cost Berharga

Creep Crept Crept Merayap

Cut Cut Cut Memotong

Dig Dug Dug Menggali

Do Did Done Mengerjakan

Draw Drew Drawn Menggambar

Dream Dreamt Dreamt Bermimpi

Drink Drank Drunk Minum

Drive Drove Driven Mengemudi

Eat Ate Eaten Makan

Fall Fell Fallen Jatuh

Feed Fed Fed Memberi Makan

Feel Felt Felt Merasa

Fight Fought Fought Berkelahi

Find Found Found Menemukan

Fly Flew Flown Terbang

Forbid Forbade Forbidden Melarang

Forget Forgot Forgotten Melupakan

Forgive Forgave Forgiven Memaafkan

Freeze Froze Frozen Membeku

Get Got Gotten Memperoleh

Give Gave Given Memberi

Go Went Gone Pergi

Grow Grew Grown Tumbuh

Hang Hung Hung Menggantungkan

Have Had Had Mempunyai

Hear Heard Heard Mendengar

Hide Hid Hidden Bersembunyi

Hit Hit Hit Memukul

Hold Held Held Memegang/Mengadakan

Hurt Hurt Hurt Melukai

Keep Kept Kept Menjaga

Kneel Knelt Knelt Berlutut

Know Knew Known Tahu

Lead Led Led Memimpin

Leave Left Left Meninggalkan

Lend Lent Lent Meminjamkan

Let Let Let Membiarkan

Lie Lay Lain Berbaring

Lose Lost Lost Kehilangan

Make Made Made Membuat

Mean Meant Meant Berarti

Meet Met Met Bertemu

Melt Melted Molten Meleleh

Mistake Mistook Mistaken Salah (Kesalahan)

Overcome Overcame Overcome Mengatasi

Pay Paid Paid Membayar

Prove Proved Proved / Proven Membuktikan

Put Put Put Meletakan

Read Read Read Membaca

Rent Rent Rent Menyewa

Ride Rode Riden Mengendarai

Ring Rang Rung Berdering

Rise Rose Risen Terbit

Run Ran Run Berlari

Saw Sawed Sawn Menggergaji

Say Said Said Mengatakan

See Saw Seen Melihat

Seek Sought Sought Mencari

Sell Sold Sold Menjual

Send Sent Sent Mengirim

Set Set Set Terbenam

Sew Sewed Sewn Menjahit

Shake Shook Shaken Menggoyangkan

Shave Shaved Shaken Mencukur

Shine Shone Shone Bersinar

Shoot Shot Shot Menembak

Show Showed Shown Menunjukan

Shrink Shrank/Shrunk Shrunk Menyusut

Sing Sang Sung Bernyanyi

Sink Sank Sunk Tenggelam

Sit Sat Sat Duduk

Sleep Slept Slept Tidur

Slide Slid Slid / Slidden Meluncur

Smell Smelt Smelt Berbau

Speak Spoke Spoken Berbicara

Speed Sped Sped Mempercepat

Spell Spelt Spelt Mengeja

Spend Spent Spent Menghabiskan

Spread Spread Spread Menyebarkan

Stand Stood Stood Berdiri

Steal Stole Stolen Mencuri

Sting Stung Stung Menyengat

Swear Swore Sworn Bersumpah

Sweep Swept Swept Menyapu

Swim Swam Swum Berenang

Take Took Taken Mengambil

Teach taught Taught Mengajar

Tear Tore Torn Merobek

Tell Told Told Menceritakan

Think Thought Thought Berpikir

Throw Threw Thrown Melempar

Undestand Understood Understood Mengerti

Wake Woke Woken Bangun

Wear Wore Worn Memakai

Win Won Won Menang

Withdraw Withdrew Withdrawn Menarik

Write Wrote Written Menulis

Infinitive Past Tense Past Participle
(Verb 1/V1) (Verb 2/V2) (Verb 3/V3)

accept accepted accepted Menerima

achieve achieve achieved Meraih

add added added Menambahkan

admire admired admired Mangagumi

admit admitted admitted Mengakui

adopt adopted adopted Mengambil

advise advised advised Menasihati

afford afforded afforded Mampu

agree agreed agreed Menyetujui

allow allowed allowed Mengizinkn

amuse amused amused Menghibur

analyze analyzed analyzed Menganalisa

announce announced announced Mengumumkan

annoy annoyed annoyed Mengganggu

answer answer answered Manjawab

apologize apologized apologized minta maaf

appear appeared appeared Muncul

applaud applauded applauded bertepuk tangan

appreciate appreciated appreciated Menghargai

approve approved approved Menyetujui

argue argued argued Mendebat

arrange arranged arranged Mengatur

arrest arrested arrested menangkap, menahan

arrive arrived arrived Tiba

ask asked asked meminta, bertanya

attach attached attached Melampirkan

attack attacked attacked Menyerang

attempt attempted attempted Mencoba

attend attended attended Menghadiri

attract attracted attracted menarik, memikat

avoid avoided avoided menghindar, mencegah

bake baked baked Memanggang

balance balanced balanced Mengimbangkan

ban banned banned Melarang

Infinitive Past Tense Past Participle
(Verb 1/V1) (Verb 2/V2) (Verb 3/V3)

bare bared bared Memperlihatkan

bat batted batted memukul dgn tongkat

bathe bathed bathed Memandikan

battle battled battled Bertarung

beam beamed beamed mengarahkan, bercahaya

beg begged begged mengemis, meminta

behave behaved behaved Berkelakuan

belong belonged belonged termasuk, milik

bleach bleached bleached Memutihkan

bless blessed blessed Memberkati

blind blinded blinded Membutakan

blink blinked blinked Berkedip

blot blotted blotted mengotori, menodai

blush blushed blushed Tersipu

boast boasted boasted membual, membanggakan diri

boil boiled boiled mendidih, merebus

borrow borrowed borrowed Meminjam

bounce bounced bounced melambung, melompat

bow bowed bowed tunduk, membungkuk

branch branched branched Bercabang

burn burned burned Membakar

bump bumped bumped Menabrak

bury buried buried Mengubur

calculate calculated calculated Menghitung

call called called memanggil, menelpon

carry carried carried Membawa

cause caused caused Menyebabkan

challenge challenged challenged Menantang

change changed changed Mengubah

charge charged charged Mengisi

chase chased chased mengejar, memburu

cheat cheated cheated menyontek, menipu

clean cleaned cleaned Membersihkan

collect collected collected Mengumpulkan

Infinitive Past Tense Past Participle
(Verb 1/V1) (Verb 2/V2) (Verb 3/V3)

compare compared compared Membandingkan

concern concerned concerned menyangkut, mengenai

confess confessed confessed Mengaku

consider considered considered mempertimbangkan, memikirkan

copy copied copied menyalin, meniru

cry cried cried Menangis

crash crashed crashed Menabrak

crawl crawled crawled Marangkak

damage damaged damaged Merusak

dance danced danced Menari

dare dared dared Berani

deceive deceived deceived menipu, memperdaya

decide decided decided Memutuskan

delay delayed delayed Menunda

deliver delivered delivered menyampaikan, mengantarkan

desert deserted deserted meninggalkan, melarikan diri

deserve deserved deserved berhak/pantas menerima

divide divided divided Membagi

doubt doubted doubted meragukan, mempertanyakan

drown drowned drowned Menenggelamkan

dress dressed dressed berpakaian, berdandan

earn earned earned menghasilkan, mendapatkan

educate educated educated Mendidik

embarrass embarrassed embarrassed Memalukan

employ employed employed Mempekerjakan

empty emptied emptied Mengosongkan

encourage encouraged encouraged Mendorong

end ended ended berakhir, mengakhiri

enjoy enjoyed enjoyed Menikmati

enter entered entered Masuk

entertain entertained entertained Menghibur

escape escaped escaped melarikan diri

examine examined examined memeriksa, menguji

excite excited excited Menggairahkan

Infinitive Past Tense Past Participle
(Verb 1/V1) (Verb 2/V2) (Verb 3/V3)

excuse excused excused mengampuni, membebaskan

exercise exercised exercised menggunakan, menjalankan

exist existed existed Ada

expand expanded expanded memperluas, mengembangkan

expect expected expected Mengharapkan

explain explained explained Menjelaskan

explode exploded exploded Meledak

extend extended extended Memperpanjang

face faced faced menghadap, menghadapi

fade faded faded luntur, pudar

fail failed failed Gagal

fancy fancied fancied menyukai, membayangkan

fasten fastened fastened mengikatkan, mengancingkan

fear feared feared Takut

fence fenced fenced Memagari

fetch fetched fetched Mendapat

fill filled filled Mengisi

fire fired fired memecat, melepaskan

fit fitted fitted menyesuaikan, pas, cocok

fix fixed fixed Memperbaiki

flap flapped flapped mengepakkan, mengibarkan

gather gathered gathered berkumpul, mengumpulkan

gaze gazed gazed menatap, memandang

glow glowed glowed bersinar, bercahaya

glue glued glued menempelkan, merekatkan

grab grabbed grabbed merebut, mengambil

grate grated grated Memarut

grease greased greased meminyaki, melumasi

greet greeted greeted menyambut, menyapa

grin grinned grinned menyeringai, tersenyum lebar

grip gripped gripped menggenggam, mencengkam

groan groaned groaned mengerang, merintih

guarantee guaranteed guaranteed Menjamin

guard guarded guarded menjaga, mengawal

Infinitive Past Tense Past Participle
(Verb 1/V1) (Verb 2/V2) (Verb 3/V3)

guess guessed guessed menebak, menerka

guide guided guided Membimbing

hammer hammered hammered Memalu

hand handed handed menyerahkan, mengulurkan

handle handled handled Menangani

hang hanged hanged Menggantung

happen happened happened Terjadi

harass harassed harassed mengganggu, menggoda,


harm harmed harmed membahayakan, merusak

hate hated hated Benci

haunt haunted haunted Menghantui

head headed headed menuju, memimpin

heal healed healed sembuh, menyembuhkan

heap heaped heaped Menumpuk

heat heated heated Memanaskan

help helped helped menolong, membantu

hook hooked hooked mengaitkan, menghubungkan

hop hopped hopped lompat, loncat

hope hoped hoped Berharap

hover hovered hovered Melayang

hug hugged hugged Memeluk

hum hummed hummed berdengung, bersenandung

hunt hunted hunted Berburu

hurry hurried hurried mempercepat, buru-buru

identify identified identified Mengidentifikasi

ignore ignored ignored Mengabaikan

imagine imagined imagined Membayangkan

impress impressed impressed Mengesankan

improve improved improved Membaik

include included included termasuk, memasukkan

increase increased increased Meningkat

influence influenced influenced Mempengaruhi

inform informed informed Memberitahu

Infinitive Past Tense Past Participle
(Verb 1/V1) (Verb 2/V2) (Verb 3/V3)

inject injected injected Menyuntik

injure injured injured Melukai

instruct instructed instructed Memerintahkan

intend intended intended bermaksud, berniat

interest interested interested Menarik

interfere interfered interfered mengganggu, mencampuri

interrupt interrupted interrupted menyela, memotong

introduce introduced introduced Memperkenalkan

invent invented invented menciptakan, menemukan

invite invited invited Mengundang

irritate irritated irritated menjengkelkan, mjd gatal

itch itched itched membuat gatal

jail jailed jailed Memenjarakan

jam jammed jammed menjejal, macet, sesak

jog jogged jogged lari pelan, bersinggungan

join joined joined Bergabung

joke joked joked bercanda, bergurau

judge judged judged menghakimi, menilai

juggle juggled juggled menyulap, menipu

jump jumped jumped Melompat

kick kicked kicked Menendang

kill killed killed Membunuh

kiss kissed kissed Mencium

kneel kneeled kneeled berlutut, bersujud

knit knitted knitted Merajut

knock knocked knocked Mengetuk

knot knotted knotted Menyimpul

label labeled labeled Menamai

land landed landed Mendarat

laugh laughed laughed Tertawa

launch launched launched Meluncurkan

learn learned learned Mempelajari

lick licked licked Menjilat

lie lied lied Berbohong

Infinitive Past Tense Past Participle
(Verb 1/V1) (Verb 2/V2) (Verb 3/V3)

lighten lightened lightened Meringankan

like liked liked Suka

list listed listed Mendaftar

listen listened listened Mendengar

live lived lived hidup, tinggal

load loaded loaded Memuat

lock locked locked Mengunci

long longed longed Merindukan

look looked looked Melihat

love loved loved Mencintai

manage managed managed Mengelola

march marched marched Berbaris

mark marked marked Menandai

marry married married Menikah

match matched matched Cocok

mate mated mated kawin (binatang)

matter mattered mattered Berarti

measure measured measured Mengukur

meddle meddled meddled ikut campur

melt melted melted Meleleh

memorise memorised memorised Menghafal

mend mended mended memperbaiki, menambal

miss missed missed Kangen

mine mined mined Menambang

mix mixed mixed Mencampur

moan moaned moaned mengerang, merintih

moor moored moored merapat (kapal)

mourn mourned mourned meratapi, berkabung

move moved moved Pindah

muddle muddled muddled menjadikan kacau

Mug mugged mugged merampok,menodong,


multiply multiplied multiplied Mengalikan

murder murdered murdered Membunuh

Infinitive Past Tense Past Participle
(Verb 1/V1) (Verb 2/V2) (Verb 3/V3)

nail nailed nailed Memaku

name named named Menamai

need needed needed Membutuhkan

nest nested nested Bersarang

nod nodded nodded mengangguk, memberi isyarat

note noted noted Mencatat

notice noticed noticed Memperhatikan

number numbered numbered Berjumlah

obey obeyed obeyed mematuhi, menaati

object objected objected keberatan, menolak

observe observed observed Mengamati

obtain obtained obtained Memperoleh

occur occured occured Terjadi

offend offended offended menyinggung, menyakiti hati

offer offered offered Menawarkan

open opened opened Membuka

order ordered ordered memesan, memerintah

overflow overflowed overflowed meluap, melimpah

owe owed owed Berhutang

own owned owned Memiliki

pack packed packed Mengepak

paddle paddled paddled Mendayung

paint painted painted mengecat, melukis

park parked parked Memarkir

pass passed passed lulus, melewati

paste pasted pasted menempel, melekatkan

pat patted patted Menepuk

pause paused paused berhenti sebentar

peck pecked pecked Mematuk

pedal pedaled pedaled Mengayuh

peel peeled peeled Mengupas

peep peeped peeped Mengintip

permit permitted permitted Mengizinkan

pinch pinched pinched mencubit, menjepit

Infinitive Past Tense Past Participle
(Verb 1/V1) (Verb 2/V2) (Verb 3/V3)

pine pined pined Merindukan

plan planned planned Berencana

plant planted planted Menanam

plug plugged plugged mengisi, menyumbat

possess possessed possessed Memiliki

preach preached preached Berkhotbah

prick pricked pricked Menusuk

punch punched punched Meninju

puncture punctured punctured menusuk, membocorkan

punish punished punished Menghukum

questioned questioned menanyai, mempersoalkan


queue queued queued Antre

raise raised raised mengangkat, menaikkan

reach reached reached Menjangkau

realize realized realized sadar, menyadari

receive received received Menerima

recognize recognized recognized mengakui, mengenal

record recorded recorded Merekam

refuse refused refused Menolak

regret regretted regretted Menyesal

reign reigned reigned memerintah, menguasai

reject rejected rejected Menolak

rejoice rejoiced rejoiced bersuka cita

release released released melepas, mengeluarkan

rely relied relied bergantung, mengandalkan

remain remained remained tinggal, bersisa

remind reminded reminded Mengingatkan

request requested requested Meminta

rescue rescued rescued Menyelamatkan

retire retired retired mundur, mengundurkan diri,


rob robbed robbed merampok, merampas

rock rocked rocked bergoyang, mengayun

rot rotted rotted Membusuk

Infinitive Past Tense Past Participle
(Verb 1/V1) (Verb 2/V2) (Verb 3/V3)

rub rubbed rubbed Menggosok

ruin ruined ruined Menghancurkan

rule ruled ruled memerintah, menguasai

rush rushed rushed bergegas, menyerbu

save saved saved Menyimpan

seal sealed sealed menyegel, menutup

search searched searched Mencari

serve served served Melayani

shave shaved shaved Mencukur

shiver shivered shivered Menggigil

smell smelled smelled mencium, berbau

squeak squeaked squeaked mencicit, memekik

stare stared stared menatap, memandang

study studied studied Belajar

talk talked talked Berbicara

tame tamed tamed Menjinakkan

taste tasted tasted merasakan, mencicipi, rasanya

tempt tempted tempted Menggoda

terrify terrified terrified Menakuti

thaw thawed thawed Mencair

tick ticked ticked Mencentang

tickle tickled tickled menggelitik, menyenangkan

tie tied tied Mengikat

tip tipped tipped Menyentuh

tow towed towed menderek, menggandeng

trace traced traced melacak, menjiplak

trade traded traded Berdagang

trap trapped trapped menjebak, memerangkap

treat treated treated memperlakukan, traktir

tremble trembled trembled bergetar, gemetar

trot trotted trotted berderap, berlari kecil

tug tugged tugged Menarik

tumble tumbled tumbled jatuh, terguling

twist twisted twisted memutar

Infinitive Past Tense Past Participle
(Verb 1/V1) (Verb 2/V2) (Verb 3/V3)

type typed typed mengetik

try tried tried mencoba

undress undressed undressed meninggalkan pakaian

unfasten unfastened unfastened membuka, melepas

unite united united menyatukan, mempersatukan

unlock unlocked unlocked membuka kunci

unpack unpacked unpacked membongkar

use used used menggunakan

vanish vanished vanished lenyap, menghilang

visit visited visited mengunjungi

wail wailed wailed meratap, meraung

wait waited waited menunggu

walk walked walked berjalan

want wanted wanted ingin

wash washed washed mencuci

waste wasted wasted membuang

watch watched watched menonton

weigh weighed weighed menimbang

whine whined whined merengek

whip whipped whipped mencambuk

whirl whirled whirled berputar, berbalik

whisper whispered whispered berbisik

whistle whistled whistled bersiul

wink winked winked berkedip

wipe wiped wiped mengusap, menyeka

wobble wobbled wobbled bergetar, bergoyang

wrap wrapped wrapped membungkus

wreck wrecked wrecked menghancurkan, merusak

wrestle wrestled wrestled bergulat

wriggle wriggled wriggled meliuk

Yawn yawned yawned menguap

Yell yelled yelled berteriak

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